#because reg wears black and sirius wears red
very-gay-poet · 2 days
okay here me out... Sirius with baby blue eyes and regulus with honey brown eyes...b-b-because y-y'know, like...opposite colour...orange opposite of blue....reg op of Sirius.....angst....yummy
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teaforthotxxx · 9 months
I feel like Professor Regulus Black would be such a shit once Harry starts playing quidditch. Like sure thats his son but fuck Gryffindors. As the head of Slytherin house, he would show up to Harry’s games in full silver and green. He stands in the Slytherin stands with giant banners for Slytherin. It annoys Harry to no end. Because he knows Reggie loves him but Harry is a Gryffindor and he wants more support for Gryffindor.
Harry would beg Remus to dress up in Red and gold but of course be wouldn’t. Professor Lupin doesn’t care about Quidditch. Harry goes as far as to beg Minerva Mcgonagall to dress up but none of the Gryffindor professors are willing to break dress code for this.
But, then, he gets an idea right before the Christmas Quidditch games. He knows that he may not convince his professors to dress up but there is one way to make them wear what he wants. So, he commissions two giant couple scarves from Mrs Molly Weasley. Both red and gold. He gives them to his dad James Potter and his godfather Sirius Black as early Christmas presents. Then, he asks them to wear them to his game.
AND just as he planned, he sees Remus and Sirius in the Gryffindor stands wrapped in a giant scarf. Remus looks begrudging but he can’t resist how happy it makes Sirius. Then, Harry swoops past the Slytherin stands, he finds Regulus and James snuggled in one giant red and gold scarf. They are still in slytherin but the banners have changed to “Go Harry!” and “THATS OUR SON!”. James was such a sap he wanted them to wear couples costumes and as Gryffindor’s previous headboy, he just HAD to wear red and gold. So, Reg was wearing his old quidditch jersey cute gold rings with rubies.
Harry is so proud he pulled one over Regulus. But, more importantly, he can’t stop laughing at the shocked expressions on Malfoy’s and Zabini’s faces!!
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
Regulus Black did not like parties.
They were loud, and full of drunken idiots, and tended to get less and less fun as the night went on, especially if one was sober. As he was now.
But he went, on this specific evening, because Dorcas had insisted on a wingman.
So now he found himself on a couch on the corner, watching his friend bravely try to flirt with Marlene McKinnon, who she'd been nursing a horribly embarrassing crush on for over a year.
It seemed to be going well, however, so he allowed his attention to wander, gazing around the Gryffindor Common Room to the rest of the students there.
He immediately saw James Potter, who looked extremely drunk.
Regulus wondered where James's friends where. Sirius, he supposed, was probably off in a secluded broom cupboard, wrapped around Remus Lupin. But Pettigrew at least should be looking after his friend. The boy was nowhere to be found, though.
Potter chose this moment to catch a glimpse of Regulus, staggering towards him, a devilish grin on his face. "Reggie!" he called, almost-collapsing next to Regulus on the couch, his long limbs touching Regulus's own, causing heat to erupt there. "Z'it goin'?"
"You're drunk, Potter," Regulus replied, deciding not to entertain the scene in front of him.
"Mmm," Potter hummed, a blissful grin on his face, his eyes half-shut under his askew glasses. But a moment later, his head lolled so he could look at Regulus properly. "Reggie, you're pretty y'know."
Regulus felt himself turn bright red, embarrassment and surprise taking over his emotions. Fighting to control his face, he mumbled, "Sure, Potter. Why don't I leave you to sleep now?" And he made to stand, trying not to think too hard about Potter possibly finding him pretty. Because then he would get hopeful. But a hand grabbed his wrist, yanking him back into the cushions.
"No, Reggie," James said, eyes wide and serious, swaying a bit as he tried to sit up to convey his urgency. "You're very pretty."
Regulus didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The truth was, he probably would have given anything for James to say something like this at any other time. If Dorcas's crush on McKinnon was embarrassing, his feelings for James were mortifying. Ever since he'd joined Sirius at the Potters' last year, he couldn't stop thinking of the older boy. But James was clearly drunk, and not thinking straight. He didn't mean it.
"You don't mean it, Potter," Regulus whispered, trying not to sound heartbroken. You're drunk. You're not making sense."
"No," James shook his head like a dog trying to get water from it's ears. "No. Reg, you're always perfect. When m'drunk. When m'not."
He looked so earnest. His big hazel eyes and genuine expression made Regulus want to believe him. But he just couldn't. "Tomorrow, when you wake up," he said softly, pain cracking in his chest, "you won't remember this. You don't mean it."
But as he made to get up again, James grabbed for him, turning, both hands on his shoulders. "What if I don't?" he asked urgently, breath smelling strongly of Firewhiskey.
Regulus looked at him appraisingly, trying to figure out how drunk he was, exactly. He looked distinctly worse-for-the wear, his hair mussed and his eyes glassy. The chances of him remember this were slim-to-none, and even if he did, he would probably think it was a stupid, alcohol-induced dream. "I'll kiss you," he breathed, heart racing. "If you actually think that, when you're sober. I'll kiss you."
James's hands dropped from his shoulders as he grinned triumphantly, again swaying and falling back into the couch, eyes flitting to Regulus's face before fluttering shut. "T'morrow, Reggie. T'morrow, I'll kiss you. You'll see."
"Alright," he whispered, standing, wishing more than anything it was true.
The next day, when he awoke, it was to the memory of James. Of James's drunken compliments and promises. Of wishing more than anything they meant something.
But as he sat up in his bed, deciding to check on Dorcas, who was probably hungover, he pulled back his curtains to find a paper airplane flying around his bed. Grabbing at it, heart pounding in his chest, he read it hurriedly, biting at his lip.
I still think you're perfect. Meet me at the top of the Astronomy Tower at 11 for that kiss? -JP
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vinylfoxbooks · 3 months
June 11 - Disagree | @jegulus-microfic | wc: 877 Part 4 Part 3 and Part 5 | Part 1
“What do I need to wear?” Regulus asks over the phone.
James huffs a small laugh, playing with Harry, “You don’t need to dress up, love. Just wear what you normally do.” 
“But I- this is your ex-wife, James. This is the mother of your child, James.”
“It’s also your brother and Remus.” James counters, “You know them, you don’t have to worry about it.” 
“Agree to disagree.” Regulus grumbles.
James leaves Harry to play with his toys while going back to working on the food, “If you really want to dress up a bit more, just wear one of your nice button ups and slacks.”
“That’s so vague, James.”
James sighs, a mix between fond and frustrated, “Wear that nice silky black button up you have and those cute pants that Pandora put the flowers on. Then you accessorise as you please.”
Regulus is quiet for a moment, probably mentally cataloging the outfit and thinking it through before he hums, “Yeah, that. Yeah that works. That feels nice. Thank you James.”
“It’s not a problem, love..” James smiles, despite knowing that his boyfriend can’t see it, “I’ll see you tonight.”
“It’s happening at your place.” Regulus says, sounding more like he’s reminding himself than he is asking. James hums his agreement nonetheless and he hangs up a couple minutes later, telling Regulus that he has to finish making the food. 
Hours later, Lily has shown up at the house with her new girlfriend in tow -- a girl named Mary that she met through work and has been telling James about. James is quick to pull Lily into a hug with a kiss pressed to her cheek and take the container of bitterballen that they brought along with them from Mary’s arms. James puts the container near the pastels that James just finished then disappears into the kitchen once again. 
After a while, Remus and Sirius barge into the house holding platters of welsh rarebits that they leave in the kitchen.
Eventually, James has pretty much finished cooking and the family is all sitting around, just waiting for Regulus to show up -- which he texted ahead of time and informed James that he was going to be a bit late after a bit of a run in with his roommates -- chatting, and playing around with Harry. 
And when the doorbell rings one last time, James is the first person to stand up. When he opens the door, his breath is taken away because, “Fuck. You’re so pretty, Regulus.”
Regulus laughs softly, “Thank you, James.”
“I thought I told you not to bring anything.” James shakes his head when he sees that Regulus is holding a round container.
“No, but I did.” Sirius says, bounding up behind James, “He has this apple tree in the backyard of his apartment building and the things that Regulus does with those apples are magical.”
Regulus shakes his head, “This is tarte tatin. It’s a French dessert with caramelised apples. Aside from Sirius telling me to make something, you mentioned that Harry liked apples so I wanted to bring something I thought he’d like.”
“Well thank you, love.” James smiles, putting his hand on Regulus’ lower back and guiding him into the house. Their first stop is the kitchen but then James is leading Regulus into his living room and introducing him to Lily and Mary. 
As soon as Regulus sits down, Harry is bounding to sit in his lap from where he was originally playing with Remus’ fingers, which makes James laugh, “He is obsessed with you, Reg.” 
“No shock about that,” Remus hums, “Not with the way that Luna is all over him whenever she’s around.”
“Who’s Luna?” Lily asks, tilting her head. Regulus can see just why James married her, she’s beautiful. With long red hair that falls around her body in a perfect way and she’s got this wonderful smile and stunning green eyes just like her son. 
Regulus shakes off those thoughts, “My best friend’s daughter. About the same age as Harry.”
“Pandora’s daughter?” James asks, moving to sit next to his boyfriend, stretching his arm out so it’s resting on the back of the couch and his hand is playing with Regulus' hair. His other hand goes to play with Harry, letting his son mess around with his fingers. Regulus just nods. 
Just soon after, they gather around the table and start to eat, laughing and joking around. Regulus is quiet at first, nervous about meeting Lily -- which is astounding to all of them that know both him and Lily, because she is the sweetest, most easy going person in the world -- but eventually Remus manages to get him sucked into a conversation with himself and Lily about books and he opens up more and more. 
By the end of the night, Regulus is chatting relatively easily with the rest of the group and he seems to have made good friends with Lily --which James is more than happy about -- and by the time that everyone leaves, Regulus is tired and peopled-out so he and James choose to just relax on the couch with Harry and watch a movie.
“That went well.” James hums, “Just like I told you it would.”
“Shut up you snarky bastard.”
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mistress-violence · 26 days
Prompt: Lipstick from @into-the-jeggyverse (August 26)
Word count: 740 words
Pairing: Jegulus (modern AU)
⚠️ Warnings: alcohol consumtion, gender identity issues
Regulus finally managed to get out of the argument about what kind of cheese was the best, which started a whole fight between Sirius and Dorcas, with Remus, James, and Peter as collateral victims. He was out of the madness until they started throwing wine at each other like last time and staining his white shirt again. He walked out of the kitchen of the apartment he shared with James, wanting to go to the balcony to get some air. Instead, he found Marlene, Lily, and Pandora in the living room, on the couch, passing a mirror back and forth and talking about something. Pandora was the first to notice him, and she greeted him with a big smile.
"What are you doing here?" Regulus asked, sitting down in one of the armchairs.
"Marlene brought a whole box of lipsticks from Paris!" Lily said excitedly, pointing to the black round box on the table. "It’s Chanel, can you believe it?".
Lily had a deep red lipstick in her hand, an extremely alluring and elegant shade. For a few seconds, Regulus had been absolutely spellbound. It was beautiful. The shape reminded him of his mother's expensive lipsticks, but she always preferred dark and sober colors. When he was little, Regulus would go to Walburga's room to watch her do her beauty routine, but he would immediately be kicked out. "Boys don't need to concern themselves with women's business," was what he was told before he was sent to his father's office to learn how to be "a proper gentleman." Marlene, with an enviable tenacity, immediately noticed the twinkle in the boy's eyes.
"Do you want to try one too, Regulus?" she asked, but she didn't wait for an answer but directly handed him a small rectangular box.
Regulus hesitated at first, but curiosity tingled through his body. Pandora gave him the mirror, and Lily showed him how to use it. Regulus gulped. He didn't know why he was so nervous; maybe it was because he could hear Walburga's voice in his head again, telling him to stop with this nonsense. Swallowing hard, he opened the lid, rolled off the lipstick, and revealed an even more intense shade of red than Lily's. His hand was shaking slightly, but he placed the mirror in front of him and carefully applied a layer to each of his lips before pressing and rubbing them together.
An even stranger feeling crept up inside him as he looked in the mirror. It was something hard to explain, but it felt warm and nice, like it was meant to be. The girls complimented the perfect color match with his pale skin and his glossy black hair, but the boy couldn't really hear anything around him. He just wanted to touch that reflection a little, to feel its closeness as if it were another human in front of him, not himself. It had been James' voice that had woken him from his reverie.
"Reg, honey, I don't know where I put the corkscrew for..." James said as he was walking into the living room, stopping in mid-sentence when he got a better look at his partner. "Oh, wow... I see I'm interrupting. Sorry, it's just... this shade really suits you well."
Regulus lost himself again, looking James straight in the eyes. He didn't seem disgusted that he, a man, was wearing something so feminine. His chest filled with heat again. Would he have reacted the same if Regulus grew his hair longer as he had wanted for some time? Or if he would wear that skirt he bought a long time ago and kept hidden in the back of the closet, fearing that someone would find out about it? Regulus took a napkin from the table and hastily wiped his lips.
"We were just fooling a little," he said, getting up from the armchair while wiping the last traces of red. "The corkscrew is in the top drawer; I'll go get it."
Regulus wanted to hand the lipstick back to Marlene, but she waved her hand in the air, insisting on keeping it.
"It catches you better than me, Reg; just take the bloody lipstick," she said with a knowing smile on her face.
Regulus gave her a confused look but chose to just nod and put the lipstick in his pocket, thanking Marlene for the gift before heading back into the kitchen to look for the missing corkscrew.
P.S: This microfic is inspired by my experience as a genderfluid person. Everyone's journey in discovering their own gender identity is different and unique. You can read this how you want. Just remember to love yourself even if you don't feel like you don't belong anywhere.
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a-lilypad · 6 months
@jegulus-microfic | april 5: slap | 1.3k words
a little theater rivals to lovers au where reg and james are double casted to the same role and james rips the only costume they have the day of regulus' opening night (cw: slight violence)
big big smooch to @ecstarry for the idea ily <3
A loud ripping sound echoed through the auditorium, causing everyone to immediately stop what they were doing, despite being in the middle of a scene. Even in the shadowed wings, Regulus’ expression was very visible and did not bode well for the rest of the cast. 
Or more specifically, for James Potter. 
Regulus’ jaw had dropped slightly, leaving his mouth agape, and a look of complete disbelief in his eyes. Shaking his head slightly, he seemed to come back to himself, shock morphing into an intense red-hot rage. It ran through his veins, replacing his blood, burning through everything in its path and was radiating from him in waves. 
Creating pure destruction and leaving only anger clouding Regulus’ mind, shown by the hardening of his eyes and clenching of his fists. 
He felt his nails dig into the soft flesh of his palm, nearly piercing the skin but instead forming harsh pink dents. Though they’d be nearly impossible to see through the already purpling bruises there.
Maybe Sirius was right and he needed to find better coping mechanisms… he could unpack that at a different time.  
At that moment he had more important things to deal with, such as James Potter, his theatre rival of three years, ripping the only costume they had the morning of their performance opening. 
“I can not fucking believe you, Potter!”
He started towards the horror-struck boy, stomping across the stage, and swung his arm with as much force as he could garner. The sound of the slap masked horrified gaps from the cast members on stage, but couldn’t hide the way Potter’s head flew to the side. 
Huh. Maybe Regulus was stronger than he thought. 
As Potter stared at him with an emotion he couldn’t quite identify, (because, while he knew Potter wasn’t the sanest of people, there was no way he was crazy enough to be looking at the person who’d just slapped him hard enough to knock him back a few steps with awe) Regulus shook out his hand with a wince. That had fucking hurt. 
“REGULUS!” his Drama teacher, Mr Slughorn, shouted. He had an annoying nasally voice that went right through him, he genuinely hated the man but he usually loved acting enough to let it slide. This was not one of those moments. 
“Wha-why-you” he rambled, hands frantically waving around “Why on Earth would you slap Mr Potter?” 
“He just ripped my fucking costume! We don’t have another, what was I meant to do? I can’t go on stage naked,” Regulus complained. 
He knew it was a bad idea the minute Slughorn had suggested Potter run through a final dress rehearsal. He was B cast! It was A cast’s night which meant it was Regulus’ night. 
Potter was looking at him strangely, his brows were furrowed slightly, almost as if he too was confused. He was staring at him with both reverence and irritation. Then in a split second, the irritation took over and he came out of his stupor. 
“You could have maybe, I don’t know, not fucking hit me?” he snapped, “it’s not like I did it on purpose!” 
Regulus scoffed, “You definitely did!” and stepped even closer to Potter, pointing his finger at him and pushing it into his chest, “You’ve been praying for my downfall since the second you saw me beat you, just admit it, I am better.” 
“ENOUGH!” bellowed Slughorn, Regulus had completely forgotten he was there, in fact, he’d forgotten anyone else was in the room with them. That was weird. “Both of you are to go to the supply closet and find something else for Mr Black to wear tonight, we’ll have something somewhere.” 
Huffing and sending Potter a death glare, Regulus swiftly turned around and stormed off stage, hearing Potter’s footsteps behind him as confirmation he was being followed. 
Great. This was exactly what he needed. Alone time with James Fucking Potter. He hated him. He had since the first time Regulus auditioned for a school musical in year 8. 
He remembered being so scared, he was shaking and praying he wouldn’t vomit up his organs, then Potter flounced in, all big hair and a cocky smile. He barely even spared Regulus a look before announcing to the other people in the room that Regulus would never get the part and he’d be stuck playing a tree in the background. 
He was right of course, Regulus had been so nervous he’d fucked his audition completely and had ended up not even having a single line. 
Potter got the lead. 
He vowed that day to never let Potter beat him to a role again, and so far he hadn’t, managing to get the male lead in every performance since. 
Ranting under his breath, Regulus continued listening to Potter’s footsteps, praying that he’d trip over something and fall flat on his face. Sadly, that did not happen and they both arrived at the storage closet unharmed.
Well, except for Potter’s face, a bright red mark was blossoming across his cheek. In his room, Regulus had a shelf of little trophies and awards he’d earned, but this was the most valuable. He wanted to take a picture of it and display it like a tapestry. He’d wanted to knock the crooked smile of his face for years now.
“What the fuck are you smiling about, this is your fault” Potter snapped, reaching forward to push the door open, having to bang it a bit, it had been given to the drama department after the lock had broken leaving it so that you can only open it from the outside.
“My fault?!” Regulus seethed, anger rearing up again as he followed Potter into the closet, “I’m sorry, did I rip the costume? Because, now forgive me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure that was you!”
“I’ve said already it was an accident, god you’re insane”
“I’m insane? Are you fucking joking? I’ll show you insane” Regulus snapped stepping into Potter’s space.
The door slammed behind them and a loud click told them it had locked. 
Well fuck.
Potter stared at him for a second before bursting into laughter. Curling over, wiping away tears, booming laughter, while Regulus wanted nothing more than to curl up in a ball and disappear. 
“What by locking us in a confined space together? Great plan Reggie” he choked out, still cackling.
Regulus ran a hand through his hair, messing up the precise curls. “Don’t call me that!” then turned to start pulling at the door, desperate to set them free, but no matter how hard he pulled at the handle it wouldn’t budge.
“Stop laughing at me” Regulus mumbled, hitting his head against the door and groaning, the situation was embarrassing enough without Potter taking the piss.
The laughing trailed off suddenly and Regulus cocked an eyebrow suspiciously, not expecting to actually be listened to. Potter was gawking at him, eyes sparkling, his jaw dropped slightly. 
Narrowing his eyes, Regulus met his gaze, “What?” he sneered.
Potter slowly moved towards him and tucked a stray piece of hair behind his ear, his face fell from anger to confusion and Regulus was holding his breath. He wasn’t sure why. It felt like all of the oxygen had been sucked out of the room. Their eyes locked and the world around them disappeared.
Then they were kissing, lips meeting bruisingly, and Regulus didn’t know who had moved first. It was desperate and hungry, tongues exploring each other's mouths and breathy gasps being shared between them. Potter’s hands threaded through his hair and pulled, causing his lips to part around a guttural moan.
He grabbed Potter by the shoulders and shoved him slightly, leaving about an inch between their faces, “This means nothing, I still fucking hate you” he mumbled into Potter’s mouth then he grabbed his face and pulled him in again and proceeded to practically eat him alive.
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kiwi2229 · 10 months
Pair of gloves
(James Potter / Regulus Black | 683 words)
For @jegulus-microfic prompt: Snow
Regulus closes the book and sights at the sound of his phone ringing. He picks up the phone and hesitates at the name James Potter on the display. James for some reason Regulus was still suspicious about started to spend time with him. He calls him just to talk or texts him random thoughts over the day. Regulus is not sure why. Don’t get him wrong, he likes the boy and the attention he is receiving. He just doesn’t understand why James even bothers with him.
“Yes?” Regulus says as he picks up the call.
“Well hello to you too, Reg,” James answers and Regulus can hear the amusement in his voice. “Are you home?”
Regulus narrows his eyes before answering. “Why?”
James laughs. “That means yes, great! I will pick you up in 10 minutes meet me downstairs.”
Regulus throws up his free hand in the air. Where the good manners of announcing your visit a few days beforehand went. He looks outside and yes, it’s still snowing. The white blanket lies heavily on the ground. “No. It’s cold.”
“So dressed up. Don’t forget your scarf, I know you have one. And gloves, Reg.”
“I’m not going outside, James.”
“You have 8 minutes.” James singsongs and Regulus can hear how the snow crunches under his shoes.
“I’m gonna leave you there standing.” Regulus resorts knowing already that it’s an empty threat. James apparently knows it too.
“Don’t forget the gloves. See ya.” And hangs the phone. Regulus stares at the phone and then looks outside and back at the phone. Unbelievable. He thinks and gets up intentionally omitting the gloves just out of pure spite.
Fifteen minutes later Regulus opens the door to see James waiting for him. He is dressed in a warm jacket and a red scarf around his neck. He is not wearing a hat, so the white snowflakes catch in his dark curls decorating it. Regulus refuses to acknowledge how cute it is. “James.” He greats.
“Reggie, how are you today?” Regulus can see the excitement shining from the boy.
“Cold. Why are we outside, when it’s snowing?” Regulus asks still hidden under the tiny roof over the door. James looks at him as if Regulus have just asked the most stupid question.
“Because it’s snowing? It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Come one, let’s go.” James says and takes a few steps back carefully watching if Regulus follows. When he isn’t he stops again smiling widely like he is enjoying this game too much for Regulus’ liking.
“Where are we going?” Regulus asks. He already made his way downstairs so he will be going, but he would appreciate knowing the plan, thank you very much.
“We are building a snowman!”
“We are not children anymore.” James takes a few steps back standing right in front of him.
“Oh, Reggie. And who said you have to be a child for us to build a snowman? I love it. And Sirius told me you never did it much as children because of your parents, so we are making up for it! Will you please do me the greatest honour and stop stalling?”
Regulus tries very much not to blush at the intensity James is giving him puppy eyes. He is a weak man and scoffs at the fact his legs move against his wishes. He briefly wonders what James would have to ask for Regulus to truly say no. He looks down at his bare hands and regrets not bringing the gloves. He starts to open his mouth to suggest he will just stand there and watch while James builds his desired snowman when James laughs.
“Oh, don’t even try that. I’m having no excuses today.” He buries his arm into his bag and hands Regulus another pair of gloves. “I brought spare ones because I know you are stubborn.” James leans closer, his shoulders bumping against each other and mock whispers. “I have you figured out, Reggie. There is no escaping now, you’re mine.” Regulus fastens his steps in an effort to hide how his breath hitch up at that.
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swampthingking · 11 months
regulus black’s guide to face painting and falling in love
halloween au <3
struggling artist reg - dad james - baby harry
tw: regulus briefly reflecting on his childhood (u know how it be) and reg inquiring about harry’s scar
The thing about being a freelance artist is this; you take work where you can find it.
Unfortunately for Regulus, that means he’s found himself occupying the Halloween Fair from 12 to 5PM as the face painter.
Regulus didn’t understand people’s obsession around fairs.
Well, he understood them. The hazardous rides that are operated by people who are either half asleep, or recently graduated from high school. The funnel cakes and apple cider. The apple flavored everything. The pumpkin flavored everything (which Regulus can’t find it in himself to hate, despite his best efforts. He sips his pumpkin spiced latte and glowers.) The pumpkin carving, corn maze, haunted house, haunted hayride, haunted arcade.
And of course, the children.
Just because Regulus understands the appeal around fall festivals doesn’t mean he likes them. He likes autumn, of course. It’s his favorite season.
That doesn’t mean he wants to sit outside, under the flimsy protection of a questionable tent, painting the faces of squirming, sugar-addled children.
Regulus doesn’t dislike children. He just doesn’t quite know how to… interact with them. He tries, because in all honesty, kids are funny. But they don’t always like him. Regulus is grumpy; stoic. He tries to joke, but kids don’t love dry humor, sarcasm, or straight faced deliveries.
Would he like to share his life with a husband and a child or two? Of course. But he doesn’t want to raise a child just for them to despise him. He doesn’t want to marry someone just for him to be disappointed in the father Regulus might be.
But Regulus also knows he doesn’t have great parental examples to go off of. And he knows what not to do. Knows what made him feel small. He still feels the things said and done that stick with him; the scars he bears.
He’s spent hours painting pumpkins, bugs, princess masks, Spider-Man, those motherfuckers from Paw Patrol. More characters from the provided booklet he can’t remember, on so many faces he can’t remember either. But it’s money, and money keeps him paying his share of the lease with Sirius.
Regulus checks his watch. 4:53PM.
The fair wasn’t as busy as it was earlier this afternoon. The clouds were dark and scowling, but were far too cowardly to start actually crying. He stood from the cheap stool, stretching his back, reaching for the paintbrushes to start packing up.
The brushes had been provided by whoever hired him, but he still had an intrinsic need to clean them properly. He can’t stand the thought of paint cemented into the hairs of a brush. And these brushes are perfectly good still. Regulus wonders if anyone would notice if he stuck them in his bag—
“Do you have time for one more?” A deep voice asked from behind him.
Regulus turned to see a beaming child in the arms of a man, wearing the same smiles. The same dimples. The same curly, brown hair. Even the same glasses.
Regulus was absolutely freezing, and he was sure if he touched this kid’s face, he would start to cry because if it. He desperately wanted to beat the rain before it started pissing down, but the boy was grinning, and Regulus’ heart squeezed at the thought of taking that from him if he declined.
So he nodded and said, “Yeah, of course,” and rolled the table of supplies in between the chairs they’ll sit in.
The man set his son down, thanking Regulus while the boy hurtled himself into the rickety chair, climbing into it like he was scaling a mountain. One muddy, red Converse kicked up onto the seat to haul himself into it, his knee slipping as he planted himself on the cushion.
“This is Harry,” the man gestures to his son, who was busy inspecting Regulus’ paints, his nose almost touching the pallet.
Now that there was no line and the fair seemed predominantly empty, Regulus could relax. Could handle small talk. He paused gathering the brushes he’d been in the process of purloining to give Harry a closed lipped, but genuine smile.
“Hi, little love. I’m Regulus.”
The man slid some cash in the tip jar before sitting in the chair beside Harry, knees spread, elbows resting on his legs. “And I’m James.”
He reached out to shake Regulus’ hand, not seeming to care that it was covered in paint. It was warm and firm, long fingers nearly encasing Regulus’ whole hand.
Harry smiled up at Regulus as he took a seat in front of him, his knees bracketing the boy’s tiny legs as he kicked the air. He had a small gap between his front teeth, and after he clawed the hair out of his eyes in that aggressive way that children do—like they have a vendetta—Regulus saw a webbed scar on his forehead.
“Cool scar,” Regulus acknowledged.
No, Halloween Fair face painters aren’t mandated reporters, but he was dubious anyway. Regulus had been a child with marks. With secrets. Children Harry’s age love to talk about anything and everything. It was part of their development. Regulus wanted to see where Harry took him, or didn’t.
But Harry’s smile only grew, like he was eager to tell the story. An abused child probably wouldn’t do that.
“I was running through the forest, and allullasudden, I just knew—” Harry’s eyes were wide, demanding Regulus not look away. “I was around, surround—” he looked up frustratingly at James for help, and James only started to whisper the word before Harry cut him off, the word coming to him. “—sur-rounded by these guys! They were in these black coats. And I was running super fast because I was ini-vib-sible, and then I tripped. There was this tree. I fell. My head hit the ground so hard, and I fought them off and escaped and the guy really wanted my ring, and he was really weird looking. And then, I have a scar.”
So, the entire plot of the Lord of the Rings, with a personal spin.
Regulus liked him.
“Tripped and fell into a table,” James mouths, exaggerating his words so Regulus could read his lips. His hands cupped around his mouth so Harry wouldn’t notice him spoiling his story.
“Hmm,” Regulus ponders, draping a paint-stained rag over his thigh to distract himself from a smile. “I think I’ve heard about that. That was you?”
“Yes,” Harry says with conviction. James is looking at his son with such adoration that it makes Regulus’ stomach hurt. He has to turn away.
“I can’t believe I’m sitting in front of the boy who saved the world.” Regulus mock bows to him just because he knows it’ll make him laugh. “Thank you for allowing me the honor to paint your face. Unfortunately, little love,” Regulus puts on a sulk. “the glasses will have to come off.”
Harry ripped them off one handed, throwing his arm out to James who was already reaching to take them. He folded the temples, tucking it into his shirt and letting them hang off the collar.
Regulus’ eyes may have lingered on the tan skin, and James may have seen him. The corner of his mouth was quirked when Regulus glanced back up at his face.
Oh, God. He was hot.
Regulus looked away, hoping the chilled, autumn air disguised the heat in his face. He turned to Harry, even as he felt James looking at him still.
“What are we painting?”
“Sméagol,” Harry says without a beat.
Regulus purses his lips. He would not laugh at this child. He would not laugh.
He sucks his lips into his mouth, his cheekbones aching.
“Really into Lord of the Rings right now, as you’ve probably guessed,” James offers, looking equally as affected as Regulus.
Regulus nods, turning away from them in attempt to turn his laugh into a cough. He fails.
He takes his phone out instead and pulls up a reference picture of the creature, then sets his phone on the tray off to his side. Harry glances down at it and smiles excitedly, legs pumping.
“Sméagol it is,” Regulus declares, mixing a grayish-tan into the pallet. “Ready?”
Harry flinches at the first few swipes of paint, but sits fairly still after he gets used to the temperature. He kicks incessantly, but they don’t land on Regulus, so he doesn’t mind. At one point, James asks permission to take a video to send to Harry’s mum.
Regulus hadn’t really let himself hope, but he was still a bit disappointed. He would get over it, he knew, but—
“Her wife is the one who’s been reading the books to him. She’s gonna be beside herself when she sees what he’s done.”
Well, that changes things.
“Hm,” Regulus says, trying to keep his focus on Harry, and making him into the best Sméagol there could possibly be. But when he turns to look at the reference photo, he glances at James, who’s looking at him. James smiles softly, head cocked. Wondering.
Jesus Christ.
By the time Regulus finished, the sun was setting. He checked his watch. 5:26PM.
He wasn’t upset he’d stayed late.
Harry was the spitting image of Sméagol. Regulus has painted his entire face a warm grey, his nose a rosy pink, then added the wrinkles in darker grays and black, shading his face to take on the shape of Sméagol’s. He’d gently splattered brown freckles onto his face to look like sun spots. He even painted thin black tendrils of hair down Harry’s neck.
He was magnificent. Regulus’ favorite piece yet, truly.
James took more pictures, and Harry’s penchant for theatrics came to fruition as he crouched, feet and hands on the grass, crawling towards James like Sméagol does in the movies.
Regulus offered to take some photos of Harry and James together. James excitedly handed Regulus his phone, then scooped Harry up and propped him on a hip. Harry grabbed James’ hand, which was sporting many rings, and pretended to bite his fingers. It was futile, but James attempted to look terrified. He ended up cracking and breaking into a heart-stuttering smile, eyes squinting and cheeks giving way to dimples.
The pictures were adorable, naturally.
Harry broke character suddenly, gasping, a hand slapping on the top of his head. Regulus saw a raindrop sliding down from his hairline and wiped it away, just before it could drip onto his face and smear the paint.
“My paint!” Harry yelled, face contorting. Regulus had to look away from this glassy-eyed child with the grotesque face of Sméagol. The last thing Regulus wanted them to think was that he would laugh at a child’s sorrow.
To Regulus’ relief, James was also stifling his laughter as he set Harry on the ground, removing his own jacket to implement it as a shield above his son. The rain was picking up now into a light sprinkle. “Forgot an umbrella, babe. We’re gonna have to run super fast.”
“Daddy.” Sméagol-Harry looked up to James, sounding close to tears. “My paint,” he said, dejected.
Regulus absolutely didn’t think this through before he did it, but he said, “We won’t let your paint get ruined, love.”
He walked to his bag and rummaged around for his umbrella. He opened it and handed it to Harry, whose chubby hand wrapped around the handle, but wasn’t strong enough to hold it up against the breeze.
James and Regulus grabbed it at the same time, all three of their hands piled on top of each other. James’ was over Regulus’, so he couldn’t just pull away without ripping the umbrella from Harry, and he was absolutely not doing that.
James removed his hand with the barest hint of pink on his cheeks. He put his jacket back on now that his son was protected from the rain, thanking Regulus for holding the umbrella.
“Do you have another umbrella?” James asked once his jacket was zipped.
“Uh— no. But I can find one. I’ll ask someone. I’m alright.” He attempted to wave it off, despite knowing that he is anemic, and his fingers are already freezing.
“Okay, take this back, please. I can’t have you walking back in the pouring rain.”
“I’ll be fine. You guys take it.”
“Let us walk you to your car.”
Regulus cringed. “I… took the bus.”
James’ eyes widen. “You were going to walk to the bus stop, and then all the way home with no umbrella?”
James raises a brow at him. He really hadn’t thought it through.
“Take your umbrella.” James goes to hand it back, then had to stop because of Harry’s death grip around the neck of it. James starts to, presumably, ask him to let go.
“What umbrella?” Regulus turns to pack up his supplies, avoiding looking at James. He knows playing this card probably won’t work but hopefully if he’s annoying enough, it will convince James to just take it. “I didn’t give you that umbrella. You came with it.”
James deadpans. “Okay, if you’re going to do that, we’ll just have to give you a ride home.”
Regulus spasms. “What? No, that’s— you don’t have to do that.”
“I didn’t do anything. You asked me for a ride.”
Regulus gasps, but he’s smiling. Damn it. “Oh, you’re good.”
Regulus lives fairly close, about 10 minutes away. The ride is almost silent. The radio is low, and Harry talks all about their day, sparing no details. What they saw, what they did, what he ate, who he talked to, what he thought about the corn maze (“Why can’t I eat the corn? Why is it there then?” to which James responded, “It’s not for us to eat.” to which Harry responded, “Why?” to which James responded, “I don’t know, babe. I just know they asked us to not eat it.” to which Harry responded, “Why?”).
His little thoughts bounced around the car until they abruptly stopped. Regulus peeked into the backseat to see him sound asleep, his mouth open, head lulled to the side. The blue eyes Regulus had painted on his eyelids stared back at him, and Regulus began to regret his artistic choice.
As they drove, Regulus couldn’t help but sneak glances over at James. He almost doesn’t want to look at him, but he can’t seem to stop. He’s stuck between wanting to remember him and not wanting to look at him so he can forget his face easier. At one point, James glances back, the gold frames of his glasses glinting from the streetlights.
Regulus’s house is dark, the porch light Sirius left on for him flickering, when they pull up to the curb. Sirius has gone into a Halloween frenzy, and it looks like a Spirit Halloween vomited all over the front porch and yard. Jack-o’-lanterns line each step, the carvings depicting various faces. Waterproof fairy lights in the shape of ghosts hang from the oak tree, twinkling like the flames of a candle.
“Thank you for—”
“Maybe I could see you again?” James says quickly, like he’d been thinking of saying it for a awhile, but hadn’t had the nerve to.
Regulus looks over at him, wide eyed. James ran a hand through his mussed hair, looking endearingly nervous.
Regulus grins, all teeth, and James returns it. “I would love that.”
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evermoreismychild · 1 year
i have a headcanon that once sirius was disowned, reg couldn’t stay away from sirius’ room just wanting to feel close to his big brother, so he would take his things and wear them or use them not knowing most of sirius’ clothes were stolen from remus or james and occasionally james would see reg in the corridor wearing things that he could’ve sworn were his but how would reg get his things?
then one weekend reg is sitting in the library wearing a gryffindor sweatshirt (a black turtleneck underneath ofc) and james knows for certain it’s his so he approaches him.
“where’d you get that?” he asks him
reg gets defensive bc…well bc he’s reg, “why’s it matter to you, potter?”
potter, sporting a wry grin, “because it’s mine, look my initials are on the sleeve.”
and regulus gets red because sure enough, stitched into the dark red fabric are the initials of the upperclassmen reg has had a crush on since 1st year: J.P.
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themessedupsonata · 2 years
Lay All Your Love On Me
Sirius Black x Fem!Reader
Summary: Sirius has always been your friend, but he falls in love with you and decides to confess his feelings at the sound of ABBA at a party.
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Alcohol, shitty family and mentions of mental health.
A/N: Technically, this is not historically accurate bc this story happens at the sixth year (1976) and ''Lay all Your Love on me'' was first released at 1980, so just use your imagination.
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Sirius Orion Black never thought he would one day find love. He never received love from his own family, and even the love he felt for Reg was difficult because Regulus was the shy little boy. Sirius was the rebel, which meant Regulus had to hear that Sirius was a bad influence all along and, unfortunately, when everyone says you shouldn't be in someone's company, it becomes tough to maintain a good, normal relationship with that someone.
But everything changed when Sirius arrived at Hogwarts.
He thought the rest of his life would be miserable because he went to Gryffindor and not Slytherin like his whole family. But he became friends with James, then with Remus and then with Peter. He has finally found his true family.
In the second year, he met you. You, his future best friend and partner in crime, his biggest confidant; who would give him a comforting hug, so he could cry because he had no words to say how broken he was, and you wouldn't insist on talking because you always understood him, even without words. You were his great love, his world, his everything.
Obviously, you didn't know that.
He would rather die than lose you because he was sure you would never feel the same. You were perfection itself; you were all the good the world had to offer, for Merlin's sake.
Besides, you were his best friend.
God, he hated that word so much.
It brings us to this exact point where Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup and a party is going on in their common room, and you obviously were here because you've always loved supporting James and Sirius, and you could have fun with Remus, Lily, Marlene and Dorcas. Sirius has been watching you throughout the party because you looked stunning. You were wearing a simple black dress, and you didn't do anything different with your hair, but you could have fought a family of dragons alone, and you'd still be the most beautiful girl in the world in Sirius' opinion.
Sirius saw a guy flirting with you at the start of the party, and he instantly sulked. He knew he had no right to be jealous, but he couldn't help but feel a pang in his chest as that random guy made you throw your head back while you laughed. So Padfoot decided to try to distract himself from his grief by drinking Firewhiskey. He drank a lot, but he was so used to alcohol that he needed more than just a few sips to lose control of his own mind. So, at the moment, he was simply tipsy.
The eldest child of the Black family was dancing, talking loudly to James and having a good time, managing by some miracle not to think about you for a while, when the first notes of “Lay All Your Love On Me” started playing on the record player that some muggle-born brought to the party. ABBA was your favourite musical group, and Sirius just couldn't stand you singing one of their songs every thirty minutes. He loved you as much as a man could love a woman, but you definitely knew how to get out of tune sometimes.
Before he could stop himself, Padfoot's eyes met his and, just like any other occasion when this happened, his heart raced and he felt his cheeks start to turn red. But at that exact moment, he realized something: he was tired of loving you from afar. He loved being his friend, but he needed to know if you'd be able to do him the honour of tasting the lips he's fantasized about for years. If you would give him your permission to hold you in his arms to make you feel loved and safe. If you'd be as happy as he would be if the two of you held hands as you walked to Hogsmeade in front of everyone, showing that you belonged together. Being her friend was no longer enough. He would respect you if you didn't want to be his girl, but if there were a minimum chance to you to accept his heart, he definitely wouldn't waste it.
Taking advantage of the fact that one of your favourite songs was playing, he decided to tell you how he felt about you. He climbed on the table and started singing the song that translated exactly how he felt about you.
I wasn't jealous before we met,
Now every woman I see is a potential threat
He had absolutely no pride in feeling like punching any boy in the face who flirted with you because, as much as he hated to admit it, he was so insecure. Throughout his childhood, he was told that he was replaceable and an embarrassment to the family and, except for Andromeda and Regulus, he never felt that anyone truly loved him. His self-esteem undoubtedly improved after he made friends and discovered who he really was, but the feeling that he was unlovable and alone never went away. If you were his girlfriend, he would respect and trust you completely, but he always felt that any boy in the world would be much better for you than he is. And it just tore him apart.
And I'm possessive, it isn't nice
You've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice
Remembering that brought a smile to his face. You always hated your smoking habits. Every time you saw him lighting a cigarette, you would look at him with daggers in his eyes or launch into an extremely long rant about how nicotine would "ruin your lungs." Every time you did that, he rolled his eyes and had to stop himself from shutting you up with his lips.
But now it isn't true
Now everything is new
And all I've learned has overturned
I beg of you
One thing he never told you is that he has a collection of…well, you. Since he was 12, he kept all the things you gave him and all the little things that remind him of you in a white box under his bed. Everything. All the little drawings you made in the middle of potions class in the corner of the parchment. All the coloured pebbles you gave him in third grade when you had that iconic hippie phase. The Queen concert tickets you gave him for his birthday, the pressed flower that he always forgets the name of but reminds him of you. He looks at these things every night before he falls asleep.
Remus, James and Peter found out about the box (and consequently his love for you) two years ago and ever since then, it's been a nightmare because every time they saw you talking to Padfoot, and they were pretty sure you wouldn't. Noticing them, the three marauders would make kissing sounds, hands hearts and all that embarrassing shit you do to embarrass and annoy your friends when they have a crush right behind you, so only Sirius would see them.
Even with his friends irritating him, Sirius was very grateful to have them to help him deal with his feelings. He has never been in love and he never thought he would because all the members of the Black family had arranged marriages, so now that he loves someone he has no idea what to do. He just wanted you to love and care for him as much as he loves and cares for you. Not only that, he wanted you. You to be his and the privilege to belong to you.
Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your Love on Me
Sirius' family and life are completely messed up, he knew that. But even with his relapses, he was fine. Not many people can say that, but he was fine. Yes, he has a lot of problems, and sometimes he feels sad, but he, (Sirius realized as he sang in front of all the people at the party) was genuinely happy. He no longer feels the emptiness in his chest that he used to feel when he was younger. He had the best friends he could ask for, he had you, and his mental health is stable.
So yes, he has relatively heavy baggage, but who doesn't? You have many flaws. You have your traumas and your past, but Sirius was willing to overcome them because he loved you. He would never ignore them, make them seem less important, or treat her like a china doll because of it. He would just accept that they exist and he would love you unconditionally because he wanted everything from you. Sirius wanted the fights and the disagreements and the arguments, as ugly and terrible as they were because they would be with you; and everything is better with you.
He would try to be the best man in the world for you because that's what you deserve. He would respect your time and your limits and care much more for you than he does for himself. Sirius wouldn't be perfect, but he would try his best because it would make you happy and as long as you were happy, so would he.
It was like shooting a sitting duck
A little small talk, a smile and baby I was stuck
I still don't know what you've done with me
A grown-up woman should never fall so easily
He still remembers the exact moment he realized he was in love with you. Sirius and you had just started the fifth year and you both were under the tree beside the dark lake. It was an autumn afternoon and it was very windy, so there was no one around the two of you. You were telling Sirius about your family and how unforgettable your vacation was. You and your cousins ​​went to your aunt's beach house and since you and your mom were the only witches in the family, you and your parents had a lot of funny moments when your whole family went to the beach and you had contact with a lot of families Muggles and their powers sometimes got out of control. He was crying with laughter because you sneezed next to a couple and you and your cousins had to find a way to make the woman's beach bag stop floating without them realising that something was really wrong with you.
You and he were just being two stupid teenagers, but at that moment Sirius realized that you were his favourite person. And he would die a happy man if he spent the rest of his days listening to the sound of your voice because it always made him feel warm inside. He never realized that you had the most beautiful eyes in the world, or how much he wanted to kiss you. He wanted to spend the rest of the day with you and he wanted to see you old and grey. Sirius was 100% sure that you would look beautiful.
The moment he realized that he froze in shock. You got worried and suggested a glass of water and he was so stunned he just nodded. After a few sips, he said he was fine but needed sleep. He spent the rest of the day lying in bed and looking at the roof, wondering what he would do now.
I feel a kind of fear
When I don't have you near
Unsatisfied, I skip my pride
I beg you dear
The song ended and it took him a few seconds to realize it. Everyone in the common room was cheering enthusiastically, but the only person Sirius cared about at the moment was you. He got off the table and walked over to you, who was still looking at him with confusion and amusement in your eyes. He took your hand and practically dragged you to his dorm. Once there, he made you sit on his bed and closed the door.
"I'm in love with you Y/n," He said, staring at the door, not being able to meet your eyes.
“I meant every word I sang. I've loved you for two years and the war is coming and I can't let anything happen to either of us without telling you that my heart will always belong to you, Y/n/n." He took a deep breath and looked at you, who still was sitting on his bed.
You were extremely surprised. How would you not? Your best friend was confessing his love for you, and you definitely didn't expect that. You were so afraid of hurting him or ruining your friendship, but...
"I love you too," you said. Being unable to stop smiling.
You caught a glimpse of Sirius immediately turning to you and walking towards you until there were only inches keeping you two apart.
"A-are you serious?" He looked so shocked and you felt your heart break for him. Sirius clearly didn't think he was worthy of his love, but you would spend the rest of your days showing him how wonderful he was and how much you adored him.
You stood on tiptoe and kissed him, and Sirius felt himself melt. It took him a few seconds to kiss you back, but when he finally realized what was happening, he cupped your cheek with his left hand and put his right arm around your waist.
Neither of you has ever felt as complete as you do right now, in each other's arms. And you both wanted it to be this way until the end of the times
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florsial · 4 months
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Black Brothers sketches (I have no clue if ppl could tell but just in case yall can't Reg is the one with a red and gold ribbon) (yes Sirius wears a necklace with the moon phases)
I really like Sirius' look but I have so much trouble putting Regulus' look down on a drawing/sketch for some reason bfubwrfkubqefcu so ill have to put him in a grinder and rebuild him again.
For the hair thing: I hc them both as Chinese which sadly reduces their hair volume and curls (because Asian hair is like that) 😔 the only reason why Sirius' curly is because I fully believe he would get a perm. At the same time, Regulus sticks to his naturally straight (and no volume) silk hair.
Appearance HCs!!:
-Regulus' face is a lot more rounder compared to the rest of the family (except Andromeda)
-Trans Regulus has my heart (typically it's ftm but I also really like mtf) and Sirius is cis. Still, it isn't to say that he's strictly masc since I believe him to be very open to makeup and other typically feminine attire/styles (this is actually because I find the picture of a muscular Sirius wearing a pink lacy slip absolutely hilarious) (I'm sorry but can you actually be sad and picture that) (I'll let your mind wander)
-The Black family is always very tall, so naturally, Regulus is actually taller than Sirius but since Sirius fucking struts around his platforms it switches the height difference (aka balances it out a bit)
-Sirius' eyes are def like a desaturated pale blue and really unsettling, it makes you feel as if you are being stalked and judged heavily. While Regulus' is fully grey, darker, and less creepy, I can't explain but it's preferable to look into Regulus' eyes compared to Sirius'.
-While Regulus has freckles, Sirius has more moles scattered about
-Never shutting up about this, but Sirius is one of the (very) few members of the family to not gain white streaks/patches. Regulus on the other hand has sections of his hair that are white, but unlike Narcissa's hair, which grows in patches but is hidden underneath so most don't really notice it except when she ties her hair up, Regulus' white patches are displayed on top of his head of hair. Makes him feel as if he looks older
-Sirius smells like a variety of cheap perfumes (especially those strawberry cake ones from Bath and body works) and Regulus smells like a specific expensive cologne that he only uses and nothing else (he buys that shit in bulk)
-Regulus rarely paints his nails but Sirius does and it's a different color everytime (he loves variety) (same)
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rockyjulesxx · 2 years
the correct marauders head cannons
Sirius Black
GAY AND TRANS ASS MOTHER FUCKER!! #endthecisaficationofsiriusblack idc if it’s genderfluid, non-binary or ftm this bitch is trans and loves men.
he’s like 5”6-5”9 in height.
obvi has black hair that is up to his shoulders/ collarbone and is also very layered.
he’s tattooed and pierced. some tattoos are of the moon cycle, his and regs stars, dog foot prints and something prongs and wormtail related. he also has multiple ear piercings with a side nose stud, a navel and a bottom labret piercing.
he loves dressing hyper feminine but also masculine. he doesn’t have a set style, he just dresses to serve cunt and have clothes that match his docs and chunky rings and leather jackets.
he has borderline personality disorder that he is very ashamed about because the characteristics of his mental illness remind him of his mother. he also has ptsd that affects him the most through nightmares. he also gets a lot of gender envy that fouls his dysphoria from his friends, but refuses to tell them about it because he doesn’t want to make any of them feel bad.
he’s pale and has silver eyes that can be kind of intimidating.
he’s half french and east asian ( him and james first bonded at hogwarts over being the only asian kids in their year) .
Remus John Lupin
bicon. no other acceptable answers.
sweaters. knitted sweaters. lots and lots of knitted grandpa sweaters. (many gifted to him by lily).
his style is very cottagecore, but also mixed in with some street style. he loves his beat ass crusty ass converse that are breaking at the seams, but he also wears docs when he wants to feel superior. he is either spotted in heavy knitted sweaters or old band tees. and a book bag. he cannot go anywhere without his fucking book bag.
he has tattoos. idk what tattoos, but definitely tattoos. and maybe a few ear piercings.
he’s 6”- 6”4 in height.
loves david bowie and sometimes wears makeup inspired by him.
wears fishnets under his jeans that are visible on his waist when he wears crop tops. this is slutty remus.
he has honey brown curly hair. it’s soft and bouncy and sometimes falls into his eyes that are obviously hazel.
freckles scattered between scars <3
has a physical disability that requires him to use crutches or a wheelchair from time to time. he also suffers from severe migraines that leaves him unable to leave his room.
he has ptsd and severe anxiety that went years without being medicated because of his “i can handle myself” mentality.
he’s welsh and/or jewish or maybe even latino anyone of those work tbh. he has soft tan skin that very glowy.
long eyelashes. like incredibly long eyelashes that are light brown and always curl towards the sun.
James Fleamont Potter
a pansexual himbo at his finest.
he’s from south asia, more specifically india.
he’s super sporty but not overly buff. he has the body type of a football player (or soccer player, whatever you call it).
his style is very relaxed in a man whore kind of way. he loves his red converse- they’re his staple piece.
he has one ear piercing he got with sirius. he thinks it looks stupid but sometimes puts it in when he wants a different look.
first started wearing skirts with sirius so that he felt more confident, but actually really liked how they looked on himself. he has slutty skirts he wears when he goes to the gay bar.
he has adhd and maybe anxiety that somehow went years without being diagnosed.
he has deep brown hair that’s messy and could possibly curl but always remains more fluffy than curly. it’s short cut but falls into his eyes that are a dark brown but look burgundy in the light.
he’s 5”9-5”11 in height. (sometimes he purposely tells people he’s shorter so that he makes guys who said they’re 6” feel stupid).
obviously wears glasses (he’s technically legally blind and has a lot of anxiety of loosing his vision. he got eye sugary once and had to wear an eye patch for a week. he still wears it sometimes for halloween or just for fun).
has a beauty mark under his left eye (lily likes to kiss it).
Peter Pettigrew
he’s asexual.
has a baby face and is often mistaken for remus’s little cousin.
he gets rosey cheeks very easily.
he doesn’t have tattoos but he has a few piercings.
he has a unibrow (it’s very pretty and has a beauty mark in between closer to his right eye).
short king! 5”4-5”6 in height.
his style is cardigans with jeans that are cuffed (half because of his height and half because of fashion).
he has dirty blonde hair that’s straight and cut short.
he has bright blue eyes.
he has body dysmorphia and social anxiety.
he has a very small gap between his teeth that he hates and tried to get braces for but couldn’t afford. everyone tells him it suits him though because the gap adds to his charm.
he’s a brit through and through, a full englishman
i’ll make a part two of this with all the other marauder icons.
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itsjaywalkers · 9 months
Well now you’ve asked for it I simply MUST talk about my beloved fem Sirius!!! Tbh I’m a Black brothers (now sisters!!!) supremacist and once Regulus gets out of their parents clutches Sirius is in fact attached to her little sister’s side at all times!!!
Regulus definitely struggles to stop unthinkingly conforming to the very conservative fashion their parents enforced but Sirius is an EXCELLENT influence. Sirius did a total 180 once she got away from Grimmauld Place and Remus DIED the first time she saw Sirius rocking her lil red crop top, leather jacket, ripped skinny jeans, and combat boots (same remus). If Sirius has it her way she’ll never wear a dress or skirt again because after never being allowed to wear pants there’s such a freedom in it for her. Everything is also skin tight because it would give her parents a heart attack but also because she has control over her sexuality and LOVES it. Obviously she’s tatted as fuck for this reason to and while a lot of them have meaning to her (Leo constellation, moon phases, etc) some she has because they’re silly and fun (defs has a smiley face tatted on her ass).
She really does work hard to get Regulus to break free of those ingrained habits from Grimmauld Place because she loves and worries about her sister. Regulus is uncomfortable af in pants unlike her sister but Sirius considers getting her in a skirt/dress above her knees a massive win!!! She also gets Regulus to incorporate colors that aren’t green, black, and grey in to her wardrobe (she can’t convince her sister to wear red and gold but purple and blue are frankly big steps for her). Sirius would be the most understanding big sister in the world and desperately want to make up for the years they were separated. She’d also help Regulus break unhealthy habits like diet culture or waking up super early to do the beauty routine that their mother enforced.
Also when she finds out both her and Regulus are gorgeous lesbians and their parents are 0/2 she throws the HOTTEST party. She wears shorts with fishnets and Remus is literally ready to throw hands with any girl that even LOOKS in Sirius’ direction (remus would have to beat the shit out of me bc my jaw would be on the ground)
morgan i'm just sitting here, eyes full of tears, reading and rereading this ask bc it's . one of the sweetest things ever and i love the black brothers (sisters in this case) so very much i might just explode
i just adore the idea of sirius being the one who . helps her sister find her style and encourages her to try new things and wear whatever the fuck she wants and feels comfy in, after all those years of being manipulated by walburga </3
also sirius refusing to wear skirts or dresses bc of her mother while reg still loves them and feels confident in them AND slowly but surely wearing them shorter and tighter bc she feels pretty and sexy and she can ignore her mum's voice in her head a lot better when sirius is right next to her <333
just !! them !! safe and happy and taking care of each other !! living their lives however they want !!!
AND THE PARTY BC OF THE LESBIAN REVEAL SHE SO WOULD i love her sooooo much and remus would probably kick my ass too bc just reading ur descriptions already had me drooling like . fem sirius is so fucking hot . remus i get u i really do
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birlwrites · 1 year
If reg is black, evan is grey/blue and heather is pink, what color / color scheme is barty (or anyone else in ttdll)?
barty doesn't have an Official color but i usually put him in, like, earthy green colors - and whenever he's not wearing robes i tend to envision him in a white button-down and khakis for some ungodly reason. barty i'm so sorry i don't know why you exist in business casual in my mind. probably because also in my mind you tend to destroy these clothes by singeing them and/or getting blood on them and i like that cognitive dissonance especially when compared to regulus
marlene is like an earthy, orange-y red; sirius is also black mwahaha, but in an aggressively Non-uptight way; nobody else really has a color? i tend to think of maeve in purple but that's not official in the way that regulus and evan and heather have their Official colors. narcissa has a lot of pastel+silver combos. the rosiers are pastel+gold
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ess-presso · 2 years
your fic recs have been absolutely superior so ty. my turn! engraved upon my heart (in letters deeply worn) by inkpot_winters - jegulus little women au. need i say more. (also bc little women was in your top books)
taylor time! sad beautiful tragic, the moment i knew, and the way i loved you! ( i keep thinking im repeating ones ive already said so if i give u one i already said just ignore it LOL)
chat time!
drarry being a guilty pleasure is so real. like drarry and jegulus is same ship different font so u cant go wrong.
and being used as a personal grammarly by friends? SO real. my best friend cant spell for shit and ive been her dictionary and autocorrect since we kids.
okay but red converse is so james of you. i have red converse as well (i think i wore nothing but my red converse for an entire year when i was 16) but i like to change it up with my green or black converse too (i drew stars and moons all over the rubber part on my black ones because. i have to make everything in my life about wolfstar obviously)
GREEK MYTHOLOGY KIDS UNITE! this makes me so happy. truly a superior breed. i guess my obsession just bled into my academic career and here i am LOL. and dont worry, caecilius est in horto is a joke here too (at least it was in my intro to latin class, i feel like the average canadian would be lost)
love that u want to save lives. thats so cool of u. my best friend is a nursing student and shes the most badass person ive ever met so maybe its a prerequisite to be cool if u save lives.
(also wanting to be an agent after watching a spy movie is SO REAL like i swear my divine purpose becomes being a cool ass kicking agent, until reality dawns on me and i remember im just. a random person)
your top books list is so good. i love little women SM & ive heard so many good things about if we were villains (i really need to get on reading that)
also JUMANJI i love that movie. so good. and the hunger games movies ofc just classics at this point. and help the woman calling herself the kim k of businesswomen in the apprentice is so funny some people say the funniest things.
id love to visit new york too. concrete jungle where dreams are made of, obviously. the big gulp cup. god i want one too. (we have them in canada but i think ours are way smaller?)
your jewelry sounds so cool. i love the hp pandora bracelet thats so cool & rings! i love rings sm i cannot leave the house without them.
pop tarts & chinese takeout is such a good combination. perfect comfort food fr.
and a fellow cat person! i like dogs but i love cats sm. i have 3 and theyre my most favourite little creatures on the planet.
an INFJ! very remus of u. (at least i think hes an INFJ? idk i saw a tiktok about it lol) im an INTJ so im living up to my reg kinnie status.
stars is such a good choice. i will always be a star person too (and hello? im an ex-astronomy student too thats so funny). theyre just so pretty and i swear i could stare at them for hours.
christmas is my fav holiday too!! ive actually always wanted to visit london at christmas time it sounds so nice. do you get much snow during the winter? we dont get much snow here so honestly anywhere that gets snow at christmas sounds great to me.
I ACTUALLY DONT KNOW WHY I THOUGHT JAMES OPENED THE DOOR??? i think i read some dumb thing somewhere where he opened the door wearing a lightning mcqueen costume and it really stuck with me😭 i guess i decided that was canon to me LOL
question answer time!
fav rarepair - oh god i dont even know. i tend to always enjoy the more popular ships. although i did read a fake dating fic where james and evan fake dated to make barty and reg jealous, and ofc barty and reg fake dated to make james and evan jealous. (a star for a summer's day by moony_reggie if u wanna check it out!) so ill say james x evan. they had more chemistry together than i would've expected.
fuck marry kill james sirius remus - GOd. i cant even answer that question thats like the hardest thing anyone has ever asked me. uhmmm ill fuck them all, and then marry them all. if i had to kill someone itd be myself because i cannot be responsible for any of their deaths THEYVE BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH!!
place i wanna visit - id love to visit new zealand. im a HUGE lord of the rings fan and they filmed the movies there so id die if i ever got the chance to visit. ive actually always wanted to visit london too (and a lot of the UK in general, especially wales and scotland) as well as italy & greece! i visited both on a school trip a few years ago and it was a dream come true but id love to go back.
fav book/book series - another brutal question but ill try:
picture of dorian gray
song of achilles
percy jackson series
shadowhunter chronicles (yes its the incest series NO THEYRE NOT ACTUALLY SIBLINGS I SWEAR! we dont talk about it.)
mara dyer series by michelle hodkin (underrated and so good)
hp series ofc
hunger games ALWAYS.
six of crows duology my beloved <3
most embarrassing thing ive ever done - oh man. okay lets see. when i was in 10th grade i had to take a spanish oral final at the end of the school year but i am an ANXIOUS woman and did not wanna do that so i skipped my spanish class until the end of the year. my best friend was in my class and my teacher kept asking her where i was until one day she told my teacher i had CHLAMYDIA and thats why i was gone. i guess her excuse worked because the teacher never asked again. the next year any time i saw that teacher in the hall she gave me a funny look but . i guess mission success? i never did have to take that final so. LOL
favourite thing i own - i have a set of lightsabers (yes im a star wars nerd (derogatory)) but also i have the ring from the lord of the rings! my precious truly.
if my life was a movie - i truly dont think my life is interesting enough to have an exciting title. i think the best i can come up with is "the underwhelming adventures of a crazy cat lady and her books". and thats just like abysmal so.
do u have any pets?
fav fanfic trope?
do u have any weird talents?
whats your gas station order?
fav flower/plant?
fav planet?
and simply because now i have to know, most embarrassing thing youve ever done?
fav instrument sound? (like what sounds most pleasing to your ear)
and thats all! i eagerly await your responses and in the meantime ill be over here doing a little dance.🕺
bee hello hello hello 👋 i missed u <333
jegulus little women au ??? on god , sign me up for this right the fuck now. (& little women is genuinely so good. amylaurie truther 5ever>>>>)
(fic rec for u - no bright line by lady_grey - w/ sirius being an actor, remus being a historian & lily being the filmaker & matchmaker who fixes them up. james and harry are just there for the vibes honestly.)
tay tay -
sad beautiful tragic - JEGULUS - ‘long handwritten note’ - HELLO???? mr rab with the locket?? ‘kiss me try to fix it’ james trying to tell regulus to come and come that he’ll save reg , but reg already knowing he’s beyond repair. ‘for the life of us we can’t get back’ WHAT WHAT. they should’ve been happy your honour. ‘we both wake up in lonely beds in different cities’ the different places they wake up in especially during the summer holidays. ‘beautiful magic love there. what a sad beautiful tragic love affair.’ THEM THEM THEM THEY HAD SOMETHING SO SPECIAL AND THEY WERE SO TRAGIC.
the moment I knew- BLACK BROTHERS- i had to think about this one because I didn’t think anyone of my ships would betray each other like in this song. just not turn up or anything. BUT OF COURSE ! black brothers angst. i can just imagine sirius being like ‘bro i’m coming to your party bro’ & reg waiting but he doesn’t come because he’s getting smashed with the marauders. AHHHHH OH MY GOD NOW I’M ALL HURT. ‘your close friends seem to know when there’s something wrong’ - James being all ‘sup reg what up with u dude u seem a little depresso.’ i can just feel this song. very them .
the way i loved you - JEGULUS - i love this in the context of that jegulus had to break up and bartylus begins but then reg keeps thinking of james , like to me ‘frustrating intoxicating complicated’ is something reg would SO use to describe james. (ps - i’ve heard people use this for remus-grant in which it’s remus singing the song about sirius which i also agree with!)
now chatting time-
drarry ! i love them so much ! ‘harry had never been less interested in quidditch, he was rapidly become more and more obsessed with draco malfoy’ like BRO . i know what you are. ‘the boy who lived’ more like the ‘bi who lived’
and the personal dictionary thing is so real , isn’t it? it’s always like ‘ess check this’ ‘ess is there an a in definite’ ‘ess why is there a red line under this word’ .
and yes i agree red converse is very very james of me ! i love them so much they’re very dear to me. and green and black converse ??? very slytherin of you (i think the stars are so real of you #wolfstar5ever) i actually have a pair of stars converse !! on the little flap thingy , there is a little moon stitched on as well! when i saw them i was like ‘ i must own these’.
AND YES GREEK MYTHOLOGY FOREVER !!!! WE ARE THE BEST !!! the trojan horse was my obsession as a kid lmfao. i love that you took it to the next step though i could never do latin for so long ! (and i’m glad caecilius est in horto carries everywhere. it’s a staple of latin classes honestly.)
AND YESSSS saving lives is for cool people only ? are u a loser ? do you want to save lives ? if yes then u are no longer a loser ! (and nurses are definitely badass good on your best friend for opting for that)
(after the movies end i always be in the toilets staring into the mirror having an existential crisis like ‘well i’m gonna be in the mi6 now better get to training’ then the toilet flushes behind me and i get back to reality.)
little women ❤️❤️❤️❤️ (the 2019 movie >>>) ( and yes you must read iwwv that book changed my brain chemistry forever)
AND JUMANJI JUST SLAPS SO HARD HONESTLY!!! kevin and the rock together >>> . AND THIS YEAR’S APPRENTICE is on crack fr. if you watch it , you’ll notice there’s one guy who looks exactly like the hyde , honestly. and lord sugar saying ‘i hear you own a pest control business. any tips on how to get rid of piers morgan’ LIKE BRO YOU WENT HARD.
yes new york oh my god new york seems like the place that would make or break u. (not to mention that americans are a bit of a novelty here . like the candies , the cheetos the accents >>>) AND THE AMERICAN BIG GULP IS LIKE HUMONGOUS. HUGE . I must try it. (you have them in canada ??? that’s so cool)
RINGS ARE SO COOL. makes me feel all mysterious n shit , but i do too much lab work to handle wearing them all the time.
pop tarts & chinese takeout are simply superior. i don’t make the rules??
YOU HAVE CATS ??? I DON’T (yet. i plan on getting a black cat with green eyes. but a black cat) THAT’S SO SWEET AND AWESOME AND COOL AHHHHH. cats are so adorable honestly. (what are the kitties names ? i must know them and shower them with love from me !)
and yes INFJ !!! i love chocolate , but unfortunately i am not a werewolf so not totally remus. INTJ?? you little reg kinnie i see you there.
stars honestly i love them. light pollution is just so damning in london though. (and what??? that’s such a freaky coincidence oh my god !!!)
AND YES CHRISTMAS I LOVE CHRISTMAS !!! we did get snow last year but it melted pretty fast. We actually got frost a couple days ago , but not proper snow. i’m waiting for a real proper snow day again where the snow actually stays for ages. and lmfao you don’t get snow in canada ?? whenever i imagine canada i always think of three things - snow , maple syrup & mooses. it upsets me that not all of these things are everywhere in canada.
AND LMFAO NOT THE JAMES DOOR THING ??? it’s such a funny little thing because i see people bashing him for being dumb and opening the door and i’m like ‘guys.no’ (but he defo was wearing a costume.like that’s just the truth .)
your questions -
just enjoying the popular ships and not having a rarepair is so real of u. like yes i’m a basic bitch and i just want my jegulus + wolfstar. so what?? (and james & evan?? hmm never heard that before , i’m gonna have to check it out.) my rarepair is really really weird. brace yourself. it’s pansy x percy. i read one fic with them and i thought that was really cool so i think they’re sweet to read now and then! (the fic was the secretary by pacificrimbaud btw - recced by me but do read the tags for extra warnings ik not everyone likes that. it has wild child personal assistant pansy and rude controlling boss percy.)
not being to choose between them is so real . (me however ?? fuck james marry sirius kill remus. love u moonpie but mummy’s got a job to do.)
visiting places where movies got filmed is so surreal though isn’t it ?? and a lotr fan?? my mate’s one and she gave me the silmarillion to read for xmas . (it’s going to take me at least seven months to read because i read (1) page and got confused already.) AND VISIT LONDON YESSS !! very cool here usually , as long as you don’t bump into any roadmen. (I also want to go to italy and greece. Especially venice and athens >>>)
your fave books , i’m going through one by one
podg - isn’t ben barnes in the movie ?? so many edits i’ve seen of him with potd scenes , honestly i’ve got to read the book (& watch the movie of course , to sate my desire.)
‘name one hero who was happy’ & ‘ i am made of memories’ haunt me forever.
pjo is honestly so iconic. i’m waiting for the big old series to come out now.
IS THIS THE ONE BASED ON RON X GINNY FIC ?? like the one that goes ‘you’re my sister , my blood , i should want to protect you’ 😀😀😀 but i trust your judgement here bee!
never heard of this one. but i did just search it up , and the blurb is interesting so i’ve added it to my tbr !
hp did have my little year five self in a chokehold.
THE HUNGER GAMES OH MY LORD >>>>> peeta mellark and his baby bombs my god>>>
and soc ! i would read it except i have been spoiled for a certain chapter 40!
NOT YOU SKIPPING THE SPANISH CLASSES BECAUEE YOU DIDN’T WANT TO DO THE ORAL??? just say me llamo been and pass the exam 🤨🤨🤨🤨.now u got chlamydia too . and the teacher looking at you like ‘damn how she get chlamydia , this bitch be getting around.’
OMG LIGHTSABERS ??? i would so fight with them all the time that’s so so so awesome. (just looked up the lotr ring. it looks so elegant!)
ahhhh being a crazy cat lady >>>> (not abysmal cats beat people anyday.) my movie would be ‘drunk procrastinator’ because honestly i never do things on time and a little bit of sippy sip does release the stress sometimes. (the things i’ve done when under the influence will haunt me. my best friend has so much blackmail material on me .)
unfortunately not yet. but i do want to get a cat , so i’ll get on that asap.
when person a smells person b in amortentia , or when person a is given veritaserum and admits they like person b. i’m a sucker for that shit >>>
my weird talent is that i can eat an entire bowl of cereal in under ten seconds !! not useful at all , but it’s weird so yes , i consider it a talent !
i had to look up what a gas station was i got so confused. we call them petrol stations here so i was like ‘tf is a gas station’ BUT ANYWAYS! I don’t even have a car unfortunately, but my chauffeur (best friend) does and obviously i abuse the best friend privileges, and whenever he needs petrol i always get a pack of gum , a can of sprite (+ a diet coke for the driver man). (this is what you mean by gas station order , yes ? gas stations in canada don’t have restaurants in them right?)
favourite flower - poppies ! i adore poppies ! + lavender they’re so pretty // favourite plant - hyrdrangeas ! (they’re classified as shrubs so they count) very sweet and nice.
favourite planet - gonna be a real one and choose my gal pluto. she’s still a planet to me , okay???
i was at a funeral when i got a phone call . my phone was NOT on silent. and the worst part ? my ringtone was baby got back , so now the deceased’s family have a memory of ‘turn around stick it out even white boys got the shout , baby got back!’ in the middle of someone’s eulogy.
saxophone ! that shit RELAXING AS FUCK !
q’s for you to answer next time you come around -
what the fuck is putin (not the president)
unpopular opinion about the marauders
unpopular opinion in life
Dream car
do you watch the apprentice?
do you believe in soulmates ? (romantic or platonic?)
what’s your hidden talent?
Favourite villain ?
ever had your heart broken ?
ever broken a heart?
(bee you know the drill by now !! don’t be too long , I’ll miss you<333)
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kiwi2229 · 1 year
(James Potter / Regulus Black | 412 words)
For @jegulus-microfic prompt: Makeup
CW: Implied NSFW
James is in trouble. In a big trouble. And it's entirely Regulus’ fault because this boy just marched into the Gryffindor common room wearing tight black jeans, a crop top and make-up. He has a long black eyeliner and smoky black eyeshadows. And if it's not driving James absolutely insane.
He is positive that he's dying. Regulus looks so hot. When he finally snaps from his shock he manages to say “You look amazing, Reg.”
“I know. And you will too.” Regulus answers and lifts up his bag full of makeup. This is the moment James’ brain stopped functioning because Regulus proceeded to climb onto his lap and now he is applying the same eyeliner on him.
James wants to touch him, squeeze his hips in his hands, and kiss every inch of his body. But they are in a full common room. All of them preparing for a party in the forbidden forest. They are out as a couple only shortly so they decided to give everyone (Sirius) time to get used to it without being overly affectionate.
He is really trying to think about anything else but the weight of Regulus’ body on him. James takes a sharp inhale when Regulus tightly grabs his chin tilting his head to the side so he can now apply a red line next to the black eyeliner.
“James!” Sirius hisses at him across the room in warning.
He groans in despair. “I'm not doing anything.”
“You are! I can see it in your eyes.”
Regulus the menace who is well aware of what he is doing to James chuckles. “I'm trying!” James responses.
“Try harder.”
James looks up at Regulus who is smirking. He leans a little bit closer wiggling on James’ lap and whispers to him in a low voice. “Yeah James, try harder.”
James briefly considers if being murdered by his best friend is worth snogging Regulus on the spot. The moment he decides this would be a great way to go Regulus gives him a quick kiss and climbs off his lap. “Done.”
James catches his wrist and spins him around when all of them are walking out of the room. He presses him against the wall trapping him there hidden from the eyes of others. He captures the boy’s lips in a bruising kiss that leaves them both panting. “Just wait until we are alone and I will show you how hard I can try,” he says and walks out of the room with absolutely smug-looking Regulus right behind him.
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