#bc of the hair color changes ofc
blaiddofmiquella · 2 months
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someone compared me to Ramona Flowers and I’m here for it
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 8 months
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anyways, textpost aside. here are some new guys (mostly girls. i need to make more male characters chvbcj)
obviously these are not to scale, lol
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liquidstar · 2 years
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i finally finished alternate outfit designs for my ocs :) well these five at least lol
ill put the individual frames under the cut!
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#finn's ocs#i think tumblr sort of made the drawings a bit blurrier so its harder to see some details like saiphs scars or miras stretch marks... sad!#hopefully clicking on it solves that?#anyway i ended up doing the pjs after all bc i figured messy hair would be fun to do#and if i was going to put saiph in underpants anyway it would be funny to do like. the cartoon heart boxers but w fire lol#the formal looks were fun to do though. you can tell al's is like totally inspired by utena's look in aou#there are for sure through lines i wanted to keep w all their outfits like in general#aside from just keeping the same colors and general style#like mira always has like a cold shoulder look and tends to have somekind of asymmetry towards the bottom#except for her formal look for the latter#saiph always wears those wrist things no mater what. also he always has somekinda flame pattern#polaris either has snowflakes stars or compasses ofc. and if she has somekinda skirt the red will be Under it#bella has the same skull design on her bows. except for the pj look where now the skull itself is wearing a bow#and al has the stars on the strings and mismatched shoes#the most similar outfits are the summer/spring and winter/fall ones#those are pretty much default outfits so thats why#and their hairstyles in the winter/fall looks are like just slightly longer versions of their summer/spring styles#they dont really change hairstyles for the beach and pjs aside from the long haired characters pulling them up different#or putting them down for the pjs look. in bellas case#their formal look probably has the most difference in hairstyle. like theyre not just grown out or pulled back#theyre like actually styled different#these arent their final looks btw there are like completely different timeskip designs too but like#id have to use different bases for those probably. there would be changes LOL#but yeah :)#finn's art#forgor that one
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indilaras · 2 years
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Some doodles of my OC Lian as I'm trying to figure her out personality-wise
She's Cahaya's friend and sort of big sis figure--though, she would insist she's a cool big sis because of her ice powers and her love of puns.
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ectoplaasm · 2 years
omg wait… guys… i get paid this week and after i’m done with my essay today, i’m free… time to buy new hair dye. rip green plas, you were iconic for this acct
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n0tamused · 5 months
hi.iii.... Booth,ill request!?!?
Boothill gets a component jammed, and in this particular fix-up with his mechanic, he's twice as curious and won't stop nabbing things (Tugging on the mechanics hair, grabbing tools from readers apron, whistling and asking too many questions about the practicality of certain tool ect.)
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Content: Boothill x Reader, no pronouns used, Boothill calls you darling bc ofc, playful Boothill
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“What’s this for again?” 
“It’s for the little screws that connect your plating together”
“Hm, looks like you can stab someone with it” Boothill commented, eyeing the thinner tool peeking from your work apron which lost its original white color, having changed to a washed out green with blotches of oil and metallic spray paint. It’s been only half a system hour since Boothill first stepped into the mechanic station you worked at, and already he has made a score for how many questions can be asked within those 30 or so minutes. It’s been a terrible morning with terrible weather and terrible news and terrible first customer, and this talking-your-ear off wasn't something you needed - it wasn’t exactly soothing, but you had no heart to tell him to quiet down.
You love to hear him talk while you work, you got used to it and have adjusted to it long ago, but today just had to be special. It had started to grow distracting and such distractions can’t be afforded if you are to properly fix the jammed plating and components within his arm. The plating pressed onto the wires within, making his entire arm remain in a constant position that would be painful were he still made whole of flesh and bone. The uncomfortable bend of it made you cringe when you saw it, reminding you of that one time your leg cramped badly from, and so you quickly got to work.
“Anything can be used as a weapon if you find ya’self in a bad situation, ain’t that right, darling?” Boothill mused, his cramped arm extended towards you as you worked your way to separate all the plating, the jammed and bent screws making it harder to pull apart. “Perhaps I should get m’self one of those too, y’know- for some close-range encounters. But then again, there’s not many situations that my bullets can’t help to resolve” he kept going, looking at your eyes that focused on the opening you made.
“Y-yeah..” you absentmindedly responded, not being able to pay too much attention to his words, but you caught a few words of ‘weapon’ and ‘gun’ and made a surface connection based on that. ‘Just nod along..’ You were distracted from the start of this day, despite your denial of that.
What came unexpectedly was two of his metal hands coming up to pinch a loose and hanging lock to tug on it, just enough to break your focus and move your head back. “Ow- heyy!” you protested as you turned to sharply glare at him. “I’m trying to fix you up here, you know? Do you want your arm stuck like this for the rest of time?” Your words are a challenge to him, and he greets it with a toothy grin. a hearty chuckle and slanted, hiding warmth behind them under a guise of mischief.
“Oh, come on! You’ve been fixing me up for a long time, and we are on friendly terms are we not, partner? What got you so gloomy today, I haven’t don’ anything wrong, have I?” His fingers give another small tug to your lock of hair before you pull your head back and your hair out of his hold, shaking your head. He was acting so stubborn now! What in the world has gotten into him?
“No! But come on- Hey!” you try to grab the screwdriver before Boothill fishes it out of the pocket of your apron with his good hand, twirling it between his fingers and staring at it as if he struck gold with his catch. Your hands all but abandoned your work on his arm, standing up to retrieve the screwdriver from his hold but he persists, stretching like a big, long cat to move the screwdriver out your way, and despite his disadvantage of sitting  down in a chair, he did a wonderful work of avoiding your grabby hands.
You huffed in frustration, biting your lip in hopes to choke back the laugh you felt bubbling in your throat. Your face was flushed from holding your breath and chasing him around and around, yet moving nowhere.
“Boothill, give it back! I need that for your arm, you fool” you argue, making another dash for his hand, only to grab onto air as he swiftly moves his hand down. 
“Nah, I think I may try doing this m’self, can’t have you working on me in that sour of a mood. I don’t know what I’ve done- hold on, has someone else soured your mood?” 
“Give- it - back” in some last ditch attempt to pry the screwdriver from his hands before he can do more damage than good, you threw yourself over his shoulder from behind, reaching for his wrist with one hand and grabbing the screwdriver with the other. “Whoa there!” you hear him cheer, more laughter coming from him, and this time you can’t help but choke out a chuckle, now at the grips with him. Toe-to-toe and at a tug of war.
“No one has soured my mood, now, please, give it back” you plead but he stays stubborn, shaking his head and  you feel his head turn and tilt, his nose touching your shoulder. “Wh-” you gasp as you feel his teeth nipping at your shoulder through your clothes, a playful snap of his jaw before he is pulling away just as quickly as he leaned in. 
As you turn and twist to look at him in pure and utter disbelief, his eyes catch yours, and he sees just how flushed you look and before long he is losing his grip on the screwdriver from laughing. 
“Oh shut up, you ranger! That was so unnecessary!” You won the screwdriver back, but at what cost? Yet.. seeing him laughing so earnestly was contagious. 
Boothill himself often came in for check up and fix ups with a sour and snappy mood, but never at you, and he always made it a point not to burden you with gloom and boredom of his situation, he never lacked to tell you stories of the world and where his travels took him when you weren’t around. And god- it’d be a lie to say you didn’t try to cheer him up more than once before. It finally dawned on you that perhaps you were too gloomy and he was trying to cheer you up, in whatever way he could, given his own circumstances.
“Ahh, you should go and take a look at yourself, darling, you look red like a sweet berry, pah!” 
How could you not be distracted when you had such genuine company? No gloom can pierce this cowboy. 
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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wmnwntmefshfrme · 24 days
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design notes:
Yaira: nothing changed
Estrella: dead mom ponytail gone </3 i only did it in the og drawing of her bc its funny
Robin: ROBINNNN. IM SO SORRY I FORGOT THE PUFF BUNS UUEHEHHHHH- anyway, when i was planning out the designs for the other named npcs, i was like "why the hell are there so many gingers" so i made her have blue hair :3 to match with her confidence stat :3 also gave her yellow/orange eyes instead of green bc there were also a lot of green eyed npcs
Sydney: SKUNK HAIR. I DUNNO HOW I FORGOT ABOUT THAT YUMMY DYE STYLE. SYDNEY IM SORRY. i completely forgot i wanted to still have her natural hair (also just made pink bc teehee i like whimsy) to show
Whitney: not much changed besides the hair style. completely forgot i wanted her to be super gyaru OTL. gave her cheek piercings bc they're cute :3
Kylar: i lowkey started to not like how i did her hair originally and then came across all the sketches i made for the LIs and was like FLUFFY KY :3 ofc had to keep the emo bangs :3
Avery: nothing changed LMAOAOA
Black Wolf: not much changed, just made her hair longer bc why not
Alex: not much changed, just made he hair more of a red red, darkened her skin, altered her bangs, and changed the color of her bandana. still wanted to keep her looking like a cutie patootie
Eden: I ACCIDENTALLY GAVE HER A GIANT FOREHEAD THE FIRST TIME AND I DIDN'T MEAN TO SOBBING. not much changed though, just made her hair darker and have a green tint to it. look im trying to make my designs have lots of whimsy
Quinn: you can tell with Quinn LMAO. i just felt like she needed to have a distinct look since she's a special npc n all :3 classic purple and green color scheme for a shady character
Bailey: i'm gonna be honest, i was originally gonna go with a mean asian mom look for Bailey but then i was like "....what if muscle mommy"
Remy: i wanted her to look like a little shit. that's all
Briar: tried to go for a bit of a Jessica Rabbit and Rarity type aura. i really like her design and she could put me in the underground brothel any day :3 /j
Leighton: just an old hag, nothing special
Harper: wanted to make her look a little inhuman??? i think i got it with how dead her skin looks idk. also wanted her to look like a little shit
Landry: here's where the asian mom look went. i like her and Mickey's dynamic and they both just look like regular people (better for crime)
Sirris: Sydney if she was older. idk what else i should've done lol
River: old lady :3 hot old lady :3c (pt 1)
Doren: i wanted her hair to look fluffy as hell
Winter: old lady :3 hot old lady :3c (pt 2)
Mason: SEAWEED HAIR. that's all
Charlie: wanted to embody :3c
Darryl: she's very cutie patootie to me so i made her a cute patootie
Sam: wanted her to look like candy kinda. idk :3
Niki: i only made her hair a little longer and no weird two layer thing for the short portion
Zephyr: wanted her to look smug and also kinda cute???? idk, i didn't really have a vision for her
Jordan: also didn't really have a vision for her, but it did want her to gave similar eyes to Quinn
Gwylan: her i did have a vision for :3c she's a cutie patootie, that's all :3
Wren: thought a side shave would make her look cooler
Mickey: hairstyle changed a little. other than that, not much changed
Morgan: still a wet rat
Ivory Wraith: nothing changed (they have special eyes tho)
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im-yn-suckers · 10 months
could you pls do nikixfem reader with 32a bra size? sfw, ofc!! likes shes insecure, but niki absolutely loves them!!!
wait, this is actually like nawww not my exact size dude too
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warnings-bras, kissing, BOOBS, (im straight iswear) hugs, not fully nude but nude? ig, lmk what else
you were walking around the mall with your boyfriend. walking past victorias secret you, stopped. "wait! i need a new bra" tired of your cappuccino-colored bra with frayed edges, you were going to treat yourself with a new one you saw online, a super cute beige-cream colored one with strawberries printed on it.(i actually wish they had one like this ive never seen one)
you walked to the aisle with the strawberry bras and frantically checked for your size, "babe, its kind just a bra" "no, its not 'kind of just a bra' its super cute and have you seen the brown one, big no-no''
you were unpleasantly surprised to find that that there were non of the bras in your size. oh well, time to go home, with the same old cappuccino colored bra with the frayed edges.
you were changing into pajamas (nikis t shirt and sweats) in his room. now, the two of you were comfortable with anything, and literally anything.you twi moved in together and tonight, you were going to have a pj party!
looking at yourself in the mirror, you saw a body. with a pair of oversized, grey sweatpants, a cappuccino colored bra with frayed edges, and a long face.
cupping your breasts, you look down at them. 'why arent i at least a b cup? thats so pathetic.' you thought to yourself as you kept staring down at your chest. suddenly, you felt hair on your neck, skin against your back and cold metal near your bellybutton.
his silver rings sending shivers down your spine, meet your warm skin. 'whats the matter baby, why the long face?'
'nothing, just looking at how the pants fit'
'in just a bra, with your hands on your boobs? i dont think so. are you alright, youve been like this since we left victorias secret'
'im sure, just disappointed.' at this point you were turned around, with your arms around his bare neck
'm'kay, just checking' he pecked your lips holding your waist.
'come on, lets go to the living room.' he seemed rather eager to get to the living room
'i dont have a shirt on'
'and? its our house, no guests tonight. alright, tell you what, we can wear matching sweat and neither of us will wear a shirt'
'alright' you laughed and headed to the living room, without a shirt
a movie , two spilled drinks, one dropped cupcake and approximately 35 kisses later, he pulls out a small box from the corner closest to him.
'hey, i got you something' you open the gift with a smile on your face.
you smile and feel tears gather in your eyes. before you pull out the gift, he pulls you into a hug. you break the hug and laugh. 'where'd you find these'
'bought it online, i knew you'd like it.' 'thank you' 'now, you wont have to wear this one, i know you hate it. thats not why you were looking to the mirror though'
you avoided eye contact very awkwardly. no words were exchanged, only hugs. no words were needed
many movies later, there were two sleeping potatoes on the couch and netflix asking if you were still watching. no you werent, how were the potatoes sleeping, ask you may, definitely not with niki sleeping on your boobs. nope, not it.
no bc why is it actually o hard to find bras in my size
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kroosluvr · 6 months
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some rio iwasaki outfits!!! the last one is canon (and first one has a few of my hcs in...) but summer/winter are my delusions:3 more notes under cut
also her bangs r supposed to be flipped the other way but.. Heh… (hamurio liker) i changed it so she cld mirror hamuko.
on her uniform one side of hte ribbon is longer than the other bc i think its moe
she wears around a single racket case around school but ofc she has a bigger tennis bag
winter outfit has the gekkoukan:tm: athletic jacket, but quarter-zip version. + black athletic leggings w legwarmers over it!
her closet is mostly basics (easy to pair w each other) and a lot of it is a bunch of tennis/athletic wear that she gathered over time frm various clubs and tournaments LMAOOo
she also rlly likes primary colors!!! yellow suits her i think
she has 3 pairs of tennis shoes (one for day-to-day, one for tennis obviously, and last one is running shoes. i imagine the white ones r the running shoes, green ones r tennis,and the red ones (canon) are her day-to-day)
she doesnt have a lot of special hairties. ham gifts her some tho so ofc she wears those
she also doesnt like wearing her hair down but i think if she did i wld explode
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camzverse · 5 months
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woohoo an excuse to put them in fun little outfits!!! (excuse freddys outfit i didnt know wtf to do with him. lmao.) anyway this just got me thinking and i feel like theyd kinda celebrate the anniversary of the SB night . ive seen a lot of people have them see it as a negative event but i dont think thatd be the case. i mean that was the thing that brought them all together + freed vanessa i really think theyd think the good outweighs the bad yk!! anygays i yapped smore ab this under the cut if u wanna see that
soo basically i think about a year after SB vanessa wouldve cut her hair shorter (normally i draw her with much longer hair) and dyed it rainbow ofc. shed also wear more fun clothes. brighter colors. i hc that while she was glitchtrapped and wasnt in her work uniform or vanny suit she mostly wore dark colors. and like purples. she just didnt have the energy to wear anything really.. fun. i guess. shed still wear flannels n shit shed just get sillier with it ykwim ?? bc shes really happy now!!! shes happy!! shes coping!!!!! and for gregory i gave him like. nicer hair. for lack of a better adj. not as messy properly combed etc. bc vanessas handling his hair now so he actually has someone who knows wtf theyre doing (vanessa hairstyling PRO realness) as opposed to what he had before which was just a pair of scissors and a dream. so like. basically less messy hair. still messy sometimes but only when it GETS messed up unlike b4 where it was just always messed up. also him wearing a a like button up shirt jacket thang.. i like to think over time he kinda dresses like ness in a way. like wearing button up shirts as jackets and flannelss. i mean its not like hed always wear that but i like to think he would. Cuz yk when ur around someone for long periods of time like that u tend to adopt traits from them.......... doublestar duo save meeeeee. andand ness and greg gave freddy a new body. or went back and fixed his old one ifk. probably the former. maybe repurposed an empty freddy "shell" or whatevz. and they changed his makeup to star shapes Yahoooo!
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asarajaa · 6 months
Me encanta los colores de tu blog!!
Do you have any head canons for Bachira?
How he would react to falling in love with someone? :)
I hope you are doing well!
Omg mil gracias! Me pasé como 2 días buscando el aesthetic correcto, en un principio iba a ser coquette pero cambie de idea en último momento jajsjsja
Said and done, my love! Hope you like it <3!
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Warnings: fem!reader, spanish lyrics, bllk fem!manager Words: 565 Disclaimer: English isn't my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings!
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Bachira falling in love hcs
₊˚ෆ We have to be realistic, this man wouldn't notice.
₊˚ෆ I believe Bachira hasn't any experience with the female genre except his mom, so he think of you as just a friend.
₊˚ෆ At first he didn't know how to 'name' you, because it felt different being your friend compared to being Isagis, but he thought it was because you were girl.
₊˚ෆ It isn't until Chigiri pointed out your treatment to each other. How you always give him first water or anything he needs, how his eyes look for your presence when he enters any room and so on.
₊˚ෆ Then is when he started to notice.
₊˚ෆ Bachira is confused af, so before making any move (or making another one, apparently) he waited until break and ask advice from his mama.
₊˚ෆ How can you blame him? You were such a really nice friend (?) and he didn't wanna mess things up.
₊˚ෆ When his mama tells him about the feeling in his stomach (know he knows they're called butterflies), the heart beating faster and more signs, he agreed with the idea of being in love with you.
₊˚ෆ "How to make my crush like me back".
₊˚ෆ After some advice (from his mama ofc), he decided let the things flow. Again, I believe Bachira is very cautious with this thing and doesn't wanna mess thing up (plus i'll be awkard if he does bc you guys will see eachother everyday for a long time, he doesn't want that).
₊˚ෆ His mamas advice help him, but he's still confused. Like, does he really fall in love? He doesn't know the answer to that.
₊˚ෆ You, on the other hand, were 100% sure you were in love with him.
₊˚ෆ Until on day, the day. It was during the break, you were hanging out with the boys when all of a sudden it started raining.
You were alone with Bachira, in the middle of the way back to the arcade. All of you were hungry and since the arcades food wasn't cheap, you guys decided to go to a convenient store.
All of you put your names on a roulette you find on the internet to decide the 2 persons who had to went, and omg- Bachira and you? How unexpected.
However, it started raining and you were with Bachira. Bachira, as the gentleman he is, offered to carry all of the bags ( because mama didn't raise no ungentleman boy ✋🏽).
And your first thought wasn't to put on the hood you had, or going to a covered place- no.
Your first thought was to touch your fingertips making a little house and cover Bachiras head.
Of course, it barely worked.
But the effort.
The effort. Because you were shorter than him, you have to tiptoe so his face was pretty close to yours.
The effort. Because you were getting your hair wet, which made it stick to your cheeks while his face was almost all dry.
The effort. Because you put his needings before yours (and he'll be damned if he didn't do the same).
At that moment, with your face millimeters away from him, he could only had one thing in his mind:
Mama will like her.
₊˚ෆ "Ya encontré, la que será mi futura esposa" was his only though at that moment apart from the fact that his mother would like you AND U CAN'T CHANGE MY MIND 😻✋🏽
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₊˚ෆ For those who not know spanish, that is a line from a very popular song here in Spain. It's called "Mi Estrella Blanca", the line appears in the 1:45 minute. It means "I have already found the one who will be my future wife" and the song means "My White Star", it's a very beautiful song, go listen to it!!!
I LOVED how this turned on, I think I'll be making content inpired by lyrics from now on, tell me your opn!!
idk if you guys understant what y/n was doing with her hands?? here's a picture:
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WHJBDJHD SRRY IT'S THE ONLY ONE THAT MATCHES. Imagine it like that but the thumbs are w/ the rest of the fingers.
btw I finished 4 today, my abdomen hurts a little bit from sitting for a long time, lovya'll 💗💗💗
3 post in a day wow
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© asarajaa — Please, do not copy, translate or reuse my work without my permission.
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premamelody · 4 months
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imma add to this more later but essentially murder drones but what if it was indie rpg insteaddd.
earthbound was cycling in my mind recently so i thought of rpgs inspired by it and was like "hey md can kinda be a fire jrpg in that."
boom. you can technically call it md but eb bc thats what i was kinda thinking the entire time but eh.
ofc the mc has to have a bat. its law. dw thats not the main reason, i feel like she'd have that chilling around. also stains from working with stuff on her shirt from like oil or dust or smth. btw yeah she still has her jacket but only puts it on to leave, i'll design that at some point. also scene x punk x emo bc woohooo wooohoo woohooooooooo. i considered adding cybergoth but i think i honestly forgot.
but for n i thought it would be funny if like. all the mds were like. interns or smth. "murder interns murder interns!!" type of thing. like thats the lie they're told is that they're just new members of jcjenson sent to copper 9 to rid of drones and that they'll one day be able to have a position (lies). so under their coats are just basic business outfit wear. i probably will barely change j considering she already fits this. so n just has like a generic polo shirt with khakis (yes i looked this up) underneath i thought that would be so funny.
but yeah the story doesn't really change toooo much. well the general plot, the scenery and bg lore of the life on copper 9 may or may not be different >:3. what i gotta have enemies that aren't just mds somehow. i think i have planned that the absolutesolver on their previous arrival screwed around and made many life that was killed by the core explosion come back to life in a sense as like zombies or smth. mother 1 core.
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also take neon lime hair uzi. it was the fill color i used before giving it the actual color but i kinda like it. i think uzi will kill it in green hair maybe with a black fade at the top :333
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houseofpendragons · 6 months
New Ideas for HOTD Alicent Fashion pt.2
So technically the last one I did for Alicent was apart of a Rhaenyra one, but for continuity sake this is my second outfit redesign for a younger Queen Alicent Hightower.
The dress in question we’re changing is one that will be changed in both scenes it’s worn. One will be a new dress entirely but the other will be just mentally recreating it to look more like the concept art.
The scenes are the dismissal of her father as Hand & The confrontation between she and Rhaenyra about the rumor that had her father dismissed:
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I actually love this❤️❤️❤️ it’s just missing a little something, so when comparing these two pics:
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If you notice these look exactly the same, except the black is darker, perhaps a velvet, the gold embroidery is more in the form of a design and brighter. The necklace is also more regal looking, bigger than the ones we saw her wear in her girlhood as a noble Lady. Those are the things they should’ve kept for the design of the dress in this scene, she’d look more like an actual Targaryen royal of the time. No offense but the dress that made the cut is kinda bland in tone.
The hair as well, she went for a jeweled hairnet to back to her girlhood hairstyles, precisely why I wish they would’ve kept the braided jeweled crown. It makes her seem more mature (despite her not being but jewelry can be a mask just as much as makeup sometimes) and more royal. She could even still keep it in this half held up hairdo just with the jeweled braided crown/twist added into it:
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And the last thing about it the to want to say, the cape would’ve been awesome to see and it would’ve fit the scene. It was raining and she had a man carrying an umbrella for her, I think she’d have that cool ass cape too. Again makes her look more regal, more queen like, more mature.
The next time she wears it that I’d like to change, when she confronted Rhaenyra. A tense scene.
However at this point in time is when she is the most conflicted between her marriage to her husband and her “duty” to her house. I feel she’d reflect that in a representation of both houses. More so red, almost as if adding green was an afterthought, bc I rather think it would be a last minute decision for Alicent to add a green sash or piece of fabric to her usually Targaryen adoption in appearance. A way to feel close to her father by wearing the colors of the house she was born from (just like I headcanon she wore blue as a child to feel close to her mother; Helena Cuy, look it up where I go on a whole rant).
That in mind, imagine something similar to this:
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The green being held in place at her neck, Targaryen dragon scales but in gold (perhaps a subtle nod toward Sunfyre/Aegon), it comes to wrap around her waist like a belt, tied at one side the remainder of the green fabric falls free on her left side of her hips down side by side the red dress. Also from the neckline, a half cape of green coming to cover her right side, thin gold chains reaching out from the neckline to hide beneath the half cape.
The red dress underneath would suit the summer climate/warmer climate of the time in the Red Keep, it’s just the right shade of Targaryen red, not to mention the red dress isn’t what really makes the dress but really what is meant to catch ur eye is that she’s wearing green for the first time in a long time. It meant to be hinting at her internal battles. Ofc her cleavage wouldn’t be exposed as depicted so it’s have a higher neckline, perhaps some simple gold and/or black embroidery to enhance it a bit.
Her hair would be something else to consider, thinking back to how we want it to be more mature and queen like. So perhaps a head peace or a jeweled net?
A mixture of these two would suffice:
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The first picture is my favorite one and the main inspo for how I’d have done her hair, the pearls, the way her hair is twisted at the top with her bun being kept nice and beautiful in a net. The only thing I’d add from the second photo is the gold lace around the edges of the net, as well as the braid surrounding that as a whole. I’d also take the bands and add them loosely to the bottom part of her hair left down.
As for jewelry, they could’ve taken inspo from actual royal jewels. Something like this for Alicent:
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Like I said the look starting originally as her traditional Targaryen Queen attire, with her Hightower symbolism added as an afterthought. Some small pearls could be added between diamond to go more with the pearls in her hair (although I think I might see some pearls in there but I might be dumb).
As for the earrings they could be something like this:
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Again incorporating pearls into them or straight up replacing the diamonds entirely.
It’s just Queenly. It’s appeasing to the eyes. And it’s what I expect people to design royal fashion as to look like in period/historical dramas when you’ve proven yourself not concerned with accuracy or if it is a style fantasy gown.
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justmeandmyships · 1 year
Things that lLittle Women 2019 got wrong (Ofc Amy and Laurie related):
First of all, let me clarify that I LOVE Little Women 2019. It's my favorite version of all time, specially bc it's the first time someone tried to give justice to Amy and Laurie storyline, however this version still fell short in some ways, that I hate and just help to perpetuate the long false story of "Laurie settled down with Amy":
Laurie and Amy meeting in Europe: In the movie Amy is the one who sees Laurie and jumps after him. She is the one who was hoping for him to find her at the hotel.Also after they stop talking Laurie returns to his sad walking.
In the book this never happened. Actually It's Laurie the one who comes back to life after he sees Amy. He is the one who starts waving his hat aggressively hoping for Amy to notice him:
"The quick trot of ponies' feet made him look up, as one of the little carriages, containing a single lady, came rapidly down the street. The lady was young, blonde, and dressed in blue. He stared a minute, then his whole face woke up, and, waving his hat like a boy, he hurried forward to meet her."
He is the one who claims that he couldn't find them and care about it, because Amy never asked and he started talking about it:
Amy: "How is your grandfather? When did you come? Where are you staying?"
Laurie: "Very well—last night—at the Chauvain. I called at your hotel, but you were all out."
(Like my boy nobody cares and she didn't ask you if you looked for her or not 😭😭😭)
In fact He stayed with her that afternoon helping her with everything she had to do that day meanwhile thinking how much she changed and how gorgeous she is:
"Laurie did not read all this while he watched her feed the peacocks, but he saw enough to satisfy and interest him, and carried away a pretty little picture of a bright-faced girl standing in the sunshine, which brought out the soft hue of her dress, the fresh color of her cheeks, the golden gloss of her hair, and made her a prominent figure in the pleasant scene"
So there wasn't no coming back to sad moment after he saw her. My boy was too intrigued for that. Please and thank you.
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johnnycakesswitch · 3 months
Do you have any just general Stevepop Head cannons?
• always attached at the hip like they cannot be apart these two are the definition of clingy
• they love cleaning and patching each other up after rumbles because it’s just another excuse to be close and they both like taking care of each other
• when the weather cools down in fall they love to go lay in the grass and look at all the leaves that changed colors and just talk, they could stay like that for hours
• take turns being the little spoon because they both love it
• they also like to sleep/cuddle facing each other like in a hugging position just holding each other
• Soda is the only person Steve doesn’t mind seeing his hair ungreased and Soda loves how fluffy it is
• they are so mischievous and always trying to sneak up on and startle the other person. Steve will come up behind Soda and squeeze his sides because he’s very ticklish and Soda is always giving Steve raspberries when he least expects it
• they both like watching each other sleep bc everyone looks younger when they sleep and they like seeing each other peaceful for once
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phanyaoi · 3 months
Dil Howlter remake
(for outfits i'll be using the screenshots from wiki bc it's faster)
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heres a close up of his face. i made him have dimples after his dad. also i chose the hair bc hes suppoused to be old and cringe and they made him in the emo fringe era. i cant stand him looking cool, when hes an old cringey dad in a young mans body. also i tried to get his features off of shitty screenshots. and for his body i was looking at the 1st pic from when they were creating him and he was young the 1st time
Everyday outfit
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so ofc this tshirt is iconic so he wears it on the 2nd outfit, but i had this cc tshirt downloaded and decided he must be wearing it. dab would cringe at him so much and that is the point.
2. Formal outfit
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this wasn't so bad, but i feel like it made him look really old and it looked weird around the waist so i just changed it into another sims red suit. its not the best but sims didnt gave me anything better and im too lazy to download more rn.
3. Athletic outfit
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okay so they wanted a blue zip up jacket, but i am not allowing that man to wear shorts this short. also he is the son of phil so let him be like that. at least it's better than that full leather cowboy outfit or smt lol.
4. Sleep outfit
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okay so here i made him an outfit based on theirs but i also couldnt help myself doing a normal one lol sorry dads.
5. Party outfit
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this was the point beyond saving, but they said to randomise one outfit so what i did i randomised an outfit again then fixed it? if that makes sense. bc i didnt wanna put him in a shiny slick white leather pants with a mesh tshirt and definitely not that hat. also he has bisexual nails.
6. Swimwear
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hm, pretty normal, i just added more color to the actual swimshorts and not the top
7. Hot weather outfit
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listen, i did not care what the new outfit was, because his mpreg purple crop top was iconic and he deserves to serve that look.
8. Cold weather outfit
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i refuse to let that llama thing down so i gave him that and also i think hes now matching tabitha? and well, i just realised thats literally his sports outfit soooooo i just tried to put him in smt similar lol
anyway thats all<33 next will be tabitha
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