#because they all tend to be nervous about people getting aggressive with us
ozziethegreat · 3 days
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hue makes an appearance again.. if any of yall know me from tiktok and saw my first post about him ily
don’t mind me @toffeebrew @howlsofbloodhounds
Yapping below \/
So initially he didn’t have much of a story because I’m not very creative and I blank out whenever I try to make something original so yeah.
basically, if Color were ever to get error-d, I think he would be on a hike, probably in some random AU that had nice scenery or something. He’s wearing a rain jacket because it was raining at the place he was, and he he just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, and Error or some other entity was destroying it or something. As for how he got into the anti void,,, yall can use ur imagination 😭
(That’s the best explanation I can give, kill me)
I was more focused on the actual character than his backstory, so I’ll just explain my ideas of how he would act and such..
I called him Static Hue, or just Hue for short. (It’s a synonym of color I’m very creative guys)
I think whatever caused the error in his code amalgamated the human souls, and kind of made them fuse together, so Hue can never understand what they are saying because they speak over each other all the time. The different traits overlap and he feels mixed emotions all the time, along with intense mood swings and anxiety attacks. His flames also change color at a much faster rate, so people with epilepsy will stay FAR away from him 😭😭😭😭
Fun fact: he’s also blind. The only thing he can actually see is the color of his flames (which change all the time), and it tends to give him headaches and nausea. His grabblings are always out and just attached to his back so he can use them to move around.
As for the strings, they are very hot to the touch and leave burn marks on however he uses them on. They burn himself as well but he doesn’t pay any attention to it.
Hue’s memory is very jumbled, he didn’t necessarily forget about everything, but he doesn’t remember why exactly he does things. He knows he needs to help killer and protect him at all costs, but he isn’t sure why. He knows he hates Nightmare and REALLY wants that guy dead, but he doesn’t know where that hatred came from. And of course he naturally feels safer near the epic trio, and nervous staying in the same places for too long.
hue’s pretty obsessive over Killer for this reason. His need to help killer was multiplied by a gazillion, and he tends to just.. kidnap Killer and take him random places to keep him close. Sometimes he accidentally hurts him, but he doesn’t realize it, the only thing he can think about is keeping him safe and close to himself. On the contrary, he gets super aggressive and defensive at the mention of Nightmare, and if he were to see him face to face he would attack without hesitation. He knows his job is to keep Killer safe and away from Nightmare, and that’s really his only motive. He just doesn’t know where it came from.
Similarly to most errors, he has trouble speaking because of stuttering and glitches. He also can’t form very clear thoughts because the souls are constantly influencing his behavior. He has trouble explaining his thoughts and feelings, he tends to speak more in actions (as in he would crush you to death in a hug to show affection.)
anyway. If anyone wants to add onto this or share thoughts I’d appreciate it..
Here’s some older drawings of him LMAO
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biocrafthero · 8 months
Fr tho it's so annoying when you're told you're faking your disorders and/or illnesses. Like man you think I'm joking? You think this is funny?? Well I'm about to be fucking hilarious (gets ill)
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t0ta11y-n0t-cup1d · 10 months
You’ve showed in a few of your drabbles and fics the boys’ more instinctive behaviors when it comes to the people they like (like Leo with his tapping/claw fluttering). Do you think you could tell us a bit more about how you think each of the boys act differently around the person they like due to their instincts and more “turtle-like” behavior? I think it’s super cute and cool that you try to incorporate those traits into your fics! I’d love to see more of it 💞💞💞
꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡ ;; small habits that you've picked up from the turtles
taglist ;; @apostlephobe
req ;; yes/no
gn reader—they/them prns
warnings ;; swearing
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raph ;;
— not just because he's an alligator snapping turtle, but i think he would display a lot of cuteness/affectionate aggression!!
— i.e. playful bites, playfighting (very, VERY careful playfighting. he is a big boy and can crush you easily.)
— he deffo chirps and churrs, but it's absolutely the deepest out of the brothers. like it's SCARY how deep his churrs can get.
— on the topic of sounds, he deffo makes like dog-whining sounds when he's upset :( like the high-pitched ones (he makes them whenever he's really REALLY worried or just upset)
— big tail go whoosh. mostly sways when he's nervous/happy!!!! he loves u but stay back when he's REALLY happy mans can knock you into your feet by accident :(
— do not the tail unless u tell him first + get permission. easy way to death is to touch his tail without asking bc his first reaction will be to swing it HARD (not intentionally) and it WILL give you a concussion.
leo ;;
— prone to chirping. that's it. loves to chatter and prattle on, especially about how much he loves you, and will only ever stop if you give him kisses + affection, and will do so with soft chirps <3
— ALSO CHURRS!! but gets embarrassed about it and tries to do it in private/ when only you are around (p.s. he churrs almost all the time when y'all r alone)
— like mentioned in the post, he flutters and taps his claws!! this one is more instinctive so he gets HELLA embarrassed when y'all r doing whatever and his hands go to your face and gently tap or wiggle against your cheeks
— (melts if you do it back to him)
— y'all seen those photos of red-eared sliders riding on top of softshells?? yeah that but you. he will LAY ON YOU any chance he gets homeboy loves to cuddle
— his tail isn't as big as raph's, but deffo is as expressive, it wags alot, mostly when he's happy,, but like his churrs, he normally tries to control himself and his reactions so around others, his tail will twitch a little around you, but it's full-on wagging when ur alone :]]
donnie ;;
- homeboy growls more often than actual churrs, but u can BET UR ASS that as soon as u say sumn as little as 'wow, that's so cool!' or 'ooh, ur so smart!' to him HE LOSES IT homeboy becomes a chirruped, churring mess
- obv he's preferential w physical touch, but is in heaven when u massage his shoulders after a long day of missions/work (shrimp posture) and he subconsciously churrs (despite him denying it)
- when feeling needy/ in a lovey-dovey mood, he tends to nudge ur head w his, veryvery gently
- so much so that it can be a silent way (cough cough bad boy image) of him asking for affection/ attention from u w/o having to actually ask
- unlike raph and leo. does not. NOT like having his tail touched he will bite and snap at u outta pure instinct.
- SPEAKING OF WHICH gentle bites and deffo some playfighting bc softshells r aggressive but he loves u a lot :]] also when annoyed/agitated/threatened. neck. he turns around/ stretches his neck (not much) to look bigger + more intimidating (it just looks silly)
mikey ;;
- straight out the gate we all know he's affectionate and touchy asf. i know i said it for all of them but.
- PLAYFIGHTING!!!!!;;;;!!!!:!!!:: but he don't hold back. he is BITING he is SCRATCHING he is PLAYING DIRTY!!!!!!!!!!!! (he learned it from leo)
- tends to just. bumpbump nudgenudge u when he wants affection (or whines for it bc #youngest-child-syndrome)
- considering how talkative and very open-w-his-feelings he is, he's probbles the most comfortable openly chirping and churring around you, he does not care bc he wants u to know u make him happy/comfy enough to be able to do those sounds :))
- the tail!! wags like CONSTANTLY but similar to raph's, don't touch unless given permission (he bites)
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A/N ;; HIIII hi guys :) lol sorry for going missing. i have no excuse. ANYWAYYYYY sorry for such a lil upload and IM SO SORRY FOR GETTING THIS REQ DONE SO LATE :(((((( anyhow, i HOPE (not promising) that i can start writing more and more soon!! busy w school but y'all know how it is!!!!
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a-d-nox · 8 months
can you list any of the aspects in synastry or composite charts (if possible) where it indicates who breaks up with the other first ? for example, i just read a post saying more often than not, in venus conjuct pluto aspect- the pluto breaks up with venus first.
what causes break-up/rejection in synastry and composite
i wouldn't count on that always being the case, sounds like someone is justifying their specific situation because conjuncts are atypical in nature - they often don't have predictable results. some people say that they promote positivity (for example, venus person is enamored by pluto person and pluto person is obsessed with venus person like the twisted book series that went viral on tiktok) and some say that nothing good comes from them (like whichever post the example is from in the ask)...
i'm going to work off of what i already have posted (no asteroids discussed after this post will be included or added after the fact). finally, i would like to state that NO TWO CHARTS ARE THE SAME. what i am about to list out does not mean you will for sure need these exact things (or all of these things) to be shy, nervous, and/or anxious around one another. if you don't understand my thought process, feel free to comment with questions!
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8h/12h saturn
often the ending of this relationship is not pretty and involves a long-term coupling falling out of love with one another.
8h uranus
uranus person likely feels that the house person is too clingy for them and will be the first to pull away.
12h aries (1°, 13°, 25°) and/or mars
tends to indicate an ugly split.
12h capricorn (10°, 22°)
tends to indicate a harsh breakup/rejection from the house person which causes the saturn person to fall into a despair. this connection is often of a long-term variety.
12h aquarius (11°, 23°)
this might end with one of the partners in the connection asking for an open relationship, cheating on their partner, and/or ghosting the other partner.
sun negatively aspecting mars
sun person denies mars person. sun person tends to not like the mars person's energy and how passionate they are - they tend to not feel as deeply as the mars person.
mars negatively aspecting saturn
saturn person rejects mars person. usually the saturn person doesn't see the mars person as a good fit for them long-term - it tend to have to do with how clingy/possessive the mars person is. often the saturn person doesn't think that the mars person is worth fighting with, while the mars person sees the saturn person as someone worth fighting for.
mars negatively aspecting uranus
uranus person rejects mars person. the mars person often doesn't see this coming as an uranus person in this connection is quick to ghost/disappear from the mars person's life. the mars person tend to lack closure in the connection.
1h salome (562)
in oscar wilde's play salome, she is enticed by jokanaan but still wants him dead, and the play ends up with them both dead but him by salome's order.
apollo (1862) negatively aspecting kassandra (114)
kassandra person may seem interested at first but ends up just using the apollo person only to get ahead then rejects the apollo person.
medusa (149) negatively aspecting poseidon (4341 / h47)
poseidon person aggressively pursues medusa person but medusa person wants nothing to do with poseidon person
narcissus (37117) negatively aspecting echo (60)
echo might adore narcissus person, but narcissus person may either just enjoy that echo person likes them or they might decide they are too good for echo person.
rhea (577) negatively aspecting kronos (h43)
rhea person tend to be unhappy in the connection and plots against the kronos person.
zeus (h42 / 5731) negatively aspecting hera (103) and/or juno (3) negatively aspecting jupiter
typically, the hera/juno is hurt by the zeus/jupiter person because hera/juno person learns that they are being cheated on. oftentimes, this leads to a breakup. however, if there is a hera/juno prominent person in the connection, the relationship tends to continue but at the expense of the loyal (and unhappy) hera/juno person.
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ovaryacted · 6 months
It’s easier for my to picture Leon being a sub than Chris. But ohhh boy. The idea of having such a beefy soldier boy underneath me, trying to hold back his moans paints a very pretty picture. Don’t you agree?
Omg yessss anon, absolutely! In my mind, Leon is easier to perceive as a sub just because he's pathetic and it seems more natural to his character. But with Chris, I think it would definitely be a process involving having to break down his walls and get him in the mentality to be submissive. Let me get into some character analysis to explain this a bit better.
In my mind, Chris is a man of action, of discipline, and routine. He has put himself into this leadership role for most of his life since he took care of Claire and went to the military. He's often depicted as a leader, someone who knows how to handle business with or without a team, and he just carries himself in a certain that matches well with his physique and appearance. However, he is not an aggressive guy, quite the opposite. I see him as a loving sweetheart and softie through and through, and I love that about him in particular.
That being said, this mentality he has of being a leader and someone who needs a semblance of control definitely translates in the bedroom. He has a preconceived idea of how the roles should be, that he should be the top, the one to initiate, the one to control what goes on (with enthusiastic consent of course). It's not necessarily that he can't be submissive, but that it feels taboo for him to be on the receiving end when he's so used to doing everything else. He's the provider in his relationship, he likes to tend to his partner's needs and make sure that they're all taken care of.
In a way, those same habits from taking care of Claire when they were younger and eventually taking care of Rose after Ethan dies (I headcanon him doing that idc), reflect how willing he is to make sure those he cares about don't have to worry about a thing. Likewise, he believes he has to provide pleasure, and that he needs to be commanding in the bedroom because that's what is often shown in mainstream porn or what he thinks people enjoy the most.
To break him out of that habit, he would need a partner who can show him how things can be different, and that it's okay to experiment and do things that are not considered the "norm" at least in his head.
Now his view is of you over him, your hips moving over his own and keeping him pinned with his back against the mattress. His eyes remain hazed over, having a hard time focusing on looking at your body or focusing on the way you felt. Wrapped tightly around him, clenching every time you harshly pulled your body back down onto him.
Chris was a bit nervous when you said you wanted to take control, not because he was against it but because he's not used to being in the position of taking what is given to him. But when you were so adamant about wanting to take care of him, he couldn't deny you. He certainly didn't regret it one bit.
His mind goes blank, groans slipping out of him with ease as his rough hands hold your hips and guide you over him. He couldn't help himself from thrusting up into you every time you came back down, matching your pace with his own movements. He's lost in you, practically drowning in your body and he can't stop the whimper that comes out of him.
It was a new sound, something exciting that only made you move harder against him. Your hands went towards his shoulders, nails digging into his thick skin with every moan Chris tried to hide. He bit his lip, cheeks flush as he realized just how noisy he was getting. You bent forward, kissing him on the mouth and shivering when he whined against your tongue.
"Don't hide from me, baby. I want to hear you, got it?", you purred against him, and he offered you a hazy smile, squeezing your hips just a bit harder and craving more.
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turbulentscrawl · 8 months
If I may ask, may you do general headcanons for emil, if not then just ignore this💜
Suuuuure can!
!Edited on 01/26/24 to add a few more small HCs!
Warning: Mentions of abuse (a lot)
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-Emil’s health situation is as complicated as it is depressing. He suffers from chronic pain that’s a result of the years of abuse he’s endured—both in the dog fighting ring and in the asylum. Ironically, he’s got some of the highest pain tolerance out of all the survivors, but it’s difficult to tell when he’s I the middle of his worst days. (This pain tolerance is all psychological, however. A little something he developed as a defense mechanism.)
-Pain medicine does little for him now. He was on such high doses of opioids while in the middle of his shock and bloodletting treatments that they don’t help much anymore while also having dealt him some lasting issues like low blood pressure and brittle bones. This bone weakness, his parkour movements, and lowered sensitivity to pain mean he tends to suffer more severe injuries in matches than most.
-Emil’s communication skills have improved over the last few years, but he still struggles with writing and social cues. He’s used to the body language of dogs and angry men, so things like confident shoulders and direct eye contact make him nervous. If those behaviors are displayed towards Ada or another special person, he may become aggressive.
-In addition to his communication struggles, Emil’s emotions are also rather stunted; he often has disproportionate reactions to events and stimulus around himself. (He especially tends to under-react.) It’s very rare for Emil to cry or become genuinely angered. He spends most of his time with that pitiful, placating, resting smile and just letting the world whirl around him.
-Emil’s attachment to Ada mostly comes down to hers being the first truly kind hand he’s ever been offered. Despite any dubious motives, Ada does genuinely care about helping people, and at the time of meeting Emil she had not been a practicing physician long enough to be come jaded or careless. Other doctors did not spare Emil any sympathy because he was quiet and obedient, but Ada still gave him those. Her being in trouble is one of the few times this emotional reactions will be high—he’s terrified of losing his only source of comfort, and will become desperate and violent in order to keep her safe.
-Emil likes “being in a daze” because when he’s drugged up his constant pain is muffled. But he’s also less aware in general, and he’s so desperate for affection that he’s willing to forego the relief to be alert around Ada, or anyone else who dotes on him. Also similar to a dog, he’s fiercely loyal to Ada because she takes care of him. It’s not impossible for him to become attached to others too, but it will take time and repeat exposure to get over his protective urges. He’s more likely to get along with children and people Ada specifically introduces him to.
-Emil doesn’t have much preference in regards to food; he’s used to eating slop, scraps, and dog kibble. He does, however, like cakes because Ada always gave those to him as a “treat.” They represent another form of praise and affection to him. He prefers to eat with his hands than utensils—it hurts to try gripping those tiny things.
-Emil is afraid of dogs, and this unfortunately includes Wick. He and Victor don’t get along well because of how much the pup means to the Postman. He does seem to have some fondness for Ann’s cat, though.
-Most love languages work well for Emil, but Physical Touch and Words of Affirmation are his favorites to receive. (He rarely knows what to do with the gifts he’s given, however.) To give, he likes Acts of Service and Gift Giving. Emil loves to be touched gently, for any reason. Pet his hair, rub his back, massage his hands, he doesn’t care as long as you’re doing it with the intention of being loving and gentle. He even easily forgives missteps that aggravate his pre-existing pain. Uneducated as he is, Emil still knows what remorse looks like. The gifts he gives are rarely valuable in a monetary way, but he likes to share pretty things with the people he loves. A wire ring, a nice rock he found, the undamaged wings of a dead butterfly, you get the idea.
-Sexual abuse was among the abundance of mistreatment he suffered growing up. If and when Emil does engage in those sorts of activities, they require patience and a lot of communication to avoid triggering him. Ironically, he does better with those things when he’s NOT being regularly treated by Ada because the memories are buried too deep to crop up.
-Emil is somewhere between the ages of 25 and 28. As an adult, he grows facial hair, but he's not able to shave himself due to both a nervousness about knives and unsteady hands. Ada does it for him about once a week, and it's a time-consuming activity due to Emil needing regular reassurances.
-Another trait he's picked up from his canine company is "licking his wounds." And other people's if he cares about them enough. You've cut your finger? In his mouth it goes. Saliva does tend to promote healing to an extent, so most people let his behavior be.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Is there a chance you‘ll write a Drabble of into the wild where Jungkook or OT7 have to take the instinct test? I‘m so curious about it!!
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He's gone through the theoretical part of his instinct evaluation test- today, it's the most difficult and most challenging part of it all.
He's only allowed to go through this once. The process differs from every test so as not to give any wolf the chance to prepare and 'cheat' the system in any way by telling others what to prepare for. He's got three small sensors placed on his forehead and the sides to measure brain activity- and he knows that behind the walls around him, there's people watching and judging his body language and behavior at all times.
He can't see them- the walls are only see-through one way.
It starts off almost comical. Like they're joking.
Jungkook himself is sitting on a chair, watching how the differently colored rabbits jump around the room, inspecting their surroundings and occasionally sniffing on his leg. He honestly thinks they're cute. They're prey- but not in this moment. He knows how to differentiate that.
Though he also knows that there's a lot of alphas that struggle with this already.
Someone walks in- a nurse, who picks up the rabbits, puts them in their boxes again before she walks out, leaving him alone again. He taps on his leg, simply out of boredom. He's confident he's gonna pass- he's trained a lot up to this point after all.
"How do you feel right now?" Someone asks over the speaker, and Jungkook perks up.
"Good." He simply answers, since there's nothing else he can really say. He doesn't feel like anything is really going on with him- and the people watching his brain activity nod, seeing nothing out of the ordinary.
Images are shown. Videos are watched. He's surprisingly calm through all of it.
But he's growing nervous now. Because scents are used at this stage, and he knows he's a little vulnerable to those things. Especially this one-
Prime omega. Used as an extreme example that he won't ever encounter in real life since there's no prime omegas around anymore- but to see what he can handle, the personnel tends to use rather harsh things to try and coax a reaction out of him.
And it's working.
"His eyes are reacting." A nurse observes behind the one-way window, watching him. "He's also starting to sweat." She notes further, and it's clear that on the brain wave scale, there's also something happening.
"Its still very mild though. All in the acceptable ranges." A man with glasses mentions. "He's nowhere near shifting."
Jungkook starts to wiggle his leg up and down. He's growing nervous now, saliva collecting in his mouth as he needs to concentrate. The air is getting lighter again, when the door opens, a tall man entering.
An alpha, sitting down across from Jungkook.
"Having trouble?" He asks, and it's clear that his job is to look and coax out any aggressive behavior from the now vulnerable werewolf in front of him. He might not even be a wolf- maybe he's just a human guy, drenched in the scent of an alpha wolf.
"A bit." Jungkook tilts his head, smiles though- trying to push his emotions towards cracking jokes instead.
"I can see that." The man offers. "You noted down in your papers that you've never got into a serious physical fight with any of your packmates." He states, and Jungkook nods. "Hard to believe. Or are you just a pushover? Nothing wrong with that." He jabs, and Jungkook can't help but clench his jaw a bit.
"Being a pushover and having no need for violence to get a point across isn't really the same thing." Jungkook exclaims slowly, before he takes in a deep breath. "I exercise. That's how I let go of stress."
"You're a prime alpha. It's hard to believe you just let your pack be led by someone else." The man scoffs. "Isn't it insulting to just follow orders?"
"No." Jungkook declines, swallowing, before clearing his throat. The smell of that guy is clogging up his neck it feels like. "I trust in my pack alpha that he knows what's best. Same with the human government. There's a reason for every choice made even if it's the wrong one in my eyes." He offers, adjusting his position on the chair.
"If you found a human partner you're compatible with, how would you go at it?" The guy asks, crossing his arms.
"Depends." Jungkook shrugs. "Ask her out. If she isn't interested, go about my day. If she is, go on a date with her. Easy." He says.
"And if she doesnt want you because you're a wolfblood?" He asks, making Jungkook shake his head.
"Then that's a choice. I don't judge." He says.
"Now that you say that.." the man says, and by the look of him, he's preparing himself for a reaction now. "..that's interesting, considering your parents both now live in the cities and abandoned you in the woods."
Jungkook stays silent, swallows down a growl building up.
"Must've been confusing for a young boy. But then again-" the guy offers, "-there was no way you could've been raised in the city amongst regular people without putting anyone in danger." He says.
"It's wolf culture. Tradition." Jungkook explains calmly. "Nothing wrong with that. I visit them regularly and have no problems with them whatsoever." He declines, a little tense but still collected.
There's a bit of silence in the room, Jungkook's breathing deep and even to keep himself calm. He hates that the scents around him make him this nervous.
"And if you found a wolf partner? An omega even?" He asks, and Jungkook wants to answer, when he's interrupted.
A sudden noise behind him makes him jump, though he stays seated- only turns around, before he realizes they're probably using auditory stimuli now to really test him. He recovers fairly quickly, turning back towards the man in front of him.
"I- the same as the other question I just answered." He says. "Ask her out. If she's not interested, leave her alone. If she is, court her." He shrugs, before tilting his head to crack his neck twice.
"I mean that's easy to say." The man chuckles. "But I guess we'll see how you do out there in the wild." He suddenly smiles, standing up to reach out his hand. "Thank you for participating. You'll get your results by the end of this week." He says, and Jungkook sighs relieved, shaking the man's hand.
"Thanks." He offers, leaving the facility with all of his psck who celebrate later in the woods at the pack house, though he shifts first and foremost, having to run off his tense muscles and pent up emotions from the day.
But its all worth it when he receives his score two days later, and even a certificate for his outstanding results, boosting his confidence like never before.
His work had payed off.
He's officially free.
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stillfrownyclownlol · 9 months
Tylo save me...Tylo...save me Tylo...
WHATEVEER leave me alone more ship alphabet garbage 😭😭😭 I'm gonna sleep I got work tomorrow 🫠🫠🫠
Logan Fields
A = Affectionate
A bit reserved. He's never had anybody to be affectionate with besides his grandparents so he doesn't really know where to draw the line. Also, you know. Hes gay in Georgia in 2016, he needs to be careful. A lot more comfortable with verbal affection tho!
B = Best Friend
Logans never had friends so like. If he did have a best friend he would be really loyal to like a concerning degree, probably protective too, but also extremely helpful and encouraging, always trying to teach you new things :D
C = Cuddles
A littleeeee touch starved :< So he does like cuddling with Tyler, especially since they don't get the chance to do it a lot (only at Tyler's house). He's super melty because he has to take off his glasses for it and he gets sleepy quickly. Will probably fall asleep during it...^_^
D = Domestic
He's a little romantic in the sense that he wants to get married and settle down, have a kid, and 3 cats. He's not in a rush or anything but it is something he looks forward to with Ty. He's good at household chores, especially cleaning and taking care of the garden, and he's a pretty good cook. His specialty is still baking tho.
E = Ending
If his relationship with Tyler spiralled (which has a decent chance of happening) :> If the resentment he had with Tyler boiled over and all the bitterness came out, yeah, he'd probably end things, probably in a yelling match. It's hard to see them breaking up amicably ahaha :")
F = Fiancé
He spent a lot of his childhood/early teens thinking he'd never be able to get married, so...it's a big deal for him. Cried when Tyler said yes (and while proposing)
G = Gentle
Generally he's pretty soft spoken. He's not a super physically aggressive person...but he has his moments 🫠 But usually he's pretty light with Tyler, specially since he has like...chronic pain...🤡 Also good at saying super mushy stuff that makes Tyler implode
H = Hugs
A bit awkward about it, but he likes hugging. Always a little hesitant, so waits till Tyler hugs him first, but he's a v good hugger :) very cozy aura. He's a short king so he can snuggle into Ty's chest.
I = I love you
Was so nervous he almost threw up- Got really emotional and cried- he didn't plan it so the whole thing was a mess lmao
J = Jealousy
Tends to manifest as insecurity more than sheer jealousy. Sometimes thinks Tyler will leave him for somebody "better" (him and Tyler are actually pretty similar in that regard) and he might honestly just bring up how he thinks Tyler can do better depending how far they are in the relationship.
K = Kisses
A bit shy. Gets flustered by proper kissing so he's more of a pecker, usually kisses Tyler's cheek or chin because it's hard to reach him with their height gap- he gets all gooey when Tyler asks him to kiss him on the mouth tho (^_^)//
L = Little Ones
He likes children! He finds them more honest than people his age kkkkk. He also likes how children are constantly learning new things and likes teaching them about interesting facts :D gets a bit overwhelmed by hyperactive children though, better with children who have quieter characters like himself.
M = Mornings
Eepy lil guy. So seepy. Big tirremd. Barely coherent in the morning, also he's not wearing his glasses or contacts so he can't even see help him. He needs a shower and like four cups of coffee to even wake up lmao. Tyler be literally dragging him out of bed because otherwise they're GONNA BE LATE-
N = Night
Total night owl, loves staying up late (especially in the summer) to use his telescope. Tyler has to drag him INTO bed otherwise he's gonna stay up till 4am or fall asleep on the balcony :>
O = Open
Honestly pretty closed off, he doesn't like talking about his past unless it's really necessary. Gets anxious if Tyler asks personal questions early in the relationship.
P = Patience
Patience is a virtue he's worked hard to cultivate. He does kind of bottle of his negative emotions so when he *does* lose his patience it tends to be explosive.
Q = Quizzes
Good memory and very detail-oriented, so he knows a lot about Tyler, and he's also good at applying that knowledge. He's better at reading him than most people.
R = Remember
His favourite moments are whenever Tyler is just unapologetically sweet and sappy with him. Makes him forget how mean he used to be :>
S = Security
Way more chill than Tyler, he trusts him to take care of himself, but sometimes he thinks about Tyler stuck on the tree...bleeding out...his organs torn to shreds... and he worries about him 🫠
T = Try
Of course he tries. He's trying so hard. To be brave. To love him unconditionally. To forgive him. He just needs time...hopefully.
U = Ugly Habit
Kind of a grudge holder and he's one of those people who will be kinda salty after you apologize for smth even tho he accepted the apology. Passive aggressive ngl. Tyler is always "..." whenever Logan is annoyed with him even tho he prolly deserves it 🤡
V = Vanity
He doesn't *not* care about his appearance but he doesn't care a loooot. Was raised to be well-groomed so he is very clean and proper but fashion-wise he's kinda...y'all know 😔 (he can look like a nerd and still be fashionable BUT he isn't just look at him 😭)
W = Whole
They got that trauma bond so no, not really, he wouldn't feel "whole" without Tyler. But I think he would be able to move on at some point.
X = Xtra
Very serious about learning Spanish! Tyler's kinda "...bro I don't even know it that well" about it but Logan wants to make an effort. He's really smart including in languages so eventually he starts speaking more proper Spanish than Tyler (but with a horrible accent) which Ty's just dead over. He can have a full on convo with Marianna and everything.
Y = Yuck
HATEEEES how protective Tyler is. Like he understands where he's coming from but OMFG he feels SO infantilized by it sometimes. And also Tyler is constantly trying to help him and Logan just feels like Ty doesn't trust him to do things by himself. He hates people who let their anger control them too, if Tyler is mad he will just walk away from the argument and hang out in his room.
Looks like an absolute angel while sleeping, it's ridiculous. He just looks so goddamn peaceful and serene, Tyler is just "?!!?!?" and wants to combust 🫠
Tyler Hernández
A = Affection
His way of showing affection is like. Annoying. He's that kind of guy who shows his care by teasing the crap out of you 🤡👌🏽 Logan was kinda intimidated at first but now he's like. So over him because he knows his bf is dumb. He understands the chalequeo.
B = Best Friend
He your RIDE OR DIE FR. Omg...THAT WASNT ON PURPOSE, I just meant that he's really loyal even though he's kind of a "tough love" kind of guy 😭 would tell you if your bf sucked ngl
C = Cuddles
Secretly wants to hug Logan all the time. Logan is very soft and he just kinda...melts when they cuddle. Like its a guaranteed way to relax him, and lord knows he needs to relax.
D = Domestic
King of household chores. Compulsive cleaner. Cooks AND does the laundry. He cannot sit still for five seconds help him 🤡 It would take him a LONG time to be comfy not living with his mom or sister (I think Taylor would move out first) so there might be like. A small period where he and Logan live with Marianna.
E = Ending
He's kinda...reluctant to ever break up with anybody, especially Logan. If he did it'd be like, more on accident after losing his temper, like Logan saying maybe he should leave and Tyler saying he will or whatever. He'd regret it ofc 🤡
F = Fiancé
Oh, he was really surprised when Logan asked him. And happy :). He had gen never thought about it cuz he was so stressed lmao but he was real excited and also lowkey terrified 🫠
G = Gentle
Verbally he's pretty harsh, that's just how he is. But physically, besides the occasional arm/shoulder tug, he's very careful with his loved ones <3 sometimes when he's sad he holds Logans cheeks or rests his head on his lap.
H = Hugs
Ohhhh he loves hugging. If he could, he'd be hugging Logan constantly 😭 his hugs are REALLY long and he kinda does that like. Swaying motion. Also lifts Logan off his feet. Literally shoves his face into his shoulder.
I = I love you
He needs to be really sure of his feelings to say it, and even then he usually says it very quietly or when he thinks Logan won't notice. For some reason has an easier time saying it in Spanish (he just like me fr)
J = Jealousy
Yeaaaaahhhh...worse than Logan. Hate watches people who be getting touchy with Logan :) you know he would get salty/sassy about it he's just Like That TM. And Logan is not putting up with that haha.
K = Kisses
Awkward and makes it way more tense than it needs to be smh. If he's kissing him on the mouth he gets really nervous and squeezes his eyes shut and just HOVERS there waiting for Logan to close the gap 💀 Kisses the top of his head a lot so Logan can't see him blushing cuz he's a loser.
L = Little Ones
Like a beleaguered babysitter. He finds kids annoying and he can be a little Itty bitty bit mean to them sometimes but he's like that annoying older cousin you had that you liked to play with because they were Real with you. Hair ruffler.
M = Mornings
Wakes up right with his alarm and gets straight to work. He goes jogging and does stretches, then comes back home to make breakfast. Logan sleeps through it all help
N = Nights
He goes to bed at like 9pm because he's a dork lmao and he gets tired 🤡 That doesn't mean he'll fall asleep tho! He's super restless and will be tossing and turning and sometimes Logan will spoon him so he'll sit still and relax for a second-
O = Open
...No 💀 HELP NONE OF THESE KIDS ARE OPEN FFS- 😭 naaaah he doesn't feel like telling people his "sob story" or whatever and he doesn't really like talking about it 🫠 He mentions things offhandedly to Logan, who...understands and doesn't ask.
P = Patience
Whatever he loses his temper easy, big deal. Consistently annoyed at the world, and who can blame him? World kinda sucks 🤡 he's been working on not losing his cool so quickly because Logan just doesn't like being around angry people.
Q = Quizzes
He is a detail-oriented guy with a good memory, not to mention being well organized, so he has a space for "important Logan info" that he thinks might be useful at some point. Not at Aiden's level tho (fortunately 🤡)
R = Remember
When Logan confessed, because he was just so...I'm tryna think of the right word here omg. Like, in awe? That this guy he's been crushing on and was honestly not that nice to liked him BACK? And they were so earnest and genuine about it and he was just???? Help???
S = Security
Tyler is overprotective of Logan the same way he's overprotective with all the people he cares (a lot) about. He will put himself in front of him in dangerous situations, remove him from situations if *he* thinks they're dangerous...can get kinda annoying about it...
T = Try
Tyler puts 110% of himself in anything he cares about so yes, he is trying very hard in this relationship. He is very meticulous about helping Logan out whenever possible, planning outings/dates, controlling himself around him, etc etc. Trying to get Logan's forgiveness
U = Ugly
He is overprotective and sometimes doesn't let Logan handle things by himself when Logan totally could. The aforementioned anger issues are also a problem :/ Also can be kinda brash and won't...filter his thoughts before hand when he probably should.
V = Vanity
About as concerned as the average teenage boy is. That is to say, very little- (helpppp I know this isn't the case for everybody LOL). He literally still matches outfits with his sister I don't think he cares about his own style too much LMAO
W = Whole
Nahhhh all of them got that trauma bond for life and would feel incomplete with out each other. I think he'd take it a lot worse than Logan too.
X = Xtra
Sometimes they go to church together as deeply repressed Catholic boys with religious trauma. Tyler thinks he'll go to Hell whenever they kiss but he's gonna do it anyways 😔
Y = Yuck
He doesn't really like, how do I say this, like. "Vapid" people I guess (this is just how he views some people tho). Like for example before knowing him better he thought Aiden was a really shallow person. So he'd never date anybody who he thought had nothing going on under the surface. Needs the relationship to be serious, like, he doesn't want anything casual.
He has bruxism and like, scratches his throat while sleeping (not with his hands like, the swallowing thingy you do) (cuz he just like me fr), and he is literally so loud it will wake Logan up at night even tho he's a deep sleeper 😭
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theywhoshantbenamed · 7 months
ABO Headcanons
California being a dormant omega. He doesn't quite look like a classic omega, being taller than even many alphas, but he has the nurturing tendencies (wanting to adopt Austin and wanting to care for him when he's cold). He's also unafraid of most Alphas - which is a quality considered undesirable in old society - and has often argued against them. An Alphas Voice works on him, still, but using their Voice has been made illegal in many states(not yet federal law).
New York as a dormant Alpha. He doesn't look much like one of his gender either, being of medium build, and he's shorter than some omegas like Mississippi or Florida. He has the aggressiveness of a stereotypical Alpha, but it's still nothing like a dominant's. He's not as territorial, but a majority of the Northeastern states are also Alphas of varying rank, and he grew up thinking it's what he's supposed to do
Alaska is a dominant alpha. It's surprising to many - not that he’s an alpha(he certainly has the build of one), but that he is a dominant one - because he's remarkably laid back. When people tell him this, he gets a little bothered, but refuses to show it. Being an alpha doesn't mean he has to be loud and aggressive all the time. However, his chill attitude also probably derives from a lineage of strong A genes, making him a higher rank than many.
Texas is a dominant alpha, the biggest stereotype. He's loud, proud, and loves to argue. California's got spunk, but he's raised to believe omegas are weaker, and that creates conflict in him. Also, internalized homophobia time, he is attracted to other Alphas
Florida is a recessive omega. He doesn't show any of the qualities typical omegas do, and his heats tend to be irregular. When it comes to recessive omegas, I think the Voice does work on them, but only when used by someone of strong A lineage, like Alaska(not that he would ever use it). The only real indicator that he's an omega is his medical records, if you can even find them. Otherwise, people just have to believe him. When it comes to pheromones, he can smell the scents, but they have little to no effect on him
Louisiana is another case of a dominant alpha with a lack of aggression/territoriality. He's heard it all, from every gender, about how he should act. He, frankly, doesn't care. He's confident in himself, and he's never felt more understood than by Florida, someone who knows what it's like to not fit in with people of your secondary gender. At the same time, however, he finds himself feeling more like a dominant Alpha around Florida than he ever did before. He wants to protect him and scent him and even make him submit at times. It scares him, especially since Florida isn't affected like he is, and he doesn't know how to allow himself to express these desires. They're normal to other dominant alphas, but not him.
Georgia is a dominant omega(wooo first one!) who very much fits in with his secondary gender, with a tendency to care for others and bring a sense of calm to those around him with his scent. His attraction is strictly towards other Omegas and Betas He loves Florida very much and the same is true vice versa. He is nervous around Alphas, though, for some reason.
Nevada is a dominant Omega; definitely lives up to the standard. His confidence as a Queen is a given, with an ability to make Alphas submit to him. Despite his status, his preferences lie most commonly in Betas. He has on-and-off relationships with Connecticut, Colorado, New Jersey, and even Gov.
Gov has no secondary gender. It's one of the things that's always separated him from the States. It’s never stopped him from keeping order between them, but hes never surprised when someone decides to challenge his authority. Thankfully, he’s got enough dirt on everyone to keep him cushy in his position.
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drinkinboilingcoffee · 5 months
Could you maybe tell us a bit more about remnant hunger? It seems like such a cool idea
Rubs hands together evilly like a small housefly Eheheeheheh (It’s easiest to explain if I just do an in-depth explanation of my au version of remnant, so this is some of that as well. The most important thing to understand is that remnant is NOT the same thing as soul.) REALLY long post ahead.
So the way remnant works in my au is that it’s a naturally occurring metal in the bodies of most living things (like iron or something) with a simple purpose: to bind the soul to its body. It’s found all throughout the system, but is concentrated most in the brain and nervous system (and the smarter an animal is, the more remnant there is binding its consciousness). So you want to make a ghost, huh? To do that you need a soul, a lot of remnant (different surfaces like metal hold onto remnant better) and a part of their body that the process will transfer the soul from. In areas with enough remnant, ghosts can happen naturally if there’s enough remnant in whatever part of the victim binds to a surface (Evan with the brain matter when his skull was crushed, Charlie with spinal fluid when she was stabbed in the neck). Remnant also has a relatively low melting temp (its liquid in the human body) and unbinds if it heats up to its gas state.
Now, living things constantly gain and lose enough remnant in their systems through the natural process of eating, drinking and breathing that running seriously low is hard to do without already being on the brink of succumbing to hunger and exhaustion. But spirits? Whatever they possess (be it an animatronic or corpse) exists in a much more passive state. They lose remnant, but it’s harder to gain it without digestion or circulation. It takes a while, but day by day their soul slowly unwinds from their body. The symptoms tend to present themselves as an intense hunger accompanied by a lack of self control that progresses into the eventual point of completely uncontrollable aggression. You can stave it off for a while, but in the end the only way to end the hunger is to sate it with concentrated remnant- aka human flesh.
You don’t necessarily have to kill someone for it (Mike probably breaks into morgues and such for the most part), but the longer something is dead, the less remnant it has. The guard bodies they recover from failed night shifts aren’t usually very intact almost entirely as a result of the animatronics feeding, Elizabeth gets a cut of the remnant from what she catches from Circus Baby’s capture mechanism, etc. William specifically was pretty fucked up by this, since he went like 30 years without more than the occasional rat to eat, so that whole time was in a sort of hunger-driven half conscious stupor (whoever unearthed him definitely got fucking eaten) which is why he’s so unhinged in fnaf 3 and much more ‘human’ in fnaf 6.
Mike was definitely pretty hard hit by the whole thing because: A) he has to pose as a human being and get along as normally as possible in society. B) he already has a lot of internalized fear of hurting people, and having a deep desire to bite Jeremy’s face off whenever he’s hungry doesn’t help. C) guy works at Fazbear Entertainment, he’s around blood and bodies all the time and he has to physically force himself not to just go batshit crazy. Good news, he can at least access already dead bodies somewhat consistently so he’s not running around murdering people, bad news is pretty good odds he snapped and ate a coworker once and got an extra layer of trauma on top of the ever growing pile.
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Autistic Chase Headcannon
This man was SO autism coded it's insane.
(please remember that I myself am Autistic and Adhd so this is coming from someone with autism, adhd and tics. Also Chase is a fictional character and I can hc whatever I want about him)
Since Donald was kind of a dick and absent father, especially in the beginning, Chase's autism went undiagnosed for a long while. Finally, he decided to diagnose himself since he's the smartest man in the world, and he didn't need some doctor trying to test him to see if he's autistic.
Since he has super hearing, he is really sensitive to loud noises, more than most people are. Alarms of any kind often lead to a meltdown. One time all the fire alarms in the house went off at once while he was home alone and Bree and Adam came home to him crying on the floor.
He definitely has tics, and they get worse when he's tired, stressed, or nervous. They're often subtle and come in the form of clicking his tongue, jerking his head, blinking, or tapping his fingers. He does have some more prominent tics, which are often vocal tics. His tics get really bad when he stays up late or when he's worried about a mission. Unfortunately some of his vocal tics sound like insults and sass and Adam can't always differentiate tics from Chase being actually mean.
There are three kinds of meltdowns with Chase:
The one where he's crying on the floor because he feels like he's broken and his life is falling apart.
The one where he gets a little bit evil and starts snapping at people without meaning to, and that sometimes leads to him crying on the floor feeling like a piece of shit because he can't control himself.
Spike. While the commando app often activated when chase appears annoyed, it's actually him being so low on spoons that he just turns evil at any minor inconvenience.
When he can't do something right for the first time he loses his mind and decides to never try it again. He sees himself as a failure for not being able to fold paper stars. When he fails a simple task, he starts wondering if he's worthy of being team leader if he can't even complete a single simple task
He is very visually oriented. He loves looking at visual stimuli. He has several stim toys that are just cool to look at. (Kaz thinks they're boring because they don't make any noise.) He likes the look of fireworks but ABSOLUTELY HATES the sound.
He stims a lot. When hes excited he stims a lot with his hands, and occasionally does an excited dance. He also does an aggressive smile when he's happy. When he's annoyed he tends to make a whiny noise which most people don't recognize as him stimming to regulate himself. He doesn't have too many vocal stim, he used to but was made fun of for having weird ones.
He is very texture oriented when it comes to everything. He wears so many flannels, but they have to be the same fabric as each other. He likes the fabric that they're made out of and doesn't like flannels with different fabrics. He tends to eat the same foods over and over because he knows exactly what they're going to be like. He doesn't like trying new foods because texture can be unpredictable. He tends to not like mushier textures, slimy textures, grainy textures, or sticky textures. He's very particular.
Noises have textures to him. He doesn't like sounds that feel crunchy. He doesn't like loud booming sounds because the texture feels wrong on his ears.
If he didn't have a capsule, he would have to sleep with the same blankets and pillows every night and someone taking one of his comfort items would send him into unease and a possible meltdown.
He obviously doesn't understand social cues. First of all, he grew up in a basement, second of all, autism. So he never really knows when it's his turn to speak or when he's been talking for too long. He can't tell when what he's talking about is boring other people.
He hyperfixates very easily and will slip into this state of being unable to do anything but what he's focusing on. He once coded for 27 hours when left alone, and the others came back to a very jittery, dehydrated and tired Chase who had to be dragged away from the lab.
Since he knows pretty much everything, it's hard for him to have just one special interest. He fixates on anything that interests him, and knows pretty much everything.
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sodapops0lstice · 1 year
Strider Husbandry Tips
Here's some tips for people who are new to the Strider Husbandry scene, i hope my advice is useful
Whilst it is true that most Strider's DO enjoy and even thrive living in smaller environments (making them great to keep if youre on a tighter budget!) it is absolutely vital that they have places to hide and sneak around in!!! it is in a Strider's very nature to be sneaky and unseen. they can become nervous and frightened if theyre too exposed or have nowhere to scurry around in. This is especially important for Strider's of the Dirk variety as they need hidey holes to survive (there have been many cases of Dirks actually DYING because they were so stressed because of their exposure), they often try to make hiding spots for themselves which results in many Dirks suffocating in air vents which they use as hiding places. I recommend making small spots for your Strider to hide in and if necessary get one of these. It simulates a Strider's natural instinct to burrow in tunnels safely and you can take it with you on travel
I hear a lot about Strider's having very specific dietary needs that is not met they could die. This is false!! This was disproven fairly recently and you can feed your Strider whatever you like really. The only hangup is learning which Strider's require apple juice or orange soda. This might seem intimidating at first due to how many different varieties and sub categories there are but generally, the rule of thumb is Aviator Shades require Apple Juice, Kamina Shades require Orange Soda. Though your Strider might prefer small tweaks in their beverage, experiment and record their reactions.
If your Strider isn't very physically affectionate do not assume they dislike you! Striders are very defensive and will likely assume at first you are a predator. Guardian and Ultimate breeds might try and hurt you whilst most others will steer clear of you. It's best to try and prove you are friend NOT foe, talk to your Strider, give them doritos and they're beverage. If that doesn't work, leave them alone for a while until they are used to your presence.
Whilst Striders are not vicious by nature it's best if you have a more aggressive variety to try and train them as soon as possible. I've known people who got themself the most aggressive breed of Strider (a Dave's Bro, or simply a Bro, if you were curious) didn't train them, used them as a bragging right and status symbol and then were surprised when they attempted to start abusing kids. It's really upsetting as a Bro can be an incredibly loyal companion if trained correctly, I've seem some, trained by the right people, having temperaments as docile as a Dave paired with a Karkat! (im not personally all that familiar with Vantas husbandry but i do know that a Dave paired with a Karkat are usually very docile to the point where some owners think they are ill or lethargic when that's just they're temperament.) If you want a more hands-on breed of Strider like a Bro be responsible and willing to put the effort in
Striders function better as units. Whilst keeping a single Strider is a totally normal and okay thing, most Striders do prefer living in groups of atleast 2 (if you can't afford/dont want multiple thats totally fine, if you aren't neglectful theyll 9/10 be happy and healthy). Within their own species, they are super social, often playing and sharing with eachother, they tend to feel safer when their is another Strider in the house. I don't think they're is an exact rhythm to which breed will get along with eachother, sometimes you just have to leave it up to whether they enjoy eachothers company or not. My only warning is, unless you can handle it, try not to get two needy breeds, they won't get jealous per se, just very VERY vocal when they aren't the center of attention, Daves are quite notorious for this behaviour, but some people find that endearing so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Try to equal out attention between any needy Strider you may have.
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woomycritiques543 · 2 years
(Based on another post.)
Ok... I was looking at the designs and-
Has anyone realized how weird the racial implications of Hazbin Hotel (and Helluva Boss with the main characters) are?
I know someone else has already talked about this-
But Charlie Morningstar is clearly white coded. The “corrupt souls” she has to “save” are clearly poc coded or are directly poc. The “villains” of the show are MOSTLY poc with Velvet being confirmed as poc indirectly by Vivziepop not long ago and Valentino was confirmed to be hispanic too. It gets off “white savior” vibes along with the fact that 1. Theres a creole character who practices voodoo who’s stereotyped as a cann^bal 2. There being a hispanic poc (Valentino) who’s also shown to be highly aggressive, to a character thats Italian: a ethnicity thats considered as “white” in many places. Hell! Niffy is even Japanese, and she was drawn as yellow 100% of the time until just recently.
They also have this thing where theres something i’d like to call “Greywashing”: Where Vivziepop deliberately avoids using the color brown, and instead makes all of her poc (No, “Coco” doesnt count shes from another artist. This is only about the main designer.) a lighter shade of grey, giving the illusion of brown skin without actually making them brown. While Vivziepop gave Charlie a peach-like skin tone. So its clearly not because they're demons but something else entirely.
(Light Grey.)
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(Grey, with a brownish tint mixed in.)
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(LIGHT grey.)
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(Not counting Valentino since he seems to be more moth based than Vaggie and isnt intended to be as humanoid unlike those that are on this list.)
While Charlie, our “main heroine” is drawn as a blonde looking girl with snow-white skin. I know some people will make the “they're demons!” excuse, but these characters in particular are clearly meant to be the closest to human looking. Especially Charlie, who’s design is just a generic looking white girl with some Halloween makeup slapped on, an eye infection, and neko teeth.
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So her being the main protagonist, half of the made to be “worst” characters such as Valentino and Alastor directly being poc. Plus the fact that the show is demonizing a closed religion that was created by African slaves as a way of coping with their situation while Hazbin is showing it as “evil” or “dark magic”. Plus in Helluva Boss, the “succubitches” are all shown to be sluts who are written in a negative light, who also happen to be poc in their human forms.
... who are also shamed by the police as “degenerates.”
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They also have a poc background character named “Rat”, a animal that tends to be stereotyped in cartoons as “dirty” or “disease filled.” and yet they decided to name the second darkest character (who is also from a different artist) this.
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This combined with the other implications can only make me say:
What is Vivziepop’s deal with us?! Why is she outright refusing to draw us without making our skin somewhat grey- a light grey for that matter! The people at the wiki call Alastor “beige.” But I remember there being a time where they called him khaki, and earlier “grey.” Even beige is described as a “greyish tan” and is considered “the most pale” type of brown. So even the “browns” are very pale and arent the shade most of us are- aka pure, dark, brown! Even most light skin people are not grey- but brown! 
This isnt about the morality of the characters and them being demons, this is about the stereotyping from the creator. I dont give a shit if the show is meant to be “edgy”- you either choose to be borderline racist, ableist, and narcissitic with how you write your characters, or actually “progressive.” Choosing both just makes you look like most of the hypocrites over at Twitter who think that representation is a “two way” street that can be morphed into whatever benefits someone’s bias of a specific discriminated group. But back to Hazbin-
The implications with the poc are off-putting, and it makes me all the more nervous for how theyre going to present poc in the next show. Yikes! 
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sasorikigai · 1 month
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I was going to make Iori Yagami ARIES, and his canonical birthday happens to fall on March 25th! It's no coincidence that his birthday falls on that date, because of him being such energetic and turbulent character.
Personality Traits
Strengths: Courageous, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, passionate
Weaknesses: Impatient, moody, short-tempered, impulsive, aggressive
Aries likes: Comfortable clothes, taking on leadership roles, physical challenges, individual sports
Aries dislikes: Inactivity, delays, work that does not use one's talents
Passionate. Aries’ signature color is bright red, and it matches their fiery spirit. This is a sign that feels things deeply and openly. The people in Aries’ inner circle know exactly how much this fire sign loves them. That’s the beauty of Aries’ passionate heart: they don’t pretend to feel things they don’t, and they don’t keep cards close to their chest. All of the causes, people, hobbies, and ideas that Aries loves, they love completely and fearlessly.
Bold. Aries isn’t afraid to go off the beaten path. Using sheer will and determination, they’ll forge their own trail in the brush. This sign goes after what they want, and they aren’t afraid of staying quiet while they do. Say Aries sees you across the room at a party - there’s something about you that they like. Aries won’t play it cool. They’ll walk right up to you, make solid eye contact, stick out a hand, and say: “Hi, I think we should get to know each other.” Which, now that we think about it, might actually be the coolest approach of all!
Brave. Aries is a modern-day superhero. This sign takes pride in their willingness to tackle fears and take the fall for others. They stand in front of the group at the haunted house, and they’re first to try the scariest roller coaster at the park (and then, they’ll encourage their nervous friends to give it a whirl—go big or go home!). In Aries’ mind, when you address your fears directly, you conquer them.
Confident. What’s there to be insecure about? One of Aries’ greatest strengths is their self-assuredness. Unlike other signs in the zodiac, Aries isn’t self-obsessed. They just believe that insecurity gets in the way of fun things and worthwhile accomplishments - so why bother? Life is better when people feel free to be themselves, and this belief guides Aries throughout their journey. Though, Aries sometimes gets a rep for projecting confidence without forethought (because they tend to speak first, think second).
Energetic. Aries is industrious, hard-working, and action-oriented. This sign never stops. Whether it’s sports, home-improvement, work, or even relationships, Aries is always pushing things forward. They believe in progress and improvement, and they work tirelessly to make that a major theme in their life. An Aries may not even realize that this is their way, because their energy flows so naturally and easily.
Inspiring. Aries’ modality is Cardinal, which means that they’re a leader at heart. This sign is all about big ideas, and in life, they’re likely to lead the charge. Aries inspires the group to go out for a fun weekend adventure; they convince friends to open themselves up to new possibilities. These days, Aries might not be leading revolutions, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t find ways to embolden friends and family every day.
Impatient, stubborn, easily angered. Aries has faults, too. Aries is lively and spontaneous, and that’s a strength. But this can also give way to impatience when others aren’t willing to go at the same speed. And what makes Aries a great leader - their confidence - can also look like stubbornness on bad days. Plus, Aries’ now mentality can leave them feeling easily frustrated, which can sometimes cause them to lash out.
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norixa · 2 years
Special Knife
Summary: A little knife throwing and training... and a little conversation with Caveira about your knife.
It was a warm spring morning and surprisingly, only a few other operator's were up. You were an early bird, always up at least an hour before most of the operator's. Sam was the one who brought your existence to your boss, Taina "Caveira" Pereira. The two of you got along fairly well most of the time. You would voice your concerns or opinions respectfully and do the most that you could. However, there has been a new operation on the horizon and you are not at all looking forward to it. Not even speaking a word of it or about it. You don't make any comments like you normally would.
You set up some sand bags, some hanging and others on the floor. You knew for a fact that you would need to be precise with your aim for this operation. In all honesty, you were very nervous on the inside but your never showed it on the outside. You never liked talking about your past to anyone, and for good reason. Your file even kept most of your life and what family you were born in because of your past. Now, you've never done anything wrong, illegal, but the rest of your family sure did.
During your school years, you would hear people whispering about you and your family. It drove you mad, but you learned to block it out. Following you through life was anger issues. You would often lash out but not at people. Whenever you are down at the range or practicing your knife abilities, you would let your anger flare free. Sometimes in the ring but not enough to say so. God help whoever is unfortunate enough to be your punching bag whenever that does happen.
On this particular morning, you had a lot of anger built up. The poor sand bags got destroyed as you slashed and stabbed. Sweat ran down your face, lips slightly parted as you panted. One slash after another, one stab after another. With each stab and slash, you were cutting deeper.
"What's got you pissed off?"
You stopped dead in your tracks and whipped around to see Cav leaning on the doorframe. She had a smile on her face with her arms crossed.
"I would have thought you would have know by now. I tend to get aggressive and angry with my training, especially by myself." You panted.
"Oh, I've noticed. I've just never seen you get this worked up. Something on your mind?"
You didn't want to tell her the true reason why you were so worked up. So, you decided to tell her a small part of it. "My throwing aim is going to be important. I don't want to mess up, especially on an operation like this."
Cav stared at you, looking for anything that would give away more than what you were leading on. Her eye's then landed on your knife. It wasn't a combat knife than what you normally use.
"New knife?" Cav asked.
Your eyes darted to the knife in your hands. It looks like a standard model of a combat knife. The only huge difference was the flowers and vines that's been engraved onto the blade itself as a design, leading all the way up to the handle.
"No." You spoke quietly. "I've always had this knife. It was given to me." You started to feel uncomfortable. This could lead down the path of your story, something that you aren't interested in doing.
"Do you plan on using this one particular knife for this operation?" Cav asked, walking next to you.
"Yes? Is that a problem?" You asked with a slight head tilt.
"Not at all." Cav said, "Feel up for explaining why?" You had a strong feeling that this would happen. The can of wroms were starting to get peeled open, ever so slowly. You knew this game.
"Not particularly, no." You said turning your back to Cav. You cleaned up the mess and placed fresh sand bags into new spots. You felt Cav's eyes on you the entire time. She was still trying to find out what more you hid. To be honest, you expected that. Cav wasn't given your full file, she was given your heavily Redacted file. Again, your life story was cut from that file.
You did your knife throwing first, mostly hitting the center of the red circle. This did frustrate you slightly. You did have a few more days to get damn near perfect hits every time. You took out your knife and started to stab and slash. Cav watched the way you moved swiftly between targets and how quick you were to kill. She observed you and quickly realized that this operation ment more to you than what you let on.
Before you could slash at the last hanging bag, Cav's hand gripped your wrist. You flicked your eyes to be met with her intense stare.
"What is-"
"What's the real reason you are taking the knife?" Cav interrupted.
"I already told you why."
"No you didn't." Cav said flat out. "I've been watching you. You've been trying way more harder than ever. I've never seen you act this way before. This clearly means more to you than what you let on."
Your right eye slightly twitched. A subtle hint that didn't go unnoticed by Cav. She then gave you a look and you knew that she knew that you were hiding something. You sighed in defeat. There is nothing that you can hide forever from Caveira. Rainbow's scariest operator.
"I hate talking about this." You shook your head. "This wasn't in the file you were given and for good reason. My father... My father was a Crime Lord and from a young age I was showed the horrible things of life."
Cav let go of your wrist and held your hand gently as you told your story. "I have mad respect for my father but I never had the same desire to do his job. It was quite the opposite and he didn't stop me." You lifted up your hand with the knife tightly in your grip. "This was my father's knife. He was murdered when I was in my early teens and he gifted me his knife. I've kept this ever since."
"Why hide this part of your life in your file?" Cav asked.
"Why?" You scoffed. "The amount of whispering behind my back at school and the bullying I endured is what made me decided that." You took a few deep breaths. You were getting worked up and you knew you would end up lashing out. "This operation we are about to do is connected to my father and his work and I want them to know that I'm the one they need to worry about. That I may be his daughter and that I haven't forgotten."
You gripped the knife harder. "Besides," You spoke softy. "My father taught me how to use a knife. He taught me the skills I know and if it wasn't for his teachings, I wouldn't be here today."
You looked Cav right in the eyes, never looking away. What you saw was a look of sympathy. Cav was a trouble child as well and completely understood you. Maybe not to that level, but she understood. "Well then," Cav said with a smile and hand on your shoulder. "Let's get trained shall we?"
Cav nodded. "Yeah, together. Believe me, I understand to a fair decent extent of what you went through. But most importantly, the motivate behind it. You respected your father, he was murdered and you get the opportunity to finally put yourself to rest. Leave it all behind. Correct?"
You couldn't help but laugh a little. "I hate that you can read people."
"You, my dear, were very hard to read. Until now that is. I do appreciate you opening up. It's what makes us working as a team stronger."
You tilted your head slightly. You knew that Cav would watch people like hawks. However, to hear that she couldn't read you for the longest time, it made part of you happy. You were unable to be read by Taina Pereira, one of Rainbow's most terrifying operator's. One of the best interrogators. For someone who was a master interrogator, you expected to get read like a book. So, yeah, your pride did swell.
"Don't expect me to let that go. Not even the scary Taina "Caveira" Pereira could read me." You said playfully.
Cav scoffed. "Spread anything about this, and I will make sure your training will be hell."
It was a playful threat that did have some serious consequences. Without saying a word, you motioned that your lips are sealed. With that now established, Cav had a smile smile on her lips.
"Well, let's finish this training set up you've got here and then head to breakfast. After that, we'll continue training, my way."
"Your way?" You questioned.
"Yep. My way."
"Will it be challenging?"
"Depends on how confident you are at going against me." Cav said with smirk.
Now that was a challenge that you wouldn't dare refuse.
"You're on Pereira."
With that, the pair of you finished off the last remaining sand bags with Cav giving you tips and pointers. At breakfast there was a part of you that felt alive, excited. This side of you has been so dull, dead, but Cav ignited the sparks. As you silently ate your meal, a grin on your face spread as thoughts of training entertained your mind.
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shining-gem34 · 7 months
repost, do not reblog this
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NAME: Jade
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : Discord is my preference of communication. I'm not a big fan of using T.mblr DM's because of the lag on PC. I do my best to answer there until I feel comfortable enough to share my Discord username or we're chatting enough that I am frustrated with the DM's on this site.
NAME OF MUSE(s) : Dan Heng/Dan Feng, Balladeer/Wanderer, and my OC's Rook & Mallory.
BEST EXPERIENCE: In general, I've been having fun meeting new people and trying to bounce ideas. :3 Most memorable? I sound like a broken record (please don't hesitate to shut me up if I keep repeating myself), but it's the IL-Dh fight drabble I wrote for @etherealguard! I just wanted to write the two fighting in a dream. Then the Ichor of Two Dragons animation dropped and we all lost our shit over it.
passive-aggressiveness: In general, and I say it in my rules, but if you have any issues with me- Please talk to me so we can sort it out. I don't like the feeling I've angered/annoyed/bored you, because you're acting passive-aggressive with me. I understand if you prefer to not talk about it and keep it bottled up- I am like that too alot. But if it's bothering you to the point we can't talk on the same wavelength, there's a problem.
ship dynamics: RP wise, I am usually open to shipping my muses with other characters. Sometimes, we might be already shipping them together after we discuss it in dms. Sometimes, I want to see how they interact first and see if the chemistry is there. I can't make any promises their feelings will be mutual if I don't feel the chemistry there.
Nothing else comes to mind for now.
MUSE PREFERENCES: I lean toward muses who are calm and collected in general. They can be either flirtatious (scheming) or stoic (with some temper/misunderstood to be cold). And then there's the brat named Balladeer/Wanderer who is a menace to society. Though I think sincere characters like Noelle (Genshin Impact) or Sushang (HSR) would be more perfect for me. ;;;;;;
PLOTS OR MEMES : I prefer memes because it's a nice ice-breaker. They're like prompts that makes the brain juices go brr, and it gives me a chance to talk to the sender about it. Plotting takes time for me, and it makes me a little nervous. It makes me feel like I need to have a well-thought out idea for people to be interested enough to bounce ideas with and not be confused.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I am both! I tend to write alot, but no more than a few paragraphs. I don't mind short replies as long as it's not one-liners (unless this is a text message going back and forth). I need context before deciding how to reply.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : I don't get on my laptop until after 6PM and even then, unless I really force myself/try to get into the mood, I'm too tired to do anything other than chill. On the weekends, it's usually after 12PM I can try to sit down (if I'm not going outside) and make progress.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): Haha. No. I can never be calm and cool as them. Nor can I be courageous like them either. Nor am I an little shit like Wanderer/Balladeer.
Tagged by: Stolen from many people on my dashboard
Tagging: you if you haven't done it!
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