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emiliaisboring · 2 months ago
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pfpanimes · 2 years ago
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⌕ buddy daddies; rei suwa.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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emiliaisboring · 5 months ago
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thecrowinggriffon · 6 months ago
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Mise en page and sketches of my OC I think I might want to start uploading some pages to the web, but I’m not sure where or how to begin.I can only produce one or two pages a month, which doesn’t seem much compared to platforms like Tapas or Webtoon, where they encourage creators to upload a chapter every week(!) I simply don’t have the time or speed to manage that. It’s why I’m hesitant to upload anything at all, not seeing the point in releasing just a couple of pages each month.I’m also not sure if this is a comfortable pace for readers to follow or enjoy the project… Maybe I should just focus on blogging and sharing more wips like this one and see where that leads me. It’s also one of the reasons I became interested in 3D sculpting. The idea was to create models of my characters so I could pose and render them to use in my panels, helping me staying on model and working faster. But, my computer isn’t powerful enough to handle this. I might want to invest in an upgrade and finish that Zelda tutorial I’ve been working on. Any insights, advice, or experiences would be greatly appreciated!
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buddhajesuschrusthole · 1 year ago
Hey everybody on tumblr (or whatever this damn fucking app is called ) - I am not a hip youngster anymore I am 25 years old and have never used this shit!
But anyway - hello!
I will be sharing today - one of my favorite things - advice on manifesting what you want to happen for you in this lifetime!
So! Without further adue- (is that how you spell it, French people?) Here is my blog on the subject! (At least for tonight haha, today is November 17th , 2023!)
So - manifesting! Have you heard of that term? It means - “bringing into reality / making your dreams come true!”
Manifesting your dreams therefore means - you guessed it - bringing your dreams from the dream realm - into your real life realm! (Turning your fantasy into reality!)
I’m serious, dawg! It’s happened to me - so that’s how I know! - So I don’t want to hear it! Lol! Jk - but I mean it tho!
So - I have manifested many-a-thing. Including - my dream boyfriend! (YES , I mean it - like he is the LITERAL GUY I wanted for SO LONG - the man I fantasized about in bed - before it actually happened! OMG - crazy - right!? NO! Because it’s fucking real! Now listen dawg…)
So here’s the story - so - years ago - I had wished for a guy with long hair down to his ass - a gorgeous one - that I literally would marry!
(We didn’t get married yet but that’s not the point!)
Years after I wished for that (YES, YEARS AFTER), I met this guy at work - named Devon (I literally remember thinking in bed one day - years before this happened - that his name would start with a damn D?!! WTF!!) - and was soooo cute! I loved him aaaaaaaaaaa! He was literally so adorable, I can’t even tell you!
But anyway - he was my type - shy - quiet - an asshole! Hahahha - just kidding Devon, I love you! No, but - maybe a lil bit. Lmao! (Sorry baby - I love you!)
But anyway he looked exactly like the kind of guy I would want to date tbh! So ummmm, so I talked to him as much as I could, even though he scared the shit out of me! He just had this intense stare of like - hate towards everybody - lmaooo! I can’t explain it but - if you experienced it before - then you probably know what I’m talking about haha!
He was just like - very anti-social and quiet - but I liked him anyway! Every time I talked to him - he was always nice to me! So that’s good haha!
Except for that one time at work - where I asked him where the cheese was during a rush (we worked in a kitchen at BDubs) - and we went in the walk-in fridge and he started kicking shit out of anger - and then I cried because I was scared that he hated me (he didn’t see that tho…) Oopsie Devon! You bitch! Lmao! Jk - I still love you!
Except for that one time - he was a really nice guy! Ummmm, so far hahaha!
But then after two weeks of working with him he walked-out and quit! Oh no! Fuck! He was the hottest guy at work and then I was so disappointed and mad tbh, lmaooo! Mostly because I had to do his job and mine - two weeks into my new fucking job - ahhhh!!!!!
I didn’t even know how to make nachos - and they still had me do it - all by myself - even in a rush! WTF!!! I had just started!!! Those bastards couldn’t hire someone!? Fine! So I did it all by myself!!!! (I’m serious - I was so mad wtf!)
But anyway - a few months go by - then I walk out too! Cuz I’m tired of working two peoples jobs - when I literally asked them to hire my two friends - and they just wouldn’t! WTF!
So yeah! That’s why I quit that one~! Hahahaha…
But! I think a few more months go by - or weeks!? I don’t even remember hahahaha I’m so sorry - but - it wasn’t too long…
But one night - I was thinking about Devon - in bed - by myself - and I was like damn - he was so cute! I miss him! - and I was taking out loud to myself and I went “Well, if he liked me, I’m sure he’d let me know!”
AND I SHIT YOU NOT!!!! I SHIT YOU NOT - he literally followed me on my instagram - THE NEXT MORNING! LMAOOO!! NO FUCKING WAY!
Yes, it’s true - this is the fucking facts of my life y’all! It’s literally all over my old YouTube channel!
That moment is what you’d call a serendipitous synchronicity! A moment of WTF and mystery - and a moment of - how the fuck is this even happening right now!? (It kind of felt like a dream I’m NGL!)
And the rest I’m going to keep from you - because it took about a year for us to get together - but I blocked him two weeks after he followed me - because I messaged him and we started taking but then he pissed me off - so I blocked him and cried about it!
But yeah - before that happened - me and him planned to meet at the park - but we couldn’t find each other (and I had to walk there.) But that’s not why I blocked him, so - blocked him because he pissed me off because I told him I liked him - and then he told me he wasn’t ready for a relationship right now (he kept talking about his ex gf and how much he missed her prior to this - and told me that he was crying blah blah blah.) (That was his only gf so I am giving him a fucking break in this one, but still - goddamn bitch!)
They had broken up a few years prior to that so I was like - wow. But they were together for three years and I can’t even imagine being in a relationship that long - so I can’t sympathize 100 percent… but I tried, goddamn it!
But yeah - I blocked him because of that ( even though I probably shouldn’t have told him I liked him the day after he cried to me about his ex gf, I think he just needed a friend tbh - but I wasn’t being a friend - I was being a thirsty bitch! Hahaha goddamn it!)
But to be fair he was flirting with me and it really mad me angry! So yeah! Kudos to past me! Muahahahha!
But anyway - even though he was a beautiful guy - I blocked his ass and cried about it immediately after - because after I blocked him - I unblocked him but then found out that he blocked me, too. (To be fair , after I told him I liked him I went ahead and told him I would just go fuck this other guy instead (he was hot too…))
Goddamn, maybe I was a damn bitch….oh well.
But anyway!
Me and that other guy met one time (I think it was a few days after or something, but we never saw each other again, and no we didn’t fuck, just hung out and shit, didn’t even kiss the guy.)
But yeah. So that’s why I blocked him ~!
But then! After that second guy kind of hurt me because he didn’t text me back after we hung out (maybe it’s because I pointed out this girls choker in his fucking car!?) IDK if he had a gf or what but - ew.
I was like sad and shit - but then I was like - fuck men! So I stayed single after that.
I just wanted my soulmate tbh.
But honestly - the dating sites weren’t working - and I was bored.
So I messaged Devon on his Facebook account like (two to four) months after I blocked him hahaha!
He didn’t reply for two weeks - but then he saw it and replied ( I think he didn’t see it because we weren’t friends - either that or he was ignoring me but idc I understand tbh!)
But he messaged me back and we started talking - I tried not to be clingy this time - but when I wanted him to message me first - he didn’t. So I was like wow, why should I message you first if you don’t message me first!? The fuck!
But I don’t think that technique worked… because I went a few weeks without messaging him - and then I messaged him once after that and I saw that he had blocked me.
I was like “NOoOoOooO!!!” And I cried - I’m sorry I’m just a sappy lil bitch tbh - even though it’s my own fault cuz I blocked the guy first!
Hahahhaha oh lord.
But anyway - I cried for a few days because I still had a crush on him and all that… but after that happened - I told myself that he just needed time. I told myself that he was going through something and wouldn’t just block me out of nowhere for nothing. (Which ended up being the truth - he was indeed going through something.)
So - months and months and months go by - maybe six months? Seven months? I don’t know how many! Maybe five? I’m not good at math nor time - sorry folks.
But anyway - months go by - and during those months - I was vigorously masterbating to him.
Yes, I mean every damn day!
I mean it.
But anyway - I imagined him massaging me in my bed with lotion all over my back - making it nice and relaxing and romantic.
I imagined him eating me out and plowing the shit out of my vagina hole.
And I mean it, too!
Anyway - I told myself not to worry - and that if he really liked me that much - that he would unblock me eventually.
Low and behold - the day comes - I’m browsing my Facebook messenger - and I see his bubble was online!
I was like - why would his bubble be online to me if he has me blocked still - that seems dumb.
So I clicked on his bubble and it took me to his profile - which wouldn’t happen if you’re blocked. (IK you already know this, ladies and gentlemen, hahaha jk!)
But anyway - I clicked on it and I was so happy because I was like OMG no way - he finally unblocked me after how many months!?
So I didn’t message him that day - I waited for him to do - which was unrealistic and he didn’t end up doing anything - so like a week or two goes by and then I decide to message him!
I was like “Hey Devon - so - why did you block me - I thought I told you that I was going through some emotional stuff and I thought you had forgiven me for that already?”
Then he said something like “Yeah I’m sorry - I don’t really know why I did that.”
And I was like “Sure you do, buddy! I know I blocked you first and I know it’s my own fault - but I’m very sorry and I hope you understand that I liked you and wanted to be your friend - I was just going through a lot emotionally at the time.”
And he told me he understood, and he told me something along the lines of “I think you are a wonderful person - I am sorry if I hurt you - I didn’t mean to.”
And inside I felt so happy because I thought that was sweet…
So we talked - and talked - and talked - and then every day after that - I messaged him - not caring who was first to do it anymore. I guess I just liked him that much or something haha. But he always messaged me back and didn’t leave me on read or anything.
So that’s good.
So I think a month of that goes by - and then I finally ask him if he wants to hang out with me - and he says yes.
(Remember when I told you I couldn’t find him at the park? He thought I stood him up - and I thought he had stood me up, too. That was also before I told him I liked him. Probably not a good plan to tell him after that , and the fact that he cried about his ex the night before. But whatever - I was thirsty - he was hot - what can I say? LMAO And guys - he did tell me he thought I was very attractive (before I blocked him and before he blocked me lol) - so I know he didn’t think I was ugly so that’s definitely not it.)
So here is another weird coincidence : also called a serendipitous moment - also called a synchronicity - meaning that we are synchronized!
Before the day we hung out - I had asked myself - “what would that moment be like?”
So, I had imagined that moment - and guess what? The very thing I had imagined and hoped for - became the ultimate reality that day that we hung out.
To the very T.
(Which is also why it weirds me out a little - but it’s also very beautiful - if you ask me~!)
I mean to the damn T - the energy was the same - and before we hung out I hoped that he would ask to buy me a coffee (which he did ask me if he could get me one one day!) Plus - I had hoped that he would hang out with me every week after that (which he had said to me - something along the lines of: “We should make it a tradition to see each other every week, or something.”)
But yeah now we’re dating.
(We didn’t get to see each other every week after that - but we did see each other - and I am very happy that he’s a blessing in my life now. He is a dream come true and I have told him this - and he had also told me that he had sex dreams about me and about us dating before it actually happened.)
We were friends for a few months after we first hung out - and then I told him: (“What are we doing here? I like you. And I need to know if you like me too. And if not , tell me now.”)
Then he told me he was confused too and then we talked about it - and then I invited him to a sleepover. The rest is personal - but honestly we’re dating now. So the rest is history.
However, he does remind me of a character I made up in my head, whom I said had long dark hair, and who would be my husband one day.
Like I said - this was so many years ago - probably about four or so years ago that I made up that fantasy.
And I told myself he’d like to read too - which he does! Which is crazy to me! Now all I have to do is make him gothic and he will literally be the exact match to my fantasy many years ago. (He does like gothic stuff so I don’t think that’ll be too hard.)
But yeah that’s the story of me and my boyfriend - omg I missed a detail!
I remember - the day after we officially got together - the next day Devon had told me that his brother had got an engagement ring for his girlfriend and that he was going to ask her to marry her!
I just thought that was significant since - like I said - this guy reminds me of my fantasy that I had of a husband. LMAOOO!
But yeah! Thanks for reading and listening to my story! Leave a like and follow for more manifesting stories - I have lots - even scary bits! :D
Also look up my YouTube if you’re interested - Buddha Jesus Chrusthole (Infinite Butthole Jesus)!
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shironezuninja · 1 year ago
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Regretting nothing. And don’t you, Algorithms get alarmed either.
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emiliaisboring · 5 months ago
this is how i'm planning to spend my summer btw
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bunnysdollette · 2 months ago
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♡˚₊· ͟͟͞͞ Hey angels! I basically just wanted to come on here today and share some ways I’m preparing for the new year. Feel free to take inspiration from this post. :) Stay cute
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Before starting ANYTHING off new this year, I really just wanted to take time and reflect on what I did well and what I need to work on next year and also what I’ve LEARNED this year to make a game plan.
For example, some things I’ve noticed this year that I need to work on is better time management, balance between work and life, taking more time for my mental health, and pushing myself more towards my goals.
I recently also read a post about resetting before 2025, which I think is helpful. I’ll link it right here.
for me, setting an expectation is SO important. It just defines everything I want to have and accomplish, it lets me believe that my desires can be attained and really just cultivates that kind of positive mindset I need going into the new years.
Here are ways I’m currently making space for that vision for the big 2025.
♡ vision boards
(could be about beauty, manifesting, money, studying, or a combination! whatever you’d like, but I’d recommend not sharing to keep that energy private to you. it’s important to move in silence.)
♡ inner work
(maybe some difficult events have happened this year or recently. it’s important to go into 2025 releasing everything negative and leaving all grudges behind. 2025 is a NEW year. let’s make sure our mental is great now so that we can charge into 2025 ready to go.)
♡ self care time
♡ social media detox
♡ planning new smart goals
♡ stricter mental diet
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guys, you’re gonna have to trust me when I say START NOW. of course your resolution isn’t officially in effect til the start of January, but PLS. start now while your motivation is here or even if you aren’t motivated. START working out, start taking those little steps to move like your dream self, DO IT.
The problem is that usually a “new years resolution” person will give up after not even a week of being in it, so START now. Give yourself the space to make mistakes and work out those kinks NOW so you can really go into the new year feeling refreshed and ready to conquer every single one of your goals.
“The person with the same goal as you is working 10x as harder as you right now.”
I saw this quote on my feed and it really resonated with me, because I want to pursue a career in nursing. It made me think of all the people who are studying hard right now and doing pre-med programs right now to be two steps ahead and really excel in their performance as a nurse. And what am I doing? Slacking.
No more slacking in 2025! I have to realize this and tell you this, that nobody is holding your hand anymore! It’s just you versus the world. What will you do to succeed? You need to act NOW while you’re realizing this, or be left behind. That’s just the way things work.
Take that time to yourself. Take that time to reflect, think, and rebuild your self concept for the beginning of the new years. This is YOUR moment. This is YOUR year. YOU’RE her, so start acting like it.
ahihihihi and bd changes her layout again? guys I’m rlly struggling with this theme shit 😪 I feel like I can’t really find a format I can stick to. I think I’m in my divine feminine era..kinda loving it but doesn’t match the cute pink teenage vibe I have for the rest of my blog. anyways have a wonderful holidays n 2025 angels hoped this helped msg me byee ♡
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pfpanimes · 2 years ago
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⌕ buddy daddies - ep 12 FINAL.
like or reblog if you save use.
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captdedeyes · 1 year ago
Friendly reminder that Wix.com is an Israeli-based company (& some website builders to look into instead)
I know the BDS movement is not targeting Wix.com specifically (see here for the companies they're currently boycotting) but since Wix originated in Israel as early as 2006, it would be best to drop them as soon as you can.
And while you're at it, you should leave DeviantArt too, since that company is owned by Wix. I deleted my DA account about a year ago not just because of their generative AI debacle but also because of their affiliation with their parent company. And just last month, DA has since shown their SUPPORT for Israel in the middle of Israel actively genociding the Palestinian people 😬
Anyway, I used to use Wix and I stopped using it around the same time that I left DA, but I never closed my Wix account until now. What WAS nice about Wix was how easy it was to build a site with nothing but a drag-and-drop system without any need to code.
So if you're using Wix for your portfolio, your school projects, or for anything else, then where can you go?
Here are some recommendations that you can look into for website builders that you can start for FREE and are NOT tied to a big, corporate entity (below the cut) 👇👇
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This is what I used to build my link hub and my portfolio, so I have the most experience with this platform.
It's highly customizable with a drag-and-drop arrangement system, but it's not as open-ended as Wix. Still though, it's easy to grasp & set up without requiring any coding knowledge. The most "coding" you may ever have to deal with is markdown formatting (carrd provides an on-screen cheatsheet whenever you're editing text!) and section breaks (which is used to define headers, footers, individual pages, sections of a page, etc.) which are EXTREMELY useful.
There's limits to using this site builder for free (max of 2 websites & a max of 100 elements per site), but even then you can get a lot of mileage out of carrd.
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This is a VERY funny & charming website builder. The drag-and-drop system is just as open-ended as Wix, but it encourages you to get messy. Hell, you can make it just as messy as the early internet days, except the way you can arrange elements & images allows for more room for creativity.
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This is an extremely simple website builder that you can start from scratch, except it's made to be accessible from your phone. As such, the controls are limited and intentionally simple, but I can see this being a decent website builder to start with if all you have is your phone. The other options above are also accessible from your phone, but this one is by far one of the the simplest website builders available.
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This is also a very simple & rudimentary website builder that allows you to make a webpage from scratch, except it's not as easy to use on a mobile phone.
At a glance, its features are not as robust or easy to pick up like the previous options, but you can still create objects with a simple double click and drag them around, add text, and insert images or embeds.
Mind you, this launched in the 2010s and has likely stayed that way ever since, which means that it may not have support for mobile phone displays, so whether or not you wanna try your hand at building something on there is completely up to you!
Sadgrl's Layout Editor
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sadgrl.online is where I gathered most of these no-code site builders! I highly recommend looking through the webmaster links for more website-building info.
This simple site builder is for use on Neocities, which is a website hosting service that you can start using for free. This is the closest thing to building a site that resembles the early internet days, but the sites you can make are also responsive to mobile devices! This can be a good place to start if this kind of thing is your jam and you have little to no coding experience.
Although I will say, even if it sounds daunting at first, learning how to code in HTML and CSS is one of the most liberating experiences that anyone can have, even if you don't come from a website scripting background. It's like cooking a meal for yourself. So if you want to take that route, then I encourage to you at least try it!
Most of these website builders I reviewed were largely done at a glance, so I'm certainly missing out on how deep they can go.
Oh, and of course as always, Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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emiliaisboring · 2 months ago
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me ft. my long ass fingers ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ🐇་༘࿐
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tecceran · 5 months ago
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➥ candy / autumn themed layout for @sekaitransparents’s spooky layout competition!
➥ transparents by @/sekaitransparents of course, @pngsk for the candies from the 2023/2024 BD cards, and some additional resources from @/rwuffle!
➥ free to use (if not chosen in the contest, sekaitransparents get first dibs obviously) credit is very appreciated if others use!
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➥ some alt / blank versions. please feel free to crop / adjust / mix with your own dividers, edits, etc
➥ font used for text is “gloria hallelujah”
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fivelclover · 16 days ago
omg you play cyberpunk!! i just started that game and did a couple endings, do you have any hcs? would love to see more cyberpunk (and hisu obvi) posting :)
HIII THIS TOOK 50 million years to respond to sorry !
i am so normal (insane) about this game and ur one of my goated oomfies so YES i have hcs ! this layout is gonna be horrendous though ! i dont remember how to use tumblr 😭 ive also never gotten the motivation to do one of these so THANK YOUU
ill also try my best not to be ultimate spoiler god
JuVie (Judy x V)
(i put this first because i think about them a lot)
- Judy likes to create things for V, whether its song playlists titled "mi calabacita," a tattoo design, or even something like a personalised BD of their favorite moments. She just loves to give V things.
- They both like to leave dumb notes around their home. Going to the bathroom at 3am, Judy would find a heartwarming note on the mirror saying something sappy like "I love ur smile :)" and it'd make HER smile and fifnebfcjsnfhcbshd.
- I hc they both have pretty bad nightmares, but I feel like V would hold Judy close whilst they slept, as if she could literally carve the feeling of Judy into her bones, Night city's taught her nobody gets a happy ending.
- Judy proobably hums a lot, absentmindedly obviously, she has no clue she does it. It's one of the millions of things V adores about her.
Everything else
(idk how to label the rest of these)
- OKAY so I like to think V is just a massive cyberware nerd. They love talking about this stuff with him, when talking to anyone else (ie jackie) they sound like the nerd emoji
- I miss mama Welles so in MY hc, she sends V texts asking how they're doing often, reminding them to eat regular meals.
- Takemura probably hates slang, he hears some shit like "gonk" or "choomba" and he looks at them like they've just said a slur lul. He looks like this 🧍‍♂️when he stands btw, impeccably straight posture ahh
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stardustandash · 11 months ago
plane drabble fic for @breakfastteatime who requested BD-1 going on a Cal rescue mission, kinda like a reverse of what happens on Ordo Eris. Very fun prompt!!
The ducts are small. Too small for humans, but there’s just enough space for BD-1 to creep through slowly. The Star Destroyer is large, but BD-1 doesn’t need to sleep while he’s on the hunt. All he needs is his Cal back, and maybe to leave something nasty in the ship’s computer. Or blow it up. He’s not feeling particularly picky on that part. He scuttles past a grated opening and overhears an officer complaining about the caf. A left turn brings him over the Stormtrooper barracks. BD almost risks a scan of the armour left abandoned below, knowing it would give them an advantage when he frees his Cal, but stops himself because the glow from the scanner would give him away.
It was only a lucky stun shot from a sniper that downed his Cal in the first place. BD hadn’t been doing his job. That’s why he needs to save his Cal. He snuck onto the transport after the Troopers that hauled Cal away and now he’s sneaking through the vents trying to figure out where the Imperials keep the brig on their ships. The layout so far as followed as logical a set up as an organic can make, If BD-1 keeps going on the path he’s chosen then he should reach the brig and his Cal in no time at all. He turns another corner and comes face to face with a mouse droid. It shrieks, high and shrill, yelling about danger and intruders. BD rears back before beeping at it to shut up. It doesn’t. So BD readies his electric prod in hopes that he can intimidate it into being quiet. The mouse droid flees. BD chases it for a moment, then stops as he watches it bump against the walls of the vent in it’s panic. It probably doesn’t know the way out, BD-1 guesses. The stupid thing likely accidentally wandered in through a missing grate. He lets it run screaming into the depths of the ship. Finding his Cal is the higher priority. Three more turns and BD can finally look down through a grate and see the telltale red glow of a ray-shield. He’s found the brig at last. The excitement is cut by the fact that at least four stormtroopers are stationed in the small hub. But BD-1 can be patient, despite what all the organics who live on the Mantis might say. He watches, zooming in on the computer readouts as the troopers flick through various displays. Apparently there’s a rather volatile ugnaught in one of the cells, along with a host of people who probably did a fat lot of nothing to get on the Empire’s bad side. Then, at last, they switch to a readout for human male - Jedi, and BD has him. It’s a short hop over to the proper grate with slats so thin he can’t see through it, but he knows his Cal is on the other side. The grate falls away with a clatter and BD-1 hops down into the cell with the help of his boosters. His Cal lies on his side facing away from BD. The sound of the grate falling didn’t send him into full alert, which is worrying. With a quick scan BD-1 can tell his Cal is physically okay and his breathing pattern indicates unconsciousness. The Imperials must have drugged him or keep stunning him. Well, BD knows one surefire way to wake someone up. He loads a stim and primes it to launch and gets out his electric prod. His Cal doesn’t have time to lie around when they have an escape to make. Five minutes and several expletives later, BD-1 is back in his favourite spot on his Cal’s back, getting treated to the view of him ripping apart the brig with the Force. This Star Destroyer won’t know what hit it.
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panlight · 9 months ago
Not including "Olympic" or any of the last names among the members, do you have any other ideas that could serve as a title for the Cullen coven? It just seems odd how the vampire clans are referred to by either their leader's name (James, Sancar, Hilda, etc) or geography (Egypt, Denali or the Amazons). I honestly doubt the Irish coven isn't a family unit, and maybe the Egyptians have developed a somewhat similar layout. Denali doesn't make sense considering the mixed background of all of the members (Russian, Spanish, North American, French if you include Laurent too). I don't think "North American" fits the Cullens either since they've resided in places outside the US (not 100% certain though). I'm curious, what could be titles for each coven?
My sense is that these names would develop organically over time, sort of like how surnames developed in Europe. "Oh that's Tom the baker," eventually becomes Tom Baker, "Tom who lives on the hill," becomes Tom Hill, etc. So I think in that way naming them after their founder or their location makes sense. "Siobhan and her coven in Ireland = Irish Coven" "the nomadic coven Hilda founded" = Hilda's Coven.
So I don't really know what other names might be used. I guess they could be something like "the Golden Coven" from their eyes or "The Vegetarian Coven", but the Denali could be that too. Perhaps the Denali were grandmothered in as "The Succubus Coven" and the new members just have to sort of deal with that name even though Carmen, Eleazar and Garrett never fit that description, which lets the Cullens claim the Gold/Veggie mantel.
Other reasons I Don't Care For the term 'Olympic Coven?' It's not their land, it's Quileute land, Makah land, etc. Claiming "Olympic Coven" for them adds insult to injury on that front. Also it erases the entire history of the coven before this point. I know in an out-of-universe sense they only came into existence when Bella entered their lives, but Carlisle's been around for 350+ years and the coven had existed for almost 90ish years before the events of the story. I know it's Bella's story, but this isn't Bella's Coven. She didn't found it, it didn't come into existence in Forks, and Carlisle was already well-known before the events of BD; that's how he was able to gather all the witnesses.
And it seems SM herself dropped the idea after the Vampire Index (which to me sort of read as a joke anyway? Didn't Jacob have a line like "someone needs to provide an index so I can remember all the bloodsuckers' names!" and then "see Vampire Index").
The Yellow Eyes, St. Carlisle and his disciples, that weird coven that starves themselves, Carlisle and his gifted followers, 'that one vampire who has a job and house and wife and kids, lololol", etc this all makes more sense to me than "The Olympic Coven." I guess the most poetic might be like "The Golden Ones" or something, but I imagine to other vampires it's less "golden" and more "sickly yellow."
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fluffettis · 3 months ago
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hi my bd is on 29 ( friday!! ) so feel free to send me any asks / happy bd wishes / etc ^_^
this means i wont upload stuff! or i might do a layout dump of the ones i did but never posted here
please gift me nitro.. it's ending soon........
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