#because we DEFINITELY won yesterday
anonymous-dentist · 11 months
Good morning, Green Gay Ninjas! Are we ready for another win today?
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millermenapologist · 4 months
Fandom friends, we have won the battle (although we definitely did not win the war).
Yesterday, I wrote this post about lore.fm, an AI scraping app that was being marketed as an accessibility tool. Now, the person that has been promoting this app decided, in the light of plenty of backlash, to backtrack and pull it down, as they "feel uncomfortable" with how authors reacted to it.
Of this video, it's very important to highlight a couple of things:
the video is 3 long minutes of guilt-tripping: she keeps repeating that her (and her team, whose existence wasn't disclosed until yesterday: this app was marketed as being a sole woman's pet project) wanted to do good and create an accessibility tool. This comes with the underlying layer that all the authors who rightfully decided to defend their creations are ableist and in the wrong. It's a manipulation tactic;
there is no acknowledgement of the fact that the app was created by a team that specifically works to create apps that generate AI stories;
there is no explanation as to where the money to fund this app is coming from, and we all know that, when you're not paying for the product, you are the product;
this is backtracking, not genuine conversation: since the other day, the videos promoting this app went viral on r/Ao3, and plenty of people began contacting [email protected] to ask for their works to not be included. Then, the news spread on Tumblr too. They originally thought they could get away with "legally" stealing as much material as possible, and had to cut the project short because authors were doing everything in their power to stop them. The decision to take the app off for "reassessment" doesn't come from the goodness of their hearts.
At this point of the conversation, I think it's clear that the entirety of the project was relying on the perceived naïveté of fanfic readers and writers, who are oftentimes seen and stereotyped as being silly teens and not adults with real jobs and real knowledge of the law. When they saw dozens, if not hundreds, of authors contacting them to ask their works to not be featured, some of them threatening legal consequences, they had no other choice but to backtrack.
For now, the issue is closed, but don't think it'll be forever. Know your rights, even if you're "just" a fic author, and defend yourself and your works too from these scummy companies that see us as nothing but machines that churn out material for them to steal and profit off of with no consequences.
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sparklingchim · 9 days
game on | jjk
Tumblr media
pairing: jungkook x reader
word count: 2.2k
genre: footballer!jungkook, fake dating, f2l
rating: pg
warnings: koo gets scolded for sleeping around 🥺, playboy jk <3, hints of a threesome 🫢, oc fights w a laundry machine
summary: jungkook is in desperate need to polish up his playboy image, and naturally, he turns to you for help.
a/n: hii my pretty besties!!!! it's my bday😋 so i wanted to share this silly piece i've been having so much fun writing!!! love uuu n treat urself to smth nice for me today <3 mwah😙
Jeon Jungkook is a charming man – and he is well aware of the fact. He plays that card effortlessly.
Most of the time, it works in his favour.
But sometimes, it backfires spectacularly and gets him into trouble.
Which is why he stands in front of his fuming manage, who is radiating enough anger to fill the entire office.
The sight isn’t foreign to Jungkook. He wouldn’t say he is used to it, but he has found himself often enough in this situation to recognise the signs of deep trouble.
Not only is Jungkook’s charm complicating things, but the fact that he is famous too.
Sometimes, he uses that as an advantage. Not in an obvious way — never by flaunting his own achievements or demanding special treatment.
That’s not his style.
His name alone carries weight, and he knows how to let it work for him, quietly bending the world to his will... until the world pushes back.
And right now, it’s pushing back hard.
One thing Jeon Jungkook does enjoy about being a pro footballer, though, is the way women obsess over him.
He knows they love him – sees it in the comments they leave on his ig posts, sees it in the DMs flooding his inbox daily, and experiences it firsthand at public events, where hordes of fans scream his name. Jungkook thrives on that attention.
However, something he doesn’t love, and what he was never prepared for, is the media. The way they scrutinise his every move, how his face ends up on every headline anytime he does something remotely noteworthy.
And now, thanks to his latest shenanigan getting caught by the press, here he is. Standing in front of his manager, Taesung, and his PR agent, Jiwoo, eyes downcast, bracing himself for the scolding that’s already begun.
“You’ve gone too far this time, Jungkook.”
His manager speaks in a flat, monotonous voice, void of even the slightest hint of disappointment, as if he’d long since given up expecting anything different.
“Do you have any idea how hard it is to clean up the mess you leave behind?”
A sense of guilt creeping up on Jungkook, even though he knows if he were just a regular guy, none of this would matter at all. And he finds it a bit unfair.
But to survive in this business, you can’t complain about unfairness.
“Have you completely lost your mind?” Taesung barks.
Jungkook remains silent. He forces himself to.
“If there was more involved than just alcohol-”
“No! Nothing like that,” he denies, his response firm and immediate. “It was just alcohol – and, well, just good vibes because we won the last match, and with the World Cup being next, everyone was just really excited.”
If he had known what kind of trouble a simple, innocent celebration of his team’s win at a club would bring, he would’ve gone straight home yesterday. He would’ve skipped the rounds of drinks, the flashing lights, the loud music, and definitely the attention. But hindsight was useless now.
“Good,” his manager says. “I’m glad you were happy.” Mock sympathy drips from his voice. “Perhaps the last time you are going to be happy this year.”
Jungkook nods, accepting the gravity of the situation. No more clubs, no more parties, no more girls.
At least, not for a while. His reputation had taken a few hits recently, and this latest mess wasn’t helping. He could almost hear the whispers: reckless, irresponsible, unprofessional. The kind of things that could ruin him if he didn’t get a handle on it.
He clenched his jaw. No more distractions. From now on, it was all about the game. He needed to remind everyone why he was Jeon Jungkook — the best on the field, not just the headlines.
“You’re no longer in for the World Cup. You’re out.”
His head snaps up at that. Did he hear that right?
“What?! What do you mean?”
“Myungbo doesn’t want you on the team anymore.” Taesung’s words sound heavy and final.
Jungkook’s heart pounds in his ears.
His world tilts. The room seems to spin, the edges of his vision darkening. This wasn’t just a setback — it was a disaster. The World Cup was everything to him, and now it felt like it was slipping through his fingers. The crushing weight of the news settles on his chest, making it hard to breathe. One silly night is all that happened.
He can’t believe that a single photo of him leaving the club with two girls clinging to each arm has cost him his spot on the national football team. He went home with two girls – so what?
But he doesn’t voice his frustration. He knows better than to add fuel to the fire. Speaking his mind now would only escalate the situation and make things worse. Jungkook knows from experience.
He swallows hard, forcing himself to stay calm. His pulse is still racing, but he takes a deep breath, focusing on controlling his emotions. He has to keep a level head if he’s going to find a way to fix this.
“There has to be a way to fix this.” His eyes move to Jiwoo, his PR agent. “Right?”
His manager fixes him with a stern glare. “Jungkook, remember the promise you gave everyone a few months ago?” Taesung reminds him.
Jungkook cringes. When he made a promise to avoid actions that might damage his reputation, he didn’t think it’d be that serious. He cut back on going out, made the effort to play the role of the “good boy” but really – come on. He can’t maintain that facade for an eternity. Especially after a triumphant victory like yesterday’s.
Taking away his spot on the national football team? He didn’t think that was possible.
“How many more times do we have to fix your problems, because you don’t care enough? How many times do we have to repeat this scenario?”
“I promise I’ll better myself,” he pleads desperately, looking back and forth between his manager and his PR agent. Someone has to believe him, help him.
“Do you genuinely believe this country wants to be represented by a 20-year-old boy, who can’t keep his personal life under control?” Taesung asks, eyebrows deeply pinched together. “This isn’t just about you, Jungkook. It’s about the team, the fans, and the nation. They need a role model, not a scandal waiting to happen.”
“I know. I know.” Jungkook scrambles for something convincing to say, desperate to sway their decision. This can’t be it. He won’t let his career take a hit because of something like this. “But – but this isn’t too bad. This is fixable. I can fix this.” His voice quivers with a desperation he barely recognises as his own. “Jiwoo.” Jungkook turns to her with pleading eyes. “You always know what to do. Please, help me”
“I did propose an idea but-”
“We’re not doing that,” Taesung cuts in. “It’s off the table.”
“What is it?” Jungkook’s eyes bounce back and forth between them. “I’ll do anything. This is – this is everything to me. You have to give me a chance.”
Taesung scoffs. “A chance? As far as I know, you have been given countless chances.”
Sweat coats the back of Jungkook’s neck.
Taesung understands just how much Jungkook has fought to secure his place on the national team. He’s well aware that it’s one of Jungkook’s greatest dreams, a pinnacle of his career that he’s poured countless hours of hard work and sacrifice into. That’s why, each morning, when he wakes up to the latest news of Jungkook’s escapades, he feels a deep sense of disappointment, texting Jungkook with a dejected shake of his head to visit his office first thing in the morning.
When it’s all he wants, like Jungkook claims, why doesn’t he act like it?
“If the head coach won’t give me a chance now, he’ll never do. This is my last opportunity to change his mind, make him rethink. I need to at least try.”
Jiwoo looks at the manager, waiting for his approval. He nods.
“Very simply put: you need a girlfriend,” she says.
For a second, Jungkook is at loss for words.
“A girlfriend? How’s that going to help?” Jungkook tilts his head in confusion. This is not how he thought Jiwoo was going to save him.
“You need a girlfriend to help polish up your image as a player. It’ll make you appear more like a gentleman, softer and nicer. We need to completely shift public perception and counter the negative image they’ve formed about you. It’s all about changing the narrative,” she explains.
“And that is not something we can easily achieve,” Taesung interjects. “Rebranding your entire persona is not feasible at this stage. You’ve been projecting what kind of boy you are to the media for the past two years. It’s going to be incredibly difficult to make a sudden shift look genuine.”
“No! We — I can make it seem real. This is my only chance,” Jungkook insists, his voice gaining a hint of determination. For a moment, breathing feels a bit easier again. “The World Cup is just a month away. That’s enough time to shift public opinion and prove I’m worthy of representing the country on the team.” There’s a hopeful lilt in his voice as he speaks, clinging to the belief that he might not have to bid farewell to his biggest dream after all.
But his manager doesn’t look as hopeful as Jungkook feels.
“How are we going to find a girl who will agree to this? Someone who isn’t an obsessive fan, understands this is purely professional, and can keep quiet? You won’t be able to pull this off.”
“I was actually thinking-” Jiwoo starts, but she’s cut off.
Jungkook hesitates, glancing between them before speaking. “Actually... I think I already have someone in mind.” His voice is more measured now. “That’s not the issue.” Jungkook doesn’t need to think twice.
Taesung sighs while Jiwoo looks at Jungkook apologetically.
“You can’t rebrand your entire persona from a playboy to a lover boy within a month, Jungkook. This is over.” His manager shakes his head, a sense of finality glimmering in his eyes.
One thing that Jungkook forgot to mention is that he is an extremely competitive man, too.
“This is ridiculous.”
You kick the laundry machine in frustration, but all you end up doing is yelping and clutching your aching foot.
“That’s the third time this month,” you mutter under your breath. “What did I even spend all that money on if it’s just going to break down whenever it feels like it?”
You shoot a death glare at the machine, teetering on the edge of losing your mind.
“Guess I’ll have to use the public laundromat again,” you sigh, grabbing the overflowing laundry basket filled with your and your roommate's clothes, and heading out of the bathroom with a huff.
On your way to the front door, the doorbell rings.
Please, you think. You were hoping for some quiet, uninterrupted time to deep-clean your dorm on this peaceful Sunday with no one around.
But when you peek through the peephole and see Jungkook standing there, your frustration melts away. You swing the door open, the laundry basket tumbling to the floor beside you in your haste.
“Jungkook!” you exclaim. “You’re timing is perfect! Can you please fix my laundry machine again? It’s been acting up, and I’m getting frustrated.” You groan annoyed.
Jungkook doesn’t share the same excitement upon seeing you.
You grow smaller and take an indecisive step back.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, noticing the tension in his features. “Did you lose the match yesterday? I couldn’t keep up because I had too much cramming to do last night.”
While studying medicine had always been your dream, the reality is less exciting. Right now, it means sleepless nights and relentless pressure. You know that pursuing this path will offer you many privileges later in life, but you have to suffer first.
“I need your help.”
His dark eyes, usually bright and full of energy, seem clouded with worry, and his hair falls messily over his forehead, like he’s run his hands through it a hundred times in frustration.
“Are you okay?” You study him closely, scanning his face for any signs of injury. Physically, he seems fine — still tall, muscular, and as fit as ever. But something is clearly off.
“You need to do something for me.”
“I can help,” you reply, your voice soft with concern. ‘But what is it…?”
“Can you be my girlfriend?”
You blink, repeatedly.
You start giggling when he doesn’t add more. You expect him to clarify or laugh along, but Jungkook stays serious, stepping closer and gently taking your hands in his. You look down at them, then back up at his face, utterly bewildered.
“You’re silly, Jungkook. If someone on the team made you do this, tell them you did the punishment and quit acting so weird.”
It’s too early in the morning for Jungkook’s nonsense.
“No, ___, you don’t understand.” He squeezes your hands when he feels you trying to pull them back. “I actually need you to do it.”
“Do what?”
“Fake date me.”
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valyrfia · 3 months
still not over the national anthem incident yesterday btw because max verstappen throughout his career has constantly been disrespected either by those he has been nothing but friendly and encouraging towards and it pissed me off a great deal that three world championships under his belt later some drivers still don’t respect that he is THE generational talent
can i ask what exactly happend, i turned off before the podium
Crowd started chanting “Lando” during the podium, which in itself is a little disrespectful but nothing we haven’t seen before (ie. chanting Charles during Imola). The national anthem started and Lando put his fist in the air cheering them on/encouraging them DURING the national anthem. Needless to say, Max and George gave him the biggest side eye. A lot of people have also drawn comparisons to Charles’ behaviour during Monza qualifying last year, where the tifosi booed Max and Charles told them off/shook his head.
Lando also went on to blab about how he would’ve won if not for the safety car, which a lot of Max fans were a little ?! about because Max’s skill definitely made the difference during this race. Also Max would have won Miami if not for the safety car, but you didn’t hear him say any of that directly to the press, instead he just praised Lando’s skill.
All in all it’s plain disrespect and immature as hell. I would NOT guess that Lando, George, Charles, and Max all fall within the same two year age range. Also it’s disheartening because this level of entitlement and general non-awareness is nothing new, lest we forget when he broke the Hungarian GP trophy last year (which takes like 4-6 months to make) and he said some pretty dismissive stuff about it forcing McLaren PR to go into overdrive, or him saying that Trump is his lucky charm after his Miami win. I’m sort of done making allowances for some rich asshole’s behaviour, especially because the media seems ready to glorify him. If a non-British driver had pulled that same shit during the national anthem you bet all English-speaking F1 media would be up in arms but no Lando gets a pass because the British are desperate to have a second coming of Lewis Hamilton.
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sunrizef1 · 5 months
What happens in Vegas pt 1.5
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Authors Note: had to write this twice because tumblr deleted it lol. Not sure how to tag this so I’m just tagging my general tags. Proofread but not well.
Warnings: Blood, cursing
Summary: When the drivers found Max cheating
“Dannyyyyyy” your voice rings out through the noise of the crowded club, your words catching the attention of the Australian in question.
The Aussie turns his head, a grin on his face as he holds up a bottle of champagne he seemed to have convinced the bartender to hand over. You laugh at his state, drunkenness clear in the way he sways as he staggers over to you. You wrap an arm around his tall shoulder, leaning on him in order to sort out your own less-than-sober state.
Lights flash brightly around the two of you, fellow drivers and F1 employees spread throughout the club, not including anyone from Red Bull for some reason.
You couldn’t find it in yourself to care, vodka practically running through your veins as you celebrated your win. You had won your home race and you were surrounded by your friends. The absence of some people you didn’t really like didn’t bother you all too much.
“Have you seen Logan?” You look up toward the Aussie again, eyes darting quickly around the club for your friend. You had been with the blond practically the whole night but as soon as you had gone looking for Danny, he had disappeared from your side.
Luckily, you didn’t have to search for long as another arm comes and wraps around your shoulder suddenly. You turn your head to find Logan, a dopey smile on his face and, weirdly, sunglasses.
He had been drinking just as much as the rest of you had, even downing about half a bottle of vodka in under twenty minutes. Better than you would’ve done considering you thought vodka tasted like shit. Good for shots though.
You reach up and fix the glasses that had gone sideways on his face. His hand follows yours, still clutching a drink as he follows your lead in fixing the random glasses.
“Why’d you have glasses on?” You have to yell slightly as you say it, prompting Danny to glance over from where he’d been watching Lando convince the current DJ to let him have a go. You’d have to give it to him, the man’s pretty convincing when he’s drunk.
“Someone gave them to me, not sure when, don’t really care. They’re sick though, right?” Logan leans back slightly to give you both a full look at him and you laugh as he sways a bit. His blond hair is ruffled and he’s acquired someone’s paddock pass throughout the night, along with the glasses and he’s looking like he came straight from the race itself.
“Yeah! You look great, mate!” Danny’s laughing behind you and Logan grins while he leans back into the little huddle you’ve created, patting Danny on the back as he does.
“Where are we heading then, gang?” Logan slurs, downing the rest of his drink and slamming it down on a nearby table and then turning his entire form toward the two of you.
You walk forward a bit, dragging the two drivers with you, both of their arms falling off your shoulders, “I was gonna go back to my room but I can't find max.”
You had already been dealing with Max’s absence since, well, yesterday at that point and it definitely contributed to about 5 of the shots you had taken. By now it was about 1 am, you had been in the club for hours, you were hungry and drunk and just really wanted to go to bed. But you couldn't do that because you couldn't find max and something in your drunken mind said you had to find him before you could go to bed. Something about not going to bed angry after a fight.
A fight that, truly, you didn't really have a part in. It wasn't your fault that Max had lost. I mean, it technically was but you shouldn't have been expected to let him win. Red Bull had practically been asking you to lose to him all season and you win once and suddenly Max is yelling about how inconsiderate you are.
“Come on,” Danny starts to walk toward the exit, leading you and Logan behind him as he does. The three of you stagger through the crowd, many people stopping you go congratulate you and chat as you do. By the time you've reached the strip, you've completely forgotten about Max and instead, you're only thinking about the hunger in your stomach.
“Im starving,” you mumble as you lay your head on Logan who smiles down at you, once again wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
You pay no mind to the cameras flashing as the three of you walk out or the stares that come your way. You’re more concerned about where the nearest restaurant is.
Logan moves away from you to dig through his pocket and you take the opportunity to adjust your dress, the fabric suddenly too tight on your heated body. You also wish you could take off the shoes that were causing your feet to ache. Danny takes a swig from the bottle that he, surprisingly, had been allowed to take from the club. Hair sticks to your foreheads and clothes sit rumbled and wrong. The spitting image of three elite athletes.
Logan moves back toward you to hand you the phone he had just pulled from his pocket. You had honestly forgotten you had given it to him to hold considering your dress didn’t have pockets.
“Thank you,” you nod gratefully, unlocking it to an influx of messages from friends and family congratulating you on your win or sending pictures from the club.
You clutch the device tightly as you cross your arms in an attempt to shield yourself from the cold Vegas air.
When a particularly cold chill runs through your body, you’re suddenly moving down the sidewalk, heels clicking as you try not to sway. The boys behind you follow in suit, seemingly trusting the, for the purposes of this race, Vegas native.
“Where we going, then?” Logan asks, a yawn escaping him as he readjusts the sunglasses perched on his nose.
“There’s a shake shack at New York New York,” you follow suit in yawning, pointing slightly ahead at the Empire State shaped hotel in front of you.
Daniel hums, “I want a burger.”
You laugh slightly, leading both of them toward the restaurant.
You three get there pretty quickly, ordering random greasy food that your trainers would probably disapprove of. When you sit down, you pull out your phone and send a quick series of text to Max to ask where he was. He hadn’t been there the whole night and you had finally started to miss him. He reads the messages but doesn’t reply, leaving you with a sick feeling in your stomach.
You bite into a fry to try and cover the nausea, opening your text chain with Charles and texting him instead. He actually replies this time and soon enough, Charles is on his way to you three from wherever he had gone to sober up earlier in the night.
“Charles is on his way,” you say through another yawn, eating a fry.
Daniel scarfs down a few bites of his burger, swallowing a full gulps of his drink right after, “For what?”
“Gonna help me find Max probably. We’re all too drunk to do anything by ourselves anyway.”
“Not too drunk to order food by ourselves,” Logan says, probably louder than he needs to, leaning back in his chair, glasses still on and a drink in his mouth, “Let’s fucking goooooooo.”
He follows Daniel’s lead and starts to munch on his food quickly, food you’d paid for by the way, when you turned out to be the only one who could get their Apple Pay to work.
You take a couple more bites of your food while the boys scavenge their food as if they hadn’t eaten in years.
“Hey guys!” You look up to see a particularly sober Charles Leclerc strolling through the shake shack door. You perk up when you see him, a small smiling making it through the exhaustion you were feeling.
“Hey Cha,” you say, standing up to give him a small hug, staggering a bit on your heels as you do. He leans back as you release him and steadies you, holding something up to you as he does.
Your eyes widen as he holds up a pair of converse in your eyesight and you gasp happily, quickly sitting back down in your chair and starting to fumble with the clasps on your heels.
Your fingers shake with exhaustion and alcohol and the clasp escapes your hands more than a couple times.
“Here, let me do it,” Charles offers as he sets the shoes down on the ground next to you before kneeling in front of your chair and grasping your ankle lightly.
You don’t look across the table to see Daniel and Logan making kissy faces at each other as they both stuff their faces with greasy food and soda. But you can hear their mocking kiss noises and you roll your eyes as you finally look their way, glaring as you do. They both shut up and go back to the phones in their hands.
Charles makes quick work of the clasps on both shoes, sliding the heels off your feet and untying the converse before handing them to you. You slide the shoes on and stand up, wrapping up your excess shake shack as you do.
Logan makes a noise of protest as you move to throw the food away and you sigh before sliding it across the table back to him. He makes quick work of the food, with help from Daniel reaching over his shoulder to grab food in between Logan’s bites.
You and Charles wait quietly for the two of them to finish. You eventually open your mouth to ask him a question but he seems to beat you there.
“Do you know where Max is?” He says quietly, eyes staring kindly at your tired state.
“No, he hasn’t answered my texts,” you mumble sadly, head falling to rest against your hand on the table. Charles moves slightly closer to let you rest your head on his shoulder and your eyes start to flutter closed. You were just nodding off when a loud band comes from across you and your eyes open to see Logan slamming his empty drink on the table just before Daniel does as well.
They both move from the table quickly and you and Charles rush to follow them as they bound out of the restaurant in their drunken stupor.
“Let’s go find max!” Daniel yells out swinging an arm around the blond man’s shoulders.
“To finding max!” Logan responds swinging his own arm around Daniel.
You and Charles share a look at the two of them. You had been just as drunk as them but you seemed to be sobering up quicker than both of them.
You glance down to see your heels clutched in Charles hand and pull out your phone to take a picture while he’s busy looking over your shoulder at the two drunk formula one driver some yards away.
“Come back here, losers!” Charles called out to the two of them and they both turn back to you and stumble over, seemingly dancing to music that wasn’t playing.
“We’re going to Omnia,” Charles says to the three of you and that’s all the boys need to turn around and wander toward a building they don’t know the location of.
You roll your eyes at them but follow quickly after, trying to make sure they don't wander too far away. Charles is quick to walk beside you.
The walk isn't too far, your drunkenness slowly decreasing throughout the stroll. Luckily for you and Charles, by the time you all get to the club, Daniel and Logan have sobered enough to at least walk in a straight line.
Omnia is nestled inside of Caesars Palace so it wasn't hard to find but Daniel and Logan do both try and walk past the hotel. You and Charles have to call them back and drag them into the lobby of the hotel.
The four of you wander over to the club, glancing around but when your efforts seem fruitless, you decide to wander around the area instead of just looking at the club.
The four of you wander around aimlessly, looking for any signs of your boyfriend. You glance up to see Charles with his eyes set forward, still clutching your heels in his hands. Logan and Danny fall in line next to the two of you, seemingly sobered enough to be helpful now.
Eventually you round a corner and come face to face with a surprisingly empty area, not a soul in sight. The silence almost echoes off the vaulted ceiling, making the sound of your four sets of shoes seem almost loud in comparison.
You don’t see anything in the room and go to turn around when Logan catches your elbow, “Is that him?”
You turn back around to follow Logan’s point, eyes locking on a brunette man. Of course, Logan has just been extremely inebriated so his judgement probably wasn’t the best but you decide to listen to him anyway.
You move to take a step toward the man when he stumbles backward, letting you see that it is, in fact, your boyfriend. But what causes your eyebrows to furrow is the familiar girl hanging off of him, lips practically attacking his own.
You can’t move. Your eyes are locked on the couple and your feet are solidly rooted to the marble floor. You think you might be crying, you wouldn’t be able to tell. The only thing that pulls you out of it is the feeling of a pair of heels being shoved into your arms. You glance up just in time to see Charles reeling his fist back.
You don’t think you’ll ever forget the sound of a nose breaking under a fist. Of course, it’s quiet so that probably helped a lot.
They’re screaming at each other and your brain, once again, tunes it out. You stare blankly ahead, trying to make sense of whatever the fuck you just saw. You’re pretty sure Charles’ girlfriend flees. Probably for the best. Logan swings a tanned hand in front of your eyes and suddenly the volume in the room is back once again, the screaming slowly filtering into your head.
“What the fuck is your problem?” Charles yells, blood dripping down his arm as he shoves Max in the middle of his chest.
“What’s my problem!? What’s your problem!? You’re already fucking my girlfriend, I was just evening the score,” Max spits, blood splattering against Charles’ white shirt as he shoves the man’s wrist away.
“What are you talking about? I didn’t do shit, man!”
“You proved it by showing up with her,” Logan inches forward as Max’s eyes land on you for the first time that night, seemingly ready to defend your honor. Or whatever.
“Taking her to help her find her boyfriend who turned out to be cheating on her with my girlfriend. Yeah seems really romantic mate,” Charles rolls his eyes. You can tell from his stance he’s ready to throw another punch in a heartbeat.
“Fuck you, Charles.”
“Fuck you, Max.”
There it is, the second punch flies and the two start to brawl. Rich idiot brawling, of course, no real form or anything. You reckon Max could throw a pretty good punch if he was in a better state. In the moment you’re just glad he isn’t. For Charles’ sake.
You suddenly realize that the area might not have been as secluded as you had thought. When you glance up you’re met by the literal strip, bright lights streaming in from the outside. Even at the ripe hour of 3 am. People start to gather at the commotion. Usually you’d care a lot about this kind of stuff but your brain is unfortunately too preoccupied to care.
One of these people that takes it upon themselves to insert themselves in the fight is none other than Checo Perez. The man on the grid who you could stand the least. Or at least he used to have that title, that might belong to Max now.
Upon the sound of more yelling, you tune him out. Daniel’s the one who moves in his path, causing the man to turn the argument onto Daniel. 5 foot 10 Daniel who’s been itching to throw a punch since this fight started. Daniel who was, until quite recently, black out drunk. Daniel who you knew, deep down, didn’t want to punch Max so this was a perfect solution.
You don’t end up remembering how it happens, your brain fogged with alcohol and emotions but one second, Checo and Danny are arguing and the next second, Logan’s landed a punch.
Honestly, he has a killer right hook. Especially for a drunk man. This spurs another fight and you can’t do anything but stand still in the middle of it all, tear stains running down your cheeks and high-heels clutched tightly in your arms.
It feels like an eternity later, but what probably only 5 minutes, when a figure comes up behind you and wraps an arms around your shoulders. You glance up to see a wild Oscar, pulling you away from the scene. He drops your shoulder to move back and pull Logan out of the fight, now with a bloody nose and bruised knuckles. You’re not sure how much fighting he did and how much of it was just him hitting random surfaces. Again, drunk.
You turn toward Charles and see a now unoccupied Checo walking with an arm around Max’s shoulder and a now quite sober Lando pulling Charles the other way. Danny’s made his own way out of the area, quickly pulling you away with him. You don’t argue as he does, grateful for the escape. Sound comes back to you as you re-enter the casino floor, slot machines and black-jack spread out around you.
You realize how crazy you all probably look, all six of you covered in blood in some way. Whether it be your own or a friends. You all stagger out of the hotel quickly and at some point, you lose Charles and now it’s just you, Daniel and Logan, just like how you had started the night.
Once the air hits your face you realize the reality of everything that’s just happened. Your three year relationship was now over. Your teammate and boyfriend just cheated on you. This had to be some sort of HR violation.
For the first time since you entered the quiet area, you feel yourself cry. Tears run down your cheeks as sobs rack your body. Logan is quick to get you somewhere to sit down and he lays an arm around your shoulder comfortingly, not even thinking about the fact he’s now smearing even more blood on your clothes. You get distracted form your crying when you glance up and see the blood streaming from his nose. If you could help it, you’d get his name the farthest away from this. He didn’t need this right now.
For a moment you’re too worried about Logan’s future to cry but then you glance back down at the blood on your own hands and the waterworks start again. You, of course, hadn’t punched anyone but the blood was a reminder that somebody had because of you.
You eventually get the sobs to go away, standing up with a slight wobble, leaning on Daniel as he catches you.
You have no idea where the rest of your friend had gone or even where you were gonna sleep tonight. So you text the one person you had complete faith in during this situation.
“Can I stay with you?”
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f0point5 · 7 months
I know we have a different Y/N now but I saw those pictures of max playing padel and I just kept thinking about Max’s Y/N watching 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
i miss them
SAME. Ngl I saw the pictures and this just came to me so… I hope this satisfies your craving for them lol
“Once again,” you declare to Max as you enter the padel court, your hands full with water bottles, “I’m so glad you’re fast,”
“He’s only fast on wheels,” Lando jokes, shaking his head at Max as he takes a bottle. “Seriously, mate, Fernando is a great player, and so was Charles yesterday, so you are definitely the problem,”
Daniel and Fernando agree as they take their bottles, while Max gingerly waits for you to hand him his.
“It’s the- it’s my, like, shoes, mate. They’re sticky,” he defends himself indignantly while Lando and Daniel snicker. “I swear they’re-“
“Don’t worry,” says Fernando, clapping Max on the shoulder. “We tell them what it is in the champions group chat. Oh, no, we can’t, they’re not there,”
The snickering stops, and Lando and Daniel look like kids whose teacher has just asked them to hand in their homework.
“Well,” Lando huffs. “That was uncalled for,”
Everyone just laughs, and Daniel ruffles his hair.
The other three chug at their water while Max stands next to you, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. It’s cute, how unused he is to not being good at something, even more unused to continuing to do that thing regardless. As much as you tease him, you’re immensely proud. You know that voice in his head telling him to stop embarrassing himself all too well. He’s been better at quieting his than you ever have yours.
“Honestly, it’s the wrong shoes,” he mutters to you, sliding one of his feet along the floor.
“I know, Maxy,” you say, tempted to kiss the pout right off his face. “But hey, you’re going home with me, so did you really lose?”
“That’s not worth extra points, so yes,”
“You know, I really thought we’d make it at least six months before I murdered you,” you say, poking him in the chest hard enough that he rubs at the spot over his heart.
“I don’t get it,” Max says, his face twisted in hopeless bewilderment. “How does being with you mean I won padel?”
“Mate, look at your girlfriend. You won life,” Daniel explains, coming up behind you to sling a damp arm around your shoulders.
“Danny, if you ever get that Red Bull seat, call me, because this dufus ain’t cutting it,” you joke, squeezing at his hip. Daniel laughs and lets go if you with a sticky pat to the back as Max groans.
“Naw, come on,” he says, sliding his arms around your waist as you cross your arms over you chest, purposely avoiding looking at him. “I don’t even care about padel,”
He doesn’t pull you closer, mindful that he’s sweaty, and you feel your heart ache a little. Max was the centre of his world, thousands of people spent their lives anticipating a flick of his wrist, but he never once took another person for granted.
“Cut him some slack,” Lando says, and you watch him pour some water over his curls with a grin. “He knows he won the lottery,”
You frown at that. “He didn’t.” You finally turned to Max, looking up at his flushed cheeks and glassy ocean eyes as you press a palm to his cheek. “the lottery is luck. He got me on purpose,”
He smiles at that, hands ghosting over your hips as he lets go of you. “Who cares about being a padel champion?”
You shrug, brushing some hair away from his forehead, just to touch it. “I’d rather go home with a four time world champion anyway,”
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leclercsluvs · 5 months
CL16/DR3 | Already Over | smau
part 5 | masterlist
an: this isn't super long but i had to include lando winning and some more story progression i suppose. i'll get to work on a longer oart soon! <33 pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader, daniel ricciardo x fem!reader
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo and 2.863.899 others landonorris P1 BABY!!! WE FUCKING DID IT! couldn't be more thankful! thanks for all the cheers!! tagged: mclaren
alex_albon congrats!!!!💪👏
lewishamilton WELL DONE
maxfewtrell so proud brother 🧡
georgerussel63 congrats mate!!
fernandoalo_oficial bravooooo🙌👏
yourusername told y'all i was gonna be there when lando get's his first win
danielricciardo oh so you werent there for me? got it 🤕 landonorris sorry mate she was there for me 💪 yourusername actually i was there for max but go off i suppose maxverstappen1 and i didn't even win yourusername do better next time >:( maxverstappen1 yes ma'am 🫡
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liked by taylorswift, danielricciardo and 2.985.572 others yourusername guess who's going to be an opener for taylor swift's eras tour 👀 tagged: taylorswift
taylorswift so glad to have you there!
danielricciardo so proud of you 😚
yourusername 🥹🫶
ricsworld do you think we'll get daniel at the eras tour content????
yourusername yes. if i have anything to yes, yes a million times.
landonorris will i be given a free ticket?🙃
yourusername can't make any promises, billionaire landonorris wow 💔 danielricciardo if it helps, i didn't get a free ticket either landonorris wow everything is fixed now ❤️‍🩹
scfty/n omggg!! taylor and y/n!! cant waittt! definitely getting tickets now
tayslover you're going to buy tickets for a 3 hour show just for the opener? 🤨 scfty/n well i like taylor too. y/n is just an addition to why i want to go
yourusername you didn't ask 😚
sooo i know this isn't a long part in ANY way, it will take a bit longer for the next parts. i wasn't even considering continuing it so early, but lando won and i simply felt like i needed to release two little parts related to that considering i couldn't fit in his win yesterday because i was too tired (also because i didn't feel like taking out my laptop again last night so i was stuck with only my phone) anyway enjoy this small part while i brainstorm on what should happen :) also this isn't proof read so sorry if there's spelling mistakes
part 6
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respectthepetty · 1 month
Give me merch, BoC!
Before I freak out about colors in episode three of 4 Minutes, just know that if this was a time-traveling show on GMMTV, the cats in the claw machine would've been merch yesterday!
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BoC, why don't you want our money?!
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But even without making them merch, these cats made my day!
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And it's all because Great gave Tyme the white one.
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Tyme is color-coded black and Great is color-coded white.
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So each cat represents them in this time-shifting story, and Great gave himself to Tyme by giving him the white cat.
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And strangely enough, these color-coded boys won several cats which is a successful date, but also something something about several versions of themselves existing within the story . . .
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But what really makes me happy is each cat has a heart in the other color on its side, so when held together, those heart patches form a dual-colored heart!
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And although I think Tyme approached Great because he wanted information on Great's family, the boys got hit with a tiny blinding light of love right before they were supposed to kiss.
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And Tyme did expose himself to Great instead of fighting him even though he could have easily overpowered Great, which is something we saw when Tyme fought Title.
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Because this story is really about the gray area everyone is existing in.
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When Win showed up the first time, Tonkla was guarded with a boundary firmly planted between them and Win was light.
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But this episode, Tonkla removed his barrier, and let Win in, but Win, in his dark colors, definitely crossed a line he shouldn't have.
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Win is a good guy.
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And so is Korn.
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But circumstances and choices change people.
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And even the best people are capable of doing bad.
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So it's interesting that Tyme has been positioned in black from the beginning even though he is a doctor.
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And Great is positioned as white even though we have seen him run away from doing what's right several times.
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Yet when Tyme went to ask Great out and Great confessed to seeing the future, Tyme was in gray as he shifts between the two colors.
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Great's interactions with Tyme advance the clock a minute closer to 11:04 from 11:00, but the number four is special, as many people have pointed out because it represents death.
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And Great keeps getting closer and closer.
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So him throwing down his phone causing the number four ball to roll into the pocket was perhaps telling that it's not all Tyme moving the clock, but just like Win and Korn and their colors, Great's choices are moving the clock and impacting his life.
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Doctors save lives, but we have been shown through the woman who tried to die by suicide and the patient this episode in Bed #4, that doctors also need to know when to listen and end a patient's suffering.
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(Spare Me Your Mercy, I'm so ready for you and your color-coded boys in love to give us a story about these specific ethics! I'm going to watch you so hard!)
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Tyme continues to say he isn't a doctor but a surgeon. Tyme doesn't listen to his patients, which is why Den is upset at him. And Tyme isn't listening to Great because if he was he'd hear exactly what is being said - "these symptoms happened when [the] heart stopped"
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Tyme needs Great to remind him, that regardless of the past, it's important to listen and care, and Great needs Tyme to listen to his sad rich boy stories. They need each other to save each other. Triage, is that you homie in a trench coat and mustache glasses?!
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But more importantly, they need each other to save each other's hearts! Great needs Tyme to literally save his life by saving his heart, but Tyme was hardening his heart. He had stated several times that he is in his career for the money, but Great reminded Tyme that money was irrelevant if the love was missing with his story of a 1,000 baht toy. They have both good and bad in them, but they need the other color-coded person to be complete. They need the other person to live.
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Since I still believe Tyme is the one having cardiac arrest in the first episode, if one of them actually gives up his heart to save the other, I'm gonna be unwell about it.
Random Thoughts:
The friend calling Tyme a "pale guy, very handsome, and kinda brooding" hit me personally because I call characters who are black color-coded Black Brooders and Tyme is the Black Brooder in this story.
Great seeing the message on the tea cup change from "Don't forget to get your wound checked at the hospital" to "Can you forgive me, Great?" has me thinking this won't just be about Tyme trying to get dirt on Great's family and Great being upset about. That question feels heavier. That question feels like both their lives are changed by Tyme.
The female patient who experiences the same symptoms as Great was wearing white and black when she was being interviewed, but when Great envisioned a woman on the bed, red lights were flashing, like they were meeting while coding.
The way the red reflects on Great's shirt in the car makes it look like a heart on his sleeve when he looks at Tyme.
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hellfire--cult · 6 months
– 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙞𝙥𝙩𝙤𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙨 𝙖 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩 📏
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Eddie Munson x Tall!F!Reader
wc: 3k
warnings: fluff, absolute fluff, high school (character +18), insecurity about height, bullying, eddie munson being the cutest fluff of hair there is.
You definitely know your height, and you are reminded of it everyday. And then you find out that a certain metalhead seems obsessed with you.
a/n: just a small thought i had the yesterday night and i just wrote it. haven't seen many tall!reader fics out there.
reblog if you enjoyed
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You know. You are aware.
You are aware of how painful the stretch was when growing up.
You are aware of how many times people ask for your help to reach things for them.
You are aware of how you don’t comply with those stereotypical feminine looks. 
You are aware of how guys don’t see you as an option because their masculinity is crushed by you being a few inches taller than them.
You are aware of how tall you are.
“If only we could get you on the basketball team.” Carver stood in front of you with his hands inside of his jersey, looking up at you. You never stopped walking, why would you? He kept walking backwards as he waited for a response.
“Why Carver? Though you are right, I bet I would do a better job in winning an actual game.” You could see Andy and Chase holding back their laughter but shaking it off as Jason turned to shoot a glare at them and then back at you, finally stopping because you are just tired of him following like a puppy. You will just listen to what he has to say and he’ll leave you alone.
“A little cocky, aren’t you?”
“No, but you for sure have one.” And he was confused by your response for a second, so you moved around him and continued walking. You heard him calling out your name with a curse after the idiot figured out your insult. You rolled your eyes as you opened your locker, looking inside to find a picture of Robin and you, a smile forming on your lips, trying to remember if you had band practice today or not.
You turned your head to look at some freshmen girls talking, whispering to one another as they looked at you and kept walking. Yeah… you are aware of how tall you are.
But you don’t need these people to remind you of it everyday.
You look back into your locker and start browsing, looking for your Spanish book, only to get pushed on the back, making you slam yourself onto the lockers. Your anger fuels as you take the book out and slam shut the locker door, turning around to face whoever pushed you in such a manner.
“Who the fuck–”
And not exactly eye to eye, still having to tilt your head down slightly, very so, and there stood a mop of dark curls. The whiff of tobacco and worn denim filled your nostrils as deep brown eyes collided with yours. 
“Sh–Shit um–” You never spoke to Eddie Munson before. You shared some classes together, and you were surprised when you heard the news that he was finally graduating. You don’t really care for him graduating two years later because you yourself got held back a year. So, you two would be leaving high school hell together in a few months.
“You need anything?” You ask and the guy has yet to talk to you. You look behind him to see two of his friends snickering at one another. Oh. “Look, if this is a dare of ‘Talk with the tallest freak in Hawkins High’ thing, you already won, I talked to you.” 
You turned, not really letting him speak as you walked forward to your Spanish class. It wasn’t the first time something like this happened to you. Guys jokingly asking you out, girls not bothering to lift their heads to look up at you, except for Robin. That girl decided to stick to your hip in fifth grade and she never let go. 
Not that you would let go of her either. She knows too much.
Shit, you still don’t remember if you had band or not. You groan loudly as you sit at the very back of the classroom, knowing that you would just cover the view for anyone else who sits behind you.
After class you head to your locker to put your Spanish book back inside, only to see a note waiting for you on the side. You grabbed it and saw that it was Robin, telling you she had something to tell you and to meet her in the woods at the back of the school. You furrowed your brows at that but shrugged, closing the locker door and heading towards the woods.
Your long legs help to get to places even faster, so in just five minutes you had leaves crunching beneath your feet. You assumed she either meant the picnic table or the fallen trunk that’s more towards the parking lot. Closest to the building though? The picnic table… but the figure sitting on the table wasn’t Robin. 
You heard him mumble as if practicing something, his mop of curls bobbing a bit as he said a few things only to then call himself ‘stupid’ and start over again. You rolled your eyes as you finally reached him, your arms over your chest.
“I knew you were crazy Munson, but not to the extent of talking to yourself.” You saw him jump up with a shriek, flailing his limbs around as he fell to the ground but quickly regaining himself as he turned to face you, wiping the leaves away. You held in the giggle, because– damn he is cute.
“Yeah well, um– I do worse than that sweetheart, trust me.” You raised your eyebrow at the nickname, feeling your cheeks heating up just slightly, but you shook your head and looked around.
“Have you seen Robin? She told me to meet her here.” And at your words, Eddie chuckled nervously while rubbing his cheek, trying to avert his gaze from you.
“Yeah um– Buckley didn’t put that note in your locker… I kinda– It was me.” You saw him put his hands behind him like a small child ready to get scolded, and to be honest, you were angry that he tricked you but–
“I uh– You kind of misunderstood something a few hours ago? I know I bumped into you and I didn’t really want to talk to you–” You raised your eyebrows at that in surprised offense.
“Excuse me?” He winced as he put his hand in a fist and hit his forehead a few times while shaking his head.
“Sorry, sorry– That is not what I meant! I definitely wanted to talk to you– talk to you, I mean, I wanted to talk to you for a long while, and I still do and well, we are talking now–” The boy was rambling and your confusion was growing the more he talked, so you took a few steps forward, waving your hands in front of you to get him to calm down.
“Hey, slow down Munson, jesus. You’re gonna have a stroke.” He looked up at you and nodded, taking a deep breath in and then letting out a nervous chuckle as he started pacing around with his hands in the back pockets of his jeans. “Okay, I get it, you apologized, everything’s fine.”
“No, no, um… My friends, they tried to help me talk to you but you make me kind of nervous, so.” Ah, it wasn’t the first time you heard that. 
“Yeah, my height sort of does that.” You shift in your place as you see him put a stop to his pacing, looking back at you with confused eyes.
“Well, people tell me my height intimidates them, so… they’re nervous to talk to me. Did you need anything in particular?” You tilted your head at him and Eddie was still frowning and then started taking steps towards you, the tip of your sneakers touching with one another as his eyes looked up at yours. He was just a few inches shorter than you, you had a perfect view of his fringe.
“Well uh… You intimidate me yes… but not exactly because of your height darling.” You frowned as confusion plastered all over your features, looking at the metalhead that was still looking at you as if waiting for you to put a puzzle together in your head.
“Um… my incredible skills in Spanish intimidate you?” And Eddie smiled, and that honestly made your heart jump slightly because after all, Eddie Munson is not a bad-looking guy. He is the complete opposite of that, his own beauty to be described. Maybe it was his personality that also helped him become more charming. Either way, he was making your cheeks burn from how handsome he looked at this very moment as he stuttered with dimpled cheeks.
“No um… You intimidate me because– I think you are extremely, absolutely, and incredibly… beautiful.” 
You blinked a few times, not really sure if you heard the guy right. Did he say you’re beautiful? That you intimidate him because of… beauty and not your height? And there’s also the fact that Eddie Munson is the one saying all of this when you can hardly count the times you spoke with the guy.
“Is this… a prank Munson?” You softly ask and he just groans, shaking his head like crazy.
“No, no. I promise it’s not– I–” He took a deep breath in as he scratched the back of his head, grabbing your hands and guiding you to sit down on one of the benches. You were confused but also, you were feeling your heartbeat beating like crazy against your chest, and you waited for him to start talking but he just kept pacing.
“Okay! So, the reason why my friends were behind me today and did the whole misunderstanding thing happen, which I get it, I can see how it–”
“Munson!” You were getting a little impatient now because you could now see he was nervous, but your own nervousness was making you a little bit cranky.
“Right! Sorry! My friends were fed up with me… Um–” You noticed a twinge of blush on his cheeks as he sighed, looking up at the sky. “I am not good with this, I normally like– have a casual conversation at the hideout, and then it happens it’s just–”
“The Hideout?” You don’t know where he is going anymore but he looks down at you and shakes his head once more.
“Nevermind. Like I was saying… my friends were fed up with me just– talking about you, all the time.” Okay, what? The shock must have been evident on your face because Eddie rounded the table, sitting on the bench in front of you now, putting his hands on the table, and rubbing his fingers together. “Say something? I am a nervous wreck over here, sweets.” 
Something? What can you possibly say? You were never in this position at all. You aren’t the kind of person to get confessions like they do in movies. You don’t even know what to say, or do, your inexperience showing off in big amounts as you, yourself, start to become flustered. 
“Um– I… I don’t– Why? Or what exactly do you say about me?” And he grabs a chunk of his hair in order to hide his face as he sways a little from side to side.
“Well… apart from how beautiful you look everyday… Everytime you put Jason or one of those guys in their place I just– I just boast about you… So I guess that when I heard the insult you threw at Jason today, I may have fangirled a bit and Gareth got fed up…” He winced a bit at the explanation but you felt your whole chest melt away at his words.
Your fingertips were sweaty, as you looked at him, and… fuck he turned from a guy to a man in just one instant. He was one year older than you and the fact he is stuttering so much despite his age in order to talk to you… was endearing. Cupid definitely passed by and shot an arrow through your chest just now.
“Um… can I ask um… why did you never talk to me? I mean… I think we talked like– what, six times in total?” You gave him a nervous giggle and he straightened up and cleared his throat as he looked at you.
“Didn’t you hear the part where… you intimidate me, sweetheart?” You frown at his words so he sighs and continues. “I don’t normally approach people with– my feelings. But um… we are graduating, and since we don’t talk I don’t know what your plans are later on, and– I just know that if I miss this chance I’m going to regret it my whole life.”
You couldn’t help but giggle at him, and it helped a small smile form on his own lips as he looked at you.
“Your whole life? That’s a bit drastic, isn’t it?” You smiled at him, biting onto your bottom lip now, feeling your belly turning slowly and nervously. He licked his lips and played with one of his rings as he talked to you.
“Not at all drastic, you are a catch, and I should be held back another year if I don’t shoot my shot with you right now.” 
And he sounded so certain. So honest. There was not a single ounce of joke in his tone or playfulness. There was obvious flirtiness and endearment. But you still had to ask, because you don’t want to dive into something that he might not have thought of before.
“Um… You know I am a little bit taller than you… right Eds?” You ask and he tilts his head, a smirk forming on his lips as his cheeks tint red.
“You know, I am extremely good at standing on my tiptoes, it’s like my third talent.” You couldn’t help but laugh at his joke, yet you knew you were completely flushed by it. He cleared his throat and you looked back up at him. “So?”
“So?” You tilted your head as he leaned forward on the table, towards you, resting on his forearms and elbows.
“Do I get to shoot my shot here?” 
Yeah… cupid definitely shot an arrow through your chest just now.
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“Seriously, if you ditch me one more time–” 
“I didn’t ditch you Robs, you decided to not come with us.” You were putting your books back into your locker as Robin leaned against the other lockers while looking at you.
“Well yeah! I don’t want to third wheel!” You roll your eyes at your best friend, catching a wild mop of curls walking through the crowd in the hallway. You smile widely as Eddie approaches you, his arms coming to wrap around your waist.
“Hey beautiful.” You giggle at how energetic he is today and you raise your hands to cradle his face and lean down, tilting his head a bit to place a kiss on his lips.
“Hi Eds.” He smiles and you feel him growing taller, coming almost eye-to-eye level with you, almost, and receiving another soft kiss on the lips before he returns to his original height.
“Tiptoes growing stronger each day.” He smiles at you only for him to be shoved into you and before you can hit the lockers, the hand on your lower back pulls you into him, while the other slams into the lockers, forbidding you from colliding against them.
“HEY!” Robin yelled and you looked up to see Jason laughing behind Eddie with a horrified look on his face.
“Oops, sorry. Didn’t see you there Munson.” Your eye twitched as you looked at him, only to then tilt your head.
“You know Jason, if you want a threesome that badly you just have to ask. No need to act so interesting and shit.” At your words, he stops laughing, anger plastered on his features now as he stares at you while Eddie turns around.
“Excuse me?” You rolled your eyes at him and pointed at Eddie.
“You messed with him, you messed with me, and now you want to butt into our relationship. Sorry though, we don’t do poly.” You smile at him as you look at him, up and down and scrunch up your nose. “Not that you’re even our type.”
People that were walking by snickered at your words and Jason only squinted at you and looked at Eddie who was holding a snort in, his hand covering his mouth.
“Freaks do belong together.” And you roll your eyes at that and wave Jason away.
“And assholes son of bitches do too, that’s the reason Chrissy dumped you. Scram.” You could see Jason taking a step towards you and Eddie’s playful mood immediately soured, stepping in front of you with a menacing smile towards the Jock.
“Wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Jason scoffed at Eddie’s threat and shook his head.
“What you gonna do, curse me?” Eddie gave him a fake smile and leaned close so that he could hear, his smile falling.
“I’ve been playing good all year Carver so that I could graduate, and honestly, I would throw that opportunity away for her. Don’t fucking test me.” And you could see Jason deliberating the words Eddie spoke. He took a step back and gave you one last look before huffing and walking away.
“Holy shit, never seen Carver back away that easily in my life.” Robin smiled and you were biting your lip as your heart thumped in your chest like crazy. Eddie turned around with a huge dimpled smile and then you could see the playful glint in his eyes.
“Have I ever told you how much it turns me on how you call those assholes out?” And Robin groaned in disgust and quickly rushed away. You laughed at him, as he came closer to you again, letting you wrap your arms around his shoulders.
“Yeah, you did.” You bit your lip as you looked down at him, feeling your heart beat loudly for your boyfriend who was looking at you as if hung the stars in the sky. “What you said…”
“Meant every word.”
“I was going to say that it turned me on but–” You were taken by surprise when he immediately nibbled your neck which he had easy access to, and a giggle escaped your lips.
“Don’t tempt me sweetheart.”
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once-upon-an-imagine · 7 months
Jaded - Charlie Weasley
A/N: so, I know that the last thing I should be doing right now is start another series… and yet… here we are xD also, I’m sorry, I know She Is Love won, but I think we have established by now that my mind kind of does whatever it wants and I have no control whatsoever xD it’s all chaos here… anyways, I hope you like it :) 
Request -  Anonymous asked: Hello, I hope you’re doing okay my lovely. I was wondering if you could possibly wite maybe a enemies/rivals to lovers with Charlie Weasley and the reader? (Lots of sarcastic banta back and forth maybe they both work on the dragon reserve and are entrusted with transporting a very dangerous dragon to a new reserve, but something happens on the journey and just them to are trapped (either with the dragon or not) and then an argument that leads to some form of confession? This is so long I’m so bloody sorry, and I hope your writers block subsides [full request here]
Warnings: Charlie’s a bit of an asshole [but not really] for now, I think that’s it but please let me know if I’m missing something, also reader is from the Nott family
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter :) gif isn’t mine :D     
Your name: submit What is this?
Hey…j-j-jaded… you got your mama’s style, But you’re yesterday’s child to me. So jaded, you think that’s where it’s at, But is that where it’s supposed to be?You’re gettin’ it all over me… X-rated
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Charlie fucking Weasley.
That stupid name had haunted you for more than ten years now. There were very few people you hated in your life but his name was definitely on that list.
After enduring seven years of him at Hogwarts, you thought you’d finally be free when he was being drafted to play Quidditch professionally and you would move to Romania to fulfill your dreams of studying dragons. But no, for some stupid twist of fate, he decided not to become a Quidditch player and all of the sudden there was another opening at the exact Romanian Dragon Sanctuary that you had applied to so, again, here he was. And it seemed that no matter what you did, you were never able to escape Charlie fucking—
“WEASLEY!” you yelled when you finally spotted him, not far from your hut.
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite princess” you heard his voice as you approached him. “How can I help you, love?” he asked, brushing his hair away from his face, showing off his stupid tattoos on his stupid strong arms.
“I have asked you many times, to stop calling me that!” you glared at him. “I need to speak with you” you said, before you went back into your hut and he only raised his eyebrow before following you.
“Is this how you treat your guests, love?” he said, walking in and leaning on your desk as he started going through your stuff.
“I didn’t invite you” you smirked.
“You just did” he glared a little at you.
“Don’t be confused, Weasley, this is strictly business” you glared at him.
“Of course it is” he chuckled. “Are you working on the Sleeping Draught for the dragons? Weren’t we supposed to work on this together?”
“Yes, that is correct, Weasley. Excuse me for not wanting to wait 45 minutes to see you flirting with the group of girls casually visiting the reserve today” you told him.
“Oh, so you did notice that” he smiled. “Sorry, love, you must remember how it is” he said, brushing a hand through his curls and flashing his smile at you as you rolled your eyes. “I mean, I had a complete section cheering for me back at school” he shrugged.
“Oh, yes. How could I forget?” you asked, sarcastically.
“You don’t have to be so mean about it” he pouted. “Why are you making so much of it?” he asked, grabbing one of the phials.
“Why did I just find out that you are coming with me to Hogwarts, Weasley?”
“I asked first, Nott” he smirked, winking at you.
“Could you please not mess up my things?” you said glaring at him, knowing he did it just to anger you. “I am making more because we are bringing four dragons, not three” you explained.
“What? That doesn’t make sense, why? Isn’t it just three champions?”
“Well, obviously something happened, and now there’s four” you explained. “Now tell me why Steven just informed me that you are coming. Evan was supposed to bring them with me” you insisted.
“Tah-dah!” he smiled. “Surprise, darling! Looks like something came up and you got an upgrade so I’m coming with you instead” he smiled.
“Feels like a downgrade” you muttered.
“Hey!” he said, placing his hand on his chest and looking at you pretending to be hurt. “How can you say that? This is going to be so much fun. You, me, back at Hogwarts, like the good old days” he smiled flirtily at you. “Remember?”
“I’m not sure what days you’re remembering, Weasley” you said pushing him away. “But good is not what I would use to describe them” you told him.
“Of course not” he rolled his eyes, grabbing another bottle on your desk and throwing it in the air before grabbing it again.
“Give me that!” you said, grabbing it from him.
“Okay, so, since we’re getting four-” he said, as he grabbed one of your notepads.
“Stop saying we. You’re not coming with me” you glared at him.
“Oh, I beg to differ, love, see here?” he said, pointing at the paper you had earlier. “That’s my name, right next to yours” he smiled. “It’s official” he added. “So, let’s see what you’re bringing” he said, looking through your notes. “Chinese Fireball, Swedish Short-Snout, Common Welsh Green” he muttered. “Oh, I know, we should take the Hungarian Horntail we got last week” he smiled.
“What? Absolutely not!”
“Why not? That would be perfect” he said, grabbing a quill and adding it to the list.
“Weasley, that is one of the most dangerous dragon breeds and you want to take her to a school full of young students, do you have any idea how irresponsible that is?”
“Relax, it’s for the first task, I doubt it’ll be anything dangerous. Plus that’s why we’re going.
“No! We should take an Antipodean Opaleye” you said, trying to grab the notepad from him but he placed it out of your reach.
“Oh, come on, love. Live a little, I would have killed to see a Hungarian Horntail at that age” he smirked. “Nothing bad is gonna happen. We won’t let it” he insisted.
“You haven’t even spent time with her, Weasley, I have. I am telling you this isn’t a good idea!”
“What isn’t a good idea?” you both stopped when your boss, Steven stepped inside your hut.
“Well, we were just talking about how the fourth dragon should be the Hungarian Horntail” Charlie quickly said. “It was actually (Y/N)’s idea” he smiled.
“No, it wasn’t! I was saying that we should take the Antipodean Opaleye!”
“Come on, love, we are already taking a Common Welsh Green, we should bring something more exciting” Charlie insisted as he passed the notepad to Steven.
“I just don’t think that this-”
“I’m with Weasley” Steven said, before you could even finish. Of course, he was. Not because Steven was a jerk. He was actually a good boss. But this was the story of your life. Charlie would get away with anything he wanted. “I think the Hungarian Horntail would be an interesting choice. Plus, you’re going and if anyone can handle her, it’s you, (Y/N)” he smiled. “I’ll go make the arrangements while you finish the potion” he said, leaving your hut before you could argue.
“See? Lovely idea” Charlie smirked.
“Why did you do that? I’m telling you is not a good idea to bring her. She’s still settling in the idea of being around people-”
“You worry to much, love” he said, grabbing your phial and throwing it in the air again, but this time, he accidentally dropped it. “Uh-oh” he said, before smiling innocently at you as you took a deep breath. “That wasn’t… part of the Sleeping Draught potion, was it?”
“You mean the potion we’re giving to the, now four, dragons we have to transport that you were supposed to be helping me with 45 minutes ago?” you asked, upset.
“Yes, Weasley, that was part of the potion” you told him.
“Well, look who finally decided to show up” you said, annoyed, as Charlie entered the class and ran over to your desk. You couldn’t believe you were stuck with him as your Potions partner for the entire year.
“Sorry, princess. Practice ran late” he smiled, sitting next to you.
“Don’t call me princess. And I don’t understand how being in the Quidditch team gives you immunity so you can show up whenever you want to and work on half a potion” you said, as you added the next ingredient.
“Come on, love. Don’t hate on the team” he said smirking at you. “Everyone loves the team!���
“Oh, yeah, I have such a deep admiration for guys who fly around in sticks with other guys” you said with a sly smirk.
“I know you’re joking, but when you use that sexy voice, you know it turns me on a little” he mocked you.
“Ugh, I can’t stand you!”
“Then sit down” he smirked. 
“Shut up! And help me with this thing, or I’m taking your name off the Potion” you said, as he saw the potion you were making on your book.
“Ugh, give it, you’re doing it wrong!”
“Excuse me? I have brewed the Volubilis Potion many times before, Weasley. And I am already halfway through, without your help. I am not doing it wrong!” you snapped frustrated.
“Yes, you are!” Charlie said grabbing the jar of Syrup of Hellebore from your hand but you didn’t let it go.
“No! Give it!” you said pulling it towards you.
“Ugh! You stuck-up, know-it-all drag!”
“Take that back you pompous Quidditch nut!” you argued, neither of you noticing Professor Snape coming towards your table.
“Mr. Weasley, Miss Nott-”
“Give it, Nott!”
Charlie hadn’t been prepared for you to let it go and he ended up dropping the whole thing on the cauldron making it explode all over Professor Snape’s face. When you heard the small explosion, the entire class went dead silent and the two of you slowly turned to see your teacher’s face covered in soot.
“You two. Detention. Tonight. My office” Professor Snape said; as you both resisted with everything you had to not laugh at the change of his voice. “50 points off Gryffindor and 30 off Slytherin” he said before walking to his desk again.
“That’s not fair!” Charlie argued.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice you sneaking in in the middle of my class, Mr. Weasley” he added.
“Ugh! Thanks a lot” Charlie snapped at you.
“Me? You’re blaming me? You’re the one who dropped it!”
“Only because you wouldn’t let it go!”
“Enough!” you heard Professor Snape from the front of the class. “Both of you out of my classroom!” he said standing up.
“But I wasn’t-”
“See what you did?” Charlie said once you were outside.
“Me? I had never been kicked out of a class or had detention for that matter! This is all your fault!”
“No, it’s not! You were making it wrong!” he insisted.
“UGH! Just because you’re the Captain of your bloody team, you think you’re the boss of everything! And everyone!” you snapped frustrated.
“It’s not my fault you can’t stand to be wrong!”
“You are so… so-”
“Charming?” he said smirking and raising his eyebrow at you.
“Vexing!” you snapped, as you walked down the hall but he followed you.
“Really? Well, you’re no ray of sunshine either!” he glared at you. “‘Oh, look at me, I’m (Y/N) Nott. I’m a patronizing know-it-all princess who thinks is better than anybody else!’” he said mocking your voice.
“Ugh! I don’t talk like that! You’re infuriating!”
“You know what? I hope you fail all your NEWT’s!”
“Yeah? I hope you go bald!”
“I hope you end up an old spinster!”
“I hope they cancel Quidditch!”
“Take that back!” Charlie snapped.
“Make me!” you said smirking at him.
“You know what? I hope that once we graduate here, I won’t ever have to see your conceded face again!” he said, before turning around and leaving for the Gryffindor tower.
“My thoughts exactly, Weasley” you muttered to yourself before walking to the Library.
*-*End of Flashback*-*
“We can fix it, love. Don’t worry” he said, cleaning up the mess. “See? Just like old times” he smiled. “This is gonna be fun, princess!”
“Don’t call me that” you glared at him, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, trying to contain yourself. 
Yes, you had one very big problem. His name is Charlie fucking Weasley. And you have no fucking idea how you’re supposed to survive the next few weeks with him. 
To Be Continued
A/N: so… part 2?
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hamiltonaf · 1 year
bestfriends to lovers lewis?🥹
Wingman | Lewis Hamilton
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Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x BF ! Female Reader
Word Count: 2.6K
Warnings: Slow burn
A/N: Hello loves ! Sorry for the delay, I believe I re-wrote this like 5 times because I had so many different scenarios in mind. I was so overwhelmed and finally settled on this. Nonetheless, I hope you babes enjoy. Requests are still open .xx
(Y/N/N) - Your Nickname
Nothing is harder than trying to hide your true feelings from your best friend. Well, theirs nothing to really hide considering how our relationship is, definitely not the same as my other guy friends. I’m fully convinced that everyone cracked that I have feelings for Lewis, except Lewis himself. Whoever said that guys and girls can be friends…they LIED.
Our friendship started about 2 years ago when Miles had introduced Lewis and I at Coachella. Miles and I go back a long way through our parents, we’ve been close ever since but just friends, nothing more. Miles knew about my love for F1 from early days and especially being a big fan of Lewis, he made sure that we’d meet some day since that’s his best friend after all.
I distinctly remember what felt like yesterday, we had the best weekend at Coachella and I was quite surprised how quickly Lewis and I grew on each other. Unfortunately, I rarely saw him since I had studying and work to do at the time, however that didn’t stop us from texting and video calling almost every day. That all changed earlier this year when I was done studying and I had a remote job so I had a lot more free time on my hands. I actually shared the news with Lewis first when I got my new job, he was so thrilled that he insisted that I now have no excuse not to attend more races.
What started off as friendly banter turned into flirting and teasing from time to time, if a total stranger saw us together they’d assume we’re a couple. Lol I wish. I have no clue what I’m doing wrong for him not to take a hint, unless he’s not interested in being in a relationship or worse case scenario… he has his eyes on someone else, but surely he’d tell me right ? I mean we’re best friends… or are we ?
That brings us to the present moment. It’s the Monaco GP weekend and you can imagine that almost every A list celebrity is here. Besides my love for F1, I’m a football fan as well - you can only imagine what would happen to my heart if I spot footballers in the paddock. Friday and Saturday are always quiet of course until Sunday strikes and the paddock is packed.
I was staying over at Lewis’ place for the weekend - no joke when I say we had a full on argument about me staying at a hotel when I can literally walk to the paddock since Monaco is so small. Of course he won the argument. Get my point when I say that people would think we’re a couple ?
It’s race morning, Lewis and I were getting ready not knowing what was going to occur the minute we’re about to leave. “(Y/N/N) are you ready ?” He called from the lounge. “Yep ! Just give me a sec” I yelled as I grabbed my phone and bag. I stopped in my track the second I saw that we were both wearing purple. “Are you kidding me ?” I said to myself. “You stole my look” he accused. “Excuse me ? I literally didn’t see what you’re wearing until now” I said defensively. “I’m just playing. You look beautiful and it’s cute that we besties are matching” he smiled. “Aww thanks Lew, but I have to change because everyone is going to think that we planned this” I said as I rushed back into the room to search for something else.
“Just forget about it, I’m changing as soon as I get to the garage in my team shirt and besides that we’re running late” he said as he grabbed me by my hand and pulled me along with him out the door to the elevator. “But Lew” I whined. He cupped my cheeks as he said, “Stop worrying about other people, focus on the positive..you got me and I’ll always have your back no matter what.” He gave me a quick wink and dropped his hands when we reached the ground floor. Not gonna lie that I had literal butterflies for those few seconds.
We drove to the paddock which didn’t take that long. I don’t know why I suddenly felt nervous, my hands started to feel clammy and I could already feel my body temperature rise. “Soo..you go ahead, I’ll meet you at the garage as per usual” I said as i stepped out of the car. “I was thinking we just go together” he smiled as he held his hand out for assistance out of the car. “Uhm are you sure ? People can be quick to assume things and start rumours..” Why can’t I shut up ?
“So what ? I don’t care, as long as you’re by my side” he shrugged. Aww. “Someone is being particularly nice today” I raised a brow at him as we walked towards the paddock entrance. “Pft..I’m always nice” he laughed. “On a normal day you test my patience to the limit with your banter, looks like someone is in a good mood. Don’t worry I won’t spoil it, I’ll make the most out of it” I smirked. As soon as we entered the paddock, we’re flocked by photographers and some fans taking pictures. In the moment I was so overwhelmed, luckily I had my sunglasses on the entire time so I actually ended up walking ahead of Lewis just to get to the garage faster.
I greeted a few mechanics, as well as Bono and Toto. We were lost in conversation that I actually forgot about Lewis coming back. Our conversation came to an end when all of our heads turned to Lewis greeting Neymar and Kylian. Oh my god. I was fangirling internally.
“No frikken way” I lowly said to myself. I started day dreaming and didn’t even realise that Lewis was next to me until he shut my mouth closed. “You’ll catch fly’s love” he half laughed. “Oh my god I can’t believe Neymar and Kylian are here !” I squealed. “You’re into football ?” He furrowed his brows. “Don’t pretend like you didn’t know - you weren’t the only athlete I kept tabs on” I lightly hit his chest. “That hurt my heart” he pouted. “Mine too considering you didn’t introduce me” I scoffed.
“No biggie, we’re meeting them later tonight” he said casually. “Say what now ? You’re lying” I rolled my eyes. Ain’t no way. “I swear” he said in all seriousness as he held out his pinky. “I’ll take your word for it” I linked my pinky with his. “In that case, do you think you could be my wingman ? I wanna know what the hype is about being a football wag” I teasingly suggested. “Uhhh..no” he straightforwardly said. “And why not ?” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Because then I’ll have no best friend” he lied as he walked ahead. “Don’t worry, if you be my wingman then I’ll be your wingwoman. I’ll find you a new best friend or better yet, a girlfriend !” I enthusiastically suggested.
“I don’t trust your taste” he said as he entered his drivers room. “Okay then let’s forget about me being your wingwoman. Put in a good word for me” I winked as I took a seat on the couch. “Yeah sure” he sarcastically said as he shook his head.
The day went by so quickly after that, before we knew it the anthem was over and Lewis was already heading out to line up on the grid. Just before he could leave he was talking to Toto for a while, then finally turned to me. “As per usual, I hope you have a safe race. Best of luck bestie” I said first. “And as always..thank you for your support. I really appreciate you coming to races (Y/N/N)” he smiled before pulling me in for a hug. “You could thank me by being my wingman” I played along. “Not this again” he said annoyed as he broke away from our hug. “Don’t let it distract you from racing” I joked. He rolled his eyes at me with a serious look before breaking into a smile, “Bye (Y/N/N) !” He trailed.
The race went by so quickly, pun intended. Lewis finished at P4, we’ll take it as a win considering the performance of the car this year.
Didn’t see much of Lewis after the race since he had media duties. Once he was done, we spoke about the race in general on our way back to his place. “Soo what are our plans for the evening ?” I asked as I laid on the couch. “Are you forgetting the part when I told you earlier that we’re meeting Kylian and Neymar ?” He raised a brow. Realisation hit me in the face. “Oh my god I need to find something good to wear” I squealed as I rushed over to my bag.
“It’s in a nightclub, they’re not going to see you” he laughed. “They will when you play wingman and I’m leaving with one of them. Mainly Kylian, Neymar is off limits because he has a girlfriend” I said as I continued searching through my bag. “How are you so sure about leaving with Kylian” he laughed. “Well obviously that will happen after you put in a good word for me about my love for football” I said in an obvious tone. “Hmm okay” he said with a smirk.
As Lewis got ready, I decided to do the same, I had a shower and sat in my robe as I did my makeup, and hair. Once I was done, I slipped into my dress and heels. “(Y/N/N) you ready ?” He called for me. “I’m just putting on my heels” I said whilst holding onto the bathroom counter top for support. “Wow” I heard him say from behind me. “You look- wow.. gorgeous” he said softly. “Aww really ? Thank you Lew” I pouted as I looked at him through the mirror. “Your rizz is literally showing through your outfit” I said as I turned around to face him. “I guess I should take that as a compliment ?” He asked with furrowed brows. “Of course it’s a compliment, I basically said you look so fine that you could pull anyone you wanted tonight” I admitted. I mentally slapped myself for telling him he looked fine out loud.
“If I heard correctly, almost sounded like you were hitting on me ?” He raised a brow. “In your dreams babe, let’s go” I said as I tapped his chest and walked past him.
When we arrived at the club, Lewis handed the keys over to the valet, that’s when we spotted Daniel or otherwise known as Spinz. We greeted each other as we all walked over to the doors of the club. “I won’t remind you again what the plans are for tonight” I mentioned to Lewis. “Don’t worry, I didn’t forget” he said with a grin. He’s acting sus.
As soon as we entered the club, we were escorted to the VIP area and that’s when I spotted Neymar, and Kylian. Oh my word.. unreal. Both of them spotted Lewis and walked over to us to greet him. I stood behind Lewis with Daniel, eagerly waiting to hear what Lewis has to say.
Lewis shook their hands and made some small talk before moving aside to pull me forward by my waist. It’s hard to hear over the loud music, but i oddly enough heard clearly every word Lewis said. “Boys, this is (Y/N), my girlfriend” he smiled. Sir, I beg your pardon. Girlfriend ? I knew he was acting sus. “Hey ! So nice to meet you both, I’m a big fan” I yelled over the music as I hugged them both.
“Great to meet you too. Lewis is a lucky guy” Kylian smiled. “Aha well, I’m a lucky girl” I joked. All of the build up to annoy him just died down. I really pictured having a full on conversation with both Kylian and Neymar but that also went out the window when I started to get frustrated yelling over the music.. I was actually starting to lose my voice. Besides that, I was itching to leave this place so I can have a talk with Lewis. Quite a relief that Daniel was with us so i had someone else to talk to in the mean time.
After about a whole hour, I started to get a headache and just felt the need to leave. I was seated in the VIP area with Daniel whilst Lewis was catching up with Kylian and Neymar not so far away. I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder, “I wanna leave” I yelled. “What ?” He asked as he leaned in closer. “Can we please go ?” I yelled once again. He nodded his head in reply. He briefly greeted them goodbye as I I did the same.
We walked in silence to the car until the car doors slammed. “Uhm care to enlighten me on what happened back there, boyfriend ?” I emphasised his new title as he then sped off. He stifled a laugh, “Well I got a bit- cough”. “What was that ?” I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. “Can we just talk about this when we get back home ?” He asked as he looked over to me for a second. I didn’t answer back, just looked out the window. When we got back to his place, I jumped out the car and walked ahead of him to the elevator. “Can you stop giving me the silent treatment ?” He said as he stood across me.
I remained silent until we were in his apartment. I sat on the couch and crossed my legs over, “Was that really necessary ?” I narrowed my eyes at him. “Well I thought it would be funny” he smiled. I took a deep breath, “I- do you want me to be single and lonely for the rest of my life ?” I faked a smile. “Oh my days (Y/N)…can you not take a hint ?” He said annoyed. I stood up from where I was seated, “I assumed you were just trying to annoy me like you always do and tonight you did exactly that, but worse.” I walked past him as he then caught a hold of my wrist. He pulled me back and twirled me to face him.
“(Y/N), if it isn’t obvious enough..I love you.” I was left speechless. “I’ve fallen for you since we first met at Coachella. You caught my eye and I knew then that I always wanted you by my side. You made my day when you shared the news with me that you were finally able to come to more races, I thought it’s now or never. I thought I was pretty obvious about how I felt about you, even Miles knows this” he softly smiled. “That idiot knew all this time and didn’t tell me even after I told him how I felt about you. Anyway, never mind him. Why didn’t you say anything earlier after I told you to be my wingman for tonight ?” I furrowed my brows.
“Because I wanted to wipe that smirk off your face” he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer against his chest. “To me it just sounds like you were jealous” I pursed my lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I wasn’t jealous” he scoffed. “So then why did you call me your girlfriend ?” I raised a brow. “Okay fine, you win that, but… will you be mine ?” He asked nervously. “I thought you’d never ask” I said as I closed the gap between us, placing my lips on his.
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jihyoruri · 1 year
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HEART RACING — idol!sakura miyawaki x idol!reader
warnings: alcohol,gidle!reader, yn and sakura are a mess
sakura sat in her seat smiling at youngji as the girl was talked, since lesserafim has recently done a comeback she was invited to the show, but what she didn’t know was that someone else will be on the show with her as well.
“so.” youngji said clasping her hands together, “you aren’t the only person that will be on this show today.” she said smiling.
sakura let a surprised expression overtake her face, maybe it was one of her members or maybe it was an iz*one member.
“they’ve recently had a comeback as well.” youngji said giving sakura a pointed look, okay for sure sakura thinks it’s one of her members. “I think we can bring her in now.”
the door opened and it definitely wasn’t one of sakura’s members that’s for sure.
she knows who you are, you’re yn gidle’s maknae, she’s had some interactions with you especially in 2019 with both you and her being rookies, you’re known for your looks, sakura definitely know that from experience, which makes this a little embarrassing.
she remembers it like it was yesterday, gidle won an award and it was your turn to speak your older members pushing you to the mic, cheers and screams filling everyone’s ears at your face on the billboard, you looked unreal.
sakura remembers being completely mesmerized, her mouth agape, eyes wide, completely unaware of the camera now being on her.
that was the day she went viral.
sakura cringed at the memory before shaking her head and giving you a welcoming smile as youngji shouts and cheers at your entrance.
“you know he was off today but came in because you were gonna be here.” youngji says exposing one of her staffs that were in the background.
“oh, really.” yn says smiling before giving him a bow and a wave at him.“I feel my ego getting bigger.”
youngji laughs before pulling you in and placing you beside sakura, “sit, sit.”
youngji let’s put a big sigh and sits in her seat as well, “now that everyone is here, let’s get down to business.” she says and begins to open the alcohol.
sakura tenses a little when she feels you scoot a little over to her to get into the frame, “let’s get talking.” youngji says enthusiastically, “so, you both have comebacks.”
“yes.” yn and sakura say at the same time nodding their heads.
“how was the process.” youngji says passing the drinks to the two girls, “how was things.”
sakura looks at yn, obviously expecting her to go first.
“oh, me.” yn says laughing to herself, “um, it was good, soyeon unnie always knows how to put things together and make a great concept.”
yn the takes a look at sakura, implying that the older girl should follow up.
“uh,” sakura say’s awkwardly feeling very tenses under your gaze, “this comeback was very fun to work on as well, I think think my favourite part was definitely doing the photos for the teasers.” she then takes big sip of her drink, feeling the need to relax under your gaze.
“yes,yes.” youngji says, “it must be so nice being in the position that you guys are in right now with very successful comebacks, you both debuted in 2018 right?” she says taking a sip from her drink.
sakura nods her head but yn laughs.
“I wouldn’t say sakura unnie debuted in 2018.” yn laughs taking a sip from her drink, “she’s lived many lives.”
youngji laughs before giving yn a suggestive look, “you know a lot about her life im guessing yn?” she asks taking another sip of her drink.
yn leans back and laughs, “when I was younger I was a big fan of HKT48 and AKB48.” yn says taking a glance at sakura.
“was?” sakura asks raising a brow.
youngji also raised a brow, “yeah was?” she asks before laughing, “when did you stop being a big fan?”
yn looks up in thought, “uh, I don’t know, maybe 2020, 2021.” yn says shrugging her shoulders.
“when i graduated?” sakura says in shock, leaning towards yn so they can make eye contact.
youngji smiles, deciding to steer the pot, “was sakura your favourite?”
it’s obvious that the drinks are getting to yn, when she leans closer to sakura’s already close face, and giggles, “she was a my favourite.”
sakura yelps and leans back as youngji’s loud laugh filled the room.
their conversations continued and the more thank drank the more it got more interesting and chaotic and one thing about drunk yn is flirty yn.
“so..” youngji drags out, “is there any dating in your lives?” she asks laughing at her own question.
skaura eyes widened, this is the first time in a while she’s been asked this question.
yn shakes her head immediately, letting her thoughts take over her, “you know, every idol that you ask will say the same answer, no.” she states, “but I’m serious I’m not in relationship, they might be lying but I’m not.” she says nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders.
“if there was someone who’s would it be?” youngji asks giving yn a pointed look.
yn thinks for second before leaning into sakuras side, their bodies squished against each other, “probably sakura unnie, she’s so pretty.” yn says with a teasing voice and youngji lets out an animated gasp.
sakura feels like she’s on fire,her heart was racing, maybe it was the alcohol but she sorta liked it, she leaned into yn a little as well.
“how about you sakura ?”
it was definitely the alcohol in her system as sakura raised her hand to yn’s cheekbones, caressing them before being her hand to yn’s hair and dragging her fingers through it, “probably yn, she’s so charismatic and pretty.”
youngji throws her head back and laughs at the mess in front on her, “you both are lightweights.”
“I wouldn’t say I’m a lightweight.” yn says dragging her hands down to sakura’s waist and and throwing one of her legs over sakura’s as the japanese girl nods in agreement.
youngji looks straight at the camera with a “is she serious.” face.
the rest of time was filled with youngji dealing with a very tipsy and touchy duo, but the run had to end soon.
youngji jumped out of seat and waved, “bye lightweights!”
yn waved and messily blew a kiss with her hand that wasn’t occupied with sakura’s at youngji and staff before being dragged through the door with sakura.
when the door shut youngji looked at the camera with a exasperated sigh.
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jokeroutsubs · 6 days
[ENG translation] Joker Out: Playing on the main stage of Sziget means the success with capital letters for us
An interview with Joker Out published in the August 2024 issue of Rockstar magazine. Original article written by Viki Erdős, photo by Viki Erdős. Translation and review by X ddrflctns and X brnbergeron, proofread by @flowerlotus8.
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In the former Yugoslavia they have won the 'Artist of the Year' and the 'Song of the Year' awards several times. With two albums under their belt, they entered the Eurovision Song Contest with their song 'Carpe Diem' last year, which put them on the Spotify Viral Top 10 list and then on the Main Stage of Sziget. We met the Slovenian five-piece Joker Out before their first concert in Budapest, where they told us: their biggest dream came true by playing for us at the Island of Freedom on 8 August. Read more of our interview on rockstar.hu!
What's your first impression of the Sziget Festival, now that you've spent a few hours here?
Jan: Actually I already came here yesterday to see L'Impératice. It's definitely the biggest festival I've been to, yet it doesn't seem too crowded. I really like the atmosphere, somehow despite the noise it's calming, and the line-up is incredible!
Jure: It's going to be the biggest stage we've ever played on.
Bojan: I didn't even see you on the stage during the soundcheck, because there was so much smoke! I turned around and just blinked 'where is everyone'?
You posted concert photos from 2016 on Instagram just yesterday. Did you ever think you would play on the main stage of Sziget?
Bojan: Performing at Sziget was always our biggest dream, we somehow thought that playing here, on the main stage would mean success with capital letters. I think we always believed that it will happen one day.
Last year your Eurovision performance brought you international success. How to imagine this? Are you getting recognised on the street, for example?
Bojan: We're constantly being recognised in Slovenia, but there are other countries, for example the Balkans, or Finland and The Netherlands, where we have a big fanbase. So the bottom line is that it's all unbearable and we're huge rock stars. (they all laugh)
Kris: And to top it all off, we are doing an interview with Rockstar Magazine.
How do you handle fame?
Bojan: Oh, it's all terrible! I can't even have a cup of coffee without being surrounded by people! (laughs)
But seriously!
Bojan: No, it's super good, in my opinion, our fame at the moment is perfectly manageable. We’re not recognised by a crazy amount of people yet, and the people who do recognise us are usually very nice. Sometimes a few fans wait for us at the airport, weirdly specifically it always happens in Finland. They tell us about how our music helped them getting through tough times or how they found new friends thanks to us. Only at times like this, we realise that we're getting closer to our goals, that music is no longer just for our entertainment, but also for the pleasure of others.
You recently came out with an animated music video for your song 'Šta bih ja'. How did you come up with this idea and how did you find the right artist for the job?
Kris: It was quite liberating to make a music video without having to be in it. Jokes aside, I thought it was a great time for an animated video, which we've never done before. We had a lot of gigs and time was tight, so it was a perfect move. We've been working with a lot of our fans over the last six months, who are great artists, by the way. We keep an eye on what they post, and we're always completely blown away by it and try to collaborate with them whenever possible. For example, they've made merch and a cover for our single for streaming platforms. The new music video was also made by one of our fans.
How much do they freak out when you contact them?
Kris: A lot, I feel like. But they try to be chill about it.
What is the story behind 'Šta bih ja'?
Bojan: We moved to London for two months to write new material, this was the first song that was written there. It was the first time we really felt what it was like to be away from home and miss our loved ones. In additional to how it feels to be a stranger in a new city, the song is also about what it's like being in love when you can only keep in touch with your partner over the phone.
I've noticed on your Instagram that you like lame photoshopped pictures. Is there an expert in the band responsible for these, or is it a team effort?
Jan: That would be me... (laughs) I don't even know how it started. I always use the same picture, it was taken for our Eurovision campaign, we all look hilarious on it. I noticed that our faces fit perfectly on any picture depicting people. It started as a joke, but now it's become our general marketing strategy.
Bojan: You've already extended the scope to foods, animals...
Jan: Yes, last time I photoshopped Nace onto a sausage.
Earlier this year, your concert film and it's accompanying live album was released. Was this a big dream come true?
Jan: The concert film and live album itself was not a dream, but playing in the arena where it was recorded was. It's nice to relive that experience.
Bojan: I haven't watched it at all. It's really about the fact that we had the opportunity to record and release it, and we took it. That's how the market works. We had to have something to spend our money on, so that we would have as little left as possible. (laughs)
Your festival season will be over soon. What's in store for the rest of the year?
Bojan: Before the tour we had already recorded most of our third album in Hamburg, but we knew that we would need to come back [to the studio] for a few more session. So we spend all of our day-offs in the studio, but now in Ljubljana.
How would you describe the new sound in three words?
Bojan: Makes. No. Sense. (laughs)
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snowb3rryy · 10 months
Lucifer x F!MC
It's been a while since Lucifer had free time to spend with his beloved girlfriend, however he secretly plans a trip to spend her Birthday, just the two of them. (I definitely didn't write this because it's my birthday today)
MC is female and uses she/her pronouns. Written in 1st person.
Engish isn't my first language, so I may have made some mistakes.
It's a cold night, the clock just turned midnight and it's finally my birhday, the day I long for every year.
However it's different tonight. There's so much silence in the House of Lamentation. Levi won a few tickets for an event in the human world and Mammon, Satan, Asmo, Beel and Belphie.
Lucifer stayed behind because of work. I stayed too because I wanted to keep an eye on him. Tonight he's still working at RAD, some complications with the files of mew students made him work overtime for a couple of weeks now. His big bed always felt just right for the both of us, yet now I lay alone and it feels like I'm sinking in it.
1:00. No text, no call. He's still at RAD. I promised to myself to wait for him awake. I start to scroll in both human and Devildom social media yet my feed is boring and repetitive. I end up checking my gallery filled with pictures of me and my best friend, pictures of me and the brothers, pictures of me and Lucifer and oh Lord the videos. The videos we filmed making love a few months ago on a small trip we went alone.
Watching his hands roam all over my body, his lips kissing every inch of me made me shiver. The kisses and bites on my nipples on the video made me wet just by remembering what it feels like. Then I see my hands hold his back tightly as he penetrates my body and yet my soul too. So erotic and so romantic at the same time...
I miss him, I miss him terribly. It's since he started working overtime since the last time we had sex. And not just that, we barely have time to chat any more.
My eyelids feel heavy and i drift to sleep, unable to stay awake any longer.
The next morning I wake up and stretch o the bed, i turn over and see Lucifer sleeping beside me. I smile and kiss his cheek.
Wait... Lucifer is still... on the bed? What time is it?
I look at the time, it's 11am... He hates morning but he wakes up early these past weeks to go and work but... did he sleep in today?
- Lucifer, Lucifer *i shake him softly trying to wake him up*
I hear him mumbling and slowly open his eyes.
Lucifer: Darling *yawns* What is it?
- It's 11am! Don't you have to go to RAD?
Lucifer: No, I finished everything yesterday. Now come here *he says and he pulls me close to him and closes his eyes again*
- Are you... done-done? No more overtime?
Lucifer: Mhm.. Oh, where is my mind at... happy birthday my love *he says still in his morning voice*
- Thank you *i smile and kiss his cheek*
Lucifer: Now sleep, and we'll celebrate later.
We fall asleep again until the late afternoon.
We then stand up, Lucifer orders me around. Shower. Dress up. Not a dress or a skirt, we'll walk. Not this, it's too cold where we'll go.
Finally, after I get dressed appropriately for Lucifer's secret location, he teleports us to the human world. We visit an ice skating venue and we look around the snowy landscapes. The time passes quickly. After taking a thousand pictures of Lucifer's peculiar expression while explain everything we have on sign, we go to a hotel that he had reserved for the night.
The room us already dimly lit, there's roses all over the place and a box on the bed. I hurry and open the box and can't believe it, Lucifer really always listen to every little thing I rumble about ans he got me the perfect gift.
We decide to take a bath together so we walk to the bathroom, take our clothes off and relax in the warm water. I almost drift off from the warm temperature and Lucifer's soft touch on my arms, but he brings me back to reality with a few simple words. "Shall we move this to the bed?", he asks m tenderly yet with a wicked smirk that I can't see but I can imagine.
My body immediately wakes up, next thing I know, I'm on my feet, Lucifer drying my hair first and then my body, softly pressing the towel against my skin and brushing from time to time against my sensitive spots.
I feel his warm breath on my neck as I already imagine our bodies intertwining.
Soon after he's also dry, we move to the bed. I find myself laying down, my eyes staring on the ceiling as my mouth hangs open, and leaving soft sounds of pleasure as I feel Lucifer's hot lips against my skin. With a swift move, he positions himself between my legs and he starts licking and kissing and sucking my clit, my fingers move on their own and i grab his hair as my lower back arches and I no longer can hold my voice. I can feel my mind being numb, as his tongue works miracles on me, he knows every spot I like, every little angle that can make me cum in seconds, but he takes his time. He lets out sounds of enjoyment as he eats me out, I warn him I'm close but he doesn't stop, even worse, he takes his hand off of my thigh and he starts to tease my opening and soon enters 2 fingers and moves them with as roughness as needed for me to see stars. I can no longer concentrate, my legs move on their own and press Lucifer on his shoulders as I let out multiple moans as I cum on his tongue, and squeeze his still moving fingers.
We both breathe hard and he runs up to kiss me, his hands move up and down my sides and finally locate to my hips. I try to move him under me to give him head but he realises and he stops me. "No", he says.
- Why? *i ask confused*
Lucifer: Tonight, is about you, and I already nearly came from your moans and sweet juices on my tongue.
- But, I want to *i insist*
Lucifer: Darling, please. Any other night you want I'd say yes with no second thought. Tonight though, I want you to use your pretty mouth only to call out my name, my cock is more than satisfied with being burried inside you. I love throatfucking you but it feels divine when I'm inside you.
I no longer insist as I now blush from how adorable his words are. I lay back down and he starts to kiss me as he lifts my leg up and slowly starts to thrust in and out. His big size always feels like stretching me in the beginning until I can fully take him and start to feel how good he really makes me feel. With every thrust he moves harder yet always keeping the same tempo, I can already feel him start to throb and I hear him curse under his breath. He's close yet he tries to keep it under control until I am at the same place he is. His thrusts become slower, and his grunts become more desperate, I am more than lucky he lets himself so free around me.
He now warns me, "I'm close" he says, "can't keep for longer" he says.
I know he's there and his desperation rises my heart rate, i hold him tight and say to his ear, "I'm close too, give me my present Lucifer"
He smirks and chuckles, he then kisses me and starts to move to his previous rate. I put my hand on my tits a squeeze them as I too feel like cumming again any second now. A few more thusts and I start to squeeze around his as I'm almost there.
I hear him moan deep, he can feel my walls squeeze around him as much as I can feel his cock twitching again. "Fuck, I'm cumming ah-" he lets a long, deep moan as he thursts a few more times as he fills me up. When I fill him throbbing inside me and cumming, it's my last staw, I feel my face heat up as I scream his name and move my hips against him as I cum once more.
We both breath hard, he smiles, he kisses me and slowly pulls out, letting his hot cum fall out of me. He lays next to me and he takes me in his arms.
Lucifer: Happy Birthday, my love
He kisses my forehead and he immediately falls asleep. I whisper "Good night, Lucifer" and close my eyes as i rest my head on his chest.
Check it out also on Ao3, and thanks for reading! <3
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cc--2224 · 5 days
My Thoughts Will Echo Your Name...
Pairing: Echo x F!Reader (eventually)
Summary: After a recent breakup, Fives attempts to get you to leave your house to get yourself back out there, and to meet his closest brother before they ship out, and unfortunately it's very hard to say no to your best friend
Warnings: Drunk clones being jerks, mentions of cheating/gaslighting, alcohol mentions, mostly all fluff, until there's angst
Notes: Happy Echo day!! This will be a two-parter, I'm still working on the second part but my goal is to have it out before long
Word Count: 5.4k
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"Fives, I'm serious, I don't feel like going out tonight." Your protests clearly meant nothing to your dear friend who showed up at your door while you were in your sleep clothes, half a bottle of wine deep.
"That's too bad." He said as he invited himself in. "Because you are." 
You glared at him as he walked past you. "I'm staying home." 
He sighed dramatically, "I barely have any off time, and you know we ship out tomorrow, will you please just come out with me while I have today?"
It was hard to say no to him, not that you'd ever tell him that, but after all that had happened, you had no energy to go out. "Why don't you just stay here? We can watch a movie, have another bottle of wine." You suggested.
"Well, normally I'd love that... but I kind of promised Echo I'd introduce you to him." He grinned, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.
 "Fives..." You groaned. "I don't want to be introduced to anyone." 
"Isn't it time for you to get back out there? I mean, Echo is way better than that other guy, I know you'll love him. He's just like me, but not as handsome or funny." 
"He's like you? So I won't like him at all then," you deadpanned.
"You wound me." He said dramatically before miraculously changing his tone. "Now let's go."
"You aren't taking no for an answer, are you?"
"Nope." He grinned. "Tell you what, just come with me to 79's, if you don't like him, or if you're not having fun, I'll pay for your cab home."
"How generous." You rolled your eyes. "Fine. Only to shut you up, I will go with you. Just let me get changed."
"Wear something hot!" He yelled as you walked toward your room, a grin plastered on his face knowing that he won.
"Kriff off." You answered, slamming your door behind you.
You barely had the energy to go out, you definitely didn't feel like wearing something hot. But you also knew Fives was relentless and if you walked out wearing jeans and a simple shirt, he'd march you back into your room and pick something out for you.
But maybe it wasn't a bad idea to go all out. After all, you were certain your ex had immediately gotten back out there after your breakup, in fact you were certain he'd gotten back out there before your breakup.
You shook your head in anger, then rifled through your closet, trying to find something that remotely resembled a club outfit, before you stopped at a dress Fives had gotten you as a joke. It was a cocktail dress, a bit short for your tastes with a deep v-shaped neckline, and of course in "501st Blue" as he put it.
You held it up to yourself, looking at it in the mirror, debating if it was a good choice or not.
"Hey you still have it!" Fives said, standing in the doorway.
You startled at the sudden intrusion. "Privacy?"
"You're taking too long. That's perfect, now put it on and let's go!"
Before you could complain, he closed the door behind him as he went back to the front room to wait for you.
You sighed and quickly changed into the dress before brushing out your hair and wiping away any remnants of yesterday's eyeliner, foregoing a new layer of makeup.
As you walked out of your room, you tugged on the hem of the dress, definitely too short for you, but before you had a chance to regret your choice, you felt Fives' hand on your arm, dragging you to the door.
"Can I at least put shoes on?"
He rolled his eyes, "I guess."
After you had thrown on a pair of black strappy heels, he was once again dragging you by the arm. You didn't even have a chance to fasten the straps, but you resigned yourself to having to figure it out in the cab.
"What's the hurry anyway? It's not like you have to leave tonight."
"I know, but it's never a bad thing to give ourselves more time."
"It's barely even dark yet," You pointed out as you exited your apartment building.
"Well maybe I told Echo we'd get something to eat first."
"What? We're still going to 79s, just before it gets crowded and too loud for you guys to speak."
"How do you even know Echo will like me?"
"I just know." He flashed you a grin before hailing a cab over to you.
Once inside, you got to work on buckling up your shoes.
"Look," Fives said, his tone more serious than before. "Echo's a good guy, I obviously would never force you to meet him if I thought he wasn't going to like you, or if I thought you wouldn't like him."
"I know that," You told him, looking down at your lap, "I just... With the breakup and everything–"
"It's hard to put yourself out there again. I get it, but just... humor me, okay? And I swear, the second you tell me you want to leave, I'll get you out of there."
When you didn't answer immediately, Fives turned to you. His eyes met yours, seeing your hesitation immediately.
"We can turn around, it's not too late." He offered, his voice gave away that it wasn't really what he wanted, but you knew he'd hold to his word if you asked.
"I'm already dressed." You said, rolling your eyes slightly.
He leaned over and wrapped his arms around you. "I love you, thank you!"
"I know, now get off me." You joked, despite sinking into the hug.
The taxi stopped at the landing pad in front of 79's. You had barely had enough time to scan the area before you heard someone calling Fives' name.
You looked in the direction the voice came from and you saw him bounding over to you. As expected, he looked exactly like Fives, aside from his clean-shaven, tattooless face, and the prominent blue handprint painted on his chest plate.
He stopped in front of you, greeting Fives with a firm hug before looking to you.
You had caught him subtly looking you over, and for a moment you began feeling self-conscious about your outfit choice once again, but that melted when he extended his hand to shake yours.
"You must be Fives' friend, I'm Echo."
You gave him your name with a polite smile, taking his hand. "It's nice to meet you."
"Likewise, Fives has told me a lot about you."
You turned to your friend as if to ask what exactly he had been saying about you, but he changed the subject.
"Let's go inside, I'm starving!" He announced as he began walking toward the bar, leaving you and Echo to follow him.
Fives led the two of you to a booth, and once he had slid in, he stretched obnoxiously, forcing you to slide in next to Echo.
You ensured to keep your distance, trying to avoid getting too close to him, but you also made sure to give Fives a quick glare. He shrugged and grinned in response.
Once your orders were placed, Echo glanced to you.
"Fives tells me that you're a writer?"
"Well, trying to be." You admit. "I'm a journalist, but I want to write more creatively."
"What would you write about?" His curiosity is genuine, he didn't think he had ever met someone who wanted to write books before.
"Me, obviously." Fives chimed in from across the table. "I'd make an excellent hero."
You rolled your eyes, it isn't the first time he has indicated being the protagonist in a story you wrote.
You looked back to Echo and shrugged slightly, "I haven't really decided yet."
"Well, I can't wait to read it, whatever it ends up being." His voice was soft, he seemed excited about the idea, which is more than you could say for others.
Feeling warmth spread across your face, you looked back to the table quickly, just in time for your food to arrive.
The conversations were on and off as the three of you ate. They were mostly between Echo and Fives and you observed the two of them together, but occasionally you joined in as well.
Before long, your meals were done, and drinks had begun to be delivered to your table.
After one or two, Echo looked back and forth between you and Fives, before his gaze rested on you.
"Fives always talks about how good of friends you two are, but I'm curious, you've never... gone beyond that?"
You coughed into your cup before your laughter mingled with your coughing from the drink you inhaled.
"No," Was all you could say, and even that was strained.
You looked to Fives, who was laughing too. "I mean, I can't lie, look at her; she's beautiful. But, not my type."
Shaking your head at his compliment, you had finally cleared the liquid from your windpipe.
You looked to Echo and clarified. "Fives and I have been friends since he came to Coruscant, he asked me out, yeah, but we learned very early on that we were compatible only as friends."
Fives took another swig of his drink before giving you a knowing look. You raised an eyebrow as his focus turned to Echo.
"She's a bit too serious for me, y'know? Like she's smart, maybe a bit of a bookworm, would rather stay in and watch a holofilm, maybe that's why we work as friends. But honestly, she's more the kind of girl you like, Echo."
And there it was.
Your eyes widen slightly at his comment, before you attempt to drown your embarrassment with the remainder of your drink.
You can feel Echo shift slightly in his seat, and you decide it's a great time to go track down refills for the three of you.
Quickly getting up from your seat, you made a bee-line for the bar counter. Pushing through the group of clones that had begun to amass there.
You could feel their gazes upon you but you ignored them as you ordered drinks for your table and waited patiently.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the same blue handprint you had noticed earlier, and you turned to face Echo. He looked just as embarrassed as you, but he gave you an apologetic smile.
"I'm... That was uncalled for. Sorry that Fives embarrassed you like that."
You shook your head, "No, it's okay. Truthfully I saw it coming. I'm sorry that he put you on the spot."
"Don't worry about it. I mean, if anything, he's right."
His words took a moment to sink in, and the realization became present on your face as soon as they had.
"What do you mean?" You asked, trying not to jump to conclusions.
"I mean that, if how he described you is accurate, which I suspect it is, I'm the same way. This kind of place, it's fun, and I like coming here with the boys after a mission, but I prefer relaxing in my barracks, catching up on some reading, that kind of thing."
Before you could respond, another clone sitting at the bar turned to the two of you.
"Get a load of this guy, spends his time reading!" He slurred. "What a loser, you could do way better, doll."
He wasn't subtle about the way his eyes trailed up your body. He paused, looking at the hem of your dress, then his eyes continued upward, stopping at the deep-v neckline as he stared pointedly at your breasts.
You immediately felt yourself shrink away from his gaze as you could see him ogling you, but before you could say anything, you felt yourself being pulled backwards.
Echo had grabbed your arm and pulled you into him, shielding you from view while stepping between you and the other clone. He gave him a glare, but said nothing.
"You can't be serious, all that eyecandy for you?" The clone complained loudly. "Whatever, take the dumb chaakar back to your bunk and read to her. I bet that's why she wore that outfit." His tone was laced with sarcasm, and it wasn't lost on you.
Before either of you could react, the bartender arrived with your drinks. Both of you visibly relaxed and brought them back to the table.
Fives could tell something was up when he saw you approach, but Echo just shook his head, knowing that if he knew, his brother would cause something he'd have to clean up.
Echo slid into the booth first, and you followed. Once you were seated, still maintaining some distance from him, he inched slightly closer to you, resting his thigh against yours as a way to comfort you.
You took a sip of your drink and looked away from the table, not sure what to say.
Fives looked between you and Echo before you felt him nudge your foot from under the table. When you met his eye, he subtly nudged his head toward the door, silently asking if you wanted to leave.
You shook your head with a genuine smile and he relaxed.
"So what'd you guys talk about?" Fives finally asked.
"Insulting you, mostly." You answered, not skipping a beat.
"Only mostly? I'm offended."
"Not everything is about you, believe it or not." You smirked.
Echo took another swig of his drink. "I keep telling him that."
"If I had known this night would end up with you two teaming up against me, I'd have never brought you." Fives says with fake indignance, crossing his arms.
"You couldn't have expected anything different," you pointed out. "The two people who know you best, I'd say we make a pretty good team, wouldn't you agree, Echo?"
You smiled at him and he shifted in his seat a bit. "Y-Yeah, we do!"
With the drinks flowing, the three of you were able to continue your conversation, opening up more and more as the night went on.
You learned more about Fives that you probably could have gone your whole life without learning, but you also slowly started to get to know Echo.
It was almost as if you were both working on chipping away each others' quiet, introverted demeanors, until eventually, Echo chipped a bit too much.
"Fives had mentioned you weren't seeing anyone, it's not really my business but is there a reason for that?"
Your stunned reaction made him start to regret his question and he quickly back-pedaled. "That was a dumb question, you don't have to answer that."
"No, no it's fine I just..." You looked at Fives for support then back at your drink, before looking to Echo again. "I guess to make a long story short, my last partner cheated on me."
"A lot." Fives added in, earning a glare from you.
"I caught him with someone else, he tried to tell me it was nothing, that I was crazy for being upset, that I should have seen it coming, and every excuse in the book. Even accused me of cheating with Fives. But then the truth came out about everyone else he had been with." Your finger circled idly around your glass as you stared at the remaining liquid.
Echo was silent. It took a minute of silence before you finally looked over at him. His expression was something between confusion and anger as he processed what you told him.
"I..." He looked at Fives, "Is this guy still living?"
"Unfortunately yes." Fives answered, "Though I did ask if I could do the honours and kill him myself, but she said no."
"He wasn't worth the jail time you would have gotten." You said, your tone indicating that this wasn't the first time you had said it.
"I'm sorry." Echo looked back at you. His hand reaching out, then hesitating, then finally resting it on your shoulder. "I may not know you well, but from what I've learned and seen, it truly is his loss. I couldn't even imagine anyone throwing away a relationship with you."
You could feel yourself blush at his words, his voice was so genuine, he meant what he was saying. The way he looked into your eyes; maybe Fives was right and you would end up with a crush.
Fives looked back and forth between the two of you before smirking to himself and drinking the last sip of his beverage.
"I'm gonna go get us some refills. Be back in a minute."
After a moment, Echo removed his hand from your shoulder, but you were very aware of how his fingertips brushed your arm when doing so.
"So, what about you?" You asked after a beat.
"What do you mean?"
"Why aren't you seeing anyone?"
He rubbed the back of his neck. "Ah, well... it's kind of against regulation."
"So I've heard, but most of the people I've talked to seem to ignore that rule."
"Yeah, I guess I've just always been a stickler for the rules. And, I mean," a faint blush crept across his cheeks, "That clone at the bar wasn't wrong. Women aren't exactly lining up to spend time with me when there are more fun people out there."
"I'm here, aren't I?" You blurted out.
Once you realized what you said, your eyes widened and your gaze quickly turned back to your empty glass.
Echo chuckled quietly beside you. "Yeah, I guess you are."
You looked around nervously, not knowing what to say. You glanced toward the bar before looking back at Echo. "Fives has been gone a while, I think I'll go check that he can handle the drinks."
"You sure? I could go if you want, I don't want anyone to bother you again."
You smiled, appreciative of his concern.  "I'll be alright."
"If you say so," He shrugged, "I'll be here."
You gently rested your hand on his before you got up from the bench. As soon as he couldn't see your face, your eyes widened in panic wondering why you did that. Echo only stared after you, smiling.
When you approached the bar, you found Fives right away, leaning against the counter and talking to another clone as he waited on your drinks.
The other clone turned to you as soon as he noticed you approach.
Of course he was the same one as earlier.
"Back already?" He asked, "What, did he finally bore you?"
You rolled your eyes, and without looking at him, you replied flatly. "Quite the opposite."
Fives raised an eyebrow at your exhange, "Did I miss something?"
"Just glad I get to admire the scenery again."
You visibly cringed, but you did your best to ignore him as you focused on Fives. "I just came up to see if you needed help with the drinks."
Fives, still confused, nodded. "Yeah, sure. You gonna tell me what's going on?"
"Just some jagyc thinking he can take me home." You explained as if he wasn't right beside you. Your Mando'a wasn't great, but you'd heard quite a few insults in the time you've spent with Fives.
"What, you already get bored of Booksmart? Moved onto someone else? Or are you just some barrack bunny trying to get as many clones as possible?"
"Ease up, maybe you've had a bit too much to drink." Fives said with an uncharacteristically serious voice. "She's not interested, and the next time you insult her, you'll be doing so without teeth."
Before he could say anything else, the bartender arrived with your drinks. You took yours while Fives grabbed the other two, but you hesitated as you were walking away.
"Everything okay?" Fives was concerned when you suddenly stopped.
"Actually I–" You stared down at your feet.
"You want to go home? I'd understand, that clone was out of line."
"No it's not that... I just, need to talk to you."
He raised an eyebrow, "What's up?"
"There's not really an ideal time to say this, and as much as it pains me to admit... You were right. While you were up here, Echo and I started talking and... I don't know, he's sweet."
Fives' confused face turned into a grin as soon as you said he was right. "So what are you saying? You like him?"
"I don't know..." You could feel heat flooding your cheeks. "I won't make any guarantees, but I want to get to know him better."
"That could be arranged, leave it to me!"
Before you could say anything, Fives turned around and started walking back to your table.
"Wait, Fives, no!" You trailed behind him, terrified of what he meant. What was he going to do?
When you got back to the table and slid into the booth, you eyed Fives cautiously.
"So, Echo," Fives started and you felt a pit grow in your stomach. "Got any plans for after the mission?"
He shrugged, "Nothing out of the ordinary."
"I think you should change up your routine. Why don't you two go on a date?" Fives said, gesturing to both of you.
Your eyes widened and your knew your face had to be beet red by now. You couldn't even turn your head to look at Echo.
"Oh, really? Why us?" He asked, genuine curiosity in his voice.
"Well I mean, you seem to get along pretty well, you have stuff in common, I think you'd really hit it off without me sitting across from you."
Echo paused before answering again. He looked over at you and noticed you wouldn't meet his gaze. "What do you think?"
Slowly, you turned your head to face him. "I mean... if you want to, I wouldn't mind." Your voice was quiet as you desperately tried to hide your nerves.
He gave you a sweet smile, "Then I guess it's a date, as soon as we're back."
Fives smiled between the two of you then gave you a wink when you finally looked back at him.
"Where are you guys shipping off to, anyway?"
Fives shrugged, "Lola Sayu, some kind of fortress or something. Shouldn't be too long, it's just a retrieval mission."
"Do you want me to head to the landing dock tomorrow morning as usual?"
"Usual?" Echo repeated.
"Yeah she normally sends us off, maybe you've never noticed." He turned back to you, "I don't think you'll be able to this time, the general said we have to take an alternate means of transport."
Your shoulders sank slightly, "Oh, I see. That sounds interesting though. I'll just have to send you luck when we're done here."
Fives smiled, downing the last of his drink. "We should probably get going soon, early start and all."
You and Echo finished your respective drinks after him and nodded, slowly shuffling out of the booth, heading toward the exit.
There were more clones gathered outside now, and the cool nighttime air on your skin made you shiver.
Fives hailed a taxi as you and Echo hung back, not really sure what to say to each other now.
Once the cab arrived, Fives let you go in first, followed by Echo and then himself.
"Two stops," you told the droid before giving it your address, but you were cut off by Fives before you could tell it the second stop.
"Just the one stop."
You looked at him with an eyebrow raised in confusion.
"We won't see you tomorrow, I'm not accepting a half-assed goodbye from the cab."
You rolled your eyes, "Fine."
Once the taxi arrived at the landing dock outside of your apartment, the three of you left the vehicle, one after the other.
Fives scooped you up into a big hug as soon as you exited the cab, holding you tight against his chest. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
"Try not to miss us too much, got it?" He said into your shoulder. You smiled and tightened your side of the hug.
"Try not to get blown up." You joked.
You could feel him smile before he broke the hug, looking into your eyes. You rested a hand against his cheek gently.
"Comm me as soon as you can. And stay safe." You looked at Echo then back to Fives. "Keep each other safe."
"Of course," Fives replied before giving you a soft kiss on your forehead then stepping away so you could talk to Echo.
The two of you exchanged a slightly more awkward albeit friendly hug.
"You don't get blown up either." You told him with a half-smile.
"I'll try not to. We've got a date when I get back." He reminded you.
"It was nice meeting you. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better."
He smiled as his cheeks and ears flushed slightly pink. "Likewise."
You took a step toward him before kissing his cheek. "Stay safe."
"Of-of course." His hand rested against his cheek where you kissed him. "I'll let you know when I get back."
You smiled at him. Fives approached the two of you again.
"We should get back to the barracks, Rex won't be happy if we're too late."
"I don't want to keep you. Just, be careful. I'll see you both when you get back!"
You watched as they hailed another taxi and boarded. Once the transport was out of sight, you walked into your apartment building, already looking forward to the day they returned.
– – –
One night, a couple of weeks following your night at 79s, you were woken up to the sound of a fist slamming on your door. You jolted upright, hesitating if you should answer it or not.
You sat in your bed, trying to stop yourself from trembling as you waited with bated breath if whoever was at your door would knock again.
They did, only softer this time.
Slowly, you crept out of your bedroom, trying to make as little sound as possible before you finally made it to the front door. You pressed your ear against it, hoping to hear who was on the other side, but they didn't make a sound between knocks.
"Wh-who's there?" You asked, shakily.
"Please open the door, it's Fives." You visibly relaxed before unlocking and opening the door for your friend.
Before you could say anything, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest, just as he did the night before he left.
"I'm sorry." He said, barely a whisper.
You backed away from his embrace and you moved to close and lock your front door, turning the hall light on once it was closed.
"I didn't know you were back, you should have commed me!" You told him, assuming his apology was for his extended time away.
"We just got back, I sent you a message but I guess you were asleep. I..." He looked down and you could see his jaw clench as he balled his hands into fists. "I couldn't..."
He trailed off and your smile fell. "Is everything okay?"
He looked away, not meeting your gaze, until you placed your hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at you.
"Fives, what's wrong?"
"It's... it's Echo." His voice broke slightly and you could feel the pain in your chest caused by his sadness. "I tried to stop him but he–"
You could see his eyes start to water before he could get the words out, and he melted into your palm. You pulled him into another embrace, gently stroking his hair.
"Why don't you sit down and tell me what happened?" You suggested. It was strange to see Fives so upset, in all the time you've been friends, you couldn't think of a time where he's been angry in front of you, let alone crying. You took his hand and led him to the couch.
Once he was seated, he brought his hand to his face, trying to sneakily wipe away tears as if he didn't want you to see them.
"Echo's dead." He said after a long pause. "Droids blew up our ship, Echo tried to defend it."
"I see." You couldn't think of what to say.
Words of comfort usually came so naturally to you, but you were speechless. It's true you didn't know Echo very well, even after your night out, but the news made your heart ache. You had been looking forward to seeing him again, to going on your date, and all of that had been taken away, but more importantly, Fives just lost one of his brothers.
You looked over at Fives who was already looking at you. He didn't know how you'd take the news and he was worried.
"I'm sorry, Fives. I didn't know him well, but he didn't deserve that."
"Him and I were the last of our original squad and now I'm alone, I couldnt even retrieve his helmet." He sighed, "And you were supposed to go out with him after, I told you I'd keep him safe."
"Hey, don't worry about me. I'm sad that he's gone, believe me, but I just want to make sure you're okay."
"I've lost brothers before, it's what we were created for, but... It's not right. Echo deserved to live."
"You all do. Just because you were created for war doesn't mean you have to just accept your fate or anyone else's." You shook your head. "It's late, and I don't want you to be alone right now. Do you want to stay over?"
"Yeah, that would be nice. Thank you."
"Of course." You leaned over on the sofa, kissing his temple before wrapping your arms around him. "We can talk more about it in the morning, okay?"
"Sorry for waking you up."
"I'm glad you did."
You stood up from the couch to grabs Fives a pillow and some blankets you had stored nearby for this exact reason. 
"If you need anything, help yourself. Get some sleep, okay?"
"I'll do my best."
You walked back to your room and laid back down in your bed. Suddenly the full wave of everything he told you hit you and you could feel your eyes water.
You didn't feel it was right for you to cry over someone you barely knew, it felt selfish to mourn someone you wanted to get to know better. You couldn't shake the thought of what could have been.
Your chest ached with sadness and longing, wishing he could have made it through. Fives was right, Echo deserved to live.
While you were alone you allowed yourself to cry for him, but you knew you had to be strong for Fives. He wouldn't forgive himself if he saw you cry, and he didn't need that guilt. You could get through this. You just wished you could see him again.
As you lay, staring at the ceiling, you heard a gentle knock on your bedroom door. You hastily wiped any tears from your face and turned on the lamp beside your bed.
"Come in." You called out, before the door opened.
Fives looked as though he wanted to say something, but couldn't voice it. He shied away in embarrassment before you offered him a gentle smile.
"If you want to stay in here, that's okay."
"Thanks..." he muttered before walking around to the other side of your bed. "I'm sorry I just.."
"You don't want to be alone, I understand. Come here." You invited him toward you with open arms, and he moved closer to you, laying his head on your chest. You gently stroked his hair.
"I'm sorry."
"There's nothing you need to apologize for."
"I shouldn't have asked you to come out with us that night."
"I'm glad I did. It's true that I didn't get to know him well, but I'm glad that I met him. And I feel more equipped to help you now because I did."
"You're allowed to be upset too, you know. You don't have to comfort me. Echo wouldn't shut up about your date, it was actually getting pretty annoying, I'm just sorry he couldn't be here for it."
"Thank you for telling me that." In a weird way it did make you feel better, and it helped that Fives could still make fun of his brother despite the circumstances. "I'll be okay, though. And I'll be here for you whenever you need me."
Fives smiled slightly and closed his eyes, allowing himself to finally find sleep, and you followed shortly after.
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sadceline · 1 month
|| Reverse harem || ft. TXT, Mingyu (Seventeen) & BTS
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WARNINGS: foul language, explicit content, group sex, humiliation, sex in public, threesome, foursoome, rough sex, red flags, immoral acts, unprotected sex, morbid jealousy, comedy, parody, possessiveness, violent quarrels, arguments, betrayals, lies, femdom sometimes.
GENRE: +18, reverse harem, comedy, enemy to lovers, friends to lovers
SUMMARY: You moved to Seoul to start over after a bad experience, and everything seems to be going well, you even manage to work for HYBE. You discover, however, that you owe them almost a billion won, money you don't have and don't know how to recover: but don't worry because Hybe itself offers you a solution.
Your body in exchange for paying off your debt.
Do you accept?
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Jake and I spent long, long time together last night. I'm not sure how many times we did it, because sometimes, he didn't always come out of me before he started again, it became extremely natural after we showered together.
I can't deny that we had some pleasant moments, clearly, but I find it deeply wrong how keep thinking about it.
The way he sleeps is just perfect, to say more would be superfluous.
Jaeyun has gone out early, perhaps to meet up with that Kibum Jay mentioned last night, but once out of the room, I just look around. It is early, only eight, so I guess it might be nice of me to prepare breakfast.
Today I'll take care of cleaning the bathroom, but from what I witnessed yesterday with Jake, there's not much to do. These guys manage to get neat without too much mess, and it actually surprises me, I get the impression that they're not really like this normally.
I can't imagine an environment where more than three men live that isn't a mess, but these are gender biases, my bad.
When I reach the kitchen, still wearing the Jake's t-shirt, I find only two people in the kitchen, and honestly they are just the ones I would rather not have met alone. I could hear them giggling together from earlier.
They notice me right away, I see their eyes move quickly to my low-cut legs, then Sunghoon looks away as Heeseung looks at me surprised and amused.
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"Did you sleep well?" The band ace asks.
"Where are the others?" I ask, nonchalantly.
Heeseung snorts pretending to be offended. "Everyone's gone out, even the owner of your t-shirt."
"Isn't it early?"
"Would 8 am be early?" Sunghoon asks incredulously.
I ignore him, will do so for the time being. "Did everyone have breakfast?"
"How nice - comments the other - she worries about us. Anyway Jay takes care of breakfast, however, I didn't get up in time."
That Heeseung was someone who likes to sleep a lot seemed clear to me, but who knows why Sunghoon is here? Surely he doesn't have something to do? That way I could try to get to know the third shift owner, maybe he's not so bad.
I thought that more before I saw him sneering at Sunghoon, who knows what for then.
"All right, then, I'll go." I reply, not knowing what to say during this long, awkward silence between us.
"Aren't you having breakfast?"
You make me laugh, Heeseung.
I definitely don't want to eat in the same place as Sunghoon, I'm not going to answer, that's why I have to avoid him -- I know very well that if he provoked me, I would give in right away.
"Not now." I smile forcibly, before turning away.
"Are you doing this because of me?" Sunghoon asks, in that deep, warm, sensual, silly voice of his.
I sneer, incredulous, glaring at him evilly. "No, I told you. My stomach clenches seeing such things."
"Says the half-naked girl in a house with seven men."
"Oh yeah? - I laugh, theatrically, but then I don't know what to say next, and I stand there several seconds staring with narrowed eyes at this idiot. - I didn't think you were so demure." I had to repeat the word several times, because I couldn't remember it in korean.
"Demure? Nah, I just like looking at beautiful things. You just take up space."
Heeseung surprised turns to his friend, then bursts out laughing. "But she's pretty, why do you say that?"
"You're a dumb too." Sighs Sunghoon.
Ah, so Heeseung really thinks I'm pretty? No, no, Amanda, don't trust that bewitching, glittering, blinding smirk, inside his eyes actually burning evil.
"You demanded your turn, though." I remind him, crossing my arms over my chest.
Heeseung covers his mouth as his eyes manifest his amusement. "How tense."
Sunghoon thins his beautiful big eyes, I left him dumbfounded for at least five seconds, plus Heeseung's joke. "It's dumb not to receive something he's entitled to. Besides, it seems fun to annoy you, doesn't it?" He asks.
"Ah, but then don't come out saying you're in love with me." I snort, confidently approaching the refrigerator to get a small bottle of water.
"The scenario you've been dreaming about every night since you arrived, right?"
"I guess fucking would serve you."
"Yah!" We shout in chorus, toward Heeseung, who dares to say such nonsense.
"You sound like a couple, how disgusting. No seriously, that's enough now."
A couple, me and Sunghoon? Ridiculous. Heeseung, this that you see between us is not sexual tension at all, its more a deep and sincere disdain for each other. I am absolutely convinced of that.
"I have to clear bath, use the others for now." I announce, starting toward the hallway again.
"Seriously, you should eat breakfast first." Reminds me Heeseung.
Spontaneously I turn away, but realizing I did it so quickly, I feel ashamed and turn around again. "No, it's okay, I never eat in the morning."
"Aish, it hurts you!" He says, like a concerned friend.
I smile amusedly, I don't know why but every second I spend in Heeseung's company increases my suspicion of him. He gives me the idea that he's a rather fake person, perhaps because our interactions have not been the happiest.
When I was just a fan, I had a completely different idea of him. In contrast, what I thought of Jay and Jake, we can consider sufficiently truthful. Of course, I did not imagine such a terrible personality of Sunghoon either, but that is another matter.
"What do you want to do today?" He asks me again, as if we had some kind of date.
I pretend to think about it for a few seconds. "Will you help me with the bathroom?"
"No way!" He mumbles.
Sunghoon smiles, making me a little strange.
"What would like to do? Don't you have appointments or..."
"Not today." He nods proudly, like a child.
"Dubt." Sunghoon says, in terrible english.
"I have a lot of games for the Play, do you want to see them?" He offers me all excitedly.
I am stunned at such a request, Sunghoon bursts out laughing, even.
"Did you think of anything else?" Heeseung asks, observing my all too clear expression.
"W-What? No, I mean, yes I want to see them. But then can I play? If not, I don't care."
This is the right way to go about things, Amanda, smile at life and it will smile back at you. I don't understand why it didn't work for the past 23 years, and I have no certainty that it will work in the future, but let's think positive - after all, this, a field trip kind of is.
"Do you like video games?" He asks me, with a genuinely interested look on his face.
I guess it's unfair to play like this when your interlocutor has no idea who you are, while you know much of his interests. However, your honor, I really like games.
After I moved to Bologna, kids my age continued to isolate me because of my south origins, it lasted for several years, not having an idyllic family situation I hid in the ludic competition. I had discovered some online games, such as League of Legends, and spent most of my money to buy whatever game piqued my curiosity, without considering those spent on skins... I don't regret anything.
My parents were well-off, and in that respect I can't complain, plus it was better for them that I just stayed in my room and played rather than bother them.
"Quite." I nod.
Sunghoon snorts wryly. "What, did you search on Internet to prepare for this question?"
"What games do you like?" Asks Heeseung, ignoring him.
"I'm master."
Heeseung's eyes literally sparkle as I say this, and it's adorable. "Really! And how do you play now?"
"I don't play." I reply with some obviousness.
"I didn't bring my laptop, I didn't think I'd have time to use it - I explain, although in fact I was simply so flustered that I didn't think about it on the moment - do you want to see how a pro plays?"
"He met Faker." Sunghoon reminds me, getting up from the table.
"But Faker is a god, she is a normal person obviously disturbed to have made it to that level."
I feel like laughing, but I do it by covering my mouth: he's right, the guy is a god. "Actually LoL is disturbed."
"I am emerald! I can't get by cause I'm always busy!" He whines, please, you just stop being so cute.
"Maybe you're just noob."
"How can I be noob? I'm so strong, but you know, I'm a full-time idol..."
"Still noob." I confirm.
He opens his lips in surprise. "Yah! How dare you!"
"I'm off, see you later." I sigh, before drinking from my water bottle.
Heeseung calls me again before I can leave. "Do you want to go back to the apartment? Let's get your things."
I choke. The water goes down my throat and I cough so hard that some drops splash toward Sunghoon, why is he always in the way? He glares at me, moving away to avoid being hit by my saliva again.
"You idiots will get along - he says irritably, before approaching the hallway - you're alike."
"He's just saying that because you're pisses he off, sometimes he plays too." Heeseung explains.
I smile wearily. "I get it, I'll go clean up."
"You didn't answer." Reminds me the oldest of the boys.
I glance sidelong at Sunghoon, he's charging his cell phone on the kitchen counter from the outlet where the coffee machine is plugged, he hasn't left yet and I feel uncomfortable talking in front of him.
"Let's take the computer so we can play sometimes! - He means it, this guy who at first glance would really just look like a fool. - In the meantime, let's do shopping."
I'm surprised to hear him say that, judging by the way Sunghoon turns to Heeseung, he must be too. "You can't go to the supermarket."
"Yes, I can!" He whines whimsically.
"Are you stupid?"
"You went there too! I want to go!"
"Then go yourself!" He immediately replies.
I naturally break their lively exchange with a long sigh.
"The ramyeon can buy it by herself."
"But I want to choose the tastes!"
"Why are you justifying yourself to someone younger than you?" I ask, curious, turning to Heeseung.
He seems stricken in pride, but he does not give me the pleasure of confirmation because he smiles confidently shortly after. I cannot look directly at him when he does, so I am forced to lower my eyes.
"I'm not justifying myself, we're talking."
"Right, right." I nod, starting down the hallway again.
Sunghoon stands in front of me, preventing me from proceeding. "If you faint you'll say it's my fault, so eat."
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On the contrary, I just can't avoid looking at him, even though there is perhaps more than six inches of difference between us. I feel tiny in front of him, I don't understand, it's like my head is spinning. I can smell him, I can smell that he has been wearing perfume since the morning, and this seems to completely intoxicate me, but positively.
I back away clutching my shoulders.
"I'm fine."
He doesn't answer right away, but then he sighs. "I'm serious."
I mumble incredulously, then quickly circumnavigate him. "Thanks, I'll go."
I rush into Jay's empty room and sigh worriedly. I said I hated him, and I was convinced I did, but I'm still not completely immune to his charms, I need to catch my breath.
I look around, everything is left as it was, I go to take off my shirt and change, I'm wearing plain stuff, but I like to be with my legs exposed and a loose shirt, so after carefully folding Jake's, clearly more emotionally valuable but also monetary, I go outside.
I plan to make it quick, but for good. Hygiene is important, given how many times I have used this bathroom before.
I wipe away every trace, I disinfect any surface we have come in contact with, I feel like a criminal but only because I am blaming myself.
Not because I have indulged myself so much as because I cannot erase from my mind the expression of pure pleasure from Jake's face. It seems to me something so precious that it's impossible for me not to want to appropriate it.
Clearly, these are just fantasies, I know, but it is hard not to be drawn into such a situation.
The house has all kinds of appliances, so after maniacally using the Dyson on the floor, I use the microfiber cloth to wash it. Eventually I am left with only the already clean towels to place under the sink, so I sit on the floor.
Who knows how long it took me, I don't think more than 30 minutes but I could be wrong.
I hear some footsteps coming from the hallway, they are slippers being dragged almost boredly, I don't recognize the walk but I'm pretty sure it's not Sunghoon's.
"Finished?" He asks, watching me from above, a Heeseung who can only be simply watched, silently even.
Amazed at such a vision about him, with his pink hair, wearing an oversized black t-shirt with white lettering, and black jeans that bandage his long, strangely full thighs, I can't help but stare at him. He's even wearing glasses, but how dare he?
After several seconds, realizing I cannot stay and stare at him, I cough clearing my throat. "Do you really want to go to the supermarket with me? But why?"
"Jay said you don't have a car and the credit card is not ready yet, so I should call a driver. Since this is my shift, and I don't have anything interesting to do, let's go together."
I don't know, I don't even smile, I simply nod but don't understand my own reaction. I'm sad about what, exactly?
"Then, I'll change." I say, closing the doors and taking one last quick look around, everything seems fine.
"In Jay's room?"
"You ask because you don't know?"
He doesn't answer right away, smiling goofily as usual. "Then, I'll wait for you."
I change quickly, lucky I took two showers last night, so no need to wash. I put on a red pleated skirt and a short, low-cut top, I'm really hot, wear a chocker to look a little alternative, and then partially tie up my hair, uncovering my face better. When I come out, Heeseung is standing in front of the entrance with his cell phone.
He lets me be the first one to pass and I find it gallant, although come to think of it Sunghoon did too and I found it rude.
"You really don't have anything to do?"
"Nothing interesting." He replies, waiting for the elevator to arrive.
"And I'm interesting?"
"Definitely singular. - He says it quickly, smiling amusedly and serenely. - I didn't think there was such a thing."
"I guess it's because Niki is now of age." It comes out spontaneously, but then I turn in surprise to him, who strangely has no reaction.
He lets me go in first, again, I can't help but stare at him the whole time, so much, he doesn't give me a glance and I feel safe, in his shadow.
We get to the parking lot, surprise, he even opens the door for me and I find myself catapulted into another dimension, please stop, Heeseung.
This must be his "rizz."
"What music do you like?" He asks me, after he starts the engine.
"Not the one you like." I answer again too spontaneously.
He turns to me for a few seconds, completely offended. "Excuse me?"
"I read that you like The Weeknd, I can't stand it. It's a drag."
"Excuse me?!" He asks, even more upset.
At this point I can't help bursting out laughing, it's exactly how I expected he would react. My stomach hurts, I can't take it.
You obviously have fucking taste." He replies after not taking it at all personally, no…
"That's why I like you so much." I nod, wiping away my tears.
I don't know why, but I see him look at me and then turn away again, without saying a word, then sigh. "How many songs do you know of him?"
"A few, enough to let me know I don't like his genre."
Flabbergasted, Heeseung reaches for his cell phone and I become alarmed. "I'll let you hear now, talk later."
"Watch the road!"
"You put it on, then." He sighs, throwing his cell phone between my legs, since I can't catch it on the fly, I pick it up later, there is the Youtube Music page, despite having an Iphone.
I find it quite strange to hold Heeseung's phone in my hands, yet this is certainly not the most absurd thing, as I find myself looking at his perfect profile, he's facing the street. As I said, he's wearing eyeglasses, it is a light, thin frame that moves perfectly with his face, and they enrich it.
"Do you understand?" He calls me, after saying the name of the song.
I was so focused on him that I didn't even hear him. "E-Eh? I didn't understand the pronunciation." I make it up on the spot, going back to look at the phone screen, which, however, went off!
Heeseung repeats the title but also notices that I panicked, so I softly hand him the phone. "Sorry, I made him turn it off. Just put the code."
He grins smugly. "Ten zero four."
Wait? Did he just give me the code for his phone? Since he's going to change it right after that, why not just enter it himself? He didn't bother with the road before I said it.
Even stranger that the code is the date of my birthday. What an amazing coincidence.
"Why did you tell me that?" I ask, genuinely surprised.
"Because it's more convenient, no? And on the way back you can put it in the music."
All right, I think I understand Heeseung a little better. While he can't avoid hiding what he is in heart, he persists in treating me like a fan, he is attentive and thoughtful, he does trivial things that would nevertheless make any girl fall in love, it's his way of posing, but I have my doubts that he's really like that, inside.
The song starts and I turn out the window, I can see Seoul flowing before my eyes, yet my mind keeps looking for Heeseung's profile. Honestly, I am too tense to focus on the song, plus I think my senses, my tastes, are momentarily altered by his presence. I do not feel the usual revulsion for the xanadian artist.
Aware that I'm not at all clear-headed, I defer my considerations.
"Where are we going? And why are you dressed so well? Have you a mask?"
"In what order do you want me to answer?" He asks me.
I smile, hiding on the other side. "At your leisure."
"First let's go to the best ramen store in Seoul, then we might have lunch somewhere, then we'll go to your place and get the laptop."
"You have a pretty clear idea."
"The perfect date, right?"
I laugh, how could I not, "Maybe next life, Heeseung."
I hear him chuckle too, and I smile again, as if my heart has suddenly warmed up. "I am dressed so well because I always dress well."
"You'll attract attention."
"I would do it regardless because I'm tall."
"Why are you so sure you won't get paparazzi?"
"Because I know where I'm going, certainly not to an ordinary supermarket like Sunghoon. Besides, I'm wearing a mask, you worry too much."
"You literally have pink hair."
A moment of awkward silence intersperses our lively exchange of banter, then I hear him sigh.
"I hide them under my hat."
"And how do you hide your ears? They're pretty iconic."
He looks at me shocked again. "Would you stop?"
"What did I say? I think they're pretty. - I admit, without thinking much about what I'm saying. - If it were me seeing them, though, I would recognize you right away."
We enter a private parking lot before he answers me, after several seconds I realize that maybe he is ignoring me and maybe he has changed his mind about today's program. It's okay after all, even if he gets upset, I care about the band - being a fan. Seeing Heeseung with a girl around Seoul could be a blow to the fanbase.
"Do you find them pretty?" He asks me when is finished parking, unbuckling his seat belt.
I, confused, do the same. "Yeah, sure."
"Do you want to touch them?"
Gasp, jerking back on myself and backing toward the door with my shoulders, not sure why I reacted so animatedly. "W-What?"
He lowers his head in my direction, closing eyes. "If they're cute, touch them."
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I admit it's a bit very awkward this situation, however, my hands reach toward him anyway. I can feel the cartilage between my fingertips as my fingers tremble like after thirty coffees, I like this feeling so I don't realize I'm continuing to do this, it's like petting a puppy.
When I next realize he's about to start laughing, I pull away abruptly, upset.
"Do you have heartbeat?"
"You do." He gets back up, quickly adjusting his hair.
I can't retort, I don't have the guts, so I go to open the door but see him grab my wrist, I paralyze. "W-What?"
"Can't you see?" He points with his gaze at some ladies who are passing by the car. I meanwhile have lost about ten years of life.
I know, I know, it's strange for me to be surprised after all that's happened, but still it's another person, a person who makes me feel particularly nervous, plus he's not even as nice as the others, so I'm in a strange and precarious situation.
"I told you didn't have to come."
"Jay's list is long. Could you have brought everything without a car?"
"You could have called a driver."
"What about the credit card?"
"You could have made a wire transfer."
"I don't trust you with my credentials, what if you're a hacker?"
Through it all, he still hasn't moved his hand, and I so motionless that I can't even turn to face him, I simply look out of the car, where the two well-dressed and groomed middle-aged ladies linger looking at the car through the tinted windows. They are evidently commenting on it because it's expensive - sometimes koreans really can be like those in dramas.
I move my arm, he looks surprised.
I really feel like I should stay as far away from him as possible. The way he acts scares me, in a way, he seems completely fake.
"I told you I had nothing better to do."
"You could have stayed with Sunghoon, honestly you could have done ten other things."
"Aren't you glad I came for you?"
Again, the words hang in the air, though they seem to weigh quintals. I don't know what to say, I don't want to show too much vulnerability, but the vibration of his voice, his touch, his mere presence completely alert me. I am also full pervaded by his scent that has completely filled the car.
"I didn't say that, it's just that.. I don't see a single reason why you would make such a choice." I try to explain calmly.
He turns his strangely thoughtful gaze toward the ladies in front of the car, then sighs. "I have half idea, but it's just curiosity."
But what does that mean? What is he saying? Am I misunderstanding myself? Do you want to see that my korean is not so good, after all?
"Curious about what?"
"Never mind. - Sigh, looking at them impatiently, the ladies, who have decided to start converse right in front of the car. - Think of it as a gift from me."
"Would the gift be your company? - I ask wryly, using this time to observe his magnificent profile again. - I don't think they would recognize you anyway."
"I'm famous among milf, too." He nods with conviction.
I look up annoyed, I guess that's his real personality. Unlike Jake though, I don't find him cute at all, he creeps me out. In Jaeyun's eyes I saw insecurity, shyness, a certain need for approval, but if I look at Heeseung I see only a disproportionate ego and a lot of desire to slap him (in every sense you want to imagine it).
"So what do we do in the meantime?"
"We could kiss."
"What?!" I feel like screaming, to the point where maybe even the ladies can hear me since they look around surprised.
Heeseung curls the corners of his mouth before bursting into an irresistibly sensual laugh. "How can you react so timidly after what you did with the others?"
The saliva I was swallowing, perhaps desperately trying to lower my body temperature, goes down my throat and I start coughing on his dashboard, quite close to death. My vision is blurred and my throat has closed up, I want to strangle him right now, but I have to try to survive.
"Are you okay?" He asks, but he doesn't really seem to care.
I wipe away the tears as the coughing slowly subsides. "What did you expect me to answer?"
"Like. 'okay, let's start'."
He must be such an asshole after all.
"Okay, let's start." I say, laughing nervously as I look out the window at the car parked next to it.
Heeseung grabs my face with both hands forcing me to turn around. "Okay, let's do it."
What? My face goes up in flames, I feel like I'm not thinking straight anymore. He is staring at my lips with his beautiful bambi eyes, there is nothing innocent about it, it almost looks like a demon is holding me in hell to keep me from moving. The truth is that my body is not moving, but he is not applying any pressure. He has only brought our faces closer so that they are separated by very few inches.
When he bursts out laughing, I realize that he has been making fun of me, and I, like a fool, really believed it. When he pulls away, unable to hold back the laughter, I am paralyzed, unable to control my reactions at all. I am disappointed but also embarrassed.
I look away, putting myself back in my seat, stiffer. "You must be having a lot of fun."
"Indeed I am. By the way - he resumes speaking normally, as if he hadn't just broken my heart - did you like the song?"
"No." I say it without even thinking about it.
"I wonder if you would have responded like that if I had kissed you."
Should I get out of the car and chase these women away? I can't breathe, this car seems to get smaller and claustrophobic every second, Heeseung's constant giggling is getting on my nerves.
"I guessed you weren't a good person." I say, still tense.
"From what?"
"From the way you were snickering with Sunghoon."
Heeseung crosses his arms inside the back of his head, really relaxing. "We've been close from a while."
"He were close to Jake before, no?" I ask, reverting back to my old fan self for a moment.
He glances at me out of the corner of his eye, then back to the ladies in front of him. "How do you know?"
"During an interview - I remember that moment perfectly and it seems so strange to me now that I know Sunghoon's real personality, or what he shows anyway. - He said Jake was the member he was closest to."
"Amazing how things change, isn't it?"
"And why did they change? You seemed close, even though…"
"Even though?"
I let out a long sigh. "No, nothing."
"You grow, you change. Although have my doubts that those two will stay apart forever." He admits, surprisingly in confidence.
"Jake is too good to be with someone like him." I say instead, as if I've known them all my life.
"As a matter of fact… it's true. Do you have a soft spot for Jake?"
"A big soft spot." I answer, satisfied.
I have the impression that openly declaring my preference might annoy him, that's why I do it.
It's not even that far from reality.
"Change of plans - he announces, putting the belt back on and starting the car - let's go to your place for now."
"To get the pc?"
"Maybe get something else to wear too, I get the impression you only brought sloppy stuff."
What insight this guy has. I brought almost only clothes to stay at home or run errands, assuming I wouldn't need to take fancy or sexy stuff, in fact, the opposite. I didn't really think about it while it was the first thing to do!
"I don't have any japanese maid dress." I joked, nervous, putting the belt back on.
"Do you have any purple underwear?"
"If you don't have a maid outfit, purple underwear is fine too."
Is he serious? The confidence with which he pronounces his nonsense really makes me want to throw him off some bridge.
"I'll wear Jake's t-shirt,woolen socks, and my ex's boxers that I use to sleep." I reply.
"Yah, you don't sleep in my bed in Jake's shirt."
"It's definitely cleaner than your whole room."
He seems annoyed by my saccharine tone; I couldn't be more pleased. I cross my arms over my chest, smiling smugly.
"Where is your apartment?"
Actually, being us now in Hongdae, a much more affordable neighborhood of Seoul frequented mainly by students, being there a major korean university, full of cultural centers, bars, clubs, we are quite close. It is precisely in this area that Ester and I have taken up residence.
I explain it to him, he understands absolutely nothing about it, so he orders me, literally, to put the street on Mappe. I don't have the strength to fight this war as well, so I simply do it.
"You can stop here." I say, when it is still a couple of meters to the entrance of the building.
Heeseung slows down and looks upward, then looks around. "There's no park here."
"Pull over somewhere, I won't be long."
"I'll go up with you."
My response is really quick, so quick as to be blatantly alarming. He turns toward me curiously, I desperately avoid his gaze for fear of betraying myself.
"Why not?"
"No need, I'll make it quick, really." My tone of voice is more docile, almost submissive, it's as if I'm trying to convince him.
He smiles. "No, I'm coming too. I want to see your room."
Absolutely not. He can't.
Searching for a park, I think well it's time to unbuckle my belt and search in a desperate attempt to get out and run in, before he can reach me, so as to erase any trace he doesn't have to end up before his eyes.
In my room there is too much information about my tastes, there are too many things an idol should not see from a fan. Therefore, the absolute mission is to escape.
It's not so easy, however, because Heeseung stops me from my arm, his long, strong fingers gripping it almost completely, preventing me from going outside. Then he presses the safety catch so that I cannot open the door again.
"What are you hiding?" He asks me, now obviously more curious than before.
Not only have I failed in my plan, but I've made the situation worse.
"There are girl things you shouldn't see."
"Why do I get the impression you are lying?"
"I'm not lying."
"Then I promise I won't be shocked."
"I don't trust your promises."
"It should surprise you just to hear them."
Seriously, I never assumed that he might want to come up to my house, that's why I was so calm with the idea of coming back for things, moreover accompanied by Heeseung who has the car. Seen from the outside, it looks like a win-win situation.
He puts on his mask, puts on his hat, after parking. We enter the building, immediately take the elevator, and all I do is think.
Thinking of a way: a way to solve.
I could hit him on the head and hope he loses consciousness, or accidentally lock him in the bathroom, but how do I convince him not to go into my room right away? Effectively, he doesn't know which is mine and which is Ester's.
By the way, Ester! I don't even know if she's at home, if she's with company, I'm literally bringing a guy, a famous one, into the house, without warning her.
I pick up my cell phone, call her, she answers quickly.
"Amanda! Did something happen?" She asks me, in Italian.
"Listen…are you home?"
"Huh? Yes, why?"
"I'm on my way up now…I have company…"
Ester says nothing for several seconds, as if she were organizing the little information I gave her.
"WITH WHO?!" She suddenly shouts, I am forced to pull the phone away.
"Your friend is a quiet one, isn't she?" Heeseung asks me, hearing her scream.
You wouldn't know it but…. "Yes, she is."
Surely she's not the type to go around saying she's met Enhypen or going to rat me out about my situation, however, I can't be completely sure, given how many times I've trusted the wrong people.
"He's actually at home - I suddenly say to the singer - just can't let you in."
"So what? She's not happy to see me?"
He's right, she would be very happy. "Amandaaa? - She calls me, from the phone, in a sweet, fake little voice. - Who is heee?"
"Listen, I need your help - I say, turning to her and away from Heeseung, who can't understand anyway since we are speaking in italian - I have to go to the room, alone, you must absolutely neutralize…. Heeseung."
Still silence, still long seconds of total absence of noise, then she bursts into a thunderous scream that can be heard even outside the apartment door, since we have reached the fourth floor by now.
"Are you kidding? I'm getting naked!"
I look annoyed at Heeseung, who understood perfectly that my friend was screaming for him, seeing how he snickers, then snort. "Do whatever you want while I go to the room. Anyway open up, I'm here."
Ester opens immediately, standing still in front of both of us for at least twenty seconds. She continues to stare open-mouthed at Heeseung, even though he is completely covered.
"Let us in…" I whisper, embarrassed.
Ester shifts like a robot, her soul has left her body. "P…P…Please…."
After entering, and looking around a bit, Heeseung removes the mask and I see Ester's eyes light up as if with divine light. I think she's about to cry and I can't blame her, after all she has no idea what it's actually like, but that wouldn't be like her, she's probably holding back her worst scream.
"P-Please I am E-Ester!" She says, taking a long bow as her voice escapes robotic.
Heeseung arranges his hair behind her forehead and then leans toward her, helping her up by holding her from the shoulders. "It's okay, there's no need to be so formal."
"Oh, my, god." My roommate tries to breathe.
I smile nervously, commenting in italian. "Did you see how bello (handsome) he's up close? Sickening."
"Bello?" Heeseung asks, catching this word, from the speech.
Ester looks at me, I look at her, let the plan begin. "Oh god! I'm such a big fan of yours, I never thought I could…. - she doesn't even make an effort to cry, but I know very well she's faking it, she's too adrenaline to start crying in such a situation, it's more natural for her to scream. - Oh my god, I can't believe it."
Heeseung smiles at her. "It's okay, it's okay. - He says, stroking her hair. - Do you want to take a picture?"
His voice is different he is kind, appearing dispassionate and sincere. It really gives me goosebumps, however, there is no better time than now to peel away, and so I do. I back away slowly, wait several seconds, until I reach the door to my room, enter in a millisecond ready to close the door behind me.
Oh no, again, again Heeseung's stupid shoe blocking the door.
"Do I look stupid to you?" He asks me, trying to peek inside.
I move frantically to prevent him from seeing even a glimmer of my room. "Go to your fan!"
"But you're my fan, aren't you?"
Oh no, Ester, what have you…done?
I see her peeking out behind Heeseung's back as he makes the gesture of prayer and forgiveness, what could she possibly have said to him in the half minute I used to reach my room?
I stare at him for long time, silent, not knowing what to say and so dazed that I no longer concentrate on forcing in the door, in fact he takes advantage of my stun to open it.
Oh no, oh no… OH NO.
He walks in like he's in some fantastic place, looks at the posters I've stuck all over the walls, and can't help smiling with great confidence.
"That's why you didn't want to…"
"It…was before I met you."
Basically, I have posters of all the members, it is true, however I have a few more of someone in particular, and they tend to be almost all on the headboard of the bed.
In the center of the composition is a giant Heeseung, surrounded largely by Jay and Jake, in contrast the other members are on all the other walls.
"Do all these posters of Jay really exist? Are they original?" He asks me, curious.
I face down. It was my fault, I know, I should have calculated it. "They are not all original, but they do exist." I answer under my breath, deeply and genuinely annoyed.
"Do you buy unofficial stuff? You don't, look…. but then mostly you choose Jay's stuff?"
I look at him, surprised. Is this really the first thing he asks me? Did Ester really say something strange? Why was she apologizing?
"I don't see the problem." I mutter.
"And why do you have so few posters of me on this wall?"
"There's a giant one."
What the fuck are you saying Amanda? Are you going against yourself?
Heeseung bursts out laughing, I pale.
"Your friend's bias is Jake and Jay, yours…is me?"
"No, I told you I don't have it."
"Ester said otherwise."
HOW COULD SHE THINK OF SAYING SUCH A THING? Okay, let's calm down, after all, it's nothing serious….
"It's things said like that, I also said I would like to marry Sunghoon and Sunoo."
"You don't have literal, giant posters of them, though." He says, reminding me of my own self-goal.
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"Okay, you've seen my room, now get out, you'll make Ester happy-"
I don't have time to finish the sentence that the roommate opens my room door motioning me to reach her for a second. No, I can't leave Heeseung alone in my room, yet…. ah, whatever, the damage is done.
"What the fuck do you tell him it's my bias?"
"I did it for you, maybe he falls in love! You move and invite me to the wedding!"
"You betrayed me…" I say with an edge to my voice, as my eyes drain of their humanity.
"It's less absurd than what's going on - says she, who can't stop laughing - please, it's beautiful."
"He also has a gigantic ego."
"Anyone in his position would have that."
"That's not an excuse."
"Listen, I have to go to work - she explains, in fact, now that I notice, she is ready dressed - next time you have to bring Jay, or Jake, please! No but what am I saying, bring them all!"
"I'll try." I sigh.
Ester gives me a kiss on the forehead, then goes to my room: Heeseung, as I suspected, is looking at my albums, in the cabinet where they are displayed there are other things, like laminated photocards neatly placed in small frames, gadgets, there is even their lightstick. Do I look like some kind of saesaeng probably? Or I'm too old for this?
"See you soon Lee Heeseung." Ester says, bowing again.
The boy, however, approaches when she is up, he pulls her into a warm embrace that I witness in disbelief. "Call me Heeseung, we are friends now."
Ester is deceased, blatantly, not moving, not breathing, not seeing probably. Even Heeseung worries, seeing her paralyzed, I hit her on the back, not too hard but enough to bring her to senses.
"I'm leaving, yes. See you soon, He-Heeseung." She says, quickly, running out.
We remain alone, the awkwardness turn again. I know he's about to drop a few more bomb that I won't be able to handle, so I start to gather some stuff inside a backpack. I avoid his gaze but also dialogue; I don't know when and how this awkwardness will end, but I see it coming.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I don't."
"You keep denying it? - He laughs with relish, the bastard. - You definitely would have gotten a few more points if you had told me."
"I don't want your points."
"Apparently not."
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I feel like shouting so loudly that I break his eardrums, ripping that smile off his face. I didn't think that the most irresistible thing in the world, to me, would also become the most irritating and unbearable thing. Even more than Sunghoon's entire person…. or not?
"Ah, I get it! - He exclaims, suddenly looking at me. - You didn't tell me so you could fuck them all."
"I can do that even if you're my bias - I reply quickly and recklessly, proudly - even if you're not!"
"You admitted it! Now I'm telling everyone!"
He says this by pulling out his cell phone, I don't know why but this upsets me. Does he really want to text everyone to tell them it's my bias? It's childish, absolutely ridiculous.
I have to stop him.
I snap up, try to take the phone from his hands but he only has to lift his arm to stop me. I'm not that short, but I can't even get close to his hand.
I try anyway, or rather, I try to make him bend his arm to take the phone, but what happens is simply that my breasts, covered by the top, slam against his broad chest. Through it all, he seems to stare smugly at my expression.
This is not good, Amanda. I freeze, turning back defeated; this contact has destabilized me.
"Why don't you want them to know?"
"Because…" I seem to answer in a rush, but the truth is I don't know how to continue the sentence.
Or rather, there is a reason why I don't want to, and his name is Jake. I absolutely do not want, for any reason in the world, for him to know such a thing. But I also don't want to admit it.
On second thought, I could always deny it….
Breaking these vaguely positive thoughts is the figure of Heeseung photographing the wall of my bed.
"Yah! Are you a child?!" I call back to him visibly angry.
"Come on, why can't I?"
"I don't want Jake to know."
I'm honest, I couldn't help it. He is surprised, but maybe not surprised enough, so he goes back to photographing the wall.
"I came good here, didn't I?"
"I got it for this."
"Jake came good in this photoshoot too, you should have taken his if you care so much what he thinks."
"You're a bully, I didn't expect that." I sigh, going back to sorting out my stuff.
Again, he probably don't care, and maybe they all do. What the fans think, remains only fantasies, the people we imagine behind the cameras are actually quite scary, as humans.
"I'm not a bully." He seems to continue my sigh, his voice is different again.
"It sounds like you are to me."
"It's not like I really did." He mumbles offended.
"Will you?"
"It bothers me that you want to know."
What kind of reasoning is that? Of course I want to know, the real dilemma is why should he be bothered by it? And why does he want to do it? Is it really worth it?
"Telling others would put me at a disadvantage, while for you it would just be a flex."
Heeseung looks at me, feeling his eyes on me. "Does your friend know that you slept with both of her biases?"
I roll my eyes in irritation. "Not both, but I'll tell her."
"Doesn't it bother her?"
"She knew why I was hired, there's nothing weird about it, and she's not so childish as to hold a grudge against me over something like that."
At my statement, the pink-haired boy remains staring at me.
"I thought it was even worse between girls."
"In the past, Ester, she also dated an ex of mine because she liked him aesthetically. Don't categorize us as if we were ordinary friends."
"And it didn't bother you?"
"Why should it? We weren't together anymore, plus we're very open-minded."
Heeseung strolls around the room, continuing to observe. "I wouldn't be able to."
"Because you consider people objects."
Perhaps I am too abrupt in saying this, but I am also too tired, too vulnerable, to try to protect myself.
"Don't girls like it? Feeling owned by their boyfriends."
"Only the most naive ones." I explain, getting up and grabbing my backpack.
"Are you done?"
"I have to get the PC from over there."
He follows me in silence, I pick up the charger, the headphones, the laptop.
"Do you have any ramen?"
"Some ramen."
"I guess so, why?"
Heeseung stretches, looking satisfied. "Let's eat here."
"No way." I deny.
"But why!" He whines like a wayward child, stamping his feet.
"These are Ester's things, i don-"
"You pass boyfriends but you're afraid she'll get upset over a little ramen?"
Checkmate, Amanda, I guess.
"Isn't your house nicer? Why do you want to stay here? The air conditioning doesn't even work."
"No problem - he exults, taking off his shirt suddenly - all fixed!"
I try to shut my mouth relatively quickly, then turn around. "You're like a mental ill, aren't you?"
"What kind of ramen flavors do you have?"
Right, he's obsessed with ramen, I can't tell how many times he's mentioned it in less than half a day. Okay, fine, but he remains shirtless. Help?
"I just don't get it - I sigh, setting my bag on the floor and turning toward the doors to see what the house offers - what's so interesting about being here?"
"When you live here, you are a normal person. I want to see what you're like when you're normal."
My God, how? How can I not turn around to stay staring at him after hearing something like that? Shirtless, I still remember it, by the way. His expression seems sincere, for the first time, perhaps because he is not looking at my face and seems uncomfortable with his own statement.
"I found out you're in love with me, that's something I wouldn't have found out if I hadn't come to your house."
I laugh robotically, annoyed again. "In love with you? I find you slightly cuter at best."
"That's 50 percent of falling in love."
"Actually, if we're talking about beauty, I think Niki is the most handsome. - I start talking, as I search the counters for any kind of ramen to bring for him to choose from, I don't understand why Ester has them scattered all over the equipped wall. - Then there's definitely Jake, then Jay."
"You don't have a giant poster of them though, that means you liked more than just my looks."
Again, Amanda? Really, whose side are you on? You should just avoid the speech.
"The voice, I really like your voice. - I say offhand, although I'm not lying, I really love his voice. - You're talented and you've even taken care of some of my favorite songs, so…" I make an effort to get to the bottom of the door, to the top shelf, I know for a fact that there are more packages there.
Something hard, long and thin, rests on my back. Yah! What are you thinking about? I'm talking about his abs.
His abs?!
I don't understand what is going on, he is practically crushing me with his body against the kitchen counter. I realize only after a few seconds that he has picked up the packages for me, him reaching there without difficulty.
Still, since he has picked them up, why doesn't he move? I turned away convinced that he would take them off, but eventually I find myself two inches from his face again, and it's not that I don't want to, but I just can't look away from him.
His eyes turned back to my lips, the perfect curve of his nose, his naturally magentate lips….
"If you tell me what you like about me, I won't tell anyone." He whispers, looking into my eyes this time.
Impossible not to swallow, as my throat becomes more and more parched. "R-Really?"
"Really." He repeats in an even warmer voice.
Why does he have to be so close? Can't I explain it at a proper distance? It's not easy to think when in front of me are his shoulders, his collarbones, the muscles of his long neck pulled like violin strings, when in front of me is Lee Heeseung.
I boldly lift a finger to his face, touching the tip of his nose. "I like when eat naturally in front of the camera. - He was the one who first erased the distance between us, so why shouldn't I touch him? That's my right. - I like the fact that you take music seriously, I like any way you sing. There's nothing you can't do when you sing."
I move my finger along the curve of his nose, he is surprised but does not push me away.
"I've always been fascinated by naturally talented, brilliant people, and I saw that you were and you are meant to shine. - I continue, avoiding looking into his eyes but focusing on the various details of his face. - I like whatever you're wearing - I admit, laughing to myself for being so shallow right now, then move my fingertip over his Cupid's bow, moving it slowly over his lips. - I like the shape of your mouth, I like your smile."
It doesn't surprise me all that much that he hasn't interrupted me yet; after all, I'm practically singing his praises, anyone would want to hear them.
Moving my finger to lift my other hand, I take his glasses, barely slipping them off. "I like you when you don't wear glasses - I put them back on him - but I also love it when you wear them."
Even so, though, I start to become uneasy because of his silence. The fact that he looks at me so intently makes me think he feels pity for me, or something like that.
"I like listening to your voice - I say after all, removing both hands, - when I'm sad, I put on your covers because your voice automatically makes me smile. I realize it's silly, but that's simply how it is."
"Are you making this up?" That's the first thing he asks, suddenly staring at me seriously.
"Ask any other fan, they'll tell you the same thing."
"I'm asking you."
My heart beats in an abnormal way, if I'm on the verge of death I'm okay with it, it seems like a worthy ending for a life like mine.
How did I get lost in his big dark eyes? How did I get caught between his body and the counter?
"If I said yes, would you believe me?" I ask.
Heeseung seems about to answer, but then evidently changes his mind. He decides instead to kiss me - yes, you read right. He kisses me, cupping my face in his large hands and kissing me.
I am kissing Lee Heeseung.
It is a surrender from the very beginning.
His lips merge with mine not able to resist him anyway. He grabs me by the hips, lifting me up so that I sit on the counter, then goes back to holding me by the cheeks as he assaults me with his kisses. Not rough, like Jay's, nor sweet like Jake's, Heeseung's kisses are dirty, perverse.
He knows how to move his lips slowly as he plays with his off-white teeth, leaving me little bites that sting. His tongue seems to melt in my mouth, I love the way it swirls around mine.
"So we have a secret now." He says, after slowly pulling away from me.
"Really?" I ask again.
Heeseung grabs my cheek again, this time though, he uses his thumb to pull the corner of my mouth, then does the same with his other hand on the other side.
"Show me tongue." He's ordering me to, it's obvious.
I have no idea where my dignity has gone, but it probably went completely astray after the kiss. I do it, in front of him, but I can't look at him in the process, it's too embarrassing.
"You are obedient… with other as well?"
I don't answer; I don't have to.
He sneers. "Then you really are. Is it because you like fucking so much?"
But what does he do? Does he just start saying things like that like it's nothing? Although I could catch a better glimpse of his character, I didn't make him one for dirty language in bed.
"Answer. Do you like it, fucking?" He asks, leaving the corners of my mouth to grasp my tongue with his index finger and thumb.
I look at him, this time, he reciprocates. "I love it."
He opens his lips, almost not expecting it, then closes his eyes for a second, smiling contentedly.
"Who fucked you better between the two of them?"
Why does everything have to be a competition? I've been with different people who had different approaches, equally valid, I really don't want to answer that question.
I bite his fingers, forcing him to remove from my mouth. "Both of them."
Heeseung laughs. "You're lying again." He says this by taking the same fingers with which he has been holding my mouth as he licks them.
Okay, okay, let's calm down. I said let's calm down.
"Why don't you want to tell me? We would have another secret. Don't you want another secret to share with me?" He says this by pushing the two offending fingers back into my mouth, and it is spontaneous for me to let him do it.
My saliva is mixing with his and I don't feel the slightest disgust. Although I suppose I would have been more excited if I hadn't realized that the one in front of me is deranged.
"I don't think I should trust you."
"Then it's true that you are awake."
Yes, that's right. Say it louder!
"It doesn't matter, I already know what you would have said anyway. - He says, taking me in his arms like a princess, unexpectedly. - I'm sure it's Jay."
I swallow, upset. "Jake is good, too."
"But it was better with Jay, wasn't it? - He continues quietly, dropping me on the big couch in the living room, while up, from above, he starts unbuttoning his jeans. - You like him because he seems to care about you, besides the fact that you liked him before, right? Since you think he is sincere, you feel more attached to him."
I swallow again, he's bothering me again. "You don't know anything at all!"
"One thing I know - he smiles, looking at me as he slowly lowers his pants, enough to expose the lump hidden under his black underwear - after today, you will no longer have any doubts about who fucked you better."
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If you start out with this premise, dear Heeseung, perhaps you have no idea how good your companions really are. I don't doubt that you may have your own style, but they were just too good.
"Aren't you going to undress?" He asks me, surprised.
"I'm waiting for you to do it." I answer boldly, but I should stop him instead. Why dont I stop him?
It amuses him, but he'd rather be the first to get comfortable. "That's fine with me, too."
He grabs me by the hips, forcing my back to him. I rest my palms on the back of the couch as I feel him lift the folds of my skirt and then rest his large palm on a buttock, I have a shiver running through me from the tips of my toes to the last millimeter of my hair.
"Wow, it's so round." He comments, kneading it.
"S-Stop it!" I stammer, like an idiot, completely embarrassed.
I don't understand how I can be so awkward around him, when last night I was practically about to attack Jake. Is the fact that I like both dominating and being dominated, or do I just not have a personality? The last one would explain a lot.
Or maybe, it depends on the person in front of me.
"Why? Are you not enjoying it? - He asks, leaning his 'presence' in between. - Yet your panties - says, slipping a finger between my skin and the thin fabric of my panties - are soaked, how embarrassing."
I can't take it, it's too embarrassing, I'm not used to hearing him talk like this, honestly. My muscles are trembling because of a strange adrenaline coursing through my veins, yet I feel helpless, I feel like I am from the start completely at the mercy of his desires, and since he doesn't inspire me any trust, this makes me apprehensive.
Slipping a finger in, I gasp.
"Come on, don't pretend." He tells me, in an amused tone.
I hold back yet another groan, playing his game, but feeling mortified soon after. "What?"
"You mean to tell me you moan like that for one finger? Then what are you going to do with two…" He says it, he does.
Then he starts moving his hand faster and faster. I can't help plugging my mouth, closing my eyes in fright. He goes fast and makes me gasp, but I don't want to do it, I don't want him to make fun of me, I don't understand what's happening to me. I cling to the couch as his beat has begun to go too fast for me to contain my breathing. I feel my fingernails scratching the faux leather of the sofa as my back arches more and more, facilitating his movement.
"Go…go…slower!" I try to say, between groans.
Laughing, behind my back, he laughs again. "Are you pretending to be shy? Then you'll make me angry…"
How does his voice, with such sweet notes, sound so warm at this moment? I want to make him angrier, I admit, but if I asked him to slow down it's because I really need to get used to this speed, to the thickness of his five fingers, which 'definitely' aren't but seem to be.
"Slower!" I say, before letting out a yelp that I stifle with both hands as he continues to increase his speed.
"Why? It's only three fingers."
Really? I turn around with difficulty, although I'm practically bent over in front of him, looking at him to make sure his expression isn't sarcastic as usual.
"Do you really think I'm using my whole hand?" He asks, pulling them out; they are all but thumb and little finger, and all three are completely covered with my humors. He shows it to me, and I feel really stupid.
Not because I thought it was the whole hand as much as because now he must surely be thinking that I did it on purpose, that I said it as a pretense, to pretend… better not say what. Why is doing it with him so degrading? And why, despite this, am I already enjoying it so much?
Meat is meat, but I'm not sure it's worth it with someone like him.
"Did I hurt you?" He then asks me, since I don't answer.
I sit in front of him, not sure I want to go on, despite everything. "You'd make fun of me anyway, if I said yes."
He is surprised, I see him lift his chin uneasily as he looks away in annoyance.
"No…" I lie, sighing wearily.
"Are you sure? - Don't act worried, Heeseung. - It seemed-"
"I'm fine - I nod, not sure why, but I don't feel like seeing him worried, even if it weren't true. - We can continue if you want-"
But what does he do? Does he kneel down? Why is his gaze so focused? It's as if my body is being x-rayed, I can't move because of the anesthesia Heeseung seems to have given me. I could never move, as he looks at me like that, so intensely, I have chills.
"Even though I hurt you, you couldn't wait to continue, right? - He asks me in a whisper, stroking my abdomen with a finger, while his lips graze my groin and my skirt partially covers his face. - I'll help you heal."
"N-No! - I say instinctively, grabbing his head, finally managing to make contact with his hair and getting stuck for a moment. There is not a single reason why I should stop him, so why am I doing this? - Wait."
He doesn't give a shit, evidently, since his tongue has already found my other lips, the lower ones. Oh my God, there is no way I'm going to repeat something like that ever again in my life.
What is happening? It's as if an angel with cotton candy hair is abruptly leading me to heaven. It's so beautiful that I can't think of anything else.
First hell, and now heaven.
"Oh my God." I say, in italian, sinking my fingers into his hair.
Of course, he can't answer, I just feel him pushing between my legs to make me open them further. Why is he so good? Why does he put so much effort into it, if he is not the one enjoying it? I assumed that, in my position, I was the one who had to put they in the effort, and that's all.
"Lee Heeseung!" I seem to call out to him, he raises his head curiously and alarmed, finding me with a distraught, distressed expression.
"Ah…do you want to get right to it?" He asks, as his lips move in contact with my skin.
No need to answer, I push him back against me, panting more confidently as he hastily leads me down the path of pleasure.
"Mamma mia…" I say, nonchalant.
"AH!" Shouts Ester, who I can see is standing exactly in front of us.
"AAAH!" I shout back, surprised.
"AH!" Heeseung also joins us, who foolishly grabs onto my skirt to cover his face better.
I burst out laughing, Ester doesn't dare. "Please pretend that-"
"Omo, did my career just end?" He mutters between my thighs.
"No!" Rushes at us confused Ester, who then backs away.
I push Heeseung away, but he doesn't foul this time either, making himself look very prepared. "Mia carra (my dear) - improvises a terrible italian. - Nothing happened." He attempts denial.
Ester keeps shaking her hands in front of chest to reassure him but the idiot panics. "I won't say anything, really, but is it my turn next?" The red-haired girl asks with natural spontaneity.
My jaw drops instantly, he smiles, what are you smiling at, you jerk?
I let them flirt through as I adjust my clothes, what a situation.
"Rest assured, I'm not telling anyone seriously." She reassures him.
Heeseung looks at her for a few seconds in silence, he's thinking about something, then gives a big smile and goes back to pretending. "Thank you so much! Mia carrrra!"
"I just came back for the phone - she explains, visibly nervous and undecided about what where or when to look, often to all these things the answer is Heeseung's chest. - Please stop speaking italian, it's horrible."
"Yah! Are all foreign fans like you? I was making an effort."
"First - Ester says, taking her phone from the kitchen counter - call me noona, second…is that what you were talking about?" She asks me.
The giggle that escapes my lips sounds damn fake. "What? What are you talking about?"
"Don't tell lies, you can't - she advises, waving as she sets off - have fun. See you soon."
"I like her." He nods, saying it as soon as Ester has closed the door.
"I know, I'd like to be with her if I were a man."
"You could have any woman and you would choose your best friend?"
"What's that got to do with it? Are you stupid?"
We continue bickering for a few handfuls of seconds before his phone rings, interrupting the mood. I guess that's how it ends, but I can't say it went badly.
"What are you doing?" He asks, seeing me get up.
I look at him surprised. "Huh?"
"Are you done, by any chance? - He looks resentful. - Is everything okay since you're done?"
I cover my mouth as a soft laugh escapes naturally. "I'm sorry… do I look like I'm done?"
"Ah, aren't you finished?!" He continues, further outraged.
I pause to observe him for a few seconds, I don't know why but I get the impression that this reaction is genuine, and it's strange, because it's the first time I've sensed it really. He notices that I'm staring at him, but he doesn't say anything, on the contrary he shifts his gaze suddenly embarrassed.
"We should go home." I advise, as he re-buttons his tight jeans with obvious difficulty.
"It's okay, I don't care."
"Don't be like that, I'm pretty tired. Too many emotions today." I further explain, picking up two packets of my favorite ramen noodles to put on the stove.
"Shall we eat here?" He asks me though.
"Do you find it comfortable? We can do that."
Why am I acting like this? Why am I humoring him? Why do I seem to feel a protective desire toward him? I also feel that behind his goliardia is just a little boy, perhaps one too gifted to know how to handle. Despite this, I also get the impression that he might stab me at any time, in whatever sense you want to interpret it, once again.
"Which… - I see him approaching restlessly. - Which one are you cooking?"
"A rather spicy one, that should do." I say, without looking at him, too busy at the stove.
He sits on the stool at the kitchen island, leaning on his palms. "You know a lot about me, don't you?"
"I know a lot about all of you."
"But I bet you know more about me."
"You're wrong - I reply, turning away - I'm not that kind of fan."
"Why do you keep rejecting me? Yet I'm so nice to you. - He sighs and pouts. - Why are you mad at me, by any chance?"
You don't look real, get it?
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I put some condiments on the table, fortunately Ester has become perfectly accustomed to korean cuisine, so I don't have any big problems. Having plated the ramen, Heeseung looks like a child looking around with natural curiosity, or like a wild animal observing its environment with natural fear: a deer, indeed.
"Aren't you going to answer?" He asks, although his gaze is completely focused on the bowl where I have collected all the ramen, which I place in the center of the surface, amidst the condiments.
"Why should I?" I feign mystery as I sit across from him.
"Thank you for the food!" He gives thanks, picking up his chopsticks and looking at the dishes in front of him with that splendid smile, despite the fact that they are objectively nothing much.
"Make yourself at home."
"I will."
The meal begins quietly, Heeseung is too focused on the food, me on him, who is awkward and spontaneous as he stuffs his mouth, who smiles sincerely when he has finished scooping a mouthful of ramen into his wide, lovely mouth.
"I like this brand, but I've eaten it a few times."
"How come?"
"This is a poor's brand."
Completely surprised by his statement, I stand still for a moment. "Oh yeah? I thought you liked the mini-market stuff." I explain, justifying my reaction.
Heeseung remains staring at me in silence, for the umpteenth time, I blatantly uncomfortable cough. "No, I like expensive brands."
"I should have guessed."
"When you try those kinds of products - he says, putting a pile of enoki mushrooms in my bowl - it's hard to go back to liking that stuff. - It makes sense, I realize, but I'm still confused that he would give me such thoughtfulness. - What are you thinking about? I don't like enoki mushrooms."
"Ah - I exclaim now with clearer ideas, picking up some of them - that's fine. I like them."
Lunch continues in a strange silence for a few seconds, then I see him pick up the bowl with both hands, to drink the broth. This spontaneously makes me smile, because it is very honest behavior, though not exactly approved by occidental etiquette.
"Glad the meal was to your liking, Lee Heeseung."
"Don't be so formal." He feigns shyness.
I smile again, unable to stop. "Do you want to eat this too?"
"No, if I get fat you will buy Jay's giant poster. I'm doing you a favor - he laughs, satisfied, then looks at my plate - but why aren't you eating anything? Don't tell me it's really because of me? Sunghoon's?"
"No - I wipe away all his doubts with my hand, relaxed - it's just that I haven't gotten used to all this yet. My stomach is completely shut down."
"Even the first night, you decided what to order but ate almost nothing, instead you just drank. Are you an alcoholic? I imagine less attractive alcoholics."
I really like this atmosphere, it feels so spontaneous. Heeseung has a sweet voice, it's nice to hear him talk, I imagine I could do it for hours and it's amazing to be in front of him while he simply exists. The feelings since we left home have changed so many times that I feel a tornado of emotions inside me.
"Could I be?" I ask, feigning thoughtfulness.
"Really you should-"
Getting up before I can finish the sentence, he freezes, in turn. "Shall we go? We're in the middle of the date now."
In the end, Heeseung is very different from how he introduced himself, almost giving me the impression that he is calmer than he wants to appear. His company is pleasant, and strangely he is not so annoying, yet he still doesn't convince me. But why?
"What if we order takeout and simply go home?" He asks me, after evidently thinking about it for a long time.
He looks at me, not answering.
"No, I told you I'm retiring. I'm tired."
Wait, Amanda, are you rejecting Lee Heeseung? And when did we agree to that? What exactly is going on?
"What?" He asks, but I wonder too.
"I don't… I don't feel like it, but we can play, though. I'm taking the laptop for that."
He looks at me again, then sketches a confused half-smile. "Ok, let's do it."
Oh no, I get it! Your tactic is much more devious, Amanda.
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