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lilolilyr · 1 month ago
What Mando’a have you learned yet?
Heh I know I said on my rec list here that I remember 90 words and that was true at the time but because I take ages to reply to asks it's been a while, so let's see what I still remember now, I've mostly read clone wars fic lately, nothing with that much Mando'a...
Gonna try to structure this a bit to try and remember more. Also btw this is definitely just what I remember from what I've learned via fic reading osmosis, so take this with a grain of salt, for actual Mando'a knowledge there are a couple online dictionaries you could check out!
...I've spent 35 minutes trying to remember All The words xDxD fandom brainrot much lmao, why can't I get obsessed with like an actual useful language xD anyway lots of words below the cut, indeed over 90! Lots of words on weapons and family which tracks with Mandalorian culture xD but also a whole bunch of other random words!
Mando'a - Mandalorian language, manda'yaim - planet Mandalore, mando'ade - mandalorians (children of Mandalore), Manda - the mandalorian Force (the council of fallen mandalorian warriors), kara - stars/the Force, jetii - Jedi, jetiise - Jedi plural, dar'jetii - darksider/sith, aruueti - outsider or traitor, dar'manda - no longer mandalorian, demagolka - monstrous criminal
Counting 10 words
Weapons and stuff:
Buy'ce - helmet, beskat - sword, beskar'gam - armor, kar'ta beskar - heart of the armor, jetii'kad - lightsaber, kom'rk - vambraces, hal'cabure - chest plate, cabur - guardian, arane - also guardian/protector? Not sure whether there's a difference, ramikad - fighter, ori'ramikaade - supercommandos, deece - gun
Counting 12 words
Aliit - family, ad - child(son/daughter), adiik - child, ikaad - baby/infant/toddler, vod(e) - sibling(s), buir(e) - parent(s), ad'vod - nibling, ba'vodu - aunt/uncle, ba'buir - grandparent
Counting 9 words
Riduruuk - marriage (vows), riduur - spouse, cyare - beloved, cyar'ika - darling, copikla - cute
Counting 5 words
Jobs & skills:
Baar'ur: healer/medic, mir'baarur - therapist/mindhealer, hibir - student, baji - teacher, bajuri - teach/educate/raise, goran - blacksmith, alor - leader, mand'alor - mandalorian king
Counting 8 words
Body parts:
Shebs - ass, kar'ta - heart, tal - blood
Counting 3 words (and I can't believe I forgot the words for head and chest and limbs. Also a bunch of words are used for private parts but most of them I'm sure are made up slang like deece (gun) for dick so I won't count those xD)
Dikut - idiot, mir'shebs - smartass, shabuir - motherfucker, din'la - crazy, hut'uun - (goddamn I can't speak English anymore. The opposite of brave???)
Counting 5 words
Yaim - home, kar'yai - living room, Khedabe - keep/city of Keldabe, khi'khedabe - little Keldabe (the enclave on Coruscant), Coruscanta - planet coruscant
Counting 5 words
Pronouns etc:
Gar - you, ni - I, mhi - we, sa - mine
Counting 4 words
Kyr - death, gai - name, solus - one/alone, tome - together, dar'tome - apart, haat - truth, evaar - new, ijaat - honor, haa'it - vision, kyr'tayl - know, darasuum - forever, jate - good, ori'jate - very good, ori'haat - promise, ni ceta - I kneel (an apology), nayc - no, elek - yes, nu draar - no way!/not possible, an - all, bar - and, dinui - share, tuur - day, var'tuur - morning (new day), shereshoy - lust for life, ne'tra gal - (a strong alcohol), tingilaar - (a spicy stew), tihaar - (an alcoholic beverage), shig - (a mandalorian spice tea), olarum - welcome, oya - let's go, cin - white, tra - black,
Counting 32 words
So unless I've counted wrong we're at 93 words. Not bad! Pretty close to my guess from a month ago, and I'm pretty sure I've forgotten some in the meantime (or just can't think of them right now, there are always some that I can translate when I see the English word but can't think of when making a list in one go), so it's actually more than I expected!
+ these phrases etc:
Haat' mando'ade/haat'ade - true Mandalorians (Jaster Mereel's fraction), evaar('mando)'ade - new mandalorians backed by the Republic led by the Kryze family, kyr'stad - deathwatch (terrorists)
Jate var'tuur - good morning, Gai bel Manda: Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad - adoption vow: I know your name as my child, riduruuk: mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mi me'nidui an, mhi bajuri verde - marriage vows: we are one together, we are one apart, we share all, we will raise warriors, ni kar'tayl gar darasuum - I will now you forever (I love you)
I don't quite know this one yet: 'today is a good day for someone else to die', it's a saying for going into a battle, especially when it's for revenge
Thank you for the ask xD
Edit: yeah looking at my list from the last time I counted my vocab there are a bunch of really easy ones I've forgotten to list here
Me'ven - what, Me'vaar (ti gar) - anything new? (Hey, how's it going), Su'cuy gar/su'cuy - hi (still alive), Returce'mhi/ret - bye (let's meet again), mandokarla - has Mandalorian spirit, udeesi - calm (down), Cin vetin - blank slate (white fields), Nasaade - nameless/clanless, Dha'kad - darksaber, Dral'han - mandalorian excision, ven'alor - next in line to lead, ven'riduur - fiancé, Mesh'la - beautiful, Osik - Shit, Kute - Bodysuit, Naas - nothing/nope (I'm fine), jare'la - stupidly brave
So def over a hundred word mandalorian vocab, just from reading too much fic xD
Also I remember the words Koyaci and Kandosi but I don't remember what they mean??? Gotta look them up one of these days
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dykejugheadjones · 1 year ago
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nerdreamer · 1 month ago
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lieutenant-sarcastic · 2 months ago
For Years my brother has been fucking with me by periodically texting me to say Jimmy Carter had finally died. Today the bit has paid off.
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The response to my reaction at work was “what do you MEAN ‘for real this time’?????”
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I fucking hate it here I’m crying
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bloodbending · 2 months ago
can’t believe tiktok is actually getting banned, twitter is infested with bots and brainworm-infested musk bootlickers, facebook is king of QAnon, instagram caught the plague from facebook and is dying a slow death in real time… and as the dust settles… only Miss Tumblr is left standing… failing upwards once again
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mercurio-shadowz · 23 days ago
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shadow is a gay parrot: the comic
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traaansfem · 1 month ago
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teaboot · 1 year ago
BRUH a dude I know from work came in for the first time in months and I thought he looked different but couldn't figure out why?? So I asked if he'd changed his hair and he was like "BITCH I GOT TOP SURGERY"
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nathaniacolver · 4 months ago
arcane ships be like
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i love a show that teaches equality (😭😭😭)
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lilolilyr · 8 months ago
For "Being Known" (Helena writer, Myka actress): 2 and 3, 6 and/or 7 (whichever you like better, or both), and 9!
Ah, thank you! My longest Bering and Wells fic to date :D
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Moodboard & header for the fic, and Here's the ask meme
2. How did you come up with the idea?
It was part of a gift exchange, and my giftee had asked for a pop culture AU, with some fusion prompts for fandoms I didn't know very well - so instead of trying to find out enough about eg Buffy the Vampire Slayer to write a fic in that world, I asked whether a celebrity AU would work, and here we are!
3. Did the idea change at all by the time the fic was complete?
I expanded my initial idea a lot - adding Steve, Leena, Artie, Caturanga, Jane and Amanda, I'm pretty sure initially it was just supposed to be HG and Myka with side characters Claudia and Pete. I don't remember exactly what the plan was and what came later, apart from having the idea of Helena's conflict about wanting to remain anonymous while being passionate about something that could bring her a lot of fame early on...I'll have to see whether I still have my initial draft somewhere and I can add it at the end of the post, I tend to write in messages on telegram and copy paste them to an ao3 draft or word doc once I start editing, so the messages should still be the original first draft.
I think I was unsure whether or not I should add an AU-ified Christina related backstory and work that into part of the reason for Helena's reluctance over fame, I had several ideas about her own childhood, her knowing a child something happened to, or actually writing Christina into her backstory... I went back and forth between Christina being a child star and Helena herself being one, I think in the end I just made Helena one because it worked better for the story though I would have liked to have more Christina backstory, but oh well, kill your darlings.
6. How did you decide what tense and POV(s)to use? / 7. How did you decide what character(s) would narrate the fic?
Honestly, I rarely decide that kind of thing consciously - I guess if you want to write something commercially there are lots of things to consider, but I write for fun and I'll write wherever my ideas bring me. Sometimes I'll notice a scene works better from a different POV and I change it, but usually it just happens one way and then it's fine to leave it as is
In this case I think I immediately knew it would mainly be Helena's POV because it's really her story I wanted to tell.
9. Did you get stuck at any point? How did you get past that?
Claudia! Hah, I mean I didn't get stuck on her, but that I used her to get past difficult scenes, giving Helena a much needed push! Especially near the end, when it comes to Helena accepting the possibility of a relationship between her and Myka.
Thank you so much for the ask! This was fun to talk about :)
This is my draft for the fic, the way it was written (in a messenger chat with just myself in it, as I start most fics) in one go, before making any edits at all!
You'll notice a lot of 'xx' markers - because there aren't really any words with that, it's easy to search a text for that later on, so whenever I know I still need to fix something - add a sentence, translate a word, edit bullet points into paragraph, add entire scenes - I write XX to mark it for later.
wip bering and wells author actress AU for anandabrat
Working title The Perfect Warrior
HG (former child actor turned?) writer under pseudonym hiding from fame (bc burned out from kid fame?), slowly getting back into acting, does improv for fun
Myka either star there to help 'learning' amateur actors for xxkomparsen? Or she's a newcomer and HG is back on film?
Claudia's HG's friend, Pete Myka's
ohhh what about Helena's book being verfilmt & Myka main role, HG making sure she won't be overwhelmed..
xxflashback seven months prior
"H.G., I'm coming in!"
Helena covers her head with a pillow when she hears Claudia Donovan's shouting from the backyard before a well-aimed kick against the old garden door has it fling open.
"Breaking and entering, really?" Helena's muffled voice lets Claudia know where she is. "I would have thought that petty crime is belowxx you."
"Come oooon," Claudia pulls the pillow from her face and Helena is left squinting at the sudden light. "We're going out! A friend of mine has a gallery opening, and there's bound to be a crowd of interesting people there!"
"I can't," Helena grouches. "I have to write, I still haven't finished either of those silly sequels my agents want me to work on."
"Riiight," Claudia nods, juggling the pillow between her hands. "Because that's what you were doing right now. Writing."
"Oh, cut the sarcasm." Helena growls. She is in a bad enough mood without Claudia butting in and making it worse.
"Alright then." Instead of backing down, Claudia throws the pillow onto the bed and, hands on her hips, stares Helena down. "I'll speak xxklartext. You're wasting away here, H.G.! You hate the books you're supposed to write, you refuse to write anything else either, you haven't seen any of our friends in months and now you're getting your groceries delivered so you don't even have to leave the house? That's the final straw!"
"Who snitched on me," Helena xx Leena?sbcanonordontmention
"It'll be good for you," Claudia insists. "You can dazzle everyone with your Wikipedia brain, and maybe you'll meet a xxverleger who wants to publish one of your weirder novellas. Come on, get up. get up, if not for yourself then do it for me because there's no way I'll go schmooze with the rich and famous all on my own!"
"I still cannot believe you managed to talk me into this," Helena sighs, looking at the xx and bustle around her.
"I'm up, I'm up," Helena sighs and avoidsxxausweichen Claudia's attempt to pull her from the bed by sitting up. "Alright, what exactly is this opening we're going to?"
Laughing, herxxfriend Claudia bumps their elbows together. "You better believe it, there's no getting out of it now! And this will be good for you! xx I'm happy for you, H.G., this is a dream come true!" She twirls around without missing a step, taking it all in.
"The fact that it makes you xxgoodposition takes no part in it, I'm sure." Helena deflects. She doesn't want to admit that Claudia is right and she is thrilled to have her characters coming to life for the big screen - nor does she want it known that, despite all the negotiations and concessions on side of the production studio, she is still afraid that she won't recognise the world she created once the movie is done. Will they do justice to the worlds of trees and cogwheels, to the unseeing creator and the warrior with the unruly hair? Will they listen to Helena when she has suggestions, will the stick to the details from the book, will it even be possible to transfer it to the new medium?
This and more goes through Helena's mind as she lets Claudia drag her along over the big parking lot and storage area, past trucks with equipment and the xxvans for cast and crew towards the xxhall.
first time sees Myka - the perfect xxcharactername warrior.
xx looks after her xx her hair xx in the wind, a sharp edge to her big brown eyes that negates anything childish about their shape, xx stepping out of the camper
xx C hey, we're not here to flirt! Can't believe I need to say that to you, you're like, the least likely person xx xx pretty girl
xx not what - I mean yes beautiful, but not what that wasabout -
xx oh /beauuutiful
xx shut up Donovan
xx later sees Myka in makeup all *sideeye* what did you do to my xxcharactername
argument - need makeup! Looks silly on camera without, different than irl!
HG: well if so, just makeup that makes it look decent with the lights and closeups, NOT that kind of obvious eye makeup, and who had the idea that a warrior in a cyberpunk dystopia would need a bold red lip? Or shaved pits?
xx Myka uncomfortable, thinks she has done something wrong, especially when sent back out in the middle of the scene, doesn't notice the argument
co-star Pete tries to comfort her
xxMyka thinks maybe this was bad idea, should quit
xx HG will Not lose my warrior!
(xx Myka in trouble
xx HG kann wen zusammenscheißen, makes sure Myka's fine)
xx from then on Helena trying to keep an eye on Myka, asks how she's dealing with the pressure, what her plans are for if she'll be famous after this project, whether she has a good agent to protect her interests, etc... (eg where u live? city apartment...
H:security? M:none?? H:myself, nature away from most people M: wish could affort...)
Myka: know you're just doing this because you think I'm a good fit for the character and you don't want it to be ruined by me quitting, but I still really appreciate
HG: what?? No, am doing this - well, would for everyone! Know how it is, when I was a kid... nevermind. But, care about you too
Myka finds out why HG is so wary about fame
go to premiere together - "don't have to hold a speech, don't even have to tell anyone who you are, but at least go as my date?"
As usual, I had a first scene instantly in my head, then started thinking quicker than I could write and had to note down bullet points so I wouldn't forget anything xD
Again, thanks for the ask :)
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scionsthings · 5 months ago
Rewatching Arcane
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nerdreamer · 1 month ago
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w0rnoutsock · 8 months ago
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uhm.. yeah..
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orinthered · 8 months ago
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been playing botw lately
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