#because he doesnt shut up and he sits in the middle of things
kxllerblond · 2 years
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obsessed with the idea of clark being that side character energy muse that ends up influencing a main character energy muse for better or worse
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cupiohearts · 3 months
AND NOW IM OFF TO THE RACES ?! - pointing out moles with ace, malleus, and vil
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ACE is obnoxious. he might be your boyfriend but sometimes you feel like decking him in the face sometimes. "hey dont roll your eyes at me!" he says as you switch out of your jacket for the fifth time. you hear his back hit the bed. (it was a very loud screech since your bed is hard as rocks)
"gah!" he brings his body off the bed and deliver a small punch to it "crowley needs to get you a new bed."
"and a new budget" you chime in. sighing as you go through your closet filled with clothes. not like you bought them yourself. it was from kalim, and vil- and just about every other rich student on campus buying you things.
"oh come on! we're gonna be late to riddle's unbirthday party!" he whines as he stares at your back.
"hes not gonna get angry at me. im his favourite now shut up and tell me which looks better!"
you expected him to reply with a sassy comment like he normally does. but youre met with silence. "ace?" you ask as you pause and stare at the ceiling with a raised eyebrow.
after a moment of silence, his voice can be heard in something just slightly above a whisper. "did you know you have a mole on your back? its right-" he gets off the bed. it makes a slight creak as he moves towards you. "here" he finishes.
his finger touching a spot in the middle of your back just a bit to the right. you turn your body around to attempt to look at it.
"i cant see it obviously! my head doesnt spin 360 dummy" you flick his forehead. "now stop looking at my back and focus on the clothes!"
he mimicks your voice in a more high pitched tone before going back to sitting on the bed. "you should show me more of your moles. its like finding shells on beaches."
you were forced to sit down as VIL does your skincare. "i dont think i wanna do this.. im so tired." you complain to your boyfriend.
"close your potato otherwise youll get a mouthful of foam" he commands you while he starts to lather the foam all over your face. you sigh as you close your eyes, feeling the motion of his hands on your face. rubbing in whatever product he was using.
the feeling of his hands circling your cheeks and then back to your forehead and then your chin almost made you fall asleep if it wasnt for the cold water hitting your face.
you opened one eye as you feel his fingers poke at your face. "hm? what the heck why did you poke me!" you say as you open both your eyes and huff at him.
unfortunately he had placed your hands in a covering because he was also putting hand masks on your hands.
he raised an eyebrow at you. geez he was so hot. "i didnt realize you had a mole there prefect" he says as he looks more closely at it. "well yeah- its tiny" you say as you pull your head a bit away from his face. sweating bullets at the sight of the queen himself looking at the mole you had.
"its cute." he simply states before slapping your face with some cream again.
perhaps he thought you didnt realize how his fingers seemed to pay special attention to your mole everytime. whenever he gives you goodbye kisses when the bell rings, he leaves a ring of lipstick around your mole.
he notices it if you cover it up with some makeup or what not. a frown getting on his face as he immediantly swipes at what covers it.
"why did you cover it? its a lovely place for a mole. you shouldnt cover it up. did you know theres a myth that moles appear when our past lover had kissed up before?" he asks you while his eyes were still focused on the mark.
MALLEUS notices your mark when he looks at your foot while you two relax at the lake. he notices it every single day, discreetly (or not) staring at it whenever you go on your rambles about your day or possibly how annoying ace and deuce can get sometimes.
you know he noticed at first because he paused mid conversation to lower his gaze down your foot. it took him a minute or two to snap out of it and stop blanking out on you but the good deed was done.
after that day you decided that his gaze on your foot started to freak you out a bit more so you suggested less water and more shoes rather than sandals.
you didn't think he would notice but while you two hung out in your spot after a week or two. he would start staring down at the spot where he knows where your mole is. he specificallly remembers it and frown.
"child of man take off your shoes"
"tsunotarou we talked about this you cant steal my shoes i only have one pair"
he shakes his head this time. kneeling down at your feet as he slips your slippers off. slipper because you wore them to feel comfortable at night. his hands holding your foot in his hands while your shoe is in your other one.
you gasp and try to take your shoe back from him. your hands no match for his years of experience from doing bits of swordfighting however.
"tsunotarou i need my shoes back! my foot is cold" you whine to him.
"but the dot. you have a beauty mark on your foot"
darn his sad dragon eyes. you wouldve probably hurled a rock at him if he wasnt so naive and confused. you poor poor soul malleus.
"yes i have beauty mark on my foot i have them everywhere on my body tsunotarou. now give me back my shoe" you say with a furrowed eyebrow and a frown etched onto your face huffing.
he lights up at this. the opposite of what you wanted (what you really wanted were those slippers in his hands).
after that day he did give you your slipper back but he started to inspect your body. not as creepy as it seems but whenever he thinks youre distracted he looks everywhere on your body for a darker spot.
god forbid you allow him to do this with free will. sometimes whenever he thinks he hit jackpot on finding a new one, he pulls on your clothes tugging it down or off to look at it without it being obstructed.
youve had very awkward stares about this that you dont wish to describe.
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alexging · 9 months
dating sean diaz hcs pt 2
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- before esteban fixed up a car for sean, u guys would always take the public bus around seattle
- his favorite dates r the ones where u guys go into random small stores and thrift shops
- both of u guys cackle REALLY LOUD at tacky shirts with stupid sayings and get looks from people 😭
- ur fav thing is to go “i found something ud like” and watch sean look up from the racks in excitement to see an overly patriotic shirt that says “don’t touch my truck”
- his face drops into a frown and he picks out something 10x uglier and say it looks like something ud wear
- sean secretly buys what u say is cute but u cant afford bc thrifting is so expensive for no reason these days
- “guess what i got” and he slithers it out of his bag with an evil smile 😭 suddenly him dissing u for an hour straight doesnt even matter anymore
- once esteban texts sean for dinner u guys hop on the bus back home. he never asks sean to come home for dinner alone though! common courtesy to invite the gf
- sharing wired earbuds on the bus ride home always. sean plays little love songs bc he only listens to music that he relates to in that specific moment 😭 corny but cute. he def has songs in his head that he thinks are ur guys’ songs and plays them every chance he gets
- when u first started eating with the diaz family it was so painfully awkward
- though he kind of likes it now, he did not want his girlfriend to get to know esteban or daniel too well LMAO he didnt want to be embarrassed by anything they possibly could say
- still, even when he tried so hard to avoid it, daniel and esteban still found their ways
- estebans the kind of dad to bring up embarrassing stories about sean when he was a kid bc he KNOWS how much his son would hate it
- “y’know (y/n), im surprised seanie boy over here even managed to get a girlfriend in the first place”
- “why is that, mr. diaz?”
- “i remember he thought girls couldn’t poop until he was in middle school! i had to break the news for him—he was in denial for weeks. his voice was shaking when i told him and everything!” u can see sean pause mid-chew in the corner of his eye 😭 “and please, call me esteban”
- you just awkwardly nodded and tried to not bust out laughing. sean notices and kicks u under the table which makes u ACTUALLY bust out laughing
- esteban and daniel knew from there u were one to be trusted
- “i bet (y/n) doesn’t poop” daniel randomly said when u left that night. seans immediately swiveled his head around 😭
- just like with lyla, daniel seemed to have a crush on u as well. the only difference is that sean tries to shut it down REALLY quick.
- “she shits all the time. sometimes i wipe her ass for her bc she shits so much”
- daniel’s “eww…” is like music to his ears
- u always playfully punch him when he does this in front of u and ask why he makes u look bad in front of him
- sean never admits its bc hes jealous of a little kid 😭 he just changes the subject and kisses u bc he thinks hes sneaky
- over the summer he randomly got a buzz and didnt say anything to anybody
- he just opened his front door standing there bald as if nothing happened and ur eyes wld just kind of widen
- u wld eventually tell him it looks good tho bc it DOES he pulls it off so well
- that summer u wld always randomly start feeling his head because the texture is so interesting
- it got to the point where hed just sit on the floor in front of wherever u were so ud get to feel his freshly mowed head
- he always ends up dozing off bc its so comforting and u wld feel his head pressed on ur inner leg.
- u also get the privilege of cutting/buzzing his hair 😋
- sean doesnt trust himself so u guys sit for 40 mins watching a brad mondo video before u start going ape on his hair
- he gets kind of nervous when u get close to his face and does that thing where u switch between a persons right eye and left eye while smiling awkwardly 😭
- surprisingly it turns out good!
- i feel like ud be super nit-picky on ur work, thinking its total ass. he wld just say its perfect over and over again
- he always stares at any reflective surface and smiles like a dork in front of it. even if u did do a shit job, he probably wouldnt notice or care all that much bc he loves blindly ❤️
im on winter break so i get to be cringe and free for endless hours thank u to like the 3 other people who also like sean diaz. u r all real ones
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sanjisboyfie · 9 months
to help me sleep at night just random individual headcanons from various places of my brain (did it on my phone if typo ignore or u eill explode)
if suguru is smoking and you come up to him:
option a: you smoke too, he lights your cigarette up w his lighter, cupping his hand over the flame to make sure it doesnt go out before your end is properly lit, OR he makes sure you have yours in your mouth, before leaning in towards you (his is in his mouth) and pressing the two ends together to make yours light off of his end, OR, he just insists on you two sharing the one hes already smoking, smirking as hes got infinite amount of indirect kisses lined up for him now
option b: you don't smoke, so he immediately stomps it out on the ground and blows the last hit he took into thr opposite direction of you so you dont ahve to smell it/smell like it.
satoru really loves embarassing you two in public, especially in his teen days. out of nowhere, really erotic noises would come from him - obviously unprompted and unprovoked - and he'd just start obnoxiously moaning your name...so fucking embarrassing. its like hes got the humor of a middle schooler. like youre in the arcade playing games w each other, he loses, and then he starts shaking the poor machine and jolting his hips back and forth AS IF hes getting railed when obviously hes FUCKING NOT and screaming "eugh!! uAgh!! HARDER [NAME]!! FUCK" and youre just trying very hard to get him to shut the fuck up
another satoru headcanon, loves gushing to u abt his lil nerd findings. when you were in highschool tgt, he would have you sit in front of him on his bed as he pointed to all the different mechanjcs his gundam figurine (bc he deffo collected them bye its ltr canon) has and going all nerdy by making silly noises like "pshhh! pfooo! baam!" as he makes them dance around in front of you. you just let him indulge you because hes honestly adorable whenever he does get rlly into it and not at all an annoying piece of shit, like he usually is. he might even rock ur bodies back and forth as hes doing all the sound effects too before setting the toy down and jus peppering kisses all over your face and neck. awww the little shit is being cute.
erm erm guys lemme cook w the one piece boys rq.
TRAFALGAR LAW...thats the headcanon.
ok obvs jk. but just imagine laws hands (gigglegiggle) and how theyre always in conract w u. mans cannottt keep his hands to himself. but nooo his hands needs to touch skin or else its not even worth it???? his fingers will slither beneath your shirt and grip onto your pelvis, or they'll go below your waistband and just run up and down your hipbone. if hes coming up from behind you his personal favorite is grabbing the back of your neck with his COLD ASS hands and watching you jump in genuine UNCOMFORTABLENESS and him jus laugh at u. then he kisses the spot he touched, covering the cold sensation w his warm lips. orrrr how about how he literally tugs you around w his hands. idk smth like pulling you inby yourbelt loops and forcing you to sit on his lap, no matter whos w u guys. or how hes always got his hand in yours so hes guiding you places/forcing you to stick near him
luffy gulp. luffy gulp gulp. the absolute sweetest sweetheart. probably loves kissing a lot. when u guys first started dating the only kisses hed accept were if u guys both looked like ducks and your lips were pursed to heaven and beyond. he thought it was rlly cute and liked how it felt. a very smiley teethy kisser if ykwim. 99.9% of ur kisses end up with him grinning ear to ear so youre basically kissing teeth stp but its ok hes babygirl it ok. luffy wants kissed for every single little thing. you gusy woke up? kiss. you guys r gonna eat breakfast? kiss. you guys r about to take a bath? kisses in the bath r fun!!!!! luffy is a kissing enthusiast. give him kisses wtfffff
tbh zoros a biter. like bro definitely bit kids when he was little. but MOVING ON FROM THAT. i mean: hes the type to bite as a form of affection. ABS IF U CANT SEE THE VISION IDC he definitely does. he sees your arms and thinks hmm i shd try eatin that in a very unserious way so he bites it when its in front of him and u genuinely look st him as if he has rabies. then he jus shrugs and ignores it??? which hello why is ur teeth imprinted in my skin rn ur jus gonna ignore it. if you guys r cuddling, he bites your bicep lightly to wake u up because hes too lazy to speak words. zoro rlly is "i no energy word bite yes" like dawg it does NOT work like that. bites your fingers sometimes when u hold hands....then licks it better when youre abiut to dcold him. the thing is this is all v nonchalantly done. like he rlly doesnt see how odd this is so he just does it and then cotninues on as if it isnt lowk v odd and abnormal. bites a lot. (he a freakazoid) dont let him rest his hesd between your legs for nap time he will definitely bite the inside of your thighs and that hurts like a bitch. next thing yk hes biting too close and taking off ur dick. do not risk it w this man.
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genshin fantasies .. first time with virgin dainsleif and he doesnt realize how pent up hes been over the past 500 years until hes cum inside once and still feels so desperate to unload more inside the reader 😵‍💫
♡ Pent up Virgin Dainsleif needing you ♡
!● warnings: gn!reader, grinding, sub!dain (switching sides later on), handjob, messy in the end, very smut, NSFW🔞 no minors or I’ll eat u alive
note: damn, i love this, breeding goes brrrrr (also sorry that it took so long bby)
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“This… uhm, why do you have to sit on my lap again, (y/n)?”, Dainsleif whispered, avoiding your eye contact since you kinda pushed yourself on top of his lap. There was no reason for him to be quiet around your new apartment in Mondstadt but he still did it. Showing to you how awkward this is for him. You could feel that his whole body froze as soon as you made yourself comfortable around his lap. His face now turned slowly red. “Dain… see, I did not know that you would visit me today. You did not answer my letters so I thought you had no time to help me out. There was no time for me to clean…”, you pouted and pressed your body on his, getting a little jump out of him. His head is spinning with unspoken thoughts of you currently.
In fact, you have had a new apartment since you moved to Mondstadt one week ago but there was no time for you to actually get all your stuff out of the boxes. Once Dainsleif noticed your letter he made his way to you. Now in the middle of the night, you both were sitting on the couch which was filled with random stuff you did not have time to sort out. He avoided replying to your speech, so you tap on his nose. “You look like you need this, right?”, you said. It was pretty obvious now. Dainsleif was pent up with all the stress he was dealing with, so you have to make him feel better tonight. Maybe he would stay even for breakfast, who knows? You pushed him onto the couch, so he could lean against the couch pillow, making his body react stiff. Of course, you couldn’t stop smirking seeing him like this. You were facing him and caressing his face, enjoying how beautiful in pain he was, not to jump on you right away and do naughty things with you. 
“I…I know what you are thinking… stop that.”, he said but there was no attempt by him to get rid of you. He wanted this as badly as you needed it. So, your hands made their way down to caress his waist while they went under his shirt. “Oh~ if you know *that* well what I want…” You leaned near his ear and whispered. “Why can’t you stop me then? Or do you like it?” 
His whole body shivered when he was only concentrating on your sweet voice. Closing his eyes shut, trying not to moan out. Then you suddenly started to move your hips and grind on Dainsleif’s tight. He was frozen like a stone so you had to start acting first. Even if he couldn't get anything out of him, a faint moan came out of his mouth, after your hands stopped at his hardened nippels. You chuckle a little bit before giving him kisses on the neck, grinding yourself faster on him. “F-fuck… don’t stop, please”, he demanded while he grabbed your hips to dig his nails into your flesh. He started to warm up to your liking. But you still had to do the work which wasn’t a problem at all. You were pretty horny too. 
“Mhm, Dainsleif… you are so pretty…”, you said after licking his neck up to his mouth. Giving him little kisses on his mouth, not fully pressing your lips on his, his hands help you to speed up against his tights. “You want more?”, you asked provocatively. He nodded shyly while his eyes begged desperately for more. You couldn’t deny this so you squeezed his cheeks a little bit, not too harsh, so you could stuff your tongue inside his mouth. It wasn’t a battle for dominance because after your tongue melted into each other, Dainsleif literally lost himself in the kiss. Moaning into your mouth while your hip movement started to slow down. 
His eyes were locked to yours while the kiss was not slowing down at all. It was clear for you, that he begged for more touch. Your hands were resting on his hardened nipples but did not pinched him at all. With a sudden push towards your hips, you could feel his pulsing bulge inside his pants. It was painfully begging to be free. He needs your touch so badly. And with the ongoing kiss, Dainsleif got warmer and hotter, so he grabbed your hands and rested them on his bulge. Moaning into the kiss, his eyes clearly screaming to help him release. You let go of his kiss with a deep sigh, taking in the hot air around you both, you smiled brightly. “Hehe, eager are we?~”, you teased him. 
“Oh, shut up and touch me already”, he said with a red face, closing his eyes, pressing his lower body parts against your hands further. You did not waste much more time and zipped his pants open, freeing his pulsing dick. The cold air makes him moan out accidently, making you shiver. Seeing him like this was the best and with no more wasting time, you let him guide your hands. His big but graceful hands wrapping your own to ensheath his dick. While you let him guide your hands, you watched his facial expressions. He made the slutiest face you have ever seen him doing, it was as if he was a different man.
His hands now start to go slowly up and down, letting the pre-cum smear on the rest of his dick, making the jerking motion easier to go faster. Dainsleif’s mouth is a little bit apart, letting small and quiet moans out. Before you could react he sped up and leaned against your neck, feeling his dick pulsing. “(y/n)...”, he started repeating your name near your ear, giving you exciting creeps all over your arms and legs.
“Y-you close?”, you asked while kissing his neck. He nods, noticing how you pushed his hands so you could give him a proper handjob. Your hands were faster than his and they felt way better than his owns. Going faster up and down on his dick, using his pre-cum for more friction. His moans started to get louder while he chanted your name over and over again, until you used your thumb to make circles around his tip. It was clear for both of you that he was getting close. To push him over the edge, you used your thumb to circle around on his tip while the other hand continued to jerk him off. Dainsleif then came on your hands without warning and a low groan moan.  “F-fuck, d-don’t stop, please…”, he said while leaning back, loving how your not stopped a bit because you knew he loved it. While his cum covered your hands, it was getting messier by every movement. You slowed down before letting go to lick his cum off your hands.
Dainsleif was mesmerized by what you are doing with his own cum, oh no, seeing you like this made his mind all foggy. It stopped his dick becoming limb, the opposite occurred and it hardened again. Needing now much more than your touches. While you were licking your fingers completely going in for it, you did not notice that he is going to push you over to your stomach on the couch, grinding his hard dick against your ass. Letting out a suprised moan, you looked behind, seeing him lost in lust to fuck you tonight crazy. You let him undress, more like ripping it apart, your bottom part to have easier access to your pulsing asshole. There was no time for him to finger you before fucking you. He ended up pushing his dick slowly inside you, while your ass sucked his dick inside further. You heard him letting out a surprisingly loud moan, then sighed and leaned down to kiss your neck. 
“S-stay like this, fuck, you are too good for me…”, he said, starting to fuck you from behind into the couch. Your eyes roll behind as Dainsleif did not have the time to let you adjust to his dick. His hips ramming into you with no mercy. His dick pushed his previous cum from your handjob easily out of your ass, it was even a good enough lubrication. 
Anyways, his hips slapping against your ass, creating the naughties sounds in your apartment, while there was no filter on Dainsleif’s mouth, moaning with his pretty voice out your name. You could feel his dick deep inside you, ramming it inside this particular spot which made you lose any sight. The rougher he got, the more you could also feel your orgasm building up. “D-dain, slow down…”, you moaned, holding on to the pillow for aid. But he did not slow down a bit, going at an animalistic speed to destroy your ass, completely let go of all this pent up stress he had in the past 500 years. He was getting close again, so did you too.
“Let me cum inside of you.”, it was not a question since even if you would say something against it, your mind was blank wanting only to cum with him, thinking of his thick dick slamming inside of you. Since the only response you gave him was your moans, he leaned up and grabbed your waist to slam his dick a few times in you before painting your inner walls white. “Ugh…ahh~”, he moaned, filling you up. All his juicy cum coming out filling you up. After a moment of silence, you started to laugh. “Haha, Dain you made such a mess, damn…”
He was clearly out of breath but smiled, pulling his dick out just to slam back inside of you. Slowly fucking you again. “Mhmm…”, this made your toes roll while you concentrated not to cum again. You were as sensitive as his dick was, so you pushed your hip higher to make him reach deeper inside you, hitting again your g-spot. “Oh, you want more?”, turning the tables around. You made him want this and now you are desperately needing more inside of you. After seeing you nod and moan out, he started to fuck you again and again, filling your ass up to the brim. With every push inside you, cum floated out of you, making the couch a complete mess. This went on the whole night, him not letting go of the amazing feeling of his dick rearrange your inners over and over again. 
Eventually both of you fall asleep after some hours into the late night, cuddling up in the mess since both of you were too tired to take a bath or anything to clean up. He kisses your head and snuggles into your shivering body. “Sorry, I will help you out with cleaning up, okay?”
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oniikabuto · 1 year
hi i hope this doesnt seem annoying bc i have never requested anything from ppl IDK it makes me anxious 😭 but ur one bed for sp was so cute i adore ur writing !!! do u think u could do it for craigs gang + butters?
one bed! part 2
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-- sfw --
part one (main 4 boys)
characters: butters stotch, craig tucker, tweek tweak, tolkien black, jimmy valmer, clyde donovan
a/n: you arent annoying at all dws!! ty for being my first request this is monumental. oh and i wasnt sure if tweek counted as part of craigs gang or not but i adore him so i made one for him. also thank you!!!!!! ;; also jimmy is so underrated i love him so much mwagh
notes: i cant write clyde for shit idk he has no personaluty sorry i love him though; same character dynamic as part 1 (mutual pining, character has a crush on the reader)
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— ⛧ b. stotch
complains that it's past his bedtime, but gives in because he wants to spend time with you.
"it's past nine already!"
"well.. yeah. it isn't that late, butters."
"but i always sleep at nine!"
but he'll sit through movies with you anyways because he has a fat crush on you.
except when the end credits start rolling, you look over at butters and he's curled up in a ball, snoring.
you don't have the heart to wake him up, so you quietly shut your laptop and move it off your bed.
he'll probably get in trouble for not coming home at all, but his parents trust you enough. you can probably talk them out of grounding him tomorrow morning.
"butters", you whisper. "leo, you gotta move."
he rolls over, half-asleep and dazed. "huh..?"
"you're staying with me tonight. scoot over."
"o-oh, jeez, okay", he blushes when he feels the warmth of you next to him.
"night, butters."
he's probably praying he doesnt wet the bed he would actually die
murmurs in his sleep and talks about nonsense
drools like a puppy
probably goes mimimimimi like in the cartoons /j
you will wake up with his arm around you. if you move it, he'll find his way back again in his sleep
looks like a baby when he sleeps its so funny you cant help but take photos

— ⛧ c. tucker
you turn around to tell him it's getting late and ask if he needs a ride home
and he's dead asleep. on the floor. textbook over his lap. snoring very softly.
like no wonder it's been so quiet... as you were doing your homework, craig was asleep on your floor.
you felt so bad having to wake him up to move him to your bed
"craig, i'm so sorry. i got distracted, i didn't mean to-"
"it's fine. just let me sleep in the corner. i like your plushies", he yawns.
so he sleeps in the corner against the wall, and you sleep on the outside to make sure he doesn't roll right off the bed.
if you weren't there, he definitely would have bc when you wake up, he's smushed into you.
how can he breathe???
he also violently gnashes his teeth and it's very startling (my brother did that as a kid and i would almost pee myself in fear)
and he'll randomly put his hand somewhere like your face?????? the way he does it is so funny because it always seems like he's wide awake but you look over and he's mouth breathing and sound asleep
yeah he's a mouth breather
it's okay he's a cutie

— ⛧ t. tweak
passes the fuck out from coffee. like CRASHES
"yeah and then i was telling kyle about how- tweek, you okay?"
"tired....... can i go.....mmfjkg"
like at a certain point past 1am he just turns into a dead slug
poor thing
you just send him up to your bedroom and get him a change of clothes so that he doesn't have to sleep in a button-up
except by the time you get up to your room, he's dead asleep.
you don't bother trying to wake him up, since you've never seen him sleep so peacefully.
he's curled up on his side, face buried in your plushies.
you scoot in next to him, so close that you can smell the milky coffee lingering in his hair.
it's kinda nice
in the middle of the night you wake up to a really strange noise.
it's tweek
he's doing this weird clicky thing with his tongue in his mouth in his sleep
like. okay?????? you go back to sleep
and then he flings his whole arm over and WHACKS you hard in the face
he just randomly jerks in his sleep, wakes up for a second and falls back asleep
it's very startling
sometimes you have to hold him down with your arms
he loves it

— ⛧ t. black
actually a super chill guy to sleep with
he's enjoyable to have over
you'll both be studying for midterm exams next week, and he yawns
"it's like. ten. do you just wanna spend the night here?"
"is that, uh- is that okay with you?"
"yeah, my room's upstairs. i'll meet you up there in a sec"
he'll text his mom that he's spending the night because he's actually responsible
gets a little embarassed to sleep in your bed
but a win is a win
gets a LOT embarassed when you get in bed with him
falls asleep pretty fast actually
he's a relatively normal sleeper
spends like 30 minutes in the bathroom washing his face and stuff before he goes to bed
"do you have cleanser?"
sleeps like a rock
except for when he randomly talks
like TALKS. clear as day
scares you shitless
'tolkien??? are you up still??"
"why would you do that."
"do what??"
"grape juice"
and then he'd roll over and go back to sleep
does not remember any of his nighttime conversations in the morning
"i said that? are you sure?"

— ⛧ j. valmer
fell asleep on your couch in the middle of a horror movie
to your dismay
because when you turned away from the screen and grab at him in fear, he's SNORING. his ass is SNORING as the clown violently murders the main character.
you just make a jokingly-angry face at him.
"it's late. can't i ju-just stay h-h-here?"
"well- i mean, sure, but you can't just sleep on the couch, dude. come up to my room, i'll show you."
grins ear to ear
hes so down bad for you
almost implodes when you lean his crutches against the door and make sure they won't fall
DOES implode when you get in next to him
he smells like dish soap but in a good way
like citrus
you tell him so, and to that he makes a stupid "orange-you happy i'm here" joke
"jimmy, go to sleep."
makes sure he's got the elastics for his braces in
in the middle of the night he'll whisper your name
"y/n r u still up"
"yeah what"
"i just thought of something really funny"
it gets old so fast but it's okay he's cute

— ⛧ c. donovan
crashes at 8pm after insisting he can pull an all-nighter
refuses to get up unless you drag him by his ankles
and even then he'll lay on the floor like a dead fish
so you just let him stay
meticulously brushes his hair sideways with wet fingers to make sure he doesn't wake up with a bedhead in front of you
he does anyway.
you walk up behind him as he moves his hair "whatcha doin?"
he jumps THREE FEET and whirls around
"nothing!" as if he's hiding a government secret or sum
once you guys r in bed he stops acting all tough and cool and just freaks out
his back will be turned but he's beet red
breathes really loudly when he falls asleep
and sleeps in ATROCIOUS positions
you'll wake up with his foot on your chest and the blanket flipped upside down
someone needs to belt this boy down to the bed or something
he's really a cute sleeper though
sometimes you wake up and see him face-down in a pillow and move him over to make sure he doesn't like. suffocate
and then he wakes up to you on top of him with no context

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ego-meliorem-esse · 7 months
Okay but why do François and Arthur keep separating if they are the only ones who understand each other that well? It's their arrogant personality? Their vicious habits and need to be correct? Bc I actually see françois more aggressive and Arthur more permissive in the end which seems to be contradictory to what I see people writing in the fruk shippers. I don't get it, no hate
Nah nah all good valid question and i do agree actually on most of what you say.
They dont separate in the traditional and common way we associate humans and human relationships with. Not fully.
Lets say they spend a vacation together. They go to the beach and drink and find bars and terorrize supermarkets during their stay. They are happy and content and a destrucrive power couple. But they are still nations and nations have more responsibilities than two moddle aged human men could ever have. So they clash on a thing or two. One takes a stab at an old phychologial wound thought healed. The other gets irritated but doesnt express it (cus emotional repression is legal apparently) and he takes a jab at the other at their weak spot. And they are irritated at each other and start to bicker bc both are too hardheaded to apologize or talk like people who didnt grow up during the middle ages. Now any small mishap irritates the other. A big fight then separation. They dont see eath other for a longer period of time after that. They might hit it off again with an old friend/enemy/lover and its fine. The problem is that François knows exactly what to say and what nerve to pick and get on it to get Arthur to react as he wants. And Arthur is too much of a sarcastic person and generally a man who enjoys a good challege which he might not get from everyone he interacts with. At least not precisely the way he likes. Like Alfred, Arthur gets bored seemingly quickly with a person. Also his affection can be missinterpreted as belittlement or even a jibe or taunt. He portrays himself as polite and appropriate but in truth he is a hard man to get along with. And few people know how to deal and distinguish his comments.
So after a randevouz with Portugal whom he hasnt seen in a while, he is once again sitting at home by himself pondering what takeout to get bc who has time to cook these days. He is still annoyed with francois but doesnt think too much of it. So after a while something happens and he wants to talk to someone about it, so having all but forgotten their little feud he picks up the phone and dials the french phone number. François picks up and you can hear the irritation in the "I thought the lord is still pissed at me. What a surprise." To which Arthur responds with "Oh do shut up. Now listen I've recetly got word that......" because who can be as stubborn as mules yet forgetful as fish at the same time? These two.
I do think to a certain degree Arthur is more permissive. Especially as he got older and saw his empire sink into that ocean he loved so much. François has more of a need to prove that he is still on top of the game so he does tend to be more assertive in some situations and discussions.
Even if they dont speak to eachother for multiple years at a time, something will come that hauls them back to one another. Be it shared history, mutual understanding or good gossip.
In short, small things break them apart and smaller things bring them together.
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ghostismybbygorl · 2 years
141 when they're angry and how they cry
Im feeling a little bit angsty tonight 😈
Warnings: self inflicted pain, ptsd, truama responce, crying, anger
It takes alot to get him pissed the fuck off but when he does he blows the fuck up like full blown disappointed dad he will make you cry. This usually only happens if he had a rookie or someone close to him nearly gets killed or a mission goes SOUTH
Again it takes alot to get him pissed if he realizes he getting to that level of anger he'll excuse himself take some breaths smoke like 3 cigars to get his composure together and then he'll address the problem
He's usually just passive aggressive and says some really petty shit
Now he's a silent crier with the occasional sniffer. He's stroke his beard and rub his face with a groan. He hide his face and just silently sit there until he gets his composure. He aslo does breathing exercises to calm him down
When he's pissed of he'll get really quiet and shit himself off. He does the "im fine" and if you keep prodding at him he'll blow up in a yelling fit.
Hes a angry crier like full blow screaming crying punching things. Hes a whole hurricane when he's MAD
Now he will never lay a finger on anyone he loves if your in the middle of an argument and he starts forming tears he'll storm off and find something to punch. He keeps a punching bag around so that he doesn't have to hurt himself on anything. he wont punch the walls because he'd be the one fixing it.
He one time got so pissed he dissapeard and ghost found him curled up by a tree that had obviously taken a beating. his knuckles will be bleeding and bruised. He'll be a sobbing mess hyperventilating, hiccuping, coughing ghost would have to calm him down and try to get him leveled
Hes the screamer type crier he'll be holding something just wailing. If you ask him whats wrong he will just pull you in a hug and just let it loose.
(Alright so in the comics he was in a abusive household where his dad would beat his mom and he would terrorize him with new foreign animals and he witnessed his dad murder a woman at a concert and he just told him to laugh it off. He was captured and tortured to near death being buried with his comrad so he has MAJOR PTSD from it so this kind of falls into the senario)
He tries HARD to not loose his composure in fear that he will be like his dad and loose his shit
Hes goes quiet and shuts himself off. Like price he'll excuse himself and get his composure together. He raises his voice and will warn you that you're pissing him off and to stop immediately. If you don't stop he'll tell you "that's enough!" And storm off
His whole aura will change and you can feel the anger radiate off of him. He's the type to go "its fine don't worry about it" if you ask before storming off to somewhere quiet
so theres this trauma response where if someone you know where to get hurt or something just makes you snap you start laughing i feel like ghost has that especially in the comics he has a ptsd attack and just starts laughing
When he has an attack he'l start with a chuckle and then it just mores into a sick laugh and itll just turn into him full blown sobbing and laughing at the same time
He's also a silent crier so if he's severly overstimulated he'l lie down and his eyes will start becoming waterfalls. No sniffles he just stares while his eyes soak the floor
He RANTS when he's pissed the fuck off. He will call you out in your bullshit and roast the fuck outta you. he does the hand clap, waves his hands in the air everything. He's a bery level headed person but if you say something that pushes that button right be ready for a blow up
He doesnt get violent whats so ever unless the person provokes it. His dad (price lol) taught him to not start a fight but finish it and he damn well finish one.
He super sarcastic when he's irritated and is passive aggressive
"And thats why your mamas dead.... dead as hell"
When he cries he has tears streaming down his face and he does the quiet sobs that will turn into hiccups and him rubbing his eyes constantly
He doesnt cry that much (except for weddings hes a sucker for them) and he usually doesnt show anyone that he's crying (except for the weddings 😂)
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sucker4sixx · 4 months
20 minutes in hell
Recycled from 2023!
Plot: halloween party fun!
Warnings: smut/closet sex/protection/public sex
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The time was 8pm when you entered vinces halloween house party, the stink of men and cigarettes danced around the house like it had made its self quite comfortable. You open the front door to see many girls in mini skirts and crop tops strutting around probably trying to be sexy mince or something.
You where begged by a mutual friend ehren to come so he would have someone to talk to, you and ehren where best buddys and he always enjoyed having you around. You werent so close to vince and you definitely didnt like his friend, nikki sixx. Something about him annoyed you, low hygene, loud voice, a "im a sleaze" personality and many more could be the reason but even just seeing him boiled your blood.
You wore a black lacy dress and a cheap witch hat with a little bit of makeup.
You weaved yourself through the croud into the living room where vince the.. whatever he is and ehren the zombie where sitting, vince didnt look to intrested in the conversation, he was too busy looking down the girl who sat on the floors cleavage. "Hey ehren" you tap his sholder, the goofy looking boy turned around smiling brightly "hey your here finally!" You took a seat "hey vince!" He turned round fast at the mention of his name, not seeing you arrive "oh hey yn! Take a seat sure!" he said smiling at you, he turned round to check more girls out.
Ehren unwrapped a 8 pack of beer he had waiting in a bag at his legs and you shared them talking about any stuff you could. Soon enough "hey sixx! Come sit down. Where have you been?" You smelt his arrival before he had even walked in the door, ehren saw your face sour and sighed knowing it had killed your mood. Nikki dressed as satan glanced at you and turned to vince "what the fuck is the scottish prick doing here?" He tried to whisper but he said it loud enough for you to hear "fuck you maybe learn some basic hygiene then we can talk" he darted you a look and stuck the middle finger up "pathetic" you mouth at him. You both turn around and start talking to your friends again "what is it with you two?" Ehren said cracking another can of beer "he thinks hes better because he's famous well he can go suck a fat fucking cock im telling you man" ehren spits out his beer laughing "wouldnt be his first time" he adds making you laugh more.
After you guys finished your 4 cans each ehren headed to the toilet (meaning he will be away for while checking out the house) and you went to the kitchen to get more drink.
After 20 Scuse me's and sorry can i get buys you finally arrived in the kitchen, not too busy but definitely wasnt empty. You opened the fridge to look for more alcohol "whats the deal? You hate me so much that your following me around now?" You head shoots up and you turn round to see the tall black haired man looking down at you with a can of beer in his hand "what the fuck? No im getting drink?" He rolls his eyes "yeah sure. Ive heard that one before" your face went red from anger and embarrassment
"im not fucking following you the only thing following you is the trail of flys and stench" nikki scoffs "i dont smell that bad" you turn round to grab a can of beer from the fridge and notice him smelling himself when you turn back around "now arse whole get out my way and let me back into the living room" he gets visibly more angry "i dont fucking smell bad" his grip tightens on his beer can "whatever makes you sleep at night now let me past" he doesnt budge so you push him making him stumble backwards and head back to the living room.
You sit on the couch alone waiting for ehren to come back. 20 minutes. 30 minutes. 40 minutes where the fuck is he. You find vinces home phone and call him, he picks up after a few seconds
"Ehren where the fuck are you?"
"I umm..."
you hear a girl giggle in the backround and snap your phone shut, prick. Oh well lets 'mingle'? You get up from your seat and walk around the rooms, none of the men catching your eyes since they all looked the same.
You open the basement door and hear tommys distinct laugh, you got exited and sprinted down the stairs "tommy!" He was resting on the couch dressed as a cowboy and sat up when he saw you, smiling wide "hey darlin!" He got up and gave you a hug
"howve you been?" He looked down at you walking over to the couch "pretty good, yourself?" The slinky man flopped down onto the couch "pretty good!" A fake cough sounded from the couch opposite, nikki. "As i was saying before i was very rudely interrupted" he gave you a harsh look and you found a seat next to tommy. Vince, nikki and a two of their stoner friends where sitting on the couch opposite from you and you sat on a couch with tommy and mick (dressed as a vampire). You forced yourself to listen to nikki talking about some girl that tried it on with him, picking at your nails in boredom.
The room went silent and the feeling of all the boys thinking of something to say filled the air "how about, we play spin the bottle?" Tommy said, all your heads turning go him "i mean we will need a few more ladys but sure!" Nikki said enthusiastically. "ill go get some" vince stood up, walking out to the party.
Nikki chugs the beer bottle he was holding since everyone else had cans, he put it down and you all sat round in a circle waiting for vince to return. "Man im so exited" tommy said breaking the silence, you looked up at nikki panicking at the thought you could get him, he caught your eye "stop drooling over me" this made the boys turn to you noticing your face go red
"was just looking at your fly buddies" mick laughs alot at this one, when mick laughs you know its good. Vince returned with the 4 sluttiest looking girls he could find, more beer and slash, he loved to party with the band "found this douche wandering around upstairs!" Slash waves at you all and heads over to nikki to sit "hey dude!" Nikki smiles at him. After we all settled round a circle you were sat next to slash and mick, nikki and vince sitting straight across from you and the other girls scattered inbetween the rest.
Round one- mick and vince, a quick peck and alot of laughter after
Round two- tommg and girl number 1, she blushed but he gave her a light hearted smile back
Round three- you and girl number 4, the boys got exited but you werent giving them what they wanted so you gave the girl a quick kiss.
"Ugh this is boring" vince complained and everyone nodded "how about seven minutes in heaven but heres the twist here me out ive been thinking of it for awhile you all looked at vince equally as contused, nothing that came out his mouth was predictable "so the men switch clothes like we throw them in a pile cover our eyes and just wear what we lift and the girls go shove on my clothes, i have a bunch of old halloween masks and we play the game in silence" you all went silent thinking of his stupid idea, not so stupid to be honest. "Im in" you say and everyone started agreeing "okay so the masks are down here ill get them out and leave four at the door, girls go get changed"
You trailed behind the rest of the girls up to vinces room noticing the party was dying at the absence of the boys. You walked into the room and the stink off aftershave lingered in the air, grabbing a pair of baggy black joggers and a baggy black shirt that was crumpled. You entered his bathroom that connected to his room to get changed and shoved on your outfit as quick as possible to get out of the akward situation, you put on the shirt and it read "i love vince neil" now you look like a slut for him. Great.
You left without the girls and headed to the basement door where you could hear fumbling but no words, looks like the boys where taking this seriously. You waited till the noise of clothes getting shoved on stopped and opened the door to see four rubber halloween masks, bunny, gorilla, bird and a cat. You grabbed the cat mask shoving it on fast, the faint smell of smoke from the inside combing through your nostrils, you walked down the stairs greeted by a dog, horse, another bird, another cat, mouse and a zombie. When the girls came down you all silently sat in a circle and one of the girls span the bottle fast, leaving it spinning for some time. It landed on the other cat and he span the bottle again just as fast, you watched the bottle go round and round and round almost becoming hypnotised. It slowed down and your breath caught your throat as it landed on you
"WHY ME" you screamed in your head standing up slowly with the cat who sat only two people away.
He took your hand gently and led you to the closet in the extension room in the basement. You entered the pich black closet and stumbled over a few shoes as your hands found the mans shoulders, he was tall and quite wide built. You both took off your masks still unable to see eachothers faces, the mystery man grabbed your face and started kissing you roughly it scared you at the beginning but you realised he really knew what he was doing so let him beat up your mouth with his own. As you started making out it became more clear who it was, tall, built and smells nice. Its slash. You didnt mind this, slash is hot so you continued, smiling lightly. He removed his shirt and started slipping off yours, you gasped softly not sure if this was the original plan but you never got bitches so once again let it happen. Slash started feeling your breasts through your lacy bra making you whimper softly and tangle your hand in his long hair, he slowly unclipped your bra and started licking your nipple and playing with the other in his hand. Your moans become louder as he speeds up, stopping to unzip his jeans and you sigh at the loss of contact. The tall man finds his way onto the ground, his jeans and pants removed. You take off your joggies and pants, not sure if you wanted to do it with slash since he might have multiple stds but before you could think of your next plan he got out a condom, you could only tell it was one from the small light that reflected off it. He whimpered softly as he slipped on the condom as you sat on his legs watching him, taking in this weird moment. Your about to have closet sex with slash hudson.
Slash gently moves you onto your back and taps your thigh for consent to eat you out, you hummed a permission and he went straight for it. His tongue darting between your folds and your clit, your back arching at the sudden movements. He pulled your legs closer to him and started going faster, sticking his tongue inside occasionally as you moaned loud grabbing his hair. He brought his finger in and started circling your clit while licking your entrance, his other hands holding your wrists together to get some sort of control. Your moans became uncontrollable and desperate as you met your high, he noticed and continued what he was doing with intent to let you finish first. A minute later you where a moaning mess, cumming into his mouth. Hes an expert at this shit. You sat up and he lifted you onto his lap, his hard dick resting against your stomach as he moved his hand over your forehead to clean it of sweat.
You moved your hand down and started feeling his covered tip and he rested his head against your sholder, his dick was really hard. You started pumping him slowly at the base before lifting yourself up, letting your pussy hover over his dick to tease him and to ask him for consent. He moved his dick to where your entrance is and grabbed your hips pushing you down harshly "oh fuck" you both moaned out, you paused hearing a voice that didnt belong to slash and he paused too clearly hearing your accent. "Y/n?" the voice said cowardly
You shrieked, trying to get up. He held your hips down, his hard dick still inside you "cmon its only fair you finish me off since i made you such a riot" you stuttered and froze looking down at where the sleazy idiots voice sounded. He didnt sound so harsh and as much as you hated to admit it you where enjoying youself so you did as he asked, bouncing softly building up a pace. Feeling slightly turned on by the fact your fucking the guy you hate the most. He let out small whimpers and groans and you grinded against him moaning yourself "your so good when your mouths shut" he moaned out "shut up prick" you kissed his jaw line and continued grinding on him feeling yourself approaching your second orgasm.
He turned on the closet light that hung from a string next to him. You felt exposed but you where fascinated by him, his face red and stray hairs sticking to his forehead "fuck you look amazing" he said smiling and tilting his head back further. He grabbed your hips and started fucking into you relentlessly as you practically screamed in pleasure, resting your head on his sholder. "Nikki im so close" saying his name felt like needles in your mouth and he rested his head on your sholder slowing down "for someone who hates me so much you are really liking this huh?" Your face went somehow more red as he stopped still inside you, angry at him for ruining your orgasm "what the fuck are you doing!" you puzzled
"edging you? What does it look like?" You brows furrowed "fine let me go ill go finish myself off somewhere else with someone else" you tried to move your hips off him but he only held them tighter holding you down, the tip of his dick brushing your cervix "no. Im finishing" he sounded more angry but it just turned you on more, he slowly pulled out a little and thrusted back in, doing tiny fast thrusts staring right into your eyes.
Sweat rolled down his face and his green eyes became wider as you finished, your pussy throbbing around his dick. Before he could moan you attached your lips to his, kissing as he moaned into your mouth "fuck fuck im really close" he whimpered, still thrusting into you. He grabbed your hips and started fucking into you as hard as he could like you werent even there, you where his own little toy. He muttered stuff like "fuck you feel amazing" and "holy shit" as he came into the condom, his body softly pulsing as he rested on your sholder, panting for air.
After two minutes of resting against eachother naked you stood up slowly, in pain, seeing the white balloon that covered his dick. He rested his head back and you took the condom off him carefully being careful not to spill any cum on him, his head darted up at your sudden kindness. You just dumped the used condom in the bin that sat in the corner, you sat next to him, both of you still naked "so um, you got any tissues? Im dripping down here man" he laughed and picked up the 'i love vince neil' shirt, wiping you clean "thanks nikki" you said shyly "hey its alright, thanks too" you both looked down at your legs. Two minutes later you started shoving on clothes again, nikki giving you his clean shirt to wear and you just shoved back on the joggies leaving him shirtless.
You exited the closet to see a whole group of people sitting around. Shit. You both forgot it was seven minutes in heven not 20 minutes in hell. The croud went silent as they saw you "holy fucking shit" tommy said breaking the silence "that sounded hot, when is it my turn?"
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no1sharkenthusaist · 1 year
! hsr headcannons for several characters ! [modern au]
♪ In-ter-net-o ya-me-ro ♪!
Y u m i - c h a n i s n o w o n l i n e !
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Characters : Dan Heng, Serval, Blade, Gepard, March
Plot : no real plot, just headcannons about honkai Characters in a modern au setting
Tags : modern au, headcannons, fluff, slight crack, wrote this at 11pm while heading home from a road trip
authors note : omg got a steam deck for my birthday (may 30th) and I. AM. IN. LOVE !!! I could talk abt it for hours and hours but i have my discord for that ehe. Anyways, ive been having fun rediscovering my old childhood games and thats when i had an epiphany. Hsr or genshin boys in a ddlc type scenario!!! Feeling so swag abt the idea. Also i got out of school so more uploads yaya. Thank u all for the support on my intro page yippee. I promise not to let you all down
╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑ enjoy !
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Now playing : Scrawny - The Wallows
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He definitely dresses like with collared shirts and kinda has that accidental soft boy look
English major frfr
definitely listens to lovejoy/wilbursoot and bo burnham
Water drinker enthusiast (even tho he forgets to drink half the time-)
burnt out gifted kid
messed up sleeping schedules
Hes that quiet guy everyone has a crush on to some extent
He looks cold and serious during lectures, but hes actually just daydreaming and has his head in the clouds
Probably stays with the same group of kids he met in middle school because he cant socialize
I think said kids would be march, stelle/caleus, himeko And on ocasion blade, kafka, and silverwolf
Welt would be a chill english teacher that would let Dan Heng sit in his classroom during lunch
he likes going to concerts a lot
Learned to play guitar in middle school but doesnt like playing in front of people
Consider yourself lucky if he plays in front of you
Extremely oblivious to romance
Girls will try to flirt with him but he will just have a blank and confused look
Spends his free time in book stores shopping for records
Ps5 gamer frfr
Theater kid (had a hamilton phase)
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Now playing : Shut Me Up - Mindless Self Indulgence
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Shut me up by mindless self indulgence on loop
Like its probably to an unhealthy level
Always has headphones in(that gepard gave her for her birthday)(And so loud to the point you can hear the music standing next to her)
(went deaf at the ripe age of 13, after that it was all "huh?" /j)
Shirts from old bands, baggy jeans, fishnets, etc
Had an alt phase
Bad habit of smashing guitars
Dropped out of college after first semester
Had a band in highschool with Blade and Dan Heng that received noise complaints on a regular Basis
Really extroverted and easy to get along with
Loves going to concerts (especially the ones that get crazy like halfway through )
Probably gets in fights during black friday
Addicted to coffee (gepards needs to step in and help her drink something else)
Likes bitter stuff more than sweet stuff
Cares very deeply for her friends
The type of gal to go on road trips with friends and go Camping
Goes to protests every other tuesday
Probably banned from several places
very passionate about things she loves
Loves scary movies and Rollercoasters
The six flags employees have memorized her name
(shes just so cool i wanna be like her fr)
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Now playing : Consequences - Lovejoy
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Theater kid (would never admit it tho)
Kafka teases him about it so much
met kafka and silverwolf in detention
The teachers hate the three of them
Alt kid and never got out of his emo phase
Besties with serval, change my mind
Kafka probably pushed him to join boxing to get his anger out in a less…destructive way
Loves the sleepovers he has with kafka and silverwolf
Broke silverwolf's tv while playing wii sports
Goes to college, no clue what he wants to do so hes just doing liberal studies
Adopted a small stray cat he saw on the ground during a storm
he tries to be tough and mean, but hes a big Softy
Loves the Beetlejuice musical(and mean girls but we dont talk about that)
has probably been on probation on multiple occasions
Probably vandalized the car of someone he didnt like
Kafka has to sweet talk everyone out of getting blade in serious trouble
Hes really good at basketball, he just doesnt like it so he never pushed it further
Doesnt really like or understands sports
probably listens to videogame osts 24/7
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Now Playing : Pretty Face - PUBLIC
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Getting serval out of trouble isnt a choice, its a lifestyle
Which is ironic, as he is a criminal justice major
But he still will always be her biggest supporter
Dresses (like a costco dad) soft boy by pure accident
Completely oblivious to anything and everything
Enjoys gardening and has a lemon Tree
Cave Town enthusiast
Lemonade Enthusiast
Sends people those "reminder to drink water and be happy" messages
Straight 4.0 GPA student. The teachers loved Him
Was really shy so he didnt have many friends growing up (Serval had to help him out)
Hates rollercoasters, serval drags him around six flags and he screams his head off
Poor guy :<
Still loves it since he loves hanging out with his sister
Student council secretary
No clue how the internet and technology works
Strong sense of justice
That has gotten him involved in several issues
Which ironically, serval got him out of
Wholesome cinnamon roll, pls protecc
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Now playing : Cupid - FIFTY FIFTY
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That one girl in class that no one could hate
Class representative and student council public relations officer
Photography major (duh)
Social butterfly and very easy to talk to
Want to go out to go eat something sweet while having fun? March has you covered !
March Makes friendship braclets and sells them so she can go shopping
has a secret stash of candy hidden in her dorm
March has a babysitting gig and comes to peoples houses with candy
Shes a little kid magnet, they all love her so much
had a club penguin phase with Dan Heng and they both shudder just thinking about it
learned all her profanity from watching Dan Heng play Call Of Duty
sucks at english, fries her brain like a hashbrown
k-pop girlie
dresses really cute with cardigans and pastel pinks
(watched aphmau, Her favorite one was a mermaid tales and mystreet) [submitted by someone on my discord who wants to stay anon]
plays overwatch and says things like "Hey, thats not nice!"
lowkey kind of a teachers pet-
Loves webtoons and collects the physical releases
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! Thats a wrap !
! Join my discord HERE !
! Likes, reblogs, comments are greatly appreciated !
and thank you for reading ^^
♪ Overdose 君とふたり やるせない日々♪
! y u m i - c h a n i s n o w o f f l i n e !
t h a n k y o u f o r c o m i n g ~
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
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formulawonu · 2 years
seventeen & amusement parks
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prompt: how svt would be with you at an amusement park (thanks to this)
a/n: im back…. svt brainrot still alive and kicking. imagine going to an amusement park with seventeen that would be so fun :/ btw i take requests for reactions or small blurbs so hi carats please be my friends!!!!!!
seungcheol: he would act like he isn’t scared at all then start giggling the moment u get in line to ride something 🥱 screams his ass off during the ride itself and says it wasn’t that scary right after fml he’d buy all the ride souvenir pics tho
jeonghan: would get u to ride a rollercoaster even if ur scared asf then when he notices ur freaking out he would start saying stuff like “this is fr just 5-10 mins of ur life it really won’t last forever if u wanna conquer other things u have to conquer this first” just so u could focus on bickering with him instead of being nervous :( then after the ride he’d be all “I TOLD U IT WASNT THAT BAD U WERE WORRYING FOR NOTHING” then gives u a tight hug bec he’s proud of u anyway. man is so confusing but i love him
joshua: byeeeeee he’d get u to ride whatever rides he wants to ride because 1) hes paying 2) he just has the ability to reassure u that ur gonna be fine until ur already strapped in and can’t ask to get off the ride anymore. he'd be the type to check on you in the middle of the ride and ask u if ur ok. its giving spongebob and patricks "are you feeling it now mr krabs." also praises for u for going on scary rides tho. tricky man pt. 2
junhui: he’d be so game to do anything and ride anything!!!! u for sure have two day passes or something bec i feel like junhui would really take his time exploring the whole park and trying out as much things as he can. also bad news for u if u hate haunted houses u are for sure going to one with this guy
hoshi: 100% peer pressures you into riding all the rollercoasters or gets u to sit at the back of any ride. im sorry u signed up for the Real Amusement Park Experience™️ the moment u chose him to go with u. he'd be all "why did we bother going if we dont go all the way!!!!" and yes u do have matching headbands or hoodies. let him live his life <//3
wonwoo: he’d honestly say yes to most rides for the ~experience~ and will just love watching u freak out or scream. imagine him sitting beside u then smiling/laughing at how nervous u look. him telling u ur gonna be fine,…. imagine him throwing his hands up during a ride and having fun. i think im going to cry pls id so want to be beside him on any ride JUST ONCE
woozi: plz respect his time ,,, pick max two rides THEN GO HOME! u know what maybe two is pushing it pick one and be grateful he even came 😪
minghao: PLS HE’D BE SO FUN AT AMUSEMENT PARKS HE’LL RIDE ANYTHING WITH U!!!!????? he’s also just laughing the entire time and not complaining abt the heat or the lines. if he finds a ride he rly rly rly likes he’d ask u to line up w him again just so he could experience the feeling once more. also ur staying for the fireworks no questions asked
mingyu: im sorry but ur gonna have to force him to get on any ride that doesnt stay on the ground. the mans height has unfortunately made him afraid of anything taller than him. u guys would have cute ass pics though <//3 he'd also go food tripping with you and carry u on his shoulders if the situation ever had to call for it like watching the parade or smth??? idk why but he would do it anw just needed to put it out there
seokmin: ANOTHER SCARED ONE. however hes waaaaay easier to talk into riding rides with u as long as u can reassure him every five minutes that he’ll be fine and deal with his nervous jitters as the line gets shorter and shorter. he wont shut up lmfao so if ur also scared its just both of u scaring each other until u get on the ride. would be funny when u look back on the experience tho jsdkfhsdf u also have matching headwear w him and he's singing to the songs playing all the time
seungkwan: omfg he would be so nervous lining up for any ride. “That thing just creaked i swear” “what are the chances of this ride stopping in mid-air?” But would love love love the adrenaline that comes with rides. I honestly think he would love the teacup ride in disneyland dont even ask me why. would also befriend kids on the rides/lines with u
vernon: he is really there for The Vibes™️ but dont get him wrong he would be screaming his ass off on diff rides i can already imagine his face xjenfjtngk he’s trying to find where the camera is on each ride so he knows when to pose lmao
dino: im crying why is he that friend u have that is so excited to ride all the rides then pukes after the first one and has to sit down and drink water to recuperate after hxjsnejdnc but he'd be so fun to be with and he'd make u laugh all the time. would take pics with all the characters roaming the park
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alex and tim hatefuck a lot but during one of the times they are getting rough with each other one of them actually gets hurt.
ohhhh my gosh. its late season three, tim is sooo exhausted. constantly having to join jay on all these stupid outings into the woods because hes worried jay will just die if tim doesnt go, meanwhile he knows alex has killed people, has done horrible horrible things. but.
(read more bc it got very long)
they have kinda been having sex for a little while...
tim is pretty sure its an unspoken agreement too. no cameras. no tapes. no telling anyone. and they can be as rough as they want, because who even fucking cares anymore? the first time was in the woods, on the leaves and dirt in the middle of the night. then alex figured out which hotel tim was at, and they did it there. third time, alexs car. and then this time was back to basics, just tim roughing alex up at the doorway of his hotel room, making Sure that the camera was shut off and in the closet, joining tim's. they both bring the cameras every time. probably just habit to carry it around. and at first, they start right up against the door.... then the floor... then the bed and then back to the floor. theres a lot happening. but this is normal for them. its scratching and biting and hissing curses in between messy kisses. and it seems literally like any other time theyve done their little routine, up until the end.
tim is starting to get his shower ready while alex puts his clothes back on and promptly fucks off like usual, except this time he doesnt fuck off, hes kinda just sitting at the little desk in his underwear, squinting down at the shirt he shown up in. tim gives him a very unsubtle side eye. he doesnt want this prick here any longer than necessary. so he snaps something like, what is it. whats taking so long. and alex looks up at him, chest littered in bites bruises, and he mutters that its nothing, but its clearly not nothing, so tim has to sigh and walk over and see what his problem is. and when he gets closer, he notices that alex is looking kinda pale. the bruises showing up more starkly reddish purple against sort of greened, sickly skin. whats with you, he asks again. alex doesnt answer, until tim lightly swats the side of his head and asks again. alex grumbles that he just feels a little....dizzy. at first time is like, oh wow i fucked you so good that youre straight up like sick now? is that it? and alex is all NO >:-( but then it starts becoming clear he really does not feel well, and tim is kind of frustrated because he does still want to shower, and jay is probably going to want to go out looking around the hospital again tomorrow, but tim is a nice guy. he prides himself on still being kind despite the situation hes in. and he does have a little experience with sickly guys who feel like crap and dont know why, so he runs down the usual questions that he asks jay. when did you last sleep? i dont know, yesterday or the day before. have you eaten today? no- wait yes. well what was it? like a protein bar or something i dont know why does it matter??? then, does anything hurt? i dont know, my head i guess. mainly the back of it. and tim thinks back to earlier, and how he had, albeit a bit forcefully, slammed alex into the wall in order to bite the shit out of his neck. and he wonders... hm. could alex...... have hit his head? well, its likely.
so begrudgingly, tim drags alex to the shitty hotel bed, makes him drink a room temperature bottled water, and after wards alex has his head to his knees, empty stomach and pounding head not agreeing with all the water he'd just downed. and as tim rifles through the food he has on him, he wonders, not really for the first time, why they only have ever met at the places tim's staying before. of course, there was alex's car, but that's not really a place to STAY. he tosses some snack stuff to alex, sits on the bed, and asks him, hey, where are you staying these days anyway? alex snatches the food, tearing open one of the packages, and scowls at him. why do you care???? he looks starving. tim gets a scowl on his face too. well, doesnt It fucking like you or whatever? you seem to be its favorite after all, so i dont think it would really let you just sleep on the side of the road. alex sneers, clearly unamused, and keeps eating through a bag of pretzels. of course i have a place to stay, he snaps, and then doesnt elaborate. they sit in silence with that for a little while, tim more uncomfortably than alex. then he stands up and looks for his clothes and says hes gonna go to the ice machine. when he comes back, maybe he had also bought a few more snacks from the vending machine in the lobby. and maybe its a little gentle when he situates a makeshift icepack under alex's head. they dont do any of this after care shit usually, but tim wonders if maybe. well. maybe if theyre gonna keep doing this, then perhaps they should.
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gengenbelches111 · 7 months
cyno belching and vomiting headcannons cause im obsessed with him~<3
Cyno  headcannons~
Puppy talk
Swear words
Well  cyno is a drinker..and he drinks whenever he plays TCG.
He plays TCG almost every sing day,which involves drinking with Kaveh,
Tighnari,and Alhaitham.
Cyno can hold his liquor unlike kaveh and Tighnari.But,he gets SUPER gassy when he is drunk.
He would be in the middle of choosing a good card to beat Alhaitham with,
But is interrupted by one of his out bursting burps and just sighs and continuously chooses his cards.
Now,if he burps near tighnari,he would usually say something like “damn” or “nice one” becasue tighnari is a Fennec fox,he is immune to gasses.
In front of kaveh,well he rather not do..only because Kaveh is a SEVERE 
Germaphob,so anything considered “nasty” he will give the person a whole lecture on why not to do that.
Whenever he burps infront of Alhaitham,Cyno would tend to say”and that was for the fucking card you played”And of coarse,Alhaitham would try to do better than Cyno when it comes to burping.
Cyno feels guilty if he ever burps in front of collei.Only because he thinks woman wont be on that side of men,And when collei ask Tighnari if cyno ever burps,cyno would flee the facility!~
Now Cyno’s normal burps,he would just pat his stomach in relief.and move on.They usually last for about 3 seconds,But if he drinks anything Carbonated,they tend to be 5 seconds and sometimes make his stomach clear!
He is one of those people when ever they havent ate anything,they would burp in queasiness.he would burp if he only had one thing for breakfast,and feel nauseous that entire day~
He would also burp whenever someone is either talking to loud or long to make them stop talking lol.
Cyno doesnt joke about burping but whenever he does,it would be because someone else did it..he would say something like “damn that was a fucking lion” or “that needs to get checked out ahah” just to lighten the mood!
When cyno has a stomach ache,his burps would be super big and long,somtimes wet!
The would be airy a bit when he gets the first stomach cramp,but when the pain continues to throb in his gut,they become long,loud,and super painful to let out.
Quick Story of Cyno’s Stomach aches~!
One peaceful day in Ghandarvaville,Cyno roams around like the bear he is.He had some of Kaveh’s Fried Chicken the night before .He was pretty gassy in his sleep,letting out belches that would spring up when he got up to go use the bathroom or drink something and even sitting up in general!
He was standing as Stoic and quit as he would,until a shiver ran down his back,a gut wrenching pain hit his stomach.Cyno didnt know what to do but just say “fuck it” and moved on with the day.Its 7PM and its time for cyno to meet with tighnari for one of their little meet and greets to congratulate collei and her first paycheck (230 mora!)}-Cyno was happy that collei got what she desired,and He had a good time their,Cyno didnt want to go home because he knew he would feel sick if he walked their and had the feeling that he needed to vomit,so,he asked tighnari if he could spend the night.of course,he said yes.Cyno washed up and got in bed with Tighnari.Tighnari was reading,until he saw cyno..he saw how he looked,hot..but in a manner of sickness..
He began to trembly ask “cyno?are you alright?”
Cyno felt sticky and replied huffing and puffing “huff..yeah..im..im ok..just a small cold..”
Tighnari felt bad the moment he said a “cold”
Well,your not coughing,or sniffing,what hurts?”he asked politely,cyno opened his mouth just to swallow thickly and shut his eyes closed.Tighnari knew he was gonna vomit.He brought a bucket to cyno’s warm chunky thighs,he was hesitant and pushed away the bucket”im not gonna throw up” he said with a sickly voice.Tighnari frowned and continued to rub Cyno’s back.
“You dont look to great,what did you eat to make you feel this?”
Cyno started to speak “well..|hurk|..i..ate some of..kaveh’s-”
He stops just to let out a long hostile belch with a record of 6 seconds!tighnari was shocked and laughed as he told cyno to take his time~.Cyno finished telling tighnari what made him gassy and sick to his stomach.Tighnari was sad and placed his hand on cyno’s belly,”aww,it doesnt feel great at all”he said drooping his ears with a heart brokened manner.Cyno let out more burps as tighnari asked him question about his belly.Tighnari thought his burps were super painful to hear and quickly patted his back.cyno began to gag.Tighnari was so close to forcing the vomit up cyno’s throat when collei burst in the room to tell them what she brought with the mora,as cyno let out a painful loud moan as he began to cry due to the pain
collei was frightened and screamed “WHAT THE HELL ARE YALL DOING?!”
Tighnari twitched due to the loud noises and told collei to never curse in front of him whenever he is clearly focusing on something.collei apologizes and still asks what was happening.
Tighnari sighed as he said”Cyno has a stomach bug from Kaveh’s food..he’s gonna need some time”
Collei’s eyes lit up wth a surprising manner on her face,”oh!i remember kaveh’s chicken!it made me have diarrhea for DAYS:(“she said loudly,Cyno groans as he heard collei ruins the moment.
Tighnari wasnt pleased with her and told her to go to bed and forget about it.Collei went to her room to watch tv until she was tired.Cyno gagged for about 4 minutes,tighnari was getting sleepy,as he was trying to tell cyno something,a stream of vomit came flushing out his mouth again and again,Flowing like a jug of water upside down,it kept flushing out of his mouth,and surprisingly,it already filled halfway of the bucket,he stopped to breathe as he wheezed for air,Tighnari was super shocked just to see cyno vomit practically water!he turned to him and said”are you ok?and,how much water did you have today”
Cyno,still wheezing for air,said with a wet heavy voice..”about,4 jugs-”and lets out the fourth jug with gross stomach fluids.tighnari didnt know what to say after a gallon of water flushed out of cyno’s mouth.it was a yellowish pale color,and the smell was very unharming..in fact,it had no smell.
Cyno belched a few times and said he was done.
Tighnari rubbed cyno’s belly all night,helping him push belches up when he needed to.~
Headcannons by :gengenbelches~
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baahsu · 1 year
ichiji killing judge ALWAYS a+ (ive read your fic about it Many times 😌✊️) but there have been times where I've thought about him THROUGHLY torturing that deadbeat. letting judge live in agony and letting him die slowly, so slow that his death might as well have been considered old age
ofc we gotta imprison that bastard and put the mask on him. even better if its *the* mask, the exact same one that sanji used to wear, not a copy of the model or anything. itd probably be mostly rusted iron by now, laden with infections and filled with dirt and a few bugs. considering baby sanji wore it it was probably three sizes too small for judges big ass head, making it squeeze in places that cut off blood flow and bend in others that sliced into his skin. but its not enough to kill him so ichiji lets it happen with that small smirk of his <3<3
then (after a few days of letting judge rot in a cell with no food, water, and human contact, of course :3c) the neverending torture begins!! :]
i have this distinct vision of ichiji coming into the dungeon and entering judges cell with his evercalm demeanor, slowly walking over to him and lifting the mask a little, letting judge breathe and have a moment of hope that he was gonna be free...
...before continuing to leave the mask only halfway off judges face, ichiji instead putting his hands on both sides of judges head, holding him up with just 4 of fingers of each hand so that ichiji could pop that scumbags teeth out with his thumbs.
ichiji thinks its the funniest thing hes ever seen- how judges look of hope fell away the second the first tooth was popped out, his pathetic screams and cries increasing in volume, his desperate attempts to turn his head away getting more and more frantic, all to no avail.
it turns into a game for ichiji, guessing how much blood each tooth would release, wondering if this ones gonna go back in judges throat or ricochet and fall on the floor, playing with the idea that this one'll take out his gums, too..
it doesnt end until judge has nothing but a mouth full of blood and his molars left, ichiji looking at him with the same emotionless expression he entered the room with, and wordlessly shoving the mask back on him
as he walks back out the cell door, letting the click of the lock slamming shut being as loud as he could make it, he stifles a laugh at the sound of judge vomiting up his own blood. ichiji walks away without even looking back at him, only one thought on his mind
'I can't take out *all* his teeth. Then he wouldn't be able to eat. He would starve. Sanji wouldn't approve of that.'
HAHA OKAY IM DONE IM DONE. every time i write something in your askbox it becomes less of an ask/drabble idea and more of a goddman fanfiction lmao
p.s. i was thinking of adding a scene where judges blood flecks onto ichijis cheek and ichi licks it off without so much as blinking about it, but then i realized ichijis too skilled at this to get blood splattering around like that unless he *wanted* it to. either way im not letting that strawberry prince drink judges blood- he's above that!! if he wants blood than he can go give one of his siblings a hickey and drink it out of them instead 😌😌<3<3
Omg. OMG. This was so good from start to finish and when I thought it was over you just had to end even more perfection at the end and OMGGGGG
Listen, you can continue sending me whole ass fics like this, I'm not complaining at all, like I'm just sitting here in the middle of work smiling like an idiot at my phone and with my boss on the same room as me, but it doesn't matter! Because this is just so good and fuck everything else!
What you wrote about the iron mask is exactly what I ever wanted in my perfect fantasy, judge needs to be on sanji's shoes, to go through what he did, to go through worse, and wearing that same mask would be just the beginning. Every time ichiji took it out it'd scrape against his skin, cut it in mamy place, it'd sting and blood would trickle down under the color of his shirt and it'd hurt and be so uncomfortable
Ichiji saying sanji wouldn't like the idea of someone starving, even if that someone's judge, was so heartwarming?? He completely understood sanji!! Like, he can't relate to it, but he knows it's something important to sanji!!
And I agree ichiji shouldn't get judge's blood anywhere near his mouth, he doesn't deserve to taste something so disgusting, his brothers are definitely a way better alternative (I still can't believe you included that little part there?? I'm screaming over here, I'm going feral and completely insane, it just hit me like a truck and I loved it)
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arcane-sync · 1 year
This is 100% some specific part, just dont know who I am right now. I am just... tired and pissed, and I have enough control to say things I'm not usually allowed to say.
First, and honestly the less severe of the two offenders: this fucking school. The only other school in the area with the same program is more than double the cost. So transfering isnt really an option. But i hate HATE having to keep an eye out for a short list of professors who want me kicked out of this program. I finished this semester and as i got ready to leave the final class, the teacher said goodbye with such vitriol. I pointed out that it sounded like get out. Her response was "well..." then she tipped her head like i had a point then walked away. I hate sitting here and praying her bias doesnt tank my grade in that class. I kind of like my 4.0. I hate that i will have to spend the next two years here watching my back. I've stopped keeping my diagnosis a secret. I will not sit back and let this school teach my fellow students that DID is a mythical creature when the 12 month prevalance rate is HIGHER than bipolar, OCD, and anorexia (at least according to the DSM-V. I dont own the TR yet). I wont hide when i have in ACTUAL EMAIL the CHAIR of the department saying I "am not allowed to continue in this program until such a time as I am cured of my disability." Sure its resolved for now, but I know I am holding a smoking gun.
And the fact that DID celebrities on tiktok and twitter are on a hate campaign against professionals? Yeah, triggering that anger more. Fuck them for roping me in with the entire profession. For making parts of us feel WRONG for wanting to enter the field cause theyre all getting painted as villains right now. They talk about professionals not listening to people with DID as if there are not professionals practicing RIGHT NOW who have DID. Talk about being stuck in the middle, when both your fellow professionals and your clients hate you.
And second, our husband: Who still refuses to use preferred pronouns. Who was OFFENDED when he found out we have male alters and accused us of being trans. Who still says it was okay to try and give us an exorcism when our DID first started showing (and the fact the first part claimed to be a demon is beginning to feel like a flimsy excuse). Who eats out meals without telling us then gets offended if we do the same. That I have to RATIONALIZE every single purchase with. Every single dollar spent has to be reported and labeled as to why we bought it so he can balance the budget. But like... we are paying out of our own bank account that is filled exclusively with our student loan money. So... why? Unleas he doesnt actually think we will get a job after this degree and is constantly preparing to take on our medical and grocery expenses. But we don't have the money to leave him and no support network in the area to help. Who still defends himself saying it was my BIBLICAL DUTY to give him sex. Who went a year without and growled out that he will NEVER go that long without sex again, and that sounded an awful lot like a threat at the time. The man that so many of us are still scared to talk to about anything remotely related to politics because its more important for him to stand up for his political beliefs than comfort our fears. Birth control, trans rights, riots, shuts all of those thoughts down with his anger. And yet, I'm in the minority on leaving this relationship. The others dont think its that bad. That he can get better. That he's TRYING to get better. As if him trying to get better absolves him of suffering any sort of punishment for his past actions. And the marriage counselor AGREES. Says things arent getting better in the relationship because we wont let go of the past. That its our TRAUMA and resulting trust issues ruining the relationship.
I'm tired of swallowing down acid when I feel like I have every right to be spitting it in other people's faces. But the others beg me to. And for the life of me, I cannot convince the others otherwise. They wont listen to me.
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puff-mmd · 1 year
thought about a character from kaisei's past. someone he used to sleep with from time to time, his name is yakumo.
he was one of the most....consistent? partners that kaisei had. often after being rejected by someone he was trying to get with, he would wind up with yakumo.
The thing is, yakumo didnt want a relationship (kaisei had tried pursuing that topic early on, only to be met with rejection.)
"Not because it's you asking, but because the answer would be the same no matter the person."
For whatever reason, he's adverse to the idea of being with anyone at all. And well....that whole situation isnt great for kaisei's head. Especially because yakumo believes kaisei wants to be used. He can't understand why he would come back to him if not because he finds some comfort in doing things with no strings attached.
So at some point after kaisei finds out about ciro's ex (which he doesnt know they broke up), he does end up in yakumo's bed again.
It's a night where he's feeling particularly lonely, and ciro had messaged him about meeting with him and yoai that weekend.
Well, he had been talking with his roommates about what happened, and they suggeatrd just cutting things off if that were the case. Kaisei insited he coulsnt completely shut him out, his was still working with them after all.
So they compromised - no contact unless its about work.
Kaisei looked down at the glowing screen giving off the only light in the room, his eyes already strained from the lack of decent sleep.
"Yoai and I are going out this Saturday, do you want to join us?"
'Why does he insist on keeping me around like this?' He thought as he looked over the text.
He couldn't understand what Ciro was thinking. It would be one thing if this were only a friendly invite, but whenever he went out with those two, Ciro was always hanging on to him. If they were at a restaurant, he would choose to sit with Kaisei. If they were seeing a movie, they insisted he be in the middle, and the blonde man would make a point of "accidentally" brushing their hands together.
It was all fine, even making Kaisei hopeful for a while, but it was all a lie, wasn't it?
He was being strung along once again - his hopes crushed by that one truth.
Ciro already had someone else.
So why would he do those things? To play with his heart? Because he didn't realize what those actions could mean? Was it only to get him to stay and work with them?
He'd heard so many excuses and explanations over the years, and he was too tired to think about what Ciro's could possibly be. It didn't matter the reason anyways, all that mattered to him is that he had been let down by his own expectations again. No matter how many times he told himself that his love would only ever be met with consequences, he still couldn't stop from hoping.
And it was that stupid lie of hope that made pressing "send" so hard.
"No. And please, stop contacting me outside of work."
Kaisei dropped the phone on his bed, laid back and sighed.
It didn't matter how many times he'd been hurt, things never felt any easier.
Again i swear i had posted this but nope. I just started talking about yakumo on main like everyone knew who he was lmao
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