#bc i skipped lab to take a nap
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“I’ll be fine i just need to uhhhhhhh idk kill” but like…what if i did haha
#my stuff#dear diary and the several thousand mfs who can see it. Despite arguably good academic performance today feels like a bad day#bc i skipped lab to take a nap#and i feel lonely and incapable of connecting more than superficially with my classmates#like i can talk to them and i do and we get along well but i never…hang out w em#or at least not as much as they seem to without me#it’s not a malicious thing i think a huge part of it is groups of ppl living or working in the same space#and i’m in a different lab building than a lot of ppl#idk…struggling to find anything that sparks joy. unable to see the future with optimism#it’s just day after day of Job where i’ll beat myself up on weekends if i don’t do Even More Work#bc that’s the nature of grad school. always homework or literature review to do like i give a shit abt the latter#i don’t care what other people are doing i don’t wanna obsessively comb through journals to make sure i’m doing Brand New Shit#i want it to stop#i don’t want to read anymore. i don’t wanna have to worry about my job outside of work.#i want to cry and scream and#like i don’t wanna quit after i worked so hard to get here#i don’t wanna wuss out#but i’m always tired. i’m never rested or relaxed or truly enjoying myself#why is this only hard for me…how tf is everyone else able to read and remember and understand this much??#like yeah maybe i should be on adhd meds but those are fuckin spensive and a pain in the ass to get#i’m tired of being tough#i want to curl into a ball and be told it’s going to be okay and that i can rest and have it not be a lie or a half measure
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weekly college lore drop😋
1. i walked out of my freaky professors class today because he made me so mad i literally couldn’t just sit there and take it so i packed up and left 30 minutes before class got out
2. my biology lab TA is under a lot of shit by both student and professor because he’s been unfairly grading stuff aka saying “oh yeah that’s right!” and then counting it incorrect so he was supppeeerrr pissed off in lab today because we’re the only bio lab he teaches so he knew it was us🤗
3. a girl just got kicked out of our dorm!! we don’t know why!! my roommate and i walked out to go do laundry and get a snack and the girl and her roommate were standing in the hallway and the girl getting kicked out had like a rug and her bags and stuff and the roommate was like ‘so when does she need to return her key’ and the girl getting kicked out was upset pissy talking about “i’m never fucking coming back here” so that was fun to witness
hope your day was splendid
mwah mwah kisses love you😋😋🩷🩷😍😍🥰🥰😘😘
1) so valid. i haven’t ever walked out of a class early before but there have been times when i wanted to bc i was so annoyed. i’ve skipped before once tho but that was only bc i had to finish a 2 pg, single-spaced paper by the deadline and i wasn’t going to finish it if i didn’t skip 😭
2) why do TAs do the most. like just grade fairly and don’t be crazy and no one’s going to annoy you. i have a class rn where we sent in reflection essays and all four TAs graded stuff differently and one TA was HARSH and people spammed her + our professor and it became a whole thing. ugh
3) teaaaaaaaaaaa. this is the kind of thing where i wish i lived in the dorms at school bc i’d get to see tea like that happen in real time… but i like having my own bedroom. and my own bathroom. yeah living with my family is a lot sometimes but at least i have my own space and my cats. haha
my day was okay! worked 6a-10:55a then got rubio’s and then took a nap. haha nothing too eventful but it was needed
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Yknow all things considered, aside from my group paper that was due last night, this sickness probably appeared with the best timing it could've. Came down with it on Thursday, my day with fewer classes, so that I wasn't out for very long that day. And then I got hit with it on Friday, a day with one class I can skip with minimal consequences and one lab that Just So Happened to not be taking attendance this week (bc it's the start of a multi-week long lab that I can work on at home)
And then the weekend! So today, on Saturday, I'm already doing better than I was yesterday. And I've spent most of today and yesterday just laying around and napping. And I'm hoping that tomorrow I'll be recovered enough to do my lab due that night (different lab) andddd then it'll be Monday. Which I'm hoping I'll be recovered enough to go to classes that day, With a mask of course.
#speculation nation#been wanting so bad to work on my writing today but my brain fog is just. so foggy. but NOT as bad as yesterday.#so im spending today resting.. and hoping that tomorrow i will have more brain.. please and thank you....
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I know you don’t really like or believe Amanda but her and mackie uploaded a video about Amanda jumping timelines where she basically was driving and she skipped the usual exit she takes and was taking another exit instead and she had no more gas and she pulled and later a cop pulled to the side as well and asked her if she was OK really concerned about her. She was confused and the cop told her that the station received multiple calls that they have seen a homeless man beat her up to the point she could have died, matching every details from her car to her physical features. Right after she was saying like no, I am fine, the homeless man comes up to her and gets all over her face physically and the cop tells her to get inside her car. So she experienced a timeline where the beating never happens while others saw another timeline where she was beaten to death. And i basically wanted to know your thoughts about this and if you or anyone else here has heard something similar? Apparently there have been situations like this when it comes to death mainly and I found this very interesting. Hopefully it makes sense 😂
honestly, i do believe in things like that or that we can jump from one timeline to the next. i myself have experienced something like that years ago.
i know i wrote this out a long time ago, but i'll do it again. so continued to read if you're interested.
the best way to describe this situation is like this: imagine you and i are in a room together, and you have X amount of time to study it, notice everything you can, take in all the details. i tell you to leave for five minutes, you do, and when you come back i tell you that something now is different in this room and you need to figure it out. now granted, maybe it's a huge difference, like a whole piece of furniture missing or moved around. but… it could also be something insignificant, like a quarter that was in the couch cushion that you didn't even know about is now gone. all you know is that something is different and you can't place your finger on what, but you know it is. but to everyone else, everyone not clued in, they think the room looks normal. that is how this situation felt and feels to this day.
so back when i was in college, 2017, it was around mid november. it was a week before thanksgiving break. i had a terrible sleeping schedule at the time and basically my days would go like this - go to school around 8/9 am (up from the night before), stay at school til 5ish, come home around 6/7 pm, pass out until anywhere between 12-3 am, then be up all the way until 6/7 pm the next day. sometimes when i was lucky i would get a nap in midday, or maybe i would get to sleep the whole night away if i didn't have homework.
so i go to school monday, i came home and stayed awake just long enough to finish some art homework i had, and then i went to sleep. now i purposefully chose to sleep, that's important. i didn't just pass out or forget i fallen asleep. bc suddenly, around 2 or 3 in the morning, i woke up and looked around my room and was deeply confused. mind you, i didn't have a confusing dream or nothing. i just woke up incredible confused. i said out loud "something's not right" and then went back to sleep. i was able to sleep the night away since i had no other homework and then in the morning i went to school.
on tuesdays and thursdays, i had 2 classes a day - the second one being different either day. i had a bio class first thing in the morning. then an art class midday on tuesdays. on thursdays, i would have a bio lab instead of art. and on wednesdays, i had only one class, and would usually spend the rest of the day getting work done for school or just chilling on campus. all of this is important to know. on this day, tuesday, i took my portfolio for my art class in. it was huge, basically half the size of me. my dad worked at the school i went to, so i had all of my shit in his office.
i go off to my bio class and it's going normal. but midway thru i start wondering why the professor hadn't given us our test yet. she kept telling us that we were gonna have a test the last class before thanksgiving (tuesday), so i was confused why she was teaching us all of this new material. we finished up the chapter we were on, and class ends. then she tells us all that she'll see us thursday. i remember sitting there, basically ready to raise my hand and tell her that thursday is thanksgiving and thus we won't be here and then it hit me, "omg it's not til next week".
the thing is, when i was in school i was always sure what date it was. bc i tried to be on top of projects and shit i had to get done. i pride myself, even still to this day, that i never needed an extension for anything (even tho in reality i definitely could have used a couple/my time management skills are ass bc i'll just work myself to the bone to get something done on time no matter what). so being a whole week ahead was confusing to me, but i shrugged it off.
i walked to my dad's office, and i was thinking about the rest of the day. and i thought "oh i'm done for the day". even tho i knew tuesdays and thursdays i have at least two classes. but now suddenly i was thinking it was wednesday. i get back to his office and see my portfolio… and i'm like "jesus how could i forget i have art today". especially when the previous night it was my only homework.
so i went from thinking it was tuesday the following week, to wednesday of this week, to now tuesday - the actual day. very odd.
i chill in my dad's office until my art class. i walk over to that class. on my walk over, i used to pass this beautiful fuchsia flower bush. it was one of my favorite things to pass on campus bc it was just so pretty and vibrant. the previous day, i saw it. it was gorgeous. as i'm going to class, i stopped dead in my tracks.
the entire bush was dead.
i'm talking it looked like someone burned it, that's how badly all the flowers were gone. like there wasn't even any petals on the ground or nothing. and the thing is, the temperature hadn't changed dramatically. so the fact that they all died instantly within less than 24 hours was extremely weird. i get to class, i ask my one friend in there if she feels like the day is off, and she says no.
the next day, wednesday, i don't have class until midday (if i remember correctly now lol) so i usually spent my time in the library getting work done. now on this day, the cast list for the last musical and play were gonna be announced. i had auditioned for these the week before and these were my last chances to get into some shows before graduating. i was really hoping for the musical. as for the play, idc. i figured i wouldn't get it only bc i was the first person sent home after callbacks, so i kinda knew i wasn't gonna get it lol
my friend from art class, also a theater major, texted me letting me know that the cast list was posted. she sent it to me, and i saw i wasn't on either list.
i was truly riding on these shows, bc while i had been in this program for (at this point) almost four years, i had only two or three shows to show for it (which wasn't that many) and i felt like a failure. i felt like i made a mistake with the major i chose or that i just wasn't good enough to be an actress/singer. so i really needed these shows. i genuinely thought i had a chance, as i was a senior and usually we were favored to get parts and then on top of that the musical director had praised the hell out of me at callbacks. so i thought i was gonna get a part.
and when i didn't get part in past years productions, i would be so hard on myself. always kicking myself down, calling myself names, crying, the whole works. that was always what would happen. and then usually a couple hours later i would be fine.
but this time around…. things were 100% different.
i remember tearing up, and getting really upset. and i felt embarrassed bc i was in the library and so many ppl were around, and i didn't want to cry. so i held it together for a second. i squeezed my hands really tight, held my breath for a moment. and then all of the sudden, all of my feelings were gone. i was… happy? which needs to be said that that is a rare occurrence for me, even now. like i genuinely felt elated. i got my work done faster than usual too. and then i walked back over to my dad's office for lunch, and i was…….. giddy. i was ready to start smiling and pointing at ppl and saying hi. like…. that's not me. that's never been me. but that's how good i felt.
i remember telling my dad i didn't get in the shows, and he was more upset about it than i was. hell when i saw some of my friends later at a party that week or the following, they were apologizing to me about not getting in and that it was fucked that so many of us didn't make the cut, and i was like "i'm not upset about it tbh". and i truly meant that.
all of this is extremely odd and weird. and it felt like, to me at the time and now, that we switched to a different timeline. like we moved a whole week ahead or something. bc that would also explain why i was able to get over the not getting into the shows things instantly.
a couple months later, like in feburary, i was talking to my mom about how things felt different or that i felt like we moved timelines or something (i hadn't told her the story yet tho), and she agreed with me. and then she asked "when did you start feeling this? bc i felt it around thanksgiving."
so i'm just saying… i think something happened in november of 2017 lol so i can believe when others say they experienced things like this before bc so have i
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mtmte liveblog issue 30
30 issues wow...forget the fact that I skipped like 5 issues of crossover event nonsense
another big ole swerve recap omg
this trial is so messsyyyyyyyyy lmao
hvbajdfbahsjkfdbhjs starscream listening to meagtrons speech looking like ‘hmmmmmmm I may have miscalculated’
prowl looks pissed af meanwhile optimus just looks dead inside lmao
I mean. megatron kinda does have a point. this is like, the most biased, conflict of interests lookin trial of all time, in that all the major participants have some sort of long, complicated history with each other. what a mess
optimus, listening to megatron’s speech: wow this is worse than divorce court was
oh shit I totally forgot that those decepticons attacked the trial
a guy saying ‘objection!’ as optimus prime punches half his face off...that pretty much sums up idw op lmao
op: oh thank god, I can punch shit now. I'm not cut out for this bureaucracy nonsense
megatron: thanks, random decepticon, for the attempted rescue, but I'm super old and I just want to nap so no thanks
random decepticon: wtf- [gets murdered by optimus prime]
I love op’s big ass antennae
meanwhile, brainstorm goes to a bar and instead of buying anything, pulls out his own drink. I feel like that isn't allowed in most bars, or is at least frowned up vbsjdhfbhjdkfn. ily brainstorm
also? big ass mood I was so broke last time I was on a barhopping vacation w/friends that I brought a cheap giantass bottle of mixed drink in my backpack and just drank that at all the bars lmao
WHIRLLLL I love his humansona sm. and also I love that whirl is into artsy french movies or w/e omg
brainstorm, drinking thru a wrist funnel: sorry I cant take my mask off rn it isn’t plot relevant yet
‘earthlets’ lmao
I love that rung is like, too pretentious to care that much about movies and would rather read earth books lol
and then bluestreak is like ‘yeah they have books...comic books’ can this man not read
I still cannot fuckign believe that the argument that got megatron out of a for-sure death sentence or w/e was ‘its not a war crime if we’re on the moon’ liiiiike what the actual hell lmao
also I love that, once again, we see magnus’s strict adherence to the law, technicalities and all
magnus: you cant really stop a trial and move it somewhere else where the laws are better suited to the outcome you desire
prowl: what are you, a cop? fuck off
also op being like ‘ok whatever all that doesn't matter...what DOES matter is that it would look bad for us to move the trial to cybertron in an obvious attempt to circumvent the rules, and public perception is what’s most important, fuck all that ‘morality’ bullshit’
meanwhile, rodimus is dead! and ambulon is also dead, which makes first aid sad, which makes ME sad
ayyy, rodimus is still alive! well, one rodimus is alive, at least
rodimus and megatron really have the vibes of ‘stepfather and stepson forced to work together on a family road trip gone wrong after dad decided to sit this one out’ lmao
ah yes, ‘malaise’ the medical diagnostic term for ‘I don't feel so hot and idk why’ that practitioners like to throw under the ‘diagnostic notes’ section of lab orders to explain why they're ordering every blood test under the sun for a patient
I love medical terminology. ANYWAYS
rodimus: listen I have to come to terms with the fact that there's another version of me right here, and he’s DEAD, which means we can’t fuck, which is super lame
I firmly believe that rodimus would be team ‘hell yeah id have sex with my AU self’ tbh
I find it interesting that megatron is often casting blame for his actions onto others - here, he says that rodimus made him realize he doesn’t want to stop doing stuff w/his life, and then says that starscream forced his hand w/the whole ‘luna 2 law’ thing, and previously he’s said how whirl beating him up in jail is what led to him abandoning pacifism - take responsibility for your actions and decisions dude!
though he goes on to say here that he resorted to violence because he realized that the system that was in place could withstand everything else he would have tried to use to change it, which is super interesting
megatron: okay, yes, I MIGHT have murdered billions, but I could help find us a new planet, which would be baller, sooooo...how about you co-opt your lame son’s frat boy ship and put me in charge?
op: sounds fair to me. now how about we do some more Big Speeches before I make you somebody else’s problem
vbhdjskfbhaskdjf the ‘team rodimus’ lineup setup reminds me so much of the ‘together we make the ______’ meme with the different members being like, ‘the power’ ‘the gay’ ‘the awesome’ ‘the guy with no ears’ hbvhjdkfbs
chromedome: if I do this I could die
rodimus: that sounds like a you problem bro
‘this one time’ YEA RIGHT c'mon cd honor your dead husband’s wishes
omfg I forgot abt brainstorms ‘early early warning system’ lmao
I love nautica soooo much oh man
ooooof drift :( :( oh no
dead future rodimus!! uh oh is right
rodimus, known himbo: I'm sure I can defeat the inevitability of future events! all I have to do is cut my own arm off!
tailgateeeee he’s so cute...I love that he can tell stories of his daring escapades, just like at the beginning of mtmte, but this time its actually TRUE
he looks so fucking sinister there lmao how are we NOT supposed to realize he has bad intentions from the get-go
‘you’ll make a prime one day’ well, getaway, you’re right about that at least...
cyclonus in the bg like 🤨🤔 at getaway
seriously I cant get over how getaway has such a slimy kinda vibe to him, like specifically in his interactions w/tailgate - this is before things even really take off but I'm still like TG GET AWAY (lol) FROM THIS GUY
cyclonus: somebody flirting with my crush? better go stare out a window instead of communicating absolutely anything to said crush about my feelings!
honestly I feel like, while megatron renouncing the decepticons and becoming an autobot is certainly interesting, it would be equally interesting for him to remain a decepticon but try to change the philosophy of the movement
like, I get why op had him give that speech - to prevent the cons from trying to free megs again/thinking that he was being coerced into things (ironic considered he WAS coerced into giving that speech) - but it’s kinda the easy way our for megatron - being able to completely abandon the decepticon cause and not deal with it at all, and start over anew as an autobot
it would've been a lot harder to remain a con and try to reform what he has broken in the decepticon movement - but I think that would've been really interesting
though from a writing logistics standpoint, I get why jro didn't go for that bc we don't get a lot of other decepticons in the cast for that to work, and also megatron still definitely DOES have to face down all his mistakes w/the decepticons w/the djd and overlord and whatnot
anyways. I cant believe that all megatron had to do to join the lost light was make ONE speech denouncing the decepticons. like, they should've at least had him do a tiktok dance too or something, just to make it a really tough deal
I love the rodpod vbhjfsdkfbjaskjndfj
ok but I still don't really get the logic of making megs CAPTAIN like ouch. poor rodimus
I feel like making megs a bartender at swerves or st would've been WAY more useful in showing him humility or w/e. OR it would've made him evil again, which, fair,
ratchet: don't worry, we’ll medically poison him, it’ll be fine
ok but rodimus is right, this is SO messy, op wants to prove his ex husband isn't 100% evil so he’s like ‘ill let my rebellious son deal with him’ lmao god. I love this setup so much, its so wild
ratchet is also right, rodimus’s fuckup definitely pales in comparison to megatrons All That
OH BRUTALLLLLLLL when ratchet says the list is fake ‘because my name’s not on it’ FUCKING OUCHHHHH
‘only bad guys say ‘unhand me” rodimus ily
omfg ‘we’ve practiced this’ of course they've done evacuation drills...magnus ily
lmao it’s the panel where it looks like rodimus and megatron are doing karaoke or having some sort of rap battle
and the lost light is GONE! oh shit!!!!
and there closes issue 30! once again we’ve gotten a lot of setup and exposition - which, while definitely necessary, means I don't have too much to say
I will say, throwing megatron onto the lost light has definitely mixed things up, and it’s interesting to see new dynamics already forming
so, until next time!
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college boyfriend!markhyuk au series: III (donghyuk's pathway)
a universe in which roommates!markhyuk meet each other's s/o in class
markhyuk are roommates, my/n and dy/n are roommates, mark and dy/n take classes together and so do donghyuk and my/n — how will their fates intertwine?
genre: fluff pairings: mark+my/n (fem), donghyuk+dy/n (fem), platonic!mark+dy/n, platonic!donghyuk+my/n format: dotpoint AU universe: non idol, college bf warning: some swearing
or click here to meet your soulmate, eng lit!mark!
II ⇤ | III | ⇥ IV
III: 별빛이 내린다 샤라랄라랄라라 (2+2=4)
the meeting of two souls: donghyuk & dy/n
welcome! back and to the next part
in which things actually happen! yay
so. up until this point
it’s been quite obvious i hope
that this is the one where The Soulmates Meet™
and this one right here is the one where donghyuk meets his future wifenew best (not) friend
dammit this is a set plot with SET relationships
major spoilers for future parts but hey :) y’all know it i know it let’s just.
let’s get to it!!
that day you accidentally sleep in after a late night and walk into your lecture looking pretty trashier than you would normally a few weeks into the first sem and you’re already tired it’s okay bby aww
and mark suggests skipping the next lecture and going for coffee instead
you’re like ok lmfao free coffee for me yay thanks marcus i owe you one
and to make up for the lecture he suggests he join you and your roommate with his own roommate in the library later that day to study the material you’d missed out on
so you’re like sweet study group hell yeah and apparently his roommate is also in biomed like your roommate? hey they might get along pretty well it’d be nice to have roommates in the same faculty hey
little do you know you little cutie you uwu
mark takes you to a cafe to buy you your favourite drink and a croissant bc you skipped breakfast again and he cares about his friends ok plus he was eyeing that donut next to the savoury menu in the glass cabinet and he would have felt bad if he got something to eat and you didn’t
you sit down, sipping your drink at the window seats and wishing your fatigue away
laughing with mark about what you slept so late for
my/n had been ranting about her love life again or perhaps lack thereof,,
don’t worry tho
after you’d gotten her to sleep, you’d gotten major feels for an essay question that you’d been tasked with due in a week but you hadn’t touched it until last night
staring at the prompt for at least half an hour trying to get your head around it and wondering what the hell you’d write about
but like they say
starting is half of it
so when you start spinning your words and getting into the writing mood
you accidentally wrote an entire draft without realising
albeit being full of loose ends and points you need to refine, etc., it was a decent body of work that you’d tackle for a few more nights before turning in
a skeleton, you’d called it
“a skeleton?”
“yeah. next thing i need to do is.. flesh it out”
“.. literally”
cue mark’s small pause
you know how mark’s laugh is very how do i put this into words hm dictated
you can HEAR each HA and they’re separate syllables yet sometimes they can vary in tone and length right it’s usually the more consistent HAs before he kinda loses it and starts throwing himself around
it was that laugh
honestly man finds everything funny his laughing threshold seems so low
and no matter how unfunny you are he WILL laugh at anything you say
and you’ve been doing it a lot lately
you could say literally any random thing and he’d already be ready to laugh (see Figure 1.1)
Figure 1.1
you: /snort/
mark, already giggling: “what”
you, still sniggering: /touches his elbow/ “arm knee”
mark: /inhale/ gotta live and breathe that oxygen
mark: HAHAHAHAhahAhaHAHAhahAhHa (decrescendo.. cRESCENDO)
^ that but looped, with intermittent slaps to your arm
anyways you never fail to make him fall out of his chair in laughter
but enough of that. dy/n is donghyuk’s y/n for a REASON ahEM
so after you finish up your breakfast at the cafe you go back to your dorm to take a power nap and recharge before your library session you were going to stay awake but mark forces you to take a nap and you’re like bro you just fed me caffeine now you want me to sleep??
then he tells you he ordered your drink decaf
you turn to him real slow
“.. you sick traitor. how dare you besmirch my name so. you scorn my forefathers and our dependence on the holy bean’s juices. betrayal runs rampant in your soul and mine stands at the mercy of your choices, them informed by the devil himself”
mark: /shrug/ “placebo effect yeet. hey, it worked for a bit. now you should really go home and get your sleep”
and he drags you back to your dorm and waves you off before going to his next class
you’re lowkey grateful for it tho when you take a shower and collapse onto your bed, falling asleep in what you think could be half the time you usually take
dreaming about losing your airpods and mark yelling at you to be more careful and then you two fighting bc you’d just lost your $300 bean sprouts but you could have sworn he took them
then police sirens went off out of nowhere and both of you were being arrested for assault and thievery
why you were the one being arrested, you had no idea but it’s a dream nothing follows the guidelines of hard reality anyway
just as you’re about to be handcuffed, you think to yourself, nope. i have a library session to attend. ain’t nobody got time for this shit
and you just
wake up
but the sirens are still continuing?? so you’re like ? is my building surrounded
they’ve come for me
even though you haven’t exactly broken any laws or have you
and you realise it was the alarm you’d set in time to get ready for your library session
so you grab your stuff and leave for the library, double checking with your roommate over text to make sure she was on her way
her lab class was taking longer than usual so she tells you she’ll be 10 or so minutes late
so you tell her you’ll be saving a seat for her and call mark to let him know you’re on your way to the library
“oh i’m already here lol. alright, i’m waiting for you outside”
and sure enough, you see him leaning on the wall of the entrance, eyes on his phone
you consider calling out to him but before you actually do, he glances up and spots you walking over tf do you have psychic spatial awareness mark
smiles and takes his corded earphones out
“you seriously need to upgrade those”
“they work fine”
“nop i’m getting you airpods for your birthday”
“dUdE thEy’RE tOo ExPEnSiVe. nO dUDE NoO”
at this point i should just put /MANIACAL LAUGHTER/ and you should know what laugh i���m referring to
/MLML/ for short
nvm it’s fine it’s kinda fun to type /MANIACAL LAUGHTER/
literally mark laughs in bolded italics i’m just sad i can’t underline it on tumblr unless it’s a link lmfao
n e ways
i digress
you shush him because you’re about to walk into the library
“qUIET DOWN marcus” turn that sh down for quiet new dawn
the library is almost full for the day but after a minute or two scouring the building you find an empty four seater in the middle of nowhere it’s CRAZY you can NEVER find a MIRACLE like this life couldn’t get better
i’m sorry
you speed walk to claim it even though there was no one else in your vicinity to threaten your territory
mark laughs at you trying to get to the table as fast as you could without all out running
getting out your things, you send a photo of your seat to your roommate and tell mark to send it to his roommate as well so they know where to find you
you start watching the lecture online while taking notes and since you’re not in the lecture theatre you can talk more audibly with mark not that you don’t talk in the actual lecture too,,
maybe you do text a lot,,, during class
mark usually says things like “.. implications of what now?? interpretation of huh?” to which you reply “i want cheese when i get home”
and he has to stifle his laughter while you keep your straight face and continue writing your notes he admires this ability ngl
and so while you’re watching it on your computer
you can say things like “fuck. i want pickles”
and mark will /throw himself back/ and cackle and probably say some shit like “DIDN’T YOU HATE PICKLES??” between his giggles
and you’re like “yeah. fuck pickles but like. fuck. pickles”
he almost falls off his chair at this point
but when he balances himself again he spots someone down the corridor and wave them over
“oii! over here dude”
you turn to glance at them to expect his roommate, but you see your own roommate talking to someone and wave her over as well
“heYY my/n”
you see the other person turn to your roommate and tell her something, , then she says something back
which is apparently shocking to them, because he glances over at mark and then at you
and then he looks again when your roommate points straight at you
to which you’re like ?? hi? y u look me
and then they both start laughing
you wonder if they were laughing at you or smth until mark’s like “tf is that idiot doing”
and u look at him like ? what idiot
“that idiot. the idiot roommate i told u about. the one who called u a homewrecker”
and you’re like
[info clog]
“that’s your roommate?” u point at the boy next to my/n, who r both still laughing at something going all “wOW r u KIDDING” he has a loud voice
and mark’s like “? yeah”
and you go
“.. the girl next to him is my roommate”
mark: “wait what”
that’s what she said
at that point they’ve made their way over to the table, still trying to hold in their laughter
you start to introduce your roommate to mark, who’s still confused by the situation
you: “mark, this is my/n, my/n this is mark”
my/n: “nice to see you again mark”
you: “wait. again?”
mark: “yeah we’ve met. hi my/n”
you: “what”
mark: “yeah”
my/n: “yeah”
his roommate: “yeah”
you: “i feeling like i’m missing something here”
turns out
surprise surprise
that one friend that my/n had made in her biology class was mark’s roommate oh my god they were roommates
whose name, you are told, is lee donghyuk
magical moment
us watching: heh 🤤
u can’t help but do a lil body scan from head to toe bc he a fine piece of cake we all know that
honey skin, oversized white t shirt, black pants, sneakers and lighter brown hair that looks fluffy the type of fluffy that makes u wanna touch it
yes he’s good looking. yes
then mark tells him your name
“she’s the one i said reminded me of you”
“r u talking abt me behind my back marcus??”
donghyuk laughs and holds out a hand for you to shake
“what kinda coincidence is this?? i adopt your roommate, you’re dealing with mine”
“oh you’re gonna have to get in line to adopt her, i’m her legal guardian, sorry donghyuk”
to which he goes
“lmfao then we’ll both be her parents”
“k but i’ll keep her on the weekends. you see her on the weekdays”
then he wipes his smile off his face and he’s like “who said we’re split”
mark and my/n are doing the /MANIACAL LAUGHTER/ at this point
mark: “so ,, seriously what are the chances”
you: “this quartet,, it’s fate guys it’s fate there’s no way about it”
yes it is. yes. it is
even that four seater table was free because of fate
donghyuk: “this calls for drinks later. we all free? no 9am classes tmr?”
my/n: “we have a physics prac at 8:30 dingus”
donghyuk: “ah shit”
you barely got any notes for that lecture for at least an hour because you end up talking altogether throughout the session but once you remember you’re in a library to study you request a ceasefire and agree to study for a bit which,, you gotta admit ,, isn’t really productive because you’re so excited to meet someone new
but the best part about the day was when you notice how many times mark is glancing at your roommate while she’s reviewing her notes, completely oblivious
donghyuk complains that he’s hungry after another hour or two and you suggest you all have dinner together
donghyuk leans back in his chair in a stretch, his jumper lifting up a little over his jeans and showing a bit of his belly “ah i’m craving chinese”
you perk up, “mE TOO”
so you all go to your favourite chinese place just outside campus where you find out that mark and my/n have the same taste and so do you and donghyuk
he points and u and goes “oH?”
mark and my/n: jjajang is fine : )
you and donghyuk: “JJAMPPONG IS SUPERIOR”
give him a bro five with the shoulder bump and everything
the boys walk you and my/n back to your dorm afterwards
donghyuk and my/n end up walking in a pair and mark walks alongside you
mark mentions how it’d be fun if you made a group chat together
you: “do it”
“i don’t have your roommate’s number tho”
you’re smiling wickedly at his reaction “?? ASK HER FOR IT”
“dude what?? no u make one and i’ll add donghyuk to it”
so u go
and you call out the two biomed kids walking in front of you
“hey donghyuk! give me your number i’ll make a group chat”
“sure lol” and you open up a new contact to let him type his number into your phone
he saves his name as hot boi hyuk ✌🏻
which you just leave bc you’re busy making the group chat
mark is still astounded that you asked donghyuk for his number so easily
you: hi hello good day
my/n 🌸: yeetus meetus
hot boi hyuk ✌🏻: bow before me
you: here before me lie the beginnings of a new era
you: one born from blood and stone
my/n 🌸: tf is she saying
hot boi hyuk ✌🏻: idk but lets go with it
you: together we rise from the rubble and sort through the debris
hot boi hyuk ✌🏻: yas queen
my/n 🌸: i hate this gc already
read by marcus the fool 🤡 at 8:21 pm
safe to say you stay up for a good while talking on that group chat while mark just sits idle,,
you honestly don’t know if he’s consciously reading or not maybe he just left his phone on the chat
and thus our quartet is complete,,
and they all lived
happily ever after
but this isn’t the ending tho is it
wink wonk /waggles eyebrows/
this is but the epilogue to the prologue
that doesn’t make sense but n e ways
our quartet has not yet become two pairings
y’all just don’t know what the future has in store for you :)
click here to meet your soulmate, eng lit!mark!
II ⇤ | III | ⇥ IV
taglist: @lavellanfriendliness
shoot me an ask if you’d like to be tagged in future parts!
#dreamwritersnet#kwritersworldnet#neowriters#nct au#nct 127 au#nct dream au#markhyuck#markhyuck au#markhyuck x reader#mark x reader#haechan x reader#donghyuck x reader#mark au#haechan au#donghyuck au#nct college#nct college au#eng lit mark#paediatrics haechan
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Northshore's couples, written by anonymous, about anonymous.
a crack idea bear and I had that I took seriously
g/t mean girls
November, 12th
Hey, Northshore! Welcome to a new section of the school newspaper. I've been fighting for a gossip blog for a hot minute now, and since the paper is dying down, Northshore is finally allowing it.
But this isn't just any gossip blog.
This is the place where I'm gonna -try- to answer your most burning questions about Northshore couples in question.
All through anonymity and observation.
To start, let's meet the students. All names have been changed so identities can stay hidden. In the tinies we've got: J, A, and R. Then in the giants there is: D, C, G, K, and S.
Who's with who? Who hates who? Who's got some secrets under the surface? Come back next week.
"Full offense to Northshore, this sounds stupid as fuck." Janis huffed, tossing down the newspaper, letting it fall to the table.
Karen looked at the small girl of Damian's shoulder.
"Why do you think?"
"Gossip blogs are unoriginal and boring. The school newspaper is grasping at straws."
"They can be fun when done right." Regina points out. "I say we check in next week and find out more about the students it's about."
"Whats-" Cady frowned. "What's a gossip blog?"
"Aww, baby's first gossip blog! We have to keep up with this one. Just for Cady." Damian said.
Karen watched with amusement as her friends discussed gossip blogs and if they were any good.
This will be fun.
November 19th
Love the feedback from last week guys! You're all as hyped as I am. And no. I won't confirm who your suspicions are. Stop slipping notes under the computer lab door.
This week J and D were seen together. (It's not uncommon.)
A was seen kissing C when they thought nobody was looking. But don't be fooled, somebody is always looking.
Not to be creepy or anything.
Just- we saw that, A.
You won't spot R without K or G anywhere near them, don't know if any of them are dating though.
Development into J and D's relationship as D is seen defending J from S. Sources couldn't hear what they were saying but it sounded pretty hostile. Is it just caring friends or something a little more?
This blog is focused around uncovering Northshore's couples once and for all. Have any tips? There's been a box placed by the computer lab door. Got any other people you want to see covered? Let me know!
Until next week, the anon who writes about anons. Xx!
"So," Cady looked down at her newspaper. "A gossip blog, is just talking about people?"
"Hence, the gossip part." Janis folder her own tiny newspaper, tossing it onto the cafeteria table from Damian's pocket. "And it's stupid."
"I wonder who it's about?" Gretchen said. "I know everything about everybody. But all this info? This is news to me."
"It's obviously about-" Karen paused. Was she the only one to figure it out?
Wasn't she the dumb one?
"Never mind. I dunno who it's about either."
"I don't understand why you care so much." Janis huffed.
"Because its fun to be nosey about lives that aren't ours. Duh." Regina said.
November, 26th
Happy Friday, Northshore!
Wow, lots of you sent in info about J and D. Whether you've cracked the code on who they are or maybe you're just observant of two fellow students- there is no denying they're pretty affectionate.
Since we're on the topic, let's start with J and D.
Kisses. Lots of them.
Romantic, or just friends? The duo themselves give pretty mixed answers so we must take matters into our own hands and draw our own conclusions. J was seen skipping class on multiple occasions and hiding with D. I hope J has a good tutor. I could never miss that much info.
R and G are seen together. K seems like they're third-wheeling. Somebody get them out of there. K, if you need a sos, slip a note in the box bby. We've got you.
If you want to talk about PDA, look no further than A and C. Wow! A hello kiss, a kiss kiss, a GOODBYE KISS? They may not say it themselves but those two are definitely a fairytale couple.
No updates to S. #singleforlife.
Sorry, S. If you're reading this.
"Well, A and C just sound gross." Janis frowns.
"Don't be negative, Jan." Damian shakes his head at the girl on the table. "They sound cute."
"Overly cute." Cady says.
"I'm glad somebody agrees." Janis huffed.
"Poor K. Thridwheeling a couple is awful." Gretchen sympathizes.
"We don't know if R and G are dating." Aaron points out. "We don't know if any of these people are dating. I'm kinda hooked."
"Well, third-wheeling best friends is even worse." Cady sighs, glancing at Damian and Janis.
Karen looked at the newspaper in her hands with a soft smile. She had a note to drop off.
December 3rd
Happppppy Friday! I have a big announcement right off the bat!
It is I, the writer, formally known as Anon. But now there's two of us! Me, the writer, and another student- the spy. Between the two of us (and your help from the box!) we're gonna crack these relationships open in no time!
This week's rundown!
R was with G the whole week. There was not one time they were separated.
A, J, and R were seen in the tiny halls together where A was overheard talking fondly about C.
Is there a fight for J?
D and S seem to never want to leave J alone.
Although, if you asked the writer, I'm totally team JD. Message for S? This isn't middle school anymore. Being mean to somebody isn't a good way to show your emotions. Message for D? You're doing fabulous, I'm rooting for you. Message for J? Pick fucking wisely.
I'm a bit biased but my info is not.
Don't you worry.
Until next week, you know where the box is! Xx.
"Aw, J and D sound like a cute couple." Regina cooes.
"A and C don't." Janis shook her head. "To sappy."
"Is Jan warming up to the gossip blog? And forming opinions?" Damian teased.
Karen shook her head in disbelief. The fact that her friends were yet to catch on-
-they were dense. Not idiots, just dense.
"S sounds like an asshole." Gretchen shook her head. "Bet its a boy. Yknow when a boy would pull your hair in elementary school and you'd get told, oh boys will be boys. He just likes you! Yeah. S is a dude for sure."
"Not every boy was like that. I wasn't." Damian said.
"You're gay." Janis rolled her eyes.
December 10th
Heyo Northshore! It's the writer. Might I say, you look wonderful today?
I don't see you but I'm sure you're just stunning.
A must be p r e t t y stupid because they were seen all this week studying with C. A kiss for every problem right? Hey, it's not a bad deal.
R was seen primarily with K this week, throwing off all previous theories.
Must have been a rough week for J. I'd imagine you've got to be stressed as hell to just break down randomly but guess what- they did. Lack of sleep? Hunger? S? Who knows what the culprit was.
But don't you worry, D was quick to whisk them off to someplace quiet.
Love to see it, I want a significant other like that.
The day they confirm their relationship is the day I expect a wedding invite.
See you next week! Xx.
"Wow! Looks like Jan isn't the only one in Northshore who needs to learn when to take a break before the break takes them." Damian deadpanned, lowing his newspaper.
Karen blinked. Are you kidding me?
"I was just tired." Janis huffed. "I needed a nap."
"I dunno man. A and C sound cheesy as fuck." Gretchen shook her head.
"They do. Now J and D though? That couple goals." Janis said.
Karen's hand shot to her mouth as she covered a laugh with a forced cough. "Couple? You think they're together?"
"For sure. They sound made to be!"
Oh dear.
December 17th
Winter break next week! Who's excited? We get full two weeks off this year and I'm so ready for a break.
I'll miss our resident couples in question though.
Not to throw everyone off but-
J spent the week with G. R spent the week with C. And A was with D?
Now granted by the time you're reading this print, this is two-week-old information- but why?
Did you get bored and just s w a p?
Anyway, I guess S wanted into the mix too? Because they took advantage of no D to try and get to J. It didn't work. G was there to protect our favorite JD ship. I'm not saying they're a cockblocker bc I don't wanna imply anything, but S is d e f i n it l y trying to get something out of J. Motive unclear but hey, we can assume :/
Anyway, there were multiple fights that broke out that day so idk what yall were on but jesus christ calm down. Not relationship-related but be fucking nice to tineis.
K had no part in this swap of s/o but hey, they weren't third-wheeling anymore.
"Be fucking nice to tinies!" Regina cheers.
"J and G?" Janis frowned at the tiny newspaper in her hands. "Sorry, only know about J and D."
"Janis went from, ew gossip, to I'd die to have JD confirmed, real fast." Aaron pointed out.
"As she should." Gretchen pointed out. "They sound cute as fuck.
"Hands down they're lesbians." Regina said.
Karen shook her head, totally dumbfounded.
January, 7th
Did you miss me! I missed you. Mwah.
Right off the bat-
Uh. The box has been filled with messages from S saying, they do not like J.
So I guess they're just an asshole.
Hey, just means team JD is gonna win.
Speaking of-
When J was asked directly they said that, I quote "D is the love of my life." But when asking D, I was told: "[J is] just a good friend". Sort your story idiots. The school wants to know!
While S may be out of the running, many sources say JC is a rising ship? Between A and C and J and C, I can't help but wonder, is there a behind the scenes JCA?
Fellow tiny students report A and J not being very close in the tiny hallways though. Now J and R tho-
J is just one lucky mate.
Who's your favorite? Let me know in the box! Xx.
"J and D." Janis says from her perch on Damian's shoulder.
Karen just looked at her phone.
"You think there's a threesome going on in school?" Gretchen asked.
"Unlikely. I don't even this A and C sound cute. Why add another." Aaron rolled his eyes.
You don't think-
Karen sighed.
She really should tell them but- it was so much funnier this was.
Janis stood up on Damian's shoulder, pressing a quick kiss to his jaw without motive.
Karen turned back to her phone, unsurprised if that would pop up in next week's article.
January 14th
I love you- signed the writer.
Glad we got that out of the way.
This was quite the week for our "couples".
First off, D and J? PDA through the roof.
Idk, maybe it's a special week, or maybe we're paying more attention and they've always been like that.
Those tiny kisses aren't lost on me, J. I see all.
Ugh, so cute.
A and C are-
"Skip this passage," Janis whined. "Nobody cares about them."
Everyone around the lunch table nodded as Karen began to read out loud again.
G kissed R?! R might have given a scowl but bystanders didn't miss the blush. Platonic or something more? That's the big question of this article but hey- this is a big step for all you GR shippers. Sorry to whoever wrote that long letter in the box passionately explaining how JR was peak friends to enemies to lovers.
#JD, anyway, you know where the box is! Xx.
"Fuck A and C. All my homies hate A and C." Janis grinned.
Cady nodded. "They're too cliche. It's annoying and I don't even know who they are."
Karen placed her head on the table with a groan.
She may not be smart, but these people were flat out idiots.
She felt a tug on her hair and looked up, resting her chin on the table.
"You okay, Karen?" Janis stood in front of her, Newspaper held at her side.
"Yeah, just dying on the inside a bit. Yknow, leaf emoji."
Janis made a face. "I don't but uh-" She leaned in, pressing a quick kiss to Karen's nose. "Don't leaf emoji. We like you here, alive on the inside."
Karen smiles. "Thanks, Janis."
January 21st
Just when you think it's all figured out- J kisses K.
In front of D.
At this point- they're all together. One big happy family.
I'm still clinging onto my JD dream.
Speaking off-
S is back. Did you miss them? Me neither.
They just grabbed J like nothing? Anyway, D was there to save the day obviously.
Our great big hero got a pretty precious nose kiss from J.
I could make their own newspaper section about how cute they are. There is no way you can be that cute and n o t already engaged.
On another J note, if JD doesn't happen, I'd be pretty content with some CJ. C was seen giving J "a nice-sized smooch" (somebody from the box).
No development in the R and G category, just their usual cuteness.
Leave any tips in the box! You know where it is. Xx.
"Uh uh. JD over CJ." Janis shook her head.
Karen just placed the newspaper in her bag. Janis and Damian were quick to become J and D's biggest shippers. They were so good at confusing the school about their relationship status that they had themselves fooled.
Cady and Aaron, who were dating and just won't confirm it, hated C and A's relationship. Calling it cheesy and artificially sweet.
And Regina though R sounded like a bitch and G deserved somebody better.
The whole thing was just crazy.
"I gotta go talk to a teacher this period. It was fun reading the paper together though." Karen said getting up.
There was a chorus of 'bye Karen's as she walked away.
The newspaper holder in the hallways was empty. Northshore's 'couples' was quick to catch on and save the newspaper program.
Karen pushed the door open to the computer lab, making her way over to the tiny end.
"Hey, Glen."
Glen Coco looked up at her with a grin. "Got anything for me, spy?"
@realmisspolarbear @smallsoysauce @musicallygt
#this was fun to write#g/t#g/t mean girls#Giant/tiny#g/t writing#tiny janis#tiny regina#tiny aaron#giant damian#giant gretchen#giant cady#giant karen#tiny glen
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So I stumbled upon a prompt list for august bc apparently its writers month, so i’m gonna try and do it to get back into writing (@writersmonth). While most of the prompts will most likely end up being iron dad, stony, or superfamily, they honestly maybe whatever I feel like that day in the MCU. But yeah, here we go!
Found on AO3 here
Word Prompt: Annoyance
Tony could tell that something was off the moment Peter walked into the lab. Instead of his usual “Hi Mr. Stark!” as he walked up to his mentor to see what Tony was working on, all he got was a small ‘hey’ as Peter threw his backpack on the couch before sitting on it as well.
“Hey kiddo, how was school today?”
“Boring as usual. Can you please talk to May about letting me graduate early?”
“Nope. We’ve had this conversation before. It’s not my place to comment and I happen to agree with her,” Tony reminded him, looking back at Peter who was glaring at him from the couch. “Wanna come work on my suit with me?”
“Can’t. Got homework,” Peter mumbled, turning to his backpack to pull stuff out. Tony shrugged, turning back to his work as well, turning the music back on. Neither of them talked for a little bit, both wrapped up in there work, when Peter spoke up, a harsh tone in his voice.
“Can you turn off the music. It’s annoying as hell.”
While he didn’t really consider ‘hell’ cursing, Tony wasn’t used to hearing Peter say it.
“Yeah, of course. Everything okay though?”
“I’m fine,” Peter snapped, turning back to his homework.
The kid was a bit hit or miss when it came to the music playing while he worked, but he always asked politely, knowing that Tony preferred it the other way. Not that Tony minded turning it off for the kid, but still. He decided to ignore the attitude the teenager was showing, for now, but still choosing to pay a bit more attention to Peter working to see if he could figure out what was wrong.
Tony didn’t have to wait long for another mini outburst to happen though. Dum-e had been rolling around, helping Tony with some tools and stuff, but now the robot was just wandering around. He eventually found his way to Peter, trying to get the teenagers attention. Unfortunately for Peter, Dum-e only really understood clear verbal commands, so Peter’s shooing him away and angry mumbles weren’t really doing much. Tony was about to call Dum-e away when Peter beat him to it.
“Go the fuck away!” Peter shouted at the poor robot.
“Hey!” Peter looked back at him, first looking a little taken aback by the shout, then glaring again. Tony was finally done with Peter’s attitude. He was going to get to the bottom of it and now. “First of all, watch the language. Second, that was rude, apologize to Dum-e.”
Peter gave him a look like Tony he had three heads.
“It’s a robot, and it was annoying and not leaving me alone.”
“And you’ve been rude and coping an attitude since you’ve got here. So apologize to him and tell me why you’re acting this way.” Tony said as he walked to the couch where Peter was sitting. Peter just glared at him, closing his laptop before crossing his arms and glaring forward, refusing to look at Tony. Now it was Tony’s turn to roll his eyes.
“Is it spider-man or something at school? Have you slept and eaten en-”
“Can’t I just be in a shitty mood for no reason!” Peter snapped, turning towards Tony. “I’m a teenager! We’re moody, and can be cranky, and people are allowed to have bad days for no reason! It doesn’t mean something is wrong or that I can’t take care of myself!”
Part of Tony understood what Peter was saying. It could get frustrating when people wouldn’t respect his bad mood. He wanted to dwell, and just accept that bad days sometimes happened for no reason. However, the healthy part of him, the part of him that had gone to a number of therapists throughout the years, currently seeing a therapist regularly, knew that deep down, there was always a reason for a bad day. They don’t just happen because of off days, something is always eating away at a person having a bad day, whether it's conscious or subconscious.
“You’re right, you’re allowed to have a bad day for no reason, but sometimes things exacerbate it, and fixing them can make the day a little less bad. So, first of all, take a deep breath because I am not the enemy here and I will not be talked to that way.” Tony explained calmly. Peter looked like he was about to argue for a moment, but soon turned away from Tony, let out a sigh, and took a few deep breaths. After a couple of minutes, he turned back Tony, look a bit less ready to kill someone.
“Thank you. Now, how much did you sleep last night, and when was the last time you ate.”
“Ummm, I had a toast with peanut butter and banana for breakfast this morning, but I overslept and didn’t have time to make lunch this morning. And I didn’t go to bed until around 4am, so I think I got a bit over three hours of sleep.” Tony had to bite his tongue to keep from snapping at his mentee, knowing that wouldn’t help the situation.
“Why didn’t you buy lunch? And why were you even up that late? Was it because of spider-man beca-”
“I haven’t gone on patrol for the past three days.”
That, Tony wasn’t expecting. Peter didn’t go out on patrol every day, but if he missed a day he always went the next day. Three days in a row was a lot for him to skip, not unless there was some outside factor playing into it.
“I’m not grounded or injured or anything,” Peter said before Tony could ask. “I just have this big research paper for English that’s been stressing me out. Like, minimum of 20 pages and 5 academic articles big.”
“Did you procrastinate or something? You’re usually pretty good about that sort of thing.”
“That’s the thing! We only got it a little over a week ago and it’s not even due for over a month! But we have to get our topic approved, and have at least 3 academic articles, and the last day to do all of that is tomorrow.”
“So what’s the problem? There’s plenty of research out there and you love reading journal articles. Why not something on spiders.” Tony was really struggling to see the problem when he knew his kid loved learning things more than any other person he knew.
“It has to be based on a humanities or social science topic. No hard sciences. And I had a topic that my teacher liked, but she said it was way too broad, but now I can’t find enough research to support a smaller topic,” Peter explained, looking close to tears from his frustration, and starting to speak more quickly. “And I was going to go talk to her today during lunch, but she was out so I went to the library to try and work on it some more. But that’s why I haven’t been on patrol because all my time has gone to trying to figure out a smaller topic and I keep changing the topic slightly to try and find enough articles except there’s never enough. And now I’m probably going to get marked down or get detention for not having this part of the assignment turned in and then I’m gonna fall apart on the rest of the paper.”
Tony’s heart wanted to break for the kid. Peter wasn’t one to struggle much academically, so this probably wasn’t something he was used too. But Tony also knew that it wasn’t something that a little problem solving wouldn’t be able to fix.
“Yeah, that sounds frustrating kiddo. Research can be finicky sometimes. What was your original topic on?”
Peter looked at him for a minute, cheeks getting a little pink, and voice just loud enough for Tony to hear.
“The impact of superheroes on society.” Tony wanted to laugh when he heard what Peter said. Not because it was a bad topic, it was actually a very interesting and important topic, especially when they didn’t really exist until about 10 years ago. But Tony definitely saw where his teacher was coming from. That was too big of a topic for any one paper, for a PhD dissertation or a study on it’s own, let alone a 16 year old just trying to write a paper for his AP english class.
“That is a huge topic, buddy. But I can imagine that there isn’t much research on it in general.”
“There’s barely any! And it’s too late to change my topic and it’s really one of the only things I can think of that I’m interested in, and I just don’t know what to do.”
“Well the topic hasn’t even been approved so it’s definitely not too late to change the topic, but also I think you have a really interesting topic. Have you talked to your teacher about how you’re struggling with this? Well, actually, first is she an understanding teacher or is she usually more of a stickler for rules and deadlines.” Peter shook his head.
“Nah, she’s really understanding most of the time as long as you haven’t abused her kindness. That’s what I was going to talk to her about today at lunch though, so I could get some help with doing the topic.”
“So assuming you’ve been pretty good in this class and haven’t abused her kindness,” Peter shook his head when Tony gave him a pointed glare, “Then I think we have a good place to start with emailing your teacher and seeing if you can get a bit of an extension. Then we can eat, you can probably take a little nap, and finally, I can help you look for some articles so you can narrow down your topic. And even if we don’t figure out a topic, you should go out on patrol for a little bit tonight. Not long because you haven’t slept enough, but an hour or two won’t kill you, and it’ll be good to release some of the stress instead of just letting it bottle up. How does that sound?”
Peter smiled for the first time that day, making Tony smile as well. “Yeah, that sounds pretty good.”
“Perfect. You get started on that email while I order some pizza.”
#writersmonth2019#tony stark#peter parker#iron dad#irondad#spiderson#spider son#iron dad and spider son#superfamily#iron man#spider-man#my writing#it got a little off of the prompt#but it's fine#it's mainly to get the juices flowing#this was meant to be 500 words....
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bc things look best when asked from an ask ILL PROMPT MYSELF!! "i’m sick on halloween but told you to go have fun at the party anyway but instead you surprised me with a blanket fort, tons of candy and all my favourite scary movies" newt/geiszler GO
what a solid request thank you @newtgeiszlur
To Hermann Gottlieb, falling ill on Halloween morning was hardly a “worst case scenario,” nor would it usually have been of particular concern to him at all in years prior. In times of both earthly isolationist peace and great extraterrestrial war, Halloween had never been of much interest to him, and you would never catch him donning a silly costume at a work party while sipping plastic cups of a spiked beverage whose flavor could only be described as bottom shelf vodka and Red 40 while 50 other full grown adults did the Thriller dance on a cafeteria floor. No, missing such an opportunity would normally not be a loss for Hermann Gottlieb.
To Newt Geiszler, however, the only thing worse than himself falling ill on Halloween morning was his quasi-secret sometimes-boyfriend slash lab partner slash couples costume co-conspirator getting caught up with a nasty case of the flu in the early hours of October 31st, and yes, these were both worst case scenarios, and the latter was currently underway as they spoke, as he had been notified by a message on his laptop from a concerned Mako Mori that had stopped by his counterpart’s room in the preceding morning hours.
Newt had just walked in the door to Hermann’s Shatterdome apartment to see his partner in bed, swallowed by a massive white comforter and surrounded by menthol lozenge wrappers and real, bonafide handkerchiefs (because of course he would be too prim for Kleenex, Newt briefly considered) that had certainly seen better days. What appeared to be vintage Barabara Walters clips played at full blast on the small, crooked television screen that hung from his wall, though Hermann didn’t seem to pay it much mind, although he wasn’t looking at Newt, either, for that matter. His locked gaze seemed to only concentrate on the grey ceiling above him.
“I don’t even think I realized you had a TV in here,” Newt said, looking for the remote to turn down the volume. Not that the noise bothered him, but he knew that if healthy Hermann didn’t like any loud or obnoxious noises save Wagner’s symphonies, then sick Hermann probably wasn’t enjoying this, either.
“Neither did I,” grumbled Hermann as he slowly shifted his head to look at Newt. “Mako turned it on this morning when she stopped by to drop off the briefings from the pilot meetings last evening. I believe she thought it would help, but it seems as though the programming gets louder the closer we find ourselves to the noon hour and I haven’t been able to place the remote.”
Newt wasn’t having much luck placing it either, so he resorted to shutting the screen off manually before he turned his attention solely to Hermann. Though Hermann had perhaps never been the vision of youth, his face looked grayer than Newt had ever seen it with the exception of his nose, which held all of Hermann’s vibrance and redness within itself. He had clearly not had the energy to shower that morning and his hair still showed all his sleep in the way each strand went this way and that. Bedhead was a rare sight on Hermann, as Newt always slept later than him, so he tried to take as much of it in as he could while still maintaining the plot, which was that Hermann was sick and it was, very importantly, Halloween morning.
“How are you feeling?” asked Newt uncomfortably, knowing the answer already but not wanting to face the reality.
Hermann stared blankly at him while he removed a white handkerchief with blue trim from his bedside table and brought it daintily to his nose. “Wonderful,” he said dryly.
“So, should I assume you’ll be out of the lab all day, then?” Newt continued, awkwardly scratching at his pant leg while looking across the overall barren room at Hermann in his down feather cocoon.
“I would imagine that would be a yes, Newton,” Hermann sighed, clearly failing to understand the point of this conversation. “And all other activities that would have fallen within the jurisdiction of today.”
That was all Newt needed to hear for his face to fall, unwillingly and unintentionally, and he knew Hermann could see it, as his own expression untightened and turned to one of almost guilt. “I’m sorry,” Hermann continued. “I know you were looking forward to this evening,” referring to the Halloween party that Tendo had been planning since early July that featured a confirmed guest list of nearly every employee at the Shatterdome and was considered to be the biggest and booziest event of the year, save they unexpectedly close the breach or something similar before January. Not only had Newt been talking about it during their lab hours nonstop since who knows when, but he had even convinced Hermann to enter the costume contest with him as an obviously platonic Mulder and Scully. Newt had had his ginger wig sitting on his bedroom sink for months and had probably treated it more carefully and lovingly than he did his own (fucking awesome, if he did say so himself) hair.
Newt couldn’t bother trying to hide his disappointment on his face once it had already come out, so he just shrugged and gave a hint of a forced smile. “It’s okay, I promise. I can find something else to go as that doesn’t require a second person,” said Newt, and he really was trying to not sound as dramatic as possible but fuck, he really had been excited about this. He’d known that with the track he’d put together for the DJ to play when it was their turn to be up on stage paired with the sheer screen accuracy of the costumes that he had put together for him and Hermann, they really could have won that shit tonight, and now he was going to have to put together something last minute that just won’t be as good. Without Hermann.
Hermann weakly beckoned for Newt to sit beside him on his twin-sized mattress, to which Newt obliged. The closer Newt was, the sicker he could see that Hermann really was (not that he’d ever doubted him, but a scientist can hope, right?) and brought the back of his hand to his forehead. “Do I feel very hot to you?” said Hermann, mustering a smile with eyes that clearly showed how guilty he felt for ruining Newt’s evening.
“You know you’re always hot to me, babe,” said Newt, who was never one to resist an opportunity. Hermann began to chuckle but instead began hacking on something lodged in his throat. “Do I need to get you down to medical, though?” he continued, “Or like, get you a doctor up here or something?”
Hermann quickly shook his head to this while his coughing receded. “No, no, no,” he said, “I know I may not look very good but I do know this is no more than simply the flu, which I have dealt with many times in the course of my life and do not need to bother a medic about. Nor,” he continued between soft coughs, “need you concern yourself with me. I know you still have work to do in the lab today and that you’re going to skip all of it to focus on making a new costume for yourself tonight so that you can win that thing you’re so concerned about.”
Newt’s heart warmed at the way that Hermann pretended to not know exactly it was that he had entered them into this evening and he brought his hand gently to Hermann’s warm cheek as his fellow scientist shivered and curled more into his comforter. “Okay, okay,” he said, before he leaned down to kiss Hermann’s forehead as delicately as he could muster and got up to leave the room and let Hermann rest. “I’ll stop by later, yeah? Before I go tonight?”
Hermann nodded, pulling the blanket up tighter to his neck. “Please do, my darling. I’d like to see what awful thing you muster up for this evening.”
This got Newt to grin as he went to step out the door back into the apartment hallway. “Oh, you know it, babe.”
Hermann spent the following hours in and out of deep sleep, with his moments of reality largely consisting of blowing his nose, guzzling down the hot green tea that continually and magically appeared by his bedside every time he woke up (Newt was certainly one to hold onto, moments like this reminded him,) and staring at the grey ceiling of his apartment while fighting back feelings of both terrible congestion and infinite guilt for ruining Newt’s evening. Never would he have thought in his life that he would resent having a genuine medical excuse for not attending a Halloween celebration with his work colleagues, but Newt seemed to bring this side out of him more than he liked to admit. Hermann spent many of his waking moments over the course of the day considering how he could make it up to him, though he continued to draw blanks on how. This evening had really been something that Newt had clearly been looking forward to for weeks, and Hermann had just gone and blown it for him with no chances of rectifying it for him. He generally tried not to focus on his own instances of being a shit boyfriend, though he knew they were plentiful, but as he laid there between illness-induced naps, it sure was hard to not feel like the biggest asshole in their two-person K-Science division.
Even as much as he had somewhat been dreading having to parade onstage amongst other costumed eccentrics like Newt, the fact that he was doing it with his partner had made him resent missing this all the more. For the first time in his life, Hermann had looked forward to bobbing for apples and eating repulsive candy corns and listening to the “Monster Mash” play no less than seven times on the loudspeaker in an overcrowded Shatterdome cafeteria, all because he knew that the man he, for some unforeseen reason, loved with all his heart, would be beside him, and even if they hadn’t decided to reveal it yet to the rest of their coworkers, just Newt’s sheer presence made everything not only manageable, but something that Hermann looked forward to immensely and intimately.
The fact that Newt was now going to the event alone caused a slight tear to form in Hermann’s heart, as he imagined the handsome scientist in a dazzling costume that won the entire evening, surrounded by suitors of all and any genders that were as amazed and impressed by the mere existence of Newton as he was, and while he trusted Newt enough to know that nothing would ever happen between any of these admirers and him, it didn’t mean that his petty and insecure sides were very comforted by the thought.
Somewhere in the beginning of the evening, Hermann had begun finding it easier to delve back into consciousness as well as feeling more like an actual human being than a mere receptacle for influenza, though his ability to stand or breathe comfortably for more than a few seconds at a time continued to be limited. By 1900 hours, he heard a knock on the door, though didn’t bother asking who it was or telling it that it was free to enter, as he knew that if it was the only person he wanted to see that it would freely walk in regardless of any response he gave.
He was correct, and in walked Newt, not dressed in his typical lab clothes nor any clearly identifiable Halloween costume, but instead wearing simply an old Godzilla World Tour cotton t-shirt and a pair of green plaid pajama pants, which struck Hermann as odd.
“Does your party not start soon?” Hermann asked, unable to stand the obnoxious nasal quality to his own voice.
“Hello to you too, dear,” said Newt in a rapid voice, grinning from ear to ear as he stood in Hermann’s doorway, “and why yes, yes it does. Which is why I’m here, talking to you!”
Hermann raised an eyebrow as far as he could muster. “Then, if I may ask, why are you not in any sort of costume?”
Newt rolled his eyes as if it were obvious, “Again, that’s why I’m here! Duh! It’s in my room and you’re just going to have to come see it.” He began heading over to Hermann’s bed, clearly with the intention of helping him out of it and dragging him out of his room.
“What?” Hermann exclaimed, not following but at the same time entirely unsure of what he was missing. “In case you haven’t noticed, Newton, I’m not exactly feeling my best and would rather stay where I am. And if you cannot remove it from your room, how, pray tell, do you intend to showcase it at the party?”
Newt seemed entirely nonplussed by either of Hermann’s objections and continued helping him rise from the bed. “When I show you, it’ll all make sense. Can’t you ever just like, chill and let me handle things?”
Hermann, already exhausted after a day of battling various symptoms, caved easier than he likely would have in other instances and allowed his boyfriend to help him to the door. Fortunately, Newt’s room was just to the left of his own so they needn’t walk far to get to their desired destination. Hermann blew his nose into the lavender handkerchief that he had brought with him as Newt fiddled with the door until it swung open and he guided Hermann in without turning on the overhead light, and closed the front door behind them.
“You know, you may have consumed enough kaiju particles in your day to garner the ability to see in the dark but not all of us share the same genetic mutations,” Hermann griped as he stood in complete darkness while Newt scurried off to do God knows what.
Newt laughed while he fiddled with something near his bed, a good ten steps from the front door. “Come on, we both know that’s a myth and that kaiju can orient themselves so well in the deep oceans because they have fucking awesome hearing and anyways just give me a second, okay?”
Hermann, again too tired to argue, relented for the moment while he let Newt complete whatever it was that he was doing, until suddenly Newt seemed to find the outlet for which he must have apparently been looking, and the room lit up with small white fairy lights which cast a soft glow on a canopy of various blankets and quilts that had been hung from the back of table chairs over what Hermann presumed was still Newton’s twin-sized bed.
Unable to think of anything to say, Hermann stood open-mouthed and looked at Newt, whose glasses reflected the tiny bulbs that had been strung across the ceiling of the tiny apartment and whose smile showed how excited he was to merely be in this moment with Hermann.
“I couldn’t think of any costume nearly as good as the one we’d planned for tonight,” said Newt, who began to circle back around the room once more to get behind Hermann with the intention of wrapping his arms around his middle and pulling him close. “And honestly,” he continued, voice muffled as he leaned his head into Hermann’s back, “it really didn’t seem like it would be any fun without you there. So I figured we could have a night in and I could finally make the pillow fort that I’ve been dying to put up for you.”
Hermann began turning around in Newt’s arms and wrapped his own arms around the shorter man. “Newton, I’m not really sure what to say-”
“I’m not done yet!” Newt went on, abruptly ending their embrace and instead pulling Hermann over to the small bed that they had long figured out how to most effectively share that was now enhanced by a covering of various prints and fabrics. Newt guided Hermann into the soft cave, and once they comfortably settled in, Hermann realized that Newt had created a perfect hole in the fort to see the television screen as well as stocked the bedside table with all of the Halloween treats that Hermann had recognized seeing in the Shatterdome convenience shop. Newt quickly reached over to grab a box of allegedly “spooky” Mike and Ike’s as well as the remote. “I already went and predownloaded ‘The Fly’ (1986) partially because I know you get hard from not only ridiculous pseudobiology and because, like, fucking Halloween and all, but also because I know how bad you want to get in early Jeff Goldblum’s pants and I thought it might ease your way into recovery.”
Hermann scoffed but did not deny, and leaned further into Newt’s shoulder and tugged him tight. “I love you,” he sighed into Newton’s chest while his lover peppered his scalp with gentle kisses and pressed play on the remote. “Thank you, for all of this.”
Hermann could feel Newt’s lips pull into a smile by the way they moved across the top of his head. “I love you too, babe. And thank you, for being my-”
He tried to stop him, he really did. “Newton, please.”
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Unconventional High School Tips
- Bring a drink that’s not water during the day in a thermos or a closable cup. Having something to shake it up when you can’t have snacks definitely helps—it also makes English class infinitely more aesthetic.
- Find quiet spots in your school. Following up, don’t feel pressure to talk with people in the morning. Try something quiet in the mornings, to gather yourself and your thoughts. Maybe you listen to a podcast on a bench outside your school, or you found an awesome nook in your library. My school has a computer lab that students can spend time in until school starts. It’s quiet, calm, and has a chair with a pillow and a blanket. There’s always somewhere to rest!
- Quick, locate where your school has good cellular data and bad cellular data. There’s always dead spots in the school, and the restricting WiFi blocks most social media. If you want to scroll during lunch, make sure your squad (or you) isn’t sitting in the half of the cafeteria with no service.
- During the first week, figure out which lunch ladies have the slowest service, then make sure to skip those lines. Sometimes there’s not a big difference, but most of the time that can save you a good five minutes in the lunch line.
- Surprise is your best weapon. Fun story, once a senior skipped me in the lunch line. Easily a foot taller than my tiny freshman self. I tapped him on the shoulder, crossed my arms, “ExCUSE me?”, and he just burst out laughing. I got my spot back in line.
I don’t advocate provoking tall people who can punch well, but most people in high school are both decently kind and incredibly bored. If you surprise them and don’t annoy them, most of the time they’ll laugh and be nice.
- Those vanilla girls who only talk about their teacher crush? Weird, yes. Useful allies? Definitely. Give everyone a chance, especially if you don’t know many people. Most kids are incredibly interesting once you get to know them.
- That said, never be afraid to completely ditch your squad if they’re unhealthy, annoying, or just mean. I ended up losing a group of about seven friends by leaving them for a less popular group after they wouldn’t stop making fun of me for being LGBT. They weren’t mean about it, but it was uncomfortable. A couple of weeks later, one of them got suspended for making a shooting threat against the school. Look out for yourself. You don’t owe friendship to anyone.
- Sleep? Sleep. Please sleep. If you don’t get sleep, sleep at school. Not during class! If you get to school early, you can get a quick nap in at the library, providing it’s heavily staffed. Some teachers are cool with you chilling in their classroom until class starts. Make sure you set an alarm before the bell rings, though!
- Lastly, counselors don’t know you better than yourself. If they say they don’t think you can handle it, remember that they barely know you. Especially if you’re a freshman. One of my incredibly smart friends listened to her counselor and only took standard classes when she could’ve handled honors. I listened and didn’t take any APs bc I kid you not “that’s not what she would’ve done with her kid”. They know a lot about you, but don’t let them dictate your choices. Use your best judgement and don’t be afraid to argue back. You know what you can handle.
- Also lastly, don’t make fun of cheerleaders, color guard, or marching band for ‘not being sports’. They work incredibly hard and when you say that, you’re probably saying it to someone who’s A. Part of it, or B. Knows someone who is.
#study#study tips#high school#high school tips#school tips#freshman#sophomore#studyblr#new studyblr#study hacks#study blog
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hello everyone!! as a high school junior taking 4 aps, 3 other classes, preparing for the act, trying to do college research, stage managing a musical, and trying not to lose my mind, here are some fun n handy tips for not Dying when ur schedule is hell!
if you found this post helpful maybe give it a like/reblog and check out my other posts here!
so much of getting and staying organized has to do with organizing your time in advance. there are a million ways to do this--google calendar, a bullet journal, a planner, some post-it notes. my system involves three parts: a google calendar, a planner, and an online to-do list app.
google calendar: this is mostly for events. i can see when i have rehearsals, classes, doctor’s appointments, etc. this helps me see how much available time i have and budgeting it properly.
planner: i take this with me to school, and i use it to right down when i have assignments and tests. i use the ban.do planner, but these are a bit pricey, and really anything will do. just somewhere to put down tasks so you can keep track of them
getplan.co: this app is, honest to god, the only reason i am still alive and breathing. it plugs into your google calendar and then allows you to create and schedule tasks around events. @studycxlture has an amazing post about plan here that i def recommend checking out!
general tips about planning:
plan out the events of your month at least two days before it starts
set aside a night (i like sunday evenings) to set up a system for the upcoming week and go over what you have planned so you don’t forget anything
you are NOT gonna remember that assignment that teacher told you about. write it down.
you do not need a fancy system. it’s okay to try lots of different things until you find what works
never spend more time planning out tasks than completing them. unless you have that much free time, don’t dedicate two hours to making a lovely weekly bullet journal spread.
color codes!!! are a life saver. i have one with a color for each class (red for english, orange for spanish, yellow for history, green for science, blue for math, etc) as well as some for my extracurriculars (pink for the musical, teal for model un, etc).
always have ur planner open when ur working, so that you can make sure u r actually completing all the tasks u said u were gonna complete
oh my god oh my god oh my god staying on top of your work is SO important when you’re busy. being able to find your worksheets and keep track of your homework and your million responsibilities is essential to being successful. to stay organized, i have an expandable file folder with tabs for each class. because i take most of my notes in notebooks instead of binders, this is a good way to keep all of my handouts, worksheets, and syllabi centralized.
also, make sure you have a way to keep your online materials organized. create a folder for each school year, and within that folder, create more folders for each class. from there, it’s up to you about how you’ll organize files. you can create even MORE folders (yeet) for things like homework, notes, study guides, etc, or folders for each unit you study. the possibilities are endless!!!! isn’t technology exciting
here r some pieces of advice for staying organized:
have a series of folders/binder/expandable file folder to hold your worksheets. or one for each class, though i prefer to keep all my papers in one a) to save money and b) to save space.
label your notebooks/binders so that you know which ones to bring home with you
never just shove something into your backpack. never. i’m gonna manifest into ur classroom and FIGHT you if u do that. it’s not good, it’ll end up getting lost or crushed under the weight of all ur textbooks, and you’ll end up panicking when u can’t find it
have ur planner on u at all times
keep a good filing system of ur stuff at home. u don’t need to carry around every single bio assignment you’ve gotten back, but by the time ur final rolls around ur gonna want 2 b able to look at all the materials you’ve gotten during the semester
that being said, throw stuff away when the year is over! i, for one, know i’m never gonna think about calculus after this class is done, so i will be recycling all of my papers (save the earth) and moving tf on
keep a recycling bin in your room! even if it’s just a paper bag, it’ll make throwing paper in the trash way less tempting (save the earth)
u don’t need a ton of pens. i’m being a giant hypocrite saying this but you really don’t need all that stuff. if you want it and you can manage it, great, but if it’s just another thing to keep track of, leave ur staedtlers and ur mujis and ur fineliners and ur calligraphy pens at home, and just take the essentials with u to school
in order to succeed, it’s v important to make every second count. this doesn’t mean studying 48 hours straight (pls don’t), but try not to waste time. whether this means you spend fifteen minutes napping, doing some reading for english, or having a quick snack, make sure u are being productive and healthy! i, for one, sometimes have 1-2 hour breaks between school and rehearsal, and i like to use these to walk to the grocery store by my school and get some food and then study in the deli.
some ideas for being productive!
carry a clipboard around everywhere. this way, u don’t need to spend as much time transitioning in and out of tasks, u can just put ur work onto the clipboard, and put it in ur backpack at the end of a break, and then the next chance u have to work on it, just take it back out. easy peasy
work during commutes! nOT if ur the one driving the car though that’s VERY dangerous and distracted driving = bad. but if ur on the bus, or ur mom is driving u to school, that might be a good time to go over some notes you took last night, or some reading you need to catch up on. nothing too insane, please don’t do ur chem labs on the public bus but. u know.
read over the notes you took that day on the ride home. this will help reinforce the information in ur brain, and it’s not super difficult. i go over my apush notes during the 40 minute drive home and sometimes talk about them w my mom, which gives me a much better grasp of the material
don’t waste time on social media. either delete instagram altogether, or log off/mute notifications before u start work. same with tumblr. don’t start scrolling obsessively if u have three tests to study for.
power naps!!!! napping for about 10-20 minutes, maybe on the way home or to practice/rehearsal/whatever u gotta do, can help u feel refreshed! anything longer will make u more tired tho, so be sure to get up when u say ur gonna get up.
study smarter: when ur going over material, u don’t need to handwrite 60 beautiful flashcards. use quizlet instead. don’t revise if it’s not gonna help u. prioritize which assignments r gonna be most impactful over the little ones u can easily make up
take good breaks!! breaks r VERY important and should be utilized properly. here r some good suggestions for things to do:
throw in a load of laundry
empty the dishwasher
stretch/do some jumping jacks
drink some water!
go for a walk
talk to a family member
get a snack!
read some fun novels n such
!! in case of emergency !! the following tips should only be employed when ur short on time. don’t use these just bc u can, this is just when it’s about getting close enough to grasping material, not actually grasping it
do every other math problem assigned, and either star the ones u didn’t do, or get the answers from the back of the book. this way, u get some practice but u also save time
sparknotes ur reading beforehand. this way, u can recognize what’s going on. it’s not v good for developing ur reading comprehension, but assignments will go by quicker
NEVER google translate ur language homework, but u can use word reference for helping u find the right word and proper conjugations
flagpole it: didn’t study enough for a test? are u guessing on like 10 of the questions? if it’s multiple choice, but the same answer for all the ones u have no clue about, unless that answer choice seems highly unlikely. then pick a different one. this way, ur statistically more likely to get some of the ones you guessed correct.
when u have an online assignment due at midnight and it’s 11:53 and u haven’t started, find another assignment you’ve already completed that has a similar document name. for example, “scarlet letter chapters 9-11″ instead of ur actual assignment “scarlet letter chapters 12-14″. submit the other one, and then when u finish the other assignment (either that night or the next morning) email ur teacher and apologize, say u accidentally submitted the wrong document
if ur parents will let u (if ur in high school) or u can let urself (if ur in uni), it’s okay to skip a day to catch up. just make sure u actually work, get the notes u missed, and talk to ur teachers/professors abt the material u missed.
ur health comes before any assignment, test, or extracurricular. i know lots of ppl r probably telling u that and it doesn’t seem like they mean it, but i mean it. no exam is worth sacrificing ur mental, physical, or emotional health for. yeet! so here r some things to keep in mind
eat! ur fuckin! breakfast! whether it’s a smoothie or oatmeal or a cup of orange juice or an apple or an elaborate french toast dish, u need some food in ur stomach so that u have the energy to start ur day
remember to take ur meds if u need to!
drink water! drink! water! have a glass when u wake up, and then at least one with every meal, and one before u go to bed. hydration is v important. if u can, invest in a water bottle and take it with u to class.
pack a lunch! and if ur staying later after school, pack snacks! tech week for me is always hell because i get to school at 7:30 am and don’t usually leave until 11 that night. it’s v important to stay nourished and hydrated so that u don’t get dizzy or faint.
remember! that u are beautiful, and ur body is beautiful, and it deserves 2 b loved! especially by u.
get 6 hours of sleep. aim for 8, but six at the very least. if ur done with ur work, go to bed early! don’t just stay up for no reason.
shower everyday, or every other day at least. give yourself those 15 minutes as a break from work or school or anything else that’s keeping you busy
write down ur thoughts in a journal?
talk to a friend if ur feeling sad, or just feeling things very intensely. share ur joy with other people! vent ur sadness and anger so u aren’t carrying it around everywhere.
make some time to have fun. see a movie w ur friends or ur bf/gf/datefriend or ur family over the weekend. go to a museum. hang out at the mall. sleepover at someone’s house. taking breaks is healthy.
make an effort to have dinner with ur family if u can (also if u like ur family. i know some ppl have bad relationships w them so skip this step if that’s u). it can be nice to reconnect w everyone, even when ur stressed or they’re annoying u, it can be nice.
remember that it’s okay to be imperfect! u don’t need to be good at a lot of things. i got a b for the first time last semester, i just got a c on an apush test, i failed my driver’s test again yesterday. but i also aced my math quiz, i celebrated six months of knowing my best friend, i walked my dog, i helped put a production together. it’s okay to have rough days and bad days and bleh days, as long as you keep pushing through them and working for the days to get better.
i love u!!! stay hydrated and nourished and get enough sleep. put on some lotion if u have it available. brush ur hair. if u ever wanna ask a question, my ask box is always open! <3
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i just finished your fic! :) it's nowhere near ready tho. i still have editing to do, and only then will it be perfect, but yay! prepare >:) also - i'd pass away if u made a book cover for it, omg. that would be so good blinking is optional and yeah, i still have a long time :) it'd be super cool to incorporate the stuff i learn into fics, but i also just finished my pre-reqs so im still really not in my major just yet. but im excited for my upcoming classes! i have done evil wizards, evil joseon dynasty era warriors, evil pirates, evil vampires... ahahahahaha. can u see a theme AND YEAH, JONGHO <33333 he's the greatest. he's so cool. i have put him through so much and he absolutely does not deserve it. i show my love in really strange ways. he's the main vocalist of ateez, right? i may have stolen his vocal cords in one of the fics as a punishment for his sins it's a very long story. I have a handful of fluff fics but it's really just majorly horror or fantasy and it's all darker fantasy lol. clearly... i enjoy the more sinister side of life. hahah i might skip but probably not. i hate skipping class ajdsjklfskl and i'd just be worried about it during the concert which wouldn't be good. idk, who knows, i'd stop a moving truck w my bare hands if i knew that by doing so i'd be able to see ateez oh, where do u live if u dont mind me asking? i figured we lived in different places because your time zone seems different than mine and thank u!!! i've just been chilling, but i also like being a busy bee, so i've been writing when i can, i'm also a lifeguard, and im trying to get a paid internship at a lab for my resume :') and yeah, i like to do a lot of things not on the computer! i play viola tho not as much anymore bc im burnt out but i still say it, write, knit, and read! ngl the first thought i have was felix's extensions in thunderous. clothes never really bother me too much, it's always hair it seems. i just like it a certain way and im not a big fan of longer hair, so i saw his extensions and sighed a bit. ofc it's just hair and i still love him but AAAAAA. what about u? - 🎅
wow you work really fast! THE HYPE FOR THIS STORY IS REAL (╯✧∇✧)╯and it'd be a honor to make the banner/cover for it! do you usually have covers for your stories or have someone make those btw? i remember back when i frequented fanfiction sites, everyone seemed to have their own banner-makers. sending you energy for the editing portion tho!
also i spent a majority of yesterday taking naps so i think my eyes are back to normal
okay that's a pretty impressive repertoire of horror-themed stories! very intrigued by the evil pirates one evil-anything needs to be more of a thing - this is why i love it when groups do dark/evil concepts (also i keep typing 'evil' as 'evel'). all the fluff and bubblegum is cute and all, but i live for the edgy and dark themes too.
HAHA OMG jongho is ariel - i love how you stole his voice HAHAHA. you really hit him where it hurts; i can already feel his crisis from over here. yeah we're definitely the same in that regard. i love my cheesy romance, but horror is still my #1 genre. i do hope you gave jongho a happy ending tho (≧▽≦)
aww man i was the same when i was a student too. i wasn't happy skipping classes and i was constantly anxious about being late. fast forward a few years and i'll take a random day off of work for the heck of it HAHAHA. hopefully having to stop a truck with your bare hands won't be the requirement for you to meet ateez tho! have you already met them before, btw? or is the concert next year potentially the first time you'll see them?
ah i'm currently staying in the philippines! what about you? i kinda just assumed you're in america - please let me know if i'm off-base there, and we can figure out just how much time difference we have tho tbh i'm a vampire so i'm up until 3 or 4 AM here
(also you just reminded me to ask which timezone to follow when it's time to give gifts/reveal ourselves on the 25th. i might give my gift too early...)
btw, have you made it home??
yay! glad you’re getting some rest! wow a lifeguard tho! i'm guessing you enjoy swimming then HAHAHA. and that you live close to the beach? ooh i love that knitting is also part of your hobby list. i used to crochet but got too lazy about it. what kind of things do you like to make?
...okay i swear i'm not copying you on purpose here, but felix's thunderous extensions is also on my list of ??? skz looks. the blonde ones that match his actual hair looked okay, but the weird greyish ones...yeah i'm not feeling it. i thought it was part of his hat at first. hmm, can't say i'm a huge fan of chan's cheeto hair much either, especially when it was so short (soz chan). what about your favorite looks?
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lutteo polish uni au PLEASE
my time has come
this got so long i have to cut this sorry
luna is starting her first year at uni and she had to move from her hometown to attend her university at least she will get this ugly cheap dorm shared with hopefully someone not much weird
bless cheap train tickets which means she will be able to go every weekend to her hometown and bring many jars of food made by her mom (goals)
people from her group are kinda cool but meme because since she is on the environmental engineering its uni of technology which means that most of her group are weird guys with first world problems (or buying twenty watches at once from ali express)
they get the less confused person and pick them as group president who finds out that there are materials from higher years, like answers to the tests, exams, done reports and other stuff
they send luna for it because she is the nicest
thats how she meets matteo balsano (in pl he would be named mateusz but who cares)
he is obviously in the students council of his faculty and has all important papers and knows all profs and he is very smirking at the younger lost student luna who knows like nothing and is scared of asking because all people seem to make fun of the greenies who dont know what is happening
also luna wants to attend all the lectures to be a proper student, she buys some big hardcover notebooks and highlighters to have material to study later
she fails
she ends up going on first lectures and then maybe second week’s ones too but then she either ends up falling asleep or skipping and staying at her ugly dorm sleeping because it’s not really worth it really
matteo ended up giving her the materials ofc and texts her sometimes subtly seeing on her insta story something like “where the f is room number 406??” or “this shit is boring help me” and she likes it kinda and he also sells her all tips about professors bc he knows it all
obviously is anyone surprised
he starts appearing in random places magically to help her find the room or something really
we should mention the time luna writes her first test and she is shook the questions are everything as last year, and two years ago, and three, and four, and,,,
anyway everyone is even more shook when half people fails and then matteo or someone older idk who tells about the prof being too lazy to actually check and grade this shit they tell them about
throwing the papers in the air which means prof throws papers in the air and the tests which fall to the desk pass and those who are on the floor fail rip
luna likes hanging out with matteo obviously because he is funny and he is always having some coffee or water to share (poor student’s life doesnt allow those luxuries unless you are rich)
when we are by rich matteo is rich and he has his own apartment shared with ramiro or someone idk really but he has his own room, bed and mostly full fridge which is all boy in college can offer to a girl
luna doesnt really get that he likes likes her because lol he is acting just friendly and she doesnt know uni life enough anyway she has one bigger friend in the group (the rest likes her bc she cool and got them materials and knows older guy who gives them spoliers about uni which is always good)
this friend is actually jazmin who is on year lower because she started clothing design on asp year ago and now she decided she wants to be environmentally friendly so she is the chatty friend who keeps dragging Luna around the important places all around the uni and neighbor cities like famous club SPIŻ
luna hates this place esp the beer they are recommending in their song but she hates it and it all tastes the same besides weird staring drunk guys are disgusting she wants to go home so they call uber to drive them and its nice old man who keeps asking them about their grades in high school
one day luna has very difficult weird math exam and there is no answers anywhere so she texts matteo asking for @help pls i have no idea what is going on even and he helps her because obviously she manages to take a picture and send him and he solves it all and luna is nice person so she sends it to the rest of the group
they all later get money and buy him exclusive cheap vodka because he helped and he is laughing so much because he used to do it too
alcohol is every way to show your gratitude at uni remember this
matteo’s students council has this funny small room with computer and big blackboard and big windows and ofc old couch and he lets luna nap on it between labs when there is lecture or when she has no class and she appreciates this very much
it is definitely too cold when the late fall/early winter comes because those damn faculties have sucky heaters (it doesnt exist sorry wear winter jackets all the time) and matteo keeps bringing some random sweater for her because her two sweaters arent enough plus he gets her tea with vodka xDD
lets not forget about those typical students hang out parties where everyone is sitting eating pizza and drinking countless amount of whatever and the person who has the earliest bus back home loses the most fun
lets not forget cars not starting up when its too cold and everything freezing, and snow is cool only for few hours bc then it melts and its shitty and luna got her jeans wet not once because she was running to the bus through the puddles
first sesja is kinda shit because profs keep saying that one can’t cheat from their phone or whatever but they pretend then don’t see anything and generally dont care tbh they just throw the papers or whatever
luna passes all of her exams and when all profs decide to move their asses and insert the grades to the sots (3,0 is a blessing)
since luna passed everything matteo very not-hiding says that they gotta celebrate this and he will take her out for pizza
and pay for that
and for extra dessert
that was only first semester/first part btw
i wanna say thanks @ pink moon for helping
#soy luna#over-the-pink-moon#lutteo#luna valente#matteo balsano#mine#please dont take it seriously#its just a joke#we get education here in pl i promise
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Today I was incredibly agitated.. didn’t get out of bed until i was 12 minutes late for my lecture. Instead of breakfast, I made lunch as I was not up to my usual bacon and eggs and bagels- the thought made me sick. I pretended my wifi was bad as well so I could skip my lecture as I was feeling unmotivated- which saddened me.
I am very concerned as the professor has not uploaded any other videos besides the 1st one of the zoom lectures, and I have some discussion board assignment due tonight.
I felt neglected and pissed off at amanda bc I felt like she was being inconsiderate towards my responsibilities as she slept in the office, and I could not do my work in my workspace because I needed to use my mic and jiggle my leg. When I got to the bedroom to study, it was better and I enjoyed it, but I soon was irritated because my laptop died, I missed my simulation lab, and I had to write an embarrassing letter to my professor, which hit my ego. I think the laptop was the straw that broke the camel’s back..
When I went into the office, I was so irritated that I made rey leave and it made me feel guilty. Amanda left a huge mess in the office with blankets and papers... but I realize now that I often leave the house in disarray for her to cleanup. I wonder if she also has some resentful feelings towards me as well....well, I had to take a moment and do some deep breathing on the futon that was pulled out to be a bed. I clutched the blankets to myself and was miserable. However, I knew I could not give up, adn did not want to waste the effects of the adderall, so I took some deep breaths, created a list of things I wanted to get done, and was mindful to prioritize my relaxation.
I cleaned the office a bit, lit some candles, and cleared my desk- all of which helped me feel better. I was just in the middle of doing some stretches when I realized I should note that I had used some healthy coping skills! which made me excited!
1. deep breaths
2. cleaning
3. stretches
4, documenting/ journaling!
I am quite proud, that not only have I done this, but that I was able to move forward from being in a state of being completely overwhelmed.
I just made myself quite agitated again as I remembered my school work, but I will return to my stretches and see if I am up to playing skyrim afterwards. My goal is to start schoolwork by 5pm and not to take a nap.
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long ask post
so i just rbed this post with questions to ask about ones s/o or crush. i rly wanna answer them all but no one on my main cares and even if they did i wouldn’t wanna spam them. but the good thing abt this blog is only like 3 ppl follow me so i can shout my adoration as much as i want and it does not matter :D so i’m just gonna answer all the questions under the cut and if anyone sees this and wants to read it, though i doubt they will, they can! (i already answered two on my main so those’ll just be copy and pasted)
1. describe them in 3 words
cute, funny, sweet
2. their favorite style of clothing?
he looks like a walking hollister ad lmao like i see his style and i just think hollister/abercrombie/zumies. lots of striped tops, dark jeans, not hoodies but like long sleeved shirts with hoods that he doesn’t ever use, converse, and many dad hats that he wears backwards
3. what mannerisms do they have?
i can’t really think of any besides the fact that he shakes a lot. he’s really skinny and he shakes when he’s either cold or nervous, or just in general
4. do they play an instrument?
he doesn’t yet but he really wants a piano keyboard for christmas that’s like the only thing he wants so that he can learn how to play
5. how did you meet/become introduced to them?
(copied from my main) this is not a long story that may become long due to my unneeded context: we have 2 classes together this fall semester, but he sits behind me in both (directly behind me in one, a few rows back in the other) so i essentially had 0 idea he existed since i just go to class to learn & ignore the people around me unless i’m spoken to. genuinely the first time i ever noticed him was a month into classes, i accidentally grabbed the wrong paper & he was like “hey celeste, this one’s yours” & i was like “oh thank you” then went abt my business. but later that same class we had been in the computer lab & as we were packing up to leave he made a comment abt how my computer’s time was different than everyone else’s so i said some dumb shit like “haha yeah i broke it” then just immediately walked away because i had a class to get to (ironically the other class i shared with him). as i learned later he had been trying to start a conversation so as i was walking to my next class he caught up with me & just continued talking. all i remember was being like “wow this dude’s persistent.” i definitely came off as rude though bc the entire time he was talking to me i kept looking at my phone bc i was logging into our textbook. it was then i found out he was in that class too, & then it took me like another week to figure out his name because i didn’t remember it from the introductions during the first week. but it all worked out because we’re dating now 🤷🏻♀️
6. favorite thing they’ve ever said/texted/messaged?
honestly he says the sweetest things to me all the time it’s so hard to choose. i remember before we dated though he said i looked lovely and i was just like *heart eyes*
7. what do you like doing with them?
anything, legit anything. he could call me and be like “hey wanna come watch paint dry with me” and i would be like “hell yes.” i just enjoy spending time with him. but i also really like cuddling him, i could for hours on end he’s very comfortable
8. their favorite color?
i’m not sure, i know he’s said he likes orange, yellow, and black (maybe blue too?) and apparently he’s been told he looks extra good in pink because in his words, he looks good in every color. but yeah i’m not sure of his absolute favorite
9. do they keep up to date on pop culture?
i think it just depends on if it’s something he likes. i think he keeps up to date on a lot of music because he likes a lot of popular artists i don’t pay attention to, and he likes football or at least cares about keeping up with his favorite team
10. sweetest thing they’ve done for you?
this is gonna be another unnecessarily long story. this was before we started dating, it was a thursday so that meant we had our two classes, english then stats right after that, and when stats ends he has to go to his sociology class and i get picked up by my mom. we would typically talk during the time in between english and stats, and he was telling me that he was super sick and he was going to be skipping his sociology class and that he was only going to stats because of our test. we’re in college so teachers typically just do tests at the end of the class and if you finish before class is done you get to go early. so i took my time doing my test and finished with like 30 minutes to spare and when i went to go to the door i saw he was gone and i was like oh that makes sense, he’s ill and said he wanted to go home to sleep. so i walk out to the lobby to wait for my mom (a long wait since i got out early and had no way of letting her know that, plus she’s just always late) and i see him in one of the spots i usually sit in. i was surprised but assumed he had a reason to still be there so i just started talking to him about the test but after that i was like “soooo why are you still here, did you decide you were gonna go to your next class?” and he’s like “oh no i just wanted to wait with you.” like he was just feeling terrible and could’ve went home whenever he wanted (he said he would’ve driven me home but didn’t feel like he should with how ill he was) yet he decided to wait with me for like 30 minutes for my mom even though i said he didn’t have to it was so nice :(
11/12. have you dreamed about them/have they dreamed about you?
i’ve dreamed about him a few times but the thing w mine is that i dream about things/people i think about or see a lot, so the fact that he’s on my mind and i see him nearly every day plays a role. none of my dreams make sense so it’s never anything sweet, he’s just there. he has said he’s had at least one dream about me though, and his dreams are the opposite like he said he just always has romantic dreams that make sense and i was in one :3c
13. can they dance?
every time i hang out with him he dances. like every car ride he puts on music and dances to it while driving, he’ll dance in the middle of any public place, or even when we’re just eating/laying down. it’s usually either him just moving around or fortnite dances specifically to annoy me, but it’s cute
14. what does hugging them feel like?
sosososo nice and warm and safe
15. your favorite thing about them?
i like his personality a lot, he’s really funny and nice, i don’t think it’s possible for me not to smile when he’s talking or being himself
16. their favorite thing about you?
i don’t know, he would probably say my personality too
17. best memory of you together?
another i don’t know, i’ve only been talking to him for two months so that’s not a lot of time to have a favorite memory since there’s so few. probably just the first time we kissed, i think that’s what he would say
18. what are they like when they’re tired?
not much different honestly, but he says he’s always tired so that’s probably why. when he’s tired he just says he’s tired and acts no different. according to him i’m nicer when i’m tired
19/20. could you imagine growing old together with them? could they?
god i don’t know, i’m incapable of thinking that far ahead. we’re both people who, when we date, aim for long-term so i don’t want to be like “we’ll probably only date for a year” because if i think like that it’s destined to fail but i also don’t want to be like “we’re gonna be together forever” because we’ve only known each other for two months. i prefer to just take it as it comes and not try to look forward to anything specific. we’re together for however long we’re together, i have no way of knowing that duration. it could be until next month, it could be until my death, we’ll see. i imagine he’d say the same thing
21. what would an ideal date with them be?
like i said, he could ask me to watch paint dry with him and i’d do it. any time with him is an ideal date. i like going out and doing things but i would probably lean more towards “let’s cuddle and nap for like 5 hours”
22. are they competitive?
yes, especially when someone is a sore loser. like he beat me in bowling twice yesterday and even though i was cool with it he was like “i’m still gonna brag.” but i’m competitive too so it’s a good match
23. what do you do together?
anything. mostly just talk, cuddle, watch stuff, play video games, do homework together, and if there’s something to go out and do then we’ll do it
24. which smells remind you of them?
(copied from my main) his favorite smell is this yankee candle called festival of lights and he always has it burning when i come over so definitely that
25. do they remind you of any music?
just the music he likes, i don’t associate any of my music with him. he plays his music a lot so whenever i think of artists like lil peep or scotty sire i just think of him, plus the dozens of other people he’s made me listen to (not that i mind)
26/27. could you tell them your biggest secret? could they tell you theirs?
i probably will soon, obv not gonna say what to the entire internet but it’s an important thing. he’s told me his most embarrassing thing about himself which i didn’t think was too bad, i don’t know if he counts that as his biggest secret or not
28. how do you greet each other?
depends on where. whenever he picks me up i say hi/hey, if i walk into class i just smile at him because it feels weird to start having a conversation in a dead quiet class where no one knows we’re dating. i never kiss or hug him as a greeting but i do as a goodbye, not sure why
29/30. what makes you blush that they do? what makes them blush that you do?
he’s only made me blush once but i can’t remember what he said that made me do it, i only blush when i’m embarrassed. i don’t think i’ve ever made him blush, not that i know of
31/32. would you say you love them? would they say they love you?
way too soon for that BUT the other day he accidentally said it when saying goodbye as a force of habit because he always says “bye love you” to his friends/family. i didn’t notice because he said it super quickly before he realized but then he told me about it a few days later. i could picture myself loving him one day though. right now i’d say i adore him
thank you to anyone who read this and got this far if you did. this was really fun i just love talking about himmmm even if no one sees it, it’s just nice to gush uwu
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Wrapped Around; pt. 2.5
Jimin x Reader x Tae // College!AU // 3990 words
Summary: Freshman year was a mess and sophomore year doesn’t seem to be looking too good either. You know boys like them are no good for you but maybe they’re just your kind of type
Genre: Fluff, Smut
A/N: wow I’m so bad at updating, I’m so sorry ahahah. This is a small portion bc I needed to split up what I’ve already written and I’m not sure when I’ll finish the actual part 3 bc I have mid-terms next week! I feel super bad for making y’all wait so... this is roughly (4000/11000 words i’ve written). It ain’t much but ya know don’t hate me pls haha.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
You run your hands up and down your neck in horror as you see matching dark marks on your neck. What are these? Who did this? Just what the fuck happened last night? Did fucking Jimin— Son of a bitch.
You run to your door, pulling it open hurriedly just so you can catch him but Jimin had made a quick escape.
You slam the door shut, searching instead for your phone. You call him once, twice and he doesn’t pick up… which is odd since he’s practically glued to his phone like all the time. You let out an annoyed groan and settled on texting him instead, fingers furiously tapping at the screen as you typed out your message.
[1:09] You: Jimin what the fuck happened last night?
[1:09] You: how am I even going to hide these marks?
[1:09] You: why couldn’t you just keep your nasty mouth to yourself?
[1:10] You: answer me asshole
[1:10] You: I know you’re reading these
[1:10] You: you’re on your damn phone all the time when we’re doing the quizzes
You wait 5, 10, 15 minutes and there’s still no reply. You go to the bathroom for a quick shower and run to your phone immediately after getting dressed and still no reply. You examine the marks once again and you rest your head on the wall, grumbling at yourself for having too much alcohol the night before.
Even with a scarf, you couldn’t cover the marks that ran all the way to your jawline. You apply a generous amount of foundation and concealer, hoping to hide the petals of blue and purple but you could still see a hint of colour even after slathering on what seems like almost half the bottle of foundation onto your neck. Frustrated, you simply shove the last of your belongings into your bag and make your way to the library.
The throbbing headache you had made it very difficult for you to concentrate on the books you had in front of you. Despite sleeping till 1 pm, you still felt exhausted and you promise yourself to never have that much alcohol again. You sigh, this was starting to sound like what you used to tell yourself every week last semester.
After finishing the last section of your lab report, you allow yourself to take a quick 20-minute nap because honestly you could barely keep your eyes open anyway. You check your phone again, you’re still waiting on Jimin’s reply but your lock screen still comes up blank. Placing your phone to the side, you sink down comfortably into your chair and rest your head on your arms. You will your mind to remember the events of last night but the moment you shut your eyes, you simply drift to sleep.
Your night comes back to you in the form of tiny flashes, simple snippets, each one making you regret the night more and more. The short flashbacks are not in order and it isn’t enough for you to build a coherent timeline of what was your exciting Friday night but they were truly enough to make you feel like flinging yourself across the room.
Drink, bitches!!!
You remember challenging your friend to a drinking contest, downing way too many shots of tequila. You’re surprised you hadn’t thrown up at all or perhaps you did and you didn’t remember. If that’s the case then good, at least you had one less reason to hate yourself for going overboard last night.
Fuck, Y/N I love it when you wear this dress
You remember the god awful dance contest you had with Taehyung which ended with the both of you practically dry humping each other on the dancefloor. You cringe at that memory and mentally add tequila to the list of drinks to never drink again. Your hand absentmindedly runs over the marks on your neck. So that’s who gave you these. You lightly rest your forehead on the table, the feeling of pure embarrassment running through your body. It’s alright, you hope Taehyung doesn’t remember any of this. Even if he does, the both of you will do what you guys always do, pretend it never happened.
You’re too drunk, you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into
You remember straddling Jimin, nipping harshly at his neck as your hands ran down the expanse of his body. You remember trying to unbuckle his belt and him stopping you. Oh God. You shake your head furiously, trying to forget the rest of it and now you wished you hadn’t tried to remember what had happened last night at all.
You check your phone, going through your camera roll to delete at least 50 blurry pictures (most of which are just pictures of your feet or the floor to be honest) of last night, wanting absolutely no reminders of the train wreck that you were. You stop scrolling midway when you remember the texts you sent Jimin just a few hours ago and you repeatedly hit your head on the table in frustration after reading what you had sent him.
Jimin is never going to let you live this one down, you know he isn’t… so, you send him a few more texts hoping that he would turn a blind eye to the events of last night. Basically, you were hoping for a miracle.
[3:27] You: nvm I think I rmb what happened last night
[3:27] You: im… sorry
[3:27] You: let’s just pretend last night didn’t happen
[3:27] You: yeah?
[3:27] You: yeah
[3:28] You: thanks
[3:28] You: u da best
You put away your phone partly because you needed to get back to studying but mostly because this time you’re dreading to see his reply. Systematically, you work down your to-do list, slowly ticking things off as you completed each assignment.
When you tick of the final task, you look up to see that the sun was already setting. You gather your belongings, pushing them into your bag as you mentally pat yourself on the back for getting all that work done despite the killer hangover you were experiencing at the moment.
Walking back to your residence hall, you pull out your phone and your heart drops when Jimin’s name graces your lock screen. You tap on the message notification hesitantly, not really wanting to know what his reply was because knowing him, it’s probably some smart ass comment.
[3:42] Jimin: apology not accepted asshole
[3:42] Jimin: what am I going to do about the marks on my neck hmm?
[3:42] Jimin: and no, I want to discuss last night
[3:42] Jimin: because man
[3:42] Jimin: didn’t know you were that into me nerd
You practically snort aloud when you read his reply. Ugh, this cocky son of a bitch.
[6:30] You: wow
[6:30] You: im not into you doucheface
[6:31] You: I was drunk
You type the rest of your message with one hand as you pull open the door to your residence hall, pausing in the lobby to fully type out a message to defend yourself.
“You know, they say drunk actions are sober thoughts.”
You jump in shock upon hearing Jimin’s voice and he laughs as he skips down the last few steps of the stairs. What kind of luck was this? To get back at exactly the same time he was leaving? It was like the universe just wanted to watch you die from embarrassment. You clear your throat and push your phone into your pocket, trying to appear indifferent… as if seeing him in front of you didn’t make you feel like hiding in a hole.
“Who said that?” You snort. “I call bullshit… so yeah no, not into you.”
“That’s funny,” He laughs, standing in front of you with his arms crossed, staring down at you. “You tried unbuckling my pants… twice… I would say that meant you pretty much wanted me.”
Your cheeks heat up upon hearing the sentence. You’re very aware of what had happened last night but hearing him say it out loud just made it worse.
“I was drunk,” You sigh. “You know drunk? As in was not thinking straight? Anyway, I’m not me when I’ve had tequila okay?”
“Excuses, excuses,” He says dismissively. “You don’t have to—“
“Look can we just stop talking about this, please?” You ask, gaze fixed on the floor because you don’t think you can look him in the face right now.
“No,” He smiles.
You groan in annoyance, gaze still fixed downwards as you choose to walk past him and through the set of doors that led to the rooms on the first floor of your dorm. Jimin follows closely behind you, clearly enjoying how uncomfortable this situation was for you.
“Aw nerd,” He giggles. “Are you feeling down? Because I can feel you up,” He smirks.
“Gross,” You say as you roll your eyes at him. “Do girls actually respond to that?”
“Yes they do, thank you very much,” He answers snobbishly. “Don’t worry nerd, I’ve got one that’s more your style.”
“And what exactly is my style?”
He clears his throat, a devious smirk on his face and you already know you’re not going to enjoy this at all.
“Can I be your enzyme? Because my active site is dying for a chemical reaction.”
“Christ, that was horrible,” You scoff, shaking your head in distaste.
“Maybe you’d like something more specific?”
“Nope, please just don’t,” You say putting your index finger to his lips to make him stop.
“I wish I was the enzyme helicase so I can unzip your genes.”
You purse your lips, trying not to let your smile show but Jimin knows better. He wags his eyebrows at you and you bring your hand up to your mouth, adding an awkward cough because you didn’t want him to think this was actually working.
“Oh my god, I’m going to barf,” You say, feigning disgust. “I’m just— yeah no,” You say with finality as you begin to walk away from him.
“I’m not done yet! Come back here!” You hear him shout, his heavy footsteps echoing down the hallway as he tries to catch up and you pick up speed, hoping to reach your door soon.
He chases after you, holding you in a light headlock when he reaches you and you giggle as you try to get him to release you.
“Jimin, stop!” You say between laughs as you claw at his arms. “I don’t want to hear another one.”
“But I saved the best one for last!” He laughs in return and you cover your ears with your hands, hoping to spare yourself from another one of his cringe-worthy lines.
He giggles, using his free hand, he pulls your hand away from your ear so he could whisper his final line.
“If I was an endoplasmic reticulum? How would you want me? Rough or smooth?”
You bite down on your bottom lip, trying to stifle a laugh but you can’t help it this time. He stares at your face and you look away, biting down on your lip harder in an effort to hold in your laughs as best as you can.
Your stifled laughs comes out in the form of cute snorts instead and you burst out in laughter soon after along with Jimin. He releases you in favour of wiping his own tears of laughter away and the two of you stand there, cracking up again each time the laughter starts to die out.
“Okay, not gonna lie but that one was pretty smart,” You say, laughing through your nose. “Is this what you do with your intro bio knowledge? Make greasy ass pick-up lines?”
He nods proudly, smiling down at you suggestively and you scowl at him.
“Anyway, I hope to God you don’t actually use those lines because they were atrocious.”
“Don’t lie nerd… You liked them and you know it,” He winks.
“Did not.”
“Did too!”
At this point, you’ve had enough so you only roll your eyes at him. You were simply too lazy to argue with him so you wave your hand at him dismissively as you begin to walk away. He smiles to himself, taking large steps to catch up to you.
“So…” He begins. “Smooth or rough? You didn’t answer,” He says with a smug look on his face.
You stop in your tracks and Jimin bumps into you lightly. He wags his eyebrows at you again when you turn to face him, amused that his tactics were working on you. You smile innocently before you step closer towards him, inching forward at an achingly slow pace. Two can play this game. Why should he have all the fun?
You hum and furrow your eyebrows slightly, pretending that you were actually thinking about the answer to his question. Jimin’s smirk widens, he didn’t think you’d actually tell him but if you were going to, he sure didn’t mind. You rest your body on his slightly, resting one hand on his shoulder while letting your index finger trail suggestively down the middle of his chest. You look up to see that smug smile of his suddenly disappear and you let the edges of your lips curl up into a smirk.
His eyes were now wide and lips pulled taut as he watched your every move with interest. You laugh internally at the sight. Who knew he’d be this easy to mess with? You move closer and you see Jimin still completely, his hands twitching nervously at his side.
He watches as you tilted your head to the side, your cheek barely touching his. He opens his mouth to say something, to ask you what you were doing but he felt his mind go completely blank when your fingers curled around the side of his neck softly.
You felt him shiver as your lips ghost the shell of his ear and you smirked, knowing full well that you had rendered him speechless. You hover above his ear, watching him grow increasingly impatient and confused.
Just when Jimin finally got his brain to build a coherent sentence, he feels your hot breath against his ear as you whisper your answer.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” You ask before you pull away to wink at him.
You almost laugh at the expression on his face and you wonder if this is what you had looked like earlier in the day when he had said the same thing to you. You walk away from him, fully expecting him to run up to you to reply with a witty comment but when you turn back, you see him standing there, completely stunned and you laugh once again. Looks like the resident playboy wasn’t as suave as everyone made him out to be.
“I’ll see you around,” You say, waving him goodbye and you see him wave his middle finger at you with a sarcastic smile on his face. You smile, returning the gesture towards him before you disappear into your room.
In the comfort of your room, you pat yourself on your back, a large smile on your face. Rendering Jimin speechless was truly a feat considering how he’d never stop talking once the sleazy part of him decides to appear. You smiled to yourself, it felt good to finally put him in his place, to give him a taste of his own medicine. Maybe he’d think twice before he tried anything on you again.
Physics, physics, physics. The bane of your existence. Your mind drifts in and out of lecture and you focus just in time to catch your lecturer writing down a new formula on the board. You’re not sure why you choose to sit in the first few rows if you never really pay attention to the lecture anyway. Actually, you’re not sure why you even choose to attend this lecture in the first place if you gained nothing out of it in general. Perhaps it made you feel better, like attending a boring lecture in itself was already an accomplishment.
When the bell rings and the professor rushes through his closing remarks, you finally snap back to reality. The sound of collective rustling urges you to begin packing your belongings too and so you do, dropping things into your bag at a snail like pace. As you put away your stationary slowly, you see Jimin making his way down the row to where you were sitting out of the corner of your eye.
“Nerd, can I see your notes later I—“
“Oh hey guys!” Jinyoung, one of the guys in your discussion section greets. His smile quickly fades and he narrows his eyes before pointing at the both of you. “Wait, hold up…” He says as he scrutinizes the marks on your neck and you tug your turtleneck higher, trying to hide them. “Ayy, looks like the both of you finally did it,” He laughs and you look over to see that Jimin hadn’t even bothered to wear a scarf to shield his neck from prying eyes.
“Oh my god, no,” You laugh as you wave your hands about in disagreement. “It’s really not what you think.”
“She’s right,” Jimin says, nodding and you exhale a sigh of relief, glad that he hadn’t decided to say anything stupid this time. “Whatever you think happened… think the same but 10x kinkier,” He smirks.
Son of a bitch
“Wait, what??”
“Nice!” Jinyoung exclaims as he nods approvingly. You watch as Jinyoung fist bumps Jimin and holds out his hand to high five you. You smack it away immediately.
“No! what the hell Jimin? Stop telling lies!”
“Lies?” He asks. “So are you saying this isn’t your handiwork?” He questions while pointing to the marks on his neck.
“I-I… ok fine yes that was me but this wasn’t you and—“
“No way,” Jinyoung interrupts, eyes wide and mouth agape, completely amazed. “So it was a threesome?”
Jimin merely winks and the boy high fives him. You put your hand in the way, attempting to stop them and Jimin is practically snorting at how flustered you looked at this moment.
“No, that’s not—“ You begin, trying hard to deny his statement but you stop mid-sentence, deciding instead to just sink into your seat because it wasn’t worth your time to try and disprove Jimin’s statement. You lick your lips in frustration and scoff at the situation, choosing only to continue packing your bag before walking out of the lecture hall. Jimin calls you by his endearing nickname for you but you ignore him, adjusting the straps on your backpack before turning around to leave.
Jimin chases after you, tugging you backwards by your bag just before you reach the exit of the lecture hall.
“Look, I’m sorry nerd,” He frowns. “It was just a joke, Jinyoung knows that.”
“Yeah, yeah,” You say dismissively.
He turns you around to peer at your face and you simply frown at him.
“I mean it though, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“I know,” You sigh. “I’m not upset… it’s just been a long day and I’m just being moody, sorry.”
“No, I mean I—“
“Listen, I have to go right now,” You interrupt as you glance at your phone to look at the time. “I’ll see you around yeah?” You say as you begin walking away from him. He hears you shout another quick sorry and he’s left standing there, feeling bad about how he had probably made your day worse.
Jimin doesn’t see you for the rest of the week and the weekend too. He feels horrible and he’s worried that he’d totally blown it with that stupid joke. He sends you a few texts to apologize again for it but you reply with smileys telling him it’s totally fine and that you really were just having a bad day that day. Over text, he can’t tell if you’re lying like you always do when you say ‘I’m fine’.
[4:37] You: Hey, I can’t make it to quiz night tomorrow because I have a group project ):
[4:37] You: But I’ve done the quiz and I sent you the answers through email
[4:37] You: At least attempt it yourself before looking at the answers yeah?
[4:42] Jimin: Lame… ditch the group project
[4:42] Jimin: You know I’m more fun to hang out with
[4:42] Jimin: Jk but thanks for the answers and yeah of course I’ll attempt the quiz myself first
[4:43] Jimin: Who do you think I am?
[4:43] You: You’re Jimin which means you’d try to get away with doing the least amount of work possible
[4:43] Jimin: Rude
[4:43] Jimin: Completely untrue
[4:43] Jimin: I’m quite possibly the most studious person you know
[4:45] You: Sure, whatever you say haha
[4:45] Jimin: It’s true ok
[4:45] Jimin: But seriously thanks for the answers
Jimin’s thumbs hover over the enter button as he contemplates sending out his next few sentences. He didn’t want you to think he was too concerned about you, because he wasn’t or at least that’s what he told himself.
Sighing, he locks his screen and sets down his phone. He looks away for a second then exhales a frustrated huff before picking it back up immediately to send the messages anyway.
[4:48] Jimin: Also nerd
[4:48] Jimin: You sure you’re alright?
[4:48] Jimin: Don’t work yourself too hard yeah?
[4:49] You: Haha I’m fine doucheface, don’t worry
I’m fine
He sighs as he reads those two words.
I’m fine, you’d always say when he asked if you were alright but he knew that you weren’t. You weren’t taking care of yourself, he could see that clearly. You had shed a few pounds since the beginning of the semester and the eye bags under your eyes seemed to grow darker with every time he saw you. He often hears you shift uncomfortably in your sleep, whining to yourself under your breath and he holds you tighter hoping that somehow he could help lull you to sleep but he knows that doesn’t work. You needed to talk it out but you always brushed him away. You never wanted to talk about the state of your mental health, that you had made clear to him. You had shot down every attempt Jimin had made at asking you about how you were truly feeling so, he only nods understandingly and bites back the comments that were waiting on the tip of his tongue.
The second week comes around and before he could catch you at the end of lecture, you disappear out of the hall. Never mind, I’ll see her at discussion, he tells himself but you never showed. He shouldn’t be this worried. He really shouldn’t be concerned when you’ve told him multiple times now that you were alright but he can’t seem to shake off the feeling of uneasiness that sat uncomfortably at the bottom of his chest when he thought about you.
He takes longer naps in your room, hoping to catch you when you come back from your classes but he never finds you there. He even decided to do his homework in your room, falling asleep after watching the latest episode of that Netflix show that the both of you usually watched together. He didn’t quite enjoy the episode even though it was as exhilarating as the others. It just didn’t feel quite right… watching it without you.
In the morning, he wakes up to find that you hadn’t returned to your room and he frowns to himself because you had probably slept over at the library again. He wonders if he should search the library for you later and drag you back to your room. If you continued like this, you would probably crash and burn before the end of the semester.
For someone who was just a friend quiz partner, he definitely worried about you a bit too much. God, he hated how you occupied most of his thoughts half the time. He pushed himself hard at training that day, wanting his mind to stop worrying about you but as soon as he steps out of the boathouse, his mind drifted back to the thought of you. To put it quite frankly, he misses you and that was a problem because he really shouldn’t be. You were meant to be someone he’d use to get good grades and if all went according to plan, you were going to be a simple hump and dump but hell, he hadn’t even slept with you yet and he was already so hung up on you.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
A/N: love my bio nerd jokes pls. took a lot of brain power to incorporate them. p.s: this is like 100% unedited, forgive me. FORGIVE ME.
#btswriters#kwritersnet#allkpopnet#bts fanfic#bts scenarios#im sorry x10#part 3 will make up for it i hope
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