#because I am a returnee
rainystressed247 · 3 months
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Kick down the door for non-related content.
Funny how the cookie that makes me go back to the game is not a legendary but this pretty peach blossom 🥹
He so pretty, and just up my alley. He went and parked in my alley ajdhdishxjshxbs
Anyways, do you want to see more of my bias from other media I consumed? I usually try to do more painterly style for them since… you know it is not like I drew them often, unlike a certain hyper fixation.
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coquelicoq · 6 months
shin yoosung and lee gilyoung demonstrably would love kim dokja if he were a worm. they've proven it. they have a room full of evidence of how much they love every creature they think could possibly be kim dokja. when he disappears from the world they see him in all things and their love expands accordingly. so yeah, they'd love him if he were a worm. if he's a worm they immediately make him a super comfy terrarium and attach a label that says KIM DOKJA WORLD'S BEST WORM. the first few times they fight over who gets to cuddle him they maybe accidentally pull his head off, but they're quick learners. (and it grows back. the guy's a worm.)
now would they also find a way to make kim dokja being a worm into a competition over who loves him best? obviously. lee gilyoung would be all smug at first. he'd be like hyung is a bug, i win!! and shin yoosung would be all actually it means more that i love him because i clearly love ahjussi for ahjussi whereas you just love all bugs so it doesn't count. and then they'd slapfight until some nerd came along to reveal that worms are members of kingdom animalia, thereby destroying shin yoosung's argument. they have to settle it as a tie. a worm is clearly a bug and technically an animal. either way kim dokja is kim dokja and they would love him in any form, in every universe.
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cryptiddeer · 10 months
Just found out that that pink Sakura cross in the foundry counts as a divine key. It is not shown anywhere in the concierge. In the multiple times I looked up divine keys to learn what they are and how they work, none of them mentioned this, instead focusing on the ones obtainable in co-op. I found this out because I saw it passively in a video comparing Eden and Griseo 2.
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pleasantlyinsincere · 9 months
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BRAVO September 1967 Shortly before his death Brian Epstein admitted to BRAVO-employee Thomas Beyl: The boys are everything to me
His face was white. His grey suit seemed to be too big. His shirt collar was opened widely, the black tie hanging crookedly of his neck. Brian Epstein had met death. He came from his father's funeral. That hot July day I met Brian Epstein for the last time. Six weeks later he was dead. As I was taking the list up to Brian's private office, I was desperately thinking about what to say to him. I knew Brian had been very attached to his father. I knew this loss must have rattled him deeply. There rarely had been a conversation with him, where he didn't mention his 'Daddy'. I didn't feel comfortable in my skin. Even though Brian had promised me once: "Whenever you come to London, come and see me. I'll always have time for you." It had always been like that. But now?
[...] Brian met me at the door. "Hello, Thomas! Do you want something to drink?" That afternoon I met a completely different Brian Epstein. I was startled when I saw him. He seemed broken and like he had aged years. He stood up from his office chair laboriously. He reached his hand out towards me. It was limp, his handshake without strength. "nice to see you, Thomas", he said. "Have you seen the boys? Have they come back relaxed from Greece?" He tried to act as natural and friendly as usual but he was a bad actor. Brian was quiet for a while, then he said: "I know why you came. Nice of you. But let's not talk about it. Please." On Brian's desk stood bottle of whiskey, next to it a glass. It was empty. Absent-mindedly he puffed on his cigarette and regularly his gaze would drift towards a big painting of his father on the wall. I felt out of place and was about to say goodbye when Brian said: "Stay for another moment. I want to tell you about a dream that finally seems to be about to come true. I'm planning a movie with the bullfighter El Cordobes, the dancer Nurejew and the boys. Cardobes and Nurejew have already accepted. I just have to convince the boys of my plan." The big dream was buried with Brian Epstein on 30 August 1967 on the jewish graveyard of Fazackerley, a suburb of Liverpool. Like so many great dreams of Brian Epstein, who had wanted to become an actor - and never became one; who wanted to write plays - and never wrote one; who bought a theater - and never staged one; who loved Mozart and Beethoven - and became manager of a beat group; who looked like a successful stock broker - and was at home on the stage of the pop world.
It was 26 June 1966. BRAVO-Beatles-Blitztournee. 7000 fans are screaming their throats hoarse inside Hamburg's Ernst-Merck-Halle. They are waiting for 'their' Beatles, who had come back to the place their careers had started after four years. It's just minutes before the 'returnees'' concert. A security guard addresses me: "Are you Thomas Beryl? You have to please come outside. There is a young guy in front of the main door, who has been trying to come in for half an hour even though he has no ticket. He claims he is the Beatles famous manager Brian Epstein. He thinks we're stupid." I rip the dressing room door open, calling to the Beatles: "Wait a moment. They aren't letting Brian in." The Beatles double over with laughter. "Once again", chuckles Ringo. John shouts after me: "Tell him he should get a belly befitting of his status, so that people recognize him as a manager!" The 'young guy' was indeed Brian Epstein. During the concert he said to me: "Look at the boys. I have never seen them this happy on stage. It has to be an amazing feeling to return to where you once have started small. That's when you really realize that you've made it. Frankly - I am a bit jealous because I wasn't with the Beatles during their first Hamburg stays." He watched his boys beaming faces - and beamed along with them.
No, Brian Epstein wasn't a typical manager. He preferred to wear suits in muted colors and subtle ties. His luxurious London apartment proved his exquisite taste. Brian loved antiques and chose with great care and knowledge. His appearance was quiet. For a manager he was modest and shy. Brian kept in the background so much, that sometimes the Beatles didn't even realize when he was missing. But still Eppy - as the boys called him - belonged to them as five fingers do on a hand. And Eppy was the thumb. Brian didn't like to hear such words. "No, no", he denied. "I am not the fifth Beatles but the Beatles' number one fan." Similarly he fended off the claim that the Beatles had him to thank for fairy tale career. "The boys would have made it without me", he told me. "At least I have just as much to thank them for as they do me. I'm known as a successful manager and have a big enterprise. But I was only able to do that because four electric boys became my friends."
The boys have a different opinion. John: "Without Brian we would have gotten out of our greasy leather jackets too late and the Queen would have never invited us to her palace. No one but Eppy was ready to help guys like us financially. Without him we would have been stuck in basement pubs. When he proposed to become our manager, we thought he had a screw loose. That's how little we believed in ourselves." George: "It was our luck that the Epstein family shop was so close to the Cavern, else Brian might not have found us. Then it would have been good night, Beatles!" Ringo: "I owe everything to him. Without Eppy I would never have become a Beatle. He was the one who acquired me." Paul: "Without Eppy the Beatles wouldn't exist anymore. There was a lot of truth to the rumors that we were breaking up. We had a few crises within the group. So heavily that we were about to go our separate ways. It was Eppy who repaired the cracks. He was our friend and we trusted him endlessly." The Beatles trustee is dead. His short, hot life ended 27 August 1967. John, Paul, George and Ringo didn't attend his funeral. They respected his biggest wish even after Brian Epstein was dead: He never wanted to be the center of their performance.
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blossoms-phan · 1 month
Hi! I am a X escapee relatively recent Dan & Phil returnee who loves your posts, you seem so reasonable. I have just been given what felt like a 90 min presentation detailing how my innocent assumption that Dan and Phil were anything other than platonic housemates was incorrect and offensive.
The lecture i was given included every reference that highlighted, amongst other things: their "obvious" separate bedrooms, bathrooms, towels, angles of items shown in bedrooms, closets, mentions of wanting to go out and meet other men, lack of real concern (X words, not mine) at each others medical emergencies and every use of bro and friend that they have said post hiatus. It was very detailed, they were very insistent and I was very apologetic. I decided to flee the X hostility and head back to tumblr, but here everyone appears to think they are together. So now I am confused and don't want to offend a whole new group of people.
I think what set the X people off was i said "partner" as I was under the, I now know, incorrect impression that they went public years ago. Oops. Don't trust the internet is what I have learned from this. I thought all this drama would have died out long ago, but I assume this is a topic to stay far away from still? Thanks
hi anon! first of all, thank you for saying that (still can’t believe I’ve garnered enough attention on here that people specifically like my posts!), I really appreciate it. second of all imma be so real with you I am a person that still primarily refers to “X” as twitter bc I refuse to get with the times so this greatly confused me until I realized there was only one possible platform with those kind of people you could be talking about. i’m sorry you endured that exhausting sounding lecture and welcome you to phannie tumblr with open arms 🫶
i am here to gently reassure you that you can take what dnp say and do and show and form your own opinions about it, don’t let anyone tell you you’re right or wrong for drawing conclusions or making assumptions. however I will also be so bold and tell you why that individual is so blatantly wrong and maybe clear some of your confusion.
first of all, i think dnp would refer to themselves as anything but "platonic housemates." it all comes back to this but i dare someone to look me in the eyes and be so fr when saying that just because they've never stated in words "we're dating/boyfriends/partners etc" the simple fact that they share a mortgage on a "forever home" together, (according to them) spend literally all their time together, are partners in work/life/play (vacations), share families (dan being uncle to phil's niece) implies anything other than them being life partners. i'd also like to draw attention back to possibly the most blatantly open statement either of them has made about the nature of their relationship, in dan's video titled "basically i'm gay" where he describes them as "actual soulmates" and more. there are lots of people who have been discussing/answering posts about the concept of a "hard launch" recently which i could direct you to and i am of the mind that there's nothing wrong with conceptualizing the idea of a hard launch or them being more open to sharing details of their romantic relationship to an extent, but BIG is the most profound public statement of the nature of their relationship and, in my humble opinion, "the" hard launch as dan QUITE LITERALLY says "more than just romantic" and goes on to say he and phil are private people and that that's all he will say of it for now (keep in mind it's been 5 years since this statement- still relevant but minds can change, specifically theirs in terms of what they feel more comfortable and open sharing in a post-comeback world)
now moving on to the "references" you mentioned. again, highlighting literally any of this as "proof" that they are just friends or whatever is utterly ridiculous but i'll still go through it for funsies. i'd like to challenge this person that claims they have "obvious" seperate bedrooms by saying... what is so obvious about it?? dnp are highly aware that whatever they share with us will be analyzed or viewed under a microscope, so obviously they've carefully chosen which parts of the phouse to show us and they're not going to be like oh yeah this is OUR bedroom where we sleep TOGETHER every night. now i'm aware that yes, the "black" bedroom with dan's closet is more obviously a dan room that has been claimed as "his" bedroom. can't find it to link rn but they have posted a photo of the shelf of that room and while it is mostly dan stuff on the shelves, there was also a photo of phil's family and some of phil's books and items on the shelves. storage? sure, but if someone wants to claim that makes it so obviously dan's room then i can say that having phil's stuff in there could also point to them sharing the space. the room that phil films amazingphil videos in has been called a guest room/bed by them both, and in terms of rooms we've seen that just leaves the green room. imho everything points towards this being another guest room/possibly a room for family specifically to stay when they come- iirc nothing has been said to claim this as phil's room other than the fact that there is a painting by his dad and he occasionally films in there. i'm not going to pretend to know the ins and outs of their sleeping arrangements, but i think for two adults that own a huge house together and spend a lot of time together and have a lot of their own things it's perfectly reasonable to have "separate" bedrooms, multiple bathrooms/their own towels (?? i don't get this one i assume they're referring to the part of the golden pig video but like. obviously they have their own towels wtf lmao) and utter those things more on camera and then sleep together/share spaces in their own time.
once again, dan and phil know what they're doing. they are in control of what they show and share. calling each other "bro" and "friend" is an intentional choice and very much second nature at this point after doing it on camera for years. also it's not wrong or implies that they aren't romantic- i am of the opinion that they are friends first and they know that too. however, in a post-hiatus/comeback world, it almost feels pointed at this point. like a joke. a wink wink, nudge nudge, look-to-camera "we know you know" thing that they're keeping going just because they can.
in terms of the "going out and meeting other men" bit i assume they refer to jokes made by dan in the wad era? again, i'm not going to dive deep into this but dan is a comedian and post-coming out, wad and those other shows were the first time in his life he was able to be openly, unapologetically gay and himself and i think he was allowed to make a few grindr jokes for the fun of it. if dan values privacy in terms of his personal life, i highly doubt he would go around telling everyone he was hooking up with dudes- these are jokes plain and simple. but if you're interested @freckliedan has a wonderful post about dnp and the concept of monogamy/them sleeping with other people that i don't entirely disagree with and that is worded much better than i ever could so. i'd also like to talk to this person bc in what fucking world have they EVER shown a "lack of concern" at each others medical emergencies????? this is possibly the most baffling claim out of all of these to me. dan could not have made it more clear how scared/worried/traumatized he was by phil literally almost dying recently, and there have been more instances than i can count of him just being there for phil during all of his more recent health issues/scares. if this is referring to the eye incident, again i'm not going to pretend i know all the ins and outs of their relationship bc i don't- we know what they tell us. literally everything about this they said in a joking way, i don't know why people got their panties in a bunch- phil sending dan alone doesn't mean he doesn't care about him or anything, i honestly don't think he wouldn't have been much help going and i think they both kind of knew this, they were just playing it up to be a funny anecdote because they're entertainers. it's what they do. they've been making stories out of their lives for 15 years.
this is getting far too long and rambley as i don't know how to rein in my yapping when responding to asks but. i promise you're fine. discussing their relationship isn't "drama" or some forbidden thing, it happens on here a lot actually. except you will find most people on here use critical thinking and what dan and phil knowingly share with us, as adults with brains, to draw conclusions about their relationship based on everything from the way they look at each other to the little ways they tell us they care about and love each other bc they do. and that's not something they shy from now. come join us! don't let people tell you you're wrong for thinking they're partners bc in the nicest way possible, they literally are (if you want to sugarcoat it and say life partners instead of romantic go ahead bc they've literally described themselves as companions through life which is a more poetic way of saying partners imo) and respectfully anyone who thinks otherwise is in denial at this point
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patientlibrarian · 3 months
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Goran Thursday.
Hello everyone, everywhere, it's "Goran Thursday" and still very hot here in the UK. Lots of Goran about at the moment.
Talking of hot:
Goran Višnjić and Zrinka Cvitešić together on stage for the first time: "We became like a small family "
The most successful Croatian actors abroad, who play the main roles in the play 'Equinocija' at the Dubrovnik Summer Games, discover what the atmosphere is like at rehearsals led by director Krešimir Dolenčić and recall their summers in Dubrovnik where their professional paths have never crossed before.
Location: Croatian National Theater in Zagreb. Weather: three in the afternoon, end of the week, heat, steam. Wardrobe no. 106, make-up artist, hairdresser, Gloria's team and two of the most outstanding actors of contemporary Croatia - Zrinka Cvitešić (44), laureate of the highest British theater award Olivier, and Goran Višnjić (52), our most successful representative in Hollywood.
The reason for the meeting: the Dubrovnik Summer Games and their collaboration on the play "Equinocija" by Ivo Vojnović, directed by Krešimir Dolenčić. Goran plays a rich returnee from America, Nika Marinović, and Zrinka plays his love from his youth, Jela. This time, Višnjić did not return from America, but from Great Britain, where he lives with his family in the southwest of the island - in Cornwall, while Cvitešić is still at two addresses, one in Zagreb and one in London with his partner, former soccer player Niko Kranjčar .
In preparation for our recording, Zrinka and Goran excitedly exchange impressions from the rehearsal they just came from. Both she and he have the text with their notes in their hands and are commenting on younger colleagues from the play's team - whose performance they are delighted with. Lovers of acting recognize each other, one might say. Director Krešimir Dolenčić , however, did not choose this "duo fantastikus" by chance.
"Nothing is a coincidence, and then again, it is. We met by chance after a performance at the &TD Theater and then he told me that he had a meeting the next day regarding the Games and that we would talk to each other when he knew exactly what it was about. I am in that moment I said that I would like to work at the Games, I just don't know when and which show. And then he called me the next day and offered to do "Equinocia", to which I immediately said - come on! Krešo and I have known each other for almost thirty years. ever since he was an assistant to our professor Neva Rošić at the Acting course. When I was a student, he gave me a scholarship at Gavella," recalls Goran Višnjić with a laugh.
Zrinka agrees with the statement and complements the answer with his memory. "An actor should be very lucky to work with directors like Krešo in his career. I've had very few of them so far - they're directors you don't ask what, how, why... When you're invited to a project, you just ask them when and where you should come. They are unreservedly guided, inspired, and loved by you. It's nice to come back to Kreša after more than ten years, but we both asked ourselves - is it really so?! Because we both feel like we've worked together before. In short, we had a great time at the rehearsals. The ensemble is not big and after a week we have become like a small family. The young actors Lara Nekić and Karlo Mrkša are wonderful and curious actors. It's best when it's created together, when there's no "this is not my scene and I'm not interested in it". The most beautiful ideas are born from togetherness, this has been confirmed to me again and again throughout my life, and so it is this time," says the actress who, together with Goran Višnjić, recalled her first associations with the Games, and they also revealed to us something about their summer plans.
PLUS: Wonderful 'presentation' for a new concept Verne car by Goran on his instagram page. Must have taken ages to do. Has priceless references to a couple of old tv series!!
Hope your day goes as you would wish it to.
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galzydraw · 5 months
To Ganz Gusev: You can show a profile of Eliz la revenant V (I loved her design on Instagram) I'm excited to hear about his role in Promised! Tale and what is the trait of his soul.
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Promised!Eliz (Timeline V)
Elizabeth Will (20 years old) Granddaughter of the "legendary P! Gerson" and fifth returnee of Tamara's group
When Promised! Tale was created She was found hanging from a pine tree waterfall (for 4 hours) when she was just an orphaned child.
And who was the one who rescued her? "P! Gerson" found her after retiring from her position as a royal guard due to her age and poor health. She was surprised when she tried to return home and saw the little girl in trouble and very tired. Without much thought she cut the pine tree with her bone sword. and he took care of the girl since she was in very bad condition.
Although the girl was not responding due to lack of food. She realized that she was the girl that many said stole food at the waterfalls. Despite her oath to hand such people over to the royal guard to the empress. She saw the girl in need, but apart from that, she was a girl and didn't see that as necessary. But if you go with all those who ever see you steal something from them. She gave those inhabitants a joy to see that the girl did apologize for her past actions since P! Gerson showed her that those actions of hers would not take her anywhere.
To which, after being able to feed her, something in her had a hard time talking to her. since little Eliz barely knew how to say a word. That put more stress on old P! Gerson to find out more about the girl and her past. to which she went to her old friend empress toriel to ask if she knew anything about the girl or her family…
To which the empress is surprised to see Eliz after a long time. and she responded that Eliz was a creation made to give a family to a human couple. But at the time of creating her she ran away from her (since she became nervous when she met her new family) and shortly after she was searched by the entire line of sentinels but they never found her whereabouts. until now that P!Gerson found her
To which Father Gerson understood and saw the little girl shortly after meeting her and for several months he walked around the island asking who the girl belonged to and if they knew about her family. He became attached to the girl during that trip and search.
To which he offered to take care of her and adopt her. giving him a good life and education.
Eliz grew up surrounded by good friends in Waterfell and at the same time helped her grandfather with her medication. Until everything fell apart due to the fall of the kingdom by Error!Sans. causing the fateful death of Eliz, who with her sacrifice saved her grandfather but at the cost of her life she was disintegrated by space and time.
Leaving P! Gerson heartbroken over losing his only family…
Years passed and we talked about how after Tamara she reset the world after obtaining the fourth reset fragment. (Timeline V was created) This is where Emperor Gaster after failing in his attempt to dominate the Au in the fourth timeline. He finds the code and Eliz's soul in the underground. And thanks to his ignorance and his thirst for revenge because of Tamara and a small group of returnees who were previously his allies, he turns Eliz into a returnee and as one more in Gaster's plans he orders poor Eliz to attack and finish the beings from Ebott Island and Tamara's silly team who were just becoming known as the saviors.
And this is where the story begins of Eliz being a returnee and how she fought Tamara against her will due to Emperor Gaster's curse….
(I am NOT going to give any more spoilers about Eliz and her story since "This subplot of the comic is the one I liked writing the most and it would be bad for me to tell it all): 3
1- Eliz is bisexual
2- The bone sword she uses is a gift from her grandfather P! Gerson (Maintaining the legacy of her former grandfather)
3- she likes pizza with pineapple
4- She loves to collect cascading gemstones. This is a hobby that P! Gerson himself dedicated himself to entertainment when he was barely 6 years old.
5- She likes to read superhero comics.
6- The reason she can levitate is because her powerful soul that has the "optimism" trait is released through magical waves that make her levitate slightly.
7- The Cap she has was found in the waterfall dump even though she had to fight with P! Dummy to get it when she was an orphan. She says it's her favorite cap. and that if she were lost she would go crazy and would not tire of looking for him.
8- She suffers from Brontophobia (Fear of storms), reason? Lightning struck him after he failed to control her levitation.
HP: 30 ATC: 5000 Per hit with her "Bone Sword" (she is the strongest in terms of melee weapon damage)
Level: 1 Soul: Optimistic Species: Human and (Revenant Alpha)
Art by: @ganzdraw
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myliobatis · 5 months
Why Did This Fic Involve So Much Math: Behind The Scenes Of A Really Long Chapter
I kept threatening to do this and here it is: the planning materials (scribbles) that kept me organized enough to finish chapter two of far to the west and worlds away, aka the ensemble-cast-repentance-in-avallónë fic that ate my life. I am not constitutionally suited to writing longfic (and a 10k chapter is LONG for me, I usually hover in the 1k or less range), so this was an extremely necessary part of the process. Let’s get into it!
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where it all began: early shape-of the-world thoughts in the back of a work notebook. it also contains first drafts of several scenes, but those are not pictured because they have Actual Confidential Work Materials mixed in.
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from there, it developed into this bullet-point conceptualisation of the “deal with the death”, which has lived in the bottom of the continually-growing gdoc ever since. almost none of this rationale made it into the text, even though it underpinned everything.
here are the notes I took during my silm and UT reread these past few months. I made a conscious effort to compare the text to fanon, because I hadn’t reread since my first time in the fandom eight years (!) ago. the areas marked with the red inkstick are notes I found particularly useful for this project (vs. generally interesting).
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within that notebook, there are some pages specific to planning this series. this one was an early stab at working out the order in which the characters would return. you can also tell that I ran through multiple pens during this process!
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working out relative ages at the time of the crossing to Beleriand, which was part of a larger effort to contextualize character relationships.
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an early attempt to plan the order of scenes and break up the chapters, including a couple of concepts I later removed. I wrote myself into a corner with the publishing order at the start of the series and here was desperately trying to fix it (only partially successfully!)
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another stab at the sequence of returnees, in which you can tell I was having trouble remembering the year of tyelpë’s death…!
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questions I asked myself to flesh out the worldbuilding of returnee-aman. in the end I chose to go with less self-actualisation, because. well. drama
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working out what exactly this in-universe project entailed; only some of which made it into the finished version. never could work in the random Teleri shipbreaker.
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a page of painful math, using this timeline, to figure out when a reasonable date to start the returns was. I did so so much math and then remembered like two weeks later that the numenorean invasion happened and had to recalibrate all over again!!
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finally, this large-format sketchbook sheet I wrote out at around 75% finished the fic, to finalize the order, mark down issues to resolve, and make sure the characters were getting roughly equivalent screen time (the dots are tracking focus scenes).
Not pictured: hours and hours and HOURS of thinking about scenes and mentally editing while running, walking, doing laundry, etc. It was weird to put my entire brain into this post, but fun!
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blazedhs · 1 year
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If that him, then?? I dont get itttt
spoilers to novel
this is brand new info as I am reading webtoon after the novel. the human who saved nirvana so in next life it reincarnated as a human was yjh? when??? if orv kdj roughtly follows the same scenarios yjh went through in twsa (3rd regression path? using info from all regressions?) when did he got into the scenario to create nirvana if kdj has info on him when he is already nirvana. In 0? ??? *
also in some regressions, 41 f.e. how long joonghyuk even lives with his companions in between scenarios if yoosung is already a young woman. just how different are the scenarios in different regressions? Or their length solely depends on the amount of probability conjured into the scenario? For example if in one regression yjh calls for powerful constellations, the probability calls for a more horrible disasters and the pacing goes quicker, but what if yjh just chills and barely uses his powers to avoid probability? then the scenario can last years, right?? So then he couldve had more sub scenarios and go into different worlds I suppose, and there he couldve met snake nirvana? And snake nirvana was either a disaster to that world or a high grade monster? Uh?
* if its 0, then It means kdj doing his OD thing told him to save the snake so it can be reborn as nirvana so kdj has someone to chill inside the library with eater of dreams and 4th wall.
* if it's not 0 I cant imagine yjh not killing a monster.
Also? In previous regressions of yjh does it mean nirvana had a different reincarnation body?? and had different encounters with him? But how can it be if yjh is a regressor and by regressing he goes back in time where he creates different universe but the starting setting is the same, so how can nirvana be different. Logically if nirvana was created after 0, it should remember only 0. and zero wasnt a regressor yet. Ha. Brainfuck. So that means nirvana should be made after 0 turn when yjh is already a regressor. Why would yjh spare a monster. And how will he then encounter salvation church that dokja reads about in twsa
Idk but this webtoon slide ruined my last understanding of the novel because I thought it was just a random human who saved a snake in another dimension and then nirvana was born as a human in one of the worlds with scenarios and became an incarnation then a returnee and died quite a bit but always recovered memories of the previous lives and at one point created salvation church and that's how it met yjh. How it knows yjh idk in headcanon he met him not as a nirvana before but as a returnee in some dimension. Maybe in murim or elsewhere. And then he like idk went back in time as a returnee who looks like this nirvana of salvation church and he was the same in every regression of yjh.
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Im a BA Communication Student from ESSU.
Janelle by the way, are you may call me Jah | ate Jah if you just want to, or else call me by my surname.
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I'm a 28-year-old stunner (char), obviously a returnee after 13 years of not being in an academic field. I used to stop taking my preferred program because we were financially unstable at that moment, until now. But I tried hard to sustain my needs as a self-loving, self-supporting,  or rather independent woman. I'm working while pursuing my dream; my only dream is to finish college, which is where I am now. I have three part-time jobs, one of which is an office assistant at a private store, a sales representative (agent) at a telecommunications company and a musician.
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Way back in 2018, I applied to this telecommunications company as an agent to gain job experience. At that time, I never thought that I was able to go back to college because I was very devastated because of my mental health issues. That thing called "social anxiety" makes me think that everywhere I go, there's always rejection, and it feels like I don't have the guts to do that academic stuff.
Because of my good decision to apply for a job, my co-workers helped me overcome my weakest
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I loved traveling, exploring, wandering, and connecting with nature with music. Ive been through a lot of places here in Samar, more on nature, hoping, but never been hiking. More on beach rivers and falls: I wish I could trek on Mt. Batulao and Sagada/Buscalan and have a tattoo by Apo Wang-od, the oldest "mamba batok," just one of my to-do lists. But as for now, I just want to pursue my dream first to finish school; this is one of my main goals. 
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Here's a bit of flexing about my favorite career: being in a band. I have this band called Maria, a full band that plays a variety of pop rock genres all over Eastern Samar.
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Being in a band is a great reliever, even though I lack sleep because of this career. It relieves all my stress through playing music and having a great bond with my bandmates. 
For me, they were the ones who made me realize that life is much better when you take it so easy. But we have to be hardworking even though we are having trouble organizing our time because it's my number one source of income aside from having part-time jobs.
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Now I hope everything flows easily, as I am facing health issues too. But I very positively believe that everything will go to its rightful place. My only plan now is to finish college and to enhance and apply it to my chosen profession in the future.
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hollybee8917 · 2 years
The Mixer
Characters: Steve Rogers, Brianna Tolliver (OFC)
Plot: Valentine's Day is a good time to meet people. Brianna hates Valentine's Day.
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Brianna was not happy she had to come to this mixer. She sighed as she sipped her drink and looked out at the crowd milling about in the bar’s private room. She had already turned down four guys.
Her best friend, Grace, drifted back to her, “You are missing the whole point of a mixer if you just sit here in the corner.”
The young woman rolled her eyes, “I don’t know why you dragged me to this.”
Grace smiled, “Because you need to get over that asshole, Brock.”
Brianna made a face and Grace laughed, “I know, I know. We don’t talk about Brock. Still, you could meet someone new. That’s the whole reason you left DC and came back to Brooklyn, right?”
“Part of the reason but not all of it.”
The bell dinged signaling a partner change and Grace scratched her head, “Ooh, I’m gonna go talk to the cutie in the gray polo.”
This caused Brianna to roll her eyes, “Go and don’t worry about me.”
She missed the blonde standing by himself until he started choking on his drink. He was cute. His hair was styled but short. The guy was tall with broad shoulders and toned muscles visible through his shirt.
Brianna could tell he was uncomfortable but then he looked straight at her. His blue eyes pierced her soul. He smiled shyly at her and she tilted her head in invitation for him to come talk to her.
Slowly, he made his way to her with an awkward, “Hello.”
“Hi,” Brianna smiled.
The guy stuck out his hand, “I’m not sure how these things work. I’ve never been to one before.”
Brianna straightened her back, “Basically, you have five minutes to talk to a certain person and when that time is up, you can either get the person’s phone number or you can move on.”
“Oh,” the blond tilted his head, “so if I like you, I can get your phone number and call?”
“That’s literally what I just said.”
He blushed, “Sorry, I am kind of confused about this. A friend is making me do this under what she says is ‘pain of death’. I don’t really want to be here.”
His confusion was endearing and Brianna smiled, “Me neither.”
The guy scratched his ear, “So tell me about yourself.”
Taking a deep breath, Brianna gulped, “I just got out of a toxic relationship with a bad guy. He was an idiot. I’ve been single for six months. I just moved back to Brooklyn from DC and I’m trying to figure my life out. How about you?”
“Oh, uh, I am a returnee too. I’ve been away from Brooklyn for a very long time. It’s strange seeing how much it has changed.”
“Did you have to leave for your parents’ work?”
He shook his head, “Mine. I’m a soldier just returning after a long way away.”
Brianna sat up just a bit straighter, “Really? Well, thank you for your service. What did you do in the military?”
He sighed and fiddled with his glass, “I was on the front lines as a commanding officer.”
This statement really caught The girl’s attention, “Wow. So like a general?”
His face brightened, “I’m a captain, actually. What do you do?”
Brianna smiled, “I’m a baker. I am hoping to open my own business soon. I-“
She was cut off by the buzzer. He looked at her, “I would like to see you again. Can I get your number?”
Brianna obliged and gave him her number, “I’m Brianna by the way.”
He smiled at her, “Steve.”
She smiled back, “Nice to meet you, Steve.”
Brianna was glad she had to come to this mixer.
@joannaliceevans-fanficblog @patzammit @buckysteveloki-me @saiyanprincessswanie
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betawooper · 2 years
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[ID: Written passages featuring Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk from the webnovel, Omniscient Reader. The pronouns for Joonghyuk have been changed to she/her. Transcript:
There was one thing: it wasn’t a lie to call myself a fan. I liked Joonghyuk when she did well in TWSA, hated her for being a dumbass, grumbled when she came upon a serious threat, and cheered her on when she executed an ingenius a plan. She had an amazing development arc and interesting characterization. That’s why I stuck with her, through her struggles with her traumas and identity crisis, for over three-thousand chapters.
Oh, shit... she didn’t realize she was a woman this early on, right? I would have to remember that.
Second Transcript:
I am worthless.
“Worthless? What did I come here for if you were worth nothing?”
My sword tore at her hands. Pale flesh ripped. Crimson flowed. I went in again. And again.
“Explain! How are you worthless? How? Because you died like a fool in this dungeon? Because you cried over the body of your dead little sister? Because you let the Prophet stab you in the back? Because you grew enraged when your child died? Because you looked at yourself in the mirror and no longer found a man standing within it no matter how hard you tried?”
I kept spouting detail after painstaking detail of this stupid woman’s life, all while recalling my own.
“You fought against demon kings and powerful returnees! You fought against the damn reincarnators! You stood before the constellations themselves!”
What did I do? I remembered senior officers in the army yelling at me. My bosses exploiting me. I wasn’t saving the world. I was heating up cup noodles in the shitty microwave at my apartment simply trying to survive.
The only respite I felt in my life was when I found a new notification on my phone: TWSA had updated. How pathetic was that?
If anyone was worthless, it was...
It was...
End ID.]
transfem joonghyuk, do you all See My Vision
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honeymouthedtales · 1 year
manhwa anon - omg didnt expect to get a special cla rec list thank you!! 😭🩷 i cant really describe what tropes are my favorite because i am a total newbie but from the few i’ve read: i also LOVE villainess tropes, esp. those with smart and cunning fl (im currently reading villainess turns hourglass, obsessed with the fl she’s so evil and smart, and not really a villainess but think navier of remarried empress- her brain is just so huge ugh im in love)
another aspect i like is when the story focuses a lot on imperial politics and high society strategizing etc, i find it really fascinating!! basically the heavier, more dramatic stuff, as opposed to light topics & fluffy romance all throughout the story :3
if you have any !!must read!! recs for beginners pls also share, even if they dont fit those tropes!!! 🫶
sorry this took a lot but my mental illness went downhill these days
i've already mentioned my faves i think but i can go a little further. you've already mentioned navier who's a real queen, but when it comes to scheming main characters I can mention:
The Villainess Is A Marionette: the setting is a bit all over the place with the inspiration but the art is gorgeous and both she and her twin brother are schemers and tbh even if he is the villain sometimes I feel like siding with him ahah. There's a lot of intrigue and court factions in it!
The Way To Protect The Female Lead's Older Brother: i am in love with this webtoon, not only the art is gorgeous, everyone in it is kinda insane. The fl doesn't want to be a villainess but has to become it in order to survive and isn't she an amazing villainess? I also somehow really love the male lead, I like when they deviate from the buff guy stereotype, he has a very youthful vibe (and I loved that he was a prisoner of the fl's family at the beginning of the story). I also love the other male lead and I normally despise the second guy very bad, but tbh as someone who read the ending of the novel I personally wouldn't know who I was really hoping to win in the end. Anyway, if you like gothic and a little gory themes and a lot of scheming this is also very pretty.
The Broken Ring: I really like the female lead so much, she's one of my favorite in existence. When you read villainess webtoons, most of them are just normal girls who end up a villainess and conquer everyone with their charm/sweetness, but in this case she is a girl who gets to live her life for the third time and after suffering in both the previous lives she is quite tired and just wants to marry her 'no thoughts in that pretty head' chosen husband and live on her own. There's not that much of a plot with adventures and kidnapping but I love that it has a very mature feel.
The Villainess Lives Twice: if you like the fl of villainess turns the hourglass you will also like her. The plot does sometimes get a little unbelievable but there's a lot of politics and intrigues and going to ballrooms to make connections, I definitely recommend but don't expect a very how can I say refined plot.
I tamed my ex husband's mad dog: I thought it was a little strange at the beginning bc it's one of those adopting a very cute weak teenager and then he grows up to be my knight who loves me and I can't control him anymore damn, and when they meet he's 16 and she's 25, but ACTUALLY I'll put the spoiler after a few lines bc idk how to write it in white so you can avoid it ;;
apparently the guy is a isekai returnee as well? So he was just pretending to be a child after reincarnating?
Do of this what you want. Anyway they're both kinda selfish and trying to use the other for their selfish reasons in the end.
The Princess Imprints a Traitor: this is also one of those stories that are about a returnee who comes back and tries to change the past. She's absolutely not a villainess, but I like how smart she is, how she protects her people, and how she goes hard into politics because the only way to save everyone would be becoming crown princess and changing things herself. Also the plot is very unique, with magic and alchemy and spellbound servants who serve their masters in bed? Although she's too noble so she refuses lol
Isn't Being a Wicked Woman Much Better? I live for people who become a villainess and decide to keep living as a villainess. She's smarter than everyone, she's rich, she has power, I just hope she can leave everyone penniless and enjoy herself forever.
I'll be the matriarch in this life/I shall master this family: she's not exactly a villainess but after returning from the dead Florentia is the most scheming and business savvy 5yo and then 8yo and then 12yo in existence. I've been waiting for her to grow up for two seasons and I can't wait for her to show me what she can do in the next seasons as well. It's more light-hearted compared to everything I've recced until now but I think it's a top read and I love the fl <3
This got very long but if you send me another ask I might do a part two!
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darksoulwizard · 1 year
One of the most memorable episodes of my school life was when I reached senior high school. My first day at school was such a day. It was the month of August 2022. I was the 16 years old. And I am still 16 years old right now. My family decided that I should enroll in face-to-face classes rather than an online class so I could interact with and communicate with other people instead of always staying at home.
After I finished enrolling myself, I waited for a few days for an announcement about which class I belonged to. A few days later, school starts. I felt nervous and could not think of anything else.
School is both stressful and fun. Almost everyone in this world has been or will go to school at some point in their lives.
One of the funniest episodes in my school life was when our teacher in practical research 1 asked us to introduced ourselves and choose one object that could describe ourselves. After my other classmates introduced themselves, it was one of our friend’s turns. She introduced herself and told the teacher that the object she chose to describe herself is a sunflower. And when our teacher asked for a reason why she liked sunflowers, she just answered that she just liked them.
One of the most dramatic episodes in my school life was when my classmate in 7th grade had an argument. It was really a heated argument, and they kept shouting at each other to the point that my other classmates needed to stop them. A few minutes later, they got exhausted from shouting but still didn’t stop arguing. And one of my classmates told my other classmates to stop them or they might faint. After my classmate said the word “faint”. My classmate, who is having argument, pretends to faint. I can say that he is pretending because when my other classmates pursued my other classmates to call a teacher, He stood up, like he didn’t pretend to faint.
One of the happiest episodes of my school life was the first time I heard her laugh. And when she moved into our class in the second semester, I was shocked. One of my best friends knows that I have a crush on her and keep teasing me about it. And the more they teased me, the more I fell in love with her. And I really like it when she calls me by my nickname.
One the saddest moments in my academic career was when she started distancing herself from me because I think she knows about the feelings I harbor for her. But I’m still thankful that she didn’t completely distance herself from me. But I’m still sad because she views me differently now. Before, we could go home together and play together, but now we hardly greet each other. And I can only see her properly every time she plays volleyball. Because she will never know that I am watching. Because I’m only watching her from far.
And also, one of the happiest moments in my academic career is when I am with my friends, or when I and my friends go to a lot of different place after school. I am really grateful to have met them and to have them as my friends.
The most annoying thing that happened to me in my school life was when someone touched my phone without permission and had the audacity to put a password on it. And every time I remember, or someone reminds me about what happened to my phone, I always hope that the person who put the password on it stumbles. And also, one of the most annoying things that happened was when we practiced our molecular dance. Because our choreographer is expecting too much from us and thinks that we could master the dance steps right away after they teach them to us. And letting us practice under the scorching heat of the sun and giving us a ridiculous reason that it can energize us, but instead I end up getting sick and can’t get up from bed for almost two days.
One of the most memorable episodes in my school life was when I was in 8th grade. I was not expecting that I would be ok at my section because I am a returnee.
I was not expecting to be happy and comfortable with the people around me. They are so friendly. I remember the second day of my school year when one of my classmates approached me, he asked my name, and told me that I was so funny yesterday. Then he asked me to join them at the back, and that day was so funny and memorable to me because I did an unexpected thing. We have our subject teacher telling to us what we need to bring or what book we need to buy for her subject, and me and my classmates got bored and had nothing to do, so I start the unexpected thing that I was talking about earlier so I licked my new school shoes because I cleaned them and wiped it using baby wipes and alcohol. then one of our classmates saw me licking my shoes, and she called other classmates to see what I was doing, and they started to laugh and make fun of me.
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badwasabi · 3 months
pic unrelated. Except that it's from a much better manhua.
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Webtoon: Our young hero has to face a big, dangerous monster! Hero: How am I going to get out of this one? Meanwhile, in a flashback: Hero's Teacher: Hero, you should never, ever use your dangerous super special power, because it will kill you. Meanwhile, in the present: Hero: Welp, guess I'll use my dangerous, super special power. Me: Oh no! How will he handle the extremely dangerous backlash to using his dangerous super special power! Webtoon: Actually, it'll be super-easy, barely an inconvenience a quarter-chapter.
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What's the point of trying to create suspense at the last minute if you immediately ruin it? Why not make the dangerous super special power have some sort of lasting negative effect that hampers the hero going forward, until he can get it resolved? No, his teacher yelling at him afterward doesn't count, especially since his teacher is in the form of a comic-relief, strawberry-cheesecake obsessed cat at the time. Come to think ,the protag has been very consistently cruising through obstacles, without any real struggle, unless you count "trying not to be too awesome in public".
Yes, he's a returnee/regression, but could he stop holding down the I WIN button for five minutes?
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More reviews (if i am being annoying lemme know)
-The supporting players, similarly, have relatively little to do, including returnees Vanessa Hudgens, Alexander Ludwig and Paola Nuñez, a fleeting cameo by Tiffany Haddish, and a puzzling, wasted role for Rhea Seehorn (“Better Call Saul”).
-Paola Núñez, Vanessa Hudgens, and Alexander Ludwig) and shady contacts (Tiffany Haddish, John Salley), Arbi & Fallah sprinkle in several thrilling action set pieces
- I’m not even going to attempt to explain the crime plot of Ride or Die, but it is used as an excuse to do all sorts of things that the filmmakers probably think audiences want, such as bring back returning characters Kelly (a weapons expert played by Vanessa Hudgens) and Dorn (a tech guru played by Alexander Ludwig).
- It gets a bit overcrowded with supporting players, including franchise alum and newbies. There’s Vanessa Hudgens, Eric Dane, DJ Khaled and even Michael Bay, who directed the first two Bad Boys films. Eric Dane
- Vanessa and Alexander is such a good duo (I adapted this one a little because it had spoilers lol)
What I notice most in these reviews is the number of characters that many found unnecessary and that they don't have much to do
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