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puff-mmd · 13 hours ago
it'd be really cool if everyone put their money where their mouths are and went and saw the new fully 2d animated looney tunes movie that's in theaters RIGHT NOW instead of continuing to scream about the snow white and lilo and stitch remakes
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puff-mmd · 2 days ago
looked up italian horror movie scores as a joke (because of that one arctic monkeys song lyric, i was like lol what if ciro would like those)
and uhhhhhh why is ciro kinda vibing with it.
especially the 80's synthy ones, kaisei would actually get into those. like imagine them snuggling up on the couch to watch old italian horror movies and kaisei only agrees because he likes the synth music. he insists on covering his eyes during the gore parts.
which i hear is most of those movies, so i guess he misses out on them a lot - it's fine though, ciro likes the way kaisei clings to him during the real scary parts lol
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puff-mmd · 3 days ago
damn wrong blogged it again, oh well
i've been cooking over there if anyone wants to see more >:3
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to the tune of that one vine look at all those gay boys
anyways i decided on what d'avon and woo seok are
d'avon is some kind of snake creature (i will figure out specifically what later), and woo seok is a dragon
we already know ciro and kaisei are oni (which ciro. may change. idk yet.)
and yakumo is a spider spirit wheeeee
now that i have some idea of what they look like, im hyped to work on making d'avon and woo seok models so i can make more story renders!!!!
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puff-mmd · 3 days ago
theres a line from ashnikko's deal with it about putting a teddy bear in a blender and it spawned something in my brain
one of the few not creepy gifts that woo seok gave kaisei was a teddy bear. sweet, right? kaisei cherished that teddy bear for as long as they were together because it was something he could hug and love.
Turns out the teddy bear was an unwanted gift that woo seok got for his "girlfriend" (cousin), and she didnt like it. So instead of throwing it away and wasting the money, he tosses it to kaisei, not thinking much of it as anything special at all.
Needless to say, kaisei probably would put that thing in a blender after everything.
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puff-mmd · 3 days ago
having sudden and violent urge to redesign ciro and kaisei (more so ciro)
i want to make him more greek mythology based rather than oni, mostly to diversify the mythological creatures that are in the story (it's supposed to be a melting pot kinda thing of all different cultures myths and supernatural creatures) but also because his name is technically of greek origin
because the more i think about ciro, the more elegant and refined he becomes. like, think classic 1950's chanel fashion, jazz and swing music, simple gold jewelry paired with statement pieces, old horror movies and their scores, classic horror novels
he contrasts kaisei's online, poppy and playful style more and more when i think about him working or indulging in hobbies...
i think that's part of what attracts him to kaisei in the first place - he's different from what he's used to being inspired by. he wants to combine kaisei's fresh, modern style with classic elegance. and i think it's sweet that kaisei would make an effort to appreciate the old school things that ciro likes.
idk it's late and i'm just thinking about themmmmm
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puff-mmd · 9 days ago
decided today that yakumo's birthday is november 11th, making him a scorpio and im just like.
damn okay yeah that hit the nail on the head for some reason
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puff-mmd · 10 days ago
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"Between the Spider Webs" credits: - model: @puff-mmd - stage: hiroK2 - spiders: 時の番人 - spider webs: 怪獣対若大将P - effects: カヤ, ビームマンP, 午前3時のおやつ, ikeno, 响弦, おたもん, 針金P, あかま
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puff-mmd · 1 month ago
.: My Love :.
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Ciro's breath caught as sharp nails traced lightly up his neck, his body instinctively pressing closer to his lover. A whisper tickled his neck,
"You look beautiful tonight, sweet-tart..~"
"Aren't you a real prince charming?"
Kaisei nuzzled into his boyfriend's exposed shoulder, leaving butterfly kisses everywhere he could easily reach.
"I'd much rather be your Romeo," he sighed against the soft skin.
"Then love me as passionately as you promise, Romeo."
the other render was too lame for their valentine's picture, take this one instead 🙏
Credits: Ciro . Kaisei - puff [Kaisei: Shirt - fake-n-true . CLUMSYALIEN, Pants . Earrings . Belt . Shoes - Zepeto . Gummy-Frog, Choker - 3DCG . kreifish] Chair - Makigane_Tool Table - MIT$U@MMD Stage - にくきゅー Rose Petals - 那由他 Pillows . Bed - Natuska Wine .Glasses - ましまし Rose Vase - Itumonohon
Effects: sdPBR [サンドマン] sdUnsharpMask [サンドマン] sdCrossFilterTri [サンドマン] sdCrossFilterMono [サンドマン] sdSSR [サンドマン] AutoLuminous5 [そぼろ] ScreenTex Ghost5s [HariganeP . Norishio]| Diffusion7 [そぼろ] ikClut Dreamy Nights [ikeno . RaC] ikClut Cinema [ikeno . 梨原] ikDiffusion1 [ikeno] ikClut Peach Chocolate [ikeno . もこたろ]
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puff-mmd · 1 month ago
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happy valentines day to my boys 🩷💚💖
Credits: Ciro . Kaisei - puff Flowers - Itumonohon
Effects: HAToon2 [mfakane . RaC] ExcellentShadow2 [そぼろ] ObjectLuminous [そぼろ] Dippen Natural [サンフラワーふじ] ikClut Cinema . Romance [ikeno . 梨原]
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puff-mmd · 1 month ago
working on lian's model is giving me so much insight into her character and i just adore her
notes from going out with my dad and ignoring him to scribble things down
she is a hairdresser / salon worker (she does make up and nails too, but focuses on hair)
when she was little, she acquired her love of beauty from stealing ciro's fashion magazines and being in love with how cute all the girls looked - she wanted to be that pretty too
ciro loved dressing her up in clothes he made when she was little. their mom takes note and affectionately says lian is his little dress up doll. (could also be a nickname for her from him - dollian, said as "dolly ann")
Ciro still likes to make modifications to her clothes from time to time (adding pockets and zippers, alterations to fit her figure, etc.)
She has a loud, boisterous personality and loves to share her opinion on things. Honesty is a value highly regarded in their household, and while ciro and lian are both very honest, they are honest in different ways. one instance that comes to mind is when ciro tells his family he's dating a guy, and lian is like "OMG you're dating a guy? so like, who puts it in?? or like, do you guys switch???"
as such, they get along most of the time, but they are like any pair of siblings and have moments of friction. the above is one such instance - when she makes those comments, ciro is very embarrassed and upset by her reaction, especially because she is saying this at a family dinner out that was meant to introduce kaisei to ciro's family, and he wanted it to go well.
speaking of kaisei, it's a little awkward at first because of that initial interaction, but they are similar in ways that end up making them friends (both playful, love to joke, go out and have fun, and love ciro to bits)
she is bisexual - and is huge on flirting and dating people. she's only ever seriously been with two people though, a girl in high school whom they naturally ended up drifting apart, and then a guy she's dating at the time of ciro and kaisei's story
because her flirtatious nature, ciro really has his big brother work cut out for him lmao
i like to think when he goes away for college and she's entering high school (they are 7 years apart in age), he texts her often to check in on her, and she'll send him pictures and stuff to keep him from worrying himself into an early grave
thinking about scenes from their childhood, one of the big ones is when ciro is 14, lian is 7, and ciro is bleaching and dying his hair for the first time. he is trying to do it secretly, but lian has the little sister powers and can sense when her big brother is doing something he doesn't want anyone to know about, and finds him attempting and failing to reach the back of his head with the hair dye solution. she bothers him until he lets her help get the back, and it goes about as well as it can when you give a hair dye brush to a 7 year old.
as the years go on and ciro wants to maintain the blonde hair, she will help him with touch ups and she does get better (obviously). it's one of the reasons she wants to pursue beauty school, because she likes helping him and wants to make a living out of helping people become comfortable with themselves.
like i can see her settling down once ciro is in her salon chair for the first time as a professional, and she has done it so many times already that it's a very natural process. she's gently working his hair and speaking slower and softer because she really wants this to be a good job. she knows ciro's hair is important to him, and he is an important person to her.
she absolutely IDOLIZES yoai btw. thinks she is the coolest thing since canned boba,and when ciro tells his family about the new job working with her, she is BEGGING him to let her visit his office and meet her in person. yoai finds her to be cute and spunky - a contrast to yoai's cool and mature demeanor. she half-jokingly suggests doing a photoshoot with lian and some of their newest designs, and lian just about passes out from excitement.
when she wants something from ciro, she knows how to get it from him (puppy eyes and cutesy voice). when they are younger, it's usually for little things like "ciroooo please buy me an ice cream cone, i want one soooo bad 🥺🥺🥺", and she doesn't ever ask him for money. until he's graduated and working. then she asks for money sometimes for dates or to cover just reaching the amount to buy a limited edition nail design kit. ciro will hesitate sometimes, but then lian leans into his ear and is like "if you give me $20, come by the salon after closing on thursday and i'll do your roots for free"
he sighs and hands over the $20 and earns a big hug and many little thank you's
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i need to make her outfits, but they are already so so so cute and sibling like, i love her and i love themmmm 🥹🥹🥹
oh she tans btw. gyaru and all.
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puff-mmd · 1 month ago
i love when characters lie to themselves in the complete privacy of their own minds
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puff-mmd · 1 month ago
while kaisei's biggest fear is pretty obvious (ending up alone), i feel like ciro's has been more elusive to me.
but lately i've been thinking, his biggest fear is probably of failure.
"i feel like i've been on a staircase all my life. it started out wide and easy, and over the years got more narrow and harder to climb. sometimes it felt as though a force was pushing me, and others i had to stop or go back a few steps, but i've always managed to keep going. no, i fear falling slipping off the edge and tumbling down."
"i'm not afraid of some simple mistake, or an insignificant setback, but hitting complete and utter rock bottom."
- some interview answers he probably has given
which also gave me some more insight to how he was feeling before the Big Argument™️.
he was struggling with a few launches already, and had been warned that the next one better impress them. bosses and board members turned their noses up, insisting that ciro had "already peaked".
so he is putting everything he has into this next project, even at the cost of himself and his relationship.
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puff-mmd · 1 month ago
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sona...ruru. doodle in an hour waw. i want to do nothing at all. lately ive felt like throwing away all of my electronics and running into the forest never to be seen again.
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puff-mmd · 1 month ago
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twirling my hair
so i bought the sims 2 legacy collection on steam and promptly made my oc's to watch them like a creep
some highlights so far in addition to the screencaps:
kaisei got a job as a golf caddy and was fired on his 2nd day for not knowing which golf club to tell a snobby rich guy to use
he then asked yoai to hang out and she very rudely rejected him
THEN he tried to grill hot dogs and almost set the apartment on fire
ciro almost died trying to fix a computer
more riveting adventures in stalking my oc's in a computer game to come
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puff-mmd · 2 months ago
yoai is the type of woman that will show up with a totally different outfit most days, different make up style and hair style. she definitely rocks extensions once in a while too.
however, she always gravitates back to a girly, mcbling-y hot girl from a 2000's dramedy movie
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puff-mmd · 2 months ago
i never wrote this down, i thought i hadfdesgdfhfthgj
there's two particular guys (besides yakumo) that i thought of from kaisei's past relationships
im always so wishy washy on names unless it feels like some holy divination that comes to me or someone suggests a name and i'm like "yeah i'll take it"
one of them is named d'avon and the other is god i cant remember what i settled on but i think it was kim woo jeok? is that even a possible name, idk
its not but kim woo seok is (also a famous person but idk him)
d'avon was a very sweet guy, he and kaisei got along really well and he was probably the closest to a long-lasting relationship that kaisei had before ciro. the reason they broke up was that kaisei was starting to get a lot more popular and by extension busier, but also more bothered by people in general. d'avon was a very "keep to himself" kind of guy, and while he loved kaisei, he didn't like all the extra attention (there were probably people who claimed to be fans of kaisei ragging on him having a boyfriend)
which side tangent, there's definitely still people who are like "what do you mean kaisei has a bf??? who is ciro, we hate him, kaisei is for US"
but they usually get drowned out by people who are fans of ciro's and are just Normal about them. kaisei has also learned to ignore a lot of the negative comments like that, it used to be difficult for him when he was with d'avon.
like i don't think about this often, but like, kaisei really used to just be Some Guy before he was picked up silve's modeling agency. he didn't have aspirations to become a model or famous, he is just a personable guy with a pretty face, and people liked that. he got started with little streams online, but that probably wouldn't have taken off the way it did if he didn't also get the modeling deal with silve. he had some people who watched him play video games or chat with friends, but it was a pretty lowkey thing (like 25-50 viewers average).
after he started modeling and his face began to pop up in other places, people got curious about who he was. after finding out he was just a pretty normal guy with a fun personality, people just gravitated towards him and decided to be fans.
(I cant believe it deleted all my stuff about d'avon dsgfthfgj)
Anyways, kaisei probably met d'avon at a bar or something, and they got along bonding over video games, and they do play together often after getting each other's handles. After some time, they probably decide to date because why not, they both are into guys and get along really well. They are a really cute couple, it's kind of a shame they didn't work out...
I think the dealbreaker for d'avon is that one of kaisei's "fans" finds out about him and takes things too far - showing up at his job and harrassing him. The fan gets in trouble, but d'avon is pretty upset about it and even though they really like each other, kaisei doesn't want d'avon to feel unsafe being with him. He wants him to be happy, and not worry about things like that happening again.
D'avon's appearance is a darker complexion (not as dark as wren's, but in that same realm), and he has medium length braids that he sometimes ties back with a hairtie. I can see him wearing glasses, but idk. He's a little taller than kaisei, and dresses pretty casual. As far as his 'thing' (like oni, animal spirit, yuurei, kappa, etc), i haven't quite figured that out yet. I know he works at some kind of hardware or mechanic store. He has calloused hands and is a hard worker, and i think that makes him attactive to kaisei too. He likes the rough hands-
Damn now i feel worse that things didn't work out, but also i love ciro so much, sorry d'avon. You are a good guy, and I hope you find happiness.
Okay so now the other guy, kim woo seok.
This guy fucking sucks lmao. He is a fellow model that kaisei meets through one of his gigs. I think this might actually be Kaisei's last relationship before meeting ciro and having that whole thing going on, which as it goes, kind of sets up why kaisei is so sensitive to the misconception that ciro is dating a girl 💀
So this guy, I also don't know what his deal is, but appearance wise, he is a lot taller than kaisei (for context, kaisei is 5'6, d'avon is 5'8, and woo seok is like, 6'0 ir 6'1. Much taller than him). Unfortunately, this guy uses that as a power thing over kaisei. He is very attractive, shaggy black hair with bleached ends, dark gray eyes, and a killer smile. He is also a lot more popular than kaisei when they meet, so he is a bit star struck by this hot guy that shows interest in him. He also ends up using this as a power thing over kaisei, like he knows the poor thing is into him and wants to be recognized by a (seemingly) nice and pretty man, and he uses that to his advantage.
At first, woo seok is pretty forward with the whole "you're cute, i'm into you, we should date" thing, and kaisei gets swept up by it. He seems pretty normal, they go on dates and such, but kaisei often feels like its on woo seok's terms (we can only go out these days, don't contact me at these times, i'm very busy etc etc), but kaisei tries not to think about it too hard. He must be really busy after all, he's more sought after for modeling gigs, and hell, maybe he has other stuff going on - maybe he's an artist, or a singer, or something else and kaisei is just grateful to be able to spend any time with such an impressive person.
The other thing when I say woo seok uses his status and physical prowess over kaisei is like, he kinda. Forces kaisei into some of his kinks. Like he enjoys seeing others beneath him in a way, and persuades kaisei to dress up very femininely when they hang out and do things he probably...doesn't actually want to do (like bondage and stuff like that - kaisei is not into that stuff, and had some bad experiences previously with yakumo about it, but....he wants woo seok to like him, so he agrees to do things even though he's uncomfortable with it. Kaisei's people pleaser coming out in full force for this piece of shit smh).
Like tbh, he's pretty gross. And this isn't even the worst of what he's done. He dates kaisei for a while, like 2-3 months, but then on woo seok's birthday kaisei decides to surprise him with a visit (and birthday presents), even though he told him not to that day. Kaisei visits him pretty late, figuring whatever woo seok was busy with, he must be done by now, right? And why wouldn't he want to see his boyfriend on his birthday?
He shows up at woo seok's apartment, he has the presents, a little sweet treat that he knows is his favorite, and knowing kaisei and his desire to please, probably some kind of cute lingerie underneath because of course he would. He is all excited when he rings the doorbell, thinking he's going to be a nice surprise for his boyfriend, and then.
Just. Some girl opens the door. The same girl he's seen in a photo frame on woo seok's nightstand. The girl kaisei had asked about and was told not to worry, it's just his sister. Or did he say cousin?
Either way, this girl was standing in the doorway, probably naked underneath the blanket. And in that moment, all the pieces that kaisei had been trying so hard to ignore fell into place right in front of his eyes, and when he saw woo seok come around from behind, it was one of the rare moments kaisei just falls apart. It takes everything in him not to throw the things in his hands to the ground, and he can't even come up with something to say. He is almost in tears, but he manages out a "i fucking trusted you", before turning around and leaving.
Honestly, he fights the urge to throw out the gifts, but he spent a good amount of money on the stuff, and even in anger he refuses to waste things.
He might actually end up donating the gifts later and sharing the food with his roommate after she comes to pick him up somewhere because he was too upset and just like, sat by the side of the road crying somewhere.
He obviously cuts woo seok off, and if it had just been the cheating, kaisei would have been pissed, but have let it go as one hell of a failed relationship. For example, look at yakumo (who his situation is different, but still).
It was the cheating, it was the sneaking and lying and degrading veiled as playful flirting, and it was the gross overstepping of boundaries that makes kaisei talk to silve about him. Woo seok doesn't work for silve, but im sure he knows who his angency or even manager is, and kaisei fucking lays it all out because he does not want anyone else to be used and fucked over in the way he was. There was no prior friendship, there was no sympathy for a shitty upbringing, woo seok received every bit of kaisei's rage for what he'd done, and he was going to make sure it ruined him from ever being able to manipulate another poor guy or girl or anyone in between ever again.
Kaisei very rarely gets that vicious, but woo seok found the right combination to really set him off.
Spits on him
Fuck woo seok.
Anyways yeah that's some of kaisei's exes because im nosey and love thinking about kaisei's past love life <3
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puff-mmd · 2 months ago
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"One day, nothing will remain of us but our names etched into stone, but let it be known that we shared our lives and our love."
wanted to go for a classic look, inspired by, you guessed it, several songs because that's where i get 90% of my inspiration.
also man, i need to find more ciro songs 😔
Credits under the cut
Credits: Ciro . Kaisei - puff Stage - Hazi City - CabbagePot Curtains - 一護牛乳
Effects: sdPBR [サンドマン] AutoLuminous4 [Sovoro] o_Vignette [otamon] ikRaindrops [ikeno] ikDiffusion1 [ikeno] ikBokeh [ikeno] ikClut Cinema + Romance [ikeno] ikClut Discolour - Rose Dust [ikeno . もこたろ] Dust [Sovoro . NPie . Chestnutscoop] ScreenTex Light Leaks - Frame2 + Bokeh1 [HariganeP . のりしお]
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