#ofc i will keep drawing my SI with green hair
ectoplaasm · 2 years
omg wait… guys… i get paid this week and after i’m done with my essay today, i’m free… time to buy new hair dye. rip green plas, you were iconic for this acct
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brokebackmonastery · 7 months
self insert intro finally WOOHOO!!
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did not have any great art of him. oh well. in any case this is luna-myr eisner (transmasc + any pronouns! you'll usually see me using he/they but anything is alright)! and while he is to a degree a self insert he's also very much like. an OC. because i like to write and that's just how i do self shipping i suppose. anyways further details below :3
(proship/comship DNI)
self insert but also what you would call a bylethsona i suppose. definitely not exactly like canon byleth as you will see. comes paired with custom route i have deemed seafoam star
was sort of half-conscious growing up until sothis awoke. capable of feeling emotion, but cannot truly express them and experiences everything through somewhat of a haze
only people he really had growing up were jeralt (who is his dad ofc) and whatever animals hung out wherever they were staying. was generally not around people his age and even when they were nobody wanted to engage with him because of his "odd" behavior. even adults were put off by him
autistic. who would i be if i did not make my SI autistic
quite merciful for a mercenary. capable of being brutal, but it is reserved for the truly deplorable; for example, often lets thieves trying to steal from well-off folk to keep themselves or their loved ones alive go in secret. does not see these acts of survival as worthy of punishment. wishes he could help them more. however, people are generally not aware of this and are more likely to have heard about the aforementioned brutality.
though they didn't have much choice in taking the monastery job, he was generally okay with it, if not confused. It was their first time in a setting surrounded by so many people his age consistently. understood why seteth did not trust him.
time powers work more in-depth than with canon byleth. can of course use divine pulse, but this also comes with an unusually acute perception of time and the occasional ability to have visions of the past and possible futures. since his body is still technically mortal, these visions often make him feel faint if not entirely pass out. These visions can be shared via touch.
genuinely does not understand what the hell is going on, particularly early game. people seem to think he does or that he's hiding something — he is not. they are just learning to express the confusion they feel.
drawn to claude right away. erm...?
more visibly nabatean than canon byleth after fusing with sothis. pointed ears and reptilian pupils come alongside the green hair. possibly has a few scales here and there on his body as well. claws (and i'm talking CLAWS not just long nails) and fangs. dragon form that he is entirely unaware of until much later. the sort of "transformation" into being more visibly nabatean was like. Painful and lasted roughly a week
teaches all three classes and has a significant connection with them all, but is the homeroom teacher of/is the closest with the golden deer (think like... the teachers rotate who they teach basically. but each have a homeroom they are tied to/spend more time with)
did not even have a chance to choose a side between edelgard and rhea. would not have killed edelgard at rhea's request regardless and approaches her about it before the imperial attack on the monastery to ask if there is any other way. rhea was upset by the idea that he did not side with her unconditionally. they did not want to kill either of them
loves rhea, but does not trust her. Very confused by her actions and only wants the truth from her. Sees her as somewhat of a motherly figure, ironically.
likes drawing, creating jewelry (usually out of bone), sewing, and carving (usually sets of dice). like sitri, loves flowers and will be delighted to see unusual ones. his favorites are any kind of lily. has an affinity for stuffed animals as well
big fan of moths especially luna moths if that was not apparent. goes to see them out in the wild yearly in the short span of time that they are active
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also bonus dragon form where he's a weird horsemothlizard as well as a better demonstrarion of the fact that they have straight up Claws. that's all i've got for now. cheers
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wendimydarling · 4 years
The Soldier’s Wife (Chapter Seven)
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Title: The Soldier’s Wife
Summary: Syverson and his wife navigate the ups and downs, the highs and lows, and the blessings and pitfalls of marriage.
Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC
Word Count: 2049
Warnings: Implied sex.
Chapters: Flashback | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven
A/N: Hey guys, looky here! I finally got another chapter written, and once I was inspired, it only took me an hour. Lucky you!! I hope this makes up for last chapter. Also, the sound of a baby’s heartbeat is one of my all time favorite sounds. Listen to it here. Enjoy!
Song Inspiration: “New Life” by Thomas Bergersen (HIGHLY recommend listening while reading!)
Tag list is open, please let me know if you’re interested!
“I can’t do it, Sy, I can’t!!”
“Shhhh, babygirl, you’re almost there.”
“There she is!”
Mabel smiled softly as Syverson jogged over to her, kissing her on the cheek. His green tee hugged his body well, a large, triangular sweat stain already formed over his chest. That was one of the things Mabel loved most about him; unlike the other Captains who generally just watched and barked orders, Syverson was always out there with his men, training them, showing them that he’d be there to help get them through it. Like he had for her this last year. 
They headed toward the canteen for their traditional weekly lunch, but Mabel wasn’t very hungry. When Syverson indicated that she should order first, she just said “I’ll stick with water”. He eyed her suspiciously but didn’t argue, just ordered himself enough food to feed three grown men. His arms piled high, they found an empty table in the corner of the mess hall. Syverson set everything down and pulled Mabel’s chair out for her. 
“Ever the gentleman,” she teased quietly as she sat down. Syverson squeezed her shoulders and dropped another kiss on her cheek, choosing to sit next to her rather than across the table. He tucked into his burger at once, half of it disappearing into his large mouth in one bite. Mabel sipped her water, spinning the cap on the table absent-mindedly. Syverson eyed her again, setting the burger down and wiping his mouth.
“Ya alright, Mabel?”
“Yeah, why?”
Syverson pointed at her drink with his nose.
“Ya never “stick with water”, ya always end up drinkin’ half o’ my sweet tea.”
“Jus’ not in the mood fer it today, I reckon.”
Syverson cocked an eyebrow at his wife, not even remotely convinced. Mabel shifted in her seat uncomfortably.
“Alright, what ain’t ya tellin’ me, Bug.”
“What makes ya thing I ain’t tellin’ ya somethin’?”
“Mabel Jean Syverson,” his tone was serious, “What ain’t ya tellin’ me.”
“Whaddaya think I ain’t tellin ya, Sy?” Mabel challenged him, staring him down. Syverson leaned forward, grasping her hand in his for a kiss.
“I think ya ain’t tellin’ me yer pregnant again.”
“Well, ya’d be right, then.”
Tears pricked Mabel’s eyes at the admission, but Syverson didn’t seem to notice. His face lit up and he smiled widely, brushing her knuckles with his lips. 
“See? I told ya we’d--”
“No. No Sy, I can’t get attached. Not this time.” 
Mabel swallowed thickly, the tears spilling over as pressure mounted in her chest. Syverson scooted his chair back and pulled her onto his lap, smoothing her hair back as he crooned little nothing-words in her ear. Mabel shook, clutching her arms around his neck tightly.
“All I feel is fear, Hunter. Fear that we’re gonna lose this one too.”
“We ain’t gonna lose this one, Mabel.”
“Ya can’t promise that.”
“I can.”
“No, ya can’t.”
The conversation seemed eerily familiar. Syverson tugged Mabel’s hair slightly so that she’d look at him, and he swept the tears from her cheeks as he comforted her.
“Look, when I promised ya that ya wouldn’t lose me, did I keep that promise?”
“Well yeah, but--”
“Then I can keep this promise too. We ain’t gonna lose this one, Bug.”
Syverson chucked her gently under the chin, pulling her in for a soft kiss and pressing his forehead to hers.
“Now come on, celebrate with me; we’re havin’ a baby!”
“Okay, a maybe baby.”
Mabel couldn’t help but laugh through her tears as she kissed him. God, she loved this man. 
“I’m right here, Bug.”
Mabel clung to her husband, bending over as another contraction wracked her body.
“I didn’t get anything ready, I didn’t think we’d make it this far. There’s nothing prepared!”
Syverson chuckled, supporting his wife as she bore through the pain.
“Did ya really think I’d let this child come into the world without the stuff we need? It’s all ready to go, Ma’s gettin’ it set up for us while we’re here.”
Mabel looked up at him, grateful relief on her face.
“It’s all taken care of, Bug. Ya just focus on what ya need to do.”
Mabel sat nervously in the exam room. They’d made it to twenty weeks, and Syverson was anxious to find out the sex of the baby. He was so excited, but Mabel couldn’t bring herself to find any joy. Every week brought them closer and closer to twenty-eight weeks, and the fear coiled tightly in her chest as the impending timeline loomed menacingly over her. She refused to buy anything, convincing herself they wouldn’t be able to use it.
The tech came in and Mabel laid down obediently, holding Syverson’s hand as he watched the machine. Mabel purposefully looked away. Syverson noticed and placed a hand on her cheek, drawing his head near hers so that he could speak softly.
“Even if it’s the end, Bug, these are the only pictures we’d get,” he admonished her, stroking her skin with his thumb. “Might be best if ya take a look.”
Mabel stared into his eyes, her lips pressed into a line as she tried not to cry. He was right, of course. She turned to look at the black screen, lit up with the white outline of the child growing within her womb. Mabel’s heart caught and her throat constricted as the tech smoothed the wand over her belly, air only returning to her lungs once she heard the familiar ‘wao wao wao wao’ of her baby’s heartbeat rushing through the monitor. It was still alive. She squeezed Syverson’s hand tightly, and laid her head back on her arm, choosing to watch her husband instead of the screen.
He’d missed this appointment last time; he’d been sent somewhere for three weeks and they’d been unable to reschedule. Mabel watched the lines of Syverson’s face as he stared intently at the image of his child. She noted the way his eyes lit up, the creases around them deepening as he smiled. He chuckled when the baby kicked and he could see it on the screen, and love took over his face as he watched the baby suck its thumb. He’s my joy, Mabel determined. She would enjoy this for him.
“Oh, look here… it’s a boy!”
Mabel snapped her head to look at the screen as Syverson hollered in excitement. Sure enough, the outline was unmistakable. He was Syverson’s, alright. Mabel couldn’t help the relief she felt; another girl would have been too much for her to handle. But she still wanted her girl. The tears came unbidden, and the tech cleaned her off and left them, giving them some privacy. Syverson climbed onto the table and cradled Mabel in his arms.
“I miss her too, Bug. She’da been such a great big sis.”
Sobs wracked Mabel’s body as she grieved once more for the baby she would never hold. Their son kicked her softly, as if to say ‘don’t cry, Mama, I’m here’, and Mabel placed a hand over the spot, smiling through her tears as she held him. 
“Don’t you worry, little man. There’s plenty of love in my heart to go around.”
“Alright Mabel, ya ready?”
Mabel shook her head at the woman between her legs, sweat dripping down her brow, her chest heaving. 
“I can’t… I can’t do this, I can’t.” 
“Yes, ya can,” came a whisper in her ear. Mabel leaned her head back against Syverson’s chest, listening to him coach her through this. His caressing touch was everywhere; hands glided over her thighs, fingers brushed her sweat soaked hair out of her face, a well-placed fist pushed against the spot on her back that was causing her excruciating pain. His deep voice resonated through her mind, low and soothing.
“You are my Mabel. You’ve conquered everythin’ that’s been thrown yer way, includin’ death. So now, yer gonna conquer life, and yer gonna bring our son into this world. Ya ready?”
“What’re we gon’ name him, Bug?”
Mabel sighed and rolled her eyes. She didn’t want to have this conversation again; boy names were harder. 
“Every time we have this argument, Sy, ya end up sleepin’ on the couch cause yer mad at me.”
“Yeah I git that, Mabel, but we’re four weeks away. He needs a name.”
“Scooter Syverson. I actually like that.”
“No, Sy, I was kiddin’!”
Syverson jumped on the bed, straddling Mabel’s legs and lifting her shirt to kiss her belly repeatedly. She squealed as he purposefully brushed his beard all over her taut skin, fighting to free herself from her husband’s grasp.
“Whaddaya think, Scooter?” Syverson said to the baby, pinning Mabel’s hands and blowing a raspberry underneath her belly. Mabel shrieked and the baby kicked right where Syverson’s lips had pressed against it. Syverson grinned, looking at Mabel with his eyes wide. 
“Looks like Scooter here likes it,” he said seriously, taking a deep breath.
“No, Hunter nooo!!” Mabel cried as Syverson blew another raspberry, laughing as his mouth vibrated against her skin. The baby kicked again and Syverson chuckled with glee, loving the ability to bond with his child. He blew raspberry after raspberry on Mabel’s belly until she finally got a hand free and smacked his head. She pulled him up by his hair to meet her lips, and Syverson kissed her attentively, smoothing his hand over her stomach and relishing in the feel of his son’s movements.
“He still needs a name,” he mumbled against his wife’s lips. She tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled him in deeper, tasting the rich flavor of his tongue. 
“I just figured he’d be a junior,” she moaned as Syverson’s fingertips dipped beneath the band of her sleep shorts. He stopped a moment and looked at Mabel fondly.
“Ya mean it?”
“Yeah I do.”
“I’d really like that.”
Syverson picked up the pace, hooking his fingers into Mabel’s core and kissing her neck in earnest.
“I’m still gonna call him Scooter though.”
“One more push and you can rest, come on Mabel! You can do it!”
Another contraction swept through Mabel and she cried out. Syverson’s grip was firm under her knees, his chin tucked into her shoulder and a constant stream of comforting words and gentle encouragement poured into her ear. Mabel bent her head low and pushed, agonizing screams tumbling from her lips as her body was ripped open. She could see her son’s head in the mirror behind the doctor; they were close, they were so close. Just one more push. 
Mabel braced herself and pushed with all her might, reaching down instinctively to catch her baby as he was expelled from her womb. Loud commotion filled the room as suddenly everyone was cheering. A loud wail sung out from the babe on Mabel’s chest and she and Syverson laughed with him, sobs constricting their chuckles. Mabel’s laughter turned to tears as she stared at her child, thinking of the baby buried beneath the Live Oak tree. Her brother looked just like her. 
“You did it, Mama,” Syverson whispered in her ear, and Mabel turned to look up at him, kissing him softly.
“I wish he could have met Einsley.” she sniffed, drinking in the sight of her newborn son. Syverson brushed the back of his finger over the smattering of dark curls on the baby’s head, wrapping his other arm around his wife.
“I do too, babygirl. I do too.”
Mabel heard a low, murmuring voice as her eyelids fluttered awake. She turned in the hospital bed and saw Syverson near the window, cradling their newborn son over his shoulder as he hummed his favorite tune. He heard Mabel stir and turned, gazing at her softly.
“I need to nurse,” she said quietly, reaching for the baby. Syverson brought him over and laid him in her arms, sliding next to them to cuddle on the bed. He watched as Mabel took out her breast and their son greedily latched on, drawing life-sustaining nourishment from her body. Syverson kissed Mabel gently on the forehead as he stroked her hair.
“Ya done good, Mama,” he whispered. Mabel smiled gently at him, and together they watched as the new piece of their souls entwined himself into their shared heart.
Fan Club: @littlefreya​ @sciapod​ @thiccgeralt​ @fucking-hell-cavill​ @brexrif​ @peakygroupie​ @viking-raider​ @constip8merm8​ @daniig95​ @elinalfrida​ @hell1129-blog​ @oddsnendsfanfics​ @agniavateira​ @dearlybelovedluke​ @sofiebstar​ @wanderinglunarnights​ @magdelen69​ @vania-marie​ @mary-ann84​ @onceiwasanun​ @iloveyouyen​ @lestersglitterglue​ @yoursecretsmutblog​ @funnygirlthatgab​ @wondersofdreaming​ @wildwavehc @valkavill​ @kevia1000 @trippedmetaldetector​ @lifeofrileyp​ @captaingothgirl1996​ @sasusakubae​ @princess-of-riviaa​ @vivodinson​ @paradisecitychild​
(@wildwavehc and @kevia1000 - I tried to tag you but it’s not working; you’ve gotta turn tagging capabilities on on your end!!)
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fandomcathouse · 5 years
SSDD - Ch1 All Hands on Deck
AO3 - Written by Me & @lynxtigerwritings
Tags = AU Canon-Divergent / Canon-Typical Violence & Behavior
Pairings = Vergil-OFC / Dante-OFC / Nero-Kyrie
If there was one thing Vergil was thankful for, it was that even when he was severely poisoned he could not only feel the presence of the Yamato but also his son. He was also thankful they were in the same place, making it so much easier to focus. Wrapped up in his cloak, shivering even when he was dripping sweat from excursion and fever, he picked his head up when he heard the voice of a sweet girl.
“Hey you two! Dinner’s ready!”
Vergil’s brows pinched together. Was that Kyrie? It echoed from the garage up ahead, the door halfway open. He’d be able to duck under it. That was where the source of the energies was, too.
He wasn’t one to swear, not like Dante or even Nero, but fuck his whole body was shooting white-hot pain all over every step he took...Goddamn Stolas’ for sicking his poisonous plants on him, going after him from behind...All because of Abaddon...
“You, uh...you need somethin’?”
When had he gotten across the road?
“What...hungry? Heh...in luck...food’s ready and Kyrie...too much.” As his vision doubled, most of the sentence was distorted. The sound of clanking reached his ears. That was definitely his son’s voice, and that had been Kyrie after all. Nero had said her name so sweetly...had their relationship developed further? How long...had he been away?
Vergil slipped under the garage door and slowly stepped closer, breathing heavy. His mind was wavering...Focus! He needed to tell Nero he needed help.
“Hope...loud talkers...a pair of those...” Nero had stood up and paused whatever he was saying, but now he was closer Vergil heard him more clearly, “...see somethin’ ya like?”
A blue glow alerted Vergil, feeling the energy of the Yamato spike. When had his son’s arm become demonic?
“You a demon?” Nero growled, obviously on edge now.
That wasn’t what he wanted and he lifted his hand, skin showing grey and veins black in the light. Suddenly desperate he worked his throat and rocked on his heels as he lost his balance, “Nero…”
“Nero! The food’s getting cold! What’s-” Kyrie was immediately cut off.
“Call Dante!” Nero shouted as he swung himself forward. The voice sounded...but it couldn’t. When the robe fell from his face, Nero’s eyes widened and then narrowed. His father looked as though he had aged terribly. The black veins were sucking the very life out of him, and it looked like it was slow acting. Nero knew not a thing about poisons. He only knew how to point and shoot. Kyrie might have something in the home to help slow it down further, but an actual antidote would have to come from Dante, if the demon hunter even knew what the poison was. If this could be cured. “Hey. Father.” His skin was flecking at his very touch, as though he were crumbling to dust.
He slowly pulled the robe back on, trying not to let it rub too much on his father’s skin and hoisted him up. “We’re going to get you upstairs.” He told him seriously. “Kyrie’s calling Dante, I’m sure and we’ll get you better.” As better as they possibly could. “Alright? You gotta stay with me ol’ man. That’s your job right now. You got that? Stay with me.”
His voice needed to work goddamn it but all he got for a second was a chest-rattling grunt to show he was listening. Any other circumstance he would consider this humiliating, and every jostle, as accidental as it was, hurt like a bitch. When he was finally set down on a bed - at least it wasn’t a couch - he reached and grabbed Nero’s arm, choking out, “Yamato...the...power will...” he hissed as his whole body shuddered in a shiver yet a bead of sweat went down his temple, “Slow..it...down...” he finished, feeling incredibly weak and he hated it.
Slow it down? Nero looked at his arm where the Yamato was sealed away. Dante was going to fry him. The Yamato would practically call out every demon from their hiding spots, but what choice did he have? He reached into his palm and pulled the sword out, covered in blood and his arm falling limp from use, Nero had gritted his teeth so finely it was amazing he hadn’t screamed from his own pain. “What do I do?”
Instead of wasting breath, Vergil took it from him and promptly pressed it to his chest where it pulsed with energy. It felt good to have his sword back in his hands, and it when he was able to finally suck air through his teeth and into his lungs instead of fighting for every breath, he relaxed into the bed. Eyes fluttering back open, they were a lot clearer now. Everything still hurt, the poison was still creeping, but he didn’t look or feel like he was going to die in the next heartbeat. “In answer to...your question,” he swallowed hard, throat dry, “Check with...Kyrie. The poison is...from Stolas’ plants. Another demon.” Not being able to articulate his words properly irked him to Hell and back. At least he got his point across.
Nero got up onto his feet. “I got it.” He told him as he walked out of the room. The girls were around the kitchen table looking grim.
“What was that about?” Nico asked clicking her tongue and folding her arms.
“Poison from Stolas.” Nero looked over at Kyrie who was holding the phone. “If that’s still Dante tell him that. I bet he had a few ideas.”
“Do you know who Stolas is?” Kyrie asked the seasoned hunter on the other end, her hand pressed over her heart in worry, “Nero learned that’s where the poison’s from.” Noticing he was holding his arm and it wasn’t as bright, she tilted her head, silently asking if he was alright.
Nero nodded and gave Kyrie a trade-mark smile but he listened for Dante’s reply.
“Looks like I gotta call Lysander. Now to hope that one of them picks up the phone. I’ll be there shortly afterward. Not sure if it’ll help, but holy water might ease it a twinge. He’ll be in a hell of a lot of pain but it’s better that than to bite his tongue and die.” Dante sighed on the other end before hanging up.
“Holy water until help arrives. Do we have any?” she looked at Nico who tended to keep stock of their supplies, then to Nero, “Somebody named Lysander’s going to hopefully be here.”
Nico shrugged, “I might have some but you might wanna make another batch Kyrie just in case. I’ll go down to my van. Be back in a snitch.”
“Yo! Sis!” the younger Lysander sister shouted to the void that was her apartment with Charlotte, “The world must be ending, Dante’s called! Asking about plants. That’s your shtick.”
Charlotte blinked from reading. Quietly the older sister closed her book and dig into the mess of papers where her own cellphone was. Three missed calls. All from Dante. Oops. “What about plants?!”
Yvette came from the hallway, phone to her chest so she could talk without getting mixed signals, “Some douchebag demon named Stolas?”
“Ugh. Where?” Charlotte asked as she got up from her desk and went over to her closet. Better drag out the big guns. She reached up and pulled a large oak case that jiggled and clinked ominously. “We’re gonna have to go fast meaning you drive Vet.”
Pale green eyes lit up and she put the phone back to her ear, “Text me the address, would you? On our way now.” If she had the address then that’d make it easier for Charlotte to input it into her GPS and give her directions. Honestly, she was giddy with the thought of getting out of the house and driving. Sure it was dire circumstances, but meeting new people was always fun, and if it was Dante asking for help then part of her knew they were a few steps shy of having a hunt.
“Sure thing,” Dante said, “Tell your sister she’s shit at having a phone.” It was a nice little jab. “See you.”
Not even five seconds went by before Yvette’s phone dinged with a text for the address. Charlotte hauled the big case up and over her shoulder. The rattling increased tenfold. “Following you out the door kiddo.”
Honestly, falling asleep was a horrible idea. Vergil was lucky as hell to even open his eyes again. All he remembered last was little concerned Kyrie -my how she’d grown- soothing him while Nero not only made him drink a shot of holy water but apply it to some of the wounds from his skin flaking.
What brought him to consciousness he wasn’t quite sure. All of a sudden he felt Dante’s energy, and drawing near was the presence of what he could only guess was a witch. A rattling noise echoed in the hallway before the door was eased open. Reflexively he gripped his sword, but the sight before him threw his guard off. Straight strands of brown hair spilled over the woman’s shoulders, and as she turned on the light to see what she was doing he was sucked into deep green eyes that reminded him of staring into a forest.
Heaven and Hell combined, he must be really off his game, poison be damned.
Charlotte didn’t miss how he reached for his sword. A part of her wanted to be cheeky about how that sword wouldn’t do much against her and he was delusional, but she kept her mouth closed. This poor man was going through hell. She placed the big case on the ground and kicked it open. It unfolded itself to show so many different kinds of vials in many different colors.
She carefully sat on the edge of the bed and slowly telegraphing her moves to pick up his arm and looked at the black veins. “Holy water?” She mused. “Fast thinking.” She looked up at the man who was on the bed.
“Can he be saved?” Dante asked, folding his arms against his chest.
“He can be,” Charlotte said soothingly and turned to Vergil. “Stolas did this? It’s a new kind of poison. Taking demonic energy and transforming it into literal poison.” She turned away and started to sift through the vials. She hummed a tune softly under her breath.
Such a lovely sound...Vergil closed his eyes briefly before he shifted, “Dante, Stolas got me...in the back. Starting at...the source...might help.” Which of course meant he had to take off his cloak, jacket, vest, and possibly his shirt. “Normally wounds...heal closed. This one...did not.” Which of course meant it had been festering.
Dante walked around the bed and helped Vergil turn around once they got him out off the complicated outfit. The odor was terrible and Charlotte clicked her teeth.
“What the fuck, dad.” Nero hissed when he saw the damage that was on his father’s back. He hadn’t wanted to leave his side, but holy…
“Stolas didn’t really know the safe word here.” Dante grimaced.
“Lets…” Charlotte started to pull her hair back into a makeshift bun. “Yvette I need gauze and warm wet towels.” She lowered herself so Vergil could hear her. “How steady is your grip? I can give it to you orally and you take it yourself or I find a different method.”
“Either holding the yamato...in a death grip...or not at all,” Vergil admitted with a sigh, feeling even colder than before but at least the cool air on the back of his neck where he was drenched in sweat was relieving. He heard the creaking of the door as this ‘Yvette’ left the room to get what was asked of her. “What other methods?”
“One method is that I administer it through a kiss, another is that I open that wound of yours and try to see if I can’t get it to take through the bloodstream. I can even have you sit up and I pour it down your throat if you’d prefer.” Charlotte listed.
“Won’t even consider taking you out to dinner Verg.” Dante teased, though the worried edge on his voice betrayed his feelings.
Nero rolled his eyes. He’s been there. He’s done that. “I’m going to help Yvette find the towels. It’s crowded in here.” He knew his father didn’t want to display too many weaknesses to too many people. At least the Lysander woman was trying her best.
“I was thinking...the same thing,” Vergil nodded to Nero in appreciation and he released a long breath when his son was out of the room, leaving the three of them. Even the Yamato pulsed a little bit when he thought about her kissing him and he shook his head in spite of the ache, “Sit up...pour it.” Lifting his hand to his brother he grit his teeth when Dante grasped his wrist and hauled him up, his body lurching to the side only to be caught by the woman. Her touch set him on edge, but not out of distaste. “My shirt. I’ll bite it.” Whatever it was she gave him to cure the poison was going to make him scream.
“I can knock yo-Okay then.” Dante had to admit it was nice that Charlotte didn’t even try to persuade Vergil to do the other thing. She uncapped the vial. “Brave man.” She set the cap to the side and she scooted a little closer to Vergil. She knew this was going to hurt. He was going to drink it, it was going to taste vile, he was going to hate it and when it was also poured on his wounds with the towel and gauze he was either going to pass out or scream loudly enough to wake up the neighborhood. That shirt of his was going to get torn, undoubtedly. She swirled the vial three times in either direction and looked at Vergil squarely. Like two warriors on opposite sides of a battle. “You can swear at me, I know I’m the bitch in this scenario.” Without further ado, she helped him drink it.
Vergil expected the taste and covered his mouth as he tried not to cough and spit it out, squeezing his eyes shut and swallowing down the bile and the liquid. In the nothing that followed he grabbed his shirt, twisted it and when the first pangs of something made him double over he shoved the cloth in his mouth in time to feel burning.
Yvette returned with the items Char asked for in time to see Vergil slam his body back onto the bed which creaked ominously at the abuse. Screaming into the wad of his shirt while his hands gripped the edges. Yup. That shirt would be pieces by the end of this. “Lotty,” she whispered to get her sister’s attention, holding up the wraps and towels, “Anything else you need help with? Holding him down when you wrap him?”
Charlotte looked at Vergil who was panting, Dante was gripping his brother tightly and they both looked at each other before Charlotte shook her head. “No.” She said after a moment. “I think once we get this done, we can take watch. Make sure it doesn’t get worse or continue to spread.”
“Sounds like a plan, how long does it take?” Dante asked, carefully loosening his grip on his brother so that he could reposition himself. Charlotte carefully took the things from Yvette.
“Twenty four hours, if not a little less since he’s half-demon.” Charlotte determined. “The wound on the back is what I’m worried about most. It’s been infected and reinfected. Actually, Yvette, shove my case a little closer to the bed.”
Huffing mostly at the weight of it, Yvette did as she was told and cocked her head when Vergil screamed again, back arching and if it wasn’t for Dante she’d fear he’d snap his back in two, “I’ll get you another cloth for his forehead, a basin while I’m at it. He’s drenched.”
“You sound like a peach,” Charlotte said as she shifted through the vials a little quicker this time before picking one up. She unrolled the gauze and started to drip some onto cloth and leaned in uncomfortably close to get the wrapping around. “At least,” Charlotte said dryly, “I’m wearing a bra for this.”
Dante appreciated the humor. She was as much in an uncomfortable position as his brother and he was grateful that Charlotte knew how to work swiftly as she did carefully. His brother still writhed in pain and agony, but he still kept a firm grip so he wouldn’t ruin more of her handiwork. “This is going to take all night.” He sighed.
“I’d much rather he scream and punch than to go still and iced,” Charlotte said bluntly. “Yvette can hold him down as well as you can, but I’m pretty sure I’m pushing limits as I am.”
“You know his pride.” Dante huffed a laugh. “I didn’t realize that was infamous.”
“I have my own honor code I abide by. It drives Vet up the wall. Ask her. One time she legit threatened to shoot me over it I kid you not.”
“Oooh boy, you’re his type.” The younger twin snorted, but then had to double his grip again at another wave. “I’m a little worried about putting him on his back or even back on his stomach.” He admitted. “I don’t feel like he can handle that.”
Charlotte didn’t blame him for that line of thinking. But Dante couldn’t hold him all night long and while Yvette did offer to help, Charlotte wasn’t sure if it’d make things better or not. “We have to. We’re better off keeping him from rolling off the bed than we are to restrain him. That’s wasted energy and effort.”
“Logical and precise.” Dante let out a breath. “Okay then.”
They helped each other to get Vergil to lay down, but the moment that they got him back onto his stomach, it was a hell storm. It was agony for touch, for the skin to be pulled and soon enough that antidote would stop burning and it would be numbed, hopefully drugged. Hopefully. His back needed to heal, and him writhing around wasn’t helping. She didn’t doubt that after the first hour, she’d have to change them again.
“I’ll tell Nero we’re taking watch shifts and let Vet know that too. If you’re hungry, I’m sure Kyrie can heat up whatever dinner they were having.” Dante offered as he slowly got himself untangled from Vergil’s grip and body. “She feeds an army and then some, it’s no hassle.”
Charlotte sighed, “Sure. I can’t work on an empty stomach and if there’s room to share, I’ll take it.”
“Awesome. Keep an eye out, you get first watch,” Dante patted Charlotte’s shoulder before heading down the stairs to let the group know what was going on.
“Should’ve let ‘im punch me,” was the barely audible whisper when he was well out of earshot, voice too hoarse and literally cotton-mouthed after his tattered shirt was gone.
Charlotte looked down at Vergil. “At this point in time, I don’t think you’d even know what a punch feels like.”
All he did was hum and Yvette came back in with the cloth and basin she promised a while ago, “Dante told us. I’ll bring your food up when it’s ready, yeah?”
“Sure.” Charlotte looked over at Yvette, “By the dresser thanks.” She let out a low sigh as she started to make herself comfortable on the side of the bed. “I’m good here.” She assured her sister.
“Hmm, I’m sure you are,” Yvette gave her a sly wolfish smile and easily danced away when a pillow was thrown at her, ‘kekeke’ing and tossed it back before leaving her alone with Vergil until she brought food.
“Should’ve shot her, but I don’t know if that’s worth a bullet or my sanity,” Charlotte muttered darkly as she pushed the pillow against her stomach, glaring heatedly at the door. She waited for a moment, in case her sister decided to come back. When it was clear, she set the pillow to the side and went to the basin. The water was lukewarm, which was nice. She dipped the cloth in, and wringing it out before going back to Vergil and gently swiping it across the back of his neck and his forehead, humming soft.
Sleep had nearly claimed him before he felt her gentle touches and picked up on her sweet humming. It was the same tune from before and something he didn’t cater to often, curiosity, nagged at him. Perhaps later he could ask. Instead of releasing another little hum to answer hers, Vergil heard a different noise. With his body so numb, it took a second to realize it was coming from deep, deep in his chest. Not quite human, either. If he had any strength left to care, he would be embarrassed as hell his demon was purring and trilling.
Charlotte heard it. She heard it and it made her pleased. She didn’t know much about hybrids, let alone half-demons. Yet she knew that the demons had their own little purrs and noises that they made. Animalistic as they were, they were sometimes more human than humans. To know that hybrids and half-demons could do the same thing as a regular demon, well...that was going to be her secret to keep. She hummed in tune with the purring and trilling as she wiped away the sweat, and cooled his body down. She didn’t stop humming when she put the cloth back into the basin and went back to settle on the side of the bed. She certainly didn’t stop humming until he was nice and knocked out.
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howlingbarnes · 7 years
Falling Up - Part Two
Characters - Clint Barton x Reader trust me!, OFC Tesla (@bovaria ), Steve Rogers
Word Count - 1586
Warnings - Language, Drinking
AU - Prof!Bucky
Song - Falling Up by Mike Dupree ft. Maddi Jane
A/N - Go with it, loves. I promise this is a Bucky x Reader, we’re just not there yet. You don’t get your prince without kissing a few frogs first, right? Clint will be around for a part or two. Tesla is my favorite character tbh, so get ready for her. And the drama never stops!
Falling Up Masterlist
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“I wish I was more like Michonne,” you mumbled to yourself as you watched Danai Gurira ruthlessly slice the heads off of a handful of zombies on your laptop screen. You worked to steady your nearly overflowing glass of wine as it hit your lips just as a knock echoed through the steamy bathroom.
“Y/N, there’s no way you’re not a damn prune by now.” Your sister complained through the door. “You’ve been in there for almost two hours.” She sighed heavily and you could hear the gentle thud of her forehead hitting the door. “Come on dude, you can’t spend another afternoon in the bath.”
“Ha!” your shout loud enough to startle her and make her jump back a bit. “You wanna bet, Tes? In the past three years, I’ve only taken five vacation days. Five!” You shouted at the closed door just before Tesla huffed and pushed it open.
“And three of them were for grandma’s wake and funeral." The two of you recited in unison as she leaned against the counter and crossed her arms, her monotone voice contrasting your upset nature.
“Yes, Y/N.” Tesla continued. “I know.”
You paused your show, sat down your glass and showed her that she had your full attention. She tilted her head, her soft brown hair falling all over one shoulder while a small smirk rested on her face. If there was anyone that you trusted with everything, it was your sister. She was your forever best friend and had been your biggest support through all of your hardest times in life. Truthfully, you weren’t sure where you’d be without Tesla. You’d just wished that the feeling was more mutual. The moment you had left work that night, you called her and she was in your kitchen fully prepared for a Netflix binge with food and alcohol by the time you got there.
“Do you want to know why I’m here...again?” Her sarcastic tone made you shake your head though you knew she was going to keep talking anyway. “I’m here because I’m hoping - really hoping - that you will stop drowning yourself in wine and go back to work.” She threw her hands up and shrugged. “So Steve is married! Who gives a fuck? You are almost number two in your firm, you’ve been kickin’ ass and taking names from the second you stepped into that damn building, and I’m not going to watch you throw away all of your hard work over some asshole that wanted a good time. You’re better than that sis, seriously."
She was right, you knew that but you just weren’t ready to go back. You weren’t ready to face him yet. Seeing him every day, avoiding eye contact as the guilt and shame slithered along the length of your spine. Being nervous and embarrassed in his presence, these were things that you simply weren’t prepared to do. Tesla’s words made you sink into yourself, and deeper into the water filling the tub. Though she was younger than you, she seemed to have life all figured out and you couldn’t help but admire that about her. You sighed heavily and used your toes to pull the drain plug free, signaling the end of your bath time.
“I got this, go back to Bruce and the kids.” You lazily waved your hand at her and she raised a brow at you suspiciously. “I’m serious Tes, I’m gonna go back soon. I’ll even get out of the house today.”
She stood and scanned your face, searching for any hint of a lie. Once she was convinced, she chuckled and tossed you a towel before walking out the door. “Fine, I’ll be just a call away.” Her voice rang through the halls of your home. “You already know who I’m gonna to tell you to call!” She hollered back to you, “love you!”
“Yeah, I know.” You answered. “Love you too!”
After drying off and changing into a fresh set of clothes, you gathered your belongings from the bathroom and put them away in your room before heading downstairs and plopping down on your couch. A smile pulled at your lips when you looked at the picture gracing the screen of your phone. Taking a deep breath, you hovered your thumb over the green button. You pressed it down and closed your eyes, holding the phone up to your ear.
“Hello?” The smooth voice came through your phone, and your heart dropped. It wasn’t until he spoke again that you realized you were still searching for words. “Hello? Y/N?”
“Clint?” You asked, already knowing that it was him; you’d recognize that voice anywhere.
“Hey!” You could almost picture the smile on his face as he spoke. “It’s been a while. How have you been?”
“Good!” You lied through your teeth in an attempt to talk about anything but your own life. “I know you’ve been busy with classes but I was wondering if you were free tonight?” You scrunched up your face with each word that left your lips. You truly didn’t want to leave the comfort of your home, but if anyone was going to bring up your spirits - it would be Clint.
“I actually am.” He chimed. “I have a few more papers to go through but I’m pretty much done. How about we grab dinner?”
Your teeth caught your bottom lip, taking it between them before letting it fall free. “Ye-yeah, we can go to that awesome Italian place we basically used to live at back in our twenties.” You replied. He laughed and it was like the best part of your favorite song making you realize how much you really missed Clint.
“I remember the place,” he mused. You could hear the rustling of papers in the background and Clint scoffed in exhaustion. “Alright, I need to finish these up but I’ll call you back when I’m done.”
“Sounds good Clint, I’ll talk to you then." You waited for him to say goodbye but what you got was far from what you were expecting.
“Y/N?” His voice came through low and genuine. “I really missed you.”
In that moment, you were glad that he wasn’t there with you because you could feel your face beginning to flush scarlet. “I missed you too.” You nearly whispered and with that, you said your goodbyes and hung up.
You spent the rest of your afternoon deciding on an outfit and doing your hair and makeup while occasionally jamming out to the music that blasted through the speaker system you were sure your neighbors just loved. Clint called you, as promised, and let you know that he’d be going straight to the restaurant from his office, giving you a timeframe of about a half hour. Once you did a final check in your hall mirror, you were out the door and on your way to the restaurant.
You arrived before Clint had. A cute brunette waitress named Dot seated you in a booth and brought you a water while you waited for your old friend. Sitting on the side facing the door, you watched the door for Clint. You hated waiting like this; what if he didn’t show? Public embarrassment was not something you handled well and the thought that you were going to be stood up was sending so many negative thoughts through your head.
Just when you were on the verge of making a run for it, the door opened and the first thing to greet you was a set of incredibly warm eyes. You glanced down at your watch for the nth time since you sat down to avoid staring. He was nearly forty-five minutes late and as much as you wanted to be upset, the second he smiled, you’d forgotten that you had even been waiting in the first place.
“Clint!” You hopped out of the booth with a smile and hugged him. His arms wrapped tightly around your waist and pulled you close. His body heat was comforting and his scent put you at ease. Clint always smelled clean and a bit like coffee mixed with a fragrance you mentally labeled ‘Clint Barton’
“Sorry I’m late.” He mumbled as he pulled away. “I ran into a friend and we got to talking. I invited him and a colleague of mine to join us, I hope you don’t mind,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck as he smirked. He must’ve noticed the look on your face because his smile faltered quickly.
“Shit Y/N, I’m sorry. I should’ve asked ahead of time.” He began to panic and you chuckled, shaking your head.
“Seriously Clint, it’s fine.” You lied once again to detour from ruining the mood.
You wanted to talk to him, have a deep conversation and get everything off your chest. You were wrapped up in the worry that you now wouldn’t get the opportunity to do so but, once again, his smile freed you of your thoughts. Looking into his eyes made it seem like you were on your own planet, the voices in the room were muffled, the sights were blurred. There was nothing else but Clint. That was until the door opened again, movement drawing your stare from the man before you.
“Holy fuck.” Your eyes went wide as you whispered the curse and your heart leaped up into your throat, nothing but the sound of your own pulse pounded in your ears. “Steve?”
Tags - (forever/closed) @bovaria @bionic-buckyb @marvel-ash @purgatoan @mamapeterson  @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @feelmyroarrrr @my-blackbird-universe @hellomissmabel @huffleypuffelycas @alexx-in-wonderland123 @thirstybitchqueen @palaiasaurus64 @sarahpanda65 @explodingzombiesyndrome @supermoonpanda @callamint @takemetoneverland91 @seargantbcky @marvel-fanfiction @hollycornish @toc1985 @lillianfromaccounting @viollettes @sincerelysaraahh  @anyakinamidala @teamfreewill-imagine 
(series) @justareader @netflixa @winterboobaer @angelofwinchester17 @toasterofinjustice @thelostpieceofpizza @purelittleblueberry @blackgirloneshots @used-up-cigars @not-available-in-your-country @thinkwritexpress-official @buckybarnesisalittleshit @thunderous-flower
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devilsnwitches · 5 years
SSDD - Ch1 All Hands on Deck
AO3 <Link - Written by Me & @lynxtigerwritings
Tags = AU Canon-Divergent / Canon-Typical Violence & Behavior
Pairings = Vergil-OFC / Dante-OFC / Nero-Kyrie
If there was one thing Vergil was thankful for, it was that even when he was severely poisoned he could not only feel the presence of the Yamato but also his son. He was also thankful they were in the same place, making it so much easier to focus. Wrapped up in his cloak, shivering even when he was dripping sweat from excursion and fever, he picked his head up when he heard the voice of a sweet girl.
“Hey you two! Dinner’s ready!”
Vergil’s brows pinched together. Was that Kyrie? It echoed from the garage up ahead, the door halfway open. He’d be able to duck under it. That was where the source of the energies was, too.
He wasn’t one to swear, not like Dante or even Nero, but fuck his whole body was shooting white-hot pain all over every step he took...Goddamn Stolas’ for sicking his poisonous plants on him, going after him from behind...All because of Abaddon...
“You, uh...you need somethin’?”
When had he gotten across the road?
“What...hungry? Heh...in luck...food’s ready and Kyrie...too much.” As his vision doubled, most of the sentence was distorted. The sound of clanking reached his ears. That was definitely his son’s voice, and that had been Kyrie after all. Nero had said her name so sweetly...had their relationship developed further? How long...had he been away?
Vergil slipped under the garage door and slowly stepped closer, breathing heavy. His mind was wavering...Focus! He needed to tell Nero...he needed to admit he...needed help.
“Hope...loud talkers...a pair of those...” Nero had stood up and paused whatever he was saying, but now he was closer Vergil heard him more clearly, “...see somethin’ ya like?”
A blue glow alerted Vergil, feeling the energy of the Yamato spike. When had his son’s arm become demonic?
“You a demon?” Nero growled, obviously on edge now.
That wasn’t what he wanted and he lifted his hand, skin showing grey and veins black in the light. Suddenly desperate he worked his throat and rocked on his heels as he lost his balance, “Nero…”
“Nero! The food’s getting cold! What’s-” Kyrie was immediately cut off.
“Call Dante!” Nero shouted as he swung himself forward. The voice sounded...but it couldn’t. When the robe fell from his face, Nero’s eyes widened and then narrowed. His father looked as though he had aged terribly. The black veins were sucking the very life out of him, and it looked like it was slow acting. Nero knew not a thing about poisons. He only knew how to point and shoot. Kyrie might have something in the home to help slow it down further, but an actual antidote would have to come from Dante, if the demon hunter even knew what the poison was. If this could be cured. “Hey. Father.” His skin was flecking at his very touch, as though he were crumbling to dust.
He slowly pulled the robe back on, trying not to let it rub too much on his father’s skin and hoisted him up. “We’re going to get you upstairs.” He told him seriously. “Kyrie’s calling Dante, I’m sure and we’ll get you better.” As better as they possibly could. “Alright? You gotta stay with me ol’ man. That’s your job right now. You got that? Stay with me.”
His voice needed to work goddamn it but all he got for a second was a chest-rattling grunt to show he was listening. Any other circumstance he would consider this humiliating, and every jostle, as accidental as it was, hurt like a bitch. When he was finally set down on a bed - at least it wasn’t a couch - he reached and grabbed Nero’s arm, choking out, “Yamato...the...power will...” he hissed as his whole body shuddered in a shiver yet a bead of sweat went down his temple, “Slow..it...down...” he finished, feeling incredibly weak and he hated it.
Slow it down? Nero looked at his arm where the Yamato was sealed away. Dante was going to fry him. The Yamato would practically call out every demon from their hiding spots, but what choice did he have? He reached into his palm and pulled the sword out, “What do I do?”
Instead of wasting breath, Vergil took it from him and promptly pressed it to his chest where it pulsed with energy. It felt good to have his sword back in his hands, and it when he was able to finally suck air through his teeth and into his lungs instead of fighting for every breath, he relaxed into the bed. Eyes fluttering back open, they were a lot clearer now. Everything still hurt, the poison was still creeping, but he didn’t look or feel like he was going to die in the next heartbeat. “In answer to...your question,” he swallowed hard, throat dry, “Check with...Kyrie. The poison is...from Stolas’ plants. Another demon.” Not being able to articulate his words properly irked him to Hell and back. At least he got his point across.
Nero got up onto his feet. “I got it.” He told him as he walked out of the room. The girls were around the kitchen table looking grim.
“What was that about?” Nico asked clicking her tongue and folding her arms.
“Poison from Stolas.” Nero looked over at Kyrie who was holding the phone. “If that’s still Dante tell him that. I bet he had a few ideas.”
“Do you know who Stolas is?” Kyrie asked the seasoned hunter on the other end, her hand pressed over her heart in worry, “Nero learned that’s where the poison’s from.” Noticing he was holding his arm and it wasn’t as bright, she tilted her head, silently asking if he was alright.
Nero nodded and gave Kyrie a trade-mark smile but he listened for Dante’s reply.
“Looks like I gotta call Lysander. Now to hope that one of them picks up the phone. I’ll be there shortly afterward. Not sure if it’ll help, but holy water might ease it a twinge. He’ll be in a hell of a lot of pain but it’s better that than to bite his tongue and die.” Dante sighed on the other end before hanging up.
“Holy water until help arrives. Do we have any?” she looked at Nico who tended to keep stock of their supplies, then to Nero, “Somebody named Lysander’s going to hopefully be here.”
Nico shrugged, “I might have some but you might wanna make another batch Kyrie just in case. I’ll go down to my van. Be back in a sinch.”
“Yo! Sis!” the younger Lysander sister shouted to the void that was her apartment with Charlotte, “The world must be ending, Dante’s called! Asking about plants. That’s your shtick.”
Charlotte blinked from reading. Quietly the older sister closed her book and dig into the mess of papers where her own cellphone was. Three missed calls. All from Dante. Oops. “What about plants?!”
Yvette came from the hallway, phone to her chest so she could talk without getting mixed signals, “Some douchebag demon named Stolas?”
“Ugh. Where?” Charlotte asked as she got up from her desk and went over to her closet. Better drag out the big guns. She reached up and pulled a large oak case that jiggled and clinked ominously. “We’re gonna have to go fast meaning you drive Vet.”
Pale green eyes lit up and she put the phone back to her ear, “Text me the address, would you? On our way now.” If she had the address then that’d make it easier for Charlotte to input it into her GPS and give her directions. Honestly, she was giddy with the thought of getting out of the house and driving. Sure it was dire circumstances, but meeting new people was always fun, and if it was Dante asking for help then part of her knew they were a few steps shy of having a hunt.
“Sure thing,” Dante said, “Tell your sister she’s shit at having a phone.” It was a nice little jab. “See you.”
Not even five seconds went by before Yvette’s phone dinged with a text for the address. Charlotte hauled the big case up and over her shoulder. The rattling increased tenfold. “Following you out the door kiddo.”
Honestly, falling asleep was a horrible idea. Vergil was lucky as hell to even open his eyes again. All he remembered last was little concerned Kyrie -my how she’d grown- soothing him while Nero not only made him drink a shot of holy water but apply it to some of the wounds from his skin flaking.
What brought him to consciousness he wasn’t quite sure. All of a sudden he felt Dante’s energy, and drawing near was the presence of what he could only guess was a witch. A rattling noise echoed in the hallway before the door was eased open. Reflexively he gripped his sword, but the sight before him threw his guard off. Straight strands of brown hair spilled over the woman’s shoulders, and as she turned on the light to see what she was doing he was sucked into deep green eyes that reminded him of staring into a forest.
Heaven and Hell combined, he must be really off his game, poison be damned.
Charlotte didn’t miss how he reached for his sword. A part of her wanted to be cheeky about how that sword wouldn’t do much against her and he was delusional, but she kept her mouth closed. This poor man was going through hell. She placed the big case on the ground and kicked it open. It unfolded itself to show so many different kinds of vials in many different colors.
She carefully sat on the edge of the bed and slowly telegraphing her moves to pick up his arm and looked at the black veins. “Holy water?” She mused. “Fast thinking.” She looked up at the man who was on the bed.
“Can he be saved?” Dante asked, folding his arms against his chest.
“He can be,” Charlotte said soothingly and turned to Vergil. “Stolas did this? It’s a new kind of poison. Taking demonic energy and transforming it into literal poison.” She turned away and started to sift through the vials. She hummed a tune softly under her breath.
Such a lovely sound...Vergil closed his eyes briefly before he shifted, “Dante, Stolas got me...in the back. Starting at...the source...might help.” Which of course meant he had to take off his cloak, jacket, vest, and possibly his shirt. “Normally wounds...heal closed. This one...did not.” Which of course meant it had been festering.
Dante walked around the bed and helped Vergil turn around once they got him out of the complicated outfit. The odor was terrible and Charlotte clicked her teeth.
“What the fuck, dad.” Nero hissed when he saw the damage that was on his father’s back. He hadn’t wanted to leave his side, but holy…
“Stolas didn’t really know the safe word here.” Dante grimaced.
“Lets…” Charlotte started to pull her hair back into a makeshift bun. “Yvette I need gauze and warm wet towels.” She lowered herself so Vergil could hear her. “How steady is your grip? I can give it to you orally and you take it yourself or I find a different method.”
“Either holding the Yamato...in a death grip...or not at all,” Vergil admitted with a sigh, feeling even colder than before but at least the cool air on the back of his neck where he was drenched in sweat was relieving. He heard the creaking of the door as this ‘Yvette’ left the room to get what was asked of her. “What other methods?”
“One method is that I administer it through a kiss, another is that I open that wound of yours and try to see if I can’t get it to take through the bloodstream. I can even have you sit up and I pour it down your throat if you’d prefer.” Charlotte listed.
“Won’t even consider taking you out to dinner Verg.” Dante teased, though the worried edge on his voice betrayed his feelings.
Nero rolled his eyes. He’s been there. He’s done that. “I’m going to help Yvette find the towels. It’s crowded in here.” He knew his father didn’t want to display too many weaknesses to too many people. At least the Lysander woman was trying her best.
“I was thinking...the same thing,” Vergil nodded to Nero in appreciation and he released a long breath when his son was out of the room, leaving the three of them. Even the Yamato pulsed a little bit when he thought about her kissing him and he shook his head in spite of the ache, “Sit up...pour it.” Lifting his hand to his brother he grit his teeth when Dante grasped his wrist and hauled him up, his body lurching to the side only to be caught by the woman. Her touch set him on edge, but not out of distaste. “My shirt. I’ll bite it.” Whatever it was she gave him to cure the poison was going to make him scream.
“I can knock yo-Okay then.” Dante had to admit it was nice that Charlotte didn’t even try to persuade Vergil to do the other thing. She uncapped the vial. “Brave man.” She set the cap to the side and she scooted a little closer to Vergil. She knew this was going to hurt. He was going to drink it, it was going to taste vile, he was going to hate it and when it was also poured on his wounds with the towel and gauze he was either going to pass out or scream loudly enough to wake up the neighborhood. That shirt of his was going to get torn, undoubtedly. She swirled the vial three times in either direction and looked at Vergil squarely. Like two warriors on opposite sides of a battle. “You can swear at me, I know I’m the bitch in this scenario.” Without further ado, she helped him drink it.
Vergil expected the taste and covered his mouth as he tried not to cough and spit it out, squeezing his eyes shut and swallowing down the bile and the liquid. In the nothing that followed he grabbed his shirt, twisted it and when the first pangs of something made him double over he shoved the cloth in his mouth in time to feel burning.
Yvette returned with the items Char asked for in time to see Vergil slam his body back onto the bed which creaked ominously at the abuse. Screaming into the wad of his shirt while his hands gripped the edges. Yup. That shirt would be pieces by the end of this. “Lotty,” she whispered to get her sister’s attention, holding up the wraps and towels, “Anything else you need help with? Holding him down when you wrap him?”
Charlotte looked at Vergil who was panting, Dante was gripping his brother tightly and they both looked at each other before Charlotte shook her head. “No.” She said after a moment. “I think once we get this done, we can take watch. Make sure it doesn’t get worse or continue to spread.”
“Sounds like a plan, how long does it take?” Dante asked, carefully loosening his grip on his brother so that he could reposition himself. Charlotte carefully took the things from Yvette.
“Twenty four hours, if not a little less since he’s half-demon.” Charlotte determined. “The wound on the back is what I’m worried about most. It’s been infected and reinfected. Actually, Yvette, shove my case a little closer to the bed.”
Huffing mostly at the weight of it, Yvette did as she was told and cocked her head when Vergil screamed again, back arching and if it wasn’t for Dante she’d fear he’d snap his back in two, “I’ll get you another cloth for his forehead, a basin while I’m at it. He’s drenched.”
“You sound like a peach,” Charlotte said as she shifted through the vials a little quicker this time before picking one up. She unrolled the gauze and started to drip some onto cloth and leaned in uncomfortably close to get the wrapping around. “At least,” Charlotte said dryly, “I’m wearing a bra for this.”
Dante appreciated the humor. She was as much in an uncomfortable position as his brother and he was grateful that Charlotte knew how to work swiftly as she did carefully. His brother still writhed in pain and agony, but he still kept a firm grip so he wouldn’t ruin more of her handiwork. “This is going to take all night.” He sighed.
“I’d much rather he scream and punch than to go still and iced,” Charlotte said bluntly. “Yvette can hold him down as well as you can, but I’m pretty sure I’m pushing limits as I am.”
“You know his pride.” Dante huffed a laugh. “I didn’t realize that was infamous.”
“I have my own honor code I abide by. It drives Vet up the wall. Ask her. One time she legit threatened to shoot me over it I kid you not.”
“Oooh boy, you’re his type.” The younger twin snorted, but then had to double his grip again at another wave. “I’m a little worried about putting him on his back or even on his stomach.” He admitted. “I don’t feel like he can handle that.”
Charlotte didn’t blame him for that line of thinking. But Dante couldn’t hold him all night long and while Yvette did offer to help, Charlotte wasn’t sure if it’d make things better or not. “We have to. We’re better off keeping him from rolling off the bed than we are to restrain him. That’s wasted energy and effort.”
“Logical and precise.” Dante let out a breath. “Okay then.”
They helped each other to get Vergil to lay down, but the moment that they got him back onto his stomach, it was a hell storm. It was agony for touch, for the skin to be pulled and soon enough that antidote would stop burning and it would be numbed, hopefully drugged. Hopefully. His back needed to heal, and him writhing around wasn’t helping. She didn’t doubt that after the first hour, she’d have to change them again.
“I’ll tell Nero we’re taking watch shifts and let Vet know that too. If you’re hungry, I’m sure Kyrie can heat up whatever dinner they were having.” Dante offered as he slowly got himself untangled from Vergil’s grip and body. “She feeds an army and then some, it’s no hassle.”
Charlotte sighed, “Sure. I can’t work on an empty stomach and if there’s room to share, I’ll take it.”
“Awesome. Keep an eye out, you get first watch,” Dante patted Charlotte’s shoulder before heading down the stairs to let the group know what was going on.
“Should’ve let ‘im punch me,” was the barely audible whisper when he was well out of earshot, voice too hoarse and literally cotton-mouthed after his tattered shirt was gone.
Charlotte looked down at Vergil. “At this point in time, I don’t think you’d even know what a punch feels like.”
All he did was hum and Yvette came back in with the cloth and basin she promised a while ago, “Dante told us. I’ll bring your food up when it’s ready, yeah?”
“Sure.” Charlotte looked over at Yvette, “By the dresser thanks.” She let out a low sigh as she started to make herself comfortable on the side of the bed. “I’m good here.” She assured her sister.
“Hmm, I’m sure you are,” Yvette gave her a sly wolfish smile and easily danced away when a pillow was thrown at her, ‘kekeke’ing and tossed it back before leaving her alone with Vergil until she brought food.
“Should’ve shot her, but I don’t know if that’s worth a bullet or my sanity,” Charlotte muttered darkly as she pushed the pillow against her stomach, glaring heatedly at the door. She waited for a moment, in case her sister decided to come back. When it was clear, she set the pillow to the side and went to the basin. The water was lukewarm, which was nice. She dipped the cloth in, and wringing it out before going back to Vergil and gently swiping it across the back of his neck and his forehead, humming soft.
Sleep had nearly claimed him before he felt her gentle touches and picked up on her sweet humming. It was the same tune from before and something he didn’t cater to often, curiosity, nagged at him. Perhaps later he could ask. Instead of releasing another little hum to answer hers, Vergil heard a different noise. With his body so numb, it took a second to realize it was coming from deep, deep in his chest. Not quite human, either. If he had any strength left to care, he would be embarrassed as hell his demon was purring and trilling.
Charlotte heard it. She heard it and it made her pleased. She didn’t know much about hybrids, let alone half-demons. Yet she knew that the demons had their own little purrs and noises that they made. Animalistic as they were, they were sometimes more human than humans. To know that hybrids and half-demons could do the same thing as a regular demon, well...that was going to be her secret to keep. She hummed in tune with the purring and trilling as she wiped away the sweat, and cooled his body down. She didn’t stop humming when she put the cloth back into the basin and went back to settle on the side of the bed. She certainly didn’t stop humming until he was nice and knocked out.
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teethstusks · 7 years
Aye tagged by both, @clairles and @adstfu and while I’m more than happy to answer all of these, i am only gonna make one set of new questions RULES: always post the rules. Answer the questions then write 11 new ones and tag 11 people to answer them as well as the person who tagged you
 Are you a person who likes to share your opinions?: i suppose? I mean 90% of time with people  my age
 Have you ever met someone online and meet them in real life?: Nope. I’d love to
 What relaxes you the most?: Drawing, reading, yelling
Long or short hair? Which one do you prefer?: Short on me (i wanna go shorter but, ya know, that’s “unfeminine” and “boys like long hair more” f me) but people with long hair are visually pleasing to me
 Do you like parties?: Naaaaah, lemme sleep
 Is there any pairing you would want to become canon?: Oh, shit, probably only seungchuchu bc otherwise im multishippiung trash
Which songs move you the most?: Weak by Ajr, Scars to your beautiful by Alessia Cara and maybe some others
Is your native language hard to learn and master: I heard it is. And am not surprised. But def not the most one
 Favorite thing to eat on breakfast?: Cornflakes lmao, tho mum doesnt like it
 If you could get rid of one thing from the world, what would that be?: I feel like everyone is gonna say stuff like hatred, racism etc, but yes. also mushrooms
And the second one...
 What was your dream name as a child?: Anna. But it was my sis name so it was a no-no
Where would you go if you could go anywhere and why?: far away Well past me would be against but i kinda wanna go/live in america? Ofc DT might be a problem so we’ll see
Favourite book/show/fanfic and why?: Now they, @adstfu made me read Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe and, bitch, that thing is good. The story is pure and I love the atmosphere author sets.  (also I tried to re-read my favourite book from when I was like 9 and, whops). My favourite fanfiction Is Boys on the radio by coldhope but I havent really been catching up the last few chapters (I think about it a lot tho) again, I love the atmosphere between protags
Ever had reoccurring dreams?: No. I rarely remember my dreams and when I do, i’s a mess like, confessing love to potato senpai while playing badminton
Who’s your first celebrity crush? (can be fictional): Actually, Legolas. Not even Orlando Bloom, just Legolas. Tho I still don’t think it was exactly crush (fight me anna) I suppose it was the closest thing
Do you do makeup and paint your nails?: I like to do my makeup and it makes me happy in a way, but I’m just lazy to do it often so only for special occasions. I tried painting my nails for the first time not so long ago and it was fun, but I havent done since then.
What song brings back your childhood memories?: Eh, I don’t really know. If there is, I can’t recall rn
What your best summer would look like?: Like a winter (I don’t like heat guys)
Favourite year season?: Autumn
Describe one thing you love: Green and round. Slightly sour and very salty
Have you ever kept a journal or diary?: I’ve never done that before but I do now! The format actually changed many times, Writing about a whole day, only writing out interesting things etc. Now I kinda just use it to vent when I need to :’D Altho the book is very aesthetically pleasing on the outside, inside it’s just a mess
Askjdabsk now for the questions:
What would your dream pet be?
Do you have any plants in your room/home?
Do you like to visit museums? If so, what type of?
Any interesting/extraordinary things you keep in your bag?
Is there a song stuck in your head right now?
What type of weather do you like the most?
Bitter or sweet coffe?
What do you like to take photos of?
Can you fall asleep with socks on?
What would your ideal apartment look like?
If there was one moment in your life, you would like to experience again (or maybe do differently) what would it be?
And now for the tags: @bird-ly, @squadleaderchase, @okenice, @lindatreubchen, @gideonsgrave idk i love yall but dont want to bother you so please feel free to do it
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