#because it's just so much more massive and detailed and colourful
seraph-sar · 4 months
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I am so insanely happy with how this turned out, you would not believe me. Putting on the chains at the end was an actual pain, because they just would not hold and I didn't have the best glue to put them on either, but it's done now, and I'm just.
It's so pretty!
ALSO! If anyone wants to make one for themselves!
You can find the pattern I used there, the pages are for A4 format, which is like the typical german paper size. (about 30 cm x 21 cm). I made the blade from a 3 cm thick insulation board (I think that's the right word) and the chains are plastic chains I bought somewhere.
Also, if you have any questions regarding this, if you want to make one yourself and get stuck somewhere, I'd be happy to help! (Same goes for other Keyblades I made before! :D )
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seafoamsol · 2 months
The best years of my life...
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... what I wouldn't give to have them back.
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I had the great pleasure of working with @spiderscribe on a DeadCeptor work for the @tf-bigbang, which you can (and should!) read [ HERE ]!
Details and artist commentary under the cut!
Okay, first off, I just wanna say, thank you so much to @spiderscribe for picking up my very loose scribble and taking the jump. She's an absolute champ, and I IMPLORE you to read her writing. She did a knockout job on the fic, and guaranteed, these two pieces wouldn't have been so elaborate without her. If you're a fan of deadceptor, parallels, lovers to enemies to apocalyptic teammates to ???s, I'm sure you'll find that and more in there.
[ HERE ] is the link to that, if you missed it the first time around.
The background for the supermarket was a MASSIVE undertaking. I ended up blurring it in the final to keep the dream-like quality, but there is a lot happening there! Most of the time I spent on the background was (jokingly) complaining though.
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Anyone who works retail will know the agony of customer-misplaced stock. The little canisters of energon additives seem like prime candidates to be placed willy-nilly.
The little warning sign... My favorite soda, apple sidra, has a carcinogen warning, so I'm familiar with it. It was slightly surprising to me that those warnings are not countrywide, despite the fact that they very clearly say "California Proposition 65", and well. Not something else, like "Federal" or whatever.
The bags of nuts and bolts below, I asked several people what flavor they would be, and I suppose I failed in my job, because I wanted the purple to be the "regular" flavor, and the green to be the "sour". But grape and lemon-lime work as well!
The tub is full of rust-sticks. I have no idea if that came across. My friends kept calling the individually wrapped ones slim jims, which I mean, I guess!
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The car batteries... My idea was that they were similar to shots, in a way? So that's how I ended up with a battery with enough terminals to rival an international airport. It's also sunset-coloured, because, I don't know, that's what Party Flavor is to me.
Okay. The second illustration. This one was a headache, mostly due to my own lack of planning, and the fact that I lost the file for... basically everything I did, including the above illustration. So it was a bit of a rush job.
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The background bots started off as these very vague silhouettes, which I'm a little proud of. Look at how nice and somewhat readable they are! Okay, now what if I ruined it? What? You don't like that? That's rather unfortunate, because that's what I proceeded to do. In fact, if I take off all.. 10 or something adjustment layers, they look like this:
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My process went: Shadow block> Fill rest of form> Color randomiser> Copy and skew (to populate background)> Hue adjustment> Gradient map> Fill Light> Chromatic aberration> Vignette> Levels> Curves.
The.... Magenta cube is there because due to the nature of the color randomiser, the foot had a high value, and stuck out like nobody's business in the end.
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Here's what it would look like without the cube. Begone, distracting white blob! (I didn't have to worry about the lava arm because Percy happened to cover it up. What a save! But if he didn't then... there would have been a second cube.)
Basically, it was a mess. But... at least it came out fine in the end! I hope!
I'd love to have speedpaints on hand, but I was switching between CSP and PS for a good majority of the work.
I'd say that's it for these two pieces! I actually have more, but those demand more time. I'm much slower at doing inks than I am at painting, but I hope you'll get to see them soon.
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minart-was-taken · 2 months
The wild references to Finland in Honkai Star Rail
Hello, in this post I'm going to go over the various references to Finland in Honkai Star Rail (Also touching a little on HI3) and explaining them the best I can so that non-finns can understand how hilariously delightful they are.
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Starting with a funny one: Welt Yang.
The man is canonically 1/2 finnish, 1/4th chinese and 1/4th german according to sources I dont understand.
The way this is represented in Honkai Star Rail comes in one intentional form and one that may be an accident but I love it anyway:
Welt's given name is Joachim Nokianvirtanen, a name that is utterly hilarious to a finn like me. Why? Well Nokianvirtanen is not a surname anyone here would ever have. Virtanen is a real surname, but for some reason Mihoyo decided slap Nokia in the front of it??
The name translates to "Nokia's rapids." Which adds to the funniness because yes Nokia is an actual place in Finland and not just the brand, but it is also very much the brand.
(Also Joachim is not a finnish name even if many finns are christian.)
This is the equivalant of naming an american character Jesus McDonaldslake.
Welt's hair colour! A lot of people imagine blond and blue eyes when imagining a finn, but that's not actually accurate to the statistics. The most common hair colour here is in fact "Maantien harmaa." Translating to country road grey. Sometimes they leave out the word grey or replace it with blond. The colour is known as dirty blond or pale brown in english speaking countries 👍 This is less funny and just a cute detail.
Secondly we'll be going over Sampo Koski, a man many know to have a very finnish name.
BUT FIRST Fun backround info: I didn't know Sampo was in this game when I first started playing, so when he showed up and suddenly dropped finnish words at me I was utterly jumpscared.
Finland is very rarely referenced in media outside of our country, so most of us are NOT used to hearing anything about our home in media.
Furthermore there's actually a meme about this very thing that everyone in the country knows: Torilla Tavataan. This translates to "Lets meet at the marketplace" which is referring to the idea that when something massively cool happens we should gather together and celebrate.
The finns REALLY want to be acknowledged by the wider world lol
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Anyway back to Sampo. His name is actually something I could totally see a real finn having, although his first name is a little out there.
Sampo is an item from finnish* mythology that was forged by a super capable smith with the help of his whole village. The item is golden with multiple spouts that produce valuable things like flour, gold and I believe... salt? You can find more about the item online.
Koski meanwhile means a river rapid. Uhm, lotsa water themed names here, huh!
Nothing that funny going on with his references to be honest. I can even say the voice actor did an amazing job pronouncing his name correctly.
Yunli's companion quest!
This is the newest batch of references I've ran into, but if I or anyone else finds more I'll be updating this list :]
In Yunli's companion quest we meet... Paavo. His name is Paavo--
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This NPC introduces himself as a traveler from far away who's come to deliver a sword from his homeland back to the Xianzhou where it was originally forged. Here's why he made me giggle uncontrollably every moment he was on screen.
Paavo is considered kind of a joke name, very comparable to naming someone Bob in america. The way NPC's referred to him sounded like "Mr. Bob" to me. It was so funny
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He is from the PLANET KALEVALA?? SAFlJ LJ ???
Kalevala is the national epic of Finland* and tells stories such as the one of Sampo's creation. The title does refer to setting of the story, but it is still weird to hear it as a name of a planet lol.
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Our food is really repetitive u right Mr. Paavo
Paavo explains the sword he has come to deliver is called Miekka Kivessä. This is the finnish translations of "The sword in the stone." he proceeds to then explain the legend of the sword in the stone, which. It's not a finnish legend. We've never had a king, yet alone chosen them with a sword-- Not even in myths. Kalevala's highest ranking guy in the mortal realm is Väinämöinen who's an old wise man.
Also he says Miekka Kivessä wrong but that's to be expected, very funny, and also I admire the effort to at least try and make it sound natural.
Finally, he later reveals his last name-- Which, why are we refering to him as Mr. Paavo if he has a last name...? Oh well! Mr. Paavo's last name is Kalastaja, which translates to Fisher. This is not a real last name in Finland. The english equivalent of this man's goddang name would be something like Mr. Bob Employee.
Since you've made it this far I assume you won't mind me rambling a bit more. I'm personally psyched to see Finland mentioned in non-finnish media and love the wonky but genuine attempts to include us!
I think considering how many weebs there are in Finland who've come up with illogical "Asian names" to sound cool online, it's only fair we got the same treatment back :P I hope they'll keep delivering and I'd love to visit planet Kalevala one day.
*It's worth noting Finland is a colonizer of the Sami people, and a lot of their culture has been annexed without any care or respect towards them.
Finland was also under colonialism itself for hundreds of years, and our myths have been largely lost to time with only some information left. It's super difficult to tell what is finnish mythology and whats the Sami people's mythology.
That's a fact that's deeply important to remember when discussing things like this, and I hope that the people reading this consider looking into how to help the indigenous people of the nordic region. Thank you.
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lilystyles · 10 months
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written by @lilystyles
my masterlist xx & style masterlist
authors note inspired by a dream i had about this boy HAHAHA so filthy but that's just him. (also i'm sorry if ur names emma! if it is it's still cute to be best friends w ur name twin :3) ALSO it's also inspired by style (taylor's version)!
brief description y/n has had a crush on harry since they were kids but he’s off-limits. him being her best friend’s brother and all she has never made a move, knowing emma wouldn’t approve. but lines are blurred one night and she doesn’t know if she can follow the rules like a good girl.
warnings! slight age gap, SMUT (m!receiving, fingering, daddy kink, choking, missionary, doggy) sexual tension, mentions of drugs and alcohol abuse. wordcount: [around 11.4k words, also unedited sorry:(]
fratboy!older!bffsbrother!harry x younger!innocent!reader
* * * * *
Y/n wished she didn’t fancy him. Oh, she wished it so badly.
On every shooting star or eyelash, she had to decide whether she would wish to forget him or for him to finally notice her, it was a constant tug of war between the two.
Honestly, there were so many things going against him. He was completely unavailable to her and she wondered if that’s why she wanted him most. People always say you want what you can’t have. He was older than her by a few years, he was hardly much wiser but liked to act as if he was. 
Or maybe was it just that he was a total prick most of the time, like seriously, so mean? 
She couldn’t pinpoint what exactly attracted her to Harry the most. She knew why others liked him, it was because he was so fucking pretty you just wanted to cry. He was that kind of person. And obviously, she had noticed that slight minor detail. 
She could agree that was one of the many reasons she had a massive crush on him. But she’d known him for years before he was this fuckboy fratboy who wore backward caps with the body of a Greek god and the filthiest mouth you’d ever heard. She knew him before it all. She knew him when he was just her best friend’s goofy older brother, and she’d liked him then too. Before he was smooth and his words had a sting, when he was just this little giggly loud guy.
She thinks to herself often that a piece of her would always belong to him, even if he didn’t know that. She had tried to like other boys, many many times, and though she did like them she didn’t feel even a smidge like how she felt when she saw Harry. The best way for her to describe being with someone who wasn’t Harry was like being in a state of complete darkness, only this dull twinkle of stars without any moon, and then suddenly the sun came up, all these colours painting the sky as it rose. Harry was the sun for her and those boys were just the stars.
Nearly all the time she wished for a distraction from him but that was hard considering he was always around, Y/n saw him every time she went to their house it was like totally unavoidable. They ran into each other at parties even though he was a few years older, it didn’t matter now they that all went to Uni together. She saw him everywhere! Even when she closed her eyes at night.
So tonight when she went out with Emma she was relieved and sad all at once that he wasn’t at the party, it meant she let loose more than she usually did, completely free of the worry of his judgments. She had a few shots but not enough to get her as wasted as Emma was. They danced and sang, and enjoyed themselves. Exams had been stressful and they needed a fun night, they’d spent months cooped up in the library using flashcards and reading the big textbooks. Y/n needed some time away from her laptop screen and desk. She needed to wear a tight dress, get flirted with, have some drinks and relax. She needed to fucking let loose. 
She worked so hard and she was enjoying just forgetting all her worries, Harry included, for a few hours. Sweating and dancing to trashy music was something she had been dreaming of since the start of exam season.
However, the night had taken a slightly sour turn later in the evening when Emma took a few too many tequila shots in a row and spewed down herself, covering her pink dress and shoes and some of Y/n’s shoes too, in sick. She wished she could say this wasn’t a recurring thing but Emma always took it a little too hard on nights out especially when her brooding older brother wasn’t there to help team with Y/n and wrangle her home.
It wasn’t too late probably only midnight, which usually meant they were only just getting started on their drunken shenanigans. But Y/n had to admit she was okay with going home, home being Emma’s place she was roommates with Harry, they were fairly close siblings and their parents felt better knowing they were together. Y/n desperately wanted some water, maybe a snack and to lie down in Emma’s comfortable bed.
As she was trying to find an Uber during the busiest time and hold Emma up from collapsing onto the floor a familiar Irish voice filled Y/n’s ears. She snapped her head around. Oh, thank god.
“Babe! Where are you two off to?” 
Y/n turned, “Niall! Hey, we are going home. Emma isn’t feeling too well.”
Y/n had managed to clean most of the spew off in one of the bathrooms at the Uni share house the party was being thrown at, but Emma was all wet from being wiped down and Y/n knew she needed to get her home like now. She was fading and needed her bed and a bottle of water in her, she wasn’t particularly worried but she would feel better if Harry was with her in case something happened.
“D’ya want a lift? I haven’t drunk anything I’m on my way to Paddy’s place,” He said. He looked very sober.
Paddy was his most recent fling. 
“You are a gem, I could kiss you!” Y/n said squeezing his bicep in thanks.
Y/n was eternally grateful for him being her saviour, she slid Emma into the backseat and clipped her into the seatbelt, brushing the hair from her eyes. Even with sick all over she was still pretty, Y/n envied that the Styles family had such good genes it was ridiculous. They always looked gorgeous, Anne had created three beautiful children.
Niall knew where to go since he was friends with Harry too and Emma and Y/n of course.
Y/n kept checking through the mirror to make sure she was okay and when she saw the familiar home she sighed in relief at the sight. It was this fairly small duplex but their neighbours were nice and the house was one of Harry’s parent’s properties. So they had it pretty good for Uni students. Y/n was living in a big share-house with a bunch of other people. She wished she was this lucky.
She grabbed all their purses, jackets and keys before she kissed Niall on the cheek in thanks. 
“Love you, Babe. Have fun with Paddy!” She winked, knowing Niall really liked this new guy.
Niall blushed a nice rosy colour. “Need any help getting her in?” He asked diverting the conversation.
Y/n shook her head and the two girls stumbled to the front door. Emma was slightly more awake now, her arms slinging around Y/n’s shoulders making the straps of her dress fall as Y/n hunted for the keys in Emma’s little clutch. Y/n had a key to their house for emergencies and she knew where they hid a spare, but she wasn’t going to hunt around in the dark for it.
The door opened before she found them in the clutch which had ten lipsticks that she was rummaging through.
His eyes were so green she felt like they were glowing in the dark. He didn’t say anything he just grabbed Emma and helped her inside. Whispering something to her kindly as Y/n made her way inside behind them. She toed her shoes off before she entered, not wanting to bring Emma’s sick in any more than it already would be. 
Y/n sighed shutting the door behind her as she placed all their things in Emma’s room down the hall. Harry had put her on the bed and was taking her heels off for her. He was a good brother. He was protective over both his sisters even though Gemma was the oldest.
“She always goes to fucking far,” He muttered more to himself than Y/n. Who was finding Emma’s sleep clothes in her bedside drawers, knowing she couldn’t sleep in the sick-covered ones. 
He didn’t sound annoyed at her or angry, just worried. He was a prick sure, but he cared about his family and friends. His small circle is what mattered most to him. Y/n knew his gruff and broody presence was the exterior of a very gentle soul. When he was at home drinking tea in pyjamas that was the real Harry, not some douchebag.
But she knew that he had a reputation for being a heartbreaker and a lot of people would warn you of him. But Y/n didn’t think that was the real him.
Y/n nodded in agreement, tiredly pushing the hair from her eyes she wanted to tie it up it was sweaty from dancing. 
“It’s okay, Niall helped me,” Y/n spoke softly as he stood up from the floor where he’d sat to take her shoes off. He was so much taller than Y/n, his face finally looking at hers now. She felt heat prickle up her back, and the hairs stand on her neck. 
He had such an intense stare.
“I knew I should’ve come,” He said. “I worry when you two are alone.”
Two? She thought. He’d never really shown much protectiveness on his end over her, except when guys were being gross at bars or parties. Then he would give them a stern look and tell them to fuck off. But he did that for anyone, Y/n knew that she wasn’t special. She always felt like Emma was his priority always and he didn’t care what she did as long as Y/n got Emma home safe.
It was almost like he could hear her thoughts. “I don’t like when either of you go without me. The stories Emma has told me about what they say to you Y/n, makes me feel sick honestly.”
She despised the way her stomach flipped. She was about to say that she managed okay without him. But his hand slid onto her shoulder pulling the little spaghetti strap back up over her shoulder. 
She felt breathless but tried to snap back into her usual self. Feeling more pink than usual, Harry always seemed to have that effect on her.
“I- do your frat friends know how much of a softie you are deep down? Be careful now, Styles, I might go around telling them how nice you secretly are. Ruin that scary reputation of yours.”
He smirked in amusement, Y/n had this ability to melt away that hard shell, stripping him bare to his true self. He hated and loved it all at once, he felt like she saw right through him. Even when people said mean things about him, Y/n never wavered and sometimes even defended him. The only thing she didn’t approve of was his restlessness towards women. He felt one was never enough, and was quite open about that with his hookups. Maybe he just didn’t have the right one.
He left after that so Y/n could get Emma ready for bed. He was pottering about in the kitchen and making tea, she assumed. That was his late-night ritual usually.
Y/n shook Emma awake enough so she could help Y/n a little to get her into some pyjamas. She even got her make-up wipes out and removed all the makeup on Emma’s face and tucked her into bed.
Y/n sighed tiredly at the effort of it all and felt sobered up almost completely now. Emma had the downstairs bathroom to herself usually, it was very clean in there. Y/n decided to take a shower and wash the sick smell off her skin and the sweat from the clubs and the dirty Uni sharehouse. 
She washed her hair, face and body. Emma had a lot of really sweet expensive-smelling products, but Y/n had her own little section for when she stayed over. It was all coconut-scented. She felt herself begin to droop in fatigue when she finished cleaning herself. She got the last of the makeup the water hadn’t washed off and changed into a random shirt from Emma’s drawer and some fresh knickers from Y/n’s things she’d left here.
Y/n was here more than she was at her own house. Emma always said she’d kick Harry out and let Y/n take his place, but Y/n knew the siblings actually got on rather well. When Y/n was dressed for sleep she blow-dried her hair on the lowest setting so she wouldn’t wake Emma up, but Emma could probably sleep through an earthquake she was a really deep sleeper. Then she plugged both their phones in and slid in beside Emma tiredly. She shut her eyes and turned off the fairy lights Emma had kept on, ready to lull off.
Y/n had been friends with Emma since they were little they’d all grown up together in Holmes Chapel and it was the kind of place you were just friends with everyone because it was so small but Y/n had always been closest with the Styles family. They lived down the street from each other and Emma and Y/n were never seen without each other. So Harry was used to having Y/n around a lot too. 
Growing up he had to make sure nothing happened to them, he was in charge but it was usually Emma giving him trouble Y/n was always a sweetheart, but she had a quick mouth with one-liners that almost knocked him over. He liked that about her, she was sweet but could challenge him feistily without much thought. He’d met his match when it came to arguments.
Often when the parents went away Y/n would be over and Gemma and Harry would have to make sure neither of them got up to anything wild. But it was usually just a sleepover that consisted of them laughing until dawn. Harry was a much lighter sleeper so he would always tell them to shut up. 
Harry woke up to the sound of a pin dropping rooms away, he didn’t know how his sister could snore like a freight train and sleep through herself. He also didn’t know how Y/n could share a bed with her. Sometimes he’d get up in the middle of the night for a wee or some water and would find Y/n on the couch with a pillow over her face trying to block out the noise of Emma’s snoring. 
So when he heard Y/n roaming about in the kitchen (he knew it was her because he could still hear Emma snoring) he pretended to need some water, wanting to see her. It was probably around 3 AM but he had been unable to sleep. And they hadn’t talked much when she got home. He had wanted to tell her how beautiful she looked, but he knew better. She had worn a dress that hugged all her features, it was black and simple. Hair done naturally, and makeup that was subtle but just made her that tiny bit more pretty. She always looked pretty though.
He came down the stairs from his room and walked into the kitchen. Y/n was using the fridge as a light to find things. She was making tea by the looks of things. She found some of the chamomile that she used every night, in turn, Harry added it to the weekly grocery list in case she slept the night there, and hadn’t heard him creep downstairs. 
She was in a big baggy dusty blue shirt that Harry actually thought was one Emma had stolen from him, and a pair of soft pink cotton knickers that were very small. Socks covered her feet making her practically silent. He stepped closer into the kitchen waiting for her to turn around and notice him. 
She was trying to be very quiet in every step, knowing Harry was a very light sleeper, and not wanting to wake him. When she finally did look over her shoulder her body jolted in fright dropping the box of teabags onto the floor and a hand falling to her chest. 
“Jesus, H.” She whispered, raspily. 
He let out a breathy laugh. “Sorry, Lovie.”
She squinted in the dark trying to see him. His hair looked messy like he’d been sleeping and he was just in some boxers as PJs. He ran hot in the night.
“Did I wake you?” She asked a guilty look crossing her face. Her eyes softened as she nibbled on her bottom lip.
He shook his head. “Nah. ‘Aven’t been sleeping well.”
She frowned, not liking the sound of that. She didn’t know why she cared, but she did. “Do you want a tea?”
He smiled, dimples showing. “Yes please.”
She brewed two as he whispered the truth about why he didn’t come out with them tonight. He was originally supposed to, and honestly, she had been slightly disappointed about it. Knowing she’d have to handle Emma alone.
But he told her why, in a soft hushed voice. A few guys in his friendship group had said some really mean things to Harry. Not realising he would feel them so deeply, she thought, they must think he was as mean as he seems. He told the story like he wasn’t phased by the mean comments, but Y/n could tell they had gotten to him. She knew better than his cold stone face.
“Alex said ‘I was a homewrecking prick and womanizer’.” He explained when Y/n asked what the boys had said about him. He heard a hint of protectiveness in her voice when she asked with a pinched face, and he felt a tug in his lower tummy. Why did she care?
Y/n looked up from the mugs at him. The dim lighting of the fridge meant she could only see the outline of his body and the shadows of his features. She saw a glimpse of his eyes, and she could see the look in his eyes. He believed them, he believed those comments. They were glassy with discontentment.
Her eyebrows were pinched in empathy, and she was about to speak but he cut her off. “I know I’m a total prick sometimes, but—”
She interrupted him, “—You are a prick sometimes, but people who really know you know what you're like.” She tried to reason with him. Because she wasn’t going to deny sometimes he would be just plain rude to her, and to others as well. But she also knew he did a lot of nice things too. He had a hard exterior and shied off people easily, if you didn’t know him well he would seem rude. But all his close friends and family knew that he was just standoffish with new people. And loved to tease, and was brutally honest, which Y/n had to admit sometimes that hurt more than the teasing comments. 
But he did nice things. Wonderful things, that he went out of his way to do. Like helped his sister when she was drunk, drove people home so they wouldn’t have to walk in the dark after parties, picked Y/n up from the library at midnight if she was too scared to walk home, bought chamomile tea in case Y/n spent the night, made enough dinner in case Y/n was hungry, visited the girls when they were studying with snacks and coffee, and he even helped sometimes if they were confused on work. He called his Mum every day without fail and sent his Grandma photos of birds when he saw them. 
He baked a new type of cookie recipe every Sunday and gave it to his friends. He adopted stray cats and played Scrabble with his grandparents every few weekends.
Yes, he was a prick, he said mean things and made fun of Y/n when she went on dates with idiots, and he called her names, filthy ones. And sometimes he would barely acknowledge her. But she knew there was a different reason for that, something she didn’t understand. Something between just the two of them. She thought maybe it was just a way for him to protect his sensitive side from people. From her too, hide himself away.
And yes, he did have sex with lots of people, but he did always tell people the truth before getting involved with anyone. He was honest, and open when it came to his boundaries. Y/n thought that was better than lying and acting like you wanted a relationship just so you can fuck someone. She wasn’t saying she approved of Harry’s constant line of girls coming over, maybe that was her jealousy talking, but she wasn’t going to judge him for doing what lots of people did and owning that he did it. He would never kiss and tell, he was respectful and clear with his intentions. What more could you ask of a fuck buddy or one-night stand? If you wanted a good shag no strings attached Harry was your guy, and surely most people knew from the rumours? She just didn’t understand why people put themself in that position if they knew what they were getting into with him.
He wasn’t a devious person who hid behind a mask of fake sincerity to get in your pants. He was blunt, he asked if you wanted to fuck and if you didn’t that was fine. He wasn’t picky with it either he just liked to have a good time.
She felt differently about being with a person. She usually only wanted to be with someone she had an emotional connection with. But she had a smaller level of experience than Harry, so she thought that maybe she was coming from the point of view of a less experienced person. But the point remained, Harry had his flaws, like anyone but he was good at his core. His intentions remained good. No one is perfect, and she knew Harry was far from it but so was everyone she knew!
She knew her flaws too. Flaws made people human. And she appreciated him despite it all.
“And what is that?” He was standing closer now and she felt suddenly very aware of the fact she was only in knickers and a shirt her nipples could be seen through. The way he was staring her down made her aware of her appearance, he looked almost hungry.
“Well as someone who’s known you for as long as I can remember. You’re kind, honest, open, and a good person with a rotten mouth.” She looked away from him as she spoke, flushed by his close presence. She tried not to stumble on her words but was struggling and honestly felt her hands tremble when she felt his breath hit her neck.
“Kind?” He scoffed eyes trained on her face, it was free of makeup. Her lips looked pouty and her eyes droopy in tiredness. She looked perfect. She always did. Even that one week during the bleak middle of winter when she had been sick as a dog; red nose, glassy eyes, snotty and nasally, hair unwashed, skin red, she’d looked beautiful.
“Harry,” She said his name meaning she was serious, she usually called him anything but, “these fucking friends of yours clearly don’t see you like we do.”
She leaned back against the drawers sighing, “We. Me, Emma, Niall, Gem, Anne. People who know you, people who love you.”
“You love me?” He teased. 
She rolled her eyes. Of course, that’s what he got from that. He was so annoying.  
“You’re alright.” She replied, they both knew she did, handing him the tea. He said a quiet thanks.
He placed it back down, where Y/n was letting hers cool. The face she had made smile only seconds prior melted back to a stoic look, more serious.
He hugged her and Y/n was surprised, but she wrapped her arms around him. He pulled back when he started to get intoxicated on her sweet scent, her skin smelt edible and her hair was soft against his cheek.
“I’m sorry if I’m a prick to you.”
Y/n didn’t mean to but she laughed. A giggle bubbled from her tummy out of her mouth her as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“What?” He said, fighting back the smile that threatened to tug on his lips. It was contagious. He was trying to keep his attention very far from her chest.
She didn’t know what made her say it but, but she told him the truth. “I like it. It's like a game we have. A Harry and Y/n one. I tease you, you tease me. You act like I don’t exist most of the time and I act like I don’t care. You’re mean to me and I let you be.”
Hearing her say it out loud was kind of like being winded. It had always been their game, a game neither mentioned, some sort of unspoken thing they shared. 
She could tell he was kind of speechless. 
“I don’t know why I let you.” Now that was a lie. She was trying to backtrack. 
“I do.” He said stepping closer. His bare legs were pressing into hers. She didn’t say anything, waiting for him to tell her. But he didn’t.
“You gonna tell me?” She said quietly, eyes widely looking up into his, as his hands rested on either side of her on the bench. He leaned in closely. So they were eye to eye.
She was trapped in his arms and had nowhere to look but at him, she squirmed under his smouldering eyes.
“You know why too.”
She didn’t speak. What did any of this mean? She had waited a long time to hear him apologise for being a dick to her, and he just did and she’d told him that she liked him treating her that way. What she meant was, that she liked him, she let him treat her that way because for Harry she would do anything. She didn’t care if that made her pathetic, at least she knew it was, at least she could admit it. I mean, wouldn’t you let him treat you like shit under his shoe if it meant he was at least looking at you with those gorgeous eyes? Could hardly blame the girl.
“Why did you have to meet Emma before you met me?” He almost whined with a soft scoff. As if complaining at fate’s hands for dealing them these cards.
She felt her heart rate speed up. 
“What do you mean?” She asked, playing dumb. He was talking so much and she was practically drunk on his sultry voice. It was so deep and she just wanted to hold onto the sound forever and feel it melt into her spine like it was now, and listen when she wanted to sink into a state of lust.
He lifted one of his arms and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, “Then she’d be the one who has to follow my rules, and stay away from you. I could be the one in control. Have you all to myself. No sharing.”
Y/n licked her drying lips, as she processed his words. He wanted her all to himself? “Wait, wait, she has a rule to stay away from me?���
Y/n knew Emma didn’t like it when her friends slept with Harry, it was just weird and they would always complain about how mean he was after, or even try and talk about how good he was in bed. She just didn’t like her friends dating or having anything to do with Harry period. But she assumed it was different for Y/n since she knew Harry pretty well and would consider him someone in her close circle. Even if he did ignore her a lot. She assumed she was fine with Harry and Y/n at least being friends. Y/n had bottled all her feelings away for years, she didn’t think that would ever change. Even if Harry liked her back, she wouldn’t do anything to jeopardise their friendship.
“You’re her friend, not mine.” He said, mocking Emma’s tone, making his voice all squeaky and high-pitched.
Y/n frowned. Emma had always been weird about this. She could understand to some extent, but sometimes Y/n wished she could just have a normal conversation with Harry. “Why can’t we be friends? I’ve known you my whole life, and haven’t slept with you. I think I should be allowed to have a conversation with you. I think I can handle that without pulling my pants down.”
Harry’s lips kicked up in a smirk, “You aren’t wearin’ any pants.”
“Oh shut up.” She replied cheeks bleeding pink.
“She trusts you.” Harry said trying to make Y/n feel better, “She just doesn’t trust me.”
Y/n smiled at that, trying to lighten the mood once again. “Who would? I mean this with respect, but you are a bit of a slut.” Her hand came up to play with the cross on his neck.
He giggled, “I simply enjoy myself openly. You should try, Y/n, it’s fun bein’ bad.”
She felt her cheeks warm further, “I can be bad,” Y/n argued but it was no use.
“Oh thas’ such a lie, Baby.” He laughed at her statement rolling his eyes, and Y/n’s heart skipped a beat at the nickname. He’d never called her that before and it brought a rose colour to her cheeks that Harry adored on her. She was so easy to make nervous. But he didn’t think anyone was as good at it as he was.
“It’s not,” She pouted. 
He cocked his head in challenge. “Name one naughty thing you’ve done then. Bet y’cant.”
She tried to think, that growing up she was relatively good and even now she hardly participated in much other than seeing Emma or Niall and studying. But she felt this urge to impress him, make him proud almost. Or at least shock him.
“I stole a lolly once.”
Harry found a smile slipping onto his face, he’d always seen Y/n as a fairly innocent person. And she was, for the most part. Soft and sweet in real life, like a bunny or puppy. So soft, and you just want to pick her up and put her in your arms and tell her how cute she is. But she had some mischievousness to her, like all people. Something buried underneath her innocent aura, Harry thought of that side of her often pondering what she was like when she wasn’t hiding and she’d been cracked open raw and teased beyond return.
“Oh yeah? Anything else?”
She tried to think of what would shock him but she fell flat. Until—but no she couldn’t say that, it way was too personal. 
“I can see you thinking very hard, c’mon tell me.” He whispered. Y/n shut her eyes. His voice sent shivers down her spine.
Fuck it. It was like she had no control over her mouth, the filth just slipped right out of her pouty lips. She wanted to blame the alcohol, but it was probably just his voice that had her feeling intoxicated.
“Sometimes when I touch myself I think of you.”
Harry practically froze, his lips opening to show he was indeed very surprised to hear that. There was a beat and Y/n didn’t know if she regretted it or not. She was about to tell him it was a joke and run for her life. Change her name, and move to Mexico. Her Duolingo lessons weren’t going to be enough to get by, she’d have to start really learning how to speak properly now.
“What do you think about, Y/n?”
She felt herself getting hot, she’d really fucked herself here. He would never let this go. Call it the tequila but Y/n wasn’t lying. Truthfully the only thing that got her off was Harry, she couldn’t cum unless his green eyes flashed in her vision. Which she did feel bad about like she was a pervert. But believe that she’d tried to think of others, or watching porn. But she could only ever think of him. Otherwise, it wasn’t as good, and she didn’t get the release she was chasing.
“A lot of filthy things, H.”
He bit his lip, “Like what?”
He could sense her getting shy once more as she crossed her arms and looked at her feet, cheeks all pink and pinchable. “Don’t get all shy on me now, Baby, whatever you’ve touched your lil’ clit too I’ve probably stroked m’cock too.”
Y/n was surprised, head snapping up at his words, and though he was normally very honest even he seemed a bit more nervous to admit it. He was just as bad as her. And he had such a filthy mouth, but that was not a surprise to her. She was just surprised he thought of her, she never saw herself as particularly desirable. She always imagined Harry to like those people who look good running in slow motion.
It took a lot of courage as she began to speak. “I usually think about you…fucking my throat, using my mouth however you like. I like the idea of those hands pulling on m’hair.”
Harry felt his pants twitch. His expression and dark eyes egged her on to continue. He didn’t know she was such a little minx. He’d always imagine her to like soft, gentle caresses. Which wouldn’t have bothered him, though he was fairly kinky, but he would’ve done whatever she liked.
She didn’t know if he would like this but she felt brave, “Like the idea of calling you Daddy….Want to be good f’you, Daddy.”
That’s what made Harry unable to keep his hands by his sides. He grabbed her face forcing her to look into his eyes. 
“Wanna be good?”
She nodded coyly, eyes wide. His hands were warm and she practically melted into them.
“Sleep upstairs tonight then.” He didn’t ask her, he simply instructed her. And who was she to say no? 
She nodded once again and he patted her lower back as if to say off you go then. She listened and walked slowly in front of him. She felt his presence close by, the sweet citrus and woodsy scent that followed him was right by her nose and she could hear his slow calm breaths.
Her beating heart was thumping against her chest and she wondered how it didn’t fill the quiet house (besides Emma’s window-rattling snores).
He noticed her shaky and anxious energy and his hand slipped onto her waist. “I jus’ wanna hear about y’dreams somewhere comfier, Petal, if thas’ all yeh’ want that’s all we’ll do. Plus I’m saving y’from m’lumpy couch.”
She couldn’t complain about that. 
As they walked inside she was welcomed to the scent of Harry, she’d only been in Harry’s room a few times, but never properly. He ushered her to the bed and she sat down tucking her knees to her chest and resting her chin. Examining the walls of famous singers and art that covered it. In the corner by his desk where the only source of light in his room was a glowing lamp, other than some fairy lights above his bed, was a little picture wall.
In the mess of polaroids and film, she saw one of Y/n, Emma and Harry when the two girls had graduated school. He was between them arms around their shoulders and looking to his left at Y/n who was laughing happily with Emma at Gemma who made some joke about something. Y/n knew the picture instantly because it was one of her favourites of him.
“What else, Baby?” He said softly sitting in front of her, interrupting her thoughts of that day when he’d driven home to visit them for it, and looked over to see him leaning against the headboard, arms interlocked behind his head. 
“You go.” She said, which made Harry laugh.
“I’m pretty filthy Honey, you know me. I don’t know if it’ll be something you like.”
She looked at him stubbornly. “Try me.”
He shut his eyes and only now did she see he was nervous too, “I often find myself thinking about you on your tummy, underneath me, letting me stuff you full while my hands pin yours to your back so that you’re at my mercy.”
She liked that, her tummy twisted in yerning. “I’d like you to be in charge. Help me forget.”
He was looking at her like she was the sweetest most edible thing. “Can I kiss you?”
She nodded and he placed his hands in her hair, kissing her softly at first just a whisper of a touch of two mouths moulding into one. She leaned in further into the warmth of him and hugged her arms around his broad shoulders as the kiss began to deepen, he tasted like a hint of beer and minty toothpaste. Her chest burned with what only could be described as Harry. 
He moaned into her mouth softly, sighing at the taste of her sweet tea-soaked lips. The warmth of her curves pressing into him was comforting, and though he had a desire to completely ruin her until she was crying his name, he liked taking it slow and enjoying this first kiss with her. Exploring her mouth, teasing his tongue against hers, and soft hands roaming up and down her back. 
He rubbed her back under the soft shirt, no bra strap blocking his gentle scratches. She arched into his touch.
After all, he’d been dreaming of it for years and he wanted to take his time, even though he was crazy for her and felt this deep animalistic desire, he was gentle with her. Like she could break if he was too rough.
The kiss began to pick up as she slid into his lap, and he encouraged her to rub against his bare thigh. She ground against his tiger tattoo and he could feel the wetness between her thighs leaking onto him already. She moved slowly and uncertainly, his hands moved from her shoulders down to her hips forcefully moving her against him creating friction that made her create a soft whiney noise in the back of her throat. He swallowed the sounds eagerly.
He pulled his lips away breathlessly and dragged his mouth down the column of her throat, kissing sucking and biting wherever he could. Her skin was soft and she smelt like coconuts and something that was just her. He would’ve eaten her whole if he could. She let out soft breaths and sighs, her hips had stopped moving — too distracted by his magical lips. 
He stopped to look at her. Really looking.
Her lips were more red, almost like she’d been nibbling on them, and they were all swollen from his kissing. Her cheeks were dusted in a warm pink. Eyes wild and doe-eyed looking up at him. She was picturesque. He wanted to remember her like this forever and be able to come back to this moment at any time. He soaked it in, hoping to remember.
“You seriously are the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.” He said softly running his big hands through her messy hair. His rings were cool on her skin.
“Harry, don’t.” She said bringing her hands to cover her blushing face.
He sighed. “I’m sorry for not telling you every second of every day.”
“Don’t lie, H. I’ve seen the girls you fancy.”
“Only ever fancied you.” He said his hands grabbing hers and moving them away she looked at him, shocked. “Only ever look for your face in a crowd, Baby.”
She didn’t know what to say so she kissed him and he moaned softly when she rubbed herself against him. He was getting harder and harder with each movement until eventually she stopped and moved away. 
“Can I suck you off?” She asked, and the filth was shocking to hear from her soft voice and lips.
He nodded hand stroking her cheek. “Yeah, ‘course.”
She moved down to her tummy between his thighs and looked up at him. “I don’t really know what I’m doing.” She whispered. 
He laughed softly, there she was, there was his Y/n. “Thas’ okay, Love, I’ll teach you.”
She slid her hand up his thigh and her fingers found their way into the waistband of his boxers and began to tug them down when he gave her a nod of approval. His stiff dick sprung out against his tummy, and he was completely naked for her. The head of his cock was oozing precum and it dripped down to his balls. Even his dick was pretty. Which she should’ve expected.
It had a blush-coloured tip similar to the shade of his lips, he was veiny and long. So long that he reached his belly button. He was girthy too and as she moved her hand to wrap around it, he hissed at the contact, and she almost dropped her jaw at the fact her fingers weren’t touching. He smirked down at her.
Her reaction was boosting his ego in just the right way.
“You alright down there, Petal?”
She nodded, her lips grazing against his now throbbing cock. He ached for her. The sight of the swell of her ass and plush thighs was making him very needy. 
And to the surprise of them both she pursed her lips and spat down onto his dick. She was basically drooling all over him, it leaked down over the length of him coating his prick and he practically whimpered at the sight — it was one of his dreams. She then took him into her mouth and began to suck and lick, slowly taking him deeper and deeper. 
His hands had slipped into her hair holding it back from her face and he was letting out loud gravelly moans and sighs of pleasure. He was trying to stop his hips from rolling up into her throat. Her mouth was so deliciously warm and tight against him, he felt like a man deprived of water near a watering hole. Her tongue glided around swirling and sucking and teasing the tip of him. When she began to fondle his balls as well, gently massaging them, he let out a particularly loud whiney noise. She popped out off of him. 
“Shh, don’t wanna wake Emma up.” She said before dripping another trickle of spit onto him and continuing her fast and merciless pace on him. 
“Can’t help it, when you take me like that. S’fucking good.” He said, as his hips jutted into her throat roughly, without realising. “Shit, fuck, sorry,” He said hearing her throat gag on him.
She just went deeper onto him, until her nose was tickled by the snail trail on his tummy. Pulling back when all her breath had gone. She hardly needed to be taught.
She took deep breaths of air and stroked him slowly in her hand, he was panting at her touch. 
“You can use my throat however y’like, Daddy.” She said, voice all raw from his cock having stuffed it just seconds ago, before going back down onto him.
“Just tap m’leg if you need me to stop,” He said and she nodded making a noise around him. His hands pulled her hair up away from her eyes. “sucha’ good fuckin’ girl.” He said pushing her head down once more. Again and again, until he was close to cumming. Which had happened fast, and he didn’t have it in him to be embarrassed.
His balls ached for release and her teasing little hands that twisted and stroked him, along with her tongue, had him so loud he’d taken to biting his lip in an attempt to keep his sounds from slipping out. He pulled her off him stroking her cheek gently, swiping some tears away. Her eyes had begun to leak with tears from how deep she was taking him, and it made him throb.
“Gonna’ cum soon, Baby.”
She nodded. “Let me have it please, want your cum. Want it all.”
He stuffed her mouth once more at her words, rutting into her throat until she was gagging and coughing around him. His eyes squeezed shut, “Oh fuck, cummin’,” he hissed. Opening his eyes to watch the sight below him.
Her eyes looked up at him, and that’s what sent him over the edge. With one last thrust, he was cumming, hard, so hard his eyes saw white spots and he shuddered into her. She pulled back coughing, she’d swallowed as much as she could but some of it made its way out and dribbled down her chin. She swiped the rest with her thumb and licked it up.
She was just perfect.
He pulled her up by her chin and kissed her. 
“That was the best blowjob I’ve ever had.” He kissed her again before asking her, “Let Daddy take care of ya’ now, is that what y’want sweet girl?”
She nodded. “Yes please.”
“Good girl. So polite.” He said kissing her forehead. His hand slipped into her underwear circling her clit, which was slick with arousal. “So wet for me.”
She sighed leaning closer to his shoulder, pressing her forehead into him to cover her whines. He started to circle her clit faster, and her hips squirmed against his hand he then started teasing her weeping hole. She moaned deliciously into his neck. Felt so good.
“Come rest against me, my love.” She shifted her body at his command and turned to face away from him. Pushing her back into his chest, her bum tucked right against his stiffy. His legs spread open for her to sit in front of him and he grabbed the waistband of her undies pushing her undies down and she threw them to the side with her ankle. She leaned into his shoulder head tipped back and he watched from over her shoulder. Just like the rest of her, her pussy was beautiful. It was glistening in slick and begging for his attention. Beautiful and spread for him like a flower, her swollen bud was puffy and eager to be sucked, licked, and teased.
His hand slipped past her tummy and began to rub her softly coating his finger in her slick, preparing her for him to slip his fingers in. She sighed breathlessly. 
“Please, Daddy.” She whispered which made his cock twitch from behind her, she felt against her back.
He slowly slipped one in and her mouth opened but no sound came out until he was all the way inside, knuckle deep, which made her let out a broken cry. “Oh fuck, Harry.”
He began to thrust and curl his finger, moving faster and faster. Her tight pussy clamped down onto him, pulsing every few seconds, as she cried out softly into the room. Her cheeks bloomed with warmth and her body squirmed in pleasure as his other hand kept her legs spread for him. His thumb drew lazy circles on her puffy clit which had her pussy leaking even more onto his finger.
“Like when Daddy takes you like this?”
She nodded. “Mm.”
“Say it, Baby, tell me you like it.”
“I lov-love it when you take me like this.” Her voice was so soft and airy.
He began kissing her neck and shoulder, sucking a mark near her ear. She was too distracted to care about it leaving a mark tomorrow. “My pretty Baby, likes when I tease her little pussy?”
She made a whiney noise and her legs twitched almost shutting.
“So sensitive f’me.”
He slipped another finger inside her and she dripped out even more onto him, crying out softly into the hand she’d brought to her mouth, her slick trickled down her thighs too now and he didn’t slow his movements only went harder and faster into her. Loving the way she melted into his touch.
“Gunna’ cum for Daddy?”
She nodded biting her lip. “‘Feels so good. I’m goin’ ta’ cum soon, Daddy.”
He kept going kissing her skin and massaging her thighs and breasts and eventually her legs shook hard, and shut on his hand and she cried out and pulsed rapidly around his fingers, and he could only imagine how good he’d feel with her cumming on his cock like that. She looked so beautiful he felt like he might cum then and there on her back without having even touched himself. As the peak of her orgasm washed over her he slid his fingers out of her and brought them to her lips, giving her just the middle finger.
“Suck,” He told her.
She obeyed sucking dazedly still trying to calm down from her orgasm, when he pulled it out he brought the other one to his lips.
“Mm.” He said softly, she tasted tangy and sweet. 
She took some deep breaths as he held her close. “Thank you.” She whispered softly, shutting her eyes and catching her breath, she can’t remember the last time she came like that. So hard that she felt it in her entire body, so hard she saw stars and couldn’t contain her noises.
“Sucha’ good girl, you’re welcome my sweet girl.” She turned her head to the side and kissed him, very softly and slowly. Nothing feverish and rushed like their previous actions and his hands massaged her bare hips, kneading her plush flesh contently. God, she was just so soft, so warm, so wet, and so perfect. It was like he’d dreamt but better, if that was even possible. He was drunk on her touch.
When she pulled away she looked up at him. “I want your cock, please, I need it.” Her little pleads made his balls ache, and he wouldn’t have to be asked twice by her.
“Okay, Baby.” He said running a hand through his hair. She lifted her shirt over her head and threw it aside, completely bare, so perfect to him. Her nipples harden at the cool air, and her skin pimpled. Her body was perfect, every scar, mole, mark, and spot he’d have happily kissed and run his over for hours if she’d allow it.
He grabbed a pillow from the top of the bed and placed it down in the middle of the bed right in front of her. “Why don’t you lie on your tummy f’me, Petal? Rest on the pillow.”
She nodded and put her hips in line with the pillow, her bum sticking in the air ready for him. His hands rubbed her softly, her skin was so smooth under his hands and he wanted to sink his teeth into her plush flesh. She was so fucking perfect, and the way their bodies knew exactly what to do to the other was just magic like they were made for one another. Just like a pair of contrasting colours splashed on a canvas together, it just worked.
“One sec,” He said leaning over to his bedside table pulling out a condom and ripping it open. He slid it over his leaking prick that was already standing tall at the sound of Y/n’s soft moans and perfect, wet, pussy that was waiting to be stuffed full of him. 
Before he slid himself inside her she turned to look over her shoulder. “I ‘aven’t in a while. Be gentle please, Harry.”
He kissed her forehead, “‘Course, Gorgeous.”
He held her hand in his reassuringly as he slowly dipped the tip inside of her, feeling her begin to stretch for him. She was tight, from nerves and the fact he was just so fucking large. She wasn’t nervous because of anything being wrong, she just wanted Harry to like her. She didn’t know how, but he had this incredible talent of making her nervous always. He was just so much more experienced, older, and had much more sex than her. She just worried she wouldn’t be up to his standards.
But when he began to coo her gently and rubbed her back and bum with his hands to relax her, she began to feel less nervous. Harry, though a prick with a filthy mouth and a bit of an attitude problem, would never want anything bad to happen to her and liked her for who she was, as she was. They’d been around each other for years after all, and with that sort of time, you just understand each other. He was a mean prick who had sex with just about anyone and she was a naive good girl who strayed from any attention. But they could still appreciate their differences. She was pleasantly surprised at how well their bodies understood each other too. His cock was the perfect fit for her, and she melted into the pain.
Her thoughts of nervousness were lost when he had stuffed her completely full of him, she could feel the tip of him teasing that spot inside her that she could only ever reach with toys, she let out a whimper. “Fuck, Harry.”
It was millions of times better than anything she’d ever experienced.
He hissed throwing his head back, feeling her stretch around him. “So tight, Love.”
He began to move, keeping true to his word, slow and gentle thrusts. Remaining as shallow with his movements as someone could with a cock that big.
Y/n’s eyes watered in a mix of pain and pleasure. Her hand flew back again to grab his wrist. “S’big, Daddy.”
He moaned at the name, it was just so fucking cute coming from her. He wanted to take care of her when she acted all needy like that, “Yeah? Feels big inside your little pussy, doesn’t it?”
God, he was filthy, he made her stomach curl with desire. She never thought she’d like dirty talk all that much, before this she’d felt it was corny coming from boys but coming from his lips it was the closest thing to heaven she’d ever heard.
She nodded into the bed and took her hand back to grip the sheets but he grabbed her hands and held them behind her back. He used them as leverage to push her back onto him, pinning her hands back, just like he said.
“Feeling alright, Baby?” He asked. 
And she nodded once more. 
“Tell me.” He told her.
“Feels fuckin’ amazing.” She said struggling to find the words, her orgasm had made her foggy and his cock bottoming out made it difficult to think of anything else.
“Feel so good on m’cock, fucking made to take it, Y/n.”
That made her shiver, the pain had started to subside turning into just pleasure now. “Can go faster, H.” She said just above a whisper. 
As he began to go faster and deeper like he’d been desperate to, she got louder and louder, and her pussy made these filthy noises against his cock. He was ruining her completely and she was enjoying every moment. Her eyes turned glossy in pleasure.
He let go of her hands to grab her hips and push her back harder, she began to move her hips to meet his, and he cried out. 
“Fuck,” He swore, tossing his head back stray curlings falling over his eyes when he looked back down at her.
He squeezed the flesh of her ass and moved his hand forward onto her hair gently tugging it backward, as he began to pound into her even harder. 
“Such a pretty little thing, letting me ruin you, what a good girl.” He said his voice all rough and coarse.
She keened clawing at the bed, “Feels so fucking good, Daddy, I love it thank you.”
Even in bed, she was so polite and obedient, that he wondered what she would be like after being edged for a while. Would her obedience turn to brattiness? He would have to try another time. Made him speed up even more at the thought.
“Wanna see tha’ pretty face while y’taking m’cock,” He said deciding to turn her onto her back he got rid of the pillow, flipping her to face him. Her cheeks were flushed rosy pink, her hair a mess from his pulling, and her eyes were practically black her pupils had gotten so big. She was perfect, his perfect good girl, and so beautiful he could’ve cum just looking at her.
He leaned down kissing her lips, as he continued his thrusts. He dragged his lips down along her jaw and down until he had one of her breasts in his mouth. Her nipples were sensitive to his tongue and her hands moved from his hair to his shoulders, scratching along the peaks of his back. She felt so close, she couldn’t control any part of herself.
He moved his attention across to the other nipple, massaging the one that had just been marked with his mouth. She was moaning breathily, back arching up into him. She was so sensitive to his touch, so much so that every brush of skin that he dared to touch felt like it was on fire. 
“I’m getting close, Daddy.” She said and he began going even deeper, he could tell by the way her pussy was clamping down onto his prick harder and harder and more often that she was on the brink. It made his stomach turn.
“Atta girl, cum on Daddy’s cock.” Her legs were shaking and she screwed her eyes shut at his words. 
“Don’t stop, please.” She said, clawing his back. 
He didn’t dare change anything he was doing, he stayed hitting that spot deep inside her that made her scream out and claw him extra tightly. She pulled him closer so his mouth was hovering over hers, her legs wrapped around his back and she clawed his arms desperate for her release. She felt her stomach unravelling in the familiar feeling of her orgasm. 
“Gonna- fuck, gonna cum!” 
He felt her pulse rapidly on his cock and whined into her lips at the feeling. She made guttural moaning noise, all loud and high, as her legs squirmed and she shook around him. He helped her through her orgasm, stroking her cheek with his hands pecking her lips until she came down from it.
It was even more intense than her first and his cock greedily continued pounding her hardly giving her a chance to rest. He moved her leg up a bit higher against his hip and began to hit that spot even harder than before. 
She whined hands reaching up to his hair, tugging it, and he moaned. He loved it when she did that
“Can you handle another, sweet girl?” He asked he had no shame in wanting to watch her cum once more. It was too beautiful of a sight you couldn’t blame him, he was greedy for more.
And she nodded tiredly. “Think so. Might have to make me take it though, Daddy.”
Her voice drove him up the wall. “Fuck, so fucking perfect f’me. Love this pussy.” He moved his hand down to rub her clit, he wanted to speed up this next orgasm to be in time with his, and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Watching his cock disappear in her was a sight he hoped to hold onto in his mind. It made his eyes roll back in his head. 
He kept throwing his head back and grunting as he continued the final stretch before his orgasm.
“Can you choke me, please? Wanna cum with your hand around m’throat, please.” She asked and it took him by surprise. Little innocent Y/n liked being choked too? God, this really was his idea of heaven. 
“Please, what?” He asked sternly.
“Please, Daddy.”
He smirked, and Y/n knew she was done for. He slipped his free hand around her throat, rings cold to her neck as squeezed the sides, he watched her become dizzy with pleasure and she start to show signs of cumming again, which was good because he didn’t know if he’d last much longer.
“Cum for me please, Princess, milk me with that perfect pussy.” He said his voice all rough and slurring, his pussy had him losing his mind. He was so far gone.
With a few more circles on her clit, and deep thrusts she was squirting all over his cock with an intense grip on his prick. He felt her drip down him around his cock making creating more friction for him to continue his merciless pace.
“Cumming,” She cried out loudly lifting a hand to her mouth to cover it, and Harry had honestly forgotten they were supposed to be quiet. The only thing on his mind was filling her with his cum. She was still feeling the wave of her orgasm wash over her and was loose-lipped and limp as Harry started to feel the knot in his tummy unravel in a familiar feeling of complete pleasure.
Her pulsing pussy was squeezing his cock so hard he couldn’t wait any longer. “Getting close, Baby.”
“Cum for me Daddy, please want your cum so bad,” She pleaded. He released his grip from her throat and let his forehead press into her shoulder as she pulled him closer. Hands scratching his hair and hugging him close to her body. Craving him. 
“Fuck, cummin’ Y/n, cummin’.” He said as his cock twitched hard while he bottom out of her, when his loud moans began to spill from his lips she brought their mouths together and he moaned against her swollen lips. 
Even after cumming he stayed inside her for a moment, absolutely spent, head resting on her shoulder. She gently rubbed his back with her hands and didn’t mind him staying close. Eventually, he lifted off of her and kissed her forehead before pulling out, she winced at the feeling of him pulling out of her ruined pussy.
“One sec, Love.”
She nodded. And shifted her hips knowing tomorrow morning she’d struggle to sit. Her hips would probably be bruised and her body would ache, but she did not care one bit. She wouldn’t change what had just happened. She had the best orgasms of her entire life, and Harry seemed pretty content too. And it had been with Harry, of all people it had been with the one person she wasn't supposed to get with.
He tied off the condom and threw it in a little bin by his desk. He walked inside the en suite in his room (he’d won the coin toss), and wet a flannel. He came back with a warm cloth to wipe her down. She squirmed at his touch, feeling very sore and sensitive. “Sorry, Love, I know, but can’t have ya’ all sticky before bed can I?”
She just nodded once again. He put the flannel back in the sink and switched the light off coming back out to find Y/n limp and star-fished in the middle of his bed on the mess of his sheets. She looked completely spent, her three orgasms had tired her out so much. 
“Y’ want something to wear?” He asked. 
She nodded. “Thanks, Styles.”
He smiled at her usual name for him. “What happened to Daddy?”
“Oh, shut up.” She said blushing, he was probably going to keep bringing that up whenever he could, just to tease her. 
He grabbed a big baggy black shirt and some plaid boxers for from his drawer.
“Y’so cute when you blush, you know?”
She frowned hands moving to her face. “Stoppp!” She whispered loudly.
He handed her the clothes and helped her slide into them, and she half expected to be sent back to the couch downstairs and told thanks for the shag, but he pulled the duvet down the bed and patted the middle of the bed for her to sleep there. She moved to lay in the spot and Harry placed the duvet over her. 
Sliding back on his boxers from before, and running a hand through his messy sweaty hair he looked over at her. “I’ll get us some water, be right back.”
She nodded. “Alright.”
When he came back with two glasses of water he placed them on the bedside table and sighed before rolling in beside her. She turned to face him. “Hi,” she said with a giggle.
“Hi.” He replied with a small laugh too. 
“Your bed's very comfy, Styles.”
“Better than m’couch.” He replied sliding a hand onto her waist to rub her side, soothing her into a restful sleep.
“Much better, should’ve shagged you sooner if it meant bed privileges.”
He scoffed playfully, “Only using me for my cock and the comfy bed, aye?”
She laughed back. “Yeah, obviously, why else?”
He pulled her even closer and turned the tone more serious. “Thank you for before,”
She frowned confusedly. “The blowjob?”
He laughed softly. “No, in the kitchen.”
She laughed at herself. “Oh right,” She said lifting her hand to stroke his cheek which he leaned into. “Well, I like your rotten mouth and shocking brutal honesty and all the rest of you. Don’t worry about those guys.”
He leaned closer, a teasing expression lighting up his face. “You like me?”
She just rolled her eyes, shoving his shoulder playfully. 
“I like you too.”
This made her blush. “Go to sleep.”
“C’mere then,” 
She got even closer and fell asleep to the beat of his heart and gentle caress on her back.
The following morning, she woke up early, which was very unlike her, and in a total panic, that Emma might have noticed she was missing from the couch. Harry groaned grabbing her, “Don’t go.”
“Have to, Em’s gonna notice, she’d kill us both.” She said, voice all raspy and eyes bleary. 
He whined not letting go. “Stupid Emma.”
“Shh. I’ll see you later.” She was about to leave back downstairs, but he grabbed her and she watched him waiting for what else wanted from her. 
She leaned down and pecked his lips which he smiled at shutting his eyes to go back to sleep, and she left sneaking back downstairs. Sluggishly wrapping the blanket around her and shutting her eyes, even though she was much too giddy to sleep. 
When Emma woke up with a throbbing head she smiled at Y/n and she started making coffee quietly since her head couldn’t handle anything loud. This made Y/n stir, sitting up and turning the telly on sleepily. A re-run of Friends was on and she wrapped herself up in the blanket and sat back watching.
Emma wordlessly passed her a coffee and sat beside her, stealing some of the blanket. They spent the rest of the episode in silence just huddling together for warmth and sipping away tiredly, until Harry’s footsteps could be heard creaking down the stairs.
“Want some pancakes, children?”
The pair nodded. 
Y/n looked over at him smiling to herself, he’d changed into a loose navy crewneck and some pyjama pants. He looked gorgeous, and she was reminded of last night. She'd liked him for years, and now she'd done filthy things with him, would she ever recover?
When the pancakes were ready they all sat together at the table. Harry was a wonderful cook, he made a variety of pancakes.
Blueberry, chocolate chip, plain, some with strawberries and cream. He'd brought out lemon and sugar too because that's what Y/n liked on her pancakes, and lots of fruit for Emma. He'd brought out two big jugs of juice for them and a coffee pot.
“Sleep well, Em?” Asked Harry, with a mouthful of blueberry pancake chewing lazily. How did he even look sexy eating?
She nodded. “Yeah,”
“Me too.” He replied before turning to Y/n, who was mid-sip on some juice, it was a mix of berries and tasted sweet. “Y/n?”
She coughed, choking on her juice, and Harry smirked knowingly. Emma patted her back, “You alright, mate?”
“Yeah, just wrong hole. I slept fine.” Y/n said.
“Hate when that happens.” Harry teased, and she wanted to kick his shin but Emma definitely would’ve noticed.
They all finished their pancakes and after the big breakfast, Emma had an aspirin and told them both she was going back to bed for a nap.
“I might head off then,” Y/n said, she wanted to go home and nap herself. Harry had kept her awake for a good portion of the night after all, and her body was very sore. “I’ll get an Uber.”
“Alright, Babe,” She said hugging her. Y/n kissed her cheek and hugged her back.
“Bye, Babe,” Y/n said with a soft smile.
“Thanks for taking care of me. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
Y/n nodded. “Of course, we have to do our monthly movie marathon rain, hail, or shine!”
Emma smiled. “Perfect, get home safe.”
They parted, and Emma went back to her room to sleep. Y/n’s Uber arrived moments later and Harry watched Y/n leave waving with a big devilish grin.
She waved back hopping in the Uber tiredly, as the car pulled away and Harry shut the door, her phone buzzed with a text.
Harry Styles🍒
Can I come over tonight?
Y/n felt a big grin overtake her face. 
what on earth for mr. styles?
Harry Styles🍒
Didn’t get to give a you proper goodbye, did I?
Y/n blushed with a small laugh as she typed back. 
see u at eight
Harry Styles🍒
See you then Baby X
Y/n bit her lip. What had she gotten herself into?
oh and bring snacks 
and that new film u were raving about to niall
Harry Styles🍒
Ok, done. See you tonight. XX
Y/n felt her cheeks heat up similar to last in the kitchen. This was not the Harry she knew, but she didn’t have it in her to complain. She saw flashes of last night of them together and squirmed in her seat.
‘💗💗’ She replied.
When she put her phone down in her lap and stared out at the window she sighed to herself, knowing she was completely done for. Harry had ruined her, she'd never be able to stop thinking about him and last night. However, she had very few complaints about it. Her phone buzzed yet again. She checked it.
Harry Styles🍒 hearted your message.
She smiled even more and shut her eyes, head resting against the leather seat, as she wondered if he was smiling this big too.
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 5 months
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This is inspired from Glow up blueprint video by Dear peachie. Dear peachie will help you to achieve the ultimate physical glow up
.First of all, get to know your features. People who have facial features with accurate facial proportions , stronger symmetry ,brighter colours , defined lines look better in the static image whereas disproportionate facial ratio , poor symmetry , dull complexion , uneven structures can affect how one looks in static image.
Look at the glow up pyramid. Every level is interrelated to each other and is equally important . The elements at each level serves as the foundation which steps towards a higher level. The overall aspects may get affected if insufficient attention are given to fundamental levels.
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Celebrities always appear gorgeous and sophiscated because they play attention they have invested a fortune and massive efforts in the detail that ordinary people never thought of.
There is a Chinese sayings which says one can recognize a beauty from 10 meters away. From a 10 meters distance, we cannot see the beauty looks like , her facial features and make up is blurry. However , we can see her body shape , posture , hair , clothing style. If we maintain 2 to 5 meter social distance , the focus point is skin , face shape and overall proportions. Body type , posture , clothing , hair , skin , face shape and overall proportion forms the impression of the body.
( A) Skin
- maintain a balanced diet
- good quality of sleep.
- stay hydrated lol ( common advice but it works )
- avoid smoking and eating too much sugary foods.
- Build a skin care routine which suits you the best.
- Visit a dermatologist regularly.
- Rub ice on face
- Do facial yoga
- Less is more
- The most simple way - just affirm that you have clear skin .
( B ) Body
- Workout !
- Maintain a healthy diet , don't starve yourself please !
- We can enhance our body proportions by wearing clothes which suit our body type.
- Love your body , don't abuse it by starving yourself or criticising it.
( C ) Posture
- You can do exercises to get a good posture.
- Try to maintain a good posture even if you are doing your daily tasks.
- Walk with a good posture , you will appear more graceful and elegant.
(D) Hairstyle
- Hairstyle is a great way to express oneself. You can choose different hairstyles which suit you.
- Healthy and beautiful hair can enhance your appearance so give some time to yourself and do hair care .
- A suitable hairstyle can draw visual attention towards your best features. For example : Long face framing bangs reduce impression of high cheek bones.
( E ) Body shapes
- Get to know your body type and dress up according to your body type.
👛🧁I didn't go into details , dear peachie has made videos for topics like posture, body shapes , hairstyles etc. I will make notes on those too . Those posts will be more detailed and in depth👛🧁
- Try mewing, you will get high cheekbones and sharp jawline.
- Get regular trims and hair scalp treatments.
- Yoga is so beneficial for both physical and mental health.
- Accessories to spice up your outfits !
- Develop a good fashion sense , you can take inspiration from celebrities too .
- Apply Vaseline on eye lashes .
- If you want to appear taller and slimmer, then wear high waist jeans and crop tops . ( This tip may vary from one body shape to another )
- DEVELOP SELF - LOVE. I recommend you to check out these posts - how to love yourself , self-love affirmations by me , self- love affirmations by Alanna Foxx, songs for self-love. Also , read these posts - click me and click me !
- Be disciplined. Care for yourself . Cherish yourself. Love yourself no matter what.
- Listen to Guided Meditations and Podcasts
- Adopt the " OK and ? " or " So what? " mentality . They were talking behind your back , OK and ? They don't like you , OK and ? You tried something new and failed , So what ? They left you on seen and ghosted you , So what ?
- Adopt the " You are You , I am me " mentality.
- Listen to the wizard liz , Tam Kaur , Simone or Alessia.
- Watch good content. You are what you consume. You have control over it. Don't watch videos which are full of drama and negativity . Watch productive and educational videos.
- Meditate ! You will become more mindful and self- aware.
- Become selfish! No , don't use people for your own benefit but put yourself first. Posts you should read to understand it better ! - click me , click me !!
- Don't seek validation from others , don't listen to other's opinions . Others opinions are irrelevant.
- Watch documentaries. Read books .
- Cut off toxic people ! This is so important. If someone drains you , puts you down , always nitpicking or complaining about you or other things . Distance yourself. It doesn't matter if you know them in real life or if it's online friendship. It doesn't matter if you knew them for a decade .
- You don't need to share everything with your Close friends.
- Say affirmations out aloud while doing skin care infront of mirror or in your mind.
- Act like the person you want to become.
- Don't chase , attract
- Know you are the main character.
- Don't allow others to use you or treat you like a doormat.
- Be more organized.
- Don't compare yourself with others.
- Don't depend on others for your happiness .
- Journal.
- Try shadow work
- Have hobbies
-Being intelligent is hot. Prioritize your education.
- Find a reason to study. Do you want to top your exams ? Do you want to make your parents proud ? Do you want to be the smart kid ?
- Find a role model . It can be a fictional character or celebrity . Check this post to find some inspiration - click me !
- Your reason to study should be bigger than your distractions.
- Watch fayefilms and studyquill , they always have the best study tips.
-Teach your friends , family or even pet . You will be able to revise the concepts better. If you get stuck while explaining , you would know that the topic is not clear to you yet.
- Use Mnemonics
- You can use the SQ3R method. SURVEY. QUESTION. READ . RECITE . REVIEW.
- Romanticize being smart. Romanticize studying.
- I would recommend you to read these posts , I hope they help you to study well !! - click me , click me , click me , click me , click me , click me, click me , click me
I hope this post helps you too - click me !
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enavstars · 11 months
Cyberpunk au
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RGB designs for a new au
Important things:
The inspiration for this was the game Stray (that I finally played).
This is a hyperfixation that I don't know when it's going to end. I'll probably draw things from it as much as my motivation lets me but don't expect it to be a constant thing like Eclipse or On the road.
I love worldbuilding so there is a lot of details of this au already, feel free to ask questions.
The world is dark and very corrupted but the tone of the au is chill because the sibs dgaf about the world.
Worldbuilding details (my friend wrote this because this is complicated and I suck at writing) [very long text under the cut]:
The key element of this AU’s worldbuilding is a new biohazardous artificial plant which was originally genetically engineered by the scientist of the RGB’s city-state to fight the air pollution that plagued the region by attempting to reduce the amount of CO2 from the atmosphere (yes this is a biopunk universe :)). However, because they are an ugly reddish colour, have a bitter taste and are extremely nutrient-deficient and unhealthy, they have no natural predators and can spread like wildfire across both fertile plots and forests like weeds. On top of that, due to that nutrient deficiency, which stems from the slow absorption ability of their roots (not nearly enough to keep the heavy rate of photosynthesis), they evolved on their own to attach themselves to other living beings as parasites and basically invaded the entire area around the metropolis. With them being potentially lethal, this caused a massive problem that made the city panic; although they have plenty of weak points (like fire and a vulnerable immune system) and it takes them very long to get their roots to the rest of the body, their grip is so deep and strong that the only option is to remove the infected body part. So their special ability became a critical issue when the plants unexpectedly ended up liking animals better, and with them humans themselves, because they could carry them to other places and infest those too while still sucking the life out of them until they die (oopsie). Ultimately, with the lack of proper information on the parasites, and because the situation was handled very poorly overall, they ended up taking many people’s lives and made the most vulnerable species of the area (like cattle) go endangered or extinct, which in turn altered the balance of the ecosystem and the working class’ means of living :).
Sorry this chunk was so technical, we (@kaigoesbrr and I) are biology nerds, but basically the plants were so good at making more oxygen and so ass at getting what they needed to do so that they became parasites, and now they get what they need from plants and animals (and they like animals better, like humans, because they have more stuff and help them spread further). Then society collapsed :).
All of this caused a deep economic crisis that brought about high rates of poverty, and with it, a deep fear of the infested world outside the city walls. So this whole conundrum led to the city closing off to the lands around it, implementing absurd levels of security like a tight border control and a slower, more strict business traffic, and making a huge dark translucent dome that encapsulates the whole city to keep any potential smuggled plants from ever growing by blocking the natural sunlight. They even made a ditch around their walls (kind of like a moat) and burnt and bombed the fields and suburbs around them to make them extremely infertile. So yeah, this city-state is a terrible place to live, a gloomy prison where not even the sun and stars can be seen, but most the inhabitants never leave out of that paranoid terror and the heavy bureaucracy needed to just go outside and touch grass.
(haha with poor funding corrupt scientists who didn’t know what they were doing made a mess, shocker how that would backfire horribly).
However, the outside isn’t as bad as they make it out to be. In the end, the plants did clean the air as they were supposed to, and, as nature does, it did somewhat recover from the disaster to where human life is now sustainable again.
Taking advantage of their thick crust, trees were the least affected by the plague, and the other plants in the forest developed new natural defences against the parasites, which was yet another reason why they in turn became best at infecting animals. And many of the fungi, abundant in the now more humid forest (haha cooler air equals more rain), took advantage of their weak immune system (due to their fucking incompetent creators making a mess of the original plant’s DNA) and infected them (haha scammer get scammed). So basically, the fields and farmlands were lost to the people, but the forests are still intact. Also, even though one of the rivers around the city, the one which makes its ways under it and is therefore connected to the water supply and sewer systems, is trashed, the other, which is further away, is now perfectly healthy due to the city closing off and therefore leaving it alone for enough time. The real issue here lies within the actual government, which obviously does not want to expose how corrupt and lazy they are when dealing with problems and so they keep fueling the paranoia of their most vulnerable citizens since they are kids :). One way they do so is by manipulating the information their people get, claiming bullshit like “the current ecosystem is wild and polluted, it cannot offer our economy anything anymore!” and “the plants are dangerous and will kill you if you ever come into contact with them, and they have infected virtually every living thing around!”. Another is by not educating their population about “the Outside”, treating it like a sort of taboo. Therefore, they refuse to explain, or hush those who try to, the actual danger of the plants and how to deal with them (they do have many weaknesses, after all).
But the people in this world have yet another nasty problem. In this AU there are beings believed to be anthropomorphic demons due to their pointy ears, fangs, and sometimes strange behaviour. But in fact, these people are descendants of the dragons that once lived in these nations, but their origins were forgotten as the world gradually lost touch with its spirituality and ancestry, and now those who were once revered for their “godlike attributes” (yes, they kinda worshipped dragons, I mean, who wouldn’t) are today facing discrimination. However, even though they aren’t considered exactly “people”, the pure humans are still kind of afraid of them, so they usually choose the subtler kind of racism. In most governments, “Demons” get less job opportunities and are denied high positions, can be freely banned from any establishment, and face unmatched prejudice just for existing, especially those with a stronger blood relation with their ancestry. In the city, they are treated as less than even the robots (nindroids of all kinds), who are treated like any other respected social group by now because they have grown so advanced that most of them are just like humans in metal armour. In fact, many of them are mechanics, who are held in high esteem for making the many bionic implants for the humans.
And all of that combined made the RGB siblings (who are obviously demons, especially Lloyd), decide never to leave the Outside, where they grew up, to go live in the city.
When they were younger, Kai and Nya adopted Lloyd when they found him asleep in a box in the middle of nowhere, after having been abandoned themselves a few years earlier. This time, though, their dynamic in this AU is more of a team than Kai being a mom to them both like he always is, so even if Kai feels the most responsible for being the eldest sibling, they rely on each other almost equally. They fend off the plants that threaten them with fire (no they do not have powers, but Kai uses a fucking flamethrower because it’s Kai), and usually live on whatever they can find in the wild: mostly by making traps for game, fishing in the cleaner river and occasionally foraging edible plats (that’s more risky and they are more carnivorous anyway). Also, Nya routinely strolls through the ruins of the suburbs to collect scrap junk to turn as much of it as she can into useful trinkets, the rest of which she sells to Ed and Edna’s junkyard and their son, who is an amateur mechanic (wink wink but no shipping actually). Apart from that though, they usually sneak into the metropolis to cause a bit of mayhem here and there, which over time and on top of the fear over their species has earned them a reputation of People You Don't Wanna Mess With (or "Demons", more like). More than once they’ve even messed with a few of the gangs around town, which started sprouting up after the disaster, so overall their presence in the city is tolerated, but frowned upon. They manage to bypass the annoying border control thanks to the faulty assistant robot who raised them, named Echo (wink wink), who cannot perform any other social job (what he was made for) than to be the ferryman for those few people who decide to cross the wide moat and venture out into the Outside. They usually take a secret tunnel that a few smugglers managed to make, and the Guard do nothing because they do not give a fuck about demons anyway (in fact, only a few people know that their actual names aren’t Red, Blue and Green because nobody gives a fuck indeed). They do actually know a few people there, some of whom are also demons (like Mistake and Ronin), but especially as kids (which is when the story starts) they spend most of their time in the wild chilling and going on adventures :³.
(no the city and the plants are not named, we’re lazy :))
Anyway this is what I'll say for now. There's a lot more info, and hopefully drawings, coming. Hope you like this au because I love it for now ^^
(Btw let me know if you want me to make a post/reblog explaining the designs for the Rgb siblings and some info behind them)
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thesharktanksdriver · 11 months
Determination! (Platonic)
Warning for this chapter: fisher tigers part is much more serious. It’s talks of slavery and while it isnt too graphic it does included a lot of mature themes. If that makes you uncomfortable please skip over it
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You find that your dreams are very disjointed
Granted, you normally don’t dream at all
It’s typically just empty blackness as you fall into unconsciousness and then back into the waking world
But when you do have a dream every once in a blue moon
Even for Dream standards you think their somewhat odd
The voices of those long past that you’d met cheering you on
Flashes of multicoloured sparks
The endless expanse of space as you stare at a star
It’s an old one, a dying one
Your not sure how you know that information yet you do
And you watch it die with sparkling eyes
It implodes on itself
Creating a massive explosion of light and energy that dispersed throughout the galaxy
Bright white light shattering into every colour imaginable into the void of space
The energy going in every corner of the universe
A supernova
Your not sure how you know that word but it comes into your mind
Perhaps it hasn’t even been invented yet because you know for a fact that knowledge on stars was vastly limited
Yet that doesn’t stop you from knowing knowledge you never knew before
You reach out towards the remnants of the dead star in a trance
The cheers of the dead yelling “stay determined!”
You open your mouth to eat the star shards
And then you wake up
How curious
Sun Pirates
In your time adrift at the endless sea you had come across many people of many races
Humans, odd winged people, mermaids, devil fruit users, marines and pirates
So it doesn’t come as a surprise when you come across a group of fishmen sailing the sea
They all look over deck at you with a mixture of expressions
Some worry, others pity and some with conflict
But as they all watch a Fishman with rose red skin, a tattoo of a sun on his chest and black hair tied back with a bandanna
He ushers them aside to look Down at you from what you assume to be his ship
“Hi! Do any of you know what part of the sea I’m in?. I think it’s the north blue? But I’m not sure. You’d think with the amount of time I’ve been afloat I’d be able to tell but-“
“Kid are you alone?!”
“Do you see anyone else on this ship?”
You don’t have much of a choice before your brought upon their ship
To their surprise though your not scared?
In fact you seem rather amused at the predicament your in
One that would usually leave normal people scared shitless
But it’s easy for the entire crew to tell your not a normal kid
Especially as you seem to find interest in what type of marine animals each member is
Even more so when you ask about how the capabilities/features of said marine animal
It’s…odd how knowledgeable you are despite your young age
And when they ask about it you just say “I know from experiences on the sea”
Like the fuck is that supposed to mean when your talking about the dangerous venom of the stonefish
They are worried
Like real worried
Some are still off put by the fact your a human but with how your talking the mixture of shock and concern overpower it
God they never thought they’d be fretting over a human but when you talk in visceral odd detail about how sharks occasionally eat people when desperate or confusing them for other prey
It’s a bit freaky
Doesn’t help that it’s oddly specific which makes it seem much more personal
And how you explain all these facts with a completely wide smile not noticing how their all horrified
Their captain Fisher tiger is especially worried when he questions you about how you ended up alone at sea in the first place
He keeps pressing you on the matter but always gets the same response of “I set out to sea and haven’t looked back” and “I’m not sure if my island exists anymore. It’s not like anyone would remember me, I’ve been gone for such a long time”
That implies so much and at the same time is very vague
This poor man is a few migraines away from bashing his head against a wall
But other than that and the worry he finds you to be an interesting kid
While watching you interact with his crew he notices that you treat them all as regular people
You don’t make snide comments nor do you go off of stereotypes to categorize them
Instead you see them as their own individual people
People who were owed respect no matter their race or appearance
And even when a few aren’t exactly the most friendly towards you your respect
Giving them space as you see their uncomfortable
For a kid your emotionally aware in a way that even most adults can’t compare
You can tell if someone has deep rooted trauma and don’t push the subject
Going out of your way not to bring up bad memories associated with humans if your presence did so
There were seemingly no bad feelings about it either
Just pure understanding in your eyes from possible personal experience
Even when he harbours hate for you it’s brushed off as seemingly nothing personal
When your not conversing your quietly helping around
Somehow knowing how to raise the sails and properly clean the deck
Never telling anyone of your deeds and just doing them to help out
It’s clear by how organic it is for you that your used to doing it
Yet your own …”ship” is something more akin to a poorly put together raft
Everything about you is odd
And for a long while he isn’t sure if that’s good or bad
Fisher is a man haunted by the actions inflicted upon him
A shared trauma among all his people from humans
He does not discriminate when rescuing slaves but he still has his own afflictions towards humans
The actions of them still on his skin and baring his soul
Yet he allows you on his ship despite it
Because he knows your a child
Someone who had not harmed him nor his people
Someone who’s innocent to the horrors of the world
To the harm done by your race
He grapples with his own hated for you because of something you cannot pick
He feels guilty and horrible for it
Yet the look in your eyes says that you understand him somehow
And that makes him feel worse
A child should not understand hatred from others
Let alone understand why he feels hatred towards them
And then also accept it with such empathy
it hurts
he's reminded of the guards who used to sneer at him for being who he was
you feel no sadness due to his gaze
only kindness as you do your best to avoid him
in some sense you understand why he gazes at you that way
you can't blame him, not when you yourself had been victim of the abuse of your own kind
looked down upon as dirt
seen as lesser
what hurts worse though is that you can't solely blame one group like he and some of his men can do
your human and your hurt by other humans
maybe it's worse in some aspects
it's why you give an understanding look in your eyes despite his occasional glare
Jinbe is perhaps the one you spend the most time with on the ship other than Hatchan
There is apprehension at first but what follows after a short period of time is kindness
Your just a kid
One not guilty for the crimes of others
He can’t blame someone’s actions on you
Especially when your nothing but respectful to them all despite their hesitation due to your race
He reminds you of a gentle giant which is fitting with what marine animal he’s acquainted to
Most times spent with him are ones where he listens to your words
Finding interest and intrigue in your stories and facts of the sea
It seems far fetched a child experienced all this but the look in your eyes says it’s true
The small mementos that hang on your form like hand woven bracelets, necklaces of shells and shark teeth, a coat befit for a captain hanging on your shoulders and bandana tied around your forehead to keep your hair tangled with pearls back
Their all signs that somehow your tales are true
As amazing and horrifying as they seem their true
And it leaves him feeling anxious
Your a good kid
Maybe one of the best he’s met so far and seeing the wear and tear on you hits him hard
You put up a smile and bare through whatever someone throws your way
Never once speaking back unless your standing up for someone besides yourself
It’s admirable but he sees how it has worn you down
Once upon a time he can imagine you smiling out of actual joy
And now it’s a mechanism for you to write off your pain
Your selfless to a fault
And on the sea people take advantage of that
But perhaps you already experienced that
And it leaves Jinbe’s stomach swirling with unease
He frets over you like a mother hen when you throw all regard for safety away and when you get something simple like a paper cut cause he knows either way you won’t care to tend to your own wounds
He honestly at the point wonders if this is what being a mother feels like
But he can’t contemplate that long cause Arlong is being a dick once again
Tension with him was high before but now Jinbe has half the mind to knock him square in the jaw if he kicks you again
And now he has half the mind to shake some sense into you when you walk it off
God he needs some sort of therapist cause he does not know how to help you beyond being protective and patching you up
It’s obvious that your hurt beyond repair on the inside
The times he’s found you just simply staring off towards the sea with a dead look in your eyes is a testament to that
A call of longing in long gone innocent eyes that still retain kindness despite it all
In those moments he just sits by your side and holds you
You grasp him like a lifeline
Something anchoring you down to reality as your mind makes you remember
He tells stories of fishmen island to distract you
He noticed though that when he tells of the promise to fishmen island from joyboy something in your eyes light up
Sparkles of light within them that dance but then fizzle away after a moment along with a shiver gliding down his back for some reason
He writes it off though
Just going back to his tales
It’s under yet another moon lit night you end up staring out at sea again
Memories of the past swirling in your mind like a hurricane
You can’t help it
Not after being reminded of one life you particularly didn’t like
You didn’t mean to overhear Fisher and Jinbe but it just happened
The captain of the crew talking about his time as a slave
The horror inflicted upon him at the hands of humans
You just keep staring out at the water
Burying yourself deeper into your subconscious trying to escape
But you can’t
Too distracted by the memories that you don’t even notice the two coming out the captains quarters to find you
Vacantly staring out at sea
Your staring out at the water
A deep empty stare
Darkness swirling in your irises
Occasionally you twitch, a jolt of imaginary pain burning your back once more
You sometimes still feel the pain of the brand that luckily now doesn’t haunt your skin
You hadn’t felt it in a long while until you realized after hearing him talk the tattoo of the sun on him was his brand covered up
It served as some sort of trigger
The memories came flooding back
The pain
The torture
The screams
The death
The rot
The overwhelming plea for death in a hell that became a limbo realm
Your hands trace the symbol on the wood lightly
Every couple of months (or maybe years? Your not sure) these thoughts and memories came up
It’s a normal cycle for you
Yet now they hit harder after seeing his tattoo
Cause it makes you think of them
Of the 3 sisters, the names of you never got as your mind makes the effort to forget what you experienced
Up until now you always had the worry of forgetting
You had been alive for a long time
so much so that your memories are inconsistent and blur together
Yet your time as a slave is something clear in your head that you wish erase
To wipe clean from your mind and bury
Yet you can’t will yourself to forget them
Because of those 3 girls you’d befriended over scraps of dry bread
Of the shared pain that was all understood from the four of you
Crying silently together while huddled in the dark
Cleaning one another’s bruises
The eldest girl of the bunch holding you one night when noticing your shivering form, the other two following in the action of huddling around you
A budding friendship formed from barely any words but silent understanding and conversations though looks
You can’t abandon their memory even if it’s attached to other ones you wished to bleach from your mind
It’s there staring into the darkened water you mutter 2 words that had been erased from your mind out of fear
“Celestial dragons”
The words are spat out like a curse yet your tone is full of emptiness
It’s something only someone affected by them could say in such a tone
Perhaps that’s why Fisher now looks at you with realization
“You…you were one too?”
“Yeah, it…I think it was a couple years back, I’m not sure though. The passage of time is hard for me to notice anymore, it all blurs together. Hell I can barely remember my life before the sea, I know I had parents and then they died but…I can’t remember their faces. Anyways, I was captured and sold, ended up in some dungeon.” For a moment you pause going over your memories as you pinch your chin in thought, the way you speak about it is nonchalant yet holds a lot of untold weight “it’s a blur of pain, I remember it specifically on my back. I try to limit how clear it is cause I don’t specifically like remembering it. There were these 3 girls though, sisters who all ended up in the same cell as me. We found kinship in our situation, I gave them the scraps of food I got since they needed it more than me.”
“Do you know what happened to them?” At hearing this you turn to Jinbe, a solemn expression crossing your face as an answer
“Not sure. I…like to hope that their ok, that they found their way back home” your tone is anything but hopeful, cracking with gloom that’s evident in your eyes “but hoping is all I can do. I wished for death when I was there, hoping they’d just finish me off so I could move on. At some point though I began to hope, those 3 girls needed someone there for them and I hoped I could remain just for them”
“Why’d you escape then?”
“I didn’t have choice.”
“What do you mean? That doesn’t really make sense”
They watch as an odd look forms in your eyes
They sparkle with unknown mystery
Something old and sentimental
Something ancient despite the young face you have
“Can you keep a secret?”
They look at one another for a moment
A silent conversation between the two
Jinbe is the one who nods first, your gaze then shifting to Fisher who takes a moment to look at you
He never noticed it till now but your eyes have something about them that…seems inhuman
For a second he swears he even sees stars sparkle in them
Great big shining stars that light the night sky’s and allow sailors to navigate the treacherous seas they love and call home
Stars that when he looks at reminds him of his freedom
Of not staring at the ceiling of a cage
Stars he wished to grasp at back in the days he wore shackles
Stars that for some reason now seemed to shine brighter, as if mirroring your resolve
He nods, watching a moment of vulnerability shine through eyes that look blank for a child
Eyes that have seen horrors
Eyes that had lost their twinkle of innocence yet still retain childlike charm in viewing the world
Eyes that sparkle of something ancient and old, residing in the depths of your irises like a great deity in the void of the night sky
“Have you heard about a star that never dies?” And so you begin your tale
By the time your done your tale they both sit there in silence
A deafening and choking silence that grips at you like the old collar of rusting steel or ball and chain that used to be attached to your leg
A sign of having your freedom weighed down
Locked away
You had once tried to break that leg but the girls stopped you
The eldest of them crying for you to stop
So you did
You watch them both stay in silence
And then see the tears line their eyes
And then they crumble like a cracked heart
Jinbe falling first as he grips you
Strong and battle-worn hands now soft and gentle
Afraid that you’d fade away
Afraid what would happen if he let go
It’s what you expected from him
But then You look to Fisher and find him in a similar state much to your surprise, if not he might be even worse than how Jinbe is handling what you told
Pure grief in his eyes
And most of all empathy
It pours out from him like his tears
Like a waterfall with never ending raging water crashing down onto the rocks
it’s loud and passionate
Covers up the internal screams of the past latching back onto him, into the lingering scars
Stinging Pain sinking back into those same spots like the angry gnashing claws of a beast
He’s hurting
But so are you
Your hurting together through shared experiences and ones he could never wish to experience
Jinbe holds you for a long while
Time melts away as do the phantom pains of those long past days
You hold him back
The soft material of his yukata pulling you in even further
And your unspoken words of ‘thank you’ to his of ‘I’m sorry, I’m so sorry’
You let time melt away a little more as they find themselves once more
“Why did you tell us this?” Fisher asks this with tears still falling down his face. Jinbe holds you close, webbed hand behind your head as he pulls you closer. You hear the waves lapping at the boat and the beats of his heart, it thumps like a drum. Rhythmically helping your equally torn apart emotions.
“I heard you talking about your experience. I thought it’s fair that I do the same” it’s said in such a simple manner that it makes the two fishmen reel back in shock for the third time in a night. It’s said in such sincerity and innocence, as if that was something normal “an equal exchange,If you will”
The crew watch on in confusion the next morning at the expression of thinking Fisher has on his face
Along with the clear signs of crying that Jinbe and him hold
People push but neither say a word
They say it isn’t their story to tell as their eyes trail back to you sitting with Hatchan
Playing a game innocently
Like a regular kid
Most don’t push after their captains grim expression
The look in his eyes
Some keep their curiosity to a low lit flame yet don’t get anywhere on the account they can’t get you to spill anything and Jinbe doesn’t exactly like them being nosey
So it eventually fizzles out
Things back back to normal
You tell your tales
Show them games they’d never played
You in turn learn more about fishman and mermaid society
But then you leave just as abruptly as you appeared
It’s weird to say but at a diner with them all as shanties are sung you just randomly say that soon you’ll be leaving
And despite how most of them hate to admit it
They didn’t want you to go
Hatchan is comically crying as a few others stubbornly argue against it
That it’s dangerous and you could get yourself killed
They look to Fisher and Jinbe who had been more observant of you as of late (if that’s even more humanly possible for Jinbe)
But their met with a reaction none had thought would happen
They object
They say it’s your choice and they can’t shackle you here
The sea was your home
And so the decision for your leave was cemented
In the days leading up to it you spend time with most the crew
But they all notice that at night you and their captain look out to the sky at night
Silence conversations happening through mere looks
pure understanding
Just pure solemn understanding
None make comments on it if they see it
Don’t mention it and forget it ever happened out of respect for both parties
And when the time comes to leave they all watch (some crying even) while waving goodbye
You promise them you’d meet again
“You’ll all be at sea right? Then that means you’ll definitely see me again someday! Wait and see! Grasp your freedom strong and tight, never take it forgranted”
Fisher watches and waves as you drift off into the distance, he holds a gentle smile
He hopes he’d meet you again
Hopes that perhaps you’d somehow end up on fishman island and talk to his people
As much as he thought Otohime’s talks of humans and fishmen working together in harmony were a naive and impossible dream
Perhaps if there were more humans like you it could work
And maybe
Just maybe
It would help both sides see that in the end neither were that different from one another
In your words on the silent night before you left “we both bleed, we feel and in the end we both have the same fates don’t we?. At heart no matter if your fishman, mermaid, human or anything else we experience the same gifts of life. We are all equal in the fact we are born on this earth and die here, and with that comes the desire for freedom and the pursuit of happiness”
He and his crew still have a lot to grapple with on the road to change
But you helped them start the first steps in overcoming the hate for your kind
A young immortal human child who had seen horrors upon horrors
Inflicted by their own kind that they will never stop loving with all their heart
Because you believe that inherently almost every sentient creature is born with kindness in them. It’s the world that corrupts it
When they are asked to take a former slave girl back to her hometown he does not have any hesitation to do so
He hopes that this is the next step in overcoming his hatred
Mihawk thought he was going to have a nice and relaxing day
His morning had been going great, a nice glass of red wine before he trained, a good breakfast
And then when he went outside of his castle there he finds is a young child looking around confused
….god damn it
So yeah, you died and just randomly appeared on the island that houses the greatest swordsman currently in the world
Not exactly your first choice but it wasn’t the worse
Well wasn’t bad instil the swordsman himself shows up looking as confused as you were
Yeah seems like you have some explaining to do
And dying or running away wouldn’t exactly help with the endeavour either since he seems intent on an answer
So here you are
In a gothic mansion lead by Mihawk into a room as he calmly sits down and asks you to explain
And so you do
Well…you do the best you can to explain your entire situation as he sits there with a blank expression
By the end he just sighs
To be honest he’s not sure if he believes it or not but he takes it as an answer for now
And after that you two form an odd friendship and routine as you spend your time on his island
To his pleasure your polite and not loud
Silently watching him train or go about his day
Along with that conversations with you are actually quite pleasant
Mihawk is a man of very few words
Only shanks is able to get him talking with the help of finely aged booze
Yet talking with you comes naturally as breathing the air around him
It’s intriguing
Especially as it seems your story isn’t a bluff for how personally and detailed your recounts of events are 
Colour him impressed
you talk of Roger in a way that only Shanks could do
Describe the gods valley event with details only found in classified marine files
Not only that but your also a good storyteller
Telling such events in glorious ways that he can’t help but listen to the liquid gold that is your voice
The treasure trove of stories that flow out your mind
He must admit that he can’t help but sit on the edge of his seat
Wanting to hear more
In this time he comes to care for you
Your a child eternally
One in a cruel world that preys on the weak
While you may be strong mentally (god knows if you hadn’t then you would’ve gone insane) but physical your not
What doesn’t help is your total and utter lack of self awareness
God knows the amount of times he’d saved your ass from being killed by Humandrills
After awhile they seem to get the memo of leaving you alone but that still doesn’t stop you from almost dying in other ways
Almost walking off a cliff
Almost falling into a river
Almost getting hit by a piece of falling stone
He is now paranoid and trails you like a shadows or has you stick around him incase of yet another near death incident
God is this what being a dad feels like? Cause that’s how Mihawk feels at this point
He has half the mind to buy a child leash or something similar
Cause if you wander off one more time and almost die he’s gonna-
You make his stress levels go through the roof
Doesn’t help you completely brush of dying as no big deal
As if being eaten that one time isn’t traumatic as hell
He wonders if his position of warlord has some sort of health benefits cause he might look into therapy
Not that you think you need it though, you think your completely fine yet he begs to differ
You find it funny how stoic he is yet you can read him like a book
He shows his growing care through actions
Like making breakfast or decorating a spare room of his castle to something more suited to your taste
The unspoken offer of “if you need a place to stay your always welcome here” through these actions
A silent way of also prepping for you leaving
He knows that moment is coming
Especially as your small “boat” drifts ashore
He’s hardly call that a boat but nether the less it floats on water and you call it a boat
In your time preparing to leave he insists on at least teaching you the basics of using a sword
The proper positioning of your grip and stance
How to give a powerful slash
You pick up quickly, years of watching experienced swordsmen coming into play
He’s proud yet worry sows itself into his brow
Your a kind soul
One that has been put through untold hell and back
Even the strongest sword can bend and break if pressure is put on the perfect point
He doesn’t know what your breaking point will be but he’s worried
Cause inevitably it’s bound to happen
He at least has some peace of mind knowing he taught you how to fight
And when he sends you off he promises that when you next meet he’d have Sword fit for you
The castle feels more lonely without your small pitter patter of footsteps
The air is still when it should be filled with your stories of old
The garden takes more effort than he remembers when your not there to pull out the weeds
The Humandrills seem to miss your presence
It’s odd but you’d left such an impact in such a small amount of time
Mihawk wouldn’t have it any other way though
Recently on the spring island you found yourself on there had been rumours of a thief going by
Normally this wouldn’t had caught your attention
But one day as you walk past an odd eccentric man with Snow White hair in a ridiculous manner with clearly stolen objects you can’t help but be intrigued
Especially as he shifts into an alleyway, leaning against the grimy wall with a hand over his heart
Coughs racking his entire form
Almost crumbling down as the subsequent spoils of his stealing fall as well
It’s then and there you become invested in this odd man
His story
So you decide to help him
For someone’s who’s a thief you’d thinks he’d be less enthusiastic about giving out his name
But your sorrily mistaken (in a good way) as the man introduces himself as Hiriluk
A master thief of the grand line
A plunderer of countless treasures and various tales
You nod along
Listening intently to his words as you help walk him to his hideout
The poor man is still shaken after his illness acting up again
Apparently as of late it’s been worse, so much so that he fears his days are now limited
But despite that he keeps a quite chipper attitude
Somehow finding enjoyment despite his circumstances
He’s…much like yourself in that sense
Finding joy even in the bleak conditions of your reality
It…is nice in some sense
To find someone a lot like yourself in mindset
Makes conversation much more interesting as you both talk of similar viewpoints
Much like you he is plagued with a curse that follows him everywhere he goes
From island to island
No matter the pace he canning escape his disease
A factor of his life that he must now deal with as he enjoys the time he has left
He’d given up on a cure by now
But…despite that you can’t help but research a bit to at least try
He appreciates the effort but solemnly admits that he’s tried everything
Hell, his island is known for their doctors and they couldn’t help him
He’s a lost cause like anyone with white lead disease
It’s a fact he accepts
And sadly you do so as well
Your stand only works for you
It’s entire purpose is for its user and not for anyone else
Not versatile or has any multiple uses
At least not that you knew of anyways
So on that factor you can’t do anything
So as you accept that fact you instead focus on spending time with the man
Listening to him get drunk and talk of someone named Kureha
An “old witch” with a stubborn edge and sharp tongue
But also has a kind heart
Someone who became a doctor for a reason, to help others as best she could even if she caused some chaos in the process
An odd one just like him (and you he adds with a smile) someone who didn’t fit in with the crowd
But maybe that was ok
Being different could very much be a curse for several reasons
Especially in a judgmental society that is maintained by the world government
But that otherness was also a blessing
Weirdness serving as a catalyst for so many wonderful things
For new ideas
For stubborn creativity that wouldn’t be snuffed out but instead burn bright
For brining together the people society looked down upon and giving them a chance to rise up
Your stay on the island is coming to a close but despite that Hiriluk doesn’t panic or seem depressed at the thought
Instead he finds happiness in the time still left
The conversations that have been spoken
The time he has left in this world being used for something truly nice
Not just stealing
Instead now truly engaging with life
The spring island your both on is now at its fullest bloom
The place was somewhat famous for how beautiful it was but neither of you had yet to see it
So the day before you go you asked if he’d like to go see it with you before you left
A last hurrah
One that would be spent watching the cherry blossoms in full bloom and have lunch
He agreed
The next morning is spent with him getting snacks of all kinds
Him packing them in a small basket as you lead him with the directions you got from locals
The two of you go up the hill overlooking the light pink trees in full bloom
His hand gripping yours as he goes still in shook
The sight is breath taking
Even the air from your lungs is seemingly sucked out at the sight of the trees in full bloom
The petals gently cascading down like snow around you
Getting stuck in your hair and pooling in his cupped hands
His eyes tear up and stare down at the pink petals
It’s breathtaking
And for the first time in a long while he feels ok
There was no blockage in his chest
Nor the looming grip of death on his shoulders
He felt cured
Like an average man that he always wanted to
The dream of his that died long ago in a doctors office when they said it was incurable
But now as he stares he feels hope
Something igniting in him in place of his Illness
These small fluttering petals had an impact on him just as you had
It cured him somehow
You showing him this magical sight cured him
And now he wanted to do that for others
He wanted to show the people of his bleak winter island this magnificent sight
To see pink instead of the white fluttering snow
To see trees not covered in snow that dampened their beauty
To feel the air escape their lungs
The lunch goes by quickly as does your leaving but both of you do so with a smile
He sets off with a new goal and you wish him luck
Telling him that you believe he’d somehow come up with a solution cause people like the two if you always did somehow
He smiles
When he returns back to his home island he sets out to be a doctor
To help cure others just as you had done with him
Some of The petals he collected that day kept in a small glass jar he kept as a souvenir and for testing
When Kureha calls him crazy he takes the words in pride
Recalling back on your time spent together
That odd little kid who had a spirit beyond their days
One who would humour his ramblings
Took him to that fateful place of blooming Sakura that would go on to change his life course forever
A parting gift in both an experience and in changing his life for the good
So he works on bringing that miracle to the winter island he lives on
Despite how impossible it seems he tries
And he tries and tries
And he keeps going despite how many times he is pushed down by yet another failure
You motivate him
The gift you gave him that he wants to share with others motivated him
His new student that in a lot of ways reminds him of you motivated him
Chopper sometimes still wonders why Hiriluk had taken him in
It lingers on the small reindeer’s mind
And it’s glaringly obvious what he’s thinking making the old “doctor” laugh
“Us weirdo’s have to stick together. I learned that from a friend of mine” as he says this the small blue nosed reindeer watches as the man pulls a framed photo off the wall. In it is him and a child with a large smile. “Hopefully one day you’ll meet them.”
“You…do you think they would accept me?”
Hiriluk let’s our a large laugh at that, clutching his sides as small tears line his eyes “if they hung around a old crazy coot like me then I’m sure they’d love you”
His young apprentice feels hope at his words
Sometimes silently staring at the picture with faint hope that one day he’d meet the doctor-….no his dad’s old friend
Perhaps in the future
But for now he had to help him find a cure
His sickness is getting worse and chopper doesn’t now if he could live with himself if he didn’t find a cure
His only lead as of now is some mushroom that can apparently cure anything
It’s a long shot but he has to try
He gazes as the photo once more
Hiriluk’s smiling face staring back along with your own
He’ll make sure Hiriluk will get to see you again
He promises it
With that the young reindeer sets off in the snow
Whenever you see the cascading petals of cherry blossoms you wonder how that odd doctor was doing
It was at reverse mountain that you had found yourself being picked up by a particular crew
The rumbar pirates had originated in the west blue
A musical band of jolly singing pirates with instruments of all kinds
All of which varied from different islands and cultures
Brough together in musical harmony
It’s amazing to you how music seems to come to them wordlessly
They play and magic is produced from their songs
So much so a baby whale follows them in their journey and is now waiting for them to return
A promise they intend to keep as the travel the sea like any good crew
Whilst the captain and crew are welcoming and friendly there’s one person in particular your drawn to
Brook is a fun and free soul
Constantly with a smile or chuckling out his odd but charming laugh
The musician teaches you piano as best he can
His hands guiding yours as the crew eagerly watch with bright smiles
Eventually as they sing and dance he has you play side by side with him
Placing his top hat in your head as they all call you “mini brook”
It’s fun
Especially as the giant of a man picks up his violin and lets you play alone
The two of you stringing together a melody that the others join in on
Dancing and singing with slurred speech and jumbled steps
Those nights feel like a haze in your mind
One with a rosy tinted filter overtop those memories
Of the songs sung
The dancing as the crew took turns showing you their groove
Taking your hands into their own and your feet atop theirs as they showed you to dance
But then the music began to die
Despite your many deaths you’d experienced and saw of pirates
This was one that was common yet still chilling
Honestly with how many ships you’d been on your surprised you’d never experienced a death like this
And it’s certainly one you’d never thought they’d have to suffer through
It starts off as one person
And then it spreads
Brook and the others keep you away from the sight
Telling you that they were just hungover
You don’t tell them you know hangovers don’t last several days
As others being to fall Brook keeps to at least trying to keep the facade of things are fine in front of you
Even as he has to take the place of their captain
He has a good facade
But you hear his sobs at night
For his fallen Crew and the fact it’s still spreading
And for you
By god is he worried for you
They’d all talked of the possibility of having you take your small shipped tied to their own and leave
But they all agree it’s too big of a risk
Their at the middle of the sea, it would be a death sentence if they let you go on your own
They can’t have that happen
Even if there’s still a chance here that you’ll die
There’s still the possibility that at least someone will spot their ship
That help can come and at least rescue you
So for now they have you stay
The symptoms come slowly
You feel more tired
Burning up
Laboured breath
Their all mortified as you one day pass out on deck
When you wake up your tucked into bed
Nearby someone sobs
You recognize his voice and blurred figure despite your senses being dulled
Small shaky hands reach for his
And he reciprocated the action repeating that he’s sorry
That he’s so sorry
That it’s his fault
That he was supposed to keep you safe
You say it isn’t his fault but it falls on deaf ears
He keeps crying even as he coughs
You keep saying it’s alright even as it feels harder to breath
Eventually even though everyone is dead or on the brink of dying they decide to do one last number
One last piece
Binks booze
You sit beside Brook having to lean against him for support as both his and your hands drift along the ivory keys
The songs plays full force
The few left playing the tune
Some cheerfully sing with smiles and dance withe one another
But they fall first
Dying with smiles despite it all
You sing in their place along with those who are left
The singing goes down by one as yet another falls down
Violin clattering to the floor
You sing louder in his place despite how your lungs burn and throat feels as if needles scrape against it
Another violinist goes down after this
Brook shakes beside you
He keeps up a smile
You do so as well but tears escape your eyes
A quartet
The cello goes down
A trio
His smile wavers and tears trail down his face now
He’s breaking
The final goes down now
It’s just you and Brook left, but you feel yourself getting weaker
The edges of your eyes have black dotes and every time you close them it’s harder to open them once more
A duet
You keep playing for his sake
He looks down at you sobbing silently as he continues to play
Their flag waves silently in the wind
“I’m not sure how longer I can play…do you think you can do a solo?”
Tearfully he nods
Playing as you sing
Continuing even after the lyrics stop flowing from your mouth and you slump down into his side
A solo
He cries
Eventually the piano comes to a close
Despite there being no skeleton of you to put with the rest of the memorial Brook doesn’t question it
The sight of Your body disappearing into golden light was just a trick of the mind all those years ago to help with the grief of him failing you
He knows he went insane a long time ago
He’s spent years alone at sea mulling over their deaths, of yours and the promise to Laboon
His mind is long gone as he wanders the old tattered ship that used to be filled with song
Despite it all he tries to put up a mask of being happy
But he never sings
Never plays music
He can’t deal with another solo
Can’t deal with that last performance
Sometimes he thinks of the songs they made
The one the crew made about you that surprisingly got popular
Based off the odd tales of stars you talked about
An undying one
He wonders if it still plays
You remember they made a song about you
It’s long forgotten to the many new sailors of the sea
But on occasion you hear it from old souls. Those who had traveled the seas for many years and had retained the songs and myths now forgotten to the new
The sound of it always makes you smile, but it is tinged with sadness as you do so
Whenever it is sung or Binks Booze you promised yourself you’d always join in
A promise to them, that kind musical crew all those years ago that suffered a horrible death from a bad stroke of luck
You carry their memory along with Laboon
Whenever you end up at reverse mountain you always sing the songs they once did to ease the whales heart ache
It can only do so much but Laboon at least stops jutting against the mountain momentarily
Wanting to one day reunite with those jolly sailors
You wish you could one day do the same
But for now you carry their memories
Their songs that house the remnants of their souls
Sometimes you swear you see their rotting ship
But you always wave it off as missing them
Of delusions of your mind as you stare out into the darkness of the sea
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implalazz · 8 months
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Asked for some yokai fusions on reddit, this is the first batch
L-R: Frostysol, Nonoko, Venyan, Lord Lie-in, Slimatina, Whisbuzz
Some thoughts on these designs under the cut
Yayyyyyy thoughts on these because I like talking, esp about my creative process
Frostysol: I WILL SAY RIGHT NOW I KNOW I FUCKED UP THE KOSODE MASSIVELY, IT DOESN’T HAVE SLEEVES & IT’S TOO BIG….. I literally only had two ideas for this desgin, one was inspired by the yuki onna segment's backgrounds from Kwaidan & the other was inspired by the spirits from Kuro Neko. The eyes in the backgrounds of yuki onna were so striking & I had just watched the movie recently so it was still fresh in my mind. I knew I wanted her to be closer to a real yuki onna rather than just a cute snow girl spirit. And in that regard Kuro Neko helped with that. I guess subconsciously I wanted her to give off vibes of an unsuspecting girl who kills you & turns out to be a yokai. I thought a kosode would make more sense historically than a random cape, but also idk if young girls wore kosode like that or if it was just adult women. Had no ideas how to incorporate pallysol so I just used him for little details. He's more prevalent in the design intentionally than physically
Nonoko: Pretty simple what do I say. Uh I thought I could do a clover for the tail rather than a heart like Bloominoko. Wanted to make him even fatter than he is cuz he's Noko x2, also made his spots clover shaped cuz what's more lucky than a four leafed clover? An eight leafed clover! Or two four leafed clovers..... Also gave him double teeth & some little wing shaped clovers on his head kinda like Dudunsparce. This one didn't have a lot of thought go into it, I just kinda did what felt natural
Venyan: The first thing I thought about was what colour to make the fur & what colour to make the hair. I decided on red hair cuz it would pop more with dark blue fur. Also made his face pattern a part of his hair cuz he doesn’t have enough room on his face for it with Venocts bangs. I wanted him to be kind of a shitty little bastard, a real cat kinda cat. A good mix of their personalities y’know. Didn’t have much going on with this design either other than I didn’t want the scarf to be all bulky with the dragons cuz Jibanyan is very squart, so I moved them to the tails. Also just because that looks cooler. Had a hell of a time drawing them, I have experience drawing dragons but I’ve always been bad at drawing them roaring or snarling, they look okay but not great.
Lord Lie-in: Also had a bit of trouble combining these two, makes sense cuz I put this one off for more than a few weeks. Didn’t wanna give him big spiky saiyan hair so he got some stray hairs in the front. Took his face framing bangs & tied them up cuz I always like that look (They’re two different pieces tied individually then tied together, so there’s two mini ponytails instead of one. Also had to deliberate on the hair colours cuz I knew I wanted him to have white fur. One of my favourites was red hair with light blue ends but I didn’t go with that one cuz his outfit is mostly red. I also DID NOT feel like giving him a whole kimono (mostly for silhouette reasons) so I just gave him Miku-like sleeves. I originally wanted to give him split leg hakama but when looking at reference I remembered “Oh yeah these things have a lot of pleats & the crotch is pretty low so that’s not great for the silhouette I have in mind.” I gave him harem-esque pants & if you look closely at the upper thigh you can see a little slit in the side of them. Underneath his waist plate & top, the pants tie together like hakama do so I guess I got the hakama in a little bit. I didn’t have any room for his arm warmers so I made them into gloves & gave him the kind of socks that I don’t know what they’re called (Catra has them & I think they’re cool). Also gave him tengu cuz they look cooler than whatever Lie-in Heart has going on. Also cuz it makes him more like “Woah what a bold guy/character!!” And don’t ask how the sword fits in that sheath, idk magic or something he’s the king of the yokai he can do whatever he wants
Slimatina (or Frostymander): Again not much going on here it’s pretty simple. Gave the lower body muscles cuz I noticed the lower body of Slimamander kind of looked like a chest & also just cuz that makes it more creepy. I gave the main body/head some hair clips resembling the patterns on the bulbs of the other heads. Also made the openings in the head look more like a woman’s mouth cuz again, makes it creepy, but also I just thought it would fit more with the Frostina part. Also gave the main heads head eyelashes that look like the openings on the other heads. Decided to give her a cape this time cuz I’m not fuckin around with another kosode. I don’t know if it comes off in the piece but I wanted her cape to be flying up like she just summoned a harsh wind. Last thing is I gave her an eye ornament on her obi & a specially tied obijime cuz I saw one tied like that on google & I thought it looked cute
Whisbuzz: YET AGAIN SAY IT WITH ME! NOT! MUCH! GOING! ON!!!!!! Uhh gave him a frown cuz he’s depressed or whatever, made the top of his hood look like Whispers…… ahoge???? Made his wings wispy on the ends. That’s about it. Fun fact before I drew that one I had another one but I scrapped it because it looked too much like a sperm cell :]
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omaano · 3 months
SW Hades AU June Update
Other monthly updates: May - June - July - August
This month I’ve had some time to organize my notes and plans for my Star Wars meets Hades AU - I have a massive table for all of the characters, which original Hades game character they had been modeled after, and whether they need portraits/tokens/keepsakes/crests/etc. it’s colour coded and everything. (Fennec had to be cut out from the lineup and I’m hopelessly heartbroken about the whole thing* 😭)
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Everyone has an icon who needs one (I’m sorry about the Echo and Fives one, okay? But they come as a package deal, and I also wanted to make sure that Echo is easily distinguishable from all the other clone characters and not just the average looking clone guy next to Fives who - by order of elimination - must be Echo), and everyone has a crest who needs one (except for maybe Barriss… I feel like that the Jedi order symbol doesn’t fully fit her, but for now I will keep it as a place holder. I can't come up with anything better for her at the moment T^T. The froggie returned to the “chtonic companions” line (it is exactly the plushie that Echo and Fives would give Grogu), and now there is Batcher too! If you notice any similarities between Batcher and Boba’s old rancor rag doll, it’s mostly because I took that one and modified it to fit the lurca hound, since they have a similar back ridge pattern.
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I also think that it could be a cute in-universe thing if the Batcher doll had been modified from the rancor. Timelines are very flexible in this AU anyway, so it could be totally plausible.
Speaking of! I have a character sketch for Omega and Batcher!
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It took me a while to settle on which version of Omega I wanted to put into this AU, but I am very happy with what I could come up with in the end. I had some trouble with what to do with her face, since Hades is really lacking in young teenage characters, and even Melinoe and Eris from Hades2 didn’t prove to be of much help, so I allowed a bit more of my own style to slip back in. With everything else I think it hit a nice enough balance. I mixed her s2 and s3 appearance into one outfit and gave her back her hat and old crossbow (I know she got a new one from Echo, but I prefer how this one sticks out over her shoulder).
This seems to be a girls’ update, since the next sketch I want to share concepts Bo-Katan and her Nite Owls! I’ve wanted to add them to this AU for ages, but all that armor and posing had just seemed too much of a hassle up until I had to seriously distract myself from some irl stress. So now I’ve got the trio to stand in for the fury sisters as first bosses. (I'll need to adjust Koska a little, I see it now)
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God bless whoever’s decided to make one of those 30 cm action dolls of these guys, they had been so helpful when it came to looking up reference details! (While we are at details: I made Koska left handed (I think? Or opposite handed at the very least) because I had been coming up with their composition under the impression that she had her flame thrower in her right vambrace like Din and Boba do, which, upon further inspection, she does not ^^;)
Some in-universe thoughts regarding them: 1) Din can very much lose the Darksaber to whoever kicks his ass if he runs with is as his weapon of choice, and then has to return to reclaim it from that enemy (he doesn’t want to but they are in his way), and if he loses it either to her or another enemy Bo-Katan will most definitely have an opinion on the matter. 2) Boba is more than happy to swoop in as a “godly call” against Koska. If he has the option to claim the Call boon from Boba, it's a pretty good indicator that it will be Koska waiting for him at the end of the level. 3) After a while and enough encounters Axe starts showing up around and in the arena on this AU’s equivalent of the Elysium level. Paz would do anything not to have to talk about that minor detail. (Din: "Why does Axe Woves keep calling you baby girl?" Paz *steam escaping from the edge of his helmet* "how about we stop talking for a while." <- This meme has been on my mind for months, now you have to suffer it with me XD) After that it’s a boss fight of Din vs Paz and Axe.
This post is getting a bit long, so I will leave my progress with Obi-wan’s background to the next update. I will also make a separate post on the new little portrait icons, but I really liked how cute Rex and Omega looked next to each other in the big lineup Q^Q
*the only thing that made me dedicate myself to this decision with a heavy heart is that Fennec had been in the Bad Batch, and that would give me the ideal excuse to imagine her in a Hades2 inspired AU where she is helping Omega (as a stand in for Melinoe). I’ve thought a lot about this even before the test version of the game came out, and a lot of it would track now that I’ve seen some game play and story and characters but. Let’s not be delusional, I can barely keep up with this project, and the Hades2 art style, while super pretty, has a twist on the first game's art style that makes me want to cry when I think about replicating it ^^; so that just remains a nice little thought experiment.
Ventress went through the same thing, mostly because I think that in a strange way she would fit very well with Hecate's role. Especially after that s3 episode where she had her cameo with her new fancy haircut.
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More little details that you might have missed/forgotten about in Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom
(Part 4, I think)
1) When Bahjan said that if she didn’t eat anything he would have to force-feed her, Inej’s immediate reaction was to reply that if he tried then she’d bite his fingers off and honestly I just love that so much what a damn icon
2) It also took Inej all of five minutes to become suspicious that Bajhan and Alys were having an affair, and there are several instances later in the book that heavily imply her to be correct
3) When Jesper was a kid and first realised that he could pull colour from objects, his first instinct was to bleach a massive swear word across his father’s jurda field; this will never fail to amuse me
4) In the first chapter of Six of Crows, Leigh has Joost wish that Anya’s eyes were blue instead of brown because they would be easier to compliment, then spent the rest of two novels having Kaz and Inej internally describe and compliment each other’s brown eyes over and over again - it gets me every time
5) When Colm first arrives in Ketterdam and Jesper is terrified to tell him the truth of what’s going on, Wylan panics and makes up a lie about being duped out of their money. He also immediately takes the blame, claiming that he suggested to Jesper that they took a deal that turned out to be false. Not only is this linking to the point the books like to bring across about the best lies being close to the truth by referencing the deal with Van Eck going south, but it’s also a heartbreaking nod to Wylan’s trauma when he internally explains his reasoning for doing it; that he couldn’t bare the idea of Colm’s stress and confusion turning to anger that he would take out on Jesper. We as the reader know Colm to be a wonderful man and a far cry from Van Eck, and although Wylan quickly learns this in that exact moment it’s a dark nod to the paralysing fear he had of his own father because of the abuse he suffered, and the terror that every parent is like that and he has to put himself in the way to protect Jesper.
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seakicker · 2 years
you are so weird for wanting merman childe to knock you up full with his eggs. that’s literally so gross. please don’t describe in great, exact detail how big his merman dick is, the shape, if it curves, the colour, how much cum he can produce, does he even produce cum or just eggs and how big his cum and/or eggs would make you. that and knowing how he feels about knocking you up with merbabies would really, really make me upset.
afab + gn reader, oviposition, breeding, pregnancy, and monsterfucking below!
i am absurd for wanting a massive clutch of merman childe's eggs nestled safe and sound in my womb, you're right. i'd like you to consider merchilde with a prehensile cock because that just fits mermen so well in my opinion... what's better than a cock that's essentially a tentacle exploring your holes, prodding at every last sensitive spot inside of you with pinpoint precision in a way a human cock can't, and slithering through your folds just to make you squirm from the strange, slimy sensation rubbing against the most delicate part of your body?
his cock typically rests safe and sound inside of a slit on his crotch when unaroused, but when it's mating season or when he gets horny (or when you otherwise unknowingly arouse him bc boy do i love the idea of a human reader accidentally initiating some kind of merfolk mating custom), it emerges from that slit and grows nice and big in preparation to fill you with eggs. it's the same color as his tail -- i like to imagine a deep cyan -- and has a thick, thick base. that girth gradually tapers off the closer you get to the tip, which is nice and thin and small enough to trace perfectly around your clit.
see, i like the idea of childe being able to make cum and eggs so his babies are just a little batch of mini-childes with all of his genetic information-- you're just an incubator and nothing more in this sort of scenario since you're not supplying any genetic material yourself. i like the idea of humans being used as incubators... he hypothesizes that a single merman being able to supply the eggs and the sperm is some way of ensuring a successful breeding since the ocean is a little more cutthroat, unsafe, and cruel than human life is; it's easier to create offspring when it only takes one being and when mermen produce far more eggs than the amount that'll actually make it to full-term. the cum's a lot different from human cum, though... it's colder, slimier/runnier, and he makes much more of it than humans do. it's only natural when he has multiple eggs to fertilize-- humans really only have to worry about one egg at a time; twins or other sets of multiples are the exception, not the rule!
and oh, is he delighted to take advantage of how shocked holding so many babies at one time makes your body feel. he knows that human bodies are typically used to one child at a time, so when he manages to pump 10 or so eggs (a typical clutch size for his species, he explains) in you at one time? he's just delighted by how beautifully you swell and how easy it is to reduce you to a breathless, shaky mess because of the intense amount of effort it takes to carry such a heavy tummy around all day. it's unlikely that all ten make it to full term because of crowding and just general shell weakness, but it doesn't matter-- you're guaranteed to have a clutch of at least four when they're ready to lay. i like to imagine they have a soft, jellylike shell and are birthed just like that; they hatch on their own outside of the body. you're just there to keep 'em warm until they're ready to crack!
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cult-of-the-eye · 11 months
@itisonlyeyes your henna design has made me think about jmart south Asian wedding and I'm Not Ok
Jon in a beautifully gorgeous deep green, bedazzled kurta/lehenga hybrid so like slightly more masculine kurta with some small, neat embroidery on the edges with a flowy huge lehenga skirt
He didn't go for the dupatta/orna/scarf cause hes still not great with potential restrictions of movement
He's all decked out in the bridal jewellery - my man is wearing the Biggest silver earrings, he's got the massive fake nose piercing that connects to his hair and hes SLAYING. (Maybe his grandma passed them down??)
You bet he's got that brooding bridal look down!! Although he sees Martin and he cannot keep it up for the life of him he's just a smiling mess
There's no loud music. (I know I'm sorry but it's them, the music is simple and meaningful and the guest list is small so its not quite the usual south Asian wedding but they enjoy themselves)
Martin is dressed very smartly in a light blue kurta, with billowing embroidery etching it's down up the kurta's sleeves and following in henna down his hands
He'd wearing light blue nail polish to match and his hair is dyed the same colour at the edges
I like the idea of Jon and martin sitting down and talking about what they wanted and coming up with the rituals not cause of the religious or cultural significance but because of what it meant to them specifically.
Like they do vows cause Martin has always loved that part of weddings and let's be honest, he just wants a chance to say nice things about Jon without him protesting and Jon agrees cause of literally the same reason (they're not good at compliments)
They do the turns around the fire but they hold hands instead of being tied to each other cause they feel like it represents how they chose each other and they do 15 turns cause it's Martin's lucky number (they first met on the 15th October 2015)
They skip the haldi cause sensory issues
They instead get everyone to make their own flower garlands and give them to each other and obviously Jon and Martin make each others flower garlands and Jon mostly agrees to it cause Martin seemed enthusiastic about it and he did want to keep the giving each other flower garland ritual but he gets the Most Excited about it in the end cause hes super detail oriented about his, making sure each flower is specifically positioned how he wants it to and Martin's going off just vibes. They must be the correct vibes but vibes nonetheless.
I love the idea of doing the bride's side has to steal the grooms shoes and the grooms side has to stop this from happening so we can get Shenanigans (Tim is the most intense about this. Gerry comes a close second. Sasha wins though.)
There aren't so much sides, cause everyone's friends with both, which makes the shoe game even more intense cause you never know when people will swap sides.
Gerry does their henna. He just gives off good at drawing vibes I dunno.
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mysterycitrus · 4 months
oh man i thought i was the only one getting Kinda Sick of redondo’s inability to draw more than one and a half types of facial features (all of which are Wide And Muscular)
like he’s objectively a good artist, i’m just… he’s never drawn dick in a way that looks right to me
ive never been a massive fan of redondo’s art because it’s kind of the metaphorical cherry-on-top for how reductive tom taylors nightwing is. i don’t think it’s controversial to say that the layouts and style (as well as the writing) are very similar to fraction ajas hawkeye, but redondos art just feels really….. idk. sterile? which is a really really weird thing to say about a comic set in bludhaven. where’s the grit?? the grime?? why does everyone look like they’ve had the pores airbrushed??
aja’s style is very distinct and like… textured. it’s purposely minimal so when he focuses on on the details it’s easily legible to the reader. there aren’t many artists who can successfully go through a whole issue of a comic with almost no dialogue twice over and still portray some exceptional storytelling. like this is so gd good
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but regardless of ajas style, i think those kind of page layouts are much more successful with artists like leonardo romero, who does draw characters distinct to each other, and also does really great splashes
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even ignoring that tho, and ignoring that dicks skin colour is literally blinding white, i also haven’t ever liked how he’s been drawn and how everyone looks so similar. idk like technically he’s very skilled, but his art reminds me more of expensive corporate advertising than comic books
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a-killer-obsession · 3 months
It's a SMUT Blog so I'm not shy to ask 😋.. Kid and Killers dicks..how do they differ from eachother? Length and Girth? Piercings? Hair? Circumsized with thick veins? 🤤
I saw this right before going to sleep but I was too eepy to answer, so instead I just kept thinking about it which means now it's gonna be a whole thing *flexes fingers*
I won't talk on circumcised tho cos its not really a thing in my country so I don't know much about it, in all my years of slutting around I never met a circumcised dick, but I'll include some other saucy details
Anway, now presenting:
☠️ Kid Pirates ☠️
Equipment headcannons 🍆
🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
Smallest of the gang in length at barely 7" but built like a fucking monster energy can with a girth that'll split you right in fucking half
No piercings, thick prominent veins. Hes pale as hell and that extends to his dick, with skin that translucent its practically red when it's engorged
I think since he never even has stubble after being in prison that he can't actually grow a beard, so by that thinking I reckon he doesn't actually have much hair on the rest of his body other than a thin ginger scattering. So his bush is bright fucking red and untrimmed but there's not that much to begin with
The biggest balls you'll ever see on a man, he's built for breeding
Decently big loads when he comes, but they're super thick so they don't go far
Absolutely rancid dick tho tbh, it'll have you gagging for all the wrong reasons. Someone get this man in a bath fr
Second longest after Wire at 8", slender and fairly smooth, the prettiest dick you'll ever see with a slight curve (like his scythes, ha)
One piercing at the end that Kid convinced him to get, he'll use his devil fruit to vibrate it if he wants Killer's ✨️attention✨️
Slightly darker than his tan skin, pretty in pink at the head
Thick blonde pubes that stand out against his tanned skin, with a lovely happy trail, but he keeps it tidy and clean 👌
Cums a shit ton, long thin spurts that'll cover your whole torso and maybe even get your face if he's pent up. Masturbating is a whole fucking ordeal for him cos of the cleanup
Grower, but impressive flacid anyway
7.5", somewhere between Kid and Killer's girth, slightly more bulbous towards the end.
Strange colour considering his strange grey-brown skin. His dick is almost purple brown, more purple at the head.
Set of three piercings like a ladder up the underside. Veiny but not as prominent as Kid.
Full bush baby, and its WILD down there. Thick blue pubes to match his hairy legs and happy trail, he's never even considered trimming.
The most average cumshots of the crew, a pretty regular amount, generic consistency, short spurts, maybe long enough to hit your tits if he's pent up. Absolutely drips precum though
Shower (I realise now that word has two meanings. I mean show-er. Obviously)
An absolute fucking monster to match his height. 10" and THICK. Got into BDSM purely because it takes so fucking long to prep someone to take him that he needed something to spice up the long foreplay. There's no possibility for a quickie with this man, its a whole ordeal (please ask me about my Kid Pirate kinks please please please 🙏 edit: here they are)
Dark brown, almost chocolate at the tip. Veiny as hell. So big and heavy that it can't support it's own weight so its always dropping even full mast
Clean shaved, Wire is a man who takes the upmost pride and care when it comes to his dick. No piercings because his dick is already so massive he's scared the pressure would rip them clean out when he fucks
Hes like a endless fucking volcano when he cums and it's THICK. He prefers to finish inside but it's always so much that combined with his size it simply won't all fit. You'll be dripping for hours afterwards
Shower, I don't know where this man is keeping it in those shorts, tucked for sure
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So I am aware that I am the only person making Edward II content as far as I can see, bUT if you are writing/drawing my guy then here is some advice from a MASSIVE Edward II nerd:
let's discuss Edward's appearance in excessive detail (yay)
Ok so. The basics: he had blond curly hair that reached his shoulders, parted in the middle in the style of the time. And a beard. Or at least he does in his effigy, in which we can imagine he is 43, his age at the time of death.
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I mean. Let's take a moment to appreciate his hair. It is A Look that I want to emulate with all my heart ands soul. Just me? Fine.
In earlier depictions of him he is clean shaven. For example, this drawing of him when he was accepting the title of Prince of Wales from his father
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look at my little guy (literally little, because the picture turned out tiddly and I don't know why). Lmao. Anyway, here are some more pictures of Edward II.
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I sometimes see people say that this is a young Edward III, but as this was produced in 1326 I doubt it. I rarely see drawings of royalty before they become active in politics, which Edward III at the tender age of 14 had not yet become. So it's more likely that this is just a very youthful looking Edward II.
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Again, this is probably Edward II. It's not specified, but it was produced during his reign so we can safely assume it's the man himself.
ok, so those are some drawings of him, what next?
unfortunately we don't know what his eye colour or complexion was. I'd imagine his eyes were probably blue or grey as it's quite rare to have blond hair and dark eyes. Also (and yes, I am looking too deeply into this, but shush), both his parents had dark hair, so for him to have lighter coloured hair would suggest a lack of pigmentation in hair and eyes, which would also lead to poor eyesight. (I can confirm this because I have the same problem. Both my parents have dark brown hair and dark eyes but I am blond and blue eyed as the pigmentation in my hair and eyes didn't develop as quickly as normal - it's common for white people to be blond when born and then for their hair to darken, but with me this is happening much more slowly than it did for my parents. As a result my eyesight is so bad that I can't buy glasses frames thick enough to contain the lenses lmao.)
here are what some of Edward's contemporaries had to say about him (quotes taken from Kathryn Warner's excellent blog)
"tall and strong, a fine figure of a handsome man"
"fair of body and great of strength"
"of a well-formed and a handsome person"
"one of the strongest men of his realm"
(To be honest the fact that he was super hot seems to be his only redeeming feature in the eyes of the monks.)
Edward enjoyed 'unkingly' activities such as digging ditches, thatching roofs and doing blacksmith work, so we can imagine that he was really strong (the quotes back this up). His father, Edward I, was six foot two so Edward II would have been pretty tall too.
So, in conclusion, if you're writing/drawing Edward II give him awesome hair. Give him dirt under his fingernails. Give him muscles. For the love of God don't turn him into the Braveheart version.
(also, when I look up references to the muscular structure most of the drawings that come up look like they're on steroids. don't put Edward on steroids. The strongest men in the world don't have ridiculously defined muscles. They just look 'bulky' or 'barrel chested'. So yeah :).)
Hope this helps!!! If not, at least this has been an excuse to ramble about Edward II.
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chimera-dolls · 2 months
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What I spent my night doing. World's tiniest manicure. 💅
Storm twins were the first two dolls I got, and at a discount during amazon sales - aaand on opening them, what can I say; they'd clearly been in the box forever. Both twins' arms are stained, at least to my eye, the colour doesn't match the body (but I'm also a highly suspected tetrachromat so it might be a me problem), Naomi's faceup is scuffed and she had a MASSIVE stain from her wallet on her right hand. The fact they are a limited edition gave me pause - this is the first time I've owned something like that in a doll - but as soon as I saw the staining the gloves were off this, so to speak.
So this is my sort of test run on Naomi's right hand, acetone to remove the paint since I wasn't getting anywhere fast with isopropyl alcohol. It DOES melt the plastic slightly, it will take the sheen off but I don't really mind a more matte skin tone anyway, it's just watching not to overwork sections with a q-tip that I end up flattening the sculpt. Detail shot is before a final clean before putting her hand back on. Trimmed with cuticle cutters because length is just not my taste (and I'm trying to take the hands off as little as possible and those nails catch on everything), filed with a crystal nail file before trimmng down any hanging bits. Black base for the nails was acrylic, acrylic gold on the tips with a purple pearlescent mica powder on top before a coat of Mr Super Clear (I can't remember the specifics of that right now, it's this ancient tiny bottle I bought for a custom draculara probably a literal DECADE ago. No I don't have pictures, lost em :V)
I'll paint the rings back on again when I've decided exactly what colour to go for + what I'm doing with the skin situation (thinking of mica highlighter? idk. Might blush limbs too but we'll find out). Scratched a little with a needle I was trying to bring definition back but not too torn up about it since this is a test run and it looked SO MUCH WORSE than when I started. Helped me figure out process, what matters.
Shout out to my magnification lamp I bought, carried the weight of a god for this one. (Also yes those are custom pants she has on, maybe I'll show laterr)
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