#because she had to ugly cry in front of him during a scene and he. could. not. stand. her. pain.
"As fate would have it, Cusack had fallen in love with a tall, laconic actor called Jeremy Irons, who was starring in Godspell just down the road. It was a case of opposites attracting. 'He was so elegant and refined,' she recalls. ('She was so Irish and wild and seemed to embody everything I wasn't,' he said.)
[...] Sam was born less than 10 months after Cusack's mother died of heart disease in 1977 ('I think he was conceived the night before she died. I like the thought of their two souls mingling'). 'The combination of all those emotions was just too much to deal with,' she says quietly. She recognises now that, for at least six months, she suffered from severe post-natal depression, undiagnosed at the time. Her work and her husband got her through — 'Jeremy has always been my greatest support'".
Sunday Independent, 30 July 2006
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damiansgoodgirll · 4 months
please do damian cheating on reader!😩❤️
y’all want to cry i see 🤓🤓
damian priest x reader
likes, comments and reblogs are welcomed!
‼️ mention of sex, pregnancy, anxiety, infidelity and cheating, angst, body shaming, body issues, reader being self conscious
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don’t hurt yourself
“i’m trying to save our family y/n!” damian screamed desperate, staring at the marriage counselor in front of him. she was watching with a deep look the scene in front of her. it wasn’t anything new to her but the way you both were behaving was making it hard for her to help.
“sure…you should have thought about that before fucking someone else damian…” you said, tears already dry.
one month ago
damian just came back from his wrestlemania trip. you would have loved to go but six months ago, you gave birth to your first baby and it was all new for you. you were still trying to get adjusted by how your body looked, how tired you constantly were and how scary the world suddenly became since you had your baby.
damian wanted you to go but he knew you didn’t trust anyone to babysit your daughter for so many days, so he didn’t force you.
the pregnancy changed your relationship a little bit, and, even if damian didn’t want to show it, it was affecting him a little.
it was your first pregnancy so he understood but still, he couldn’t get away from the feeling that something changed.
you became more paranoid, always scolding him for silly things, your mood was on a rollercoaster and the lack of sex between the two of you kept him on edge. your doctor told you that it was completely fine having sex during pregnancy but your anxiety made it impossible for you to have sexual contact with him. you tried and tried but you always had to stop him because it was hurting you.
damian always respected that but he couldn’t lie if he said that it wasn’t effecting him too. the whole nine months of your pregnancy, he felt like he was pregnant too.
he thought it would get better once your daughter was born but he was wrong.
you became more self conscious about your body, the way you looked and the struggle to keep a nice appearance up was hurting you. he didn’t know how to keep up with all of that.
he let himself go the night after he won at wrestlemania. he was partying and he was drunk and he didn’t want that, but, somehow he found himself naked, sleeping next to a complete stranger.
when he woke up his head was hurting but his heart almost stopped when he saw her, the stranger, sleeping naked next to him.
“no no no…” he whispered. he felt his heart breaking.
“good morning…” she whispered waking up. damian watched horrified the way she kissed his chest, only stopping at his lips when she saw the paralysed face he had “did you have fun last night?” she asked “or are you already regretting it?”
“what…how? i-i don’t remember…”
“you’re hurting me saying that you don’t remember our night together” she said, faking being hurt “you don’t remember what happened?”
“no…this, this shouldn’t have happened”
“but it happened damian…and it was too good” she said, smile on her face, remembering how good everything felt “you came up to me at the bar last night, you said how good i looked, how much you wanted to fuck me…then you went talking about how unhappy your marriage was becoming, how unhappy your little wife is, how ugly she think she is, witch, frankly, she’s quite right…you should give her some exercises to do to lose that baby weight she still carries by the way…” the stranger started blurting out “then you got quite boring so i had to shut you up with a kiss. that kiss definitely became something more, judging by the way we are both naked under the covers…” she smirked but all damian wanted to do was to vomit and hide away.
he couldn’t believe he just cheated on you.
he couldn’t believe he rambled to a complete stranger about your marriage, about you. your wedding wasn’t unhappy, sure things changed after your daughter was born and you both needed to work better on this whole family thing but he wasn’t unhappy with you.
he loved you and your daughter isabel more than anything.
“i need to go…” he said not remembering her name.
“sheila, my name’s sheila…” she smiled at him.
he quickly dressed up, took his bags and went straight at the airport, all he wanted to do was to stay with you and isabel, and hold you all night long.
rhea knew something was up the moment she saw damian’s face at the airport.
“man, you okay?” she asked him.
“i fucked up rhea…i fucked up” he said.
“what you mean?”
“i-i i can’t even say it…” he whispered “i slept with someone”
“what the fuck are you saying damian?” rhea almost screamed.
she was your best friend. the person who always stayed by your side during the whole pregnancy. maybe she wasn’t a mother but she understood what you were feeling, probably more than damian did. she understood your fears and never judged you. she stayed with you before you gave birth and right after it. she comforted you when damian didn’t, she held you while you cried your problems to her, too afraid of being rejected by the man you loved. she reassured you when you told her you felt ugly, when you told her that you wanted to change your appearance because you didn’t recognise yourself anymore.
she was there for you and you were always there for her, so, damian telling her that he just cheated on you, was a low blow.
“i’m so fucking sorry rhea…i don’t know how it happened” he said, regret evidently showing in his eyes.
“she needs to know” was all rhea said.
“don’t give the treatment silent rhea…please, i can’t handle it right now”
“what do you want to say? congratulations on cheating on my best friend? congratulations on cheating on your wife and mother of your daughter? that’s what you want me to say? i can’t even imagine what she’s going to feel when you tell her, she needs to know damian” rhea said before boarding flight.
the whole flight home damian thought about how to tell you that he cheated.
how can you tell the person you love the most that you just cheated?
his heart broke the moment he stepped inside your home.
you coming to greet him with isabel in your arms “isabel look, daddy’s home” you softly said smiling at him.
“where’s my big girl?” damian said pretending everything’s fine. he noticed how isabel wanted to be held by him so he gently took her from y/n’s arms and started rocking her.
“she missed you a lot” you said watching the sweet scene in front of you.
“and you didn’t?” he smirked.
“a lot” you smiled back “i’m so proud of you baby” you congratulated him and he smiled at you.
he took time after he came back home. he put isabel to sleep, he unpacked his bags, he took a long shower and he made love to you, hoping that in his mind, he could cancel his irreparable mistake.
a week passed and you couldn’t help but notice something was wrong. damian’s behaviour changed, he was more present and constant with his role - not that you minded but it wasn’t like him.
“what’s going on?” you asked one night after you put your daughter to sleep.
“what you mean?”
“i mean, what’s wrong? you’ve changed…after wrestlemania…something happened but i can’t figure out what” you said staring at him.
“i cheated…” he whispered.
you froze.
“you what?”
“i…i cheated i’m so fucking sorry y/n…i didn’t know how it happened, i didn’t want it to happen” he apologised, a few tears running down his cheeks.
you couldn’t believe what you were hearing. he just cheated on you. the man you loved, the man you married, the man you just started a family with just cheated on you.
“please say something…” he begged you.
tears falling down your face, your heart breaking in millions of pieces “what do you want me to say damian?” you sarcastically laughed “i just - i need some fresh air right now, i can’t even stand to be in the same room as you damian…isabel is sleeping in her room…”
“where are you going?” he asked you when he saw grabbing your car kids.
“away, i need to stay away from you right now” you said, more tears falling from your eyes.
“please…please don’t go…i’ll do anything, anything to gain your trust again…i’m so fucking sorry y/n” his eyes full of tears but you couldn’t be in the same room as him right now.
“i don’t care how sorry you are damian, i don’t give a shit. you want me to stay? fine. then you can go away, i don’t need you in this home, not right now damian…you just thrown away four years of marriage…we have a daughter, a daughter together…she’s only six months damian, how could you?” you cried all of your tears, not caring if you were screaming right now.
“i-i’m so sorry…”
“i don’t care! stop saying you’re sorry! i don’t give a shit! why? why did you do it?” you asked him.
“i-i don’t know…i was drunk okay? it was right after i won the title, i…was celebrating and - shit - i got drunk and you weren’t there”
“so now it’s my fault?”
“no…no, it’s not your fault y/n, that’s not what i said…” he tried to explain himself but only making it worse “it’s me, i’m the one who fucked up and you have no idea how sorry i am…i fucking love you and isabel more than anything, i love you so much y/n, i just made a huge mistake and”
“fucking someone else is not a mistake, it’s a choice…it’s a choice you made!” you kept screaming.
damian swore he never saw you so mad. you were usually the calm one in the relationship so seeing you so mad and angry was unusual for him.
“i know…i know and i’m…”
“don’t fucking say you’re sorry, don’t you dare damian…” you warned him “i can’t stay here with you right now, i can’t even look at you without feeling disgusted” you words broke his heart even more “you either go away or i take isabel and we’re going away…”
“don’t do this please…”
“you’re not giving me any choice damian…you made your choice that night, now you’re facing the consequences…it’s you or me and isabel, we can’t stay here all together like the happy family you want me to pretend to be…” you slowly dried your tears away.
“o-okay…i’ll go…but please, please, we can work this out together…please, i’m begging you y/n…i can’t lose you…” he said before leaving the house.
while he cried driving towards the hotel he just booked, you cried yourself to sleep, holding his pillow, and letting yourself fall asleep.
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violetrainbow412-blog · 11 months
Day 27: nightmares
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Masterlist flufftober 🎀
Someone mentioned that they would like to see a little more of roommate!Spencer, so I hope you like it!!
You should have known that if you slept, the nightmares that plagued you every October would also return. It was just that after so many weeks of depriving yourself of sleep at night and limiting yourself to sleeping in short bursts every once in a while at university it wasn't working anymore.
Even your roommate, so accustomed to seeing bodies in such deplorable states, had observed as kindly as possible that the bags under your eyes were becoming deeper and deeper every day. The two of you were having a small celebration dinner for his birthday when he murmured it to you, right around the time of eating the cake.
“It's nothing,” you had said, but to a profiler that response was just a clumsy lie. Still, he didn't want to pry into your affairs and just let it go, after all it was your privacy.
That night you were watching a movie on your old television, not a horror one, clearly, until suddenly your eyelids felt too heavy to keep them open. Not even the coffee was having an effect anymore, and you remember hearing Spencer tell you once that there were times when drinking caffeine during the night triggered a response opposite to what you expected and resulted in even more sleepiness.
At some point the embrace of sleep caught you and you began to fall into the deep abyss. Is there a scientific reason why your mind is filled with violent images every October? Since you were little, you hated everything that had to do with Halloween just because it turned out to be more material for your mind to manipulate and attack you during the night, so you had always attributed your nightmares to the spooky atmosphere of the time, as if ghosts and monsters really were able to cross the barrier into your world.
But this time it was different, because none of the familiar images was the one that began to torment you.
You were at a crime scene, you knew it from the yellow tape that surrounded a box in front of you and from the multiple police officers. No one seemed to really notice you, but you knew there was a lot of panic going on from the way everyone was whispering to each other and the tears that were falling from some people's cheeks. Had it been an ugly murder? Something disgusting? Your intention wasn’t to find out, however, your feet began to move on their own toward the area where there was a body.
“Y/N?” a voice stopped you. She was a person unknown to you, but who you remembered seeing in a photograph that Spencer had framed on the mantle. She looked worried and with clear signs of crying.
You wanted to stop, but you couldn't, so very soon you were in front of the lifeless body. And when you saw the body's feet you felt your heart stop: they were a pair of worn Converse with uneven socks.
You fell to your knees in front of him only to realize that the scene was more horrible than you could imagine. When you put your hands on his chest you felt the hot liquid that was stained and that was now all over your palms, turning you into a bundle of nerves in a second.
And then you screamed heartbreakingly. You called his name over and over again desperately, trying to pick him up from where he was in a poor attempt to wake him up. The blood was staining all your clothes and that only made you cry more and more, until, suddenly, the man's body opened its eyes and held you tightly by the arm.
“Y/N!” he yelled at you, spitting blood in spurts as he watched you. You were hyperventilating and crying inconsolably at the sight of the apparently dead man in your arms.
Suddenly his grip felt stronger and more desperate; more real.
Y/N, wake up… 
This time his voice sounded distant and worried, until you felt a second hand holding your arm and with it everything around you began to evaporate. A second later, you were awake and the first thing you found was a man holding you firmly, but this time he was alive, whole, and safe.
You were awake, it had all been a dream.
“Spencer,” you uttered with a sob, and then rushed towards him to hug him.
The man received you without any complaint and firmly wrapped his arms around your trembling body, also feeling your erratic breathing hitting his shoulder.
"Are you okay? Why were you screaming?” he whispered, feeling how you clung to his body in fear “What is happening?”
"I saw you. You were… you were… I… oh, Spencer it was the most horrible dream I've ever had” you said between tears.
Suddenly everything fell into place in your partner's mind, knowing perfectly well the bad time that a nightmare could put anyone through and that now you were suffering. Then he felt compassion for you.
“Hey, hey, none of that was real,” he whispered to you, adjusting himself better to sit on the bed, but without stopping holding you at any time “It was just a dream.”
Despite the man's attempts he heard your breathing becoming more unsteady so he separated himself from you just a little. You were frantic from the nightmare, which made him think there was something more going on than just a bad dream.
He had never seen you sobbing like this, but in a second he knew that he fervently hated doing it. You were his friend, he didn't want to hear you suffer.
It was clear that on more than one occasion he had experienced crises like the one he was seeing in you and he searched his brain for all the useful information to help you, both personal and written in books.
“Hey, look at me. I need you to breathe first, okay?” He murmured softly, while searching your eyes with his and separated just enough to give you space “I'll do it with you, just breathe. Inhale… exhale…” his words were calm and kind, as he carried out what he was saying.
You were still thinking about the vision of his lifeless body and although you tried to calm down, the truth is that it was complicated. It took you a couple of minutes to achieve it, but as you went he murmured sweet phrases of encouragement that rewarded your effort.
As the atmosphere lightened your grip did too, but he kept his hands on you just as firmly as at the beginning as if he wanted to give you some kind of comfort with it.
“You're doing well, that's it,” he smiled at you, as he noticed your sobs became more sporadic. It wasn't until they finally stopped that he spoke: “Are you better now?”
You offered a nod in response and closed your eyes for a moment, as if to become aware of the situation. He was there, with you, and he was safe. Spencer was right, it had just been a nightmare.
"Do you want a hug?" he offered, feeling it was more appropriate now that you had regained your composure. You didn't refuse and just leaned towards him, while the man held you close to his body and began to caress your back with one of his hands. “What was it you dreamed about, huh?”
You could only think that the reason for your outburst might sound silly to him, or that you might even scare him with your crazy stories. You were friends, but... what if you said that you were so affected by imagining that you lost him? No, you couldn't.
"I don’t want to talk about that right now"
“Okay, then we won’t talk.”
That said, he kept holding you in the dark and his body heat made you feel good. Although you rarely had this kind of contact, it didn't feel uncomfortable at all and the hug was giving you a strange feeling of security that you didn't think you could get from your roommate. You stayed like that for a long time, in silence, only sheltered by his care.
“Forgive me for waking you up.”
“Don't worry,” he said gently. “You scared me a lot though, if I'm honest. Of the way you were screaming, I think even the neighbors thought someone was murdering you.”
"Are you serious?" You asked worriedly, raising your head enough to look at him. “Oh, I’m so sorry…”
“Is that why you haven't been sleeping lately? Do you have nightmares?”
Spencer wasn't stupid, you knew that, so lying to him would be useless.
“It's happened to me since I was little. On… on these dates I always have them and I don't even know why”
“And why hadn't you told me?”
“I didn't think you'd care,” you whispered, shrugging as he looked into your eyes “Besides, I… I'm embarrassed.”
“Tomorrow I will buy you a pack of relaxing tea for you to drink before bed. Maybe that will help you, what do you think?” he encouraged you, giving your entire body a friendly squeeze.
Suddenly the bad feelings were replaced with joy, warmth, and admiration for your friend. You hadn't looked at his pajamas until that moment and then you remembered your own outfit, too revealing to be appropriate, but which he didn't even seem to pay attention to. Spencer had been so respectful and kind to you since you arrived at the apartment and right now you loved having him as a roommate.
"Thanks for coming. I feel better now” you exclaimed, separating yourself from him and wiping away the traces of tears that were still there. “You should go back to rest.”
“Are you sure you're going to be okay?”
“Yes,” you murmured, but from Spencer’s expression you knew he must have noticed the hesitation in your response. “Don’t worry. I'll try to watch a movie or something like that."
"You should sleep"
“What if I have nightmares again?”
“Scream like you did and I assure you that I will be back,” he joked, making you let out a barely audible laugh. It felt good to laugh and have company during your sleepless nights.
“Sorry again for waking you up.”
“It's okay, we all have bad dreams sometimes,” he reassured you, reaching out to hug you tightly once more. “If you need anything else, you can call me, okay? You know we're just a hallway away."
"I know. Thank you, Spencer.”
The man smiled at you one last time and stretched out his hand to gently squeeze your arm, then got out of bed.
“If things continue like this tomorrow, we can have a sleepover in the living room. If that makes you feel better” he suggested and although you laughed at the idea you told him that you would consider it.
The next night it was only thanks to a delicious, warm tea and the company of Dr. Reid that you managed to sleep peacefully after years. And now that you knew the remedy for nightmares, you would not hesitate to resort to it as many times as necessary.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove @vivian-555 @r-3dlips @rhiannonhippiegirl @taygrls @simp4f1 @sdddoobydoobydoo @taintedstranger @missabsey
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heathersproship · 8 months
Went in with low expectations, but hoping to like it. Listened to some of the soundtrack a few days ago and wasn’t exactly impressed. But I didn’t blame the rearrangements—not entirely. Some of it was questionable, but maybe it’d be like with NPMD where I’d like it more when I had the visuals to go with it (I vastly prefer The Summoning live, and also High School is Killing Me, rather than the studio audio). And for the most part, I was right! I had a nice time.
See below the cut for my thoughts on the songs, other details, and some Janis analysis.
First Things First
We started off strong with the garage setup and Cautionary Tale. The vertical screen on a horizontal one doesn’t bother me, so I love the whole bit with the phone, and Janis plays guitar!
What Ifs was a song I didn’t listen to beforehand, and I understood most of it til Cady got to school. Then I had no idea what she was saying, either because the music was too loud or she was singing too softly, or both.
Meet the Plastics (though really it’s just Meet Regina) was good. Loved the lights flickering and Regina’s hypnotic voice like a siren luring the unsuspecting Cady in. Or an anglerfish.
Stupid With Love was actually not that bad... in the first half. Once we were out of the classroom, it fell off for me. I suppose they were going for a dreamy walking-on-air cloud nine “too in your own little world to notice the world around you” vibe, especially at the very end, but Angourie’s soft vocals didn’t do it for me. I expected a burst of energy since they’re outside and have the freedom to move and be loud with it.
Apex Predator was beautiful visually. Musically, I’m still not sure what to make of Damian singing Cady’s lines when they were about Janis. It’s strange. Couldn’t even have her think them? Record Angourie in a booth to get a feel for how big she can go, play it over a few shots of Cady’s face or the scene in front of them, Cady looking at Janis as she secretly compares Janis and Regina while Janis and Damian are warning her about Regina? No?
The build-up to What’s Wrong With Me was good—love the usage of the music box—though the song itself was a bit awkward. It’s sad all the same though, and that’s the point.
Sexy was good. Blink and you’ll miss the Easter egg.
Someone Gets Hurt was visually stunning. My one gripe is that Aaron has ONE line. Just one. And he doesn’t even sing it because the actor just doesn’t sing (did they hire him for his looks? The fact that he was in TSITP, which I haven’t seen? Why hire someone who doesn’t/can’t sing... for a musical??). Couldn’t they get someone to dub him? It’s just one line. Was that too much to ask? Disguise Damian’s voice if you have to. Giving it to Regina was certainly a choice they made.
Revenge Party was a fucking banger. It’s so fun and hella camp, and I love that they reinstated one of the OG verses (two if you recognize the piñata line from another verse). Also like how the “yes, bitch!” line was also back, unlike in the Broadway recording, though I don’t think that exchange needed to happen twice. I love Janis just loudly popping up with “And ugly crying!” during the bit with the sprinklers like girl shut up you’ll blow your cover! But then there was also that weirdass decision to have it go handheld when Cady goes to get the candy cane. Did not like that, what the hell was that?
Damian singing the iCarly theme in French lmao okay sure.
Someone Gets Hurt Reprise was just as good as the original, I love it. My only nitpick is the wording. “Obsessed” rather than “in love with” though that might have something to do with the doll.
World Burn was epic. Except... okay. Regina waltzed right into school with the Burn Book in hand. What if someone saw her? And then her just deliberately dropping and leaving it on the floor. And people really walked past it before someone finally picked it up? Really? The payoff is excellent, just the setup was... questionable.
Now that I’ve seen it, I definitely like this version of I’d Rather Be Me a lot more than I did before. Especially how it ends. (Though Barrett is still bae.) There’s possibly an allusion to the music video with the running in the halls and going about the school. But my God, Auli’i fucking did that! And again, very glad they kept the curse in the OST.
If that was a reprise of Stupid with Love... here’s an idea: just stop. The horse is already dead.
I See Stars was? Fine? Tbh I don’t really remember it. Probably because the girl who doesn’t go there takes over halfway though. Way to pull your weight, Cady. Angourie did well for some things, but singing really isn’t her strong suit. Again, why hire actors who don’t have the range for a musical?
Other things:
I love that Janis does embroidery here. It just fits.
Did not like the sanitization. How can this be Mean Girls without one mention of “social suicide”? You can keep the bouncing boobs thing and blatantly asking if Cady wants to have sex with Jason, but the band geeks are “corny-horny” and not “sexually active”?
Heyy Ashley Park!
Cady scaring the shit out of Janis and Damian will never not be funny. They were even watching the same scene of the same movie!
I was really hoping to get a flashback of Regina and Janis, with Janis actually burning the doll, rather than Damian acting it out with the toys. Or at the very least, a shot of Regina’s backpack on fire (that would’ve been a great teaser image). So we can get an idea of what Janis was like before, if she went along with the fashion rules like “pink on Wednesdays” or if she was always a little off-beat and Regina pushed her further into it. Maybe even see if she was the queen bee as some people believe was the case back in the day.
Love the bit with music people in the tree and Janis telling them to stop lmao. I love when they do things like that.
So one of the main differences between this Janis and her predecessors is that once this Janis gets to a certain point, she’s satisfied and actually wants to stop so she and her friends can just enjoy their time together rather than asking Cady to take a single night off before, presumably, letting it go on longer. This makes the party betrayal hurt worse when Cady says she wants one more lunch with the Plastics, as it looks like she made the active choice to trade up rather than just forgetting about Janis and Damian in her attempt to ensnare Aaron. Janis’ satisfaction also makes her singing IRBM more justified than in the musical because the movie took away a crucial aspect of her character which made her a Mean Girl to begin with: her anger.
This iteration of Janis just doesn’t have the same level of pure rage that drives her the way Regina does—rage which made them two sides of the same coin—because in this version, Janis is actually gay. The whole conflict in the original was Regina labeling Janis as something she wasn’t, and 2004 being a more homophobic time in history was how it was able to fly. In the 2018 musical, when that was no longer the case, they had to add in another layer with Regina pretending the issue was that Janis couldn’t accept she wasn’t one of the six people invited to her birthday party, before revealing the real issue was the same as the first: Regina pushing a label onto Janis (though Barrett says she played Janis as a lesbian, this was not explicitly confirmed nor acknowledged within the show itself, and is therefore no more canon than Regina being queer because Renee Rapp says so, closeted or not). With Janis being canonically queer here, this takes all the power out of Regina labeling her a lesbian in the first place because yes, yes she is, and? Rather than the problem being about the label, now the problem became Janis’ reaction to the bullying that ensued.
While she had to leave school due to how bad the bullying was in all versions previously (frozen out in the original—according to Regina she dropped out; and having “space dyke” Sharpied on her locker in the musical—according to Damian her parents pulled her out) this is the only time we know of where she retaliated. By burning the plush (and also Regina’s backpack) with a Bunsen burner. Her own actions resulted in her getting kicked out rather than being forced out by circumstances beyond her control, and the choice to do it this way shows that a) while what happened to her was more insidious, she’s also slightly less of a victim than her predecessors, and b) she knows better than anyone actions have consequences—a line of dialogue explicitly absent in the movie’s opening number. She was content to stop where they were at, quit while they’re ahead, because her desire for revenge was satiated and she was ready to move on. Have lunch with Cady and hang out like they always meant to. She’s no longer a Mean Girl. While there was an injustice done upon her, she’s not so scarred by it she’s letting her rage get the better of her to the point it spirals out of control. She was ready and willing to stop. But Cady wasn’t.
And I don’t know how to feel about that.
I think that’s it.
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bengiyo · 1 year
I Told Sunset About You Rewatch Ep 5 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
As a disclaimer, I don't think ITSAY is the end of this story, but it is the end of this run. This is an I Promised You the Moon fan account.
I also rewatched The Love of Siam (2007) last night to return to the angst I felt going into the end of this.
Last time, Teh blew up every relationship in his life thinking he was doing something for Oh, but really just being a condescending ass to everyone in his life. There was much ugly crying. However, we got the best underwater kiss ever, so it's a wash?
Teh got back to test taking form, but Oh seems to be struggling even with Teh's tools.
This show makes deleting your chat lots so dramatic by underscoring it with the Untold Answer instrumental.
I like walking through the wreckage of Teh's relationships. The friend chat is awkward. His mom is still mad, but she's still make sure he eats. Hoon still believes in him, and wants him to keep the tuition money. His teachers think he's been irresponsible and want him to learn the lesson and do better. Tarn is still pissed and setting effective boundaries.
I continue to adore MoRaoYuLok.
Of course Teh has to be petty and mean to Oh while giving a blessing to Phillip. This is not how you get a man, Teh.
I really do get the "It should have been Bas" folks. He's so kind and earnest. He's not afraid of his feelings for Oh. He said, "I have no shame." Just look at Teh losing it because Bas can just say how he feels for Oh in front of everyone.
I love this teacher for interrupting Oh's answer. It was brave for Bas to confess publicly, but Oh doesn't need to give his answer publicly. Very tactful of the teacher. He gets a plate.
Drink the damn coconut, Teh. Let your family support you.
We don't talk about Nah enough and how well she worked with Billkin and Nat.
Look at them calling back to the first day they met here.
Teh, why are you hurting your own feelings asking questions you already know the answer to? This man is a masochist. He always chooses the thing that will fuck up his life the most.
Look at this man. He is ugly crying during an exam. I feel bad because this is what the closet does to you. Oh moved on, and now he's looking at a version of his life where all of his efforts went to complete waste. Like he's totally in the wrong, but so was I when I was his age. I also made big mistakes.
See, I love the pacing of this show. As much as I feel for Teh and his struggles, he infected Oh with internalized homophobia. Oh panics a bit at Bas holding his hand because of what trying to be with Teh has done to him. That's fucked, and so sad. Bas is just so sweet.
Brother balcony scene, my beloved. You gotta see the documentaries to hear Boss talk about Teh and Nat in this scene.
Still, excellent pacing to follow the mixed feelings of the last few scenes with Teh finally admitting aloud what's going on with him. Hoon is a great brother for asking his brother what needed to be asked in the right way.
I'm an oldest sibling, and one of the oldest cousins. I would have loved having a peer relative give me permission to be who I am. This scene gets me every time.
Love Hoon mentioning hand holding and we've had Bad holding Oh's hand in both scenes around the balcony.
Everyone else is worried about Teh and Bas is unbothered.
Piano scene, my beloved.
Oh immediately reacting to the song, and then the slow pan to push Bas out of frame so we know he's back on his Teh bullshit. Then the reveal that Teh is also here and in his feelings next to the Oh-aew dessert? Skyline remains undefeated.
Of course Oh-aew's family have a red iPad. It's his color and he's not wearing his color right now.
Tarn didn't fuck up her admissions. That's all that matters.
Oh-aew getting into his first pick makes me cry every time. Skyline? Undefeated.
Sui is so relieved that Teh is still getting into a school with his program, but Try feels like he failed because his plan is off.
Bas is the bravest out of all of them. He took Oh to Teh's house so Oh could break up with him. I've been Bas, too. It hurts to know you're not their choice. It's interesting that Teh is upset about only getting his second choice school and Bas is upset about being Oh's second choice.
"I don't want to see him sad." These two, I swear. Bas, I hope you found someone who cares about you first.
Of course we can't have a Bas and Oh scene without checking in with Tarn. I like how they changed her costuming slightly so she looks a little more grown up.
The Tarn Teh-Yongjian portrait is such a thoughtful gift. I feel bad for Tarn, because Teh is trying to let her down as gently as he can. He does his best to affirm that he really did like Tarn for two years, and one of his fears is of things changing and losing friends.
Smile plays Tarn's disappointment so beautifully during the scene. I really don't think we've praised her performance enough. I want to interview her and Tina Holmes (for her work in Edge of Seventeen and Shelter). She tries so hard to not make Teh feel bad even as her heart breaks. Not until Nara in La Pluie do I think we've let the ones who lost in love be sad with this much respect.
I'm glad I watched Love of Siam again, because that movie also cleared up all of its problems before building towards a gay crescendo.
This track playing during Oh's run is so beautiful.
Welcome back, Skyline instrumental. You are the standard.
It's really beautiful to see Teh encouraging Oh for something he believes in finally.
The story of them filming the cape scene and the clouds clearing is as good as the show itself. I cry just thinking about Boss telling us about it.
Oh, Oh-aew, you always have so much room to this boy. "Do not disappear like that again, please," is such a reasonable request.
"If I can be anything, can I be your boyfriend?" genuinely healed a massive hole in my heart left behind by the end of The Love of Siam. What a beautiful final shot. You have no idea the angst I carried even through the first five years I was in modern BL.
When I tell you we had no idea that I Promised You the Moon was coming, and this stinger made us lose our collective minds.
Final Verdict: 10, It Is Still the Standard. This is by far one of the most coherent shows we've ever had. Every single aspect of this show is executed to near-perfection. There is a reason many of us talk about BL as pre- and post-ITSAY. If you have been sitting on the fence about this show, I genuinely think it's hard to understand the seismic shift that followed this show without witnessing it for yourself.
Look for more commentary from us on @the-conversation-pod in the fall. We record our retrospective tomorrow!
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themerchliing · 2 years
Random character questions.
001. What is your character’s favorite game? - The classic hide-and-seek when he was a child. He played it often with his mother and would always find the best hiding places. There were a few instances where he was too good at hiding and Marya got worried and had to call out to him to end the game. In adulthood, he enjoys certain card games (especially when all the Crows play and it turns chaotic — he finds the petty arguments and justifications amusing.)
002. Is your character ticklish? - A bit — there’s a particular spot on his sides, just above his hips that’s really ticklish and he will squirm away if it’s touched. It’s a sensation that makes him cringe! If it’s messed with too much, he’ll push the other person away and make a fuss. If they don’t stop after that, he won’t be responsible for any kicking that happens.
003. How do they express anger? - He isn’t really one to flip out and make a big scene. Instead, his expression will say it all. His tone will turn chilly and his responses short and to the point. When something makes him mad, he isn’t afraid of saying so, but he’s also known to give people the cold shoulder. This means avoiding eye contact or even remaining in the same vicinity as them if he can help it. The reason for this is that he’s used to holding back his anger after being around his father for so long, but his expression always gave away his true feelings. It’s easier for him to remove himself from the situation if he knows he’s close to blowing up (no pun intended.) His anger can also be quick and biting; an aggressive statement said in the heat of the moment: “How about I push you in the canal and we see if you know how to swim?”
004. How often do they cry? Over what? - Wylan used to cry more when he was a little boy. Due to always wanting to be around his mother, he would get teary-eyed whenever she had to go somewhere without him. At this point, his father wasn’t cruel to him, but when his mother was no longer around and Jan began to get frustrated with him, he also got irritated by his tears. Wylan came to learn that crying wouldn’t solve any of his problems and would always try to hold back or wipe the tears away before anyone saw. On a couple of occasions, he has cried during his time as part of the Dregs. At one point, he cries in front of Jesper after finding out what really happened with his mother:
“They gusted through his chest in ragged, ugly sobs. He hated that Jesper was seeing him cry, but there was nothing he could do, not about the tears, not about any of it. He buried his face in his arms, covering his head as if, were he to only will it strongly enough, he could vanish.”
And then at another point not long after, there is another instance:
“Then they were all hugging, and Wylan was horrified to find his eyes filling with tears. He blinked them back. The last thing he needed was for Jesper to see him cry again.”
There’s a sense of shame that Wylan feels when he cries now and he particularly doesn’t want Jesper to witness it because he likes Jesper and wants to appear strong in front of him.
005. How emotionally stable is your character? - Compared to others, Wylan has a good hold on his emotions, but that doesn’t mean he could be considered all that stable. He’s been through too much emotional trauma and abuse without having anyone around to support and guide him. Before meeting the Crows, he didn’t even have anyone to call a friend. This led to him suffering from loneliness and a longing to fit in somewhere. When his thoughts get too much and he thinks back to certain times in his life (losing his mother, his father’s abuse, and the failed assassination attempt that led him to swim in the cold, black waters to Ketterdam’s shore) he throws himself into his demolition work. It keeps him busy and lets his mind focus on important tasks, giving him the chance to push those thoughts to the back of his mind for a bit.
006. How easy is it for them to read the emotions of others? - Wylan is very observant when it comes to certain emotions. He can pick up on when someone’s acting off. After spending enough time with Jesper, he could figure out the way he acts and what he uses as coping mechanisms: 
“Why do you have to say things like that? Why can’t you just let things be easy?” “Because they’re not easy,” Wylan said in his simple, earnest way. No one in the Barrel talked like that. “You keep pretending everything is okay. You move on to the next fight or the next party. What are you afraid is going to happen if you stop?” Jesper shrugged again. He adjusted the buttons on his shirt, touched his thumbs to his revolvers. When he felt like this, mad and scattered, it was as if his hands had a life of their own. His whole body itched. He needed to get out of this room. Wylan laid his hand on Jesper’s shoulder. “Stop.”
However, he struggles with reading Kaz, but, you know, that’s because it’s Kaz. There are also times where he has to wonder whether he’s really being flirted with (even if it might seem obvious) or if it’s just teasing to get an amusing reaction out of him.
007. How easy is it for others to read your character’s emotions? - Wylan’s emotions are quite easy to read when he’s around people he trusts. But he has also proven that he can be a great actor when he pretended to give in and tell his father everything as part of Kaz’s overall plan. Like a lot of people, he will also try to hide certain emotions when he isn’t prepared to face them — a normal human response.
008. Is your character religious? - Ghezen is the god of commerce and trade, worshipped by the people of Kerch. Wylan sometimes mentions the god in speech, saying things like “Oh, Ghezen” and “Ghezen and his works, someone stop them!” as well as saying to his father that maybe he can pray to Ghezen for understanding. He has prayed at the the Church of Barter in the past when his father forced him to, but he isn’t a devout follower. He has a complicated relationship with religion due to the fact that his father is very religious and uses that dedication to Ghezen as an excuse to be a vile, greedy man obsessed with money.
009. What are your character’s sleeping preferences? - Despite acclimating to Barrel life, he finds himself glad to return to his large bed back at the mansion after the events of the duology.  Wylan likes to sleep curled up beneath silk sheets or ones made of high quality cotton. He can do without them, of course, but they are his preference. He tends to sleep on his right side, but will often wake up on his stomach with his face buried in the pillow.
010. What is the first thing they say and/or do when they wake up? - “Do I have to get up?” Grumble, grumble. He tends to work into the night (whether on his demolition or on mercher duties), so being an early crow isn’t something he aspires to be. He doesn’t sleep in that late, though, and doesn’t need much convincing to wake up. Once awake, he heads to the bathroom to get himself ready while going over what he has planned for the upcoming day.
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rebeccccccaaa · 4 years
ᴘʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴄᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇs ᴘᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ
ᴘᴇᴛᴇʀ ᴘᴀʀᴋᴇʀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (𝟷𝟾+)
ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛᴇᴅ: (ANON) Soft romantic Valentine’s Day sex with Peter, bonus points if it’s their first time.. or maybe their first Valentine’s Day being married 🥺🥺🥺🥺 (since it’s way past v-day, i did like a tony’s gala/charity party thing hope that’s ok)
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: smut 18+, super fluffy and silly smut, virginsssss
Tw: harassment/sexual assault
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ’s ɴᴏᴛᴇs: hey bug I’m still trying to get used to the whole writer thing it’s still a pretty new concept but thank you for being so patient with me! I tried to make this a realistic when it comes to first time sex as possible, it pretty awkward and goofy, a little sudden, but i think it’s pretty cute
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Peter couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You moved so gracefully between the bodies of rich chatty folk. Now that you both were adults it was mandatory according to Tony that you guys had to attend these things. Peter wished he could go back to when you two would watch Star Wars and play video games up in your room during these boring parties.
“Dude, you gotta just grow a pair and ask her on a date,” Sam interrupted.
“Come on man. It’s not that easy,” he argued.
“Yeah it is; you just go up to her and say, ‘Hey I think you’re hot, I’m in love with you, Let’s fuck’,” Sam joked.
“Hey, no. They’re virgins. They don’t ‘fuck’,” Nat said amusingly. 
“What! No- I- uh,” Peter stammered over his words heavily as Nat, Sam, Bucky and Steve laughed around him; not at him of course, well maybe Sam. 
“Hey man it’s ok,” Steve reassured.
“Yeah, Steve is still a virgin,” Bucky joked, making Steve push him unamused.
“Seriously though, it’s ok having not done anything. Virginity and purity culture is gross and weird and way too fetishized nowadays. You do it when you feel comfortable and with someone you completely trust; and remember just like everything else, practice makes perfect,” Nat winked at Peter, making him blush. 
Peter thought about it and honestly he trusted you the most with his life. It wasn’t a secret that Peter really liked you; well apparently it was a secret to you. He was so in love with you but he was positive you didn’t feel the same way. You were so beautiful there was no way in your right mind that you’d even look in his direction.
You were talking with some douche at the bar. Peter hated how close he was standing to you. He didn’t think he deserved someone as special as you but he certainly knew that someone like that guy didn’t deserve even your attention let alone a conversation. Although looking at it, it seems like you’re just listening and he’s yapping away.
“You’re like one of the hottest bitches I’ve ever met,” the guy slurred.
You’ve been stuck with this guy for the past twenty minutes. Every time you think you could slip away he tugged your arm and pulled you back in. this guy was drunk off his ass and every slurred word went through one ear and out the other. 
“I need to use the restroom, excuse me,” you tried to leave.
“That’s not gonna work on me princess, come here,” he grabbed your waist and you moved your hands between your bodies.
“Hey, what the hell?” Peter said, noticing the commotion between you and that guy.
The guys looked over and saw that you were clearly uncomfortable and none of them were having it. Peter especially was fuming. This guy's hands were all over you and he knows you didn’t let him. His face buried uncomfortably in your neck and your face held a fearful look. Peter stomped through the crowd to help you.
“Hey man, get your hands off of her,” Peter said sternly. 
“Oh, ho, ho. Cute,” the guy mocked.
“Lay off kid. Help a brother out,” he slurred.
“Peter,” you whispered desperately.
“She doesn’t seem interested, so back off,” Peter pushed him. 
“I’m not gonna tell you again, kid. Leave us alone, sometimes women might not say what they want but they always want it,” he growled disgustingly. Peter looked at you and saw nothing but terror and fright; there was no way in hell he was leaving you.
“Hey, man. We’re gonna give you ten seconds to get the fuck out here,” Nat said intimidatingly; but with a man’s misogynistic ego that big he surprisingly didn’t back down.
“Now,” Steve’s voice boomed loudly towering over him.
“What are you gonna about it?” he mocked.
Bucky wasn’t having it either and grabbed his collared-shirt with his metal and dragged him towards the exit. 
“If I ever see your ugly ass face again, I’ll kill you,” Bucky’s voice shook the man and he scurried away.
You looked at Peter and hugged him tightly softly crying into his shoulder. He held you tightly and whispered softly in your ear soothing you. You couldn’t get rid of him and you didn’t want to think about what could’ve happened if Peter and the rest of the guys didn’t help you.
“Sorry, for the ruckus,” you whispered, noticing the people watching confusedly at you guys.
“Don’t be, guy was a total piece of shit. Are you ok?”
“Can we just leave?” you asked him.
“Of course,” Peter held your hand tightly and led towards the elevator.
“Hey kids, you guys ok? Steve told me what happened,” Tony asked you two.
“We’re gonna go upstairs now,” Peter told him quietly.
“Of course,” Tony said remorsefully.
“Kid?” Tony whispered to Peter, “Use protection.”
“Seriously, Mr. Stark?”
“Hey, I’m kidding. I’m kidding; take care of her will ya?”
“Your room or mine?” Peter asked you.
“Can we watch a movie or something?”
Peter gave you his clothes for you to change comfortably in and you went to the bathroom to change. In the meantime Peter too changed into a tight black shirt and sweats. Suddenly he heard the door open slightly and you peeked your head out worriedly.
“Uh Pete,” you called him.
“Is everything alright?”
“The uh, the pants you gave me? They don’t fit,” you whispered shyly.
“Oh no, uh ok hold on,” Peter scurried to find another pair.
You opened the door wider tugging his shirt in holes it might cover your modesty; this was the most undressed you’ve ever been in front of a boy. Peter looked back at you frantically but definitely did a double take seeing your bare legs so exposed. 
“Sorry, I can’t seem to find anything,” he stuttered a bit.
“It’s ok, the shirt’s pretty long,” you tiptoed to the bed covering yourself with the blanket.
“Sorry about you know,” he sat with you.
“It’s ok. I just kinda wish I was more like Nat. You know then maybe I wouldn’t have been in that situation, I’d be able to kick his butt,” you chuckled. But Peter didn’t.
“Hey, you weren’t in that situation because you weren’t physically strong, it was because that guy was the scum of the earth.”
“Thanks, Pete,” you placed your hand on top of his; Peter’s stomach flipped when you did. 
“Peter?” you asked him.
“You’re staring,” you smiled.
“Sorry,” he looked away shyly. 
You and Peter sat on the bed as a movie played. It was one of your favorites and you couldn’t help marvel at the best scenes; your laugh was infectious. Peter couldn’t help but ogle at you. He thought you were so beautiful and funny. He wonders why you’ve never had a boyfriend. Any guy would be so lucky to be yours; expect that fucker who put his hands on you
“Y/n?” he asked sheepishly.
“Why don’t you have a boyfriend? If you don’t want to answer it’s ok, I realize that probably sounds invasive, and-”
“It’s ok. I uh- I don’t know. I guess guys don’t like me like that? What about you, you haven’t dated since MJ.”
“I- uh, ok uh- Ok you got me there,” he laughed. 
“It’s just I asked because you’re uh, well, it’s no secret you’re very pretty, Y/n. Any guy would be so lucky to be your boyfriend,” Peter blushed.
“Thanks, Peter. I don’t know, guys are just too,” you couldn’t necessarily find the words.
“Obnoxious, irritating, rude, aggressive,” he finished making you laugh. 
“No, well, yes, but I guess the word would be… overbearing. Guys are so pretentious, you know. And not to mention they want everything but the kitchen sink in a girl. And I don’t have that. Guys don’t look at me and think, ‘Wow, she's the most beautiful girl ever. I want to date her’,” you explained with a faint chuckle. 
“I think that,” Peter blurted out.
“Well, then I wish more guys were like you, Peter,” you said smoothly. 
You and Peter both hadn’t realized the space between you two closing in. Your faces were mere inches apart and you both felt hot and flushed, yet neither one of your wanted to pull away. The sound of the movie playing in the background was drowned out for a second but now it was almost as if it was the loudest thing bursting your eardrums. 
You quickly snapped your head back to the TV breathing out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You could see the disappointment on Peter’s face when you did out of the corner of your eye but you didn’t think it was appropriate right now. Besides, the last thing you wanted to do was kiss a boy after what happened downstairs. 
You crawled back and tucked the rest of your body under the sheets and Peter did too. You felt like your heart was going to burst out of your chest; terrified that with his heightened senses he could hear your heartbeat. 
He could; and that made his beat faster too.
You two watched the movie in silence after getting yourselves comfortable. Peter’s lights were off and a small lamp along with the bright TV was the only thing illuminating the room. It felt small but you managed. 
You felt like you couldn’t focus on the movie with Peter laying so close to you. You could practically feel his body heat radiating off of him and you wished so badly that you had the courage to tell him how much you liked him. 
You didn’t think he liked you back but after what he said about wanting to date you, you weren’t so doubtful that he felt that way too now. You finally started focusing on the movie again trying your best to not think about Peter but that didn’t help at all considering the two characters … kissing, if that’s what you want to call it.
Your eyes slightly widen seeing the man’s hand crawl up the woman’s shirt. Her gasps and moans seemed louder than you remembered. You could see Peter shifted beside you as the things on the screen became more and more heated. 
“I forgot about this scene,” you cringed at yourself.
“It’s ok, you uh, do you want to watch a different movie?”
“Sure,” you squeaked.
Peter put a new movie on but neither of you could get the images out of your heads. Without the other knowing, you both wondered what it would be like, feel like if Peter’s hands roamed your body that way. Bringing goosebumps to your skin. The way your soft gasps and moans would sound against the shell of Peter’s ear. 
You couldn’t help the wetness pooling between your thighs wondering what Peter would do first. You wondered if he’d ever been with another girl and if he did, well that didn’t sit right with you. You swallowed and unbeknownst to you Peter could sense everything. 
He knew how much your breathing quickened after. He could feel the rapid beating of your heartbeat after watching only seconds of that scene. He could smell the sweet arousal coming out of you as you softly clenched your thighs in a desperate attempt to stop the feeling. 
He shifted beside you embarrassed that he was thinking about these things with you. You would hate him if you found out. But you would really?
“Can I ask you something? Promise you won’t get mad?” Oh no. You were really doing this?
“I could never get mad at you,” he said sincerely.
“Have you ever, you know, done it?” you asked shyly.
“Oh, uh no actually. MJ and I never really talked about that and we broke up before really anything happened.”
“Oh, cool.” 
There was awkward silence between you two not really knowing what was to come next. You wanted him, bad. You just got this urge suddenly to feel him, know what he sounded like. You felt a bit embarrassed and thought there was no way he was gonna want to do anything like that with you.
“Do you wanna…?” Or maybe so.
“Only if you want to.”
“Is that bad that I kinda do? Look,” Peter faced you more comfortably and closer, “I really like you. Like a lot. I know I probably shouldn’t and it’s like super inappropriate right now but I can’t help it. You’re like the most beautiful and most perfect girl I’ve ever met. And I really want to show you but I’d never do anything to hurt you or make you uncomfortable.”
“Peter, I really like you too. There’s no one I trust more than you, seriously,” you sat on your knees facing him too. You smiled at each other warmly and you started to feel warmer than before.
“Can I kiss you?” Peter whispered.
Peter inches closer to you and gently cupped your jaw pulling you in to kiss you. Your eyes fluttered close and butterflies erupted in your stomach. You moved your knee to move closer to him unfortunately directly on top of the remote. 
The volume turned up and startled you both, the laughter and music from the cartoon on the TV echoing in the room. You pulled back sharply, accidentally biting Peter’s lip but he didn’t seem to care all that much as he grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. 
“I’m so sorry! I think I bit your lip,” you panicked and cringed.
“It’s ok, it’s ok,” he laughed; his laugh was so charming and contagious you could help but giggle too. 
“I’m sorry,” you repeated.
“Don’t be, it was an accident,” he chuckled.
“Now where were we,” he smirked and leaned in to kiss you again. 
Your hands went through his hair and you sighed contently as his lips moved perfectly against. You kissed people before but they’ve never felt this amazing. Peter’s tongue pushed past your lips and you gladly let him in. You melted against him and he placed his hand on your back and pushed back slowly to lay your back against the bed. 
That didn’t work out because you weren’t really in a good position to lay down without moving so you tumbled to the floor making Peter gasp.
“Are you ok?” he laughed.
You head shot up from the ground with a big dopey smile on your face. You crawled back up to bed laughing.
“I’m ok, just took me by surprise,” you giggled.
“Sorry, the mood’s totally ruined now I guess,” he smiled sadly.
“Well, I still wouldn’t mind if we tried one more time,” you said timidly.
“Yeah?” you nodded.
“Ok, uh can I uh, is this ok?” Peter had you straddling his lap and your stomach fluttered with anticipation and arousal.  
“More than.”
Peter leaned up and kissed you again, his fingertips sneaking up your shirt and grazing the soft skin of your belly. Your body shudders but you wanted more. You wanted him to make you squirm and wiggle. 
Peter tugged on the hem of the shirt silently asking if he could remove it. You hesitated but eventually lifted your arms up to let him undress you. Your skin was bare in front of him and this was the first you’d ever been shirtless in front of anyone.
Your arms instinctively covered your chest in modesty but Peter grabbed your hands and smiled softly letting you know that there was nothing to hide. You swallowed hard. Nervous about the current situation. You weren’t scared, you were far from it, but it seemed no matter how many times you imagined this, how many times you went over in your head what you would do, you still felt unprepared and clueless about what to do.
“Do you want to stop?” Peter whispered.
“No, I just don’t know what to do,” you giggled.
“I uh, I can kiss you again,” he suggested, making you nod your head.
Peter captured your lips in a kiss once again, he felt like he could stay like this in your arms and you in his forever. He lifted his own shirt and you were taken by surprise considering you’ve never actually since completely shirtless. There were times when his shirt would rise with his hoodie being taken off but never fully off and it’s all of its muscle glory. 
“Peter,” you breathed out.
“Yeah?” he smirked.
You rubbed your gentle hands faintly across his torso and chest marveling at his physique. 
“I didn’t realize how uh, fit, you are,” you gasped.
“It kinda came with the bite, and training of course,” he grinned. 
“I mean look at you; you are even more beautiful than I imagined,” he said.
He leaned forward and kissed along your chest, his hands roaming over your skin. Your breathing became heavy and your hands rested awkwardly on Peter’s shoulders. 
“Relax, princess. I got you. I promise I’m gonna take really good care of you,” he laid you down again, sideways his time so you wouldn’t fall off the bed again. 
He kissed you again before trailing his lips down your throat. You bit your lip smiling basking in the feeling of Peter’s lips against your burning skin. 
“Peter, please. I need more,” you whined. 
“Like…?” he trailed.
“I’m ready. For you,” you whispered against his lips.
Peter groaned and crawled over you eagerly and opened the drawer grabbing a condom. His torso was directly over your head and you took that opportunity to treat him the same way pressing kisses to his torso. 
“Baby,” he snickered.
“What, you don’t like my kisses?” you smiled.
“I love your kisses,” he smirked.
You watched him stand up and slowly pulled his sweats and boxers down. He kept his eyes trained on you making sure he wasn’t gonna scare you or anything. He saw your face fill with fear, confusion, shock; it didn’t matter so he pulled his pants quickly back up. 
“Wait,” you shouted.
“What happened?” you were confused. You thought things were going well, you were excited and aroused when Peter pulled his pants down. The sight of his impressive member surprising you and making you wetter.
“I thought you were uncomfortable,” Peter panicked.
“No! Please Peter! I want to have sex with you so bad!” you shouted dramatically making him laugh.
“Please take your pants off again,” you crawled up to him and grabbed his neck pulling him close. 
“As you wish, baby,” he kissed you and quickly wiggled out of his pants. You took the condom in your hand and carefully tore the foil. You pulled the ring of latex out unsure of what to do next. Peter gently tilted your head up and kissed you softly before taking the condom from your hands.
“I got this, you just get ready and sit pretty for me,” his words made you shudder. You quickly sat back and practically tore off your panties, tossing them across the room. You could see the light in Peter’s eyes started to fade and you could tell he was getting nervous. 
“Hey, having second thoughts?” you asked softly.
“No, it’s just, I don't really know what I’m doing either,” he stammered.
“Well, I don’t really have anyone to compare, so,” you reassured him.
“I just don’t wanna ruin anything. What if I'm not good?” he said.
“Well, practice makes perfect. So let’s start practicing!” you cheered. 
Peter bit his lip and pumped his aching cock a few times. You settled back and opened your legs a bit and Peter settled himself in. His hands trembled as he grabbed his dick and lined it up to your entrance and your breathing quickened. 
He slid past your folds quite rapidly and you grunted. Peter noticed the discomfort and his hips pulled back too far causing his member to slip out. You giggled but Peter grunted. 
“It’s ok, it’s ok,” you pulled him close and kissed his nose. 
“Don’t freak out, baby,” you nuzzled your nose against his.
Peter kissed you softly, “You’re too good to me.”
Peter tried again and slowly passed your slicks folds. You moaned softly feeling his girth and Peter’s eyes screwed shut. He dipped his head in the crook of your neck and nibbled on the skin of your ear. You wrapped your legs around his hips pulling closer and Peter grunted.
“Fuck, Y/n. You feel so good,” he moaned.
“Peter,” you moaned.
Peter hips snapped into you rapidly and your moans got louder. His hand reached for yours and intertwined his fingers with yours. He kissed you again before his body trembled over yours. His hips suddenly stopped and he fell forward.
“Pete?” you whispered.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to. You felt so good I couldn’t hold back,” Peter whined.
“It’s ok,” you giggled.
“No it’s not,” he grumbled. 
“It’s fine Pete, it was our first time. Don’t sweat it,” you smiled.
“No, sit back, princess. I promised I was gonna take care of you and I fully. Intend. On keeping that promise,” he kissed you in between words. 
You fell back and Peter trailed kisses down your front. His hands rubbed your thighs softly pressing faint kisses to the inside of them. Peter looked admirably between your thighs. He licked his lips and looked up at you almost innocently making your stomach flip at the sight.
“Fuck,” Peter whispered before licking up your slit.
“Peter,” you gasped.
He flicked his tongue over your clit and your hips jolted forward. You wiggled and moved under him gasping and whimpering his name. Peter used his strength and pressed your hips down hard as he continued to eat you out. 
Your hands flew to his hair tugging and pulling his fluffy curly hair. Your chest moved up and down hastily and sweat lined your forehead. You sat on your elbows and looked down to Peter who’s eyes were closed and his face immensely flushed, cheeks redden. 
His eyes opened and stared directly into your eyes. He came up for a second and smiled cheekily before dipping his tongue passed your entrance once again. The pressure in the pit of your stomach built up and up and up, until finally it snapped and your body arched in pleasure. 
You moaned and shrieked Peter’s name feeling ecstatic, overwhelmed with absolute pleasure. 
“Feeling good?” Peter got up wiping your cum off his chin. 
“Oh my goodness, Pete. You gotta do that again!” he laughed before kissing you.
“How was that?”
“Better than I imagined,” you cupped his face.
“I lo-” Peter stopped himself.
“I love you,” you whispered, finishing his sentence. 
“Good, because I love you too, so much,” he kissed you. Peter tucked you in his bed and crawled beside you holding you close.
“Thank you,” you kissed his jaw.
“For what?”
“For the best night ever,” you ggiled.
“Anytime. Like you said, practice makes perfect.”
“Oh, yeah. I cannot wait until we practice again.”
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ: (For all my work)
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gaysimpsstuff · 4 years
Flightless Birds Chapter One: Feathers in Fukuoka
Chapter Two Here
Chapter Three Here
Chapter Four Here
Chapter Five Here
Summary: Y/n unexpectedly meets the current number two hero Hawks in Fukuoka. The grayish blue Parakeet catches the eye of the speedy hero, who promises himself he’ll meet them again.
Word Count: 2.5K words
Warnings: Child abuse, Karens, blood, Hawks being creepy, chaotic best friend, gore, shitty parents, deadbeat dad
Other: The amount of research I put into this, wing anatomy, feather anatomy, types of birds, parakeet behaviors, cities in Japan, I even found a good Japanese name for the best friend, since this does take place in Japan. If you wanna know, Izanagi, the name of Y/n’s best friend in this fic, means ‘First male, god of creation’ and I love that name. Actually, I love anything in the Japanese language, it’s such a beautiful language and I cannot wait to learn it. Also, there was a problem with the spacing in the flashback scene so I just fixed that real quick, sorry for the inconvenience!
Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @combat-wombatus @cathy8taffy @1small-frogs @catcherisvibin @waffleareniceandfluffy @mandalorian-baby-bird @theblueslytherin (If you want to be added/removed from the taglist let me know).
You stared out the window. It had taken forever but you’d convinced him to let you look down at the streets surrounding his penthouse. You rested one hand on the cool glass, letting out a breath. Your other hand was tracing the scars on your legs, You had long given up on getting them to heal.
You fluttered your wings, or what was left of them. No matter how many times your primary flying feathers would grow back, it would never deter your captor from simply clipping them off again. Thankfully, he did a better job than other people. He would never cut a blood feather. Well, mostly.
You closed your eyes, the house was so stifling at times, despite the large open rooms, and the fact that your captor would occasionally allow you out into the garden. You attempted to recall the last time you were free in Fukuoka. You remembered a bright sky, blue as your wings, and clouds fluffy and soft as your feathers. You remembered the ache in your body from working yourself all day, and just how heavy your legs felt. You remembered a kid’s joyful cheers when she saw you….
“Mommy! Look, look at the pretty bird! Can I touch it please?” you were standing on the street, waiting for a friend to pick you up and take you over to their house to watch movies and eat popcorn. You looked up from your phone at the sound of the child’s loud, innocent voice. 
“Go right ahead, Kaneko!” a woman’s voice this time. You frowned. Whatever bird they were talking about it probably wasn’t a good idea for the kid to just run up and touch it. You were forcibly removed from your thoughts when sharp pain shot up through your wing. Oh, you were the ‘pretty bird’ the kid was talking about.
Your quirk was Parakeet, and that was fine by itself, but it came with pros and cons. Some pros were that you could fly, even though you couldn’t do that in public in most places in Japan. Some cities in Japan had laws that allowed flyers to take to the skies under strict sky traffic laws, but Fukuoka was not one of those cities. Maybe you would have been better off in Miyagi or Fukui, where you could fly freely, but at the same time, you had lived your whole life near Fukuoka, plus it was such a beautiful city, it was easier to stay here.
Another pro was simple, the thing most people think about when they say they want a mutant-type quirk. The looks. Your wings had three different colors, but the base color was a beautiful summer sky blue. At the very top of your wings, your marginal coverts were a curious shade of gray. Not dark enough to be black but not light enough to be white. Underneath were your secondary coverts, which were white as the clouds in the sky. The rest of your feathers were pretty blue colors. Your tail feathers followed the same pattern as your wings.
Everything else about your quirk wasn’t very fun. Behavioral issues that had gotten you in trouble in school and at work, especially during mating season. Plus the sheer amount of people with prejudice against mutant quirks. You’d heard it all. People thinking they had the right to touch your wings and tail, people shouting to you in a high-pitched voice to force you to repeat their words, people claiming you weren’t human, people insisting you fly them somewhere, etc etc. This was unfortunately something you dealt with on the daily.
Just like this kid grabbing your wing. 
“OW! Don’t do that!” you shrieked, yanking your wing away from the kid, spinning around to see her. Her little hand was wrapped around one of your darker feathers. Fuck. Of course, she grabbed a blood feather. The little girl’s eyes welled up in tears, and she turned and ran back to her mom. Thank the stars, she let go of your feather.
You sighed, running your fingers through your wings to smooth the ruffled feathers. 
“Excuse me, bird!” the mother of the child grabbed your shoulder, forcibly spinning you around to face her. She was middle-aged, and furious. “What did you do to my dear Kaneko?”
You glanced between the woman and the girl, Kaneko. Kaneko was in tears, holding onto her mother’s leg. She had to have only been three or four, she probably didn’t know any better.
“I didn’t do anything to your child, ma’am. She ran up to me and grabbed my wing, which is very painful, and actually very rude in case you were unaware.”
“I don’t give a shit!” the woman screeched. You flinched away from her. She was cursing in front of her toddler? Irresponsible. “It’s my dear Kaneko’s birthday, and I say she gets whatever she wants! You’re just a fucking bird, so why can’t you sit still and let my daughter pet you!?”
Great, she was a fucking Karen. This was just what you needed after dealing with co-workers and clients at work. Getting your feather pulled and a crazy lady all up in your face, freaking out at you. Because her daughter hurt you.
“Because it’s painful, and I’d prefer not to let strangers touch my wings.” You explained yourself calmly.
“You fucking bitch!” the woman was screaming, her finger in your face. “You selfish, greedy little pig! She’s a child, let her live her life!” Shadows danced in your peripherals as her words faded from your ears. 
Cold metal was pressed up against your feathers, you dreaded the snipping noise that meant she was cutting. You could feel the scissors press into the stem of your feather before the metal blades connected, severing the feather from your wing. 
“Ow! Mommy that hurts!” hot, wet, salty tears stained your cheeks. “Mommy please stop it!” You were five, getting your wings clipped for the first time.
“Shut up! Don’t be so fucking selfish!” a harsh voice snapped at you, the aggression making you shudder as you sobbed. Your pupils were blown wide in fear as you screamed.  “Stop, Mommy that one hurts more!” your mother didn’t even hesitate, cutting off another feather. It hit the ground like the rest of them, but something else came with it. Blood dripped down your wings, staining the pretty blues and plopping onto the ground.
“You’re dirtying my clean floors!” mother screeched behind you. “When I finish with your wings, you’ll clean that up!”
“Mommy?” you sniffled, trying to hold back your chest-heaving sobs. “Why do I hafta have my wings clipped?”
“So you don’t fly away like your jackass of a father. I won’t let you leave Mommy.”
“Get your finger out of my face, woman!” you shouted at her, you were just seconds away from biting it off of her ugly hand. You were trembling, and you could hardly breathe what with the marching drums hammering away at your ribcage
“Don’t you tell me what to do, you inhuman!” The little girl shied away from her mom, crying harder. You opened your mouth to retort against the crazy Karen, but stopped when you saw the girl’s reaction. You knew she probably felt bad for hurting you, and now her mother was screaming and cursing, you knew how scary that was.
Your train of thought was interrupted by a whoosh of wind and a flash of red. Something wrapped around your arms, tugging you away from the woman, and something tugged the woman away from you. You looked down, seeing red feathers curled around your biceps. You’d only seen red feathers in one other place. When your own feathers were soaked in blood from your mom’s clippings. You shook your head, pushing the dark memories from your mind as you grabbed the feather and pulled it off of you as quick as possible, it flew away from you almost immediately, heading towards a man far taller than you. His golden hair was messy but very soft-looking. His slitted eyes glanced between you and the woman behind his golden goggles. His hands rested in the pockets of his large brown jacket. But none of that compared to his intimidatingly large red wings. It would be impossible not to recognize him, he was your best friend’s favorite.
Number Two Pro-Hero in Japan; Hawks
“What’s going on here?” he asked. “I heard shouting.” he said, a lazy smile resting on his face.
“This crazy bird-bitch hit my daughter!” the Karen screamed hysterically.
“Are you kidding me?” you thought she’d at least be above that, but it looked this woman didn’t give a shit about morality. “I didn’t touch her at all! She grabbed my wing then you freaked out when it hurt me!” 
“Hey, now, no need to get upset.” Hawks turned to you, and something in him changed. His wings shivered, and his eyes slitted, before blowing back out to normal size. “Birdie, tell me your side of the story.” you took a step away from the hero, something about his reaction to seeing you didn’t seem natural. It creeped you out. Also, why was he calling you ‘birdie?’
“I was standing around, waiting for my friend, then this kid saw me. She must have thought my wings were pretty because she ran up to be and grabbed one of my feathers. A blood feather, actually. It hurt and I yanked my wing back and told her not to do that. This woman seemed to have some delusion that her daughter has every right to touch and hurt me and I’m supposed to- and I now quote- ‘sit still and let her pet me.’” You explained.
“Ah I see.” Hawks nodded, turning to a young man on the street. “Sir, who’s explanation is correct?” he asked.
“Uh- the bird’s?” the guy seemed out of it, just staring at the hero.
“Thanks, sir. Ma’am, could you and your daughter apologize to this nice person?”
“No way in fucking hell!” the woman screamed. “Come on, Kaneko, we’re getting out of here. And I’m throwing away all your Hawks bobbleheads, now I know he’s a fucking biased pig.” The girl glanced up at her mom before quickly running to you, taking your hand.
“I’m sorry!” she cried. “I didn’t wanna hurt you, your wings just looked so pretty!” you softened a little, crouching down and patting the girl’s head, smiling at her.
“It’s alright, I forgive you. Next time you see something pretty, tell the person it’s pretty, then ask if you can touch it.” The girl lit up, nodding eagerly.
“I will!” she exclaimed before her mother dragged her away. 
“You didn’t need to apologize to that asshole. They were the one that made you cry.” she grumbled, walking down the street as she fumed. 
“Poor girl…” you muttered. “Having a Karen for a mom.” you stared after her empathetically. You didn’t notice the look in the hero’s eyes, staring you up and down, shifting from one leg to the next. “Oh um, thanks Hawks,” you said, turning back to him. “For helping me.”
You froze when you saw his face, eyes seemingly staring into your soul, expression blank. He seemed to be calculating something, scanning you for information. Your blood ran cold when you noticed his pupils, thinner than paper.
“Oh!” he was shaken out of his daze by your voice, a careless smile dawning his features as his pupils returned to normal. “No problem, Birdie.” you pursed your lips, nodding. You saw a small black car turn the corner, and you honed in on the license plate. Saved at last! Your friend was here!
“Alright, uh I’ve gotta be going now…” you chuckled nervously. 
“Wait, a sec, I’m gonna need your name for a report.” he dug around in his pocket, pulling out a small voice recorder and holding it up to you. “Just speak it in here.” Oh, yeah that made sense, Heroes had to make reports of everything they resolved in a day, so it was probably best to get the names of the people they help in case the PHSC needed to contact them.
“Y/n.” you spoke as clear as you could when he pressed the button on the side of the recorder. “Y/n L/n. Hawks helped me win a petty fight with a Karen.” you chuckled a little into the recorder. Hawks nodded, putting the recorder back into his pocket. He glanced back at you for a moment, expression aloof and apathetic.
“Thanks, Y/n!” he flashed you another smile before taking off into the sky, leaving you confused. 
Why did he use your personal name and not your family name?
The door to the small black car opened, and your friend stumbled out, running forward a few paces before cursing.
“You fuckin kidding me, Y/n? You got to meet Hawks?” he stared at you in disbelief. “You couldn’t have made him stay a minute longer? You know he’s my celebrity crush!” 
You couldn’t help but laugh. Your best friend since you were a young child, Izanagi Fujikawa. Bisexual, chaotic, and your mortal enemy. 
“Iza, he’s a pro hero. He’s got shit to do!” Izanagi pouted, crossing his arms.
“I know… I’m still mad at you though.” you rolled your eyes, scoffing. 
“We can deal with that.” you poked his cheek, climbing in the passenger seat before he grabbed your elbow, pulling you back towards him.
“Your wing’s all messed up- what happened?”
“I’ll explain in the car.” you shrugged him off, climbing in and buckling your seatbelt, unaware of the sharp golden eyes watching you.
Hawks was perched on a nearby building, eyes slitted as he glared down at your friend. You two were close, he could tell. Why did that make him so fucking furious? His feathers twitched as he played back the recording you’d given him. That laugh, golden and free. He looped it, your gentle voice blessing his ears and relaxing his body for him.
“Pff- hahahaha!” he closed his eyes, re-imagining your face, the soft smile gracing your angel-like features, the way your wings flapped slightly, the nearly inaudible purr vibrating in the back of your throat. He wanted you to laugh around him more, he wanted you to be around him more, he wanted you to be his. 
Even if he only got to talk to you for a minute, he felt like he already knew everything there was to know about you. You didn’t like causing trouble, seeing how polite you were at first to that crazy lady. You could stand your ground though, not afraid to stand up for yourself. You were kind, and forgiving, he got that from how you treated the kid. 
A sudden realization struck Hawks. It was frightening, terrifying even. He loved you. Breathtaking Y/n L/n, the pretty parakeet. Ah, but that guy. That guy was in the way. Not to worry, he could remove the… complication.
You would belong just to him.
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nincompoopydoo · 3 years
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( credits to @animusrox for this gif )
PAIRING: Bruce Wayne x reader
WORD COUNT: 2247 hot diggy dog
SUMMARY: You have a heart-to-heart conversation with one of your students before the play and you're hit with the realization that your love for Bruce may be more than meets the eye. hence, you’re starting to wonder if it was a mistake you can never fix.
A/N: This one’s long and kinda depressing. I’m in an angsty mood now whoops. Nevertheless, thank you for reading this series, the bagels will make its appearance and enjoy this one folks.
WARNINGS: Anxiety, depressing thoughts.
The night of the show arrived quicker than you anticipated. The flurry of theatre kids rushing about backstage is quite the sight, feeling the incredible sense of pride of a mother for her children. Yet in prayer, you ask Mrs. Wilson for the gift of strength and ability to manage a bunch of highly-strung teenagers. It’s only Shakespeare after all but you knew that wasn’t the genuine nature behind their stage jitters. With all tickets sold out within a week, it has easily become the biggest event of the year aside from homecoming. It may be a little pretentious for a high school production of an over-performed Shakspeare play to emerge as the highlight of the year, but you know it will help with some of the students’ portfolios for acting school.
The clock ticks—thirty minutes before showtime and panic starts to creep.
Your fingertips dance along the selvage of the extensive drapery of the stage as lighting queues are being run through for the last time. The urge of curiosity lets you crack open the curtain as you peeked at the rest of the theatre. The bustling crowd made up of mostly teenagers with seats rapidly being filled, it’s certainly a sight for sore eyes. Amongst the settling audience, you spot Bruce, seated between Mr. Walken, the principal, and Mr. Huckleberry, the vice-principal, likely being shamelessly asked for donations. He looks engaged, but his posture and the gaze of his eyes tell a very different story—Bruce is barely listening to a word they’re saying.
He then turns in the direction of your hiding spot and despite the distance, he catches your eye, immediately recognizing it’s you spying from behind the curtains. You watch the curve of his lips turn up into more of a smirk, swiftly sending a wink your way. You instantly disappear behind the curtains, cheeks burning.
You sometimes find it hard to believe you’re sleeping with the man with no strings attached because you’re incredibly attracted to him.
Someday, you’ll burst out into an exaggerated love confession, and you know it’s going to be ugly. It’s a reality check and right now, it’s the last thing you want. Running away from your problems is more of a habit than a choice as you would rather live in the world your mind has created, where miracles are made and defects cease to exist. Anyone would trade the cruelties of reality for a perfect one yet getting too caught up in a daydream will eventually evolve into toxicity. Bruce orbits the very core of your problems and daydreams. You want to run away from him and allow yourself to be engulfed by his presence at the same time.
You just need...to breathe. Hence, the second dressing room has a weird stench to it. It’s a mess but it’s empty. Yet, it seems you aren’t the only one in need of space, away from everyone else. Shaniqua is seated at the far corner of the room on a crooked metal chair, dressed in a somewhat modernized version of an Elizabethan era dress. Very elaborate and theatrical. Despite her introverted character, she was constantly bright-eyed and keen during your classes. She had a drive like no other. Hell, she miraculously memorized all her lines in two days.
You’ve never seen a furrow of the girl’s brows, until now, and it worries you. Even her glitter-covered eyes could not conceal the dismay they portray with prominence. Gingerly, you made your way to her as she stared at her fidgeting hands. It was only when you settled on the opposite dusty old chair when she finally noticed your presence.
“Stage fright, huh?” you casually asked, resting your arm on the dressing table. She mirrors your posture, heaving a deep sigh, and shakes her head. “No, it’s just,” A pause, her gaze finds yours. You nod, flashing her a smile. It’s a simple gesture that you’re here to listen. “It’s about Oscar...” You catch a hint of a smile as she trailed off and in an instant, your brow raises with curiosity. Oh? Another beat of silence, her eyes dart around the room. You sit quietly with patience because you knew she had more to say.
“It’s just that doing this play has got me thinking a lot about my feelings. I mean, if Romeo and Juliet could be lovers, despite their feuding families, then it must be easy enough for me to admit that I like Oscar.”
“You have a point.” You chuckle, eyes crinkling with amusement. Sometimes she thinks too much for her own good. She reminds you of Bruce. Shaniqua flashes you a faint smile, lips pressed with doubt. “But why am I finding it so hard to just tell him that?”
You stayed silent for a moment or two, mind deep in thought. The chair creaks as you shift in your seat. “Well, could it be that you aren’t sure if he likes you back?”
A hum in response, shrugging coyly as she mumbled a ‘maybe’. Although it was clear as day to you that Oscar liked her back, you wondered if her doubts emerged due to their differences in character. The familiarity of the situation is beginning to feel a lot like deja vu.
“How do you know that someone is the one?” Her sudden question catches you off guard because, in all honesty, you aren’t confident if you knew the answer. A straightforward question, commonly seen in the pages of teenage magazines, written for innocent eyes. You knew its true nature and it terrifies you. The image of Bruce charges through your thoughts like rushing water, memories of times when the two of you were younger clouding your mind. You forcefully push back your university days, buried back deep into your conscience.
“I don’t exactly know the answer to that but in my opinion, it’s—it’s the feeling of completeness when you love them and know they love you. They may be different from you, but it doesn’t make you love them any less. There’s no conflict or strife; it’s just the two of you against the world.”
Those words were raw and genuine, carefully crafted directly from the heart. You weren’t surprised by your words because you’ve thought about it a lot, especially on nights you slept on Bruce’s bed. Maybe, you do love him, and that's a huge ass problem. It’s amazing how unexpected situations tend to encourage apprehension on large issues you never knew existed in the first place. Perhaps it was your astonishing lack of discernment when it came to matters that could potentially alter your life.
Tonight, a sixteen-year-old girl did just that.
Amid your growing anxiety, you manage to catch sight of the wall clock, hung on the other side of the room. It’s now eight minutes until showtime. Your eyes are now wide as you sprung up from your seat in the sudden realization that everyone should be at their respective positions two minutes ago. “Oh God, we’re running late. Shaniqua, word of advice—don’t end up regretting something you didn’t do,” You shoot her a pointed look, index finger stretching towards her. “Now, you really need to go, or we’ll have to delay and you know Mr. Walken hates waiting.”
It’s a quarter to nine, and the theatre is empty. Outside, the foyer and the hallways are buzzing with the remaining audience, lingering and sharing inane conversations as others wait for a car to take them home. You had only just finished rearranging the costumes in the wardrobe of the dressing room. You tried to sweep the scatter of glitter all over the floor but it deemed a task as impossible; you’ll deal with it next week.
You’re sitting in the seat at the front row, nearest to the aisle with a large box filled with props on your lap. Alone in transcendental silence, feeling as empty as the theatre itself. It was partly the conversation you had with Shaniqua that hit you with the reminder of all the mistakes you made that have led you to this unchanging world of a blur that takes the blame for the wretched feeling in your chest. Yet, as the show progressed, hearing the words of affection from two lovers had sent your mind reeling. You were desperate to head home, crawl into bed and potentially cry yourself to sleep but the growing anxiety forbids it, you don’t even think you could drive home.
So, you stillness of the theatre reminds you of Edward Hopper’s painting, Solitary Figure in a Theater. With eyes shut, you pretend you are the figure in the painting, sheathed in black, sitting alone in the cavernous dark.
You hear the door of the theatre squeak, swinging open followed by the shuffling of feet. You don’t look at first, too tired anyway. You’d assume someone had either forgotten something or it was the janitor that you’re sure is going to be upset over the glitter massacre in the dressing room. It looked like a crime scene, except it was the murder of a literal unicorn. You made a mental note to send an apology sandwich of some sorts next week.
It was the familiarity in the whiff of cologne that made you snap your eyes wide open, looking over your shoulder to meet with the sight of Bruce, ambling down the aisle towards you. He smiles, and you mirror him, shifting in your seat and nearly toppling the box to the ground. “What are you still doing here?” He smiles, and you mirror him, shifting in your seat and nearly toppling the box to the ground. “I could ask you the same question.” He settles in the seat next to you, elbow brushing against yours. Your head tilts, gesturing to the box. Bruce merely hums and nods thoughtfully.
“So, how was the play? Does it get a Wayne seal of approval?” There’s a hint of teasing in the curve of your lips as his eyes drift to the stage. “I liked it. The kids have talent.” Your eyes glint with amusement, your smile growing wider. “I never knew you were a fan of romance.” His laugh comes out more like a huff of air, crinkled eyes meeting yours, and nudges you lightly. “Well, now you know.”
He recognizes the way your smile doesn’t quite reach your eyes and the way you’re fussing with the edges of the box on your lap. Something is bothering you and he knows it. He nudges you once more. “Penny for your thoughts?”
You blink once. Then twice, face wincing instinctively. You keep forgetting how well Bruce can read people, especially you. You exhale slowly as he watches you struggle to pick the right words.
“It’s really nothing. It’s just-” you say after a long minute, cutting yourself short. Then, you turn to Bruce. “I’m growing older, and I’ve spent my entire life in a fog with so much fear for reality, I’m afraid it’s too late to fix all my mistakes and regrets.” Your voice dwindles with every word that escaped your lips. You were young, naïve with the notion that time was extensive to make decisions without thinking it through. To know that you could never take back the things you did. Saturn’s rising, it’s a wake-up call now that you’re older and the fear that you would never change creeps onto you with every passing birthday.
Bruce defines the epitome of the sinking feeling in your chest whenever you lay in bed at night and let your mind reel about your existence. Yet, it isn’t as simple as you want it to be. The boy you met at university has grown into a far more complex and entangled mess of the grief of his parents, the responsibility he held over this city and the drive to just...keep moving on. For the longest time, it was him against the world, and a part of you wants to believe that it doesn’t have to be that way. That maybe, you could be enough for him.
He glanced away from you, trying to hide the despondency in his eyes. He holds back a sigh as he speaks, “Do you regret us doing this?” As vague as his question is, you know what he exactly means. He remembers the time the two of you used to exchange senseless conversations and laughter so vividly that it scares him. Juvenile friends, lacking the knowledge to know what love really was. Hence, the agreement—it was just two friends, messing around. Nothing could go wrong. Now, the hole has been dug in too deep, with no way of getting out.
“I don’t,” you reply and with just two simple words, his chest feels like fire. It was the way you had said it, with so much confidence and assurance, despite the intricacy of this relationship. For the first time in a long time, you were extremely sure about an answer. You could never regret Bruce. Never.
It’s almost hesitant in the way his hand finds yours, but it represents his care for you, even if you may not know it. The warmth of his hand feels like fire. Hell, your chest feels like it’s on fire, heart burning for the man beside you. “I’ll drive you home,” he whispers with a squeeze of your hand. You flash him a grateful smile as the two of you drift into a comfortable silence. Silence so eloquent that you don’t feel so empty anymore. No longer a solitary figure trapped in a painting but now two, hand in hand, against the world.
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kulemii · 2 years
I wasn't sure whether to ask here or your other blog as this is the blog that made the RGG questionnaire? I'd thought i'd ask you some questions of your own post!! A.3, B.1, B.4, C.9, D.9 and F.7!!!
i betcha forgot all about this ask huh? well, i didn't- thanks to me leaving this one baking in my ask box since march i decided to start this shit up again today so i'd have an excuse to finally answer you after all this time lmaooo. hello saiiii, please forgive me! 🙇🏾‍♀️
A.3) Favorite protagonist(s)? Majima- I was so mad that I had to play as this man after I fell for Kiryu during those first chapters of 0. I really disliked him and by the middle of his first chapter I was already in love. Round of applause for Mr.Eyepatch man for breaking my 3+ year writer’s block slump. What a guy, that Majimuh! Haruka- Loved her as a protagonist almost solely based on how risky it was for RGG to create such a different form of gameplay just for her part and it was entertaining from start to finish. She upset me so much because Miss Girl, we don’t bow to these hoes. She really should’ve been able to fight. Ugh! Akiyama- He’s a sleaze but he’s a funny sleaze that goes Kicky Kick :) Honorable Mention: Kiryu- I mean, he’s alright. Like… Overrated as Fuck in my opinion. I mean.. And you know what though? That’s typically how the bullshit goes. Ya feel me?
B.1) Which character do you relate to most and why? I used to believe that it was Y0 Majima but after playing through the whole series up to 6, i realize that the real answer was Haruka! This one went one for a while but the "why" has been answered [here]
B.4) Who would you like to post more about but you don’t? Why don’t you? Oh, that's easy! Aizawa ^-^ I don't feel like I talk about him enough and i really should hehe 🥰 Jk. Umm, yeah last time I answered this, I said Majima and while I do believe that I wouldn't mind posting about him more I-- still think there's really nothing left for me to say. I've got such brilliant mutuals that can put their Majima thoughts into words in a way that I just cannot lol so i just, let everyone else have those conversations. I have been thinking about how I tend to keep my Reina obsession in private but i'm kinda tired of doing that- the reason why is pretty simple, the fandom ain't too kind to the ladies of RGG so to avoid those sorta debates I just keep between me and my moots. But, yeah fuck that. Reina deserves praise too! So be prepared for me to act mentally ill about my gorgeous wife. >:D Also, I feel like I could post more about Nishiki- i know that after I finished my Nishiki project I sorta closed the book and left him sittin pretty on my bookshelf because I channeled so much of my fascination with him into that project but I still love him so much. So, I should talk about him. Also, I feel like I could talk about--
C.9) What was the most emotional scene in the series? I don't now if I would call it the most emotional scene but it's certainly the freshest one on my mind- The Scene in 6 at the end when Iwami and that other bitch ass mf tried to murk Kiryu in front of Haruka. Hoooboy that was- I cried. Like, I ugly cried. Another scene that made me ugly cry, Nishiki and Kiryu in The Woods in 0. Another scene that made me ugly cry? Majima, Makoto and the watch. Another sce--
D.9) Any hot takes? (Something that might not win ya any new friends) I think my answer [here] remains my hottest take. I can't come up with anything else at the moment.
F.7) Who are you fighting on the Millennium Tower rooftop? Kiryu, I gotta teach this old man a lesson. Then, after that, I'm fighting the RGG writing team-all at once.
Wanna send in more? Questions are found [here]!
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Piñata (Seven brothers GN!MC)
Hello everyone! I saw this video of how they break a piñata in the USA and they compare it with Mexico and other countries, and omg I laughed so so so much about it you guys are so cute, so I thought “How would the demos brothers would react toward that?” Here I´ll leave you the video, and let´s start!! https://youtu.be/HMo2IqJ-JV8
[The brothers are invited to a Mc cousin´s party, the child it´s 9 years old and they need to cross the last and most dangerous road of them all. The piñata…]
He is sitting in next to Mc, and his brothers, when an aunt of Mc came running into them, asking nicely if they could help her, as the avatar of pride, Lucifer said “Sure How shall I help you ma’am?”  
After listening to Mc´s aunt he hesitates about the idea of pulling the rope that connected the piñata to the ceiling. Mc, just laugh at him, and stayed close to Lucifer so they could explain how he needed to move the piñata.
“So, you want me to pull the rope and let it go, so the children can´t break it?” he smiles when Mc nodded at him with a big smile. “And they need to jump?” again another smile.
He is the uncle that makes it hard for everyone and tease them until they break the piñata. But while he was making his job as perfect as he could, the piñata started to leak some candies, and even if one child was there hitting the piñata, others would enter the territory and sneak out the candy. He was amazed, they were fearless little devils.
When Mc disappeared of his side, he saw them with the broom stick ready to beat de “s” out of it. And they did, he only saw how the children started to push each other, bite each other, and the environment became a war environment, with the MC on the ground protecting their candy as they life were meant to be.
He enjoyed looking to that picture and he swear, he even saw a stronger demon around the candies, that was Mc.
He stayed with his younger brothers; he was staring at the weird looking piñata. Trying to reveal “Who was that character?!” When they lift the piñata, he had tons of Flash Backs.
He decided to stayed next to one of Mc´s aunt, and a small child scold him, that if he didn´t sang the song he won´t get any chance of hitting the piñata, and that meant “No candies for him.”
“Dale, dale, dale, no pierdas el tino porque si lo pierdes, pierdes el camino, ya le disté uno, ya le diste dos, ya le diste tres y tu tiempo se acabó!” After that explanation he started to get excited, he is like a child, so he is happy while everyone is singing, they can´t tell him that he looks childish, because everyone is singing!
He gets along with the children, and they love him. After the first whole that the piñata got, and after watching every kid wanting to take the candy that flew out he started to write down every single one of the movements they did, so he could imitate them in the devildom.
He got his turn of hitting the piñata, Lucifer didn´t made it easy but he did broke it, and he swears, it was hell in life, his friends attack him for some candy, Mc bite him so they could pass through him, and the candy that felt into his head hurt more than any of Lucifer´s punishment.
He ended up with only a “Pica fresa”. But it was worth it. He fought a kid for it, and he won! He kept that candy as his treasure, for eternity.
Poor baby stayed with Mc´s young female cousins that likes Ruri-chan. And with Mc´s otaku cousins, he is at home, or that´s what he thinks, until the greatest Ruri-chan fan took his hand and with puppy eyes asked him if he could accompany her to the piñata. He said yes.
It was like a videogame! He felt like the Lord of Shadow, and his crew, even his Henry was there for him (aka: Mc) and the adventure just started. Or so that thought.
He was embarrassed while singing, and he even envy Mammon for being so free, he was with his crew, until… Until the catastrophe, his small friend ran into the war field just for a candy, and she wasn´t even hit by the person beating the crap out of the piñata. She was a true hero!
Mc´s little cousin gave Levi the candy she got, and he almost cry in the place, but the lord of Shadow wouldn´t cry in front of his crew, so he kept his tears for him. (When he returned to his room he teared and cried a lot.)
As general of the demon army demon, he had seen tons of bloody and ugly scenarios from war. But the one in front of him was the scarier scenario he could admire in his entire life; it even gave him nightmares after seeing that.
His little friend was punching and hitting someone, Mc pushed that little girl and he saw how they were fighting for candies. It was worst than war, and when it ended the fearless little girl went to see him and with a big smile, he saw… She lost a tooth.  Levi baby got traumatize after that.
He was with the philosophies uncles that each family has, you know, the one that can make an opinion out of everything and anything and they ruin the mood. Yep, he was with those uncles.
Until the uncles stand up and told him that it was war time, he thought they will murder each other and boy was hi in. He was getting excited when he saw the broom stick, he could punch Lucifer and nobody would ask him questions, this was the most satisfied day of his existing.
But he saw the piñata, and thought that the song was a type of incantation so the children could have a power up. He really focused on the song and we might say that he sings it every time he needs strength.
After watching the suicidal kids (nick name that he chose for them) he wanted to try it, and he did, he got a “Paleta payaso” and damn he was rejoicing, he even show off in front of Lucifer.
He smiled when he saw the entire war scene, he laughed at it, after that he understood why Mc was so reckless and fearless, apparently chasing the death is obligatory curriculum in the country. Now that one mystery was solved, he could rest that night.
He just loved the idea of beating something, and got excited when he was told that he could beat the piñata, he might or might not had let go the broom stick towards Lucifer, but we would never know.
On the contrary of Satan, Asmo stayed with the aunts of Mc, you know, the one that live for drama and gossip. He was so happy there listening to the ladies and gasping everyone in a while, he was surprised that humans couldn´t have many partners at the same time and that the prettiest aunt got a divorce.
When the aunts started to move quickly, he wanted to be part of that too! So, he followed all the aunts of Mc, and saw how they took their precious children and talked to them firmly, so he dragged his Mc and took their hands with his and stayed there for a moment.
For Mc, that action only bring them memories of how their mother would scold them before the piñata, that made them a little nervous. And even if they wanted to ask about it, Asmo was already gone.
Asmo saw everything with shock, he swears that he saw Lucifer sweating, and that meant problems and panic for him and his brothers, he wanted to hug Mc, so they could comfort him but he saw them kicking a small child. So, he didn’t get close them.
Mc gave him a bubble gum and they left with a big bag full of candy, while Beel carry them in his shoulder… WAS THAT A TEETH IN THE BAG?! MC WAIT, WAIT!!!
He gets worried about the mental stability of Mc.
Baby boy is having a panic attack, baby boy needs hugs and kisses and attention. He is the one that eats, and eats a lot in the Taquiza so when he saw every single dish he was the happiest demon alive, he drank with Mc´s uncles and ate with Mc grandmothers, and they don´t tell him his a glutton, they serve him more and more food. Because… “Mijo, tas muy flaquito, toma otro plato, come bien.”
He stays with the children and they play, Mammon and Beel are the greatest friends the kids have, Mc´s cousins are begging them to marry one of them, no matter who really, they just want a cool cousin in the family. He is a happy baby boy while he is playing with them.
Until everything became a war field, children were screaming, the older ones were laughing, he just wanted some candy, but when a five-year-old push him for the candies he just got depressed and wondered… What king of food those children were eating? Does he needed to call child service?!
After he was pushed down into the ground, Belphie tried to take a nap over him.
He reacted and gently moved his twin, he needed to save Mc, those children were a danger for every living thing in the planet, but oh surprise when he saw his MC pushing, screaming, biting, and kicking the children just for candy.
Low key, he feels proud of the human, but he needs to save the small ones, so he carried Mc in his shoulder, while they were laughing with their bag full of candies and a tooth.  Baby boy got a Dulcero Instead.
The one recording the massacre, he is having the time of his life, he can know more about Mc and punch Lucifer. The adults can have a piñata too?! REALLY?! Satan give me the stick I´ll beat the f out of Lucifer.
He is enjoying the party, and he adored the party even more with the scene. He is so happy that they made him came into this. He is happy until he saw a five-year-old pushing Beel, no one bully his twin, but also… “I need to call social service?! Are this even children?! They knock down a demon like Beel!!”
Trying to calm down during the adult piñata, just like Satan he “accidently” slipped the broom stick towards Lucifer while hitting the piñata. He took a mental note about not messing around Mc, not only they broke the piñata, but they also broke the broom stick.
After his turn, he wanted to sleep so he tried to get over his twin, Beel move him so he could save Mc.
Enjoyed watching Mc in a war mood, they were so cute angry, he needed to record that for prosperity, “Satan come look at this! Lucifer is sweating cold!”
After that, he tried to have a piñata every once in a while, so all the brothers could start to practice the art of stealing candies and beating the crap out of small children. In their defense, it was worth it.
Let´s learn some Spanish. 
Piñata: Game that consists of hanging a clay or cardboard container, usually full of sweets or fruits, at a certain distance from the ground, to break it with sticks
Taquiza: A taquiza is a traditional Mexican banquet. Everything that you can put in a tortilla goes there. (Rice, mole, slits with cream etc.)
Dulcero: Bag full of candies.
Dale, dale, dale, no pierdas el tino porque si lo pierdes, pierdes el camino, ya le disté uno, ya le diste dos, ya le diste tres y tu tiempo se acabó!:
Paleta payaso: A marshmallow lolipo cover with chocolate and a face of gummie.
Pica fresa: Strawberry gummi covered in tamarindo.
Mijo, tas muy flaquito, toma otro plato, come bien.”: My son, you are so skinny, here, have another plate. 
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neoloves · 4 years
— 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐧𝐨 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧.
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| 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 | The second part to 'Oikawa, Tsukishima and Akaashi comparing you to their ex'
Part 1 can be found here ♡
| 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | Oikawa Tooru, Akaashi Keiji and Tsukishima Kei
| 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬) | swearing
| 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝.𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 1.6k
| 𝐚𝐭𝐡.𝐭𝐱𝐭 | I'm not even gonna front, I wanted to do the part 2 angsty, but I didn't 🧍🏻‍♀️ happy endings for everyone! ✨ damn why this so long for
(also I just realized 'how to say sorry' by middle school is the perfect song to listen to when reading this 👁️👁️)
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「 Oikawa 」
Oikawa slaps himself one more time, his vision was getting blurry, his eyes searching for one person, that one person that's put up with all his bullshit and loved him thoroughly. "Fucking hell Oikawa, can you focus a little bit more?!" Iwaizumi yells at him, they lost the first set, all because Oikawa couldn't find you at the bleachers.
"Oh I'd love to, but you see Y/N-" Iwaizumi cuts him off, "Y/N didn't come today because she's still hurt you ass! Now get your head back into the game," Iwaizumi sends him one last glare. Oikawa scoffs, you were his lucky charm, whenever you were there to watch his games he was more motivated to win but without you, it's almost like it's not worth it.
Even after all of the things Oikawa said, you couldn't help but watch his games, it felt like a routine for you. The game finished with Aoba Johsai winning, the gap wasn't big but they won and that's all that matters. You quickly made your way out of the gym but someone's hand stopped you from doing so, looking up you see Iwaizumi. He was the one that ran after you instead of your boyfriend, he helped you calm down during that time, "Y/N can we.. talk?" He asked.
Looking around, you didn't see Oikawa anywhere so you agreed. Walking just outside the gym, there he stood, the moonlight was shining down on him so beautifully, fuck. "Y/N, please have a listen to what he says, he's been a wreck these days.." Iwaizumi says, offering you a gentle smile before leaving you two. "So.. what did you want to talk about? That you wanted to break up? That you found someone that's way better than me? Someon-"
"No! No one is better than you! No one can ever replace you y/n, so please listen to me. The shit I said before was because I wasn't thinking straight, it was never you, I just- I just thought that you might see the real me, pathetic little athlete and leave one day, I didn't want that to happen.. I'm sorry," Oikawa said, his chest heaving up and down, his pretty hazel eyes had tears flowing down his cheeks.
You couldn't watch Oikawa cry, all you wanted to do was wrap your arms around him and tell him that it was alright. Instead you approached him slowly, taking his hands into yours, "I forgive you Oikawa, but it'll take time for me to put in trust in you," You said, giving him the slightest smile. "T-That's do-able, I'll wait until you're ready again, and I promise to not break your heart again," And he plans to keep that promise.
「 Akaashi 」
Akaashi tells himself that he'll be a better boyfriend, he'll make it up to you. But why can't he send you a single text? Maybe call? No, he wants to apologize in person, the longer he drags this fight out the more he realizes how much of a wreck he really is without you. He starts to ask himself, 'What would y/n do?' or 'Have they eaten yet?'
The last time he's seen you was at the hallways, he's always seeked you out but you always avoided him, the calm and composed Akaashi Keiji, going crazy over you. "How do I even make her listen to me Bokuto? She won't even spare me a glance.." he muttered, Bokuto felt pity for his friend, 'Maybe this is how y/n felt when I ignored her,' he told himself.
"Just walk straight up to her, say that you want to talk and apologize, don't make excuses, say that you're sorry, wholeheartedly," Bokuto says, smiling at him. "Easier said than done," Akaashi sighs, it's the first time he's ever dealt with something like this, but for you, he'll keep trying
He found the perfect opportunity to face you when the teacher had asked Akaashi to help you with some subjects you were failing, you've skipped school for a week prior to the argument. It's been hard to catch up with all the work, so Akaashi was sent to lend you a hand. You were more than surprised when Akaashi comes up to your door step, "Uh.." You said, slamming the door onto his face, but he was quickly to catch it, leaving the door slightly opened.
"Y/N I was sent here by the teacher to help you with school.. and to apologize," He said, hesitantly, opening the door once again. You let Akaashi in, you couldn't tell but Akaashi was nervous as hell, all the words he's rehearsed were forgotten the moment he saw you. He curses himself for hurting you, "Sorry, you were forced to come here to help me," You said, keeping your gaze on the floor. "No, I should be the one apologizing,"
"It was unfair of me, ignoring you and then lashing out like that. I don't know why I did that, but I want to apologize, I never wanted to hurt you, some boyfriend I am," He said, his mind replaying the scene over and over, he can't forget the hurt look on your face. "I'm supposed to protect you, not hurt you, so.. you can decide if you still want me or not, I'll respect your decision," He said, "I– You know I still love you so much Akaashi, of course I want you back, but please, give me time.." You said, your heart feeling way lighter.
"Of course Y/N, I'll give you all the time you need, I'll be waiting," Akaashi smiles, he can wait for a lifetime, maybe even forever just to have you back in his arms.
「 Tsukishima 」
Tsukishima can't help but glance at your seat from time to time, it was empty, it's been empty for a week now. You weren't the type to skip school, but he guesses you have an excuse to not come anymore. How would Tsukishima let you know that he didn't mean all the shit he said? How would he let you know that it's always been you?
Even Yamaguchi started to make up excuses about not being able to hang out, Tsukishima fully knows that Yamaguchi would meet up with you, but he doesn't why. He guesses that it's to console you, but it's making him feel bad. Having his friend comfort you instead of him, but he can't really say much as he's the cause of this. So he'll endure it until he can't anymore, jealousy is an ugly emotion and he knows that fully well.
He's been seeing you and Yamaguchi together more often, sure it tugs at his heartstrings but what the fuck can he do? He's a coward that runs away from emotion and bottles them up until it comes around to bite his ass. That's exactly why that argument between you two happened in the first place, he's been dealing with personal issues with college and his life that he ended up bursting it out on you.
"Nothing I do is ever good enough, fuck," He curses, as he misses another ball. "Are you alright Tsukishima? You're usually not this distracted," His teammate asked, "It's nothing, just tired, let's get back to practice," He replied, not wanting to answer anymore questions. His teammate seemed to have gotten the message and left him alone, "How about we go eat out tonight? My treat," Their captain suggested, "Sorry but I think–" Tsukishima was going to decline but the captain insisted.
So now he was getting dragged to a barbecue house, what Tsukishima wasn't expecting was to see you and Yamaguchi at the same restaurant as he was in. He couldn't turn away, you looked so much happier with Yamaguchi, would it be right to let you go? Should he keep fighting? You sensed someone staring at you for a while now, but when Yamaguchi leaned towards you to whisper, "Tsukishima's here, what do you want to do?"
"Nothing, I'll be perfectly fine," You said, minutes had passed but you've grown more and more uncomfortable with the amount of staring Tsukishima's done. This is so strange even for you, Yamaguchi sensed your uncomfortability and suggested that he walks you home. "Sure, I need to get back home anyway," you answered, Tsukishima was sure as hell that he's not gonna get another chance to talk to you unless he does it now, so he takes it.
"Tsuki?" Yamaguchi said, "Can we talk Y/N.. in private?" He asked, trying not to sound as desperate as possible, you stayed quiet for a couple of seconds but ultimately deciding to hear him out. You two step out of the restaurant, the streetlight flickering above you two. The atmosphere was tense, a little bit awkward, your gaze bounced all over the place, from his trimmed bangs, to his brown long coat, then back to his eyes.
"I'll keep it short, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I was inconsiderate of your feelings and how I didn't think about my words before spewing them out. I'm sorry for making you feel like you weren't enough, cause you were more than enough, and I feel like I should've shown you how much I appreciated you more.. but I couldn't, and I.. I'm sorry," He finished, his eyes unwavering, that was the Tsukishima you knew. His jaw was clenched, most likely to stop himself from crying.
You felt the sincerity from his words, that was more than what you wanted. "Thank you Tsukishima, I accept your apology, but.." Tsukishima was hooked on your words. "I'd like to be treated out for food so that I can see that you're really sorry," You said, obviously joking, but half not really. Tsukishima lets out a small chuckle, there was the y/n he knew. "Of course, pick any place and I'll pick you up tomorrow," Tsukishima said, starting tonight, he'll work hard to be the man you deserve.
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coconutstars · 4 years
Walking Away Part III
Part I  part II
Pairing: Stiles + reader   Summary: After having ignored all his calls, reader finally decides to hear Stiles out. The inspiration for this fic came from Wilson1128
A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS Y’ALL AND THANK YOU FOR THE WONDERFUL RESPONSE! I’m literally a living crying emoji right now <3.  I’ve finally finished part 3. This part was supposed to involve smut but I’ve decided to post that separately incase there’s anybody out there that, you know, wants to end this story here. A little angsty, a little fluffy. Each to their own, am I right? So, to clarify, THE SMUTTY MAKE-UP SCENE WILL BE IN A SEPARATE NSFW PART.4. That is, if y’all are even interested in that?? Let me know.
There was no escape. You needed your books and there was no way that was going to happen without Stiles seeing you. Partly because the hallway was practically empty but mainly because he was leaned up against your locker, head ducked down, anxiously clenching and unclenching his fists. You hadn’t properly looked at him since the night you walked away from him. You’d avoid his gaze in the hallway, advert your eyes whenever he walked into a room and looked in any direction but his during your shared classes.  But you were looking at him now. Really looking and it struck you how vulnerable he seemed. Almost defeated. A part of you wanted to reach out and comfort him. Pull him close, bury your face in the familiar curve of his neck and whisper that everything was okay.
But everything wasn’t okay. And Stiles wasn’t yours to comfort anymore.
Reluctantly you made your way over to your locker. As soon as he saw you, Stiles straightened up.
“Y/N” He sounded shocked, almost like he was surprised to see you. “What are you doing here?” you asked flatly, folding your arms over your chest. For a moment your eyes met, and a wave of emotions started seeping into your system. Hurt, longing, anger, comfort. You quickly fixed your eyes on a random mark on the wall. “I’ve tried to call you” he said in a low but clear tone. You shifted your bag from one shoulder to the other. “I know” “yeah, course...” his voice trailed off as he started drumming his fingers against his pants. That was usually a sign that he was trying to restrain himself from doing something he may end up regretting.
“Yeah, it’s just...” he began, really trying to hold it in but ultimately failing “when someone calls like… a thousand times, they probably have something important to say, you know?” There was so much frustration, despair and anxiousness in his voice you were genuinely taken aback. “Perhaps.” you said after a moment of silence. “but they might not deserve to be heard out”. Your tone was a lot harsher than you’d intended. Stiles looked wounded but nodded his head, it was a fair shot, and he knew it. “All I’m asking for is a chance Y/N.”
You thought for a moment. He’d tried to contact you so many times through texts, calls and notes you’d lost count. Ignoring him was hard. A part of you really missed him and it hurt like hell every time you had to delete a message or ignore yet another call. Perhaps if you talked to him, he would stop. All contact would end, and you could both move on. It’d be good for you. You’d eventually heal and meet someone new. Someone who could love you as much as you loved them. At least that’s what you tried to tell yourself. In reality you knew getting over Stiles would be impossible. You’d given him a piece of your heart and it would always be his, regardless if he wanted it or not.
Stiles was waiting for you to reply. You let out a sigh, already convinced you were making a huge mistake. “Fine, come over at eight”
Stiles showed up at 7.54. Although, you had a feeling he’d arrived on your street even earlier. Most likely parked somewhere out of sight, tapping the steering wheel restlessly as he waited for the digits on his watch to change.
He was wearing the dark red flannel he knew you loved, and his hands were stuffed into the pockets of his dark jeans. “Hey” he said simply as you opened the door. You nodded in response and moved over to let him in before leading him up the stairs and into your room. You were standing across from each other, you with folded arms by the window and Stiles with his hands still stuck in his pockets by the door. 
“What do you want Stiles?”  He took a step forward.  “I want to apologize”. His honey-colored eyes were looking right at you, his gaze so intense you had to shift yours. “Okay” you replied shortly with a shrug, you were trying your best to sound unaffected but, on the inside, you were dying. It had just hit you that this could be the last time the two of you spoke to each other. You needed to wrap this up quickly or you’d start bawling your eyes out in front of him and that was not an option.   “Anything else? If not, I really have some homework to do” You snapped, feeling the familiar ache in your chest.  He took another step closer.  “I know you heard about what happened with Lydia at the party and-” You heart rate skyrocketed. There was no way in hell you were about to listen to him talking about hooking up with Lydia. You’d quite frankly rather stuff your ears with gravel and superglue them shut. “Yupp, Awesome. Good for you.” You interrupted, already on your way to usher him out of your room. “I wish you a both lifetime of happiness, thanks for stopping by” you rambled in distress, grabbing ahold of the handle. He placed his hands on your arms and spun you around. “Y/N shut up!” he said loudly in your face. 
You silenced in sheer surprise. “Nothing happened between Lydia and me! Nothing!” Like a deflated balloon, you let out a breath and looked up at Stiles, the panic now turning into confusion. “She kissed me and for a moment, yeah, I kissed her back-” You opened your mouth to say something but closed it again just as quickly. You weren’t sure what was happening right now. Your state of emotion had shifted way to quickly for your thoughts and mind to adjust. “-But nothing happened” Your brows knitted in confusion. How could he say nothing happened if he clearly just admitted to kissing her back? You wondered if this was some kind of poorly thought up method to soften the blow of being dumped. “That doesn’t make sense” you said with a headshake. “Stiles, you don’t have to have explain. I get it. You want to be with Lydia.” It really killed you to admit the last part. You couldn’t believe you’d actually managed to get the words out. You’d barely been able to think it, so to actually say it? You had a feeling you’d pay for it later though. You’d probably end up under the covers ugly crying until your head hurt and your skin burned from all the salty tears spilling from your eyes. “Can you please just go now?” your voice was barely a whisper.
Stiles ignored your request and shook his head in frustration. “I don’t want her Y/N. I don’t want Lydia.” This time when you looked up at him your eyes were narrowed in skepticism. What was this? What was he trying to do? “I don’t want Lydia because I want you” he clarified. Your mind still refused to understand what was going on. “No, Stiles. You chose her, you chose Lydia” His face twisted in frustration, his hands gesturing to emphasize his words. “Uh. No. You might not remember this, but you left me. I didn’t choose because there was no choice to make!” He practically yelled the last sentence. “you literally just told me I loved Lydia and broke up with me” You broke out into a laugh that lacked even the slightest trace of humor. Your emotional range now consisted solely of annoyed and angry. “So, you’re honestly going to tell me that you didn’t want to reply to that text?” Stiles practically exploded. “No! I didn’t and if you hadn’t been ignoring me for the past 100 years you would’ve known that”  “I’ve been ignoring you” you hissed through clenched teeth. “because you CHOSE LYDIA” 
Stiles shook his head in annoyance and turned around as if to talk to an invisible audience. “Nice, awesome. I see we’re really getting somewhere in this conversation” He took a deep breath before turning back to you. “No” he said, his tone and gestures slow and clear as if he were talking to a child. “I do not want Lydia because I want you. I love you Y/N Y/L/N” This time it was your turn to look away. You were literally screaming inside. This was all you’d wanted to hear since the two of you broke up. A part of you wanted to throw yourself into his arms and kiss him until your lips hurt. But a part of you was scared. The pain you’d felt lately was something you never ever wanted to feel again. Despite if he’d meant it or not, Stiles had hurt you. He’d hidden the text from you. He kissed Lydia, and even if he insisted it’d meant nothing it still happened. And it could  happen again You thought about what he just said. I love you. You knew you loved him without a shadow of a doubt, but did he really feel the same? “Are you so sure about that?” you whispered, your anger being replaced with insecurity.
Stiles closed the distance between you, his gaze practically boring into you. Letting out a breath through your nose, you reluctantly lifted your eyes to meet his. His gaze flickered down to your lips before turning back to your eyes. “yeah, I’d say so” His voice was soft and raspy, like honey spiced scotch. You loved his voice. Always had. But there was something special about this particular tone. It was so smooth it automatically sent a warm tingle down your spine. His brow lifted slightly, his face only inches from yours.
“So, are we done fighting?”  
Grabbing a handful of his shirt you pulled him to you, your lips grazing his.
“You tell me Stilinski”
His arms wrapped around your waist, a grin curling his lips before hungrily crashing against yours. 
“Hell yeah” 
Taglist: @maggiecc @lola-bunny-00 @classyunknownlover
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jess-emurphy · 4 years
List of things the live action adaptation of Alice in Boderland missed out on that doesn't change the grand plot of things but were pretty neat and I wish they were there. This manga is one if my top five favourites so I'm incredibly passionate about it and anaylse it to shit
These are spoilers for the manga if you want to read the first arc but I will only discuss things that affect season 1 of the show and up to that point in the manga (where the face cards are revealed). Again, these really do not affect the plot considering the show got to the face cards just fine without changing anything major.
I read the manga back when I was like 15? I was in high school and used to read it during classes and was sobbing onto my maths notebook during the seven of hearts game.
Okay this wasn't a live action thing but in the manga, when Chishiya took down his hood and we saw his face, the comments were calling him ugly 😭😭😭 it was funny as fuck and I'll never forget it.
At the end of the seven of hearts game, Arisu's reward for winning was mutton chops. He burns the whole building down.
Arisu was still in high school in the manga (or at least, just out of it) and Karube actually has to keep telling him and Chota off for drinking at his bar.
The show really missed out on showing Tatta (the man in the cap) and his arc of being a scared young adult who's friend is murdered in front of him, nearly extracting revenge on the man (Last Boss) who did it before deciding he would rather let Last Boss slowly die in a painful way to the fire and save his own humanity. And that was pretty cowardly of them 😤
Aguni getting his scars from the tiger.
Phones work in the world. They aren't used the way the show does. Chishiya actually charges his to listen to music and someone remarks "did that guy join this game just to charge his phone? Ballsy"
Arisu telling Hatter that the seven of hearts card is Usagi's so she could be a higher number rank because he believes shes more deserving of going home.
Arisu using his ability to pretend to not be there like he does in front of his family to hide from the tagger and slow his breathing down.
Chishiya's monologue about why he chose the top floor of the apartment building, show casing how smart he is but not willing to give anyone else that tip.
The part where Chishiya has to pick up all the cards he threw and Mira comes over like "yo i'll help short ass" 😩
The first game was actually set in a festival setting where their goal was to answer questions.
The tunnel game set in the highway did not include Usagi or Arisu. It was a side chapter featuring a new guy who's motive to survive was to get back to his girlfriend who had only ever been abused by men. He didn't want to die because if he did, she would think he left her just like every other man in her life and it was actually very heart breaking. The game itself was fairly the same except the end part was a bomb, not a flood.
During when Hatter is shot, Number Two disappears and is presumed dead. In the show, he's alive. And in the manga he was Number Three.
Aguni was Number Two. There was no voting in the manga, he was just automatically Number One.
Asahi in the manga, while feling guilty, allows the witch hunt game to go on because she despisea how humans have become, killing each other mercilessly. She only ever sacrifices herself because Arisu gave her hope that there is good people.
Usagi hanging onto the side of the hotel, back fliping off, catching the ledge and kicking a man unconcious who was standing by the open window.
In the tagger game in the show, the twist was there was a second tagger. In the manga, the twist was that there was a second gun. Karube got injured because he jumped off the side of the building, caught the ledge but fucked up his stomach.
Aguni was never in that game. He never met Karube or Arisu before.
This one I can't remember completely but I believe Karube finds out about the beach via a car radio.
In the manga Arisu never got to see Karube one last time.
Shibuki's three of hearts game where she essentially gave up, was willing to die but that in fact saved her life.
Thee game where Arisu proves himself worthy to An happened without Arisu. That scene was there to actually show case An's intelligence all on her own.
In the manga, we actually get to see what type of games everyone specialises in. Arisu specialises in hearts, Usagi spades, Hatter spades, Kuina clubs and Chishiya diamonds, to name a few.
In the manga, Arisu played one other hearts game before the beach (this could be wrong but the actual chapters never stated a timeline). It was a four of hearts.
DOUDOU? WHERE IS MY BOY DOUDOU? The live action really said fuck Doudou he doesn't get to be in this sorry.
Tatta's Lamborghini and him being a mad man, driving it around 😭 as he should
Kuina showing off her boobs to the men because they were being transphobic 😤
Between the ten of hearts and the arrival of the face cards, three days passed. During these three days, the characters partied, did golf, goofed around, tried to enjoy life and figure out what happens next. A whole interaction happens here with Arisu and Usagi and it kept cutting to another character who was travelling around (and some stuff about a dead deer and friendships or something who knows I was distracted by a crying Arisu my poor boy). Arisu also has a thing where he tells Usagi to never leave him and it broke my heart.
Kuina and Chishiya? They might as well be enemies. She HATES him for what he did to Arisu and Usagi. He's actually not seen with anyone during those three days before the card faces.
Niragi ugly af in the manga.
I hadn't read the manga in years since it ended but I was convinced that Kuina was a Black Japanese woman BUT NO SHE JUST SUDDENLY CHANGES SKIN TONES AFTER TRANSITIONING. I had to do a double take when rereading the manga. I know it's supposed to be a tan but It had been years okay cut me some slack.
Hatter's gravity defying hair. This changes no plot. I just thought his hair was very funny and I would lpve to see an actual attempt in real life.
Okay thats literally all I can think of. Overall, I was happy with the live action and the literally only thing I was upset at is the fact they cut a whole character out. He may show up to season 2 but with the way the show went, I doubt they'll go back in time just to show off a random four of hearts game that this character was in with Arisu. I wish we got that cute hug with them of Arisu being tackled by this scrawny 16 year old. 😤
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writingnojutsu · 4 years
Maybe soft boyfriend Sasuke or maybe Neji, with an s/o who’s really chill and laid back, but as soon as someone talks shit about their man, they just snap hdcs?
Neji and Sasuke Headcanons for when their chill, laidback S/O snaps out 
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Neji being a pretty chill person himself is happy with the way you are
he constantly analyses the way Ino and Sakura act towards their partners or even in general and he gets ugly chills
he would lose his mind if he ever had to deal with someone like that
that’s why he’s so glad you’re always staying out of drama and just being your usual laid back self
it wasn’t until one night the two of you were hanging out with Sakura and Naruto (you pretty much dragged him into it) at Ichiraku’s
Naruto was reminiscing about his fight with Neji during the Chunin exams
you felt your boyfriend get a little tense once Naruto touched the subject since it brought him back a lot of memories he was grateful for (like Naruto changing his whole destiny perspective) but also plenty of memories that did hurt his ego (you know.. losing in front of everyone)
you touched his hand to assure him everything was alright since Naruto was just talking about how no one believed in him and basically making the conversation about himself and not really about Neji
“And people wondered how I even beat you? Well I always believed in myself and knew I was going to beat you because everyone talked so highly about you but you were really not all that.” Naruto said naively, not really thinking about how those words hit Neji right on his ego
but as soon as you heard his words and felt your boyfriend unconsciously squeeze your hand, you snapped at the blonde
“Naruto! You better think before letting words come out of your mouth! Neji is one of the strongest shinobi in the whole world and he could easily take you down so you better watch you-”
the feeling of Neji’s hand squeezing yours even tighter made you stop 
Neji was wide eyed and wouldn’t let a word out
while Naruto looked like he was about to cry for some reason and Sakura just kept eating her ramen
“I’m sorry Neji, I didn’t mean to come off as rude, believe it.”
“It’s alright, we were kids back then Naruto.”
on your way home the two of you were dead quiet, you felt pretty shaky after your outburst at Ichiraku’s
you were kind of worried Neji was mad at you for causing such a scene 
but when you looked at him and saw a soft smile on his face you raised an eyebrow at him
“What’s that smile for?”
“I had never seen that side from you.”
“I know, it’s just- I-I’m sorry Neji I just g-”
“Why would you apologise for that? I liked it.”
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you and Sasuke were a very drama-free couple
he absolutely loves your laidback personality
especially after he hangs out with loud and constantly stressed people like Sakura and Naruto
being around you just makes him feel at such peace
he was used to many girls doing all sort of things to get his attention so when he saw you just didn’t even try, he went straight for you
your relaxing state drawing him towards you
you were also very patient... patient with the constant attention he gets from other women and patient with the constant rumours and slander people threw at your boyfriend from his dark past
it wasn’t until the two of you went out for a walk to get food for dinner tonight
Sasuke stayed outside the store while you went inside to get the ingredients
as you were paying, you looked outside the window to see your boyfriend standing uncomfortably yet expressionless next to a tall, blonde woman you had never seen before
you made your way outside and walked slowly behind Sasuke to hear what was going on
“I just think you’re just so cute and handsome and I would love it if y-” The blonde woman was saying until you grabbed Sasuke’s arm and interrupted her
“Wow, I think the same about him too, that’s why he’s my boyfriend.”
Sasuke turned to look at you, a little smile forming on his face
“You must be a brave one then, to be out here dating a wanted criminal.” The embarrassed woman said 
you felt your blood boil with anger and ignored Sasuke’s grip on you
“You’re just a jealous little shit who knows absolutely nothing about him and just cares about his looks! And I’m warning you since now, if you ever dare come close to my boyfriend or even worse, insult him in front of my face, you’ll never be able to see the daylight again so you better watch out!”
the blonde woman who was clearly not a shinobi, backed away as soon as she heard your words and noticed your shinobi headband, meaning you were clearly not one to be messed up with
after she was gone and you took a few deep breaths, you turned to look at your boyfriend who would just not stop staring at you
you raised your eyebrow at him, even though you knew your actions had shocked him
you thought he was going to complain or insult you for the scene you caused but were surprised when you felt his hand on yours
Sasuke holding your hand when he’s clearly not into PDA meant a lot from him
you looked at him in surprise and he squeezed your hand even tighter
“Thank you Y/N.”
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sataara · 3 years
Hey so @floralflowerpower said she wanted to hear more about my OC and that was a mistake, now I had to write something for them!
A few quick notes, Lee is nb, their pronouns are she/they, I wanted to add a drawing but I'm not inspired enough for that so during the show's canon, dark brown hair, shoulder length but with an undercut, black eyes, white freckled skin, slim but well built and slightly above average height. On ghost form, lilac hair and golden eyes.
Be warned that I made this OC when I was 15 so cringy/edgy alert! (I may be cringe but I'm free)
They weren't coming back. That's what her caretaker said. She was going to be taken to her uncle and aunt because she had no one else. They went to look into a temple and were never seen again.
Lee's feet tried finding purchase on the rolling sand. She ran and ran remembering the walk she did with them that day, the day they showed her their next project. The locals said that the only thing to be found in the temple was death. They didn't listen, she wanted the locals to be wrong but she didn't want to believe any other reason for them to not come back. Did they not want her anymore? Wasn't her the perfect daughter anymore? The one that accepted being away from them for days and sometimes weeks, accepted people she didn't know to take care of her, accepted being called a nice little girl even though that made her feel weird?
She tripped and fell on the front steps. The temple was big but not as immense as the others she had seen around, sturdy looking but not done with detail, darker than the night around her. Lee took the torch that resided outside. It was lit despite nothing else being. Her footsteps echoed around the open and empty space, the entrance guided her to a long corridor, weird drawings filled the walls, scenes and symbols she could not decipher with her limited knowledge.
The end of it held a door that lead nowhere. A circular looking entrance with symbols engraved in its frame, but a wall where open space should be. Lee touched the frame with reverence before noticing a shine on the ground inside of it. Her hands barely made contact with the crystal engraved on the floor when the explosion happened all around her.
It was too much and it was nothing, it burned and it froze her, it ripped her skin apart, it mended her skin back together, she was there, she was somewhere else, she could breath, she was suffocating, she was taken by the darkness.
Lee came back to, laying on and surrounded by purple sand. Her body felt like she just touched an open wire but she could still see a pair of feet on her field of view, dark and in old sandals. She followed the legs to a toned body, dressed in white linen and gold accents, his head was that of a jackal and he looked down upon her as if in disgust.
"You have been chosen, child. The one before you fell in battle and now it is time for you to take her place."
"Who are you? Where am I?" The green swirling sky didn't give her any answers, the face that glared at her had no pity in its eyes.
"You are where you are needed. You'll know what you'll have to do. Go and do so. Do not disappoint and do not be destroyed."
The sand under her was the color she knew, the sky as blue as ever. Lee stood up to her full height as her name was called in the distance. Her caretaker was crying and desperate, afraid. Lee felt guilty for the way she acted the day before but now she knew it was as it should have been.
"I'm not even from here, my parents were just studying the ruins, I'm from another fucking continent."
"And that's why you were chosen, I would not make one of my own go through this suffering, you are now the one and only Guardian."
"I know this is not what you wanted but your uncle is not that bad, he already has two kids and a loving wife, you'll be loved and well taken care of there." Lee didn't care about any of that, the only question on her mind was why didn't he take her with him like he did her parents? Why couldn't she be so lucky? How could a god be so unforgiving and ruthless?
That night she saw them in her dreams. Weird old clothes, tired faces, pity in their eyes.
"You'll be even better than we were."
"You're destined for greatness."
"You'll keep the balance."
"You will not fail us."
She didn't choose this.
The creatures were nothing like the ones she saw before. Those could be malicious and even prone for destruction but nothing compared to the ones she had to stop. A toxic black hole, taking everything good, alive, in the sense of living and in the sense of existing, be it ugly or beautiful, it took and it took. She destroyed one and barely survived. The scar on her shoulder blade would never disappear, a reminder to not hesitate. For a month after, nothing happened, then she had to fight another. The blood in its maw red and green, the stains on her gloves a reminder to be faster.
With every fight she learned and she wished she didn't. Her uncle and aunt never noticed, her cousins thought that she was doing the things their parents and teachers warned them against. How could she, no, how could they make friends in school when they were barely there, when they were weird, a freak. They cried themselves to sleep and the voices begged them for strength, for speed, for wisdom. All that they believed they lacked.
Lee was twenty one. It had been eight years since that fated day. Lee was in their room. They had the day off from work. Lee heard a loud sound coming from the lab. A scream, a wail, a cry, something so primal, so terrifying. Lee was in the basement in seconds. Lee was there too late.
Danny was a nice kid, had beautiful dreams and an incredible future ahead of him. Danny came out of his shell and helped Lee do the same. Danny gave Lee the little brother they never had. The appreciation for the little sister that they never thought they could care so much for. Danny made Lee want to stay alive again. Lee let Danny die.
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