#because that was fucking stupid and extremely unrealistic!
asteria-argo · 8 months
if y'all catch me totally changing Keeley's entire plot in TATBP with no elaboration mind your own business.
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lilithmymind · 19 days
You know that thing about Batman what I don't understand? Why the fuck everyone in Gotham trust and like him like wth😭😭😭
If I would be a citizen of Gotham you can't imagine how shocked and confused I would be once that Bat-freak appears and starts talking about justice and vengeance, beating the crap out of the criminal and breaking 90% of their bones. My first thought would probably be:'Why the fuck he isn't in Arkham Asylum yet? I think he's dangerous.'
I'm surpsised he didn't kill anyone accidentally yet, I swear edging of 'Almost killed' gives him pleasure. And it gets more absurd because through years this freak gets children and involves them in dangerous work(Reminder:DICK WAS FUCKING NINE!) and develop some weird attraction to criminals(Catwoman, Talia, and all other criminals in Gotham who he didn't date officially but they still had smth going on together and a weird glances at each other) and some obsessed clown who's extremely dangerous and literally killed his children, but Batman refuse to let him die and literally brags in the hospital one day with that clown on his hands screaming 'You're going to help him first' and saves his ass too many times to count and they act like they're some divorced married couple.
Like the most unrealistic shit ever is not the fact what Batman exist, but the fact what people like him. I can understand children:who wouldn't like when some cool edgy dude saves people and who doesn't want to be like him? But what about adults? Reasonable adult wouldn't like Batman because he's very cruel, using children, having sex with criminals, eye-fucking with the most dangerous one of them, ruining everything while fighting with them all, being dressed up as a giant bat and having a lot of weapons what he throws at everyone(Including his OWN SON) and talking about some justice.
Citizens aren't readers or writers who knows what Batman is a really nice and good guy who's just having a trauma with which he copes by vigilantism and attraction to very dangerous people, all they see is some Asylum patient with lots of issues and aggression.
I guess civilians are just stupid If after they find out what he does all this freaky shit to save them they start liking him😭😭😭
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raisedbythetv89 · 7 months
I just started watching White Collar for the first time and a realization about most male written and directed media smacked me DIRECTLY in the face which is that SO MUCH media written by a for men is genuinely just male nerd self insert, non-canon compliant, AU fan fiction??????
Like them writing and creating stories is just “ok so these guys are soooo smooth and well dressed and women just flock to them at every turn and they can get away with anything and everyone believes and supports them when they do mess up and everyone thinks they’re sooooo brilliant”
This media isn’t just portraying women “for the male gaze” it’s EVERYTHING. Everything in these stories is supporting and uplifting mens’ delusions about who they are, how they’re perceived, and how they should expect to be treated. Which is incredibly ironic because anytime media portrays women or the world in the female gaze in a more “in my ideal world things would be like this” instead of portraying us as nothing but weak, broken, unloved, traumatized, victims OR one dimensional sex symbols with no needs or emotions they’re screaming, crying, throwing up about how stupid and unrealistic the story is….
This explains SO MUCH about how male characters are handled in shows like Veronica Mars and Buffy. Even though they’re shows staring women all the “good guys” get the delusional self insert, y/n, AU fan fic treatment (Buffy still wants Angel in season 3 and Riley in season 6 even after everything they did and Xander is CONSTANTLY forgiven for all the atrocious shit he says and does and is wanted by all women besides Buffy. Veronica forgiving Duncan and getting back together with him and even CONSIDERING Piz could truly only be born from men being delusional AS FUCK. Writing how they want men to be treated by women rather than being based in reality and the woman having even an ounce of self respect.)
Which is why the “bad boys”, Logan and Spike are such better characters. They’re so much more realistic, they get held accountable by the women in their lives, have better growth and are just way more appealing and attractive because they’re not the walking embodiment of what MEN want men to be treated and act like.
Oh god this feels like such cursed knowledge to have like it’s important to see this media for what it really is but now watching it feels that much yuckier like finding the porn of someone you DO NOT LIKE but like their emotional porn “this is what life would be like in my fantasies” and they’re the fantasies of the grossest men alive 😭😭😭😭😭
Also it shows their emotional maturity like all of these things are what 13 year old boys fantasize about not actual mature, grown men….
Also just realized this is why the Star Wars sequels were so hated. It wasn’t just Rey being powerful and loved by her found family and Kylo. It was that the movies showed the reality of men like Kylo. They destroyed the male fantasy Darth Vader created. They aren’t super cool, powerful badasses. They’re extremely sad, broken, temper tantrum throwing lost little boys who just want love and acceptance but have lost the ability to accept it because of the dark side (aka the patriarchy) which is the reality and that made me SOOOOO ANGRY lololololololol and this is why Joss Whedon THOUGHT making Spike into a sad pathetic mama’s boy of a poet would make the audience not like him because that DOES work on misogynistic men who enjoy the male gaze but does NOT work and only humanizes and makes Spike even more complex and lovable to the female gaze 💀💀💀💀 oh good lord
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milkratz · 1 year
Gaz is going to blow himself up.
Not literally. Probably not. Maybe. But he is going to start taking some extreme measures if the two resident idiots didn’t get their shit together. 
Yeah, idiots. Because he has been forced to watch some of the most trashy, unrealistic clichés happen before his very eyes; His daily life, he felt like a background character in one of his mother’s overdone romance novels, watching the main characters dance around each other.
And yes, he’s talking about Soap and Ghost. For highly-skilled and deadly operatives, they’re bloody stupid. And yeah, perhaps Gaz is being a little rude but hey. He’s seen shit that genuinely only happens in fiction.
Like the cherry blossom petals? They're on a rather secluded military base, where the most greenery they see is the treeline of the damn forest they use for practice ops. Where the fuck did the cherry blossoms come from.
Or when Soap dropped his folder of reports. Ghost had been right next to him and reached down at the same time. Their hands touched and Gaz swears to God, time stopped. For two whole minutes, Gaz had been frozen in time, forced to watch Ghost and Soap stare into each other's eyes, while some pop music played over the damn intercoms.
One time, Soap ended up in the infirmary. Nothing too serious, but he was in there for a good couple days. Gaz went in to cheer up his buddy, crack a few jokes, only to almost immediately bump into the still figure of Ghost. Ghost who he last saw four days ago. Ghost, who was supposed to be on an at least two week mission. Ghost who disobeyed orders, just to stand in Soap's room like a freaky sleep paralysis demon.
Gaz couldn't be bothered and immediately walked back out, ignoring Ghost's quiet inquiries as to where he was going. Away from this teenage romance bullshit, he thought, completely having given up.
The worst part? The two were completely, entirely, fully oblivious. It got to the point where Gaz and Price would sit together, watching the two fools pretend there was nothing between them.
Oh well. The way they were going, Gaz could bet on at least two months before one of them manned up, and make himself a pretty penny off it.
Unless some weird wacko romance-fueled supernatural bullshit happened again. Then Gaz might actually blow up.
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leviathanofdeath · 1 year
rotb spoilers i talk abt Noah in depth bc im autistic and its 1 am
(this is also strictly talking abt the movies)
idk bout yall, but i really like Noah and his character and the way he interacts with everything thrown at him., I really like how (because of Mirage's chill personality) he wasn't completely overwhelmed by the existence of robot aliens. sure he was freaking the hell out abt the car driving by itself but yknow he caught on pretty quickly. and this is also due to the fact that he wanted to save earth as well. and specifically he wanted to help his brother. can we talk abt the fact that he was so willing to go against his morals just to scrounge up some sort of cash to help his family. as soon as he got into Mirage he was like "I don't wanna do this" and he was trying to get out the car. I also really like the relationship Noah had with his little brother. trying to be that light in his life and give hope. doing everything just to help his little brother not be in so much pain. it was just a nice touch to show us how truly compassionate and caring Noah is and you could really feel that through the performance, imo. you can tell they've both been struggling for quite some time. you feel sorry for when Noah gets immediately rejected by that security officer, and he's completely honest and trying to explain how he deserves a second chance (and he does) and he's probably repeated those reasons a thousand times in the past. he almost completely doubts himself until his brother reiterates that they're always gonna be there together and theybcan do it. and even though it sounds unrealistic, me and my sister have said the same thing to each other so it feels all the more powerful to me. it's a completely different approach to a character in the movie series and I cannot appreciate it enough.
and can I just say, sorry to the sam likers out there, I like how Noah doesn't just immediately insult Mirage trying to save him or befriend him. they actually have a strong ass bond almost right off the bat. sam was always yelling at bee everytime bee came in to save his ass (I hated this bc bee can do no wrong ok) but when Mirage was fighting scourge all by himself JUST to buy time for Noah, literslly risking his life for Noah. literslly becoming a suit of armor for him. Noah was nearly in tears, watching mirage's optics fade becsuse they've already become so close. Noah and Mirage have the silliest banter because they just get along so well. I know it's kind of stupid to compare the two (sam/bee and noah/mirage) but my point is simply: they connect so well together and I really fucking appreciate that. we've seen it with Charlie and Bee where they genuinely care for each other and now we see it again with Noah and Mirage. its just so nice to see the two get along swimmingly. even after they save the world, Mirage meets Noah's brother and everything and Noah begins to fix Mirage up as well. showing that they've become closer after the entire incident.
and Mirage. I just gotta say he is seriously the star of the show. Pete Davidson did an amazing job with him. and Mirage's personality fits with Noah so incredibly well. They've got the same type of style, use the same slang, stuff like that, and they compliment each other. Mirage is so genuinely interested and curious about Noah that he comes off as extremely friendly, defensive, and playful. He doesn't hesitate to risk his life for Noah and he gives Noah a little gauntlet to at least keep himself safe when they're apart. he even tells Noah off the bat that he can turn into any car and be sold so Noah can have money for his family. Maybe its the fact that Mirage has been cooped up and told to stay hidden for so long that he can't help but appreciate the first person to "reawaken" him, but regardless their relationship is just extremely refreshing and nice. The way they can bounce off each other is awesome. God i love them so much honestly I can't think of a better duo than these two theyre just perfect for each other whether its platonic or more
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Ngl, I'm a slut for hybrid AUs (it's probably the weeb in me). So, if you see more in the future, don't be surprised lol. This idea came to me out of nowhere but, I felt compelled to write about it because there's no such thing as too much Bunny! Jeonghan fanfic (I don't even know if Bunny! Jeonghan fanfic is out there). Apparently I can only write about Jeonghan when it's in relation to bunnies. Enjoy.
Heads up: Yoon Jeonghan x Fem! Reader, hybrid AU, slight crack honestly because hybrid AUs, friends/roommates to lovers, Jeonghan is a bunny hybrid, Reader is just a regular degular human, Jeonghan is in heat so potentially grey area when it comes to consent incase that makes you uncomfortable, oral sex (f. receiving), dirty talk, unprotected piv sex, unrealistic sex (Jeonghan still being hard after cumming), creampies and this ended up being pretty long so fair warning.
I will block you if you are minor and have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
When Vernon first introduced you to Jeonghan, you were a little taken aback. You had only met a handful of hybrids in your lifetime and, they all tended to either be cat or dog hybrids. You'd never met a bunny hybrid before. The way his black, floppy ears moved and twitched when he spoke was endlessly distracting. His fluffy tail was even moreso. It didn't help that ontop of all of that, that he was an extremely charismatic man with perhaps the cutest smile you'd ever seen.
You were in trouble.
However, you needed a roommate to help you with rent and Jeonghan was the perfect option. Luckily, he was looking for a place to live too and it was all history from there. You'd never lived with a hybrid before but, outside of the occasional unfamiliar habits here and there, Jeonghan had proven himself to be both an amazing roommate and a great friend over the past year. Which didn't exactly help your budding feelings for him. It was really only a matter of time before you developed romantic feelings for your roommate. He was kind, smart, funny, endearingly mischievous but he knew how to walk a fine line and never go too far, considerate and not to mention unfairly good-looking. To name a few reasons off the top of your head.
"Fuck," you hear Jeonghan curse from the living room, partially distracting you from the sandwich you were making for lunch. "What's wrong?" You ask, trying to split your attention as best you can between listening to him and finishing your food. "I forgot to get my stupid heat suppressants. I've been so occupied with work this week and meeting deadlines that I completely forgot to head to the pharmacy. Ugh," he responds, sounding equal parts annoyed and frustrated.
You pause from making your sandwich.
Heats are something you've heard about vaguely and understand in concept but, you haven't touched that subject with Jeonghan, or any other hybrids really. You just knew most hybrids took suppressants so they could function normally because heats can become all consuming very quickly. However, sex in general is something you avoid bringing up when it comes to Jeonghan. Least your mind wonder about what he looks like completely naked, what he feels like, the sounds he makes...
"You okay?" His question startles you out of your thoughts. You're wondering when he managed to make his way into the kitchen but, then again you weren't exactly being the most aware. "Mhm, just thinking. So, what do you plan to do?" You ask him, trying to change the topic as quickly as possible. Jeonghan really doesn't need to know about your previous thoughts of him.
"I'm going to try my best to get my hands on a few tomorrow morning because my heat is closer than I realised. I don't want to risk it," he says, running his fingers through his hair in agitation. You try not to coo at seeing his ears flop in annoyance. Grabbing a plate to place your now complete sandwich onto, you shoot him a reassuring smile. "I'm sure it'll all work out, Hannie."
Between work for Jeonghan and university for you, the two of you haven't had much time to spend together these past few days. It's a little embarrassing just how much you miss him. Vernon teasing you about it every chance he gets, sometimes with Chan chiming in. You shouldn't have told those two losers anything. They're so annoying. Regardless, you've decided to just stay home this weekend and melt into your couch while catching up on some anime and TV shows. University leaving you feeling like a shell of a human being.
It's in this state that Jeonghan finds you when he finally gets home. You're a little surprised because he's home earlier than usual but, it's a pleasant surprise nonetheless. "Hey," you greet him from your spot on the couch, comfortably cuddling one of the cushions. "Hi," he says back but, he sounds...off. Dazed or distracted maybe? You're slightly more concerned when he enters the living room and you actually see him.
His ears are laying flat against his head, his eyes slightly glassy and his cheeks dusted a light shade of pink. You get up quickly, now worried. "Hey Hannie, are you okay?" You ask, tentatively reaching out to him. "Y-Yeah. It's just- I- it's my heat. I think I took the suppressants too late for them to work," he says, squirming a little where he stands.
Well, this is definitely a problem.
"Oh um well, what can I do to help? How do you usually get through them without the suppressants?" You ask, trying to remain as neutral and helpful as possible. Jeonghan glances at your hand that's come to rest on his bicep before meeting your eyes with his glassy ones. Now you're struggling to not to squirm under his intense gaze. He looks like he wants to devour you. He seems to remember himself though and finally responds, "I haven't had a heat in years. It was pretty...intense last time which is why I eventually decided to go on the suppressants. My choices are either to sweat it out or fuck it out."
What even is your life?
"Oh uh okay. Well, I could help you get to bed and you could sweat it out there? I'll be in my room if you need me for anything," you suggest, willing yourself to ignore the heat radiating from him and the way he's looking at you right now.
"You won't come to bed with me?" This man even has the audacity to pout! While you and Jeonghan are no strangers to the occasional hug and cuddle, cuddling him in this state just feels like a disaster waiting to happen.
"No, Hannie but, you can call when you need something, okay?" You reassure him. You're completely thrown off when he pulls you into a rather intimate hug, his nose pressed against your neck.
"You smell so good. You always smell so good. Feel good too," he mutters against your skin, his breath sending shivers down your spine.
Frankly, you're reeling from all of this. Slowly you begin to untangle him from your body. "Let's get you to bed," you say with an air of finality, taking his larger hand in yours and pulling him to his room. Trying your best to completely ignore the ghost of his mouth so close to your neck and, his whines of protest as you drag him along.
This was going to be a long few days.
"I'm still in my work clothes," he says with a pout on his face when you finally sit him down on his bed. "It's so hot," he complains, already unbuttoning his dress shirt and shrugging it off.
Drawing on ever ounce of your self-control you make sure to look away, trying to give him some privacy and respect. You feel your heart pound in your ears when you hear the sound of him undoing his belt buckle next. "Hannie, what're you doing?" You ask, hoping he doesn't notice the shakiness in your voice.
"I feel hot," is all the response you get.
Eventually he seems to still.
"Is-is it okay if I turn around?" You ask him cautiously, wringing your hands together infront of yourself nervously.
He hums affirmative and, you take a moment to steel your nerves before turning to eventually face him.
You've only seen Jeonghan this undressed a handful of times. You could probably actually count the number of times on one hand. He tended to be rather modest and, having him infront of you in nothing but, his boxers was quickly overwhelming you.
It was all the more made worse by the blatant want creeping its way onto his face.
"Do you just want to stay in your b-boxers?" You ask, feeling warmth crawling its way up your face from embarrassment and completely unasked for arousal.
Jeonghan takes a second to respond to you, his eyes looking up and down your frame languidly. Licking his lips he says, "Yeah. I just feel really warm."
"Okay, well just let me know if you need anything," you say hurriedly, turning to reach for his door's handle. You're startled to feel his hand grab your opposite wrist. He wasn't joking. His hand feels like a furnace right now.
"Wait," he says, voice pitched significantly lower than a few moments ago.
You turn to face him and the air stills in your chest. If you thought he looked like he wanted to devour you earlier, the look on his face now was somehow more intense. Even in all your oblivion and denial, you'd be stupid to think his eyes showed anything but, barely constrained desire.
"Hannie what-"
"I want you. Please. It starting to hurt," he all but, groans. Your heart rate ticks up at his words. He completely shocks you yet again.
"Jeonghan, this is your heat talking. You don't want me," you try to reason with him, ignoring the sting you feel from your own words.
"That's not true. I've wanted you for months now. God, how could I not? Especially when you walk around in tiny shirts like the ones you're wearing now or, flimsy shirts that I can see your nipples through. I can smell you, you know? When you're wet, when you cum. It takes everything in me not to just barge into your room and offer my mouth or my fingers or my cock to help get you off."
Yoon Jeonghan sure has a knack for leaving you speechless. Especially when he's in his heat, it seems. All you can do is stare back at him wide-eyed, mouth agape probably looking like a fool.
"If you don't want me, that's okay. I'd never force you to do anything you don't want to but, you don't get to tell me how I feel."
He let's go of your wrist and, you feel rooted to the floor of his room. Completely unable to move.
"Jeonghan, I- I didn't know," is all you can manage to utter out and, the self-deprecating smile he gives you breaks your heart.
"How could you have? I never told you. Now I'm slowly losing my self control and, I finally find the courage to tell you how I feel. Very smart," his laugh is completely devoid of humour and without much thought, you kiss him.
Jeonghan has gone completely still against you. The kiss is brief and a little clumsy but, you hope it gets your point across.
"I want you too. I have for a really long time. Longer than I care to admit, honestly," you say once you've pulled away, cupping his handsome face in your hands.
Before you can blink, Jeonghan's mouth is on yours once again but, he doesn't hold back as much as you did. His hands grip your hips as he pulls you towards him, eagerly kissing you and already trying to lick into your mouth.
Your insides throb painfully when you feel is cock press into you, hot and heavy through the very thin materials of his boxers and your night shirt.
A gasp flies from your lips, hungrily swallowed by Jeonghan, when he begins to rut into you. One of his hands grabbing a generous handful of your ass as he helps you move against him. Your panties are starting to stick to you now, being swept up in all that is Jeonghan and the sensations he provides to your touch starved body.
His lips kiss the corner of your mouth before moving to dot kisses against your jaw until his mouth eventually reaches your neck. Your hands move to grab his biceps, fingernails slightly biting into the skin there as he makes quick work of your neck. Kissing, nibbling and sucking to his heart's content. You're sure you'll likely have bruises decorating your neck tomorrow. Abruptly he stiffens and you're worried that something is wrong. However, before you can ask him what's going on, he's dragging you onto his bed. Gently pushing you onto your back, feral eyes taking you in.
"I can smell you. You smell divine," is all he says as an explanation before pulling into another heated kiss, situating himself between your thighs.
You don't really have time to dwell on the knowledge that he can smell your arousal because his cock is thoroughly distracting you. It feels hotter than before, brushing your clit a few times as Jeonghan moves against you once again.
You're just glad the walls of your apartment are decent because the way you and Jeonghan are moaning against each other is bordering on obscene.
One of his hands begins to tug your oversized shirt up impatiently. Mildly concerned that he may rip it in his impatience, you help him tug it off and toss it onto the floor. Jeonghan's lips are around one of your hardened nipples before you can fully comprehend what's happening. His hand massaging the unoccupied breast.
Your back arches instantaneously from his ministrations, nails leaving faint pink marks in their wake on his biceps. "Hannie," you cry out, pressing your hips up to get some sort of relief for the painful, incessant throbbing between your thighs. His answering groan against your skin on serving to overwhelm you further. You're pretty sure your panties are completely ruined now.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this. Just wanna bury my face in your tits for hours or, fuck them until you're covered in my cum," he says after removing your nipple from his mouth with an obnoxious pop. You wonder if his mouth is always this filthy or this is just the heat talking. Either way, you're not exactly complaining.
"You can do whatever you want with me Hannie but, later. I need you. Please," you whine out, hips grinding up into his to emphasise your point.
"Anything. Anything for you, baby," he moans, moving to pull off your panties and shorts. Leaving you completely bare under his gaze. Not giving you the time or opportunity to feel self-conscious, he kisses his way down your stomach. Eyes watching ever minute change in your face and, ears listening for all your little noises of pleasure.
When Jeonghan first licks at your soaking slit, it's difficult to tell who moaned louder. Your eyes rolling into the back of your head and, his determined to still watch you although he finds himself dangerously close to shutting them to fully immerse himself in the pleasure of eating you out. His tongue finds your swollen clit easily, pressing brief kisses against it alongside some kitten licks. Gauging what you respond to better. Jeonghan finds his rhythm eventually, lips and chin becoming coated generously with your juices. He does have to use of his hands to keep you in place, you're squirming and arching so prettily for him but, it makes it more of a challenge to feast on you like you deserve.
One of your hands flies to his head, careful to avoid pulling on his ears, when he pushes two of his long fingers inside of you. Curling them deliciously and hitting just the right spot inside of that has you crying out and pulling on his hair.
Jeonghan is so hard he can barely think straight, his boxers soaked now in his pre-cum. He grinds his hips against his bed, searching for some kind relief. He's determined to prepare you properly to take his cock, even though his more animalistic urges whisper for him to sink into you right now and leave you thoroughly filled with his cum. Banishing those thoughts from his mind for now, he diligently licks your clit and gradually adds a third finger to stretch you out further.
Jeonghan almost cums along with you when the dam eventually breaks. Your insides grip his fingers so tightly that he can barely keep moving them, your juices gushing onto his face and hand as he desperately laps up everything he can. The grip on his hair stings now but, Jeonghan couldn't care less. He was finally getting to have you like this. He wasn't going to start complaining now. The high pitched keening noises you make only egg him on, still licking at you as your hips switch under his hand.
"H-Hannie, too much," you say hoarsely, trying to move away from his expert fingers and mouth. If Jeonghan wasn't in his heat, he'd make you cum until you were in tears but, that could always happen another time. He's in no hurry to play out every fantasy he's head involving you over the past few months. He has time.
Giving your clit one last kiss, he eases his fingers out of you. They're covered in your release and so his most of his hand. Without much deliberation, he puts them into his mouth and sucks the taste of you off of them. Moaning all the while. Your gasp at the sight forces him to lock eyes with you. Not slowing down as he watches the way your eyes zero in on his mouth before returning to his. Once seemingly satisfied with thoroughly cleaning his fingers, he removes from his mouth with an obnoxious pop. Tongue peaking out to lick your juices from his lips as well.
"You taste divine. Could eat your pussy all day," he says with a gravelly tone, looking down at with heavily lidded eyes.
"Jeonghan," you say with slight admonishment.
"What? It's true," he responds with clear amusement colouring his tone.
Before you can think to respond, your eyes betray you and glance down. His cock is straining against his boxers, a sizeable wet spot evident on them. You can't see all of him yet but, your insides clench hard at how long and thick he looks.
"Can I suck you off?" You blurt out without thinking. Feeling your face warm in embarrassment at the impulsive question.
Jeonghan seems surprised for a moment before a smug smirk spreads across his handsome face. "Maybe next time. I'd rather cum inside of you first and, I don't think I'd last very long with your pretty lips wrapped around my cock," he says, tugging his boxers off hurriedly. Shuddering as cool air hits his cock. Thoroughly distracting you and leaving all complaints you had about tasting him to die on your tongue.
Of course Yoon Jeonghan would have a pretty cock too. It's longer than it is thick and flushed an appealing looking red.
"Okay, that's fair," you respond breathlessly, fresh arousal coating your upper thighs at the sight of him. You don't think you've ever felt so empty in your life.
"Tell me if you want me to stop or if it's too much, okay? I've been doing a decent job of holding back but, I can...lose myself when I'm in heat," he says gently, positioning himself between your thighs with his cock in his hand. His eyes are almost black when he meets your gaze once again to make sure you're okay with this, he looks like he's barely holding on by a thread.
"I trust you, Hannie. I know you wouldn't hurt me but, if it becomes too much I promise I'll tell you," you respond. Reaching up to pull him into a soft kiss before laying back against his pillows to watch him. A very small, private part of you is curious to see what he's like when he loses control. Jeonghan always seems to have it all together. You wonder what he's like when he fully let's go.
He takes a deep breath before slowly pushing into you. Even with all the effort he put into stretching you out earlier, there's still a slight sting. Your hands grip his sheets tightly, moaning as he eases his way into you.
Jeonghan is almost vibrating with how much he's holding himself back from just bottoming out into you in one, quick thrust. You're so fucking tight and wet and warm. Your walls drag around his cock deliciously. However, he can see the slight discomfort in your face and body language clear as day so he tries his best to go as slowly as he can manage.
You gasp when he does eventually bottom out and you can't help the way you clench around him from the broken moan he let's out at being inside you completely. His arms come up to cage around your head, his head dropping to nuzzle against your neck as he tries his best to remain still so you can adjust, "Fuck, don't do that. I-I'll cum," he groans against the skin of your neck.
Maybe it's the desire to get back at him for all his teasing over the past few months or maybe it's the desire to see Jeonghan crumble, that motivate you to wrap your legs around his hips and pull him closer. Your arms wrapping around his back as well in the process, "Cum then. I want you to."
His cock pulses violently for a moment before you feel the warmth of being filled with his cum. The moans he let's out against your skin are high pitched and bordering on whines as his hips shallowly thrusts into you. You did have the vague understanding that hybrids tended to be more sensitive while in heat but, you didn't think he'd cum so fast. Not that you were exactly complaining. He sounded beautiful and obscene against you and, feeling him fuck his cum into you was more than enough for you to be moaning in return.
Jeonghan pants against you once his orgasm seems to run its course. Surprisingly, he's still very hard inside of you despite having cum. Perks of being a hybrid, you guess. You soothingly rub his back and untangle your legs from him. That appears to cause something inside the man to snap because the next thing you know, he's hooking your legs over your his arms. His eyes are feral as they stare down at you and you receive no warning as he begins to fuck into your harshly. The sound of your shared moans and skin slapping against skin filling his room. "You're so tight. Such a pretty pussy. Even more pretty with my cum," he groans deliriously, taking his eyes off of you to watch his cock enter you over and over and over again. While all you can do is moan and take it.
"Hannie, you feel so g-good. You're so d-deep," you cry out, your hands gripping his sheets viciously once more as his cock overwhelms you. "Yeah? You like that, baby? Gonna stuff you with my cum. Gonna fuck you full," his hips snapping even faster against you now, not giving you any chance to catch your breath.
"Fuck, fuck, f-fuck," he whines before you feel that pulse you're beginning to become familiar with once more. He spasms against you as a new wave of his cum shoots inside you. You've never felt so full. Your eyes roll into the back of your skull at the sensations. Briefly you think you may have ripped his sheets with how much you've been pulling on them but, you honestly couldn't care less. Not when your pretty bunny continues to move inside of you, his cock still impossibly hard.
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wlwanakin · 26 days
god you're so right about how messed up the obi-wan/anakin/ahsoka dynamic is. it's like: your dad had you way too young, never forgot it and never let you forget it, and the moment you've achieved some independence he has another kid.
and like. you know that this kid is going to have to be your baby, because your father is not qualified to raise her, so it falls to 19-20 yr old you to keep this child alive. anakin is the true teen mom of star wars, tbh
RIGHT!!!! RIGHT!!!! like it’s that. it’s not that but emotionally it is that!!!! and it’s sooo fucked in ways that feel under-acknowledged cuz the show itself is like “but it’s fine! look how well these three get on” but also i don’t care what the show says (except when it’s good in which case i do care. i care So Much). i’m gonna talk about how it’s fucked!! and like, in general it’s the kind of a recipe for extreme tension and resentment and anakin not letting ahsoka be subject to any of that is maybe one of the acts that got him into force heaven two decades later, because anakin grew up being silently resented by obi-wan a bit (in some ways A Lot) and like you can talk about the cycles of it all but that is a very important aspect of it that anakin ensured he did Not continue! but like goddd you cannot tell me there was no resentment towards obi-wan about it all that nagged at him, especially since obi-wan likes ahsoka so much, and frankly obi-wan and anakin are a classic case of parent and child who simply would not like each other if they met as unrelated individuals, and boy oh boy is that a miserable thing to be. and i think it’s unrealistic that all this weirdness just evaded ahsoka too so i’m sure she has her own complexes. being an unwanted child whose custody got passed off bc your religious order decided to use you as a character-building tool (did she ever find out about this. if she ever found out about this it’d be crazy. i like to think she did) is never smooth sailing even your not-teen brother-mom loves you so so much and actually expresses it (UNLIKE SOMEONE ELSE I KNOW).
and anakin really IS the teen mom lol, and i find that funny both bc he’s much closer to an Actual teen mom age wise while obi-wan (designated teen mom by fandom including me bc he acts like one) was fucking 25, and bc anakin was the MORE SUCCESSFUL ONE. like not only was he given a padawan when he was 5-6 years younger than obi-wan was on the frontlines of a WAR he also got over the whole not wanting her thing like super duper fast and despite being the most insane woman alive he actually did a pretty good job and ahsoka ended up being really well-adjusted forever (which is in part stupid bad writing but also i do think anakin gave her the best child soldier experience one could be given…also fucked to think about if you wanna chew on that). like i increasingly don’t care for tcw as the years go on but ahsoka and anakin’s dynamic will be close to my heart forever and ever and that is partially bc the circumstances are so deeply fucked
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shadyruinskryptonite · 11 months
Warning: Disordered eating, insecurities, depression, anxiety, self-loathing, references to s*x but no descriptions and not smut, unemployment, language, super negative self-talk (reader calls herself a bitch and fat), pet names (babe, baby, love), not proofread
Genre: hurt/comfort, established relationship, Modern AU!Eren x fem reader
A/n: Italics mean it’s the reader’s thoughts. Sorry that this is very dark and sad. As with any of my writing, it’s very self-serving. I promise that I’m alright, just feeling a bit insecure (I’m on the bigger side) and this will be comforting for me and therapeutic. Take care of yourselves <3
WC: 2390
y/n, texting: Hey Ren! You think we could hang out after work?
Ren: Sorry, I’ve gotta go to the gym and have some errands to run so I don’t think I can tonight 😢I should be able to tomorrow though if you’d like!
I sigh, feeling the familiar pressure settling on my chest as my stomach growls.
y/n: Oh, yeah. That’s fine. Tomorrow works! Love ya!
Ren: Love you too, babe.
I toss my phone to the side, heaving another sigh as I flop my head back. 
I can’t expect him to realize something is wrong if I don’t tell him. How can you be both so good at hiding how you feel AND expect Eren to see through it? Dumb bitch, this is why you are disappointed so often, people can never live up to your unrealistic expectations. 
Tears prick my eyes and I decide that the growling of my stomach is too obnoxious to ignore, so I walk to the fridge knowing I won’t find anything satisfactory. Settling on some cheese sticks, I fill the gaps with a bit of sparkling water.
If you want to like how you look in pictures, this better be the only thing you eat today. 
Nodding to myself, I go back to my bed to finish my snack before sliding under the covers. Having not had more than one meal each day for longer than I can remember, I’m definitely exhausted. I’ve been searching and applying to jobs so often that I’m mentally just shot.
You should’ve never left your job. Sure they treated you like shit, but at least you had a paycheck. You’re so stupid for thinking you’d get a job quickly. And any place you work is going to be the exact same since you’re so fucking lazy.
I squeeze my eyes together before I turn on my white noise in the background hoping to drown out my own thoughts. Slowly, I drift off to a nap.
When I’m snapped out of my sleep, the room is dark. I rub my eyes, extremely disoriented because something that wasn’t my alarm is what pulled me awake. I glance at the time and realize I had been asleep for at least three hours. There’s a knock at the door, and it dawns on me that this is what must have pulled me out of my sleep.
Wearing just Eren’s hoodie, I stretch before calling out, “One minute!”
You’re not really going to answer the door like that are you? Even though the hoodie covers your ass your fat thighs with their stretch marks are out. You can’t have someone seeing that!
I groan before stepping into my closet briefly. I pull on a pair of leggings but quickly realize they’re tighter than the last time I wore them. 
Ugh! You’re better off having your fat out. Just look at how these show the shadow under your gut! It’s disgusting.
For what feels like the hundredth time today I fight off tears not wanting to open the door looking like a crying mess on top of how shitty I already feel. I pull off the leggings in a huff and go to the door, too tired to care anymore.
When I glance through the peephole, I’m surprised to see Eren standing outside my door. I fling it open, confusion evident on my face. It’s only as he’s looking me over that I realize how messed up my hair must be so I quickly pull out the hair tie that was realistically only hanging on by a thread anyway. 
His warm smile that crinkles his eyes and his musky scent envelope me, momentarily lifting the cloud off of me. But just as quickly as I felt better, the doom and gloom returned along with guilt.
Look at how handsome he is, it’s so unfair of him to be stuck with you. You were too obvious about how you felt and now you’ve forced him to come over here instead of doing the things he was planning on doing. Always a burden.
Fighting off the thoughts, I smile up at my boyfriend, trying to convey that I really am happy he’s here. A little worried about his response, I ask “what happened, I thought you were going to the gym and had errands to run?”
There’s an almost imperceptible furrow to his brow and I can tell he knows something is wrong.
Fuck! Don’t make him worry about you!
“I got off a little early so I’ve already gone to the gym and I decided that my errands could wait. You seemed off over text so I wanted to come check on you, and…I think I’m glad I did. What’s wrong baby?”
I pull him into my apartment and say, “nothing Ren, what makes you think something is wrong?”
I don’t want to worry him but, god, there’s nothing I need more than him right now.
As the door closes, the room is once again enveloped in darkness. “Well,” he says as he flips the light on, “for starters I can tell you just woke up from a nap.”
“I nap all of the time Ren, that’s nothing special” I say with a giggle, and to an untrained ear it sounds so very genuine. Not to Eren though. Wanting desperately to change the subject I ask, “Have you had anything to eat? If you went to the gym you must be hungry.”
As I go to walk towards the kitchen, he gently grabs my arm. “I had a smoothie, so I’m fine.” He’s still holding my arm when he looks behind me and sees clothes discarded on the floor of my closet, only he’s almost certain that they aren’t dirty. When he looks back to me, I can tell the expression on his face has bloomed into full-on worry. 
“Talk to me, y/n,” he almost whispers. 
I can’t hold his eyes so I look away, his thumb now rubbing loving circles on my arm. I steel myself so I can try to keep up the already fragile wall and look back at him with a softer smile this time. “I’m okay love, I promise. I appreciate you making sure I’m okay, though,” I say before getting on my toes to peck him on the lips. His eyes narrow slightly but he doesn’t press the matter.
Moving to the couch, Eren lays down with his head resting on the arm of the chair and invites me into him. I happily oblige. He has some random show on in the background, but as soon as I settle onto his chest and into his arms, my lip starts to quiver. My face is hidden in his chest, and I can tell he’s looking at the TV and not me, which is good because this time I couldn’t hold back the tears that had been brewing the entire day and, honestly, for the last nearly month. 
I lay there, crying quietly as some stupid sitcom plays. Only there came a point where my crying wasn’t so easily hidden anymore. I move my hand to my mouth in hopes to cover any noise but there was no hiding the sob that racked my body. This got his attention.
Shit! Shit! Shit!
“Hey, hey, look at me baby, just look at me,” Eren says with increased urgency as he shifts so I can comfortably look up and make eye contact. When I fight looking at him, he changes strategy. Holding me impossibly close with one hand on the back of my head and the other on my back, he rubs comforting circles anywhere he can. “Shhh, shhh, it’s okay baby. I’m right here. It’s okay, I’m not going anywhere.
My sobbing gets harder before it starts to calm down, and if I could’ve seen his face I would’ve known how each new cry broke his heart all over again. When my crying had mostly subsided, I tried to choke out an apology which only made me begin to cry harder.
Now, Eren insisted on me looking at him. As he held my chin he asked, “Why the hell are you sorry? I don’t even know what you’re upset about yet.”
Through shuddering breaths, I manage to say, “I-I’m sorry for c-c-crying and I’m s-sorry for making you w-worry and f-f-for being a burden and, and, and… just for everything!” I try to bury my face in his chest again but he stops me.
“Baby! You never have to be sorry for crying. Where the fuck did you get the idea that you’re a BURDEN?” As he speaks, he looks almost hurt that I would say such a thing.
“I-I took you away f-f-from your plans,” I whine out.
“That doesn’t make you a burden love,” he says as he strokes my cheek. Shifting again to get us more on eye level, he continues, “this is not what’s making you cry this hard though. Please talk to me, y/n. I just, I feel so helpless if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.” By now he’s holding my face, so I can only glance down to escape his eyes.
I know what I’m about to say will make him mad, so I keep looking down as I whisper, “why do you even care?” I feel his hands get tighter on my face. Not so tight that it hurts, but tighter nonetheless so I know he IS mad just like I was worried about.
What I wasn’t expecting was to be met with silence. When I look up, his eyes are wide and his mouth is hanging open. Wanting to escape the situation, I say, “close your mouth, you’re going to catch flies like that,” but as I reach up to his face to gently shut his jaw, he grabs my hand hard.
“Why do I even care? I really can’t believe you just asked me that.” Mistaking his incredulity for annoyance, I frantically begin to apologize again as fresh tears spill over.
“Please stop apologizing, y/n. You don’t have anything to apologize for.” This shuts me up and for a moment we just sit in silence before it’s his turn to look away and he asks, “Have I not been doing enough to make you feel like I care? I’ll do anything you need, I-”
“What?! No! That’s not what I mean at all, you’re an incredible boyfriend and you make me feel so loved every day, it’s…it’s just that…” I pause to sigh. The last thing I wanted was for HIM to feel guilty. But how do I even begin to articulate what the problem is?
Eren waits patiently as I battle internally. Finally, I look down and continue, “It’s just that I don’t understand why you care about ME. I’m…I’m…I’m repulsive! I mean, just look at me!” I gesture to myself, still not making eye contact. Now I’m getting really worked up as I say, “We have no good pictures together because I ruin them all! I haven’t been able to contribute to a date in months because I have no money and on top of that you’ve had to bail me out financially more than once! I’m just…I’m useless! Fat, and lazy, and useless, and-”
I’m suddenly pulled into a crushing hug. Tangling one hand into Eren’s hair, I cry into the crook of his neck. For the first time in a while, I’m able to feel some of the weight lifting off of me. We stay like this for a moment and as my crying begins to subside, I can hear Eren speak through gritted teeth. Anger radiates off of him as he forces out, “did someone say something like this to you? Because if this is someone’s fault I’ll ki-”
“No one said this to me, Ren.” I lean back and realize he’s got tears glistening on his cheeks. I feel so bad for making him cry, but his silence implies he wants further explanation. I cup his face in my hands to wipe away his tears before I kind of chuckle and say, “No, no one said something to me. It’s just, I mean, I have eyes.”
“Well maybe you should get them checked then!” he bursts. I’m taken aback but it doesn’t stop him from continuing, “Because we must be seeing different things! Because when I look at you I just see happiness and love and sunshine.”
I chuckle again before I say, “Thank you Ren, but, to be fair, you’re my boyfriend. You’re supposed to say that kind of shit.”
Without an ounce of humor, he interjects “Well if I’m supposed to say it, then I must not be saying it enough. There are so many things about you that I love, like how smart you are and your humor and your kindness, but I never would have even wanted to get to know those things if I didn’t find you jaw-droppingly attractive. Your hair that looks soft and shiny no matter if you leave it natural or style it, your eyes that I find myself getting lost in every time we make eye contact, your smile that can genuinely turn my day around. And you’re every man’s dream because I don’t have to choose between tits and ass,” he squeezes both as his says that, making me genuinely laugh which reflects in his own smile before he continues, “and while I know you don’t like your stretch marks, I love them both because I think they’re like pretty tattoos but also because the skin is more sensitive so it gives me another way to drive you crazy any time we have sex.”
Before I can respond, he finishes off by saying, “You asked why I even care, but the answer is simple, and it’s because I love you. You are the greatest person I’ve ever met, and I will spend the rest of my life proving this to you if that’s what it takes.” He then kisses me softly yet passionately, conveying exactly how deeply he means everything he just said.
“It’s not something I’m just immediately going to believe about myself, but thank you. That really helped, Ren.” I kiss him one more time before saying, “I love you so much baby.”
“I love you too y/n.”
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caliswans · 18 days
social media is killing us
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mainpage | rants | whispers
content warning: mental health & eating disorders
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i've been using social media for so long. it's most likely been over a decade since i've been online.
when i was younger it was so much easier to not have to worry about stupid shit and what people posted that made me worry about my appearance.
but now it's so disgusting?? the amount of times i will scroll through my socials (mainly twitter and tiktok which i'll discuss later) and see shit that promote things that ruin your self-confidence and could practically kill you. and so many trends that deter people from being their actual selves.
tiktok especially is SO brain rotted when it comes to people's appearance. “anti-wrinkle straw” “how to stop being ugly” how to get rid of this how to get rid of that SHUT THE FUCK UP?? it's so fucking irritating because it will be the most random and unimportant feature that people point out and cause others to become insecure of it. and it's so common around girls my age and younger and it's so frustrating because that should be the LAST of our worries in this world right now. and instagram has done the same thing with implementing unrealistic standards for GROWING bodies. it's so annoying to see this type of shit when nobody is perfect and everyone is so unique in their own way.
if i see an “anti-aging” thing one more fucking time i might smash my head into a brick fucking wall. i saw this video the other and it actually made me cackle because why the fuck are yall wearing knight armor to go to bed??
and do not even get my started on the trends because it's the dumbest shit ever. why does it matter what's currently popular right now and what's not?? “is this still trending or should i not wear it?” “is this still trending or should i not get it?” i will smack you over the head with those 14 stanley cups you bought stfu.
the overconsumption actually goes crazy because it's so fucking brain rotted it makes my head feel mushy. and i feel like people don't realize how stressful it is because it's literally doomscrolling. everything on these apps are so negative it's so harmful, and lots of people interact with negative content without realizing it. and the phone addictions make it even worse. (coming from someone who has said phone addiction!!)
twitter has to be the worse place mentally in my opinion so i just deleted it completely. i used to suffer from an eating disorder for about 6 years (??) and without me even INTERACTING with the content i'd get hundreds of thousands of notifications from ED twt and it was fucking disgusting. why has promoting eating disorders become so common these days??
an eating disorder was something that damaged me so emotionally, mentally, and physically. the fact that people are still going through it is so heartbreaking to me but the fact that people are ENCOURAGING it is absolutely fucking disgusting. there's this one girl on tiktok (i don't remember her name) and it's so nasty because all she does is show off her EXTREMELY!!!!!! unhealthy diet and show off her body. i’m not saying there is anything wrong with showing off your body trust i LOVE dressing like a whore but there's a difference between confidence and promoting unhealthy lifestyles.
anyways……. this was frustrating me a lot so i had to get it out.
i’ve been through a lot of things mentally and have healed (and still healing) from it so if yall want to, send in asks for stuff for me to talk about!! toodles!!!!!!
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dimonds456 · 1 month
Okay I am NOT maintagging this because the last 3 times I did that, all I got was negativity for it. So I won't.
But can someone please, please explain to me why USAmericans trying to figure out who to vote for in the fall is "demonic"? I genuinely don't understand. I hate literally all our main candidates, but voting 3rd party is almost guaranteed to fail because everyone else also thinks that, and unless we get a MAJOR reform on that front, it's just an unrealistic expectation to have.
So we have Trump or Harris. And Trump actively wants me dead.
To me, it's clear who the vote should go to, even if I also fucking hate Harris. Like, both of them are going to keep perpetuating the genocide, there is no winning there, so at that point, we gotta look at other issues. Trump is an avid fascist who has actively said he will stop the "trans epidemic" on "day 1." Forgive me for being afraid for that. As far as I know, Harris doesn't have plans to kill trans people, so my vote goes to her because she is the lesser of two very extreme evils.
I keep seeing this sentiment where USAmericans are called selfish or stupid for being so worried about the vote coming up in the fall when it's LITERALLY what is going to determine the future of millions of people in this country. Like, I don't understand. I feel like if my head is on the chopping block, I have a right to be worried about that.
I already feel powerless enough about everything else. Let me have this one, genuinely helpful thing. Our politicians are all corrupt and evil, so there is no winning, so we just gotta pick the ones that aren't actively planning to detain half the country and pick fights with other 3rd/2nd world countries, right? That's LOGICAL, right???
Like PLEASE tell me if I'm wrong, but calling us stupid or selfish for being worried about that seems really dumb??
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
The double standard this anon holds is part of why I don't call myself a proshipper (no idea if anon identifies as one or not, I'm just reacting to the hypocricy they noticed in themself).
Proshippers, as a communuty, are very eager to defend the fucked up things they like, but turn right around and call the tamer things they don't like "cringe" or try to impose a standard of realism on fluffy wish fulfilment.
It's all or nothing, guys. If you don't like someone else's fanfic or fannish original work (and that really is what Heartstopper is), you just roll your eyes and move on. It doesn't matter if it's "gross" or "unrealistic" or "cringe" or "self-indulgent" whatever terms are in fashion to for describing extreme kinks or iddy fluff, everyone gets held to the same standard of treating other people with a minimum of respect.
Alice Oseman fails this because she insults anyone who writes or reads BL other than hers. People who don't like her often fail this because they malign her for writing unrealistic* saccharine glurge and act like that's just as bad as the racism.
*from the notes on related asks, it looks like her stuff might not be all that unrealistic from a specific type of asexual perspective. That's just one more reason why "unrealistic" is a very stupid reason to demand an author switch to writing to your tastes and experiences.
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cupids-chamber · 2 years
y’all did NOT have this reaction to yuuken, y’all only like yuuka bc she is a girl. most of you will just self insert and project onto her and not even pay attention to her actual personality
First of all, I legit kept my fic extremely vague to avoid making her personality into something it's not, the fact that you felt the need to tell me this is fucking stupid really? Sorry if I'm getting pissed here but I'm not in the mood to deal with your opinion of the fandom, which you could have sent to anyone but me.
The fact that you have a problem with half the fandom simping over a yuu that's female says numbers about you, frankly I'd prefer if you get off anon so I could block you. Dni with content you dislike, that's my literal saying. Don't attack writers or artists, block and ignore.
Not to mention, because Yuukan was a boy the fem!yuu oc's would get attacked (as far as I've heard) so another reason she was so popular, was because now people can't complain about fem!yuu's since there technically is a canon female yuu in twst.
Also, live laugh be gay, love Yuuka and make her as fucking sweet and playful as you want because it's your choice how you write a character and people like the anon who wrote this ask dont deserve your content.
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reiverreturns · 10 months
I’m only starting to get into f1 can you explain the offseason f1 vs fia drama I wanna understand it
I certainly can m'love!
So a little bit of background context before I get into the meat. This whole drama centres around three main players. The first of these is Susie Wolff, an ex-DTM and F1 development driver, former CEO of Formula E, and now MD of the all-female series F1 Academy reporting directly into Stefano Domenicali. She also happens to be married to Toto Wolff (our second player), Team Principal of Mercedes AMG. Our third player is Mohammed Ben Sulayem, current FIA president who has been plagued with accusations of fostering sexism as of late as well as being an outright misogynist, stating that he thought women were stupider than men on a personal website prior to his election. He is also well known for not being popular in the ranks of F1, who see him as a powerplayer and someone who continually overreaches to influence the sport to an unreasonable degree.
SO. This all starts with swirling media rumours that earlier this season there was an incident in a TP meeting where Toto accidentally shared confidential insider information that triggered a complaint from one or more of the other team principals. The implication here was that Susie told Toto the insider info because she's his wife and apparently doesn't give a shit about professional integrity. Anyway the FIA confirmed this in a statement yesterday and said their Compliance Department is actively looking into the matter as a potential conflict of interest. Neither Toto, Susie, Merc, F1, or anyone else had been notified of this investigation and learned with all the rest of us through the press release that this was an ongoing investigation. Susie Wolff sends the most dignified and classy fuck you of all time via instagram and I fall in love with her a little more
Still, it's fair to investigate a complaint, right? Well here's the thing - this evening every single F1 team (bar Merc obvs) have released a statement saying they did not complain to the FIA about a potential conflict of interest. And if no one complained, the FIA have basically been caught with their pants down. They have either 1. taken grossly inappropriate action based on one shitty media report, 2. have lied about their reasons for investigating the Wolffs and Susie in particular, or 3. given the entire F1 paddock reason to lie about this which seems very unrealistic. F1 teams will happily throw one another under the bus for a dime there would have to be something immense happening to make them unite like this.
It's hard not to see this mess as a classic Ben Sulayem overreach and extremely sexist gamble to try and oust Susie Wolff from her senior position in the organisation. It's also hard not to see the teams' action tonight as a coordinated attempt to put pressure on the FIA and for Ben Sulayem to resign. Either way, someone's lied on an extremely public stage, put people's careers at risk, and the fallout is going to go on well into the new year.
Oh, and the FIA end of season awards show is on Friday. You know, the one some members of the Merc team got fined for not attending a few years ago when Hamilton got screwed out of an eighth world title. Lol. That should be a barrel of laughs.
Anyway that's what you missed on Glee I hope it helps/made some sense?!
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stingingfish420 · 2 months
im going to kill you
I have alot to say. First of all based off what we have covered so far is it really hard to imagine Kenny in a superheros shoes who doesnt care about fame and just wants to help people? Kenny is extremely empathic and selfless. (Well, we are able to see moments where Kenny hasnt really used his heart to think and acted a bit more like Cartman but a part of me believes that could be that Cartman and Kenny are bestfriends so Cartman could have accidentally pushed some of his traits onto Kenny or just Kenny forgot who he was) I will not talk about S13 E2 because I find that the superhero trigilogy gives us way more intell. It gets revealed that Mysterion is Kenny in S14 E12 when Kenny looks in the mirror he very clearly states he has a power and the only remote character we can think to have anything near a power is kenny. It 100% reveals it later after captain Hindsight put a gun to his head and Kenny tells him to pull the trigger where Stan says "Dude Kenny c-chill out" The others go and Hindsight and Mysterion are left in the same room where Hindsight tells him about how shitty it is to have powers that feel like a curse. Kenny states that *his* power is the definition of a curse Hindsight asks what his power is and for the first time in existence Kenny looks straight into the camera and says "I can't die" I feel this line is extremely powerful for Kennys character for multiple reasons
1. The most we have gotten are just little remarks or fears out of Kenny that he could remember his deaths however we never hear him explicitly state it
2. I believe the factor that we can hear Kenny clearly and hes looking straight into the camera really adds into it mainly because Kenny is always muffled and usually
Kenny after this shares his experience with his curse about hes died more times than he can count and no matter what he wakes up in his bed. We are to see at the end of S14 E12 that he is not dumbfounded by the cults chant and is able to connect the dots with what information is given to him. In the next episode right off the bat it's talking about powers and how the boys are unable to tell what Mint Berry Crunchs power actually is when Stan is giving examples Mysterion states how he cant die and this scene happens:
"No, Stan I'm being serious I really, really can't die,"
"Like last night in the alley, The cult leader stabbed me and I bled all over the place and you screamed 'Oh my god' and you called him a bastard"
"When was that?"
"All the time, I die all the time and you assholes NEVER remember it!"
"I think we would remember you dying dude"
"Well you don't I die over and over just to wake up in my bed like nothing happened."
"Dude, You're freaking out Mint Berry Crunch hes peed his pants."
"No no Mint Berry Crunch doesn't ever pee his pants."
"I knew there would be no point in telling you guys,"
"Alright dude, Let's just say you're not crazy and it's true what's the big deal I think it would be pretty cool not to be able to die,"
"PRETTY COOL?! Do you know what it feels like to be stabbed, to be shot, decapitated, torn apart, burned, run over?"
"Kenny, Kenny calm down."
"Its NOT 'pretty cool' Kyle it FUCKING hurts and it won't go away and nobody will believe me try and remember this time try and fucking remember!!!"
We can see alot about Kennys character for example: He will make unrealistic and impulsive decisions when he is distressed (We can also see this in the 'Poor and stupid' episode when Kenny jumps onto a car because hes angry at Cartman. Also I apologise if i miss any significant things its been a while since i binged the show so im rusty.) This also shows just how frustrated kenny is with his whole power thing and all of his actions in this do make sense if you are able to put empathy within it obviously because he was most likely so distressed at the time he was unable to properly think like he does most of the time mainly because the human kite was being a dick and invalidating his feelings. This might be why i sometimes hate when people are like "well he thought that if this time they might remember so he shot himsel-" No he most likely knew that wouldnt work even if that was a genuine part of the reason this part is more subjective but i refuse to believe that was the only reason until you have full evidance. I believe kenny shot himself because he was distressed and upset with kyle almost that entire monolouge I am aware of how angsty this sounds or that this feels like a reach when he very clearly specified just before he shot himself that all he wanted was for them to rememeber however it its very clear by his tone of voice that it was not all logic in his brain as I had previously stated. I do like to believe that Mysterion is a much more unmasked version of Kenny dispite literally being masked version of himself we can see that he acts more freely and hes more out spoken and is able to express his emotions which is a big step for developing his character. I can argue agaisnt this by saying that the mask is down however a shield has been put up for himself as in his ego we can see and his entire alter ego as well as his reputation and his physical strength are all ways hes able to protect himself. Kenny has always been seen as a character whos a massive push over and he isnt a he to protect himself yet with mysterion he is able to create a new identity to express his feelings without getting backlash for himself because of how hes built this shield to protect his face due to the lack of a mask. Mysterion is such as unmasked version of Kenny and that builds upon the foundation that we have been given prior to kennys character. Mainly because what we saw in mysterion doesnt contain any different information other than the cultish stuff alot of the personality traits we are able to see in mysterion are what we are able to see in kenny previously just this time its just more difficult to see without the accommodation of mysterion whilst still being blended through his character thoroughly. A good example of this in my opinion is the scene he tried to kill himself to save the other guys; A scene which I believe is heavily overlooked within the fans which again shows just how well its hidden in plain sight. In this scene he confronts cuthuhlu and tells him to kill him but his friends have to be returned. This suicide or self sacrifice just amplifies everything we have said about Kennys self sacrificing personality as this is the biggest extreme you can get out of a self sacrifice in kennys situation as he wouldnt care about any kind of torture or death where he comes back. However, this is a very rare and special moment and to kill yourself in the only possible way by facing a dark god who put a curse upon you of which made life unbearable and a vat of torture in itself is an act of kindness beyond ones belief. Another thing we are able to see with kennys character out of this experience is the way hes able to see and treat others. As we are all aware the other children treated kenny like shit. Constant poor jokes as well as not caring when he died or even killing him so its quite obvious to see that he doesnt treat the other kids with kindness because of how they treat him well but because he seems them as their own person and that although they may treat him like shit they still are people and he cares for them rega
old ass fucking analysis i dont like anymore, giggles
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magnoliamyrrh · 11 months
theres something deeply disingenous abt how whenever some issue gets brought up let's say abortion for example ppl on this website wanna pretend like white american women have nothing to say on it and wont be impacted and as if white american women have experienced like, no opression in america. as if till VERY RECENTLY they had no right to vote, to say no to sex in marriage, own a bank account, get abortions - hey, remember too when white women literally had to kneel in front of their husbands and beg their sins to be forgiven, and when they put those god awful mechanical cages on their faces to force them to smile?
yea. listen. i have my issues w many of them too for sure. but this sort of attitude is detached from reality
are we still aware Many white women exist in this country who are poor? like, poor as shit. who will Most definitely and Have Already Been impacted by the abortion laws bc they dont have the money to simply leave the state to another one to get an abortion (and also, bc the governments have made it illegal to do so). Can we not pretend that there arent white women who live in grueling poverty, especially in the rust belt and other such places where there are entire communities forgotten by everyone in deep poverty? can we not pretend white teenage girls dont get raped and forcibly impregnated? can we not pretend many of them dont come from very conservative families which either never gave them the education to know about sex and abortion, or would not allow them to get one? can we not pretend that white women arent still experiencing domestic abuse and rape and other forms of male violence in this country, also, one of them being being killed by men the moment they find out theyre pregnant?
even like "rich white women" in which case the conversation stops actually being predominantly about race but is now Actually about class status and yes, there are minority women w money. even rich women and them rich white women and Girls are susceptible to domestic abuse, rape, and violence, as well as having insane conservative families which would flip their shit if they found out they had an abortion. And yes, many of those conservative families Wont make an exception for their daughters and will absolutely force their little girls and teenagers, wether it be rape or consensual, to Not get an abortion and carry out a pregnancy till the end. Also, theres plenty of cases in which higher class women are so not because they have their own independent money but bc of their husbands money, which again makes the idea that they can just willy nilly skip town to another state for an abortion easily unrealistic and detached from reality. Yes. there Are Definetely cases in which economic status means a women in a place which has banned abortions will still b able to get one, absolutely. but its more complicated than what ppl make it out to be
like, this website going on for weeks about how american white women have like nothing to say on abortion and it being banned was insane and the peak of dumbass identity politics being taken to an extreme. the other part of this too people going "the handmaidens tale is so stupid blah blah there will never be a time when white women will be used as broodmaids" like..... yall are fucking stupid and have no idea, like clearly absolutely no idea of the history of america like At All, and because you live in a liberal area youve got no idea what conservative and rural america is like in the current day either
-_- this is way past the point of complains about white women. this is just stupidity and frankly fucking privilege lmao to not understand a series of things and its also another example of identity politics taken to a stupid level, being used to divide women, not being an Actually productive conversation, and also the erasure of class
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lunar-years · 1 year
literallyyyyy like between jamie in tonight's ep and sam in the strings that bind us my main takeaway is that radical forgiveness is dumb as hell actually
No I agree, it's not a principle I believe in personally at all, because I do think it is largely dumb as all hell lol.
That said, I think radical forgiveness is a philosophy that can work for certain types of people in certain situations, but it's like, a very small percentage of people. Out of all the characters on the show, Sam actually works best for me as a person who would realistically adhere to the principle and use it well, and I also really enjoyed his talk with his dad about it, so it sort of worked for me in the strings that bind us (though of course that episode has the same problem as so much else on the show including Jamie & his dad, in that it hasn't been brought up since, which makes Sam's decision to forgive feel like a neat conclusion instead of the start of a conscious daily effort, and that's bad).
The idea that everyone on the show is going around radically forgiving one another, though, is so stupid and unrealistic. For one it's just not how people actually operate, and for two, it also shouldn't have to be.
With Jamie...Look, I can believe he would hear Ted's words and decide in that moment to forgive his dad. I can even believe he would text his dad afterwards. He has people around him telling him it's the right thing to do, and he's just coming off of a depressive episode where his mental state is still in a very vulnerable place. I can realistically see the character making that choice. But what makes it so bad as a show plot point is knowing we are never ever going to hear about it again, and having no character on the show telling Jamie (and thereby the audience) that reaching out is in fact a bad idea and not something he needs to do.
Which makes the whole thing come off not as the reality of what it is: Jamie making a choice that is deeply unsafe for him because of the state of his head, but instead as the extremely warped PSA of: "Jamie needed to forgive his physically, emotionally, and sexually abusive dad in order to heal. And look, radical forgiveness works! James Tartt Sr. was already in rehab! This is the first step to repairing their broken relationship :)" They're painting it as good idea, the right thing to do, instead of an unsafe one. Which is a message I completely loathe. I hate that it's what the show has chosen to convey.
Another thing I've been thinking about this morning is how this reframes my thoughts about the show's intentions in last season's Man City episode re: the Higgins and Jamie conversation. I have always chalked that up to crossed wires, Higgins not having the knowledge necessary in that moment to understand that "I like to accept my dad for who is and forgive him for who he isn't" or whatever he said was a very bad thing to say to Jamie given the circumstances. Now I feel like even if Higgins had canonically known the reality of James Tartt Sr., the writers STILL would've had him say the exact same line. Like, they actually want the audience to think forgiving James Tartt Sr. is the right and best thing to do.
Which, frankly, fuck that.
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