#battle point voucher
pokemaster91 · 1 year
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Another Battle Point voucher sync pair to add to the collection! Olivia & Carbink!
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arklayraven · 7 months
...I don't think NB is gonna have Nightmare revivals too now. Now that I look at the tickets thing we have now there...
I don't think the tickets carry over like how past summons would in normal Nightmares.
Either use those tickets now, or they are gone...
So pretty much if I don't get enough to get Asmo out of pity, then all my summons(vouchers/points) were for nothing...
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moodyhaaze · 9 months
just me ranting about s*lmare again,,, sigh
it’s kind of getting on my nerves seeing people getting mad at others for pointing out s*lmare’s shitty behavior. like, i get that people may not want to see negativity about the games/devs but acting like people aren’t allowed to be negative is a whole different thing.
look. i’m not trying to be seen as the like “ultimate s*lmare hater™︎” or anything (or maybe i am), but i’m just going to compile a quick and nowhere near exhaustive list for everybody so they understand why i and so many other fans are still so mad. because quite frankly i’m sick of people crying on twitter that i’m “just being mean” when what i’m really doing is calling a spade a spade.
for an ENTIRE YEAR before nightbringer was released, devs never told anybody that a new game was coming out. everybody grinded for an ENTIRE YEAR because we were kept under the impression that a new season was coming to OG only to be told “haha we’re going to make you pretty much redo the whole story again (but in the past :O !!!) only after which you’ll get a conclusion for OG :)” [the end of lesson 80 of OG literally said coming soon until AFTER nightflop was announced.]
devs waited until a reddit ama to even tell us that a new game was coming, but only when asked by a fan who’s question subsequently got buried in all the other responses. the only reason anybody else saw it is because it was screenshotted and posted to twitter and in its own post on reddit. no official announcement was made prior. the first official announcement we got was like a week or two before nightflop was released.
they keep pushing out terrible quality events back to back just to milk money from fans even though the vast majority of fans have said they don’t like back to back events because the quality of them are horrendous. most players would rather have fewer events with better writing then to have constant shit ones.
never told us that daily chats were ending in OG. we only knew this was happening because someone sent a ticket to the devs and it was then screenshotted and posted to twitter.
s*lmare has proved time and time again that they only care about whales. they’ve proven this by paywalling a lot of features in Nightbringer. and before anyone drops in with “but they give us more devil points in battles >:(“ shut up. haven’t you noticed the increase in need to spend devil points? whether for character outfits, sprite outfits, level up sales (that they’ve made more frequent by making leveling up easier), ap sales, etc… they’ve only given you more DP so you’ll spend more DP.
they literally shoved an ad down our throats as many times as they could (in NB) by putting it on the HOME. SCREEN. as well as making it one of the first things you see when you boot up the app and in the side news thing. they didn’t do anything about it until fans complains relentlessly for WEEKS.
they took away the 10x free pulls for HDD 4 (which is OG’s birthday NOT Nightflop’s). they have always done the free pulls since the games inception. they did this so that fans are more likely to use they’re own vouchers or pay irl money for the cards they want.
they lowered nightmare drops EVEN LOWER to force players to draw more if they want certain cards (this goes back to putting players in a position to use irl money to buy devil points for nightmare summons if they want certain cards).
wanderers whereabouts and fabsnap are lazy and unnecessary and from what i understand, most people barely fool with it. the models are cheap and horrendous. (i get it’s a mobile game and the graphics are not going to be like PS5 level, but come on.)
they took away birthday events without an announcement. people were saving AP and demon vouchers for their favorite boys’ birthday events only to instead be given ONLY a birthday nightmare with a pity OF 200. they also stopped doing birthday events before asmo’s 2023 bday, leaving him as the only brother without a prince card. never mind the fact that they’ve paywalled birthday items in wanderer’s whereabouts for $3.99 (usd).
they changed some devil grams (in OG) to please a loud minority of players that didn’t like having to kiss the brothers in the devilgrams. in a game about dating and kissing demons. they pandered to a small (but quite loud) minority of players BITCHING that they didn’t want to kiss the brothers. in a game about dating demons.
they’ve infantilized the game and lowered the age rating (to 12+) to make it more accessible to younger audiences which has significantly lowered the quality of the writing. this is a game about demons !! they are not child friendly and they don’t need to be written as such. a game about dating and romancing demons is a kids game now.
i want to express very sincerely that i absolutely adore obey me. i have for the past four years. (you should see my collection of luci merch LOL). it’s the first franchise i have devoted myself to so strongly. i just really hate s*lmare and how they keep getting greedier while offering NOTHING to fans but lukewarm content and constant money pandering. this franchise means a lot to me, and i know that rings true for most of the players, and it hurts to see it going down the drain like this considering it is so special to me. i love this community (except when people are crying over misinterpreting criticisms against s*lmare/devs as personal attacks) and i love what everybody creates. it’s all so so very special to me and it’s important that we all understand this. these games and franchise could be something so very special. it started out so different (in a good way!) than almost all other otomes i’ve played, but now it’s getting left in the dust because a multimillion dollar company is more worried about how to milk an extra $3.99 from their fans than they are making quality content that fans would be WILLING to pay for, instead of locking content behind paywalls.
i wish nightbringer was never a thing. the story they wanted to make could have easily been a 1-2 season arc in OG. but instead we were forced to essentially play the same game over again, just in a different setting and time, and pretty much be told that the time we’ve spent grinding and leveling up our cards and getting through all the battles in OG was wasted. all for a new game that nickels and dimes players while offering shit in return.
solmare was proven that they have no intention of being transparent with fans. that they only want to milk whatever money they can from us. it’s created a lot of distrust and aversion in the community. and believe me, after all this, and even after obey me is run through and isn’t a cash cow for them anymore, i’ll never play another fucking solmare game ever again.
❤︎ it’ll always be ‘one master to rule them all.’
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jadeazora · 27 days
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I take it back, this is the best anniversary ever, solely for Malva. So happy they finally added best worst girl. (Her partner is Talonflame, and she's standard Spotlight.)
Also, standard Spotlight and coming out of NPC hell, Chuck and Trevor. Their partners are Poliwrath and Florges respectively.
Lear is unfortunately a Master Pair. (Given that they're no longer the top-dog pairs, my thinking is that they're going to be releasing Master Pairs with increasing frequency. I was trying to collect them all before but now I'm going to be focusing on the Arc Suits 🤷‍♀️) I'm most likely skipping him entirely if the Arc Suits give me hell Scouting them. His partner is Gholdengo. Rachel and Sawyer are Variety and paired with Gimmighoul.
Other new units include Mix Leaf partnered with Blastoise, a new Silver partnered with Crobat in the damage challenge, BP Voucher Rose, Lusamine, Will, and Cheryl, BP Super Voucher MC and Raikou, and Battle Chatelaine Morgan and Virizion. The other Chatelaines and Janine/Ariados have their EXs unlocked.
Edit, here's the event schedule for this month, it's really packed. (Please no freaking points events like last month or I'm going to lose my shit.)
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prosciuttulipa · 7 months
content: spoilers for JJK0! Satosugu if you squint, but it's left ambiguous enough for it to be either romantic or platonic. This is just me imagining what it'd be like if Suguru got a chance to do-over for his plan on how to save humanity from its bullshit
Reformed!Suguru who, instead of dying in the alley from his fight with Yuta Okkotsu, is saved by Satoru and teleported to Shoko for healing.
Reformed!Suguru who slips away as soon as he can, knowing that Satoru will turn a blind eye, now knowing the truth of his best friend's feelings. Satoru doesn't hate him, never did, and there are mixed emotions when he turns his back on his one and only for the second time.
Reformed!Suguru who returns to his cult, back at square one. He has no curses, so he has to absorb more. His allies have taken a hit, so he needs to find more. His funds are depleted from the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons, so he needs to make more. This should have been the plan that would've ended all suffering, eliminated the monkeys and given birth to a chosen people. It did not work.
Reformed!Suguru who spirals, again. He stays up even later at night, finds himself unable to play the kindly priest as convincingly to the monkeys who flock to him. The curses become hard to stomach again, no longer tempered by the ideals he had followed for the last decade. They were ideas that had proven themselves faulty with the last battle, and he has no use for them anymore.
Reformed!Suguru who thinks about Yuta's bond with Rika, and how they'd beaten him so entirely. He thinks about how he was defeated by love, and understanding, and trust. It's a disgustingly saccharine idea—but is there something worth pursuing in that thought?
Reformed!Suguru who begins to form a plan. He looks into his cult followers, finds those with connections to companies and schools and corporations. He does what he does best, plants thoughts into their heads, inspires undying loyalty to his cause, a new cause. They parrot his message back to their bosses and employees, none the wiser.
Reformed!Suguru who knows how to play the long game, and so he waits. He pulls strings now and then, as he watches the foundations of his idea start to take shape. There is an increase of counselors in schools, with mental health being taught as part of mandatory health education. Companies are being sued for unreasonable working hours, giving rise to a new wave of rules and regulations which set more realistic expectations. Corporations are investing heavily in endeavours and projects which contribute to the general public's satisfaction: parks and public spaces, consumption vouchers for elderly and those in need, elaborate festivals for the holidays.
Reformed!Suguru who starts to receive less and less requests for his help. The curses that he does swallow from the people (he doesn't know when he stopped calling them monkeys) who come to him are minor at best. It gets more difficult to find strong curses to add to his repertoire. The curse users who would've balked at this development have been dismissed long ago; those who have stayed know that all this means that everything is heading in the right direction.
Reformed!Suguru who sees a 5% drop in Japan's overall cursed energy. This comes from a 15% drop of cursed energy in Tokyo, the place he'd chosen as the guinea pig for his plan.
Reformed!Suguru who decides it's time to find his best friend and ask for help. He shows up at Satoru's apartment, not wearing monk robes but casual clothing, a loose sweater and jeans. He's tied his hair back into a bun for old time's sake, hoping it'll score him some brownie points, make Satoru more amicable to the data in the stack of paperwork he's holding.
Reformed!Suguru who stands behind Satoru as the man fights for Suguru's death penalty to be taken off him. Suguru is afraid that he's just walked himself into his own death. But miraculously, the higher ups deem the results of Suguru's implementations to be valuable, letting him live in exchange for his services. Satoru still pushes for Suguru's absolute freedom, threatens to Hollow Purple them and spark a mutiny. No one can defend themselves against Gojo Satoru, not really, and Suguru is a free man.
Reformed!Suguru who hears Satoru say to him, "we're the strongest," for the first time in a decade, and believes it.
Reformed!Suguru who takes up the position of counselor at Jujutsu High. The students are slow to warm up to him, both because he'd been a former enemy, and the thought of talking about their feelings makes them squirm. But Suguru is a patient man, and nothing if not persistent. He knows how isolating being a jujutsu sorcerer can be, went through it firsthand. He's determined to change the rhetoric around emotions within their line of work; he doesn't want this future generation to lose themselves or anyone else.
Reformed!Suguru who is the first person that Itadori Yuji meets after Satoru recruits him. It's him who asks Yuji why he fights, picks apart the boy's mind with thoughtfulness and compassion. When Yuji tells Masamichi Yaga his reasons for being a sorcerer, the principal deems it as satisfactory.
Reformed!Suguru who is convinced—yes, he thinks to himself, this is how we'll make things right.
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the-monkey-ruler · 16 days
Honor of Kings (2015) 王者荣耀
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Date: November 26, 2015 Platform: iPhone / Android Developer: TiMi Studios Publisher: Tencent Games Genre: MOBA Theme: Fantasy Franchises: Honor of Kings Also known as: King of Glory Type: Crossover
Honor of Kings is a mobile multiplayer online battle arena game similar to League of Legends developed by Riot Games. Players take the role of a Summoner, which is the only aspect constant between battles. The player chosen Champion can gain experience and level up during a battle but its upgrades does not carry over to the next battle.
Summoners gain gold, experience and rune points after a battle and level up when experience reaches a certain level. Certain level unlock spells, and each level increases hero attribute in adventure mode.
Champion can gain experience during a battle that unlocks skills and boost attributes. Summoner can also purchase customizations for a specific Champion that also boost attributes.
Rune are items, when equipped, boost a certain aspect of a Champion. Runes can be obtained by rune points, achievements or events, then equipped on rune pages. Before each battle the Summoner can choose one runes page for the selected Champion.
There are three in-game currencies, gold, gems and vouchers. gold is awarded after each battle, gem is awarded after unlocking certain daily and lifetime achievements, and vouchers are only available through in app purchases. All can be used to purchase different items such as Champions, runes and customizations in the store, but certain items are only obtainable using gems, or using vouchers.
The Adventure mode features a story-line based maps in which the Summoner get to know the story behind different Champions. Each map has 3 different difficulties and completing all map in a difficulty unlocks certain awards.
Source: https://www.giantbomb.com/honor-of-kings/3030-59782/
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=ZhxzqbvFnGE
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pokemonfangame · 2 months
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Spotlights Under Spikemuth
After traveling the wonders of the Wild Area and a big sum of Galar, you now arrive at Spikemuth City. Little did you know that you would be shoved to the ground by a mysterious figure. Behold! A girl name Marnie has come to your side to tease you for how physically weak you are.  Be with each other's side through adventures and concerts. Perhaps find out what deep chemistry you can create. A simple but sweet Pokémon Visual Novel.
Explore Galar with Marnie and visit the Wild Area while avoiding hungry Greedents!
Take part in Pokémon double battles and win free vouchers for a nearby concert!
Discover yourself and indulge into great character development!
Will you find the courage to take your friendship to greater heights or miserably embarrass yourself to the point of no return?
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wynterrolls · 9 months
Arcana Twilight and Obey Me (OG) Comparison
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Background: Obey Me (OG) was officially released on December 11, 2019, while Arcana Twilight was released on August 25, 2022 for worldwide audience. People have said that Arcana Twilight have similar mechanics with Obey Me (OG), but to what extent? I've played both games, so I'll write this comparison.
Disclaimer: The things I would write here would be based on my observation of the game mechanics and features present in both games. I did this post to list down the similarities and difference between both games, and not to cause dissonance between two fandoms.
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I'll list down the similarities in this format:
[Arcana Twilight feature = Obey Me (OG) feature]
Gold = Grimm
Crystals = Devil Points (DP)
Magic Tickets = Demon Vouchers (DV)
Visit = :D Jobs
Milky Way = Devil's Tree
Sorcerer Cards = Demon Cards
Wish Cards = Memory Cards
Scout = Nightmare
Constellation Room = Chapter A
Wish Room = Chapter M
Possession Room = Chapter G
Dressroom = Majolish
Chat = Chat
Calls = Phone
Diary = Devilgram
Mission = To Do
Shop = Akuzon
Magic Academy = Contacts
Stage = Your Tasks
Arcana Club Membership = Akuzon VIP Membership
Amplifier Stone = Glow Stick
Summon of Sorcerer = Surprise Guest
Unicorn = Raven
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a. Amount of ads
The very first thing that will greet you when you open the Arcana Twilight is an ad. Both games have ads to support their game mechanics, but the amount of ads you could find in Arcana Twilight is more than those in Obey Me.
The Obey Me ads are mostly there to help the players gain more chances to battle the stages - thru gaining more AP or gaining more battle chances in hard stages or event stages.
The Arcana Twilight ads, however, are mostly found everywhere, since the ads can be used to double the resources drops/gold and to obtain materials and gold if you don't have MP to farm battle stages. You could even use the ads to reduce the time for Visits, which then you don't have to wait long to get gold to upgrade your cards. The ads in this game is like a massive cheat to progress faster thru the game. All you have to do is watch ads and you'll have your resources as reward.
However, there are times wherein forced ads would sometimes pop out after you complete a battle stage in main story or when you'd open the app. If the player wants to opt out of the ads, unfortunately, they can't do so. I'm not sure if the Arcana Club membership implements a "No-Ads" perk though.
As for why are there so many ads in the game? There's a speculation that the reason might be because of this. The link discussed about the reason for why it looks like they are in need of money. Since ads is an option to gain money in a game, they utilized it in order to make money because they are constantly on red. This is actually a good way for free-to-play (F2Ps) players to support the developers if they can't shell out money or buy the Arcana Club membership in the game.
b. Crystal Rewards in Main Story Stages and Daily Missions
One thing you'd notice right away is that in Arcana Twilight, each battle stage rewards 50 crystals for first-time 3-star clear. Then, after you clear out the whole chapter, you'll receive another crystal reward for 3-starring all stages in the chapter. The daily missions give out 50 crystals each day, so it pays the effort to open the game daily and clear out the dailies.
It is completely different from Obey Me (OG), wherein completing each stage in the main story, you'll only receive devil's tree items in the missions and occasionally, you'll get DP for the boss stage you've cleared for the chapter. The daily missions only give out a total of 18 devil points.
c. Events
Obey Me constantly push events every time in the game. There are times when there would be downtime, but it is pretty minimal. The events have story stages and reward ladders that players could opt to grind if they want the UR cards in the event. There are also event cards that is only available in time-limited event banners, which can boost the points for the reward ladder grind.
However, the Pop Quiz or Celestial Blessing events are mostly for spending players and not for F2Ps because of how much resources you need to put into the event just to get the desired rewards from the ladder. F2Ps could join the Birthday event grind but with proper preparation first. But the good news is that the past Pop Quiz and Celestial Blessing events do come back in Lonely Devil and you could rerun the event for a limited time to grind for the rewards as F2P.
Arcana Twilight, on the other hand, has event cards but there is no event story stages nor reward ladders to grind for. The event story is locked behind the event cards from the limited-time banners.
When it comes to limited-time event banners, Obey Me only have demon cards in the banners, whereas in Arcana Twilight, the event banners include both sorcerer card and wish card in the roster. The Obey Me event memory cards are only available in the event reward ladders.
Both games have event banner reruns and Obey Me rerun banners also retain the pity/total summons done from before, so that players could continue their pulls the next time the banner reruns. As for Arcana Twilight, I have no idea if the rerun banners also retain the pity/total summons from previous banner run.
d. Main Story Chapter Updates
There's this joke in the fandom that while Obey Me updates their main story chapter every week, Arcana Twilight gets update every year. It sounds like a joke, but it's not really far-fetch from what happened.
To start off, I'm not a day 1 player. I only started recently so the things I'm writing here are from what I understood in my research. I snooped around the archives of the official Tumblr account of Arcana Twilight and sub-Reddit and found their posts about the chapter additions in the game and noted their timestamps.
Their very first chapter addition is Floor 10, which means that on its initial release, the game has until Floor 9 only. Floor 10 was announced to be added on September 2022, Floor 11 on April 2023, Floor 12 on late October 2023, and recently released, Floor 13 was added on December 2023.
I still haven't reached Floor 13 yet. I stopped at Floor 8 at the time of this writing, because of the requirement needing me to be at least level 30 to proceed to next floor, which I'm currently low-leveled yet for that, so I could only bid my time and make my team stronger for the next floors.
But from what I could tell, the players feel as if they were left with a cliffhanger with the recent addition, with many of them thinking that a lot of questions were left unanswered. They could see the potential of the story in the game but, a lot of lore details weren't really touched on in the story.
I'm not really sure what happened in Floor 13 since I tried to avoid the story spoiler, but this image below is what I saw mostly talked about.
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People are either thinking that this ending credit means that the main story of the game is completely finished or that this credit is saying that this floor is the end of Season 1 of main story.
In my opinion, I'm not really sure how to react to this kind of news. I just recently started the game and wrote the newbie guide and card mechanic guide posts just a few days after playing the game, only to find out that the game is probably on it last leg. I'm not really sure what would happen next for this game and I could only wait it out.
e. Inventory
Obey Me (OG) doesn't have an inventory, while Arcana Twilight has one.
f. Friend list
Obey Me (OG) has friend list where you could gain 50 AP by exchanging with friends daily, while Arcana Twilight doesn't have one.
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Reason for the lack of new content by u/No_Economist_7447
10th Floor: New Additional Stage Notice
11th Floor: New Additional Stage Notice
12th Floor: New Additional Stage Notice
13th Floor: New Additional Stage Notice
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➥ Back to my otome game masterlist.
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Update Log
12/17/2023 - Uploaded the post.
12/17/2023 - Added additional info about ads, events banner, inventory and friend list in Differences
01/29/2024 - Added the reminder line at the top
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tea-with-barbatos · 10 months
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So, cards... cards are hands down the most essential part of Obey Me. You can't have ANYTHING without cards. Not even a pact with Mammon. But fortunately there's 3 different ways to obtain cards. Some require luck, some require extreme patience. You have plenty of those though... right?
Number 1 - the Gacha Method
The most effective way to acquire new SSR+ cards is by performing 10 pulls at a time. (See the right side of the photo.)
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These ensure you will receive at least 1 SSR or above each time. Fortunately, with some grinding these aren't hard to achieve. I'll describe 3 different methods of doing 10x pulls from most efficient to least efficient:
✅ Using the 1 time 10x pull for 150 devil points in event gachas
Every time a new set of event cards is released, there is a limited 1st time 10x pull for a discounted 150 devil points (dp). A new set is released every 2 weeks, so try to save up at least 150dp by the new release if possible. You’ll always receive 1 free pull too!
✅ Using 10 demon vouchers
Demon vouchers (dv) are easily gained by buying the level up congrats sets for 99dp. You’ll need to buy these sets twice to acquire the 10dv needed for a 10x pull. 198dp total. This will save you 72dp per pull. You can also gain dv from events, achievements, login bonuses, and by exchanging 45 raven. Make sure to save dv until you have 10, even if it takes a while.
Congrats sets pop up after levelling up. At first it's every 5 levels, then 3, then every 1. They cost 99 dp to buy and give 5x dv + other goodies. Try to buy them whenever you can afford them. It's ok if you miss out. There will be more.
✅ Using 270 Devilpoints
Really I’d advise saving your dp for the congrats sets, even if you have plenty. It's more cost effective. However, if you truly don't mind spending the extra 70dp, then use them! Especially if you might miss out on a limited time card of your fav(s) if you don't.
❌ Single pulls
For 30dp or 1 dv, you can do 1 pull. This is high risk and low reward. You aren't guaranteed anything but a shot at your dreams. I don't recommend doing this. But if you can't resist temptation then at least Diavolo will find it relatable. You do get a free pull in A, M, and G pools often though.
General gacha advice:
Using the limited event gacha is amazing for potentially getting UR+ cards and is usually your best option. However, you will not be able to get non-event UR cards from these pools. DO use the A box occasionally to get UR cards, otherwise you’ll only have repeat SSRs after a while. (These UR cards also come with outfits.)
Event cards give you bonus points in current events. These are worth getting to help you grind event rewards, including unique URs and SSR memories!
In general pulling for memory cards is not worth the cost. You can get plenty from daily free pulls + playing the events. 80k points for event memory SSRs isn't too difficult with consistent playing. 
Save up your raven from repeat cards to buy dv or outfits for your fav(s).
Number 2 - the Hard Mode Method
The second most effective, and most reliable way, of obtaining new UR+ cards is by playing hard mode.
By reaching S rank in hard mode boss battles or extreme songs, you will unlock the ability to receive UR+ shards. If you collect 80 you can forge a UR+ with 60k Grimm. While this sounds like a LONG grind, and it is, it will be worth it. You can even pick what card(s) to aim for. So go get your fav(s) guaranteed. These cards are as powerful as the gacha ones.
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✅ Getting duplicates is useful too in order to raise the level cap and skill tree cap of the UR+ as well. Even just one of these UR+ can boost your power immensely.
Number 3 - The Event Method
Every 2 weeks a new event is released in NB. With it comes a new SSR memory card (80k event points (ep)), UR card (160k ep), and a UR memory card (240k ep). These are the best rewards from the events. Unfortunately, receiving these cards involve a mixture of grinding AND luck. (Example below).
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Box events are unpredictable. You might get an event UR in like, 120k ep, but it's unlikely. It might even need 250k ep. Do be careful with them as they involve more gambling.
However, you should at least be able to get the SSR memory if you log in a few times a day to use your AP on the event. Slowly but surely you’ll get there, even without the event card bonuses. You might need to watch a few ads or use some dp though.
Getting the UR card is possible if you get lucky in the event gacha. Even if you only receive the SSR, if you use jokers to raise its skill level you can get even more ep per play. You’ll have to play consistently though, watch some ads and use energy drinks to achieve your goals. It's unlikely you’ll be able to get these URs often if you're free to play. So try to save up your resources for URs of your fav(s).
❌ Event memory URs are impossible to get without paying, so either pay to get them or act like they don't exist.
❌ Ranking for a UR card is difficult without paying too, and it can be precarious. So avoid that unless you're hardcore (and rich).
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So, you want to do Integrated Strategies
I've wanted to put together my thoughts on how I tackle Integrated Strategies stages and the various tips and ideas that I've learned from watching other people (particularly more high level runners) go through their runs. As it stands right now, this is going to mostly focus on IS2 and IS3 as those are the modes I have the most experience with and feel reasonably comfortable with, but I will talk about IS4 to some degree. While I imagine most people are at least a little comfortable doing IS to some degree, I want to start off my thoughts with the beginning stuff, for the newer players and players who are less confident in their ability to tackle IS.
What is the basic flow of an Integrated Strategies run?
A run of Integrated Strategies starts by picking three operators from a selection of four different squad options, and then going through a randomly generated dungeon made from a variety of different nodes, which include battles, nodes with scripted rewards, and shops. You'll gradually build up your squad by obtaining Recruitment Vouchers, and get stronger by obtaining or purchasing relics with powerful effects. There are two boss encounters you'll need to fight: a mid-boss on the 3rd floor, and a final boss on the 5th floor.
Starting A Run
When you start a run, you will first have to choose a difficulty for performing the run. In IS2, the difficulties are Easy, Normal, and Hard, while IS3 and IS4 used a more gradual system of 15 different difficulty levels that stack on top of each other. Exactly how these systems work will be gone over later, but this gives you some control over how difficult you want your run to be.
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Then, you'll be asked to pick your choice of squad. There is a set of squads that is consistent between each of the IS modes, which I'll briefly list here. More in-depth discussion will depend on which IS you're looking at, since some of them have slightly different effects depending on which theme you're playing.
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Leader Squad: Focused on having more HP and survivability Gathering Squad: Allows you to bring and deploy more operators Support Squad: Gives you more of IS's resources Spearhead Squad: Starts you with low life, but gives your operators a statistical bonus Tactical Assault Squad: Squad that benefits recruiting Guards and Vanguards Tactical Fortification Squad: Squad that benefits recruiting Defenders and Supporters Tactical Ranged Squad: Squad that benefits recruiting Snipers and Medics Tactical Destruction Squad: Squad that benefits recruiting Casters and Specialists Research Squad: Squad that provides a little more HP and more Command EXP First-Class Squad: Squad that makes recruiting 5-stars slightly easier
Then, if you got to Floor 3 on your last run, you'll be given some small rewards. These rewards aren't insignificant, but are rarely worth resetting over since they require a bit of an investment to get. They range from extra Hope and shop money, to trading away a bit of a resource for a relic.
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Then, you're given your voucher choices. You initially start with three, and then unlock the fourth by doing a run with the previous three.
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First Move Advantage: Start with a Sniper Voucher, a Vanguard Voucher, and a Specialist Voucher. Slow and Steady Wins the Race: Start with a Defender Voucher, a Caster Voucher, and a Sniper Voucher. Overcoming Your Weaknesses: Start with a Guard Voucher, a Supporter Voucher, and a Medic Voucher. As Your Heart Desires: Your vouches will be three random classes, with the possibility for duplicates, but one of them will be an Elite Recruitment Voucher
At this point we should go over how recruitment actually works, so you know what you're doing when you first enter this screen.
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Each operator costs some Hope to recruit and to promote, and managing your Hope in order to always have some available is an important aspect of Integrated Strategies. Each rarity of operator has its own Hope cost to recruit and to promote, which are as follows:
-6-star: 6 Hope to recruit, 3 Hope to promote -5-star: 3 Hope to recruit, 2 Hope to promote -4-star: 2 Hope to recruit, 1 Hope to promote -3-star and below: Free to recruit
Recruited operators are only as strong as the operators in your roster. For my Eyjafjalla, she'll be recruited at E1 Max Level at SL7, and then promoted to E2 Lv60 7/M3/M3 with no Module (don't yell at me!). If you don't have an operator at E2, promoting them does nothing, so keep that in mind.
There's two exceptions to this rule. The first you might have noticed at the top right: the support option. You can recruit operators from your friend's support lists, and they will be the level and promotion that your friend raised them too. You can only recruit a support Operator from the initial recruitment, so if you pass this opportunity up, you cannot recruit via this method for the rest of the run.
In addition, you will rarely discover Temporary Recruitments. These are essentially free operators the game will randomly give you. They always cost 0 Hope to recruit (and will always by 4, 5, and 6 stars as a result) but cost the normal amount of Hope to promote. When promoted, these operators will always be as strong as possible. This means E2 Max Level, with all skills M3, Level 3 modules, and I believe maximum potentials as well. There is also a list of IS exclusive operators that can only be found via temporary recruitment.
So with this, you've started the run, and we can move onto discussing exploration basics.
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Up at the top left is your Life Points and Command Level. Life Points is a resource you build up over the run, and this will behave slightly differently depending on the theme you play, and is shared across all operations. You tend to build up a lot more than 3 Life Points over a run, so make sure to use it expeditiously when needed.
Your Command Level goes up as you complete fights in IS, and will give you additional Hope, Life Points, and Squad Slots. This is your primary means of making Hope.
Skipping the Light area for a moment, we move over to Hope. This displays your current Hope and your Maximum Hope. Maximum Hope is very rarely relevant but can be useful for tracking certain unlocks. Next to that is your Originium Ingots, which is a currency you use to buy things from the shop as sometimes comes in handy in certain other nodes. Moving to the bottom, you will see a bar that shows your most recently collected relics, how many operators you've recruited, and your squad, allowing you to edit it and make changes before deciding which node to get to.
Each IS theme has its own nodes, but the most basic (and most common) are:
Combat Operations: A fight. Gives you Command EXP, a recruitment voucher, some ingots, and rarely a relic. Encounter: A random event. These can do a wide variety of things and range from very good to sometimes a bit bad. Emergency Operations: A more difficult version of a fight, similar to Challenge Mode, with enemies boasting increased stats typically. Offers more Command EXP and always guarantees a relic. Rogue Trader: The shop. Buy stuff here. Downtime Recreation: Gambling nodes. Put a resource in (Life Points, Hope, Ingots) to get a random output. Boons/Wish Fulfilled: A node that gives you a choice of relics, which depends on the IS. Dreadful Foes: Boss fights. Give a lot of Command EXP, better Recruitment Vouchers, and a high rarity Relic.
That's about it for the basics. Next, my friends, is IS2.
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pokemaster91 · 1 year
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Another couple of new BP ticket sync pairs! Player & Registeel and Valerie & Mawile!
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ecargmura · 10 months
Paradox Live The Animation Episode 9 Review - That One Hot Springs Episode
There always has to be that one episode in an anime where everyone takes an R&R to the beach, hot springs, or wherever, right? Paradox Live The Animation does the same, but they go to the hot springs—all four groups. I expect cute things to happen; nothing bad will happen, right? Right?
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Since BAE beat Akan Yatsura and will face off against cozmez in an extra battle, Allen believes they should go to a training camp to amp up their mojo for the extra round. Unfortunately, the hot springs hotel they chose to stay in is very sketchy, but luckily, they’re not the only ones staying there as Akan Yatsura, TCW and cozmez are here too! AKYR came because Zen won a muscle competition with the first place prize being a voucher for this place. The twins are in the hotel because they’re employees, which sounds way too convenient for plot purposes. TCW had to stay in the hotel because their car broke down and the place was nearby. The reason why the hotel was sketchy because of the vibes. The website didn’t even update so what they saw online was much different than what’s in front of them. It’s also sketchy because of the story about the rainbow neon stag beetle. Is it really good luck? I wouldn’t fall for that story, but since this is an anime, of course there are gullible idiots who fall for it; though, whether the beetle brings good fortune is unknown, but it does exist, which was to be expected because every “legend” told in an anime always comes true. I’m a seasoned anime watcher at this point.
As I expected, this episode is very fanservicey, but in a mild way? Like not everyone is naked, and there are cute ship moments between a few characters of the same group and of different groups. I’m sure fans and shippers are pleased. Am I pleased? Yes, but I wish I could see more? I wanted to see Satsuki and Anne interact because I heard Satsuki has a crush on them but the anime has never shown this vital piece of information. Though, I did like seeing pairs that don’t interact as much in the spotlight like Hajun and Anne without Allen, Iori and Saimon, Yohei and Zen—you know what I mean. These types of moments do feel precious too.
HOWEVER, I’m pleased with all the Allen and Kanata moments. I guess I never revealed it before, but after watching Episode 2, I did ship Allen and Kanata but they didn’t have a lot of content after that episode, so I was a bit bummed out. Episode 9 gave me all that good stuff with the way Allen and Kanata were positioned in a suggestive manner after they fell and how they bumped fists. Poor Nayuta had to be the unknown third wheel for both instances. Also, it sucks that there were no Shiki and Nayuta moments; I feel robbed.
Now we get to the bad parts. According to Saimon and Iori’s conversations, Alter Trigger might be the big bad of this whole story as all four groups have a connection and maybe Buraikan too. Saimon’s bar is possibly bought out by Alter Trigger, who has a connection to Ryu. Iori’s group was investigating phantometal cases, which might have been the reason for the death of the previous head years ago. Hajun’s family might be affiliated with them. There’s a high possibility that Nayuta’s experiments were caused by them. I’m actually anticipating what’s to come with them. Speaking of groups, I know that black haired guy is Buraikan due to his picture being on the vinyl record cover. However, I thought ramen guy was that same guy? Are they not? Is one of them the other Buraikan guy? Speaking of which, what ever happened with the other guy? He’s more of a mystery than Nayuta at this point.
I’m honestly scared for Allen. Just when he was getting pumped up for the song he was going to write, his douchebag of a father had to sent a dude as a messenger that his dad wanted to see him. Oh snap. Shit is going down and I’m not gonna enjoy it at all. If Mr. Sugasano dares be a jerk, I will transmigrate into this world and ignite him on fire. WHAT DO YOU WANT, SIR?
I’m not ready for next week. Though, I do wonder if this is going to affect the performance in some way? No, right? BAE has been established as the main group, so I do expect them to win and face off against BURAIKAN. Oh wait…don’t tell me…Allen’s father has affiliation with Alter Trigger? This is getting even more suspenseful now. Speaking of which, is this episode anime original? Please let me know!
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FINALLY made it through the 10 normal lessons for OBN and I can go through your posts! 😀 I've been avoiding them until I finished, sorry I wanted as little spoiled as I could get. Gotta say I'm enjoying the story so far and how they're handling the characters, I hope it continues. The only things I'm a little salty about is I can't get demon vouchers with devil points anymore, the battles REALLY overestimate me so I had to turn all of the graphics and music off to get through them (but that's more a me thing I guess, I am grateful for the option to turn it off I just wanna enjoy the music), and Grimm is so slow to get 😩 I finished the og OM a while ago so I forgot what it's like to start from scratch...I do miss my cards. Again, a me thing, it'll build up eventually. However, I will take all of that if they keep the lessons how they're going. I'm loving the flow and how they're dividing the focus better between the characters! Do you have any personal predictions for the next batch of lessons?
Hi & congrats!!!! And that's completely understandable! I tag all nightbringer content & content from s3 & 4 as "obey me spoilers" & "nightbringer spoilers" so you can also filter that out if you want
Same about the story and about the dv - dp situation - it's probably because it's a lot easier to get dp in nightbringer
Trying to get grimm is killing me!!! And yes the cards, i miss my og om cards so much🥲
Honestly with the way lesson 10 ended i have no idea - literally can't think of a way mc can get out of this mess, and the last two instances showed that they're terrible at time travel, why the hell did someone send them back a third time
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jadeazora · 28 days
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A new message from the Masters team is out! This is a long read, so I'll try to divide by sections for y'all😵‍💫:
Chapter 1 of the Main Story's Arceus arc releases on Aug28! In the Arceus Arc, Sync Pairs who have shown that their bonds have reached new heights awaken the power of Arc Suits. (Oh grand. They also announced that there will be more. I'm probably going to stop pursuing the Master scouts then. Save my free gems for exclusively these. 🤷‍♀️)
Arc Suit Sync Pairs are powerful Sync Pairs that have capabilities specializing in certain types, and are comparable to Master Sync Pairs. Their major trait is that they have two Arc Suit Passive Skills in addition to their three regular Passive Skills (for a total of up to five Passive Skills).
One Arc Suit Passive Skill will strengthen all allies (with the effect being greater the more Sync Pairs of a certain type there are on the team), and the other will raise all allies' Type Rebuff of a particular type and lower all opponents' Type Rebuff of a particular type under certain circumstances.
On top of that, each Arc Suit Sync Pair's Sync Move will have some kind of additional effect, and tiles on their Sync Grid that can be activated for zero Energy will be added every time their move level is increased.
Additionally, Arc Suit Sync Pairs have a special Role called Multi. Once a Sync Pair with the Multi Role is raised to 6 EX, they'll be able to lower the opponent's Type Rebuff of a particular type the first time they use their Sync Move each battle. Please note the following: items based on their EX Role and type will be needed when unlocking the level cap, and the number and kinds of items required will be different than for other Roles. The overall capabilities of a Sync Pair will depend on their EX Role. Multi Sync Pairs will receive a bonus for all battles in the Battle Rally (the multiplier will be a little lower than for other Roles).
There's a Special Battle Event scheduled to celebrate the arrival of the Arceus Arc. You can get exclusive Medals from this event and take on Cynthia, Steven, and Lance in their Arc Suits in battles.
The Arc Suit Fair is a Sync Pair Scout where the offering rate is 1% for the featured Arc Suit Sync Pair, and 12% for 5 Sync Pairs (including the Arc Suit Sync Pair). Pity is available at 500 Scout Points, unlike the typical 400 of other banners.
Like the Master Fair, there are two kinds of Arc Suit Fair: a regular one, and the Special Present Arc Suit Fair, which can only be used with Paid Gems. In the Special Present Fair, you can get a present up to 10 times after using the Sync Pair Scout x11! You can receive a featured present on your fifth and tenth scouts: one Move Candy exclusively for the featured Arc Suit Sync Pair. You can also get up to 10 Move Candy Coins and Roll Cake Coins of each kind (for a total of 20 of these coins), so we hope you check out these presents. Please note that the presents you can obtain after using the Sync Pair Scout x11 in the regular Arc Suit Fair are different from what is described above.
Lance will be added as a guest in the Trainer's Lodge on Sept1.
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Starting August 28, two 5⭐ Sync Pairs and four 4⭐ Sync Pairs will be added to the BP item exchange! To celebrate the five-year anniversary, one BP Sync Pair Voucher, which can be exchanged for a 4⭐ Sync Pair, and one BP Sync Pair Super Voucher, which can be exchanged for a 5⭐ Sync Pair, will be sent to your Present Box.
6EX available will be available for Morgan & Virizion, who are being added, as well as for her sisters!
The Daily Scout will be revamped starting Sept1. Following this revamp, the Daily Scout will only offer Sync Pairs, and can be used one time from 2am to 1:59am on the next day. (It's apparently one random Sync Pair a Day? Typical 5⭐ odds, I assume?)
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Story Event Festive Sun and Moon will begin on August 28. Lear holds a grand festival celebrating the development of Pasio! But something strange happens when Lillie and the others put on new outfits and go all out to enjoy themselves... (You can team up with the debuting Lillie & Solgaleo by playing this event, and get the "Full-Powered Lillie!" Title, which is exclusive to this event, by completing Missions.)
In addition to the above, they've got tons of Rallies and events planned, including a special Log-in Bonus where you can get up to 3,000 Gems, co-op battles where you can earn a Strike Move Candy Coin every day, and an Extreme Battle Event.
They're bringing back the Daily 5⭐-Guaranteed Scout x11 from last year, which you can use for 10 paid Gems. In addition, three kinds of 5-Select Poké Fair Scout x15 will begin, as well as two kinds of 5-Select Costume Scout ×11.
Sync Pair Overviews:
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Arc Suit Cynthia & Garchomp arrive as the first-ever Arc Suit Sync Pair! They're a Ground-type Multi Sync Pair whose EX Role is Strike. When they cause a sandstorm, a Passive Skill of theirs can create a Ground Zone! One of their Arc Suit Passive Skills, Ground Judgment, can lower all opponents' Ground Type Rebuff, letting them give Ground-type teams a big boost.
Also, their Almighty Rending Earthquake Buddy Move attacks all opponents, and can increase their own Sync Move↑ Next effect by one rank for each trapped opponent that they attacked (if all opponents are trapped, it will increase by three ranks). This is the first appearance of the Sync Move ↑ Next effect, which increases the power of a Sync Move the next time it's used by 10% for each rank (up to 10 ranks total). Their Greatest Battle! Move can apply the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to themselves and increase their Sync Move ↑ Next effect by five ranks, making them a Sync Pair that can unleash an extremely powerful Sync Move!
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Arc Suit Steven & Metagross are a Steel-type Multi Sync Pair. Their EX Role is Support. They're just as durable as a typical Support Sync Pair. Not only do they have Potion, but they can restore all allies' HP by approximately 20% of their maximum HP when Arc Suit Steven & Metagross use their Sync Move, and one of their Passive Skills can restore their own HP after they get hit by an attack move, making them a Sync Pair that excels at healing.
Also, their We're the Strongest! Trainer Move can raise all allies' Attack by six stat ranks, increase all allies' Sync Move ↑ Next effect by three ranks, and raise all allies' critical-hit rate by up to three stat ranks based on how many slots of the Move Gauge were used. Plus, when their attack move is successful, one of their Passive Skills can increase the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allies by one rank, meaning they can also support their team's attacking capabilities.
In addition, their Almighty Flash Bullet Punch Buddy Move lowers all opponents' Defense and Sp. Def by two stat ranks and raises all allies' Defense and Sp. Def by two stat ranks. Another Passive Skill of theirs applies the Enduring effect to all allies the first time
Arc Suit Steven & Metagross enter each battle, and also applies the Free Move Next effect to themselves when their attack move is successful. Also, when one of their stats gets lowered, another one of their Passive Skills raises that stat the same amount it was lowered, making them a Sync Pair that's productive in a wide variety of ways.
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Arc Suit Lance & Dragonite are a Dragon-type Multi Sync Pair. Their EX Role is Tech! One of their Passive Skills makes their Hyper Beam and Giga Impact, both of which normally use four slots of the Move Gauge, use only two slots of the Move Gauge, and also turns them into Dragon-type Moves! Plus, another Passive Skill of theirs lowers the target's Defense by six stat ranks when their physical attack move is successful, and can also lower the target's Sp. Def by six stat ranks when their special attack move is successful. (Ofc he has Hyper Beam. At this point I'm pretty sure they'll acknowledge it in his Lodge date.)
Their Almighty Roar Hyper Beam Buddy Move gets more powerful the more the target's Defense and Sp. Def are lowered, and their Heroic Ascension Divine Outrage Sync Move gets more powerful the more the target's Sp. Def is lowered, so try to use these attacks once the opponent's Defense and Sp. Def have dropped!
By teaming up with Arc Suit Lance & Dragonite, you can get a special Friend Snapshot that will be viewable in the Trainer Lodge, so be sure to check it out.
Future Plans:
The development team has two major updates planned for the next six months or so.
The first is the addition of a feature that will allow players to interact and cooperate with each other. We'll provide more details later, but for now we can say that we're considering adding elements that will be enjoyable for casual players as well.
The second is the addition of an event themed around a completely new approach to lore and storytelling. We'll have further information on this as well, but until then, various happenings in the game will gradually reveal what the theme of this event will be, so please be on the lookout for clues. It'll further expand the world of Pasio, so we hope you look forward to it!
Also, they're planning on making more improvements, like the PML Arc revisions we made recently. These will mainly aim to make the game easier to enjoy for new players and those who are returning after a while. For veteran players, we plan to add new training elements.
The next message comes in late September.
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kiranapassionategamer · 3 months
2024 Ke Sabse Behtareen Money Earning Games: Ab Kamao Ghar Baithe!
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The advancement of technology has seen the birth of money earning games which make it easier to make money from the comfort of your home in today’s world. These games are not only fun to play but they are also a way of making some additional money. Here are some of the best paying games of money in the year 2024 that you can play from your very comforts of your living room whether you are a casual or a professional or part-time gamer.
Top 5 money earning games of 2024
Here are the top 5 money earning games of 2024:
Ludo: Roll the Dice to Riches
Ludo is considered as one of the most effective money earning games as it involves luck and strategy to an equal extent. The basic objective of the game is to play with dices and move small tokens from one point of the board to the other. This game is also known as ‘Helter Skelter’ and the winning criterion is that the player who gets all his tokens to the center of the board first is a winner. 
Snakes & Ladders: Climb up for Cash
Another simple, fun and an old world game that has crept into the list of money making games is Snakes & Ladders. Players take turns to throw dice to advance their tokens up the game panel with the ultimate goal of getting to the top of the game panel passing through ladders while evaporating from the snakes boards. 
Trump Cards: Play Your Cards Right
Experience the thrill of online card gaming with Trump Cards Mania! This cricket-themed card game pits players against each other in a strategic battle of wits. Designed for cricket enthusiasts and card game aficionados, Trump Cards Mania offers real-money rewards while you hold onto your virtual cards. Based on IPL cricket, the game utilizes stats up to IPL 2023, ensuring a current and engaging experience on your mobile device.
Quiz Games: Test Your Knowledge for Rewards
Quiz games have gained popularity as money earning games, offering a fun way to earn cash prizes based on general knowledge and trivia. Apps like BrainBaazi and Loco Quiz host live quiz sessions where players can compete in real-time against others. Winners of these quizzes can win cash rewards or points that can be redeemed for money or gift vouchers.
Fantasy Sports: Draft Your Way to Win
Fantasy sports games have revolutionized the gaming industry by allowing players to create their dream teams and compete based on the real-life performance of athletes. Platforms like Dream11 and MyTeam11 offer fantasy cricket, football, and other sports leagues where participants can win cash prizes based on their team's performance. Skill and knowledge of the sport play a crucial role in determining the winners.
Rummy: Arrange Your Way to Cash
Rummy, a popular card game of skill and strategy, has adapted into online platforms where players can compete for real money. Websites like RummyCircle and Ace2Three offer cash games and tournaments where players can showcase their card skills and win money based on their rankings and gameplay.
How to Get Started with real money earning games?
Getting started with money earning games is easy and straightforward:
Choose a Platform: Select a reputable gaming platform that offers money earning opportunities.
Sign Up: Create an account and verify your details to start playing.
Practice: Familiarize yourself with the game rules and practice to improve your skills.
Play and Earn: Participate in tournaments or cash games to compete for real money prizes.
Tips for Success
Skill Improvement: Regular practice and learning from experienced players can improve your gameplay skills.
Bankroll Management: Manage your finances wisely and avoid over-betting to sustain your gaming experience.
Stay Informed: Keep updated with game rules, strategies, and tournament schedules to maximize your chances of winning.
In conclusion, money earning games offer a blend of entertainment and potential earnings, making them a popular choice for gamers worldwide. Whether you enjoy board games like Ludo and Snakes & Ladders or prefer card games and quizzes, there's a game out there that can suit your interests and help you earn money from home in 2024. So, why wait? Start playing and start earning today!
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anakenway · 2 years
Obey Me! Tips, hints and info I wish I knew sooner (with screenshots and tutorials)!
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         Let me start off with a quick disclaimer: I am definitely not a pro Obey Me player. I have been playing for less than a full year, and am only on lesson 24. But it is precisely because of that I am still relatively new, that I can offer some useful tips I think would be best to know early in the game. Even if you are a seasoned veteran player, stick around and, who knows, maybe you’ll find out something new! So without further ado, let’s hear it:
1) Save your demon vouchers and devil points!
    Demon vouchers (DV) are your main resource for getting cards through Nightmare. Nigthmare is a luck-based system (often reffered to as Gacha) that gives you a random set of cards. If you perhaps play Genshin Impact, then you know what I’m reffering to. You spend 1 or 10 Demon Vouchers and get 1 or 10 cards. The rarity of those cards is random. The highest rarity, UR, is hardest to get. If you have luck, you can get it on your first 10-pull. I suggest saving DVs as much as possible. The vouchers are not so easy to obtain. How do you decide when to pull for cards then? That is up to you. I like to wish for the cards of characters that I love and are my favorites, but only if I like the design of the card as well. You can also wish if the card has a Sin attribute that you need. Sometimes, you’ll want to wish on Nightmares that give cheat cards for the upcoming events. Cheat cards make it so you get more points and can get higher rewards in an event. But if you are new, chances are you won’t have your cards high enough level and enough resources to competitively compete in the events. And you don’t really need to! It’s up to you how you want to play the game, but I personally started doing some events after a good 4-5 months of playing. So spend DV for cards you like aestethically, or to progress faster through events. And don’t worry about “missing out” either. Events that you didn’t play will be added to Lonely Devil, a system where you can replay old events and still obtain rewards. The nightmares also return periodically, just like re-run banners in Genshin. 
   Okay, that was about Demon Vouchers. What about Devil Points (DP)? They are a very very veeeeery important resource. With these, you can buy energy, more battles, all kinds of sales, demon vouchers, Lonely Devil tickets, glowsticks, items to give to characters and so on. Luckily, DPs are obtained much easier than DVs. You can get them by doing daily tasks. Complete a certain number of daily tasks each day, and you get 18DPs per day. There was even a period when I didn’t have enough time to play Obey Me, so I just did the dailies every day and then exit the game. And before I knew it, I had 1500 DPs. From the intel I could gather so far, their primary purpose is to buy more battles (if you run out of D-Energy, explained later) and restore AP (the energy system of this game). I don’t recommend using them to buy DVs because it’s too expensive and there are better alternatives to getting DVs, through certain sales, mentioned further down the list. 
    In conclusion, think before you spend anything. I always regret wasting precious resources when I am still a noob, in just about any game.
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2) Save your D-Energy!
    Wait, you’re new, you don’t even know what D-Energy is you say? Same here, I didn’t know it even existed for quite some time into the game. Have you ever noticed that battles in hard mode lessons and events, have a certain amount you can finish? Usually you can repeat each battle 3 times. Now, what if you need to finish a battle more than 3 times? Maybe you are farming for a resource that a battle drops, or maybe you need to farm more event-specific points and, therefore, need to do more of the event battles? Well, D-Energy lets you repeat a battle an extra 3 times per D-Energy. When you use one D-Energy drink, you get 3 more repeats for your chosen battle. It is actually an important resource when farming for events and birthdays. Usually, if you’re aiming for higher rewards, like UR cards, finishing all the battles just 3 times each day won’t give you enough points to redeem your desired reward. That’s when you should use D-Energy. There are online calculators which tell you how much D-Energy, AP and DPs you’ll need to obtain your rewards. For example, something like this:
   So don’t waste D-Energy for just anything. Oh let me also add one more thing: you don’t even need D-Energy to restore battle chances. Yeah, you read that right. Then why save them?! Because if you don’t use D-Energy to restore battles, your only other option is using DPs. Which are used for so much other stuff. And should be saved and used sparingly. If you already have D-Energy, the game does not even give you an option to use DP instead. Now, how to get D-Energy? I have no clue. I just checked one day and saw I had 43 of them. Never noticed how I got them, since I didn’t even know what they are. But, I do know that events usually have them as rewards. Anything else besides that, sadly I do not know.
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3) Buy the sales!  
    Remember when at point 1) I said you should save your devil points? Well this is one of the things you will be saving them up for. There are quite a lot of different sales going on in this game, but most of them are an easy skip. BUT, there are some which are extremly good deals and should always be bought. Don’t be like me, who was skipping them until I read somewhere that they are the best deals in the game T_T 
   One of the best sales is the Congratulatory sale, which gives you 5 DVs for 99 DPs. It is considered one of the best deals out there. It appears after every 3, or rather 5 levels, depending on your player level. I don’t know all the details of this sale, but there is more info about it somewhere online, I forgot where (try the Obey Me Reddit). Besides that one, there is Solomon’s Sale, which should also be bought whenever possible. Besides these, there is also a summoning flash sale. It appears sometimes after you wish in Nightmare (it can happen on any Nightmare, even Chapters A, M and G I believe). The Congratulatory is a much better deal than this one, but if you REALLY want DVs, then go ahead and get this one. For players on higher levels, where the Congratulatory sale is rare, I also think this is a nice alternative. The AP Flash Sale is really good, but I don’t think you should buy it whenever it pops up. This one appears when you spend all your AP and can happen once every 12 hours. Now, if you’re just playing lessons and going through the story, there is no point in spending precious DP for this. But, for events, when you lack AP to finish all your battles for that day, then this sale is the best deal out there. It restores 200AP for the cost of 10DP. Absolutely buy it.
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4) Always have 10 Demon Vouchers ready for your birthday
    I haven’t experienced this myself yet, but there is a special event on the day of your birthday. Amongst many other things, you get to pull 10 cards in the Chapter A Nightmare. You will be using your own DVs, but with a twist: you are absolutely guaranteed to get a UR card amongst those 10 cards! That’s why all players always stack those 10 DVs for their special day. Quite a nice touch from the developers, if you ask me, to commemorate your birthday this way.
5) Get ready for character birthdays in advance!
    Okay, we covered your birthday. But, all the characters also have their birthdays and they are celebrated a bit differently than yours. All the characters get a special event for their birthday. The event offers many rewards, but the main one you’ll be going for is their new UR card. To get it, you need to unlock all battles (preferably on the first day) and then proceed to do all the battles for each day of the event. The birthday events usually last 5-7 days I believe. During this time, you will be spending quite a lot of AP and some D-Energy. If you don’t have enough of those, you will need DP to buy more of them. The online calculator given in point 2) can also be used when the birthdays come, to tell you how much of each resource you will need. So plan ahead accordingly. Besides the playable event, there is also a new Nightmare that has the birthday boy featured. Meaning, if you want to get a card of some specific character, wishing on their Birthday-Nightmare is your safest bet.  These events happen only once per yer for each character and if you miss out on the card, you can’t get it afterwards. At least, that’s how it used to be. Now, they also added the older birthday events into the mix: they start earlier than this year’s event and have a shorter duration than the regular birthday. So if you missed out, don’t panic, you can get it next year. The progress you got will also be saved, so next year you won’t have to start all over again. Which brings us to the next point. But before that, quick little tutorial on how to check when is a certain character’s birthday. Go to Majolish, switch to the desired character and in the top right, click on “Profile”. This opens their Student ID with some more information about a character, along with their birthday. This way you can plan for which character birthdays to save.
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5) Progress on events is saved when the event re-runs/is added to Lonely Devil
     Pretty straightforward, all the progress you achieved on active events is saved, even after they finish. In case those events get a rerun (like the birthdays) or when they get added to Lonely Devil (LD), you will be able to pick up where you left off. LD is a system that allows you to replay old events. To access them, you will need to buy a ticket. One ticket costs 10 DPs. With this ticket, you can play the event for a limited time, usually, the duration is 4 days per ticket. This way, you don’t have to go all out on active events or spend cash to get the rewards in time. You can wait for the event to finish, and after a certain period of time (not sure how long, I think it’s about few months?) it will be added to LD. In the screenshot below, you can see that I have progress of 62% in the event “Dark”, even though I never joined this tour (0 times). Meaning, the progress I achieved while the event was live, was saved and transfered to LD.
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6) Character clothes are actually easy to get! 
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    When I first started playing and saw in Majolish that we can dress up the characters, for some reason I thought it’s some mega-giga-exclusive feature that costs a lot of time/money/effort. And sure, some outfits are harder to get and only were avaialble for a limited amount of time. BUT! That is not the case for all outfits. There are actually quite a few you can obtain from leveling up Devil Trees of SR and SSR cards. Leveling an SR card costs much less in Grimm and other resources than your typical UR card, so getting the outfits this way is actually really easy! Tutorial: the way you can check if you already own a card that has an outfit in it, is to go to majolish, go through each character and click on each of their outfits. They will show through which card the clothes are obtainable. You might find it that you already have some cards in your posession. Or that the cards are easy to get in Lonely Devil and require a low amount of points. Also, a nice little suprise for me was when I got my first outfit, Arabian Clothes for Mammon, and went to battle. After the battle finished, Mammon was the surprise guest and I saw him wear the new outfit I got him. I was in awe. I thought that they wore them only on your home screen. 
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7) Set up a Transfer Password!
   This isn’t a gameplay related tip, but nonetheless, it is quite important! Preventing data loss might not sound so big when you start, but later into the game, it can be a huge deal. What this does, it lets you keep your data and progress in case your device stops working. If that happens, you can say goodbye to all your cards and Grimm and DVs, DPs, you name it. That’s why securing your data is of huge importance! Setting up the Transfer code and password, or conneting the game with Facebook is easy and takes just a few mintues. But it’s a life saver if unfortunate and unseen circuimstances occur. In case you lose access to your original device, you can just install Obey Me! on a new device, and choose the option “Transfer Data” from the starting screen, enter your code and password or connect to Facebook, and you’re ready to continue playing with ALL of you progress and cards saved! How cool is that?!    Quick tutorial on how to set all this up: click on the Cogwheel button in the top right corner of your in-game home screen. This opens the Options menu. Select Transfer Data. You can now set up a Transfer password or connect your game to Facebook. That’s it, you’re done. Also, feel free to contact me if you need help and assistance with setting this up.
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8) What even are UR+ Cards that have moving pictures?!
    Here, I do not mean the cards that have Animation. I refer to the cards that can have a moving picture and have a little play arrow on the card. I didn’t quite understand what these moving pictures meant. Regardless, the cards had such beautiful style, I fell for them on first sight! I got three so far, “The Perfect Poker Face” Barbatos, “A Roll of the Dice” Lucifer and “Mammon’s Fortune” Mammon. Just after unlocking the moving pictures in the Devil Tree, did I understand what they are. These are not shown in battle. They are instead used as backgrounds for your specific character in Majolish. Example, you have a Barbatos Moving Picture card, you unlock the Moving Picture, then in Majolish you go to Barbatos and in the middle section, right next to the backgrounds tab, pick that moving picture. What this does, it gets rid of your character on screen, and instead shows the moving picture. The picture talks to you, just like any regular character on the home screen. It comes with new voice lines as well. I was surprised when I discovered this. I was so used to having my faves on the home screen, poking them and teasing them. I still prefer to have that over the moving pictures, but sometimes it’s a nice change.
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     Whew! If you made it to here, congrats! This was really fun to write.I had the idea of writing this for so long, I am really glad it’s finally come to fruition. Thank you for sticking through the post with me. I hope you learned something new, or if you already knew it all, I salute you! You are a true professional Obey Me player!      This is my very first serious blog post here on tumblr. I would love to hear your thoughts! If you have any suggestions, advice, questions, corrections, please do not hesitate to tell me! I wish you all to have lots of fun playing and exploring the wonderful world of Obey Me!
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