#because he acted probably the worst way he could’ve in this situation but i don’t think he’s that dumb to give someone with that history
kazumist · 6 months
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✩ — the two times aventurine referred to you as his "work wife" and the one time he seems to have left out the "work" part.
✩ — includes: aventurine x f!reader. fluff (?), crack. cw: ooc!aventurine probably, very messy and i kinda hate this piece LOL. wc: 820. reblogs are very much appreciated !!
✩ — note: trying to write aventurine as his usual self now and not some delusional hc that i have of him yay! (i went through hell and back writing this just to get the dialogue match his way of speaking.) pretend that the ipc holds company dinners btw 🥹.
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you don’t really know how it started. but maybe it’s because your co-workers tease you both too much about how you and aventurine act like an “old married couple” due to your constant banter, or maybe it’s because of aventurine’s (annoying) flirtatious remarks towards you.
however with the constant jokes and all, even aventurine got infected because there’s times when he would refer to you as his “work wife” as well. the first was when you were out at a company dinner. working in the same department with aventurine didn’t really help your… predicament, but for some reason, it wasn’t so bad.
“so how are you two love birds doing?” a co-worker asked, clearly drunk from the way they slurred their words and how red their face was slowly getting. aventurine just laughs at them—casually swinging an arm and resting it on the back of your chair. “my work wife here seems to be doing well, right?” he glances at you, a whiskey glass in hand, as he rotates it with his wrist. he was simply met with a glare in return. people wouldn’t care if you responded anyway because they’re too drunk to even remember this in the morning.
the second time was when you two got stuck in an elevator ride. and the worst part? aventurine purposely pressed at least four floors below your destination on the panel just so he could chat with you. “wouldn’t it be a nice idea to ditch work for today?” he asks, his eyes focused on both of your reflections from the elevator’s doors.
“you’re insane.”
“my dearest work wife, you wound me! i was simply asking you out.”
“no one would ever agree if you asked them in that way.” you refused to make eye contact with him.
“if i asked normally, then where’s the fun in that?”
when the elevator hit the current floor, you made your exit despite the floor not being your destination yet. 
of course, he had called or referred to you as his “work wife” many more times than this. however, as for the third one, it was when you were assigned to work with aventurine to dig up some information in a bar of sorts. a bar is quite a dangerous place in general, but you both had no choice but to split up so work would be faster.
that is, until you started being pestered by some stranger at the bartender’s counter.
no matter how many times you told him to go away (in reality, you really wanted him to go fuck off already), he was just being too persistent. but you couldn’t do anything because it would most definitely cause a scene—and you don’t want that. it was starting to suffocate you, how the stranger kept getting closer.
“dear, who is this?” you knew that voice from anywhere. you looked over to your side and saw aventurine next to you, already wrapping his arm around your waist as he looked at the stranger from head to toe. after telling him that you had no idea, you swore you could’ve seen his jaw clench for a quick second. playing along was mandatory with how the situation is turning now, even if aventurine had to pretend that he was actually your partner (well, technically, he is your partner for this assignment).
“who knew that there was actually someone indecent enough to hit on someone’s wife?” it was weird. you always felt icked by how aventurine kept calling you his “work wife." but this time, it was weird. and you hate it.
because you had a revelation that you liked the fact aventurine called you his wife at this very moment.
aventurine has a way with words. he always does; he knows what to say to rile up someone—to provoke them. it was no surprise that the stranger became another one of aventurine’s victims when it came to his provocative terms. yet, it was all over in a blink of an eye because the guy retreated. (you weren’t able to understand what aventurine specifically said to him, but does it really matter at this point?)
“are you alright?” he asks. 
“yeah. thank you.”
“how about we hit the hay for tonight? i managed to gather some information anyway.”
“agree, i was able to catch some as well.”
“really now? we make a great team, don’t we?”
“don’t let it get to your head, aventurine.”
he chuckles. “i was serious, though.” you look at him, confused. “about…?” aventurine leans to your ear and whispers low: “we could actually get married if you would let me do the honors of asking for your hand.”
“ow! hey! i was only kidding! okay maybe i wasn’t but—hey! that actually hurts a lot now!” he yelps as you slap him by the shoulder repeatedly. “you’re insane, i tell you!”
maybe being called aventurine's work wife had its perks after all.
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3cremepie3 · 5 months
#1 manger
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Synopsis - You the number one manger of the NRC basketball team get into a bit of trouble with the star players. How far would you go to get back your beloved position? Ace, Jamil, Floyd x reader
Warnings - Smut 18+ ,cursing, bribery, anal, (mentions) virginity loss, (mentions of) starvation, arguing, toxicity, betrayal
A/n - This was definitely one of the nastiest fics I wrote. And it’s just gonna get worse if I do a part 2 lol!! This is not fully edited bear with the writing for now!!!
“Shoot it, Floyd!” You screamed jumping up out of your seat. There were 3 seconds left on the clock but time felt frozen. Your team had the opportunity to win if they made this one shot. But things don’t always work out. Especially when you have a dopey bipolar teammate that wasn’t paying attention and somehow had the ball slam on his head. It’s safe to say you guys lost with flying colors.
Time unfroze and the roar of Royal Sword Academy’s team almost made you fall over. You sat back in your seat chuckling as Floyd’s mouth stayed open. You the team manager should have been checking on him. But the situation was just so funny.
The sound it made and the way he fell back like a rag doll it was just comical. You began to laugh like a hyena practically sobbing as tears fell on your face. You put your hands over your face in shame as people began to stare at you. And for a while, you sat laughing replaying the situation over and over.
Now that you thought about it the whole game itself was pretty funny. Ace almost fought a player who kept fowling him but was held back by Jamil who looked like the interaction aged him 20 years a minute. God you love managing the team it was like a free movie.
“Something funny Shrimpy”. Floyd whispered into your ear causing your head to shoot up. “God you scared me Floyd.” You said wiping tears out of your eyes. “No it’s nothing,” you smirked. “Then why did I hear you laughing at our failures the whole game?” No, it wasn’t like that I swear!” Your smile twisted awkwardly downwards trying to hide itself. “Lies make me wanna squeeze ya’ even harder you know?”
Floyd had that crazy look in his eyes so you know he meant business but still you couldn’t contain yourself. You looked down from his harsh gaze in gave into the silliness which was probably your worst mistake.“Up now,” he demanded. His large hand met your shoulder gripping it so tightly it knocked the air out of your lungs. “Ahh let go of me,” you protested. You kicked Floyd in the shin to free yourself before running away from him into the locker room.
You knew some time had passed but damn it was unusually quiet. Normally you would walk with your eyes closed to avoid seeing gross dicks and hear a bunch of bustle. But you heard nothing except the stream of a few shower heads.
Once you got out of the locker room you faced the grim reality of why everything was so quiet. Vargas sent everyone Home except for a few star players he had to chew into. You stood behind him which was your duty as the manager.
“You could’ve gotten suspended for the whole season,” Vargas seethed. “What were you thinking Ace!” Hey, he hit me first,” Ace added. “Because you talked about his damn mother.” Oh wow,” you laughed. “Is something funny Y/n,” Vargas asked. “This whole time something’s been just cracking you up huh? What type of manager laughs at her team? Huh, answer me step up and answer me.” You stepped up in front of the player's throat now suddenly dry.
“I apologize,” you spoke quietly. “What was that you were too quiet.” Vargas boomed into your ear. “I’m sorry for laughing at you guys,” you raised your voice annoyed. “That’s what I thought,” Floyd interrupted. “You act like your scrawny ass could do any better.”
“I can assure you that if I had your build I could. I wouldn’t be like you Floyd just dazing off into the sunset when we have championships at stake,” you challenged. “Shrimpy you need to watch your mouth before I watch it for you,” Floyd threatened.
“Floyd that’s enough let’s listen to her she’s our manager, Jamil sighed.” What’s that sigh for,” you huffed. “Well, you’re not exactly the best person to be in the position you’re in. You can’t even contain your composure.”
“Jamil’s right it’s embarrassing,” Ace claimed. “Embarrassing you wanna know what’s embarrassing you dumb asses is constantly defending this team. Everyday I go into class and Ace can testify this I’m always having to stick up for this team.”
“Maybe if you guys took shit seriously then I wouldn’t have to laugh, you snapped.” That’s enough out of all of you,” Vargas stomped. The entire gym went quiet down to his immense anger.
Never in your days at night raven had you seen him so angry. “Since you all can’t take shit seriously your off the team until further notice.” Wait but coach I didn’t do anything,” Jamil objected. “Me either it was all that bitches Y/n’s fault,” Floyd insisted.
“Who the fuck are you calling a bitch,” you questioned? “The only bitch made person in here,” he smirked. “God Floyd you’re so lucky I don’t have a gun!” Ladies let’s calm it down Ace,” joked.
You and Floyd looked at him like he had just slapped you. “Ace please don’t make me break up your fights again you have no self control idiot,” Jamil figured. “Who are you calling an idiot.” The four of you were to busy arguing you didn’t notice your coach leaving.
You stormed away after him while the others followed. “Vargas please I really need this job! Do you want me and Grim to starve to death?” By now tears had began to stream out of your eyes.
Vargas didn’t clear about y’all’s pleas as he drove away on his blastcycle. “Fuck now I gotta eat canned bean’s again. I thought I’d get to forget that taste forever.” By now your mascara was smeared all over your face.
“Stop crying you big baby,” Ace remarked. “I can’t. Holy fuck I’m screwed.” You held your head low not wanting to meet the eyes of the silent boys. Not having any more words to say you chose to walk home.
You didn’t even have the energy to strip out of your uniform once you got to bed. Instead you just cuddled up with Grim who slept peacefully. The next day you woke up late. All you had time to do was wash the crust and mascara off your face.
While you walked to class you told Grim avout your new finical state. Which was only enough to buy you cheap junk food for about a week. Grim was upset and offered to beat up Vargas but you told him to hold back.
You lost your position and even if you didn’t agree with your new circumstances you would figure something out. “We’ll be okay Y/n right,” Grim asked. “I hope so,” you pondered.
Two weeks later
Each day, hour , minute was passing by so slow you thought you were in a shitty velocity edit. The pit at your stomach grew larger and larger by day. Food was scarce and you fed Grim before you fed yourself. Thats what a good housewarden does.
You friends tried their best to help you bringing extra meals by whenever they could. Even though you were starving you were grateful for there help. But there was one person you would except nothing from. That person was Ace.
That asshole got you into this situation in the first place. You would take nothing from him. Which is why you rejected his offer to go to the gym.
“This is obviously some sort of harsh prank. I’m not that stupid Ace. I know for a fact they probably don’t want me to show my face there for another hundred years.” Well it’s just me Floyd and Jamil if that makes you feel any better,” Ace stated.
“No that makes me feel worse,” you winced. “Just come with me Y/n so you can get over this weird grudge you have all of a sudden.” You and him bickered the entire way there mostly about how your feelings were completely valid.
But you stopped as you got to the door. You were scared since you weren’t the only one who lost your position. What if they wanted revenge you wondered but it was too late as Ace pulled you in before him.
The gym was empty and for a minute you wanted to ask Ace what his deal was. But Floyd and Jamil both walked out the locker room. You and Ace walked up to them and your arms immediately crossed. “So what can I help you guys with,” you snarked.
The three of them stood around you in an arc. Floyd was the first to speak. “If you didn’t already know we got out positions back,” he declared. “And what’s that got to do with me,” you inquired.
“A lot so shut it Shrimpy.” Thanks to us you may get another chance. Huh what do you say do you wanna be our manger again,” he questioned. “What do you mean thanks to yall,” you asked.
“Vargas and us had a chat and he asked rather or not he should let you back on the team,” Jamil coaxed. “It’s entirely up to us to decide your fate, Ace affirmed. “Yeah we know how bad you want this job,” Jamil snickered.
“We just felt so bad when you were crying Shrimpy my heart almost broke,” Floyd frowned. “I don’t like the look the three of you have. What do you want from me?” Ace put his hand on your shoulder giving it a squeeze.
You backed away from his grasp. “Hey don’t get all scared we just want you to confirm that you want to be back on our team,” Ace sighed. “Of course I will,” you exclaimed. “I would love that actually you guys are the best.” You grabbed them all into a group hug and they hugged back.
“Okay we’ll go tell Vargas the good news after you fuck us,” Ace mumbled. “What was that?” You were still in the middle of the group hug the boys towering over you. You swore you just heard something crazy come out of his mouth but maybe his mispoke.
“He said you’ll get your position back after you fuck us.” Floyd deadpanned into your air sending shivers up your spine. You pushed them off of you only to be grabbed back in. “Don’t leave us so soon,” Jamil whined. “Yeah we really want you back in the team Shrimpy!”
“Duece told me how bad your situation really is. Don’t you need this job? Come on you don’t want Grim to starve,” he shouted. They were right and you hated to admit it. This job really was your make or break it since all other slots in campus were filled up.
“I-i can’t.” Sure you can come one we’ll make you feel good,” Jamil assured you. “Yeah you’ll be nice and full Shrimpy.” Don’t you want to feel good? Ace’s hand rolled down your back and onto your ass. The others hands went to grope you practically everywhere.
“What other choice do you have? It’s either us or halfway starve to death,” Ace reminded you. “Fuck you,” you spat. “Sweetie you were Sutton spit in his mouth,” Jamil commented. “Shrimpy come on you know better then that especially with a body like this. There’s no way you’re a virgin,” Floyd bubbled.
“She hasn’t even had her first kiss yet,” Ace told them. “What no way,” Jamil cackled. “Yup she told me and Duece during truth or dare.” We can help you with that Shrimpy.” How about losing everything to us you can even get your position back? Come on say something already!”
You were to embarrassed to speak. To humiliated to even move but still you nodded your head. “That’s a good girl,” Ace praised. You were quickly hoisted over Floyd’s shoulder and brought to a recovery room.
As you were sat on the bed you thought of the many times you helped them after injuries. This was a betrayal like no other. “Hey pretty are you here with us.” Jamil’s grabbed your jaw making you face him. Floyd was at the opposite edge of the bed watching you interaction while Ace climbed up over you.
The fact that you had no idea where this was going frightened you. “We thought it would be only fair if we all took your first kiss.” How the fuck,” you wondered. “Just open up that pretty mouth you’ll see.” Before you could get a word out you were smothered by all there tongues flowing inside your mouth.
Every ounce of air was stolen from your body as they licked everywhere their tounges could reach. It didn’t help that Jamil and Floyd’s were long and oddly practically gagging you.
You pulled away from all three of them a mixture of spit soaking your chin. You took some time to catch you breath while the others watched you. “That reaction was so damn cute were we to much for you,” Ace pointed out.
“I hope you enjoyed your first kiss Y/n,” Jamil said. You couldn’t even find the words to tell them off as of right now your mind was replaying all the possible scenarios of what could happen next.
As you dozed out hands explored your clothes unbuttoning the fabric that they recently caressed. Soon you were left in your bra and panties. You squeezed you legs shut trying to find some sort of privacy.
“I call her tits I always wanted a titjob ever I saw one in a hentai, Ace grinned.” Well I’ll take her mouth then since someone needs to shut her up,” Floyd sang. “Lucky me I get first dibs on her pussy then!”
Them talking about you like you were some piece of meat should’ve pissed you off. But instead you felt a wet patch form on your panties. “Lay back so we can do our thing Y/n,” Floyd instructed.
The rest of your clothes were pulled up from you in a frenzy. Jamil forcefully pried your legs apart revealing your twitching heat. “Fuck you’re horny already you slut,” he cooed. The three of them shifted until they were in their desired position Jamil was inbetween your legs kissing everywhere but were you needed him.
As you moaned Floyd slipped himself into your mouth. He stretched you mouth open as he thrusted in. With his size your jaw was sure to go slack. Ace lined his thick cock inbetween your tots before spitting a fat globe down as line inbetween them.
“Jamil don’t forget you have to lube up her asshole as well.” I didn’t forget you anal freak we have to be patient with her wait a minute. ” It’s her first time after all.” He gave your clit an open wet kiss that had you clenching against nothing.
His breath so close to you caused you to scoot closer to him. “Hey Shrimpy don’t forget about me. I forget you don’t know how to suck dick. Come one just do what the pornstars do!”
You tried your best to mock what you saw in porn while licking on Floyd’s thick mushroom tip. His whole cock was so sticky and you used your free hand that wasn’t holding Jamil’s head into place to grab him.
It was hard to focus on sucking him as Ace’s movements shook the entire bed. “This feels better then I thought damn your tits are so warm,” he moaned. “Been thinking of doing this to you ever since I saw you at orientation fuck.”
His cock leaked precum all over you chest further adding to the sinful sounds he made. But he wasn’t the only loud one Jamil lapped at your cunt so harshly you thought you would die. God there was so much stimulation at the same time.
You couldn’t stand it much longer and you soon came. Your body shook as you orgasmed and Ace held you down continuing his thrust. “God Shrimpy you’re so bad at this.” Floyd repositioned himself so that his knees were on either side of your head.
“All you have to do is keep your mouth open I’ll do all the work.” Floyd pushed your mouth open his fat cock now forcing itself down your airways. You gagged around him as he hit the bottom of your throat repeatedly. This along with Jamil entering his slender fingers into your cunt had your eyes rolling to the back of you head.
Floyd finally stopped thrusting in you right as Ace groaned loudly painting your chest with his thick cum. “Fuck that felt good.” He slapped his dick on your boobs drizzling out his last bit of cum onto you.
Your eyes noted that he was still semi hard as he smiled down at his creation. Jamil continued to finger your overstimulated cunt. The room was filled with the nosies. “Hey I can save us some time if I get underneath her,” Ace suggested.
“You better not try anything Ace I spent all
This time stretching her for me to break her not you,” Jamil explained. “Yeah I get that dude I was just gonna eat her other hole.” Ace lifted you up and slid his head underneath you.
Your body tensed up immediately realizing where he was about to lick. “No don’t lick there,” you shrieked. “Why anal is the best you’ll like it once you try it I promise you,” Ace claimed. “But it’s dirty,” you uttered.
“Nothing on you is dirty to me now sit on my face. Don’t be afraid to crush me either.” His hands gripped you thighs until you were sat fully on his face. Your legs remained opened and soon Jamil lined his cock up with your slit.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Floyd with a devious smile on his face. “Better open up nice and wide so you can take us all Shrimpy. Don’t you want your position back? Come on stop shivering your our #1 manger!
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youngyoo-apologist · 4 months
I think my least favorite thing ever of all time is when I’m reading a fanfic and Basen and Lily are villains like NO my children would NEVER
It’s usually the case in OG Cale fanfic, now don’t get me wrong I love the guy but also his family was not all horrible, and Basen and Lily were NEVERRRR at fault. Lily is literally like, seven years old and Basen is fifteen neither of them hate their brother either. Any child wouldn’t know how to approach their older brother who doesn’t talk to them and is distant(+ is known for having a bad personality) like that isn’t their fault 😭😭
OG Cale distanced himself from his siblings to protect them, there’s no one to fault in this situation for things turning out this way because it happened due to so many combining circumstances. Like IDK! I just don’t like it when Lily and Basen are treated like bad people cause I just find it a bit ridiculous.
Basen and Lily could’ve tried talking to OG Cale, but the real question is if he would let them talk to him ykwim, his act was perfect with literally no flaws. The reason it worked so well was because no one KNEW him and he probably knew that part too. The sadness to their situation is that they all had their reasons and cared for eachother but there wasn’t really any communication
Tbh it should have been Deruth’s job to ask Cale what was wrong, he’s not like the worst father ever okay but he also has extreme communication issues! The Henituse’s middle name is practically ‘communication issues’ like none of them are very good at it I fear. Deruth clearly cares for his son a lot, but he doesn’t know how to approach Cale possibly out of guilt/fear he’ll hurt his son even more. Which is why he just let’s Cale do what he wants
I think it’s important to note that the family did have faith in Cale, they all knew he wasn’t a bad person but they were all just so distant from eachother. I don’t think Deruth would have offered KRS!Cale to go to the capital after like a weeks worth of changed behavior unless he knew that there was more to his son than what the public thought. Again I think the big issue with the Henituse family is their communication
The characters all have complicated dynamics and personalities and it’s just something I don’t like when everything is treated very one dimensional
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pepperonijem · 2 years
i. the gentle indifference of the world || all my love
"I opened myself to the gentle indifference of the world." - The Stranger; Albert Camus
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Summary: He's cool, smart, attractive... and completely out of your league. But that won't stop you from falling head over heels for him. Pairing: high school!bucky x f!reader Warnings: steve is a little ooc but just roll with it Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: yay!! welcome to the first chapter!
back to library || next chapter
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If you had listened to the rational voice in your head when your dad broke the news to you, you wouldn’t be in this situation.
If you had started making a list of things to pack, if you had called either of your two best friends immediately after, if you decided to be sane for 12 minutes, you wouldn’t be in this situation.
However, hindsight is 20/20, but in terms of foresight? You shouldn’t be allowed near the driver’s seat of any vehicle. Because instead of making any of the simple rational decisions after your father mentioned the possibility of moving across the country, you chose to sit down at your desk and write a letter. Fountain pen in hand and a candle burning beside you, for 12 minutes you were a character in a Jane Austen novel. Probably Lydia Bennett of all people, but a Jane Austen character nonetheless.
And that letter was how you found yourself in this situation – mortified and surrounded by whispers and stares, but worst of all, the icy blue glare of James Bucky Barnes was fixed on the pretty pink card in your hands.
A simple “no thanks,” and that was it, but why did it feel like time stopped? One word was enough to crumble your fragile heart and you froze right in place. It wasn’t until you felt a pair of arms wrap around you that you began to breathe again, and blood rushed back into your brain enough for you to see Bucky turn the corner and disappear.
Once you finally felt your heartbeat return to normal, you looked around to see the empty classroom you were in and you let out a sigh.
“You ready to tell us what just happened?” one concerned voice asked. Wanda’s voice was always gentle, always cheerful, usually loud, but the softness in her tone this time tipped you over the edge and you felt the sting of fresh tears in your eyes. She knelt down to look you in the eye as your other friend, Steve, helped you to sit at a desk.
Another sigh and you finally began to explain. “My dad said we might be moving in a couple of weeks,” you started, feeling your heart sink at the looks of hurt on your friends’ faces. “So I guess part of me panicked and I decided to tell Bucky how I felt.”
Now it was Steve’s turn to let out a sigh. The ever wise, ever charming Steve, who could see the end of any problem. His sigh was not out of pity, but out of frustration. “You know you could’ve called us right? We could’ve talked this through, came up with a better way to do this.” You knew that Steve and Wanda would not have let you go through with the idea if you had called, but you appreciated the fact that he didn’t say that.
“I know,” you began to argue. “But I don’t know, part of me… hoped he would say yes.” You didn’t miss the way Steve and Wanda’s eyes went wide as you mumbled the end of your sentence. “At least anything but whatever the hell happened today.”
You knew Steve was holding himself back. In his head he runs through every scenario before he acts, actually somewhat calculating underneath his calm, charming exterior. He knew this was the most likely scenario, but he would never tell you that, so he lets out a sigh instead and turns his attention to the math equations written on the whiteboard. 
Wanda on the other hand was a reactor. Her heart was on her sleeve and her anger at seeing her best friend upset was clear in her furrowed eyebrows and shaky voice. “I just don’t get why you keep wasting your time on him,” she confessed. “He’s too dense for his own good and he’s not particularly nice either. He’s smart academically, but stupid in every other way. He’s really not worth it.”
Steve turned around, surprised at Wanda’s outburst. “Wanda,” he called out. “Aren’t you friends with him?”
Wanda scoffed in response. “What about it?” she answered back. “You guys are stupid too, but we’re still friends.” A beat of silence passed as the three of you stared at each other, unblinking, before laughter broke the stillness. It was moments like this that made you pause to appreciate the two people you called your best friends. Although life had its ups and downs, the downs never lasted long, not when you had two loving friends to pull you right back up.
You stood up, a renewed sense of pride and determination filling you up. “You’re right Wanda,” you exclaimed and she gave you a thumbs up in return. “Boys are stupid.” Steve and Wanda shared a look of surprise.
“Well that’s not–” Wanda began to protest.
“I’m not stupid,” Steve started a little too loudly and boldly. “I wouldn’t have turned you down.” 
He finished his sentence softly as he watched you walk out of the classroom door. Wanda placed a comforting arm around Steve’s shoulders. “I wouldn’t have turned you down either Steve,” she teased as Steve shoved her to the side playfully.
Despite your renewed sense of pride, the quietness of your study period left you too much time to think and you found yourself lost in a sense of nostalgia as you sat at a table in the library.
The first time you met Bucky was still painted clear as day in your mind. 
You were a freshman searching for solace amidst the chaos of high school on the first day and you had found yourself in the library. Until now, it was a place of peace for you, but especially so on that first day. 
Running your fingers along the aisles of books, you found one that you wanted to read. The Stranger, by Albert Camus, sitting right at the top shelf, pushed just a little too far back for you to be able to wiggle it out. You let out a sigh, and rolled up your sleeve, embarrassed that your next plan of attack was to climb the shelf to be able to reach the book. You braced yourself, shutting your eyes and taking a deep breath, when a baritone chuckle snapped you out of your thoughts. 
You had opened your eyes to see an arm  reaching past you to grab a book off the shelf– your book. In your head you cursed his long legs and arms, but as you met eyes with the boy, you felt your heart sink down to your toes and shoot right back up and suddenly you didn’t want to read a book that was so nihilist anymore. Meursault may not have found it, but love suddenly became something that mattered.
He waved the book in your direction and you had to force your attention to his words and away from his face. “Were you trying to get this?” he asked.
“Huh?” you blinked before looking down at the book you were no longer interested in. “Oh, yeah, I was but, I don’t know if I want to read it anymore.”
He hummed and nodded in response as he inspected the book. “The Stranger,” He read. “Is it good?” 
“Yeah, if you’re into stories about life having no meaning,” you explained, suddenly flustered at the way he seemed to take your words seriously.
“I see,” he replied. “Then do you think life has no meaning? It seemed like you wanted this book pretty badly.” The weight of his question startled you as you tried to stammer out a response but before you could get anything significant out, his watch beeped and he was already turning his back to you. “Thanks for the book recommendation,” he called back, waving the book in the air.
That day, James Barnes stole not only your book, but your affections. 
For the next four years of your life, you found yourself loving him from a distance. You’d see him in the hallways, in class, but you could never bring yourself to say anything to him and you resigned yourself to this distance. It was lonely, but it was safe, and that was good enough for you… until today.
Now, after breaking that distance, you wished you never did. It was easier to never know how he felt about you, to be in love with the memory you had of him rather than be crushed by reality. 
The final bell finally rang and you were more than ready to head home. Outside the quiet bubble of the library, the school was cheering, the drumline playing in the main hall and everyone shouting cheers to the football team, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to celebrate your senior homecoming game with the rest of the school. Instead you found Wanda and Steve and made your way home.
“Welcome home!” 
The sound of your father’s voice filled you with warmth as soon as he opened the door, the joy in his greeting briefly making you forget the events of the day. He wrapped you in a tight embrace, still smelling of spices from his day spent at the restaurant, and led you and your friends into the house. 
Once inside, your dad gave your friends a confused look. “Isn’t tonight your last homecoming game? Shouldn’t you be at the game?” He questioned as the three of you kicked off your shoes and set your backpacks down by the door.
Wanda looked over to you as she answered, “Nah,” she replied with an easy smile. “The real party is here.” Your dad let out a hearty laugh in response, which the three of you mirrored. 
“I had made way too much dinner for just the two of us, so it’s perfect that you guys are here,” your dad put his arms around Wanda and Steve who cheered in response.
“Well, once I found out you were making the world’s best lasagna, how could I not invite myself over?” Steve said. The way your dad beamed back at Steve made both you and Wanda chuckle. Steve was both an extremely talented artist as well as an extremely talented cook, and your dad absolutely adored him for it. He was always welcome to the family dinner.
“Careful, dad,” you chimed in. “Between Steve and Wanda, there might not be any left for the two of us.” Your dad laughed in response as Steve rolled his eyes and Wanda nodded. As you settled into the table, you realized your dad wasn’t exaggerating at all when he said he made way too much dinner. The table was lined with lasagna, roasts, vegetables, and lots of side dishes, enough for a feast. “What’s the occasion dad?” You asked as you looked around the table, trying to decide what to eat first. 
Your dad set his silverware down before explaining. “Well,” he began. “To be honest, I felt somewhat bad.” 
“About what?” you asked, your mouth full of lasagna. 
Your dad chuckled as he continued, passing you a napkin. “As I’m sure you’ve explained to your friends,” he gestured to Steve and Wanda. “I accepted the offer to help start the new restaurant. I thought about it some more, and I felt bad that you would have to uproot your whole life right at the end of high school.”
You looked at him, urging him to continue.
“So I contacted my friend from college, the one I meet with for lunch sometimes, and he said that his son also goes to the same school as you and since they have a spare room, he’s offering to take you in for the year.” 
“No shit,” Steve exclaimed in response as Wanda nudged him under the table, giving him a look reminding him to keep his foul language to himself, but your dad just laughed it off.
“That means I get to stay right?” You squealed. “I don’t have to leave?”
“Yes, that’s true,” your dad confirmed. “But it’s only for the year. At the end of your school year, you can move up with me, or if everything goes really well, I’ll be back home early.” He let out a sigh of relief at seeing the way the three of your faces lit up. Ever since you were little, you, Steve and Wanda had been inseparable. You would walk to school and back home together, you would have sleepovers and every meal was spent together. Your dad felt that tearing you away from them right before you would have to separate for college anyway was cruel. 
He cleared his throat as he continued. “I know the situation isn’t ideal, and that you’ll probably miss me so so so much,” he teased. “But I know you’ll be in good hands while I’m away.” He smiled fondly at the two boys sitting around the table who were looking at you with nothing but adoration in their eyes.
The rest of dinner went by quietly. Polite talk here and there, but an overwhelming effort to avoid discussing your father’s move, which was at the end of the week, settled among the four of you. It wasn’t until after dinner, after Wanda had left to go home, that you finally got to process your feelings with Steve who stayed behind to help clean up.
“Steve, you really didn’t have to stay,” You sighed as you leaned against the counter beside him as he turned on the faucet in the sink. “I don’t mind doing the dishes.”
He gave you the same winning smile that he gave your father earlier. “Please,” he began. “It’s the least I could do… you’ve had a long day.” He cocked his eyebrow at you, reminding you of the unopened note that now lay on top of your desk in your room. “How are you feeling?”
You grabbed a dish towel, helping Steve dry the dishes he washed, not wanting to meet his eyes. “Like a salad.” Steve turned to you with a confused chuckle, waiting for you to elaborate. “Don’t laugh, Wanda taught me this. I feel so many things right now but I can’t really condense it all into one thing.”
Steve hummed thoughtfully before continuing. “Okay, well what’s the lettuce right now? The biggest thing you’re feeling.”
“Hmm…” you thought. “Sad, that my dad is leaving. I’ve never been away from him that long.” 
“Okay, what about the chicken?” You couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, appreciating the way Steve ran with your simile.
“The chicken… Happy.” You finally gave Steve a small smile. “Happy that I get to stay here with you and Wanda.”
Steve smiled back at you. “I’m happy about that too. How are we supposed to be a trio if it’s just me and Wanda?” 
You rolled your eyes playfully as you swatted his arm with the dish towel. “Steve, you and Wanda have enough personality for 13 people. I’m sure you would have found a way.”
He pouted in return, rubbing his arm where you swatted him before slipping back into a smile. “Not true, but whatever,” he relented. He was glad that the trio would remain a trio, but it got him thinking about what the future holds for the three of you. College was never really something you all had discussed in depth. Mostly just vague hypotheticals about what decorations to get for the apartment you’ll share and the kind of classes you’ll all take together. But in every future he could imagine, the three of you were always together.
After that night, the rest of the week passed by in a messy and teary blur, with Steve and Wanda coming over every day to help you pack. Well, “help” was a strong word. They mostly sat on your bed and looked through your knick knacks while asking for snacks. They were also very unhelpful at trying to convince you to “Marie Kondo” your room, as they called it.
Wanda tried convincing you that maybe you should leave your giant stuffed avocado behind, to which you adamantly argued against because she won it for you at the school carnival last year. Steve asked why you still kept your report card from fifth grade in a treasure chest, to which you responded by showing him the teacher’s notes, “Had to separate her from Steve and Wanda. They distract each other and draw pictures on their math homework. Always laughing and smiling in class :)”
Going through your whole room with them was a lot less embarrassing than you had expected, and by the end of the week, you were ready to go with only the essentials packed. Steve and Wanda came to see you off, helping your dad pack your things into the car and they each gave you a big hug before letting you go.
Your dad laughed at the scene, watching the three of you get teary eyed even though you would still see each other every day at school. But when he finally drove off and saw you looking wistfully out the window, he felt a pang in his chest and it reminded him how much he’s going to miss you as well. 
The drive was fun as it always was with your dad, but as he parked in front of a huge house in a very wealthy neighborhood, the grin on your face grew even more. The homes in this neighborhood were much bigger than your own, and you figured you should enjoy yourself while you’re here. Your dad took your hand as the two of you walked to the front door of his college buddy’s home, telling you a silly story about their adventures together in university.
“Oh, I’m so excited you get to meet him,” your dad exclaimed as he rang the bell. “I heard his son is actually in your grade, so maybe you already know him.”
You looked at your dad curiously. “What’s his name?” 
But before your dad could respond, the door swung open to reveal none other than–
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goldrushenthusiast · 1 year
What are your thoughts on the District 11 tributes in the 74th (Rue and Thresh) and 75th (Seeder and Chaff) The Hunger Games?
How do you think life differs between Distinct 11 and 12?
*Spoiler alert*
What do you think about the inserted scene of rebellion in District 11 in the first movie (scene after Rue's death)?
Thank you :)
I think district 11 is a fascinating district! On surface level it seems similar to 12, which I think deep down Katniss believed too, but it really isn’t like it at all which I think impacts how Katniss eventually sees it.
You know how there’s the Seam and the merchants in District 12? I think it does exist. It has to. I think Dill and Chaff are from it, for reasons I explain later, but I had to get that out of the way because in the same way Peeta & Katniss have fundamental differences from growing up in the Seam vs Merchant, I think it affects the tributes as well.
I think we should also consider Reaper and Dill from BOSAS, so I’m gonna do that lol.
I think that, for Thresh, the hunger games were an opportunity. A chance at something beyond working on the farms, no matter how terrible it might seem. While I don’t think he was excited for it, I think it would’ve been a glass half full situation he was going to utilize. I genuinely think he stood a chance at winning.
He would’ve shared the same knowledge of plants and stuff as Rue, would’ve kept his moral compass working (the thing with Katniss & owing), and it makes sense he got as far as he did. District 11 is definitely a competitor in these games, noticed even by Coriolanus in BOSAS.
For Rue, on the other hand, this was worst case scenario. I saw someone else mention there was a higher chance for her to be chosen because she had so many siblings and probably took out tesserae, and I think that’s exactly right, and having so many would only make the whole thing worse. I don’t think she had a huge chance of winning, but would’ve even more than the average 12 year old and if she fought hard there’d be something there.
Her climbing skills, of course, give her as much of an advantage as Katniss, plus her stealth. I think she could’ve survived till top 8, especially if she’d stayed in the trees. I also think her knowledge of plants would both help her, and hurt her enemies if she was willing, although I don’t think she would be. She could pull a fox face & Peeta move almost, leaving some poisonous and some not harmful berries or something in a “hiding” place for the careers to find. I just don’t think she’d survive in hand to hand combat. Plus, if she ever found him, I think Thresh would help her even though it wouldn’t help him.
Seeder and Chaff, I can’t be as sure about as I don’t remember as much about them, but I think at least one of them (Chaff, I think) would’ve been from the merchant part of D11. Both being statistically liking, and from his outlook on the games, both before and after he became a victor.
Just read up on him at Hunger Games wiki, and the fact he lost a hand but refused a capitol prosthetic is really very interesting, especially in the farming district. He was so assured that he’d be fine, he’d be taken care of, that he didn’t need one. It was probably an act of rebellion, but goes to show how self assured he was about what the capital would do for him.
Seeder grew up in the seam part to me, given the fact that she never turned to drugs, alcohol (like Chaff did) or any type of escape. She’s mentioned as looking strong despite being 60, and you can’t really achieve that without working hard in childhood and stuff, and continuing to, which I think she would’ve felt was her duty.
Thresh and Reaper also have some interesting similarities, both with their thing (& Katniss’) about owing people. I think D11, and their strict policies, force a sense of community upon the residents that binds them together and helps them trust others both more easily and still more carefully, because of how risky it is if you’re wrong.
If anyone is wondering what Reaper’s thing about owing people is, let me remind you how he apologized to the tributes about having to kill them before the games started (also relating to how strong the residents of D11, or at least the men, interestingly enough, are), and promised to make the capital pay. This was before Jessie spat in his eye btw, so there’s really no excuse for him to be saying other than a strategy or actually meaning it.
Reaper collecting the tributes and lining them up, however, could for sure be attributed to the rabies, but I don’t really know. We’re led to believe it is by Coriolanus because of how unempathetic and unfeeling he is, so of course someone caring is automatically categorized as crazy, and of course that part is used as foreshadow, but it’s still something to think about. How d11 views things and people and companionship.
Dill, however…she’s Dill. She’s tiny. Sickly. Couldn’t tell you much about her, and sometimes I honestly get her confused with Wovey, except Wovey lived longer. Dill was literally the first official death in the games, ofc excluding everyone who died from the bombs and such.
Something curious about Dill is that she’s a snitch, and by that I mean she told a capitol guy Reaper killed a peacekeeper (also, what the hell Reaper? Goes to show just how strong he is and why he considers himself so capable). I think Dill was probably merchant, also she did have tuberculosis, which would’ve been not as rare there.
She also probably knew she was dying no matter what and wanted to get everything out there, which I don’t blame her for.
Woah ok I did not expect to write so much about the tributes. Woah.
Anywho, life in 12 vs 11 is definitely as different as, say, life in 2 vs life in 7. Honestly, 12 would probably be more similar to 2, because of the mining and huts as houses and stuff like that.
In 11, you’re expected to be outside. All the time. Working, working, working. Jobs are assigned, roles specified, it’s very orderly and there’s not much anyone can do about it. Work also starts early, probably as old as 10 due to how experienced Rue was working in the trees. Meanwhile in 12, you can only start mining at 18, which Katniss acknowledges as a weakness.
This is a bit off topic, but the mining age probably started to be an issue after Coriolanus showed up and realized just how much worse he could make the lives of d12 people by raising the mining age (both in the games and money wise)
Back to the original point, In 12? If you’re outside, that’s fine. The peacekeepers love the hunters, and we know some townsfolk venture to the edges of the meadow and the woods to forage as well. Getting your own methods of food is fine, nearly encouraged.
11 is also way more strict, which Suzanne makes clear to us a lot. When Katniss visits 12 and they shoot the old man. Talking with Rue about punishments. Lots of stuff that makes Katniss do a double take and realize maybe she was lucky to grow up in 12 instead. It certainly has more freedom, despite 11 having the same working conditions. Truly, I think 11 would be the worst to grow up in, even though it helps so much with the hunger games.
Love the scene, btw!! It really supports my point about the strictness of D12 and how it forces a sense of community and stuff. It was a nice addition and realistic I think.
Also, the fact Rue knew the boy who was slow and his story about forgetting to put back the night vision glasses is so much more than an introduction to the glasses!! it shows how much the residents know about each other and how well they remember based on what the peacekeepers enforce.
Ok this has got to be one of my longest ramblings to date, but I loved it! I don’t focus as much on the original series as I should when I usually do these, and it was a fun change of pace actually having to go through the wikis instead of just remembering like I do for BOSAS.
Thank you for the question @curiousnonny , and I hope you enjoy my answer as much as I liked writing it! As always feel free to debate (but not argue or insult) with me in the comments as I always love having these combed through and stuff and getting a chance to learn more.
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jujumin-translates · 10 months
Event | Act 3.5 Event - NEW ERA GARDEN | Chapter 6
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*Contains spoilers for Act 12 - eternal moment*
Yukio: I don’t think Okita Souji has that unworldly of a feel about him. I think he rather clung to life and struggled until the end.
Reni: I want to enchant the beautiful and fleeting life of Okita Souji.
Yukio: Well, I want to see you do a more human and clumsy Souji, Reni!
Kasumi: …Are we seeing those two fighting more than usual? I hope they’ll be okay.
Yuzo: I think they’re both gettin’ so heated because they both wanna make somethin’ good. We should probably just leave ‘em be…
Reni: I don’t agree with what you’re saying at all, I just can’t picture it.
Reni: If you insist on that idea so much, do it yourself.
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Yukio: --...
Yukio: Even if I were to do it, it wouldn’t be an Okita Souji that blooms in the way that only you can, Reni.
Reni: …
Syu: Alright, let’s take a break.
Reni: --.
Yukio: Right, sorry. I’m going to get something to drink.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Reni: …
Syu: It’s really like back then.
Reni: No kidding. I’ve never been this mad at my age.
Syu: That’s a good thing.
Syu: (I still couldn’t help but butt in.)
Syu: (--I remember dragging them along back then too.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
I never really liked Yukio Tachibana ever since I first joined the group, and even after Reiji left, I still had a hard time changing my mind about him.
It was because of Reiji’s invitation that I joined MANKAI Company in the first place.
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Should I continue to stay in the theater company even without him?
Reiji wasn’t in contact with me much then, probably feeling awkward about leaving the troupe so suddenly.
The estrangement from my close and true friend was all due to Yukio Tachibana.
My frustration grew quickly, building up until I felt like I could explode, so I tried to avoid having any relationship with Yukio as much as I possibly could.
But then on the first day of Winter Troupe’s performance--.
I ignored all of Yukio’s direction and performed the role in a completely spur-of-the-moment way.
It was 100% out of rebellion against Yukio. It was childish on my part, I didn’t even think about the other members on stage.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
After the performance, Yukio, looking calm as ever, came to me while I was changing out of my costume.
“...Was that the way you wanted to bloom in your own way, Syu-san?”
When he asked that, I nodded in response, annoyed.
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“I see… that’s fine then.”
Yukio spoke quietly, but I felt like he could see through my lie.
I wasn’t really considering the performance.
I just wanted to take out my frustration on Yukio.
I think I did the worst thing I could’ve possibly done as an actor.
It was the biggest disgrace in my entire acting career.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
After that, the rest of Winter Troupe and the other troupe’s members worried about me as I calmed down. And the next day, I returned to the original plan and continued to perform as usual.
I thought to myself about how I had become such a half-assed actor.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Then, after the finale, Yukio stopped me in the dressing room again.
While I was thinking that he might blame me for the first day’s performance or kick me out of the troupe, Yukio said something that surprised me.
“I want you to be the lead of the next Winter Troupe performance.”
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“I got the idea after seeing your performance on opening day. It didn’t fit this play, but it gave me a look into a new side of you, Syu-san.”
“You’re always so detached from the world and cynical, it seems like the always manly Syu-san has been hiding a darker side all this time… I was excited to think that you might be able to bloom on stage in this way as well. Maybe I got too caught up in stereotypes. I want to try this new side of you out for the next play.”
Yukio’s eyes were sparkling as he told me that…
Even though I didn’t like the guy, I couldn’t help but be stunned.
He calmly sees through any situation and follows his heart as a director and as a man of theater rather than his personal feelings.
He’s a far cry from me, the guy who nearly ruined an entire performance because of his own feelings.
As a man of theater myself, I had to admit that it had me grinding my teeth in frustration.
I thought he was exactly like I wanted to be, the man who I hated as a person, but respected as a man of theater.
So I couldn’t quit yet.
I made a strong vow that day… that I wouldn’t quit this theater company until I had taken everything I possibly could from this man.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Reni: …Cheers.
Syu: Yukio and Hiro are also going out for drinks today.
Reni: Seems like they’re taking turns inviting each other out during rehearsals. Another thing I don’t get.
Syu: It was interesting that he happened to have invited Yuzo for a drink first.
Reni: Well, I don’t think they’ll have too many meetings like that.
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Syu: Yuzo, me, Hiro, and now Zen. Have you went yet, Reiji?
Reni: We’ve been preparing together since before rehearsals started, so there’s nothing for us to talk about now.
Syu: I think you two should have a long talk and really get into it about the image of Okita Souji.
Reni: …What does he think about the way you’re playing Hijikata Toshizou?
Syu: Well…
Syu: I also talked to Yukio about it the other night over drinks here.
*Flashback start*
Yukio: He’s a different type of leader compared to the straightforward Kondou Isami, he’s a leader who will try and achieve his ideals by any means, a leader who’s willing to take on both the good and the bad…
Yukio: I think that kind of role fits you well, Syu-san.
Yukio: Even back in those days, you thought about the stage more than your own feelings, and put yourself first as an actor and a man of theater, didn’t you, Syu-san?
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Yukio: I think a lot of you overlaps with the kind of person Hijikata is…
Syu: (…That’s something I learned from you, though.’
*Flashback end*
Reni: Willing to take on both the good and the bad… I see.
Syu: …By the way, I secretly told the first-gen Winter Troupe about that time.
Reni: …I thought we said that was confidential.
Syu: C’mon, all of GOD-za knows about it, don’t they?
Reni: …
Reni: For various reasons during “Traces of a Dream,” I couldn’t tell them beforehand.
Syu: Because of Yukio’s indiscriminate scouting, most of the first-gen members had no intention of making a living in theater.
Syu: They’re all not involved in theater anymore, but they were all happy.
Syu: Even if it’s not through theater, even if we’re no longer on stage together, it’ll never change. We’re still all friends who once stood on the same stage.
Syu: Relationships like that aren’t meant to just be broken. …I’ve come to believe that after seein’ the guys in the newborn troupes.
Reni: …
Syu: …In exchange for what we lost, we also gained something. And so did you, right?
Reni: …Yeah.
Reni: …However, there are moments when I unexpectedly think back to something I once lost.
Syu: The Souji you have in mind is Yukio, isn’t it?
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Reni: …
Reni: A desire that can never be fulfilled, an idolization.
Reni: I couldn’t help but think of that and try to pursue it during rehearsal.
Reni: I thought that… we swore we’d stop chasing after what we lost.
Syu: Talk to Yukio before the performance. He’s the one who remembers the old days.
Syu: That’s why I have to let him say it this time.
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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At this point I would rather OC just confess her feelings to Beomgyu and be vulnerable, rather than keep hiding and going along with Yeonjun.
Like oh my god it’s so frustrating!! What’s the worst that could happen? You get rejected…sure she might lose a friendship but I feel like her getting more friends and interacting with more human beings is for the better because maybe if she had one other person to talk to, she would get some perspective on the situation realise what needs to change.
She’s acting like she’s gonna drop dead if he rejects her, like it’s the end of the world.
At this point she’d rather get married to Yeonjun and live a life of fake happiness, wishing and dreaming about ‘what could’ve been’ instead of actually pursuing who she wants. And that’s not fair to anyone it’s a lose-lose situation, Yeonjun won’t be happy, she won’t be happy…who knows about Beomgyu (although he probably wouldn’t be happy either) nobody is benefiting from it so I say confess to him get your heart ripped out of your chest and fed to you on a platter and then move on because this is not the vibe.
Honestly, I kind of just wish someone would take some action. Nobody is happy, and no one’s doing anything about it and it’s just growing and snowballing. Now we’re thinking of moving in with each other but nobody wants that and everyone just fights and it’s the same thing over and over…don’t get me wrong I love the story but yeah…
OC is kidding herself if she thinks her relationship with Yeonjun is helping her get over Beomgyu 😭 and no one is telling her! And she doesn’t have enough self-awareness to realise.
Keep up the good work tho, can’t remember the last time the fanfic made me feel like this 💗
As someone kind of in her situation in a way, it's not easy to just get more friends and other opportunities. I've moved away some 8 months ago and I'm still very much alone in a way. Oc depended a lot on gyu for comfort and safety and emotional support and it's very hard to replace that. She won't just be losing the man she loves but also her best friend. It's hard.
But also while she's still not over gyu, that doesn't mean her feelings for Yeonjun aren't genuine. She does like him and wants to make it work.
"No one is doing anything about it" we'll see about that 😉
Thanks babe. I love when people have strong opinions about the characters even if they're dissing them 😂 it means they story is making them feel something.
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dulcewrites · 2 years
I don’t understand people that like to paint Alicent as this villain. She was forced into comforting the king during his grieving and married him unwillingly. Every decision she has made was because of Otto’s doing. And it’s understandable to be so upset that Viserys does nothing at all to reprimand Rhaenyra. The Daemon situation, the situation with her sons he sweeps it under a rug. He never fully talks to Rhaenyra and tells her “hey if you’re going to be heir you need to get your act straight”. Rhaenyra grew up thinking she didn’t need to keep up with her allies all those years because Viserys arranged all the lords to swear an oath to her. And then you look at Jace and Luke and they can’t even fight 😭. Sorry if I’m going on a tangent there’s just so many events that happened that Viserys should’ve/could’ve prevented. Then there’s those that say “Well Alicent is bad” yes, during the show having Rhaenyra come to her after birth was wrong. I feel people forget that Alicent is a victim too in this. And she’s been forced to witness how Viserys would do anything and everything for Rhaenyra but not the children he has with her.
Tangents are welcomed!! And exactly. Like maybe I’m biased but considering everything Alicent has been through - losing her mother, being stuck with a father who only sees her as a political tool, being forced to be married and bear children at such a young age, losing her best friend (and first love depending on who you ask), her children have been bullied/ignored/literally maimed, having to take care of an old man while running a kingdom - I don’t think she was mean enough lmao. I would’ve turned into a fucking supervillain. The worst part is that she treats Rhaenyra that way bc of her paranoia (that otto instilled in her) and she gets validated!! Rhaenyra is literally willing to have her 10 year old half sibling tortured bc she fucked up by having kids with Harwin
I hope in s2 (they probably won’t lmao) they draw on the parallel on how viserys’ nonchalantness led to Rhaenyra’s downfall as future heir the way Rhaenyra’s can lead to her childrens. I mean just take her sending Lucerys to storm’s end with no deal for lord borros. She ran away from court bc the heat got turned up. She let Alicent and otto run the realm. She foolishly thought marrying the man who gets banished from court several times bc of his recklessness would help. Then she gets shocked when she’s out of the loop, has no allies, and gets usurped. Viserys pretty much ruined all his kids in different ways :/
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
Okay, strings. Once again I love how we'll you make both their personalities shine through. We spend the entire chapter in Wilbur’s head, yet we get so see so much of what Tommy is like. The age difference and maturity level also shows. Wilbur makes pretty reasonable rules which boil down to “stop being such a gremlin I need you to act more like me” and Tommy refuses to do most of them out of what I’m assuming is spite and maybe some genuine fear that he csn’t do it so he doesn’t even want to try.
The one thing he does want to try at is taking notes, which I think is because Wilbur takes decent notes for him. So he wants to return the favour. Connecting this to the failed history assignment (is a C- a fail?), Tommy doesn’t see himself as smart. It’s so sad to know that Wilbur helping him with history made him genuinely want to try get a good grade and then he still failed. That’s one of the worst feelings possible. Knowing you tried as hard as you could and it still wasn’t enough. But Wilbur still won’t give up on him and I’m sure different study methods will help. Because Wilbur probably studies differently and used his methods which don’t help Tommy.
Meanwhile, Tommy’s rules for Wilbur are a lot more towards the chaotic side. There’s the acceptable “don’t mess up school for me” and “act more like me by cursing” (side note: Wilbur wants the same by asking Tommy to do tbs opposite and curse less, yet Tommy refuses, maybe he does try he just doesn’t tell Wilbur to annoy him). Then there’s the [Do my laundry :)] which, does this boy even know what compromise is? Anyway, Wilbur does still try to adhere to most of Tommy’s rules. Mainly to make his own life easier. Possibly with the hope that if he follows Tommy’s rules, Tommy will follow his.
Then there’s Wilbur writing [I wish you could’ve been there.] and deleting it which I’m connecting to these lines:
[I mean, can you miss someone you don’t remember? Or someone you never really met?
Yeah, I think you can.]
Especially the “someone you never met” bit. They are getting attached.
man yeah writing their rules was so fun because I got to contrast just how different they are from each other. wilbur has a lot more maturity than tommy, because even though he's only 2 years older than tommy, he feels like since he's the older one he should be trying to manage this situation more out of the two of them. of course it's a very weird situation neither of them can really 'manage', but he's trying to come up with ways to make it easier on both of them and work out how best to cope with it.
yeah tommy definitely has issues with school :/ the worst feeling in the world is definitely when you try really hard on an exam and still end up failing it, so that really dug into tommy's confidence there. a C- isn't a fail, but it's very close to it. I've loosely implied it, but tommy goes to an extremely competitive big city school. that's why even though tommy is two years behind wilbur, they're doing the same stuff in maths. because tommy's school has a much faster-paced and more intensive curriculum than wilbur's small town school. so tommy feels a lot of pressure to try and get good grades because that's what everyone around him does.
tommy just likes being a little shit in the notes they pass lol. he actually does try to follow wilbur's rules a little bit regarding cursing, but he still calls techno a bitch every chance he gets just because he thinks it's funny. and the do my laundry thing is kind of him just fucking with wilbur for fun. to be fair, wilbur IS screwing up his work performance pretty badly, so tommy does have a reason to be a little annoyed at him.
they're getting attached :)))
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ekiew · 2 years
about the dsmp finale. hi. (assume every name has c! before it. if i talk about ccs i will add cc)
so here’s the thing: i did not like it. but do i think it’s horrible and no good? no. it was a dsmp finale. to it’s core i think it captured what dsmp was about.
because what else is dsmp about but shit being blown up and people acting like they don’t know nobody? it was dramatic. it was sad. it was nostalgic. it was flawed. it makes people want to tear their hair out. and i get that, at first i was also like “no fucking way. that’s not it. that’s not it, right??” but it is. it is and while i think there could’ve been a better ending this one is also not the worst.
it’s bittersweet. tommy apologizes to dream, they die in a nuke blast, all of them, and then they wake up again. because dsmp is nothing if not a cycle.
dream and tommy fight. someone wins, someone loses. a nation is built. a nation falls. people are hurt. people heal. again and again, round and round. the nuke hits. a new world begins.
but aside from that more about the ending: did you all forget about the rest of those 4 streams? what they were about?
it’s not about living forever, and it’s not about dying. it’s about the moments.
so in my opinion this ending isn’t all that important. dsmp was never about any ending and it never focused on how long it’s going for. it was about the stories, the people. the story of L’manburg, The Tales From The Smp, the Egg, exile, Ranboo’s story everything else it was never about the Dream SMP it was always about those stories.
the ending was shit. so what? it doesn’t erase everything before it and everything after it. dislike it. make your own stories, change it. this ending was just a starting point of another merry-go-round, so don’t treat it as anything else.
now about the ending itself: yeah what the fuck. it was a dsmp ending alright but still.
but i also want to say something about the “tommy saying sorry to dream” thing. for one please, please have some trust in cctommy. he hates dream as much as we do, so i really really doubt it’s a situation where the victim says sorry to the abuser. or it’s not just that. because what we learn in that last stream, is that no matter how dream wants to act as a god he is undoubtedly, irrevocably human. 
now hear me out. i fucking hate dream. you should see the messages i send to my friend where i just curse the guy out. hate him he’s horrible. but even then he is still very very human. 
because that is also what dsmp is about. humanity. it’s about the stories and stories are a cornerstone of humanity. every single bit in dsmp is brimming with what being human is about. and perhaps that’s because the ccs are mainly improvising and they transfer their own, raw feelings and emotions into it. it’s probably the main reason for that. but regardless dsmp was, from the beginning, about what being human is. 
It was especially showcased i think by Quackity’s finale. because that whole thing was about “what being human is about”. like that’s not even reading into it, that was just said to us. but even disregarding that stream, you have wilbur’s story, you have niki, you have jack, you have tommy. every single character on this server was undeniably human. except for dream. well until this stream i suppose. 
because this stream showed that dream is human to his rotten, rotten core. 
it was always about cutting off attachments for him, but in the end he was the one attached the most. and tommy realizes that, and so he says 
Dream I thought you were complicated. 
because he understands now. dream is quite a simple person. a bad person, but an easy to understand one. he wants things to go back to the way they were. he goes about it in a disgusting way though so don’t think for a second that i’m sympathizing with him.
but it is a human trait to get caught up in things. in emotions, in thought, in what we want and what we don’t want. we don’t always think rationally, and sometimes we head down a path to get something we want, and even if it’s a wrong one we don’t turn back. 
just like tommy was caught up in his discs, dream was caught up in the idea of the past. they are not comparable, i am just saying that it’s a human thing to do. and once you realize that, dream loses whatever intimidation factor he might’ve had. and tommy sees that and, in my opinion, realizes that this is a sad little man. 
he doesn’t have to forgive him. he shouldn’t forgive him. but at that moment he is going with grace. 
anyway. didn’t like the ending, but it could’ve been worse. really hoping that season 2 (if it happens) has references to season 1. like please. get a lmanburg flag waving somewhere (or get it hidden away somewhere i want someone to find it). an abandoned winter city, with a nuke launch site. an overgrown obsidian grid over seemingly nothing. a giant carved out space underground that looks like a ghost city. a ravine that is littered with buttons and unlit lanterns. a book buried somewhere that is half-written in a language you can’t understand. a broken compass laying at the bottom of some chest. mysterious red vines that don’t seem to lead anywhere. 
just. yeah. dsmp has been with me for more than 2 years and i can’t hate it. not even if the ending is shit. i could never hate something that gave me so much joy
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spookyrobbins · 1 year
agree with you on her regretting it. she has a history of sleeping with mark when her life isn’t going well. it’s like she doesn’t know of any other ways to cope. had she voiced her regrets to arizona, there’s a chance things could’ve been different. but they are both idiots who don’t know how to communicate.
so, now you have me curious about your thoughts on the africa breakup. i’ve always been a little upset with how callie reacted to the whole situation. instead of being upfront with her girlfriend about her feelings, she went to mark. and obviously mark is the expert in relationship advice. y’know, since he’s been so successful at it and everything. and he was never a strong supporter of their relationship, no matter what some people say. i don’t ever remember callie even showing any happiness for arizona, or even saying she’s proud of her. imagine how devastated arizona was. she had just won the most prestigious grant and she didn’t have a chance to be happy about it.
honestly, callie’s reaction to penny’s grant made her response to africa even worse.
you totally hit the nail on the head for africa!
i understand callie was upset about africa. it's understandable to an extent. i don't think arizona was hiding that she had applied to this grant, it probably just never came up since she applied when she first got to seattle, so years before she met callie. it very much seems like the kind of thing that might not come up. and yeah, i don't recall callie ever congratulating arizona, instead she sulks about it and bitches about it to the camera people and acts like arizona's being an ass for accepting it (which tbh it sort of seemed like webber pressured her into it).
but then miraculously callie changes her mind and decides she wants to go, and she's all in on africa. and that's not exactly a casual decision. but soon after, she starts getting pouty and frustrated about things and rather than talk to arizona, she makes passive aggressive comments and yes, like you said, goes to mark. i don't entirely fault her for going to mark bc i'm sure any of us would talk to our closest friend, but the problem is that she never talks about anything with arizona. and i also don't think mark was really giving her great advice in part because he didn't want her to go.
my general standing on the africa break up is that arizona was right to break up but her timing was awful. arizona knew well before the airport that callie was unhappy, but she tried to ignore it for as long as possible. now, callie also has ownership in that, especially since she's the one who changed her mind about going. if callie had gone, she would've been miserable and would've made arizona miserable and the break up there would be even worse. callie places so much blame on arizona for that breakup, but really, what were arizona's choices? she shouldn't have done it at the airport, but it needed to happen.
as for penny's grant, truly one of callie's worst moments. i'm sure africa weighed heavily on callie's mind during that period, but i'm sure it weighed even heavier on arizona's. for arizona, that was really just confirmation that penny was the one for callie in so many ways. callie was actually excited about it. callie was willing to uproot sofia for penny. callie was willing to basically burn everything in seattle down for penny. and for arizona, when there was nothing really stopping them from going to africa for 3 years and then coming back to seattle, she whined and got angry at arizona. absolutely crushing and just confirmation of so many of arizona's fears and insecurities.
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chronocidalrage · 2 years
Just realized that the KIND of reminder matters. If it’s something that I specifically associate with his death (like the box of stuff, me having his hoodie or wallet), it’s more inclined to fuck me up. Things that remind me of his life, not so much. Pictures of objects I would have already and already looked at would feel different.
You know what makes me feel like being with Atom? Just relaxing and enjoying whatever moment I’m in. That freedom of not having to try to be loved.
If I believe I am loved, everything else is easier. That’s why I always try to get Susie to behave in ways that would convince me (which is a fault of mine, not hers).
Atom said I made him and dad comfortable. Because all three of us wanted to be loved.
Mom and Scott are different and I can’t figure out why.
Scott and mom are about accomplishments not love, I think? Because they confuse the two. Atom and dad didn’t really care if they accomplished anything as long as they had love. My life has been a battle between the two sides for my soul. Atom won but Scott and mom’s drive kept me alive.
I’m nervous in social situations because I don’t want to leave unloved or give love to someone who doesn’t deserve it or miss someone who does.
I’ve only ever felt right when I’ve felt loved so I’m always trying to get that.
I go to the movies alone because I don’t want to/can’t replace Atom.
SOCIAL Social shit can be hard for me because even simple stuff can feel like a balancing act since I’m always convinced I’m one step away from being unloved or having to go into the sunken place.
NIGHT I think I’ve gotten kinda addicted to getting high and analyzing my thoughts all night. It allows me to explore events and things that I already experienced in new ways. New things from the past. Makes me happier not moving forward.
LOVE AND NO I tend to say yes to people and avoid saying no as it’s the most powerful weapon I have to keep things in a state that resembles my concept of love. The same page. The same corner.
I’m legitimately afraid that saying no will cost me love (or at least being liked). That fear of driving away was this feeling of harming Atom’s love for me and failing to love him in the way he deserved. But love is like a buried treasure. Even if it’s hard to find, it’s still there and its value is not reduced by how buried it is.
I think a lot of my worry about the future is “will I be loved?”
LIFE SHIT Yeah man anything that fucks with my plan to distract myself from Atom’s death is just like, bullshit to me. Things I wish I could show him. Things I wish he were involved in (the house). Things I wish I could talk to him about (mom), his estate shit. Anything that cuts through my distractions and reminds me: he’s fucking gone.
Being in the moment is scary.
I feel like I’m trapped in two periods. My life right before Atom died, when he was just scaring me and upsetting me, and the period shortly after he died where I was working through my feelings but it was still soon enough that no one expected me to move on yet.
I feel like it’s hard to believe things could get better but at the same time I don’t really want them to. I don’t want to find new happiness and forget about anything with Atom. It’s like I don’t want to move on.
Truth is that every good moment I’ve had for 5-6 years has generally been a moment I wish I could’ve shared with Atom. And that didn’t diminish those moments necessarily. I’ll probably just always wish he were here.
I think I just don’t want to move on. I don’t want to try to enjoy my life. I don’t want new joys. I don’t want new things if I can’t share them with him. And after he died I told myself I could eat junk and watch movies since the worst thing ever had happened to me and changing that allowance feels jarring to me.
LATE EDIT: It’s weird, I keep forgetting I didn’t see The Batman with him, or Ambulance. It’s so strange. I FEEL like I saw them with him and that’s really interesting. I keep thinking I remember hearing his reaction to certain scenes but I know that I didn’t.
CALENDAR AND LISTS Sometimes I use my lists and calendars as ways of reminding me what I SHOULD want to do, rather than what I DO want to do at the moment.
I think a problem is that my to do’s are often “what I think I should want to do,” rather than what I actually want to do. Sometimes I should listen to what I want to do instead of obsessing over what I THINK I should want. There’s a shaming quality there.
This leads to me always second guessing what I want. Like even what I want to watch, I’ll question it and think of what I SHOULD watch. There’s a serious distrust of my own wants and needs within me.
I think even the calendar stuff is a form of self-shame. I don’t trust myself to decide so I list what I should do. When in reality it should be more for stuff I have to do. What I want to do should take care of itself.
ATOM I wish I could remember him driving me around more. The Chevy Cavalier, I loved that car. Dropping off Chad and/or Justin. Driving back home. Listening to his tapes. Music. He’d just listen to music and sit on his bed and draw.
I’d give anything to hear Atom tell some kinda boring story about something stupid one of his friends said or did. It was so sweet that he thought they were so interesting because they often weren’t. It was endearing.
Also remember him getting in a small accident to come hang out with me and Susie at Malachy’s that St. Patrick’s day. He was annoyed but relieved to be there.
I remember trying to keep Atom awake when we got to New York late and were seeing the TMNT movie at like midnight with Scott. I was doing Celebrity Jeopardy quotes to keep him awake.
Fuck man, I miss you so much. I wish I could talk to you. Make you laugh. Hear you laugh. I loved making you laugh. You were the best dude. My favorite dude.
You never demanded anything from me, other than that I be me and take care of myself. Always laughed at my jokes. Always had time for me. Always.
How do I keep going when you were the original reason to bother moving in the first place? Like, what’s the point if the peak has already been reached?
You were my blueprint. My entire concept of how to navigate this world: how to be good, how to spot and get other good things, how to spot and avoid bad things. It all came from you.
But now you’re gone so I not only don’t have new data for the blueprint, but you not being here implies that your blueprint wasn’t perfect. So now I have to come up with a new blueprint with the biggest source of data being my own stupid ass.
All the good moments we had have this weird sting now and I hate it. The feeling that every moment we had, no matter how special I knew it was at the time, is now even more special because our time was more limited than I assumed.
I never thought I’d have to go through losing you until I was in my 60s at the earliest. But recent years changed that and I think that’s why I freaked out. I felt like I needed to get about 20 more years in life lessons and time with you within a few years.
Oh shit that’s why I hated your drinking so much. Because it made me afraid I’d lose you and never get the real you back. But I had no idea I was losing the real you back when it started. It’s like I let you slip away for a while because I was convinced you’d come back. Then I started to realize you probably wouldn’t. I wanted as many good moments with you as possible. Just in case. But I hated every new bad moment because it denied me more time with you. And it was so hard for things to be good and so easy for them to be bad. The opposite of what we always had.
Just that feeling of realizing your most treasured memories are even greater than you realized, and despite you trying to hold onto every moment, you still somehow missed the full glory of the moment.
I think I’m always determined to avoid pain, but I’m terrified of accidentally avoiding something beautiful or joyful in the process.
And I think I’m realizing that either due to recent issues or because I thought I’d have more time with you, I kinda missed some of you. I wasn’t as focused on the good as I should have been. I wish I could’ve let it go and just accept it like everyone else but it was just too painful for me.
Mathematically, every single moment we had together, even the ones I knew were special in the moment, is now technically a moment where I took you for granted. Because it was impossible for me to fully understand the value because I had no idea how early I was gonna lose you. Every moment we had is now twice as rare because our time together was cut in half.
That was the miscommunication. They were telling me to cherish every moment in case something happened to him. Meanwhile I only cared about the good moments. I was trying to cherish those and everything was getting in my way. I didn’t want more bad moments.
Sometimes you have to invest in people to get the good moments. I guess that’s true. Sometimes you just have to be there when they happen. It can be a long wait. It was too painful for me to invest.
I can’t believe I’ll never get to tell you about my story ideas. I always think of you when I’m writing or whatever. “Will Atom like this?” That kinda thing.
9/29/22 Sold your car today. Don Hassan said his employee’s son wants to buy it. Signed over the title today and Don gave me a check. Feels so fucking weird. I helped you buy that car in January of 2011. I remember I felt so good that I could help you with it because it was the first car you had ever actually bought. You had only had hand-me-downs so you needed a co-signer for the car. I felt privileged that I could help you with that. One of the very few times I felt like I could repay you for all the things you had done for me.
END Do I just end? Do I even know it? I won’t have a memory of myself. I won’t remember all this.
I guess that means the moment really does matter the most? The past is only as important as we say it should be. Based on what we enjoy or what we need to learn from, or deserve to learn from.
Good memories are a gift. Because that’s not really their intended purpose. We remember so we can better predict outcomes and have more successful endeavors in the future. Being able to enjoy re-experiencing things is a very special side effect.
PASSIVE The problem is that when connecting with others, I tend to go passive. I let them take over. I surrender to them. And I foolishly expect people to be responsible with how their actions affect me. When they’re not responsible I lose my fucking mind. Like, fuck you.
I need to remember people will not be responsible with me and ask questions and state expectations ahead of time.
CREATIVE SHIT What I forget is that making stuff is fun. Not just having made stuff. The validation you get from it is fun, but that’s it. You skip over the funnest part if you're too obsessed with the benefits of completing the process rather than the process itself.
I need to focus way less on popularity and promotion and focus more on making things that I enjoy. Other people liking it should be a bonus, not the goal.
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milktea-grn · 3 years
i wont be leaving but it might take me a little bit to start any fanart back up again. i’m still not sure about everything, i love Dream but right now i’m very on the fence and disappointed and i think i just wish there was a more mature response to it all instead of it being treated as twitter drama. idk what i’ll post before i get back into it but i just need some time i think. you can unfollow if you want, or continue to support my art, either way, ily and i hope you’re alright :^) it’s been tough.
ive been heavily hyperfixated for almost two years now and that love and attachment won’t just go away. plus this fandom has an unfortunate grip on me so i don’t think i’ll ever leave leave at this point. i’m extremely bad with words but i will try to explain my thoughts.
i’m honestly just shocked. given with how careful and articulate Dream has grown to be with his responses and handling bad situations, this is baffling. idk what to think.
and maybe i’m just hoping for the better story but i really believe Dream didn’t know. because given past situations i highly doubt he would ever knowingly give a platform to an abuser and i don’t think he’d be that idiotic to do that when he knows how quickly this stuff comes out. so that’s what makes me believe he didn’t know, or at least not the whole story, and found out when we did, and reacted without any critical thinking or rationality and just purely impulsive emotion. i feel that he’s known Manatreed longer than they both let on, and trusts him, and is blindly taking his word for everything. i understand that i’d be hard to accept that stuff about a childhood friend but there’s really not much else to say, there’s legal evidence.
to be clear i do not believe his reaction was a trauma response. i think he was just being very very very incredibly stupid and didn’t think first.
i think it’s safe to say Manatreed is not innocent, the evidence is damning, and i’m not just gonna believe him because he said “i didn’t do it”.
it’s all really upsetting the way it was handled, especially when you’ve been around long enough to see Dream grow and become more mature just to see it revert back again — even once, but with something so painfully serious that can’t be treated as twitter drama, or antis, or another dumb controversy. it’s not something that can just be swept under the rug or forgotten with damage control.
clearly something going on and all i can do now is beg to the earths core that Dream (manatreed as well but this might already be wishful thinking.) will make a proper response with a clear head instead of doubling down or pretending something so huge never happened and literally putting his whole career on the line for some childhood friend we haven’t known for more than 2 hours. that’s all i’m waiting for. i want to believe he wouldn’t just try to move on.
again idk how long it’ll take me to be able to produce fandom content but with my obsession i know i will do again. you’re 100% in your own right to unfollow me for any reason or completely detach yourself from the fandom. pls take care of yourself <3
i do hope my mutuals stay w me cause ilya but again, completely in your right and i’ll understand. always put yourself first.
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pepperonidk · 2 years
i. the gentle indifference of the world || all my love
"I opened myself to the gentle indifference of the world." - The Stranger; Albert Camus
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Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo x f!Reader Summary:  He's cool, smart, attractive... and completely out of your league. But that won't stop you from falling head over heels for him. Warnings: none Word Count: (i’ll be right by ur side till) 3005 A/N: i've rewritten this chapter like 6 times bc i was so nervous but uh it's finally out in the world heyooo. can anyone guess what anime this was based off?
take a look at my pinned post to see how to join the aml taglist! back to library || next chapter
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If you had listened to the rational voice in your head when your dad broke the news to you, you wouldn’t be in this situation.
If you had started making a list of things to pack, if you had called either of your two best friends immediately after, if you decided to be sane for 12 minutes, you wouldn’t be in this situation.
However, hindsight is 20/20, but in terms of foresight? You shouldn’t be allowed near the driver’s seat of any vehicle. Because instead of making any of the simple rational decisions after your father mentioned the possibility of moving across the country, you chose to sit down at your desk and write a letter. Fountain pen in hand and a candle burning beside you, for 12 minutes you were a character in a Jane Austen novel. Probably Lydia Bennett of all people, but a Jane Austen character nonetheless.
And that letter was how you found yourself in this situation – mortified and surrounded by whispers and stares, but worst of all, the icy glare of Jeon Wonwoo was fixed on the pretty pink card in your hands.
A simple “no thanks,” and that was it, but why did it feel like time stopped? One word was enough to crumble your fragile heart and you froze right in place. It wasn’t until you felt a pair of arms wrap around you that you began to breathe again, and blood rushed back into your brain enough for you to see Wonwoo turn the corner and disappear.
Once you finally felt your heartbeat return to normal, you looked around to see the empty classroom you were in and you let out a sigh.
“You ready to tell us what just happened?” one concerned voice asked. Seokmin’s voice was always gentle, always cheerful, usually loud, but the softness in his tone this time tipped you over the edge and you felt the sting of fresh tears in your eyes. He knelt down to look you in the eye as your other friend, Mingyu, helped you to sit at a desk.
Another sigh and you finally began to explain. “My dad said we might be moving in a couple of weeks,” you started, feeling your heart sink at the looks of hurt on your friends’ faces. “So I guess part of me panicked and I decided to tell Wonwoo how I felt.”
Now it was Mingyu’s turn to let out a sigh. The ever rational, ever charming Mingyu, who could see the end of any problem. His sigh was not out of pity, but out of frustration. “You know you could’ve called us right? We could’ve talked this through, came up with a better way to do this.” You knew that Mingyu and Seokmin would not have let you go through with the idea if you had called, but you appreciated the fact that he didn’t say that.
“I know,” you began to argue. “But I don’t know, part of me… hoped he would say yes.” You didn’t miss the way Mingyu and Seokmin’s eyes went wide as you mumbled the end of your sentence. “At least anything but whatever the hell happened today.”
You knew Mingyu was holding himself back. In his head he runs through every scenario before he acts, actually somewhat calculating underneath his laid-back exterior. He knew this was the most likely scenario, but he would never tell you that, so he lets out a sigh instead and turns his attention to the math equations written on the whiteboard. 
Seokmin on the other hand was a reactor. His heart was on his sleeve and his anger at seeing his best friend upset was clear in his furrowed eyebrows and shaky voice. “I just don’t get why you keep wasting your time on him,” he confessed. “He’s too dense for his own good and he’s not particularly nice either. He’s smart academically, but stupid in every other way. He’s really not worth it.”
Mingyu turned around, surprised at Seokmin’s outburst. “Seokmin,” he called out. “Aren’t you friends with him?”
Seokmin scoffed in response. “What about it?” he answered back. “You guys are stupid too, but we’re still friends.” A beat of silence passed as the three of you stared at each other, unblinking, before laughter broke the stillness. It was moments like this that made you pause to appreciate the two boys you called your best friends. Although life had its ups and downs, the downs never lasted long, not when you had two loving friends to pull you right back up.
You stood up, a renewed sense of pride and determination filling you up. “You’re right Seokmin,” you exclaimed and Seokmin gave you a thumbs up in return. “Boys are stupid.” Mingyu and Seokmin shared a shocked look.
“Well that’s not–” Seokmin began to protest.
“I’m not stupid,” Mingyu started a little too loudly and boldly. “I wouldn’t have turned you down.” 
He finished his sentence softly as he watched you walk out of the classroom door. Seokmin placed a comforting arm around Mingyu’s shoulders. “I wouldn’t have turned you down either Mingyu,” he teased as Mingyu shoved him to the side.
Despite your renewed sense of pride, the quietness of your study period left you too much time to think and you found yourself lost in a sense of nostalgia as you sat at a table in the library.
The first time you met Wonwoo was still painted clear as day in your mind. 
You were a freshman searching for solace amidst the chaos of high school on the first day and you had found yourself in the library. Until now, it was a place of peace for you, but especially so on that first day. 
Running your fingers along the aisles of books, you found one that you wanted to read. The Stranger, by Albert Camus, sitting right at the top shelf, pushed just a little too far back for you to be able to wiggle it out. You let out a sigh, and rolled up your sleeve, embarrassed that your next plan of attack was to climb the shelf to be able to reach the book. You braced yourself, shutting your eyes and taking a deep breath, when a baritone chuckle snapped you out of your thoughts. 
You had opened your eyes to see an arm  reaching past you to grab a book off the shelf– your book. In your head you cursed his long legs and arms, but as you met eyes with the boy, you felt your heart sink down to your toes and shoot right back up and suddenly you didn’t want to read a book that was so nihilist anymore. Meursault may not have found it, but love suddenly became something that mattered.
He handed the book in your direction and you had to force your attention to his words and away from his face. “Were you trying to get this?” he asked.
“Huh?” you blinked before looking down at the book you were no longer interested in. “Oh, yeah, I was but, I don’t know if I want to read it anymore.”
He hummed and nodded in response as he inspected the book. “The Stranger,” He read. “Is it good?” 
“Yeah, if you’re into stories about life having no meaning,” you explained, suddenly flustered at the way he seemed to take your words seriously.
“I see,” he replied. “Then do you think life has no meaning? It seemed like you wanted this book pretty badly.” The weight of his question startled you as you tried to stammer out a response but before you could get anything significant out, his watch beeped and he was already turning his back to you. “Thanks for the book recommendation,” he called back, waving the book in the air.
That day, Wonwoo stole not only your book, but your affections. 
For the next four years of your life, you found yourself loving him from a distance. You’d see him in the hallways, in class, but you could never bring yourself to say anything to him and you resigned yourself to this distance. It was lonely, but it was safe, and that was good enough for you… until today.
Now, after breaking that distance, you wished you never did. It was easier to never know how he felt about you, to be in love with the memory you had of him rather than be crushed by reality. 
The final bell finally rang and you were more than ready to head home. Outside the quiet bubble of the library, the school was cheering, the drumline playing in the main hall and everyone shouting cheers to the football team, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to celebrate your senior homecoming game with the rest of the school. Instead you found Seokmin and Mingyu and made your way home.
“Welcome home!” 
The sound of your father’s voice filled you with warmth as soon as he opened the door, the joy in his greeting briefly making you forget the events of the day. He wrapped you in a tight embrace, still smelling of spices from his day spent at the restaurant, and led you and your friends into the house. 
Once inside, your dad gave your friends a confused look. “Isn’t tonight your last homecoming game? Shouldn’t you be at the game?” He questioned as the three of you kicked off your shoes and set your backpacks down by the door.
Seokmin looked over to you as he answered, “Nah,” he replied with an easy smile. “The real party is here.” Your dad let out a hearty laugh in response, which the three of you mirrored. 
“I had made way too much dinner for just the two of us, so it’s perfect that you guys are here,” your dad put his arms around Seokmin and Mingyu who cheered in response.
“Well, once I found out you were making the world’s best lasagna, how could I not invite myself over?” Mingyu said. The way your dad beamed back at Mingyu made both you and Seokmin chuckle. Mingyu was both an extremely talented chef as well as an extremely talented eater, and your dad absolutely adored him for it. He was always welcome to the family dinner.
“Careful, dad,” you chimed in. “Between Mingyu and Seokmin, there might not be any left for the two of us.” Your dad laughed in response as Mingyu rolled his eyes and Seokmin nodded. As you settled into the table, you realized your dad wasn’t exaggerating at all when he said he made way too much dinner. The table was lined with lasagna, roasts, vegetables, and lots of side dishes, enough for a feast. “What’s the occasion dad?” You asked as you looked around the table, trying to decide what to eat first. 
Your dad set his silverware down before explaining. “Well,” he began. “To be honest, I felt somewhat bad.” 
“About what?” you asked, your mouth full of lasagna. 
Your dad chuckled as he continued, passing you a napkin. “As I’m sure you’ve explained to your friends,” he gestured to Mingyu and Seokmin. “I accepted the offer to help start the new restaurant. I thought about it some more, and I felt bad that you would have to uproot your whole life right at the end of high school.”
You looked at him, urging him to continue.
“So I contacted my friend from college, the one I meet with for lunch sometimes, and he said that his son also goes to the same school as you and since they have a spare room, he’s offering to take you in for the year.” 
“No shit,” Mingyu exclaimed in response as Seokmin nudged him under the table, giving him a look reminding him to keep his foul language to himself, but your dad just laughed it off.
“That means I get to stay right?” You squealed. “I don’t have to leave?”
“Yes, that’s true,” your dad confirmed. “But it’s only for the year. At the end of your school year, you can move up with me, or if everything goes really well, I’ll be back home early.” He let out a sigh of relief at seeing the way the three of your faces lit up. Ever since you were little, you, Mingyu and Seokmin had been inseparable. You would walk to school and back home together, you would have sleepovers and every meal was spent together. Your dad felt that tearing you away from them right before you would have to separate for college anyway was cruel. 
He cleared his throat as he continued. “I know the situation isn’t ideal, and that you’ll probably miss me so so so much,” he teased. “But I know you’ll be in good hands while I’m away.” He smiled fondly at the two boys sitting around the table who were looking at you with nothing but adoration in their eyes.
The rest of dinner went by quietly. Polite talk here and there, but an overwhelming effort to avoid discussing your father’s move, which was at the end of the week, settled among the four of you. It wasn’t until after dinner, after Seokmin had to go home, that you finally got to process your feelings with Mingyu who stayed behind to help clean up.
“Gyu, you really didn’t have to stay,” You sighed as you leaned against the counter beside him as he turned on the faucet in the sink. “I don’t mind doing the dishes.”
He gave you the same winning smile that he gave your father earlier. “Please,” he began. “It’s the least I could do… you’ve had a long day.” He cocked his eyebrow at you, reminding you of the unopened note that now lay on top of your desk in your room. “How are you feeling?”
You grabbed a dish towel, helping Mingyu dry the dishes he washed, not wanting to meet his eyes. “Like a salad.” Mingyu turned to you with a confused chuckle, waiting for you to elaborate. “I feel so many things right now but I can’t really condense it all into one thing.”
Mingyu hummed thoughtfully before continuing. “Okay, well what’s the lettuce right now? The biggest thing you’re feeling.”
“Hmm…” you thought. “Sad, that my dad is leaving. I’ve never been away from him that long.” 
“Okay, what about the chicken?” You couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, appreciating the way Mingyu ran with your simile.
“The chicken… Happy.” You finally gave Mingyu a small smile. “Happy that I get to stay here with you and Seokmin.”
Mingyu smiled back at you. “I’m happy about that too. How are we supposed to be a trio if it’s just me and Seokmin?” 
You rolled your eyes playfully as you swatted his arm with the dish towel. “Gyu, you and Seokmin have enough personality for 13 people. I’m sure you would have found a way.”
He pouted in return, rubbing his arm where you swatted him before slipping back into a smile. “Not true, but whatever,” he relented. He was glad that the trio would remain a trio, but it got him thinking about what the future holds for the three of you. College was never really something you all had discussed in depth. Mostly just vague hypotheticals about what decorations to get for the apartment you’ll share and the kind of classes you’ll all take together. But in every future he could imagine, the three of you were always together.
After that night, the rest of the week passed by in a messy and teary blur, with Mingyu and Seokmin coming over every day to help you pack. Well, “help” was a strong word. They mostly sat on your bed and looked through your knick knacks while asking for snacks. They were also very unhelpful at trying to convince you to “Marie Kondo” your room, as they called it.
Seokmin tried convincing you that maybe you should leave your giant stuffed avocado behind, to which you adamantly argued against because he won it for you at the school carnival last year. Mingyu asked why you still kept your report card from fifth grade in a treasure chest, to which you responded by showing him the teacher’s notes, “Had to separate her from Mingyu and Seokmin. They distract each other and draw pictures on their math homework. Always laughing and smiling in class :)”
Going through your whole room with them was a lot less embarrassing than you had expected, and by the end of the week, you were ready to go with only the essentials packed. Mingyu and Seokmin came to see you off, helping your dad pack your things into the car and they each gave you a big hug before letting you go.
Your dad laughed at the scene, watching the three of you get teary eyed even though you would still see each other every day at school. But when he finally drove off and saw you looking wistfully out the window, he felt a pang in his chest and it reminded him how much he’s going to miss you as well. 
The drive was fun as it always was with your dad, but as he parked in front of a huge house in a very wealthy neighborhood, the grin on your face grew even more. The homes in this neighborhood were much bigger than your own, and you figured you should enjoy yourself while you’re here. Your dad took your hand as the two of you walked to the front door of his college buddy’s home, telling you a silly story about their adventures together in university.
“Oh, I’m so excited you get to meet him,” your dad exclaimed as he rang the bell. “I heard his son is actually in your grade, so maybe you already know him.”
You looked at your dad curiously. “What’s his name?” 
But before your dad could respond, the door swung open to reveal none other than–
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bratz-kitten · 3 years
gemini and pisces placements are similar in the sense that geminis are able to see things from all perspectives, while pisces are able to empathise with people who have all sorts of different perspectives. pisces placements... be careful with over-empathising with the people who hurt you to the point where you’re understanding why they did it and you start excusing their actions. gemini placements... be careful with seeking the multi-layers and million different perspectives in everything and everyone to the point where you’re driving your own mind insane and you don’t know what your opinion is anymore because you hyper-analyse so much. too much of a good ability becomes a curse.
people with venus-mars aspects have a talent for making people who hate them fall in love with them 💋
moon in the 11th house natives tend to attract friends who get into scandals. moon in the 10th house natives tend to be the ones who get into said scandals. it’s a PERFECT FRIENDSHIP
capricorn placements have a talent for knowing how to make things last. they want to prolong the enjoyment they get out of something for as long as possible, which is why their hobbies, friendships and relationships tend to last a lifetime... hedonistic sluts
since both the 7th house and the 11th house rule fandoms, celebrities with a 7th house or 11th house neptune can attract fans who view them as angels who can’t do nothing wrong — because of this, those celebrities rarely take accountability for their mistakes, since people keep pushing the “but they’re perfect :(“ light on them
pluto conjunct ascendant natives always come off as very serious during first impressions, no matter how approachable and inviting they strive to appear.
sun and moon in the 10th house people may feel as if they’re always exposed to the public eye, they can’t get away with keeping things secretive. others always notice whatever they want kept on the low. this can be especially frustrating if they notice that others aren’t exposed to the same kind of scrutiny that they are for simply existing
lilith in pisces bitches have a natural talent for appearing like angels even in situations where they are 100% guilty. it’s very easy for them to put on their vulnerable, lost puppy act lmfao, which triggers others’ protective instincts. they may be able to cry on cue when people call them out on their bullshit, making them feel like THEY’re the shitty ones for confronting the lilith native... it’s insane
lilith in the 12th house natives may feel as though the themes of lilith are trapped in their psyche, at the core of who they are and those themes become unavoidable for them — they’re always there, lurking in the shadows, becoming the center of their nightmares
people with mercury in the 1st house can feel veryyy threatened and defensive when someone possesses knowledge in an area that they don’t, it’s like it hits them right on their biggest fears. they often either try to “one-up” the other person in an attempt to heal their broken ego or shut down altogether in insecurity. it’s imperative that they work on developing a strong sense of self-worth because they can be extremely prone to comparing their mental skills to those of other people.
people with personal planets in the 12th house may feel as though a lot of their artistic drive is stifled by their lack of energy. like... in the mental realm there’s a lot going on and it’s incredible, but then you pick up a pen to actualize your visions and you feel exhaustion immediately overtaking you. it can feel like there’s a lot to your psyche that feels inaccessible to you not because you don’t want to explore it, but because you have yet to restore the energy to dive deep into it. this can be especially noticeable if there’s absolutely no 5th house energy in the chart
people with jupiter in an earth sign love being surrounded by greeneries in their home; they may take a lot of enjoyment out of taking care of plants, gardening, cooking and stuff of the sort. it makes them feel more grounded, independent, and even healed. they also LOVE scents that connect them to nature like the scent of grass and the ocean.
air mercuries can be very beware of strangers, they can feel offended when their friends make them socialize with someone they don’t know and it can take a hot while before they trust the person enough to lower their defences a bit. they need to know it’s safe before expressing their usual sexy eccentric selves in front of someone new. on the other hand, aries placements can also hate being introduced to new people through their friends but it’s mostly because they’re very territorial over them, and can’t stand the thought that this new person can hurt their friendship in any possible way
meanwhile, it’s probably an earth or leo/sagittarius mercury introducing new friends to the group. they’re so fucking good with people and it shows in how they make people feel welcomed so easily, it’s like they “take” the person in and adopt them into the group. they can’t stand seeing someone being treated like an outcast because they know how it sucks to feel rejected, so they’ll try their best to make you feel included
while on the subject of people who hate seeing others be treated like an outcast because they know how it feels like to be rejected: SCORPIO RISINGS. bro. people underestimate how chill they can actually be. if they see you being left out, they’ll approach you with no fucks given and do anything in their power to make you feel comfortable. they do so well in group settings.
and while on the subject of scorpio risings... i have a scorpio rising friend and he goes thru it on the daily. he often complains that people are always suspicious of him and that they seem repulsed by him, strangers on the street will stay tf away from him. and it’s so heartbreaking because his personality is so friendly and welcoming and it doesn’t at all match his intimidating appearance. scorpio risings have this energy that not many people can handle, others feel either really drawn to them or downright scared of them because of the “danger” element they seem to carry in them
i know two people who are both scorpio suns and libra moons and they look the exact same, even though they have different risings. brown, deep-set eyes, coarse dark hair, naturally tanner skin tone — and they have the same style as well, using lots of band t-shirts and dark clothing. scorpio energy is always so noticeable wherever it is i swear, it’s like it takes over the rest of the chart
gemini moons are what yall claim gemini venuses to be. like, seriously... have you ever met someone with a gemini venus? they don’t need constant stimulation or else they’ll get bored and cheat. not in the slightest; actually, they’re often incredibly loyal and crave longterm, committed relationships. if anything, they need stimulation outside of their relationship in the form of a good, exciting career and hobbies so that they don’t get too addicted to their partner and to constantly analysing every aspect of their relationship. gemini moons however, tend to have multiple partners throughout life and they often feat deep commitment. they can be huge players imo, IT’S THEM YOU SHOULD BE WORRIED ABOUT!
sagittarius placements are so... tactile? like, they love to touch things. when they go to stores and stuff, they’ll start holding everything that catches their attention— it’s like they can only decide if they want to buy something after thouroughly exploring how it feels, the texture and the energy that the object gives them through touch. and they talk so much with their hands. it makes me so anxious like bitch you aren’t selena gomez, i promise you that you CAN keep your hands to yourself
taurus placements are so weird to me, i can’t understand them. it’s like they’re afraid of exploring their own depths, which in turn makes me unable to explore them. okay, how do i put this... it’s like they have this preset idea of who they are and after deciding so, they’re unwilling to let go of it. “i’m the stable friend who’s here for everyone even when i can barely take care of my own self” and then that’s who they are: the people who are a steady rock in the lives of others, taking care of everyone. and then they refuse to change even after getting hurt. and then, it’s like... well, you can’t just be that. you are a human who contains multitudes, but i don’t think you give yourself enough credit on how layered you are. that fear of changeability, that need to be the one stable thing in a world full of unpredictability will only damage you in the end, because you won’t get to fully experience life’s greatest pleasure: knowing yourself. becoming your own best friend, exploring every layer that there is to your being. i think you deny yourself of that experience because you fear that, with self-learning comes self-growth which leads to transformation. and you fear transformation because you don’t want to change for the worst. but like... transformation is necessary and with that comes adaptability + flexibility, which are things you could greatly benefit from.
scorpio venuses can be so pessimistic— and when they’re in a dark mindset, it’s so difficult to pull them out of it. it’s so difficult to get them to see the good in difficult situations, and to help them believe that it gets better. but even if you don’t believe me, i’ll keep telling you; it does get better. you’ll get through this.
jupiter in the 4th house is an indicator of food having been an amazing part of your childhood; there might’ve been a lot of feasts and you could’ve had a parent who loved to cook. being well fed might be a huge concern for you now; you might get sick easily when you’re eating fast food and non-traditional plates.
mercury square uranus is an extremely difficult aspect to have because, in your earlier years, you might’ve felt dumb or like there was something wrong with your intelligence because you might’ve found school difficult due to it’s structured nature that didn’t fit with the way you like to learn things— you need to learn in an interactive way that piques your interest. your anxiety and any traumatic experienced that you faced could’ve heavily impacted your school performance. you might’ve had an ease with learning but then, when it came to doing the written tests, you couldn’t perform to the best of your abilities. either way, school might’ve been a source of a lot of stress and difficulty.
mercury square pluto can have some weird manifestation where, like... you suspect things but you always suspect the wrong things. i’ve met a few people with this aspect and all of them were extremely suspicious of the most random things who were literally normal and innocent. this aspect can cause a lot of chaos to one’s interpersonal relationships because you might find yourself suspecting your loved ones in the weirdest circumstances due to your trust issues, which in return causes them to lose trust in you + the want to confide in you because you keep questioning everything they’re up to WHEN THEY’RE NOT UP TO ANYTHING IN THE FIRST PLACE. probably the most frustrating thing that can happen with this aspect is when you always suspect what you shouldn’t, but then, when sketchy things are actually happening that should be questioned, you don’t bat an eye to it. omfg it drives me insane
moon conjunct the ascendant can make someone have a very delicate appearance that gives others the impression that they need to handle you like fine china or else you might break. my mother has this at a very tight orb and whenever i bring people over, their first impression of her is always “she looks so frail”. the native might be extremely sensitive to every minor inconvenience which brings a lot of frustration to them, a feeling that they can’t control their reactions and inner turmoil. it can also suck when you don’t want to be depicted as the victim but then that’s the way everyone perceives you. the native might have very expressive and shiny eyes, and they can cry easily. it’s very difficult for them to hide their emotions.
your jupiter sign can signify where you feel an overflow of energy. jupiter in cancer may feel like you have an overflow of nurturing and protective energy towards your loved ones, with a lot of intuition and need for introspection. jupiter in leo can make you feel like you a talent for self-expression and dealing with others, being overly dramatic and prideful at times, and with a huge drive to have fun. jupiter in virgo can feel an overflow of perceptive qualities, with a huge amount of self-awareness and also awareness of your surroundings, ability to constantly analyse and a constant strive for perfection (which btw is impossible since perfection is unattainable and you’re a human being who makes mistakes and that’s completely fine. stop finding flaws where there aren’t none).
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
A Little Voice Told Me - Pt.2
Poly! MC Summary: Words hurt and leave their scars. MC learns this the hard way after hearing some not-so-nice whispers about them while on a date with Beel. How are they supposed to be the partner of the seven lords of the Devildom when they just don't measure up? Part 1: HERE, Part 3: HERE ***Good Golly!! Y'all really like the angst, huh? Here you guys go. Cry your hearts out and enjoy! - B*** Beelzebub woke up the rest of his brothers early the next morning. While most of them attempted to flip him off or threaten him at the initial disturbance, all it took was him saying that they needed to talk about you for them to shoot out of bed. In a matter of minutes, all of them, except Levi, were seated around the breakfast table. "If we're talking about MC, why aren't they here?" Satan asked while poking at a piece of fruit. "I don't know about you, but I personally don't feel right talking about them behind their back." Belphie scoffed and laid his head in his arms. "It's not like we're gossiping about them or anything. They were acting off last night, and Beel thought we should discuss what we're gonna do about it." Beel nodded, "They pulled into themself halfway through the night, and was upset but kept brushing me off whenever I tried to talk to them about it." Mammon huffed and crossed his arms. "Maybe they just didn't feel like they could talk to ya about it," he rose to his feet and began to walk towards the door. "I'm the first! I'm sure I can get it out of them, easy peasy! I'll just head in there and-" "Mammon, sit down!" Lucifer hissed. Mammon grumbled under his breath but did as told. Lucifer sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "We've talked about this. Stop bringing up the whole 'first man' thing. MC is in a relationship with all of us. Not just you." The second-born pouted and stabbed an egg with his fork.
Lucifer rolled his eyes at his brother's antics and looked back at Beel. "Something clearly happened during the date. Do you have any ideas at all at what it could've been?" Asmodeus stirred a swirly straw around in his drink. "I mean, I would be pretty upset if I spent three hours of my evening at a barbaric sporting event too," Asmo chuckled and smirked. "The only good thing about sports is that you get to see all those rippling muscles of the athletes in action." Beel scowled at his brother took a bite out of the omelet that was on his plate. "It wasn't because of the game. MC loves coming to my Fangol games and was having a blast with me until halftime. Something had to have happened while I was gone." Asmodeus opened his mouth to counter the statement when Leviathan came rushing into the room carrying his laptop. Lucifer raised an eyebrow at the sight, "What have I told you about devices at the table?" Leviathan shot him an annoyed look as he plopped down in one of the chairs. "This isn't about table etiquette. This is about MC," he looked over at Beel and Belphie. "I think I have an idea on what may have caused them to start distancing themselves." Everyone perked up in interest at the news; each one of them eager to know what was distressing their loved one so much that they felt like they couldn't talk to them. "Well are you going to tell us, or are you just going to sit there?" Satan quipped, his anger beginning to get the better of him as he sat on the edge of his seat. Levi gave him a flat look before he typed a few things on his keyboard. "I was doing a raid last night trying to keep my mind off of what might've happened with MC and decided to ask my party members about it," Leviathan's expression darkened as he began to explain. It was clear to everyone that whatever was said, wasn't taken lightly by the otaku. Rather than reading the conversation out loud, he turned his laptop screen for all his brothers to see. Leviachan: Gaaah! I just can't focus on the game tonight. My partner came back from a date tonight and has been acting kind of sus. There's definitely something bothering them, but they refuse to tell anyone. Ruri-Chans-Husbando: Dude, you're talking about that stupid human right? Why are you even with them? You shouldn't give a Normie like them the time of day. Waifu-Addict: Exactly! Listen, we've all been talking and you need to drop that whore. They're totally just using you and your brothers for your titles and power. The demons read in horror and rage as the chat room filled with messages from the members of Leviathan's party all saying similar garbage about you and degrading you in every way they could think of. Satan stood up and began to pace near the table as he used every inch of his self-control to keep himself from lashing out. "I want names, Levi. Who are they and why do they seem to think it's okay to talk about MC like- like that?!" Satan snarled as he curled his hands into fists. Levi tsked and crossed his arms, as Lucifer took the laptop to look more closely at the messages. "You say that as if I haven't already used my 'title and power' as Grand Admiral to have my men collect and imprison them. They're at the navy base waiting for us to get our hands on them as soon as we sort this whole mess out." Belphie growled, now sitting up and wide awake. "Get our hands on them is right. No one gets away with this shit," Asmodeus glared at the computer as though it had just dyed all of his clothing brown. "Rotten brats. They're all just jealous of stunning MC. Ugh, Diavolo, haters are the worst." Beel pushed his plate away from himself as he frowned deeply. "As disgusting and horrible as this is, what does it have to do with MC getting all quiet during our date?" A low rumble came from Lucifer as he handed the laptop back to Levi. A fiery hatred was burning brightly in his eyes as he gritted his teeth. "If a bunch of anti-social shut-ins are going around talking about our dearest MC like this, I believe Leviathan's point is that others probably are."
"Ouch. I wasn't going to say it l-like that, but yes," Levi winced and continued, "MC probably overheard people saying something about them. I mean, if people said that crap about me I'd probably hide in my room and not come out for months!" Mammon, who had been surprisingly quiet during all of this, had a very serious expression on his face. "Right, and we don't want MC to go through that. For Diavolo's sake, they've left alone to overthink this enough," Mammon stood up and headed towards the door again, Satan hot on his trail. "I'm going up to there to talk with them. Ya'll are welcome to come with, but you ain't stoppin' me." "Actually, Mammon, you're not. We should wait until MC comes to us," Lucifer interrupted. An animalistic snarl tore its way from Satan's throat as what little self-control he had snapped. Wrath incarnate lunged himself at Lucifer, grabbing his older brother by the collar of his cloak. "Are you serious, Lucifer?! You're seriously putting your stupid pride first, now?!? MC needs us!" Lucifer growled and pushed Satan off of him as he stood to size him up. "No. What they need is to not feel pressured to open up when they aren't ready! We can't make them feel like they can't come to us!" Mammon scoffed from where he stood in the back. "Oh, cause that's perfect logic! News flash, oh wise one, They ain't gonna come to us if they're thinkin' they're a burden! But you wouldn't know anything about that would you?!" Lucifer's eyes widen and he took a step back in shock at the statement. "What is that supposed to mean?" Mammon and Satan both opened their mouths to put Lucifer in his place when Beel all of sudden cleared his throat loudly. All three of the angry demons turned to snap at him but froze as they saw you standing in the room behind them. They instantly straightened themselves up gave you their full attention. The air seemed to lay still between you as everyone waited for the other to make the first move. As with almost every situation, it was Mammon who broke the silence. He took a step towards you. "MC, I was just coming to get you actually. There's somethin' we all wanna talk to you about." They could hear your breath catch in your throat as you took a step back. Panic filled your eyes the moment the words left his mouth. "O-Oh. I, um, I was actually just going to grab an apple and then head off to RAD for class. M-Maybe we can talk afterwards?" Satan frowned as you walked past him towards the fruit bowl. "MC, it's the weekend." You stopped mid-step. An uncomfortable tension filled the room as the obvious excuse was exposed. The brothers waited for you to move, to speak, to do something to give them any sort of sign for what you wanted them to do, but you just stood there, still like a statue except for the tremors in your hand. "Come on, Darling," Asmodeus spoke softly. His face clearly showed the hurt and concern that was coursing through him. "Everything's alright, I promise. We just need to talk about a few things." The brothers had thought of a number of ways you could've reacted to them confronting you. Lucifer thought that perhaps you would snap at them and distance yourself further. Mammon, Levi, and Asmo expected a few small tears followed by a cuddle session. Satan imagined a slightly more dramatic telling, like something from one of his novels, that ended him being your hero and massacring all those who dared speak ill about you. Beel thought perhaps you could talk over a bunch of comfort foods that allowed you to remain calm and feel safe. Belphie had hoped that perhaps you hadn't believed what you overheard, and the two of you could laugh at how idiotic even the idea of them not loving you was. But you, breaking down into tears, sobbing the words "I'm sorry" over and over again? None of them had expected, nor were prepared, for that. ***Apparently this is now going to be a three-part series. This part was interesting to write. I fully believe that if the brothers were in a poly relationship with the MC they would definitely bicker and argue about
who knows MC best and who had the better date whenever MC isn't around. Honestly, they probably have a score chart 😅 I hope you guys liked part 2! Keep an eye out for part 3, where MC finally opens up to the boys and we have some hurt/comfort times \uwu/ ***
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