#because that pic was just called “snuggle” on my computer
dravidious · 1 year
Felt like mentioning that for over 5 years now I've been using this drawing of two cute little creatures snuggling by @pyromaniacblujay as my desktop wallpaper
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because it's super cute and nice and good. Anyway I recently decided to change my wallpaper. Switch things up. Do something different. See something fresh and new. Not just the same thing again.
Anyway my new wallpaper is this pic of two cute little creatures snuggling by @quonit
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BONUS: Actually the pic I was using was this edited version that's black and with the shadow removed and trial-and-error cropped to look good on my screen because I couldn't find a simple way to crop a desktop wallpaper
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I later found an easier way to perfectly fit a wallpaper and now I'm using this less edited version of the Quonit pic
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For anyone wondering, the tactic is to make the ratio of the pic's resolution equal to the ratio of your screen's resolution. Figure out how you want to crop the pic, then compare the resolutions to see how many pixels you need to crop off. I ended up having to crop off ~250 pixels vertically, so I took them off the top to make sure the cuties are visible.
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sweetkpopmusings · 2 months
cuddly jisung <3
a/n: ahh !!!! jisung is just a sweet babygirl and i love him DEARLY ! i’ve been in my jisung feels all day, so i needed to write this request <333 i also may be definitely am tipsy, so i’m sitting in front of my computer like 🥺💗thinking of cuddly jisung <3333 i wanted to try a different format for this one, so let me know your thoughts ! :-) pics not mine~~
a/n p.s.: i accidentally deleted the original ask where this request was sent (i'm so sorry!!!), so i hope it finds the original requester, wherever you are now :-(((( </3
content: fluff, established relationship | wc: 0.5k | warnings: none really! | pairing: bf!jisung x gn!reader | requests: open
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sleepy jisung♡‧₊˚
jisung gets so so so clingy the moment his eyelids droop from sleepiness. if he so much as yawns when you’re nearby, he’ll be glued to your side within seconds. he’s such a whiny baby too. if you push him away, he’ll threaten to cry, his big brown eyes glistening, murmuring why won’t you cuddle me? it does not matter if you are in the middle of folding clothes or working. to jisung, the only cure for his restless state is to be in your arms, and he’ll do whatever he can to snuggle into your embrace.  
excited jisung♡‧₊˚ 
when jisung gets a burst of energy, he is bouncing right at your side. did you get good news? his hands are on your shoulders while he’s jumping up and down, screaming with joy. did they have your favorite snacks at the store? he’s wrapping his arms around you saying i can’t believe it! we’re so lucky! did you smile at him cutely? he’s holding your face in both of his hands, cooing praises of how adorable you are. please return the favor and hold his face in your hands, for that will send jisung to an entirely different dimension of happiness. in the end, any time jisung’s eyes are sparkling, his hand is searching for yours, ready to give an enthusiastic squeeze or pull you into a hug to remind you how lucky he feels to have you around.
stressed jisung♡‧₊˚ 
it doesn’t take long into the relationship for you to know signals of jisung’s stress. if his shoulders are slumped or his walk is slow, you call his name and outstretch your arms. every time, he melts into you, sighing in relief for the first time in forever. with your fingers twirling his hair and massaging his scalp, he’ll spill all his worries and thank you endlessly. up close and able to hear your heartbeat, he remembers that, with you by his side, he can endure anything. you are his safe space, his cure, and he reminds you every day that he’ll always open his arms to hold you and protect you from harm.
sad jisung♡‧₊˚ 
jisung gets especially cuddly when he’s feeling down. he appreciates anything you do to lift his mood, but the number one cure is to bury his head into your hair or shoulder or neck or chest, safe from whatever is hurting him. this urge to lose himself in you heightens whenever he misses you. he’ll message you daily, telling you how much he loves you and keeping a tally of how many hugs he owes you. once you’re within arms reach, he’s wrapping his body around you and never letting go. even if there are tears in his eyes, he’s whispering i love you, y/n.
lovestruck jisung♡‧₊˚
jisung is in awe of you from the moment you meet, and that grows stronger the more he gets to know you. when you two have time alone together, he gravitates toward you, settling into your warmth. frequently, you’ll catch him staring at you while you’re watching something together because he cannot believe how real and beautiful you are. he’s a big fan of playing with your hands and hair too. it’s a simple gesture, but it’s his way of appreciating even the smallest details of you. truly, when he is overwhelmed by how much he loves you, he’ll hold you however possible and have the biggest, sweetest, most heartwarming grin on his face because you are his favorite person in the world.
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Getting away with it (10/?)
Summary: August Walker was dead. At least that’s what people believed for almost 2 years. When the CIA found reason to believe that he was alive they made it their top priority to find him. Including sending one of their best female agents to recruit his twin brother. Walter Marshall.  
Pairing: August Walker x Reader (Walker) + Walter Marshall x Reader (Walker)
Warnings: angst, implied smut in the flashback, cursing
Wordcount: 2.139
A/N: And we’re back. Thank you for sticking around and waiting. I hope you have “fun” with this. Updates will be thursdays from now on. And because I don’t want to pressure myself I won’t promise weekly updates. Just know that I still have big plans for this. There’s a year of plot to get through until the last chapter and we’ve barely covered two months with these 10 chapters so buckle up lol
Previous chapter
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two weeks later, CIA Bootcamp
“What’s up with you today, Walter?” He heard his trainer ask, while Marshall rubbed a hand over his jaw. He wasn’t fully there today. Not after talking to Walker for hours last night.
He shook his head.
“I’m okay. Let’s just get over with it.”  Marshall sighed, before he brought his arms up in front of his face, widening his stance, promising to himself to pay attention to what his trainer said.
Sometimes he couldn’t believe it only had been three weeks since he left Walker and Evie on their own. Ever since Walker answered his daily phone call in tears, after August was there with her, he couldn’t help but feel guilty. Guilty for not being there to protect her. Guilty for leaving to get ready be able to catch his own twin brother, even if right now killing him was the thought that came to his mind, knowing fully well that wasn’t what he was supposed to do. He wanted to bring him to justice. 
He never had been a violent person, but the more he learned about August, the angrier he got. 
But it wasn’t just August who he was angry at. He was also angry at Walker. He was angry because she let him in. She let him touch her. She let him fuck her. And he knew he had no right to feel that way. Because he had no right whatsoever when it came to Walker. Strong and beautiful Walker who he dreamed of in his lonely nights. Wondering how her skin would feel on his, how she would taste when he kissed her. What would make her whimper against his lips.
Breathing in deep, he shook his head. It was another lonely night. Walker would call soon, and he had to get himself in control.
He knew that deep down she still had feelings for August. How couldn’t she? They were married. She thought they would spend their whole lives together, only to find out that she married a crazy person. Yet he couldn’t understand why she let him fuck her.
And he couldn’t understand why he was jealous it wasn’t him who got to fuck her.
“Get a grip, Marshall.” He groaned to himself. 
He felt his phone buzz and smiled as he read his daughter’s name. Was it weird, that he seemed to talk to her more as he was far away?
“Hey Dad.” Faye smiled 
“Hey you. How was your math test?” He asked, making himself comfortable in his hotel bed.
He saw her make a face.
“Don’t know. Not feeling good about it. And I studied so much. God I hate school.” She groaned, making Walter almost chuckle.
“We will see. And hey one day you gonna miss school.”
“I highly doubt it.” She rolled her eyes.“Oh I have news!” She said excitedly.
“Do tell.” Walter smiled.
“Mom agreed that I can spend one week of the holidays with you.”
“That’s great. I have to check in with Walker first though, you know that.”
“I know. But… I wanna see you Dad.” Faye sighed.
“I wanna see you too, Munchkin. I need someone to take over Frozen duty for me. It’s all Evie talks about.” He shook his head.
“So… You and Walker… Do you like her Dad?” Faye asked, catching him off guard.
“Uhm… She’s a friend.” He said.
“But is she a friend or… a friend friend.” Faye wiggled her eyebrows, making Walter laugh.
“Missy, aren’t you a little young for talks like that.”
“I’m not…. I….” She pressed her eyes closed. “I kissed a boy today, Dad.” 
She opened only one eye to look into the camera, to see Walter’s reaction. Walter in the meantime was speechless. His first instinct was to freak out. Because his little innocent daughter got kissed by a boy and he wasn’t around. But the longer he thought about it, the prouder he was, Faye told him about it. So Walter sighed, seeing Faye open her eyes looking hesitantly at him.
“Do you like this boy?” Walter asked.
“I… really like him, Dad.”
He looked at his daughter. Who would turn 14 years old in only two months. He wanted to tell her that she knew nothing about liking someone, that she should go back to watching Frozen all day. But his little daughter was growing up. And much faster than he liked to admit.
“I wanna meet him when I’m back.” Walter said, watching as she breathed out in relief.
“I think you know him already. It’s Ethan….”
Smiling softly Walter ended the video chat with his daughter. He had to admit that it was kind of adorable seeing her have a crush on someone. Even if deep down he still wanted to check the boy out. She was right. He knew Ethan. Walter went to school with his parents, which was a plus, cause he knew they were good people. His phone buzzed again.
Still awake? A text from Walker.
Barely. He wrote back.
Can you talk to me until I fall asleep? She wrote back. Walter sighed, before he pressed the dial button.
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Langley, Virginia, the same time
Hopeful, Walker stared at her phone screen. It was late, and she knew it, but somehow hearing Walter’s voice until she fell asleep was the only thing that kept her sane at the moment. She had gotten in bed with Evie until she was asleep and then busied herself with sorting out her office.
After the CIA basically took everything from her office after August was in her house, she now had nothing left other than her computer and some books. She knew right away what files had been missing when Miller sat her down in her living room.
Her dead husband was now on top of the most wanted list because the CIA suspected he was  planning to release anthrax. They just didn’t know where.
As soon as they found out they had sent a team to secure the scientist August had been searching for, only to find him gone from the facility he had been in for the last years.
She felt so guilty. Guilty for not noticing earlier that he had been there. Guilty for not stopping him. Guilty for not killing him. Guilty for enjoying his hands on her body. Guilty that she let it get that far.But mostly she felt guilty towards Walter.
He had stayed on the phone with her until Miller knocked on her door. Somehow Walter had informed him of what happened. She still didn’t know how. He was close to just canceling the boot camp to rush to her side. In a weird way she felt like she had cheated on him. Which was insane because he wasn’t more than just a friend to her. Probably the closest friend she had made in the last 10 years. And she didn’t even notice it.
Her phone buzzed, showing Walter calling. A smile sneaked to her face.
“Hey.” She answered.
“Hey yourself.” She couldn’t help but smile as she snuggled herself into her bed.
“How’s Evie?”
“Oh she’s fine. She actually painted something for you. I can send you a pic tomorrow.”
“That would be great.” There was a pause on his end of the line.
“How are you today?” He asked softly.
“I haven’t cried the whole day.” She chuckled. “The bruises are fading. At least the ones on my body. But I don’t want to talk about that today. Did Josh kick your ass?” She asked, making Walter groan.
“I can’t feel my arms anymore.”
Her phone was still in her hand when she woke up the next morning. It was saturday and she only woke up because someone was tickling her feet. Opening one eye she could see Evie hiding at the end of the bed, giggling as quietly as possible. Walker groaned as she turned to lay on her back, pretending to be still asleep. Through hooded eyes she could see Evie sneaking closer. And just before she could tickle her again, Walker pulled herself up, catching Evie by surprise. The girl shrieked as Walker put her arms around her and pulled her on top of her.
“Moooommy.” She giggled, making Walker smile.
“Good morning sweetie.” Walker yawned.
“I’m hungry.” Evie grinned.
“You’re always hungry.” Walker chuckled.
“Can we have pancakes? Like Walter’s?” She asked.
“With bananas and strawberries?” Walker asked. Evie nodded.
“I can do that. Go brush your teeth and I’ll be right down.” She said. Evie kissed her cheek, making Walker smile before she climbed down the bed. Walker looked after her daughter for a while before she got out of bed too. Stretching her muscles on her way to the bathroom, she sighed when she saw herself in the bathroom mirror. The bruises August left on her body were all gone, except for the bite on her shoulder. She could still see it every time she looked into the mirror. Pulling her shirt further up she leaned down to wash her face. 
Today she wouldn’t think of August. Today she would spend quality time with her daughter. And face time with her and Walter. Because Walker wasn’t the only one missing him. Evie was too.
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unknown location, same day.
“We’re gonna touch down soon, better buckle up.” The man next to him said. A pilot August had paid to fly them to the other side of the country. He nodded at the man before he turned around and looked at the scientist who was sleeping peacefully as if nothing had happened in these last two weeks.
August looked out of the window into the dark sky. It was the middle of the night and he could see so many stars, he was reminded back to the night in Russia with Walker in the middle of nowhere. Walker.
He still couldn’t figure out what had gone wrong. That she wouldn’t welcome him back with open arms was a given, but using her safeword during sex? That had never happened. And they had done all kinds of kinky shit back in the day.
6 years ago, New York
“I won’t break August.” She smiled up at him.
“What makes you so sure of that?” August smirked, letting his hands wander up her thighs as she sat on top of him, already naked and so inviting.
“No one ever succeeded.”
“Well, you’ve never been dominated by me, haven’t you?” He smirked, his hands grabbing her perfect tits, squeezing them in his hands. They were the perfect size, her nipples poking against his hand.
“Mmmhh… yes.” She began to slowly roll her hips on top of him, and he could feel himself getting hard again. What was it about this woman that made him this aroused? Why did he care if he hurt her? Deep down August knew the answer, but he wasn’t ready to acknowledge it yet.
“What is your safe word?” He asked.
“I don’t have one.” She frowned, biting her lip as one of her hands sneaked in between her legs, playing with her clit. August was mesmerized by the sight in front of him.
“Then think of one. It could be anything. I will stop immediately once you say it. Promise.” 
“Hmm….” She sighed. He slowly pulled himself up, catching her left nipple in between his lips, nibbling on it.
“Glitter.” She breathed, closing her eyes.
“Glitter?” He asked against her skin, before he bit over the soft skin of her breast, making her moan loudly.
“Yes. Glitter is my safeword.”
Present day
In all the years they had been together she had never used her safe word. Not when he fingerfucked her under the table during one of her CIA meetings, and not when he had spanked her so hard, she couldn’t sit properly for three days.
But this? This was enough for her to call it? He couldn’t forget the look in her eyes as she sank down on the kitchen wall, tears in her eyes as she screamed at him to leave her be.  
The woman he loved seemed to have nothing but hate left for him. Had another man living with her and he still didn’t know who exactly he was. 
The woman he loved had no sign of him left in her life except their daughter who had no idea who he even was. 
His precious Evie.
The girl he gave up everything for. 
For her future.
The ground came closer as the plane approached landing. Looking behind him he caught the eyes of the scientist who now was awake before he looked up front again.
If everything went right, in only a few weeks he would be reunited with his daughter. Even if it meant getting rid of the woman he loved. 
-> Next chapter
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supraveng · 5 years
Agent of Shield - Chapter 3
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Chapter 3
“Well, I’m finished with the recordings, and saved the transcripts but nothing really stood out as helpful, sorry” you state as you look up at Steve.  He looks up from his papers and give you a reassuring smile “Thank you, there may be something in there that is helpful, but that is what Sam’s here for” he replies as he pats Sam on the back.   “Do you need a lift home? I feel bad for dragging you into work again and ruining your entire weekend.”   “Don’t be silly, nothings ruined and the weather is beautiful outside.   I’m glad I could help” you respond with a smile.  “Are you always this cheery?” Sam questioned as you started to get up from the table.  You looked at him grinning “Why wouldn’t I be?  I live in the best city in the world, have a job I love, and I got to hang out with the coolest Avengers this weekend. Life is good!”  “Well, you are a breath of fresh air around here, that’s for sure! It was a pleasure meeting you today and I hope I see you around again soon” Sam responded.  “That would be nice, have a great day” you waved as you headed out of the conference room.  
Steve squinted at Sam in confusion “are you hitting on her?” “Yes Cap, I was flirting with her.   I’m surprised you picked up on it, didn’t think you knew what flirting was” Sam replied with a smirk.  “Come on Sam, you can’t flirt with her” Steve grumbled.   “Sam can’t flirt with who?” Tony asks as he enters the conference room with a tray of bagels.  “Y/N Miller, she was just here and she is something else” Sam explains as Steve turns to grab a bagel.  “I think the correct word for her is beautiful, birdbrain, and she is way out of your league.  And why wasn’t I notified when she got here?  I wanted to test her actual translating abilities against FRIDAY” he replied with a smirk.  “Well, she left a few minutes ago, but I did enjoy watching her go” Sam said as he wiggled his eyebrows.  Steve rolled his eyes “how about you review her transcripts and find us some information on Demetri Makarov or where he’s going to be on the 20th.   We still have a lot of work to do.”  Tony chuckled and began going through the transcripts “hopefully we can convince Fury to let her join us on the mission, you know, to help with translations.”  “Come on Tony” Steve groaned “you are really willing to put that girl in harms way just so you can flirt with her?”  Tony gasped faking offense “First of all, I haven’t had the chance to even begin to turn on the Stark charm. Second, she’s a SHIELD agent, not some mousy librarian, although she would look hot in some glasses and her hair pulled up.” “Tony!” “Sorry, got a little sidetracked.  And third, that is no girl, that is a real woman.  Fury knows what she is capable of, so I will run it by him if we feel the need to have her with us on the mission”
You made your way home and hopped in the shower.  Today wasn’t as embarrassing as it could have been, but who were you kidding, they weren’t thinking of you as anything other than the translator.  You were a SHIELD agent, but never assisted with missions. Languages were your specialty and it didn’t make any sense for you to be needed in the field, but you still had your regular training requirements to fulfill and tomorrow was hand to hand combat and the gun range.   The gun range wasn’t a problem, your dad had you comfortable around them since you were small.   Combat was a whole different ball game.   You were raised to know how to defend yourself, sparing with a colleague always made you uncomfortable.  You never felt right trying to harm people you trusted and respected.  You preferred the punching bag, but since it didn’t punch back it was not helpful for preparing for missions.  Knowing what was expected of you tomorrow, you decided to make sure your less embarrassing workout gear was clean and packed in your bag to grab in the morning on your way to work.  After your shower you called your dad to check in and reassure him you were still alive and that you were heading to the shelter to see if you could find a running buddy.  
Walking into the shelter, you were greeted by Melissa.  You knew her by name now that you came by regularly trying to find the perfect companion. She greeted you with a huge smile and was a bit more energetic that usual.  “I am so glad you came in this weekend.  We have someone you need to meet, come on, he’s back her!” She said as he headed towards the kennels in the back.  She stopped at the first kennel and turned to look at you “This is Tobias, he’s only around a year old and just arrived on Wednesday, is in excellent health and he LOVES to run!”  You looked down at the sweet face smiling up at you and almost started crying.   He was adorable with big brown eyes and seemed to be waiting for you to greet him.  “Hi Tobias, aren’t you just the cutest thing.  Oh my gosh, he’s beautiful!” at that he jumped up with his front paws on your hips and began sniffing every inch of you.  Turning to Melissa “what do I have to do to take him home?”  “I’m so glad you like him, come this way, a few papers to fill out and he can go home with you today!” she responded gleefully.   “Well Toby, let’s go home buddy”
 The walk home with Toby was fun, he was like a kid in a candy shop.  No longer cooped up in a cage and wanting to sniff and pee on everything he could find.  You made your way to the closest pet store to grab some much needed supplies before heading home.  Tobias was exhausted by the time you got to your apartment, but even showing him his new bed, he followed you around the every where until you settled on the couch with your phone and a beer.   You snapped a pic of your new bestie and shot a text to your dad.  
Y/N:  Hi Colonel!  Meet your granddog, Tobias Miller!
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Monday morning rolled around a lot sooner than you hoped with Toby snuggled next to you it was hard to leave your warm bed.  Getting up you slowly stroked his back and called his name.   “Ready for a run buddy”.  His ears perked up and he stretched before jumping out of bed and heading to the door. Giggling you changed your clothes and made your way to the kitchen for coffee and a muffin before grabbing his leash and out the door.  A short walk and you were at the Central Park entrance, you leaned down to Toby, scratching his ear while stretching your ham strings.  “Alright buddy, show me what you got!”   We both took on in a light jog and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a happy dog. He stayed right next to me, but I could tell he could probably lap a greyhound if he was given the chance.  You got back to your apartment after a good 45 minutes and Toby looked even happier to be slowing down.  You gave him his breakfast before heading to the shower.  Twenty minutes later you were drying your hair and trying to decide what to wear to the office.  You fixed your travel cup of coffee before kissing Toby goodbye and grabbing your duffle bag and out the door.  Having him in your normal morning routine took more time than usual so you hailed a cab and headed to SHIELD office.  
You arrived at your desk to see Maria Hill sitting behind your computer, twiddling her thumbs and snooping through your photos and knickknacks on your desk.  “And to what do I owe this honor darling Maria?” you said as you approached.  “Good morning, I could tell you, but first I need to know who the hottie is in this picture with you” she responded pointing to your vacation picture on your desk.  You laughed and rolled your eyes “That is Jacob, my gay brother.”  Pointing to the next picture “but that is Joshua, the straight brother.” “Wait, I thought that was the same guy” she looked up then closer to the pictures.  “They are twins and Joshua is single, he’s in the Navy, I can introduce you the next time he comes through town.   Maybe fleet week?” you smile and wiggle your eyebrows. “You know I like a man in uniform, but we can talk more about that later.  You are with me today for today, apparently Fury wants to make sure you don’t try to skip out”  she states with a deadpan look.  “Ok, that happened one, maybe two times.  I don’t need a babysitter, but since I never see you, I would love to kick your ass” you say with as much glee as possible.  “Good, because we are using the Avengers training area today” she responds as she stands up and you follow her out of the room.
You make your way to Stark Tower and get waived in by security.   You are headed to the elevator bays when you see Tony Stark approaching you.  He smiles at you and then lowers his glasses “schön dich wieder zu sehen”.   You smile and respond ” Es ist immer eine Freude, in Ihrer Firma zu sein.”   He grabs and kisses the back of your hand “tout le plaisir est pour moi.”   “vous êtes en fait plus charmant que je ne le pensais” you respond with a slight blush.  Maria clears her throat and you both break eye contact and glance at her.  “I have no idea what either of you said but we are running a little late” she states and turns towards the elevators.  “Nu te voi păstra” he responds releasing your hand.  “ne vedem mai tarziu” you say as you wave goodbye. You enter the elevator behind Maria and she stares at you wide eyed, you smile and shrug.   Maybe you can redeem yourself.
You make your way to the lockers and change into your workout gear, completely boring workout gear with absolutely no writing across your ass or chest.  You emerge to find Maria waiting for you and follow her into the gym, “you want to start on cardio?  Treadmill or elliptical?”  “Do I have to?” I whine. “I already ran 8 miles this morning and I can’t stand treadmills, it makes me feel like a hamster on a wheel.”  “Agent Miller, nice of you to finally join us.  And did I hear you only did 8 miles this morning?  Isn’t 10 your daily minimum?” You turn to see Nick Fury standing with his arms folded over his chest as he’s questioning your morning routine. You smirk at him as you approach “it’s a bit creepy that you keep track of my daily routine.  You do that for all your agents or just your favorite?” you ask with a big smile.  He glares down at you unamused as you start to notice several Avengers in the room slowing their tasks to listen to your interaction.  You step closer wanting to push every button to get him to crack “well, my usual run was cut a bit short this morning.  I had a new friend running with me and I didn’t want to push him to hard on our first run together, if you must know.”  “A new friend?” he questions.  “Yes, we met yesterday and he will be keeping me company on my morning runs.”  He nods at you knowingly and winks so that no one else in the room can see.  “Well then, you are all warmed up and ready to spare.  Get to it agent” he states before walking out of the room.  A take a breath and look at Maria “Ok, so where do you want to start?”
 German translation: schön dich wieder zu sehen – lovely to see you again
Es ist immer eine Freude, in Ihrer Firma zu sein – it’s always a pleasure to be in your company
French translation: tout le plaisir est pour moi – the pleasure is all mine
vous êtes en fait plus charmant que je ne le pensais – you are actually more charming than I thought
Romanian translation: Nu te voi păstra – I won’t keep you
ne vedem mai tarziu – See you later
@farfromjustordinary​ @ilovesupersoldiers​
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𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙-𝕌𝕡 ♡
My.. my bisexual brother wants a matchup too. For KNB, Haikyuu, Jibaku Shounen Hanako San. But then he’s too shy to use his tumblr account, like gosh do I have to do all the work?! Thank you for putting up with my dumb brother, he will do the typing below;
Uh um hello. Okay I can’t do this. And wow, talking smack about me again sister? Loove you so muchhh
I’m average height I guess, somewhere around 5’6-8. (Haha short sister.) Black hair, glasses, bangs (ppl think I’m Korean.) You can call me oikawa 2.0, because I’m trash, but I’m lovable trash. Don’t worry, I’m also clingy, and stupid and—. I don’t talk much, except for rare sarcasm and I basically stay glued to my computer play games 24/7. I’m the youngest, and I like taking advantage of that (yes I get what I want or else I’ll annoy the hell out of you and nag you about it.) I don’t think it’s to that far though, it’s mainly for her to grab stuff like yogurt for me or something because she’s closer. I deliberately make my sister lose braincells >:3
Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure is best anime, and even though I love Suga, Bruno Buccarati is best mom and better. I will fight you. (I have a bad temper lmao, but it’s getting better.) Still remember that one time I did jojo poses with my sister to intimidate the other team we were playing against (haha) I took a pic of my friend doing the Naruto run and his face is just pure gold. It’s blackmail material now HAHA.
I feel like I took all the luck my sister didn’t have (like I have so much friends 😎) But I play video games a lot and I like sports too (kinda) I feel bad for her, since I took all our family’s attention when I was younger. I’m pretty nice and I like anime, making jokes, playing video games.
Lol sorry for doing this so late at night.
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@kamitaxey​ OH MY GOD I’M CRYING THE BOTH OF YOU ARE SO FUCKING CUTE AHNFWAEHNOG;AIH Admit T and I are legit quaking at how adorable y’all are like what even– omg
I’m adopting you both ahngoaiewhgoia <3 Also YES BRUNO BEST MAMA fucking love that man oml (almost more than I love Josuke sSKSKSK)
Anywho, I really hope you enjoy the matchups I give you bb~!! (Also don’t worry about sending stuff late sksksk one of us will be awake to do it~ uwu)
» » Admin Ko
𝕀 𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕡 𝕐𝕆𝕌 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔽𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕘…
𝕂𝕒𝕫𝕦𝕟𝕒𝕣𝕚 𝕋𝕒𝕜𝕒𝕠
Alright where do I even start? This cheeky boy will be all over you! He definitely is the type to playfully tease and cling just as much as you do! He’s a sucker for affection, but loves to tease you about it! If he can, he’ll use his height against you! (even if it is just an inch or two) If you’re shorter than him, he’s gonna take advantage of it! His cheeky grin will be on his face practically all the time, and he definitely loves to steal kisses from you! Especially if you’re in the middle of a match or an intensive game!
Alright hear me out, he may tease and be a cheeky little bastard to you, but the moment you became sarcastic and deal your own sorta blow to him? He loses his mind. Cheeks flushed and brain short circuiting. He should be used to it since he’s friends with Midorima– but to hear it coming from you? He has no idea how to compute that information into his head.
Despite teasing you and being a little jerk (your jerk) he loves you 100%! He would definitely be the type to either join in and learn how to play some games with you, or just hug you from behind and watch you play like that!
Any anime watching is always accompanied by cuddle sessions and quick secret kisses being stolen here and there!
Other then that, he loves you for who you are!
𝕂𝕖𝕟𝕞𝕒 𝕂𝕠𝕫𝕦𝕞𝕖
Okay– so this one was probably kinda expected– but like video games? Ya both would kill it. Unmatched duo in the online gaming community! Literally you both would start a youtube channel of just gaming and reactions together and everyone would honestly love it! 
Even though Kenma isn’t very fond of affection or touching, he makes an exception for you. Because the one time you slumped over him and snuggled him to recharge, he found himself leaning into your touch and melting in your hold. Thus he actively seeks you out to recharge his own batteries if he has to deal with Kuroo and his dumbassry again or even dealing with Lev and his terrible volleyball basics. (Thankfully the kid has gotten better)
He prefers at home dates since you both can play as many video games as you want as well as watch anime together, but on occasion will drag you out for a simple stroll through the town for some fresh air because Kuroo will no doubt try to drag the both of you out by your legs kicking.
Definitely likes to hold your hand while you guys are out and about and will take pictures with you (aka meme worthy photos)
𝔸𝕜𝕒𝕟𝕖 𝔸𝕠𝕚
Precious smol soft baby who absolutely adores you! Despite being the school’s idol she has her own cute little quirks! Surprisingly enough I feel as though she would be the type to enjoy horror games and thriller genre anime! Definitely would like to see if the thriller anime accurately tells stories she already knows or if there’s a twist to it!
Doesn’t mind being indoors that much, but will definitely be the good in your life to take you outside and get you some vitamin D!! She’ll even tell you about the latest school rumor or folk lore she learned while you guys are on a walk! 
Definitely enjoys cuddling up to you whenever you guys binge or watch anime together. Whenever you guys are out, she would most likely be the one to link your pinkys together as you guys explore the various little shops.
Other then that, she thinks the funny poses and things you do are memorable and adorable! Will definitely help take pictures to keep as memes– just don’t expect her to do it herself. If anything she’ll enlist the help of her friends to recreate any funny anime photos~!
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thoughtfulwaffles · 5 years
Started With a Text
MrBeast x reader fic
Pretty much you're a pornstar and MrBeat shows quite an interest in you. (Will be a second part to this!)
*Y/S/N means your screen name*
You sat alone in your room, grazing through social media. The relentless nagging of sleep tugged at your eyelids as you scanned over each post. When you finally decide to give into the sleep whispering in your eyes you notice a blue tiger with a red lightning bolt on it's eye. The bright colors caught you attention. You save the unique tiger and place your phone on the charger in hopes you'd use that tiger for inspiration. You snuggle into you grey silk sheets and quickly gave into the slumber.
Dressing for these shows never pleased you. You were never embarrassed about the fact that you were practically a porn star. You started this because you never felt uncomfortable with your body and finding a job in southern California was harder then she thought. The only way people saw your body is if they paid for it on patreon. You knew there was perves out there but you didn't know they would pay so much to see you naked. You made enough money to pay your rent but other then that you're barely scraping by. 
You finish dressing in one of the red lingerie pieces on of your fans bought you. You sit down on your sheets and set up your laptop at the right angle. You make sure everything is in place before you hit record. You do your thing as usual.
After you finish you say your outro with a wink and end your recording. Before you upload any new video you check for any new subscribers to your patreon. You soon grew bored of looking at peoples accounts to see if they are safe to let them see you so you look through your existing subscribers. You look through the people who have your premium stuff and notice the familiar blue tiger. A flash of curiosity ran through your veins as you click on the profile. The name of the profile read Dan Lansing. You had a feeling that wasn't the actual name of the person behind the profile because most people don't want people knowing they pay to see naked women.
You go to google and search the logo. You find that it belong to a man that goes by MrBeast, a "famous" youtuber. After watching a couple of the videos you come to the conclusion that he is somewhat attractive. Looking at the profile, you decide that the person following you account is someone random. This 'MrBeast' guy doesn't seem like the type to pay for any kind of stuff like this. 
After uploading your video you put your computer away. The days in your one bedroom apartment are lonely. It;s the same routine almost everyday. Scroll through social media, eat, film a video, check comments, scroll through social media, eat then sleep. A very uneventful life. On special occasions you would have to leave to go get groceries or shop around for new toys when your fans wouldn't buy any. Sometimes your fans would send you the money then you would have to go out and look for the thing they want or you would glimpse the internet for it. You were pretty satisfied sitting on your couch at 10:30 pm the afternoon reading through comments people have left on your new video. 
Most of the comments on your videos are men telling you how sexy and gorgeous you looked or asking you to wear or do something in your next video. As you notice a comment by the blue tiger you get a message. Most messages are creepy men asking if they could fuck you and you always block those people. You were ready to hit the block button but you stopped midway. It was the blue tiger guy that had messaged you. Before you checked it you read his comment, "Please check your messages" it read. 
The blue tiger was in your message inbox. You figured he'd request a certain outfit or an action but what he actually asked left you in shock. "How would you feel about having a sugar daddy?" A little taken back you reread the message about ten times. You had hope that this was the famous youtuber that you've seen moments before. The chances of it being anyone else was very high but you let your heart fall into the little hole. Your life was very uneventful and to have this excited you. 
"Define sugar daddy." You decide to text back.
Within seconds there was a reply. "I'll fly you out and pay for anything you want if I get explicit nudes and the occasional fuck."
"Jesus he has balls." You mumble to yourself. The idea of someone else taking care of you and acting like a boyfriend peaked your interest. The whole patreon thing gave you a solid income for rent but you needed more to be living comfortably. You flip onto your back and type, "Who are you anyway? Doesn't seem safe for me to fly out to fuck a stranger."
"Does my profile pic look familiar to you?"
"I've done my research. Why would someone like MrBeast be paying for my stuff? Much less keep your profile pic the same."
"Would you believe me if I told you I was him?"
You inhale sharply as read the last message sent. A big part of you wanted to not fall for this trick and just not reply. Another part of you was tired of barely scraping by and wanted something new. "Prove it." You type.
Moments pass with no response. Putting your phone face down on your pillow, stretch and slide down you sheets onto the carpeted floor. You gather enough energy to get up and get something to eat. A shiver ran up your spine as you stepped onto the tile floor that made up your kitchen. You shuffle over over to your fridge and inspect the little food you have. Grabbing an orange, you shuffle back to your bed. 
A photo was sent to the chat. You were hesitant to open it but your curiosity got the best of you. A very groggy looking Jimmy was the photo. He wasn't wearing a shirt, his pale skin contrasting with his dark sheets. His hair was disheveled and his cheeks were a blushed pink. He must be embarrassed about what he was asking. His eyes were halfway closed and his lips were barely in a smile. The picture didn't look stolen or screenshotted. You still had your doubts. "How is that proof."
 "Tell me how to prove it to you."
"Give me your phone number." You took a moment before you hit send. You figured that it would be hard to imitate MrBeast's voice and you could always FaceTime.
A string of numbers was sent. You stare at the numbers for a moment, convincing yourself that this was him. Your thumb hovered over the numbers before copying and pasting it to your call logs. Would it be rude if I FaceTimed first? You thought to yourself. You hit the FaceTime button, deciding that it was more believable if you could see his face.
The familiar voomff was heard and a tired looking Jimmy appeared on your phone screen. 
"Oh wow it's really you." You heard his southern accent through your phone speakers. He looked exactly like the photo he sent.
"What do you mean it's really me?" You say as casually as possible. It occurred to you that he may not have ever heard your actual voice since your videos are mostly you moaning and talking in what you like to call "your baby voice".
"Like... I've been watching your videos for a while now and... you're the only one that I've had any really interest in. It's almost 1 am and I'm so tired but I wanted to take my shot with you. And... you did. I honestly though you'd block me." He ended his spiel with an embarrassed smile. 
Speechless, you tried to muster up words. Why haven't I ever noticed him before? You wonder. "So you want to be my sugar daddy?" You chuckle.
"I wanted to get your attention." The man's cheeks blushed a rose pink as he rolled into his pillow.
"So you opted with sugar daddy?"
"Okay, okay. I did like the idea of having you around. I'll pay whatever you want. I'll provide necessities and housing. I just have this strong feeling to have you around Y/S/N."
Your heart fluttered. It was weird having him call you by your screen name but it still hit you in a way you've never felt before. "Aren't you worried I'll post this on Twitter and damage your career?"
"With the price I'm willing to pay you'll keep your pretty mouth shut." He said it absent mindlessly, the sleep crawling up and slowly taking him. "Plus, you don't seem like the type."
"Huh... Don't see why not."
Jimmy's brown eyes flashed open for a split second then relaxed once again. He was clearly falling asleep. "Was that a yes?" He said groggily. 
"Great. I'll text you with details in the morning. Goodnight love."
With an eye roll, you reply. "Goodnight,"
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jewels2876 · 6 years
Happy Valentines!
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Marvel fluff bingo square: Bed sharing - @marvelfluffbingo
A/N: that damn Twitter photo gave me an idea - don’t hate me for killing you with fluff!
Warnings: FLUFF, Twitter pics that give you feels, PICS THAT ARE NOT MINE
Word Count: 943
Most of your life, you had spent Valentine’s Day without a boyfriend. No one sent you flowers, no one bought you jewelry, no one declared their undying love for you. Until you met Chris Evans on the red carpet of Infinity War; sparks flew and soon enough you were head over heels into a long distance relationship.
Not that Chris needed Valentine’s Day to tell you how he felt. It showed in every little thing he did. He insisted on talking to you every day, even if it was just to say “Good morning” or “Sleep tight babe.” He was always texting you random things about his day, or sending you smiling emojis, or goofy gifs that would make you laugh out loud at work! He also loved sending you pictures with Dodger and himself in various places, telling you how much he missed you.
But on this fateful Valentine’s day, while boxes of flowers and chocolate were passed out in the office, your desk stayed noticeably bare. When you first got to work, you gave him the benefit of the doubt. You were on the East coast, and he the West, so it would be a few hours before you heard from him. He did text you several heart and kissing emojis surrounding his “Happy Valentine’s Day, babe” message. You texted him back just as you headed out for lunch “Love you babe - Happy Valentine’s Day!” with your own kissing emojis.
But in the late afternoon just as you were about to head to break, you still hadn’t received anything. Keep calm, my gift could be at home, you reminded yourself. After all, it had been the biggest point you had both agreed on when you started dating, you both wanted to keep your relationship as private as possible. So you shouldn’t expect a huge bouquet at work, you told yourself, people would start asking who they were from. As much as you tried to stay positive, the continuous flow of boxes at work egged on your jealousy.
Just as you were about to go to break, your phone lit up with a new text message. You looked down and rolled your eyes, a grin breaking out on your face:
Tumblr media
Wish you were here to snuggle with! Love Chris and Dodger
You groaned and chuckled because work was going at a snail’s pace and you WOULD much rather be at … home… wait. You looked closer at the pillow behind Dodger’s head. It was plain white but it was just so… suspicious. You let out a big sigh and finished your break by taking a walk around the building. It wasn’t warm enough to feel like spring but it beat the hotbox you worked in.
Five o’clock finally rolled around. You shut down your computer and yelled goodnight to your coworkers as you ran to the stairs. In no time, you were starting your car and driving through traffic to get home. Chris had made sure to arrange a Skype chat tonight and you were not going to be late. You pulled into the garage and ran to check the mail; the box was pathetically empty. For good measure you checked the front stoop just to see, but it too was bare. You sighed dramatically, reminding yourself only you were his girlfriend now, as you opened the door between the house and garage.
The kitchen was dark, but the living room and dining room to your left were lit by a few dozen candles. Your tv was on, set to one of the music stations playing love songs. Two champagne flutes stood on the table, with a bouquet of at least two dozen roses. You looked around but didn’t see Chris, or Dodger, close by. You set your purse in the rocking chair, and shrugged off your coat to lay it over the same chair. “Chris?” you called out. You heard a small thud and saw Dodger making his way down the hallway from your bedroom. You stroked his head with a small grin and went back to the kitchen; you dug out a large rawhide bone from the cupboard and handed it over. While he was occupied you headed back the way you came.
Chris was laying on your bed, fast asleep. The dim sunset just outside your window cast a spotlight on him. His eyelashes were dark against his cheek; the grey sweater stood out against the all-white sheets. Your blue duvet was folded down at the bottom of the bed; his left arm was outstretched as though he was looking for you in his sleep. You slipped off your shoes and crawled into the bed from the other side, snuggling up against his muscular frame. You tucked your head under his chin, dropping a kiss on his chest. He stirred and wrapped his left arm around your waist, pulling you flush to his chest. He kissed your nose and slowly opened his eyes. “Hey beautiful,” he whispered.
You grinned and felt the happy tears in your eyes. “Hey yourself,” you whispered back. “Thank you.” You pressed a soft kiss to his lips.
“I had this whole dinner thing planned,” he explained as he stretched his right arm up and out, before wrapping it around you as well. He yawned once and smiled down at you. “You hungry?”
You shook your head and buried yourself into his embrace. “No, this is the best thing I could have asked for. Let’s stay here for a little while.” He didn’t argue with you at all; he pressed his own warm kiss to your lips and whispered “Happy Valentine’s day; I love you!”
Tag list:  @lokiandbuckyaremine @patzammit @thenormreedus @ticklikeabomb @xxloki81xx @woodworthti666  @greenarrowhead @lovely-dreamer19 @moonbeambucky @yafriendlyfangirl @lilyrosebae @after-avenging-hours @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @marvelc00kie35 @thejemersoninferno @lionheo04 @dewy-biitch @bitsandbobsandstuff @readitandweepfics @lokilvrr @lostinthoughtsandfeelings-blog @theimpossibleg1rl @princess-evans-addict @stuckyfox @sarahivi @4theluvofall @loricameback @moondancewrites @halcyonrogers @writing-for-a-chance @ruckystarnes @angryschnauzerwrites @221bshrlocked @suz-123 @senorita-stucky @devilbat @jpat82 @caramell0w @spookyscaryskeletonsus @theoneanna @lilybellsworld @inlovewith3 @mrs-captain-evans @crazybutconfidentaf @nerdy-bookworm-1998
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connor-murphy-trash · 6 years
hi can i blease have some modern au Race hcs? idc what i just love him
AN: Hi guys! I am so sorry this has been in my inbox for forever. I’m not sure if this is even coherent at this point because I wrote to over the course of two weeks because I couldn’t focus on it. So I don’t know how this came out. But I hope you enjoy it anyways!
TW: Being sick, talks about an orphanage
Word Count: 1,733
Genre: Fluff
You were the new kid in school
It was your first week there
You would always ride the bus
Your parents used the only car your family had so they could go to work
Of course, the bus you rode was always the last one to show up
So you would hang around just people watching or working on some homework or something
But you were stuck on a question for your bio homework
Then you spotted someone across the room who was in the same class as you
So you went to ask him for help
You walked over to him
And he was sitting with a bunch of other boys
Who you assumed were all friends because they seemed to always ride the same bus and hang out together at lunch
You introduced yourself to him
And he said his name was Elmer
He walked you back to the bench you were originally sitting on
And helped you with the question
Once it was done
You thanked him
And started talking
His bus was about to pull up so you quickly exchanged numbers so if you had any more questions about the homework he could help you
Soon after Elmer’s bus left
Yours arrived
Later that night you and Elmer started talking again
Just getting to know each other
You told him how nice it was to have someone to talk with
Considering you hadn’t made any new friends at the school yet
So Elmer invited you to sit with him and some of his other friends at lunch the next day
You agreed to do so
So the next day you met his friends
And there were a LOT of them
Luckily you got on quite well with them all
You aren’t going to lie tho
It was kinda intimidating
There were just so many of them to keep track of
Then you asked how they all had met
In the most casual way, you had ever heard
Albert said that they all lived at the same orphanage
You were slightly shocked by this
You just didn’t expect it
But you accepted it and moved on with the conversation
The boy nicknamed Finch was telling you about how good his aim with a slingshot is
When a VERY attractive blond boy sat in the only empty seat left at the table
Which just so happened to be right next to you
“Are you guys trying to replace me with some new kid?”
He gasped and made an overdramatic hurt expression
Which made you laugh a little
Hearing you laugh made the boy smile slightly
You introduced yourself and he said  he went by the name Racetrack Higgins
Race for short
“Well it’s very nice to meet you ‘Race for Short’”
It was his turn to laugh at your joke
“I like them, Jack can we keep them?”
Jack seemed like he was the main person in charge
All of the other boys seemed to look up to him and respect his decisions
So when Race asked this
Everyone’s attention turned to Jack
“I suppose if they want to stick around, they can”
The boys were very happy about this
It was surprising to have so much praise just because Jack said you could stay
You guess then that’s a big deal
They even add you to their group chat
Which you imagine is going to be constantly blowing up your phone
But it’s okay
Because you finally made some friends!
A few weeks later, you were fully part of their group
You got a chance to message and talk with each of them individually
And you loved them all
But you loved Race the most
As in
You developed a slight crush on him
But you weren’t going to act on those feelings
You just barely became friends with everyone
You weren’t going to ruin that all because you had a crush
Everything was going amazing with your new group of friends
You were super close to Elmer, Jojo, Mush, and Davey
But you loved all of the boys
And girls
Jack was officially dating Katherine Plummer
Apparently, he had been pining over her for a while
So it was kinda a big deal
Also Davey’s sister, Sarah, recently started hanging out with you guys too
It was nice to have some gal pals and not be stuck with the boys all the time
One day you had to stay home from school because you were sick
You normally would have the first period with Jojo, Specs, and Race
So when both you and Race didn’t show up
Specs asked if you were out for the day in the group chat
He said that Race was home sick too
You weren’t the closest with Race
Because you didn’t want your feelings for him to grow and ruin your chance in the whole friend group
So when he texted you privately
And asked how you were doing
It threw you off a little
But you did have to admit
It was nice knowing he cared about you
You told him about how you weren’t feeling well
You had a fever and could barely breathe and had a bad cough
Basically, you had a really bad cold
And apparently, Race had one too
Just not quite as bad as you
You couldn’t really do much but lay in bed
Whereas Race just had a stuffy nose and a bit of a cough
So he offered to come over to your house and keep you company
Also to take care of you because both of your parents were going to be at work all day
You tried to make up an excuse because you didn’t want your crush to see you when you were this gross and sick
But your foggy brain couldn’t think of any good ones
So you reluctantly agreed
Race got to your house about a half hour later
Despite it being a ten-minute drive from the orphanage to your house
When Race showed up
He had a shopping bag filled with things
Simple snacks like crackers, cheerios, Sprite, etc
And a few things to entertain you both like movies and playing cards
You were not expecting all of that
But it was sweet nonetheless
You guys played a few rounds of go fish
Because that’s all you could handle mentally at the moment
And afterward, you were exhausted
Having no energy sucks
But Race didn’t want you to push yourself
So he offered to put on a movie
He apparently brought a bunch of Disney and Pixar movies
And he had you choose which one to watch first
You chose Tangled
He put it into your computer and set it up to play on your TV
Then he sat next to you on your bed
His back up against your headboard
Sitting on top of the blankets
You were laying underneath them curled into a ball
“You can lay down with me Race, it’s okay”
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I’m okay right here.”
“Race you are sick too. I’m telling you to lay down, you don’t have a choice.”
So he scooted down so he was laying
Still on top of the blankets
“Get your ass under here Race. You are going to get cold.”
“Are you sure, Y/N?”
He was so nervous about making you feel weird
It was cute
But you told him to get under the blankets
So he did
And he stayed on his side of the bed
Eventually, you started to drift into sleep
As you were only half asleep you said you were cold
And you cuddled into Races side
You put your head onto his chest
And wrapped an arm around his middle
“Is this okay?” you mumbled
Even tho you were half asleep and didn’t really know what you were doing you still asked
That made him blush a little
He said it was okay
Then he slowly wrapped his arms around you
As if he was protecting you from the outside world
He repeated your question to make sure you were comfortable with it
All he got in response was a slight head nod and a small hum of approval
And you snuggling even closer to him
Now he was really blushing
He was glad your eyes were closed so you couldn’t see it
Or the small smile that was forming on his face
Soon you drifted off into a peaceful dreamland
Race stayed awake for a little while just watching the movie
And making sure you slept peacefully
But eventually, the wear of the day mixed with the fact that he was also ill got to him
And he too drifted off into a peaceful slumber with you in his arms
Right where you belonged
Once school ended Sarah and Davey came over to your house to check on you
They had texted you earlier in the day to make sure that was okay
They let themselves into your house
And went up to your bedroom
Their jaws dropped when they saw you and Race cuddled up sleeping
Sarah immediately took out her phone and snapped a pic of you two
They decided you looked well taken care of
So they left a note on your desk and went home
About 20 mins later both your phone and Races were blowing up and awoke you from your peaceful slumber
You both checked your phone and the group chat was freaking out
You scroll up to the top of the new messages
“Davey and I went to check on you two, but you seemed to be doing just fine without us 😉😍”
*insert picture of you and Race cuddled up with a Disney movie in the background*
All of the boys were hounding on you two in the chat
Sending heart eyes, key smashes, and “I SHIP IT"’s
Also some “I called it!” and “Use protection”’s
When you saw all this you were so embarrassed
You wanted to hide away forever
But before you could pull away from the cuddling position you were in with Race
He held you even tighter to his body
And gave you a small kiss on your forehead
Maybe getting tested wasn’t going to be too bad
As long as you had Race right by your side
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Can you do a headcannon with the RFA+V+Vanderwood+Saeran with a MC who can't sleep without cuddling up with her significant other and they are staying up late so MC goes to find them - @thatrandogirl​
✿ thank you for contributing to my idiotic pillow quest. If you too would like to help me raise enough money for me to recline luxuriously on a Mystic Messenger themed bed, feel free to contribute to my Ko-Fi. If you leave a request in the notes, I’ll get to it for certain!
He’d told you three hours ago that he was just going to do one dungeon in LOLOL as a break of studying, there’s an event going on, he’ll come to bed soon!!! but Yoosung is a lying liar who lies and who also has a grasp of time that is shakier on your own. So, you suit up (which should be read as you wrap a blanket around yourself) and roll out of bed into the great unknown.
He’s easy to find, considering that he’s practically chained himself to the computer, so you shuffle over like a fleece-covered yeti and proceed to moan at him.
come to bed, yoosung
it can wait
you want to sleep
Yoosung gives you a apologetic-but-kind look, profusely says he’s sorry, and then tells you he’ll finish this up real quick and be right there, promise.
you squint at him.
you squint at the clock.
you squint at him again, then past him at the screen. wait, isn’t Seven the party leader right now...?
You shuffle back to the room. You pick your phone off the night-stand. You tell Seven that if he kicks Yoosung out of the party right now, you will engineer at least thirty (30) minutes of Elly time for him tomorrow.
You lie in bed, and are pleased when, about five minutes later, Yoosung slinks in and cuddles up beside you.
Good. that boy needs some shut-eye for his test tomorrow, too.
You’re sympathetic. Zen has a big part, the director is putting a lot of pressure on him to be his absolute best, and apparently an important talent scout is coming to Friday’s rehearsal. Zen has to be on point.
you’ve been tossing and turning for an hour and you miss him.
You find him pacing around the living room, reading his lines to himself, and you think, well, maybe if he had someone to practice with he’d get done sooner?
You offer, and he accepts, grateful for your consideration and your patience when it comes to his work. The both of you sit on the couch and begin.
For about thirty minutes, you manage to go through the script with him sitting upright... but then you think, well, maybe it’d be okay if you leaned on him? So you do that, and five minutes later you are drooling on his shoulder, entirely passed out.
This man’s heart is going thunk-thunk, because damn if having someone as cute as you falling asleep on him isn’t his dream. Realizing that he’s worked enough and that he probably won’t be able to continue with how distractingly adorable your sleeping face is, he picks you up, tucks you into bed, and climbs under the covers with you.
Late nights are so common with Jaehee that you have a system, though it’s not something Jaehee has ever really acknowledged because she keeps telling herself she’s going to stop staying up so late so you don’t have to do it.
Basically, when you’re ready to go to bed, you spend about an hour actually under the covers and playing with your smart-phone, and when you actually want to sleep, you go find Jaehee (who is buried under a mound of reports, budgets, and other miscellaneous paperwork) and... crawl into her lap.
like a cat.
You say you’re just going to lie here for awhile, she says she’s sorry, she’ll be done soon, and neither end up being true as she works through the night. you get your sleep on the couch.
It’s ok, though.
Jaehee’s thighs make heavenly pillows.
You’re not sure where Jumin is, which is weird, quite frankly, and you go looking.
You call his office. He isn’t there.
You call Jaehee. She has no idea.
You ask the body-guards. They... don’t know?
You start just wandering around the building in your pajamas, trying to find your damn cat of a husband, when you notice that the door to the roof is... open???
You go up, rubbing your arms to warm them in the cold, and find Jumin up there, fast asleep, with... Elizabeth in his lap???
You wake him up, afraid that this is the intro to a House M.D. episode and you’re going to have to rush him to the hospital, when he wakes up blearily and in complete confusion.
Apparently, he’d read somewhere that cats like seeing stars or whatever and he’d brought Elizabeth the III up for a controlled viewing, but the office had been so tiring and Elizabeth’s purring had been so sweet and soothing that he’d just fallen asleep.
You pick your favorite kitty up with one arm, loop the other around your favorite man, and drag them both down to sleep normally.
Another chronic late-nighter, though it’s more because he’s prone to productive midnight mania than being a slave to the office or to video games.
You find him in his little make-shift lab, hands flying and eyes glinting as he assembles parts for some new robotic contraption. Yawning, you plop down in the ugly yellow chair (that still is your favorite due to it’s high comfiness quotient) and wait for him to notice you.
It takes him a long while, so you just watch him work.
You like it, actually. It’s nice seeing his face flicker between various expressions of concentration, squinting and sticking his tongue out as he screws something tight. He turns in his chair, picking something else up, and you watch his hands, slender and oddly beautiful in the artificial light.
With his mussed hair and his glasses knocked askance... he’s cute.
Eventually, he turns and notices you, and he’s shocked when he sees you there. In a way, though, he’s also pleased, because the sight of you rolled up in a blanket and sitting sleepily behind him really is a gift.
You find him in the kitchen, staring absently into a cup of tea.
He apologizes. He didn’t mean to stay up so late; V honestly didn’t realize it was so late. He’d just gotten to thinking about things, and one thing had lead to another, and...
He’d gotten a bit lost in them, he supposed. In his thoughts.
You smile at him, pour out some lukewarm tea for yourself, and sit across from him at the small white table. What’s on your mind? you ask, because you know it’s not as simple as all that. V’s a man with demons, and if you just leave him alone with them, they’ll eat at him all night.
It takes a bit of prying, but he tells you, eventually.
Rika, Saeran, Saeyoung, the RFA - he thinks about it all, reminisces, and regrets. You listen to his worries, and for a long time, just talk to him. There’ve been a lot of nights like this over the time you’ve known him, and he’s done the same for you in return.
Eventually, you bring him to bed, and while snuggling up to him certainly helps you sleep... you know it serves a dual purpose, too. For him, holding you reminds him that he’s alive, and so are you, and it was worth it to continue trying.
Unknown (Saeran)
It’s just one of those nights where Saeran doesn’t want to sleep, doesn’t even want to be inside, so after awhile of waiting, you go looking for him.
You find him in the small, shaded garden you have out back, sitting with his knees pulled up to his chest and staring at the sky. You don’t say anything when you approach, and neither does he, but you bring your blanket over and take a seat behind him.
Sure, it’s a little cold and uncomfortable and sure, it’s more comfortable in bed. But you nestle yourself up to Saeran, and he puts an arm around you, and you don’t mind sleeping outside for a little while if that’s what he needs to do.
He’s warm, and the stars are pretty, so it’s alright.
You consider Vanderwood to be a considerate and trustworthy partner who actually keeps their gosh-danged word, so when they tell you that they’ll have ‘a bit of a late night, but not too late’, you decide to lie down without them.
You toss. You turn. You read, and once you realize that it’s past 2AM and still no Vanderwood, you decide to go looking.
Admittedly, you’re annoyed. They know about your sleeping troubles, and they’d promised to be in bed soon, and you’re figuring out the right way to politely-but-firmly chew them out when you arrive in the kitchen and find -
they’re asleep.
on the table.
sleeping on a pile of their work.
Immediately, you get your phone out to snap some blackmail-pics. Immediately after, you nudge them awake, trying not to laugh hysterically at their bleary, sleepy expression.
you fail.
Vanderwood is nigh-incoherent as you help them to the bedroom, and you tell them it’s okay, sweetie, they can get some real rest now.
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gallifreyansalt · 7 years
on my old DA from earlier this year, I did a tag 
time to see how my old answers have changed :)
tag is under the cut because im not evil
1: Is there a boy/girl in your life?
2: Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
3: What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
4: What’s something you really want right now?
5: Are you afraid of falling in love?
Not really
6: Do you like the beach?
7: Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
Jes I have
8: What’s the background on your cell?
My boyfriend c:
9: Name the last four beds you sat on?
Mine, uhm my parents, my cousins and uhm my other cousins
10: Do you like your phone?
yeah its chill
11: Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
No, but it'd be boring if it did
12: Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
uhm i dont remember
13: Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler?
a rottweiler
14: Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
emotional pain
15: Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
a zoo!
16: Are you tired?
17: How long have you known your 1st phone contact?
OKAY so my 1st phone contact is my boyfriend and I’ve known him roughly 9 months
18: Are they a relative?
19: Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
No lol I’m good with my boo
20: When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
Just a second ago
21: If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
22: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
I would kiss them until their lips fell off
23: How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
1 if you dont count a rubber band
24: Is there a certain quote you live by?
“try not to mistake, what you have with what you hate, it could leave come the morning!” -Matchbox Twenty, How Far We’ve Come
25: What’s on your mind?
My boyfriend is so cute I wish I had somebody to just spam with pics of my bf
26: Do you have any tattoos?
27: What is your favorite color?
Black, red and white
28: Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
Next time I see my boyfriend
29: Who are you texting?
My boyfriend (he’s my only friend rip)
30: Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
Uhm yes 
31: Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
32: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? 
Help I’m genderfluid. (Sex- I have one or two guy friends)
33: Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
I would hope my bf does
34: Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
Many times. (It never bothered me or made me feel special until I started hearing my boyfriend babble about my eyes at 2 am when he’s sleepy. The cutest thing I stg)
35: Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
I would cry and then beat whoever the f--- is kissing my boo
36: Were you single on Valentines Day?
Feb. of 2017, I was ;-;
37: Are you friends with the last person you kissed?
38: What do your friends call you?
Atlas, Cammy, Cam (Cam is my birth name *belch*)
39: Has anyone upset you in the last week?
Yeah :/
40: Have you ever cried over a text?
41: Where’s your last bruise located?
42: What is it from?
43: Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
Earlier today
44: Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
My friend Katelyn
45: Do you have a favorite pair of shoes?
46: Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
I will try, but my school dress code doesn't allow hats so I usually wear it up in a ponytail
47: Would you ever go bald if it was the style?
48: Do you make supper for your family?
No, we all make our own food
49: Does your bedroom have a door?
50: Top 3 web-pages?
Tumblr, Twitter, and The Sims Resource because im a cc no life
51: Do you know anyone who hates shopping?
Yes I do
52: Does anything on your body hurt?
My back because I have to slouch in this chair to see my computer screen
53: Are goodbyes hard for you?
54: What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
Uhm... a soda ;-;
55: How is your hair?
Silky for once
56: What do you usually do first in the morning?
Check my phone to see how long I have to “get ready” (/sleep)
57: Do you think two people can last forever?
Yeah, if their love and loyalty is real and strong.
58: Think back to January 2007, were you single?
Well I had just turned 4, so I assume so.
59: Green or purple grapes?
60: When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug?
When I see my boyfriend because I never get to see him so I always give him like giant bear hugs
61: Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
Yeah. Far, Far away from here.
62: When will be the next time you text someone?
After my boyfriend gets out of the shower (oh my god I have no friends)
63: Where will you be 5 hours from now?
Probably asleep or babbling to my boyfriend about how I want to transfer schools already
64: What were you doing at 8 this morning.
dying (well said, old me)
65: This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
Yes, I was head over heels for one of my guy friends
66: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
There are many
67: Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
Do my dogs count?
68: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
I have exams tomorrow.
69: Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
Many times
70: How many windows are open on your computer?
2. (This page and also my tumblr page)
71: How many fingers do you have?
I'm not sure...
72: What is your ringtone?
The default ringtone
73: How old will you be in 5 months?
74: Where is your Mum right now?
In her room sleeping probably
75: Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
Because we broke up woooaah
76: Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
77: Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
Like one person
78: Do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
7th grade? Yes
79: Is there anyone you know with the name Mike?
I don't know anyone personally with that name, but I mean... Stranger Things.
80: Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
81: How many people have you liked in the past three months?
ONE c:
82: Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
Well... no
83: Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
Yes c:
84: You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
I would never yell at hot people. Hot people are intimidating.
85: If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care?
86: What was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
I had to awkwardly smile at my boyfriend and his parents as I snuggled in his jacket cause I was freezing. 
87: Who was your last received call from?
My friend Kate
88: If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
Yeah, and then my friends would do it too so we'd have like, 3000 dollars.
89: What is something you wish you had more of?
90: Have you ever trusted someone too much?
91: Do you sleep with your window open?
92: Do you get along with girls?
No girls are mean (trust me I’m biologically female)
93: Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
Not that I know of
94: Does sex mean love?
okay this depends. in the way most people will think, no. But like, if you've been in a relationship for a while and want children then I think that's pretty dang lovey.
95: You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
Nah we’d probably just keep making out
96: Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
97: Did you sleep alone this week?
No I have my doggos
98: Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
99: Do you believe in love at first sight?
100: Who was the last person that you pinky promise?
Oh gosh I don't remember
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hibernianbok · 7 years
Spain, Netherlands and someone of ur choice as parents headcannons? Pretty please?
Well since you asked so nicely… Austria was decided via group decision Slightly basing the Ned ones off my granddad
He truly loves being around children (IN A FATHERLY WAY BEFORE SOMEONE DOES THE PEDO SPAIN BS) and is probably going to be a great papi to any child he calls his own (except, you know, his colonies)
Loves to have lazy mornings in bed where the family all snuggle up and have breakfast in bed whilst watching the sunrise, or TV if something good is on. This is a weekend thing though, he need to work most days so weekends are lazy days.
Locks his storage room unless he absolutely must go in, he’s got a lot of dangerous weapons and painful stuff in there. If his children are old enough and mature enough he MIGHT let them in so that they can have a little blast from his past.
Teaches them how to dance like a pro. No exceptions, at all. The Tango and Salsa will run through their veins like the bulls run through the streets on sanfermines. He will teach them everything he knows and may ask Romano to teach them some stuff as well
Extremely protective of them, if anyone at all even glances at them funny he will admit a dark aura and possibly chase them down with his axe. Or if his child can hold him back he’ll yell angrily from the other side of the street.
Teaches them how to grow perfect tomatoes and grapes for wine. He’ll spend a lot of time in his garden and loves to have company with him when he’s tending to his crops.
Is that dad that has an instagram page dedicated to his children, all of the pictures have an adorable hashtag, examples of this would be “#makingtheirpapiproud”  or “#Lookatmylittleangelbeingperfect” on a pic of them drawing on his wall or something
Tries to help them do great in school T R I E S, after they turn fourteen he completely blanks out from some of their homework, what is the mitochondria this paper speaks of? And why is it important? Like, what? Are you sure this is science and not some magic mumbo jumbo?
Gloats at world meetings about how amazing his children is. He’ll even spend his 2 minute speech time talking about his children then actual global stuff. Germany is probably going to have a rant at him for this.
Honestly just loves his children so much. He’ll do anything to keep them happy and they’re likely to be spoiled little brats because of this. He’ll often just spend his time being a good father than doing actual work for his land.
Dad rating: #Whatisworkwhenyouhavekids
Is one of the strictest parents you could possibly think of. His children’s schedules are to the second, no slacking with this man as your dad.
That being said he is a very family oriented man, just look at his relationship with his siblings. He will take full days off work (papadag) just to spend time with his family. who knows, Maybe he might have a lazy day and have a family movie under a nice, cozy blanket.
Would never do any drugs or romantic stuff around his children. He is going to be a good role model for them and show them how to succeed in life without doing the weedz (intentional)
Quite a pushy parent, if his kiddos want to join a club or start doing a sport they better be going for gold. He ain’t paying for a class and having them drop out right after, what a waste of time and money.
He’ll teach them the art of money, everything he knows: Haggling, bargaining, promoting, “borrowing” etc. No pocket money though, the best place to start is from the bottom in his opinion.
Oh boy, they better be neat. He cannot stand a messy house so if that room isn’t cleaned by tomorrow they can kiss dessert and their laptop goodbye. Once it’s clean though they can have the laptop back, no dessert though, probably because he ate it after they went to bed.
Actual can’t stand when his children cry. His heart breaks (what heart?) and he must hug them, it’s a very awkward hug though, Human emotions and him don’t compute. The hug itself is quite nice though, they can hide under his scarf and he’s calmly stroke their hair to calm them down.
Makes sure his children spend a lot of time outside, this can be through many activities. His personal favorite being gardening. So long as his little ones don’t trample on the flowers he’ll quite happily show them how to grow the most beautiful tulips in the world *Cough* Takethatturkey *Cough*
When he goes to world meetings he’ll take them with him. If it’s just a one on one meeting he’ll get Auntie Belgium and Uncle Lux to take care of them. Before these trips he’ll kneel down the their level and point over to Miffy (His rabbit) Saying something along the lines of “Miffy, take care of them. I’m relying on you”
He’ll be very reluctant to show off his kind (Afrikaans, possibly dutch? For child) to the other nations, sure his siblings and his close “Friends” will meet and be able to talk to them but if anyone outside his circle even looks in their general direction he’ll swoop in and be an angry dutch papa.
Dad rating: Money on mother ducking mind
Is in many ways a tiger dad, he expects his children to do well in life and he will push them if he must. When I say he pushes I mean Hungary or his S/o or whoever pushes because being a good parent is so stressful {Cue dramatic Austrian flopping}
Desperately tries to get his children into the art known as music, from a young age he’ll start teaching them the piano and xylophone, from that he will show them the true power of how a single note can become the start of a great symphony!  
Sometimes his children will feel like they’re looking after him then him looking after them. Especially when they go {Austrian quiver} outside. They will probably need to hold his hand so he doesn’t get lost.
His children will have to depend on another germanic nation to take the on outings, especially if they want to go near water (He’s scared of marine animals). If they did manage to convince him to join it is likely going to be a trip to the opera or a musical.
They will learn proper etiquette from the day they can walk. He take pride in his proper and polite ways and is praying to everything holy that his children will at least chew with their mouth shut.
Anyone seen the sound of music? He is pretty much the equivalent of Georg Von Trapp: Strict, tough on his children, an amazing voice. If he has met or seen Mr. Von Trapp (and he probably has met him anyways so…) I think he’d base a lot of his parenting off of him. Including family song time.
Won’t make the same “mistakes” he did with Italy. If his children have any problems they must go to him. No exceptions, even if it’s something stupid like the villain from their favorite show died. They must tell him, no spoilers though.
Makes them do chores around the house, depending on how old they are will be the equivalent to hom much work they must do. So when they’re a baby they simply must put their toys away at the end of the day, when they’re a teen things like cleaning the living room.
Really enjoys baking with his children. If they would he’d be happy to teach them how to make sachertorte or vanillekipferl (praying I spelt those right) and it will always taste amazing! Probably because he has eaten so many through the years he knows how to perfect it.
Barley has any photos of himself and his children, he is quite camera shy and would hate to poison such a magnificent picture with his face (That physically hurt me to write that but he truly thinks that ;-;)
Dad rating: Proper
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teripharaoh · 7 years
Unfortunate flames
I don't think you understood this kind of tragedy screams escape my mouth in silent pause I wanted to crawl inside myself & hide in these walls but words will penetrate me like missiles in the sky My eyes painted red with no more tears to cry Feels like the weight of depression lays on my shoulders I try to push her off me but she just wants somebody to hold her I roll out of bed and trip over bipolar This close to losing my shit I push him in the closet & say we can hash this out later we had a verbal argument but he made me sign the paper I'd get dressed & sit in the mirror for hours painting my face all right take a pic just to go wash it off in the shower My lifes on auto repeat There's nothing special about it Only seems interesting when I'm talking about people that don't exist but between the pages of of my scripts the cracks in my mind the folder on my computer the pen and the line I don't have a romantic life shid unless you call a once every few months screw he comes over & only loves my body and I'm good for one month maybe two But I never complain because I'm more worried that I'll never be right it's unlikely that someone looking at me and see the light right So I rather wake up to wide windows facing the sea I wanna smell the wet cold air in the middle of the winter watch the leafs fall in the autumn rain Or drive out of the city and see the stars torch the night But as of right now I'm asking depression am I holding her tight as she weighs down on my spirit she snuggles me up I know what she likes Right now I'm in a physical argument with bipolar I've kicked the book shelves down and flipped the sofa I tore all my art off the walls and decorated my floors with shirt pants and drawers Because the outside world has push me to my edge when I've had enough of enough of misfortunate event I broke down and cried when my eyes are never wet when my heart is never rage this space was my forest & I was the flame
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artificialqueens · 8 years
Contacting Russia: From America With Love (Trixya)- Squeaky Stella
Tumblr media
Trixie is an American mail order bride.
(AN: Stella and Squeaky back at it again. 10K words of two idiots falling in love. Shoutout to Pinky from Pink Shrooms for editing.)
Seven Days Before Contact
“I’m 22, very beautiful, entertaining, American, Christian-ish, brown eyes, golden hair, fair complexion, and can tap dance. Have 100 dollars to my name. If you’re a rich ass man from a foreign country, contact me. Desperate to leave America.”
Trixie finished typing out her bio and read it over. After man she added “or woman.” Her sexuality was getting her the fuck out of this dead end town.
She took out her iPhone, positioned her golden hair over her shoulder, pulled a Gucci bag into the frame, and winked. Snap.
No, she looked horrible. Trixie pulled down her shirt and tugged up the straps of her push up bra. Now, she sucked in a breath to make her waist look smaller. Snap.
“Tracey! Get yo itty-bitty titties outta your room and finish cleaning the kitchen,” her uncle yelled. Trixie self-consciously crossed her arms over her chest and flushed.
Instead of obeying she uploaded the photo and refreshed. Nothing. Shit, what was she thinking? Clearly, you needed some bikini photos to get an offer. Men were visual creatures.
Trixie went through her old photos and found a flattering shot, where she was posing with her ass facing the camera and looking seductively over her shoulder. Not featured here was the bruise that she had on her abdomen.
“Trixie! Get! Down! Here!”
She was about to get up when a message lit up her screen:
B: Hello, Trixie. My name is Katya Zamolodchikova, but you may call me Katya.
She clicked on his profile and bit her thumb. Huh?
T: Then why did you write it was Brian Zamolodchikova?
B: It’s…complicated.
T: Are you rich?
B: I have lots of money. Yes.
T: Then it’s really not that complicated at all, Katya. Send me a pic?
B: Wow, Americans are so direct.
Attached was a photo of a sharp jawed woman with cutting, green eyes. She might have been beautiful if she was smiling, but there was something forlorn in her expression. Trixie stared at the photo longer than was necessary.
T: You’re…not hideous.
T: AND your English is really good. Where are you from?
B: Moscow. I’m interested in a bride for public and sexual purposes.
T: Uh, duh, that’s why we’re here
T: Let’s just get this out the way- how rich are you exactly?
B: Rich enough to buy you a ticket and provide you with a home and unlimited supplies of makeup. How does that sound good?
T: Uhm, I don’t wear makeup. This is how my natural face looks. But that does sound good.
B: But in your picture you are…? Nevermind. This is not important fact.
B: In fact, what is important is that you can get here in a week. I have an important dinner party in two weeks, and I need a wife to advance in the social ladder.
T: Yeah, I also need to leave ASAP.
B: So you’d be willing to come?
T: Yes. Shit.
T: Promise you’re not an axe murderer?
B: I have never killed anyone. Besides for my true self.
T: Deep.
T: Forward me the tickets, and I’ll see you in a week <3
B: I’d like to Skype with you once before you come here. And speak with you five minutes on the phone every day. Is that okay?
T: Yes, deal!
Did Trixie sound desperate? Because she was.
Three Days Before Contact
Trixie didn’t have a lot of time to pack all of her things. From what her soon to be spouse had told her, she should probably leave her summer clothes behind. But there were some things she couldn’t part from, like her teeny-weeny pink bikini.
She shimmied into it and laid down on her bed to snap a picture to send to Katya. She angled her body so it looked leaner and her breasts bigger.
B: Where are you going in a bikini? It’s dead of winter?
T: To see you ;)
B: You look gorgeous…like a Polly Pocket had sex with a Barbie, and they had a beautiful love child named Trixie
She rolled her eyes. Katya tried really hard to think of original compliments when sometimes just a cliche one would do.
T: Thanks? My uncle’s going to be out all night with his poker buddies, so I’m free to Skype
B: Perfect.
Trixie positioned herself on her stomach and angled the camera, so her ass was strategically positioned behind her. After a few rings, Katya’s face popped up on screen. Even though Trixie’s laptop was cheap, Katya still looked beautiful. Her blonde hair was a messy halo around her head, her eyes were smoky, and her lips were dark. Did all Russians paint their makeup that heavy? Trixie loved it.
“Hey, future lover,” Trixie greeted. She squeezed her arms together, pushing up her cleavage.
“I see a suitcase behind you, are you packing?” Katya asked, carefully enunciating. Her voice was deep and husky. The first time that she’d called Katya, the tenor had surprised her. Somehow, it fit her- very Russian, very commanding.
The screen lagged when Trixie flipped her hair over her shoulder: “Packed already. There’s not much here to take away, to be honest. Uncle-pain-in-my-ass takes all the paychecks I earn for ‘rent,’ but I know he’s just buying up a shit ton of vodka.”
“Ah, the devil’s juice. Don’t touch it.”
“You don’t drink?” Trixie asked, surprised. “Smoke?”
“No. Well, I did when I was younger, but I quit everything a couple years ago. Dumped it all in trash can and set trash can on fire.”
Trixie laughed because she couldn’t tell if Katya was being serious. She said everything like it was fact, but Trixie got the feeling that she exaggerated some of her stories. Still, she was the most fascinating person that Trixie had never met, and it was that sense of unknown that made her lean in.
“Why? I mean yeah, it’s gross, but I still like the feeling of letting go, you know?”
“No. I never let go…just fell into dark, dark cycles of self loathing. It was, uh,” Katya trailed off and stared off at something. “Soul sucking.”
“Oh, uh, cool?” Trixie said, feeling dumb. “I mean that’s not cool. It sucks, but…yeah. I can kinda relate? When I graduated from high school, I started smoking weed every night. All my old friends had left for college but…”
“But life happened to me,” she bitterly laughed.
How had this gone from Trixie trying to be a seductive “fiancee” to an existentially disturbing individual? It was something about Katya that made her want to confess all her deepest and darkest secrets. And she’d only been talking to her for a couple days now.
Trixie tried to change the tone: “That all leads us up to right now though, so is there anything…you want to do? Or see? While I have the house all to myself?”
“Yes, do you have any dietary concerns?”
Wow, nothing to get you in the mood like talking about your lactose intolerance. Trixie laughed, even if it wasn’t a joke.
“Wow. You’re…I’ve never met anyone like you.”
“You have never met me yet.”
“Three more days,” Trixie repeated gleefully. It had become a mantra when she was at the grocery store swiping bags, when she was washing the floors, when she was alone on her computer and when she couldn’t sleep.
“Three more days,” Katya confirmed. “Tell me, Trixie, are you more excited to see Russia…or get away from America?”
Just then the downstairs door slammed open, and Trixie jumped. She cursed, slammed her computer shut, and grabbed her faded ‘Tap Dance Is Life’ sweatshirt.
“Who were you talking to, Tracey?”  
Her uncle smelled like alcohol and cologne. She crossed her arms and snuggled deeper into the sweatshirt.
“Just a friend from high school. Why the hell are you even in my room? We agreed if I gave you my paycheck, you wouldn’t come in here-”
“What’s with the suitcase? You’re leaving, huh?” He grabbed her by the wrist. “Selling yourself off to the highest bidder?”
“Don’t touch me! D-don’t you fucking touch me!”
“Just like your ma. Rotten apples don’t go far from the rotten tree.”
“Shut the fuck up!”
He leaned in closer: “You want to know what happened to Barbie? She married Ken and left you here. Just left. Didn’t give a shit about nothing except that she was the fuck away- is that what you wanna be?”
But Trixie had heard enough. She ripped her hand away and lunged for her purse. There was no time to grab her suitcase.
She ran, stopping only to slip into a warm pair of sparkling Uggs by the door. Uncle was cursing and banging down the stairs.
Trixie hugged her purse to her chest and ran faster. The sun was threatening to set, and the sky was bruised purple.
She shivered as she slowed to a walk. There was only a hundred dollars and her phone charger in her stupid, Gucci bag. One plane ticket. Two bars. And three days until her flight.
Trixie had also thankfully grabbed her phone on the way out, but, as she scrolled through the contacts, there was only one voice she wanted to hear.
“Sorry for hanging up on you,” Trixie said, forcing herself to smile. “Had a bit of technical difficulties.”
“What happened?”
She sniffled: “I-I just decided that I need to depart a little earlier than expected.”
“Trixie…are you crying?”
“No. I’m fine. I’m so happy that I’m leaving soon,” Trixie’s voice cracked. “I-I can’t wait to get the fuck out of this horrible country.”
She found herself in front of Beyond Belief Dance Studio. Little girls clicked proudly in their heels, leaving their mothers’ cars, and Trixie’s heart twisted with jealousy. Had she really looked like that? Not a single care in the world?
“Trixie, talk to me. What’s happening?”
Trixie hugged herself as she watched Ms. Edward’s dance class through the glass. She went to wave and then stopped. Trixie didn’t recognize herself in the reflection.  
“Just saying goodbye.”
She turned away, slumped down on the bench in front and swung her legs, like she was waiting for someone to come pick her.
“This was the last place I saw her,” Trixie babbled, even though Katya wouldn’t know what she was talking about. “But that doesn’t matter now. She’s not coming back, and I’m not coming back. Just three more days, right?”
“Three more now. Tomorrow two more. And then…”
One Day Before Contact
Trixie sprayed water on her face. This time it actually was bare. She rubbed soap under her armpits. Her stomach growled, but there wasn’t much money left to spend on food. Maybe enough for chai and a cookie.
She’d been to the gift shop too many times yesterday, and she was afraid the frowning manager was going to call the police.
Trixie yawned. It was harder than you’d think to sleep on airport seats.
“Missed your flight?” An old lady asked. She had kind eyes and a warm smile. Trixie smiled back.
“Yeah, luckily my fiance bought me another ticket,” she lied.
“Aw, he must love you. When’s the wedding?”
“Tomorrow,” Trixie deadpanned.
“Oh! Wow, dearie, I’m so sorry you have to spend the day all alone here-”
“It’s fine,” Trixie paused and bit her lip. “I actually did lose my credit card. Such a mess, huh? Do you have twenty dollars?”
“Of course! And congratulations on the wedding. Mazel tov!”
This is what Trixie had been reduced to- scamming old woman for their pocket money. Fuck, at least now she could get herself a proper breakfast of bacon, egg, and cheese on toast.
“Just calling to let you know I’m not dead. Yet. Somehow surviving.”
“I’m at work but-” Katya paused and then screamed something in Russian. “But I’m glad to know you made it another night, honey. As soon as you get home, I’m drawing up a bath for you. Hot.”
Trixie’s eyes fluttered.
“Oh, fuccck, yeah. Keep talking dirty to me.”
The man next to her choked on his food.
“And then I’ll massage your feet…”
“Shit… fuck.”
“And your back…”
“Oh, keep going, baby. Keep going.”
“Make you food. Anything you like.”
Trixie bit her thumb as she listened to Katya’s deep, raspy voice. Oh, shit, how was it so sexual when they were talking about this?
“Just be warned that I’m gonna look like shit. Alright? I’m airport chic.”
“You won’t.”
“No, really, I’m in sweats with a bikini underneath.”
“Sexy,” Katya growled.
“Yeah, nothing hotter than a girl and her unshaven legs, huh?”
“I love leg hair.”
“I haven’t showered in almost three days?”
“I love a natural scent.”
“My…” Trixie lowered her voice. “My period’s in a couple days.”
“Means you’re fertile.”
“Oh my god! You are the strangest person that I’ve ever met, Katya! Who doesn’t care about those kinds of things? Fuck, any girl would be lucky to have someone like you,” Trixie laughed and then flushed when she’d realized what she’d said.
“Lucky you then, yes?”
Trixie cradled the phone and smiled: “Yes, lucky me. So how do you say ‘hello’ in Russian? I’d look it up myself, but I don’t have any data.”
“‘Privyet’ is hello. ‘Poka’ is goodbye. And ‘Ya galodnayah’ mean ‘I’m hungry.”
“Damn, I can’t believe you taught me all the Russian I’ll ever need to know. ‘Poka’ for now…and in a couple hours ‘privyet.’”
Watching Contact
Trixie was crying again. Poor Eli hadn’t made it in time to save her father. Now, she was alone in the world and- Trixie turned it off. God, she’d always hated this movie- what was wrong with her? Maybe she was hormonal.
The airplane food tasted like shit, but Trixie was hungry. Yum, nothing like fresh chemicals and tears.
She’d wasted the last of her money on a Russian-English dictionary, but reading on a plane or car made her nauseous.
‘Privyet, Katya,’ Trixie repeated in her head.
“Why are you wearing sweatpants covered in hearts? My mommy says only messy Americans leave the house without real clothes on,” the little girl next to her said. She was holding a doll to her chest and staring up at Trixie with wide eyes.
“Well, did your mommy also teach you not to talk to strangers? Or comment on their fashion choices?”
“We’re not strangers! My name’s Adore Delano Haylock, and we’ve been sitting next to each other for hours now. And it was a bad fashion choice.”
Oh, wow, a seven year old was roasting her?
“Listen, Adore. My name is Trixie, and I’m going to go meet someone very important in a couple hours-”
“Who? A stylist? My daddy’s a stylist so he can help you.”
Adore- 1. Trixie- 0.
“No, my wife. Her name’s Katya, and I’m going to see her and say ‘poka’-”
“That means goodbye, silly!” Adore giggled. “My daddy’s American and my mommy’s Russian. So I’m a bi-language-person.”
“Ok, no. I’m going to go up to her and say…uh…say…I knew this! It’s…”
Trixie sighed and buried her face in her hands. Adore was still watching her. Nothing like breaking down in front of a child to really get you in the matrimonial mood, huh?
“Are you crying? Sorry I said that about your pants. My daddy says I have a mouth that never stops going and going and- wait, if you don’t know Russian, how are you going to live there forever and ever?”
“I’ll learn.”
“Well, I have an apartment in Moscow, so maybe you’ll live close to me? Then you can come over, and I’ll teach you the alphabet and you can teach me…?”
“How to dance,” Trixie said without thinking and yawned. She had a couple more hours to sleep, so she leaned her head against the window and closed her eyes. Adore leaned back and started babbling to whoever was behind them, most likely her parents. Trixie wished she had somebody to turn around to.
Instead, she drifted off and dreamed of their plane flying up to space and landing on the moon. There, Katya was waiting for her with flowers. But with each step that Trixie took towards her, she seemed to be floating farther away. Smaller and smaller.
She jolted awake.
“We’re in Roccceeeha!” Adore sing-songed and tugged on her sleeve. “You’ll be such a pretty bride. Promise I can come to the wedding?”
“Sorry about my daughter. Adore doesn’t know when it’s best to stop. Hope she didn’t annoy you too much,” the man behind them said as he got up and ruffled Adore’s hair. “Name’s Roy Haylock by the way.”
“Trixie, and it’s fine. I was happy for the company,” she said truthfully. Adore gave her a crumpled sheet of paper and ran off past her father, who gave her an exasperated eye roll as he followed. Trixie put it in her purse and waved goodbye.
Trixie didn’t have any other luggage, so she went straight down the terminal. She looked around for a familiar blonde, but she didn’t see her.
B: I’ll be there in ten. A little traffic
B: I’ll be the one with the sign that says your name. Pro Tip- if the sign says a different name, it’s probably not me.
Typical Katya, Trixie thought as she collapsed onto a seat. She saw Adore running up to a blonde woman, who swirled her around, and Roy tightly embraced them both. The sight made her teary.
She was overwhelmed at the sudden roar of Russian voices. All the women she saw heading out into the white world were wearing fashionable fur. Around them all the signs were in cyrillic. She wished she had a translator.
“Privyet, Trixie!”
Trixie turned, ready to embrace her beautiful fiancee, but she froze. That was definitely a man. Sure, it was still a hot, Russian man in a three piece suit, but a man nonetheless. He was holding a sign that said her name with little hearts around it.
“Um, did Katya send you to pick me up? Are you, like, the driver?”
“You don’t even recognize your own wife, shame on you Trixie,” the man shot back, and it clicked. The camera may have hidden some things, but the voice combined with the distinctive eyes and cheekbones gave it away. That was Katya.
“You’re…shit, you’re hot in both genders,” Trixie laughed as she threw her arms around Katya. “That’s not fair.”
Katya blinked at her:  “Wait? You’re okay with this?”
“Yeah, duh. You’re still you no matter what you’re wearing. Can we go home now?”
“Of course,” she said and led her to a shining Lexus in the front. Well, Katya hadn’t exaggerated how rich she was.
“Oh, and privyet, Katya,” Trixie said and leaned in to softly peck her on the lips. The way Katya’s whole face turned red was precious.  
Thirty Minutes After Contact
Trixie pressed her face to the window, eyes wide, as she looked out at Moscow. It was a glittering city of lights, and it seemed more like New York City than what she’d thought Russia would look like.
I want to see everything, Trixie decided. New country? New me.
Katya’s apartment was just as strange as Katya herself. There was a shelf full of nothing but different patterned Matryoshka dolls glaring down at her. The walls were covered with rugs, furs, and a sad moose head. Where had Trixie had found herself?
“Follow me,” Katya beckoned her towards the master bedroom.
There on the zebra print covers was a white wedding dress. Trixie ran her hands over the heavily beaded material, and she bit her lip as tears filled her eyes.
“It’s beautiful,” she managed.
“It was my mother’s dress, and she would have wanted you to have it. I thought you could wear it for the photos? After we’re all rested up in the morning.
Trixie hugged Katya. "I’ll put it on first thing tomorrow.”
Katya was looking at the dress like she wished that she could have worn it, but all she said was: “The shower’s the third left. I wasn’t sure what shampoo you liked, so I bought up every kind.”
Trixie laughed when she saw that the bathroom was, indeed, covered with every possible kind of shampoo. She hopped around them to get into the shower and struggled for a minute to turn it on.
Trixie moaned as she grabbed a random shampoo and rubbed it into her scalp. There was nothing like a hot shower to wash away all the grime from living in an American airport for three days. She dug her fingers down as she tried to figure out everything that had happened. Katya’s “real” name was Brian and they dressed like a man in public but a woman in private. From her limited Tumblr knowledge, Trixie thought they might be transgender? Or maybe genderfluid?
Honestly, the weirdest part of Katya wasn’t even her changing gender identity. It was the way she looked at Trixie so kindly and offered to make her blinchiki for dinner. Or how Katya had left out new clothes for her and thrown her old ones into the wash. Now that was weird.
Trixie shaved everywhere because she wasn’t sure how tonight was going to go. But Katya had left her loose, baggy pajamas, not something sexy or skimpy. Trixie gratefully snuggled into the pink pjs. She liked the way they smelled like cinnamon and something distinctly Katya.
Trixie crept into the kitchen to find Katya dressed up like how she was used to seeing her on Skype. She was also in pajamas, Trixie noted as she wrapped her hands around her waist.
“So…I don’t think you have enough shampoo,” Trixie joked, and Katya laughed as she leaned into her touch.
“I was worried,” Katya said. “Now, here. I don’t want you going to bed on an empty stomach, and I don’t trust any of that airplane food.”
The blinchiki were hot and delicious. Trixie sat at the kitchen table with her plate, spread jam inside, and then rolled them up like she’d seen before in pictures. She wasn’t sure if she was doing it right, but it tasted like fucking heaven. Hot shower? Delicous food? Trixie had found herself a keeper.
“Fuck, you’re an amazing cook,” Trixie moaned. “I don’t know why you need my useless American ass.”
“I enjoy the company. It’s…I get so lonely here by myself.”
“Then why don’t you invite people over?”
“Because they don’t know about me. About Katya.”
“Oh,” Trixie said slowly. “I wanted to ask you about that, by the way…are you- trans?”
“I’m me,” Katya said firmly, but Trixie wasn’t really sure what that meant. Oh well, she didn’t give a shit if Katya dressed in dresses, so long as she felt her best.
“Well, I think you -both sides of you- are hot as fuck,” Trixie said as she licked jam from her sticky fingers. She caught Katya’s eyes and mischievously winked. Katya flushed and turned back around to face the stove.
They ate the rest of their dinner together on Katya’s couch on opposite ends, though their feet met in the middle. It was sweetly domestic, but not at all what she’d pictured as her first night with her betrothed. Trixie smelt flowery, her hair was soft around her shoulders, and her legs bare and shining. Trixie looked like sex, but they weren’t even touching, aside from the occasional brush of their toes.
Trixie never felt shy, but, under Katya’s gaze, she felt herself flush. There was just so much to look at, but all she wanted to do was turn back and look at Katya. She spoke briefly about her flight, mentioning Adore’s quips, and Katya laughed. She had a deep, throaty laugh, and it made Trixie bite her lip.
“By the sound of your long journey, you must be tired. Leave the plates in the sink -I’ll wash them in the morning- and let’s go to my room,” Katya offered when they were finished.
Her bedroom was just as luxurious as the rest of her home. Trixie’s toes curled into the fur rug as Katya pulled back the covers for them.
“What kind of movies do you like? I have plenty of American ones,” Katya said as she grabbed the remote. Trixie crawled into bed as enticingly as she could. But Katya’s eyes were glued to the screen, trying to find something for them to watch. All that sexual energy wasted.
“Put whatever on,” Trixie finally replied as she curled into Katya’s side. Her hand rested on Katya’s stomach, her skin warm through her shirt. Katya stiffened under her touch then relaxed. They were clearly still getting comfortable with each other.
Trixie’s eyes felt heavy as she rested her head on Katya’s shoulder. Jet lag was starting to set in, and now that she was warm and safe, Trixie found it hard to keep her eyes open. When she covered her mouth to yawn, Katya chuckled.
“Go to sleep, if you’re tired,” Katya insisted.
“But- but it’s our first night together. We should be having wild, crazy sex on top of your Matryoshka dolls!”
“Shh, you’ve been watching too much 50 Shades of Gray. Go to bed,” Katya whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. Trixie felt so warm and content.  
“No, I’m just gonna…” Trixie yawned again. “Rest my eyes.”
Those were some famous last words. Without even seeing the first scene of whatever movie Katya had decided on, Trixie fell into a deep, peaceful slumber.
In her dreams, she was back on the plane, but this time there was no one there except her and Katya. They were piloting it alone in space, hurtling through space together, and Trixie didn’t want to share their flight with anyone else. Mine all mine.
Morning Full of Contact
What time was it? Trixie’s internal clock was all fucked up. When she opened her eyes, the morning sun was lazily filtering through the cracks in the thick curtains. It felt like she’d woken up in a different life.
Katya let out a puff of air by her ear and shifted, her hard cock pressing against Trixie’s hip. After so much innocent cuddling, this was exactly what Trixie needed. She carefully rolled onto her side so her ass was flush against Katya. She experimentally rocked back, grinding against Katya’s cock. She held her breath, waiting for a reaction. Nothing. She tried again, firmer this time. Her panties were growing wet.
“Mh,” Katya mumbled behind Trixie, stirring in her sleep.
Her hand gripped Trixie’s hip and she pushed up against Trixie.
“Wake up, baby,” Trixie teased, arching her back to push up into her.
Katya groaned, eyes fluttering open, as she unconsciously rutted forward into Trixie’s ass. Oh god, that friction was everything.
Trixie liked how Katya’s breath was hot against her neck. Her fiancee’s large hand curled around her stomach, purposefully pressing her in closer.
“Is this how girls say ‘good morning’ in America?” Katya whispered in her ear. Her Russian accent became more pronounced when she was horny. Trixie whimpered at the combination of that low, vibrating voice and that hard bulge against her ass.
“Russians say ‘privyet,’ and Americans silently grind,” Trixie giggled, feeling ridiculous. Katya laughed along with her and pressed a kiss against the curve of her neck. The vibrations of her laughter made Trixie shiver in excitement.
She’d fucked girls and a couple of boys before. They’d all been hard quickly so that her uncle wouldn’t walk in. They’d all been sloppy and hurried so that she could get back to class. They’d all been unsatisfying.
But Katya? Somehow, her slow, lingering touch was everything that Trixie had been waiting for. She’d been waiting for someone who would hold her close and love her like she needed.
“Shouldn’t we wait for marriage?” Trixie continued to tease as Katya slowly sucked down on her neck. Trixie happily moaned at the pressure of Katya’s lips and the tightening grip around her hips.
“Too long,” Katya growled, Russian accent thick and sexy, as she continued to rub herself against Trixie’s ass.
“Two hours is too long?”
Katya slipped one cold hand under Trixie’s pajama top to curl her fingers around her breast: “Too long.”
Trixie, desperate to feel Katya’s skin against her’s, kicked off her pajama bottoms and shimmied off her top. She needed to feel her naked cock against her, wanted it pressed against the cleft of her ass. Trixie was now naked except for a pair of lacey panties, but Katya still had on all of her clothes. How frustrating.
“It’s rude to have more clothes on than your guests.”
“Is this peculiarity of American culture?” Katya asked as her long fingers dipped down to tug at the elastic of Trixie’s panties. She was so wet, and the tugging motion made her squeeze her thighs together. Fuck.
“No, it’s a universal rule,” Trixie said as she turned around to kiss Katya’s lips. They were soft and gentle, and Katya still tasted like cinnamon.
Katya’s fingertips moved under her panties to gently rub against her. Trixie whined at the teasing.
“Well, we have our own rule here in Russia.”
“Oh?” Trixie panted as Katya’s fingers pushed inside of her wetness, and she jerked her hips up against Katya’s hard cock. Their movements were getting more frantic, more frenzied. Trixie bit her lip as she felt herself edging closer and closer.
“Ъерись дружно, не будет гурузною,” Katya said, and it was the first time that Trixie had ever heard her speak in Russian. The low, harsh sounds on Katya’s tongue sounded so fucking sexy. She’d never thought something you couldn’t understand could make you horny, but, fuck, it did.
“Translate,” Trixie whined as she continued to rock her hips, the lace of her panties wet. Katya two fingers were rocking so slowly and sweetly inside of her.
“Many hands,” Katya slowly whispered as she slipped another finger in her. “Make light work.”
“Then how come I’m making you harder?”
“That’s your ass not your hands,” Katya chuckled lowly as she pushed down her own sweats. Trixie gasped as Katya dragged the length of her bare cock against her ass. She could feel the slickness of precum. Sweat dripped down her neck. Everything was slow and sensual.
More, Trixie thought as she desperately rut back into Katya’s hardness. Katya spread Trixie’s legs apart and then positioned herself right in between her thighs. The head of Katya’s cock pushed up against her soaking panties.
Trixie was trembling, sweating.
Katya thrust up against her one more time, and then she was coming all over her thighs in sticky, white streaks. It was the sight of herself all covered in Katya’s cum that pushed Trixie over the edge. She came with a helpless, little whimper.
“Fuck, th-that was-” Trixie stammered. “Amazing.”
“And who said I was done?” Katya said with a wicked, little smirk, and Trixie loved this side to her.
Then Katya was pushing Trixie up against the pillows of her bed. Trixie bit her lip as she looked down at Katya, settling in between her legs. Oh god, her cheekbones looked so sharp, and her cheeks were still flushed red.
Trixie eagerly spread her legs wider, thighs still covered in cum. Katya grabbed the elastic waistband of her panties and slowly dragged them down. Trixie felt so overstimulated and sensitive that just the slight puff of Katya’s breathe made her toes curl against the fur covers.
“You know for a Russian…you don’t seem to be rushing,” Trixie said as Katya slowly licked her thighs. It was so erotic and kinky for Katya to clean up her own cum, and the wet drag of Katya’s tongue made Trixie whimper.
“And for an American, you never shut up…oh wait, this is to be expected,” Katya teased as she pressed an open mouth kiss against Trixie’s inner thigh. It had only been a minute, but Katya’s meticulous licking and teasing had had left Trixie squirming for more. She could feel herself getting wetter and wetter. 
Katya looked up at her through her dark lashes and purred, “Do you know how to say ‘please’ in Russian?”
“Oh my god, this is sex not a language lesson.”
“It could be both,” Katya said slowly as she pressed the softest kiss against Trixie’s folds.
“Give me a hint,” Trixie begged. “And by hint I m-mean tell me how to say it.”
“Пожалуйста,” Katya instructed carefully, massaging Trixie’s wet thighs with her big hands, squeezing them with her fingertips. Trixie rolled up her hips, desperate.
She repeated the word, the Russian heavy against her tongue, and she couldn’t get her mouth to curve against the syllables properly. But judging by the sharp intake of Katya’s breath, she might have been doing something right.
“Good,” Katya praised and leaned in to softly lick her. The wet drag of her tongue up Trixie made her eyes flutter. She was just coming down from the high of one orgasm, and now Katya’s skilled tongue was pushing her closer and closer to another one. Katya was licking her open in long, languid strokes.
Trixie squeezed her thighs around Katya’s face, twisting her ankles together behind Katya’s shoulders. She was coming apart in tiny whimpers and moans. She had one hand around her breast and the other pushing Katya’s head further down.
“Oh, g-god, Katya,” Trixie moaned, back arching, as she came again.
“What do you think of the Mother Russian tongue?”
“I think,” Trixie panted. “If you ever say the word ‘mother’ in bed, I’m kicking you out.”
“Moooother, I’m being kicked out of bed again.”
Trixie tried to shove her, but Katya caught her arm, and they somehow just ended up making out. Trixie would never get enough of this.
Two Hours Since Sexual Contact
Trixie was sober, but she was howling with laughter like she was drunk. The wedding dress had fit perfectly, everywhere except her breasts, so Katya, dressed now like Brian, was carefully pulling back the straps and pinning them down. The sight of her soon-to-be wife back in a fancy suit with a delicate, sewing needle in her hands was too much. What was her life?
“I’m going to prick you if you keep laughing,” Katya warned.
“I know something you could prick me with.”
“I’m serious, Trixie, these needles are very sharp.”
“I always knew you were gonna be the death of me,” Trixie giggled into her hands. It wasn’t that funny, but she was just in such a good mood.
Everything that had seemed so strange last night became familiar in the morning light. The Matryoshka dolls smiled down at her. The moose head didn’t seem so sullen. She ran her hands over the tapestry on the wall as she waited for Katya to finish.
“Is it weird that this feels like home already?”
“Yes,” Katya replied, never one to bullshit.
“Call me unpatriotic then, because I never felt like I had a place in America. It was a country full of strangers, but I felt like the strange one,” Trixie confessed. Katya was silent, listening.
“I always felt like there was something more for me. More than just that the grocery story and my uncle and the girl at the back of the liquor store, who’d eat you out for twenty bucks. I felt like I was suffocating there in Texas, but here in Moscow,” Trixie took a deep breath and exhaled. “I can breathe again.”
Katya leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss to the side of her neck, over the hickey from the morning, and she wrapped her arms around Trixie. Trixie leaned back into the touch and closed her eyes. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, just breathing.
Then Katya did Trixie’s makeup (“Since you don’t wear any”) and pinned Trixie’s hair into an elegant up do. Trixie stretched on long, satin gloves, and a fur coat. When she twirled around, she felt like a princess.
“Wait,” Katya took Trixie’s hand and pressed something into her palm. “Finishing touch.”
Trixie gasped as she held the delicate, diamond necklace.
“I don’t like diamond rings- always getting lost or misplaced. Do you like? We could always go back and get the jeweler to make you something else-”
She threw her hands around Katya and kissed her quiet. Trixie had never owned something so valuable in her life. Trixie had never worn any jewels worth more than a hundred bucks.
“It’s perfect,” Trixie said when she really meant you’re perfect.
She couldn’t stop touching it. Trixie loved the weight of it against her neck, and the way it dipped down just above her collarbones. She loved the possessive, sparkle in Katya’s eyes whenever she looked at Trixie wearing it.
They drove to the station to fill out the marriage forms. It was an hour of boring bureaucratic bullshit, but, side by side with Katya, it didn’t matter. Trixie rested her head against Katya’s shoulder.
“I’m too pretty today to waste away doing paperwork.”
“Alright, Cinderella,” Katya teased, winking at her. “I have something fun planned.”
“More fun than filling out forms?”
“A little.”
It turns out Katya had hired a photographer. Trixie felt so small and lovely with Katya’s big hands around her waist. Trixie thrust out her chest, proud of the sparkling necklace that rested there.
The man grunted ‘good, good’ and pointed them towards the frozen waterfall. Trixie gathered up her skirts so they wouldn’t drag in the snow. She gasped as Katya literally swept her off her feet.
“I do feel like Cinderella now,” Trixie giggled. “This is my storybook wedding, right?”
“Only if I can be your crossdressing prince.”
They spent fifteen more minutes laughing and posing as the photographer snapped shots. Children waved at them. Trixie waved back and tried to spot Adore’s pigtails, but the loud mouthed girl was nowhere to be seen.
Just then Katya’s face darkened. When she tightened her jaw like that, she looked much more like Brian than Katya.
Before Trixie could ask, two well groomed ladies approached them with their tiny poodles. They both had on mink coats and faces like they’d smelled something horrible.
“Privyet, Phi Phi. Privyet, Betty,” Katya said like there was a gun to the back of her head.
They burst into rapid Russian, each taking turns squeezing Brian’s arm and casting evil looks at Trixie. Their dogs yipped at her, and Trixie jumped back, almost slipping on the snow.
“It’s not polite to speak about my wife, Trixie, like she’s not there.”
The taller one gave her a hard once over: “Ve vhere just vondering vhy did you paint her face like that?”
“It’s hard vhen canvas is poor to paint pretty,” the smaller one quipped. “It’s not Brian’s fault.”
Trixie self consciously crossed her arms.
“Ladies, пожалуйста-”
Trixie recognize the word for ‘please’ from her language lesson this morning. She wished they would ‘please’ stop and go away.
“And vhy are you going to Америке for bride when there are so many Russian voman?” Betty continued, voice nasally and harsh.
“So many!”
“Are you educated at university?” Betty turned sharply to Trixie.
“Ve could have set you up with someone who had big, Russian brains and breasts and beauty. A real voman not a child,” Betty pressed, not-so subtly running her hands over her own ample chest. Trixie wondered how that corset could hold together so much bullshit.
Still, the words stung like sharp darts into her fragile ego. Trixie deflated as they continued on and on, switching back to Russian and then to English. Katya just stood there, with her jaw locked, taking the abuse.
“It’s Hollywood making you think you need to go outside Russia. Phah! What do Americans have? Corrupting men’s brains with sexual fantasies about other men and children.”
Oh, great, now they’re going to start ranting about the liberal media, Trixie thought with a mental groan. How was it that two woman from Moscow sounded just like her Uncle, who had never set a “foot outta fertile, Texan soil?” The small-minded talk made Trixie’s stomach turn.
Brian took Trixie’s hand: “I would never want to marry someone like you, бля́ди, when I already have the most beautiful woman in the world.”
The two ladies gasped and clutched their furs, and Trixie didn’t need google translate to tell her Katya had just called them bitches. Wow, now that took some balls!
Katya grabbed Trixie’s hand and led her away.
“My crossdressing prince,” Trixie sniffled.
Trixie didn’t want to cry, but when they were back in the car, a couple of stupid tears dripped down her face anyways. Trixie cursed and tried to wipe them away. She knew Betty and Phi Phi were just jealous, but it still hurt. Trixie didn’t have a college degree or a perfect figure or know how to speak Russian. She was just some small, town girl from America that had gotten lucky.
“M-maybe they’re right,” she whispered as she wiped her cheeks. “I don’t deserve you.”
“No, don’t listen to them. Those Bitter Betties have been after me for years and years,” Katya tried to reassure her.
Trixie played with the diamond necklace between her gloved fingertips. It felt too tight around her throat. She felt like she couldn’t breathe.
“I- I don’t deserve any of this, and you’re going to get bored of me and send me back. You’ll find some beautiful, busty Russian, who knows how to do her face and cook and clean and- and” Trixie had worked herself up even more so that now she was sobbing.
“Shhh, Trixie, no-”
“I don’t want to go back to America. Please don’t make me go back. Please. How do you say that in Russian? I-I can’t remember. I have nowhere to go. Don’t send me back-”
“Trixie, no one’s sending you anywhere,” Katya said firmly as she took Trixie’s hands and squeezed. Trixie pressed her forehead against Katya’s, trying to swallow back the fear.
“I wanted you because I knew you’d see the real me. In fact, you’re the only person in the fucking world who knows who I really am. Everyone at work? They see Brian. You don’t. You see the truth.”
Trixie wiped her eyes, embarrassment now washing over her after her meltdown. “Ugh, I must’ve ruined my makeup.”
“You still look beautiful, and we’re already done with pictures, so it doesn’t matter.”
“Can we go home then?” Trixie asked, linking her arm with Katya’s.
Thirty Minutes After Marital Contract
“I left a wedding gift on the bed,” Katya said.
Trixie’s heart skipped a beat when she saw the large box resting on the comforter.
“Open it while I get changed.” Katya pressed a kiss to her cheek and disappeared into the bathroom.
Trixie carefully undid the bow. Lying inside was a tiny, lace thong and a skimpy negligee. They were both a creamy off-white, like slutty re-imaginings of her wedding dress.
With a smirk, Trixie began undoing her wedding dress. She was careful not to let it pool on the ground, instead hanging it carefully in the closet. As she moved back towards the bed, she kicked off her underwear and undid her bra so she could change into the sexy set Katya had given her.
That wasn’t all that was in the box, though. Underneath the lingerie was some sort of harness. Trixie picked it up and inspected it closely. There were leg holes, most likely, and also a metal ring. Huh?
Before she could wonder any more, the bathroom door opened. Katya stood in the doorway with a full face of makeup and loose, flowing hair, which fell over her racy, red lingerie.
“You look gorgeous,” Katya breathed. The sight of her made Trixie’s stomach flutter.
“Right back atcha, wifey,” Trixie replied as she held up the harness in her hand. “But, uh, you want me to put this thing on?”
Katya shifted and looked at the carpet: “Uh, yeah, if you could.”
“This is for a strap on, right?” Trixie pressed, and Katya flushed a deep red. This wasn’t Trixie’s first time with a toy like this, though. She stepped into the harness and tightened it around her thick hips.
“Yeah, I um, I have the, uh, other part in the dresser,” Katya stammered. Trixie hadn’t seen her like this before. She crossed the room and took Katya’s hands.
“You sound nervous, baby. What’s wrong?”
“I’m not nervous, I’ve just…” Katya let out a breath. “I’ve never done this before?”
Trixie blinked. “How about this morning?”
“That doesn’t count, that was just rubbing. This is actual penetration.” Katya’s hands were sweaty in Trixie’s grip. “I’ve never let anyone…inside of me.”
“Don’t worry, gorgeous…I’ll be gentle,” Trixie promised with a smirk, and Katya gratefully leaned in to kiss her.
Katya looked so lovely in her luxurious, blonde wig. Trixie appreciatively ran her hands down Katya’s sides and then rested it over the bulge in her red panties.
“So are you my little, wife now?” Trixie teased as she rubbed Katya’s cock through the lace.
“Mhm,” Katya played along. “You going to take care of me on our honeymoon? Be the honey to my moon?”
Trixie giggled as she rubbed the heel of her hand against Katya: “You’re so weird.”
Then she pressed Katya back against the bed. Trixie loved the way Katya’s hard, lean body felt against her soft curves. She wrapped her legs around Katya waist and slowly shifted, smirking as she saw how hard Katya was squirming.
Trixie leaned down, so her lips were right next to Katya’s ear: “You want me inside you, baby? Need me to spread open your pretty cheeks and finger you like you need? Hm?”
Katya only whimpered, so Trixie continued.
“Bet you’ve been waiting so long for me to stretch you open, baby. So wet and desperate for me. So needy.”
Trixie kissed her lips and then went to the drawer where she found the lube sitting right on top.
“Turn around. Want you on all fours,” Trixie ordered, and Katya immediately obeyed. Trixie got a rush from the power from bossing the usually powerful Russian around.  
Trixie pulled down Katya’s panties and slicked up her fingers with lube, and then gently rubbed them against Katya’s rim. Katya made a little, whining noise and desperately thrust her hips back.  
“Shhh,” Trixie soothed as she pushed one finger inside. Katya’s toes curled.
Trixie felt herself getting wet as she pushed another finger inside Katya, scissoring her open. She loved watching Katya’s face and how she parted her lips like she’d never felt anything this good before.
“Should I go slower?”
“Faster,” Katya growled, Russian accent more pronounced. She desperately canted her hips up into Trixie’s fingers.  
“Steady,” Trixie warned as she slipped in a third finger and gripped her. Katya’s ass was smaller than hers but firmer. Trixie grasped it. Hard.
Katya’s body was all hard edges, but, under Trixie’s soothing touch, she softened. It was so intimate to feel Katya like this, to touch her where nobody else had.
“You’re doing so good, baby” Trixie praised in her ear and Katya keened at her words.
Trixie felt her thighs becoming moist as she watched Katya start to break under her. She almost wanted to finish her off like this, curling her fingers inside of her and pressing until Katya came so hard she wouldn’t be able to walk. But this was their wedding night, Katya deserved something more intimate.
“Where’s the other part?” Trixie asked, slowing her fingers. Katya pushed back against her, trying to chase the pace Trixie had set.
“It’s in the drawer on the left,” Katya breathed. Trixie pressed a kiss to her lower back as she pulled her fingers out.
“On your back, baby,” Trixie instructed before climbing off the bed. In the drawer was the final piece to the toy - the dildo itself. It was short, for a dildo’s standards. Though, it had a nice girth to it. It was also a lovely pale pink, perfect for Trixie.
Trixie stroked her fingers around the length as she attached it to the harness. Katya was watching her, over her shoulder, with half hooded eyes.
“Ready?” Trixie asked, running her fingers down Katya’s torso. She rubbed the toy against the curve of Katya’s ass. Trixie liked the way it easily slid against Katya’s lubricated skin, ready to sink inside her.
“Any slower, a-and we’d start to go backwards.”
“Don’t wanna be a rushing Russian.”
“Stupid,” Katya laughed and then sharply inhaled as Trixie pushed inside her. Trixie steadied Katya with her hands on her hips as the toy entered her. Trixie was as gentle as she could, careful not to force it in. It was thicker than Trixie’s fingers, but Katya easily pushed back.
“Trixie,” Katya moaned, voice breaking.
“Shhh, that’s it, baby. That’s it.”
“You feel so good,” Katya gasped. “Better than I ever imagined.”
“You haven’t felt anything yet,” Trixie promised. She pulled her hips back then pushed forward, making Katya whine.
“Now who’s being a tease,” Katya said through gritted teeth.
“I don’t want to rush my Russian,” Trixie laughed.
She pressed a kiss to Katya’s shoulder and started thrusting shallowly. Although the toy was fake, it felt like an extension of Trixie. She feel it pressing against her pelvis as she moved her hips, an ever present weight. It was intimate in a way Trixie wasn’t expecting. Even though it wasn’t a part of her that was fucking Katya, there was so much more to it. Their chests were flush against each other, and Katya’s eyes were trusting as she stared up at her. This was so much more than the hurried fucking she did back in America.
“Faster, please,” Katya pleaded. Her lids were hooded, and her lips were parted in a sweet, little ‘o’. Her hands dug into Trixie’s shoulders as her pace quickened.
“So needy,” Trixie laughed. It was so hot fucking her wife open like this. Trixie gripped Katya’s thigh and pulled it around her waist, bringing them closer. Always closer.
“It feels so good,” Katya groaned. Katya looked more and more out of it the faster and harder Trixie went. Her eyes were glassy, like she was far away. The flexing of her fingers was the only thing that let Trixie know she was still grounded.
“Is this everything you’d hope it would be?” Trixie asked. She reached up to tuck a piece of hair behind Katya’s ear. God, she was so lucky. Katya kissed her and nodded.
“S-so close.”
“I’ll bring you there, baby, I’ve got you.”
Trixie sank down with a kiss, thrusting into Katya, She could feel Katya’s hard cock pressed against her own tummy.
Trixie leaned down to whisper against her lips: “Such a needy girl, aren’t you? Need me to fuck you like this, huh?”
Katya wrapped her legs tighter around Trixie’s back, moaning, and came untouched, with a sharp gasp. Trixie kissed her as the cum splattered all over her stomach.
Trixie pulled out of Katya, still dripping wet herself. She ran her hands down her cum-splattered chest and then licked her fingertips.
“Taste so good, baby,” Trixie purred. “Need you now just like you need me.”
She stood and sensually slipped the strap-on off. It had left red marks on her skin. Trixie rubbed the sore strap marks and then herself. Oh god, Trixie was aching for it.
Katya’s cock was spent, so Trixie crawled up the blonde’s chest instead, so she was right above her parted lips. She lowered herself down, so Katya’s hot breath was curling against her wetness. Katya gave her a tentative kitten lick.
“Any slower?” Trixie mocked, echoing Katya’s earlier words.
Katya reached up to grip her hips: “Give me a second to breathe- yes?”
“Breathe later.”
Trixie moved down, and she was down around Katya’s face. She moaned as Katya licked her, throwing her head back.
“I’ve never fucked someone I was married to,” Trixie giggled, words escaping from her parted lips. Or someone I cared about.
Katya pushed her back- “I’d hope not.”
Trixie moved down again, so Katya’s tongue was deep inside her again. She had no will power. Trixie needed to ride it out.
“K-katya,” Trixie gasped as she squeezed her thick thighs around Katya’s face, desperate for more.
Trixie came with a loud groan.
“If I knew married sex was this good, I would have gotten married years ago.”
Katya rolled onto her stomach: “Mh, glad you waited for me, and my grand internet proposal.”
“Is that your life motto- propose quick and fuck slow?” Trixie teased, stealing another kiss.
“And what if it was? What would that make me, huh?”
One Week After Marital Contact
They fucked once in the morning and usually once at night, unless they fell asleep watching cartoons. They fucked in the kitchen and on the washing machine. Between the sheets and in the shower. They fucked slowly and then furiously.  
The sex was only a small part of it though. Trixie started to become a part of this foreign world.
She easily bade Katya ‘poka’ in the mornings, sweetly grabbing her by the tie and kissing her. She told her ‘privyet’ when she came back home, proudly holding up a plate of (slightly misshapen) blinchiki. She listen to Katya’s stories of corrupt coworkers, sitting on her knee, and interjecting with ‘shto???’ at the right moments.
Trixie, despite her promise to explore the world, found herself trapped. She paced the rooms and named the objects to herself in Russian, She beat the rugs, polished the Matrushka, and tried to keep her mind busy with Language Learning Lab exercises.
Still, she sat by the window, watching the snow fall, and imagined going out.
“You’re not a prisoner,” Katya sighed as she saw Trixie gazing one morning.
“Then why do I feel like one?”
“Go out then, Trixie! Go and explore Moscow. You have the credit card I gave you?”
“Da,” Trixie nodded as she leaned up to adjust Katya’s tie. She still didn’t want to leave without Katya. Her Russian was broken and embarrassing.
Instead, she dusted their marriage photo on the mantle and changed the sheets. Trixie collapsed on the couch and flipped through Russian channels, settling on the cartoons because she could understand them the most.
Trixie saw her bag, the only thing she’d taken with her from America, pushed under the sofa. She picked it up and started to clean out old receipts and a piece of crumpled paper…
It was the drawing Adore had made for her on the plane! And at the bottom was an address! Scribbled on the side was ‘so you can teach me to dance.’
Trixie smiled and hugged it to her chest. She changed into a new, pink dress Katya had bought her. She pinned up her hair like she saw the girls do in Moscow. Katya had also given her a faux-fur coat.
She kissed her diamond necklace for good luck and set off into the world. Cars raced past, turning the snow into slush. Trixie let out an excited puff of white air. Everything was so new and exciting. Why hadn’t she left sooner?
Trixie pressed her hands against shop windows. She had a credit card in her purse and could buy anything in the world! It was nothing like being in America, where the poverty and heat of Texas was all she’d ever known.
Couples passed her, jabbering in Russian, and Trixie thought of Katya, stuck in an office chair and a suit she hated. Trixie was so grateful for her.
Trixie didn’t stop at any stores though. She kept going until she’d found Adore’s address, a huge mansion.
She knocked on the door.
“Privyet,” Trixie told the redheaded woman who answered. “Gde…um…Gge Adore?”
The lady muttered something in Russian and then called Adore’s name, voice echoing throughout the house. Trixie shifted in her boots and wished that she’d let Katya do her makeup this morning. It always looked better when she did it.
“Shto?” Came a petulant whine.
Adore’s face popped out, and her eyes widened when she saw Trixie. She threw her hands around her waist and then said something in rapid Russian to the toad-like woman.
“What did you say?” Trixie asked as she took off her coat and came inside.
“I told Ms. Ginger you were my dance instructor,” Adore said with with mischievous grin. “Come on- I want to show you something.”
She took her to what looked like a studio filled to the brim with dresses.
“What’s this?”
“My daddy’s private sewing room. He loves to make dresses for me and my Mommy. I wanted him to make some for you, but he didn’t know your measurements.”
Adore picked up a ruler and started to ‘measure’ Trixie.
“How’s your wife? Exactly how you’d pictured?”
Trixie bit her lip: “Mh, maybe a little different.”
“Good different or bad different?”
“Good. Definitely good.”
Once Adore had taken her measurements they went to her playroom, which was a whole room of toys, to change into her dancing clothes.
“Wait- you can’t teach me here, Trixie.”
“Let’s go to the dance studio in the basement.”
And Trixie had thought Katya was rich? Mr. Haylock and his wife were clearly rolling in it.
Trixie had danced for fiteen years, so she still remembered enough to show Adore all the ballet positions. The studio had a bar and full length mirrors. For the first time in forever, Trixie found herself smiling back at her own face.
“What did Ginger mean dance instructor? We fired Laganja last-”
Roy’s face changed from frustration to relief when he saw Trixie.
“Oh, privyet, Mr. Haylock! Adore and I were just finishing up,” Trixie said. “I-I’m not charging you guys anything for this, so don’t worry.”
“I’m paying her with Russian lessons,” Adore whispered.
Roy only smiled and gave her a hug. Trixie wasn’t sure what she’d done to deserve it, but she patted his back. Then they went to have borscht. Trixie had gotten accustomed to the red beet soup, though she didn’t quite like it. Adore made a face.
“Finish all of your borscht, Adore Delano Haylock, and I’ll give you ice cream.” 
Trixie laughed as Adore shoveled it down by the spoon fulls. It’d been so long since she’d talked with other people, besides Katya. Everything they did or said made Trixie’s eyes light up.
“Thank you again,” Roy whispered as Adore went with Ginger to get ice cream. “This means so much to her. She loves dance but kept firing all the Russian instructors Courtney had found her. I think she’s still angry that we moved?”
“I didn’t love America. Hated it on the good days, but…” Trixie bit her lip. “You can’t help miss the only thing you’ve ever known.”
“Adore says you have a wife-”
“Husband. Well…uh, I mean,” Trixie stumbled around. “It’s a little complicated.”
“I’d love to have you and your complicated spouse over for dinner.”
Adore ran back with a big bowl of ice cream, which she gave to Trixie: “Pinkie promise you’ll come back tomorrow? I didn’t get time to teach you the alphabet yet!”
Trixie gave her a hug and ‘pinkie promised.’ Ginger gave her a ride back to the apartment, and Trixie tried to speak to her in broken Russian, until the lady finally snapped and told Trixie she spoke English. Even that couldn’t bring down Trixie’s mood.
She made them omelettes for dinner and hummed the dance tune. When Katya came home, instead of the usual ‘privyet,’ Trixie threw herself around her.
“Wow, someone had a good day?” Katya laughed and kissed her. “What happened?”
How was it in Texas that she’d forced herself to forget dance, to bury that dream, but in Russia she felt liberated? She wished that Katya could be as free here as she did.
She leaned her head against Katya’s, trying to tell her all that telepathically. Instead, she said- “I think I’ve found myself a job as a dance teacher. I’m just getting paid in Russian lessons, but it’s worth it.”
“That’s my smart wife!” Katya exclaimed. “So proud of you. You’ll be ready for this dinner party in a week, da?”
“Are all those bitter Bettys going to be there?”
“They can’t hurt you,” Katya promised.
“But they’ll try their best.”
Dinner Party From Hell
In their first contact, Katya had messaged her- ‘I have an important dinner party in two weeks, and I need a wife to advance in the social ladder.’
So…this was it.
Trixie was in an elegant gown that Roy (thanks to Adore’s begging) had designed for her. The silhouette of the purple gown accentuated Trixie’s curves. She felt like a Hollywood starlet.
She mouthed the polite Russian phrases that she’d learned over and over again, but she had such a shitty memory.
“Relax,” Katya whispered as she adjusted Trixie’s diamond necklace.  “You’re going to be brilliant, baby. All you have to do is laugh at their shitty jokes and look like a goddess, which you do-”
“Wow, way to make me feel like some plastic accessory,” Trixie snapped. The nerves were getting to her.
“Alaska is the only one you really have to impress. She’s Aaron’s wife, and he’ll listen to Alaska’s opinion.”
“I know! Alaska is the name you keep saying every day,” Trixie muttered. “Alaska this and Alaska that.”
Katya pulled her in by the waist, as if to kiss her, but whispered instead: “Shhh, relax.”
Trixie couldn’t relax. She felt as though all the Russian she’d learned was slipping from her mind. Trixie tapped her foot the whole car ride to the restaurant. Her anxiety made her have to go, further adding to her discomfort.
She’d pictured Alaska to be another Russian hag, but she was gorgeous. She looked like she belonged on an advertisement for luxurious hotels. Her dress was made of nothing but Swarovski Crystals, but her gleaming eyes were her best accessory.
“Privyet, Katya!” Alaska beamed and kissed both cheeks before turning to her. “Privyet, Trixie.”
She’d almost forgotten how to say hello. The words caught in her throat. Aaron, suave in a suit, firmly shook both of their hands. The two of them looked like the poster children for ‘Russian Lifestyles.’
“And…how are you?” Alaska asked in heavily accented English.
“Хорошо,” Trixie replied even though she really meant terrible.
“Oh, wow. Your Russian is so good,” Alaska praised, but her tight lips seemed to suggest otherwise.
Trixie’s heart clenched as Alaska walked over to the other wives. They were all speaking in rapid Russian with diamond rings on their hands big enough to be paper weights. Each of them glanced at Trixie like she was a lost maid. But she only had to impress Alaska, right? So who gave a shit what they thought? 
She tried to say in Russian: “What are we having for dinner?”
Alaska just stared at her until she felt stupid for even trying. Trixie crossed her hands. Katya was talking to Aaron, glancing over at her, and Trixie gave a weak smile, which didn’t reach her eyes.
Trixie shifted uncomfortably. The constant nervousness was not helping her bladder. She really had to pee, but didn’t want to ask Alaska where the bathroom was. While Aaron was briefly greeting another guest, Katya pointed her to the ‘туалет.’
She went to the bathroom and locked the door. Could she just stay here all night?
Trixie turned on her phone as she sat down on the toilet. She had two missed messages from Roy.
Can you come over for dinner? -R
Adore really wanted to meet your spouse -R
Maybe tomorrow -T
At a dinner party rn -T
Have a fun night! -R
If I make it through this night, Trixie thought. She didn’t know how to fit in with these Bitter Bettys. She didn’t know what to say or how to say it.
Trixie went back to find the table covered in cold platters. Where was the bread bowl? All she could see were pickle slices and fish eggs. Her stomach turned.
Katya protectively rested her arm behind Trixie’s shoulder, and she gratefully leaned in.
‘I want to go home’, Trixie wanted to say.
“How much longer?” She asked instead.
“Just until dessert.”
But dessert didn’t come until after the first course of potatoes and the second course of meat and the third course of more fucking meats. There was food everywhere, but nothing Trixie wanted to eat. Everyone was talking, but she was staring at her phone, wishing she could disappear.
Alaska leaned across the table: “Trixie- vhere are you from?”
“Uh, Texas? A little town.”
“And how do you like Russia?”
Trixie tried to think of how to say ‘it’s beautiful’ in Russian, but the phrase slipped her mind. She opened her mouth and then closed it, feeling dumb.
“Snow,” Trixie finally sputtered out instead.
Alaska laughed, but it sounded more like she was laughing at Trixie then with her. She played with Aaron’s tie as she leaned in and whispered something into his ear. Aaron snickered.  
Wow, way to be subtle, Trixie thought as she crossed her arms.
When they came home that night, Trixie buried her face into Katya’s neck and cried. She felt like she’d failed her.
“You just asked me to do one thing a-and I couldn’t,” Trixie sobbed. “Just ship my dumb ass back to America.”
“Shhh, no one’s being shipped anywhere. Stop saying that. You tried your best, and that’s all I care about.”
Katya drew them a hot, bubble bath, and Trixie relaxed into her arms. Here, at least, she felt safe.
“I didn’t bring you here just for that stupid party, Trixie,” Katya reassured her. “There’ll be more and more of those.”
“Then why did you?”
“Because I wanted to share my truth with someone. Someone who wouldn’t judge me like they all do.”
Trixie sniffled: “Judgmental bitches are universal, huh?”
“Except you, Trixie. You don’t judge me.”
“Stop saying things like that,” Trixie giggled as she gathered bubble up between her fingertips. “It’ll just make me fall in love with you.”
The Dinner Party From Heaven
Katya shifted in her dress, adjusting the silver straps, and Trixie kissed her. Despite her nerves, Katya seemed much more comfortable in heels than dress shoes.
“Are you sure they won’t care?”
Trixie squeezed Katya’s hands: “Don’t you trust me?”
Trixie smacked her arm playfully then pressed a careful kiss to her lips, making sure not to smudge their makeup.
“They all know about you already, and they don’t care. Adore just really wants to meet you.”
Katya smiled softly.
“Why does she want to meet me so bad? Is it because you’re constantly gushing about me?”
“Mhm, constantly,” Trixie assued. “My beautiful, rich wife who rescued me from America. It’s like a fairytale.”
Katya seemed more assured now. With a final check to make sure they had everything they needed, the couple headed out of the house.
When they got to the Haylock’s place, it was the wife who answered the door and not Ginger. She was dripping in jewels as usual, and greeted them with a bright grin and kisses to their cheeks.
“Privyet, it’s so good to finally meet you,” Courtney gushed. “You both look beautiful. Let me take your coats and you can go to the dining room. Adore has been so excited all day.”
They had barely begun shrugging off their jackets when the sound of small feet running through the halls drew their attention. Adore rounded the corner, her eyes lighting up when she saw them.
“Yay, I thought I heard you!” Adore stood by her mother’s side and eyed Katya closely.
“Trixie, I think your wife is prettier than you are,” she said in a serious tone. “I bet she wouldn’t wear sweatpants in public.”
“Adore!” Courtney reprimanded, but Trixie laughed.
“It’s okay. Adore, you didn’t even say hello to Katya. I brought her all the way here so you could finally meet her.”
“Oh, yeah. Privyet, Katya,” Adore said, turning her attention to her. Katya smiled shyly.
“Privyet, Adore, I’ve heard so much about you,” Katya replied.
“Why don’t we continue this in the dining room? Roy’s just finishing up setting the table,” Courtney offered. At the mention of her father Adore perked up and grabbed Trixie’s hand.
“C’mon, my daddy made vegan empanadas, they’re my favorite,” Adore gushed as she pulled Trixie along.
Everything that had gone wrong at Katya’s dinner party seemed to go so right at the Haylock’s. Everyone was at ease, conversation flowing in both Russian and English. It turned out Courtney was a vegan, so Trixie didn’t have to worry about avoiding meat at the dinner table.
Plus, Katya looked so happy. She kept tucking her hair behind her ear and grinning, her posture more at ease. There was no need for her to pretend she was someone she wasn’t here. There was no one to impress. It was just two families gathered together at a table enjoying each other’s company.
As Roy and Courtney got up to go grab the ice cream, Trixie took Katya’s hand under the table and squeezed.
“Are you having a good time?” Trixie asked. Katya leaned in and kissed her softly.
“You have better friends than I do,” Katya replied. “So yes, I’m having a great time.”
“Those aren’t your friends, they’re necessary evils,” Trixie shot back.
“Mh, true. But if it was not for them, I would never have met you. So there is some good that comes out of having to impress them,” Katya replied. Her eyes flickered to Trixie’s necklace, shining proudly between her clavicles.
Katya looked so soft in the low light of the room. Trixie was struck again by how lucky she was. How could such a perfect person want her? Sitting in such an extravagant house, finally feeling free for the first time in her life. It was like a dream.
“How do you say I love you in Russian?” Trixie blurted out.
“Я люблю тебю,” Katya slowly said, and Trixie shivered because she recognized those words from Katya’s late night whispering. These were the words she’d said at three am when she thought Trixie was asleep.
“Ya,” Trixie slowly repeated as she leaned in for a kiss. “Leblue tebyew.”
If Trixie had pronounced it wrong, she’d have a long time to practice.
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lotsofdogs · 7 years
Double Doughnuts and a Visit to the NASCAR Hall of Fame
Hellooo! Another Monday is here and I have a feeling I’m not the only one currently scratching her head wondering how the weekend passed by so quickly… yet again. Phew!
Our weekend kicked off with more of my mini cleaning projects on Friday night. You’re all incredibly jealous, I know. I knocked out sorting and storing Chase’s 9 – 12 month clothes and ended up going through all of our old baby stuff that we either never used or somehow received duplicates of to save for our newest addition, donate or throw away. (Apparently nipple cream expires. Who knew!? I thought that stuff was some kind of thick, oily jelly that lasted for all time.)
We rounded things out with some family time on the couch and watched the last third of the movie Cars 3 on Netflix in preparation for Sunday morning’s activity. (See below!) Ryan and I both agreed the movie was really cute, especially since we had zero expectations for Cars 3 since it’s the third movie in the series. Chase wasn’t the only one who enjoyed watching Lightening McQueen!
Saturday morning began on an active note! I had another baby sprinkle on the agenda for the morning so Ryan and Chase drove into the city to spend the morning at Discovery Place. When they headed off, I made my way to an early-morning boot camp class with my friend Carrie and followed it up with a quick shower before Elisabeth’s sprinkle.
(That onesie was part of a set with a t-shirt for Elisabeth that says, “I’m so tired.” Ha!)
Elisabeth is just shy of two weeks away from her due date with her second baby boy and it was so fun to be able to celebrate baby Miles! Elisabeth and her husband were surprised by the sex of their first baby but opted to find out this time around so I loved talking to her about our reverse situations since we’re doing the opposite! (Side note: I am LOVING not knowing this time! It was kind of hard at first but now it’s way more fun than I anticipated. I can’t think too much about the moment when we officially find out our baby’s sex because I get almost weepy and way too excited. I am a mess.)
The sprinkle was a lot of fun and I could not stop eating piece after piece of the best quiche! The hostess said she made three different kinds of quiche by following Julia Child’s recipes and I basically wanted to dive into the pie plates head first.
While I was at the sprinkle, I had to laugh when I got a few text updates from Ryan because I instantly felt like I was missing out on fun with my two boys despite the fact that I was looking forward to some quality kid-free time with friends all week and truly had such a wonderful time with my girlfriends. I guess that’s motherhood for ya! But come on, just look at these two in their matching outfits:
Love them! 
I arrived back home around 1 p.m. just in time to snuggle up with Chase, read The Cat in the Hat and put him down for his nap. Saturday afternoon was cold and dreary so it was definitely hunker-down-and-cuddle-up-at-home weather and once Chase was napping, I changed into my pajamas and joined Ryan on the couch for some chill time. I ended up flipping through magazines and looking through some blog posts I saved to create our meal plan and grocery list for the week and you better believe one of Julia Child’s quiches will be popping up for us for dinner one evening!
Here’s a quick glimpse at our meal plan for the week ahead:
Monday: Paleo Pizza Spaghetti Pie
Tuesday: Cauliflower Fried Rice
Wednesday: Quiche Lorraine with Side Salads
Thursday: Cauliflower Cream Cheese Soup with Garlic Bread
Friday: Sweet Potato Noodle Bowls with Almond Butter Curry
(Also, this is probably inferred, but while I loosely plan out what meals we’re going to eat on each day of the week, this often changes based on how much time I have to make a certain recipe, what foods need to be used up and what I’m in the mood to eat that evening, etc. It’s a flexible plan for sure!)
The rest of our Saturday centered around snapping some pics for an upcoming blog campaign as well as an evening church service, dinner at home and ice cream on the couch!
Sunday morning was an active one! Chase was up early so the two of us made a large frittata for breakfast while Ryan worked out in our little home gym.
Once we were all fed and happy, we piled into Ryan’s car and drove into the city. We made a quick pit stop at 7th Street Public Market for lattes but couldn’t resist sharing a freshly baked muffin and cinnamon-sugar doughnut at the indoor market as well.
Cinnamon sugar kisses!  
A little after 10 a.m., we headed on to the NASCAR Hall of Fame museum.
We caught wind that an exhibit featuring Lightening McQueen and some of the Cars’ gang was at the museum and since Chase is a big-time Cars fan and we hadn’t been to the museum in more than a year, we figured it was worth another visit!
The exhibit wasn’t overly in depth but it was entertaining enough for a two-and-a-half year old thanks to a giant Lightening McQueen car and a couple of small tables set up with toy race cars that called to Chase and ended up entertaining him for a solid 30 minutes.
Once we left the museum, we made our way to NoDa because, despite the fact that we just shared a doughnut nearly two hours earlier, Ryan insisted I must try the seriously hyped doughnuts from Reigning Doughnuts since I had yet to try them out for myself!
Doughnuts twice in one day? Don’t mind if we do!
By the time we made it home, Chase was ready for lunch and his nap and snoozed away while I worked on the computer and Ryan took Sadie for a walk.
The rest of our Sunday included cleaning, a grocery store run and plenty of playtime around the house.
Chase only has preschool on Wednesday this week (he doesn’t have school today in honor of President’s Day), so I’m not sure what our Monday will hold at the moment. I’m hoping to make it to the gym, visit with some friends for some toddler play time and check a few things off my to-do list! I hope you all have a great Monday!
[Read More ...] https://www.pbfingers.com/double-doughnuts-and-a-visit-to-the-nascar-hall-of-fame/
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healing timeline + tips for recovery (breast explant, lift, and abdominoplasty surgery)
[Warning: the reals + wrinkly stomach pics ahead. Proceed with caution] 
Hi friends! Thank you again for all of your kind wishes and comments on the post about my surgery. I was overwhelmed with all of your support and genuinely appreciate those who took time to leave a comment here, on Instagram, and Facebook. It can always been a little daunting to put yourself out there on social media, especially when you feel vulnerable, and you always wrap me up in kindness and love. Thank you for being so wonderful.
You can read more about why I got my breast implants removed and diastasis recti repaired here. (<— classified as a full abdominoplasty because my ab separation was all the way up, and I had loose skin above and below my belly button.)
While I was recovering, I chipped away at this post with some things that came to mind. There are some tips mixed in with my personal experience, and as always, please remember that only we can make the best decisions for ourselves and our health, with our doctor’s guidance. 
Day 1 (Day of surgery): I’m shaking as my alarm goes off. Quickly, I shower, get dressed (in a plaid shirt and comfy shorts I’ll end up wearing for 2 days), and head with Tom to the surgery center. The Dr marks me up with Sharpie, we take pictures, and before I know it, I’m on the operating table, getting my happy juice before I doze off to Dreamland. My body tends to want to fight off anesthesia, so the second they start “lightening” the amount, I WAKE UP. On the OR table. Every around me assures me that it’s over, but I’m still trying to talk (I have no voice from the tube that was down my throat) and also trying to Hulk myself off the table. (My wrists are strapped down.) I’m pretty sure people wake up in recovery? I was wide awake as they lifted me onto the other roll table thing -I did watch Grey’s Anatomy but my brain isn’t helping me remember what it’s called- and wheeled into the recovery room. Tom comes in to keep me company, and my entire body is shaking from the anesthesia. I tell the nurse that I’m in a lot of pain, and she gives me Demerol. It relaxes me a little TOO much, my blood pressure starts to plummet, and they have to quickly give me fluids. In a few minutes, I’m feeling ok again, and talking to the Dr.
Good thing Tom is there because I can’t remember a single thing we discussed. I just remember my blood pressure crashing, getting the fluids, the shaking/doom feeling going away, and drinking ginger ale. I hadn’t had ginger ale in SO LONG and it’s pretty much the best post-surgery drink ever. So bubbly, sweet, and refreshing.  
We head back to the hotel where a wheelchair is waiting, and straight into bed for a long nap. When I wake up, I’m actually feeling pretty great. I eat some nice and salty gluten-free crackers, drink more ginger ale, and we order room service and watch movies.
My recovery timeline:
Day 2-4: The very hardest days. In the middle of the night after my first day post-op, I wake up in SEARING pain. I’d stayed on top of all of my pain pills and muscle relaxers, and wake up having to count down until my next dose. It was pretty terrible. These couple of days are a blur of naps, reading a bit, and watching movies, in addition to getting up every hour or so (hunched over) to walk around the room for 5 minutes so I can move my legs. (<— Doc suggested this to prevent blood clots, and Tom also has to give me daily Lovenox injections to prevent clots for 7 days.) We order a lot of room service and Postmates, since I don’t end up leaving the hotel room the entire time we’re there.
(I’ve never watched so much TV in my entire life)
We have my post-op appointment on day three, and drive home. We stop every hour and walk around -it’s quite a sight hunched over with my compression socks on- and make it home to madre and the girls. The girls know I have an owie and can’t pick them up yet, and they’re super gentle and sweet. I’m SO thankful my mom can stay with us for two weeks. She and Tom end up doing everything around the house and for Liv and P, while also taking care of me. Every time I think about everything they’re doing, it makes me start to tear up because I feel so overwhelmed with gratitude and how fortunate I am to have them in my life. There’s literally no way I can do anything functional at this point; I need help getting out of bed and shuffle around, either to the kitchen, the bathroom, or back to bed.
Day 5-10: Each day, I start to feel a little bit more *normal* and can stand a little more straight. I spend a lot of time on the couch (the girls can snuggle with me and I’ll read them books or watch movies with them), or in bed taking naps. By this point, I’m starting to get bored, and also missing be able to spend all day going on adventures and playing with the girls. I take a break from my binder and super tight sports bra each night to let everything air out, and massage my belly with arnica gel and coconut oil. We watch a lot of movies, and I sleep a lot. 
Tom also takes the drains out from my breasts, which is intense. It’s almost like minor surgery haha. The doctor showed him how to do it since he wanted to spare us another drive to Atlanta and back, and as soon as the drains are gone, I feel RELIEF. It makes it much easier to move around and take a shower. I still have my belly drain, but 1 drain compared to 3 is pure bliss. 
Day 10, I make the switch to Tylenol because I only have 2 pain pills left -I feel like I need to save them in case the pain gets worse- and it’s kind of a rough day. I’m extra sore and tired. I spend a little more time lying on the couch, snoozing, and taking breaks to walk around and shake my legs out. I’m glad I switch to Tylenol because the pain meds were seriously messing up my stomach. (I won’t go into details but I took probiotics twice a day, Colace 3x a day, ate prunes and drank Smooth Move tea.. and things were still not ok.)
By Day 13: I feel SO much better. I feel more mobile, I’m able to contribute more to our family (I can make quick snacks and meals for the girls.. and for myself) and we took my belly drain out, so I’m drain-free! Taking a shower minus the drains is AMAZING. We head to my post-op appointment and get so much good news. Everything is healing as it should be, and I can start to transition carefully towards move normal activities. I can also ditch the binder and wear Spanx instead (I order a couple of these from Amazon), drink alcohol (YEAH), start to add in gentle walking around the block, and massage everything with Vitamin E. This appointment makes me feel so relieved that everything is doing what it should be.
Week 3: I continue to feel better, but feel tired and swollen by the end of the day. I’m wearing these Spanx during the day, and my binder during the night. I’m surprised by how awesome it feels to have my abs back together. Everything feels like it’s back in place. Before it felt like my stomach was always pushing out. I thought I’d be sad that I can’t work out by this point, but I can’t even imagine going to the gym. (Not that I would go early, but I thought I’d feel good enough that I’d be sad I’d have to wait. Nope. Not even close to feeling ready.) 
Week 4: I’m back into my daily activity levels, and it feels awesome. I’m still walking pretty slowly, and tend to do almost everything in slow motion, but I can take Liv to school and pick her up, make all of the girls’ meals, fold and put away laundry, and get some computer work done without feeling like I need a nap halfway through. I’m still wearing my Spanx (starting to transition to that at night instead of the binder), and my sports bra, and using arnica and coconut oil on my torso. I’m waiting for my surgical glue to come off until I start using the Vitamin E on my incisions.
I take a walk around the block.. in slow motion… and am super tired afterwards.
Week 5: I’m cleared to lift P again, and life changes. I feel like I can do everything I need to do -it was SO HARD to have to bring P to the couch every time she wanted me to pick her up and hold her. She’d have to crawl onto my lap instead- and while I’m still being careful, I’m pumped about it. I start to walk around the block more often, because I’ll be cleared to exercise the next week, and will need to start teaching again the week after that. I feel like I can definitely teach at this point, and will just need to spend way more time coaching than doing the actual exercises.
Week 6: I’m cleared to work out again! The doc said to take it easy to start, and avoid super heavy weight lifting, dedicated core work and insane things for another 6 weeks. For now, I’m just excited to do some jogging and barre. He also says I can stop wearing Spanx 24/7 and just wear it during workouts and if I feel more swollen/puffy that day. This is my first week teaching, and while I only do maybe 10% of the class, it’s really hard. I’ve lost a lot of my strength and flexibility. 
Week 7-8: Since we evacuate to Atlanta to escape Hurricane Irma, I book an appointment just to get everything checked out and have a couple of questions answered. There is a small part on the center of my scar he might revise next year -apparently revision is no big deal and done with local anesthesia and very little downtime, but I’m REALLY hoping it flattens out on its own- as well as two small dog ears. These are hard to avoid, and it’s like a puffy/fatty area at the ends of the incision. I’d prefer to stay far away from a scalpel from now on, so I’m crossing my fingers that I heal well and all of the residual scar puffiness goes the heck away.
The good news is that I’m cleared to lift weights again (wahoo!) and everything is healing as it should be. He gives me some silicone strips to try out for scar healing, so we’ll see how they go. 
From now on, I just hope everything continues to heal well and that I continue to feel better and more normal. <3 
Let’s talk about a few things:
-Pain pills. Whenever I have a medical procedure, I take the pain pills for a couple of days and then wean onto Tylenol instead. I have a pretty high pain tolerance. I ended up needing almost every single pain pill they gave me. I took them for 9 days, and took all of my muscle relaxers, and can’t imagine taking anything less. This recovery stuff is not for the birds.
-Recovery smoothie. I didn’t have much of an appetite for the first few days, but even after I was eating like normal-ish again, I continued to have this smoothie almost every day:
-1 1/2 cups almond milk
-1 scoop vanilla protein 
-1 scoop collagen
-1-2 tablespoons almond butter (or 1 tablespoon almond butter + 1 tablespoon MCT oil)
-1/2 cup frozen cauliflower
-lots of cinnamon
It was so refreshing and was an easy way to pack in a lot of nutrients at once. 
-Drains. I’m in a couple of Facebook groups so I can lurk/learn about these procedures, and so many people would complain about their drains. The first day, I was like, “Why are they complaining? The drains are kind of annoying but not so bad.” By like Day 2, I got it. They were terrible. They ached at night and it was so hard to get comfortable. The sites where the drains came out ached whenever they were bumped or moved, and draining them was just nasty. Thankfully Tom did it for me for at least the first 5 days since he’s not grossed out by that stuff. Something that helped me shower was to get a lanyard, clip the drains to it, and they would just hang around my neck. Showering is terrible for the first couple of weeks. Since I couldn’t lift my arms -I got a lift with my explant- my mom and Tom had to help with washing my hair or scrubbing myself. The things we do.
-Must-haves. Extra sports bra (I had to keep them compressed for 2 weeks after my explant and lift), an extra belly binder to wear while you’re washing the other one, and soft camisoles. The binders are SO itchy, and you can wear a camisole underneath. I also rubbed arnica gel on my stomach (not by the wounds) and top of my chest to help with swelling. I also highly recommend Arnica gel for bruising and swelling. Pineapple contains bromelain, which is also supposed to help with swelling. I didn’t take the bromelain supplements, but made an effort to drink pineapple juice and eat fresh pineapple in the first few days.
I also had this wedge pillow for sleeping in bed and it was clutch. (For tummy tucks, they generally recommend sleeping in a recliner or reclined chair position with knees bent and head/shoulders elevated. We don’t have a recliner, but the wedge pillow was perfect. I just used that with a regular pillow on top, and two pillows under my knees.)
All of my must-haves for each type of recovery are listed at the bottom of this post. 
-Recovery and time sleeping/resting. This is so crucial, and as mamas, it can be SO hard to do. This is why it’s important to enlist help during this time. You don’t want to try to be a hero, do too much, and set yourself up for complications (like fluid build-up or tearing muscle repairs). It’s boring and hard to sit still. Also, I found that even though I was sitting and resting a lot, I didn’t have a ton of mojo to get work done or write. It’s different to be resting when you need to rest compared to resting because it feels good to just chill.
I had a lot of help with the girls since I couldn’t lift P for 5 weeks. Madre was here for the first 2, then we had a babysitter while Tom was at work. The good news is that our babysitters are amazing, so it never felt awkward with them here while I was here. When P was napping and Liv was at school, we’d chat and watch Netflix together. It was SO HARD to not pick up my babies, and childcare backup was expensive, but worth it to avoid complications. The good news is that even though I couldn’t lift the girls, we could still snuggle together. We spent a lot of time on the couch, curled up in a blanket, or I’d sit on the floor and read books or play dolls with them. 
-The roller coaster of emotions. My doctor told me that my muscle repair would hurt so much that I wouldn’t even notice my breast pain, and he was exactly right. My breasts felt awesome immediately after getting the implants out. I knew I made the right decision, despite the large scars and the drains. They had ached and burned for so long that the pain from surgery was nothing compared to how I felt before! It was sweet, sweet relief. I felt light, pain-free, and SO happy.
With my abdominal repair, I doubted myself around day three. I still couldn’t easily get out of bed by myself, could hardly walk, had sneezed (THE WORST), had an enormous scar, and was wondering if I’d made the right choice. It got into my head a little -I just wanted to feel good and be able to take care of the girls- but within a few days, as the scar began to heal and I realized how awesome my abs feel together again, I knew it was worth it. The smooth skin is a welcomed improvement, and I’m glad I decided to go for it. 
Before and After pics
I wasn’t originally planning on posting before/after pics, but in my last post, I received quite a few requests to share them. While I was researching these procedures, it helped me tremendously to see pictures of the healing process, so I’m going to share them for those who have asked. It was also helpful for me to see pics of people who had this procedure who had loose skin from childbirth, and ab bulging from the DR. When I saw these types of pictures, and read their stories about how great they felt afterwards, it was reassuring to me. 
Please keep in mind that I’m a human, with real feelings. While dissenting opinions and thoughtful conversation is always encouraged on the blog, comments that are posted for the sake of personal attack (against myself or others who weigh in) will be removed. 
My stomach before (facing forward):
Close up… I like to think it looked like the bottom of a burrito (which really is the best part of a burrito)
Side view:
Relaxed side view at the end of the day (the pressure on the connective tissue all day made me super bloated):
5 weeks post op (belly button is still healing/swollen):
Side view, relaxed: (5 weeks post up):
[Sorry for the bad lighting in these pics, but I didn’t want to edit any of them. Sorry, no boob pics. lol.]
So there ya go!
Thank you so much for reading. Cheers to everyone working on a happier and healthier version of themselves; whatever that looks like for each of us.
My must-haves:
Breast explant and lift:
–Zipper sports bra
-Coconut oil (I get mine from Thrive Market)
–Pure Vitamin E
-Button-up shirts. I especially loved these button up pajamas.
–Wedge pillow (while drains are still in, or until Dr says you can lie flat)
–Soft camisole to wear under the compression bra
–Bralettes and wireless bras (after healing and Dr gave the ok to ditch the sports bra. This is my very fave.)
–Wedge pillow
–Spanx camisole
–Spanx leotard (I got two of these and LOVE them)
-Faja (this one can be strapless which is nice if you want to wear an off-shoulder top or dress. It’s also very tight and supportive. Not as soft and comfy as the Spanx but does the trick.)
–Vitamin E
-Coconut oil
-Foods on hand that don’t need to be prepared (or were prepped in advance and frozen!), and snacks, like dried fruit, ginger ale, coconut water, and bars
-Soft leggings and comfy pajamas
The post healing timeline + tips for recovery (breast explant, lift, and abdominoplasty surgery) appeared first on The Fitnessista.
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iheartsurveys · 8 years
Lasts Survey Last text message received and who it was from: Jordan "like maybe because anything can happen in LA" Text message sent and who it was to: To Jordan "can Niall be his opener" Phone call: My mom Commercial you saw: Don't remember TV show you watched: The Grammys....unless you want an actual show, then dateline Song you sang: I feel it coming by the weeknd Book you read aloud: No clue I don't read out loud Magazine you read: Hgtv mag Drink: Choc milk Food eaten: Halo top ice cream Website visited: Twitter App used: iMessage Thing you said: Night Outfit you wore: Spirit jersey and leggings Boyfriend/girlfriend you had: None but last dated Andrew Friend you hung out with: Britt Michael and bren Thing you smoked: Cigarette Place you went: Patient first Place you slept: My bed Reason you got pulled over by the police: Never been pulled over Board game you played: Scrabble Computer game you played: Sims Console game you played: Wii sports Card game you played: Cards against humanity Meal you cooked: Cheese quesadilla Dessert you ate: Halo top cookies n cream Alcohol you drank: Hard cider Movie you saw in theaters: Secret life of pets Movie you watched at home: No clue Thing you saw on Netflix: Parks & Rec Video you watched on YouTube: Probably some makeup vid Person you messaged on Facebook: My aunt Present you received: $$ Present you bought: Alcohol Person you kissed, non-romantically: My momma Person you kissed, romantically: Andrew Person you made out with: Andrew Person you had sex with: No one Song you danced to: Chained to the rhythm Class you took: My last semester I was in an analysis techniques class, a class about theories of Justice, international politics, counterintel, and theories of terrorism Grade you got: 4 A's and a B Shoes you wore: Adidas flip flops Article you read: One about hockey Kid you saw: A rando at the doctor Place you spent the night that wasn’t your own home: Zoes Drug you took: Aleve Car you rode in: My moms Bad decision you made: Walking everywhere yesterday on my foot that's still swollen & hurts Ex you saw: Bren Dream you had: Last night I dreamt about my teeth falling out that wasn't fun Song you heard: Bruno Mars singing a prince cover on the Grammys Holiday you celebrated: NYE Birthday you celebrated: Helens Time you got dressed up: 2 weeks ago Animal you saw: My dog Meat you ate: Chicken Piece of jewelry you wore: Earrings Person you snuggled/cuddled with: My dog Reason you cried: I was stressed lol what else is new Reason you last laughed: This funny picture I have saved on my phone of this random kid that I found on tinder like a year ago that looks just like my friend but with long hair. They have the same face it's crazy and hilarious Time you went to work: Last fall Friend you reunited with: I guess bren. We were friends before we dated for a hot second and it didn't end well. That whole thing was almost 4 years ago which is insane and like I was worried about seeing him because nothing really was the same after like we didn't go back to being friends but Saturday if was kind of like we were friends all along. Idk. It was nice Nickname someone called you: Bri Notification you received on Facebook: Someone liked my picture Type of weather you hate: Super cold. Rainy if I have to be out in it. Reason you went to the hospital: Visiting my stepdad like years ago Article of clothing you purchased: A long sleeve Photo you uploaded to Facebook or Instagram: A pic from homecoming Email you sent: I forwarded an email to my mom Album you downloaded/bought: Glass animals' albums
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