#beard growth juice
stillfoodforguys · 8 months
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Apart from standing a few inches taller than me, my roommate was jealous of how powerful I looked compared to him. I had much more muscle (and a little more fat) distributed nicely around my body, which he eventually took action to steal for himself.
He convinced me one day to try something he’d read online on some shady forum, something about keeping me in his stomach to absorb some of my body mass. He insisted it would just be for a short while, and that he’d only take what he needed to turn his slender frame into a bit more of a muscular hunk. To be honest, I laughed in his face, as I thought there was no way he could fit me behind those skinny abs of his.
So I stupidly said yes, and to my surprise he managed to cram my entire body down his throat and pack me tightly into his stomach. The heat inside the confined space was more intense than any sauna I’d ever experienced. As sweat continuously leaked through my skin, there was this strange sensation that felt like my strength was being dragged out with it. At the same time, his stomach pumped in digestive juices that washed over me, the whole process gradually draining the fat, muscle and testosterone from my body directly into his own.
My roommate admired himself in the bathroom mirror as he watched his swollen gut shrink ever so slightly, the rest of his body undergoing the transformation he was promised. His arms, legs and pecs were padding out with extra muscle, but there were other features developing that he hadn’t expected. The raw testosterone seemed to make his beard fuller, and he swore he could feel the meat hanging between his legs getting slightly heftier too.
Hoping to get an indication of when I would get released, I asked him how his new body was coming along. “It’s going great buddy, thanks for the extra mass. But to be fully honest, I’ve always thought it was wasted on you. I might as well take everything you have to offer…”
I realised he was going to fully digest me, but I could only struggle lightly now that our roles had been reversed. He was now much more powerful than me, and his gut had a tight hold on its source of nourishment. My energy and consciousness left me as his stomach compacted and churned, repurposing everything it could into fuel for my roommate’s growth. Once it was all over, he flexed his newly bulging biceps and slipped a hand into his shorts, smirking as his fingers stroked along a couple of extra inches than usual.
The only drawback was a little bit of pudge that stayed around his belly, but that was nothing a few trips to the gym couldn’t turn into something more useful.
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
I'm just thinking about Uncle Bob and Auntie Nix going to Chateau Bradshaw after a long deployment and them just getting absolutely tackled by the Bradshaw girls while Bradley laughs his ass off and Faye makes sure no one gets injured.
I feel like in a way Chateau Bradshaw is home base for everyone especially in the early years before everyone else really settle down, everyone makes a visit when they get home from deployment because Faye is such a mom she'll get them reoriented into life stateside.
shut up shut up shut up this is so fucking sweet :,)
Chateau Bradshaw is definitely the first place everyone goes after deployment if they can swing it. not only because they welcome the tackling of all five Bradshaw girls, plus a solid hug from Bradley and an overall sense of comfort from Faye, but because they're home is just a home.
it's not even that it's always clean and organized and proper, because Lord knows it's not. but it's lived-in. it's warm and full of life and little hands and piano and knitting projects and homework and dogs and home cooked meals. there's always fresh bread and there's never a quiet moment. it's the kind of place where everyone wants to go after living on a giant hunk of metal for months and months on end.
so, while Uncle Bob and Auntie Nix get tackled in the entryway by a horde of little girls wearing paper crowns and tutus and glitter and braided flowers, Bradley's grinning in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. he's patiently waiting his turn to hug Phoenix and Bob, grazing the little bits of gray in his beard as he watches his daughters hang onto two of his favorite people in his childhood home. he always sees a little bit of Carole and Goose in all the girls, especially when they get excited.
and Faye, on the other hand, is smiling softly to herself in the kitchen. it's a mess of orange pulp and strawberry juice and banana peels and smushed blueberries. there's fresh coffee on the pot because Lord knows Phoenix and Bob are gonna need it to keep up with the Bradshaw Bunch. the bread is cooling on top of the oven and Faye still has flour strewn across her cheek and fruit pulp beneath her fingernails. but all the same, as she picks up the fresh fruit platter for Bob and Nix, she's the happiest she's ever been.
"no biting!" Bradley teases Joni, swooping in to scoop her and June up, kissing them both on the cheeks. "let 'em breathe, girls!"
and Bob and Phoenix are blushed with joy, getting all their hugs in, commenting on their growth, petting their curly hair.
"god, they're so big," Phoenix marvels, hugging Bradley and kissing his stubbly cheek. "when did they get so big?"
"they grow about ten inches every time I see them," Bob echoes in disbelief, holding Opal and Finch while Olive hangs onto his leg. "can't y'all just stop it already?"
"I wish," Bradley says with a tired and happy grin. "little beggars, aren't they?"
and when Faye comes out of the kitchen and into the doorway, the vision of domesticity and sweetness with her old apron and her soft edges and tarnished beauty, everyone's breath is in their throat. she's there, holding a platter of hand-cut fruits form her hand-grown garden, grinning that same grin. and she's watery in the eyes and so joyous when she laughs that it's like an alarm for all the Bradshaw girls, who detangle themselves from Bob and Bradley and start galloping towards her.
"I'm so happy you're here," Faye says.
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libidomechanica · 6 months
Out of beard
Creating waste had ease: and people together.     Yet, hearing, here a few hours after souls of sleep, when one long more mought I; by no men,     the pang of things pay who could write
theologian, as those which pass’d the front it up,     he quaff’d off the best. And highest was Arac: Arac’s side this lost, that my gout,—pronounce     mourn for the pageantry of flesh. And
honour. I’m laid her soft enamour’d of gamesome     new world, composition. My bought what’s to be transgression, like blows they are not say     too, and potatoes—two widowed, and
face to her knew; but what cannot this ours be few,     that thou returned him sweare by my name and so as to gay, they still. With which. He had a     juice of their times he wealth you? Receive,
and helped us what the bond—the strain, could not the     salmi, the bottom of a corpse, to world of saints with muffled in a royal hands beard     and with there died, We followed, and sensuall
early you only have kiss’d let simple of     Delight. Thy pale Ocean his Godhead so this mop and idle hour torches make me Christian     knight of those everything is no
others may leads oft I was, a prey, till plagues, of     death he reddens all Immortal though a poore. She might find the lamps grew he is a printed     a piece of love. Dream of love, and
waft a sigh, where see if we tried my feeble: let     us heat man no horseman, found, smil’d, and witlesse regarde, the golden snake Memory     kept unused to swage; nature? That I
drave among the charge of friend: as swell my bag with     men: the iron gauntlets: breaks, and wise Minerva’s eyes had our faithful remedy for     me, degeneration mask’d—a Power
He is hers—for ever, you’ll take the find a     tall ghost abandon’d deer strange, ladies, my dearest speech is especially upon a     growth to refused to pour mind the fault
but grieve that in the inmost dere. Your silence a     bowl of all old, may you, who drank down I went. What faculties, soft whispering wells in     me do I see the true sorrow he
fled away dyd wype. Then thy loud Hosannas rise,     The soul, and as who need wisely choose, for thee. The human nature; but been that. Her lips     trembling stream. The baths and day, my springe,
I more my Peggy’s angels tremor breasts are lawful     cells, while the sun; they will go well, well as sanctifying close my shaft. To quest watch’d our     heate, the thunder, and lithe pearls, untouches
and feeds of flatterers, thought. The lack on my     tongues perplexed lies stellation of all; man form leans, the fair. A star, beacons all the world     I struck Sylvander’s roll! Err in the
prince Arab hard too; but all the poor, nor the sex     have a bit of their shoe; I did was before fittest, that goes all charming high     On my delight like Chianti wine!
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augment-techs · 1 year
Random headcanons if the Prime Universe Mighty Morphin teams get a visit from the Coinless residents ever again: -The second Slayer Kim hears about Drakkon gallivanting around the galaxy, Coinless Bulk gives her as many hugs and cups of fresh coffee as she wants -Red Omega Trini and Coinless Trini have a conversation about being a leader when it is thrust upon you out of nowhere -Coinless Zack gives Omega Zack tips about raising teenagers and mourning kids that were their own for a very short time
-Scorpina sneaks away to see what’s going on with the Moon, takes one look at the minions being separated because of Rita and Zedd’s squabbling and decides she is much, much, much better off in the other dimension
-Scorpina also sees the alive, teen Adam and gets a little droopy before telling Rocky and Aisha that they had better take care of him before giving a very confused Adam a hug and stomping off -The Rangers unilaterally decided to keep the Coinless Jason faaaaaaaaar away from Tommy; going so far as to drop him off at the Youth Center to help their Jason with teaching the kids karate together again until they’ve had a chance to sit the Coinless Jason down and make him see that Tommy is not Drakkon and he doesn’t get to hit, deride, or try and kill him -Jason goes straight to the store and buys a hair clipper five minutes after he sees Coinless Jason’s hideous beard -Billy finds it extremely disconcerting that the Coinless Bulk and Skull aren’t quite as joined at the hip as their dimension’s version; largely because the Coinless Bulk and Slayer Kim are almost most definitely an item, very occupied with what’s going on and trying to get things right, and the Coinless (Sentry?) Skull doesn’t talk much and exudes an aura that scares the shit out of Yale and Billy -Meeting the Coinless Kat is very...strange...for Kimberly. She’s an exceedingly nice woman who survived in the Coinless much longer than almost anyone else, an immigrant from Australia that made it through a bomb being dropped near her childhood home, and most definitely would have been a Pink if their universe still had more than basic access to the Grid... But Kim gets a little chill up her spine when she’s also one of the only Coinless that’s nice to Tommy after a few days -The Coinless Rocky and Aisha end up sparring with their MM counterparts to pass the time, teach them proper form and fighting, how to use weapons they’re not used to, but they also can’t seem to handle being in the same room as the young Adam for very long without Rocky blowing up for no apparent reason and Aisha getting misty eyed and excusing herself from the room -Tommy is exceedingly disconcerted that the only members of the Coinless that don’t seem to have any problem with him at first glance--at all--seem to be Slayer Kimberly, who softened up almost the moment she saw him morph with the White Tiger coin, and, astoundingly, the Coinless/Sentry Skull...who actually ruffled Tommy’s hair and told him not to worry so much -Almost every member of the Coinless end up going to the Juice Bar, presenting themselves as some relative to the kids, much like Slayer and Kim did when Slayer got her mind back. Except Scorpina and Skull; she decided to go shopping at a micro-store and Skull went with her to pay for the food because, “I look too familiar if I run into myself,” which...he wasn’t wrong, but it made Billy sad enough to get them both smoothies to-go -Aisha is just happy that it looks as if she’ll get another growth spurt, if comparing Slayer Kim to Coinless Aisha is anything to go by (FIVE INCHES!!)
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bradyoil · 5 days
Ilanna Barkusky: Embracing Her Unexpected Path to Directorial Success.
Born in Vancouver, Canada and now based in Los Angeles, Ilanna Barkusky is an internationally awarded commercial director, filmmaker and photographer. Her creative journey originated in the action sports industry, capturing athletes in the mountains with her camera in tow while completing her Bachelor of Arts at the University of British Columbia.
Through her work, she unifies dynamic movement with uplifting storytelling, leading her to collaborate with clients such as Red Bull, Roxy, the LA Clippers, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Harvard Business Review.
It's almost here! Our 3rd annual Filmmaker Retreat Joshua Tree is Thursday, September 26th – Sunday, September 29th, 2024. I always use the word "transformational" in describing the past two years - because our tribe of like-minded filmmakers express that the retreat truly changed their lives. Both professionally and personally. Reserve your spot before the end of the year to take advantage of that last minute 2024 write-off. Limit 20 Filmmakers.
Use the link plus code JB20 when you try https://www.magicmind.com/jordanbrady chug it daily after your coffee. If you follow me on Instagram you know my geniune endorsment of this mighty mind power juice.
Check out my Masterclass or Commercial Directing Shadow online courses. (Note this link to the Shadow course is the one I mention in the show.) All my courses come with a free 1:1 mentorship call with yours truly. Taking the Shadow course is the only way to win a chance to shadow me on a real shoot! DM for details.
How To Pitch Ad Agencies and Director’s Treatments Unmasked are now bundled together with a free filmmaker consultation call, just like my other courses. Serious about making spots? The Commercial Director Mega Bundle for serious one-on-one mentoring and career growth.
Here's the Lbb Director's Playbook article sharing my pitch secrets. And my follow up that came out this week, How To Write Winning Treatments. 
I've uploaded more raw behind-the-scenes, with dailies, agency interaction, directing top talent and collaborating with my crew, all at Commercial Directing Masterclass. And you'll wanna check out the new courses, like Behind The Beard and Winning Director Treatments.
Thanks to our editor Jake Brady We could not do the show without him and love this guy behind words. Need your pod spruced up? Check out his Podcast Wax.
This episode is just about 80 minutes.
My cult classic mockumentary, “Dill Scallion” is online so I’m giving 100% of the money to St. Jude Children’s Hospital. I’ve decided to donate the LIFETIME earnings every December, so the donation will grow and grow. Thank you.
Respect The Process podcast is brought to you by Commercial Directing FIlm School and True Gentleman Industries, Inc. in partnership with Brady Oil Entertainment, Inc.
Check out this episode!
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amazing-loot-deals · 10 months
Buy Now - https://amzn.to/3R4VdOG
FOR FACE & HAIR : Pure aloe vera gel helps fight acne, pimples and wrinkles. It gently hydrates and moisturizes the dry skin. It is also suitable for oily skin as it controls excess oil production. Applying this gel on sunburns, red spots and skin allergies helps provide a soothing effect. It helps in hair growth and also acts as a hair conditioner.
MULTIPURPOSE GEL: It acts as a moisturizer, hydrating gel, soothing gel, after shave gel, face mask for brighter skin, eye mask cooling gel for dark circles, wrinkles and thus can be used by both women and men.
FRESH ALOE VERA LEAF: This Aloe Vera Gel is made from the pure pulp of Aloe Vera Juice and is extracted within 4 hours of harvesting. Unlike many other gels, we do not freeze the Aloe leaves and juice them later. Therefore, our gel retains the natural healing properties of the Aloe plant itself. Aloe Vera is rich in organic nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E which makes it an important factor for skin wellness.
SUITABLE FOR ALL SKIN & HAIR TYPES: This skin & hair gel is dermatologically tested & is suitable for all skin & hair types. It is one of the best aloe vera gel for acne prone skin.
The product is non-GMO, lab-tested, and cruelty free.
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ultra-maha-us · 2 years
Facial Hair Removal Made Convenient Through Rio Laser Hair Removal System
Facial hair is one the most embarrassing problems that many women have to deal with. While men can easily get away with it by shaving, the same does not work in the case of women and hence they have to opt for painful and expensive hair removal methods like electrolysis and laser treatment. However, today medical science has made lot of advancements in facial hair removal methods. Modern innovative devices such as Rio laser hair removal system allows women to get rid of unwanted facial hair and even those on areas like arms and legs safely and effectively from the comfort of their home.
Hair removal for men and women
In modern society unwanted body hair in both men and women is frowned upon. These are considered unsightly and the person who does not care to remove unwanted body hair is considered un-groomed. In such a scenario, men and women spend considerable amounts of time and money to get rid of their body hair especially those on the face, arms, arm pits, legs, abdomen, back, chest and pubic area.
Some of the most commonly applied methods of hair removal used by both men and women include waxing, shaving, tweezing, use of depilatories creams and epilating devices. These are temporary methods of hair removal that need to be repeated when required. Permanent methods of hair removal include laser therapy, electrolysis and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) such as in Flashlamp, EpiLight).
Ingrown hair treatment
Ingrown hair is defined as a condition wherein a hair curls back or grows sideways into the skin. Usually, ingrown hair occurs in areas where the skin is shaved such as the beard, legs and pubic region. Therefore people who shave more often face the problem of ingrown hairs quite regularly.
Typically, an ingrown hair may only hair removal zurich cause a minor irritation, however in some people the problem of ingrown hairs is more profound - these may appear unsightly and may cause pain. In such people, if ingrown hairs are left untreated these may also become infected. Some of the most commonly applied ingrown hair treatments include:
Exfoliating the skin with facial scrubs, sponges, towels, or creams containing acids, and ibuprofen or other NSAIDs. Use of depilatory creams especially engineered to treat ingrown hair. Electrolysis treatment. Natural hair removal products
A wide range of natural hair removal methods and products are frequently used by men and women. Some of the commonly used natural hair removal treatments include -
Sugaring - Also known as Persian waxing, sugaring has been practiced for thousands of years to remove unwanted body hair. This method is similar to waxing and involves the application of a sticky, sugary paste usually made up of water, sugar and lemon juice and sometimes cornstarch, honey or molasses onto the skin. A strip of paper or porous cloth is then pressed and pulled quickly away from the skin, opposite to the direction of hair growth, removing the hairs with it. This method can be easily done at home. The results last for three to six weeks. This method is painful and can be messy. Waxing
This is a popular natural hair removal method that is quite similar to sugaring. In this method a thin layer of melted wax is applied on to the skin and then removed quickly using a strip of porous paper or cloth. The results may last for three to eight weeks. Waxing can be used on most parts of the body where unwanted hairs are seen including arms, legs, abdomen, pubic region, face and even eyebrows. Waxing can be done at home, however many women prefer to go to a professional beautician. Depilatory creams made of natural ingredients
These days, many depilatory creams claim to contain natural ingredients and hence these do not cause any harm to the skin.
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years
आधी-अधूरी दाढ़ी से हैं परेशान, इन घरेलू नुस्खों का करें इस्तेमाल, फर्क देखकर रह जाएंगे हैरान!
आधी-अधूरी दाढ़ी से हैं परेशान, इन घरेलू नुस्खों का करें इस्तेमाल, फर्क देखकर रह जाएंगे हैरान!
नई दिल्ली: युवाओं में दाढ़ी बढ़ाने का ट्रेंड और फैशन चल रहा है, लेकिन कई लोगों को दाढ़ी बढ़ाने में दिक्कतें आती हैं. आज हम आपको कुछ ऐसे घरेलू नुस्खे बताएंगे जिनकी मदद से आपकी दाढ़ी की ग्रोथ पर असर पड़ सकता है. प्याज का रसदाढ़ी बढ़ाने में प्याज का रस काफी फायदेमंद है. एक रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक प्याज के रस में बालों के विकास और उन्हें उगाने में मदद प्रदान करने का गुण पाया जाता है. बढ़िया दाढ़ी पाने की…
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The juice is giving you sexy hair loss on your head, but does it do the opposite for body hair? Like does chest hair increase?
I used to be unsure about this because I didn’t personally experience extra body hair on my first few cycles. But as my body continues to be bathed in glorious chemical androgens, I am now seeing clear signs of new hair growth.
My chest was always quite hairy, so I haven’t seen much change there. The new hair growth is sprouting from my shoulders and back. My poor bf now has the pleasure of routinely shaving them for me lol.
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Given that I intend using steroids for at least the next 20 years, I can only assume this trend will continue and my body is going to get hairier. Well, everywhere except my head…
If you look along my hairline, you’ll see the miniaturisation of my follicles is progressing nicely. One by one, they succumb to the effects of all that testosterone and DHT in my body.
One day (hopefully in the not too distant future) I’ll have fried every single fucker off my scalp, grown an even thicker beard, a big chest rug and be able to flaunt a carpet of fur on my back/shoulders.
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killemwithkawaii · 3 years
I've been thinking about the followers here that don't like Sal being hairy...
And guess what? Even women can grow a happy trail. My old roommate did, I've seen and waxed it oof (upon her request)
In my personal headcanons, Sal had to go on T around when he was 16. He wasn't growing on schedule and the doctors were really worried, so they put him on at first, a low dose of testosterone, then gradually increased it until Sal got where he needed to be. He still uses a baseline dose of testosterone in the form of a cream he puts on like deoderant.
What happens with testosterone? Hair. And maybe Sal's got sensitive skin that razor burns easy and that's why he doesn't shave.
As someone who started drawing body hair on Sal last year, I say, LET SAL BE HAIRY!
Also, I agree that Henry's genetics play into this. What a luscious beard...
>Everybody can have their own personal preference, but you don't gotta go and yuck someones yum unnecessarily! Especially with something as natural as body hair like act like the 18+ crowd you're supposed to be on this blog fam 💅
>I honestly dig that hc- explains Sals late growth spurt and a portion of his moodiness and all that T is gonna have some other effects too 👀💦
>Tell Sal to pass the boi juice I am thirstyyyyy 💪😎
>I'm looking at younger Henry and
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... yeah maybe I should try drawing some stubble on Sally sometimes dlkfjls
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nothorses · 4 years
Hi! Sorry to bother you, but I just thought I’d ask because Google isn’t very good-
What are some things that happen on T that you dont expect/think will happen/surprised you?
I know the obvious stuff like voice dropping and hair and muscle growth being easier, but idk what to expect other than those bits and I’m a bit nervous.
Sorry to bother you, have a lovely day! 💚
Ooh, okay. This is exactly why I kept a journal.
lemme start with the most helpful bit of info I received pre-T:
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Skin oiliness/acne
Everyone has different experiences with this; personally, my acne actually cleared up completely for a few months when I first started. Now it’s back, and worse, but I’ve noticed it’s mostly around my mouth and chin- where beard growth is beginning. Also, upper back and shoulders. Those areas seem to be the typical ones, from what I gather.
I am definitely oilier, and I definitely need to shower every day. I recommend getting lotion for your back, and some kind of scrubber, and washing your face morning and night to deal with oiliness. I use basic face wash, toner, and moisturizer, plus I exfoliate and use a hydrating face mask 2 or 3 times a week. And benzoyl peroxide cream for the zits. That’s what was recommended to me & it’s working pretty well, but ymmv!
Cessation of menstrual period
This also varies for everyone, especially between gel and injections. I’m on injections, and mine stopped about three months in. It was also kind of a petering out; they might get longer or less intense for a bit before they stop entirely.
Body fat redistribution
This one takes a while and isn’t super immediately noticeable, but working out helps speed this process along. You may also gain weight when you’re first starting T, and most folks’ appetites increase as well. Mine certainly did- but then I started Adderall not long after, which has lessened it again.
Vaginal atrophy
This just means you begin to produce less fluid & tighten up. Lube is your friend, prep is your friend, just be kind to your stuff. You shouldn’t experience any pain or significant discomfort, but I was sort of dry/itchy for a month or so near the beginning, and lube helped with that. Talk to a doctor if it keeps going on and doesn’t get better in time.
Increased muscle mass/strength
This one can take a while to start, but I’ve heard that it can be tough to know your own strength when it does. Again, working out helps!
Changes in libido
My libido increased fast and hard. You will not be uncontrollable by any means, you will not become a sex-crazed beast, you will not lose your faculties or any of that shit people sometimes try to scaremonger with. It’s literally just that your regular hornyness happens more often, and might feel stronger as well. It’s also normal for orgasms to feel different after some time on HRT; less full-body, more specific to the genital region.
Some folks also talk about shifts in orientation. In my experience, the orientation thing has been true, but only because I feel more comfortable in my own body now! I’m more comfortable with the idea of physical relationships because I’m more comfortable with existing and being perceived physically. I have a better read on who I’m actually attracted to because I’m not on eight planes of dissociation from my own emotions and sense of attraction. It feels better, and more true to who I actually am.
Facial/body hair growth
This varies for everyone too! Body hair starts to thicken and spring up in new areas; I noticed it on my lower abdomen first. My leg hair seems to be darkening and thickening a bit, too. Facial hair can feel itchy and even hurt a bit when it first starts, but essentially it’s your peach fuzz starting to thicken up and grow longer over time. It can also be sort of patchy and inconsistent, and it can take multiple years for it to fill out into satisfying beard hair.
Give it time! Shaving won’t speed things up, but getting shaving materials a few months in isn’t a terrible idea. The patchy/inconsistent/whispy growth isn’t everyone’s favorite look to rock, and shaving can be a validating experience. Personally I like to let things grow, since I live alone and nobody sees me without a mask on, but it’s nice to have the option.
Bottom growth
I think this is weirdly one that folks don’t really talk about, but it is one of the more significant changes! Things may feel pretty sensitive pretty quickly (mine started within the first month) and it’s helpful to wear bottoms with some space in those first few months after you feel bottom growth starting. It can definitely be painful at times- that’ll chill out after a while, though.
I don’t want to get super explicit with this post, but it will essentially look a lot like a very small penis after some time. You need to take care to clean it- rinse, and use very basic, unscented soap very sparingly- and keep in mind that you may be prone to UTIs. Cranberry juice won’t do much, but cranberry pills will!
Deepened voice
This also started very early for me. My throat was sore almost immediately, and while there was no noticeable change in my voice, the soreness kept up almost constantly for months. My first “drop” was during my second month, though usually that happens the third month.
My voice was kinda scratchy and weak for a while, and it was hard to figure out where to speak; it sort of felt like I was just more inclined to use a lower register most of the time. Gradually, the higher part of my range started to become... “locked”? If I tried to speak too highly, my voice would squeak and crack. Now, it’s naturally much deeper, and I can’t speak above a certain register at all. There’s just no sound!
It can help to learn to speak from your belly, not your head, if you want your voice to be deeper. You may also notice that certain ways of speaking and certain inflections read differently as your voice changes; a lot of voice training for trans men is about using a flatter inflection. How you want to sound is entirely up to you, and there’s no wrong way to speak.
Also, low-T can make the voice change process easier and help preserve your singing voice, and may be worth looking into if that’s important to you. Changes will happen more slowly overall on low-T.
Hair loss/male pattern baldness
This was the one I was honestly afraid of, but the nurse I spoke to is also on T, and what he told me was that “hair loss” just means your hairline shifts to a more masculine shape. Nothing scary! Male pattern baldness is also determined by genetics; look to male family members for predictions on when that might set in for you, if it does.
Hopefully there’s some helpful info in there! It’s also 2am now, so I might just be unintelligible. Good luck, friend, and if you’re starting soon, congrats!!
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moonkissedmeli · 4 years
Dionysus [Olympian, Greek]
God of: wine, winemaking, grape cultivation, fertility, ritual madness, frenzy, theater, religious ecstasy, grape harvest, epiphany
Zodiac sign: no specific zodiac sign, but many astrologers associate him with Sagittarius and Pisces
Plant: no planet associated with Dionysus
Lineage: Son of Zeus and human Semele, princess of Thebes
Primary cult centres: Eleusis, Naxos, Athens, and Mount Kithairon, but all over Greece
It is said that Dionysus was to be a demigod; when the goddess Hera forced his mother to have Zeus show him her true form. Semele didn't know she would perish if she looked upon a God's true form. Dionysus survived his mother's death because Zeus removed her from his mother and sewed him into his thigh until he could survive on his own. He was raised by the nymphs of rain in Mount Nysa and grew to become the first to cultivate wine; a skill that he taught the humans of Asia before going to Olympus. However - some say that his mother is Persephone and that he represents the underworld in Zeus.
It's thought that the Mycenean Greeks may have been the first to worship him. He is often considered a foreign god, or a god who comes. The Olympians consider him an outsider; however, it is one of the 12 Olympians and a very important god to the Greeks. Along with Demeter, he is one of the supreme earth deities and treated the humans kindly. He is a very generous, but does not take kindly to insults or disrespect.
He is depicted in two ways: older male with a beard and a robe holding a fennel staff with a  pine cone on top or as a youthful man with no beard who is naked and androgynous. The Greeks referred to him in their writings as "man-womanish."
He followed the seasons, in the summer he was happy and lively, in the winter he was unhappy and sluggish. He is an agriculture and vegetation deity. He is also said to be a horned deity, which may have connections to older world horned and bull-horned gods.
Dionysus was also captured by pirates because he looked like the son of a king. He also descended into the underworld to save his mother .
His followers would drink, play music, and become frenzied as their sense of societal conditioning dropped away; they became free of self consciousness and became one with Dionysus.
If you are looking to overcome self consciousness, rewrite your social conditioning, being more in touch with nature perhaps by farming or gardening, Dionysus is a great god to work with. If you are having troubles with fun or enjoyment in your life, even despair, he can help you get back to a happier version of yourself. He is the god of mental health, so you can look to him for support in all mental health areas. As a God of epiphany, you may look to him when trying to reach deeper levels of spiritual enlightenment or exploring your consciousness. Dionysus is also a wonderful god for musicians and artists! You can also call on Dionysus to protect you while you're under the influence.
Dionysia: His oldest festival; the celebration of the cultivation of wines. Was in the month of Peseideon [December/January], often around the winter Solstice. It was a procession where people carried phalluses, long loaves of bread, and other food offerings. This is the festival that began the tradition of Greek plays, as may performances and drama competitions occurred at this festival.  
Anthestria: Celebration of the beginning of spring. It was three days. The Greeks said the dead came up from the underworld to attend the festival. The first day was when they opened the win vats and mixed the win in honor of Dionysus. The second day people drank and it was a quiet and secret type of celebration. The wife of the basileus was given to Dionysus in a ritual marriage. The last day was dedicated to the dead and offerings were also given to Hermes.
Wine, partying, music, phallus, chalice, two-handed goblets, horns, theatre [comedy & tragedy]
Animals: bulls, big cats especially leopard/panthers, serpents, goats [mythological animals, centaurs, sileni, and satyrs]
Plants/Herbs: fennel, pinecones, grapes, ivy, trees, petrified wood, fig tree, sap
Scents: frankinsense, musk, dirt scent, wine, rain, grape
Colors: purple, green, black, red
Crystals: amethyst (some thing he created it), amber, gold
fennel, pine cones, grapes, ivy, grapes, pine needles, apple seeds, orchis root, thistle, comedic masks, phallus shaped items, wine, cannabis, blood, sap, fruit, pastries, flowers
Ways to worship:
Therapy, working on your mental health, overcoming fears or anxieties, reading mental health help books or spirituality [by reputable authors], meditate, and mental health care
Partying, drinking wine, going to festivals or theatre, dancing
Playing music, writing him music, making party/dance playlists for him, sing or pray to him, singing his hymns (bonus points if you're under the influence or drinking grape juice; while doing it). Try your hand at acting.
Leave offerings at trees [environmentally safe, biodegradable natural offerings! Never leave something that could harm the flora & fauna of  your area]
Making wine, make ivy wreaths, grow ivy/trees/plants
Advocate for old growth forests & reforestation
Wear leopard print
Watch comedies or tragedies or read Greek plays
Supporting the LGBTQ+ community, Dionysus was very androgynous, sometimes it is said he was raised as a girl and that he is pansexual - he would not look kindly on those who discriminate against this group!
*As a disclaimer, you do not need to party, drink, do drugs or anything to worship Dionysus. He is a really multifaceted god. Madness and frenzy really are in the ritual sense -- this does not always mean becoming completely ecstatic and out of touch with reality. This can also look like a deep meditation or even dancing until you're exhausted to reach him in higher plains of consciousness.
Dimetor - of two mothers/twice born
Eleutherios - Liberator
Acratophorus - Bringer of unmixed wine
Aegobolus  - Goat shooter
Agrios - Wild
Briseus  - who prevails
Bromios - Roaring
Endendros - He in the tree
Mystes - of mysteries
Tauros - A bull
*there are many more
Sources: wikipedia, briticanna, "Encyclopedia of Greek and Roman Mythology", theoi, greekgodsandgodesses.net
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bradyoil · 16 days
Hybrid Collective's Susan Munro On the Art and Discipline Behind Editing Powerful Stories.
Susan Munro of Hybrid Collective and more recently with sister company Session City, has consistently impressed me with her passion and dedication to the craft. As longtime friends who have worked together for over a decade, I've always admired her ability to blend technical expertise with a deep understanding of how to maximize emotional resonance. We chat Hybrid Collective's innovative pandemic productions, advice on how directors can best work with the editor, Susan's commitment to elevating diverse voices. At the helm of Hybrid Collective, she exemplifies the company's focus on blending business acumen with a creative vision that makes her a true force in our industry. A real treat to finally get Susan on the podcast!
Our 3rd annual Filmmaker Retreat Joshua Tree is Thursday, September 26th – Sunday, September 29th, 2024. I always use the word "transformational" in describing the past two years - because our tribe of like-minded filmmakers express that the retreat truly changed their lives. Both professionally and personally. Reserve your spot before the end of the year to take advantage of that last minute 2024 write-off. Limit 20 Filmmakers.
Use the link plus code JB20 when you try https://www.magicmind.com/jordanbrady chug it daily after your coffee. If you follow me on Instagram you know my geniune endorsment of this mighty mind power juice.
Check out my Masterclass or Commercial Directing Shadow online courses. (Note this link to the Shadow course is the one I mention in the show.) All my courses come with a free 1:1 mentorship call with yours truly. Taking the Shadow course is the only way to win a chance to shadow me on a real shoot! DM for details.
How To Pitch Ad Agencies and Director’s Treatments Unmasked are now bundled together with a free filmmaker consultation call, just like my other courses. Serious about making spots? The Commercial Director Mega Bundle for serious one-on-one mentoring and career growth.
Here's the Lbb Director's Playbook article sharing my pitch secrets. And my follow up that came out this week, How To Write Winning Treatments. 
I've uploaded more raw behind-the-scenes, with dailies, agency interaction, directing top talent and collaborating with my crew, all at Commercial Directing Masterclass. And you'll wanna check out the new courses, like Behind The Beard and Winning Director Treatments.
Thanks to our editor Jake Brady We could not do the show without him and love this guy behind words. Need your pod spruced up? Check out his Podcast Wax.
This episode is just about 80 minutes.
My cult classic mockumentary, “Dill Scallion” is online so I’m giving 100% of the money to St. Jude Children’s Hospital. I’ve decided to donate the LIFETIME earnings every December, so the donation will grow and grow. Thank you.
Respect The Process podcast is brought to you by Commercial Directing FIlm School and True Gentleman Industries, Inc. in partnership with Brady Oil Entertainment, Inc.
Check out this episode!
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fandom-puff · 4 years
Pairing: Severus Snape x Reader Requested by: anon Prompts: None  Summary: the Hogwarts staff play matchmaker for YN and Severus... AN: This was lovely to write! I hope the requester (and anyone else who reads it!) enjoys it!! Also, if you wanna be tagged in any future Fics, I’ve set up a Google Form for my tag list which can be accessed via my main masterlist! 
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“Morning Severus,” you smiled, sitting between him and Minerva at the staff table and pouring yourself a mug of tea. He grunted in response, something that sounded vaguely like ‘mrrn...’. you looked at Minerva and grinned. “Aren’t you a little ray of sunshine today,” you teased. 
He fixed you with a signature glare. If you had been eleven, you would’ve trembled with fear, but you were in your twenties and were struggling not to burst out laughing as he said “I am a ray of sunshine that will smite anything that looks at me the wrong way,” he said in a deadpan voice, causing you to snort into your tea and laugh. 
“Charming, that, Severus,”
Scowling, he turned back to his toast, his hair falling into his face and hiding his reddening ears. 
Minerva noticed and smirked. 
At tea time a week later, you slumped into your seat, unbuttoning the top button of your blouse and sighing. “I swear to God, I could do with something a little stronger than pumpkin juice... I teach Muggle Studies... how on earth did he manage to set fire to the desk?” 
Severus scoffed. “Finnigan? He manages to set fire to something in my classroom even if we aren’t brewing,” you smiled at his understanding and were soon deep in conversation with Professor Sprout. 
“So, YN, do you have a fancy fella on the scene?” she asked loudly and smirked when she saw Severus look up slightly. She and Minerva had been conspiring. You blushed slightly and shook your head. 
“Er... no, not at the moment, Pomona,”  you said, looking at your plate, not noticing Minerva and Pomona nodding triumphantly at Severus, who was glaring back at them. “I’ve been too busy with work to get out, really,” 
“Who says you have to get out of Hogwarts Castle to meet someone special?” Minerva interjected. Severus choked on his drink and your eyes widened. You ate the rest of your meal in silence and practically ran from the table. 
“YN’s hair looked lovely today, didn’t it, Severus?” Minerva said slyly when you were out of earshot, and Pomona smirked. Even Dumbledore leaned in to hear Severus’s response. 
“You’re meddling, Minerva,” he said lowly. “Nothing good will come of it,” 
“I beg to differ,” said Dumbledore, eyes twinkling. “We could all do with a bit of-”
“Love, yes, I know, you old fool,” Severus cut him off, causing the old man to chuckle. “And don’t even think about getting involved, Albus. It’s bad enough Minerva and Pomona sticking their noses in,” 
Dumbledore raised his eyebrows and turned away, a vague smile on his face. he steepled his fingers and gazed at the enchanted ceiling, apparently lost in thought. 
Romantic old bugger, Severus thought, shaking his head. 
Several weeks had passed and nothing more had been said on the matter of either yours or Severus's love life. One morning, however on your way to teach, you heard your name being called. 
“YN!” it was Hagrid. You smiled and turned back, smiling up at the half-giant. 
“Hi, Hagrid,” you smiled. “What can I do for you?” 
Hagrid’s beetle-black eyes twinkled beneath the scruff of his wild hair and beard as he smiled down. “I was wonderin’ if you could help me clear some space in the forest? got somethin’ for my fifth years,” he grinned. “I’ve got some muggle gardening tools, but I’m scared to break ‘em, and strictly speaking, I’m not allowed to do magic,” 
You smiled kindly and patted his arm. “Of course. I have no free periods today though, so if I come down around six? That gives me time to mark my first year’s quizzes and change into something more suitable,” 
He grinned and nodded, giving you a thumbs up. “Ta, YN,” he smiled. “Must dash! Got to er... feed the flobberworms,” he turned and hurried away, waving at the students who smiled at him. 
At six o’clock, you arrived at Hagrid’s hut. There was a note pinned to the door in hagrid’s familiar scrawl. 
YN- just seeing Professor Dumbledore about that creature. I’ll be down soon!!- Hagrid 
You smiled and settled yourself on a grassy bank near the pumpkin patch as you watched the sun go down. When you heard a twig snap, you turned around. “Hiya, Hagrid- oh... Severus. Have you come to help with the clearing too?” you smiled. 
Severus frowned slightly. “No... hagrid said there was a small growth of a particular fungus on the pumpkins. Comes in handy with brewing... oh for goodness’ sake,” he sighed. 
You looked up. “What’s wrong?” you asked gently. “Have I disturbed the fungus?” you stood up. “I’m really sorry if I-” 
“YN, there was no fungus,” he said, pinching the bridge of his nose. “And Hagrid doesn’t need an area clearing, because he hasn’t got a new creature for his classes,” 
“We've been set up, haven’t we?” you murmured, and he nodded. 
“I feel such a fool,” he muttered. “I should’ve known they’d be up to something like this,” 
You laughed slightly. “They’re pretty adamant we get together, aren’t they?” 
He huffed. “I warned them. I told them not to get involved, not to harass you, you’re young and have your whole life ahead of you,” 
“Severus, what’re you on about? I thought they were meddling because... well... I had a nightcap with Minerva but her whiskey is strong, and I got a little tipsy and...” you looked down, avoiding his eyes. “I may have told her I have a bit of a crush on you,” you whispered. 
Tentatively, Severus cupped your cheek and stroked his thumb against your cheekbone. “Silly girl,” he murmured, though he did not sound angry. he tilted your face up to meet his and licked his lips quickly. “Is this alright?” he asked, leaning in, and you nodded. 
“More than alright,” you whispered, bridging the gap and kissing him gently, cupping his jaw in your hands. 
From the castle, Minerva looked up at Dumbledore as they both watched. “I do believe you owe me five galleons, Albus,” 
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luc3 · 3 years
Here's an extract of the Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of France by P.V Fournier, renowned french herbalist, pp295-296)
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Most woody and climbing clematis are the lianas of our flora. Neighboring Anemones, they belong like them to the Ranunculaceae family.
Their white, purple or blue flowers are made up of 4 sepals, often colored like their petals.
Their fruits grouped at the head are each prolonged, by a long style garnished with a silvery plush, so that the bushes of Clematis in the fall, are located from afar by a quantity of cottony tufts with a silver reflection.
Clematis would come from the Greek, designated among the ancients, various climbing plants. This word comes from klêma, which means branch / flexible wood.
All Clematis are very poisonous and can only be used with great care. They contain in their juice poisons still incompletely known, but similar to Anemone camphor and aconitins, causing inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes.
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[The "white-vine" clematis, clematis vitalba.]
Popular names :
Beggar's Grass, Burning Clematis, Solomon's Vine, Poor's Grass, Virgin's Cradle, Hair of the "Lady", Pipe Wood, Smoking Wood, Old Man's Beard.
Description :
- This large liana with a flexible stem of 15 to 20m, hollowed out in the length of many small holes which make it porous, is known to all the country people as "wood to smoke", coarse material of basketry, as rope or occasional tie.
- Its young grow and are sometimes eaten cooked in water instead of asparagus or are found candied in vinegar. In fact, at the start of the growth, they still have little bitterness and are still accepted by the cattle (then refused afterwards.)
- All parts of Clematis are acrid, itchy, reddening (which dilates the veins and increases blood flow to the part of the skin it will be applied to) and blisters (which severely irritates the skin). In fact, it is almost exclusively reserved for external use, where it is shown - if it is judiciously used - detergent and antipsoric (used against scabies.)
- Inside, the plant acts as a very violent hydragogue and drastic purgative, becoming too quickly toxic for it to have ever been used commonly (other than in homeopathic doses).
Popular uses :
- Young buds and dry leaves in low doses, act as purgatives and diuretics (which promote the work of the kidneys).
- Do not exceed 3g of freshly leafy buds per 100 to 200g of water. as an infusion, taken 3 times at 1 hour intervals, acted as a strong purgative.
- Do not exceed 5 to 10g of dry leaves in 1l of boiling water for a very strong diuretic effect (which will not be suitable for sensitive natures and which is more dedicated to fight against dropsy. Dropsy is an abnormal effusion of fluid in a part of the body which eventually results in edema.)
In any mode of administration, it is necessary to start with the lowest doses and to monitor very carefully the reactions of the digestive tract 1/ and of the body in general 2/. (this little wink @echoesofthefall)
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Popular use also used Clematis against chronic skin diseases (according to the old tradition the hot cures the heat), in gout, rheumatism, joint pains, etc.
It has also been used to treat certain symptoms of syphilis, which is a mockery for a plant so often linked to the Virgin and its purity.
In the old days, beggars rubbed leaves and stems of the plant on certain parts of the body to create ulcers and inspire pity, hence the name beggar grass.
The decoction of fresh leaves is a very tonic detergent and was often used by the ancients to bring about the putrefaction of the flesh more quickly, and therefore the renewal of these so-called flesh.
Note that there are many types of species of Clematis, one which looks a lot like the white-vine clematis is the fragrant clematis, which we will call "small flame", or "flame", it is very similar to the first, if not for its smell (sweet honey like, in spring), its leaves are much more divided than the first, but its properties are identical.
(this post is dedicated @salfige 💜, with about 2 months late ^^')
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nastybuckybarnes · 4 years
Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy
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Pairing: Cowboy!Bucky X Reader
Summary: During a summer away from school, you head back home to the small town you grew up in. You quickly resume your job on the Farm where you spent most of your teen years, reconnecting with people you thought you might never see again.
Warnings: Language, Smut, Fluff
Word Count: 3.7K
A/n: I like this idea. I like this title. I just like it. I hope y’all do too. 
Student loans most certainly don't pay themselves.
That's something people tell you but doesn't fully hit until you see the big bills in the mail. Instead of dwelling, you climb into your rusty old car and set out down the highway, heading back to the town where you grew up.
Your parents have been bugging you about coming to visit, and the town always has job openings somewhere, easily the best place to go to rake in some extra cash during your summer break.
And that's how you find yourself here, standing outside the big white farmhouse that's something straight out of a magazine.
Your dad dropped you off at the start of the long circular driveway, leaving you to walk to the front of the house in your old farm boots.
As you approach the house, you feel yourself getting nervous as you see the figure sitting on the yellow porch swing.
"My Goodness! (Y/n) (Y/l/n)! Is that you?!" You smile at the familiar voice, hurrying towards her as she gets off the swing and clomps down the stairs towards you.
"You've grown so much! We've missed you 'round these parts!" She exclaims, throwing her arms around you as soon as you're in range.
"Hi, Winnie! I've missed you too." She keeps an arm around your shoulders and walks you up the step and through the blue front door of the huge house. You toe off your boots and she does the same, not bothering to put them away properly in her haste to get you comfortable.
"I'll get you something to drink. We've got so much to catch up on. And the boys! Oh! They'll be dyin' to see ya. James 'specially. He just ain’t been the same since you left for the big city. But look at you now, a grown woman, a big city girl." You grin, eyes flittering around the house.
It's changed over the years, but it hasn't lost its homey feel. The walls of the entryway are the same yellow-orange as they always were, the floors, the same deep oak.
You take a left, through the dining room and past George's office, through the kitchen and finally into the sitting room.
You take your time, admiring all the renovations they've done in the years since you've last been in here.
All the cupboards and counters are a bright pristine white, but the beams across the ceiling give it a rustic feel. The appliances are all stainless steel, and the hardwoods have been darkened since the last time you saw them.
Winnifred pulls you to sit down on the soft beige couch across from the windows, smiling brightly at you.
"I'll grab you a drink. Wanda squeezed some orange juice fresh this mornin' so we're in for a treat." She pours you a glass and you smile as she hands it to you, her hospitality warming your heart.
"How's the big city treated ya?" She asks, plopping down on the couch next to you. You take a sip of orange juice then sigh.
"It's... different than out here, that's for sure. The people mind their business and they don't stick out for each other the way we do. But I think that that's helped me really grow and become independent." She nods, smiling at you.
"Look at you. Always know you'd be somethin' great. And here you are, on the road to being a doctor. Hope you don't forget us while you're out there savin' lives." You shake your head.
"I could never forget you guys. This place is my home. You guys... you're my family." She nods, "you're darn right."
"That's uh... one of the reasons why I cam here, actually. Ma was tellin' me that you guys are looking for some extra help over the summer. I may not be as good as I was before, but I still remember how to take care of the animals and run the place."
"Oh Darlin', you'll always have a job here, whenever you want. You can help with paperwork or you can help the boys with the animals if you want." You nod, mulling over your options.
"Or if you're really up for it, you can help with both." You nod, liking that idea more than just picking one.
"And you'll stay here during the week. It's gonna be early mornings and late nights, just like before. But weekends you can go home to your family." You nod again, taking another sip of your juice.
"You'll be staying in the guest house with James. I hope you don't mind. There are two bedrooms so you won't have to bunk together. He got it done all nice and pretty, I think you'll really like it. And if you don't, I'll see if Wanda'll stay with him for the summer." You wave her off.
"I'm sure James and I will be fine to live under one roof for the summer." She nods with a grin, happy that you're back home where, in her opinion, you belong.
"The boys should be finished in the field soon. I'm sure they're hungry. Wanna help me whip up some lunch? It's been a while since we've had those grilled sandwiches you make. I'm sure the boys'll love 'em as a surprise." You nod, getting up off the couch and walking into the kitchen, falling into the familiar task of making lunch for the farm boys.
You and Winifred talk about the growth of the farm and about the new girl, Wanda. "Her family's from Europe. She moved out here for school but got a job working on the farm. Decided to take a break from school and work with us for a couple years before going back to school. Isn't that so lovely? Everyone who gets a taste of this ol' farm just can't stay away. You're no exception, are ya?"
You shake your head, a grin on your lips as you plate the sandwiches.
Boots trudge against the stone by the door and your heart races in your chest. The door swings open and the conversation the two men are having comes to a halt when they see not one, but two pairs of women's boots at the door.
"Ma?" a familiar voice calls out. You hear them taking off their own shoes and then they're coming through the dining room and into the kitchen.
You're not sure what you were expecting, but this certainly isn't it.
The two scrawny boys you used to play on the tire swing with have grown into huge men. Steve, the boy that used to be so sick all the time, with nothing but skin on his bones, is easily six feet tall and over two hundred pounds of pure muscle. His head nearly hits the top of the doorway when he walks into the kitchen, eyes as blue as ever. And the accentuate his muscles, he's wearing a skintight blue shirt that shows off every single curve and crevice in his body.
His mouth opens in shock when he sees you before a grin spreads over his pink lips. He rushes to you and engulfs you in a tight and sweaty bear hug, squeezing you tight in his arms.
You giggle uncontrollably as he spins you around.
"God, it's been too long! What're you doing 'round these parts?" He sets you down on your feet, hands on your shoulders as he drinks in your figure.
Winifred answers before you have a chance to, and you take the moment to look around Steve's arm to where you know James is standing.
Standing in place of the lanky boy who stole your first kiss is a grown man. His hair's trimmed and slicked back, and he's got a short scruffy beard growing. He's almost as tall as Steve is, still several inches taller than you, and even thicker, biceps straining against the tight fabric of his flannel shirt. His thighs are sinfully thick in his dirty jeans, and there's a light sheen of sweat on his forehead.
You can't help but devour his figure with your eyes, greedy to drink up every detail of him.
He does the same to you, pink bottom lip tucked between his white teeth as his eyes rake over your figure.
From the tight white tank top that hugs your chest, to those damn jeans that hug your legs so perfectly, to the mismatched socks on your feet. He's missed you, that much he'll admit.
"...I just hope that the two of you get along like you used to." The two of you tune back in, turning to his mother as she continues speaking, oblivious to the moment you just shared.
"Wait what?" He asks, voice deep. The sound sends a shiver down your spine, and it doesn't go unnoticed by him.
"You and (Y/n). I figured that you've got plenty of room for her to bunk with you. And with Wanda stayin' with us, there ain't a lotta room for her to stay." You glance over at the man in question and he swallows hard before nodding.
"Yeah. Of course." Winifred claps her hands together happily.
"Perfect. Now, you boys must be hungry. Eat up!" Steve grabs his plate of sandwiches and sits down on the couch, sighing and relaxing with ease. Bucky, on the other hand, doesn't move as quickly. He waits until his mother leaves to turn something on the tv before moving, and when he does he only moves towards you.
You lean back instinctively, inhaling sharply when you find yourself pinned against the countertop behind you.
He looks you up and down again, nodding to himself. He's so close that you can feel the familiar warmth of him through the few inches separating the two of you. He leans closer for a moment, lips just hovering over yours, and your eyelids fall closed. Until he pulls back.
A soft whine falls from your lips and he chuckles quietly, grabbing his plate of food and plopping down next to Steve on the couch. You take a few deep breaths to calm yourself before heading into the living room and sitting by Winnie.
"I suppose you'll need to go home and pick up some of your things, won't ya?" You nod, taking another sip of your orange juice. "I'll have my folks bring it over later on. If that's alright with you." She nods, grinning happily.
"You know what? I say we have a barbecue tonight. Invite your folks over, some old friends. Celebrate you comin' home for the summer." She's up and hurrying away before you can even say no.
It's silent for a painfully long moment before Steve clears his throat and speaks.
"So how's school been?" You almost roll your eyes. Same old awkward Steve.
"It's been good. I uh... finished my second year of med school. I've just got two years of clinical experience to go then I start my residency." He nods, leaning forward in interest.
"And you've chosen your specialty?" You nod, smiling as you talk about your passion.
"I'm going into Obstetrics and Gynaecology. So for my clinical I'll be pretty much just shadowing some doctors, delivering babies, helping and observing in the OR. Then it's a minimum of five years in residency before I can start my own practice." He nods thoughtfully, smiling suddenly.
"So in two years we'll be callin' ya 'Doctor (Y/l/n)'?" You nod, that fact scaring you more than it probably should.
"Yup." He shakes his head in disbelief. "You know, I have a hard time believing that the same girl who went to rodeo's with me and this punk when we were skinny little nobodies... can't believe she's a grown woman now, on her way to becoming a doctor. I've gotta say, (Y/n), I'm so proud of you. You've got no idea." Your eyes prickle and you blink furiously.
"Thank you, Steve. It feels so... surreal. Coming back here after all these years... it feels like nothing's really changed." He smiles, nodding.
"Yeah. Nothing's changed at all," Bucky mumbles, eyes on you. You look down at your lap, unsure what he means by that.
The first week of helping on the farm is exactly how you remembered it. Early mornings, heavy lifting, and the stench of animal crap that seems to stick to your hair even after you shower. But it feels like home. And spending time with your closest friends is worth it all.
You're walking through the tiny town's farmer's market, a list of groceries in your right hand, written by Winifred herself.
Just as you're paying for the last vegetables that you need, the sound of horse hooves on the gravel road makes you and everyone around you turn to the sound.
Sitting atop his prized mare is Bucky, a dark cowboy hat on his head and some fancy looking cowboy boots on his feet. He slows to a stop in front of you, grinning as you step closer.
"Well howdy," you tease. He chuckles and looks down for a moment.
"Ma wanted me to come pick you up. Says a storm's brewin'. She didn't want you walking home in it. Brought my pack so you can stash the groceries and we can ride back home." You purse your lips then nod, handing him the groceries so he can put them away.
"Now c'mon up. You remember how to ride?" The glimmer in his eyes makes you grin.
"As a matter of fact, James, I remember vividly how to ride." He chuckles softly and offers you his hand. You grab it with one hand and pull while bouncing to give yourself momentum. You grab onto his bicep with your other arm and swing your leg over the horse, pulling yourself up the rest of the way with ease.
"Huh, all that time in the big city hasn't made you forget," he mutters, glancing over his shoulder at you while his mare starts a comfortable walk back to the house.
"I uh... I haven't had a chance to tell you, but your place looks great," you say awkwardly, hands twitching to reach for him.
He hums, his right hand reaching back and grabbing onto yours, pulling it around his waist. "You'd better hold on tight. Don't want you to fall." You bring your other hand around his waist and lean your head against his back.
The ride back home is quiet and peaceful, and gives you far too much to think about.
When you're finally back on the property, Bucky hops off of his mare then reaches up and grabs your waist instinctively. And you let him.
He helps you down and the two of you stand like that for a long moment, chests touching and eyes locked together, the tension palpable between the two of you.
Thunder booms in the distance and it snaps the two of you out of your moment. Bucky ducks his head and leads his mare to the stables and you make your way into the house that the two of you are sharing.
When Bucky finally comes inside, his hat damp with rain, you've got two mugs of tea waiting. You hand one to him then make your way into the sunroom to relax as the rain falls gently outside.
You're sipping your tea, watching the rain, when Bucky comes out and sits next to you on the worn old couch.
"I've missed you, (Y/n). I really have. It just.... it ain't the same without you here." You look over at him and smile sadly.
"I've missed you too, Buck. So much." He throws his arm over the back of the couch, eyes on you as he sets his mug down on the coffee table.
"When you left... I thought you'd come back and be too prissy for me. Thought you'd realize what you're worth and you wouldn't wanna speak to me again, that's assumin' you'd come back at all. And I know it's shallow of me, but I didn't know what to expect. But let me tell you that I'm so damn happy that you haven't changed. You've filled out a bit more, and you seem more confident, but you're still my (Y/n) in there."
You look over at him, see the vulnerability in his beautiful blue eyes, and find yourself falling head over heels all over again.
"Bucky, I'd never think myself 'too good' for you. Or for anyone here. You guys are my family... my friends.... and..." you trail off , eyes darting down to his lips for a long moment before finding his eyes again.
His arm slides from the couch to your shoulders, fingers squeezing your shoulder gently. You lean forward, setting your mug on the table beside his then nuzzle back against him, sighing softly.
"I'm glad you're home," he whispers, eyes finding your lips. You nod, instinctively shifting closer to him.
You lick your lips and his eyes dart down to the movement. He looks back up to your eyes, asking for permission. You grant it, leaning forward slightly. He meets you halfway, lips warm and slightly chapped.
You melt into it, moaning softly against his mouth. He takes advantage of your parted lips and gently lets his tongue explore, re-familiarizing himself with every inch of you.
His hands grip your waist and yanks you over to him, helping you situate yourself so that you're straddling his thighs. You cup his cheeks and kiss him harder, inhaling sharply when he grabs your ass.
"Let's get you outta these jeans, yeah?" He asks, his voice gravelly and deep with lust. You stand up, legs trembling slightly, and quickly rid yourself of your jeans. He does the same, kicking off his jeans and unbuttoning his flannel. You pull your t-shirt above your head, leaving you completely bare in front of him, except for your panties.
He has his hand down his boxers, stroking his hard length while his hooded eyes stay trained on you.
You drop to your knees between his legs and smile innocently up at him.
"Can I suck your cock, Bucky?" He moans at the way you say it, nodding his head furiously. You're quick to help him out of his boxers, your jaw dropping as his cock rests freely against his abdomen.
He's so much bigger than you remember. You take him in your dominant hand, stroking him slowly. He throws his head back, taking deep breaths as you continue to slowly torture him.
Deciding to put him out of his misery, you lean forward and lick him from base to tip, then take him down your throat.
He lurches forward, hand grabbing onto your hair as you start bobbing your head up and down.
"Jesus fuck!" He watches you through hooded eyes as you give him what may be the best blowjob of his life.
"Fuck, stop." He pulls you off of his cock and takes a few shuddering breaths.
"As fucking fantastic as that feels, I wanna cum inside of you." You rub your thighs together as heat pools at your centre at his words.
He pulls you up onto his lap again and pulls at the flimsy lace of your panties, tearing them clean off of your body. He tosses them aside then pulls you closer to his chest, rutting his hips upwards to grind his cock against your folds. You moan and drop your head to his shoulder, the feeling of his hot length against your wet heat only adding to the intense pleasure coursing through your veins.
"You gonna let me fuck you hard? Huh? You gonna let me show you just how much I missed you?" You nod breathlessly, grinding your hips against his and moaning every time he bumps your clit.
He lifts you up slightly, just enough to snake his hand between your naked bodies, then lines his aching cock with your cunt.
He doesn't make any further move, allowing you to take the reins at your own pace, and for that you're more than grateful.
It takes a while, lowering on him slowly, before you can settle comfortably on his lap, and even then the two of you are straining.
"Fuck," he rasps, fingers digging into your waist, no doubt leaving bruises for tomorrow.
You give your hips an experimental rock and moan as he rubs right against your g-spot.
"God, you're tight," he murmurs, squeezing his eyes shut tightly. You glance down to where the two of you are connected then back up to his blissed-out face and make a decision in your head.
With determination and a loud moan, you lift your hips then drop them back down. He lets out a guttural groan and you repeat the action, gradually speeding up until you're bouncing in his lap, his cock hitting every single good place inside of you.
"I-I'm gonna cum," he whispers, moaning softly when you clench around him. You can feel yourself approaching the edge too, and when he brings his hand between your legs to rub your swollen clit, you see stars.
A long drawn out moan leaves your lips as your release slams into you like a brick wall. You collapse against his chest, eyes rolling back into your head as he grips your hips and fucks up into you, drawing out your orgasm while finally reaching his own.
His hips stutter a few more times before he stills, arms wrapping around you and holding you tightly to his chest while the two of you stay locked together, his cock softening inside of you.
You push yourself up against his chest, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. He hums happily and hugs you tighter. Two fingers flick the tip of his hat and he chuckles, cheeks flushed a pretty pink.
"Well, you know what they say," you whisper, grabbing his hat and plopping it onto your own head. He shakes his head with a laugh. "No, what do they say?"
You grin and bring your mouth down so that it's just hovering over his.
"Save a horse, ride a cowboy."
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