#because that suggests it was a quote
twelvedaysinaugust · 2 years
Full article here so you don’t have to pay lol. The whole thing is just bizarre and out of nowhere!
That was the weirdest thing I’ve ever read.
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 9 months
Transcript: Machine, people want us to "do the do".
How would that even work, Machine?
We don't have lips with which we can tenderly kiss.
I suppose my hand could go down here and- Oh yes. That's nice.
Audio source (YouTube)
Audio Source (Twitch)
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aboutiroh · 1 year
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quackkaz · 1 year
Roman : If you put a nail in a hole— Shut up!
Remus : *slowly smirking*
Roman : And you hammer it— Shut up!
Remus : *trying not to laugh*
Roman : It might not go in all the way the first time—
Remus and Roman simultaneously : Shut up! *burst out laughing*
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thatsrightice · 3 months
aka that one time the navigators of the 100th BG “got rid” of Crosby’s intended replacement as Group Navigator because they thought he was actually insane, as told by Harry Crosby in his memoir, A Wing and a Prayer
“As I saw it after my study at Oxford, Bennett and Jeffrey had changed the 100th from its original hot fly-boy individuals to 20th-century work-together warfare. From Romanticism to neo-Classicist. History in the making.
I was tired of being part of history. I wanted to go home. Let the new guy take over.
The replacement on tap for me was a captain named Leafy Hill. That is really not his name because I have resolved never to reveal the true names of officers and enlisted men whom I did not admire. War does bad things even to good people. Many of the misfits, the incompetent, the exploitive, and the cowardly whom I met at Thorpe Abbotts have gone on to put together good lives, have had good jobs and good families. I choose not to reopen old wounds.
Leafy thought he was the Group Navigator from the day he walked onto the base. He immediately scheduled himself as the command navigator on the next mission. I hit the sky and stormed into Jeff's office.
"Even command pilots fly high squadron lead on their first missions. I want to know what Leafy Hill can do before I put him up in front."
This was my first encounter with Jeff. He smiled, and talked with me the same way Charlie Via did, Virginia talk.
"Okay, don't pull the hoose down. The 100th is flying low in the wing. In the nose with a good lead crew navigator, he can't foul up too much."
When the planes came back, the crew with whom Leafy had flown were wild.
"The guy is off his rocker. He yelled over intercom all during the mission. From takeoff to landing." The crew navigator was shaken.
"That screwball actually wanted us to abort when we were on the bomb run. I think he wanted to make the run alone so he could get some kind of medal. I won't fly with him again."
I checked Leafy's log. His ETA's and routes were a tangle of misinformation. He claimed to have seen fighters and flak not reported by any other navigators.
I read the lead crew pilot's official report: "A five-hour trip. Major Rosenthal was command pilot and Captain Hill went along as second navigator. The mission was good as far as the leading went, but Captain Hill screwed up our bomb run. Our navigator gave me a 68-degree heading from the Initial Point to the target which would have been swell, but Leafy said the target was at one o'clock and the bombardier swung over as he ordered. Then he saw the target back at ten o'clock. By the time he got his course correction killed his rate was over and we messed up the run. So that's what one man can do to mess up the works."
In no time every navigator at Thorpe Abbotts was sure that Captain Leafy Hill was nuts.
But I could go home if he became the Group Navigator.
I did not have to solve the problem myself.
I was long overdue for a pass, and I decided that a London trip to see Landra Wingate might clear my head.
When I returned to the base, I heard quite a story.
One of the really great command navigators, Stewart Gillison, decided after he finished his tour that he wanted to stay in England. I welcomed him into Group Headquarters as my chief assistant. I could trust him with briefings.
Stew was not your normal guy. Under the circumstances of war, none of us were exactly level on course, but Stew was really something. At night, when he went to bed, instead of turning out the light, he shot it out with his 45 revolver. The ceiling of his room looked like a sieve, and the batman had to put in a new bulb every day.
When I got back from London, Leafy Hill was gone.
Stew had assigned Leafy Hill to fly as fill-in navigator with a crew Stew himself had flown with before he became lead. The crew flew out on the mission and came back.
Except that Leafy Hill was not with them.
When I asked Stew Gillison what happened to Leafy Hill, he said with deference unusual for him, "Major Crosby, I suggest that you don't ask."
I did ask. The pilot wouldn't tell me. The bombardier wouldn't tell me. But the copilot did.
Stew, their former navigator, instructed the crew what to do.
After the target when the group was at the R.P, a gunner called out, "We've been hit!"
That part of it was true, but that was standard. To some degree, we were almost always hit by flak over the target. Sometimes it hit the crew, and we died or we got Purple Hearts, but usually the flak only jarred the plane.
"We really weren't hit at all. The pilot only waggled the wings." The copilot continued the story.
This is what he said happened.
"Okay, pilot to crew, prepare to bail out. See you in Stalag."
"Roger, pilot." This was a chorus from the entire crew.
The pilot rang the alarm bell.
Whoosh! Out went, not all ten of the crew, but just Leafy Hill. He wasn't in on the joke.
When I heard the story I thought it was funny.
Leafy spent the rest of the Air War in Europe in a prison camp, wondering what happened to the rest of the crew.
And I spent the rest of the Air War in Europe as Group Navigator of the Bloody 100th.”
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greeenchrysanthemums · 8 months
Joel has a past with Etho, and It is the one secret that he keeps from Lizzie.
The war was still going strong, and Coral Crest just had a victory on the outskirts of their border. They took many prisoners in the aftermath of this long and bloody battle. Among these prisoners was Etho.
By this point in time Etho was pretty infamous and it was a big deal that he had managed to be captured at all, so his arrival at the castle, of course, caused quite the uproar. Joel was too curious for his own good, so he couldn't help but sneak into the dungeon while Lizzie and his father were asleep to see if the rumors were true. He was shocked to find that they were.
Etho struck up a conversation with Joel the second he got close enough to the cell. Joel, who hadn't even realized he had been spotted, was scared at first. However, he couldn't deny his curiosity, so he stayed and talked with him.
Etho admitted to Joel that he got captured on purpose, and that he was just bidding his time until Coral Crest put him on trial and had him killed. He talked about wanting to be free; free from the war, free from Wintertide, just free from it all, and that the only way he thought he would ever find that was through death. Joel asked why Etho was telling him this and he just shrugged and said he was going to die soon anyway so he might as well get it off his chest.
Joel went back every night after that to talk to Etho, fascinated by the strange enemy solider. As time passed, he got to know him, and in turn opened up to him as well. They became friends of sorts, or at least as close to friends as two people on opposite sides of the war could be.
He then realized that he really didn't want Etho to die, something that was inevitable the longer he was in Coral Crest. Months had passed since the initial capture, and they had indeed put him through a trial at this point. His sentence was death, just as Etho had predicted, and the date was fast approaching.
So, Joel did as he does best; he acted brashly and with little to no second thought.
In the dead of night, Joel set fire to one of trees in the courtyard. He had carefully planned it out and made sure that it would not spread to anything else, but it was still enough to cause a panic. While everyone was occupied by the flames, he stole the keys to Etho's cell and set him free.
Etho was confused and at first refused to leave the cell, determined to meet his fate on the gallows, but Joel told him to go have his second chance, make amends, and be free. Etho still wasn't sure, but he eventually caved, unwillingly to let Joel's kindness go to waste.
Somehow, Joel got away with it. He hasn't told a single soul about the deed, because if he did, he would surely be charged with treason. On Etho's part, he never told the tale of how he escaped, because he knew that in doing so, he would put Joel in danger.
Lizzie knows, but she doesn't say anything. She watched Joel sneak out every night, she watched him set the fire, and she watched Etho make his escape into the dark. She kept her silence over the years only because she trusts Joel with her heart and soul; she trusted his judgement enough to keep his secret.
Neither of them could have anticipated that Joel would come face to face with that familiar scarred man when Lizzie sent him to Wintertide to get in contact with the resistance.
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Dirk: Consider the sperm whale and the squid. An ancient rivalry that dates back millions of years. We know the whales eat the squids. We know the squids do not make it easy for them. We know this because of the scars the whales carry, scars on the outside of their body, and on the inside as well. How badly must you want something to endure wounds inside your mouth? Inside your gut?
Dirk: Consider the whale, who is harmed by what sustains her. Consider the squid, whose flesh is soft and delicious but refuses to go down easy.
Jane: This post is about lactose intolerance, I can smell it.
Jake: Can you two please leave my bathroom?
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fideidefenswhore · 4 months
i love watching twq and the tudors back to back for that reason though-- (and i wish we had a better bridge between them than twp, because...yikes)-- neither of them being perfect shows notwithstanding; they're the best and most intricate on-screen versions of those eras to date, imo, and you really cannot understand henry viii until you understand what came before him. personally, i have way less interest in what he thought, or didn't think, (i don't think royal children really...gave it much thought, tbh, unless their parents' marriage became obviously contentious- it would have just been a thing he took for granted: 'the worst i've ever encountered is apathy, where people simply accept the king and queen as they accept the sky above their heads') of his parents' marriage, what's far more interesting to me (and hardly ever explored), is how his sense of personal history would've shaped his young mind. what would it be like to learn that the only reason you're the (spare) prince of england is that your uncles were murdered? what would it be like to learn that threats to your brother's inheritance were convincing enough pretenders of the former to attract followings, convincing enough to gain the endorsement of other princes, and were executed for the presumption? what would it be like, to, retroactively, absorb that in fact, they were killed for the presumption of threatening your inheritance?
no one was going to argue god's will in a tyrant murdering young princes, but did he perhaps feel that there had been so many events that had led to him becoming king (the murder of his uncles, his father's conquest & victory, the scotched threats of the pretenders, his own brother's untimely death), that there was...an especially divine plan for his place in the world, and that he had a duty to fulfill this? how does that shape a person? it's easy to see how that could lead to an intractable disposition, at the least; easy to see how the result would be an amplified version of the divine right mandate all kings lived by, regardless. it's easy to see how the result was...well, henry viii.
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jaggedjot · 6 months
When wounded by the past, Lestat will force his way through the initial pain and then refuse to acknowledge the untreated injury, letting it turn septic and rotten, all the while insisting that there is nothing wrong. Armand meanwhile wants to examine every inch of an injury, yet upon determining that it will likely heal in time if never work quite the same, he decides to amputate the limb anyhow.
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iamsuperwholocked · 1 year
Ianto: There is no future. there is no past. Do you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet.
Everyone Else At Ianto's Surprise Birthday Party:
Jack: All I asked was if you wanted to cut your birthday cake first.
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kirexa · 6 months
Silver: Be quiet, I was joking-
Silver: tries to show Sebek something
Sebek: completely ignores him on accident
Silver: You're ignoring me now???
Sebek: Realizes, continues to ignore him, laughing
Silver: Okay I see how it is
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What if their were moments between Audrey and the urchins
man i wish there was! i love the little we see of their relationship i canon and i desperately want more. here's what i came up with
Ronnette: Do you guys want to see a butterfly? Audrey: Ooh, yes please! Crystal: I'm not going to stop what I'm doing to look at a stupid bug. Ronnette: It's not a bug though... Crystal: Chiffon: Audrey: Crystal: Well I still don't want to see. Audrey, realising: Please don't throw— Ronnette: [throws a stick of butter]
Audrey: Words ending in 'ie' just sound so adorable. Like cutie, sweetie, cookie- Ronnette: Eyy, homie! Crystal: But then there's cootie... Chiffon: Die.
Chiffon: Is stabbing someone immoral? Crystal: Not if they consent to it. Ronnette: Depends on who your stabbing. Audrey: YES?!?
Crystal: Why do you act like we’re three year olds? Audrey, exasperated: WHY?!? Audrey points at Ronnette: YOU TRIED TO HIJACK A CAR! Audrey points at Chiffon: YOU NEARLY JUMPED 20 FEET OFF A ROOF! Audrey points at Crystal: AND YOU ATE MULTIPLE DRIED LEAVES AND ROCKS OFF THE GROUND! Audrey: AND YOU ASK ME WHY????
Audrey: Everyone thinks I'm this soft cute person but I'm not! Ronnette: Audrey, you cried for an hour after stepping on a bug yesterday. Audrey: It had feelings! It was probably going home to dinner and I killed it! Chiffon: ...It was a bug. Audrey: It was a BEETLE, and its wife is definitely worried sick, wondering where it is, and I really don't get why you all think I'm so sentimental because I'm not! Ronnette: ... Chiffon: ... Audrey: Stop looking at me like that!
Ronnette: Can we go out to get icecream? Audrey: Did you ask Chiffon? Ronnette: She said no. Audrey: Then why did you ask me? Ronnette: She's not the boss of you. Audrey, internally: It's a trap it's a trap it's a tra—
Audrey, holding in her laughter: Hey, how do you ask a glass of water what it’s doing? Chiffon: A glass of water is an inanimate object. Therefore, it's incapable of having a thought process or understanding basic human language. Audrey: Audrey: Water you doing?
Audrey: Chiffon told me that brown is just navy orange, and I have never been more disappointed with something I agree with.
Chiffon: A SPIDEEER!!!!!! Ronnette: KILL IT! SMASH IT! Audrey: BURN IT! Chiffon: STAB IT! WITH A KNIFE! GET ME THE SHOTGUN! Crystal: Awww, it’s so cute! Look at it!
Audrey: No, this is not a mess. You know what I consider a mess? Ronnette: Your life? Audrey: I-well yes, but—
Audrey: I’m sad. Ronnette: Don’t be sad, because sad backwards is das. Ronnette: And das not good.
Crystal: I think we should have glow stick juice injected in our bones when we're born, so if we break our bones, we get a fun little surprise. Audrey: What's the surprise? Chiffon: Blood poisoning.
Chiffon: How has life been treating you lately? Audrey: Horribly.
Audrey: Guys! I found a 10 dollar bill! Audrey: [looks around] … Should I keep it? Chiffon: Audrey, just do the right thing. Ronnette: And put in your bag. Chiffon: No—
Audrey: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life. Chiffon: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind? Audrey: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die. Ronnette: Edible.
Crystal: New year, new me. Audrey: It’s August. Crystal: Time is an illusion.
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ssruis · 4 months
Losing the idgaf war over here but re: “tsukasa needs to be saved from wxs/rui actually wants to hurt him”
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Read it’s on! Wonder halloween
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Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
Rui: ascending to the stage from the seats won’t have enough of an impact. He needs to make a powerful impression as a knight…
Rui: Oh, I’ve got it! That will definitely be better! But I’ll have to assess it’s practicality and safety first.
Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
Rui: anyways, the stage is sorted and we’re ready to hold our show. I’ll start planning the next one in the meantime.
Rui: hmm… maybe I can make it easier for tsukasa by reusing some of the gimmicks that worked with him last time.
Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
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Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
Tsukasa: ah, it’s wire-flying time!
Rui: he somersaults in the air and flies past his pursuers…
Emu: that’s going to look INCREDIBLE ♪
Tsukasa: this is just the kind of daring performance I was born for! What comes after that, Rui?
Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
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Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
Rui: but you have me mistaken, Tsukasa… I… I’m making changes to improve the show…
Tsukasa: and I’m telling you to quit lying like that!
Tsukasa: I told you that I’m going to make the most of the role you’ve given me. I’ll pull off whatever you throw at me, no matter how tricky it might be!
Tsukasa: we have the potential to put on a jaw-dropping show, but you’re holding back!
Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
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Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
(Asked if he was mad at himself for getting hurt) Tsukasa: Of course! I still am too! I killed the director’s confidence, didn’t I? I’m not a star, I’m a disgrace!
Tsukasa: a real star inspires their director to entrust them with any role! To unleash their imagination and try new ideas!
Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
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Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
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Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
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Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
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volivolition · 22 days
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meneatyoghurt · 3 months
I will literally never understand the rules of the discord
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edennill · 5 months
I wonder what would be Gondor's equivalent of a national epic... I'd almost say it's the Lay of Leithian -- but this doesn't work for me; it feels too Elvish. And since we're never told an author's name, I personally headcanon there were several different Lays, and translations back-and-forth of the various versions that were really new works in themselves, so it'd be hard to choose a specific one. Although it does tell of their greatest enemy getting thoroughly defeated and humiliated.
The Narn I Chin Húrin? We're explicitly given a (mortal!) author, we know Gondorian nobility seems to love naming their children after characters...
Or would it be something about more recent history, and not the Great Tales of the First Age? Not Númenor, I think; I don't think any poetic arrangement of that specific story would get so wildly popular... Elendil? The Kinstrife? Some other war they went through?
See, such epics become the cornerstones of culture, works everyone can quote... and if I am to write anything about Gondor it would do well to know what I might allude to.
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