#battle whump
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chaotic-orphan · 7 months ago
Vendetta (IX)
Read part one here // Continued from this part here
Hero ducked under outstretched arms. Feigned left, lunged right. A flash of colour to their left, then heat. Hero sidestepped the tendrils of fire that shot out from the villain’s hands. They weren’t quick enough. The flames caught Hero’s shoulder and they faltered with a cry, their hand going to the burns, but they grit their teeth and kept moving forward, charging Fire Villain.
Hero grabbed Fire Villain’s wrist in a death grip, nullifying their ability. Their hand chopped through the air going for the throat. Fire villain gasped, doubled over, struggling back a step, clicking their fingers for flames that wouldn’t ignite. Hero yanked them closer by the wrist and crunched their elbow into Fire villain’s nose, eliciting a shriek of pain. Hero finally let go, sweeping fire villain’s legs from under them. Stomping on their ankle as they fell, then their face and bolted again.
Ahead of them shouts of encouragement only harshened the headache pounding in Hero’s ears, pushing themselves faster. Their shoulder burned as the wind caught it, but Hero kept pushing forward, gritting their teeth against the pain. They had to get to Superhero. They had to stop Supervillain.
They had to stop the war right here, right now.
Hero barrelled through the crowd of villains, undetected by the group whose attention was fixed on Superhero and Supervillain in the centre.
Superhero’s eyes widened when they met Hero’s. Supervillain took the opportunity to dash forward, swinging Hero’s sword down in an arc. Superhero barely had enough time to cross his arms in an X shape over their head, catching the blade on their vambrace. Supervillain tossed his lazy gaze over his shoulder, keeping the pressure on Superhero’s arms with ease, icy eyes landing on Hero.
A horrible grin stretched across his face as Hero pushed into the circle with the pair. “Ah, Hero. Come to enjoy the show? Out of your cuffs and everything. Naughty, naughty. Superhero… you should’ve raised them with better manners.”
Superhero threw their arms up while Supervillain was distracted, pushing the sword away and sidestepping the edge. He lunged on the inside of the blade, batting it away with his forearm and kicking Supervillain back to the edge of the tight circle of villains. Hands reached out to keep Supervillain up, ensuring he didn’t fall.
“Hero,” Superhero said, a muscle in his jaw tightening as Hero stepped towards Supervillain. Supervillain backed up to keep both Hero and Superhero in his vision, swinging the sword in his hand.
Hero narrowed their eyes into a burning glare, catching their breath from running through the battlefield that stank of blood and shit. The group somehow smelled worse, pungent heat mixing with sweat.
Hero’s mouth was dry from running, but they pushed through everything in their body that was telling them to stop. To lie down and go home. That told them this was too hard, they should give up now. You’ve done enough now, Vigilante is gone. Give up fighting, nobody will think less of you.
“That’s my sword,” Hero told Supervillain, ignoring the intrusive thoughts screaming in their head. They put their hand out, palm up. “I’d like it back now.”
Supervillain tsked. “Hero… it’s kind of concerning that you want my attention so badly. Clearly Superhero’s opinion of you has gone to your head. You’re not everyone’s sweetheart.”
A pop behind Hero and something was shoved into their hands. Another pop and Hero glanced down to see their sheath with their secondary sword. Hero wanted to close their eyes and pray, thank the Gods for Teleport, but instead they drew their sword, dropping their scabbard to the ground. Wiping their sweaty palms on their trousers, Hero tightened their fingers around the hilt to get a better grip.
Supervillain smirked at the pair of heroes ahead of him.
“Two on one is a little unfair, wouldn’t you say, lads?” A cheer around them. Hero and Superhero retreated, back to back on instinct, looking warily around them.
Hero saw a flash of Supervillain’s toothy grin as he stabbed Hero’s sword into the dirt, leaning his weight on top of it like it was a cane and crossing his legs. Entirely too casual, his voice dipped, darkening as he said: “How about we even the odds?”
Another cry and the swarm of Villains descended like a plague of locusts upon them. Hero kicked out at the first Villain that ran at them, leaning on Superhero’s back to get more force behind it. The next one lunged while someone pulled at Hero’s shirt, trying to yank them to the right and away from Superhero.
Hero jutted their arm up sharply, deflecting a blow with the flat of their blade, but they were too slow. A fist crunched into Hero’s face from the left and they stumbled and then there were hands on them. Hero kicked out, thrashing and raging against the hands holding them. They were sharply pulled to the left, the hands on them unrelenting, but Hero kicked out at the Villain trying to body check them on the right.
A villain sprung up in front of them and Hero barely dodged the knife going for their eye. Hero punched them in the solar plexus and the Villain folded, but they didn’t get to fall.
Blood splattered across Hero’s face, and they flinched and froze for a split second, stumbling back into the hands of villains. The taste of iron infested their mouth, heightening the stench of blood and metal that surrounded them. The villain that they just punched— their head was ripped open and their deadweight fell on top of Hero. Hero fought back a retch, struggling to push the body off them.
Two bright yellow eyes the colour of pus gleamed down at Hero, a wicked grin on a pretty face and they were speaking but Hero couldn’t hear them over the cacophony of sound that assaulted their senses. Her face was covered in blood too, blood that she licked from her fingers, as if it was sauce leftover from chicken wings.
Hero threw their arms up in defence, not hearing anything over the pounding of their thundering heart.
The girl stumbled forward, her mouth falling open, frozen in shock. Hero only distantly realised the hand that was through her chest, roughly pulling out after the girl fell like a rag-doll to the ground, motionless. The look of surprise etched into her face forever.
Superhero was in front of them then, grabbing Hero and yanking them up, their hand like a vice around Hero’s arm. Hero flinched when their eyes met Superhero’s. There was a horrible sense of urgency in them that Hero couldn’t feel, their body felt numb. Did they have pieces of that Villain’s face on their—
“Hero! Hero! Snap out of it!” Superhero cried, but Hero’s eyes drifted down to Superhero’s hand, slick with blood. Superhero moved like a blur around them. One Villain stepped towards the pair and Superhero whirled, both hands finding the villain’s head. A swift movement and the villain’s neck snapped and they fell.
“Hero!” Superhero screamed, glancing behind him at the still comatose Hero who was just standing there. Another Villain went to attack Hero, but Superhero got there first, breaking the Villain’s arm, then ripping it from the socket. The Villain screamed as Superhero smashed their foot against the Villain’s knee, crippling them and shoving them away.
Hero blinked at Superhero, recognition flashing in their eyes. “Hero- we have to—”
A crackle of electricity behind Superhero and Hero’s body moved before their mind realised it. They shoved Superhero out of the way and lunged forward, grabbing the electric villain’s arm, and nullifying their ability before they surged their sword arm forward and up, under the Villain’s armour. Their sword poked out of the villain’s mouth, who stared at Hero with a horrible knowing they were about to die on their face. Don’t think about it, Hero told themselves. Keep moving. Don’t think. Keep moving. Blood splattered across their face as Hero pulled their sword out, kicking the corpse back into another group of villains.
And more were coming.
It seemed like every Villain they cut down, four more took their place, and the circle was getting smaller and smaller and Hero could barely catch their breath between the bodies.
Don’t think. Keep moving.
Slice. Block. Superhero’s fist cracked and crunched into Villains behind Hero, but they kept fighting.
Kick. Punch. Another haunted expression. Don’t think. Don’t think. Don’t think.
They had to win.
Another death at Hero’s hands. Keep moving.
They had to stop Supervillain here.
Another body fell and three more Villains surged forward with cries of bloodlust. Hero cut them down like weeds. Don’t think.
They had to end the war. End all the fighting, all the dying.
Just stop, Hero. Give up, nobody would think less of you. The thought made Hero pause in their movements. A mistake, they realised too late.
A hand clamped down on Hero’s hair and they were dragged back. Hero let out a startled cry, losing their footing as they were yanked back. Hero swung their sword at the Villains coming towards them.
“Hero!” Superhero cried from somewhere in the masses. Hero adjusted their grip on the sword until the blade was aimed behind them, grabbing the hilt with both hands they drove it backwards and up. A sudden, piercing scream and Hero jerked forwards, their hair still heavy.
Hero whirled. A villain was standing clutching a bleeding stump and screaming. Hero shook, their entire body trembling as they reached for their hair and found the hand still bunched in their hair. Hero ripped it off, the smell of piss and sweat overwhelming them as fell back, the ground growing slippy. Tears sprung to their eyes, but Hero had to get up. They had to get up or they’d die.
Hero dug their sword into the ground and pulled themself up with an effort. It felt as if all of Hero’s energy was zapped from them as they got to shaking feet.
They barely had the chance to catch their breath before a villain was rushing them. Hero didn’t think, they lifted their sword and let the Villain impale themselves. The Villain didn’t die immediately, and horrifically Hero’s sword got caught between the Villain’s ribs when Hero tried to yank it out. Hero planted a foot on the Villain’s pelvis, yanking on the sword but it didn’t budge an inch. Instead, Hero kicked them back into the masses of bodies, unarmed.
Shit they should really find—
Superhero… Hero turned to Superhero’s voice. Their mind a fog. It felt as if their eyes were too slow to catch up with their surroundings that seemed to zoom past them. A sudden pit opened up in their stomach, their mind screaming DANGER! But Hero was turning towards Superhero, exhaustion pulling at their muscles. Tiredness pulling at their eyes.
Chocolate brown curls fell over a pair of cool, cold eyes that flashed with malice. Hero barely had time to process before something hard slammed against their jaw. Hero’s head whipped to the side and was righted by a cold hand, before it hit them again in the same place.
The world spun around them as Hero spluttered out a gasp, raising their knee to try and dislodge Villain from them. Villain smiled a cold smile. A flash of metal and the breath was taken from Hero who folded around the object, their legs giving up on them.
“Shh, Hero,” Villain cooed, running their hand through Hero’s matted hair. “It’s okay. You fought well, Vigilante would be proud.”
Hero let out a loud cry, spitting blood, thrusting their elbow up towards Villain. Their strike went wide, Villain parrying with his gun and hit Hero over the head again. Hero would have fallen if Villain wasn’t holding them up, they realised, with how heavy they were leaning on Villain’s arm. They wanted to throw up, they wanted to sleep.
They needed to end this war.
A cold mocking voice piped up from the back of their head: you’re going to end this war? With what?! With who! The war won’t be finished by some half-conscious, possibly concussed, disarmed mess that needs someone else to hold them up!
Hero winced. The voice was so loud, their shouts echoing around Hero’s dumb head like a cavern.
A thick, cold shadow crawled from Villain’s fingertips around Hero’s neck like a collar and leash, choking them. Hero gasped, hands flying to their throat to try and dispel the shadow but nothing. Villain yanked their hands down, tying them in front of Hero with his whip and yanked Hero forward again.
Hero followed because they couldn’t not, they didn’t have the energy to pull against Villain, their legs shaking as Villain paraded them through the crowd of villains. The heat from the bodies squeezing Hero on all sides threatened to knock them out from pure exhaustion and lack of air. Everything was too much, it was all too much.
The air smelled of smoke and vomit, and iron. Hero gasped on no air, struggling to breathe with the little leeway that Villain granted on Hero’s neck pulling tighter the more Hero resisted. They weren’t trying to resist they just couldn’t… their body didn’t want to move anymore, they could barely fucking see straight. Everything was reduced to whirling colours, a deafening ringing sounded between Hero’s ears, blocking out all other sounds. Or could everyone hear that?
When they finally emerged into the middle of the significantly thinned circle of villains, Hero’s eyes went to Superhero who was fighting Crow. Hero yanked against the whip in Villain’s hands. They had to get free. They had to help Superhero…
Villain only pulled the whip sharp in reply and Hero was yanked forwards. Their feet couldn’t gain purchase fast enough on the wet ground and they slipped, hands out to catch themselves. Villain yanked on the whip at the last second and Hero’s plunged face-first into the blood-stained mud. They shot up immediately, spewing and sputtering out the taste in their mouth.
Hero’s eyes shot to Superhero who was covered in blood, his hands stained to his shoulders with the dried, flaked crimson and fresh blood dripped from his fingertips. Someone kicked Superhero in the back of the knee and Superhero fell to his knees.
“No…” Hero mumbled, their tongue fat in their mouth. They army crawled forward. “Superhero… no… get up.”
Villain grabbed Hero by the hair and yanked their head up so they could get a better view of their fallen leader. Supervillain stepped in front of Superhero, Hero’s sword coated in blood already. For a single, heart breaking moment, Superhero’s kind eyes met Hero’s. Something sad pulled at the edges of his smile.
Hero mirrored the frown, needing their brain to process what it meant. What was happening? What were they looking at?!
Hero struggled against Villain’s hold, more out of instinct than anything else, but they didn’t get anywhere. They stiffened when the gun pressed against their temple.
“Here is the great Superhero,” Supervillain yelled. “A symbol of the old world order. A symbol of powered individuals forced to live in hiding. Told that we’re freaks, and dangers to society!”
Supervillain turned in a circle, looking every member of his captive audience in the eye. “Well I say no more.”
There was a chorus of cheers.
“I say NO MORE!” He screamed, and the cheer turned to screams and riotous applause. It exasperated the thundering headache that threatened to burst Hero’s skull. They slumped against the gun at their temple, but quickly perked up with a hiss when Villain yanked on their hair again.
Supervillain smirked at Hero, on their knees, shaking their head. “Supervillain… please… don’t… don’t do this.”
“I’m so glad you’re here to witness this, Hero,” Supervillain told them. Hero felt bile rise in their throat at the elation in his voice. “Let it serve as a reminder of what happens to those that oppose me.”
The ringing got louder as Hero’s desperate eyes went to Superhero’s. Superhero still smiling sadly at them. Hero lurched forward with a cry of protest as Supervillain turned.
“It’s okay, Hero,” Superhero said. “Everything will be—”
The sword plunged under Superhero’s armour. Hero watched as blood gurgled up and over his lips, a small trickle at first. Then, a waterfall. Supervillain twisted the sword before yanking it out, scraping against bone and wet flesh. In the distance someone was screaming.
Hero blinked at the scene, flinching when some of the blood from Supervillain’s blade flicked back onto them. Superhero… that was… that was Superhero’s blood. Hero didn’t lower their gaze from Superhero’s face. At one point Superhero fell forward. One of the Villains behind Superhero grabbed him and pulled him up so Supervillain could plunge the sword in again.
This time it ripped. Villains still cheered, someone was still screaming. Hero couldn’t take their eyes off Superhero’s face, the same sad smile echoing back at Hero.
Frozen. This was how Superhero’s face would remain forever. Like all the Villains that Hero killed today. This was how his face would stay. A sad, knowing smile on his face. Nothing shocked or terrified, Superhero greeted death with a smile on his face. A smile that was to reassure Hero, to make Hero feel better.
A smile that said: it’s okay. I know. We tried our best and we failed, and it’s okay.
That wasn’t how Superhero was supposed to greet death.
Not… not making an expression to comfort Hero.
That can’t be how Superhero dies.
It seemed as if the entire world rushed by Hero’s ears, bringing them back to the present with a renewed laser focus.
That can’t be how Superhero dies!
Hero sucked in a breath as the sword squelched out of Superhero. Someone said something, Supervillain gestured. He pulled out a dagger and sliced an arc down Superhero’s face. Hero struggled in Villain’s hold, roaring:
“GET OFF HIM!” Hero screamed, surging forwards but they were wrenched back, their voice going hoarse as they struggled in vain against Villain’s hold. “DON’T TOUCH HIM! STOP! STOP!”
Something hard hit the back of Hero’s head and they jolted forwards, collapsing onto their elbows, crying into the dirt. Twin streams of spit, snot and tears fell onto the ground under Hero’s head and they squeezed their eyes shut, not wanting to see it anymore. See Supervillain cutting Superhero’s body because… because Superhero… Superhero didn’t lose.
Superhero didn’t die with a smile.
Superhero never lost. Superhero may have cut it close every once in a while but he always walked away from a fight. Superhero wasn’t—
A sharp tug in their hair and Hero was yanked to their knees again, then to their feet. Hero threw their elbow back, catching something but what they didn’t care as they bolted towards Superhero.
They fell to their knees beside his body, their hands reaching to Superhero’s pulse. It was faint, but it was there.
Hero turned wet eyes to Supervillain, pleading. A black figure from the corner of their eye advanced on them, but Supervillain held a hand up, stopping them.
“Plea— p-p-please,” Hero whispered, sniffing, their voice hoarse and quiet, but Supervillain heard. He tilted his head, eyes drinking in Hero’s broken state. “Please… don’t kill him, please… please. I’m— i’m begging you, Supervillain. I’ll do ah-anything.”
Superhero can’t die with a comforting smile on his face. That wasn’t his death, that can’t be his death. Always looking out for someone other than his stupid fucking self! Superhero deserved to be selfish in death! At least in death!
Supervillain leaned back, pursing his lips as if he was chewing Hero’s words, tasting them, trying to find some flavour within them to his liking. He leaned forward, cupping Hero’s cheek in his hand and thumbing away the trails of tears and dirt and blood.
Hero shook in his hold but didn’t dare pull away. “Would you show me the same consideration?”
Hero blinked, sniffing. “What?”
Supervillain’s expression wasn’t mocking or cruel, he looked genuine. Patient, even. “If the roles were reversed, Hero. If Superhero had won and I was on the ground, dying, would you let Superhero kill me here? In the dirt?”
Hero’s breath hitched, their eyes drifting to Superhero’s face, his lips stained bright red with blood. Unnatural. Superhero’s lips were never bright red. Supervillain gently tilted Hero’s head back to him.
“Would you?” He asked, voice soft.
Hero’s bottom lip quivered. “I- I don’t think an-anyone should d-die like this.”
Supervillain smiled. It was kind, without malice. Hero swallowed the lump in their throat. Not daring to let themself hope but- but what if?
“So what would you do, Hero? Take me prisoner? Have a trial for my crimes?”
Hero shivered. “Yes.”
Supervillain paused. Hero held their breath as Supervillain pulled away and got to his feet with a grunt. He surprised Hero by walking over to them and helping Hero to their feet too, gentle movements all the while. Not too fast, trying not to spook the trembling Hero. Hero protested leaving Superhero’s side by Supervillain shushed them.
“It’s okay, Hero,” Supervillain coaxed, whispering sweet nothings into Hero’s matted hair. “There we go. Villain?”
Two more hands grabbed Hero’s shoulders. “Be gentle with them,” Supervillain told Villain as he pulled away.
Hero grabbed Supervillain’s arm before he could. Burning eyes met ice cold glaciers that smiled warmly at Hero. “You’re- you’re not going to k-kill him?”
“No, Hero. I won’t kill him.” Supervillain said softly and Hero’s legs went from under them in relief. Villain held them up while Hero cried, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Supervillain spread his arms out, bending down to scoop Hero’s sword from the dirt. Villain held Hero loosely to the side, their eyes never leaving Superhero’s body.
“My friends!” Supervillain boomed, his voice carrying over the battleground. “We’ve won!”
The field erupted into applause and cheers, villains roaring their triumph and chanting Supervillain’s name.
“Hero has begged me to spare Superhero’s life,” Supervillain bellowed with a grin, turning to face Hero again and winking. Hero flinched at the chorus of boo’s and mocking aww’s, jarring and vicious. “So I will not kill Superhero.”
Hero risked a baffled smile, though it probably looked pathetic. Maybe Supervillain was telling the truth. Maybe he did want to stop this endless violence between heroes and villains. Hero’s eyes got their determination back and they nodded at Supervillain, who returned the gesture with a smile of his own.
His arms still spread to his rowdy crowd, Supervillain’s icy eyes turned sharp, cunning twisting the side of his lips up and when he looked at Hero again there was something off about the picture. Something that told Hero there was something wrong. What were they missing?
What were they missing?
Grieves walked from the crowd that parted for him, walking up behind Supervillain. He plucked the sword from Supervillain’s hands who never took his eyes off of Hero. Grieves didn’t break his stride as he turned Hero’s sword upside down, walking towards Superhero on the ground.
Hero’s eyes widened too late, their face pulled from peace to horror in the space of a second. They lunged forward while Grieves slammed the blade of Hero’s sword through Superhero’s armour and into his heart.
Arms locked around Hero as they sprung for Supervillain, an animalistic shriek pulled from deep within their bones. “YOU FUCKING MONSTER! YOU BASTARD! YOU SAID YOU WOULDN’T—” Hero screamed over the cries of victory and celebration.
Supervillain walked around Grieves to Hero who was practically foaming at the mouth, blood-stained-spittle flying as they screamed. “YOU’RE A LIAR! YOU’RE A LIAR!”
Supervillain pinched Hero’s chin jutting Hero’s attention towards him. His arctic gaze freezing Hero solid. “I didn’t lie, Hero. I held up my end of our bargain. I said I wouldn’t kill him. And I didn’t,” Supervillain said very matter-of-factly, as if he were speaking to a child throwing a tantrum. Though his wide smile betrayed his joy and malicious intentions. “Grieves killed him.”
“You fucking MONSTER! I’ll kill you!” Hero vowed, their promise coming out guttural, voice hoarse with grief and despair; broken. “I’ll—”
“Promises, promises,” Supervillain said, dropping Hero’s chin. “Superhero had to die, but that was only half of the main event, dear Hero. Now to the good part.”
Continued here
Orphanage roll-call: @micechomper @aarika-merrill @silentpotat0 @dutifullykrispyland @gloriousqueen101
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featherlovesrobots · 6 months ago
I want to watch ten seasons of this
You're known by many names, but they all point to one trait you've held all these years: your enemies have never seen you bleed. Your secret? A pinch of illusion magic that hides all the scars and wounds, allowing you to intimidate your foes, even on your last legs.
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allthewhumpygoodness · 1 month ago
Will never not love writing characters panicking after being involved in some battle or some sudden disaster or attack. Adrenaline alone keeping them clear headed while they're in the midst of the worst of it -- maybe they're in a command position of some kind so they *have* to keep it together -- but one they get a second's relief they're a shaking, inconsolable mess. A young soldier making it to a safe zone after a battle gets out of hand, sitting hunched over and trembling, trying to asses their own injuries but unable to think because they can still hear the sounds of swords clashing, or of gunfire. An earthquake collapsing a city block and someone in charge working their ass off to get as many people to safety as they can even as rubble builds up around them, finally getting a moment to breathe and all they can do is lean against the remains of someone's home or workplace, exhausted and in shock.
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gothamite-rambler · 4 months ago
If Odysseus was luckily bestowed demigod status after he died
And knowing he could easily take on Poseidon, Odysseus took the time to mess with him even more. After all, he was related to Hermes, the god of mischief. No one stopped Odysseus because he was kind of warranted this after the insanity he went through to get home.
Poseidon, Hades, Ares, Odysseus, Zeus, and Hera were having brunch together. Hera brought over another stack of pancakes for the group.
Hera: Ody, enjoy the brunch, but is Penelope not joining us today?
Odysseus: She's exhausted from last night, but she does love your cooking.
Hera: And I love her and you because you're a good man who doesn’t cheat on his wife.
Hera glared at Zeus before sitting down next to him.
Poseidon (scoffing): You act like he’s a hero.
Zeus: Not this again.
Odysseus: Let him whine again; he's still hurt that I wounded him with his own weapon.
Odysseus smirked, relishing the chaos he was stirring.
Poseidon (frustrated): At night, I can still feel the trident in my chest, puncturing my organs.
Odysseus (mocking tone): Oh boo freaking hoo. I made more use of it than you ever did, fucking idiot.
Poseidon (defensive): Hey, I’ve done serious damage to mortals, taken down fleets, made men fear me, and used the water as my body to do all of that! I am tough as steel! One human man was never an issue to me!
Odysseus (smirking): All I remember is you begging me to stop while I stabbed you with your own weapon. Then you thought you won our battle by making me a monster like you. I wanted to get home, you got upset because I didn't kill the son that from my new knowledge you never visited. Whatever makes you happy though.
Poseidon: You've heard legends about my strength and power!
Odysseus (after finishing his tea): Then I saw that you are powerful and have small penis energy and had to one up a human man. You know, like bitches do.
Poseidon (angry): I could dropkick your ass right now, I don't care if other people are here! I don't give a fuck!
Odysseus (grinning): I can definitely beat your ass now as well. Want to test that theory?
Ares (intervening, amused): Uncle Poseidon, stop before he uses someone else's godly weapon on you.
Odysseus (snickering): You think he'd cry this time?
Poseidon (shouting): Okay, why is he here?!
Ares (nonchalant): Hey, leave my great-nephew alone. I invited him over for brunch.
Poseidon (exasperated): He’s not welcome here! I want him out of this brunch now!
Ares took a quick sip from his tea cup then placed it back down on the saucer. He was a God of War, but not lacking in good taste when it came to tea.
Ares (maintaining his composure): Those who want him to stay, raise your hands.
Ares, Hades, Zeus, and even Hera raised their hands causing Poseidon to shake with rage as the tides outside matched his enraged energy.
Ares (with a satisfied grin): You've been out voted, unc. Sit down and eat your pancakes. You can fight him afterwards.
Odysseus chuckled, snatching a pancake off Poseidon's plate. The God of the Tides stood up and stomped out of the room in frustration.
Poseidon: I will be waiting outside!
With that, he left in a huff, the rage causing the tides outside to churn wildly for a few moments.
Odysseus (chuckling, mischievous): I'm glad that you welcomed me and my family to Olympus. This has been a fun time so far.
Zeus (pleased): Yeah, we all enjoy your company, and it's only been a year so far.
Hades (with a bemused expression): Honestly, anyone who makes either of my brothers this mad is always hilarious to me. Poseidon has a serious grudge against you, and it's been a long time since that last happened.
Zeus (shaking his head, incredulous): I can't imagine being that petty and holding a grudge for so long.
Ares (rolling his eyes): Dad, even I know that's a lie.
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featherlovesrobots · 4 months ago
Sickfictropes you always bring so much to a prompt!! I love everything about this response
It's the end of a big battle, and everyone is safe. The team is exhausted but relieved. Those with enough energy are already celebrating that everyone survived and no one god hurt too badly. Even Stoic Leader is smiling --- until their eyes widen as they feel a sword cut clean through them from behind, and the near-silent battlefield echoes with their pained gasp.
As it turns out, there was one more enemy left. They flee after they deal that last strike, and the team is too shocked to chase them. Faces falling, hands lifted up to cover their mouths in horror, steps taken back. Then Leader crashes to their knees, propping themself up on their palms. Heart cries out, bounding towards them and screaming for Medic. Then, chipper and optimistic as they are, they put their trembling hands on Leader's shoulders and babble reassurances at them. Main Medic shows up next, sprinting to Leader despite their own half-patched injuries. "Hey, hey, hey. Captain. Look at me, okay? Eyes on me."
It's a race for the team to drag themselves back to base to get Leader help --- and it doesn't help that they're still tired and battered from the fight. Tank can't fully carry them with a broken arm, so Archer, despite having been poisoned themself, helps to support them. Everyone is suffering, but they all come together for Leader.
When they finally reach base, they call out for the other Medics, the ones who always stay behind in case of situations like these. Leader is the main focus --- they're bleeding badly, and they might have some nasty damage to their internal organs, so there'll have to be a surgery. But the others get a bit of attention too; broken bones set, antidotes administered, bandages applied --- despite their frequent protest. Main Medic is deemed too injured to work, and they're too tired to fight on it. They just smile tiredly at the other surgeons and say, "okay. You've got it. But call me if anything happens, yeah?"
When Leader comes to, everyone is waiting for them. Instead of just "captain" or "ma'am," they're called by their own name.
ooh i'm imagining a scene where Leader is finally sleeping peacefully after they patch them up and the team just sits by the fire, treating one another's injuries.
Medic needs stitches, but that has to wait because Archer's poison is a much more pressing problem.
Second in Command treats themselves under Medic's supervision because Medic literally doesn't have even a single moment to spare. after Archer is taken care of, Medic all but collapses from their own injuries and someone who isn't trained has to give them stitches.
i love the aspect of everyone coming together to help Leader, then STAYING together to fix one another. they sleep in shifts, the order based on the severity of their injuries. even if Leader will be upset that none of them put themselves first, they got the job done. this is such a good prompt!!
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liliannamira · 13 days ago
Gabriel (OC) fighting
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eerieechos · 4 months ago
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Had to put the twins in the same post bc separating them makes me Sad
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pyrepostings · 8 months ago
Box boy-esque universe where recruitment cares a bit about some form of consent to turn people into boxies, so when whumper wants someone who won't be tricked into it they just capture and train their whumpee themselves.
Everyone in this universe is like 'what the fuck you can't do that' and because of corporations protecting themselves and general propaganda (I'm thinking almost apple villifing right to repair type vibe) everyone sees going the homemade route to be barbaric and cruel, but WRU is ethically sourcing and handling their officially branded boxies (of course)
So homemade boxie does get a chance to be rescued and recover and see whumper behind bars, but lives in a system of people going through the exact same thing as them but they don't get justice or sympathy.
Do you think a well meaning but susceptible to propaganda caretaker would purchase an off-the-shelf boxie to help with menial tasks during whumpee's recovery?
Maybe to show that 'you're not like them, see this one likes being depersoned'. Caretaker offhand insulting pet lib activists, thinking that it's an overreaction for whumpee to get mad at them for it.
I just think the contrast and hypocrisy could be neat.
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dangermousie · 5 months ago
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That's it, that's the drama.
and it's glorious.
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seth-whumps · 8 days ago
persona 3 reload is a great game with no issues or mistakes (seething with rage that akihiko's arm injury isn't even SPECIFIED let alone visible outside of that one scene where he slumps against the door and slides down. i wanted him WHUMPED atlas you bitch)
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whiteboywhump · 5 months ago
Hugo gets stabbed
movie: Alita Battle Angel
the sounds he made, and the way she cradled him, the way he fell limp into her arms, the way he was jus at laying there dead in Alita’s arms!! 🥺
gif set link: https://www.tumblr.com/whiteboywhump/738172296189100032/the-way-he-falls-limp-in-her-arms-movie-alita
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chaotic-orphan · 1 year ago
Can you please please please please please make another part of vendetta? I absolutely love it!
Anything for you @aarika-merrill <3
Vendetta : part three
Part one here
Continued from this part here…
When Hero woke it was to a heavy commotion in the Medical ward of the Guild. Nurse was screaming and Doctor was no where in sight.
A masked villain Hero vaguely recognises sees Hero and smiles. They round on Hero’s bed and before Hero can sit up they push Hero back down, digging their thumb into Hero’s freshly healed wound and Hero cried out.
“Don’t worry, little Hero, Supervillain will make you feel better.”
Doctor appeared behind the masked Villain and jammed a needle into their throat. The villain’s fingers lessened their grip and they fell back, Doctor stepping away and letting them fall to the ground.
“What’s happening?” Hero gasped, turning to get out of their bed. Doctor helped them to their feet, a grimace on their old face.
“The Guild has been breached. I came to evacuate the—“
Doctor didn’t get to finish their sentence before there was a massive explosion that blew the pair of them backwards. Hero’s back cracked against the wall and they fell with a shuddering cry of pain to the clinically white, tiled floor.
They had lost Doctor in the blast, unaware of when they had lost them but they couldn’t focus too much on it given the swarm of Villains pouring through the hole in the Guild walls.
There was a hole in the Guild walls.
It barely registered in Hero’s mind.
Hero blinked, their ears ringing and the room spinning as they pushed up from the floor on their hands, into a one knee crouch, shaking the debris from their hair and coughing up dust.
One of the Villains, Vigilante, saw Hero and their golden eyes widened slightly. Hero held their gaze, even though their heart was breaking at seeing their friend on the enemy lines. Vigilante had always told them, so Hero shouldn’t be surprised really, it was their own fault.
“You’re too good to me, Hero,” Vigilante would say with their charming smile. “I don’t deserve it.”
“If I say you do, you do,” Hero would reply, stubborn.
Sometimes Vigilante would laugh or shake their head or smile and wave it off. Other times, Vigilante’s face would grow sad. They would take Hero’s hand and look them in the eyes, with their big beautiful honey coloured ones and say: “you know that when it comes down to it—“
“You’re more Villain than Hero, I get it, Vigilante. If the time comes I won’t hold it against you.”
“When the time comes, Hero,” said Vigilante urgently.
Hero only realised now that that was Vigilante’s way of warning Hero, and Hero couldn’t help but give a wry smile. Vigilante tried to warn them, it was their blind optimism that betrayed them.
Was Vigilante only friends with Hero because Supervillain asked them to be? To get closer to Hero?
It wasn’t a pressing issue, answering it wouldn’t help Hero fight off the herd of villains currently storming their home, and it was convenient for Hero that they didn’t need to answer it.
Very convenient.
The ringing half cleared when Hero got to their feet, stumbling back and catching themself with a steadying hand pressed against the wall. Everything sounded far away, there was someone screaming and cries of malicious laughter as the villains flooded the gap in the Guilds defence.
All of it sounded like it was background noise compared to deafening echo of Hero’s breathing and that fucking ringing screeching between their ears.
Someone grabbed Hero by their sheaths criss-crossed over their back and Hero stumbled as they were yanked back, their feet nearly going from under them. When their feet planted on the ground again, Hero twisted their torso aiming a punch for their assailant.
Their fist was caught and their eyes met Vigilante’s, their stomach dropped as Vigilante twisted their wrist and Hero cried out. Hero yanked their arm back but it didn’t budge so they stepped back instead but Vigilante stepped with them.
They were saying something but Hero couldn’t make it out, their thoughts felt thick and heavy in their brain, like trying to walk through a flooded bog.
Hero heard that one, and would recognise that grouching lilt anywhere. Even if they were half deaf and in tremendous amounts of pain.
Vigilante looked at someone over Hero’s shoulder and nodded. That was all the warning Hero got as they were suddenly and brutally driven backwards, further into the guild.
They tripped and fell and Vigilante fell with them and they went rolling until Vigilante was on top of Hero. Vigilante yelled something over their shoulder and Hero frowned as Vigilante crowded down on top of Hero. Hero thought for a moment they were going to kiss them, but then they just hugged them, their body shielding Hero from something.
A blinding white light, brighter than the sun burst through the room and Hero squeezed their eyes shut and ducked into Vigilante’s shoulder to dim it. Even with their eyes closed some light managed to filter through and it burned.
Hero heard the screams.
They were loud enough to pierce Hero’s thundering breath and that ringing from the explosion.
Then they heard Doctor shout and a wave of silence rolled out over the room in waves.
Vigilante got to their feet and pulled Hero up, Hero only noticing now there was no blinding light taking up the entire room, only the wall where the explosion came from, acting like a shield to the breach.
There was also no Villains. Only Vigilante standing beside Hero, holding them up. Hero frowned, scanning the room for the source of light.
Their eyes focused in on the mop of wild white hair standing where Hero and Doctor wore after the explosion. Doctor stood with their hands thrown wide, fingertips that same blinding gold wash of light. Hero pushed off Vigilante, walking towards Doctor but Vigilante held them back.
“Doctor?!” Hero yelled.
Doctor turned, shooting Hero a smile over their shoulder. A dribble of blood leaked from the corner of their upturned lip. Hero jerked forward, pulling themselves free of Vigilante’s grip and running to Doctor to assess the damage.
Doctor stuttered out a gruff laugh. “Guess I should’ve taken my own advice, huh, Hero?”
Hero didn’t understand what they meant. Not until they rounded Doctor and saw the spear stuck in their abdomen. Blood was flowing from the wound, down Doctor’s front and pooling onto the ground at their feet.
“Doctor” Hero whispered, reaching a hand out, then retracting it as they went closer to Doctor. They could see the sheen of sweat covering Doctor’s worn, dirty face from the explosion. The blood trickling down from beyond their hairline, tracing the outline of their skull as it trickled down their face. They looked older now, somehow ancient in the moments it took for the explosion to blast them apart.
They looked old and tired and sick, and yet still his hands glowed with that golden light. Their healing light.
The healing light they had used to cure how many Heroes of how many ailments, and now here Doctor was, in need of help and only Hero was in front of them.
Hero licked their lips, wiping their hands on their clothes.
“What— what do you need me to do? I can… we can fix this, and…” Hero sniffed looking back at Vigilante who had an incomprehensible look on their face. “Me and Vigilante will help, wont you Vigilante? You can tell us what to do. We can fix you…”
Doctor shook their head. “Stubborn to the last, Hero. There’s nothing to be done. I’m using my power to seal the Guild walls and I’ll do that until I die. Vigilante will get you out of here.”
“Vigilante,” Doctor demanded, gruff voice softer. “Take Hero and get out of here. The Guild isn’t safe anymore.”
“Of course, Doctor.”
Hero was too stunned to say anything. This isn’t how it ends. This isn’t how it’s supposed to end for Doctor, Doctor had outlived them all!
Doctor had seen worse than Supervillain and lived through the mortal/mage wars, they didn’t die here in the medbay. They could… they could survive anything! They could survive this.
They could have, Hero realises, a lump forming in their throat.
They could’ve survived this if it wasn’t for Hero. The only reason the Guild walls were breached was because Villain knew Hero would be here after their fight. Fuck!
Before Hero could say another word Teleport popped into the centre of the room with Medic.
Medic’s eyes were wide and wild searching the room until they found Hero, then they went to Doctor. Medic’s face paled, panic pulling their features down, then they were running, crying— “no, no, no, no, no, not like this.”
“Medic,” Doctor said with a fond smile, more blood falling from their mouth. “I’m so happy I can see you one last time.”
“Doctor, no! I can heal you. I can fix this.”
“Hush, Medic. Give an old Doctor their dying words in peace.”
“No!” Medic cried, voice strained and full of pain. “I can fix this, stop healing the wall and work on yourself! You stupid, stubborn, oh—old fool!”
Teleport just stood frozen to the spot. Blonde hair slightly more dirty than before.
“Heal, Doctor, please!” Medic wailed, taking Doctor’s golden hand in theirs. “Please!”
A hand was on Hero’s arm then. “Hero. We should go.”
“Don’t touch me!”
“Hero,” Vigilante said again, voice dipping and becoming more commanding as they pulled Hero back more forcefully. “Let them have their final moments in peace. Come on.”
Hero sniffed, but their shoulders sagged and Vigilante took that as their cue to steer Hero out of the medical bay. Vigilante walked with one arm around Hero’s waist, the other they used to push fallen debris and rubble from their path, lifting it without touching it. Hero just walked where they were guided, numb and unfeeling, and yet overwhelmed all at once.
Vigilante set Hero’s back against the wall and checked around the corner to make sure it was clear. Hero frowned then, Doctor’s words only taking hold now.
The Guild has been breached.
Hero snapped out of their grief.
They could deal with it later. There was people here who needed help now, and Doctor… wasn’t around to help so it was down to Hero.
Hero drew their swords. At the shink of Hero’s swords Vigilante looked back at Hero, saw the determination settle in Hero’s face and straightened up again. Straight to business.
“How many?” Hero asked.
“At this point, I’m not sure, Hero. The last thing I heard Supervillain was making his way over.”
Hero felt their heart drop into their stomach, mouth growing dry. “Supervillain is coming?”
Vigilante frowned, looking back around the corner. “If he isn’t already here, yeah. The corridors are too quiet for a raid, don’t you think?”
Hero loosened their grip on one hilt, letting it swing up and back, pressing the flat of the blade flush against their arm the tip closer to their elbow. They walked to Vigilante’s back and looked down the other hall, frowning at how quiet it was.
“You’re right,” Hero said. Hero took a tentative step out into the hall with a sharp inhale and waited.
Nothing happened.
Vigilante stared at them, thumb running over their lip. Vigilante deep in a contemplation, Hero recognised that easy tell from before the war. When things were easier and they weren’t on opposing sides.
Without a second thought Hero had the tip of their other sword resting on Vigilante’s throat. Vigilante tilted their head in response, but that was it, like they expected this from Hero.
“How do I know you’re not leading me to a trap?”
Vigilante blinked. “You don’t.”
“Very convenient you just happened to be at the medbay when the walls were breached.”
“You think I made the hole in the wall?”
Hero’s face was blank, expression neutral as they said: “wouldn’t put it past you. It would be a very you thing to do. Very smart, come and “help” me and then throw me under the bus. Give me as a peace offering.”
Vigilante’s eyes finally narrowed.
“If I wanted to do that Hero don’t you think I would have done it when you were still upset about Doctor?” Vigilante asked, voice growing a deadly kind of quiet.
They didn’t move, didn’t so much as blink, but still Hero could feel the invisible touch of Vigilante’s power on the tip of their sword like a finger pushing it away from Vigilante’s throat. Hero grimaced with the effort to keep their arm steady as Vigilante stepped closer, batting the sword to the sword with their actual arm this time. Hero yanked their arm back but Vigilante caught it by the wrist and kept it away from Hero, sword pointing away, stepping closer even after Hero stepped away, back hitting the wall until Hero could feel Vigilante’s breath on their face.
“It would have been so easy,” Vigilante said, voice soft as they reached their other hand up and captured Hero’s chin in their hand forcing their head up to keep Vigilante’s intense gaze. “See? You’re not in the right headspace at all, Hero. You let me get close.”
“I can let you bleed too,” Hero told them, yanking their arm back again, but Vigilante’s grip just tightened on their wrist and slammed it against the wall. Hero grimaced, bringing their other arm up but that too was caught in mid air by Vigilante’s stupid invisible hold. Vigilante smirked as Hero’s other arm was slammed back against the wall, useless.
Hero glared up at Vigilante who wasn’t even breaking a sweat and ground out, “okay. You made your point.”
“Have I?”
“Yes,” Hero spat, then gasped as the grip on their arms tightened.
“How’s your shoulder?” Vigilante asked eventually, peering down at them. “Villain was bragging about it. Told me they would have had you if it wasn’t for Medic and Teleport showing up, and Other Hero. Obviously.”
“Why the fuck would you care?” Hero demanded hotly, struggling in Vigilante’s grip and staring at them with that same defiant glare.
Vigilante sighed and let go of Hero, stepping back away from Hero. Hero’s chest rose and fell quicker than usual, their heart not quite registering the threat Vigilante posed until after they had let them go.
“I had to make it look real, Hero, otherwise the Villains would lose their trust in me.”
“Yeah. God forbid the Villains think poorly of you.”
“Fine. You don’t have to believe me. What do I know? I just came to make sure you were okay—“
Hero’s eyes narrowed into a glare, frustrated tears gathering behind their eyes but they refused to let them flow. “If you really cared about me you would tell me what Supervillain wants with me.”
“I told you before Hero, I don’t know.”
“Very convenient.”
Vigilante threw their arms up. “Now is not the time to be arguing like this in the halls. We need to find your other Heroes and make sure Supervillain hasn’t come yet.”
“Who’s side are you on?” Hero asked, incredulous.
Vigilante rubbed their forehead and sighed, certain eyes suddenly weighted, meeting Hero’s as they said “yours, Hero. I’m only on your side.”
“And if we find Supervillain’s here? Supervillain wants me dead? In chains? Held prisoner. Then whose side are you on?”
A flash of hurt crossed Vigilante’s face at the accusation. Like that was the worst thing Hero could have ever said to them, like they were speaking blasphemy.
“I’ve only ever been on your side Hero,” Vigilante said, voice barely above a whisper. More like a prayer than a confession, but a confession it was all the same. “Trust me on that. Please.”
Hero wanted to.
They wanted to trust them more than their gut, but they couldn’t.
Hero nodded and said, “okay,” even though they didn’t mean it.
It seemed to settle the doubt in Vigilante, who let out a slow breath and nodded. Resolute and determined and they straightened, back to business.
“Where would people hide if there was an invasion? Worst case scenario.”
Hero frowned, their mouth going dry. “Here,” said Hero quietly, their eyes finding Vigilante’s. “The Guild is the last resort. Where we would retreat.”
“And Superhero? What would they do?”
“Something stupid and brave,” Hero said with a grimace. They raised their head to look at Vigilante, to find Vigilante already looking at them. “I have to find Superhero.”
“I’ll come,” said Vigilante without hesitation.
“And if they’re in the middle of the fight? If they’re facing Supervillain?” Hero couldn’t keep the accusation from their voice. Vigilante stepped in close, Hero’s back pressed against the wall on instinct but that didn’t stop Vigilante’s advance.
Vigilante reached up with both hands and cupped Hero’s cheeks in their warm, strong palms. Hero’s breath hitched and then was stolen away when Vigilante pressed their lips to Hero’s. Hero practically melted into the kiss. It was so tender, so sweet and yet forceful and rough. Vigilante’s lips moved almost ravenously against Hero’s and Hero responded in kind, matching the desperation and the hunger.
Much too quickly it was over, Vigilante pulled back, their hands still on Hero’s face, and rested their forehead against Hero’s, their breath mingling as they both caught their breath.
“I’m with you, Hero,” Vigilante said and Hero believed them. “I’ll follow you to Hell and make sure you come back alive.”
“Okay,” Hero said, voice soft. “Let’s find Superhero then.”
Sorry for the short part, but it’s setting up for the next one
Continued here
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citrine-elephant · 3 months ago
christmas + whump ->
opening presents. chris doesn't even know what the crate he's about to open is gonna change this whole mission. really is a surprise to find your crush waiting for you to unwrap! seriously, uh, leon needs help. yeah yeah, thanks santa, but uh it's time to go -
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pigeonwhumps · 1 year ago
Taglist: @painful-pooch @i-eat-worlds @a-funeral-romance @rainydaywhump
Angstpril: alt prompt 1: troubled mind
Inspired by these two prompts by @hurtmyfavsthanks and an anon ask she received. I saw the more recent one and just wrote this straight up within a couple of hours, unable to resist it.
CWs: living weapon, outcast whumpee, magical whumpee, low self-esteem, betrayal kinda, mentions of battle and casualties, mentioned past discrimination
Whumpee doesn't remember much of the battle.
It went by in a haze. They remember red, people falling, screams, unsure which side they were on. They remember the glee, the euphoria, of using their magic. The high of it all.
Now they're starting to come down from that high, and they can see the fear in people's eyes. The injuries, the casualties. Vaguely, they wonder who caused them. Was it them again?
Hands cup their face, gentle, calloused. The only ones that will ever touch them anymore.
"Hey. Look at me, now. Not the camp. Me." Whumpee looks up hesitantly, into their loving, warm eyes. One day they'll change. One day... one day they'll harden. Fear, hatred. From all the people they've hurt, on all sides. One day it'll be too much. They're afraid of the day they'll see that, of what will happen then.
But it hasn't happened yet.
Caretaker wipes their cheek softly. "It's okay. Come on, rest. Lay your head down. You're done for today. Close your eyes and rest."
Whumpee crawls into Caretaker's lap. They vaguely register being carried, head being lifted until it meets Caretaker's neck. Whumpee nuzzles into it.
"Shh. You did so well. You're doing so well, Whumpee. I'm proud of you."
Whumpee doesn't want to be. They want to grow flowers. But this is what their magic likes, this is what their king likes, this is what makes Caretaker say those words of praise in just that voice, so they can't stop.
(They ignore the small voice in their head that says that they have no idea what Caretaker's reaction to flowers would be. This is exhilarating, even if they feel an ever-growing bubble of shame at the endless, ruthless violence.)
Caretaker runs a hand through their hair, combing out the knots from the day's work, using a little water to clean the worst of the blood. Whumpee has been through this so many times that they know what to expect without even a glance. He won't hurt them with those eyes. They know his expression, his feelings, and they curl their arms and legs closer around him.
He's so warm.
"S'okay buddy. I'm here."
Whumpee closes their eyes. It's so... so... they don't think they can sleep yet but they find themself drifting on the exhaustion the magical high always brings.
The next morning is... the next morning. As it always is with a new squad, it is very different to the first one.
And as it always is, Whumpee feels a sharp stab of hurt.
The soldiers know who they are, what they are. Have done since the very beginning .They've worked with Whumpee on the preparations, the journey here, for weeks. They know them. Sat around the campfire, shared meals, joked and talked and laughed. They'd been wished good luck yesterday morning, hair ruffled, smiles and reassurances in abundance. Soldier had even fixed their horse's saddle after the straps started to break. Now...
Now, they won't come within arms length of them. Soldier ladles out breakfast to the rest, leaving an empty bowl several feet from Whumpee, not looking them in the eye as he leaves them to fetch their own. He flinches along with several others as they approach the campfire, more whose hands jerk towards their swords. As if they're going to attack. As if they're so out of control that they'd attack their own side on purpose.
They reluctantly let go of Caretaker's hand so he can fetch their breakfast and the healing potion alone. At least he looks them in the eye. At least he sits with them, and talks, and touches them. Helps convince them to take the potion, even though it's bitter and rancid and no-one will improve it for the likes of them, and they won't need it once the adrenaline and euphoria of tomorrow's battle kicks in.
The kindness is only for now. It will change, sooner or later.
Nobody helps the pair of them take down their tent, or pack their saddlebags, and the Sergeant looks about to stop Whumpee from replacing the emergency set of daggers they carry in their boots at all times. A gift from Caretaker.
It's like they have the plague. Or the Devil's Touch, as their old villagers used to say.
They're pretty much alone in the clearing now, the rest of the squad staying as far away as they can without letting Whumpee out of their sight. Just in case they explode or something.
Without a word, Whumpee settles down on the ground beside the smoldering fire, Caretaker sitting on the log behind them. It's a sharply cold morning, dew dampening their breeches, but their leather armour keeps them surprisingly warm.
Caretaker braids their hair quickly and simply, just enough to keep it out of their face. Battlefields aren't the place for complicated hairstyles. Which is a shame, because Caretaker takes pride in that skill, and Whumpee delights in being allowed to display the results.
Whumpee dries their face with the cloth Caretaker hands them wordlessly. They need to get it together. It's not like it's the end of the world or anything. They try to summon the ease by which they sometimes prepare, the eagerness instead of dread that comes with a lot of battles.
It doesn't come. Today is a day for dread, then, and there's nothing they can do about it but pray for a miracle. And a break in the hatred and fear, the violence with which everyone rejects them.
They can't help thinking, though, that the amount of damage they've done, it's no wonder people want them locked away. They are a weapon, after all.
Yes. Definitely one of the bad days.
Caretaker's their handler. They try not to think about it but it's true. He's the only one who might see it, might offer them a brief reprieve. So they summon up all their courage.
Caretaker finishes the braid and kisses their temple. "I'm so sorry, Whumpee. I really am. But you need to do this. We need to do this. The kingdom needs you."
Whumpee nods. They don't blame Caretaker, not really. They need to win this war. And Whumpee needs to use their magic.
But gods do they wish they could stop.
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jedi-lothwolf · 6 months ago
Whumptober Day 3: Set up for Failure
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Warnings: Multiple character deaths, violence, and strong language.
Summary: What if after The Battle of Manhatten, the Gods decided that the half-bloods were too dangerous to be left alive? Even after winning the war, they could fail to keep their lives.
    No one tells what you are supposed to do after you win a war, especially when you have been preparing for it your whole teenage life. Percy stared at the water. The battle had been over for two days now. Everything was settling down.
    It was noon by the time anyone realized something was wrong. Dionysus was pacing on the deck of the big house. It wasn't uncommon to see him distressed since Caster died. The god had taken it harder than expected. He seemed to be arguing with someone that was just out of sight.
    Annabeth walked down to the beach to meet Percy. They sat together and watched the waves get higher and higher. "Is that normal?"
    "Not really." Percy said uneasy. "Maybe Dad's upset about something?" Lightning flashed in the sky. "That's familiar."
    Looking at each other, Annabeth and Percy felt the need to go back into camp. They stood and ran back as the waves started to rise higher.
    Inside camp, things were a mess. Not that they hadn't been anyway. There were people grieving and weapons that needed to be put away. Funerals were still being planned for some and for others, send offs with no body.
    The sky darkened. Travis walked by Annabeth and Percy. "Did Mr. D give up on the weather or something?"
    "Something's wrong." Annabeth said matter of factly. The two stopped walking as the grass around the Demeter cabin started to rapidly grow.
    "You can't do this!" Dionysus yelled. His voice was loud but still far away. "It's not fair to the kids! They fought our war, leave them alone! You can't just break your own rules!" Anger seemed to motivate the tone of his voice as well as heartbreak.
    Looking at the big house, Travis, Annabeth, and Percy froze. "What the hell?" Travis whispered.
    Grape vines grew on the deck of the big house. Chiron left from the front door and started to make his way to the Demeter cabin. At the same time, the door was being overgrown with plants. Connor had been nearby and ran to the cabin. "What's happening?"
    "I don't know! I can't stop them!" Katie yelled back. "Get to the window!"
    The two cabin leads went to a back window where they started to evacuate the building. Chiron said something to them when he got to them. Tears fell down Katie's face and Connor looked betrayed. "Come on!" He yelled to Katie as she got the last kid out of her cabin.
    "We need to help them!" Percy started to run to the cabin. As the three half-bloods ran, the cabin started to crack.
    "Take my hand!" And Katie tried. Vines grew around her ankles and legs. She screamed as they overtook her body. As the cabin was completely taken over by sharp vines, Conner tried one last time to reach her. His hand touched her arm before he fell back into the ground.
    It took a moment for Connor to process what happened. Chiron dragged him away from the cabin as he tried to go back to Katie. The boy looked down to see a large amount of blood in the grass. Looking for the cause, Connor realized his hand was tangled in the weeds. "My hand." He said breathless.
    "Connor!" Travis screamed. "Where the fuck is your hand!?"
    Slowly Conner looked down and realized his right hand had been cut off by the overgrown vines. Trying to process everything that happened, he just stared blankly where he hand should have been. Quickly Chiron pulled off his jacket and tore off a sleeve. After that he handed the torn sleeve to Percy and gave the jacket to Connor. "Tie that around his arm as tightly as you can." He told Percy. "Travis, get your brother to the hospital."
    "Why not the infirmary?"
    "Camp is no longer safe for you. The Gods," the Centaur looked pained as he spoke. "The gods believe the demigods are too dangerous to be left alive after the war. They believe that you might try to rise against them."
    The teens looked at each other. "You mean to tell me that we won their war for them and now they want to kill us!?" Percy yelled.
    "Oh so they can kill us but not help us?!" Annabeth shouted. She felt betrayed. After so long of trying to defend the gods, they decided to stab the demigods in the back.
    Trying to move the demigods away from the Demeter cabin, Chiron continued. "It's unfair, yes, but nothing can be done about it right now. They kept Dionysus and I away from the conversation or we would have fought for you."
    The ground shifted as Percy fished tying Chiron's shirt sleeve to Connor's arm to make a tourniquet. Connor hadn't stopped watching the Demeter cabin. Quick and thick vines snapped to the top of the wooden cabin. It snapped under the pressure, sending pieces of wood flying through the air. The remains started to be pulled under the ground.
    "No no." Connor whispered. "No, Katie!" Struggling to get to his feet, the boy tried to go to his friend's cabin. Percy grabbed him and pulled him into a trap hug. "Katie!" The demigod yelled, his voice breaking. "Katie!" Pulling him to the ground, Percy tried to calm him down. "We are supposed to go to college after this! Percy let me go, I need to help her!"
    "She's gone buddy." Travis fell to his knees, trying to comfort his brother. "We need to get out of here. Someone has to take care of you."
    "Please no." Connor sobbed. "She was the only one left. We were supposed to go to college. We were-." The boy could no longer talk. Instead he fell into his brother, sobbing uncontrollably.
    "Annabeth, go grab some wood. We need to make the tourniquet tighter." Chiron helped Connor off the ground as the girl found a piece of the Demeter cabin to tighten the tourniquet with.
    "Here." Travis took the wood from Annabeth and then grabbed his brother.
    "Come on. I'll get you out of here." Travis took Connor into his arms. "Percy, take care of our cabin please. I'll try to get him somewhere safe and come back to help."
    That was the first time the group decided to look around. The stray pieces of cabin and stuck campers. Many of them were Demeter's own children and most of them had been killed. Annabeth tried not to cry. After so long, you would think the demigods would just be used to this.
    "What are we going to do?" Percy turned to Chiron. Annabeth ran over to one of the surviving Demeter kids and helped her.
    "Evacuate camp."
    "But then we have to fight gods and monsters!" The son of Poseidon argued.
    "Not all the gods believe you should die. They will protect you. Lady Artemis has offered the assistance of her Huntresses and you have the fun support of Dionysus."
    "Great." Sighing, Percy looked around. "We should split up." Chiron nodded then went to meet Annabeth.
    On the deck of the big house, Dionysus looked over camp. The yelling had subsided. A crack of lightning  pushed the god up against the railing. He fell to his knees as he was struck by the unkind hand of his father, Zeus.
    Anger filled Percy but he knew he couldn't do anything for him. He watched as Dionysus tried to get up but was met with another strike of lightning. Then the God didn't move. The quick thought of Mr. D being killed crossed Percy's mind but gods can't be killed.
    Clarisse sent her cabin member out of the cabin. One of them approached Percy and asked where any of the Apollo kids were. "I'm not sure. We need to find them."
    As if the gods had heard them, the Apollo cabin caught fire. There was screaming from the cabin but it didn't last long. One after another, the Ares and Hephaestus cabins also caught fire. The fire in the Ares cabin spread the slowest while the other two cabins were engulfed in seconds.
    Young Will Solace came running from the infirmary to see his cabin in flames. "No!" He screamed out in terror. Like his older brothers would have, he ran towards his cabin. Grover, who had just come from the infirmary for a nail in his hoof, caught Will before he could get too close. "Austin and Kayla are still inside! They went to get some blankets!"
    Grover pulled him into his arms and away from the building. "It's okay. It will be okay."
    In the Ares cabin, Clarisse tried to get her brother away from the wall as the fire spread. He had been leaning against the wall when he was implied by debris from the Demeter cabin. It had come through the wooden walls of the cabin and pinned him to the wall.
    "I'll get you out of here." Clarisse started to cough as smoke filled her lungs. The fire crept closer and closer to them.
    "It's okay. You should go." The teen struggled to talk.
    "No. I'm not just going to leave you here to die." The cabin leader's voice shook.
    "If you can't get me out safely, just pull me off the wall."
    "That's crazy. It'll kill you!"
    "So will the fire."
    Taking a second to make her decision, Clarisse sighed. "Alright, let's do this."
    Outside of the cabin, Percy helped any injured Hephaestus kids. "We need to get the infirmary evacuated!"
    As Annabeth and Percy ran to the building, there was an explosion inside it. The blast knocked the two back. They could hear Will's distress. People had left their cabin by now to see what was going on. Helping each other up, the demigods looked at each other for a moment.
    "Is this really happening?" Annabeth said with tears in her eyes. Had they been set up for failure by their parents.
    "Maybe Luke had a point." Annabeth didn't seem very amused by Percy's comment. Looking at the fire, Percy dragged them away from the infirmary.
    Grover tried to keep from crying. Will didn't need that. As soon as the boy had seen the fire that engulfed the infirmary, his knees gave. The satyr lowered him to the ground as the boy screamed.
    "Nice of you to join." Percy said sarcasticly as Thaila came out of the woods.
    "What the hell happened?" The huntress started to run with them.
    "The gods never intended for us to survive past the war!" Percy yelled. "If we lost, we died and if we won, we died."
    "I'll get the girls to help." Thaila said.
    "Thank you." Annabeth started. "Percy, where are we going?"
    "Chiron said Mr. D was on our side. Thaila, your dad just did a number on him. We need to see if he could help or if his still laid out in the deck."
    "I think Percy and I handle that. Thaila, can you go help them." Desperation filled Annabeth's voice. Camp had been her home and she had trusted the gods.
    "Okay." Thaila ran off as the Athena and Hermes cabins started to be overwhelmed by vines. The Poseidon cabin was stuck by lightning, setting it on fire.
    "That was personal." Percy joked.
    "Come on, let's go."
    The fires started to spread to the ground and the woods. Clarisse and another Ares kid came out of their cabin. Blood poured to the ground. The cabin leaders got her brother to the ground. "I need a medic!" She yelled. Then she looked around. Almost every cabin was on fire. The infirmary had gone up in flames and so did her hope of saving her bother. "Damn it!"
    Looking back, Percy tried to distance himself from the situation. Most people had left their cabin when the buildings started to catch fire. As the Aphrodite cabin caught fire, the last person who needed.to leave the cabin came out with blankets and some kind of medicine. It was like someone had been protecting him from the fire.
    Camp half-blood was in chaos. Kids were running everywhere, just trying to survive. Percy looked back at the deck of the big house. Mr. D was nowhere to be seen. The thought that he had left them invaded his mind.
    "Pollux!" A pained voice yelled out.  
    Percy looked to see Dionysus leaning against a tree. It looked like he had been crying. The demigod knew the god had a responsibility to his own child first and he had to respect that. "Come on, we gotta help everyone else."
    "Pollux, come here!" Dionysus screamed, just hoping he would be heard. In the midst of all the chaos, he reached out for his child. The teen raised his head when he heard his name.
    "Dad!" He yelled out. Then he stopped running and looked for his father. When he found him, he sprinted to him. Wrapping his arms around him, Dionysus grabbed his son. The two looked at camp as tears fell down Pollux's face. Not letting him go the god pulled his son away from the battle, letting him bury his face in his shoulder.
    No one could blame them. After all, they were all tired of fighting.
    "Dave." Clarisse spoke. "Just hang on."
    "It's getting cold. Clarisse, you can let me die. I'm tired it's okay."
    Tears attacked her eyes. "Dave."
    Reaching his up to her face, he sighed. "You did everything you could." His breathing started to slow. It wasn't long before he was gone.
    Standing, Clarisse joined Percy and Annabeth. "Are you okay?" Percy said, concerned.
    "Fine." She spoke harshly. Annabeth stopped running and Percy and Clarisse stopped. They scanned camp. "Is everyone out?"
    "Maybe. Camp just got way too quiet that fast." Percy was talking quickly.
Travis startled them when he walked up to them. "I'm back. I got two of my brothers to help Connor." Thaila joined them as well.
"The girls are ready to help if need be. Lady Artemis says she'll take anyone she can."
"Okay. We need to get out of here." Clarisse to few steps forwards. She turned to face the others. Grabbing Annabeth's hand, she pulled the two being a tree and to the ground. "Get down!" The others ducked as lightning went over their heads.
"Oh come on!" Percy yelled.
"Let me talk to him." Thaila tried. "You need to get out of here."
"I'm not doing that again." Annabeth said. "I'm not letting you sacrifice yourself again."
Sighing, Thaila pushed her sister into Percy's arms. "I'll distract him."
"No, we stand together." Clarisse grabbed her sword.
Pushing the sword down, Percy sighed. "How about we run together instead? That works too."
"This way." Annabeth took Percy's hand and guided them out of camp. After all, she knew the camp the best of all of them. The group grabbed Grover and Will, who had hidden in the woods near Thalia's tree.
"Where do we go?" Clarisse asked.
"My home. We can figure it out from there. I'm sure Mom won't mind that much." He looked back at camp. The boy saved the Gods for their children and this is what they get? The first real safe place Percy had, gone. Most of the people he cares about are gone. Percy sighed and started to lead the way to his home.
Part 2: soon
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