#because i asked ela to ask me xD
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lilolilyr · 1 month ago
What Mando’a have you learned yet?
Heh I know I said on my rec list here that I remember 90 words and that was true at the time but because I take ages to reply to asks it's been a while, so let's see what I still remember now, I've mostly read clone wars fic lately, nothing with that much Mando'a...
Gonna try to structure this a bit to try and remember more. Also btw this is definitely just what I remember from what I've learned via fic reading osmosis, so take this with a grain of salt, for actual Mando'a knowledge there are a couple online dictionaries you could check out!
...I've spent 35 minutes trying to remember All The words xDxD fandom brainrot much lmao, why can't I get obsessed with like an actual useful language xD anyway lots of words below the cut, indeed over 90! Lots of words on weapons and family which tracks with Mandalorian culture xD but also a whole bunch of other random words!
Mando'a - Mandalorian language, manda'yaim - planet Mandalore, mando'ade - mandalorians (children of Mandalore), Manda - the mandalorian Force (the council of fallen mandalorian warriors), kara - stars/the Force, jetii - Jedi, jetiise - Jedi plural, dar'jetii - darksider/sith, aruueti - outsider or traitor, dar'manda - no longer mandalorian, demagolka - monstrous criminal
Counting 10 words
Weapons and stuff:
Buy'ce - helmet, beskat - sword, beskar'gam - armor, kar'ta beskar - heart of the armor, jetii'kad - lightsaber, kom'rk - vambraces, hal'cabure - chest plate, cabur - guardian, arane - also guardian/protector? Not sure whether there's a difference, ramikad - fighter, ori'ramikaade - supercommandos, deece - gun
Counting 12 words
Aliit - family, ad - child(son/daughter), adiik - child, ikaad - baby/infant/toddler, vod(e) - sibling(s), buir(e) - parent(s), ad'vod - nibling, ba'vodu - aunt/uncle, ba'buir - grandparent
Counting 9 words
Riduruuk - marriage (vows), riduur - spouse, cyare - beloved, cyar'ika - darling, copikla - cute
Counting 5 words
Jobs & skills:
Baar'ur: healer/medic, mir'baarur - therapist/mindhealer, hibir - student, baji - teacher, bajuri - teach/educate/raise, goran - blacksmith, alor - leader, mand'alor - mandalorian king
Counting 8 words
Body parts:
Shebs - ass, kar'ta - heart, tal - blood
Counting 3 words (and I can't believe I forgot the words for head and chest and limbs. Also a bunch of words are used for private parts but most of them I'm sure are made up slang like deece (gun) for dick so I won't count those xD)
Dikut - idiot, mir'shebs - smartass, shabuir - motherfucker, din'la - crazy, hut'uun - (goddamn I can't speak English anymore. The opposite of brave???)
Counting 5 words
Yaim - home, kar'yai - living room, Khedabe - keep/city of Keldabe, khi'khedabe - little Keldabe (the enclave on Coruscant), Coruscanta - planet coruscant
Counting 5 words
Pronouns etc:
Gar - you, ni - I, mhi - we, sa - mine
Counting 4 words
Kyr - death, gai - name, solus - one/alone, tome - together, dar'tome - apart, haat - truth, evaar - new, ijaat - honor, haa'it - vision, kyr'tayl - know, darasuum - forever, jate - good, ori'jate - very good, ori'haat - promise, ni ceta - I kneel (an apology), nayc - no, elek - yes, nu draar - no way!/not possible, an - all, bar - and, dinui - share, tuur - day, var'tuur - morning (new day), shereshoy - lust for life, ne'tra gal - (a strong alcohol), tingilaar - (a spicy stew), tihaar - (an alcoholic beverage), shig - (a mandalorian spice tea), olarum - welcome, oya - let's go, cin - white, tra - black,
Counting 32 words
So unless I've counted wrong we're at 93 words. Not bad! Pretty close to my guess from a month ago, and I'm pretty sure I've forgotten some in the meantime (or just can't think of them right now, there are always some that I can translate when I see the English word but can't think of when making a list in one go), so it's actually more than I expected!
+ these phrases etc:
Haat' mando'ade/haat'ade - true Mandalorians (Jaster Mereel's fraction), evaar('mando)'ade - new mandalorians backed by the Republic led by the Kryze family, kyr'stad - deathwatch (terrorists)
Jate var'tuur - good morning, Gai bel Manda: Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad - adoption vow: I know your name as my child, riduruuk: mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mi me'nidui an, mhi bajuri verde - marriage vows: we are one together, we are one apart, we share all, we will raise warriors, ni kar'tayl gar darasuum - I will now you forever (I love you)
I don't quite know this one yet: 'today is a good day for someone else to die', it's a saying for going into a battle, especially when it's for revenge
Thank you for the ask xD
Edit: yeah looking at my list from the last time I counted my vocab there are a bunch of really easy ones I've forgotten to list here
Me'ven - what, Me'vaar (ti gar) - anything new? (Hey, how's it going), Su'cuy gar/su'cuy - hi (still alive), Returce'mhi/ret - bye (let's meet again), mandokarla - has Mandalorian spirit, udeesi - calm (down), Cin vetin - blank slate (white fields), Nasaade - nameless/clanless, Dha'kad - darksaber, Dral'han - mandalorian excision, ven'alor - next in line to lead, ven'riduur - fiancé, Mesh'la - beautiful, Osik - Shit, Kute - Bodysuit, Naas - nothing/nope (I'm fine), jare'la - stupidly brave
So def over a hundred word mandalorian vocab, just from reading too much fic xD
Also I remember the words Koyaci and Kandosi but I don't remember what they mean??? Gotta look them up one of these days
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moonspirit · 3 months ago
Hello Moon, I hope you're doing well 🧡☺️
Can you answer for the ask game about 9, 15, 16 ?
Hi ela! I've been doing okay, thank you! How are you?
9. a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy
Ahhhh well it's less of a ship and more of a *threesome* lmao, but I really enjoy thinking about the 3 Paradis boys post-rumbling. Armin, Jean and Connie are so so far away from home and cannot go back for some years to come, they are the three in the group who share memories going back the farthest. There's something warm about having friends who have grown up in the same place as you, and I like to imagine the conversations and mishaps these three silly boys will get into as they continue to live :3
15. the character that always makes you smile
This isn't even a question xD But BEHOLD: The Only Boy to Ever Boy
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16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
I know some people interpret the Helos Parallel as related to Reiner, but personally, I think of it as connected to Armin instead. It's interesting to me because the Tybur Family colluded with King Fritz to present Helos as a Hero, and in the present the same thing happens with Eren and Armin, where Eren *colludes* with Ymir to present Armin (& Co) as a hero too. It's just a parallel I go "oohhh hehe" about lmao xD
Thank you so much for the asks and please take care! :>
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pibbydollwiths · 1 month ago
No se ustedes,pero yo por alguna razón,siempre senti(no desde hace mucho) de que tanto el personaje de ergo(de ask-cueball) y agetha(de kaaatie/fpe si es que lo ultimo se le coinsidera de allí xd) se llevarian bien de alguna uh otra forma(tomando en cuenta que ambos son como un tipo de "virus de computadora") podrian tener algunas cualidades distintas como no se,que ambos son muy sonrientes y no les importa a nadie más xd?(ni se que dije pero meh)
Ademas como aprovechando que como mencione,agetha y ergo podrian de alguna uh otra forma llevarse bien,aunque claro,tambien esta la posibilidad de que ambos se peleen por algo ya sea razonable uh incluso estupido que (cosa que a mi me daria algo de risa para mi xd)
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Siento que su relacion serian los tipicos hermanos del mayor al menor de que se pelearan por cualquier cosa hasta lo minimo(y lo mencionado de allá arriba)
y tambien deseo mencionar al creador/@ por esta maravillosa obra del AU en el que se basa ergo y la trama de tanto orbot como cubot y de ergo y posiblemente de tribot(debido que a este ultimo no se si es parte d ela historia oh no xd)
*~english version~*
I don't know about you, but for some reason, I always felt (not since long ago) that both the character of ergo (from ask-cueball) and agetha (from kaaatie/fpe if the latter is considered from there xd) would get along in some way (taking into account that they are both like a type of "computer virus") they could have some different qualities like I don't know, that they are both very smiley and nobody else cares about them xd? (I don't even know what I said but meh)
Also, taking advantage of the fact that, as I mentioned, Agetha and Ergo could get along in some way, although of course, there is also the possibility that they both fight over something that is either reasonable or even stupid (something that would make me laugh a bit for myself xd)
I feel like their relationship would be the typical brothers from the oldest to the youngest, fighting over everything, even the smallest thing (and what was mentioned above).
and I also want to mention the creator/@ for this wonderful work of the AU on which Ergo is based and the plot of both Orbot and Cubot and Ergo and possibly Tribot (because I don't know if the latter is part of the story or no xd)
@ask-cueball thi is for you :3👍
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anathemafiction · 3 years ago
Olá Ana tudo bem? Adoro o teu jogo! Estou a jogar a demo e deparei-me com a Beka (adoro a pirralha ahaha) mas surgiu a duvida se consigo voltar a interagir com ela e ganhar a conquista de "friends in low places" se a fizer fugir em vez de ficar
Hope you don't mind me answering in English since someone else may have the same question as you. Anon asked if we'd be able to mend things with Beka even if we didn't strike a deal when you first run into her, and the answer is no.
If you fail to gain her loyalty, Beka will keep away from you - or she'll be caught by the guard. Since this is a game, it's not viable to keep adding chances for certain outcomes because, honestly, it'd mean a lot of extra work on my part xD
Narratively speaking, Beka just doesn't want anything to do with you, nor does she have a reason to. Mechanically speaking, the choices you make in that encounter (with both Beka and the Guard Captain, which I guess I can spoil and say is named Cynthia) will have consequences that'll span throughout the whole series.
Different allies, different encounters… different enemies. So, it's a locking-type situation.
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r6shippingdelivery · 2 years ago
List of operators that (as of writing this ask) have made appearances in animations or cgi cinematic (not including trailers because they don't appear to be the same quality has the cinematics nor operator videos, will be including the extraction trailer story)
Let me know who's left to make an appearance and if I got anything wrong
*I guess vigil has been in both if you count the extraction reveal trailer
** I think I've made it clear by now what I think of IQ's """""appearance""""" in the sister's in arms cinematic
***a man matching bandits description appears in the Sens comic but is only a silhouette.
****same as bandit could be twitch or frost but most likely twitch. Side note there's two more shadowy figures with one Being sens and the other I couldn't tell
Holy shit, that's a very comprehensive list! Good lord man, how much time did you spend recopilating this info? xD
I think we can see a non-negligible overlap between the ops who get more screentime in both animations and CGI, and then it's mostly the new operator of the sesons (both for the comics and the animations) for the most part. And all this is just a small slice of the full roster, cause we have how many nowadays? Well over 60, 65 in concrete iirc (but I might be wrong). So yeah, most of the roster gets ignored :c
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sahphyr · 4 years ago
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PT Ow, vocês não imaginam o quanto eu lutei para conseguir fazer essas posições. O Valkyon ainda foi fácil, mas a Adarah, Deus me livre...  Enfim, decidi fazer uma ilustração da cena (da minha fanfic) em que os poderes da Adarah se manifestam pela 2ª vez. A Adarah vivia na Terra e como a Terra é atualmente pobre em Maana, os poderes dela nunca se manifestaram com força suficiente ou como deveriam. Só depois de um ano já vivendo em Eldarya (talvez um pouco mais, ainda não defini isso) é que estes começaram a acordar. Entretanto, os poderes dela despertaram completamente atrofiados e, numa primeira fase, incontroláveis, fazendo Adarah passar por dores horríveis devido ao altos valores de maana que o seu corpo não estava habituado até então. O seu corpo chegou a sobreaquecer, não por febre, mas porque Adarah não conseguia controlar essa magia dentro dela (ela controla o fogo). Nesse momento Valkyon estava com ela, levou-a a Ewelein que inicialmente ficou perdida com o estado de Adarah, e numa medida desesperada para ao menos descer a temperatura dela, pediu a um colega para a levar até ao pequeno lago que havia dentro da enfermaria com a esperança que ao menos a água arrefecesse o corpo da amiga. Valkyon não deixou e preferiu ele mesmo levar e ficar com Adarah dentro do lago Os desenhos são do momento em que ele desce para a água com ela. Eu escrevi em inglês porque acho chique  P.S: mudei também a minha assinatura (ligeiramente). Em vez de fazer um coração, agora faz uma pequena safira (que parece um diamante, mas enfim xD). EN OMG, you can't imagine how much I struggled to make these positions. Valkyon was still easy, but Adarah, God help me... Anyway, I decided to make an illustration of the scene (my fanfic) where Adarah's powers are manifested for the 2nd time. Adarah lived on Earth and as the Earth is currently poor in Maana, her powers never manifested with sufficient strength or as they should have. It was only after a year of living in Eldarya (perhaps a little more, I have not yet defined that) that they started to wake up. However, her powers woke up completely atrophied and, at first, uncontrollable, causing Adarah to suffer horrible pain due to the high values ​​of maana that her body was not used to until then. Her body came to overheat, not because of a fever, but because Adarah could not control the magic inside her (she controls fire). At that moment Valkyon was with her, took her to Ewelein who was initially lost with her state, and in a desperate measure to at least lower her temperature, asked a colleague to take her to the small lake inside the infirmary with the hope that at least the water would cool her friend's body. Valkyon did not leave and preferred to take Adarah to the lake himself. The drawings are from the moment he descends into the water with her. I wrote in English because I like it xD P.S: I also changed my signature (slightly). Instead of making a heart, it now makes a small sapphire (which looks like a diamond, but whatever xD).
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reggies-eyeliner · 4 years ago
Rules for Requesting and Asks!
Heyo, you beautiful little bean! Before I start the rules and all that jazz:
(or shoulder pats, if you don’t like them hehe)
So: Rules. Oh boy. I’m not a fan of rules-- rules feel like it’s just “blah blah blah, do this, not that, blah blah” so Imma try to make these as easy as possible for y’all who are excited to ask >:D
1. Soulmate/Normal Matchups (Closed)
What I Ask of You:
You can be as detailed as you want, or you can just make it the bare minimum, do whatever is easiest for you, my dear :D
Just try to include enough about you so that I know which result/outcome would make you the most comfortable
I might be a bit dismissive, so I’ll send you a notif for when I get the ask! Anons are also 1000 percent welcome :]
Yes, I have dedication issues. This is why I’m only in love with fictional characters and not real people xD!
Oh, and I won’t match you with Willie or Alex unless you’re also a dude, but I might match you two has best friends!
Please try to be as respectful as possible in your ask 🥺🥺🥺
I’m not asking for you to worship me or scream at me with thank you’s, but just don’t scream at me for taking too long. Try not to curse every two words because I’m trying to keep my brain *jazz hands* holy
No, jkjk it’s just that there might be younger users reading over these xDD
Try to include:
I literally don’t care!! I want you to feel as free as possible while writing yours. Talk about anything you want. I don’t care if you speak of you and your passion for eating raw cookie dough (but same lmao), or if you hate almond milk. Just talk about whatever you want!! I’m here to make people smile and nothing else, sugarcakes! d;
What You Get in Return:
Over 500 words worth in writing per each fandom
Yes, over 500 (it hurts like heck but it’s *throws skittles* okay)
A gif/fanart piece per fandom
You’ll get yours back either: Within 3 days, if you only requested only one fandom and you were very nice hehehehehe , three days if you wre still hecking amazing but I was busy, or it can go to AT MOST, AT MOST I PROMISE around 18 days if I’m having: an exam week, a pinned post, getting a lot of asks, or yours was really complicated and my brain exploded
At times, it may never come if *cough* TUMBLR EATS IT
I will also throw you fifty virtual hugs and skittles
And yes, every ask comes with a thousand hugs, compliments, and shoulder pats!!
A bunch of dating headcanons
If you put in your name, yes, I can customize ;D
What the person I matched you with does when you feel down
How they support you
How you support them
90 percent of it is mainly me rambling about how sweet everyone who asks is, but what can I say? Y’all are precious as heck
Example of Matchup: Hi! Can I please have a matchup for a male character in Julie and the Phantoms (besides willie + alex)? I’m an INFP-T, 5′4″, Aries, and I’m also very annoying haha. I like writing, dance, and singing-- usually, I write a lot of fantasy novels and I want to be an author when I grow up! I also really like baking desserts, particularly brownies, and I also like to make mocktails if I ever get the chance. I love reading, John Green books especially, and I’m usually the funny person in the group to lift everyone’s spirits. Thank you so much :)
2. Band and Song Matchups (Closed)
These are definitely one of the most fun things to do! You can ask for this to be included in your other matchup, but a quick summary of it would be:
Send me your description, but this time add your physical description as well!
A few of the extra-curricular activities you do
Send up to 8 emojis describing your personality and aesthetic (haha it sounds weird but please trust me on this XD)
Your favorite JATP song
Your favorite genre, and/or your fashion style
And wabam, that’s it!
I’ll reply with who I’d see you as in the band, and what song you would be in Julie and the Phantoms. Seems ridiculous, but heyy ya know XD
3. Headcanons, Imagines, Blurbs, Scenarios, Full Stories
I’ll write for any “X READER” that you request
Literally anything
Angst, major character death, if you’re sad, I GOTCHU
Request for as many characters as you want!!
I’ll write everything else
No, like everything else ever
Okay I won’t write like a Reggie x Cowboy bootes but ya know (...that’s actually not a bad idea-)
It doesn’t just have to be a character insert, it can be anything else!! I really don’t mind :]
What word count you want (or you can write that you’re chill with anything)
Your gender
Which POV you want it in
And I’ll send you what date I can get yours in!
4. Customized Asks:
I have never done this before, so this is kinda new!
Put in a lengthy and concise description of yourself-- it should be a lot more detailed than a matchup. Include your personality type, a lot about your personality, anything you want to add, but make it worth it!! Write A LOT about yourself!! Also, be sure to include your name.
Once you have the full thing, private-message me (please make sure you have an account!!) and I’ll send you my Tumblr asks email so you can send your description (or, send it in the submit form or asks, if you’re okay with it being public).
In return, I write you a reader insert with your real name (not y/n hehe) and make it customized just for you. I’ll make it perfect (or try to,) with your personality, your height, your likes, your interests, and your name so that it’s built just for you and no one else!!
The best part??
That’s right! A customized ask that goes from 3,000-10,000 words that should come within three weeks! Instead, all I ask is for some support in any way 🥺🥺🥺 It can be through reblogs, (remember: REBLOGS> LIKES d;), a simple follow or shoutout, or even just a thank you. I’m only here to make people happy!! Thank you so much if you do plan on supporting <333</p>
4. Random Asks/Advice
Scream at me. Vent whatever you want to me. Ask me to help with your math homework. Your ELA homework. Ask for love advice. Tell me about what you did this morning. I LOVE, LOVE GETTING THESE ASKS!!
I love it when people come to me not just for asks and such, but just to tell me about their lives or to ask me quetsions!! And I bet a lot of other creators do, as well! So please support them <3</p>
I’m sorry that this was a bit long, but if you read the full thing, HIGH FIVE >:3
Thank y’all so much!! Stay safe ^U^
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kuviras-eyeliner · 4 years ago
(OPEN) Rules for Requesting and Asks:
Heyo, you beautiful little bean! Before I start the rules and all that jazz:
<Hugs!> (or shoulder pats, if you don’t like them hehe)
So: Rules. Oh boy. I’m not a fan of rules-- rules feel like it’s just “blah blah blah, do this, not that, blah blah” so Imma try to make these as easy as possible for y’all who are excited to ask >:D For Julie and the Phantoms requests, please view: @reggies-eyeliner!
(alphabetical order):
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia
Carmen Sandiego
Harry Potter
Julie and the Phantoms (@reggies-eyeliner)
Mystic Messenger
Percy Jackson and The Olympians
She Ra and the Princess of Power
Tangled: The Series
The Chicago Typewriter
The Dragon Prince
The Legend of Korra
The Owl House
The Promised Neverland
The Umbrella Academy (I just started watching xDD)
Voltron: Legendary Defenders
1. Matchups
What I Ask of You:
Please, please, please try to keep it at one fandom per ask!!!
I’ve been doing a lot of Legend of Korra and Avatar: The Last Airbender asks, but my brain doesn’t function that way to keep at it for two fandoms. It’s hard to stay focused at two fandoms and stay with it and stay dedicated
Luckily, you can send requests for as many fandoms as you want, but my description will only be at most 50 words ^^
Yes, I have dedication issues. This is why I’m only in love with fictional characters and not real people xD!
Please try to be as respectful as possible in your ask 🥺🥺🥺
I’m not asking for you to worship me or scream at me with thank you’s, but just don’t scream at me for taking too long. Try not to curse every two words because I’m trying to keep my brain *jazz hands* holy
No, jkjk it’s just that there might be younger users reading over these xDD
Try to include:
I literally don’t care!! I want you to feel as free as possible while writing yours. Talk about anything you want. I don’t care if you speak of you and your passion for eating raw cookie dough (but same lmao), or if you hate almond milk. Just talk about whatever you want!! I’m here to make people smile and nothing else, sugarcakes! d;
What You Get in Return:
Over 500 words worth in writing per each fandom 
Yes, over 500 per fandom (it hurts like heck but it’s *throws skittles* okay)
A gif/fanart piece per fandom
You’ll get yours back either: Within 3 days, if you only requested only one fandom and you were very nice hehehehehe , three days if you wre still hecking amazing but I was busy, or it can go to AT MOST, AT MOST I PROMISE around 18 days if I’m having: an exam week, a pinned post, getting a lot of asks, or yours was really complicated and my brain exploded
At times, it may never come if *cough* TUMBLR EATS IT
I will also throw you fifty virtual hugs and skittles
And yes, every ask comes with a thousand hugs, compliments, and shoulder pats!!
A bunch of dating headcanons
If you put in your name, yes, I can customize ;D
What the person I matched you with does when you feel down
How they support you
How you support them
90 percent of it is mainly me rambling about how sweet everyone who asks is, but what can I say? Y’all are precious as heck
2. Headcanons, Imagines, Blurbs, Scenarios, Full Stories
I’ll write for any “X READER” that you request 
Literally anything
Angst, major character death, if you’re sad, I GOTCHU
Request for as many characters as you want!!
I don’t write NSFW :,) Please find another amazing blog for that
I’ll write everything else
No, like everything else ever
Okay I won’t write like a Mako x Box fanfiction but ya know
It doesn’t just have to be a character insert, it can be anything else!! I really don’t mind :]
What word count you want (or you can write that you’re chill with anything)
Your gender
Which POV you want it in
And I’ll send you what date I can get yours in!
3. Customized Asks:
I have never done this before, so this is kinda new!
Put in a lengthy and concise description of yourself-- it should be a lot more detailed than a matchup. Include your personality type, a lot about your personality, anything you want to add, but make it worth it!! Write A LOT about yourself!! Also, be sure to include your name.
Once you have the full thing, private-message me (please make sure you have an account!!) and I’ll send you my Tumblr asks email so you can send your description (or, send it in the submit form or asks, if you’re okay with it being public).
In return, I write you a reader insert with your real name (not y/n hehe) and make it customized just for you. I’ll make it perfect (or try to,) with your personality, your height, your likes, your interests, and your name so that it’s built just for you and no one else!!
The best part??
That’s right! A customized ask that goes from 3,000-10,000 words that should come within three weeks! Instead, all I ask is for some support in any way 🥺🥺🥺 It can be through reblogs, (remember: REBLOGS> LIKES d;), a simple follow or shoutout, or even just a thank you. I’m only here to make people happy!! Thank you so much if you do plan on supporting <333
3. Random Asks/Advice
Scream at me. Vent whatever you want to me. Ask me to help with your math homework. Your ELA homework. Ask for love advice. Tell me about what you did this morning. I LOVE, LOVE GETTING THESE ASKS!!
I love it when people come to me not just for asks and such, but just to tell me about their lives or to ask me quetsions!! And I bet a lot of other creators do, as well! So please support them <3
I’m sorry that this was a bit long, but if you read the full thing, HIGH FIVE >:3
Thank y’all so much!! Stay safe ^U^
To know which ones are currently in my ask box, press “keep reading!”
The Legend of Korra:
- The Krew playing Among Us with a reader
- Bolin with a s/o who works out
- Bolin x f!reader (ft. Brotherly Mako)
- Krew x singing!reader
Avatar: The Last Airbender:
- AtLa matchup for short brown-haired girl
- The Gaang playing Among Us with a reader
- Sokka x insecure!female reader
-  Zuko x partially deaf reader
- How the Gaang would comfort you (blurbs+headcanons)
- Gaang x crying!reader (guys are you okay let me give you a hug)
- Gaang x suicidal!reader headcanons (GUYS ARE YOU OKAY)
Boku No Hero Academia:
- Kirishima x stressed out!reader (GUYS ARE YOU OKAY)
- Class 1A Among Us headcanons
- If Class 1A had TikTok headcanons
- Deku x insecure female reader (KWUDHKWUDHWUIHDUW GUYS)
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years ago
Winx Club Season 7 Thoughts Part 2
 Part 1 can be found here.
- Love how none of the other Winx’ animals were impressed with Bloom’s unicorn. And it got its butt handed to it as well. Poor Amarok, though.
- Why is Roxy the one training the animals and not Winx, who are literally bonded with them? I am so sick of them having these animals without being shown to take care of them or anything. Layla was tending to Squonk at first but she has abandoned that now as well. The rest never even bothered.
- Oh, of course, Bloom’s unicorn is even more special than the other fairy animals and has magic even though the rest don’t. Of course!
- Seriously? That’s the surprise? That’s more of a lesson or revelation than a surprise.
- They are the Guardians of the Ultimate Power? Weren’t Winx supposed to find the animal with the first color of the universe? What the hell happened to that? Please, tell me they didn’t just drop it.
- Oh, and they just got a new transformation without doing shit for it! They didn’t even try to work with their own fairy animals. But who cares? They get a transformation because they are just so special! And which commercial did the creators rip off for the Tynix transformation this time?
- Tynix is a bit... much. But the animals look kinda cool. I am just not sure why they become bigger in order to go into smaller worlds. How does that make sense?
- What do they even need from the mini worlds? The animal? The Ultimate Power? One leading to the other? Do the writers even know what they’re doing anymore?
- And what is Brafilius supposed to do when he can’t ride on Kalshara’s back and he can’t transform either?
- Beware the Dragon Council!
- Oh, so that’s what he’s supposed to do. Get a concussion!
- How is this not Pyros? This should have been Pyros. Not that I am thrilled about going there again but come on! It would have made so much sense and been a good throwback. Edit: It’s Pyros but it does not look like Pyros and everyone has confirmed that.
- So she made a fire eater? How did she “forge[d] a creature”? Wtf.
- Oh, damn! I forgot that getting Tynix didn’t mean that we were getting rid of Butterflix. *sigh* I was so ready to move on.
- At this point Kalshara should know that Brafilius doesn’t have that much and even using everything he has is just not going to be enough. She is failing them both by being so stubborn when it comes to their strategy.
- How did Brafilius made more of those creatures?
- The quips aren’t smart or creative. Winx just sound like overconfident idiots.
- Shiny really do be over here eating precious stones? And that is actually helping them win? Wow, okay.
- So what? The dragons die without the fire? Why did Kalshara tell them what she did so that they can find a way to fix everything?
- They���re really gonna fall for the “Do you have any other choice but to trust me thing?”
- Why is this episode named “The Magic Stones”? How many more stones? What is up with this season and all the goddamn stones?
- The fairy animals really seem to be defeating the fire eater things that have the flames. They can just... use that in some way to release the fires back. Edit: Those are different creatures from the one Kalshara sent after the fire.
- So they actually redid the footage from season 3 and kept the original transformation BUT then they added something we have never seen and Bloom was wearing an outfit from season 4? What the hell? Also, Maia literally gave Bloom a necklace with the essence of Pyros to strengthen her powers implying that the essence of Pyros is very similar if not the same as the essence of the Dragon Fire. But now they decided that using the Dragon Fire would be too convenient because they wouldn’t get to show their Tynix powers. Great fucking logic!
- So that’s why they have Tynix warping time. So that they can just leave a battle whenever and just pop right back in a couple of seconds to not worry about losing. Bloom could have just gone on her own and left Winx behind to handle Kalshara but that would have been a too advanced strategy.
- Lucky that Shiny isn’t eating the whole mini world. But how did they get there when they were just fighting Brafilius? Of course, the time warping bullshit they pulled.
- So that’s why the animals got bigger - so that Winx can ride them. They have wings and could have been flying just fine.
- Their bonded animals being proud is what means that Winx have strength inside? What the hell?
- Why is there a song even though they should be rushing and can you see me skipping it? Because that is exactly what I’m doing.
- The vampire of fire? Wow, okay.
- They are gonna restore a volcano with techno magic? Makes perfect sense. And why are they surprised that the Tynix powers are working? They’re supposed to be working!
- The “vampire” looks like a dragon. That eats fire energy and then shoots back fire.
- Why does Squonk look like a completely different animal? (Yes, I noticed just now.)
- Really? Combining their powers is how they solved this? And the rest of Winx didn’t even join her? Bloom and Elas did all on their own? *eternal sigh*
- They asked for a spa day as payment? I am straight up not having a good time with this season.
- They took Riven out of the show only to have Nex take his place as the competitive asshole of the group? Really? That was the big plan?
- The dolphins are so precious and perfect! They knocked both Sky and Nex off their surfs. XD And Layla rubbed their noses in it. That was actually nice (yes, I am going to be petty like that).
- They made that crab more menacing than the main villains of the season. And you’re telling me that Stella sensed the crab but did not notice the turtles burying her alive?
- Brandon getting hit with wild magic by those flowers he wanted to pick would have been way more interesting. And why are all the animals being assholes on purpose? That is not how animals would usually behave in the presence of people even if they are used to the tourists in Paradise Bay.
- Love how Helia is dissing Earth.
- Did I mention that I hate the fact that all the fairy animals can talk now?
- Oh, you mean that there’s gonna be an episode in this episode? And they are actually right where the danger is? Because that is not convenient at all. It’s like the writers don’t even want to send them to more places on Earth even if it actually exists and they don’t have to make stuff up.
- How convenient that the threat only showed up now that they have their Tynix.
- If you really feel so happy, Flora, then why don’t you stay there? Maybe that will bring you back to your old self when you weren’t being a bitch to an animal for no reason.
- Those monsters look like upgraded ants. Plant-mites? You mean termites but for leaves?
- Their spells are now tied to their home planets? Is it because they’re going to the mini worlds? So they’re bringing something from their own worlds?
- Wait. WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! Stella just called Brandon her fiance? FIANCE?!?!?!?!?! UM, YES??????????? THANK YOU FOR ACTUALLY CONFIRMING THAT THEY’RE ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Oh, this time they have to fight the tiny creatures of the world because they thought they’re enemies? This is getting mildly interesting!
- Oh, come on! They have wings! Falling shouldn’t be a problem when they can fly!
- Please, just let Bloom get caught by the weeds! Flora got caught but Bloom is legit riding over the weeds???
- The leaf creature is called Chloe?
- Winx really didn’t catch on to the fact that the creatures attacked them after Stella mentioned that Brandon gave her those flowers?
- Flora, in order for everyone to know Winx wouldn’t harm nature, everyone needs to know about Winx. And I doubt the creatures in the mini worlds care about who you are. They obviously don’t know you! I don’t know how to tell you this but popularity has gotten to your head.
- You’re telling me that picking just one flower destroys the whole balance? Do they forget that Tritanus spread pollution in Paradise Bay back in season 5? If what they’re saying is true, the whole bay should have died back then! Also, are you seriously telling me that the people we have seen go to Paradise Bay have never ever picked a flower? This is bullshit!
- Another mini world in this mini arc (though, that implies that there is plot)?
- Weee, water slides! Not like this is an important mission that has a bearing on the fate of an entire ecosystem!
- Wait, those are the real colors of nature? Can’t that help them figure out which is the first color of the universe so that they can find the animal with it more easily?
- I thought that they were in a hurry to save the Bay but they have wasted so much time and oh, that’s right! It doesn’t matter because time is what the writers want it to be in the mini worlds!
- These episodes are endless when they keep wasting so much time!
- Gems of light? Did I miss something? Are the seeds for the gems? I don’t care enough to go back and check.
- They really thought that it was gonna be that easy? And the writers really thought that a black globe is a good enough obstacle? And do they really only have one spell available each in the Tynix transformation?
- Tell me Bloom is gonna fly right into another globe blocking her way! (Of course, she won’t. If anyone will be fucking up like that, they’re gonna make it be Stella.)
- Oh, you mean that they actually got caught? All of them? But where the hell is Layla’s morphix? That could have helped. But what the hell? The fairy animals are now making bubbles of their own? AND it is because Squonk gets stronger due to Layla being the fairy of waves? Then why is she not stronger? This is ridiculous.
- Oh, the plants needed water? Huh, who would’ve thought, right? Not like Flora is the fairy of nature or anything!
- So... how did picking the flowers hurt the mini world when they actually needed to plant some seeds?
- Why did Stella go crazy on Brandon about the flowers when she could have just explained to him what happened?
- Why are they... what are they... thinking with this competition against lemurs? What the hell?
- Aren’t raccoons supposed to be vicious little beasts and not the lemurs? Wtf.
- You know, Brafilius is annoying as hell but Kalshara is actually pissing me off more because there is much more that she can do and she just... doesn’t? Like, do you wanna get defeated? Also, no wonder your brother needs rest when you don’t since he’s the one doing everything. And did she just call him jellyfish? Because they’re soft and just drift around and don’t have brains? Wow, that’s so nice of you.
- The lemurs talk?????????????? Wtf?!
- Love how Kalshara doesn’t even bother remembering their group name. To her they’re just fairies like all other fairies. That is actually kinda funny.
- How did they not see Kalshara and Brafilius? It wasn’t like they were hiding!
- They are making... the bananas fight... Instead of, like, feeding the bananas to the lemurs and making them fight? They looked pretty vicious and that would have been a better strategy.
- Okay, how can they tell the trees are contaminated?! They just tried the spell on the fruits, not the trees themselves? And now they’re going in the past for bananas? Really?
- A giant lemur falling in love with Stella? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Why are they doing this to me? This season just got an awful lot worse and that is saying something.
- Wow, use bananas to lure the thing that eats bananas. What a complex plan. Why did it take them so long to figure it out?
- Okay, that dress from leaves is actually much better than some of Stella’s designs have been but doesn’t she notice that the lemur is preparing her for a wedding? Like, literally dressing her as a bride? And here I thought that this couldn’t get worse (Lmao @ Stella keeping her manners while being kidnapped by a gigantic lovesick lemur, though.)
- Oh, my god, the wedding march. That wouldn’t be composed for about a couple thousand years more! (Yes, I am focusing on logical failures because this is too much of a disaster.)
- It’s trying to kiss her... I really need Winx to show up at this point!... Good. But I won’t thank anyone for this because the creators should have never made this happen.
- Oh, come on! It followed them into the present and they’re having Brandon vs giant lemur and having Brandon losing?
- Finally the end to that. But will the giant lemur remain in the present? At least they got the goddamn bananas! Good because I am going bananas over here!
- These guards look familiar... Oppositus? Yes, that is. They have the symbol of the planet on them.
- Isn’t there a better way to find the animal with the first color than just teleporting around and leaning on luck? Like, idk, research?
- Well done to what? The animals are still as chaotic as ever and seem to have gone back to being prickly to each other. Aaaaand, they’re fucking up the party.
- Okay, but to be fair, Critty told them not to touch and what did that woman do? She started petting her! Yeah, you had this coming, hon!
- Love how Marion and Oritel handled the situation, though! Real talent at dispersing the tension right there. I was looking forward to seeing them ever since the synopsis from last episode. At least they haven’t fucked up the two of them... yet.
- “[The fairy animals] aren’t used to formal settings” Then why did you bring them in a formal setting?????????????????????????????????
- Aren’t you on Oppositus? There opposites exist in harmony all the time! What is so weird about that?
- The creature of the rainbow mantle? Didn’t they have that in season 5 and the Winx had to save it from the Trix? Now they have to save it again? Also, don’t tell me that’s the one with the first color.
- Man, Butterflix is so fucking useless. How many battles have they won with it? Like, two? This is episode 19!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- They already know that this is Kalshara’s doing!!!!!!!!!!! And wasn’t the collar supposed to not have worked?????????????????
- Chaos in the rainbow? Awesome! I mean, we already know it because this season (and the previous... three (more or less)) have been a fucking disaster but it’s good that Rainbow is giving some meta on itself!
- Musa, you look like you’re gonna faint! How can you handle this?
- Poor kitty! Stop torturing the cat! Why did none of the others join them so that they could pull them out after they’re done in case they’re too weak? But the two of them harmonizing to keep out the disharmony from outside was actually a pretty cool idea! This season hasn’t failed completely yet.
- Can I ask why the royal family of Oppositus even had the collar made? Seems like a colossally dumb choice!
- Finally they found someone to ask... And they have a riddle now! Goodie!
- I still can’t guess which animal is the one that is “close to fairy power” and it’s driving me insane! Obviously, it isn’t any of their bonded animals (we even know it’s not Squonk and Amarok). My first guess was actually Kalshara but a) she was a person that changed magically and b) she can turn in many animals so that is just not it. My other guess was Kiko but that seems highly unlikely because he literally hasn’t been important since, like, season 3 when Bloom stopped actually spending time with him. So... I have no idea which one they’re talking about.
- Lmaoooo, another animal cock-blocking (sort of). XD And it is Sky and Bloom. XDDD Good! And Bloom is calling him out on it! Even better! And she left to go after Elas! I am dying of laughter.
- Wait, that seal was Kalshara? And they were none the wiser? ...Okay.
- Oh, no! Not the kid thing! How did the stones make them kids? What is this? Avengers: Endgame? Instead of taking Winx through time the Stones took time through Winx? And why do they still have the same hair? We know Bloom had much shorter hair when she was little!
- And they know that they are children? But lmao, little Bloom yelling after the others to listen to her as they scatter is what her “leadership” should have looked like. XD
- The Specialists really can’t recognize their girlfriends even though a) they literally look the exact same way and b) this has already happened to Brandon before!
- Omg, Butterflix worked! I was actually hoping that it would because Sky’s realization that he fucked up is priceless!
- Well, of course the animals recognized them! They can probably catch their scent or something. But wow, Winx are having the upper hand even when they’re children.
- Skipping the clownery during the song.
- DId Sky just call the little Winx “pests”?
- Well, that was fast. Both Kalshara getting defeated and Sky and Elas becoming best buds. And of course, Elas can also restore Winx as they were before.
- Lmao, Roxy is right that Winx shouldn’t be left to their own devices.
- Don’t tell me they’re hosting a dog show. A fairy animal show. *sigh* But it is surprisingly on topic since the season is all about the fairy animals.
- What is Brafilius’ guilt that his sister scared the other dog? Why should he get hit over the head? Come on!
- Why does Kalshara need to get into Alfea? She just needs to find a way to get the fairy animals.
- You know they have nothing to do in an episode when they show the full Butterflix transformation.
- And now there’s pixie clownery because they literally don’t have anything to put in this episode. Cherie sure seems to have it all under control. (Did they even say why the weather has gone crazy? I skipped, like, half of this episode already.)
- They are really saying that they can’t handle a blizzard? Not like they have fought Stormy for five seasons! Not like they’re supposed to be more powerful than the pixies. At least they said why the weather is acting up.
- This is definitely not the weirdest place you have been, Stella. At least Amentia’s kingdom and Havram top it.
- Why are there so many different kinds of animals in this mini world? Oh. OH! I actually love this idea! Different species of animals looking after the different seasons according to the sun of whichever season is up! That is awesome! I am less so a fan of the fact that they had to ask why the animals are fighting when it was obvious that the wild magic was influencing them!
- Love how they still haven’t realized how to recognize which animal is Kalshara. But why are they surprised that the “digmole” said Faragonda’s name? They know she used to take care of a digmole!
- Wait! Flashback of footage that we haven’t actually seen? Are you calling this vague memories?
- Yeah, no shit that Alfea has the most fairy magic in the whole universe!
- Omg, the statue is actually going to be important! The same statue that Faragonda didn’t bother explaining even though Bloom made a remark about it. And she even found it in the hall of fairy animals (or whatever). And it was right there the whole time?????? God, I hate this!
- Okay, the green animals in the diamond mini world? So obviously stolen from Pokemon. And the floating cutlery is screaming Beauty and the Beast. It even moves in the same way.
- Why is it surprising that they eat diamonds? Shiny eats diamonds as well!
- Why do we care about the diamonds?
- Oh, because the ultimate power is a diamond... that the king and queen would rather die for than give away. Amazing!
- Okay, an orchard of diamonds. We get it! It’s not that impressive! It looks like a normal orchard but it is all shiny! Moving on!
- Wtf how is Flora’s magic working on these! Diamonds are not living nature. I am tired of this episode.
- Oh, did you expect the Ultimate Power to be easy to control instead of volatile?
- So now Flora’s magic isn’t working because the plants are only half natural and the diamonds are resistant to magic? They seemed to be very magic absorbing and malleable a few seconds ago!
- It just popped into Kalshara’s hands. And Faragonda isn’t going to do anything to stop her. She’s just gonna wait for Winx. She is just about as useful and smart as she was when she was young in this season which was not much.
- Ooh, Brafilius is actually standing up to Kalshara! I like that! Tbh I have a feeling that he can stir more chaos because of how incompetent he is. He will do something wrong and it will backfire so hard that it will blow up in all their faces.
- How DID the Trix get here? What, they found their bonded FAIRY animals in the Legendarium and the connection pulled them out? Wtf? Also, why did the audio disappear on the last few lines. I didn’t hear what they said! Love how even the writers realized that they can’t pull off a good finale with just Brafilius and Kalshara, though, and were like “Yep, time to bring back the Trix!”
- Secret of Alfea? What secret?
- Oh, Kalshara knows about them? But most powerful witches of the universe? I know the Ancestral Witches were destroyed but still. And look! My theory about how they got out was spot-on! It was just too damn easy... and dumb!
- The ultimate power is supposed to be... ultimate, you know! If Brafilius has it, they shouldn’t be able to defeat him. But nah.
- We already know that the animals can find them wherever. It was established earlier.
- Stella, it’s not you that’s ruining the moment. It’s the shaking cave threatening to collapse on you that’s ruining it!
- Why are Flora’s powers working when no one’s powers wanted to work before that, even her own?
- Hey, wait a second! Tynix was supposed to warp time so that while they’re in the mini worlds barely any time passes in the normal world. But now time seems to be moving with the same speed at both places! Because it is convenient for the plot!
- If an animal is bonded to you, you should be able to tell that what you’re holding is an impostor! Because the impostor is not bonded to you! That was literally so fucking dumb!
- IT CAN ALWAYS GET WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- “Did you miss us?” “Oh, yes. But after today, we’ll get to miss you forever!” Oh, damn! That was a glorious comeback! I am glad the Trix are back especially after this dumpster fire of a season and with this smarter behavior. But that’s because it wasn’t them failing all season long.
- Lmao, of course, Darcy’s animal is fighting Critty! Love how the Trix’ animals are 3-4 times the size of the Winx’.
- You’re not telling me Alfea’s power comes from the fairy animals? But wait! Alfea mini world? That might be interesting!
- It’s the world of butterflies? I should have known! So Butterflix can only be won on the territory of Alfea?
- If I were the Trix, I would just attack the magical source of Alfea and be done with it! See what Winx would do then!
- Come on, Bloom! Brafilius literally had the face of a dog all along! It shouldn’t be so hard to grasp that!
- Darcy was just about to destroy all of Alfea singlehandedly! And it was so cool and so intense! I was getting really hyped... and then Stella kinda stabilized things for enough time to let them get away. Dammit! It would have been cool to see them more in danger.
- Golden butterfly? I was gonna say that that would be a great chance for it to be Roxy’s bonded animal. Or even more perfect - Daphne’s! But they said that it lived long ago... Oh, so not that long ago. Faragonda was a teen back then so Daphne could have been born at the time (since she also didn’t age for about 20 years and is older than she looks). The butterfly could still be her bonded animal (but it most probably won’t be.)
- Why do you care about the barrier? The problem is in the mini world at the heart of Alfea!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- DAPHNE!!!!!!!!!!!! WELCOME BACK!
- Can Roxy do anything about the Trix’ animals? She is the fairy of all animals, after all. She should be able to communicate with them at the very least. Not that she could talk sense into them but still.
- For all his snobbery in the beginning of the season, Wizgiz isn’t doing all that well.
- Well, you’d hope that your husband will come help you out when the universe is threatened! Though, you’d think that there would be a whole army of Specialists sent to Alfea considering the high stakes of the situation.
- What defenses? The other fairies are the defenses and they still have their magic so it doesn’t seem to be that bad. At least until they can fix it.
- How did Faragonda get so much better at magic when it seems like there hasn’t passed that much time since Mavilla still hasn’t cast the memory wipe spell? And why couldn’t the animals introduce themselves? They can talk now! Or have the writers forgotten?!
- Daphne has new spells even if she doesn’t have a new transformation. Honestly, she has already been more useful than Winx were the whole season.
- Icy, you know very well who has the other stones! It is obvious! Even more so by the fact that Winx aren’t there to fight you! I knew that the Trix would notice the Stone and Brafilius would spill the beans, though! They couldn’t miss the opportunity to fuck shit up in the past as well.
- Lmaoooo @ Griselda passing out at the thought of Faragonda being the Headmistress of Alfea! XDDD She’s gonna have a fun time living through the future. But ooh, imagine the Trix going back in time and telling Faragonda about her future in order to fuck it up! That would be cool!
- Faragonda really is an idiot of a klutz in the past (and in this season - in the present too (without the klutz part... I think)).
- Is this a different mini world? Shouldn’t there be only one mini world in Alfea?
- Bug bunnies? Do I have to say that I heard Bugs bunnies at first?
- So the golden butterfly is sucking out the energy around for her metamorphosis.
- Why are Winx surprised the Trix were in the mini world when they already fought them in Alfea’s mini world?
- If I were Icy, I would fuck up the butterfly but we can’t have that!
- Why did they spoil the cliffhanger in the synopsis for the next episode? Not that we didn’t know that Bloom wasn’t going to get impaled on the ice but still.
- This scene reminds me of a Kim Possible episode. Except, Kim saved herself.
- Oh, so now Elas’ power evolved even more? Of course, it did! They need to be upgraded constantly because no one bother to improve through practice anymore.
- How did that attack not send Icy into oblivion?
- Oh! A Tynix spell that isn’t tied to one of their home worlds! Go, Tecna!
- Hatched? Does a cocoon hatch? I honestly don’t know when it comes to English. But the butterfly isn’t really that beautiful. It looks like something a child cut out from a sheet of paper. Golden paper but still paper.
- Wasn’t the butterfly supposed to work in their favor? How come its actions were what threw Brafilius back in the hands of the Trix?
- “Are we lost in some other when?” XDDD  But how tf did they get back without using the memory stones? Goddammit! At least keep the bare minimum of consistency!!!
- They won’t escape us, he says as if they didn’t just get defeated by the “they” that do no need escape because they have the power advantage.
- Don’t the other fairies learn History of Magic? They should know about the Trix and what their powers are at the very least so they don’t act so stupid against Darcy.
- Stormy’s Occula is the only one from the Trix’ animals whose name I can even hear!
- Daphne is beating Icy! But damn, she got defeated when Icy got help from her animal. See? This is why Daphne needed to have an animal bonded to her!
- Why is Faragonda sending Grsielda on roundup duty instead of using her in the battle? Griselda is one of her strongest fighters!
- I thought it would be Kalshara that snagged Brafilius away but nope! He just can’t shake the Trix and their animals!
- Oh, so Roxy can sense that that is the dgmole that is connected to Faragonda but Faragonda herself couldn’t? And she acts like she has never heard of an aura? Man, they really brought her down this season, didn’t they?
- Really? A party now? Man, there really isn’t much plot in this season, is there?
- Well, seeing Daphne and Thoren together is actually kinda cute. We don’t get to really see any of the married couples. Which is stupid because they legit act the same way that Winx and their boyfriends do. Like, Daphne and Thoren are literally doing the same things!
- Don’t tell me Stella is jealous because Brandon is dancing with Shiny. But aww @ Kiko and Tecna’s bunny eating so much stuff together. XD I like the idea of the two bunnies being friends and it kinda relates to Bloom and Tecna’s friendship (that we haven’t really seen since season 5 and we haven’t had a good scene since season 3).
- I knew Kalshara wasn’t coming for a fight. She couldn’t beat them alone even if she tried. Especially when Daphne is also with them.
- Oh, wow! The Trix are fighting something that isn’t Winx? And their animals having their backs is actually pretty cute, too!
- Don’t tell me that they actually believe Kalshara wants to save Brafilius. I mean, if it’s true, that would be the best twist they’ve had all season but I somehow can’t imagine it.
- “Can we trust you?” What do you think that she’ll say? No? There is literally not a case in which she’s gonna say “no” which means that you can’t take her answer for an honest one. Wtf?! Please, tell me that they’ll be mindful at the very least and ready to be double crossed.
- Why, of course, Icy’s animal would be called Frostbite. I should have guessed.
- See? Brafilius is actually the smarter sibling! He knows better than to get mixed up with wild magic.
- I knew that they were gonna show the whole Butterflix transformation. For the last time. It still doesn’t mean that I’m watching it.
- Winx act like they haven’t seen the way Kalshara treats Brafilius. But it was still kinda cute how relieved he was to see her.
- Stella is right. The Trix have not looked worse... yet. But wasn’t Brafilius with Kalshara. How did the Trix get him back again?
- Cat!Darcy vs cat!Kalshara is actually kinda cool. And the Trix did turn into shapeshifting witches! But does Kalshara only have the handful of forms we have already seen? Can’t she transform in anything else?
- One last hug? Don’t tell me Winx will merge with their animals as well! But damn, this talk about Winx standing no chance is getting depressing.
- Don’t tell me that the animals will merge with each other to form the damn swan!!!!!!!!
- “rulers of nature”? Wow, really? The power has totally gone to your head and you need to calm down!
- What are they gonna do with the stones? Oh, trap Trix out of time? That’s actually... pretty smart... and intense.
- Man, I feel bad about the Trix. But what about Brafilius and Kalshara?
- Kalshara really thought that she was gonna get away with the ultimate power? But why do the wild magic animals care about manners and Brafilius? Oh, well, it’s cute that he actually has someone to like and accept him. It was actually Kalshara’s idea to even make him turn into a half animal. He didn’t want that. He just wanted her to love him.
- The goodbye of the fairy animals was actually pretty emotional! If the season had been done better, this could have been such a tearjerker! If they’d actually bothered to show how the animals bonded both with each other and with Winx but that really wasn’t driven home.
- Oh, no! Why did they bring back the band again?! We really didn’t need that.
Well, this season was annoying as hell at times but it actually had some really cool concepts... that, of course, failed upon execution. I kinda liked it better than season 6, though, and I am not even sure why. Maybe because I had less expectations and they were topped more often than my expectations were for season 6. Really, the Legendarium was a great concept that they just completely and utterly failed to utilize while there wasn’t that much potential with the fairy animals but from time to time, the writers really came up with some great idea. Brafilius’ “arc” had a surprisingly touching end and so did that of the fairy animals. I don’t think Winx learned shit this season and they were completely useless - but hey, not much more can be said about them in season 6 either so... What I’m saying is that this season wasn’t as bad as the posts I have seen floating around the fandom had made me believe it would be. Though, don’t get me wrong, there were a couple of moments that I wish I could erase forever.
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years ago
Chelle hello hello, can i get the old time conflict "pumkin spice latte is not a coffe" or something like that with Namjoon? Since it's his birthday? If all spots are taken i have question! What song is on your repeat these days? You are amazing. Bye!
Hahaha Ela, I love you. This is such a cute concept. And I totally didn’t realise it was his birthday until a friend told me earlier (and bombarded me with photos which I must show you) so let’s write Namjoon a drabble since I tried to write more Bloodstone earlier and failed. Techinically still writing Namjoon is a win for today, right? XD
Also quick answer to your question: I’ve been clicking on The End - Got7 a lot. And you’re more amazing! <3
Pairing: Kim Namjoon x reader
Word count: 383
“What do you want to drink today?” 
Smiling at Namjoon, you then cocked your head to the side. “Joon, it’s September the first.”
“Uh-huh, and what does the date have to do with a coffee order?” he asked distractedly, looking ahead at the slowly progressing line to the counter and then back at you. He frowned when he found you staring at him expectantly. Arching an eyebrow at you in response, he nudged you. “What?”
“I said the date because it has everything to do with my order,” you mentioned airily, placing a hand on your hip. “Namjoon, it’s autumn.”
“There’s debate that each season doesn’t arrive until the twenty-first of the month so to some it’s still the end of summer. Regardless of the season, why...”
He trailed off when a customer walked passed him carrying a fragrant takeaway cup. Blinking, Namjoon then turned his attention to the giant sign on the menu stating that it was Pumpkin Spice Season. 
Namjoon groaned.
“I’ll have one of those,” you stated with a giggle, patting your boyfriend on the shoulder with his realisation.
“It’s not real coffee,” he grumbled and you pouted.
“Perhaps you need to get your beverage soon so you’re more alert and less cranky and opinionated,” you suggested, and Namjoon rolled his eyes.
He normally didn’t care what you drank, ate or of your hobbies so long as you enjoyed them. However, for some reason, the hype around pumpkin spiced lattes really irritated him.
Maybe it was because he didn’t like them one bit. 
Still, he ordered your drink along with his and returned to the table you had sourced in the cafe with croissants for breakfast as well. 
You grinned in delight. “The first of September is always the best.”
“Because of a drink?” he questioned exasperatedly.
“It means it’s acceptable to wear layers, scarves are the best accessory for every outfit, you can go jump on falling leaves soon and it’s the best time of year for pumpkin spice lattes.”
Namjoon slowly grinned. “You had me until the last part.”
“What about if I told you that autumn is the start of my favourite thing to do with you?”
“Which is?”
“Snuggle season.”
“Well,” Namjoon said, his dimple deepening with his smile. “Maybe I like September arriving after all.”
My ask box is open for this week’s Chelle Chats!
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manuelmueller · 5 years ago
for truth or dare: 5, 10, 12, 19, 24, 29
5: (truth) If your parents knew everything you’ve ever done, what would they think is the worst thing? (dare) Tag the three nonmutuals you admire most.
DARE: @salamispots @larapaulussen @mienar – yes all artists cause I genuinely am in awe of the talent here on tumblr!! these are only a few that I really adore and that just popped into my mind, feel free to ask for more!!
10: (truth) What was your favorite band five years ago? (dare) Tag a blog that posts very different content from yours, but that you couldn’t imagine not following.
DARE: @clumsyalienn makes AMAZING, AMAZING TS4 CC, if you play the game pls go check them out!!
12: (truth) What are your five favorite girls’ names and five favorite boys’ names? (dare) Copy and paste the 14th line of text from the last document you worked on in Word or Google Drive.
TRUTH: again doing both
Boys: Fabian, Florian, Angus, Tobias, ValerianGirls: Flurina, Amber, Licinia, Ela, LISA
….. what I take from this is that I seem to like names with F (also good god the girls were hard … had to scratch those together … can u tell I mostly write boys)
DARE: “Desiring a teammate of his - one he thought at the time to be straight, too - had ultimately been less difficult to deal with than falling in love with him, an attachment much less fickle than simple sexual attraction, much less likely to fade.”
(ok listen …….. this is not actually from a ‘fic’ that I ever intended to finish or post, but here have a sentence of a random few paragraphs of Manu discovering the sexual part of his sexuality :3c)
19: (truth) What is the first thing you remember having to keep secret? (dare) Tag five bloggers who you associate with being obsessed with something particular, and list what each of them is obsessed with.
TRUTH: HAH JOKES ON YOU CAUSE MY MEMORY IS FUCKING SHIT …. but probably having a “crush” on a one of the boys in primary school (I went to school with him for a total of 12 years in the end …. yeah it was no crush I just thought his curls looked cute XD)
24: (truth) If you could only own five material objects (not counting life necessities like food/water/a house/etc) what would they be? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle. Post what the first three songs are, and for each one, tag a blog that the song reminds you of.
DARE: I love these musical ones ngl
Organs – Of Monsters and Men
Menswear – The 1975
Send Me On My Way – Rusted Roots
1. ok this is a complicated one, but I’ve always associated this song with Lesley May from the Rivers of London series, and since @simplyirenic is the person I associate with those books on here, that’s who I’m tagging ^^
2. fuck this I genuinely have no idea but this song makes me feel like what I picture a really hot day in the US is like so @eszopiclon this one’s for u :D
3. YAH I GENUINELY HAVE NO FRICKIN IDEA ….. there’s no one on here I watched Ice Age with …. but well …. I always used to watch animated films over discord with @landonenorris so, bubba
29: (truth) What are your worst habits? (dare) Put your Top 25 Most Played songs on shuffle and list the first five.
TRUTH: procrastinating, avoiding things because of social anxiety, that I get really mad AND scared really quickly
truth or dare!
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sabraeal · 6 years ago
I'd love to know everything about Sen, but I'll settle with... Childhood memory, romance, and bad memory that still haunts them? If possible? Maybe the memory that makes him smile too xD
€ for a bad memory that still haunts them
“But I didn’t mean to.” Sen doesn’t know how the other children make their voices rise in a whine, how they make their eyes round as they beg, but he tries what he can, hands fisted at his side. “I don’t want to be sent away.”
In the moonlight, his mother’s face is as smooth as shale and her will as unbreakable as granite. It didn’t matter he wasn’t like the other children; his mother was not like other mothers either.
“I know.” When she talks to the men at the house, her words turn soft and lilted, but to him they are stern, unbending. He likes that better from her; he knows that unlike those men, he will not hear her lies. “This is not a punishment.”
“It’s because of that man, isn’t it?” The tall, thin one, who looked almost like a woman. Sen had never liked smiles, had never liked how humans bared so many of their teeth and called it friendly, but this man smiled without and it was...worse.
Sen stares at her, unblinking. “I didn’t mean to talk to him. I won’t talk to him ever again.”
“Your words would not have mattered.” She says it so easily, though he doesn’t understand what she means, doesn’t understand why this man has made her so wary. “Only your face.”
“Is this...” Even now, the words seem dangerous. “Is this about my father?”
The silence sits like a boulder on his chest.
“Look,” his mother says, after far too long. “The cart is here.”
〆 for a childhood story
Sen is used to Koshstena, to the sound of wheels against cobble and voices raised at all hours, but here in Bdeniye --
It is silence. Not completely, but -- enough.
It distracts him.
“So this is Selah’s boy?” A man the size of a bear tromps down the dais, his eyes piercingly green above the great bush of a beard. He looms as he comes close, a mountain next to a cairn beside him, but he stoops down when he’s beside him.
He bares his teeth, as humans do. It’s supposed to be friendly. For once, it almost feels like it. “Do you know who I am, boy?”
“Boyar Bdeniye,” he answers. “My mother sent me to you to keep me safe. I don’t see how, because you are only a man, and my mother is stronger than you.”
Bdeniye reels back with a laugh. “You’re Selah’s, all right.”
He reaches out, past Sen’s flinch, and lays a hand on his hair. It’s not just a quick pat but -- but a ruffle, his fingers skimming along the skin of his scalp and --
His heart beats steady, slow. It’s a thunderous noise, echoing in the great cavity of his chest. All at once, Sen feels...at ease, safe.
Bdeniye’s eyes crinkle at the corners as if -- as if he knows. Perhaps, if mother sent him here, to him, he does. That this touch, so casually done my humans but never his kind, might be...purposeful.
“Ah,” Bdeniye sighs, looking down into his eyes. “But you look like your father.”
ღ for a drabble about a romance/their love life 
When Sen was small, he had asked his mother what made a true Elan’ti, how he would know if he was of them, or of man. He’d hoped that she would tell him it was a silly question, that if he was born of her, then he was of them.
Instead she told him: Elas calls. Koshstena is too far to hear it, but should he ever go there, he would know, instantly and surely.
It is a hard answer to believe, and he doesn’t, not really, not until --
Not until he meets Marya.
“You’re half,” he says, the moment Afansi Paterev has them meet. She’s covered in dirt, long blonde braids knotted and frayed, but he knows by her ears, the cast of her skin, the spray of freckles across her nose. “Just like me.”
Her eyes meet his, black as obsidian, and she says, “I am. We are the same.”
Sen may never go to Elas, but he understands, for Marya calls to him as well.
✢ for a good memory that makes them smile 
That thing struck again in the early hours.
Elan’ti ears are sensitive, meant for listening to the shifts and sighs of their mountain, for listening for the words of Elas. Elena may try to stifle the noise as much as she likes, even in the down of her pillow, but Sen is destined to hear it. He can hardly do more than doze in this city, and Elena’s tears are merely the last tug at the rope that drags him from dreams into waking.
He’s disoriented, at first; he’s not full-blooded, able to sink in and out of trance as a moment’s notice. His heart pounds wildly against his ribs as he tries to place to room, tries to put context to the whimpers that assault his ears. He flops over, arms spilling off his bedroll, and lets his gaze creep up to the lump on the bed.
“What’sa matter?” he slurs, sleep keeping him from taming his tongue into proper speech. “I mean, what is going on?”
Elena doesn’t answer, just burrows deeper into the mattress, as if she could will herself away if she just pressed deep enough.
Sen sits up, shaking off his dizziness. “Are you all right?” He inches closer. “Are you hu--?”
His hand falls to her shoulder, and it’s not until it’s too late, until the movement is near complete that he sees the pale of her skin, and his fingers brush over her --
Blood rushes though her veins, heart beating hard not out of fear, but distress. There’s salt on his tongue from her tears, but the taste of it is not joy but sadness -- not that he needs the distinction, just looking at her -- but he does not taste copper, does not feel the burn of nerves firing in pain, but instead in the agony of the heart.
He jerks away, scowling. That would teach him to sleep with his gloves off.
“You’re not hurt.” he snaps, shuffling back. “What’s the matter with you?”
She shakes her head, unable to speak for the sobbing. He sighs, leaning close.
“Listen,” he huffs, jaw working anxiously. “Don’t think I’ll do this all the time, all right?”
He reaches out again, gently peeling back the overs. She’s hunched over her knees, a small little shell of a human, and he’s disgusted by the unwelcome burst of fondness that fills him. What a human thing, to be so charmed by vulnerability.
Swallowing down the thought, he pales his hand gingerly on her back. He’s glad it’s not summer; the weft of the cloth in Bdeniye was wide and rough, and it might not have protected him from the heat of her skin. But her nightgown is made of fine gray flannel, a gift from his mother in Koshstena -- a girl in her condition shouldn’t travel cold, she had said, shoving it into her hands with one of her inscrutable expressions -- so when his fingers press upon her spine, there is nothing but smooth wool beneath, and the small numbs of her vertebra.
He frowns at that. She should eat more. That thing was draining her dry.
His palm spread slowly over her back, tracing up and down her spine, fingers dragging at the fabric under his hands. Her chest spasms with every sob, but it begins to subside, her breath coming easier, smoother.
“Sen?” Her voice is small, incredulous. “Are you...comforting me?”
“I can tell when you’re distressed,” he grouses, petting her awkwardly, like a dog. “Your crying upsets me.”
Her neck cranes around so she can stare at him. “It upsets you?”
“I can’t sleep if you cry.”
“Ah,” she breathes, and he can hear the disappointment.
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spookyneri · 7 years ago
Quanto mais sei da Venna, mas amo ela
Sua fofa X33 Elas são primas sim~. Eu e a Gabs não tinhamos falado muito sobre esse detalhe ainda, mas agora está confirmado ^^ Rachei de rir com a última parte da sua ask kkkkk
4: Does anyone have a crush on your character? Is your character aware of this?
Mkay. This is gonna be hard to explain, but I’ll try XD
In our AU, there are two Lysanders. One is with Lake and the other used to be with Venna, but they had to broke up because Venna is deeply in love with Rosa and she thought that Lys deserved someone who would reciprocate his feelings the way he deserves. Now, Lysander #1 is with Castiel (Yeah XD), but he still has some feelings for Venna =/
So yeah, Lys is the one who still has a crush on her, but Venna hasn’t noticed because she can be quite dense at times. She’s still upset about hurting Lysander’s feelings and avoids him often.
The story with Rosa is just too complicated to explain in a single ask TvT
15: What music genre would your character listen to?
She’s eclectic. She listens to any music genre as long as it’s pleasing to the ears.
35: What is unique about your character?
Her way of thinking, I suppose. She makes sure to be always well politicized and relies on her empathy for others to judge situations and make difficult decisions. 
43: What is your character insecure about?
Her powers. Not being able to have full control over them scares her because she may end up hurting someone, badly. Her father says that’s a dangerous path because a witch who fears the extent of their powers are more prone to fall into depravity and advises Venna to try not to be scared.
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inmyownfiction · 8 years ago
30 questions tag~
Tagged by: @cha-inyeon
Rules:  Answer thirty questions, then tag twenty blogs you would like to know better.
1. Nicknames: Gabby and the 1000000 versions of it (Gabi, Gabbie, Gabs, Gab, Gabbi, etc), Ela, Snowflake/Copito (Poki), Gabbycakes (Karina), Yayita (one of my aunts), and a lot more... I have too many nicknames; everybody calls me in a different way lol
2. Gender: Female
3. Zodiac sign: Aries
4. Height: 5'0
5. Time: 21:22pm
6. Birthday: April 1st
7. Favorite Bands: U-KISS, Girl's Day, Infinite, Lovelyz
8. Favorite Solo Artists: Like... favorite favorite? I don't have lol
9. Song that stucks in my head: Lovelyz's Goodnight like yesterday
10. Last movie watched: Beauty and the beast (Now my sister is singing Be out guest 24/7 lol)
11. Last show watched: El Chapulín Colorado~ (a mexican comedy show about a superhero who is really clumsy)
12. When did I create my blog: January 11th, 2012.
13. What do I post: Used to be mostly kpop and U-KISS but since the fandom is dead here, I reblog kpop in general (the ones I like) and random personal things.
14. Last thing googled: The google traductor lol I wasn't sure about what "stucks" mean.
15. Do you have other blogs: HAHAHHAHAHAHA. Too many. I have like 9 sideblogs xd Disney, Harry Potter (this one is a sideblog I made with a friend but he dissapeared from tumblr lmao), my anime blog which I use more now, aesthetic? (aka scenery, clothes, pixel art and pinky girly things), fys (the blog for Soohyun who I'm running alone now because the other adm didn't care anymore) and 3 mores about anime but they are like... just there.
16.  Do you get asks: Back then in 2013/2014 yes. Now... not really xD
17. Why did you choose your URL: Because of B2ST (now Highlight). I just added an "in" before "my own fiction" which is Dongwoon's line in Fiction.
18. Following: 578. And I still have a dead dashboard sometimes xd
19. Followers: 2.827
20. Favorite food: Pizza lol
21. Favorite Colors: Lavender/mauve/lilac or whatever is the name, white and gray
22. Average hours of sleep: 5 or less lol
23. Lucky number: Idk... 7?
24. Instruments: I only can play the flute and I suck at it x'D
25. What am I wearing: My pajama lol
26. How many blankets are you sleeping with: 4 atm
27. Dream Job: Kindergarden?
28. Dream trip: A lot of places lol but for free x'D
29. Nationality: Chilean
30. Favorite song now: Vogel im käfig from Shingeki no kyojin OST.
I’ll only tag @sugabeans ~
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youre-on-a-starship · 8 years ago
11 Questions (Now with 22 Bonus Questions)
1. Always post these rules
2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you
3. Write 11 questions of your own
4. Tag 11 people
I was tagged by @outside-the-government, @kaitymccoy123, AND @enterprisewriting I’m doing all of their sets of questions in one post because I’m just that great (I also don’t want to come up with 33 new questions)
Jules’ 11 Questions
If you had the power to eliminate any one single form of discrimination (such as racism, sexism, etc), which would it be and why? Oh god... um... this is a really tough question because I feel like I have to choose who stays marginalized. God... I think I’d go with racism because... well it’s a problem. I can’t really explain this one better than that.
If you could live in any one make-believe land or universe, which would it be and why? I’d live in the Star Trek universe, hands down. I feel so at home there, it would be just so comfortable for me.
If you were an animal, what animal would you be and why? I am basically a cat. I just want sleep, occasional snuggles, and lots of sun.
Which of your teachers (in any level of education) had the greatest impact on you - how and why? Oh God... It’s somewhere between my 7th grade English Language Arts teacher and my creative writing professor from 4th year. On one hand, my 7th grade ELA teacher taught me how to read effectively and how to record what I read so that I could learn from it (and she was also one of the only ones who could be arsed to teach us grammar). But Aritha van Herk... she elevated my writing and taught me how to really be critical of my work. That is so valuable to me.
If your closest loved one came down with some awful, painful, incurable illness and you could save them in one of two ways, which of these would you pick and why: 1) you can cure them instantly, but the second you do they forget you ever existed and you must live your lives apart, or 2) you can cure them instantly, but you die in their place and they have to live forever without you. I’d pick option 1 because either way they’re going to have to live without me, and least it won’t hurt them if they think they never knew me to begin with.
What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done to impress someone? *sigh* I don’t know. I spent so many years embarrassing myself trying to impress people (read: boys) that I just... I repress those memories because the person doing that wasn’t really me. I suppose the craziest thing that *stuck* with me was my love of hockey. I tried to get into it to impress this guy and if I hadn’t been a moody teenager... well. Anyway, I really like hockey now, anyway. I actually went into the competitive stream in jr high gym for floor hockey (note: that was super dangerous for someone with my condition) just so I could play with him and show off.
How good are you at facing your fears? Honest to God, I keep sticking myself in situations where I have to deal with that a lot. I just give it a good push because I have to, and I make it work.
What characteristic do you value the most in friends and why? I value honesty. When a friend tells me that they don’t want to hang out because they’re having a bad mental health day, that means I know we’ve really made it as friends because they don’t feel the need to impress me or make excuses. And that means I’m allowed to do the same thing, which is super relaxing.
If you could wake up tomorrow and suddenly be the world’s best at something, what would it be and why? I’d be the world’s best writer so I could get all my stories picked up by peeps in Hollywood and have them made into movies so I could meet all these amazing people I want to meet.
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever gotten and how? Er... how do I pick the *worst*? THIS IS GOING TO BE GRAPHIC! I think... when I was 7 I jumped off a wall unit and broke my tib/fib just below the knee. I was in hospital for 3 days because they needed to do something fancy to get it back in line and I had a cast nearly up to my crotch to keep everything still while it healed. The alternative is when I broke my own arm kinda-sorta-not-really on purpose when I was 12. I lashed out at my brother because he was being annoying and I ended up twisting my arm while we were fighting (please note I am having horrible flashbacks while I’m writing this and I’m literally gagging at the memory), and I snapped my ulna right in two, twisting it completely out of place. I was given local anesthesia so that they could set my arm, but they gave me the wrong kind of meds and I had something akin to an LSD trip during which I verbally abused my entire family and became super afraid of narcotics. They fixed my arm, though. I’ve got 13 other stories where those came from, hit me up, I dare you.
Name one random fact that you know that people are always surprised to learn when you tell them. I’m a bellydancer. Not professionally or anything, but I’m actually really good at it and it makes me happy that I can do something beautiful with my body even during times when I don’t like my body that much.
Kaity’s 11 Questions:
What person do you most look up to in the world and why? Does Kathryn Janeway count? I honestly can never think of anyone else when I’m asked a question like this. I just aspire to be as badass as her.
What book really spoke to you, maybe even changed your view on things, and how did it do that? I want to talk about a book by Aritha van Herk for a moment. Restlessness. This book is set in my home city, for one, and it was written by my creative writing teacher. It’s about a woman who is so tired of being busy that she hires an assassin to kill her. Then they spend the evening together just talking before she makes the final call. It’s an amazing exploration of good writing, my wonderful city, the nature of being a woman, the nature of being a working woman, work interspersed with pleasure, and how to find balance. It’s amazing, please go read it.
If you could spend the afternoon snuggled on a couch watching a movie with a fictional character, who would it be? Holy... this is a really specific instance. I think my answer would be... probably Jim Kirk, actually. He just looks like a really nice guy to cuddle with, you know? It’s the strong arms. And he just looks like he’d be warm?
If you are in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or have someone to cheer you up? I wanna be left the hell alone. I wanna listen to music and write and brood.
Do you judge a book by it’s cover (literally or figuratively)? It often influences whether or not I pick it up off the shelf, yeah. I ultimately *judge* a book by its contents.
What’s the one thing that people always misunderstand about you? I’m not horrendously awkward, I just don’t get my words right the first time sometimes.
What is your Harry Potter house and do you feel you were sorted correctly? Ravenclaw and fuck yes.
Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? It depends, but on the whole I’m an introvert.
What is your favourite colour?  Why? I like navy because it’s less harsh than black (says the girl who owns a metric fuckload of black), and it looks great with almost everything. It feels like a really mature colour.
What’s your most listened to song? Right now? That’s a really good question; I’ve had “Rhinestone Eyes” by the Gorillaz on repeat lately.
What celebrity would you trade lives with? Trade lives with? Oh hell, I don’t know. I wouldn’t want to saddle anyone with my life, I guess. Maybe... you know what, Margaret Atwood. She’s bomb, her work is bomb, and I want to be her someday.
Taal’s 11 questions
1. if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? I really want to go to Germany and just live amongst my people and practice my language for a while. 2. what would you want your tombstone to say and why? Literally anything BUT “RIP.” 3. how do you feel about astrology? I take it into account, but I don’t let it govern my actions. For instance, Aries and Virgo aren’t supposed to go well together apparently but most of my friends and my partner are Virgos and here we are. 4. what is the most irritating, borderline trash ass fashion trend you’ve ever encountered? Crocs? 5. how long do you think you would last as a vegan? Maybe 45 minutes? 6. if you were to own an airline company, what would you name it and what would the slogan be?  This is the coolest question. I’d call it HobbitAir and the slogan would be “There and back again.” I’m not that creative. 7. which fictional character would you like to switch lives with and why? Can I be Lieutenant Romaine so that Scotty will look at me the way he does in TOS? 8. what subject did you despise the most throughout your education? Fucking Chemistry. Fuck. Chemistry. I just... I don’t... how can I understand something so well and still fucking fail, like I don’t even. (I didn’t actually fail chem, but I came damn close) 9. are you a smoothie person or a milkshake person? Depends on the day. In Calgary we’ve got a place called Peter’s Drive-in and there’s nothing quite like a Peter’s shake. Coffee-oreo-marshmallow, baby. 10. are you able to tell when someone is flirting with you or are you of the oblivious type? I think everyone’s flirting with me, but literally only one person has ever bothered to act on it and I had to break the ice first. So I guess it’s just wishful thinking. 11. name 11 things about yourself that you love and/or want to learn to love. N’awww I love this question ^^ I love: 1. my smile 2. my eyes 3. my crazy hips 4. my capacity for love and compassion 5. my ability to come alive in crisis 6. my intelligence and I want to learn to love 7. my creativity 8. my overactive imagination 9. my impulsiveness 10. my voice (that’s probably on everyone’s list XD) and 11. my disability.
Alex’s Questions
If you could go on a week-long camping trip with three people, real, fictional, or both, who would you go with?
If you could instantly master one physical skill, what would it be?
You’ve got a half hour to kill before your appointment and your phone’s dead. What do you do?
What’s your alignment in DnD terms (Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic Good/Neutral/Evil)? What do you wish it was?
What’s that one weird film you watched on repeat when you were a kid?
What’s your go-to style?
Do it for the vine. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done just to do it?
What never fails to put a smile on your face?
Who’s you’re favourite author and why?
What book actually changed your life?
What’s the last fanfic you read? Link it maybe?
And now I gotta tag 11 of you fine folks. @fandomheadrush, @starshiphufflebadger, @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse, @trekken81, @spacethewritingfrontier, @rae723 (hey, gurl), @schatten88 (do it, I dare you), @fanscribbling, @imaginestartrek, @imaginenterprise, aaaaaaaand @distinguishedqueenofbooks 
Can’t wait to see what y’all say!!
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vargonautic · 8 years ago
4, 5, and 9 for Mirlen?? :o *whispers companion Mirlen and inquisitor Vara*
:O What have you doNE LYCHEE OH MY GOD
Why didn’t this though hit me omg this isperfect?? Can you guys guess what I’ll be thinking about for a week straight XD
Answers under cut still~
4. Whatwould their romance route look like? Would they be romanceable?
She would be romanceable! :D She’s bisexualand she doesn’t really care about races, so anyone can romance her
What wouldit look like..?
She is an extrovert, she’s very open about herfeelings and sometimes she’s… intense. She’d definitely flirt without shame tosomeone who shows interest, but denying her doesn’t really make her upseteither. At least not while she’s just playing around.
With Varawell as Inquisitor she’d probably comeon strong in the beginning, flirting recklessly at every chance she gets. Oncethey’ve been on some adventures together, though, and she starts getting toknow him, she’ll tone it down; starting by aiming to be a good friend for himnow when he’s in such a tricky situation.
She’ll slowly grow more attached as time goeson, finding herself making up a lot of excuses to bring him reports and tagalong when he leaves Haven. Her flirting becomes more stumbly and blushy themore she hangs around him.
After the attack of Haven she’ll most probablybe a sobbing mess when they find him in the mountains. She wears all heremotions on the outside x3
Even though the romances in game (at least theones I’ve played) have their first kiss before the Winter Palace, Mirlen wouldtake her chances there, I think. At the balcony, after everything has gone down…She’ll ask for a dance, and if yes the kiss happens there. If no, she’ll waittill they get back at Skyhold, saying she wanted to do it before but shechickened out
An Inquisitor would be able to ask her aboutsex after that; cue angsty talk about endometriosis and a lot of pain, also no children,no cure, lots of crying and apologising she didn’t say earlier. I’d say anInquisitor would be able to break the relationship off there, or just tell herthey loved her anyway. Breaking it off would lead to a bit more crying but hersaying she understands and she treated them unfairly by not saying. Her dialoguebecomes short after that, both because of guilt and she’s certain theInquisitor doesn’t actually want to talk to her after it
Good times
 5. If theyromanced someone as Inquisitor, would they still fall for that person as acompanion? How would that play out? How would they react to that person beingromanced by the “new” Inquisitor?
I’ve never played DA:I with Mirlen, but if I didI think she’d romance Sera. Just as I answered with Ela and Cullen, the romancewould play out as it does in game if neither of them are romanced by theInquisitor.
If Sera is romanced by the Inquisitor Mir willbe a little sad for a few days, but it’ll pass. There are plenty of fish in thesea, and she quickly accepts she and Sera just weren’t meant to be together.
 9. Wherein Skyhold would they be found? (e.g. Cole is in the tavern rafters, Leliana inthe top of the tower, Varric in the throne room, etc.)
She can be found by the big stairs leading upto the main entrance. Mostly she sits and doodles, as she likes to draw andthat spot gives her many objects and angles to work with. If you choose to makea training ground later on she’s close to that as well, which she definitely enjoys!
Thanks for asking!!
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