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zeroandvoid · 10 months ago
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📨 Lutteo moodboard 📨
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petuniapolar · 7 months ago
Luna and Matteo's ship dynamic is "she can fix me x I can't fix him"
Simon and Ambar's ship dynamic is "I can fix her x I'm gonna make him worse"
Gaston and Nina's ship dynamic is "he can fix me x she is already perfect"
Yam and Ramiro's ship dynamic is "he can fix me x she can fix me (they both make each worse)"
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estrellitat91-blog · 4 months ago
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luvrsctrl · 2 years ago
do soy luna fans still exist?? pls say yes i need to rant about simbar
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thisusedtobeafanpage · 7 months ago
I find it so funny whenever matteo and luna are having a moment and Simon arrives and matteo says something like
"Here's simón 🙄" his annoyance is HILARIOUS to me
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violettaenlaluna · 2 months ago
I swear, Matteo Balsano is a walking headache.
Like, I cannot physically handle how INFURIATING he is right now. He’s always been a little too into himself, but THIS? This is another level. This man is so deep in his own ego that he can’t even see the people he’s hurting.
His music career is ALL that matters. Not his friends. Not Luna. Not even his own dignity, apparently. Because the second Bruno tells him to do something, he just does it—no questions asked. Oh, you need me to insult my friends on live TV? No problem. Oh, you need me to pretend I’m not with the girl I love and fake date some random girl for PR? Sure, why not! Oh, you need me to completely disregard Luna’s feelings and make her feel like she’s in the wrong for not “supporting” this circus? Absolutely.
And THEN, after all of that, he has the AUDACITY to fight with her. To act like she’s the one being unreasonable. Like, excuse me??? He's literally publicly pretending his relationship doesn’t exist while pretending to date some other girl for clout, and expects Luna to just be okay with it? To stand there and cheer him on while he treats her like shit?
And what makes it worse is how he acts like he’s always right. Like he’s so misunderstood. Like he’s the best, and if Luna doesn’t get that, then she’s just not seeing the bigger picture. She sees the picture just fine!!!! He's just too obsessed with himself to realize he's ruining all his relationships for 5 minutes of fame.
I swear, if he doesn’t wake up soon, I’m going to LOSE IT.
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violettaxsoyluna · 4 months ago
Soy Luna - S01
I decided not to separate the first season of Soy Luna into two parts, since most mentionable things happen in the second part of the first season.
I think the first season was great. The story is really interesting; something is always going on; it's never boring. Everybody's storyline is intriguing for their own reasons, and I wouldn't say any of them is particularly boring. I like that while the roller is the main place where most things are happening, we all see them living their lives outside that. We see them go to school and work; it feels really realistic. Yeah, they spend the majority of their time in the Roller, but that's normal because the whole series revolves around skating. I think the second part, from episode 41 to 80, was more interesting and filled with drama. 
Let's talk about the characters now: 
Luna: She is such a lovely girl, and I really love how passionate she is about things. I really like that she is always trying to remain a good, bigger person. I really like that no matter how many times she falls, she always stands up, and she keeps going, which is an amazing trait to popularize. I love how positive she is and that she never gives up. I love the way she encourages people and that she always sees the best in people. 
However, her clumsiness is a bit annoying after a while. I liked that she is not this perfectly organized person, but sometimes it's a bit too much how she forgets almost everything. It was cute for a bit, but it was quite annoying that some of the bad things that happened to her were possible because she left her stuff at the worst places. Obviously, people trying to harm her or ruin her dreams was never her fault, but again, at the same time, it was a bit annoying. 
I really liked their friendship with Simon. They are really great friends, and they are always there for each other. I understood her when she couldn't decide what she felt about him, especially after being friends for so many years, and I also understood that she was a bit confused, but I don't think she should've gotten together with Simon. I don't think she's ever had feelings for him; I think she was afraid that she would lose him, so she wanted to give it a try. But I think we all knew all along that she never really had any romantic feelings for him. 
I think it was clear that she liked Matteo and he liked her as well, but I like that she isn't trying to get closer to him because he is taken. There are a few questionable moments, though, when they clearly both overstepped, but I think she tried her best to not get too involved when he was still with Ambar. I think they are a cute couple, and I was really happy they kind of got together in the very end; however, it was a bit too much waiting and build-up. The kiss that happened in the middle of the season was kind of weird as well; I mean, Matteo kissed him without her consent, but at the same time, she liked him as well, so it's a bit of a conflicting situation. 
It was also so annoying how she always believed Ambar. People told her multiple times (especially Nina) that she was behind most of the bad things that happened to her, but she always thought that it couldn't be her when it was so obvious. I understand why she believed her in the very beginning, but after so many questionable things, I don't understand why she still believes her. 
I think they are really great friends with Nina, and they were always so good for each other. I'm glad they focused so much on that relationship because it was so good to see them become besties. 
All in all, I like her character, and I do think she is a really good person. I think she is one of the least toxic main characters. 
Simon: I think he is a nice guy; he is a really great friend for Luna. I think it's quite easy to tell from the very beginning that he is in love with Luna. I love how great a friend he is, not just when it comes to Luna, but also when it comes to his other friends. He is such a loyal one, and it was so incredibly sweet how he moved to Argentina just to be with Luna. 
I think it's easier to say bad things about his personality in the other half of the first season. I think he is really great in the first half of it. It was really brave of him to tell Luna he is in love with her, and I'm glad he did it, especially since he wasn't capable of being only her friend anymore. However, I have to say he didn't really handle that situation well. I think it was more than normal that Luna was confused since she had never thought about him like that before. It seemed like he wanted an immediate answer, but it must have been such a huge surprise for her. I mean, yeah, people (mostly Nina and Matteo) implied that he has feelings for her, but she never really believed them, for obvious reasons. She was also in the middle of the whole skating race thing. I think the timing wasn't the best. And I have to mention that his behavior afterwards was really questionable as well. So he wanted to leave Argentina and go back to Mexico after realizing that Luna didn't reciprocate her feelings, and it kind of had a bit of an emotional manipulation feeling to it. Yeah, obviously I get that he felt like he couldn't stay close to Luna after everything, but I don't know... It kind of felt as if he wanted to make her feel bad, or as if the only way she could've made him stay was if she got into something she didn't want. The way he treated Luna while he was in a relationship with Daniela was also really painful to watch. Like, to this day I can't understand why he didn't trust her. Like, why would she have lied about everything? She said it several times that she wants him to be happy, but the only thing he heard was that she is jealous because he isn't spending as much time with her as he used to. There were so many red flags as well, and other people made comments about Daniela as well, but he still believed her. 
However, I really loved that when he realized that she didn't feel the same way about him, he broke up with her, because he loved her way too much to see her unhappy. He would rather let her go to see her happy, even if it was with someone else, which shows how much he loves her and that he is mature. 
All in all, I think he is a great character who was a bit annoying and toxic in the second part of the first season, but he was an amazing friend in the first season, and I really liked how he owned up to his mistakes. He is a great guy and a great friend, and he truly loved Luna. He is a good character.
Matteo: I have a really hard time deciding what to think about him. He is such a charming guy, and while he is a bit self-absorbed, he does it with such ease without actually hurting anyone, and to be honest he isn't as selfish as most people like to present him. He is a really complex character, and I do think he is not a bad person, but he's made a few really questionable decisions. 
I never really understood why they were together with Ambar. Like, I get that they are the two best skaters, but I don't think they are compatible, and I doubt they were ever in love with each other. As I said before, Matteo is also a bit selfish and self-absorbed, but he doesn't try to ruin other people's lives to stay on top. I think he made the right choice when he broke up with her after what she did to Luna and Simon. However, I didn't like how he was clearly pursuing and flirting with Luna while he was still dating Ambar. It wasn't right, and he clearly had feelings for her since the very beginning. In his defense, I don't think he realized that until later. But it still wasn't right, and he shouldn't have acted that way.  I also didn't really understand why he wanted to get back together with Ambar when he was clearly in love with Luna, just because she got together with Simon. I think that was a big mistake. 
He wasn't always the nicest with Simon. He kind of came around at the end, but in the beginning he was sometimes really mean to him. I guess it was because he'd already had feelings for Luna, but he still could've been nicer. 
I think he actually changed a lot by the end of the first season, which I really liked. I think he changed the most, and it was great to see how the love he felt for Luna and Luna herself changed him. 
Ambar: What a character. She is really pretty and beautiful and a good skater. I also have to give it to her that she is really good at manipulating people and making it look like she is innocent, especially when it comes to Luna. 
But I can't say she is a good person. I know she is very complex, and the reason why she acts like this is mostly Sharon's fault, who never really cared about her and kept saying the same bullshit to her. She wants to be the best, which is normal, and there's nothing wrong with that, but she is trying to do so by hurting others and "eliminating" them. She didn't just manipulate people and tell them lies, but she also tried to hurt them physically. Like when she made Luna fall by doing something to the skate she was using. She took it too far several times and caused a lot of damage. 
But at the same time, I feel sorry for her. Not just because of Sharon, but also because of Matteo and Luna. While I don't think they were actually in love with Matteo and she tried to manipulate him as well, as I said before, I don't think Matteo was right. He should've broken up with her before pursuing Luna. And while I don't agree with what Ambar did to Luna, I can imagine how bad she was feeling when it seemed like Luna was taking everything from her: her role in the Roller, her boyfriend. And combining that with Sharon's influence on her... It was the perfect recipe for disaster. 
All in all, she is also a complex character, but she was a bit too much for me. I know she will become a better person, which I can't wait to happen. 
Nina and Gaston are great; I couldn't wait for them to get together. Sharon is probably the worst character; I really disliked her. Luna's parents are great. Jazmin is so funny; I really enjoy her character. Jim, Yam, and Ramiro are great as well, sometimes a bit annoying. Cato and Tino are really funny, but sometimes they are a bit too much. And I really love Tamara. She is such a lovely woman and so supportive. 
Great season, I really enjoyed it.
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missroller15 · 1 month ago
going back to my dcla roots and experiencing the agony again (i’ll never be able to attend the live concerts)(bia never got a s3)(no new info on sl4)
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 4 months ago
We rank the Soy Luna ships (both canon and non-canon).
I have seen the full show several times. Turtle has seen 5 episodes.
Things get extremely chaotic. I get to watch Turtle's live reaction when I tell her shit that happens in the show.
Also recording this was tedious because my screen recorder only recorded 5 minutes at a time and then they told me to PAY to continue recording, so I had to uninstall it and reinstall it several times. Luckily it only took 30 seconds to do that every time but GOD it was annoying.
Talking to Turtle however was a blast <33
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bisexualfemalemess · 2 months ago
Guys, its time i come out with it, I was a soy luna/ violetta watcher in my childhood. Simbar>>>>lutteo
My favorite scene will forever be that domestic comfort scene on the park bench in 3x60
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lulu11824 · 5 months ago
I really never post on here cause ig tumblr aint my place BUT WDYM WE'RE GETTING SL BACK????
you guys??? that feels soooo weeeird, also excting but scary??? are they gonna bring back closure or ruin it???
what are you guys thinking? like is it gonna happen 7 years later? just after they went to college? who's gonna be back? who would still be together?? IM LIKE WHAAT anywayyyy aaah
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countessofravenclaw · 4 months ago
I love Gastteo and they are my bros, but sometimes you do come to think how these two people ended up being besties
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Hmm, I wonder who has had a life long exposure to a healthy relationship and a positive male rolemodel in his life.
I think it does come down to that, because a lot of things do come from their upbringing.
Matteo's dad had a very bad reaction to his grief after his wife died, which caused him to get detached from his son, and focus on all the wrong things. He gets married again, which isn't wring in it self, but it does distord Matteo's view on relationships and love being expandable and his mother can be replaced. I don't think Alexander Balsano was very at giving Matteo the talk... I mean the chartcter that was in S2 and 3, you just can't imagine it, and since Blake doubly had good sex ed, who know what Matteo thinks.
While Gastón is the only child of a happy nuclear family. He has younger parents, who have been maddly in love since they have been 20, are maddly in love today, after having wavered and storm and made their way in the world. A happy, equal, respectful and affectionate relationship is everyday for him. I think he has gotten much more pratcive education on the topic as well, since Isla and Amrco are very proactive progressive people. They know what's important to kneo, especally as Isla is very well aware of the circumstances of her own parentage, that she was a unplanned unwanted child born into a unstable relationship, and that cause her father to walk out.
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lirarey · 5 months ago
My best friend showed me the series "Soy Luna" in the summer of 2018, when the first episodes of the first season were released (in our dub) on one YouTube channel. She watched all the episodes that had come out at that time and asked me, while watching the first one, who do I think Luna will end up with? And I, a naive teenager, decided that she would be with Simon. Why? Well, even then I subconsciously loved the "friends to lovers" trope, and their friendship seemed comfortable and harmonious to me. Plus, I've never really been a fan of characters like Matteo. While I was watching the first season, I was scrolling through fandom posts in my native language. And quite a lot of people loved Lutteo, some of them almost hated Simon. But I really don't understand it. All my life I have dreamed of a friend who will always help and protect me. As a little girl, I was incredibly amazed by how Simon easily rushed from one country to another for the sake of Luna. His songs about her are also delightful. And the whole Lutteo dynamic with their teasing and jokes (and it's not just that, but I need to rewatch it to refresh my memory) in this fandom isn't entirely clear to me. I love Talon and Penny from "Inspector Gadget", Daniel and Julie from "Julie e Os Fantasmas", but it's not the same.
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estrellitat91-blog · 4 months ago
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silveranchor · 6 months ago
I actually just rediscovered my some of my old unpublished drafts for AUs I never finished lol
The lutteo figure skating!AU is kinda normal (and cute), but idk what brand of unhinged I was to develop:
A pacific rim/evangelion inspired lutteo AU
A inmortal!AU with Matteo as a warlock and Luna as a fallen angel
The very beginnings of a vampirexbanshee gastina AU
Truly... Those were the days lol
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thisusedtobeafanpage · 7 months ago
Now that I'm rewatching soy luna 8 years later, I finally noticed a lot of things that didn't cross my mind when I was younger, so here it goes:
Matteo was a terrible boyfriend to ambar. At least ever since he met luna. Ambar wasn't a great girlfriend either (or friend) she was super controlling, toxic, jealous, etc. But matteo had a bet going on about luna while they were still dating, it took him far too long to break up with ambar even though it was clear that he was falling for luna from the very beginning.
About luna, honestly I don't feel like she was leading matteo on or anything, she fr just was like that with her friends, but imo it was definitely valid for ambar to question it.
Again, ambar wasn't great in many ways, but matteo should've left waaaay earlier, because ambar did love and care for him, since he was all she felt she had
(I still love all of them though)
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