#beast yeast speculations
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cheesecakemermaid1048 · 6 months ago
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Calling it right now,these(or least some of them) islands are gonna be play a role in future updates.I am sure everyone have already noticed that with each beast update,we get a side story connected to the main one.
First it was the white lily update,that introduced the beast lore and the fan favorite beast,Shadow milk.Then it followed by a side story update revealing dark enchantress making bodies for the beasts.
Second part of the main story was the mystic flour update,introducing one of the main villains as well as giving us more speculations for the future.Which bring us to now with another side story,introducing wind archer(my precious son) and the ultimate cookie.
Obviously,this came later down the line since it's more than likely the burning spice update will come after that.And after update is done will more than likely we get another side story that will focus on one of the other smaller islands.Because it seems like we are done with the lab...least for now.
It's a hunch but I feel the first nest will come much later since it seems to be something relating to the dragons and we all know they're gonna continue this story after all of the beasts are playable.So why not bring on the dragons?Dark enchantress is kinda getting stale,so it would be nice to get another main villain.I can see short lived saga with ultimate cookies but that's it.
The question remains whether or not,they will bring back the dragons from the original or make new ones is up for debate currently. Personally,I don't mind if they make new dragons because we are lacking in legendaries of different species.
Anyway,wow,this ended up being longer than expected lol.
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quibbs126 · 1 year ago
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So I was just thinking of this either last night or this morning, but I wonder if the order the Beasts are listed are also the order we’ll encounter them, since Shadow Milk is first in both cases. Which would mean that Mystical Flour is next
And I mean, the ordering of their regions would make sense with that too, considering MF’s region is right next to SM’s
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I mean granted, World Exploration doesn’t necessarily follow the geography of the land, but also the Beast Yeast episode selection has the map on it, so maybe it does here
But anyways, so if Mystical Flour is next, that means we’re getting Dark Cacao’s counterpart next. Not only that, but the region also has one of the two dragons who’re presumably the ones from the Dark Cacao Kingdom
So that means we’re getting our Dark Cacao update soon, right?
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wolfsbaneandthistle · 1 year ago
I think the most scary part of hard sci-fi settings is that there wouldn’t be bread.
Like no planet besides earth would have actual yeast. Wild yeast can be found in the atmosphere, and unless it’s introduced in ridiculous amount another planet just. Wouldn’t have it. Even if introduced it might not be able to thrive.
And like, one obvious work-around is having a yeast equivalent on the planet; which is pretty feasible since fermentation is such an easy way to produce energy. A LOT of things use it in real life and alien life almost certainly would too. But in hard sci-fi where there’s a lot of realism, there would be very little chance that any alien yeast equivalent would be good for bread. If the yeast doesn’t live for long enough, if it doesn’t rise fast enough, or if it’s just. Not safe for humans to eat. It wouldn’t be good for bread
The other work around would be really good trade routes transporting packaged yeast. And every other material for bread.
BUT if you’re going slightly less hard sci-fi and you DO have edible equivalents for flour and uh. Buttermilk. You can just make bread with baking soda. Because you can mine baking soda, apparently. It’ll be denser and taste different from regular yeast bread, but it’s still bread.
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craske · 11 months ago
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a small prediction, or speculation on where the story in beast yeast might go in the future, based on what weve seen in the story mode in the cookie lab
or, as one would say, fuck you unbeasts your jester
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briskchips · 16 days ago
You think SMC is ever gonna get a redemption ? I am saying this because the game seem to heavily hint at that. Unlike mystic flour and burning spice (the previous beast we got) SMC is the only beast so far to actively seek companionship with his counterpart rather than to destroy him.
This is purely speculation but based on the info we currently have, the beasts don’t really seem to….LIKE each other very much. Sure they work together and are on the same side BUT it’s only because they have the same goal. It’s out of OBLIGATION rather than genuine SOLIDARITY. SMC calls them “friends” but the same cannot be said for the others (that we have so far). If SMC truly see the beasts as his friends then WHY does he feel so lonely ? Shouldn’t he feel overjoyed that he has companions at his side ? UNLESS he is lying to himself. He is trying to convince himself that they care about him because they are the ONLY ones he has left.
but there come PV, the first person to ever want to be friend with SMC out of GENUINE KINDNESS instead of OBLIGATION. Once he realize this fact, I think SMC might go on a journey of self reflection and perhaps even betray the other beasts and dark enchantress.
sorry about this rambling, these cookies have consumed my every thought 😭
YES do not apologize for rambling I love to read it
I sure hope they're going for a SMC redemption!
SMC repeatedly insisted that he and PV were the only ones who understood each other all throughout beast yeast 8, and while I do think that could still be SMC lying to gain PV's favour (we really have to take every word outta his mouth with a grain of salt), the way he fell SO easily for PV's lie really shows that he craves some kind of equal. The master of deceit would always know better than to accept anyone's words at face value, but he IMMEDIATELY joined up with PV and allowed him control of the realm just at the offer of partnership. If he was aware of any risk, he didn't care in that moment. I mean think about the wording! PV offers both himself and the soul jam at the same time, but the thing SMC chooses to focus in on is PV!
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It might've been about the soul jam initially, and I'm sure he still cares about it a lot, but the possibility of having an actual, genuine friend has to have surpassed it by now. That cookie is LONELY and its so obvious, but I think he's gonna get in his own way. He seems way too stubborn to EVER accept PV's proposal unless he's desperate. Not to mention how betrayed he feels now.
I also don't think that PV would be willing to let SMC go just yet. He felt that same connection too, and after struggling with his own relationship with truth all his life, I can't imagine he'd just give up on the only person who's truly understood him. And with his awakened form now being the light of compassion, I think he'd have a bit of a saviour mentality toward SMC. He experienced the same breakdown SMC did, and he made it out to other side. Of COURSE he wants him to experience the same! If anyone can guide him toward a better life, PV wants it to be him (though I'm sure he doubts his own abilities in that).
I think I could see it beginning as a unition against a common enemy. Same as you said; the beasts don't seem to like each other very much (I know it isn't technically canon but the new SMC tier list video actually alludes to their relationship a little bit), but are willing to work together to further their own goals. Once the main heroes learn that DE always intended to steal the beasts' power for herself, and they somehow find a way to communicate that to SMC (god knows where the trio of deceit have wandered off to) I think SMC could be convinced into joining them. But I'm sure he's gonna insist that he be in charge, and I cannot wait to see everybody's heads clash
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burningcheese-merchant · 3 months ago
Got any theories, speculations, wishful thinking on how White Lily and Silent Salt’s Beast Yeast Episode could go?
It's hard to say. We know literally nothing about Silent Salt except his name and vice. I have ideas, but... are they really ideas? Or just fanciful daydreams? Wishful thinking is all I can really operate on right now, unfortunately.
Above absolutely all else, I want Silent Salt to be mute. I don't want to hear a single fucking sound from that man. Many people already do headcanon him as mute from what I've seen, and I'm 100% in that boat, as well. A mute character in this setting would be a very interesting concept to work with imo (like... How would he communicate? How would he sign when nobody actually has hands lol? You know?). But I think certain character traits that you don't often see in people irl and that majorly impact who they are as people (not just referring to disability, anything that might stand out a little extra or appear unconventional) can be fun to work with in storytelling, provided you actually know what you're doing with them. We already have a couple of characters who don't quite talk, like Sorbet Shark in cookie form and Candy Diver, but... that's not really the same. A character that is 100% mute, that literally does not and cannot speak, in a world and game like this where there is so much talking, would be a fun deviation from the norm.
As for him with White Lily, I think an interesting angle to explore would be Silent Salt actually not being as antagonistic towards her as the other Beasts are with their Ancients. Perhaps the slightest remnant of the original Light of Solidarity can shine through, even for just one moment, and allow him to almost... commiserate with this fellow lost soul. Because how different is White Lily from him, really? She succumbed to darkness, too. She's a Beast in all but name. Of course, he still wants his power back, and if he has to defeat/kill her, then so be it. But perhaps he doesn't find any joy or satisfaction in doing so, like his comrades did with their Ancients. He's not sad about it, but... I don't know. Maybe he finds White Lily to be a kindred spirit, at least in some small form. And maybe the smallest part of him thinks that all of this is just... such a shame. Such a big shame, indeed.
Idk if I articulated my thoughts very well there... I have a LOT of thoughts regarding Silent Salt and his (potential) character. I want to make a separate post talking about it, but I need to get them in order first. (I will say that if anything I've ascribed to him turns out to be canon in the future, I will be a very happy merchant and he will very quickly usurp Burning Spice as my favorite Beast lol)
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sundove88 · 1 year ago
Theory: The St. Pastry Order is Worshipping The Five Beasts.
This is gonna be a speculation theory of mine about the five newest characters in Cookie Run Kingdom- The Five Beasts and how they could be connected to the St Pastry Order!
And like always…
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First of all, let’s start with Exhibit A- aka that one scene in Cookie Odyssey.
Ya know how Millie-Feuille Cookie was leading a CULT of kids with fragments of the Soul Jams?
Well, I theorize that they were gonna give those shards to the St Pastry Order so they can revive the 5 Beasts for good.
Heck, Mystic Flour Cookie LOOKS like someone from the St. Pastry Order!! Especially with the headpiece and the outfit!
And Eternal Sugar Cookie looks like a fallen Angel- because in her design, she has Angel wings and a halo + devil wings and a devil tail!
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And not just that, in Exhibit B, aka the opening cinematic for the Beast Yeast update, they’re all sealed in Forks. And you know what else has forks? The St. Pastry Order!
And you know what that could mean as well? THE ST PASTRY ORDER COULD HAVE A LOCATION IN BEAST YEAST!!!
And not only that, I personally predict they’re gonna return in a future world exploration episode/Special Episode where it’s revealed that the FIVE BEASTS are the ones they’ve been worshipping.
TL;DR: The St Pastry Order is worshipping the Five Beasts.
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sunseed-fandump · 7 months ago
Let’s talk about Realm of Apathy rq and what I think this means for the next parts of the story.
And this isn’t talking about gameplay or anything like that this is purely from a lore and story perspective.
(Disclaimer that a lot of this is my own opinion and speculation based off of what we have seen so far.)
Based off of the events of Silver Kingdom and Realm of Apathy, I believe we’re really going to start getting a better idea of the extent of the Beasts powers. Their bodies might be crumbled, their spirits might be sealed, but their WILL is unrestrained; especially now that they’ve been awoken from their eons long slumber.
Twice now we have seen a Beast Cookie either completely alter reality to suit their own whims (Shadow Milk Cookie to the Faerie Kingdom) or create/maintain an entire plane of existence separate from the Real World. (Mystic Flour Cookie with the Ivory Pagoda and pretty much most of what we see in Episode 4)
The only other time we have seen this so far - to my knowledge - is Moonlight Cookie and her imperative role in maintaining the Dream World.
I wouldn’t be surprised if every Beast was capable of exerting their Will like this and creating entire domains.
This, to me, is truly a testament of their power; and if this is what they’re capable on only HALF of their original power??? Holy shit. It’s no wonder the Witches had to step in when they did. There was no way the cookies of the distant past would have been able to compete against LITERAL GODS.
Thankfully, now there’s a more even playing field.
What does this mean for the story going forward?
Well I’m not 100% certain, but I’m pretty sure with the next few Beast Updates we may or may not see their respective “domains” or realms. Representations of who they are and their ultimate desires.
I believe what we’ve seen from Mystic Flour Cookie wasn’t real, however what was shown in ep 4 was what she DESIRED to do when she obtained the means to do so (getting Dark Cacao's Resolution).
Remember, the Beasts are still in the Silver Tree. They can’t affect the real world until they are out. Shadow Milk Cookie couldn’t do so until he was able to break out during the events of episodes 1 + 2, and the moment he was sealed back up, all the circus stuff vanished. (The only wrench in the works here would be the Pale Ailment which spurred Dark Cacao Cookie into showing up to Beast-Yeast at all. The Fog was very much Real. However, considering the low number of casualties listed off by the apothecary at the end of Ep 4, AND the fact they were able to find a cure for it at all, makes me believe that this was a VERY WEAK version of what Mystic Flour had in mind.)
But you know what they CAN do??? Mentally assault and torment their Ancient Hero counterparts.
Just some food for thought :)
tl;dr: The Heroes are boutta go THROUGH IT and are gonna get BULLIED by a bunch of OLD ANGRY GHOSTS.
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t-t-tau-me · 2 months ago
Sweet Lies, Bitter Truth: Shadow Milk
Minor spoilers for Beast yeast episodes 7
Time for another beast theory/speculation, This time on everyone's favorite clown!
I already speculated heavily on the psychology of Burning Spice Cookie when it comes to his love of Destruction, But what about Shadow Milk Cookie and is obsession with lying? I honestly think the answer is pretty obvious.
If you played Beast-yeast episode 7 with the crumbling cookie scene, or have seen Shadow Milk Cookie's gotcha animation, You might know what I'm going to say. Cookies didn't want to hear the truth. Let's start with the gotcha animation since technically you can see that before you go through the story.
The part that's important is the one scene of Shadow Milk holding up a key while cookies are nearby, with some of them becoming dark and feeding into a black tree that grows a blue apple. It can be assumed that the cookies there we're seeking the knowledge of shadow milk cookie, with some of them being unable to handle it. Later on those same cookies become blue and begin to dance while smiling, obviously under the influence of shadow milk cookie.
I think what this scene is showing us is shadow milk giving knowledge to cookies and the harsh truth being too much for them, causing them to spiral into despair As they simply couldn't handle the information. So as an act of "mercy" Shadow milk chose to give them lies they could handle so they could live in ignorant bliss. The truth isn't always a good thing, anyone who's told a white lie to spare someone's feelings knows this.
Imagine being made for the purpose of giving out knowledge the people, only to realize you've driven those same people insane with You're attempts to help. Now to make that feeling even worse, look no further than the crumbled cookie scene from Beast yeast episode 7. It's a simple but effective one.
After pure vanilla and the gang deal with some critters, they're left with a heavily injured cookie. The injured cookie is so badly damage that not even Pure Vanilla can heal them. In most cases, a lot of people would probably lie to the kid until the very end, making sure that their last moments could at least be a little less scary. Pure Vanilla Cookie can't seem to quite do this so he gets chastised by the dying child.
Could you imagine telling a kid they're going to die? Could you imagine looking Their parents and siblings in the eyes and telling that? How a cookie with practically the powers of a God failed to save the very people they were made for. Now imagine the hate and sorrow on their face when you give them the news, the rumors and lies that spread about your intentions, perhaps claiming that you had let the child die on purpose. After all, You clearly had to power to do something, Why didn't you?
Decade after decade...Centuries after centuries. The malice of the people you've tried to help for so long piles up over generations, Their lies curling around your mind like a constricting snake... Are they really lies though? At the beginning you probably would have denied it, But after being beaten down for so long... You can't help it question your own morality.
This is another reason why the beasts as a whole were sort of doomed to fail. It doesn't matter how powerful a person is, there's only so much you can take mentally over centuries upon centuries of the people you're trying to help actively hurting you in some way. In the end, Shadow milk probably couldn't handle such a reality. So he just made up his own! Everyone loves a good play, right? It always keeps them smiling and even at the most devastating at times they're entertained, who needs harsh truths when we can all just play pretend!
It's probably not as detailed as my last post with burning, But I hope I got my point across.
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fluffshi-wxffle · 9 months ago
Shadow Milk and the Beasts' Relationship
I had this thought for a while, but I want to hear everyone else's thoughts on this.
How do we really know if all the Beasts are truly friends? Yeah Shadow Milk called them his friends, but what if it's just that? HE considers them his friends, but what if they all don't like him/each other? They have to at least be somewhat conscious in the Silver Tree since Shadow Milk said he's "been waiting for so long for this moment" after the White Lily Sealing cutscene. So for all we know, they HAVE gotten sick of each other in there or maybe they haven't liked each other before being sealed (at least for the other Beasts. Shadow Milk still seems to see them in a positive light)
In Beast Yeast Episode 3, Cloud Haetae said the cookies that invaded Mystic Flour's temple had glowing eyes that were "ablaze with hatred" and the cutscene art showed they had red glowing eyes (yes I know they could have red eyes because "they were so angry they saw red", but its also speculated that Burning Spice sent their cookies to attack Mystic Flour). Burning Spice's entire color theme is red (their name even was leaked accidentally to be Red Spice before it was changed to Burning Spice). Yes, it could also be Cloud Haetae being all dramatic, but Mystic Flour recounting her side of the story confirms Cloud Haetae wasn't lying about what happened. Maybe it was the cookies blessed with her power but corrupted/influenced by Burning Spice who knows.
And based on the new short on the Cookie Run: Kingdom YT channel, Mystic Flour is aiming to turn all of the cookies on Earthbread to flour (or maybe she's selecting certain cookies? Cloud Haetae said "Wouldn't the world be better with only nice Cookies?" or something like that in episode 3). Wouldn't she be aiming to at least not do such a large scale move so her friends can do their thing as well? Unless they're not friends and they're all fighting for one plan with the Cookies of Earthbread. It's like the trope of a villain group that can easily fall apart because the villains don't like each other and start fighting and that's how the heroes win. It could be an Apathy thing that Mystic Flour doesn't care about the other Beasts and probably just sees them as annoying coworkers or something lol. She could also be weakening Earthbread for an easier takeover when the other Beasts are free, who knows.
I could be wrong and maybe Mystic Flour ends up saying the other Beasts are her friends in EP 4 next week.
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quibbs126 · 11 months ago
CRKNews about the next Beast under the cut
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Guys I am over the moon about this
Granted, I’m not entirely sure yet if this is true or not, give it a while before people can confirm, but if it is I am so happy
First off, I said Eternal Sugar didn’t make sense to go next! Mystic Flour makes way more sense than Eternal Sugar. Though Sugar being after Flour I think would also make sense, just not Sugar after Milk/Elder Faerie
Second, we know that one of the twin dragons is there. This current update is about their backstory, and then in a couple updates we’re getting to see them in person. Us North and South Dragon fans are being fed good. And also with this, even more Dark Cacao content
The devs said “alright we’ve kept the Dark Cacao Kingdom fans waiting long enough, we’re just gonna give them everything”
Sorry I’m probably overreacting, I’ll be more rational later on
Oh but also as I was typing this, they gave us a new thing, featuring Mystic Flour’s eyes
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cuppajj · 9 months ago
Don't mind me as I found out this AU a day ago and heard you're waiting for BY ep 4 to form stuff w Dark Choco and Frigid Cacao and BOY do I have ideas.
(This is going to be a long ask, it's been cooking for a while and I need to ramble abt it, hopefully Tumblr won't eat it. Also a little spoilers about ep 13 & 14 and odyssey ch 1 if you're not there yet)
So, we're not talking about Dark Choco's perspective just yet (I'm also waiting on BY ep 4 for that) but from Cacao, we can establish stuff about how he feels about Choco in canon and go from there and speculations on BY ep 4.
Canon Cacao very clearly loves his son and truly longs for him back in his life. But, as referenced from the Hollyberry interaction, he's very reluctant to seek him out, preferring Choco approach him first instead.
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One of the ways Cacao shows his love is how he respects the boundaries of those close to him (and, in turn, expects the same for them to him. That's why he violently snaps at Clotted Cream and feels very betrayed by Vanilla for keeping Lily a secret in Odyssey) and I feel this applies to Choco the most. He understands Choco needs his time and space, especially after the whole ep 14, and won't feel comfortable around him or his kingdom for a while. There's also the chance that Choco may not want to have him in his life again (untrue) and he'd rather not risk finding out that's true by personally seeking him out and further upsetting his son. (That last one was just my interpretation but AUGH)
This is the building blocks I found for forming Frigid Cacao's side of the relationship. Should Dark Choco return to the kingdom, Frigid Cacao would feel Very Much Conflicted™️ about having him back, but for different reasons.
On one hand, he would be relieved and overjoyed to sense his son's return. There's so much lost time, so much regrets, he wanted to make up for it and rebuild his relationship anew. But on the other hand, this clashes with the Soltitude he built for himself. Accepting his son back in his life would mean breaking down his walls, thus tearing down everything he built and betraying his own light. Perhaps that part of him would also be angry that Dark Choco would impose this on him. But it saddens him to turn him away. And so on and so forth it cycles.
This duality is the internal conflict that, while it opens the gate for redemption (or at least loosen his terror and maybe actually get him outside), is also very hectic for Choco himself because it also manifests in his powers.
The licorice monsters are noticably more docile around him, but they can just as soon lash out randomly, coming in big waves and heading for only one target. The weather is constantly shifting from mild snow to freezing blizzards in minutes. The paths feel cleared out but it feels like there's always something out to get him.
That's assuming Choco didn't return to the kingdom after the Beast Yeast expedition (bc I'm assuming you're setting Cacao's fall after BY ep 4). But if he did, there's two possibilities. One is the more boring Frigid Cacao's reign didn't last really long bc Choco was there from the beginning. The other one, ooh the other one also works as a bad ending for the first scenario.
(I ended up writing a full oneshot for it. If you want, I can send it in another ask, hahaha)
As someone who hasn’t gotten to that chapter in odyssey yet (i really oughtta watch a video on it bc these quills brake for nobody), this is a really good reference for Cacao and Choco in beast ancients!! I won’t say much about Choco since yeah I’m waiting for apathy pt 2 but I’ve definitely been wanting him to be a huge source of conflict for frigid cacao in the au, and this helps describe it pretty well. Cacao’s fall is being worked on because the timeline of beast ancients is a WIP, it does come after BY 4 for all I know atm, and whatever happens to Choco in that episode will determine where he is and how he affects his dad when he becomes a beast. But the bottom line is that it is not gonna be easy for either of them either way :D
Would love to see your one shot btw!
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craske · 9 months ago
yapfest incoming
the interactions are very uh. complicated. as you can probably imagine. considering thats the fucking Beast that not only was tormenting Pure Vanilla and White Lily but also killed Elder Fairy and devastated the Faerie kingdom. so things are a little, itty bitty slightly tense between him and literally everyone
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if they could theyd leave him there for dead but thatd be really irresponsible so what else was there to do than to apprehend the still big (literally) threat. for quite a while tho he is just trying to adjust to not being this all powerful force (meaning hes being a miserable wet thing with a very bad migraine) (dont worry it doesnt stop him from brewing plots)
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bc a very large portion of his powers is gone, he isnt really that dangerous anymore (but also he isnt neutralized). and since all of this is a speculation because we currently have No Idea what will happen in the future of the Beast Yeast arc, i like to believe the beast yeast expeditions retreated back to Crispia and Shadow Milk is being held as a prisoner. under constant supervision of couse, cant have the clown start doing his clownery again
since im a biiig sucker for antagonists turned begrudging ally (or an actual ally as time goes on), he turns out to be a good source of intel, plus provides some surprisingly important insight. yeah they all hate eachother and hold massive grudges (esp in case of the two doomed lovebirds) but they have a common enemy. and shadow milk wants his powers back.
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but.... wouldnt it be funny if the lack of overwhelming almost limitless power had an effect on his (and by that extent, other beasts) mind? if that force didnt push and pull and mold and break down and put it back together? and maybe something started to change, or in fact revert?
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well who knows! imagine that happening lol
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spireofdeceit · 24 days ago
I'll just make a half coherent post so I don't have to haunted by it for another week. I'll reiterate ideas about beasts I've been saying here and there, in it's own post.
As of now, the story with the beasts and ancients is nearly the best Devsisters have worked with. Weirdly, they took a very popular trope of a good guy having an evil version of them, and then. Understood the assignment. With some misses, but mostly hits, Beast Yeast has been an absolute banger, and I've got a lot of excitement for the story I didn't think I'd ever have for cookie run again.
So. As of right now, with Shadow Milk's chapter conclusion, we have a quite solid pattern of writing Beasts and the conflict with the Ancients. Instead of dancing around it, I'll just bullet point what seems to be the main themes:
Mortality and immortality: Beasts were made into immortality, ancients were not. That leads to fundamentally different experience that either party had. Unlike ancients, who earned their immortality (then godhood), Beasts ARE gods who were unable to understand cookies they were made to serve.
Nihilism and hopefullness: Beasts had lost their hope in cookiekind, falling into bitterness, hatred and despair. It is a sign of being unable to cope with very human, mortal experiences (loss, conflict, desires, greed, love), unlike Ancients who had lived, loved, lost, grew, and who will not lose their hope for people and the better future and will keep fighting for it.
From the above comes out the point I'm gonna call I WAS DESTINED TO LOVEHATE YOU: Beasts believe that Ancients genuinely stole part of their power, instead of being punished for going rogue on their purpose from the witches. BUT. Beasts believe the Ancients are just foolish for standing with their beliefs, as Beasts have seen the truth, the reality of things, they """understand""" that Ancients virtues are futile - and they WANT to change their mind, get them on their side or destroy them in the process, prove them wrong. Whether you want to admit it or not, they're factory made narrative foils who were destined to understand each other like nobody else, but never going along on the same path, see ⬆️.
I HATE MY FOLLOWERS: Beasts do not care for their followers as much as followers care/worship their beasts. Re: Nutmeg Tiger is a general upholding a status quo based on strength and authority, believing in Burning Spice representing her worldview; however, Burning Spice does not care for neither her, nor the wild spices, or the showmanship of power; Candy Apple and Black Sapphire find entertainment in trickery, rumors, lies that hurt people, for which Shadow Milk, actually, doesn't care that much - what Shadow Milk wants ultimately is a perfect world where lies and truths cannot be told apart, BECAUSE cookies lie, because truth hurts, because he hates Knowing; as far as his henchmen can entertain him, they are the kinds of people that made him "open his eyes" to the cookies "true" nature.
Friendship: Beasts, I don't think, actually were ever friends. Part of a pantheon, sure, but not comrades the way you imagine friends to be. Ancients met, got to know each other, care for each other, and that care is being used against them (especially in case of White Lily and Dark Enchantress being used as a mockery of their friendship). Beasts who may have cared for something before, have not actually experienced actual real friendship.
As of right now these are the main things that seem to be consistent with the Beasts, and I'm looking forward to how true it stands in the future.
I'll put my Silent Salt and Eternal Sugar speculations and ramblings below.
So, most of us agree Eternal Sugar is the next beast, right?
ES had a virtue of Happiness that turned into Sloth, and Hollyberry will be opposing her, with her Passion. It's very interesting concept to play around, her unyielding love and trust in people, her protectiveness.
In one of my nuked forever to be lost posts I've considered the idea of Eternal Sugar being based on Dionysus, and as of rn I still Sorta stand by it, telling what Exact inspiration for her is is hard. She kinda looks like a Muse to me, too.
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Possibility is, Happiness is very often borderlining with exhaustion, overexposure to things that make you happy Can ruin your life, whether it's food, hobbies, people, too much of it will hurt you in one way or another if it's all you focus your life on - no good thing can be eternal. But what if you just keep trying anyway? Never stop the happiness? Turn it into a fatigue?
Keep getting sweets until you can no longer take it. You can have as much sugar as you like, never ever ever stop it, be happy, stay, don't move.
It can come to the point of not bothering at all. Happiness is in sloth.
Why would you bother with saving anyone, Hollyberry cookie? Don't you see they're happy in their fatigue? If they stay, no danger comes to them. Stop trying. Give up. Just rest.
As for ES followers, we can get a cookie themed around hedonism, not saying no to your wishes, persuading our heros to give in to their desires. Maybe some cookie based off of greek myth, a Titan, that would be neat. The point I expect is for them to be unapologetically unbothered and enabling ES's spiral like the rest of the followers do.
As for Silent Salt, I had my assumption on some myth but I don't remember what it was. I remember it was a nordic god. Their virtue of Solidarity was turned into Silence, which is incredibly scary and exciting. They oppose White Lily's Freedom.
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I have high hope for them to have a connection to Shadow Milk in a bit of a more meaningful way than the rest of the beasts do with each other. The matching theme of a knight and a jester generally just kind of tracks.
I think it's interesting the way Solidarity and Freedom seems to often correlate, but that's not the case.
My assumption is that Silent Salt was a warrior that stood for the interests of the people, for peace and righteousness and justice, solving conflicts among cookies that couldn't solve them on their own. Why it turned into Silence, I wonder.
Could be the fact that you will never please everyone, there will be betrayals, back stabbers, liars. Can you truly stand along with someone for a common goal, can you truly find a common ground with someone when you feel like your needs are going ignored.
How it could tie into Shadow Milk - is Silent Salt, perhaps, realizing the futility of their purpose, perhaps they know the ultimate purpose of cookies, and found it too overbearing to ever care for the cookiekind wellbeing. To Shadow Milk speaking too much, Silent Salt prefers to not at all.
Can't tell exactly what their perfect world could be. Probably a barren wasteland, or cookies hiding and never coming out - not to be eaten by witches, or be stroke by Silent Salts sword.
White Lily cookie found the truth that turned her into a grieving, bitter, furious monster. You could argue Dark Enchatress is White Lily's own beast form, separated from her. There could be speculation on how full White Lily feels as a person without that hatred and grief that Dark Enchantress took. But White Lily ends up being the bearer of guilt, overbearing, eldritch horror of Knowing - and how really free is she now, and if she dares to speak, how many people will stand with her in Solidarity? How many are standing with Dark Enchatress? And what that Freedom her half is fighting for has brought? Pain. Loss. Bitterness.
You are fighting for a world unachievable. Your beliefs are futile, and you have done nothing but bring misery to the cookiekind you claim to love by fighting.
Stay quiet. Let the knowledge be your own burden to bear.
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Silent Salt I reallyyyyy struggle to imagine having any followers. Any epics we get on that event could probably be on the side of the heroes. Maybe ONE of them who knows their ways around the land of Silent Salt, but that's all.
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tinycheesecakedetective · 8 months ago
Potential Swap AU pt. 3(OLD)
I'm still thinking about making this official, mind you. Anyways, welcome to my third blog about this speculative AU project thing. Which isn't so speculative anymore, surprise! I call it Exchanged Fates, and all past and future updates about this AU will have the tag #exchangedfatesau. Today, we've finally reached the last Beast-Ancient pairing, Shadow Milk Cookie and Pure Vanilla Cookie! A fair warning, this one is longer than the others, so be warned. I talk waaaay more here.
Preamble There's a reason why these two are last. Knowledge is a pretty hard virtue to make something out of, and it's even harder when Truth and Deceit are two classic foils. You can make the truth a problem, but lies are always going to be tricky to make a good thing. Initially, Truth would be made into Judgement, but I scrapped it once I realized I couldn't think of anything for Deceit. So I took a break for a bit. I had a birthday and then several historical events just slapped me in the face-
Eventually, I had an epiphany. And I'd like to show you all now, if you'll allow me to. Behold,
Pure Vanilla Cookie, Beast of Despair and Shadow Milk Cookie, Ancient Hero of Hope
...I can feel my Danganronpa phase resurface. No time to waste, let's begin with Pure Vanilla. Throughout the story, he's presented as a paragon character, the most virtuous of the ancients. And it's somewhat true, but there's more to him than just altruism. He's quite sharp, able to discern the plans of his enemies and very emotionally intelligent, but is prone to some self loathing and suffers from an inferiority complex. I'm not *quite* well spoken enough to make a deep analysis on him, although I wish I was. He's so interesting to me and the fandom kind of brushes him off as this sweet old man-twink. Now he is, but there's so much more going on with him. If anyone does a deep analysis into him, I want to know immediately.
Sorry! Got sidetracked there, anyways! Why despair, hmm? Let's head back to his negative traits, the self loathing and the inferiority complex. Pure Vanilla struggles with his self image, blaming himself for how the flour war turned out and feeling as if he failed to protect the ones closest to him. Even after restoring his kingdom, he struggles with these feelings. Granted, it's not as bad as it was before, but you can still feel bits of it in Odyssey and in Beast-Yeast. Despite this, he still pushes onwards, being a beacon of hope for many. But there's only so much the soul can take. Even he can recognize when someone has to be stopped for the greater good, even if they did mean the world to him.
Fittingly, if he was one of the first to gain his soul jam, he'll be the last to turn, how tragic. Pure Vanilla would try everything in his power to save his friends, and when his efforts are unsuccessful, he has to stop them alone. Of course, the former ancients try to turn him to their side, and the battle of wills is long and painful. Since the roles are reversed, Elder Faerie exists and tries to help where he can, but he can see the writing on the wall and prepares for the worst. Eventually, Pure Vanilla falls. Despite everything he's done, nothing changes. He isn't strong enough to save them, and he isn't strong enough to stop them. He's only delayed the inevitable for himself, and even now his soul jam has begun to corrupt. Forced to face his own helplessness, he turns, finally joining his friends in sowing chaos across Beast-Yeast.
The Timeless Kingdom, once a refuge for escapees of the the other kingdoms, becomes stuck in time. Y'know how Blue Diamond emotionally manipulated those around her to make them submit to her will? Imagine that but worse. The kingdom feels like it's frozen in time. Nothing ages or rots, just... distorts. The moment you step foot there, you can feel your strength waver. Walking around, you see people consumed by agony as they stay in place weeping aloud, their bodies warped by a deep sadness as their hollow eyes stare back at you. Unlike the other beasts, Pure Vanilla's palace is open for anyone to visit, almost like he's flaunting his strength. You'll soon understand why. If you make the dumb choice and see him, you'll find him kneeling behind a veil. He'll greet you and talk to you for a moment. But don't be fooled. He's still a beast, and before you know it, you're overwhelmed. Visions of your greatest regrets flood your senses. Every action you've ever taken, every right and wrong choice flashes right in front of your eyes. Fight all you want, you're eventually consumed by it all, and become like the other residents of this forsaken kingdom. Forever reliving your worst moments in a never ending mental purgatory. If some of this sounds familiar, I took some inspiration from Bloozstella's blue diamond swap AU for this, by the way. Go check that out if you have time!
Now... Shadow Milk Cookie. The fandom's new favorite blue gremlin/pos. He's clever, charismatic, perceptive as hell, a lover of the theatre, and very cocky in his abilities. The very first time we see him, he gets to work immediately, corrupting some fairies, tormenting Pure Vanilla Cookie, and taking over the faerie kingdom, and that's just him toying around with them all. Interestingly enough, despite being the embodiment of deceit, he shares more truth than lies with the players and the hero gang, revealing Dark Enchantress' plans and telling them that all the other beasts have been awakened after his temporary defeat. His lies have been fairly obvious for the most part, which is a bit strange. I wonder if there's a reason for that...
So... Why hope? Why in the witch's oven would I make such a menace hope? Because of how he handles the truth. In canon, Pure Vanilla doesn't handle the truth too well. He'll confront it, but he has a tendency to get consumed in himself or worry about how others would take it. Shadow Milk, even before he turned to darkness, feels like he would embrace it without hesitation and keep moving like a runaway train. Pure Vanilla is reactive, Shadow Milk is proactive, and his curiosity and determination could make him overcome any obstacle. Probably why he's so dangerous, asides from the immense power he has.
You can probably guess that my head canon for him is that he was the last beast to turn evil, so naturally he's gonna be the very first cookie to get his soul jam! And he starts in the Blueberry Academy. Kind of, it's not formed yet when he begins. Our shadow menace starts out as an aspiring scholar/adventurer and thrill seeker. He's definitely a nerd, kinda like Wizard Cookie, and begins his hero's journey exploring the world. On one particular expedition, he visits the continent of Beast-Yeast, but doesn't make it that far before passing out. He wakes up in the company of fairy cookies who took pity on him, and is taken to Elder Faerie. Unsurprisingly, he tells Shadow Milk Cookie to go back to Crispia once he's recovered because this place is far too dangerous for him and he'll die. Unsurprisingly he takes this as a challenge, and during his stay he reads up on the place in the library. Far too invested to leave, he starts exploring beyond the kingdom in secret, and finds the soul jam deep within the forest.
Eventually he gets caught, and Elder Faerie wants to take the soul jam away from him, but whoops! It's already attuned to Shadow Milk and there's nothing he can do about it. Realizing there isn't much he can do, he at least offers to train him to use it properly, prompting a few training sessions before sending him off. When Shadow Milk gets back, he doesn't establish a kingdom. Instead he goes to find others like him first. For his research, of course. Eventually he ends up forming the group of the Ancients, and finally establishes his kingdom. He doesn't feel like he'd have a traditional kingdom. Rather, it would be more like the Creme Republic! It's a hub of the arts and sciences, a place where the brightest and most creative cookies can show their talents to the fullest potential. He finally founds the Blueberry Yogurt Academy in his "kingdom", and he, alongside a personal council makes the rules. In reality, the council does all the work and he acts more as a figurehead so he can focus on his own personal projects. He's definitely the most hands on with his subjects, hosting events, mingling with the commonfolk, exploring, etc. At least before the Dark Flour War... But that's a story for another time.
Finally... I'm DONE. No more foundation, now I can just think and edit. Mystic Flour's part is outdated with her release and now I have to rectify that in the future. I hope you all enjoyed this miniseries! I will be taking questions on both this AU and Fading Letters. I'll try to answer any questions a lot quicker this time, and hopefully the rest of this month is uneventful. Please.
This is being posted at like, 1 AM in the morning, so good night everyone! Hope you have a peaceful night!
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cremefrappe13 · 3 months ago
Untitled Hope (Sixth Virtue AU)
(Sooooo here's a NEW hyperfixation idea I had while playing CRK. While I have seen quite a lot of Sixth Virtue AUs, I was wondering what if the Beasts were all siblings? What if like, they accidentally killed their youngest sister? And what if she reincarnated with an incomplete memory? Well, here's the world building post, and I might continue it if I feel like it.)
How would cookies from the era of the Virtues and Beasts describe that said era as?
Perhaps they would call it “paradise”? They also might have called it “Doomsday”.
How about “Hell on Earthbread”?
Or maybe even “The year the harvest was bountiful, but the skies turned red”.
There were many mixed opinions about the Five Virtues of Knowledge, Volition, Change, Happiness and Solidarity, who turned into the Five Beasts of Deceit, Apathy, Destruction, Sloth and Silence. Some say that during their reign, nothing could have been better. Others would remark in the records that having the Five Beasts in the world existing at their prime reportedly “turned the skies red and scorched the whole of Earthbread”. Though none lived long enough to tell the tale, there was one cookie, whose Life Powder cycled through the world after she died, and retained some of her memories, though it was still incomplete. That cookie was the Sixth Virtue, the Virtue of Innocence and Hope.
According to the many records located in Elder Faerie Cookie’s archive, the former Virtue of Hope prevailed through the fight against the darkness and transcended beyond her current limits to gain a power far beyond her former ability called “Innocence”. She was never named in many records, though many cookies speculated grandiose names such as “Pure Yeast Cookie” or “Shimmering Yeast Cookie”, she was not even a Yeast Cookie at all! On the contrary, she was…
Just a flower cookie. A flower cookie known as “Pure Daisy Cookie”. It was also said that everywhere she stepped, no matter how barren or snow filled the land she travelled was, there would always be daisies seen where her footsteps had once landed. There was some evidence that Pure Daisy Cookie had gone almost everywhere in Earthbread though, due to the amount of Sugar Daisy flower seeds that could easily be found around the whole of Earthbread. 
However, that was just the tip of the iceberg when it came to the story of the Virtue of Innocence and Hope. The question was, how did her story end?
It was… a sad ending, for such a pure being in this land of betrayal and pain.
While the other Virtues turned and succumbed to darkness, Pure Daisy Cookie had prevailed over it with new power, but fighting against her brothers and sisters as the youngest was something her heart could not take. She also did not want to kill them, and went to the Witches, begging them to seal her siblings instead of killing them. It was said that the Witches were adamant about their decision, but Pure Daisy Cookie had somehow managed to convince the Witches to seal instead of kill.
However, it was this choice that doomed the Virtue of Innocence and Hope to her fall.
When trying to distract her siblings in a battle, she had severely underestimated how powerful the darkness had turned her beloved older brothers and sister’s powers, twisting and warping them into something even Pure Daisy Cookie could not deny was of an unholy descent.
“Hehehehe… HAHAHAHA! Come on, my dear sister~ the darkness made us stronger than ever! You could join us in overthrowing the Witches, and we would be the masters of our own fate! The world would turn into our very own stage!”
“No! Blueberry Milk Cookie, you have to fight it! Fight the darkness, please! We are meant to protect and guide the world! Not to lie to the world or rule it!”
“Why even bother with protecting this… futile world, little sister? It is simply… helpless. Besides, cookies are such breakable creatures. Everything they do to satisfy their endless greed is in vain, and we simply should assist in making them realise that.”
“Please, Light Flour Cookie, we’re supposed to teach the cookies how to live!!! We were meant to be their guides to the light! Not to the twisted path of pure apathy! They’re breakable, that’s why we were created to protect them!”
“HAHAHAHA! That’s exactly why they’re so… FUN to play with! They’re so WEAK, it makes it all the more satisfying to crumble them!”
“Come on, Red Spice Cookie! Your axe was once a symbol of change and protection… it could be that once again! Please, please fight it! Fight the Destruction corrupting you now!”
“*yawn*... Dear little sister, step out of our way. It’d be easier for you to go back to sleep after all this is over, and then we can sleep in as much as we want if we rule the world! Come on, join us and it would be quicker for us to just rule the world this way!”
“Radiant Sugar Cookie, you once brought this world to happiness and love! You were a guide, a friend to all! I’m begging you… just fight the darkness that’s closing your eyes, we all could guide Earthbread to a happier future!”
“Your silence already says it all to me, Silver Salt Cookie… you were a great elder brother to almost all of Cookiekind, it could be that way again if you come back to the light!”
The fighting consumed much of Pure Daisy Cookie’s energy, and she was already worn down as her brothers and sisters with more combat experience landed one hit too many, that was harder than most, causing the Virtue of Innocence and Hope to collapse to the ground in exhaustion. It remained that way for a few minutes, with the Beasts expecting Innocence to get up and keep fighting.
“Alright Innocence! Show’s over, come and join us! Get up and fight!”
The Five Beasts felt a wave of concern for their youngest sister, with her lack of response. Mystic Flour Cookie glided over, with the most amount of expression on her face ever since she became the embodiment of Apathy as she knelt down to check on her beloved younger sister’s pulse.
“How is she?”
Mystic Flour Cookie turned to face the other Beasts, an expression of horror on her face.
In a strict tone, she asked, “Burning Spice Cookie, how hard were your strikes to our younger sister?”
“Eh?? Not that hard. Just enough for her to learn a lesson,”
Silent Salt Cookie, who was getting concerned, knelt down to check on her pulse.
Shadow Milk Cookie began to become concerned as he walked over and asked Mystic Flour Cookie what was wrong. That was when the revelation came upon them.
Pure Daisy Cookie was dead.
The Witches, who witnessed this scene, were enraged. Their final, ultimate creation had been crumbled by her brothers and sisters. In their fury, they sealed the Beasts, casting upon them a spell of binding and pain, making all Five Beasts suffer as long as they were in captivity of the Silver Tree.
They stripped the Five Beasts of their power, and rebaked the five vestiges of their power into what became Truth, Resolution, Abundance, Passion and Freedom.
However… Innocence’s purity was impossible to rebake. Her power was completely destroyed in the process of sealing the beasts, and her secondary power of Hope remained locked away, allowing none without the purity of Innocence to wield it.
Elder Faerie Cookie closed the scroll as he finished the story, looking at White Lily Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie and the Brave Gang.
Gingerbrave spoke up, “So there WAS a Sixth Virtue, and she was called Pure Daisy Cookie, huh?”
“Indeed. However, since all Life Powder returns to the earth, there must be some form of hope that the Virtue of Innocence would be able to return, and her power of Hope with it. After all, Earthbread needs all the power it can get to fight the Five Beasts once again…”
At that moment, Strawberry Cookie piped up, “Um… but doesn’t Daisy Cookie over there almost share the same name as Pure Daisy Cookie?” Everyone looked towards Daisy Cookie, whose small frame was weaving a flower crown of her signature flowers. She noted everyone’s gaze on her and curiously tilted her head.
“Huh? Did I do something wrong?”
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