#really weird asf implications
woomycritiques543 · 2 years
(Based on another post.)
Ok... I was looking at the designs and-
Has anyone realized how weird the racial implications of Hazbin Hotel (and Helluva Boss with the main characters) are?
I know someone else has already talked about this-
But Charlie Morningstar is clearly white coded. The “corrupt souls” she has to “save” are clearly poc coded or are directly poc. The “villains” of the show are MOSTLY poc with Velvet being confirmed as poc indirectly by Vivziepop not long ago and Valentino was confirmed to be hispanic too. It gets off “white savior” vibes along with the fact that 1. Theres a creole character who practices voodoo who’s stereotyped as a cann^bal 2. There being a hispanic poc (Valentino) who’s also shown to be highly aggressive, to a character thats Italian: a ethnicity thats considered as “white” in many places. Hell! Niffy is even Japanese, and she was drawn as yellow 100% of the time until just recently.
They also have this thing where theres something i’d like to call “Greywashing”: Where Vivziepop deliberately avoids using the color brown, and instead makes all of her poc (No, “Coco” doesnt count shes from another artist. This is only about the main designer.) a lighter shade of grey, giving the illusion of brown skin without actually making them brown. While Vivziepop gave Charlie a peach-like skin tone. So its clearly not because they're demons but something else entirely.
(Light Grey.)
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(Grey, with a brownish tint mixed in.)
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(LIGHT grey.)
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(Not counting Valentino since he seems to be more moth based than Vaggie and isnt intended to be as humanoid unlike those that are on this list.)
While Charlie, our “main heroine” is drawn as a blonde looking girl with snow-white skin. I know some people will make the “they're demons!” excuse, but these characters in particular are clearly meant to be the closest to human looking. Especially Charlie, who’s design is just a generic looking white girl with some Halloween makeup slapped on, an eye infection, and neko teeth.
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So her being the main protagonist, half of the made to be “worst” characters such as Valentino and Alastor directly being poc. Plus the fact that the show is demonizing a closed religion that was created by African slaves as a way of coping with their situation while Hazbin is showing it as “evil” or “dark magic”. Plus in Helluva Boss, the “succubitches” are all shown to be sluts who are written in a negative light, who also happen to be poc in their human forms.
... who are also shamed by the police as “degenerates.”
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They also have a poc background character named “Rat”, a animal that tends to be stereotyped in cartoons as “dirty” or “disease filled.” and yet they decided to name the second darkest character (who is also from a different artist) this.
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This combined with the other implications can only make me say:
What is Vivziepop’s deal with us?! Why is she outright refusing to draw us without making our skin somewhat grey- a light grey for that matter! The people at the wiki call Alastor “beige.” But I remember there being a time where they called him khaki, and earlier “grey.” Even beige is described as a “greyish tan” and is considered “the most pale” type of brown. So even the “browns” are very pale and arent the shade most of us are- aka pure, dark, brown! Even most light skin people are not grey- but brown! 
This isnt about the morality of the characters and them being demons, this is about the stereotyping from the creator. I dont give a shit if the show is meant to be “edgy”- you either choose to be borderline racist, ableist, and narcissitic with how you write your characters, or actually “progressive.” Choosing both just makes you look like most of the hypocrites over at Twitter who think that representation is a “two way” street that can be morphed into whatever benefits someone’s bias of a specific discriminated group. But back to Hazbin-
The implications with the poc are off-putting, and it makes me all the more nervous for how theyre going to present poc in the next show. Yikes! 
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robloart · 5 months
I watched the begins≠youth show a couple days ago. I was too busy to talk about it but now I have down time and kind wanna go over some stuff. (I pirated it for the boycott obviously and bc the platform Hybe released it on is ass backwards and weird)
I was kinda concerned that I wouldn't get emotionally invested with the story without BTS there but I really liked it so far. It hits the emotional beats really well. The actors are really good and do a good job bringing their own individuality into their performance while also emulating some mannerism of their respective members character. Enough that I'm reminded of BTS but not too much that makes it feel weird or uncanny.
They changed some things but not too much so far. I think the way the BTUniverse was presented made it much easier to adapt it into a series. But also made it so some characters are just too devoid of their respective members personality. Such as Dogeon. He doesn't feel like Namjoon to me and his actor doesnt resemble him at all I feel like the other actors even just slightly resemble the members but not him and I really don't like it. But What we know of all their characters is only their adult selves after what happens in high school tho so I forgive it but he's the only one I had trouble really vibing with bc of that.
I don't know if theyre gonna include the supernatural elements into the show it seems like it might be a crime drama murder mystery where they deal with extenuating circumstances of their daily lives while investigating the past and how they may be connected with each other. Their was a lot more emphasis placed on yoongi mothers death and what may have lead to it than in the original BTU.
I like the direction but I would have loved the supernatural elements more than just another murder mystery HS drama.
Jins character (hwan) really pissed me off at first but it was intentional ofc. The actor does a good job. His character is quiet and contemplative but cute when he wants to be. Loved the moments between his character and Namjoons (Dogeon) I'ma namjonist at heart and BTU was giving namjin hard ASF.
The actor for hobis character (hosu) is a master at emulating his mannerisms and even the inflection in his voice and his dialect. It was amazing how I immediately knew who he was while I kinda struggled for the other characters until I realized they still had the same last names as the BTS members 💀. Hes cute and acts as a mediator for the group like jhope sometimes does irl. The actor does a good job of balancing hobis sunny personality and his quiet suffering with his trauma and disorder. I think his narcolepsy might still be munchausen's disorder like in the og.
The actor for taehyungs character (jooan) really matched his carefree and playful nature of both his character and taehyung. His smile and facial expressions really remind me of taehyung. He reminds me of how tae portrayed his character in hwarang. They took away his sister so idk if tae(jooan) killing his dad is gonna be something that happens since his sister's abuse was the motivator for it. Again I think it's bc they may have taken away the supernatural time travel elements.
I was worried about yoongis character (cein). I was really hoping they didn't portray him as one dimensional. Just angsty sleepy and quiet. The same way some army's portray yoongi in fanfics sometimes. But I like that they included how cute loud and mischievous he can be with bursts of energy. How reliable and loyal he is. How he cares for ppl with actions instead of words. I think Cein's personality resembled yoongis the most out of any other character and their respective member. The one thing I ABSOLUTELY hated was the implication that yoongi or his character would be uncomfortable with queerness even as a joke. Mr tongue technology himself?? I don't think so. They can miss me with that bullshit.
Haru being a unisex name just like Jimin is so cute. I like Jimins character his actor is really good and nailing the more serious scenes. His story along with yoongis(Cein) was the most compelling to me so far. I like how his trauma is portrayed and even the stigma around it. I like how they put him in charge of the decorations and cake for Cein's birthday like Jimin used to do irl before the company sorta took that over. I don't remember Jimin(haru) having an older brother but fuck him and his mom and dad.
Like I said before Joons character (Dogeon) bothered me the most. He's poor and sad and that's really all there is to him rn and it kinda sucks. The actor doesn't remind me of namjoon at all. His performance is good but the writing for the character is just a bit weak. They also make him more law abiding than he was in the BTU. He acts as a voice of reason to tehyungs (jooan) mischief but I don't really remember him being like that. But again the BTU didn't explore their highschool days THAT much.
Jungkook character (jeha) is adorable. the actor is a minor so I hope ppl take that into account when talking about him and his character. His home life isn't as bad as it was portrayed in the BTU but I think the abuse he faces will obviously escalate. I like the dimension they added to his character. I'm ready to see where this goes for him.
I screamed when I saw Jung sungil as jins(hwan) dad. Very good choice. I loved him in the glory but I'm so prepared to see him as a villain. Also the actors from beyond evil playing jungkooks(jeha) older brother.
Very interested to see where this trail goes with yoongis(Cein's) mom. If Hwans dad did actually SA her and what lead to her death. I was surprised they included that detail. I also have a feeling that Hwan's dads weied issue with Hwan having friends may have something to do with Cein's mom.
There also seems to be a culminating revelation of how the boys were involved in Cein's mom death. They kept showing flashbacks of each boy when some building exploded. I thought it was yoongis suicide in BTU but then they showed both where Cein was during the explosion so it was some other fire and not the fire that namjoon dies in (didn't relaize how many fire related deaths was in the BTU) bc I believe that takes place later when they're older and if they changed that fire to fit the lack of super natural elements then it still wouldn't fit bc jooan doesn't know who Cein is at the time of the explosion. So it must be the fire yoongis mom dies in if not then idk.
Honestly just really looking forward to seeing where this all leads especially if they've excluded the time traveling.
The show also gave me this weird sense of sad nostalgia for hyyh Bangtan. I cried a little seeing them interacted with such simplicity especially Cein's bday scenes bc I was just heavily reminded of BTS and really miss them.
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joltning · 6 months
I’M REALLY REALLY HOPING FOR GOOD TUCKER CONTENT THIS SEASON. CHORUS TRILOGY WAS THE BEST HE’S EVER GOTTEN AND HE’S JUST BEEN GOING DOWNHILL SINCE (s18 was the fucking BOTTOM OF THE BARREL for him oh my fucking gd) but Tucker getting corrupted by the Meta COULD BE REALLY REALLY interesting, so I HAVE HOPE. He’s my favorite character and he CAN be a really well done and written character but I’m KIIINDA worried that he’s gonna be corrupted by the Meta WAY too quickly that we’re not even gonna GET much content of Tucker being Tucker, he’s just gonna quickly become an antagonist, and I REFUSE TO LET MY GUY GO OUT LIKE THAT. Thank you for listening rant over, I’m shaking like a leaf until s19 drops
thank you for acknowledging s18 Tucker they totally get him wrong in the Second he’s introduced. the very implication that he wash and Carolina just left caboose even after all their found family spiel always hurts me
tuckers one of my favorites too and honestly I feel like he doesn’t need much more characterization, he’s one of the more solid characters and the fans definitely complain for simmons and sarge development for a reason (a focus arc, I mean. They’ve had plenty of silent characterization, sarge becoming more accustomed to the blues and grif, his speech in s8, simmons becoming less of a brown noser and more outspoken,) but the way his character has just been drilled into the ground is a lil horrendous. I want him to have a good note
Honestly? rvb has always been twisty as fuck. reveals out the wazoo. alpha director. alpha ai. felix bad. Carolina daughter. I’m betting that Tucker isn’t the big bad he’s portrayed as.
The Meta’s whole goal was to collect the ais and armor enhancements of other freelancer to power up and ‘become human.’ With meta tucker, all of the ai would already be in his head, so there would be no reason to attack any of them, unless you’re counting epsilon himself (which is sure to be conflicting asf to tucker if true). Notice how even after he has them in compromising positions, he doesn’t make any moves to actually kill them.
The timing of this is weird too. Wash in the hospital means it presumably takes place after s17 but before s18. So, where’s lopez? There could, of course, be multiple simulations running at once but that would suck Ass.
If my theory of halo infinite being the simulation game (as CE and Reach were before) then there’s a possibility they’ll be out eventually too. There were spottings of the filming on MCC.
I propose the idea that this season is epsilon’s final simulation before giving up for good. His worst case scenario. The thing he fears would happen the most. And Tucker’s role in this is to ‘collect’ him, and end the simulation so he can move on.
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dragynkeep · 3 years
yknow I think what bothers me partially about bmblb or however it's spelled is that, at least initially, they weren't /as/ conventional for the time. Like Yang being the bruiser who also openly embraced her femininity while Blake was more stoic and hardlined in her design and like visually it popped to me even tho it wasn't one of my ships. But now they're just 'dominant butch' and 'waify femme' while not even being brave enough to actually lean into that aesthetically to draw away from them both being waify stale bread. Its so lukewarm and bland and i weep
i am geuninely so bored of the same overdone femme/butch trope & it's really weird that they basically swapped the two around to reinforce that dynamic when they could've just kept the girls as is; especially since it comes off with some oof implications as it's tied into yang's disability. it's not hard to bring a bit of visually interesting spice into the same boring, white asf sapphic ships saturating the landscape over & over.
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jiaoqiu-s-bitch · 3 years
thing is - i don’t actually care? if i’m reading something f/f, my first thought isn’t “oh i sure hope this was written by a wlw otherwise it’s problematic”, it’s whether or not the thing is actually good? and i’ve read plenty of good f/f stuff by male authors. some of them have been straight men, too. me and my irl gay friend talk all the time about f/f ships. we talk about them in nsfw contexts, which by internet standards would mean he’s “fetishizing” wlw, except that’s literally ridiculous. i don’t care if guys write or draw ladies in love or ladies having sex together, as long as they respect irl wlw. and most wlw i know don’t care about it either.
so why’s there an obsession that wlw are incapable of writing mlm, especially if it’s nsfw? is it just this idea that we can’t “understand” mlm? (which also has it’s own underlying issues besides the sexist implications - why would a gay man have more understanding of the biphobia faced by bi men than a bisexual woman?) is it because twitter fandom spaces and the like are filled with teenagers who tend to have very black and white opinions of things? is it this weird hostility between mlm and wlw that seems to exist everywhere online nowadays?
THIS. pls ily you’re proof that I get the best anons—
Seriously though, you’re absolutely right.
All the points you‘ve listed are true and valid and I don’t really have anything to add except WHY CANT EVERYONE MIND THEIR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS??
Like are y‘all really trying to tell me that you ain’t got anything better to do in the time you spend trying to forbid people doing things that ain’t any of your damn business? Why do you feel the need to jump in and force your opinion on others, moreover absolutely unasked for?
Plus y’all are bitching abt "oppression" BY FEMALES, while you literally got women on ur DNI list bc "they got enough cc x fem reader content already". Don’t see the irony? Apart from that, it’s just childish asf, so don’t act all high and mighty about your sensitive lil egos. YOU are being toxic and intolerant.
So thanks for poisoning the rest of us, fucking idiots.🙄
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tiffgeorgina · 5 years
fuck it black monday soulmate au
this one goes out to brit pricevore and that damn quote rt about hating soulmate aus. also to all the time i wasted in the shower last night thinking about this. brit if you’re reading this i have done my part. 
this fic is sponsored by the hyuna and LE collab that i cannot stop blasting. it’s called blacklist and it kind of invented music
-ok so im starting with mo and dawn because of fucking course i am
-mo spends like four years in prison starting from when he’s 20 or 21 or sum shit. around this time, dawn’s getting her MBA from northwestern. as soon as mo’s out of prison, jammer stakes the jammer group and hands majority ownership over to mo. alright so mo needs some employees he can’t do all this by himself. so he schedules an interview with dawn and meets her and realizes that this is His Soulmate. 
-im not really certain what the exact soulmate au would be for this because frankly i don’t care, i don’t want to get into that rn lol. but it’s something obvious and clear-cut, like seeing color for the first time when you make eye contact with your soulmate or smth. Actually i rly like that idea so im gonna roll with it. Fuck it you see color the first time the first time you touch your soulmate (i’ll get into the general implications of this some more later on, maybe after keith/mike’s part stay tuned xx) i love me some ambiguous soulmate aus but all the relationships in this show are ambiguous enough so i’ll pass in that regard this time. also in this universe, your soulmate isn’t necessarily regarded as your romantic partner for life. some conservatives/evangelists/fundamentalists/traditionalists will consider any marriage/sexual or romantic relationships with people other than your soulmate to be an abomination or w/e, and the 80s were pretty conservative, but they were also pretty weird, so a lot of people give zero fucks and will date/fuck/marry whoever. these people tend to regard soulmates as the most important person in your life, regardless of the nature of your relationship with them. some people’s soulmates are like a parent to them, and could never imagine being romantic/sexual with them. lots of people never meet their soulmates due to distance/death/etc. basically fate is not as all-knowing in this soulmate au as it is in some others. there is more to a long-lasting, successful romantic relationship than just love. back in the 40s or whatever, people would meet their soulmates and marry like two weeks later, never having had sex or a romantic relationship with anybody else, and then two days into the marriage they realize how devastatingly incompatible they are and the relationship crumbles under the strain of resentment and confusion within a year. people in the 80s have started to learn the lessons the people in the 40s never had time to figure out, so most people have some romantic/sexual experience before they meet their soulmate. besides, who wants to wait that long to have sex? not me tf
-ok back to the plot now that we got the background is down. mo and dawn meet and know they’re soulmates. so they get to know each other, but their main focus is work bc they’ve got a lot of work to do if they want to get anywhere. the company is young, dawn’s just out of school, and mo’s just out of prison. there’s a lot of ground to cover and they’re impatient asf to be rich and powerful. 
-the romance sort of happens naturally, given how much time they spend together, and they fall hard. they start dating, and when it’s great, it’s great. but when it’s bad, it’s fucking horrible. they’re both really underdeveloped as people (should i mention that they both literally just entered the workforce lol) and they just. can’t. get. along. 
-they hire some more people, like keith and yassir and wayne, and even they can tell that their relationship just sucks. they fight all the time over petty shit, and their fights always go way too far and never get properly resolved. sure, the sex is good and they want pretty similar futures (lots of money and no kids), but emotionally, in the short term, they are as incompatible as it gets. they have the same argument that they’ve had a gazillion times about promoting dawn to partner, but this time it goes a little too far. the things they say are a little too hurtful, and at this point, the relationship is a little too broken to salvage. they both know that when dawn storms out that night, it’s the last time. she moves out the next day.
-but she can’t really quit, can she? at this point she’s put in like three years of work at this place, and it’s moving up the ranks, and she’s head trader. she’s not taking a pay cut because she’s too immature to work with her ex-who-is-also-her-soulmate. so she sticks around. it’s a little awkward at first, but she and mo just come to an unspoken agreement that they’ll spend less time together and let themselves detach as much as possible, because at this point, a romantic relationship just seems so impossible, so why try? they can be each other’s most important person without being romantic partners, right? of course they can! Yeah, maybe they were just destined to be platonic soulmates. this will definitely work.
-so dawn meets this guy. his name is spencer. they hit it off right away too. of course, they’re much less compatible (in terms of long-term plans and all that, especially regarding having a family) than she and mo ever were, and the chemistry is nowhere near as electric, but at least they can have a conversation about something other than how much they hate the lehman brothers without screaming at each other. despite how much she knows she doesn’t love him like she still does used to love mo, she thinks she can live the rest of her life like this. they get engaged after dating for a year, and then married after a six month engagement period.
-mo stays single for about a decade or so. the most serious relationship he has isn’t even monogamous and it’s like, barely a year. he tells himself that he’s not looking for love, and he’s much happier to just sleep around and count his money and focus on that. everybody he ever talks to knows this is a bald-faced lie. they choose not to bring it up.
-(IM REALIZING HOW SIMILAR THIS IS TO THE CANON BACKSTORY/PLOT OF BLACK MONDAY IM SCREAMING SHGLKSDFHGLKSDRGHLS WHATEVER IM HAVING FUN) so mo and dawn are still working together and their relationship is... getting better. time heals all wounds right? well, not if you keep rubbing salt in the wound by literally working with your ex-who-is-also-your-soulmate and seeing them everyday. they know subconsciously that they could’ve been really fucking great, if only they hadn’t been such idiots in their 20s. but now that chance is gone, and they both just have to accept that. they still get into fights and shit, but it tends to be over much more superficial stuff. of course, people without fifteen years of history don’t get into screaming matches over tiny shit like they do. but that’s the territory of working with your ex-who-is-also-your-soulmate.
-so mo has this stupid fucking idea that he doesn’t even run by dawn before throwing $60 mil on it, because of course he does. so she has no choice but to go with it. they hire this kid, his name is blair, because they need him to pull this off. blair finds out that mo and dawn are soulmates who used to date but don’t anymore, and he’s really not even that surprised. of course, it’s weird to find out that your bosses whom you’re weirdly close to, who seem to hate each other, used to be in love and date and the whole nine yards and all that, but it makes a lot of sense.
-so they go off to the predator’s ball bc even rich people need money sometimes. you know that scene where they’re walking back to their rooms after that wild ass night, and mo’s like “you want to call it, or?” and dawn’s like “would if i could but im married” and then they get into a fight over collateral shares? fuck that scene entirely. let dawn find out about that 30% collateral shit like the next day or some shit idfc. instead, dawn’s just a smidge drunker than she was in canon, or maybe she was thinking more clearly than she has in a while, and she just fuckin goes for it. she kisses him, and of course he kisses her, and they... sleep in the same room that night. lmfao you know what i mean. and so starts this sort of friends/business-partners-with-benefits thing. 
-they are next level awkward when they get back to NYC, and blair and keith notice the fuck out of it. they aren’t exactly on speaking terms, so they don’t bring it up to each other, but fuck if they don’t bitch about to their respective soulmates (which i will get into)
-dawn feels soooo guilty it’s unreal. But she rationalizes the hell out of it. Her relationship with spencer has a textbook dead bedroom (which is actually sort of canon), and she signed up for monogamy, not celibacy. it’s not her first example of fucked up morals for sleeping with somebody other than her husband, anyways; there are worse things she can do (and has done) than cheat. It’s not fair that he gets to have all the sex he wants while she has to suffer in silence. So she keeps hooking up with mo even if it’s the worst thing she could do for her relationship with him (and her relationship with spencer, who doesn’t even know that she’s met her soulmate, let alone that her soulmate is her fuckin business partner [canon divergent, spencer does not find out about her and mo in 1x02])
-mo feels guilty in theory but really he’s just happy to be with dawn again in some way. They’re never in dawn’s apartment, so there’s no chance they can ever be caught ever. This is fine. They are fine.
-as one can expect, they are not fine and spencer notices dawn acting differently. Eventually she has a couple drinks one night and the guilt overwhelms her so she ends up coming clean. Safe to say she and spencer get that divorce.
-around this time, mo is telling blair about the georgina play, and blair is telling him to go fuck himself. Also around this time, tiff is getting kidnapped.
-dawn immediately suspects that mo did some stupid shit when she finds out mo told blair everything. So she goes to find him, only to find him at his lake house, spreading ashes. After he tells her he knows nothing of tiff’s kidnapping and he’s spreading the ashes of a friend, she relaxes and they spend the night together, just talking over all the shit they’ve been through. They don’t have sex that night, but they feel what they used to feel when they were together 15 years ago.
-in the middle of the night, blair calls dawn in a blind panic, talking about how tiff’s parents arranged her kidnapping for the press without telling her. Blair says, “Let’s you and me run the georgina play. That’s right, i know you knew, you’re too smart not to” and dawn says “no.” she doesn’t give excuses or anything, she puts her foot down because she will not let this kid she’s known for barely a year convince her to fuck up the most fulfilling relationship she’s ever had as soon as they get to a good place again. She tells him she’ll run the play with him, but it’s not gonna be against mo. either all three of them are fucked with mo and dawn $60 mil in the hole and blair out of a job, or all three of them can be filthy rich and successful. That’s the deal. Blair says he’ll call her back tomorrow.
-the next morning, mo and dawn are talking on the doorstep, and mo brings up the georgina play and how the kid fuckin hates him now, and there’s no chance of pulling off the play bc he quit. Dawn’s like “yeah, about that… we need to schedule a meeting with him” and mo’s like “what for?” and dawn’s like “i spoke to him last night, his fiancée’s kidnapping was a sham that her parents pulled off and he might be in the right headspace to fuck them over right around now” and mo’s like “holy shit you miracle worker” and they make out and when they walk back into the office, they’re hand in hand. 
-they call blair into the office and they basically just yell at each other for three hours. Keith, yassir, wayne, and ronnie do not know what is going on and frankly they are too afraid to ask. Eventually, they reach an agreement: blair will pull hand over 6% of georgina jeans in exchange for 20% of the jammer group, and another 25% to dawn (after they use blair’s algorithm to grab that last 30% from the lehmans). They shake on it, but none of them leave happy.
-blair’s not exactly happy to fuck over his parents-in-law, and mo isn’t happy to lose majority control of his own company. Dawn lucked out, gaining more power and losing little in the play, but her relationship with both of them is so on-the-rocks that she can’t imagine upholding a business partner relationship with them. This is gonna go so great after blair gets married in *checks watch* like two months.
-so blair gets married and the georgina play is a thing that happens (successfully might i add) and everything is kind of shitty because there are at least two relationships to repair here, and one that’s coming back from the dead. But little by little, they all get to a better place until they’re more or less back at where they were before mo told blair everything and they were all just friends except this time mo and dawn are dating xx
-WHEW and that is that on that. And by that on that i mean that on mo/dawn for this au. Dw im gonna get to blair/tiff and mike/keith and im super excited to write those too but i’ll make sure to put those in a separate post because i don’t think tumblr could handle a +7000 word post lmfao (since this post is nearly 2500 words jesus christ)
-i hoped y’all liked reading this as much as i loved writing it!! Again i love feedback and i read everything y’all say in the tags so please put stuff in the tags bc i love that shit!! Gn xx
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n-k-y · 5 years
Do you think Eren is doing everything to protect Historia? Do you think that there’s been a hint of romance between the two? Do you believe in them becoming a thing by the end of the story? Would it make sense such a thing for the characters themselves? I know these are silly questions and that are a bit out of context, but I really wanted your opinion about it😣🙈🙈... (I’m not a shipper, I just really need an objective view about the issue...)
Hey there sweet anon. Sorry for the slow reply but it’s been a busy week and I haven’t been able to get to my laptop. But I AM HERE NOW. 
Short answer to all your questions: no. 
I think in context, what we’ve seen hasn’t guided the story in that direction - and that such dynamics just haven’t been foreshadowed. 
SO, here are the long answers:
Do you think Eren is doing everything to protect Historia?
Run far away from people that say this because they either must have missed 108, lack reading comprehension, or ARE incredibly and disgustingly bias - for whatever reason. Eren cares about all his friends. This is a paramount component of the story. Eren reflecting candidly about how he wants them to live a long and happy life was placed there for a reason. Simply so that we can read subsequent chapters with this information in mind. 
Eren cares about all his friends - including Historia. He may be paying her at special attention because she is the only one in immediate danger of becoming a titan. Nevertheless, everyone including Historia is in danger of the world crushing them in a World War that is about to be unleashed upon them.
Do you believe in them becoming a thing by the end of the story?
LOL, no. If they are - I require a personal letter from God in APA format, all sources cited, signed with the blood of Christ stating when and where this happened. I do not canonically see any romantic implications between that of Historia and Eren. I see a close friendship at best where they strive to protect each other from their cursed history and depressing destiny. Historia teasing Mikasa about why Eren has access to her innermost secrets before anyone else resonated with me. BUT then again, I am always accused of BeINg BLiNd and not being able to read in between the lines. 
If Eren and Historia do somehow end up being “together,”, we need believable receipts. 
Would it make sense such a thing for the characters themselves? 
Lol, again, no.
Eren’s goals, dreams, and wishes are centered around protecting Paradis, his friends, and achieving freedom. I think it would be a poor choice and a surefire way to weaken the narrative by inherently making Eren’s goals go from his personal freedom and those of his friends to a family that would have been made inexplicably during a hidden time skip. Not only would that be weird, but it would also be weak asf. Considering that there is already an overarching direction of the story and a message that we’ve all grown accustomed to, I can’t see it veering off into such uncharted territory. I don’t think our selfish Eren would hurt himself in that way. I’m sure he has enough on his plate.
In regards to Historia: I feel like Historia’s insight into Ymir and their story hasn’t been addressed yet - which is another reason as to why a torrid affair with Eren would be… weird. A lot feels unresolved and that’s because it is. We haven’t gotten her thoughts, heard more of her pain, or figured out where her loyalties lie in the current cesspool of chaos. Without Historia’s inner philosophy that she’s had over the time skip - I don’t think this direction would make much sense for her character or her narrative. 
I want to say (I may be wrong) but I’ve always read Historia and Eren in a particular way. I feel like their story’s closely parallel one another… But they don’t intersect (at least in the way that many people are implying). If that makes sense? Historia has her own thoughts, feelings, obligations, goals. As does Eren. They strongly inspire one another for where they have been and where they are heading in life. However, I do not think that they don’t have the exact same destination. Historia wants to live for herself and make sure that she is a good queen to her people. Eren requires freedom for himself and his people. We don’t want Eren to end up like father and we don’t want Historia to end up like her mother. These characters don’t want that either. The road on how their characters will get there can be done in many ways - not only in the most popular “theory” that I’ve seen floating around. 
Since they both have to or have had to overcome the paths of their parents. Not sure why that would require them to be a couple in order for them supporting one another to work or to feel organic?
Your questions are not silly at all! Honestly, after a few talks with some fandom faves of mine, I’ve come to the conclusions that I’m not insane for not seeing what the rest of the fandom says we are “missing.” I don’t think we should be influenced by the absence of evidence to go on a tangent and insert what we “want” to have happened over the 10 months in our timeline that are still missing. We have to wait before jumping the gun and shooting ourselves in the foot.
If somehow I am wrong and Isayama does go in that direction, I’d be sorely disappointed. However, I don’t see this manga turning into a sleezy J-drama with father drama or Eren foolishly following in his father’s footsteps of dragging more people into bid for freedom. (to me, it seems like he’s trying to push everyone away but that’s a different story for another day.)
So please rest easy anon ❣️
Feel free to ask any other questions. 
I hope I helped :))
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seaweedbraens · 5 years
i love logging on to tumblr in 2019 and seeing pjo hot takes (im not being sarcastic) bc truly there as so much fucked up... and while we had House of Hades Discourse in 2013 i think all of us collectively growing older and reflecting on it really adds a lot. the implications of franks "hot transformation" strike a much deeper chord in me at 18 than they did at 12. how did rr not realize what he was telling his audience here
i remember reading it the first time and being like okay....that’s weird, and by the 2nd or 3rd time i reread i was like NOPE. it made me so mad bc i had a super chubby phase and i was really insecure about it. and the fact that rr had frank get the blessing of ares and suddenly get buff and hot like...bitch what. you’re telling your audience that there’s nothing worse than being fat lol. (i’ve had the same problem with rr kind of coupling all his characters up. like man it’s OKAY to be single, omfg)
and frank was always v self conscious about his weight too but he hadn’t been at camp jupiter for very long!!! like i understand why most demigods are lean/fit, it’s because they spend all their time training!!! frank was super insecure about his weight, which is valid, but let him work the weight off!!! but noooo BOOM his dad grants him hotness?? gtfo honestly. i hate that shit.
tl;dr: there’s nothing wrong with having a lil bit of chub. and if he wanted to lose it, rick should’ve made frank lose the weight by working out and not giving him some magical girl transformation just to make all the 7 hot asf.
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