#bd all result
raihanulislam9 · 7 months
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mutecrows · 2 months
Devotion anon/ i ask because i was that devoted person and all it got me was heartbreak when my partner lost interest and decided i was too much
I've been there too, although maybe not exactly since I don't know your situation
Learning to let go after the investment and devotion is difficult and painful. It doesn't really leave you either because so much of you can change in the act of being a devotee and its hard to unpack everything after, maybe even unwanted, because its difficult to step away when it was so much of what you did or even how you viewed yourself
This is where i think the line of devotion to obsession gets dangerous, even blinding, for parties involved
Sometimes its like the world is falling apart completely and you dont know how to do anything after because where do you put the energy anymore and how do you recharge what was taken? Its different for everyone so i can't really help much there
Its just.. okay Im not a therapist or anything so like if you need help i cant offer much in words or help
You have to find out how to show devotion without losing yourself in the process. The post you were seeing that started this was very much speaking of a messy but idealized version that owuld only be possible in fiction. I would also argue that it even has a hint of desperation to it but i still stand my original response that the reason it has appeal is because people want the security of someone who wont leave
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bdslab · 10 months
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armandghersin · 2 months
Digital marketing uses online channels like SEO, social media, email, and PPC to promote products and brands. It leverages data analytics to optimize campaigns, drive engagement, and boost sales and brand awareness.
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The economic indicators speak of nothing less than an economic catastrophe. Over 46,000 businesses have gone bankrupt, tourism has stopped, Israel’s credit rating was lowered, Israeli bonds are sold at the prices of almost “junk bonds” levels, and the foreign investments that have already dropped by 60% in the first quarter of 2023 (as a result of the policies of Israel’s far-right government before October 7) show no prospects of recovery. The majority of the money invested in Israeli investment funds was diverted to investments abroad because Israelis do not want their own pension funds and insurance funds or their own savings to be tied to the fate of the State of Israel. This has caused a surprising stability in the Israeli stock market because funds invested in foreign stocks and bonds generated profit in foreign currency, which was multiplied by the rise in the exchange rate between foreign currencies and the Israeli Shekel. But then Intel scuttled a $25 billion investment plan in Israel, the biggest BDS victory ever.  These are all financial indicators. But the crisis strikes deeper at the means of production of the Israeli economy. Israel’s power grid, which has largely switched to natural gas, still depends on coal to supply demand. The biggest supplier of coal to Israel is Colombia, which announced that it would suspend coal shipments to Israel as long as the genocide was ongoing. After Colombia, the next two biggest suppliers are South Africa and Russia. Without reliable and continuous electricity, Israel will no longer be able to pretend to be a developed economy. Server farms do not work without 24-hour power, and no one knows how many blackouts the Israeli high-tech sector could potentially survive. International tech companies have already started closing their branches in Israel. Israel’s reputation as a “startup nation” depends on its tech sector, which in turn depends on highly educated employees. Israeli academics report that joint research with universities abroad has declined sharply thanks to the efforts of student encampments. Israeli newspapers are full of articles about the exodus of educated Israelis. Prof. Dan Ben David, a famous economist, argued that the Israeli economy is held together by 300,000 people (the senior staff in universities, tech companies, and hospitals). Once a significant portion of these people leaves, he says, “We won’t become a third world country, we just won’t be anymore.” 
19 July 2024
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jobresulttoday · 7 months
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চাকরির খবর: আপনারা যারা চাকরির প্রস্তুতি নিচ্ছেন। তারা হয়তবা ভালো করে জানবেন যে প্রতি শুক্রবারে ”সাপ্তাহিক চাকরির খবর পত্রিকা” প্রকাশিত হয়। Read More…
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Exploring Bangladesh's Educational Development: From Tradition to Revolution
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Education in Bangladesh has undergone a profound evolution, shaped by historical, socio-economic, and technological factors. From its traditional roots to the modern era of digitization, this article delves into the multifaceted journey of education in Bangladesh, highlighting key milestones, challenges, and the transformative impact of technology on the educational landscape.
I. Historical Foundations: Traditional Education Systems Bangladesh has a rich history of traditional education systems deeply rooted in cultural and religious practices. The Madrasa system, dating back centuries, played a pivotal role in imparting Islamic education. Simultaneously, Sanskrit-based education centres contributed to the dissemination of Hindu religious knowledge.
Historically, access to education was limited, and the curriculum predominantly focused on religious studies. Formalized structures for widespread education were relatively scarce, and literacy rates were low.
II. Colonial Influence and the Emergence of Modern Education The British colonial period marked a significant turning point in the evolution of education in Bangladesh. The establishment of formal schools and the introduction of a Western-style education system aimed at creating a class of clerks and administrators to serve the colonial administration.
The advent of modern education institutions, such as Dhaka College in the 19th century, marked a departure from traditional educational norms. However, access remained restricted, primarily benefiting the elite class.
III. Post-Independence Reforms: A Push for Universal Education The liberation of Bangladesh in 1971 brought about a renewed focus on education as a means of national development. The government initiated various educational reforms, emphasizing the importance of access to education for all citizens.
Key reforms included the National Education Policy, which sought to eradicate illiteracy and promote universal primary education. Efforts were made to bridge gender gaps, recognizing the importance of educating girls for societal progress.
IV. Challenges and Strides in Access to Education While progress has been made, challenges persist in ensuring widespread access to quality education. Economic disparities, geographical constraints, and gender-based barriers remain hurdles. Remote areas often face a shortage of educational infrastructure and qualified teachers.
Nonetheless, initiatives such as stipends for girls, community-based schools, and awareness campaigns have contributed to increased enrollment and a gradual shift towards a more inclusive educational landscape.
V. The Digital Revolution: Technology's Impact on Education The advent of the digital era has brought about a revolutionary transformation in the way education is accessed and delivered in Bangladesh. The proliferation of smartphones, internet connectivity, and digital platforms has created unprecedented opportunities for remote learning and skill development.
Online education platforms, educational apps, and e-learning resources have become integral components of the modern educational experience. These technologies have democratized access to information, breaking down barriers related to geography and socio-economic status.
VI. Distance Learning and Virtual Classrooms The COVID-19 pandemic further accelerated the adoption of online education in Bangladesh. With physical classrooms temporarily closed, educational institutions swiftly pivoted to virtual classrooms and remote learning methods.
This shift highlighted both the resilience of the education sector and the potential of technology to facilitate uninterrupted learning. Virtual classrooms not only provided a solution during crises but also opened avenues for blended learning models that combine traditional methods with digital tools.
VII. Skills for the 21st Century: The Role of Vocational Education As the demands of the job market evolve, there is a growing recognition of the importance of vocational education. Vocational training programs equip students with practical skills and technical know-how, aligning education more closely with industry needs.
Initiatives to promote vocational education and technical training aim to address the mismatch between traditional academic curricula and the skills demanded by the job market, fostering a workforce that is more adaptable and industry-ready.
VIII. International Collaborations and Global Learning Opportunities Bangladesh has increasingly engaged in international collaborations in the education sector. Partnerships with foreign universities, exchange programs, and joint research initiatives contribute to a globalized approach to education.
International exposure enhances the quality of education, provides students with diverse perspectives, and fosters cross-cultural understanding. These collaborations position Bangladesh within the global educational landscape, promoting academic excellence and research contributions.
IX. Challenges and Opportunities in Higher Education While strides have been made in primary and secondary education, challenges persist in the higher education sector. Issues such as infrastructure limitations, outdated curricula, and a shortage of qualified faculty members need attention.
However, ongoing efforts to address these challenges, combined with the integration of technology and global collaborations, present opportunities for the higher education sector to undergo transformative reforms.
X. Conclusion: Charting the Future of Education in Bangladesh The evolution of education in Bangladesh is a dynamic journey marked by resilience, reforms, and a growing embrace of technology. From its traditional roots to the digital age, education in Bangladesh continues to adapt to societal needs and global trends.
As the nation navigates the challenges of access, quality, and relevance, there is an inherent optimism fueled by ongoing reforms, international collaborations, and the transformative power of technology. The future of education in Bangladesh holds the promise of a more inclusive, innovative, and globally competitive landscape, where every citizen has the opportunity to unlock their full potential through education.
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fairuzfan · 5 months
Being a palestinian on tumblr is so funny because you'll have years of personal and professional experience regarding Palestinian Liberation and actually informed opinions that resulted in intense intracommunity discussions as well as examination of your oppressors' behavior that allows you a deep personal understanding of their oppression towards you and then some tumblr zionist/zionist sympathizer will come on and be like "ackshually, did you know that people are not their governments and its wrong to blame Israelis for their continued complicity in Palestinian suffering+BDS is bad because i said so?" Like you guys are like little babies with no real understanding of how oppression works in different contexts and its annoying that people take you seriously because you're not intelligent at all.
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mesetacadre · 2 months
this might be a silly question, but. ive recently learned more about the devastating effects of sanctions on countries like cuba, dprk, or venezuela, and how much unnecessary suffering they cause among the population, especially when it comes to food or medicine shortages. but then bds also calls for sanctions against israel, and im wondering, is there any meaningful difference between that and the sanctions already imposed by the US on other countries? i feel a bit hypocritical when i argue against sanctions while at the same time supporting bds, i feel like they are very different situations with different outcomes but i lack the understanding to really grasp how they are different, if that makes any sense
Sanctions are the systematic blockade of all or certain sectors of trade under military or economic threat by the sanctioner (mostly just the USA in recent history) to any potential agents who might try to ignore the sanction. These sanctions typically include things like medical supplies, food if the country is dependent on imports (like most countries who get sanctioned), electricity, fuel, both light and heavy industry, agricultural products and machines, the global financial system, and other such key sectors. These sanctions, overwhelmingly, only serve to impoverish the country, create undue suffering and political strife. This political strife/instability is usually the main goal of sanctions, to destabilize the target government. However, this political instability more often than not does not result in a magical restoration of "democracy" or "human rights", it usually leads the country down a path of further isolationism and political violence that only worsens its general situation. It also makes it much easier for factions like ISIS to gain popularity and support, since people are desperate. Sanctions are inhumane measures which only makes a country suffer for no good reason. The sanctioners know this, they don't care, and I'd wager that suffering is often the actual point of these sanctions. What has the 60 year old blockade achieved in Cuba? It has only caused pointless poverty, and the stated goal of the sanctions, which is to ultimately remove the communist government, has failed, is failing, and Cuba is managing to make due with what they have.
BDS call for sanctions mostly in regards to military equipment and related products/services, for NATO to stop aiding the genocide, or the banning of Israel from international events such as the olympics. No Israeli will ever go hungry because they no longer get European-made ordinance or because they don't get to participate in Eurovision. This is what BDS says in their Sanctions and governments campaign (which is behind two menus, this is also not the main focus of BDS, by far):
The BDS movement calls for sanctions against Israel, similar to the sanctions that were imposed against apartheid South Africa. These sanctions could include a military embargo, an end to economic links and the cutting of diplomatic ties. In the meantime, the BDS movement is calling for states to take steps to meet their legal obligations not to be complicit in the commission of particular Israeli crimes and not to provide recognition, aid or assistance that help Israel maintain its regime of settler colonialism, apartheid.. This includes, for example, the obligation for states to immediately end to all trade that sustains illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and the suspension of free trade agreements and other bilateral agreements with Israel.
Notice the greater emphasis on military and diplomatic ties, and how economic/trade sanctions are only called for when it «sustains illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory». Sure, this will (if it is ever adopted by Israel's significant trade partners) cause some suffering for the poor illegal settlers who had just moved into their shiny new apartment blocks built atop acres of land that sustained the surrounding Palestinian villages. The mere existence of these settlements cause more suffering than any sanction could ever cause.
Calling for these sanctions against Israel, which again, don't even come from comparable agents, are both less harmful towards the total population of Israel, and occur in a completely different context. I'm not going to pretend I care about the wellbeing of settlers whose houses didn't even exist 10 years ago. If these sanctions ever do occur in a significant enough scale (dubious), and those settlers don't want to find themselves in a food desert because Carrefour closed all their stores in the west bank, they shouldn't have moved into land stolen from a people facing genocide in the first place. We're also wagering hypothetical and non-global suffering against the now more than 100,000 dead Palestinians in Gaza in the past year, not even counting those who died ever since the first Nakba.
Like BDS points out, these types of grassroots and targeted boycotts/sanctions worked in South Africa, and the white South Africans didn't even suffer that much. Wager these short-lived and targeted sanctions against these other half-century long sanctions sustained by the US' strongarm policy that have prevented basically anything from getting into Cuba or the DPRK.
While those two things are both called sanctions, they have radically different objectives, methods, range, timescale, and character. I can't reiterate this enough, the North Korean collective farmer and the Israeli settler in the west bank have nothing in common when it comes to their position. Only one of them is complicit in genocide through their own actions, only one of them has any degree of blame, and only one of their governments is actually doing anything that warrants any kind of international action. And again, the BDS strategy focuses much more on military sanctions. Let's also be practical for a second, and acknowledge that the US is never going to withdraw their support for Israel, and especially will never sanction Israel. Israel is simply never going to face the same kind of sanctions that Venezuela or Cuba are facing, nor with the same severity, nor with the same restrictions on products essential for life.
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doeeyeddyke · 2 years
so i had a realization whilst looking at myself in the bathroom mirror
this might sound kind of weird but i’m sleep deprived, new jerseyan, and it’s nighttime. also it’s my head and thoughtcrime is fake so. whatever.
i’m afab nonbinary, and the road to get where i am as far as gender identity and comfort with it was tumultuous and messy as hell for a number of reasons (desi, muslim, immigrant, afab, fat, autistic, etc)
i’ve reconciled a lot of the issues that plagued me before (tbh it was mostly like, fatphobia and racism) but yk i haven’t completely gotten over it i’m just way better at dealing with and fighting against it
so just a moment ago i was in the bathroom (for uh i have stupid kid brothers who fuck up the sink all the time reasons) and looking at my face in the mirror and. well. here’s the thing.
i cannot be attractive. not because there’s anything wrong with me or anything, tbh i’m a pretty decent looking person, in fact i’d say i could be kinda cute? but i could never be attractive, much less a remarkable visual
because here’s the thing. i’m nonbinary, yes, but also desi. so very fucking desi. sometimes i get confused for an arab (which, depending on the person, is either bc of stereotyping or bc they can apparently see the past few centuries of my lineage in my face) but those who have seen me all my life can look at me and go yes that’s a bengali kid alright. 
like i was That Bitch among the bengali mothers growing up bc my hair was so thick and shiny and long and blah blah blah thanks to my mother’s intensive dabur amla oil and parachute coconut oil haircare regime i don’t think anyone who isn’t desi even knows what amla is
but point is. i’m nonbinary and desi. actually just. i’m nonbinary and poc. i’m also not hot in any form, just average. so i can’t ever be attractive truly, because that’s for the white nonbinary ppl. it doesn’t matter what you look like when you’re nonbinary poc bc the generic androgynous white afab nb will always always always be the perfect nb, the attractive nb, the universal nb. bc racism and westernization. even if you’re a very attractive nb poc, you will never be The attractive nb bc you’re not the white standard. (this goes for women at large too)
so uh yea uh. i am technically a very plain unremarkable nb. however. However.
if i was a boy. holy shit. if i was a boy the boys would be fucked. like i’m not saying there isn’t a racism/white washing issue with men and how attractive they are, there definitely is, but it seems so much more vicious and even violent with women and nb, esp nonbinary afab, bc fucking misogyny and all that. this might also be my own personal experience, but there’s less reluctance to accept a man of color as attractive or more attractive than a white man, and the beauty standards aren’t so violently inflexibly unwavering the way the feminine petite docile white woman standard is. idk maybe i’m talking out of my ass but like. it’s just so horrifyingly bad from these ends than towards men.
but the point is. the realization is. i could actually be attractive as a boy, especially with that quirky thing that some people eat up. there’s so many ppl who are so ready and so quick to disprove the beauty or relative beauty of a woc or nonbinary poc, like i just see it at much higher levels? but with men i see all kinds of men being accepted as attractive, even the ones who aren’t fucking uh. chiseled buff greek epic protags or whatever. 
so if looked at as a woc (blegh fuck you if you misgender me) or nonbinary poc i am at best ok. as a boy i could definitely knock it out of the park, and it wouldn’t even be that hard. like idk if this makes sense or anything and there’s probably a lot of ??? bc like yk what do i look like that makes me so confident about this but like. most 18 year old boys are at best ok, bc of a combination of personality and looks, but i’d be like so amazing in comparison and if i was some rising actor i’d definitely have a cult fanbase or whatever.
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tabslabs · 1 year
Curious about this since the original poll by @wasted-my-time was only 24 hours and I want to include only comics I've personally been recommended by my USAmerican friends.
Honorable mention since it didn't fit on the poll list: Jérôme K. Jérôme Bloche, which I chose to exclude since there are literally only 5 albums in English and I had to cut one of them
Small edit for a common question!
What’s BD? - BD = Bande Dessinée = comics (in the French language). Generally (in English anyway) comics are referred to by their language of origin (ie “manga” for Japanese comics). This is because of shared tropes, references, cultural material, art styles, etc. This does NOT mean that they’re all from France! Just that they’re all written in French!
Asterix and Blueberry are from France; Lucky Luke, Tintin, Spirou & Fantasio, Gaston, the Smurfs, and JKJ Bloche are all Belgian; Yakari is Swiss; and Blacksad is made by Spanish creators but written in French for a French audience and published in France
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raihanulislam9 · 8 months
Unlocking Academic Achievements: A Comprehensive Guide to All Bangladesh Examination Results
In the vibrant landscape of Bangladesh's educational system, the announcement of examination results is a momentous occasion that reverberates across the nation. Whether it's the Secondary School Certificate (SSC), Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC), or other specialized exams, the "All BD Result" serves as a crucial gateway for students, parents, and educators to gauge academic achievements and plan future endeavors. In this article, we delve into the significance of examination results in Bangladesh, the process of result publication, and the impact it has on the educational landscape.
The Significance of Examination Results:
Examination results in Bangladesh are not just numbers on a sheet of paper; they represent the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and aspirations. For students, these results determine their academic trajectory, influencing their choices for further education and career paths. Parents eagerly await these outcomes, mirroring the dreams they have for their children. Additionally, the broader society observes these results as a barometer of the nation's educational health, reflecting the effectiveness of educational policies and the preparedness of future generations.
Types of Examinations and Result Publication:
Bangladesh conducts various examinations at different educational levels, each with its unique set of challenges and expectations. The Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) exams are among the most significant, serving as gateways to higher education. Additionally, there are specialized exams such as the Primary Education Completion (PEC) and Junior School Certificate (JSC) for primary and junior secondary levels.
The Bangladesh Education Board is responsible for conducting these exams and publishing the results. The process involves meticulous evaluation of answer scripts, followed by a comprehensive scrutiny to ensure accuracy. Once the results are compiled, they are made available to the public through the official websites of the respective education boards.
Online Platforms and Accessibility:
In recent years, the accessibility of examination results has been significantly enhanced through online platforms. The "All BD Result" website has become a central hub for students and parents to access results quickly and conveniently. This digital transformation has mitigated the challenges associated with traditional result publication methods, such as long queues and delays.
The Role of Technology in Result Publication:
The integration of technology in result publication has streamlined the entire process. Online portals not only provide quick access to individual results but also offer statistical analyses and comparisons across different regions and educational institutions. This transparency fosters healthy competition and motivates institutions to continually improve their academic standards.
Challenges in Result Publication:
While technological advancements have improved result accessibility, challenges persist. Technical glitches, server overloads, and other unforeseen issues can hinder the smooth dissemination of results. It is essential for education boards to continually upgrade their technological infrastructure to ensure a seamless experience for all stakeholders.
Impact on Higher Education:
Examination results play a pivotal role in shaping the higher education landscape in Bangladesh. Universities and colleges rely on these results to determine eligibility for admissions, scholarships, and various academic programs. As such, the accuracy and timeliness of result publication directly influence the futures of countless students seeking to further their education.
Embracing Continuous Improvement:
The examination results are not only a reflection of individual achievements but also indicative of the broader educational system's strengths and weaknesses. Educators, policymakers, and stakeholders must use the insights gained from these results to implement reforms and strategies that enhance the overall quality of education in Bangladesh.
"All BD Result" is more than just a website or a set of numbers; it is a testament to the collective efforts of students, educators, and the education system at large. As Bangladesh continues to evolve and progress, the significance of accurate, timely, and accessible examination results cannot be overstated. By embracing technological advancements, addressing challenges, and using the results as a catalyst for positive change, the nation can build a robust educational framework that propels its citizens toward a brighter future.
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claudeleine · 3 months
this is from sept. 2022.
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anyway don’t watch captain america: brave new world (previously titled new world order, which is gross). it doesn’t matter that they’re reimagining the character’s origins as a result of the backlash over the past few years, the actress is still a zionist who supports israel even while they commit a genocide against the palestinians, and the character is still zionist propaganda that fuels pro-israel and anti-palestinian/arab/muslim sentiment.
don’t give that shit your money. give it to the palestinian families in gaza and those who are trying to help them. don’t continue to normalize the violence against palestinians and israeli proganda.
EDIT: BDS has asked people to boycott this movie
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mogai-sunflowers · 7 months
🇵🇸 Free Palestine- A guide for getting involved (Somewhat USA-focused)! 🇵🇸
This post is going to get very long, so I'm trying my best to break it up into manageable sections! Some parts of this post are applicable to people outside America, but at this time, I'm only knowledgeable enough about the movement in America to make a post about it!
Find Out About Local Organizations To Get Involved With
The best place to start is to find out what's already happening locally! If you live in a large/larger town/city, chances are something's already happening nearby!
For Americans: Look here to find out about the closest PSL (Party for Socialism and Liberation) chapter to where you live! They are involved in direct activism all across the US!
Find out if there's a PYM (Palestinian Youth Movement) chapter near you! They are extremely active
For college students in the US: Find out if there's an SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine) chapter on your campus! If there isn't, try founding your own! Look at their website here to learn more!
Also for college students in the US: Find out if there's a YDSA (Young Democratic Socialists of America) chapter on your campus!
Participate in BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions)
Find out how to get involved here
Hold Local News Outlets Accountable
Find out about the local news outlets in your area
Keep up-to-date with their publications
If it's a digital source, search it for any and all publications related to Palestine and Israel- if this search yields results, are the articles supportive of Palestine and its supporters?
If you encounter an article/multiple articles that lean towards or outright try to justify Israel's actions or spread propaganda, then you can do a few things-
1) If the article is digital, make a public comment correcting any misinformation in the article. Try to keep your comment straight to the point and factual.
2) Find out who wrote the article and reach out to them personally to discuss said article and the issues you have with it. Share your point of view and discuss misinformation and harmful language contained within the article.
3) Find out the editor of the article, and write a 'letter to the editor'. Such letters may have a word limit varying between different news outlets, so keep your letter brief yet powerful and deconstruct your issues with the article
4) Reach out to the owner of said publication and ask if you can try your hand at writing an opinion piece for them. Sometimes, it can take awhile to get one of your opinion pieces accepted, but if it's something you're passionate about, keep trying!
If a particular news outlet has a repeated pattern of dehumanizing and villifying the Palestinian freedom cause in their publications, try getting in touch with local activist groups! They can help- from organizing letter campaigns to actual protests outside the news headquarters!
Urge Your Town/City to Pass A Ceasefire Resolution-
First, check and see if there's already an organized movement in your town or city to pass a ceasefire resolution (via pressuring your local town/city council)- NOTE: If you live in a very small town, the chances are smaller that there is already an organized movement- but that doesn't mean you can't help to start one
If there is already a movement, find out when the public comment sessions for your town's/city's council are, and find out how you can sign up to speak- if you do so, you can also try and connect with the organizers of your local movement for advice on writing a statement in support of a ceasefire resolution
An addendum to the previous point: if you sign up to speak, find out if you can also provide a visual presentation for your statement- these are often especially powerful
If there isn't an organized movement yet, that doesn't at all mean that one can't be started. I recommend reaching out to the nearest town/city you know of that has an organized movement for a ceasefire resolution
Send emails and letters, and call, to all your town/city council members to consistently urge them to pass a ceasefire resolution
Pressure Your Representatives to Vote against Aid to Israel-
This is not US-specific- if you have representatives of your local area on the national level, you can pressure them through calls, emails, letters, setting up meetings, and direct action, to not sign off on aid proposals for Israel
Setting up meetings is particularly impactful- you have a chance to speak with them or their reps one-on-one with your point of view
Call/email EVERY DAY! Pressure only works if it is consistent, and ask your friends and family members to join you in contacting them to build even more pressure
Donate To-
These fundraisers to help various families leave Gaza
Your local/closest Palestinian Children's Relief Fund's chapter
1 or more of the Global Rahmah Foundation's projects for Gaza
HEAL Palestine
Local drives for the World Food Pantry and other local fundraisers are also super important!
This is not an all-inclusive list of ways to support Palestine, it's just intended to be a guide for getting involved for people who want to get involved but aren't sure where to start. Please suggest or correct anything for this post, and please spread it around! @fairuzfan @palipunk @tamarrud @el-shab-hussein @apollos-olives @metalheadsforblacklivesmatter @bfpnola
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clubdionysus · 2 months
[BAD DECISION #59] Betting Against Yeonjun
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warnings: there's a section towards the start where I was really going thru it with my adoration for jk lmao bingo if you spot it!!!, seokjin, byeol at her best!!, jungkook also at his best!!!!, mmm I luv our starluvrs <3, conversations re: the first night they met waaaa, okay phew where to start: smut, jungkook's phone gallery is a hotbed of sin (recording), semi-public (club booths), bratty b, dominant koo, a lil degradation, (he says something that would piss me off (b is a better woman than I!! (but she gets her own back!!))), oral (m), lots of lovely words, a little titty worship <3, b on top (yeehaw), creampie, cum eating, oral (f), jimin + nabi!!!!!
a/n: this was the final chapter on wattpad before bd got taken down :( it's very bittersweet. also makes me suuuuuper aware of how few updates we've had since (1.... we have had 1 update (wattpad really knocked the wind from my sails, and if you've been keeping up with me outside of bd, you'll know how crazy busy I've been (the plus side is that I'm so nearly freeee to write to my hearts content for a couple of weeks! <3)))
wc: 10.5K
bd total wc: 540k (ongoing)
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While Jeongguk has always looked good behind the bar of Dionysus, you can't help but think he looks so much better in the middle of a tight-knit crowd, with an arm looped around your waist and a drink in his hand.
Under the cosmic lights of Dionysus, there's a glisten to his lips—alcohol yet to be licked away—and the sheen of sweat on his skin. Hair dark and dishevelled, his fringe tickles at his brows. You don't push it out of his face, 'cause it'll just fall back into position as soon as he moves to the beat of the music.
With a smile on his face, Jeongguk turns to his friends. Chants the lyrics to some song that soundtracked the summers of their youth. Is rowdy and careless in how he jumps around, but not once does he ever loosen his grip on you.
You're all in your finest—the boys in suits, and girls in cocktail dresses. While Nabi is in a deep navy satin number, Danbi has gone for black. Seoyeon opted for an early night, her and Yoongi heading home when the rest of you made your way to the bar.
In the dress picked out for you by Jeongguk all those weeks ago, you're far too overdressed for a bar like this—but you're also under the influence of far too much alcohol.
You know this is one of those golden moments; the nights you won't remember but will have stories to tell about it in years to come. Folklore. Whispers of Aurelian affairs weaved into your subconscious.
History has been made tonight. Not the kind that'll be read about in textbooks, but the kind that grandkids will be told a dozen times over—in a home that's covered in tiny specks of shimmer, while the scent of samgyeopsal waltzes from the kitchen to the courtyard.
So, no, Jeongguk doesn't loosen his grip, and he doesn't think he ever will.
You ignore just how many drinks have been knocked against you, and have also long forgotten the annoyance of sticky liquor on your feet. It's nothing a shower won't fix. Knowing the man beside you as intimately as you do, you're almost positive it's where you'll end up in a few hours, anyway.
Thoughts of you and him doing as you so often do have you wishing you were home already. Tonight is for celebrating, though—and oh, how lovely it is to have an excuse to celebrate Jeon Jeongguk.
Venus herself would've had a hard time crafting him, you think. Carved from marble and yet soft as the silky words he likes to wrap you up in, he's unlike anything of this earth.
For all of his thoughts about you, and the cosmos, and how he's certain 'Milky Way' is written where a location should be on your birth certificate, you've had just as many deliberations.
He says he was born in Busan, but men like him don't just come to be as a result of random genetics. He's forged of gold. Perfection in the form of a mere mortal man.
But then he's shouting something to Jimin over the sound of the music, and he stutters a little. Repeats himself with a goofy little grin, unphased by his innate imperfections, and it only serves to make your heart swell.
Jeongguk isn't perfect. He's capable of making mistakes and saying the wrong things. He wears toe-separating socks more often than you care to acknowledge, and sometimes he can be a little stroppy for no reason.
The pout always eases, though, and he derives such joy from those stupid socks that you can't ever bring yourself to tell him how ridiculous they are.
Perfection isn't measured in traits. It's measured in perception.
And you've never perceived a human more perfect for you than Jeon Jeongguk.
Anyone who looks your way would agree—or maybe they'd just see the way you're looking at him, all dewy-eyed and fawn-like, and know that there must be a little magic between you both.
When he turns his attention back to you and realises just how much adoration is glittering your eyes, he does the only thing he can do: tightens the arm he has around your waist and press the sweetest of kisses into your lips.
"Get a room!"
"PDA! Gross!"
The noise that erupts for your friends is nothing short of embarrassing, even if it is obscured by the thudding base of the club speakers.
None of them really mean it. All have smiles on their faces. Are laughing.
Even if they weren't, they'd far rather you and Jeongguk were insufferably sweet, instead of still pretending like you aren't crazy about one another. You ignore them all anyway. Pout when he pulls away from the kiss. Get him back on your lips just as quickly as he left them.
Jeongguk's lips curve into a smile as he sinks his lips into yours and revels in the way it feels.
In the middle of a bar he could call home, surrounded by people he adores, Jeongguk's got you .
Has caught a shooting star, and is gloating just because he can.
"Fuck, I love you," he mumbles into your lips barely loud enough for you to hear, yet your arms wrap around his neck because you know exactly what he said. Kiss him back with a smile just as insufferable as his.
"Yeah?" You giggle.
Your friends have stopped caring—or at least, they've stopped teasing you. Are just letting you be. Suits Jeongguk fine. Just gives him the green light to tighten his arm around your back and lift you ever so slightly.
"You know I do."
Jeongguk loves without condition. Doesn't need to hear you say it back, not when he knows how you feel.
And yet you indulge him regardless.
"I love you, too," you tell him, and then can't help but giggle at how stupid it all feels. He puts you back on your feet. Press a kiss to your forehead, and then urges you back into the group. Shaking your head, you pull back. "Just gonna get another drink."
"I'll come with."
"Stay," you insist, squeezing his hand as you pull his grip away from your hand. He should be with his friends, you think. Plus you'll order him a drink, too. Won't put it on his tab, 'cause you know damn well that bar tab his friends love so much will no doubt migrate to his restaurant. Still, you make sure to call back, "Will only be a minute, babe!"
You know it'll pacify him for a moment or so, and you also just wanna indulge in the simple pleasure of watching his lip ring do the thing. You'll never grow tired of it. Two birds, one pathetically pretty heart-shaped stone.
You lose yourself in the crowd. Know this place like the back of your hands. Doesn't take you long to find yourself by the bar with an incredibly sober Yeonjun raising his brows in your direction.
He saw you coming. Already has a few empty shot glasses lined up on the tray ready to make you starfuckers.
Rolling your eyes, you're about to say something that'd feel far wittier in your drunk mind than would be in reality when you feel a hand on the small of your back.
Instantly, you flinch away.
The hand isn't cold nor is it aggressive; it's just not Jeongguk's. You knew without hesitation. Eyes flicking over to the mirrored backsplash of the bar, you briefly catch Yeonjun's unimpressed gaze.
He doesn't know the man who's taken the spot beside you, but he knows the man is far closer than a stranger should be.
He's strapping. Incredibly good looking. Broad shoulders, hair slicked back. Is put together in a way that men in Dionysus rarely are.
"Water?" Yeonjun offers you, 'cause no matter how much he likes to wind Jeongguk up, he's grown into a good man. Has a lot to thank Jeongguk for. His care for drunk punters, and making sure they're okay, is one of those things.
Yeonjun also knows Jeongguk would pluck every single cerulean hair from his head if he were ever to let anything happen to a single hair on yours.
"Yeah," you nod, edging away from the man beside you.
It doesn't go unnoticed. The man closes the space you created.
"You were in your element tonight," he says, looking down towards you. "Could be making a name for yourself instead of doing some kid's hard work for him."
When your eyes flicker up at him, they're sharp. Pointed. Daggers where daisies once were. Edging away again, you create a distance that isn't so easily closed this time.
"And you could piss off, Seokjin."
"Oh," he hums with the kind of smirk that would have sent you reeling once upon time. Just makes your stomach churn, now. "Full name? Am I in trouble?"
"I'd have to actually give a shit about you for you to be in trouble," you tell him, and are kind of surprised by how little you feel. You're not even angry. You're bored. A little irritated. Mostly indifferent. "And quite frankly the way you've been behaving recently has just confirmed everything I already knew about you. If you could stop interfering with my life, I'd really appreciate it."
"Interfering?" He half snorts, taking a swig on his drink. "You're the one who invited practically my entire department to your little boyfriend's fundraiser."
"I invited their wallets," you correct him, before turning back to Yeonjun. "The usual, please. Four."
He doesn't need to clarify what you're after. He knows the drill. Gets cracking on the starfuckers.
"Icy," Seokjin continues to tease. There's an arrogance to him. Curiosity, too.
You're not the woman who used to cry in his shower and beg him to stay. Your hair is longer, and your wardrobe is less refined. The role you played to be favoured by him is long-forgotten about now.
Stars don't belong in boxes. They'll just burn out. He never got the luxury to see you shine as brightly as you could, and now that he is, he thinks he likes it.
"There's a reason why you kept coming back, or have you forgotten?" He says with a kind of sleaziness you never before attributed to him. When you come to think about it, you realise that maybe you should have. "Need reminding?"
"No. What I really need is for you to gain a little bit of that decorum you like to pretend you have, and then I need you to stop embarrassing yourself," you assure him as you pull your phone from the small clutch bag you've been carrying with you. Flicking open your message thread with Jeongguk, you manage to put together a very tipsy string of messages that tell him to come to the bar. "You're beating a dead horse."
"If that were true, you wouldn't be talking to me right now," he smirks. "And if anything, I'm the horse in this equation, given how much I know you like rid—"
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" You snap, frankly taken aback by his vulgarity.
If there's one thing Seokjin always was when he was with you, it was respectful. Not to you, or your feelings, but to other people's perception of him. For him to be stooping to such a level just to get a rise out of you means one of two things: the insidious 'boys club' nature of his workplace has corrupted him, or that he thinks so little of you that he believes this is what'd make you fold.
"We ended well over a year ago, and you didn't even want to be in that relationship for just as long! Christ alive. You never had trouble getting laid when we were together. Find some other poor woman to bother—or better yet, just go home. Save everyone's sanity."
Seokjin shrugs. Casts his dark eyes down your glitter-speckled body. Smirks. "You know I always want what I can't have."
You're unattainable. Out of his reach. Belong to skies, when his feet are cemented into the sidewalk.
It's not why he's here, though.
You know him too intimately to understand how his brain works.
Kim Seokjin will never be the man he pretends to be. Will always be the lackey of some CEO. Will never quite own a penthouse, even though he'll probably land somewhere a few floors below. His full-potential will never be reached because he doesn't know how to apply himself in a way that isn't intended on bringing other people down.
He won't climb ladders; he'll just drag people beneath his feet to make himself feel taller. Goes through life as if he's wearing Cuban heels, and steps on the toes of anyone who threatens to achieve more than him.
When you were together, he didn't cheat for the forbidden romance of it all, or anything borne in innate human desires. He didn't do it because he particularly liked other women, or because you weren't satisfactory enough. Quite the opposite.
He cheated for the gratification of coming back to you. He'd hold your body with hands that had been covered in the evidence of someone else; tarnish you and leave himself squeaky clean. Was a power trip. An ego stroker.
It's what's fuelling him right now, you think. The way he knows your body and how his hands used to stroke up the curve of your waist. The eroticism of it all. Thoughts like that used to make you shudder. Now, they make you want to dry-heave.
He knows his hands have been replaced with Jeongguk's lips; that your skin is golden where it once was void of anything but markers of Seokjin.
You went to Jeongguk's apartment once after Seokjin had left those very markers on your throat. They were invisible, but you could feel them. His hands, his lips. How tender he'd been with your skin no matter how rough he had been with your heart.
Jeongguk had crafted you a nest out of every single pillow in his home that night. It was almost like he knew birds would play a pivotal role in the both of your lives. Was giving them— you —a safe place to hatch. To bloom. To shine.
Seokjin doesn't want you.
He just wants Jeongguk to be beneath him.
If that means also getting you beneath him in a more literal sense of the word, then so be it.
But as Jeongguk comes to stand in the space between you both, nodding towards Yeonjun with all the nonchalance he can afford, you know that nobody else will ever have you like he does.
Picking up one of the starfuckers, Jeongguk shoots it back. Picks up a second. Looks to you. Softly wraps his hand around your throat and strokes his thumb up towards your earlobe. Holds the shot to your lips. Waits for you to tip your head back ever so gently—and when you do, he slowly pours the liquor into your mouth for you.
Not once does he take his eyes off yours. Not even when you close them to swallow down the familiar sensation of what it feels like to be in love with him. Just naturally happens whenever you drink a starfucker. Always has done.
"Missed you," he tenderly says, as if it hasn't been a matter of minutes.
When he's holding you like this, his strong hand commanding the angle at which you can look at him, you're without any autonomy. You're his, his, his. The presence of a man you barely even remember being with fades into nothingness behind Jeongguk.
An incredibly love-drunk smile finds its way back to your lips. Jeongguk smiles, too, letting the hand holding your neck ease so that his arm can wrap over your shoulders, as yours does the same around his back. Hooked onto one another, physically as much as you are emotionally, there's a unified front to your partnership.
"These ours?" He asks, nodding towards the remaining starfuckers. You nod. Say nothing, 'cause you don't need to. Just squeeze his waist even tighter. Jeongguk glances up to Yeonjun. "Tab? Four more, and two lemonades."
"Right you are, boss," Yeonjun nods, and gets to work.
"Cheers," Jeongguk thanks him, then picks up one of the starfuckers. Turns ever so slightly, but not enough to loosen his grip on you. Smiles in Seokjin's direction. "Want one? They're good. Practically made her fall in love with me, though, so be careful. You might get a crush on me, too."
"Think I'd be fine," Seokjin scoffs back. "I don't tend to fall for charity cases that can only get girls who feel sorry for them."
"You'd be surprised by how much a starfucker could change your tastes," Jeongguk entertains him. "Take B for example. Used to date limp dick losers who couldn't get her off—"
"—One starfucker was all it took, and now it's a seven days a week occurrence. Ain't that a beautiful thing?"
Seokjin grates his jaw. Tries not to let it show. Fails.
"So you have to get her drunk to fuck her?" He sneers.
"Nah," Jeongguk laughs a little at such an absurd suggestion. "Just like I wouldn't need to be drunk to tell you to back off."
"Can she not talk for herself?"
He knows damn well you're able to speak for yourself — he just chooses to disregard everything you say.
"Can you not take a hint? You're not welcome," Jeongguk snaps, before swigging down the shot he had offered Seokjin. Is a little aggressive in how he tosses down the plastic shot glass. "Get fucked—by yourself, that is. My girlfriend isn't included in that suggestion."
"I think—"
"Seokjin," you finally sigh, voice laced with contempt. Shaking your head, you really don't know what more you can say to really drive it home. He never cared this much when you were together. "You're embarrassing yourself. Go home. Find a new bar. I don't care. Yes, I used your connections to get more money to the auction, and no, I'm not sorry. Use the money you saved from losing the bid to get a therapist, or a hooker, or anything that'll help you be a little less insufferable. Maybe an STD check, while you're at it."
He could make a crude remark about how he always wore condoms whenever he cheated.
You know this to be true, 'cause you know you tasted the latex on him once. Thinking about it doesn't hurt like it used to. Annoys you more than anything.
Instead, Seokjin concedes. Can feel the eyes of the bartender searing into him. Knows that you're right; he is embarrassing himself.
That was one thing he could never fault you for. You were always right. Each and every time you called him out on his bullshit, you were right to do so.
"You know where to find me whenever you're done fixing whatever's broken with him," Seokjin simply shrugs. Knows you have a complex. That you tried to 'fix' him, too.
"Fixed it already," Jeongguk says, 'cause he isn't letting Seokjin have the last word. "Seriously, man. You lost. Not because I won, but because you were never worthy of winning in the first place. Stay away or don't, but this is always what you're gonna be greeted with. Always."
Seokjin doesn't look at you. He stares Jeongguk out, instead. Smirks, as if he thinks Jeongguk is an idiot, but lets the ambiguity of any words he could speak linger in the air. Decides it will be a little more torment if he leaves you both wondering what he could have said instead.
He just doesn't realise that neither of you could care any less than you already do.
At this point, he's just like an annoying mosquito buzzing around. With any hope, he'll find another blood source he enjoys more and become an irritating presence for someone else instead.
"Christ," Jeongguk mutters, shaking his head when Seokjin finally retreats. Squeezes you tighter and presses a kiss to your cheek, before pulling the fresh drinks made by Yeonjun closer to your side of the bar. "He's fuckin' insufferable, B. The fuck did you ever see in him?"
Jeongguk pours the starfuckers into the lemonades, turning it into a makeshift version of a starlover. It'll do the job, and was easier to order than it would have been to explain the process to Yeonjun in the middle of a busy shift.
"Before we get into that—" you take the drink offered to you by Jeongguk, sipping a little down " —Seven days a week? Really?"
"Oh, c'mon," Jeongguk grins, as he begins to lead you both away from the bar. "You can't be annoyed with me! He was being a tool!"
The door that leads up to the private booths is closed today—none were booked out, and it saves the clean down time if that entire section stays off limits to punters.
Elevated above the dancefloor, the booths are in the balcony section that wraps around the room. People in the booths can see down to the dancefloor below, but you'd be hard pressed trying to look up into the booths from the dancefloor. They offer a little anonymity. Privacy.
It's why Jeongguk stuck Jiyeong and her friends up there on New Years Eve—purely so that he wouldn't have to deal with them.
Jeongguk isn't just any punter, though. He's the one who installed the door to make his life a little bit easier by keeping drunk stragglers out of the booths. Knows the code, 'cause it's just his birthday backwards.
And right now, he wants a little privacy with you.
"You didn't have to be one back!" You reprimand him as he punches in the code for the door, but you're smiling, too. It's not like you actually gave a shit. If anything, it was kind of hot watching him brag so arrogantly.
"I did," he assures you, quickly encouraging you through the door so as to not draw any attention to yourselves. Taps your ass just 'cause he can. Squeeze, again, just 'cause he can. "Didn't want the old man thinking I was a little virgin."
Rolling your eyes, you nudge him away as you begin to head up the stairs. He's right behind you. Is squeezing your ass again as soon as he can be. "No one is ever gonna look at you and think that."
"Oh, yeah?" Jeongguk flirts. "So when we first met, you thought I was some sort of sexed-up fuck boy, huh?"
"No," you innocently offer, stepping up into one of the booths, and sinking down into one of the plush sofas that run along the back wall. "But I did wish you hadn't been behind the bar so I could find out for myself."
Jeongguk puts his drink on the table in front of the booth sofas, then comes and plonks himself right down next to you. Is practically on your lap. Doesn't care. Is like a fully-grown dog who doesn't realise he's not a puppy anymore.
You just let him. Personal space is null and void.
"Oh? So you went home with Jimin 'cause I turned you on?" He nods to himself. Smirks. Looks incredibly pleased with himself. "Nice."
"Shut up," you laugh, a little scandalised that he's mentioning it so carelessly.
Jeongguk's got half a dozen starfuckers in his system, and does not care for tact. In fact, if he had it his way, he'd set the world to rights. Would make that ancient wish of yours come true, now that he isn't behind the bar.
You set about neatly arranging his hair as he steals your drink from your hand to take a sip.
"You were so pretty," he quietly says. Wraps his hand around your wrist to stop you from preening. Pulls your knuckles to his lips and presses a tender kiss against them. It comes naturally, being like this. "Still are. But that first night... Fuck. Spent my whole shift watching out for you. Was gutted when I got home and you were there."
It was so long ago now that it's almost hard to believe Jeongguk remembers it as clearly as he thinks he does.
"Looking for somewhere to charge your phone," he laughs softly, shaking his head, as he recounts the memories. "Just for you to end up forgetting it. What will we do with you, hey? Silly, pretty baby."
Your face scrunches up at his recollection of the details. Had you never gone home with Jimin, then perhaps you'd have never ended up here—but you kind of wish it had never happened. Wish that you'd stayed by the bar all night. That you'd have had the water Jeongguk gave you. That you'd have sobered up by the time he finished his shift, and asked if he wanted to walk you home.
The 'you' of present day is not the you that shot through the bar that night with reckless abandon for who got blinded by your shine. You wouldn't have stayed, if you'd have gone home with Jeongguk. Or wouldn't have asked him to stay. Would have fucked him and never spoken to him again.
Or maybe you wouldn't have. Who knows?
"Sorry it was all so... messy," you offer a little sheepishly.
Bad decisions were made by you both—but stars can only form when dust clouds collapse. You needed to break a little before you could become who you were meant to be.
Jeongguk shakes his head.
"Messy can be good," he promises, then adjusts you both. Pulls you across his lap. With a leg either side of his, you let your nose find its home next to his. Smile as his hands stroke up your back.
"Yeah?" You whisper against his lips.
"Mhmm," he mumbles, letting his lips sink into yours for a moment, before adding, "Got a canvas we made together that proves it."
The curve of your lips as you press into the kiss can be felt by him. Just gets him smiling, too. As his lip ring presses into your plump bottom lip, part of you wishes you were back in those damn busan photobooths. Want to see what it looks like. How you move together.
Slowly, he encourages your hips to languidly grind. Keeps the momentum slow, you both ignore the chaos of the club that echoes around you. He controls you with a hand on your waist, the other resting on your bare thigh.
The dress you're in—the one he chose—is everything he could ever want and more from an outfit on your body. It sparkles like the Han river under Banpo bridge during the evening light show, and clings to your body like droplets of water slowly sinking down an ice sculpture. Provides him with easy access, yet leaves his imagination free to go wild.
He knows your body well enough, now though. Knows the underwear you're wearing. Is impatient. Wants to push them to the side and get his hard cock buried in your tight walls.
Good things come to those who wait, though, and Jeongguk is more than willing to be a good boy for you.
Hidden in the darkness of the club, the thudding music is no match for the beat of your hearts. Lights splash you in colour every so often, but for the most part, you revel in your obscured entanglement.
His tongue slips into your mouth, and your hands tangle in his hair, deepening the kiss. You can feel how hard he is beneath you as you grind on his lap. It'd be easy, you think, to fuck him right now.
Jeongguk is right—good things do come to those who wait.
And he's been such a good boy.
You let your lips trail down to his throat. Latch on to his sweet spot just beneath his ear. Suck. Graze your teeth. Do the same to his earlobe, and feel his grip tighten. A moan vibrates in his throat.
Lips brushing against his ear, you whisper, "Phone."
Though your tone is soft, Jeongguk knows it's a command. Digs into his back pocket, keeping you firmly in place. The movement just has his thick bulge pressing even deeper against you, as his grip on your waist gets tighter.
It has you smiling; giddy with how glorious it is to have a man of such calibre so greedy for you.
It's not like it isn't reciprocal. Never before have you ever been so feral for a partner; so risky in your need to have them experiencing bliss because of you. Before Jeongguk, sex always served a purpose. Was never just sex for the sake of sex. There were deep-rooted issues and insecurities you were trying to fix.
But you're secure, now; in his grip, his hands, his heart. You don't have any ulterior motive for the things you do other than an innate need to make Jeongguk come undone. His buttons, his belts, his primal need to make you his; you'll undo them all.
Flicking open his camera, you stay in his lap as you reach across the sofa and rest the phone up against the wall that separates it from the next booth over. Tap on the little red record button. Though the lighting isn't entirely clear, enough bleeds in from the LED screens behind the DJ to clearly show the pair of you. Once his camera settings adjust to low light, you may as well have the main lights turned on.
Jeongguk raises a brow, tilting his head with sweet, puppy-like confusion.
"We're drunk," you tell him, as if either of you need any liquor to behave like animals. "Wanna make sure you remember this in the morning."
Jeongguk's hips push upwards as his hands on your waist keep you tight against his lap. "You think I ever forget fucking you?"
"Who said anything about fucking?" You tease with a smirk, biting down on your bottom lip.
He groans.
"If you blue ball me again, I'll die," he tells you. Flails a little. Leans back against the booth. Pouts. Wait for you to lean closer and deliver a pretty little kiss to make him feel better.
"We can't fuck here," you tell him with complete certainty, as if that's not exactly what you're hoping for. "Anyone could see us."
No one would be able to see you in this position, and you damn well know it, but it still feels incredibly exposed. You're a few metres from your friends and hundreds of other random club-goers. If you were to peep over the balcony railings, your hiding spot would be revealed.
"So?" Jeongguk smirks. "Everyone knows we fuck. Bet you they've imagined it. And you know how pretty you are when you cum? Everyone deserves to see that at least once in their life, B."
"We're gonna end up at an orgy one day, aren't we?" You tease him for his sheer unrelenting need to show you off.
He shakes his head. "Fuck no. Ain't no way anyone else is ever gonna touch you."
"No," he tells you, stroking his hand up your chest and tightening his grip around the base of your throat. "You only cum for me."
It's a statement just as much as it is a command.
The thoughts are in Jeongguk's head now, though. You, and those cosmic calamities you call your eyes, and how they'd stare him out as someone else fucked you. The feeling gets under his skin and pollutes his heart. Pumps sulphur into his veins. Turns his blood green.
"Say it," he grits, as his hands move down to cup your chest. "Tell me who you cum for."
Yanking down the material of the top of your dress, Jeongguk wastes no time. Repeats a similar action with the cups of your bra. Gets your chest exposed.
If either of you were to look at his phone screen, you'd find your silhouettes look like fuckin' sin—but all you can focus on is him.
His lips latch around one of your nipples, harshly sucking your tit into his mouth. His hand massages at the other, pinching and rolling your nipple between his thumb and finger. Head tipping back, you continue grinding against him. Don't give him an answer 'cause it feels too good to focus on anything else but the sensation of him.
You indulge in the sheer volume of the club speakers. Moan without reservation. Gasp as he pulls away and delivers a sharp spank to your tit, before latching onto your other nipple.
The way your hips grind even deeper against him is testament to how badly you want him; the wetness seeping through your underwear and onto his trousers.
He grazes his teeth against your nipple. Makes you shudder. Licks. Kisses. Sucks again, then pulls away with an oh-so-satisfying pop. Holding your chest with his hands, Jeongguk is stern as he repeats: "Tell me who you cum for."
You could do it. Could say him. Could do as he asks.
Thing is, you don't think he really wants that.
You think he wants to be mean.
And you know you want him to be mean.
With a small shrug, you widen your eyes. Feign innocence. Like butter wouldn't melt, you suppose, "Anyone who touches me right."
He scoffs.
There's a look in Jeongguk's eyes that promises you that he'll get you leant against that damn balcony while he fucks you just to prove a point—not only to you, but to any fucker who thinks they could ever make you feel the way he does.
"Word?" He grits.
"Chess," you say without hesitation.
It's the green light he needs, but still he tells you, "Gonna be mean."
As much as he enjoys playing the roles of a person he's not when he fucks you, he also never wants you to ever take it to heart. Loves you so purely that he'll always do what he can to keep you comfortable.
It's cute.
Also entirely irrelevant right now, 'cause you want him to be mean.
"You're gonna try ," you tease.
Jeongguk scoffs, again. Likes how bratty you can be. Smirks. Knocks his head to the side. Shakes it. Grips your tits a little harder, then spanks one of them and is pleased with how your body jolts.
A wanton moan escapes your lips. Eyes on his, you're Jeongguk's to devour.
"You think anyone else could get you like this, huh?" He grits, dropping a hand to your spread legs. Sinks his hand between his crotch and yours. Is greeted with evidence of your arousal. Strokes his fingers against you. Gathers some of your slick on his fingers, and is ever so pleased when your lips part for him without a word. Sinking his fingers into your wet, wanting mouth, Jeongguk smirks. "Needy little slut."
The vibration of your moan around his fingers just confirms everything Jeongguk already knows.
He laughs. Is arrogant. Cocksure. Obscenely hot. Your brows furrow as he pulls his fingers from your mouth, before he grips the base of your throat again.
"If you aren't gonna use that mouth to give me serious answers, you're gonna use it for something else instead, aren't you?"
Oh, you're eager . Don't need telling twice. Are off his lap and sinking between his legs without even so much as a guided instruction.
"That's it," he husks as you quickly undo his belt. His trousers, too. Tug them down his thighs. Get his Calvins on show, and his furiously hard cock tenting in them. Your lips press kisses against the fabric, tongue wetting his shaft through the cotton. "Stop fuckin' teasing, baby. Suck it."
If there's one thing you know about Jeongguk, it's that he gets whiny when he doesn't get his own way. On your knees, eyes flicking up to his lust-laced features, you're not gonna be a good girl for him just 'cause he wants you to be. You're gonna hold out. Gonna get him whiny. Gonna—
"You know how many girls down there want this cock, huh? How many waste their time at the bar vying for my attention?" Jeongguk arrogantly smirks. Watches the change in your expression. The hardening of your eyes. The power relinquishing from you to him. The sulphur that's transferred. The club lights paint you in green. He licks his lips. Says, "If I want my cock sucked, I can get it sucked. Give me a reason not to."
Back in the early days, you and Jeongguk had been through his message requests together. He'd downplayed it, but you know it's true. Girls practically drool on the Dionysus bar for him.
If he wanted to, he could.
But he wants you.
Only ever wants you.
You're feeling challenged, though. Are petty. Shrug, "You know how many people hit on me by that very bar?"
He does. Has seen it himself. And has also seen how quickly you dismiss it. Never feels threatened.
Your hands work in tandem, one of them pushing up the bottom of his shirt to reveal his toned abs, the other tugging down on his boxers, revealing his cock.
There's something celestial about having Jeongguk like this. Hard and weak at the exact same time. The tip of his cock has the sheen of precum spilling from his slit, and you don't think you've ever seen him this hard. He's needy. Pathetic. Gorgeous.
Your tongue licks a stripe up his shaft, and Jeongguk's eyes close. His hand finds a home in your hair as his gaze lands on you again.
"I could do this for them," you assure him. Though the music is loud, Jeongguk reads your lips. Twitches as your tongue flicks against his slit. Lips pressing a kiss to his tip, you jerk him a little just to remind him of who is in the position of power right now. "Could fuck anyone I want."
Jeongguk smiles at this. Finds it funny. Cute, even.
"You could," he acknowledges. Tightens his grip on your hair. Gets you back in position, your lips wrapping around his cock as he begins to encourage a momentum. "But I'm still the only one who'll make you cum, aren't I? Could slut yourself out, but it's still me you'll be thinking about. Me you'll be wishing you were with. Me who you'll crawl back to 'cause no one else satisfies you."
With every sentence, he fucks his cock deeper into your mouth. Is practically hitting the back of your throat. Getting your eyes all watery—and he knows your pussy is even wetter.
He lets you do the hard work, but makes sure he pushes your head to the right rhythm. Keeps your movements shallow, focused on his tip, now. Is after one thing and one thing only.
Which is why when he starts moaning in a way that you know means he's close, you pull away.
"Fuck," he hisses, almost keeling over in his seat. The look he gives you is one of sheer disbelief.
"What?" You smile as if butter wouldn't melt. Pretend like you didn't realise he was about to spill over. "You wanna cum, or something?"
"You know I—"
"Go get one of your other girls, then."
Dragging you up onto his lap, Jeongguk laughs, clutches the sides of your face with his hands. Nudges his nose against yours. Doesn't care to keep up the pretence anymore, 'cause he's sensing a nerve was struck.
Even if you are just being petulant for the sake of it, he doesn't ever want you to feel like it's a viable option. Says, "You know I don't want anyone else. Stupid."
"S'not what you said," you childishly pout against his lips. You know damn well he didn't mean it. Honestly, hearing him speak with such arrogance was a turn on; the acknowledgement that even though he's desired, you know he's chosen you. "You said—"
"Hey—you said you could fuck anyone down there," he reminds you. Presses a feathery kiss against the tip of your nose. "And you could. I don't want you to, though."
"No, Byeol," Jeongguk whispers against your lips now. Lets his hand sink to your underwear. Pushes them to the side. Lines you up against his shaft. Encourages you to rock ever so gently, coating him in everything you are. "Want you forever, B. Just you and me. You want that, hmm? This, forever?"
Jeon Jeongguk has this way of making you feel powerful and pathetic all within the same moment. You want him so badly it hurts. And so you nod. Raise your hips. Line the tip of his cock up with your entrance. Remind him, "No one else makes you feel like I do. They never will."
It's funny, 'cause that's exactly what Jeongguk was wanting to hear from you earlier. If he really wanted, he could be a dick—but you're the one being needy now, and he likes it so much. Adores it, even. You're so cute , he thinks. So he shakes his head. "No one, baby. Just you."
"You're mine," you tell him, then sink down onto his length. Both of you gasp from the sensation. You've been waiting for this; desperate for it. Foreplay is fun, but all Jeongguk ever wants these days is to utterly and completely lose himself in you. This, to him, is Nirvana.
He nods. Lets his eyes close as your walls adjust to his size. He's so big that it should be painful, but there's something about fucking Jeongguk that just works. The fit is snug, but it's perfect. "Yeah, baby. Yours."
Your hips grind ever so gently, the feeling of fullness he gives you hitting just right. Clit rubbing against his neatly trimmed patch of hair above the base of his cock, you're overwhelmed with just how good it feels to give yourself up for him.
As the sensation settles in, he encourages your movements. Gets you bouncing, his hands on your ass to keep control. Presses wet kisses to the base of your throat. Promises, "You're gonna make me cum so hard."
A man of traditions, Jeongguk takes 'ladies first' incredibly seriously. Knows he's been edged so well this evening that he won't last long at all. Needs to make sure you get there before him.
He sits you up straight. Stops your movements. Has you warming his cock as he just kind of stares at you for a moment. Everything else is drowned out around you both; the music, the lights, the fact this is Jeongguk's place of work, the way his phone is still recording you both.
With a hand on your waist, he holds your cheek with the other. Smiles as your eyes close, head sinking into his touch. Is so in love with you it feels like his heart might just explode.
"My pretty girl," he grins, biting down on his bottom lip. Shakes his head as if he can't believe his luck.
Your chest is exposed, pretty purple posies blooming on your skin from his lips. There's a sheen of glitter all over your body, and Jeongguk knows there must be one on his, too. It's getting harder to distinguish the pair of you as the days go by; your orbit growing smaller.
Both of his hands drop your pussy. One spreads your lips, while the other slowly rubs against your clit. Instantly, you tense a little, the pleasure pulsing through you.
"My pretty, needy girl," he corrects himself, and is incredibly pleased when you nod.
As one of your hands wraps around his wrist, you try your hardest to not start fucking him again. Want this feeling to persevere, but also innately want to coax an orgasm out of him. It's human nature. He's building you up. You wanna do the same right back.
Thick and firm inside you, Jeongguk's cock throbs from just how tightly your walls clamp around him when he begins toying with your clit. Head tipping back, the laugh that stutters in Jeongguk's chest has you whining.
"Stop being so hot," he groans. "Gonna make me cum so fuckin' fast."
Admitting this is a mistake, for it just makes you wanna interrupt his plans of making your finish first. Gets your ass bouncing on his map as Jeongguk desperately tries to hold himself back; to regain a little control. It's a fruitless endeavour. The silky warmth of your cunt is too good.
"Fuck," he grits, giving into the feeling. "B—"
His words are cut off by your lips stealing a kiss from him, that he then steals right back. Messy and without any considered thought behind them, your kisses dissolve into frantic, breathless whimpers. Jeongguk can't hold off.
Head knocking back, Jeongguk's grip on your waist tightens. He holds you down in place, his thick shaft filling you entirely. He's bottomed out; fully encased in the woman he loves. It's too fuckin much. His legs shake. Chest shudders.
And then it's happening; thick ropes of cum spurting into your cunt, filling the spaces he can't reach. He just wines. Whimpers. Curses. "Fuck. Cumming. Making me cum so fuckin' hard, babe. Fuck. Oh, fuck, this cunt. So fuckin' perfect."
His praise is met with the sweetest of giggles, which only encourage him to cum even harder . Both endless and over far too soon, Jeongguk cums so deeply inside you it feels like he's losing all the oxygen in his brain; like a trap door has been pulled beneath him and he'll never stop falling.
Lips finding yours once more, he eases his grip on your hips. Encourages slow strokes of your pussy up and down his cock just to ease the final spurts of cum out of him.
With a laugh and an incredibly heavy chest Jeongguk leans back once more. Shakes his head. Can't stop smiling. Nor can you.
When his gaze finally lands on you a moment or so later, he's still grinning as he whines, "I wanted to make you cum first."
As mad as it sounds, making Jeongguk cum is satisfying enough for you.
He would disagree. Thinks the concept of you not cumming is pure insanity. How anyone could have you like this and not strive to make you come undone is criminal. Also knows he can't stay inside you for much longer, 'cause the overstimulation might just kill him off.
Pressing a kiss to your shoulder, Jeongguk leverages his position. Lays you down, your head near his phone, his cock still inside you. Kisses the base of your throat as he reaches up for his phone. It's warm from the battery being drained, but it's still recording. He leans across and stands it up against one of your drinks on the table. Not much is in frame—but enough to capture his soaked cock glistening under the club lights as he pulls out of you.
Jeongguk is impatient. Tucks himself into his boxers and sinks down immediately. Plugs your hole with his fingers, keeping his cum inside you. Latches his lips around your clit. Sucks. Whines. Vibrates. Makes you writhe as your back arches, legs wrapping around his head.
If heaven is a place on earth, Jeongguk knows it must be between your legs.
His tongue strokes against you as his fingers curl. There's little care given to how messy it all is. If anything, it just makes him like it even more. Wants to fuck you all over again, but knows his cock isn't up for it yet, even if he is.
There's a small shudder to your body; a little warning sign that Jeongguk is edging you closer and closer to coming undone. Just a little more and you'll be there.
He withdraws his fingers, and sinks his tongue to your entrance. Gathers his cum on his tongue, then spreads it all over your needy cunt. Lays claim to you in a way that no one ever has before. Spits. Flicks his tongue so rapidly against your clit it's hard to comprehend. Gets you shaking. Shuddering.
And then he's sucking, fingers plugging you once more. Your body writhes, and he holds you in place. Sucks harder. Fingers faster. Shakes his head, still sucking on your clit. Releases your with pop and then delves back in.
You whine his name, but it's obscured by the bass pumping through the speakers. All you can do is focus on him. How he feels. How much he wants you to feel good, and how well he succeeds at it.
The pressure builds like a star about to burst—and then stardust is scattering around you both, your orgasm disrupting the very atmosphere you're orbiting in.
Sparking through you, the sensation of your orgasm almost makes you fucking cry. Your body shakes. Jeongguk doesn't relent. Goes until you're spent, legs jolting, whimpers pathetic.
Overstimulated and overwhelmed, you encourage him up. Get his lips on yours, his tongue in your mouth. The taste of his cum intertwined with yours only serves to make you whine even more.
The pair of you are spent and sticky, and somehow still desperate for another.
He's the one who eases up first. Pulls back. Presses kisses all over your face. Your neck. Your chest. Your lips once more. Whispers with a smirk, "You got jealous ."
"Didn't," you pout a little.
"Did," he grins, letting his body collapse on yours, 'cause there's no way he wants to go back down to the dancefloor. Not yet. "Jealous and possessive."
"Says you," you huff a little, stroking up and down his still-clothed back with the tips of your nails. Part of you wishes you were home, in bed, clothes tangled in a pile on the floor. It's okay, though. You know it's where you'll end up.
Head on your chest, Jeongguk holds your tits just 'cause he can. Gets one of your nipples in his mouth, again just 'cause he can. Sucks. Pulls back just to say, "Oh, yeah. I was. Fucking hate the idea of you with anyone else." His lips latch around your nipple again, until he takes a second to add, "I'm literally in love with you."
You're caught between laughing and moaning when his lips wrap around your other nipple. There's no reason for him to be toying with you in the way that he is. Both of you have finished. He's just doing it 'cause he likes it.
"You're in love with my tits," you brush off his declaration.
Shaking his head, nipple still in his mouth, he looks up at you. Poutily lets your nipple slip from his lips. Assures you, "I'm an ass guy," then presses your tits together to get both of your nipples in his mouth at the same time.
"You're an ass, full stop," you laugh. "Lucky I love you."
Now this does pull his attention away from your chest.
"Yeah?" He grins, repositioning himself so that his nose can nudge against yours. On top of you, his chain pools against your chin—and then his lips are sinking into yours, pretty kisses taking the place of needless declarations. You both know exactly how you feel about one another.
"Yeah," you nod into his kisses. "So much."
By the time you finish your mindless chatter in the form of aftercare, Jeongguk's phone has a low battery warning on the screen. Neither of you even wanna think about how long that damn video must be.
You set the world to rights; finish your drinks, and cosy up together just to indulge in a little more time alone—but the night is getting away from you. Your friends will be wondering where you are.
Glancing around to make sure you haven't forgotten anything, Jeongguk's face bunches up when he clocks the security camera he'd forgotten about in the corner of the booth. Nods, to drag your attention to it.
"Yeonjun's gonna have a field day with that one," you grimace.
"I'll delete it before he can," Jeongguk promises you.
Far more sober than you both were earlier, Jeongguk deposits you off with your friends when you get back down to the dancefloor. Ignores their questioning of where you've both been. Gives you a quick kiss before he goes to the bar.
Yeonjun's brows seem to be perpetually raised—but it's just 'cause his eyes caught the glimmer of the booth door being opened half an hour ago, and knows damn well exactly where Jeongguk has been.
The fact that Jeongguk's hair is pointing in all different directions only confirms exactly what Yeonjun thinks he must have been doing.
"Need to go into the office," Jeongguk tells Yeonjun, but is met with the shake of his head.
"No need," Yeonjun deadpans. Leans a little bit closer. Assures him, "Cameras are off. Your secrets are safe, boss."
Jeongguk wants to die. Not for the fun reasons he normally does, but for the sheer embarrassment of his junior almost reprimanding him.
He also doesn't trust the cerulean-haired fucker as far as he can throw him.
"I'm still gonna check."
"Fine. But you'll owe me 20,000."
"It's a bet," Yeonjun says. "I bet you 20,000 that they're off."
If Jeongguk wasn't already convinced, he is now. Yeonjun hates losing these dumb bets.
Still, Jeongguk agrees.
Not even two minutes later, he's walking back by the bar, chewing on minty gum that's kept in the office for far more innocent purposes than this, dropping two 10,000 won notes down for Yeonjun.
"You're welcome!" Yeonjun shouts after Jeongguk with a smug grin. Shakes his head. Puts on the thick accent of an old man and mutters to himself, "Kids these days. Randy bastards. No decorum. No class. Just hormones and bad decisions."
But as Jeongguk is drawn to you in the crowd, like a stargazer is drawn to Polaris, he knows that for all the bad decisions he's ever made, there is one universal truth: No decision has ever been better than making you starfuckers on that very first night.
Arm looping over your shoulders, he presses a kiss to the side of your head. Steals Jimin's drink from him. Gags when he realises it's neat tequila. Offers it to you regardless. Apologises when you also gag.
The night is lost to Dionysus. Just like its namesake, the club is a cesspit of sin and debauchery, but it's impossible not to love the way it feels.
You don't leave until the final song of the night.
"My place or yours?" Jeongguk asks as you meander down the street together, a little behind the rest of your friends. With convenience store snacks in your hands, Jeongguk's phone dead in his back pocket and your clutch bag in his hands, the pair of you are the poster children of a reckless youth maturing into something far better.
Gone are the days of seeking out new strangers, or living for the weekends.
This is it, you think. An endless back and forth of his place, or yours, until one day it'll become obsolete.
So you indulge in what little you have left of the early days. "Yours."
"You know Jimin'll wanna watch The Notebook in the morning, right?" He reminds you with a smile. Is at such ease with his life. Isn't sure what he did to deserve it all.
"Oh, I'm counting on it."
Choosing to walk the half an hour distance it takes to get back to Jeongguk's place, instead of opting for a taxi like the others to their respective homes, you and Jeongguk revel in the early hours of the morning. Talk nonsense. Talk business. Talk nonsense about business.
Time wasted with him is really not wasted at all. Even if the sun is coming up by the time you're entering his building, nodding at the doorman, neither of you are tired of one another. It's hard to imagine a reality where that would ever be true.
When you reach his apartment door, both of you stop in your tracks. It's still on the latch. Ajar. He glances over to you, brows furrowed. Steps in front of you, tucking you in behind him.
Says, "Keep quiet."
Slowly edging the door open, the entryway is a mess. Where a neat pile of shoes typically sits, clothes are strewn. It confuses him for a second—until he hears something that makes him dry heave.
He pushes the door fully open, and is met by Jimin cosplaying as his best Jeongguk impression, eyes wide, like a deer in headlights. His hands are over his crotch, naked and bare for all to see. Behind him, a half-naked girl darts to his room.
Both you and Jeongguk look at Jimin with equal parts shock and horror.
"At least close the bloody door!" Jeongguk almost shrieks.
"I thought you were going to DB's!"
"Well apparently not—wait," Jeongguk looks around the room. Recognises the clothes. So do you. Knows exactly who was wearing them earlier that evening. Gasps. Whisper-shouts, "Is that—"
"Shut up!" Jimin whisper-hisses back, and retreats backwards, hands still covering his modesty as if neither you nor Jeongguk have ever seen it before. "You didn't see shit!"
He escapes into his room, and you do hear his lock go, just to be safe.
Both you and Jeongguk look at each other in a state of shock. It's only broken when you say, "Well I guess he won't be watching The Notebook tomorrow."
But Jeongguk shakes his head. Nods towards the deep navy dress that's crumpled on the floor beside Jimin's shirt. The same dress Nabi had been in earlier that evening. Says, "It's her favourite film. She's the reason he watches it."
And on the counter, rests a flyer from the gallery event. It's folded into the shape of a butterfly.
Looks like the ones Jeongguk always attributed to Hayun.
It's only now that he realises he'd been wrong this whole time.
Just like Jimin watched The Notebook 'cause the girl he could never seem to get over loved it, Hayun made paper butterflies, 'cause her best friend taught her how to make them. Said it'd be a good little party trick to make boys fall in love with her.
And it had been—but it had also just been an entirely fabricated part of her personality. The irony of it all isn't lost on Jeongguk. All he can do is laugh. It confirms everything he already knew: he never understood love until you came along.
"What is it with us and walking in our housemates shagging?" You laugh as you kick off your shoes, unaware of Jeongguk's realisation. Sure he'd told you about Hayun's butterflies before you made your first birds, but it was so long ago that it's a distant memory, now.
"No idea," Jeongguk grins as he follows suit. Holds your hand as you head towards his bathroom. Forgets to grab his towels, but doesn't care even when he remembers. Will risk the naked dash across his apartment later. All he wants is to be with you right now. "We're not far off, though. Yoongi practically caught us at it earlier."
You hum as Jeongguk starts the shower, checking yourself over in the mirror as you discard your dress. The hickies bestowed upon you are ridiculous. The teasing from your friends will be relentless.
"Maybe we should stop being so reckless," you suppose with a glint in your eyes that Jeongguk catches as he turns to study you in the mirror. Slipping your dress off, you keep your eyes on him.
"Where's the fun in that?" He grins, coming to stand behind you. Dipping his lips to the base of your neck, his hands hold your hips. His kisses are gentle. Sleepy.
"So you want to get caught?"
"Never said that," he mumbles. "But I do want everyone to know you're mine, so if that's what it takes..."
"A ring would do the job just fine," you tell him without much thought. "Far less embarrassing, too."
Jeongguk rests his pointy chin on your shoulder. Looks at you in the mirror. "A ring?"
It's only now that you realise the gravity of what you've said. You're tired and your brain isn't really functioning right and oh god—you've barely even been dating for five minutes. It's too soon for any of that.
"Well I've already got a necklace," you try and downplay it, reaching up to touch the silver bird that sits between your collarbones. "Earrings work, too."
Jeongguk smirks. Stands. Rids himself of clothes, and walks to the shower. Tests the temperature of the water. Nonchalantly says, "Always thought you hated the idea of marriage."
"It's archaic," you casually reply, unclasping your bra, and letting it drop to the floor. Jeongguk's eyes are all over you. There's nothing about you he doesn't adore—your need to bicker with him included. "The tax benefits are nice, though."
He nods as you discard your underwear. Says, "I'd make you sign a prenup. Wouldn't want you stealing all my sculptures in the divorce."
" Action figures ," you correct him, joining him in the shower. He doesn't get a chance to argue back, for you're on your tippy toes and pressing a kiss against his lips to remedy the insult you know he's about to feign. "And you're already planning the divorce? That's not very promising. May as well not get married."
He shrugs. "Just making sure I have my ducks in a row before I commit to anything."
"Virgo," you accusingly tease, narrowing your eyes with a terribly hidden smile.
"What was it you said about Virgos?" He teases right back. "That we're written in the stars?"
You can bicker and you can argue all you like—but when Jeongguk has you in his sheets a little while later, curled up against his chest, softly settling into sleep like stardust into the atmosphere, he knows it must be true.
"Sweet dreams, B," he whispers, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
You mumble a response, half asleep already. Let him do as he pleases as he pulls your hand up to his lips. Barely register it when a tender kiss is pressed to your empty ring finger.
"Obsessed," you murmur against his chest—but also delicately press a kiss right where you know his heart is.
He just nods. Yawns. "Obsessed."
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torasplanet · 8 months
bd!dabi and y/n’s reaction at parent teacher conference when the teacher says kaedes getting picked on
oh a parent teacher conference in general is absolutely chaos no matter what the results are but when it's a conference out of no where...that's different.
dabi immediately assumes that kaede got in trouble and he's a PROUD man "i know he'd turn out like me sooner or later, you're too soft." or something along the lines of that is stuff he'd say on the way but you're just confused because kaede's always been a good child, maybe he's just falling a little behind from his other classmates?
well, you were wrong. when his teacher told you that he was getting picked on, all you could do is sit there shocked and ask them how this even happened but dabi...oh he's already yelling. he's shouting, full-on threatening everyone even people who aren't even in the room "where is this brat!? where are their parents huh!" there is no calming him down now, he's going to keep yelling until he sees this kid's parents and even then he'll keep yelling.
when kaede finally is brought in the room, he has tears in his eyes and spilled milk all over his uniform that was in his arms, he was wearing his spares instead. and it just makes you begin to cry but dabi just gets even more enraged "how long has this even been happening?" he asks the teacher while you picked up your son who muttered to you that he wanted to go home.
"we don't know, we only saw it tod–" how!? they're five, how hard can it be to watch over them?" dabi yells as you run your fingers through kaede's hair, when you see that your boyfriend is getting too upset, you go to him and put your hand on his shoulder which at least draws his attention from his anger for a second.
a sigh leaves his throat "take him to the car." but you refuse "no, you take him." you said putting your child into dabi's arms. he tried to debate with you but ultimately you won, you didn't need him to fight every single person in this school and get kaede kicked out.
"kaede." dabi said and his crying son looked up at him with a quivering bottom lip "don't tell mommy but tonight we're gonna light that little fucker's house on fire." kaede gasped at his father's foul language "no cursing...and violent isn't nice." and dabi only sighed. even in a state of sobbing, kaede still remembered the things you taught him.
"fine...we're just gonna get that little...kid expelled. grandpa is useful after all." dabi said flashing his son a small smile making kaede giggle. dabi HATESSSSS talking to enji but, sometimes he can be useful and this is one of those times. thanks to you for forcing him to keep talking to his family.
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