"I’m in love with cities I’ve never been to and people I’ve never met.." This is all about me, and my life taken a little less seriously.. All posts are mine unless otherwise stated. And so it began.. It's a little too late to save me now. フォレックス
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The Free Therapy
Reddit Stranger (RS): I gotta say, don't you think you're quite too old to be that dumb? Shouldn't you have learned from your past mistakes by now?
Me (M): Gee, wow I needed that. Rubbing it to my face for real.
RS: I mean come on. He has been telling you his red flags all along! Those sob stories about his exes, sounds to me like he has some weird fetish for married women? Right from the start, that's what he always wanted. Can't blame him though. There's some sort of thrill with illicit affairs.
M: I'm guessing you're speaking from experience? RS: Oh fuck no. My fetish is different. I would want for you to find out but you said this is strictly SFW and I respect that. I guess you can say that I've seen it on the cases I've handled. Married people having affairs in the office. You'll be surprised at how far they usually go.
M: How does that usually end for them? RS: Well most of the time, they go back to their legal better half. I'm not saying the reason is always 'love' ugh too much cliché but I think they are old enough to make rational decisions at the end of the day. The cost of annulment here in this country is astronomical. Why go through all that? Especially when there are kids involved.
M: I disagree. Wouldn't it be more traumatic if the kids see their parents living a pretentious life together?
RS: That's why I said most of the time. Eventually, they work things out. After all, I presume they got married for a deeper reason right?
M: In her case, he's saying the girl was only forced to marry the guy. I think that makes all the difference.
RS: You know what? It's starting to dawn on me why they really belong together. You're moving on now right? So that's one of the first things you have to accept. Okay, next, you know why I say that? I could be biased since I am only hearing your side of the story, but whatever, you're getting free therapy so take all my words with a grain of salt. I'm sure this will make things easier for you.
M: OK, shoot.
RS: This guy, what do we call him again? M: Mr. GoodForNothingPatheticExcuseForAMan?
RS: Woah easy there, Satan. Let's just call him KG, because of his status lol. OK, so KG, claims he is always trying to be 'decent'. He's a deeply troubled man, on the brink of his 40s, with a slightly inflated ego. Now remember that his swell ego is partly your fault. You were flexing him and all, thinking he's a unicorn, putting him up high on a pedestal, yada yada.
Anyway, a guy like KG would want to be with a helpless woman. Not a woman like you who's strong albeit dumb at times. He wants someone inferior, someone who can't decide for herself. That will solidify his position as THE good guy, trying to do good things. He doesn't need your strong opinion, and the fact that you can fend for yourself is a big no-no too. How can he feel better about himself if you're achieving so much in life? He just played along when he was pursuing you but that's not who he wants to be.
So, this girl, what do we call her?
M: Uh, GC.
RS: OK now GC is your typical damsel in distress. Didn't you say her husband used to beat the shit out of her? GC is in dire need of a knight in shining armor. Now KG is just about the perfect actor for that role. He was made for that! This is why you don't belong in the picture, girl. There can only be one savior in this story.
M: Is that supposed to make me feel better?
RS: Up to you. I'm stating my observations as your free therapist for tonight. Shall we get more beer?
M: OK. I just didn't see him... I mean I've known him for awhile, I never imagined him to do something like this. I never thought he's even capable of using people. I always thought he's principled.
RS: What did I tell you? If fucking someone else's wife and knocking them up is your definition of 'principled' then geez you need some serious help.
But OK for argument's sake, let's give KG a chance. You say you were the in-between right? And the relationship he had with GC had been tumultuous, what's with all the drama and stuff right? One way to look at it is that KG isn't really fucked in the head before GC came along. Sometimes, we meet people and they can either let us be the best version of ourselves, or the opposite.
Maybe he really was a decent guy after all. He chose to raise his kid on his own which is really something. Of course, he had a LOT of help but still, I'll give him the credit for making the tough decision years ago. In the cases I've handled at work, one thing I've noticed is that people can be pushed to do things they wouldn't normally do. I think you should take this as my free advice too. Don't let this heartbreak turn you into something you're not, like what it did him. You've seen how ugly things could get. Don't ruin someone else just because you can't be whole on your own, it will be difficult, matter of fact, it will be such an awful feeling waking up in the morning after being left behind.. but no matter how unpleasant it may feel, please don't ever let that change you for the worst.
M: You mean don't be this resentful? RS: Yeah. I always tell you when we were chatting to try and choose 'elegance' and the grace to walk away quietly. Brush it off and move forward. You believe that people will eventually get what they deserve which means there's nothing left for you to do.
M: How about you? Do you believe in karma?
RS: Hmmm....yes and no. Sometimes good people will still suffer. Sometimes, it's all about timing. I'm not really sure. My usual advice to the people I deal with everyday at work is to choose kindness and honesty. It doesn't hurt to do good things, you know? M: I know. Sometimes I still wonder why it can't be me. I'm legitimately single. Lol.
RS: And Catriona Gray is a beauty queen yet the guy still didn't choose her right?
M: Valid point.
RS: You want to hear the vulgar version of my advice? M: Sure, I'm all ears.
RS: I think GC is competitive between the sheets. as a guy, even if the relationship is dead-end or toxic, we can stay if the sex is awesome. In this case, aside from the much needed ego boost, and the thrill of a forbidden affair, I really think she pushed the boundaries to make him beg for more. An awesome rim job, fuck while on period, car sex, and all that, how can a guy resist?
M: Sounds like a superficial foundation of a relationship.
RS: Oh stop nurturing your festering wound. You're sulking here while they're out there somewhere fucking like rabbits.
M: I'm not sulking. I'm having my own version of fun.
RS: Well then, listen. Stop hating so much. It won't do you any good. Have you ever heard of the saying 'you can't heal in the same environment where you got sick'? You're moving forward while he's choosing to go back to the place that changed him into something else. That's on him. You said he has a daughter right? Good luck explaining to the kid why it's okay to have affairs like his. Let's not wish something bad for the kid but who knows? Fate can really fuck you up when you least expect it.
M: He said he'll deal with karma IF it hits.
RS: Ah so confident. What'd I say? Good sex definitely! Like whatever happens in the future, I'll deal with it as long as I get to fuck who I want, what I want right now. Oh I miss my younger years when I didn't know any better. LOL. Anything else you wanna hear? More explicit advice? M: No, thanks. I've had enough unpleasant visual images in my head.
RS: HAHA, you're welcome. It's okay to feel hurt, and betrayed. This is the normal cycle of life. Padayon. There are better things ahead.
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I wonder if it's too late to back out, message the Reddit stranger that I changed my mind and dart across the street to hail a cab. I fiddled in my seat, the bar is small but it gives me comfort that it is located in the busy streets of Makati (this is becoming my favorite place lately), meaning the stranger can't force me to do anything against my will. One scream is enough to make a commotion (i hope?). The server kept walking around my table, trying but failing to look disinterested with the fact that I am not ordering anything.
A large man walked inside the bar, and I sensed he's the one I'm waiting for. He's switching between looking around and checking his phone. He's overweight, stands about 5'4 and he wears a washed out gray t-shirt and faded baggy jeans. Straight outta 90s style. He did mention he's 45 years old so the attire checks out.
He noticed me based on my description of what I'm wearing - black band shirt, shorts and a slip on shoes. He smiled widely, showing a set of perfect pearly whites as he took a seat across my table.
"Hi." he adjusted his seat to fit his bulging stomach.
"Hey." I greeted with a nod.
The persistent server walked past us, finally cracking a smile when she noticed I have a companion who's ready to order. He ordered a bucket of beer. "I can sense this is going to be a long night." he said to me when the server walked away to get our order.
"Yeah, thanks for agreeing to be my unpaid therapist" I said with a genuine smile.
From our Reddit conversations, I know he has a qualification in Psychology and currently holds a senior management role in Employee Relations. He deals with different issues such as labor cases, harassment, adultery (yes, yikes!) and so on. Of course anyone can say who they are on the internet, so there's only one way to find out.
We forego the small talk, of course we probably we wouldn't be BFFs all of a sudden, there's plenty of time for that after this free therapy session I'm getting. How could one gal be so lucky?
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One Truth to a Dozen Lies
I was slightly disoriented when I opened my eyes. There's a terrible pounding in my head and I couldn't remember where I am. I looked up and saw a glass window on the wall above me, the sky outside is bright and beautiful. Morning? I winced as I forced my right arm up to look at my wristwatch. 7:28AM. OK, the specific time of day has been sorted out but I wanted to know where the hell I am.
I stretched and tried to pull myself up but the throbbing in my head intensified. I managed a loud groan before lying flat on my back.
"Oh hey.." a kind voice greeted. I twisted my neck to the right so I can see who's talking. Damn hangover, I felt paralyzed.
I recognized him, he's the guy my friend kept asking me to meet years ago. We have been friends in Instagram even before the pandemic but we never really got to hang out. I think I was so busy back then or maybe I just wasn't interested in him. I'm guessing it's the latter. Recently, he messaged me again (prolly saw my vindictive Stories and all), and I finally agreed to meet. I need some distraction anyway.
I've seen his pictures and he doesn't look bad. We met in person a few weeks ago and he's actually cute. We conversed like we've known each other for awhile and I've been honest on why I wanted to hang out with him . I said I wanted a distraction, I want to meet people and talk to a stranger about stuff. He can be THAT stranger, he said. Turns out, he's a good listener too.
Last night was the second time we hang out. I was with my friends from work and we were looking for some good spot in Makati to drink. He lives around the area so I asked him for some recommendations. He mentioned he has an acoustic set at a nearby bar and we can come watch if we like. My friends agreed and we drowned two bottles of tequila and holy fuck that's the last shit I remember. Now here I am, fully clothed, including my socks, wrapped in a blanket on someone else's bed.
He must've noticed me peering under the blanket for a bit, "Don't worry, I didn't do anything. You were so wasted, I just took you home so you can rest." He said as he sat on the edge of the bed. Actually, it's not really a bed, it's a memory foam mattress propped on the wooden floor. I looked around and noticed some similarities from a distant memory I'm trying to erase. His room is about 20sqm. The mattress is next to the wall where a small window is situated above it. A window type aircon hums gently on the opposite wall. The mattress cover is dark gray, paired with gray blankets, and pillows. His work station is a few steps away. There's a laptop and a monitor on the computer table and a black gaming chair is right in front of it. Do all work from home guys set up their rooms like this??
He looked bothered by my silence. "You okay?"
"Ah yeah, just some bad hangover." I rubbed my temples. "And don't worry I believe nothing happened. It's that time of the month for me. Would've been too damn messy."
Instead of being offended, he seemed fascinated by my crudeness. He smiled shyly, "Wanna get something to eat?"
I shook my head, "No it's okay. I need to get going." I wanted to sit up but my head felt like it's going to split in half. I lie on my side, facing him while I rub my scalp. "I will stand up when I can. Hold on."
He laughed, "Take your time." he lie beside me. He's gentleman enough to keep a good distance between us. He stared, "What kind of sorcery is this?"
"Huh?" I frowned.
"You just woke up and you're absolutely gorgeous. It's not fair." he said, smiling oh-so-sweetly.
Wow, sweet baby jesus, someone's playing a mean trick on me. I almost threw up both from the hangover and the ironic similarity of things I've been trying to avoid for more than a month now. I massaged my scalp with both hands, "You know the last guy who said that is now nowhere to be found? Poof, like he disappeared from the face of the earth. Turned out to be a complete asshole. So please, I'm quite allergic to such compliments."
He sat up abruptly, like the mattress is suddenly piping hot. "Well I'm sorry for stating a fact. Never mind. Coffee? Hot water? Anything?"
The only thing I need is to leave as soon as possible. All these Deja vu is making my skin crawl. I borrowed a sweater from him since I will be riding a good 1+ hour on a motorcycle to get home. He asked to take a picture before I leave so we could show it to our mutual friend as proof that we finally met in person. I obliged and my ride arrived right after we took the photo. I waved him goodbye and went on my merry way.
My phone buzzed a few minutes after I left. He sent our picture in Instagram. I stared at it and smiled to myself. Damn, I do look good - hung over, messy hair, slightly flushed cheeks, and a half smile. The fucker may have lied about so many things but at least he got one thing right. 😉
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"Whatever happened to whatshisface anyway?" Liv tried to ask carefully but the alcohol was far more in control at 2AM if you've been drinking since 7PM. It came out more profound than she intended.
It felt like a pinch in my chest, good thing she didn't mention the name as it would've felt heavier. "I don't want to talk about it." I stared at the dark brown liquid in my shot glass - an expensive, sweetened, flavored poison which would make certain memories go away if you drink an ample amount.
Liv lifted her feet and crossed her legs in front of her, "Aren't you gonna tell? Just a summary? The gist of it?" she picked up a small piece of grilled pork from the huge bowl in front of us. She eyed me before popping it into her mouth.
I drank from the shot glass before answering, "Short version - it was my lack of better judgement. I ignored the signs and went on with everything because it was fun and good for my ego. He's not who I thought he is, that's all."
"I knew it!" she said loudly. Mark nudged her gently, casting an uneasy glance towards me.
Despite feeling like shit, the silver lining here is my circle of friends. I suck at choosing 'decent' guys but luckily I didn't screw up in the friendship department. These people have been with me for quite some time, they were there during the happy celebratory days but even more so during the nights when I need to ugly cry at 3AM while the world quietly sleeps.
I think about Mr.Good-for-nothing-sad-excuse-for-a-human-being (I have to come up with a shorter nickname for this guy..) , I've known him for years and even when we were friends, I never really saw him with a tribe. I can name one person he's really close to but that's just about it. I don't think bandmates / scene 'cults'(?) really count if all you do every meet up is some jamming sessions, gig, few food and beer while brainstorming or licking each others' balls. We had something for 3 months but it's always bands and gigs for this guy, some old high school friends, a few drinking buddy neighbors but I didn't see any real 'bond' there. I thought it was kinda weird considering his age that he doesn't seem to have found 'his people' yet. Of course, that's another red flag I ignored.
My main circle consists of the band I'm managing and those who aren't in the music scene. They all get along really well and we bond over so many things even though from the outside, they may look like polar opposites. Not to mention my other smaller circle of girlfriends from work who I usually gossip and share memes with. I smiled at the thought of them.
"It's fine, you can proceed with your intrusive thoughts." I calmly said as I poured myself another shot.
"Nah, I dunno. Something feels so off about him. Like first time you invited him over right? I was drunk but OK not too drunk I can remember I was blabbering about Engineer guy and all yada yada.." she paused to get another pork from the bowl, she chewed slowly before continuing, "When you were sleeping, he was very pushy on his opinion like yeah you're a girl you HAVE to insist that whatever.."
Mark nodded, "And he was talking and preaching like he know Engineer guy or every damn detail about life and relationships in general."
"Like for me, hold on I only need to vent. I don't need anyone telling me what to do or debate over every aspect of what rights do I have as a girl. It's not about gender really, it's about my confusion over so many things but he missed the point entirely. he was almost judging the guy he didn't even know." Liv leaned back on the sofa after talking.
I remember my Threads post last December, he was so mad when he read all the backlash he got from the strangers on the internet. He said they don't even know him personally. He had to get verbal confirmation from someone else to say that he's not the kind of person everyone is judging him for. It's true I begged for sympathy, I went public and lashed out on him. It was the only outlet I could think of at that time. I was hurt, confused, angry, I thought I was really okay with them getting back together but when he stopped reaching out to me, all the pieces of the puzzle finally fit together and I saw the hideous picture behind the glossy facade. He's a seasoned liar and a hypocrite.
"Well, it's over. I have you guys, that's enough." I raised my shot glass, " Here's to genuine friendships…."
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Memory from January 2024
To the girl dancing in this video,
You were so vibrant, so full of life, a pair of bright wide eyes shining with hope and joy. Sorry if I disappointed you before the year ended. Don't worry, you'll do it again this year. You will dance once more like no one's watching. You'll laugh till your stomach hurts. You will embrace better things in life. You will be happier than before. You will be stronger. You may not be perfect but you will live a life with a right amount of decency, and that's what will matter most. The universe is smiling, go ahead and smile back. The rain has finally stopped, it's now time to bask in the sunlight of tomorrow.
Love, Me
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What else are you capable of, motherfucker?
It shakes me to my core to think you dropped me and never once thought about tryna' reach out considering you wouldn't want karma to strike your kid who happens to be a 'girl'. I'm getting all the ick now that I am starting to understand WHAT you really are. I wonder why we were even friends before.
How could you have the guts to do that? Maybe I put you way up high on a pedestal thinking you're sucha doting father but the fact is you owe it to your family because you didn't raise your child, THEY DID. All you ever did was live the rockstar dream and bang someone else's wife. That's why you take every opportunity to post bonding moments in your social media account, for people to see the kind, loving father you pretend to be.
It's these days that I am realizing how huge of a motherfucker you really are. Imagine dumping me as quickly as you can the moment you found out your ex and her husband have broken up for good? Imagine choosing to be a lover to a married woman? I thought you were better than that.
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Hi 2024 - I wasn't expecting that painful twist towards the end but hey I guess you can't always be too happy right? A little breakdown here and there is what makes us stronger. Besides, there are still happier memories to keep this year - my new role, my awesome new co-workers, spending quality time with my old man, meeting my half sibs for the first time, pulling off successful shows (despite some stress in between lol).. I mean the list goes on. It has been an 'almost' perfect year.
Anyhoo, here's a toast to everyone who has experienced pain - I hope everyone will heal from the things we'd rather not talk about. Remember that at the end of the day, what you put out to the universe comes back in tenfold and people always end up getting what they deserve. Dont live and die young. Live to savor the moment, one day at a time. Stop and smell the roses when you can, relish the pain when it comes, there's no need to rush because everything that is meant to be will find its way. Happy New Year!

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September 2024
"You're scared, aren't you?" Jade blurted out, narrowing her eyes as she looked at me.
I was caught off-guard for a bit. "Huh?" I paused to regain composure, "What do you mean?"
Cate grinned as she sips her coffee, "You're scared of falling for him. You don't want to invest in a relationship again." She said after putting her coffee down on the table.
I rolled my eyes at them, "Girls, it's nothing okay. He's just bored and so am I." I looked around the place where we sat. We're in front of a Starbucks cafe in the top open floor of a mall. The sun is hidden in the clouds and a warm breeze blows periodically, slightly messing with our hairs.
"Bored enough to actually make an effort to pick you up and give you the princess treatment every girl deserves?" Jade almost spit out every word.
I raised a hand, "Hold up, why are you girls grilling me? I already said it's nothing."
Cate inched closer to me on from across the table, "Can we at least see what he looks like?"
"Oh yes! Good idea!" Jade chimed in. These girls won't leave me alone until I divulge more information than necessary.
I sighed as I pulled up my phone from my pocket. I tapped on his Facebook profile and scrolled to his recently posted photo. Both girls peered closely and shrieked, causing some heads from the other table to turn. "He looks good!" Cate said with a wide smile.
I locked my phone and put it back in my pocket, "Yeah, he's okay"
"Okay?? Really??" Cate sipped from the almost empty coffee cup making loud slurping noises. "He's very good looking, his hair is longer than yours yeah but nevertheless, he's a looker."
"What's stopping you anyway?" they continued to pry. I shrugged and just said "It's okay. Let's just talk about something else."
They looked at each other like they don't buy the answer. But thankfully, they stopped interrogating and talked about the show they are both watching. To be honest, I don't blame them since I am already starting to doubt myself. I've known him for quite some time. There was even a time we hooked up but things didn't work out. We were more comfortable as close friends. He went on to pursue other relationships and I did too. We talked from time to time and tried to hang out but our schedules never matched until very recently.
Seeing him again after many years didn't initially strike a chord in me although I felt there's something totally new about him. Looking at his old pictures, I realized he lost weight, he has better physique and for some reason, his nose appear more pointed, more prominent now that his cheeks are no longer bulging in his face. In other words, he's definitely more handsome now.
As we were walking back to the office, I trailed behind debating the pros and cons of giving it another try with him. Should I? My phone buzzed and there's another message from him. He never fails to give me an update of his errands and where abouts. He is always caring and sweet and God no... I groaned loudly.
"Hey! Speed up, will ya!" Jade called. I didn't realized they are already halfway across the street and the green 'walk' sign is blinking impatiently, signaling a red stop sign in any second. I ran after them, still lost in countless thoughts.
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"Who knows, maybe you'll get laid tonight." Vic tapped me hard on the shoulder, making a ripple on the drink I was holding. We are seated inside a dinky bar where my friend's band is playing.
I ignored him, my gaze is fixed to the woman sitting across our table, looking detached and bored while several guy friends are horse playing near her.
"Oh boy, that smitten look. Go ahead and approach her, I can manage drinking alone." Vic said, nodding his head towards her direction.
I shrugged, put down my drink and started walking towards her. Given the bar's small floor area, it only took me a few steps to reach her. She sat lazily at the tall bar stool, her face lit up when she saw me, "Hey, what time did you arrive?" I asked.
She thought for a moment, tilting her head sideways. Some strands of hair fell on her face and I fought the urge to gently tuck them back behind her ear. "About an hour ago, I think." she finally answered, reaching behind her to grab an opened beer from the bucket at the table, "Happy hour begins." she said, handing the bottle to me.
I took it and put it back in the bucket. "You're drunk, let's just get something to eat instead." I held out a hand to help her stand.
She looked at me with her bright big brown eyes and I didn't realize I was holding my breath. She took my hand but instead of standing up, she pulled it towards her back and wrapped her arms around my neck. I felt like my lungs would burst, I could only look at her face, mesmerized by every detail of it. She's flushed from drinking, her hair was a bit messy due to the floor mounted air conditioning blowing the opposite direction but she looked breathtaking nevertheless. She put on a light gray make up on her round eyes, that were further emphasized by her long eyelashes, her lips are tainted with a faint pink gloss and slightly moist from the beer she was drinking.
She's teasing me and it's working so damn well, I had to forcefully restrain myself from kissing her right then and there. "Sounds like a good idea, where do we eat?" she asked, still looking up at me.
I gently planted a kiss on her forehead, "Soup? You need to sober up." I helped her get up from the chair and led her outside.
She stretched out her arms the moment we stepped out of the bar. I fished out my car keys and pulled her closer as we walk. She was half walking and half hopping, like a kid trying to play with imaginary signs on the pavement. "Could you stay still? You make me dizzy." I commanded, trying to steady her into walking.
"Dizzy? But you're not drunk.." she said with a pout.
"You give me headache." I playfully said, pretending to rub a finger on my temple.
She eyed me curiously, "Well if that's true, I'm the good kind of headache."
I laughed, "No such thing." I clicked a button in the keys to unlock the car doors. She scrambled to get inside the passenger seat. I poked my head in and helped her with the seatbelt, it's a bit faulty and I still haven't gotten around to getting it fixed.
I clicked the lock into place and looked at her, "There, now stay quiet and we'll get something to eat."
She was smiling, her eyes glowing and reflecting the light from the neon sign across the street. "Okay."
I pat her head gently before taking my place in the driver's seat. I clicked on the maps icon on my phone and searched for nearby restaurants. I found one that offers different kinds of noodle dishes, "Noodles, yay or nyay?" I glanced to find she has fallen asleep. Her head is resting on the car door, her right hand tucked to her side while the other lay limped near the gear stick. I pulled her to me so that her head rests on my shoulder instead. I locked the car doors, turned the music on and wondered if anything else could be more perfect than this.
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Reconnect - Part 3
Al clumsily sunk on the backseat of Brent's car, "I'm so full, I want to sleep now…" he muttered, but it's still loud enough for us to hear.
I sat on the passenger seat and tugged at the seatbelt. It won't budge so I pulled harder.
Brent smiled apologetically, "I plan to get that fixed soon." A car passed by on the opposite highway, its' headlights casted a glow inside the car and I noticed the soft features of his face.
I looked away, "It's fine, I can manage." the seatbelt finally slid into place and I buckled up.
"Where are we????" Al blurted out, I looked behind me and saw him rubbing his head, eyes closed.
"Let's drop him off first." Brent said, switching the gear into drive "Then tell me where I should drop you off."
The thought of being alone with him in his car is making me lose focus for some reason. It should be a normal car ride at 1AM, we haven't seen each other in awhile so we should simply catch up as any normal friends would. So why is my brain getting all hazy? I looked outside instead, watching the empty streets of the metro.
"You know what?? Why don't you just take her home with you Brent?" Al said loudly from the backseat. "Go ahead, bring her home."
"Jesus, Al. You're drunk as fuck tonight." he didn't budge at Al's outburst. He looked relaxed as he navigated the road.
After a few minutes, he pulled over in front of a tall white gate which I assumed was Al's house. Al, as clumsy as he got inside the car, got out exactly the same way. He wiped invisible dust at the side of his pants, flashed a wide grin at us and did a salute before running towards the gate of his house.
"You know what," Brent said, checking his phone quickly before returning his eyes on the road, "I still wanna grab a few drinks, what say you? I don't usually drink a lot when I have to drive. There's Al to consider, he's like my unofficial boyfriend every damn time we go out."
"True, you've been having way too many bromance dates with him." I looked at my watch, 1:48AM, "I don't mind, I didn't drink much either."
He googled a convenience store nearby and drove towards it. We parked and I got out of the car. He gave me a couple of bills so I can get some drinks while he do his business at the public restroom beside the store. When I went back outside, he's checking his phone while leaning on the hood of his car. He returned the phone to his pocket when he noticed me striding towards him.
"I think this is the part where we catch up?" I asked, handing him his beer.
We talked for more than an hour. I didn't realize how much has happened to our own lives before today. He's one of the few people I know who has a laudable outlook in life and relationships. Hell, there was even a time in my life where I cried my eyes out to him when I was stupid enough to fall for a married man. He's a good listener, gave very sound advice, and never once tried to take advantage of my vulnerable state. The "kinda hookup" happened long after that, when I was all better. I didn't realize how mature he really is, and it makes me wonder why someone like him would still be single. He probably has as many issues as I do.
"You should come tomorrow," he said as I was grabbing my phone to book a ride home. He offered to drive me home but I refused. I can't be close enough like that.
I wrinkled my nose, "I will think about it. I'm really enjoying this new aunt mode where I spend my evenings reading a good e-book then relaxing with some cucumber in my eyes."
He held my hand, "It's an event for a cause. Come on."
I dismissed the thought of how soft his hand felt, but I didn't pull my hand away, "I said I will think about it, Okay?"
"Good enough." he let my hand go, came to my side and hugged me from that angle. He gently pulled me close and run his hand across my waist before wrapping me in a tight hug. He burrowed his face in my hair and I slightly tilted closer to him. My phone vibrated in my other hand, thank God I was saved by the notification.
"I gotta go." I peeled myself away. I watched as the driver entered the empty parking lot where we stood a few meters away. I glanced back at him and noticed his gaze is still fixed on my face. I leaned forward for another hug before leaving. He whispered something I couldn't clearly understand but it sounded something like an empty meaningless "love ya."
Somehow I felt like I am very close to making shitty decisions once again. I better have more control on this. "It should be easy," I thought before opening my phone when I got home around 3:30AM. Instead of trying to sleep, I scrolled through our messages, trying to recall why the hell did we never work out.
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Reconnect - Part 2
We all sat at a long table outside, trying to give our ears a break and chatting different topics all at once. I listened intently while drawing circles on the table using the half empty beer bottle in my hand.
"Oh you remember Bry right?" Josef, the large man who gave big bear hugs nodded at me.
"Ah yes absolutely, how's he? Where is he now?" I asked.
Josef waved a hand, "Nahh I don't know somewhere in Cambodia or Thailand honestly he's everywhere and nowhere at the same time" he took a sip from his diet Coke, he quit drinking one year ago. "But, if you'll ask him to come over, I'm sure he'll book the first flight he can find. That guy…"
I finished my beer and set the bottle aside, "What?"
"Ahhh, let's just say.. Trust me he'll come to the Philippines just for you." he's smiling genuinely and I smiled back. I leave it at that. Bry and I never talk, although we had this friendly connection when I met him and Josef almost 5 years ago. It's quite nice to know people appreciate me, another subtle stroke on my ego.
I saw Brent stood up from where he was seated. He tapped his bandmate's shoulder and walked towards our table. He plopped himself down beside me. "So, what made you decide to finally show up?"
I turned to face him, "I already told you, I need to see the venue. And besides I haven't seen you guys in quite some time."
"Cause you're always busy!" he said, raising his hand up as a waiter walks by. "Two beers please"
I laughed, "I just prefer to stay at home and read e-books then sleep early with a cucumber on both eyes. I'm getting old, my body is starting to protest when I try to go out and stay up late." I waved a finger at him, "and besides, look who's talking! I thought you're too damn busy now with your newfound love."
The waiter came back with two ice cold beers. Brent mouthed 'Thanks', and gave one to me. "Ah that." he scoffed. "Well let's just say I'm free and I have time. Hit me up, we have a lot of catching up to do."
I looked at his face, "Ohh, I didn't know."
He met my gaze, looking somewhat serious or maybe I was slightly getting drunk "Yeah, you never knew how to read between the lines."
I felt my face flush, and I focused on the beer in my hand like it's the thing that deserved the most attention tonight. For context, Brent and kinda hooked up not so long ago. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good either and we both concluded that we're better off as friends. He was happy when I finally had a serious relationship, and I was happy for him when he announced a few months ago that he's seeing someone.
The conversation swerved to a different topic and Brent happily joined them. I was only half listening as my mind replayed the time I had with Brent. He was a good kisser, from what I can remember. His tongue explored my mouth like his life depended on it. I remember grasping his long hair with one hand while the other held on to his arm, feeling the softness of his skin which is quite unusual for a guy who don't seem to care about moisturizers.
"You up for it?" Brent asked me, snapping my mind back to the table with them.
I drank from my bottle before speaking, "Up for what?"
"Let's find some good food later. Are you even with us????" he teased.
I slapped him purposely "Fine fine, yes I'm going."
"Then I can drop you off later." he casually said.
"OK." I responded, taking a quick glance at his lips. He has a very defined cupid's bow. I wonder if they still taste the same. God.
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Reconnect - Part 1
He stumbled out of the bar, dragging someone with him. They looked like they had a few drinks already, which made me glance at my digital wristwatch, the white numbers blinked 7:48PM. I put both hands on my hips and raised my eyebrows as I walked towards them.
Brent saw me first, looking surprised. "Ahh look who we have here!" he grinned, nudging at the tall guy he was dragging along.
I rolled my eyes, "Hey Al" I said to the taller guy before turning back to him, "Hi Brent, I told you I was coming. You should believe me next time."
"Really good to see you, uh huh yeah been awhile ye?" Brent garbled, pulling me close for a quick hug.
"It's too early to get drunk bruh, I just arrived!" I gently push him away, pouting.
He laughed, "Hey, we've been drinking on the way here.. Anyway, I'll get something in my car, go get yourself comfortable inside. We'll be back in a jiffy."
I shrugged and made my way inside the bar. I glide past a couple of wooden chairs and tables where usual customers dine. Some familiar faces kept popping up and I had to smile while trying to remember the name, hoping they don't strike up any conversation. I'm not in the mood to socialize, I was there to survey the bar and see if it's a suitable venue for my next event.
I reached another door inside which I assumed is the area for events. True enough, a tall table stood on the side of the door and a small lady is smiling behind a laptop in front of her. Her short brown hair with green highlights is tied up into a loose ponytail and she smiled as I inched closer.
"I uhh, have a ticket" I fumbled for my phone, tapped the email app and scrolled down to the confirmation email I received a few hours ago. It was a last minute decision to buy the ticket.
She peered on the screen for a bit and searched my name on the excel file in front of her. "Got it." she wrapped a black band around my wrist. "All set." she said with a smile.
I was about to reach for the door handle when it swung open and a large man came out. Another familiar face. I stared up, he was staring back with eyes narrowing. I put one hand in my mouth, "Ohhh my!! It's you!!!!"
He smiled wide and jokingly said "Ha! I have some serious beef with you! C'mere!!!" he made my feet lift from the floor as he swopped me into a big bear hug.
I didn't realize how much I am missed and it gave a good rub on my ego. I rearranged some frizz in my hair after he put me down, making sure my balance is back before retracting his hands.
"Let's talk more later! I gotta pee!!" he shouted as he pat my back, almost pushing me to the door where he came out of.
I smiled to myself as I went inside, bracing myself to the sound of distorted guitars, crashing cymbals and screaming vocals.
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A "Core Memory"
"There's actually a ghost in my house!" I said out loud, which made my Dad chuckle. Mill, his current partner's eyes widened a bit. I assumed those are as wide as they could get. Her eyes are small and droopy, giving her an anxious but kind look.
It's almost 10PM, the sun has just set and we are all in the dining area, having a little dinner feast. There's a large bowl of steak cubes, some fresh chops of lettuce, a plate of chips with chicken nuggets and a tall bottle of vodka in the middle. My son is munching on the chips, watching the adults drink while Mill's 7 year old daughter Reed is glued to the sofa, with her favorite anime playing on Netflix for the nth time.
"Serious!" I exclaimed before anyone of them could say anything else. "See usually when it's late at night, we would hear random noises like someone's moving some furniture around or footsteps coming upstairs".
"Could be the neighbors?" Dad gave me his most doubtful look as he walked towards the fridge. I can still hear his soft chuckle before he pulled the fridge door open and peered inside.
"That's what I thought at first, but we swore the sound is really coming from inside the house!" I looked at my son and he nodded in agreement as he shoved several chips in his mouth at once. "I mean you could really tell!" I stabbed a steak cube with my fork and placed it neatly in the middle of of the lettuce on my plate.
Dad went back to the table with a tupperware filled with watermelon slices. He's munching away on a slice when he sat down, "Nahh, so you guys are scared?"
I swallowed a mouthful of steak wrapped in lettuce before talking "Good thing we aren't scared of ghosts! I mean you know it's the living you should be worried about right? They're the ones who can hurt you." I ended my speech with a shrug, thinking it's the vodka talking. I glanced at my side where a mirror is plastered to the wall and saw my red faced reflection looking back at me.
Dad seemed to nod in agreement before pouring some vodka on his shot glass. He does the same for mine and Mill's and raised his shot glass in the middle of the table with his right hand, "So... cheers for the ghosts and the living that haunt us!"
We all laughed as we raised our glasses to meet his, my son joining with his cup of apple juice. I swallowed the vodka straight and looked around me. Something warm brewed in my chest and it's not just the alcohol travelling it's way down my stomach. It's...something else. The warmth of a home, with my Dad - a funny smartass man I never knew growing up. I think about my younger years when I resented him and wished he never existed. I didn't know what I was missing out. I spent so much time hating him and being a rebel without a damn cause. I gave my soul self inflicted wounds and now I am finally healing. Reconnecting with my old man is the highlight of this travel for me and my son. I can tell he's fond of his grandpa, and despite being with him only recently, he has already warmed up to him.
More stories and laughter as the night went on. We joked about having PTSD on airports after spending 11 hours due to our delayed flight to Vancouver the week before and how we almost got left behind on the flight back after being so relaxed thinking it might get delayed again. I rolled my eyes while remembering how Dad playfully yelled "Police! Police!" when we were checking out the US border near the town of Surrey. My son laughed at how Dad's first task wherever we go is to find the nearest toiler. Mille teased my Dad for convincing us to line up to the food banks for the homeless and Dad shrugging his shoulders saying he succeeded one time when he got a free burger.
Around 1AM, Dad stretched his hands up, ready to call it a night. Reed is already fast asleep in the sofa so Mille had to carry her to their room. My son wen to the bathroom to brush his teeth and kissed me goodnight after. I stayed in the dining table, feeling slightly dizzy from the vodka. My stomach hurt from laughing and my eyes are slightly wet as I covered the leftovers with some cling wrap. It will be hard to leave in a few days, I thought to myself, glancing sideways to my Dad just in time to hear him yawn, his footsteps receding back to the room. It might take some time before I can go back since I have a new work to focus on, but I definitely need to come back for a visit and plan a longer stay.
This is the part of my life where I finally found myself at peace with the past and acceptance in the present. I have to travel halfway across the world to find it but it's so fucking worth it.
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Au Revoir
I stared outside the car window as we traversed the busy streets of Laguna. As someone who lives in the far North of the Metro, I rarely go to the South but today, there's a heavy reason to. The mood in the car was light despite us being regretful to meet again under such dismal circumstances. We are three longtime friends catching up about what's going on in our lives for the past few years. We haven't seen each other in so long, and there's a hint of both wistfulness and despair amongst us as we reminisce the younger years we had.
Four days ago, we were informed of our friend's passing. He has been battling with his heart condition for over a year and apparently, it was deemed untreatable. He has known since last year and was only given until December to live. To think he held on for a few more months, and we never knew. He has always been the cool and relaxed one. He has found the love of his life, had surgery done a couple of months ago and we are all happy for him. We thought he was getting better.
My friend G pulled over at the funeral homes and asked us to go straight inside while he finds a spot to park his car. When I stepped outside, our friend's partner N is already waiting for us. We smiled timidly at each other, not knowing what to say or how to address the death that looms above us.
We let the silence fell and started walking inside. N stopped midway and we exchanged sad looks. "He's gone..." she started to say before collapsing in my arms. I held her tight, feeling the tears well up in my eyes as she cried heart wrenching sobs.
There was nothing else to do but cry really. I can only imagine the pain she's in right now. I mean imagine finding someone you connect with deeply, loving them and building your entire life with the person, only to be taken away by Death. Life sure is not fair.
We hugged for a few more minutes before she hesitantly pulled away. She looked so vulnerable, her eyes are puffy with dark circles underneath. It must've been awful to hold on to your sanity while the world you know is falling apart. "Whew, come on let's go inside. He's waiting for you guys!" she tried to sound lovely as she led us inside.
The first thing I noticed is our friend's framed photo displayed at the side of his coffin. There he is, all smiles, both eyes shining brightly. That was very unlikely of him. We've known him long enough to know he only wants to look badass in photos. Well, I thought, he had a good life with her so there sure was a reason to smile a lot. I ran my hand on the pristine white coffin and noticed there isn't any flowers or ribbons with names on them. We were told that as Muslims, they don't follow the traditional burial set up. We bowed our heads silently before taking a seat on a huge couch.
There's a lot of laughing and crying as we reminisce old memories with him. From the first time we all met each other, the drunk stories, the nights that never seemed to end, the heartbreaks, the victories up to the separate roads we took when adulthood required us to take life seriously. It's a good night, it makes me remember the realization I had when I first experienced death. When my gramma died, I understood that funerals aren't actually for the dead, it's for the people left behind. Funerals keep you busy, talking and reconnecting with friends and families you haven't seen in a while. Even if you wanted your own life to end, you simply will not have time for it. After everyone has left, you're on your own to grieve but there's a deeper sense of understanding, and way too many things ahead. Maybe Death can wait. Maybe you can hold on just a little longer.
N and M (our friend's ex) hugged as G and I stood beside them. I heard M thanking N for taking care of him, for being with him up to his final days. There's forgiveness, acceptance, hope in those hugs and tears. I kept wiping my eyes while I pat their back.
"I really just wish" N said, burying her face in M's long curls, "that I had more time with him. More than the time you ever had with him. 1 year isn't enough. 1 year of fighting our battles..."
"It's not about the time you spend with him, " I answered for M, "I think what matters is the time you were able to make the most out of. You didn't leave him, you were with him during the most difficult point of his life and I think it made that 1 year longer than anything else in his lifetime..."
"Thank you" M said before letting go, "Now get some rest and take care of yourself"
We took our usual seats in the car and talked less on the way back. Either we're all tired from all the sudden emotions or reality is already sinking in that after tonight, we might not see each other again in a long time. Adulthood is hard, people move on, some people forget while some remain lovingly kept in the part of our brains that store the good memories. After all, knowing who we choose to keep and who to let go is something we decide on, but ultimately the rest is up to fate.
-March 2024
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you ever feel like you were born with something rotten inside you and if people get close enough they’re gonna find out
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