#this is for a WIP fic that I’ve honestly sort of abandoned
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theywhoshantbenamed · 1 year ago
ABO Headcanons
California being a dormant omega. He doesn't quite look like a classic omega, being taller than even many alphas, but he has the nurturing tendencies (wanting to adopt Austin and wanting to care for him when he's cold). He's also unafraid of most Alphas - which is a quality considered undesirable in old society - and has often argued against them. An Alphas Voice works on him, still, but using their Voice has been made illegal in many states(not yet federal law).
New York as a dormant Alpha. He doesn't look much like one of his gender either, being of medium build, and he's shorter than some omegas like Mississippi or Florida. He has the aggressiveness of a stereotypical Alpha, but it's still nothing like a dominant's. He's not as territorial, but a majority of the Northeastern states are also Alphas of varying rank, and he grew up thinking it's what he's supposed to do
Alaska is a dominant alpha. It's surprising to many - not that he’s an alpha(he certainly has the build of one), but that he is a dominant one - because he's remarkably laid back. When people tell him this, he gets a little bothered, but refuses to show it. Being an alpha doesn't mean he has to be loud and aggressive all the time. However, his chill attitude also probably derives from a lineage of strong A genes, making him a higher rank than many.
Texas is a dominant alpha, the biggest stereotype. He's loud, proud, and loves to argue. California's got spunk, but he's raised to believe omegas are weaker, and that creates conflict in him. Also, internalized homophobia time, he is attracted to other Alphas
Florida is a recessive omega. He doesn't show any of the qualities typical omegas do, and his heats tend to be irregular. When it comes to recessive omegas, I think the Voice does work on them, but only when used by someone of strong A lineage, like Alaska(not that he would ever use it). The only real indicator that he's an omega is his medical records, if you can even find them. Otherwise, people just have to believe him. When it comes to pheromones, he can smell the scents, but they have little to no effect on him
Louisiana is another case of a dominant alpha with a lack of aggression/territoriality. He's heard it all, from every gender, about how he should act. He, frankly, doesn't care. He's confident in himself, and he's never felt more understood than by Florida, someone who knows what it's like to not fit in with people of your secondary gender. At the same time, however, he finds himself feeling more like a dominant Alpha around Florida than he ever did before. He wants to protect him and scent him and even make him submit at times. It scares him, especially since Florida isn't affected like he is, and he doesn't know how to allow himself to express these desires. They're normal to other dominant alphas, but not him.
Georgia is a dominant omega(wooo first one!) who very much fits in with his secondary gender, with a tendency to care for others and bring a sense of calm to those around him with his scent. His attraction is strictly towards other Omegas and Betas He loves Florida very much and the same is true vice versa. He is nervous around Alphas, though, for some reason.
Nevada is a dominant Omega; definitely lives up to the standard. His confidence as a Queen is a given, with an ability to make Alphas submit to him. Despite his status, his preferences lie most commonly in Betas. He has on-and-off relationships with Connecticut, Colorado, New Jersey, and even Gov.
Gov has no secondary gender. It's one of the things that's always separated him from the States. It’s never stopped him from keeping order between them, but hes never surprised when someone decides to challenge his authority. Thankfully, he’s got enough dirt on everyone to keep him cushy in his position.
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namesnamesandmorenames · 5 months ago
Okay I already said this but I just started my Library and Information Science Masters and I actually coincidentally started a fanfiction database around April when I was first accepted into the program. Now I have been in classes for like a month and a half and have been working out the bugs adding stuff for easier use on this database for 5 months. I’ve been using my current set up for the past week and I think it’s what I’ll be sticking with. I might go more in depth in what each record has and I have a separate Fandom Creators database but I think that the records for those are honestly more interesting than the views.
On to what I want to shout into the void about: The views!
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I know there’s a good chance no one cares so here’s a break off point to avoid clogging up your feed.
Each of these are set up for different purposes- overview is for completed works. These are the Read Statues I use in this overview (please ignore how crazy the numbers are)
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Reading, Read Next and To Read all seem self explanatory to me and have been there since I started this spreadsheet/database ages ago. Priority Creators are writers who I have read almost if not all of their published work and I want to keep up with them as they write more. But... It's not necessarily my ONLY favorite writers- Prolific Priority (dumb name everything else I came up with was too long. I wanted it to be at most two words) are for people who have an EXTENSIVE back catalog of fics creators I trust who I've read and loved their work but it's not keeping up like Priority Creators-- it's catching up. Fandom Firsts a bit self explanatory- this is a creators first and only work (for now) in the fandom I'm currently hyperfixating on. I don't necessarily prioritize them but I like knowing in case they end up becoming a favorite writer! Basically it's a fancy system to break up my TBR from being in the thousands lol. Off The Presses— Was this work released in the last month essentially? These will filter back into the other categories if I don’t get to them it’s just something I like to be aware of.
Podfics overview (self explanatory (I record podfics so I like sorting by those separately because if there's a podic I'm listening to it!)) it looks practically identical to the regular overview just filters for if there is a contributor listed or podfic box checked.
WIP Overview- one of my most useful views imo-
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It has extra read status' of Up to Date and Updated- Up to Date being fics I'm subscribed to and hoping for updates and Updated being recently updated fics I wanna catch up on! It’s also just nice to keep track of when things were last updated before I start them. Off the Presses actually means something slightly different here than traditional overview— that’s work I haven’t started reading but have checked and it has updated within the last month— I’m not completely against reading abandoned work (I even have a separate fic status for it) but wanna be aware of it before I start.
By Title and Format I don't really use Title is fics I'd consider making into podfics personally but it's gotten out of hand and I don't record nearly enough to ever actually catch up on it, format was an attempt at having the Completed and WIP overviews in one place- it was cluttered and I didn't use it. Now it breaks down by one shot or multi chapters and then length but I rarely actually use it because it has to be a uniform division of word count and it's just a lot of scrolling when set to 10,000 but anything more than that would have 500 word drabbles with like 20,000 word oneshots.
Missing Information? Like I mentioned I will add sections, recently I wanted to track where in the canon timeline I read most fics and this is a view where I've been trying to go back and update that most easily.
Bulk Addition- despite my excessive fic TBR I will still browse for new and old fics that clog up my tabs just as bad as the next person and I will just put the info in here it's set up most like a spreadsheet with a WIP, One Shot, Multi Chapter breakdown because One Shot is the default so it's easiest to be quick and accurate this way.
Skipping Chart for a sec-- checking is just a big list where I can search without it being broken up by any status or filters so I can try avoiding duplicate entries or find something specific by name, tag or creator. It’s basically my simplest version of a retrieval tool.
Chart is my designated 1 chart Notion will let me have for free I can and do change it relatively often if I am interested in something- here are a few options I go back to:
How many words am I reading each month?
How many words are the fics I’m recording each month overall?
Is there a month that more works I recorded were published?
And most recently— Where in the canon am I most likely to read a fic for? (I have Ambiguous, Multi Season or True AU options if it is truly too hard to tell but clearly since I just joined the 9-1-1 fandom a lot of the fics I’ve been reading take place post s7.)
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Like I said I might make another post looking at what is recorded in each record, I think it would be funny to look at it as if it’s an actual cataloging schema so I might try to use LIS vocab for this as if it’s serious lol.
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crazylittlejester · 5 months ago
I'm back. 👍
I have been gifted secondhand copies of Super Mario Odyssey (which is mostly just really weird) and Monster Hunter: Rise (which is way cooler). So now I officially have three games for my beloved Switch AND one of my roommates 3D printed me a controller thing that I don't really know how to use, but it's supposed to make taking the Switch apart easier. :)
Um, that aside, I haven't really been doing much. I keep telling myself I'll do homework and work on my WIPs, but neither of those have really been happening. I wish I had an update that was actually interesting, but I don't. :( I've just been watching my roommate play Plague: A Tale of Innocence (which is fun but scary) and thinking about stuff.
The most interesting thing I've been thinking about is an idea for a roommates AU sort of thing, probably with Sky & Twilight & Warriors, based on my experiences with my own roommates. Mostly in the sort of way that (at least) one of them was neglected as a child and is now struggling to adapt to living in a household where they're genuinely cared about and accepted and loved. Honestly, I think it could work for any of them, but Sky and Warriors are the two I'm thinking about the most simply because I feel like Warriors would have a background that would be the easiest for this, but Sky would also be particularly tragic because I'd write him as a child that was essentially abandoned by the community in contrast to how I've typically seen Skyloft portrayed. I haven't exactly thought hard about Twilight, yet, though, so... I'm not sure where to go with this beyond the vibes. I might read through some of somerknights' pieces later and see if anything inspires me for him.
OOOH NICE!! god the concept of being able to just. 3D print shit is wild to me honestly
everything you have to say is interesting, and i’ve literally been in the same boat. i have been getting absolutely nothing done, ive mainly been watching smosh with my dog but i seriously gotta lock in because i have a test and an essay i gotta finish in the next few hours and i havent started either
That is certainly an adjustment to have to make, and i think any of the links would work well with that. if/whenever you end up doin something with that i’d love to read it :3 (i gotta make more time to read more fics i miss somerknight’s stuff 😔)
take care of yourself dude, make sure you’re getting water and rest and food 🫶
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novorehere · 2 years ago
Hey all! Just wanted to give everyone a bit of a content update.
I apologize for the lack of content for the past… year. I’ve been working through some stuff, and it’s been hard for me to find the motivation or inspiration to write. It comes in short bursts, meaning I’ve been (very) slowly chipping away at multiple projects at once. I just thought I’d update everyone on how things are going and make a list (partly for myself) of what I have in the works, what still needs to be done, and what you can expect from me in the future. Admittedly these are mostly obey me fics but I DO have other things tumbling about in my brain, I promise.
Opposite Day: 2/5 chapters finished, the rest 100% planned and around 30-40% written.
I’ve been sitting on an unfinished chapter 3 for almost a year now, and have written good portions of the other chapters in the meantime. This is the project I’m most excited to finish, and I feel bad for abandoning it for so long. Rest assured, I *am* still working on it, and am extremely happy it’s been so well received.
Untitled Simeon Comfort Fic: 75% finished.
Originally I wanted this written for his birthday (which was in February lmao) but as you can see that did not happen. I’ve got the beginning and end all written out, I sort of went off the script at the end with fun purgatory hall family fluff so the only thing I don’t have written is… actually the eating part. This will probably be the first fic I actually post, seeing as it’s the closest to completion.
“A series of Obey Me Vore Headcanons” Re-Write (Title Very WIP) 2.5/7 chapters re-written
This one I don’t think I’ve mentioned on here yet. I’ve grown increasingly unsatisfied with my original obey me headcanons list that I posted last year when I first got into the fandom. A. Because I hadn’t gotten very far into the story when I wrote it and didn’t get the full scope of the characters yet and B. (Most importantly) I feel like I really didn’t do the characters justice.
Since I originally posted it, there’s been a healthy amount of discussion on depth and nuance in vore media and reducing characters to tropes, etc. I’d like to re-write this series to focus less on physical aspects and “how they eat you” but rather more of an emotional and story driven story of why they eat you and their emotions and struggles that come with it. The obey me brothers are incredibly interesting characters, and I’d like to explore them in more depth and show you how interesting they can really be and why I love them so much.
This one might take a while to complete, but it’s gonna happen at some point. I‘ll keep up the original half-finished version in the meantime since I don’t want to delete it and ao3 doesn’t allow privating fics without orphaning them. I know it’s ugly in it’s current state, just know I’m working on it and the rest of those chapters will be overhauled eventually.
“Miss Em”: 80% written (kind of)
I’ve had this one sitting in my drafts for a while now. Originally I had plans to start another multi-chapter series but then Opposite Day sort of went to shit so I scrapped it knowing it was way too ambitious. But now I still have a mostly written Mammon fic in my notes app just sitting there and it would be a shame to just…leave it. I’m not sure what I’m gonna do with this one, Maybe I’ll write the Beel companion piece to it that I had planned and just leave it as a 2-parter. Who knows. It’s really cute, and I want to share it at some point.
Untitled Obey Me mini-drabbles: 60% written
Honestly this wasn’t supposed to be a whole thing. I started randomly writing one day on a burst of inspiration and it turned into little mini “scenario slices” for all the characters and I really like how it turned out. I still need to write for two of the characters and polish up some others, but it’s a fun low-stress thing to work on in between projects. Also excited to share it possibly soon since they’re fairly short and shouldn’t take long to finish (but you know me���)
An unspecified ITWOM fanfic: 0% written, 50% planned
For those who aren’t familiar, “In the World of Monsters” is an amazing novel authored by @vore-toast that just recently received a fantastic ending and epilogue (Please read it! It’s fantastic!) And I really would like to write a little something for it to show my appreciation. I have an idea planned out, but details would involve spoilers so I can’t say much. I’d need to ask for guidance on what exactly to include since the things I would like to write about haven’t exactly *happened yet* but I’ve said too much already… hee hee. I don’t know when this fic is gonna happen, but I swear to you it will. And if my original idea doesn’t work out, it’ll be something. I WILL be writing for this series, mark my words.
Heroes Off-Duty. 0% written, ??% planned
Huh? That’s weird... That one’s not supposed to be there. Ah well, It’s not relevant anyway. Carry on.
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nightcolorz · 8 months ago
tagged by @molloytheboy Ilysm king thank u for the tag <3 this is so fun
How many works do you have on AO3? 10
What’s your total AO3 word count? 74,616
What fandoms do you write for? right now just the vampire chronicles + amc iwtv. I used to write Batman fan-fiction about the rogues gallery but I stupidly deleted them from a03. I wrote one fic that’s still up about hazbin hotel, and I used to write a lot for our flag means death but for some reason never published any of that
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? You can lean on my arm as you break my heart, Millennia Gate, A Slave For God, церковь в огне, and Must Have Been the Wind
Do you respond to comments? I try to always respond to comments! I love comments so so much and if someone is taking the time to tell me how they feel about my fic then they deserve to hear back from me ❤️🙏‼️ often times all I can think to say is a heart felt thank u, but I want the ppl who get something from my writing to know how much it means to me
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? this is a tough one bcus a lot of my fics are straight up heart attacks. I usually end up defaulting to a small bit of hope to end things off when I go rlly dark, and the only time I didn’t do that was with “You can lean on my arm as you break my heart”, which is probably my darkest fic anyway. A handful of my fics end ambiguously bleak like that but I think the intensity of that one makes the sort of ambiguous sort of bleak ending extra upsetting. But most of my fics end badly
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Definitely “A vile hunger for your hammering heart” haha. That is one of my favorite fics I’ve written but it’s so niche and stupid it rarely gets any attention 😭🙏
Do you get hate on fics? I only ever got a hate comment once on my tiny Drabble collection, for tagging it as bpd cuz lestat was displaying some heavy bpd traits and they didn’t like that ig. I deleted the comment and vagued them on my tumblr and they showed up in my ask box so I hope this doesn’t summon them 💀. It was funny tho! Rlly rlly confusing stuff😭. But nah otherwise not rlly, which is surprising to me cuz I write some stuff definitely hate worthy 🙏but I don’t think hate is super common on a03, at least in this fandom
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yeah sometimes. I only can rlly write smut that’s traumatic and unhealthy 😭. I wrote happy smut once in my life, in “it must’ve been the wind”. Otherwise I write evil smut
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I honestly am not a fan of crossovers 💔
Have you ever had a fic stolen?I hope not! 😭. But no I don’t think so.
Have you ever had a fic translated? I wish!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I consider my claim to fame “millennia gate” to be co written, but it technically isn’t written by two ppl lol. I write it and my boyfriend helps me brainstorm and edit
What’s your all time favorite ship? Daniel x Armand, for sure. Weirdly enough I’ve only ever written and published Drabbles about them. I’ve been planning to write more of them tho 🙏‼️
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I hate this evil ass question 😭 I don’t want to say millennia gate bcus I love her and so many ppl love her but I’ve rlly been struggling to find motivation to write her lately. Millennia gate is a reflection of such a specific time in my life and I used it to vent a bunch of issues I was having, and it’s hard for me to tap into that now that I’ve grown sm as a person. I think and hope that inspiration will come back to me tho cuz I hate the idea of abandoning her 🙏 my love child truly.
What are your writing strengths? I’ve been told I’m good at writing dialogue, themes, and pacing. Ive also been told im good at understanding and portraying characters in a way that’s true to the source material+ compelling, which is good cuz I write fanfic lol. A lot of ppl read my fics cuz they like my metas, so I think that’s a strong suit. I’m also a freak for metaphors 😭 oh my god I use elaborate figurative language in casual conversation, it’s bad. The best praise I ever got was from a teacher, she said I write like Anne rice but way better 😭. I don’t rlly think that’s true, but I love it.
What are your writing weaknesses? I find it hard to be subtle and let my writing speak for itself, I tend to hammer things home a bit too strongly so that the effectiveness wears off. I always fight the urge to write big blocks of unnecessary text just so the audience knows what I’m getting at, over explaining and stuff. I struggle with writing sentences that aren’t super long and clunky. I’m rlly bad with grammar. I can’t spell 😭. I also am blind to the quality of my own writing and tend to over edit unnecessarily cuz I find it hard to open up to beta readers
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I do it all the time. I don’t use google translate, I try to use more deluxe sources when I write in languages I don’t speak because I’d be so embarrassed if I got something wrong 😭. But I rarely write in a language I don’t speak for more then a sentence or two. Once someone who speaks French commented that they loved that they could read the French in my Lestat fic and I was so happy and relieved it was coherent to someone who speaks the language 😭
First fandom you wrote for? The first fandom I wrote for was technically the how to train your dragon books in my childhood notebook, but the first fanfic I ever published was for Harry Potter. I remember it was an angsty backstory fic about Remus lupin, lmao.
Favorite fic you’ve written? it changes, but right now it’s церковь в огне, because I re read and think about it as if it’s a fic I haven’t written 😭. But I have my favorite memories attached to “must have been the wind”, “A vile hungering for your hammering heart” and Millennia gate. Those last three have started inside jokes with me and my friends, and r often quoted to me 😭 so definitely I consider them favorites thank u again for the tag Finn!! Tagging @oopsallvampires @discomfort-character @lestatslestits
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dreamstone28737 · 1 year ago
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
I was tagged by the wonderful @minim236 ! 😘 Thank you, doll!
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
Only 7! (Very soon to be 8! 👀) All of them are from my Meet Me at Midnight series.
2- What's your total AO3 word count?
67,450… which is a little crazy to me! (Also, in looking for these stats, I learned that “Can I Ask You a Question” has 15,998 words, and now it’s taking everything in me not to just go in and add two words somewhere. LOL)
3- What fandoms do you write for?
I’m still a really new writer, and Bridgerton is the only fandom I’ve written in, technically… Although I once started a Poldark fanfic that I abandoned and never published. (That was back when I was still very gun shy about posting anything anywhere!)
4- What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
First place: Can I Ask You a Question? - 290
2 - I’m So In Love - 258
3 - Stars by the Pocketful - 233
4 - Older but Just Never Wiser - 185
Last place: My Whole Life - 154
(“Can I Ask You a Question?” was the one I was most insecure about so it’s nice that it did so well.)
5- Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to every comment I see because I can’t believe how sweet people have been about my little stories. I so appreciate everyone who takes the time to say something nice!
I’ve always loved writing. Pretty much since I could hold a pencil, it’s been a sort of coping mechanism (and occasionally a source of stress 😆 ) but I’ve never ever felt confident enough to share anything with anyone. With fanfic, I finally freed myself to write little plotless stories and share them, and it’s been unbelievably rewarding and I genuinely feel it’s helping me grow as a writer. Knowing that people enjoy the thing that gave me so much joy to write is mind-blowing. ❤️
6- What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Honestly, I’m not that angsty in my writing. I think “Older but Just Never Wiser” was my angstiest fic, but the ending was still fairly sweet and resolved. I honestly can’t imagine myself writing something with an angsty ending!
7- What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh my gosh, I think my first one, “I’m So In Love…” was absolutely saccharine! It was nothing but candy-coated sweetness. However, “My Whole Life” ended in a proposal/engagement with like fireworks, so I guess it’s a coin toss.
8- Do you get hate on fics?
I haven’t yet! (Thanks, everyone!!)
9- Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No — not yet! I’m definitely still too shy about it. But I do have an outline for a little something smutty that I wrote once when the muse visited me with it... Whether it will ever see the light of day depends on, like, my confidence and the supply of whisky in my house. Haha
10- Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No crossovers! I haven’t even read a lot of crossovers, so that’s completely uncharted territory for me.
11- Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of! (I don’t think I’m high-profile enough for that! LOL)
12- Have you ever had a fic translated?
I haven’t!
13- Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No! But that sounds super fun.
14- What's your all-time favorite ship?
Right now, I’m pretty ride-or-die for Kanthony. I’ve loved so many ships throughout my life, though!
15- What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
SO. About two years ago (before I came late to the Bridgerton party), I had watched Poldark and it was so beautiful but also had a lot of heart-wrenching aspects, which sort of matched the dark place I was in mentally, so I started a Poldark fic that was just full of angst and sadness and hurt feelings. I never finished it, but I think about it quite a lot, actually, and how I left those guys hanging. I’d love to finish it just to give them some closure, but I’m not really in that headspace these days (which is a good thing!).
Also, more recently, I had an idea for a Regency-era, canon-compliant Kanthony story that I actually did start (I wrote a prologue and have an outline for the rest of it) but as I’m getting into it, I’m rapidly losing confidence that it’s a good idea…. So I don’t know. It might end up abandoned. It’s Anthony POV and more angsty than my Midnights series. It would be a challenge to write, for sure, and maybe that’s why it makes me nervous!
16- What are your writing strengths?
Oh gosh, that’s so hard to answer. I like to think my writing paints a picture, because I see the characters and settings so vividly in my head. Hopefully that’s true!
17- What are your writing weaknesses?
Well, in a general way, second-guessing myself is the BIGGEST weakness. But I often catching myself writing in what I call “outline form,” where I write like “she did that. Then he said this. Then this happened.” And I have to go back and write in more emotional reactions and physical sensation. Also, I’m intimidated by writing conflict and angst. 😂
18- Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
That’s fascinating, and frankly it’s a really intimidating thought. Language is so complex that using a translator just doesn’t capture the full scope and meaning of words and phrases, does it? So, I feel like I would only go there if I could check with someone who knew the language.
19- First fandom you wrote for?
Oh wow. I guess technically that’s Poldark (see above) but back in high school (before I knew what fanfic was) I wrote out a prose version of scenes from a Broadway musical I was obsessed with because I wanted to explore the inner feelings of one of the characters. Nothing was really original, but I needed to do it in order to understand this character I couldn't stop thinking about. Now, looking back, I realize that was fanfic!
20- Favorite fic you've written?
I have this special place in my heart for “I’m So In Love…” because it’s the first fic I ever finished and the first one I ever shared. It also really captured a moment in time for me personally, so I think that one will always be a fave for me. Tied with it is “Stars by the Pocketful,” which was an idea that I carried in my heart for MONTHS before posting “So In Love” gave me the confidence to write it down. That one felt like it was burning a hole in my imagination for ages and I’m so genuinely happy with the finished product.
I’m tagging these lovely people, but no pressure! ❤️- @mimix007, @harnitbee, @nervousladytraveler, @ninamayawrites, @stars-of-kyber
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epitomereally · 2 years ago
smut saturday?
VUK (@vukovich) ty for the tag. I certainly don’t (yet) have 10 smut scenes to post, so going to post one from my upcoming WIP and one from my published fic. I’ve learned that I love to start a story with slightly-antagonistic, extremely-unsure sex, probably from my formative years reading enemies-to-lovers H/D in the early 2000s. If that’s your vibe, enjoy :)
Eta: forgot to tag! Lots of people on my dash have already gone but would love to see @tenthousandyearsx because “trouble with your tie, potter?” is amazing and would love to see what else you choose and anyone else who’s seeing this & hasn’t written one yet
This is from my upcoming WIP & essentially follows another wip snip I've posted. Completely unedited, aka peep where I use [] to write notes to myself when I can't come up with the right word while drafting.
They landed in Harry’s bedroom. Harry was suddenly, fervently glad he’d been changing his sheets like a madman because, otherwise, his room was musty, untidy, strewn with socks and pants and his other sets of Auror robes. Malfoy’s disdain was apparent while looking about and Harry was reminded of all the reasons why this was a terrible, horrible idea.
    Malfoy plucked a pair of Harry’s socks off the bed and placed them on the desk chair in the corner. He said, “Eurgh, don’t you have a house elf, Potter? Why does this place look like such a dump?”
    Harry crossed his arms over his chest. It was his dump and so what if he didn’t like to clean up? He’d had a lifetime of that by age ten and threw himself into messiness with reckless abandon at Hogwarts—messiness was freedom. He protested, “Kreacher is getting old! And I don’t like him sorting through my dirty pants! He takes care of the rest of the house, as best he can.”
    Malfoy turned to him. With barely-disguised interest, he asked, “Where exactly are we, Potter? I thought I remembered an elf named Kreacher—“
    Harry cut him off, defiant. “I won’t have you selling me out to the papers, Malfoy. If we’re to do this, you’re not to tell anyone about it.”
    “Oh, I see.” Malfoy’s eyes glittered dangerously. “The great Harry Potter doesn’t want anyone knowing about his dirty, little secret.” He had advanced on Harry and emphasized each word with a jab to the chest. “He won’t even tell the people that he shags where he lives. What’s next, Potter, memory charms?”
    That honestly didn’t sound such a bad idea at the moment. This was obviously such a colossal mistake that Harry had half a mind to Obliviate himself. But, he reasoned, if he did, then he wouldn’t remember to never ever act on the fact that he thought Draco Malfoy was fit. “Fine, then! If you’re just going to be a wanker about me, where I live, how I live, then it’s best we don’t do this at all.”
    Malfoy continued on as if Harry hadn’t even said anything at all. “Well, don’t you worry about me spilling the magic beans, Potter. Don’t be ridiculous. You may be the hero of the Wizarding World, but I’m not exactly eager to advertise this either.” Malfoy’s face twisted into a bitter sneer. “Besides, who do you even think I would tell?”
    “Okay, okay. Just—“ Harry paused, wondered how revealing this was. “Just don’t call me that.”
    “What? Hero of the Wizarding World?” Malfoy scoffed. “You always were-“ [disgustingly modest? But would Malfoy think this yet? Maybe he figures it out later and just lashes out here]
    With a flourish, Malfoy started to untie his cloak. He slid it from his shoulders, folded it nicely, and set it on Harry’s desk. He then sat on the bed to unlace his dragonhide boots.
    “Er—“ Harry began. All thought left him when Malfoy began unbuttoning his shirt, starting with the cuffs and then showing a dangerous sliver of his collarbone. Harry’s mouth was suddenly very dry. He forced out, “Er, I guess I’m not sure we should do this, anymore? Maybe it was a bad idea?”
    Malfoy cast a glance at him again, continuing to unbutton his shirt, which was now open to his ribcage. “Of course it’s a bad idea, Potter, but we’re young and you’re fine-looking, I suppose. You’re looking for someone to experiment with who won’t sell you out to the press, which I won’t, and, even if I did, who would believe me, Draco Malfoy, Death Eater, telling anyone that we shagged? And I’m just looking to get off and don’t particularly care with who, even if it is someone whom I’ve hated for forever.”
    Harry’s breath had officially left his body. Malfoy’s shirt was now completely open, baring his chest and stomach. Harry reached down to adjust his cock, which was straining against his fly, and Malfoy tracked the movement with his eyes.
    Malfoy abruptly stood up, apparently having taken Harry’s obvious desire as agreement. He unbuckled his belt and threw it on the floor. He slowly unzipped his fly and shimmied his skinny trousers down his legs. Then Malfoy was just stood there, in his black pants, long legs, swelling cock, broad shoulders, all that skin on display, looking uncertain for the first time. Harry blurted out, “You’re so fit.”
    Malfoy barked out a laugh, seeming surprised and pleased. He palmed his cock and said, “Now you, Potter,” softer than Harry thought possible from him.
    Harry realized he had just been standing there like a wally, while Malfoy stripped. He hurried to take off his clothes. He hastily toed off his ratty trainers and his socks, only one of which had a hole in the toe, he was pleased to note. He shucked his trousers, which were starting to become quite uncomfortable anyways. When he went to remove his tee, he got it stuck in his armpits and then his glasses came clattering to the floor when he removed it. He bent down to pick them up and shoved them back on his face.
    Malfoy looked temporarily taken aback. He asked, “You’re going to keep your glasses on, then?”
    Harry cleared his throat. He said, gruffly, “I want to see you,” and grinned when red spread across Malfoy’s chest, up his neck, onto his face.
    Malfoy sat on Harry’s bed and leaned back, resting on his palms. He let his legs sprawl in front of him, off the bed, and Harry could see the soft swell of his balls in his pants, the dusty fuzz on the insides of his thighs. Harry realized Malfoy was letting him look and his mouth flooded with saliva. Malfoy asked, quietly, as if afraid to break the spell, “Have you ever bottomed before, Potter?”
    “Er,“ Harry said, “no?” He knew the mechanics of it, of course; after Christmas, Charlie had sent him some quite instructive magazines, that Harry had wanked to at least once or twice. Harry had even tried to poke around back there with a finger once or twice, but it had just been uncomfortable and not very enjoyable.
    Malfoy snorted and reached down, put his hand down his pants and stroked himself. Harry’s eyes followed the movement, the long pulls up and down, and his mind filled with static. He truly didn’t think he had ever been more turned on in his life.
    Malfoy said, lazily, continuing to stroke himself, “Well, I suppose since I’ve done it before, I’ll do you the favor this time, but next time, you’ll have to hand your arse up to me.”
This is from my fic A Case of You, and is quite close to the beginning. Harry and Draco are both in the Auror training program, partnered together. Harry is obviously interested in Draco, but is also keeping secrets.
Draco pulled off of Potter’s cock and hovered above his body, now completely unsure how to proceed. Potter still had an arm thrown over his eyes; he was breathing hard, with a flush extended down his chest. He whispered, “Fuck,” once more and pulled his head up to look down at Draco. “Draco, that was—fuck. Are you … are you going to fuck me now?”
Draco barked out a laugh of disbelief; he smiled up at Potter, just a bit. “Fuck you? Potter, you just came.”
An obstinate look came over Potter’s face. “You said you were going to use me, so fucking use me.”
 Was that not good for Potter? It seemed like it was good for Potter. It was certainly good for Draco; he was viciously hard, a literal, aching need in his groin. Humiliation flooded through Draco’s body, but then Potter was reaching down to him, grabbing, clasping hands trying to pull Draco up.
“You really want me to use you, Potter?” Draco snarled. He pushed those hands down, clambered up Potter’s body, and straddled his shoulders. “Open your mouth.”
And Potter just fucking did, what the fuck?
Draco channeled all the wants of his fifteen-year-old sexual awakening and guided his cock into Potter’s open mouth. Potter’s lips were so red, bitten; his mouth was so wet and hot; his tongue sliding on the underside of Draco’s cock. Draco was already so turned on and now this—literally something he wanked to in the Slytherin dorms, angry and so horny. He imagined himself holding Potter down, fucking his face, Potter moaning around his cock. Now it was happening and it seemed like Potter loved it, groaning and writhing and eyes fluttering closed.
“Look at me,” Draco commanded, pumping in and out. Potter’s eyes snapped open and focused on Draco’s. Potter’s eyes were so green without his glasses, looking through Draco like he could see his want, his anger, his shame that he had been carrying around with him for years. Draco thrust helplessly, desperately into Potter’s mouth and Potter just took it. It certainly wasn’t the most technically-skilled blowjob Draco had ever received—Potter’s teeth were coming too close and Draco was bumping up against his soft palate, but Potter was seeing him, fuck. Draco carded his fingers through Potter’s hair, which was much softer than it looked, too soft, and tugged. Potter hummed in appreciation and brought his hands up to Draco’s hips, urging him on. Draco realized belatedly that maybe Potter liked this, liked Draco being rough with him. Maybe Potter actually wanted to be used. He wanted Draco to pour out all of his anger at his position, his frustration at never been good enough, his urgent want for Potter.
So Draco did.
Too quickly, Draco’s cock started tingling, the ache in his groin returned with a vengeance, and Draco could feel a rushing throughout his body. And fuck it, if Potter wanted to be used—
“Potter, I’m going to—can I come? On your face?”
Potter moaned and squeezed Draco’s arsecheck, which Draco could only take as assent. Draco breathed in harshly through his nose, as a jolt of arousal shot through him. Fuck, if Draco wasn’t living out every pubescent fantasy he’d ever had—though, in his fantasy, he hadn’t asked Potter if he could. Potter hollowed out his cheeks, running his tongue over the underside of Draco’s cock. Draco could feel his orgasm rushing and he pulled his cock out of Potter’s mouth. Then he was fucking coming, coming on Potter’s face, his open mouth, his tongue. Potter had even kept his eyes open, the hopeless fool, but Draco knew he would probably never forget Potter’s green eyes looking up at him in this moment.
“Fuck,” he whispered. Potter grinned up at him, brilliantly. Draco took in shuddering breaths and ran a thumb through his come on the corner of Potter’s mouth, smearing it.
“How was it?” Potter rasped out. Potter’s voice was gone from Draco’s cock—if that wasn’t the hottest thing Draco had ever heard, he would sell his soul.
“Potter, you have a lovely career in sucking cock ahead of you, if you want it,” Draco smirked down at him.
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themculibrary · 1 year ago
AU - Apocalypse Setting Masterlist 2
Links Last Checked: April 13th, 2024
part one
A Scared New World (ao3) - Capstar98 pepper/tony G, 44k (WIP)
Summary: It's been a few months since the world fell to a mysterious disease that made the dead rise from their graves. Now a group of survivors, led by Tony Stark, are trying to find safety among the madness. That's when they come across a scared kid named Peter Parker.
(Aka the zombie apocalypse AU)
Battle for the sun (ao3) - snoozingkitten steve/tony E, 9k
Summary: This story is about that moment, that hour, that day right after the end of the world where all the pieces were there but no one had any idea how they fit together any more. It is also about zombies. Mostly, it’s about unethical science.
Where it wasn't aliens, but zombies.
Better Natures (ao3) - Ataraxiom frank/karen E, 37k
Summary: “Work with me here, Frank,” Karen snapped. “Make some sense here. Talk to me. We can’t figure out what our next move is until you explain why you’re so disgusted at the thought of my being attracted to you — an attraction which, by the way, I’ve never let interfere with our work or our friendship —“
“I’m not disgusted,” Frank said in a strained, calm voice. “You have ghastly taste, but I’m not disgusted. No. It’s just the feeling of having carried a torch for miles and miles in the dark and... having the sun come up.”
City of Angels (ao3) - Kinthinia clint/phil, steve/bucky, bruce/tony M, 119k
Summary: On the verge of turning fifteen, Clint Barton is sold to Hydra. For the next six years, Clint's identity is slowly stripped away as both the infamous Swordsman and the Winter Soldier train him into the elite assassin Ronin. But through the slow torture, Clint hangs onto the idea of freedom -of escaping from Hydra. With Bucky's help, the two of them manage to escape. Not even six months into his new found freedom and Clint realizes he has to trade one collar for another in order to save his only friend. Except, S.H.I.E.L.D. is nothing like what Clint was expecting, especially not his handler.
Dead Inside (ao3) - starlight_starbright steve/bucky, natasha/sam, bruce/tony E, 44k
Summary: What do you say to your friends when they think you're dead? When you should be dead, when all of the odds were stacked against you, but you're still here? When you show up on their fucking doorstep in the middle of a zombie apocalypse with a not-fully-healed bite on your arm, covered in blood and dirt, claiming you didn't die, you just got really fucked up from a fall.
Or: Zombie apocalypse fic with lots of angst, pain, regret, and love.
In This Last of Meeting Places (ao3) - DrowningByDegrees steve/bucky E, 44k
Summary: It’s been three years since the world ended, and Bucky Barnes has gotten pretty used to the new order of things. From the abandoned radio station he’s laid claim to, Bucky protects his little corner of the world the best way he knows how, sharing information.
When he’s not behind a microphone, his home serves as a waypoint for weary travelers. He knows nearly all of them, counts them as friends even. It’s a good setup all things considered, and Bucky is pretty sure he has everything and everyone he really needs. Then, his ex-husband turns up.
AKA: Steve and Bucky are a divorced couple who find their way back to each other in between trying to avoid becoming a zombie snack.
Not Without You (ao3) - SevereStorms, wreckingthefinite steve/bucky E, 94k
Summary: Six months earlier, Bucky would have said the prospect of dying back home in Brooklyn sounded like a dream. Now, faced with his own imminent demise in a Brooklyn that is almost unrecognizable, it’s decidedly less appealing.
Honestly, it’s just sort of bizarre. Survive Afghanistan and come home to die in the pseudo-zombie apocalypse. Can’t make this stuff up.
one day they'll drink from our bones (ao3) - the chivalrous dead (S_Hylor) steve/tony N/R, 4k
Summary: The Avengers are meant to protect the world. But the world isn't the same anymore. The world is dying. But the dead aren't staying dead.
Now the Avengers a holed up in an abandoned prison, doing what they can, with what little they have left, their numbers ever dwindling.
Tony's not sure how much longer they can keep going.
Places Where We Dare Not Speak (ao3) - Lavendergaia leo/jemma E, 20k
Summary: “You know that we’re living in a zombie apocalypse, right?” "It does have a remarkable resemblance to modern stories of the roaming undead.”
As what's left of the world falls apart around her, Jemma meets a young man in a grocery store.
Pretty Lies (ao3) - Spicysauce mj/peter T, 43k
Summary: Or, a zombie apocalypse AU, featuring our favourite trio, a lot of Peter whump, and a good dose of Irondad! (I promise the story is better than this summary.)
Rise From Ash (ao3) - Mikkeneko loki/tony M, 98k
Summary: When Loki's world falls apart around him, he learns that sometimes you do get a second chance.
take the sky from me (ao3) - sweetwatersong clint/natasha T, 4k
Summary: The end came as an announcement, a promise, a future of burning worlds and expanding stars. The end came and there wasn't enough room to save all of them, weren't enough ships to bring everyone beyond the reach of a hungry red sun.
But it isn't the end, not quite. Not yet. And there are stars still left in the sky...
The Blood-Dimmed Tide (ao3) - of_raven_wings darcy/loki M, 134k
Summary: In penance for his actions, Loki has been sent back to Earth and imprisoned beneath Stark Tower. New York has been shattered by the Chitauri attack, most of its populace scattered to other parts of the country. Those who remain in the city are struggling to survive as the world slides towards economic and political chaos. Darcy Lewis is one of those who chose to remain. Now an intern with Stark Industries, she is unexpectedly assigned to watch over Loki. More unexpected, she begins to share his dreams and memories.
Darcy, along with most of the world, believe Loki to be the greatest evil they have known. They have no idea what's coming...
The Long Road South (ao3) - citsiurtlanu steve/tony T, 41k
Summary: Zombie apocalypse AU. Steve Rogers is rescued ten years after going into the ice to find the world taken over by the undead, with the man who brought him out being none other than his old flame, Tony Stark. Believing that the serum running through Steve's veins is humanity's last hope for finding a cure, they begin the long journey south in order to meet up with Tony's other contacts - dealing with hordes of biters, living people of varying trustworthiness, and Steve's own unresolved anger toward Tony for his role in the War along the way.
this will be the day that i die (ao3) - archers_and_spies clint/natasha, steve/bucky T, 8k
Summary: We all know the story: boy meets girl, they fall in love, boy marries someone else, girl falls off a cliff for boy. This time around, Clint and Natasha let themselves fall in love without holding back. This time around, neither of them jump.
Or: As fugitives of the TVA, Clint and Natasha run from their scripted fate and instead find a home in each other.
your light guides me home (to you) (ao3) - bisexualbarry steve/tony M, 15k
Summary: Steve struggled with living for a long time. Even after escaping the New York Quarantine Zone, he doesn’t really know how to live.
Until he met Tony.
Zombie Day (ao3) - emma98 darcy/steve T, 4k
Summary: Bucky really thinks Steve's future bride is a sweet lady, but he definitely gets the feeling that she doesn't like him very much.
He'd like to remedy that with a little Halloween bonding, but Darcy definitely doesn't like Halloween. What Darcy does like is preparing for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. Really, really preparing for the entire world to turn into flesh eating zombies hungry for fresh brains.
And it's a good thing she did prepare so much, because it looks like it's really going to happen.
Zombies (ao3) - EaSnowPw tony/stephen G, 4k
Summary: The zombie survivors welcome a new member in their midst.
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elusivewildflower · 3 months ago
Heyy :)
I was wondering how you tackle your wips? I know every writer is different but I’m curious about how you approach writing all the ideas you have.
I just started writing for goose characters and having been trying to sort through the chaos that is my wips.
Also are you one of those writers that skip the outline stage and just start writing?
This is probably a lot but we’re moots and don’t really interact and I’m curious and also wanted to pop in and say hi 😅
Heyyy!! It’s never too much to ask these sorts of questions, and I love seeing moots pop up in my inbox! ❤️❤️
Honestly, I am the most chaotic person when it comes to working on my WIPs. I generally just follow my muse, which is often why things sit around on my WIP list for forever 💀 (that and I easily get overwhelmed/stressed in life and don’t have the brainpower to write even when I want to)
For example, I’ve been busy with college these last few months (went back for the first time in several years to hopefully finish a degree) and haven’t had time to write. Classes are almost over, and I love Christmas time, so I went back and looked over the fic ideas I made last year for Christmas but didn’t get around to writing. Not all of them sparked my interest anymore, and I also knew I wouldn’t be able to write all of them even if they did, so I chose 1-2 that still interested me the most. Then one of those fics gave me another idea that I’ll try to work on too 🫣
Also, I am definitely not someone who works on outlines. I need to get better at that, and the only story so far that has one is my Cowboy!Court series and I am struggling with it. Otherwise, I always wing my fics and sometimes it really shows 💀 (like when I start something that’s supposed to be just one fic and suddenly I turn it into multiple parts but there’s no plan and they get “abandoned”)
I am always open to chat about WIPs and writing, and if you’re someone who uses outlines I could certainly use some help with planning 😅 Feel free to message me on here or add me on discord! My username there is the same as here. ❤️
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thatgirlonstage · 2 years ago
What will your next fanfic be about? Are there ones that you have on the back burner?
Lmao it's adorable you think I have this like. Neatly planned and organized that I definitely know what I'm posting next.
I have two kinky erotica one-shots that I have a good amount written for, one JJK Sukufushi pwp and one 5+1 porn-with-plot Elena of Avalor fic (...I started a rewatch and Esteban promptly broke my brain, it's. been a thing). Barring that I bang out something short on tumblr or twitter (like my most recent fic, keep the king) in like an hour, or something else doesn’t unexpectedly overtake my life, one of those will go up next.
For the back burner… oh, god, so many things.
I have three fics planned for next Mermay, two of which are short (a Critical Role M9 fic that will not take much work to finish, and would’ve been done this year if Our Flag Means Death hadn’t seized me by the throat and consumed my life, and a TAZ: Ethersea fic, which I have planned out and I’m just waiting to write out and publish closer to the month). The third is a longform Witcher geraskefer fic that I uhhhhh sort of promised would be published this past May, but then grad school and ofmd happened and it Simply Was Not Finished. But I am very much hoping to get it done for next year.
There are two BNHA fics — one dabihawks, one postcanon future fic that I was writing for Banned Together Bingo and didn't finish in time — that I have a shit ton written for but may or may not ever see the light of day due to starting them before/during the first war arc and now they’re really not canon compliant anymore, and I’d have to do a lot of work to make them a more deliberate canon divergence, and just… idk if it will ever happen. Also because, frankly, ime BNHA fandom sucks to post fic in. Your fic just gets buried in the first ten minutes and I feel like the comments to kudos ratio is particularly bad. So I’d be doing a shit ton of work just for nobody to care about it if I bothered to share it.
I do fully intend to write another TAZ: Balance fic about Lup to turn Without Mercy and Without Blame into a triptych that covers all the birds. I lost part of my drafting for that unfortunately so it's just getting up the energy to rewrite it. Also in the vein of incomplete series, I will not feel done with in the quiet of his mind until I have at least written the forest kiss and "get away"; and I would be absolutely remiss not to do an epistolary Charon/Hermes fic for The Many Layers of Life and Death. None of those things are imminent, but they've been percolating in my head long enough that I think I will eventually get to them, it's just anyone's guess when.
And then there’s the WIPs.
Both The Way You Said I Love You and Written in Sand I have substantial swathes of the rest of the fic written for. For WiS, at this point, I’m waiting until I’ve chipped away and finished the whole fic so that when I finally do come back, I can just post chapters once a week and not go on another years long hiatus. For TWYSILU I’m just blocked on part of this specific chapter and I need to get back to it whenever my brain stops hating me about it. They 10000% are not abandoned and will not be, I am just slow.
I did not. Uh. Intend to post a single chapter of If I’m Not Back Again and immediately stop, but. Life. The current plan for that one is that I’ll write more when Good Omens S2 drops.
And if you go REALLY far back in my Ao3 you’ll find The Green Hunter, which I honestly make zero promises for, that one’s on an “if inspiration strikes” basis.
The only unfinished published fic I have that definitely will not be finished is Long Lost, and even that isn’t abandoned as such — whenever I finish WiS, I want to move over to a significant rewrite of Long Lost to scratch the Voltron itch without being forced to engage with canon. But WiS is the priority.
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cellsshapedlikestars · 3 years ago
Hi, was wondering/hoping you might return to help me out at some point? I like your other story but that one was very exciting for me and reminded me of crosses on our eyes which I loved so much too. Ofc you write what you’re feeling so no pressure and thank you for writing jonsa 💛
Hello anon!
I’ve been sitting here trying to figure out how to explain how my brain works. This is my second attempt.
(under the cut, because as usual I’m too wordy and I’m in a Mood today and this got rambly and probably depressing and I don’t know)
I tend to hyperfocus on things. When I decide I liked something I made for dinner, I eat that same dinner over and over and over again until I’m sick of it. When I read my first romance book earlier this year and went “oh, that was fun”, I ordered about sixteen more and binge read them all. If a song catches my attention, I’ll put it on repeat, sometimes for hours (at work). The other day I literally listened to the same song on repeat on my 45 minute drive home.
It’s the same thing with fic. It’s why I usually only have one WIP at a time, because when I start writing something, it’s all I can think about. It’s why I put out chapters so fast (also because I’m just fast at typing - I also get my work done very quickly, to the point that my coworkers and bosses comment on it)
It’s happened twice now where something has come along and tripped me up and caused me to stop writing. With white knuckles, I know exactly what it was, but I don’t really want to say because it makes me sound ungrateful.
With help me out, I think it’s because I got so in my head about it. Help me out was something I started writing while I was still writing my onlyfans fic, I just didn’t post it. And honestly, I think I started writing help me out because I had sort of grown... I don’t know, resentful of the onlyfans fic? I can’t explain why, but I started to hate the onlyfans fic towards the end and I think you can tell in how I ended it (I even got a lovely comment telling me how rushed it was). And I think because of that resentment, I started writing this much darker fic while forcing out chapters of the onlyfans one.
I think I started feeling weird that I kept writing “lighter” fics like the bachelor and the onlyfans one. Basically, I spent all of 2021 writing 3 fics - the two bachelor ones and the onlyfans one. They were fun, but they weren’t what I had been writing before, and I started to wonder - what happened to my Brand(tm). When I started off, I almost exclusively wrote more “serious” things, I remember tagging at least two fics with “love and loss and grief and hope”. I reserved my “lighter” writing for one shots in 2020, but in 2021, it was the reverse. So when I started writing help me out, I put so much pressure into making this “serious” fic perfect.
(I’m being too wordy again. None of this matters. I’m not even sure I’m still answering your question.)
I think what I want to say is: the first three chapters of help me out just... flowed out of me. It’s almost like I couldn’t hold them back, and though it was very hard not to post it immediately, I also think it helped. The amount of times I went back and re-read and re-edited the first three chapters because I sat on them for about two months... It actually felt like how I wrote my first fic, every time is the last time. That one lived in my brain for a very long time before I finally sat down and wrote it and then created an ao3 account to post it.
I want to be excited about it again. I want to be obsessed. I want to think of nothing else when I go to work and when I drive home and right before I fall asleep. I got thrown off track and started posting the tinder fic and now my brain is excited about that! In a different way, not the same obsessive dark way, but I have fun writing it. I want to wait until I’m in the right mood and headspace for help me out.
Wow, this was just a whole mess of words just to say that I haven’t abandoned it and hope to write again when I’m in the mood for it.
Sorry anon, this was a very nice ask and I just want to say that I love getting asks and they always make me feel happy and loved, I’ve just been in a weird place about writing in general recently and congratulations, you’re the recipient of my word vomit of feelings. I don’t even know if any of this makes sense but I’ve been staring at it for a while now and I think it’s time for a nice lay down and cry (nothing to do with this ask or writing, just my Mood)
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iamkayleee · 4 years ago
psa for new writers coming to ao3:
(this is in no way meant to be rude but more helpful and informative because ao3 works much differently than other fan fiction sites)
i’ve noticed a large influx of of new works on ao3 (particularly in the dream smp fandom) over the last few months. this is awesome i love new content and i love that people want to share their writing with others, however i’ve seen a couple of things that’ve really been bothering me and other (for lack of a better word) veteran ao3 users and i wanted to address it and explain why it bugs us so much
- untagged wips: the biggest thing i’ve noticed is authors tagging their incomplete chaptered fics as complete. many people including myself try not to read wips because they’re so often abandoned, so we filter them out when searching for things to read, but it leaves this feature kinda useless when nearly every other fic in the tag is an incomplete tagged incorrectly. i think a lot of this comes from using the export from wattpad feature which automatically sorts it as complete. so please just check to make sure.
- tagging system: another thing is not using the correct tags, i’m all for a little joke in the tags cos they’re usually pretty funny but something that separates ao3 from other sites is their universal tagging feature. it not only helps readers understand the content of the fic but it also helps the writers get more hits because the fic is made more “searchable”. please tag your crack, canons, aus, sad endings, dead doves, etc (the sites an archive guys i know were nagging but this is the point of ao3)
- drabbles vs oneshots: this ones a little nitpicky i know, but a drabble is 999 words and under while a one shot is 1k+ (edit: my bad, drabbles are defined as 100 words exactly, tho i feel like it still stands that most oneshots aren’t gonna be under 1k words though there’s no clear agreed upon length, i could get into short stories and novelletes but honestly i’m fine with it all being called a oneshot as long is it’s a story and not a plot bunny or a head cannon)
- warnings: this shouldn’t even have to be said but please for the love of god tag major character death, under age, and non/dub con, also if your fic is mature don’t tag it as general audience just because that’s the default
- posting things that aren’t fics: i know you want to get your art out there but ao3 is for writing. this also goes for pod fics and ideas that you’ve had and maybe want to write a fic for later. keep it in the drafts, because it clogs up the completed tags.
if you have any questions or other things you wanted to address feel free to add it in the notes or message me. i know this seems trivial but ao3s special to a lot of us and i want to help others learn the etiquette of it because it’s a big jump from wattpad and fan fiction.net. keep on writing guys!
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mittensmorgul · 3 years ago
What do you prefer as far as reading fics? For an already completed fic would you rather the author: post the whole fic at one time so you can binge all the chapters or read it at your own pace, or space out posting the chapters so you have something to look forward to a couple days a week?
Hi hi! This is one of those things that I think everyone has different thoughts and feelings on, for completely valid reasons. And honestly, whatever an author prefers is the best way for the author to post, you know?
It’s just a function of the AO3 sort feature that fics that are updated get bumped to the top of the search results list every time an author adds a chapter, and for a lot of authors this is a definite benefit. It helps grow their audience from people searching for what the author invested a lot of time in writing, you know? So I totally get why authors would choose to post serially, even if they’ve completely written the work already.
I am not that patient as a writer. I don’t post works in progress because it just doesn’t work with my writing process. I always go back and edit earlier parts of the story as I work out the later parts, so posting as I write is just not possible for me anyway. And once I finish writing, I have no patience for stringing out posting (I tried once, it was a disaster, I got anxious, and just posted the rest of the thing within days lol).
So I get why authors would make either of these choices personally for themselves. But as a reader? I always prefer to read completed stories. Because again, that’s just how my brain works. I will not remember details from a story if I have to keep putting it down for a week or two at a time (or longer). Especially if I’m also reading other things in between, and also trying to write my own things. My brain just can’t hold that many storylines at one time lol.
(for reference, the only reasons I’m surviving Dracula Daily are because a) it’s daily, or near enough, and b) i’ve read dracula probably 30 times already so my brain isn’t likely to forget details in between updates)
So I see a lot of fics I really want to read, that look intriguing as authors post updates week after week, but I’ll almost always wait until the story is complete before starting reading. Or I’d have no hope of being able to follow the story.
So really, it’s entirely up to the author! If they want to take advantage of the AO3 sort system, and they’re patient enough to wait for their posting schedule before updating, then more power to them! But I’ll wait until I can binge the whole thing, thanks. But again, that’s just me! I know a lot of readers who love the constant updates, even if it’s just a wait of a few days for an author stringing out posting a completed fic, and those folks would likely appreciate serial posting! And the rest of us (when we’re eager to read the story based on the concept/plot we’ve seen in promos) are happy to wait. :)
(the only thing I'd personally beg authors to do is to make a post alerting folks like me that the work is complete. Just make a new post, not the one with 30 reblogs with each chapter linked in a thread below it, or not just the final chapter's post, but a tidy one with a summary, maybe a teaser, and a link that leads to chapter one, because I love promoting completed fics! and I almost never reblog wip posts because again, I lack all patience and want to read the whole thing, and it's one way i resist hobbling myself when it comes to reading fic... i make it easier for myself however i can. and i personally find I abandon wip's that I start, because I'll pick up on the next chapter, have no idea what's going on, and have to read back again, and I just don't have time to reread all the chapters again every time a fic updates, so i just stop reading... which makes me sad. so personally I'll choose to wait. But I've discovered a lot of the time I'll see the same update post again and not register that it's announcing the story is now complete, because I've seen it so many times over weeks/months and mentally filed it as "wip mittens danger zone do not read" and I just... don't see the completion notice! but again, this is just me, and I have no idea how other readers feel about any of this, and really it's up to the author entirely how they prefer to post and promote their own works... readers will still find our stories regardless <3)
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workingchemistry · 3 years ago
Fanfic Year In Review
Wasn’t tagged. I just want to lol.
How many works do you have on AO3?
37– 10 this year.
What’s your total ao3 word count?
239, 386. 13, 610 were this year.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Unfortunately comic fandoms are weird in that they’re different for each comic which is different for almost every character. So I’m lumping DC into one DC category. So in total 4 I think. DC, Descendants, Star Wars, Newsies, and Detroit: Become Human.
Are there any new fandoms you want to write for?
Yes, but I’m writing for them under another less active account.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. May I Hold You coming in at 3235 kudos.
2. Homeward Bound, Safe and Sound with 2114 kudos
3. Hide the Bullet with 1511 kudos
4. Finally I’ve Come Home with 1475 kudos
5. And I Will Make Thee Beds of Roses with 1170 kudos
Which of your fics do you want more attention for?
I don’t know. It’s hard to say I want more attention tbh. Some of my fics have been obscenely popular for no reason and it’s stressed me out so bad I stopped writing for a while. But if people wanted to comment on I Could Be in Someone Else’s Story I would send you platonic kisses.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to! I have chronic illness/fatigue and that makes it hard for me to do hobbies like I used to even just a few years ago. When May I blew up I got really overwhelmed and now I’ve got 691 unanswered comments. Every so often I feel up to it and I’ll reply to 20-100 in a sitting but I haven’t been able to get it under 500 in two years. Also this sounds like a lot of comments but the oldest one is 821 days old and the newest is 13 days old so most of them are from years ago at this point.
What sorts of things do you normally write?
Found family fics. More recently I’m exploring romance. I also tend to write some variation of a dom/sub or aob AU. I’ve got a misogyny kink and I find it really hard to project onto women due to being afab brought up in a purity culture who is also not a woman.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I had to think bc I try to end on hopeful notes. But probably Just Don’t Go Without Me in which I try to explain why Bruce doesn’t notice Jason’s grave being disturbed with the most angsty reason possible.
What’s a fic that pushed you out of your comfort zone?
Not published yet, but I’m co-writing a story with @bionerd2point0 and we’re maybe getting a little spicy. Honestly bless her for dealing with my inexperience and anxiety. 😂
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don’t write crossovers so much as character transplants and probably my DC/Descendants AU, Singing This One Like a Broken Piece of Glass
Have you ever had a fic translated?.
Yeah. Two. Both in Chinese I think but idk if there’s regional dialects. 😔 I’m monolingual with a little Spanish and sign language. One is May I and the other is Homeward Bound
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes. Many times when I was younger, less frequently now but there’s one that I’m working on with Bio that I’m excited for.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
May I. Idk. I’m so burned out on it and every time I sit down to write on it I don’t get more than a line or two. It’s not abandoned but the hiatus is lengthy.
What are you currently working on?
A Playmating AU with Bio, marvel stuff for another account, descendants stuff. Probably some other Jason stuff too but it’s coming much slower so idk if it even counts as actively working on it.
What are your writing strengths?
Evoking emotion?
What are your writing weaknesses?
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Most recent?
Warrior Cats or LOTR. I started writing for both around the same time when I was 13/14 ish. Idk where any of it is and I quickly hopped into original fic exclusively for years until I wrote You’re Alone. Most recent is Newsies or Marvel.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
You’re Alone ‘til You’re Not Alone It’s an old one but it was my first finished project in a long time and it did some neat things that were not common at all in the fandom at the time. (Robin Jay, aob with omega Jay, platonic aob)
What fic are you most proud of?
Currently When Everything’s Made to Be Broken I think. I was experimenting with a new style, narrative distance, and unreliable narrator that came together to be imo pretty cool.
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years ago
eunoia - prologue
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Summary: Sam is trying to adjust to a life post-Steve Rogers.
Sam Wilson x Quinn (Asian ofc)
Warnings: Some spoilers for Civil War, Inifinity War, Endgame and TFATWS
Wordcount: 2.2k
A/N: Did I just abandon my other wips to work on this one? Maybe. This story follows around 50% of TFATWS storyline, but it’s not identical. I honestly don’t know whether or not people are gonna like it, but if you do, please let me know 🥺Our boy Sam deserves all the fics 🥰
Masterlist // eunoia masterlist // 
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Not a day goes by that Sam doesn’t think about Quinn. It was at the Joint Terrorist Centre’s headquarters in Berlin when he first saw her on security camera’s. While Bucky was being interviewed, a different set of cameras showed another interrogation room. It was nearly identical to Bucky’s room, though the difference was that there a woman was strapped in a similar containment cell. They had found her earlier that day and according to some intel she was part of another Hydra program, though there was not much known about her yet.
With the reactivated Winter Soldier Program, Sam tried to capture Zemo, before the fugitive disappeared into the crowd. Together with Steve, they took Bucky into an abandoned building. While Bucky slowly regained consciousness and both Steve and Sam being distracted, no one noticed someone sneaking up behind them.
In a twinkling of an eye, both Steve and Sam were tied up with one rope, despite the two of them being on opposite sides of the room. With a certain focus, the petite woman marched up to Bucky, ready to do whatever was her task. As her fingers wrapped around his neck, tips digging in his neck, Bucky seemed to recognize her. A soft ‘hey’ from the Winter Soldier was enough to snap her out of it.
The rope stopped cutting into Sam’s skin, as the woman looked around her. She dropped the rope and she ran her hands through her long black locks. There was something about her that intrigued him. Her eyes darted from one side to the other, before they landed on him.
Sam didn’t know her that long, but he could see that there were a lot of undisclosed feelings. She was confused, maybe even a bit scared.
She introduced herself as Quinn, though adding the fact that she had no idea what her  real name was and Quinn seemed fitting.
Just like Bucky, Quinn was also a target of Zero’s spree. She remembers Zemo breaking her out of the secret and deserted Hydra facility back in Munich, where she was put into cryogenic stasis. Zemo released her into the world, only for her to be caught within a few hours. She had no idea if that was Zemo’s intention, her getting caught that soon.
‘Just a few hours ago,’ Quinn explained, ‘there was this guy with black hair, questionable facial hair, who told me to catch a guy. It was a picture of you.’ She gestured towards Bucky, who tilted his head as his gaze softened.
‘You remember me?’ Bucky asked her.
She shrugs. ‘I don’t know,’ she whimpers. ‘I didn’t when he showed me the picture, but… There is something I sort of remember of you. You walked into the room, dressed in all black, looking visibly exhausted. You were in this other cell and looked at me and told me that it was all gonna be okay.’ Quinn let out a soft—yet meaningless—chuckle. ‘That’s not quite working out.’
Without any more painful questions, Steve suggested she came along and Sam and her actually fought alongside the rest on the airport, making sure Bucky and Steve were on that flight and just like the rest who stayed behind, they were imprisoned in the Raft.
Sam watched her, day in, day out. She was yet again strapped inside a containment cell within her cell, another counter measurement to make sure she was unable to escape. Sam saw how she kicked an entire van to the side on the airport, without breaking a sweat. It made him question whether or not she was just cooperating or if the restraints were really working.
Her petite frame was perfect for her to blend in the crowd, in contrast to Bucky, however strength wise, they were around the same level.
Speed wise, it was Quinn who had the upper hand there.
She simply sat in the cell, staring ahead of her. Sam wondered what happened inside her head, but when they made eye contact, all he could see was sadness and hopelessness.
At night, when the lights were dim and everyone was asleep, he told her that it was all gonna be okay.
‘How do you know?’
‘I just do,’ he said.
For the first time, she smiled at him. ‘And I just have to trust you on that one?’
‘It’s the wisest thing to do. Besides, what have you got to lose?’
After Steve freed them from the Raft, he did not know what to expect from her. Deep down, Sam kinda hoped she would join him. On the airport, it was obvious how well they worked together, but just like Clint, Scott and Wanda, she decided to live her own life.
And just like that, she disappeared.
Sam never thought he’d see her again, but when they all met in the New Avengers Facility, when they learned about Thanos’ plan to capture all the Infinity Stones, she walked in as if she never left. She stayed close to either him or Steve, not once speaking up about what she did in the meantime and Sam never felt like he could ask.
When they landed in Wakanda, Quinn took him aside and asked: ‘You got my back?’
He smiled at her, realizing that his efforts in gaining her trust back at the Raft and the Facility had helped. ‘Always,’ he promised.
But he didn’t keep his promise. He didn’t have her back like he promised.
Quinn was the last person Sam saw, before he disintegrated into ashes, together with half of the world population. Her hand on his cheek, as her eyes darted from side to side, slightly confused of what was happening, but also realizing that he couldn’t have her back anymore.
While Sam was aware that she was right there on the battlefield after they were all brought back, the first time he saw her was on Tony’s funeral. After Steve told him, Banner, Bucky and Quinn he was going to return the Infinity Stones and Mjølnir—looking back on it—it was obvious she knew what Steve decided to do. Sam can still hear the words that left her lips then: ‘Are you sure you want that to be your future?’
Sam did not know what it meant then, but he sure does now. After he received the shield minutes later of a much older Steve, Quinn did what she always does: disappear.
He never knew where she went, what she was doing and while he respects her decision, he still thinks about her. Every single day. His hope of seeing her again, hasn’t faded away and sometimes it frustrates him. He barely knew her, why is he so hung up on her then?
Sam lets out a sigh, as he drives his truck over the roads to his destination. It has been a rough couple of weeks. He is working closely together with the United States Air Force and after a few missions, he made his decision whether or not to give up the shield.
Without Steve, the shield is nothing.
He desperately needs a break from all of this and there is no place like Delacroix Louisiana to wind down from the hectic of an after Blip world. He had been there two times, but both times ended abruptly as the Air Force needed him.
Now, he has the time. All the time in the world to relax and forget about an Avenger like life.
Sam parks his car on the dock and his nephews AJ and Cass are the first to notice him. ‘Uncle Sam, uncle Sam,’ they exclaim.
‘Ah, there you two are,’ he says, hugging the two boys tightly.
‘How long are you gonna stay this time?’ Cass asks.
‘Awhile,’ is the answer he is giving his nephews, but that is mostly because he wants to keep them in suspense a little.
AJ scoffs. ‘That’s not an answer.’
‘Okay, okay, gotta give you that,’ he chuckles. ‘How about: at least two weeks?’
The two boys high five each other. His sister Sarah loudly places a crate on the ground. ‘Finally,’ she says, ‘took you long enough.’
‘Nice to see you too,’ he retorts with a smile, before giving her a hug. ‘Missed you.’
‘Of course you did,’ she says. ‘We missed you too, just like almost everyone here. Almost got me thinking that you’re the favorite Wilson sibling.’
‘That’s because I am.’ He carries the crate to where Sarah wants it and he smiles when his eyes land on the family boat. ‘She sure is a beauty.’
‘A broken beauty,’ Sarah says, ‘that is costing me a fortune.’ She places her hands on her hips as she says: ‘With both the house and the boat needing some fixing up, every penny I got to spare is going to the house.’
‘Is this about you wanting to sell it again?’
‘Yes, since I’m not willing to sell a working organ on the black market in order to afford its repairs.’
‘I told you I would fix it,’ Sam says.
Sarah rolls her eyes. ‘Yeah, you told me that months ago, but the boat still isn’t working. You know the situation, Sam, the thing’s gotta go.’
‘Sarah, you’re kidding. We grew up on this thing.’
She scoffs. ‘Yeah, I know, I was there. It’s just that I cannot afford it anymore.’
Sam sure loves his sister, but there are moments where he—just like back in the days—he’d want to put her behind the wallpaper, making her shut up. It’s always this doom thinking. Everything or nothing at all, there is no in between. ‘You know I can help with this.’
‘Yeah, big help you’ve been.’
Sam clenches his jaw. ‘Well, I’m sorry I was taken away by the blip.’
‘It’s not about you being gone for the blip,’ Sarah says. ‘It’s about the fact that there is too much for me to do here. I need to keep the house, so it’s either keeping the boat or the business and since the business is my income, it’s only logical that the boat has got to go.’
Great, he has been back for a few minutes and he is already having this conversation with his sister. ‘I’ve got this, Sarah, I promise.’
She doesn’t believe him, he can see it in her eyes, but decides to drop the matter. Maybe she realizes too that this is no conversation for them to have after he got back for only a few minutes.
The two of them step back on the dock, where his nephews are stretching out their necks, almost like they are searching for something. ‘Whatcha looking at?’ Sam asks. ‘See a pretty lady?’
‘Is that,’ Cass starts, only for AJ to exclaim: ‘Auntie Quinn!’
The two boys drop their stuff and rush over the dock to the woman Sam never thought he’d see again, let alone right here. Quinn holds out her arms and despite the boys being nearly the same height as her, she still manages to catch them both as they jump in her arms. They must’ve known about her enhanced strength, Sam thinks to himself, otherwise they wouldn’t have jumped right in her arms.
But that raises another question: how could they’ve known?
‘Auntie Quinn?’ he asks Sarah.
Sarah nods. ‘Auntie Quinn,’ she confirms.
She’s gonna leave it at that? ‘Care to explain?’
‘I think it was two weeks after you were blipped away. It was chaos here, like literal chaos. People were missing, I hadn’t heard anything from you. She walked up the dock and offered her help. I thought for at least a month she was an angel send from the heavens. She told me she saw you right before you were blipped away and that she went to your place back in DC. She found out about us and decided to see how it all went down here. Thankfully she did, because I desperately needed her help. She assisted with the business, helped raising the boys.’
To say he is confused, would be an understatement. ‘She stayed here?’ he asks. ‘During the entire blip?’
‘Oh yeah,’ Sarah says, holding up her hand to Quinn. ‘I think all in all, she stayed here for four years. Sometimes she went away for a few weeks, but she always returned. Near the end, she called me and told me that Steve needed her. It’s actually the first time I’ve seen her in a while.’
Sam can’t stop looking at the big smiles and chuckles being exchanged between AJ, Cass and Quinn. She hugs his nephews tightly and even from a distance he can tell she is scolding them for growing taller.
‘I think that without her,’ Sarah continues, ‘I barely would’ve made it. She was slightly clueless though. Had issues with the simplest tasks, like cooking and day to day stuff, but she’s a fast learner.’
It shouldn’t warm his heart like it does, but Sam can’t help but smile as he realizes that Quinn went on the look out to care for his family.
‘She told me she had no memories of growing up. Poor thing,’ Sarah says, shaking her head as she as well looks at the trio. ‘She tried so hard to remember, but in all those years she spend here, no luck. I wonder if she does now.’
She doesn’t. Sam doesn’t need to ask her, because he simply knows.
Quinn still doesn’t remember her past.
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scribeofred · 4 years ago
Thanks to @onereyofstarlight for the tag!
 1. What fandoms have you written for?
This is embarrassing but I actually had to look at both FFnet and AO3 because I couldn’t remember all of them. TRON: Legacy, Assassin’s Creed, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit, Sherlock, Final Fantasy VII and XV and Kingsglaive, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Merlin, Skyrim, and, of course, Thunderbirds. I have a couple other fandoms that crop up in various wips, including a Tom Swift/Thunderbirds crossover that I really should finish.
2. How many works do you have on AO3 &/or FFNet?
FFnet has 45, and AO3 has 41. There’s also a couple stories lurking on tumblr, notably a final chapter for Reflection.
3. What are your top 3 fics by kudos on A03 &/or Favs on FFNet?
AO3 dominates in this area, if I can use a word like “dominates” for stories that have less than 125 kudos each haha. Oh well, the numbers don’t matter!
1.     118 kudos on tell the shades apart (my world is black and white)
2.     94 kudos on Reflection
3.     91 kudos on The 43rd Hour
4. Which 3 fics have the least kudos & Favs?
Again on AO3:
1 kudos on I Am You (And You Are Me)
5 kudos on The Dragonborn Chronicles
6 kudos on cynosure
5. Which Fic has the most comments and which has the least?
Reflection has the most at 29 threads, and I Am You (And You Are Me) has the least at zero.
6. Which complete fic do you wish had gotten more attention?
Lodestar, definitely. Sure, it’s for something of a rarepair, but they aren’t that rare, and I just really really like the way the story came together. On the other hand, of course my unfinished Merlin fic has gotten probably the most attention, because that’s just the way it goes, eh?
7. Have you written any crossovers?
None that I’ve published! I have various crossovers lurking in mostly unfinished states, including the aforementioned Tom Swift/Thunderbirds crossover, and an Assassin’s Creed/Thundeerbirds crossover that is very good and I should also finish. There’s an Expanse/Thunderbirds fic lurking in my brain that I may or may not ever commit to paper, who knows. I’ve also very vaguely toyed with a Batman/Thunderbirds crossover, in the sense that “nebulous” is too strong a word for the kind of toying I’ve been doing.
8. What is the craziest fic you’ve written?
I don’t really write crazy or crack or humor in general, so probably the closest thing to “crazy” is On the Lam, which was the result of wanting to throw Scott and Penelope toward an Egyptian stud farm. It ended up being the host for a bad joke about that, courtesy of one @thebaconsandwichofregret, who consistently gives some of the best dialogue advice I’ve ever encountered.
Actually, the true answer is probably a chapter in Glimpses into a Supernova, maybe the one about blood? It seems bonkers when I think back on it now, but I admittedly haven’t read it in many years. Possibly I am misremembering. Glimpses has some weird ones, though.
9. What’s the fic you’ve written with the saddest ending?
It’s a tossup between The Painting and a place where the water touches the sky. The former deals with a prior off-screen death; the latter is (maybe??) an on-screen death. People seemed upset by it, at any rate. I said it was ambiguous!
10. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
“Happy” is probably a matter of perspective? Depends on the overall reading experience and the ending within that context. Either septet or Three Towels and a Tracy, they’re both pretty fluffy overall.
11. What is your smuttiest fic?
protoinstincts, which I completely forgot I wrote and then rediscovered like a year later and realized “hey, this is actually pretty good” and you know what, despite it not being overly spicy, it is pretty good.
12. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not hate, per se, but someone left a review on Less Than Nothing saying they “didn’t like” that I “wrote the story as a series of drabbles.” Cool, I didn’t write the story for you, random guest reader, and the back button exists, friend 😂 It didn’t bother me on a personal level because I wrote the fic for an audience of one (incidentally, not myself and rather the recipient of a secret santa event), but I was mad because the reviewer had no way of knowing where I was at as a writer, and I know from longtime observation how that kind of comment can crush less experienced or confident writers.
Don’t leave flames, kids, you don’t understand the power your words have. Don’t like, don’t read.
13. What is the nicest comment you’ve received?
The nicest? Goodness. Hmm. I’d have to go hunting to find the nicest, but in recent memory, @ayzrules sent me a couple passages from Spanish texts she’s been studying that reminded her of my writing, and I was honestly so touched by the fact that she even thought to make such comparisons, much less mention them to me. Taking the time to familiarize yourself with someone’s style until you can make comparisons between it and someone else’s work is so much more meaningful to me personally than a basic “Nice story!” or “Loved this!” type of comment ever could be. <3 Ayz <3
14. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of, but I’ve never gone looking on any sort of copycat site or whatever either.
15. How many fics do you have marked as incomplete?
Two. First is The Dragonborn Chronicles, which is a retelling of Skyrim from Lydia’s perspective via her journal, to complement the in-game journal. It’s a slog of a style to write, though, even for someone who loves writing first person and doesn’t really want to write a lot of dialogue, and the outline is huge, and the story will be many times more huge, and just. Some day. Some day.
Second is tell the shades apart (my world is black and white), which has always been unfinished because the outline itself is over seven thousand words and the fully written story would undoubtedly land between 100,000 and 200,000 words, and there’s no way I’m writing that. I’ve always meant to upload the outline, but I got kind of self-conscious about the way I formatted it, and ugh I just haven’t bothered. One day, one day, right?
Moral of the story is I’m intensely a short story writer, and I’ve really found myself settling into that role over the last couple years. Better a clipped, punchy short story than a bloated slog of an epic.
16. Which of the WIPS will most likely be finished first?
Literally no one knows that. I wrote 95% of the observable entropy of a closed system over five years ago, and then I proceeded to pull it out roughly once a year and write and rewrite various endings until last month, which was when I finally figured out how I wanted to end the story. septet, too, languished for about five years before I finally remembered it existed and managed to wrangle an ending. Endings are hard, man. So are those third plot points. Terrible creatures, those, bog me down every time.
17. Which WIP are you looking forward to finishing?
Uh... mm. See. If I were looking forward to finishing any of them, I’d be actively working on them. At this moment, writing fic isn’t exactly high on my list of priorities, but I am also coming off a four-day idle game bender, so I still feel like I haven’t quite reengaged with myself as a living person. Give me another few days and I might have an answer.
(I am always most looking forward to finishing this ridiculous Ignis-drives-the-Audi-R8 fic that’s been languishing in my wips for literal years. As mentioned above, third plot points. Killer, man.)
(oh and also the working-titled the art of murder. Scott and Penny attend a private art auction. Things don’t go to plan. It, too, is stuck at the third plot point. I know, I know I have a problem, shush.)
18. Is there a WIP that you’re considering abandoning?
Any wip has the potential to be revived—this year and the old wips I’ve unearthed, dusted off, finished, and posted have been proof of that. I don’t intentionally permanently abandon anything for that reason, some stories just probably will remain dusty old wips forever because I didn’t actually need or want to write the full story for one reason or another.
19. Which complete fic would you consider rewriting?
Now that’s an interesting question. Hmm! Honestly? None of them. Once I finish a story, I’m not inclined toward rereading it again any time soon, to the point of years in some cases, and I feel like I’ve moved on from the stories I wrote one, two, five, eight years ago in the actual writing sense. They’re finished stories, and on top of that are relics of their time, which doesn’t mean the stories don’t have any ongoing significance on a reading level—I just don’t have any interest in rewriting those particular stories. I’ve gotten them out of my head, to the point of not remembering at least a third of them on demand anymore, and I don’t have any desire to “retell” those exact stories. I do tend to tighten the wording and fix perceived errors/weaknesses whenever I do end up rereading an old story, and I usually silently update the AO3 version if I make any significant changes because AO3 makes it a breeze to update a posted fic. I might do FFnet too if I’m feeling up to it or have the time.
20. Which complete fic is your favourite?
Once upon a time I would’ve said Holding On, but I honestly find it kind of unbearably melodramatic now. the observable entropy of a closed system is equally melodramatic, as it was written in the same era, but at least it has the excuse of being told in second person and via a style that is a half step away from being poetry. Possibly I will reread it in a few years and find it equally obnoxious and overly dramatic, but it received some shockingly positive comments, which I wasn’t expecting at ALL, and I’ve been honestly blown away by the amount of praise it’s received. <3 to everyone who’s said anything about it!
21. What’s your total published word count?
141,000 on AO3, 160,000 on FFnet, but technically the light of my life SS wrote fifty thousand words of each. It’s too late for math.
 I tag @velkynkarma, @lurkinglurkerwholurks, @writtenbyrain, @thebaconsandwichofregret, and anyone else who wants to play!
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