#bean rewatches the walking dead
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littlelovingideas · 1 year ago
“Todays your lucky day, fellas. You been pardoned by the state of Georgia. You’re free to go.”
Bruh. Daryl kills me.
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in-act-ive · 2 years ago
Okay so could you maybe write something were the reader and carl talk about their future together and just plan out everything in full Detail and like just fluff and more fluff with them beinge excited for it
Yeah sure! You're gonna make me cry Anon ( joking! )
Carl Grimes x NB/GN!reader
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Request : yep!
Type : story
A / N : I hope this is what you wanted! I apologize for no w/c. I totally forgot to do it! This takes place before Glenn's death because i stopped paying attention after that ( I'm not as informed on anything after that! ) I also don't remember everything an I need to rewatch some parts so I apologize if its at all wrong!
Carl, Rick, Glenn, and yourself were out on a run. You ended up in a huge forest and even if Rick wouldn't admit it, you were probably lost. Glenn was at the back and Rick was at the front leaving you and Carl in the middle.
Carl was way too focused on his dad and what he was mumbling to himself so you decided to break the very awkward silence.
"So, Carl, what do you have planned for the future?" You asked, taking a small step to stand in front of him. You spun around slightly to face him. You didn't mind having to walk backwards. He hummed thoughtfully before speaking.
Carl looked slightly annoyed when he stepped in front of him, his grip on his gun tightening slightly. "Dunno." He shrugged
You gasped in offense at the comment. Carl rolled his eyes and let out a long sigh. Once the conversation starter failed your ears were filled with the sound of four sets of foot steps crunching the dead leaves, pine needles, and loose sticks below them, Rick's soft mumbling that seemed to just be nonsense, and Carl's heavy breathing. You sighed and fell back to Carl's side with angry huff.
You four sat in silence for the next half mile or so. The only real conversation was Glenn reassuring Rick that he knew what he was doing. And that he didn't need to worry.
You let your head fall back in anger at the silence. You looked up at the darkening sky and the sudden sound of Rick's voice made you jump and pull your gun up, your grip on it tightening.
"We should set up camp. You three look exhausted." Rick spoke firmly. When he watched you jump and move your gun he put his hand out to stop you. Carl put his hand over the barrel of your gun and softly pushed it down into a less threatening position.
'Setting up camp' was more of 'roll your sleeping bags out' cause Rick never let you carry a tent. You pulled your bag off and used the strap at the top to hang it on a low hanging branch. You pulled the sleeping bag out from its stop on your bag and you threw it out with a small noise.
You flopped on the thin fabric and sighed. Carl set his down beside you.
After Rick set up a fire and made you some ehat you assumed were beans he made his own food and went to bed. Glenn followed soon after leaving you and Carl up alone.
"Okay Carl, I'm not going to call you a liar--" You paused and tilted your head to the side to think about it. "Never mind I am going to call you a liar. You've got to have some plan for the future." You pushed. Carl looked at you kinda irritated before sighing.
"Tell me about your plans sense you're so invested." Carl commented. You didn't even take the time to consider that Carl had just avoided your question.
You thought for a moment. "Well! I wanna find love, obviously. Definitely get myself my own house of some sort. Get like my own sanctuary kinda thing!" You smiled happily as you explained.
Carl smiled, seeing you happy anf talk about something that made you so excited made him happy. You'd always brought a smile to the boys face no matter what you did. He thought of you as one of the few people who genuinely stayed happy in this whole mess.
Once you had finished talking he decided to give ideas. "Well... You could make a town of sorts. Find any animals, if there still are any, and raise them and such so food. Make it near a river so you can have water--" Carl was cut off by you speaking.
"You could help me run it!" Your eyes lit up. Carl looked at you confused for a moment. Not even knowing if he could deal with all that. He shook his head while smiling.
Carl finally looked up at you again before speaking, "I don't think so. I think you'd do much better without me." He spoke softly.
You were very offended. You pulled your head back in mock disgust before laughing softly. "I beg to differ!" You huffed at him.
You and Carl had always been attached at the hip. Even if he was a lot tougher than your more excited and happy self. You two rarely did anything without the other and you did not plan on changing that tradition, at all.
You'd been the one to calm Carl's constant need to be cool and show off to the adults. While on the other hand Carl was there to make sure you didn't let everyone push you around and to make sure you didn't fo anything too stupid.
Carl sighed at you and you sighed back, mocking him. He finally thought of what to say. "Y / N, as much as I'd love too you need to learn that you can live without me for five minutes." He looked very serious but his eyes were laces with something you couldn't quite put your finger on.
"Shut up! You know you'd love to help." You crossed your arms across your chest in frustration.
Carl laughed and set his hand on your knee, something he often did to make you know he was there. Or when he was about to say something he knew would make you happy.
He looks at you, deadpan. "You know I would." A small smirk plays at the side of his lips. "What's your plan?" He watches as your face lights up.
You're practically screaming with excitement at that. He quickly has to put his hand over your mouth to ensure you don't wake Glenn and Rick up.
"Really?" Your voice was muffled through his hand. Carl nodded softly.
Carl pulled his hand away and wiped it on his pants. You roll your eyes but kept your mouth shut for the time being. Once you actually found the words you spoke excitedly while whisper screaming. "You actually wanna hear?" Your eyes were shining.
Carl couldn't help but laugh at yout excitement. "Yep, of course." He nodded, his voice seemed a lot smoother than usual. Clearly he was trying to calm your excitement.
You didn't even know where to start. You hadn't planned anything around Carl being involved so you'd have to tweak some things.
You hummed while deep in thought. Carl looked intently at you. "Well.. Once we find a good town thats not completely rundown we can make walls around it! There's forests for miles so that means a lot of wood." You explain. Carl really didn't need the extra stuff about how you'd get wood but he didn't want to interrupt your excited rant.
Carl just nodded and made small 'mhm' noises as you spoke about resources. "Like you said it'd be helpful to be near water and hopefully some farm land for food. Maybe if we find any animals in this mess, which I highly doubt, we can have pastures!" You went on. Clearly not stopping for anything.
Carl softly smacked your knee to make you go silent for a moment so he can add a suggestion. "You could have a small market. Dad talks about these things called farmers markets. People bring stuff they've grown or made and sell them." Carl tilted his head to the side as he watched you think.
You nodded excitedly. Carl and yourself talked for hours until Glenn woke up na d told you both to sleep.
The next day, neither adults were excited to deal with the two exhausted teens
Note: This was not spell checked nor grammer checked! I apologize in advance for the mistakes
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whywhatswrongwithblue · 2 years ago
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When Rose Tyler meets a mysterious stranger called the Doctor, her life will never be the same again. Soon she realises that her mum, her boyfriend and the whole of Earth are in danger. The only hope for salvation lies inside a strange blue box.
1. LOVE this opening. Such a great bedroom hahah. Perfectly messy and pink—makes me wonder what t2r’s shared bedroom must look like now!
2. What does Jackie do for a living? I know it’s canon (or fanon?) that she’s a hairdresser but do we actually ever see her working as one?
3. Who’s Derek? And why does Rose think a mannequin prank would be up his lane? RUN. Such a great meet cute 😭😭😭😭 these two are married now you guys!!!!!!!
4. ‘Cos to get that many people dressed up and being silly, they got to be students. 
That makes sense. Well done. 🥺🥺 nothing just the Doctor always appreciating the insight Rose brings🥺🥺
6. ‘So, I'm going to go up there and blow them up, and I might well die in the process, but don't worry about me. No, you go home. Go on. Go and have your lovely beans on toast.’ ohhhhh he wants her to join him so bad 😭 the poor guy. This is right after he’s destroyed his entire planet and there’s just SOMETHING about Rose he sees, huh? 😭🥺 also ’Nice to meet you, Rose. Run for your life.’ Such a great line!
7. TARDIS appearance!
8. ‘Honestly, it's aged her. Skin like an old bible. Walking in now you'd think I was her daughter.’ oh my God Jackie Tyler I have missed you. Imagine your mum reacting to you almost getting blown up like THIS though 🤣 yikes!
9. Rose doesn’t tell Mickey about the Doctor—no matter how ridiculous the plastic plot sounds she believes him, even if it is unconsciously at the moment
10. All the calls Jackie is getting one after the other insinuate a pretty closely knit neighbourhood, doesn’t it? All these people know where Rose works and are concerned enough to call up. Imagine how traumatic the sudden shift to Pete’s World must’ve been for Jackie—I know she’s got the parallel version of Bev but it’s not the same, and it must’ve taken a WHILE to adjust to everything.
11. “The airs and graces” comment. So much to be dissected here! Jackie’s relationship with herself and with her daughter implied very heavily in this one line. She seems to be jealous, even.
12. They have a cat flap! Rose confirmed cat person moment (1). The Doctor waiting outside the flat xD. Talk about picking up strays🥺
13. The dialogue is so damn gooood. And Christopher’s delivery is so endearing
14. Jackie hitting on the Doctor!!!!! Need tentoo to bring this up ASAP. She’s his mother in law😭
15. Staircase shot is incredible. Love the Sort of, yeah❤️ bit. Also love how the Doctor repeatedly checks on how she’s handling the information (*Are you alright? Do you believe me?*)—however unconsciously he’s doing it, he IS checking her suitability as a potential companion 🥺
16. Mickey SMH. Also apparently he doesn’t wash his dishes 🤣
17. Loveee Clive. RTD’s writing is so immersive, it really makes the whole world come alive. These side characters add so much depth to the story—something sorely missing in the Moffat and Chibnall eras.
18. THE WHEELIE BIN. I always forget how fucking ridiculous this episode is until I rewatch it 🤣 also lord Rose is so uninvested in this relationship. P-P-PIZZA will always be one of my fav lines
19. The infamous Jimmy Stone! I love how we’re given the one line about him and it’s inspired thousands of fics. Rose considering completing her A Levels here—would that be something she’d be interested in doing in Pete’s World?
20. TARDIS!!!!! Doomsday theme begins here 😓😓 love how the Doctor is judging how easily she can accept his alienness—he claims to be done with human companions every time but he is undoubtedly impressed by Rose. Also find it incredibly interesting he didn’t even think about Mickey being dead. This, contrasted with other alien lives (including the Daleks, sometimes) that the Doctor seems to value…is an intriguing juxtaposition. Is there a little simmering jealousy of the boyfriend already? Is he slightly unable to look at consequences of actions beyond his own? He has just come off of a genocide at this moment
21. Mickey’s mother! Bit of a mistake here, we learn that he was raised by his grandma in *Father’s Day*
22. Lots of planets have a North!!!
23. I always found it funny that Rose, who seemed so upset about Mickey a second ago, is now holding hands with Nine and running down the bridge lmfao. They really are very alike in their love for the thrill.
24. ‘Yeah, that was always a possibility. Keep him alive to maintain the copy.’
You knew that and you never said? 
Can we keep the domestics outside, thank you?’ hmmm. Jealousy, perhaps? Or a disregard for lives he doesn’t believe are at the same level as that of higher beings? As much as he rejected the Time Lords, he is a product of his origin, and has quite a condescending view of humans
25. Shunt off. God, I love you RTD
26. The Nestene Consciousness is alarmed when it recognises that he is a Time Lord. Later in the show, it’s implied that the Time Lords were almost, if not as bad as the Daleks were, during the Time War.
27. RIP Clive 🕊️ fingers crossed it’s your cameo we’re getting in the 60th
28. Rose! My beloved! Bronze medalist! This screencap in particular is very Bad Wolf
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29. I honestly can’t wrap my mind around people who say Rose was wrong for going with the Doctor. He came back for her!!!
30. The perfect opening episode. Extrapolation is done so elegantly and we even get a sense of how absurd the show can get. 10/10, and one of my favourite episode 1s!
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themovieblogonline · 9 months ago
The Boondock Saints Are Back...and Breaking Out of Jail?!
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Yo Boondock Saints fans, listen up! Remember those vigilante brothers, Connor and Murphy MacManus, dispensing their own brand of justice with a whole lotta firepower? Yeah, The Boondock Saints are coming back for round three, and this time, it sounds like things are about to get epic. Norman Reedus Spills the Beans (Kinda) Norman Reedus, the guy who slays zombies on "The Walking Dead," recently dropped a hot take on "The Boondock Saints 3." He couldn't reveal too much, but he did say one thing for sure: this sequel is gonna be BIGGER. Like, way bigger than the first two movies. Think John Wick levels of action, but with holy water and shotguns instead of fancy suits and silenced pistols. And guess what else? The movie might even start with the MacManus brothers busting outta the clink. Yeah, that's right, they've been locked up for a while, but that ain't stopping them from getting back on their righteous crusade. Remember, these guys believe in their own brand of justice, even if it means bending the law (a lot). New Director, Same Badass Brothers While they haven't announced a director yet, one thing's for sure: the original director, Troy Duffy, won't be back. But don't worry, Norman Reedus and Sean Patrick Flanery are still suiting up as Murphy and Connor. These iconic roles practically belong to them at this point. The first "Boondock Saints" movie came out way back in 1999. It didn't exactly break the box office, but it found a second life on home video. Fast forward to today, and it's a full-blown cult classic. People love the action, the over-the-top violence, and the whole "morality is a gray area" thing the MacManus brothers have going on. The Wait Continues So, when can we expect this epic jailbreak movie to hit theaters? There's no official release date yet, but trust us, we're keeping our ears to the ground. In the meantime, you can rewatch the first two movies to get yourself pumped. Just remember, sending thoughts and prayers to the bad guys might not be the worst idea when the MacManus brothers are on the loose. Let us know in the comments below: Are you hyped for "The Boondock Saints 3"? And what kind of crazy action scenes do you want to see in the new movie? Read the full article
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redabeliz · 2 years ago
Ok so I started watching Game of Thrones for the first time in my life 4 days ago and accidentally binged it here's my opinions on characters so far (finished s2) unfiltered by The Fandom
Ned - was a great man, I feel so complicated abt his relationship with Cat and his unknown relationship with Jon's mom cuz the way he gets a far away look when talking abt her to Robert makes it feel like he is either super guilty abt it or he cared for her much more than he ever cared for Cat. Bro was so dumb for trying to save Cersei and her bastard kids. Myrcella and Tommen seem nice enough but two nice incest babies doesn't make the one that's killing the entirety of Westeros any better
Cat - so cool love love love, I hate how she doesn't have much agency and when she does it's to release Jaime??? I should probably rewatch the episode tho bc I'm watching the show at work (13hr shifts so I walk away a lot without pausing and get spoiled before rewinding) bc i just dont understand her thought process. I feel so terrible that she doesn't even know if any of her kids besides Robb are alive but freeing Jaime is NOT gonna help imo
Robb - every time I look at him I think abt how similar he looks to Jon like they could be twins dude. He needs to quit having a relationship w that one nurse girl cuz this is war and the only thing that comes from showing the world that you love someone BEFORE YOU WIN is that they need to kill her. Idk how they're gonna do it but she's gonna die. But he's doing so well as the leader of winterfell and I love how Sean Bean lives on in the show and everything he did had meaning and his death wasn't for nothing. Anyways Robb's gonna be a great king but he's totally probably gonna get fucked over by David Bradley and/or his millions of kids
Jon - pretty boring storyline I'm sad to say. It feels soooo slow when he gets on screen. The baby thing was interesting and so is the Pale Man (I'm sure he has a scary name but I wasn't paying attention too well). He IS an interesting character at least his backstory I mean and in relation to Ned and Cat
Sansa - poor sweet girl I cry for her everytime she's on screen can't somebody save her she's like 13 Cersei let her freeeeee. Her actress is so good btw, I really didn't like how she had a crush on Joffrey so quickly but she paid for it when Lady died and continues to pay for having a silly innocent little school girl crush on the worst person to ever be born
Arya - her storyline is the most stressful, like she has a higher chance of dying than anyone else in her family. I do hope her and Gendry can be friends, he already seems like an older brother to her just like assassin guy
Bran & Rickon - I forgot rickon existed a lot. I actually forgot if Bran got his memory back, not like it matters since everyone knows Cersei and Jaime be fuckin. Anyways I'm sure Bran's gonna walk again due to magic or whatever idk why the First One girl is helping him instead of abandoning them too I got soooo stressed when I thought Bran and Rickon died that I didn't realize the farmers kids had died
Theon - rn I wanna shake him around cuz tf bro why would you burn and hang the dead bodies of ANYONE. I have a very black and white way of seeing things so I cannot ever forgive him for the kids sakes and a couple measly gold coins isn't gonna bring the kids back. I really don't care for him or his storyline anymore I thought he was funny with his "Oh I'm such an alpha male, women should fall at my feet cuz imma be king of the world!" Only to get thrown into reality when his sister has more of a right to the throne than he does
Cersei - someone said she thinks in the BIG big picture and that doesn't make sense bc shes going out of her way to try and save Jaime from the Starks while trying to deny accusations of their incest. In a way her being such a terrible person makes me like Jaime because of the fact I doubt it was his idea to never interact with those kids. I keep forgetting their his kids too bc of the fact he's never around them or talks to them. Also her killing Jon Arryn was so stupid.
Joffrey - I saw a video on tiktok abt "the kind of person who watches the show from the wrong side" where the guy loves Joffrey and everything he does BEFORE I got to the part where he abused the two sex workers and ran away from a war he caused
Tyrion - he deserves happiness but Shae deserves to be free and now that Cersei is sus of her she's in so much danger. I don't think theyre gonna last and I'm gonna be so sad. I sincerely can't tell if Shae likes him or not and I feel like he's being suuuuper toxic by locking her up when he could've just let her be. When wartime came I was so impressed by him he was so cool. Truly one of the only good, if not THE best Lannister.
Brienne of Tarth - 🫰🫂🤌🗣❤️‍🔥💏🧎💞🙇🫦💘💌💋🫶💝😘🤩🥰😍🤗😚 pls notice me and all I could do for you, Queen
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lovely-echoo · 4 years ago
Sleepy Bois Inc x FranBow!Reader
In-game AU
Part 2/? PT.1
Plantonic!SBI x Young!Reader
(10/11 years old)
Genderneutral reader (they/them) 💜
INFO; If you haven't played or seen game play of Fran Bow then you can skip this if you'd like. If you don't care then go ahead.
Summary; Basically if you've seen/played the game you should know how this goes, you take place of Fran. So you go/went through the same things she did and you still have Mr. Midnight. This takes place while Fran is still in the mental hospital and then got teleported near the SBI.
If I get any info wrong, I'm sorry! I rewatched Markiplier's game play so it shouldn't be way off.
P.s not everything is described the same.
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(^ art by sunquids on twt)
CW/TW: mentions/includes of cussing, food/not eating properly, screaming, murder, death threats(?)
First Impressions
Was terrified honestly-
Thought you were dead at first
Mans was just walking around with his son when he heard a thud
Was 1000% not expecting a kid and a cat
Even worse when he tried to get closer the cat got defensive and swatted it’s claws at him
And when you woke up-
Oh boy-
You barely acknowledged him and picked up the cat
Which btw, the damn cat changed so quickly- it perked up and was all happy and shit
The sudden anger to happiness gave him whiplash the poor guy
Then when you started crying which that scared him to
But either way he wanted to help you
Blame the father instincts ig-
He saw the way you looked thinner and not in the way as in ‘I was born with a fast metabolism/naturally like that’ but in the way of ‘I haven’t gotten proper food in a while’
(Btw if you are a plus-sized reader, the same goes for you. I don’t want to specify anything, especially body types. But he could tell you haven’t eaten actual food :) bc we all know that asylum food is shit)
He also saw the way you lowkey gaped at his wings but shh-
^ Lowkey feels prideful about it but you didn't hear it from me-
He really tried to approach you as calmly as possible to not scare you
Can I also mention that when he saw how dull your eyes were he felt his heart shatter
He also physically winced when he heard you speak for the first time
Honestly got lost in thought with a bunch of concerns, worries and shit
Final Thoughts;
Thinks you're absolutely adorable
Wants to punt whoever left you here
Lowkey scared of your cat
At first did not care
Like at all
Also thought you were dead at first
Still didn’t care
But the more he examined you when you first met
There’s something about you that kinda…
But yeah
Was ticked off when you talked back but also impressed
Like he’s Technoblade, The Blood God.
Usually whenever he makes eye contact with people- especially kids
They cower, scream, panic and ect.
But you didn’t waver
But either way, he’s still very skeptical.
Will absolutely stay on guard with you around
Unless you don’t give him reason to
If the some of the voices are right
He will dropkick murder you
So just keep quiet about it for now, okay?
He actually kinda finds you interesting
He doesn’t know why, he just does
Maybe it’s your mannerisms but eh
Just watch yourself around him
He’s so stiff and stern around you to the point that you think you won’t wake up the next morning
Final Thoughts;
Still really iffy about you
Get's the most ill vibe from you
Wants the voices to stfu about how 'cute' you were
Ima be completely honest with you-
He screamed.
Like as soon as he made eye contact with your bloodshot eyes
He just full on screamed
You don’t know what you did to scare the poor teen
But I guess you’ll never know
And ima be honest with you again
He doesn’t either.
Maybe it was the way your eyes bore into his when he first saw you
Lowkey thought you were half dead or a zombie or some shit
You just looked so…
You kinda looked like a doll to him
He’s not a fan of dolls
Will he apologize for screaming the first time ya’ll met?
Because that is lowkey rude to do-
Yes but actually no-
He feels bad but he’s got to much of a stick up his ass to apologize directly
But he’ll make it up to you one day
I hope-
But other than that
He’s happy to not be the youngest one around tho
Final Thoughts;
Still thinks you look like a creepy doll
Gets this vibe from you but can’t put his finger on it
Lowkey wants to take you out on an adventure and maybe introduce you to Tubbo
He was actually in his room chilling
Practising his guitar for a new song he wrote
He was vibing
Then he heard a scream
Thought a cat or smt was being murdered
So he rushed downstairs expecting a dead animal or shit
Turns out it was just his younger brother
Was gonna scold him but he saw you and your cat
That btw, you were holding him in such a cute way and looked at him with these doe eyes
Mentally, emotionally and physically awed
Your farming his aw’s hold on a sec-
He’s in love omg-
Please he’s already thinking about doing sibling shit with you
He knows his dad will adopt you even if he said ‘They're staying here for a while before they go back home.'
Wil knows that’s a lie and you’ll be staying here for a lot longer
With your consent ofc
Either way finds you adorable, smol and just
You’re baby
To him, you’re baby
Final Thoughts;
You're baby
Wonders if you like music
But also gets a weird vibe from you
The Voices
Oh boy-
So many different opinions
Some want you dead
Some want to hug you
Some want your cat
Some hate your cat
It’s all a mess
But let’s focus on the positive ones-
A lot of them are still chanting ‘protecc tiny bean’
Some are talking about you, others the cat
‘protecc tiny beans’
Is now what they decided to chant
They love you bby dw
Even the harsher ones, they love you
They just don’t show it
For the ones who really want you dead and shit
They’ll warm up
At least I hope so
But they don’t get the chance to say more mean shit like wanting you dead
Because those voices are getting attacked by your fans
Yes, your fans
They’ve nominated themselves as your fans
Yes, they do fight for who’s the number one fan
Final Thoughts;
If Philza likes you then they do (for the most part-)
Protecc tiny beans?
Protecc tiny beans.
Feel free to submit suggestions for this series! Could just be headcanons, reactions to ___, or anything!
@killermich-blog | @cl0udy-grey | @roxy3457 @itsberrydreemurstuff | @shuriosansshitposts @frowningsmiles | @muchrooomm | @novelist2 | @xx-smiley-xx
Lmk if you want to be added!
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lazybakerart · 2 years ago
Hello! I just wanted to compliment your taste because I LITERALLY just started rewatching The Walking Dead to read some Jesus/Daryl fics and then I was like...actually....now that I recall Rick/Daryl is everything. And you always post my favvvooorite anime Yu Yu Hakusho. So you are appreciated on this dash hahaha
i'm gonna hug you so hard, get over here you sweet bean!!
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feelingofcontent · 3 years ago
DNP Rewatch: Taking Quizzes About Myself!
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Date video was published: 09/16/2016 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 316
A very rare 2016 solo Phil video; the first since April. He’s wearing the same shirt as in the skits in Dan’s last video so I wonder if they filmed the same day.
0:00 - everything is so blue in this video...the bedding, Phil’s shirt, and especially his eyes
0:04 - reference to the WILL DAN AND PHIL SURVIVE AUSTRALIA? video
0:12 - at least they weren’t gone for as long this time so I would hope they survived a little better
0:18 - oh that one is very dead
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0:30 - Dan also tweeted about being ready for autumn. And they did get PSLs shortly after this
0:40 - I bet they were so glad that the next apartment had aircon
0:45 - love to see what Phil thinks are his “guilty” pleasures. Also, quiff and glasses Phil!
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0:52 - the shifty Phil face! I love it 😂
0:55 - the whole concept of this video got an embarrassed-at-himself Phil giggle
1:00 - that has to be so weird; I can’t really imagine what it would be like to have personality quizzes about myself that just exist. DNP probably have a lot of things like that though
1:08 - aww at one of his reasons being making the quiz creators happy
1:12 - “am I secretly part robot?” ...of course that’s what his thinks the other percentage is, lol
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1:16 - checking himself out in the gif! It is a good one. The lighting he has in this video is almost the same, haha
1:23 - I really don’t think I want to know where his mind went at “gimme a huge bean”
1:28 - wow, big confession there. A lot of things he doesn’t like are texture-related
1:43 - sees Dan’s name; immediately smiles and giggles
1:50 - there are clearly “right” answers here but I love that Phil is not fully committed to those
1:56 - northern Phil!...and then he goes with that one too
2:14 - love the gif for this question. I also don’t know what the “correct” answer is for this one, but Phil went for the most creative one
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2:39 - well that seems like it’s supposed to be a “Dan” answer
2:49 - the deadpan “no. I do not wear those outside” 😂
2:57 - christ. sometimes Phil can be loud about it too 🥺
3:05 - Phil is great at sound effects
3:10 - I’ll compare Phil’s results to Dan’s once I get to the video where Dan does quizzes like this. But you can tell that Phil’s actual personality/thoughts were less easy for the quiz writers to get to for the results
3:23 - Phil’s reasoning for some of these is so out there
3:32 - “a walk at 6am” seems extremely out of the ordinary for him. He looks like it was a bit horrifying, lol
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3:54 - love that he answers what he’s feeling in the moment and it seems like he would change answers on a different day
4:04 - well he is very energetic in this video and maybe also trying to escape the jet lag
4:15 - this is the most challenging question for him so far
4:25 - another one where he didn’t go with the obvious “Phil” answer! “I’m not gonna show you my feet” 😂
4:37 - both the “I don’t trust worms” and the quiet “Dan would freak out” are something else
4:43 - enough of a fanboy moment to make a video about. Didn’t they actually meet and interact with Taylor for the radio though?
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4:47 - ahahaha, I love this bit and that Phil thinks that would be entertaining
5:07 - it has to be so strange reading an outside perspective on what someone thinks your personality is
5:24 - he literally giggles at every mention of Dan in this video...would love to know what he’s actually thinking
5:30 - did the quiz writer think Phil was outgoing?
5:35 - he didn’t even read the other options on the anime question, lol
5:40 - Johnlock reference of course
5:50 - they really do prefer to be at home...what was that “yas” from Phil I love it
6:00 - I’m laughing
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6:08 - this one is so dumb...though Phil chose it
6:14 - behind the scenes insight! He talks about this photoshoot in DML2 as well; it must have been bad
6:35 - people really believed this
6:43 - Phil’s so proud at “beating” the quiz
7:02 - and being upset when the quiz beats him! lol
7:09 - “I guess that was fun” ...great facial expression
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7:13 - well that’s very specific...although I feel like he kinda used this idea later for Anthony, Dan or a RAT?
7:15 - it should be...
7:26 - ...and he starts out well, but...
7:30 - ...then he’s SO bad, lol
7:50 - except when he knows exactly what Dan’s ear looks like 👀
8:06 - he’s so disappointed in himself
8:12 - there was a time when they wouldn’t say “Phan” at all but by this point they do. Phil looks scared
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8:22 - LMAO at Phil picking himself 😂
8:30 - oh this one. I talked about the potential context of THE PHOTO BOOTH CHALLENGE when I wrote that post, and why it makes me 😭
8:37 - “it has a lot of fun memories” help.
8:44 - I love that for both questions Phil chooses joint videos
 8:58 - that’s a strange question to answer about yourself and also a “safe” answer choice, haha
9:07 - slightly creeped out, but he does like the description for this one
9:34 - he didn’t read the introduction about the rarity of the glabella!
9:38 - “Dan’s crotch” 😳
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9:46 - this is more hilarious because Dan is not wearing pants in his quiz video 😂
I love a video with a bit of an insight into how Phil’s brain works! He’s also quite funny in this one.
This is the last “regular” video for a while; DNP uploaded a lot of videos in the month after this, but they are all promoting either the TABINOF movies or DAPGO.
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Paulson’s AHS characters ranked by..... favorite?? GO! 👏🏻👏🏻
Alskdfasldkfj I love the “by.... favorite??” because now I’m just thinking of all the other ways to rank them xD Thank you for the ask, lovely!! This was surprisingly more difficult than I anticipated, but SO MUCH FUN!!! Alright here we go:
11. Sexy Sadie 
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We love a batshit queen. Especially one with pretty fingers and a way with a knife. But poor Sadie is only in AHS for like five seconds, so she gets ranked last by default. 
10. Dot Tattler
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I’m going to be honest. I wasn’t a huge fan of Dot at the beginning of Freakshow. But the second she had that moment with Bette in the barn, and wiped at her tears and covered her mouth so that Bette wouldn’t hear her crying??? GOODBYE THERE GOES MY HEART. And fuck me, when she confesses her love to Jimmy and that little hopeful smile on her face with the tears in her eyes?? This poor baby just wants LOVE, COME ON. 
9. Ally Mayfair-Richards
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Ohhh Ally. Don’t get me wrong, I love her to bits. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again -- PROTECT HER AT ALL COSTS. And her transformation is phenomenal. Gosh see even as I’m typing this I’m regretting ranking her so low. I have issues because I get WAY too emotionally attached to vulnerable or “weak” characters. Especially when they're running around screaming and hurting like poor baby Ally. I just want to tuck her away in my heart and keep her safe forever please and thank you. 
8. Shelby Miller
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Hair. I mean, need I say more? I know that I ranked her low, but here’s the problem: I always brush her off until I rewatch Roanoke. And then I can’t shut up about how perfect she is and how much I love her. So she’ll stay here at 8, but just know that occasionally she plows down pretty much everyone else and sits up at 3 or 4. (Also please see above about falling too hard in love with characters who spend their entire time on-screen running and crying and hurting and scared.)
7. Bette Tattler
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Oh Bette. Little baby Bette. Let’s call her PROTECT AT ALL COSTS 2.0 and give her all of the uwus. I love her, nose to toes, and I would absolutely pull down the moon just to see her smile. (Note: this may be my favorite shot from Freakshow, so thank you to whoever giffed this face and absolutely made my day xx)
6. Lana Winters
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Okay don’t @ me for ranking her so low. She’s another one that I always forget that I like. But then there are days/weeks where she runs my life and I absolutely lose my mind over her. And I think by now we all know how much I adore Ponytail Lana and her tiny little baby smile and her jacket and the way she pours her tea. Excuse me while I go cry forever. 
5. Audrey Tindall
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BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLY BABY ANGEL. I realized the other day that under this dress she is wearing little pink knee socks all scrunched down around her ankles. And to say I was not okay would be a large understatement. She is an actual bean, and such a perfectly radiant little angel. I mean, is there anyone who exudes sunshine like she does? But so sassy, and confident, and sexy, and cocky. And then she burns so hot to protect the people she loves. I will never not scream when she spits in Mama Polk’s face. And that’s that on that. 
4. Billie Dean Howard
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Favorite gif of my favorite line of my favorite outfit of my favorite lady. But goodness, the amount of lust love that I have for a proper, grown up Southern lady with perfect nails and pearls and a smoking habit that just doesn’t quit? Unparalleled. And if you know me personally, you know what this woman really means to me. 
3. Sally McKenna
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Should I be insanely attracted to an emotionally wrecked, dependent, dead drug addict? No. Am I? Fuck yes. It’s honestly a problem, and I should probably be worried about it . But look at that little smile. The tear-stained cheeks. Her frizzy-whiz hair. Tell me she’s not the most insanely beautiful, fragile little thing that you’ve ever seen. And tell me that she doesn’t seep into every piece of your heart and make you ache because you can’t wipe her tears away and kiss her until she forgets what it feels like to be abandoned. (Bonus: Victorian chokers)
2. Cordelia Goode
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The Supreme, The Love of My Life, The Queen of My Heart, pick a title. She has all of them. Honestly, I would rank her second just for the sheer power of her hair and brows this season. But baby Delia also has my whole heart, and the evolution from timid angel to “your daughter calls me daddy, too” is just... Well. When she walked out of that haze to “She’s a Rainbow”, something inside of me changed forever and a part of me will always be hers. Also, can we just talk about how she becomes her mother in the most beautiful way? She takes the best parts of Fiona and the best parts of herself and weaves them into a Supreme that is so powerful and has such a huge heart. Absolute perfection personified. Long may she reign.  
1. Wilhemina Venable 
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Are we surprised that I ranked her first? NO, OF COURSE NOT. Wilhemina Venable has owned my ass from that second tap of her cane, before I even saw her. And I think it’s safe to assume that she always will. JUST LOOK AT HER-- I don’t know what it is. My gut reaction is to say it’s her vulnerability, but I was head-over-heels for her long before we knew about any of that. There’s just something about her vibe, her aesthetic, her piercing gaze. She owns me, body and soul, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. 
***Please note that 1-4 will shift around on any given day, depending on my mood, and I had too hard of a time trying to set them in an actual order***
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littlelovingideas · 1 year ago
Rick and Daryl: “Make sure you go for the brain, it has the be the brain.”
Prisoners: Uh huh yeah can do no problemo
Also Prisoners: Going for every other body part ✨but the head✨
Rick, Daryl & T-Dog: 👁️👄👁️
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sailorfailures · 6 years ago
September 10th is Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury’s birthday!
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So how can you celebrate?
☿ Rewatch or reread your favourite Mercury-centric chapter, episode, or musical! As the second Sailor Soldier introduced after Sailor Moon, she’s a main character throughout every season; try episode 008, her introduction episode; episodes 027 and 041, where Ami meets and later reunites with an apparent genius boy to whom she is both his rival and role-model; episode 062, where Ami gets the opportunity to fulfil her dream of studying abroad, but at the cost of leaving the Sailor Team; episode 071, where Ami faces off against Berthier in a chess match; episode 080, where a Droid manipulates Ami into hallucinating her friends have turned against her; episode 097, where Ami begins to feel like she’s a nuisance to the other Sailors, and is targeted for her Pure Heart; episode 151, where she is so moved by a music piece she finds online that she writes lyrics for it and endeavours to deliver them to its composer personally; and episode 191, where the Sailor Soldiers find themselves embroiled in a very different fight - a video game tournament, and it’s up to Ami to win first place. The plot of episode 062 was expanded on slightly in the musical Shin / Henshin - Super Senshi e no Michi - Last Dracul Jokyoku, making Ami a more prominent character in that musical. Lastly, she is, most notably, the main character in the animated short Ami-chan no Hatsukoi [“Ami’s First Love"], based on the manga special of the same name.
☿ Sailor Mercury has several official image songs across different canons you can play for her big day:
90s anime: Someday... Somebody...; Onaji Namida wo Wakeatte [“Sharing the Same Tears”]; Koibito ni wa Narenai Kedo [“Though We Can’t Be Together...”]; Ashita mo Mata Jitensha [“I’ll Cycle Again Tomorrow”] Live Action: Mi Amor; Yakusoku [“Promise”]; Crystal: a touch of rain Musicals: Drive Me The Mercury She was also given a new song in Dic’s English dub of episode 062 to replace Onaji Namida wo Wakeatte; Only A Memory Away.
Here’s a playlist of all these songs and other Sailor Mercury BGM cues!
☿ Fix yourself Ami’s favourite food, sandwiches! Ami herself has stated she loves them because she can eat them with one hand while reading/typing/studying with the other. So you could probably apply this logic to any one-handed finger-food. She seems particularly fond of cucumber sandwiches, but any filling would suffice - just steer clear of yellow-tail tuna, her least favourite food.
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For sweets, another favourite food of hers is anmitsu, a combination of agar jelly, fruit, red bean paste, and “kuromitsu” treacle. And if you’re in the mood to bake, then here’s a tip Ami learned from her mother - use the engraved base of a drinking glass to pattern some sugar cookies.
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☿ Ami’s hobbies are all befitting of a cold-seeming but warm-hearted genius schoolgirl; Why not relax in a bubble bath with that book you’ve been meaning to finish? If you’re already an avid reader, why not try something in the non-fiction genre, which Ami seems to prefer?
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She’s also proficient at chess. Beginner or master, why not see if there’s a chess club in your area you could visit for the day, play a round online, or visit a park frequented by those looking for a match?
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Ami is, of course, known for her talent at studying, but it’s not just to assure she gets into a good high school (and later, university). She is passionate about studying for self-improvement, including proficiency in multiple languages; teach yourself something new today in her honour. Go on a random-page wiki walk or watch a documentary or two. If you have a new hobby, or a hobby you’ve been neglecting for a while, now’s the time to do that boring practice or study you’ve been putting off that you know will help you improve in the long-run.
For sports, Ami is a talented swimmer. She prefers the pool to the beach, but you could visit either today for a dip in her name.
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Ami’s most surprising hobby is video games, for which she has a competitive edge. Pick up a new title or host a casual competition online or with friends (if you throw a blue shell you’re dead to me). Why not play one of the many, many Sailor Moon titles for the Nintendo or other systems?
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☿ Dress like Ami for the day! Ami’s style fits firmly in the “preppy” category, occasionally veering into vintage and couture, probably thanks to her rich doctor mother who drops diamond rings like it’s nothing. Common articles of clothing include cardigans, oversized coats with shorter skirts/shorts, and dresses. She typically dresses modestly, but does occasionally show off her legs. She doesn’t often wear trousers, but sometimes likes to dress down, showing a casual, sporty side. As expected, she wears a lot of blue, but also a lot of red, soft pinks, yellows, and pastel minty greens. Common accessories include jewelled brooches, belts, and headbands.
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As Sailor Mercury, she wears simple blue studs that later turn into triple-studs, which she can press to summon her iconic “VR” goggles (though they are better described as augmented-reality). Anyone still have Google Glass?
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☿ Troll somebody.
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☿ Fav and read some Sailor Mercury fanart and fanfic on sites like Pixiv, Twitter, and AO3 - or contribute your own new content! Don’t forget to tag!
Feel free to reply and reblog with your own ideas of how you’re going to celebrate Ami’s day!
Happy Birthday, Ami!
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themovieblogonline · 9 months ago
The Boondock Saints Are Back...and Breaking Out of Jail?!
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Yo Boondock Saints fans, listen up! Remember those vigilante brothers, Connor and Murphy MacManus, dispensing their own brand of justice with a whole lotta firepower? Yeah, The Boondock Saints are coming back for round three, and this time, it sounds like things are about to get epic. Norman Reedus Spills the Beans (Kinda) Norman Reedus, the guy who slays zombies on "The Walking Dead," recently dropped a hot take on "The Boondock Saints 3." He couldn't reveal too much, but he did say one thing for sure: this sequel is gonna be BIGGER. Like, way bigger than the first two movies. Think John Wick levels of action, but with holy water and shotguns instead of fancy suits and silenced pistols. And guess what else? The movie might even start with the MacManus brothers busting outta the clink. Yeah, that's right, they've been locked up for a while, but that ain't stopping them from getting back on their righteous crusade. Remember, these guys believe in their own brand of justice, even if it means bending the law (a lot). New Director, Same Badass Brothers While they haven't announced a director yet, one thing's for sure: the original director, Troy Duffy, won't be back. But don't worry, Norman Reedus and Sean Patrick Flanery are still suiting up as Murphy and Connor. These iconic roles practically belong to them at this point. The first "Boondock Saints" movie came out way back in 1999. It didn't exactly break the box office, but it found a second life on home video. Fast forward to today, and it's a full-blown cult classic. People love the action, the over-the-top violence, and the whole "morality is a gray area" thing the MacManus brothers have going on. The Wait Continues So, when can we expect this epic jailbreak movie to hit theaters? There's no official release date yet, but trust us, we're keeping our ears to the ground. In the meantime, you can rewatch the first two movies to get yourself pumped. Just remember, sending thoughts and prayers to the bad guys might not be the worst idea when the MacManus brothers are on the loose. Let us know in the comments below: Are you hyped for "The Boondock Saints 3"? And what kind of crazy action scenes do you want to see in the new movie? Read the full article
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thehamsterjedii · 5 years ago
False Hope
Imagine Sabine telling Hera after the battle of Endor that she will look for Ezra and Hera Believes he's dead.
I rewatched Rebels recently and had this idea for quite a bit of time, so, this is what I think Hera believes at this point of her life, and I'd love to know what you guys think of this.
Fandom: Star Wars Rebels
Words: 1207
The brain of Sabine Wren couldn't comprehend that the rebels just won the war. It's a strange feeling, fighting for a cause for more than a decade and winning! Sabine couldn't believe that they're free now, that they don't have to run and hide anymore. It's almost overwhelming to think about it, but she does have a new purpose, finding her best friend who was lost 6 years ago, a new goal set in mind, and she promised herself that she won't stop until she gets him back or see his corpse.
Sabine walked around what used to be the rebel base, but now just a place full of memories and war cries. She didn't have her helmet on her, she didn't worry, everyone in the rebellion recognized her anyways. Any rebel would recognize a member of the Ghost crew walking by, the fearless squad who liberated an entire planet from the clutches of the empire on their own, the spark of hope that ignited the passion to fight, the will to be free.
Sabine walked casually around looking for a certain green skinned twi'lek, or more accurately the VCX-100 light freighter that she called home for the last decade or so. In the main hangar bay, the Ghost was parked in one of the spots on the side, hidden from the side view, but visible when you enter the bay directly from the front. The ramp was lowered and Sabine heard a faint laugh from inside, belonging to the green haired child who she loves so much. Sabine boarded the ship in light but quick steps, alerting whoever was inside to her presence. Jacen Syndulla dropped the stuffed lothcat he always carried around and ran straight to Bean's open arms. Sabine lifted him off the ground making a fake grunt "You got heavy since I last saw you, spectre 7, what's your secret?" she looked at him with serious but a playful face, Jacen just giggled and hugged her, and Sabine chuckled.
Hera Syndulla emerged from the cockpit at the new but familiar voice in her cargo bay with a wide smile on her face, she passed her orange astromech and went closer to Sabine.
Sabine brought Jacen back to the ground and he ran off to play with Chopper leaving the 2 females alone. Sabine looked at Hera with a teary smile and hugged her tightly "I never thought this day would come, I'm glad you're okay" Sabine said with her voice muffled against Hera's flight suit. Hera returned the hug while shedding a tear "I can't believe we made it, I missed you spectre 5"
Sabine settled with a smile, and Hera signaled her to go the booth around the dejarik table while Hera prepared nice two cups of caf. Sabine's eyes traveled around the room they were in, treasuring every corner in her memory, she definitely did miss home, but she has to go away soon.
Hera brought the two cups to the table and sat down facing Sabine, the smile never leaving her face, "There's so much I want to tell you, but that can wait for now, How are you right now? How's Lothal?" Hera excitedly asked.
Sabine sighed, and said "Lothal is okay, the attack we all anticipated never came, and that leaves the planet with a defense system against any attack, we'll be ready. But that's not what I came to you for", focusing on Hera's eyes to see her reaction.
"Well, What did you come for?" Hera asked, almost with monotone voice. Sabine took a breath, looked down, finding her nails interesting and quietly said "Ahsoka's back, and I will go with her to search for Ezra" Sabine looked back at Hera awaiting her response.
The smile faded from Hera's face, and she straightened her posture slightly "Ahsoka's back? Are you serious? If she has been alive all this time, why didn't she come back?" Hera asked quickly with a hint of anger lacing her voice. Sabine shook her head a littlle and answered "I don't why she didn't come back, all she's told me that Ezra saved her back when he entered the temple on Lothal, he saved her from Malachor"
Hera's face hardened a bit and she replied "well, now you are going to accompany her to find Ezra in this entire galaxy? Do you even think he's alive at this point?"
Sabine's face had a hurt expression "Hera, don't say that, you know he's alive" she almost whispered. Hera harshly shook her head "No, I don't know that, If I wanted to believe he's alive, I wouldn't have fought this war for him and Kanan, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night, and i wouldn't have had the ability to raise my son, so no I don't think he is alive" Hera shouted.
An angered look took over Sabine "So, Now you're giving up on him? Huh? After all he's done to us? I thought he meant something to you" She almost spit out the last part.
Hera looked shocked for a moment before neutralizing her demeanor and had a soft look in her eyes "Of course he means something to me Sabine, I see him as my son, Force, I wouldn't want anything else than having him safe in his bed, but I won't cling myself to a false hope just to be shattered again, I lost them both in one week Sabine! I'm not ready to lose him again" Hera replied with tears threatening to spill from her emerald orbs.
Sabine's expression softened a bit and said "Hera, I need you to look me straight in the eyes and tell me, if there was a 1% chance that Kanan is still alive, wouldn't you tear this galaxy apart to find him?"
Hera sighed "But he's dead, and I can't change it. I can't change Ezra's fate either, I have to move on, or I won't escape my memories" she answered sorrowfully.
Sabine looked down ashamed that she brought Kanan up, but a hard look appeared in her face and she said "I'm willing to take this chance to find him, either him or his corpse, but I won't stay like this not knowing where he is. He is counting on me to find him and I won't let him down."
Here smiled slightly and whispered "I know you won't, but please, prepare yourself for what might happen." she stood up and continued "I'll wait for your report, spectre 5, you're dismissed", Sabine chuckled and hugged Hera saying "Sir, yes, Sir" and left the room.
Hera looked up and whispered "I hope he's alive somewhere, I want him back" her eyes glazing over with unshed tears and walked away to play with her son.
Sabine descended from the ramp and went to her-his ship, the Gauntlet, now painted orange and blue, Ezra's favorite colors, instead of the nightmarish black and red that reminded them of the horned demon. She put a fist on her chest and swore to herself "I won't let you down, Hera, I won't let you both down" and with that, she started up the ship, and set coordinates for Lothal, to meet up with Ahsoka to bring Ezra home.
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5ammi90 · 4 years ago
Supernatural rewatch
Season 1 episode 19
I love this episode. Everyone thinks it’s the dad but he’s really warning you about who it actually is. It’s a brilliant case of don’t judge a book by its cover.
Oh yeah this is the one where Sam gets a girlfriend (kinda).
Dean was partying and is currently shit faced.
People just died like two nights ago and already everything they own has been sent to auction. The hell, at least wait for the bodies to go cold before you ransack their stuff. I love the shot of these expensive cars and how pristine they have and then it shows you the impala. It’s perfectly staged. Black tie event and in walks jeans and a hoodie. Dean for the love of Chuck behave. I love Dean just grabbing every hors-d’oeuvre in sight while Sam drools over Sarah’s brain. Dean is such a bitch in this scene.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I forgot about the motel room, oh my days. The nonchalant attitude the boys have towards the room is so simple but oh so funny. It’s the fact that it’s just ‘huh’ and they say it at the same time.
Awkward date time with Sam and Sarah. Sam has no idea what to do with the wine list. Poor bean. Bonding over dead people, great first date material. Dean is so disappointed in you, went to her place, got the papers and left. Nice work Sammy.
The gate climbing scene is so weird, like what’s with the music there just climbing a gate. Well Dean climbed it Sam got stuck for a minute. Also I love that they burn the painting and as it burns in front of Sam and Dean it burns back into the painting frame. It’s brilliantly set up.
Deans is a liar. Sneaky Dean is sneaky. Not leaving anytime soon, cause the painting is still there. Sarah is thinking that god he’s cute because he’s acting mental. Closing the car door in sync, I love that blooper. Everyone thinks it’s the father even way back then. Adopted daughter. I like the library dude that gives them information about the family in the painting.
Whole conversation with eyebrows. Chick flick moment. Jess has been mentioned, cue sad Sammy. Dean loves to embarrass his little brother. Evelyn’s dead, rip. Also strong Sweeney Todd vibes from this episode. She legit walked in a circle, why?? Dean “I’m not talking about marriage” later Dean “Sam, marry that girl” make up your mind Dean.
I love that the father is giving so many hints as to who murdered his family and everyone else that been killed. It’s subtle and brilliant.
The whole doll thing made in the image of the child along with the kids actual hair. It’s kinda freaky.
Sam and Sarah are absolute dorks. Shit Jess has been brought up and the family business ruins relationships. Sarah you have no clue about a love one burning on the ceiling. Dean just popping into frame and saying “am I interrupting something ” dude is ridiculous. Sarah just watching them dig up a grave is really funny because it’s an outside perspective. Poor Isaiah, just cause he seemed super strict dudes getting blamed for everything. Subtle Dean real subtle.
Nice work you got rid of the only thing that was stopping the killer. 10 points. She’s coming to get you. Best line ever “what kinda house doesn’t have salt? Low sodium freaks”. Cracks me up every time. Hey look a creepy ghost child and her doll. He swung that firepoker like a baseball bat. I love when they talk at the same time. Well Sam’s down, good luck Sarah. Dean hitting the glass covering with the butt of the gun handle, then going to grab something and seeing the realisation on his face when he remembers that guns have bullets. It’s so well done. Also that doll hair goes up like a Roman candle. Piece of cake. Bye Sarah nice meeting you. Dean is such a bitch in this episode I love it. Thank you, screaming at the screen “kiss her you demented moose”.
@arcadia30 @silverwing2522
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intothewickedwood · 4 years ago
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 5x03 Siege Perilous
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Happy Holidays! I had a great Christmas Day! I watched A Very Potter Musical and the Sequel as well as all my favourite movies! The Black Swan is so good! 
I don’t mind this episode. I love a Charming centric! I needed more! And more Snow centrics!
Emma stop talking and walking like that.
Oh. They must have told Arthur that they were royalty.
Why are the dwarfs being like this? Remember when they were so kind they let  Snow stay with them? 
Who is the hero they need??
This scene makes me so annoyed at Regina. Like, how many chances did you have, Regina?? The hypocrisy! 
Actually that scene didn’t enrage me as much as it usually does. We got the see Zelena at her most vulnerable, telling Regina her most desperate desire and laying out all her feelings. I can’t help but feel sorry for her.
I love David’s red outfit.
Robin: “it’s a picture from up inside Zelena.” Killian: “Woah, mate.” Lmao! Why did Robin have to say it like that?!
Charming’s not your brother, Arthur.
Careful, David!
Why is Rumple in his shop? Shouldn’t he be at his house? Or do they just live in the shop now?
Belle could use Baelfire’s shawl. I’m sure that must have touched Rumple while he was still a man.
Doesn’t Tiny grow beans? Can’t they get one of those? Or have they all been destroyed? I mean, he gave Henry one for his graduation.
This armour fight scene is so freaking cool! One of my favourite scenes of the season.
Those things are creepy. I would have screamed.
I’ve just watched that scene 4 times. I really love it! I could watch David sword fight for hours!
Why can’t Emma just stay like that? Without the stupid Dark One outfit? If she has the means to look like her normal self, why is she walking around looking ridiculous?!
Killian, get a hair cut!
I’m glad Killian is admitting that what he did to Rumple when they first met wasn’t nice.
Killian: “I liked your walls. I liked being the one to break them down.” I don’t like this at all. He liked her walls and being the one to break them down? What? Why? I mean, her walls are there for a reason. Should they even be broken down or should the slowly melt away at her own timing? Is it some kind of conquest? What’s to like about her walls if they’re hurting her?
Since when has David cared about being known as the guy who kissed a sleeping Princess? That seems ooc to me. Snow is his world, surely he wouldn’t mind being known for that.
Oh. A hero has to pull out Excalibur, not someone pure of heart. Oops. I misremembered. 
Lancelot’s alive! Why did Cora lie about killing him? Did she think she killed him and he escaped? Where has he been? Was he frozen in time in the EF as he hasn’t age. So many questions.
Why does Arthur need the mushroom?
Why did Arthur get that dude to steal the reliquary thing? 
This is so cruel of Arthur. That poor guy. How evil! And oh yeah! He put those sands over the people of Camelot so that they treat him like a God.
Don’t do it! This is so disturbing! I hate Arthur!
Did Leopold disappear when he was bitten by the Agrabahn viper? If he did then how did people know he was dead and hadn’t just gone on holiday?
How did she know if Granny was gonna offer her soup? 
Belle! You just wasted that sandwich and broke the damn plate! Poor Granny must be so annoyed. 
This is like the story of Jesus’ body not being in the tomb lol. Rumple has risen! Rumple is Jesus confirmed.
Why did Emma think of using Rumple to be a hero? There are so many options in town that don’t require training.
She looks like she’s about to stab Rumple.
How does Rumple know Emma’s the dark one? She could have just had a make over or could be going to a fancy dress party!
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naivesilver · 5 years ago
Not sure if you're still doing them, but 74/75 for Tails and Cosmo?
Of course I’m still doing these! I’m always open to receiving Sonic asks even without ask memes to prompt them. So thank you anon
Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
Huddling for Warmth+Bed Sharing
You know, I bet Cosmo paces a lot at night. I’ve barely reached the Metarex saga in my Sonic X rewatch but I seem to recall that she had nightmares in canon, and if even if she didn’t it is now part of any headcanon I make about her. She probably gets startled awake by bad dreams on most nights, with only flashes of memories she can’t quite piece together nor understand, and walking around the ship looks way more appealing than sitting on her bed and ruminating on her thoughts. Most of the time she even finds someone to talk to.
So she’s wandering around aimlessly, and somehow she ends up in front of Tails’ room. I don’t know, maybe the door’s open, maybe she hears some noise coming from the inside and she hesitates before knocking but Tails is still the member off the group she feels the closest to. And obv Tails is surprised to see her there and the conversation is stilted at first bc they’re two shy beans but at some point they manage to relax and Cosmo sits down on the bed next to him, watches him tinker with this or that piece of machinery, asks questions about it, until silence sets in and it should be awkward but instead it’s somewhat comfortable, familiar even.
And you know, it’s a spaceship in the dead of the night shift. For all the work they put in it, the heating must have some issues now and then. So Cosmo, being Cosmo, is quietly shivering and pretending everything is just fine, and Tails notices and is at loss of what to do - and then he makes up his mind and offers a blanket/literally throws the blanket on the both of them bc he was cold too, but he was too focused on his work to notice until now.
Obviously it’s a bit awkward and they’re blushing at how close they are, but. Yanno. It’s the space equivalent of like two AM and they’re the only ones up and it’s so nice to just sit there, warm and safe and content for the time being, with a friend that’s helping save the universe. Cosmo feels all the worry and confusion drain from her and it’s too cozy to resist, especially as sleep deprived as she is, and slowly she nods off, her head on Tails’ shoulder.
Tails.exe stops working.
For a while, at least. He considers whether to wake up, but. It’s nice. He doesn’t want to ruin the moment. He puts down his work, tightens the blanket around them both and just sits there, his back against the wall, listening to the sound of her breathing in the otherwise deadly silent ship, thinking about what they’re doing or what he wants to do or, maybe, nothing at all, just enjoying the peace and quiet for a while. Eventually, he dozes off as well, curling even closer to her in sleep.
They’re thoroughly embarrassed the next day, and make a point to never speak of it, but it’s a nice memory, something that might help them carry on in the future.
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