#batman is so hot i want him but hes not real 😭
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helluvabossfan1123 · 2 years ago
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Batman is so hot so i made this bull sh!t
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love-fictional-ppl · 1 year ago
Heath Ledger’s joker as a bf
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Pairings: joker x fem!reader
Warnings: language, joker (he needs his own warning) marijuana, blood, criminal activitiesđŸ„ž smut, etc.
A/N: requested by my home girlđŸ˜­đŸ€ž (h/c) is hair color
On the occasion he gives you a gift, just remember he didn’t pay for it
Both of you dying your hair together and then getting into a hair dye fight where in the end both of you are covered in green and (h/c)
Will force you to rob a bank with him atleast once
If, IF he showers he will make you join him
He smokes/takes Eddies so going to McDonald’s in the middle of the night is a routine at this point
Nighttime, dancing in the rain in Gotham together
Batman impersonations are your inside joke
Sharing your intrusive thoughts with each other and laughing about it like it’s the most normal thing ever
He will not go to the hospital unless he’s shot really badly so most the time he will have you help clean him up after getting into with Bruce.
If you ask him to do his hair or make up (not clown make up) he might say yes but only after a certain exchange iykyk
Will not tell you his real name until like 8 months into your relationship and he does it in the most random and casual way ever. It makes me giggle so lemme play it out for you😭
You’re sat at the table in the kitchen eating cereal while reading the newspaper, Joker sleeping still or so you thought.
You jump out of the chair landing on the grown, on your ass. Looking up you see the joker standing in the doorway. You annoyed now half-shout, “Who tf is jack?!”
“Me,” he responds simply, “my name is jack.”
“Oh. Well next time don’t scare me!”
Randomly asks shit like “would you rather your brain in a cockroach’s body or a cockroach’s brain in your body?”
Does not filter himself in public so strangers do get details about your sex life
He definitely is a fan of doggy style, when you do doggy he like to put you in a chokehold
Likes to tie you up
He’s dominant that’s a fact, if you want to top him you gotta plead a little bit
Will ask to try new things a lot
Loves getting head more than giving it I feel like
Likes to cum in you or on your stomach
Overstimulation king 👑
Has a mushroom tipđŸ«„
Tbh gives no fucks about ppl being around like he has fingered you in front of a train full of people
He hates condoms but doesn’t want kids so you better be on the pill or ready for the consequences
Degrades you and call you shit like:
“Cock sleeve”
“Cum dump”
But he also will mix nicer pet names in like:
“Pretty girl”
“Hot stuff”
“Good lookin’”
He sucks with aftercare ngl
Most he’ll do is bring you water and cuddle a bit
Tbh that’s all I can think of😭😭😭
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jupiter-letters · 1 year ago
Dating Barry Allen would include:
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Fem!Reader or GN!Reader TW: Mild Mental Health topics(Anxiety) No panic attacks depicted.
A/N: I've never really been a flash girl but tomorrowverse barry had me in my feelings. I did have a dream he wanted to date me really bad but I was like nah man I'm a superman girlie till I die. I tried my best with this one I hope it's alright!
Barry Allen, Mr.Loverboy himself. The man that you are. He's trying his best at all times. Despite being the fastest man alive he can't be everywhere at once. It'd be nice to be on a date with you and also stop criminals.
World's best gopher, you need something? He's on it! You forgot to get milk? Check the fridge. Your heater broke? Here's a new one! Sometimes he'll just drop off flowers or candies while you're at work. He'll leave them on your desk or in your locker with a little love note.
He loves to hype you up as much as possible, but he'll get really shy when you compliment him back.
Barry will bring home new recipes from all over the world to cook with you. It's one of his favorite things to do together, standing next to each other while preparing a meal. It's so simple yet so domestic. It's the little things that really get him emotional.
Sometimes he'll prank you, he'll tap you on the shoulder and bolt out of the room before you turn to look. He'll even move things around while you're cooking or working at your desk. You'll confront him and he'll just smile like this 😁
He'll use his speed to give you kisses, if he sees you while he's out on patrol. You'll be minding your own business and feel lips on yours. He might even leave a little flower in your hand.
Moving in together! He daydreams about that so often, you have to snap him out of it. He dreams of putting a table from IKEA together for you. For a big moment like this he doesn't put everything together super fast, he wants this to last. Seeing your home slowly come together brings him such joy and the best part is when it's all done. You both get to cuddle on YOUR couch, watching YOUR TV.
Dating him you guys become the same person, nothing is really "mine" or "yours" it's "ours" or "we". You guys are on the same page alot so when you're on missions on or not he'll say it. "Batman WE think we should go ahead and stop the meeting at the warehouse. "WE don't think it's a good idea." "OUR plan is much more productive." The rest of league is sick of you guys😭
There are some days his anxiety gets the best of him and he's glad you're there to calm the storm. He worries and gets into his head alot, Barry will want to call you and share these thoughts. It's helpful to him to get a trusted second opinion from the most important person in his life.
During the winter he'll put your hand in his coat pocket while walking down the street. Once you find your way into a nice warm cafe, he'll take your hands and caress them to warm them up some more. He'll just protect you from the elements in general, on a hot summer day he'll give you his baseball cap or just fan you off real fast. In the fall he likes to see you in your scarf under the red and orange leaves of central city park.
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Thanks for reading! Lemme know what you think. Please like or reblog if you like my stuff.
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angelshipper · 15 days ago
Purely cuz that other weirdo essentially derailed the entire conversation (cuz. Their blog is honestly pretty yikes) the point I wanna make about Steph/Tim connects to other shit you yourself have posted about. Namely - it's very hard to divorce that relationship from what a massive piece of shit Chuck Dixon is. There are things to like for sure? But because a LOT of Tim and Steph's relationship was written by a Conservative assclown who kinda used Steph as a punching bag for a LOT of Tim's run as Robin, a lotta fans (myself included) have disliked them as a ship because other writers in other books didn't treat Steph so shittily. It comes across in Dixon's writing as Comphet because almost everything Dixon could think to do with her was really sexist and her relevance in the comics was almost always tied directly to Tim - and that rubs a lot of people the wrong way, even if it's not the case in EVERY book that has Tim and Steph be a couple. Saying dismissing their relationship is Bi Erasure is in and of itself Biphobic, because it creates the implication that Tim needs to have equal significance placed on ALL his relationships to JUSTIFY his Bisexuality to the audience. And that's kinda fucked. The fact that most of the current stuff is heavily emphasising and focusing on the relationship he's currently in isn't Bi-Erasure, but demanding everyone shut up about his literal actual current boyfriend and talk about his ex-girlfriend kinda is. Is it Biphobia that basically no one talks about his relationship with Tam Fox from Red Robin (2009), or any of the many one-off or short term romances he had with girls that happened during his solo run as Robin or the Batman/Detective Comics ongoings while he was the main/only Robin? If not, then how is it SPECIFICALLY Bi Erasure to dislike the Romance between Steph and Tim for reasons that are actually way more about how poorly STEPH was treated while she was dating him? If you like the Tim/Steph ship more than any other option for either character, good for you, but please don't invoke serious actual bigotry to justify why your ship is actually the morally correct one.
I DONT LIKE TIM/STEPH. HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I SAID THAT????? Listen. My very first DC ship was Tim/Kon. I personally always liked Steph with Cassie in the fics I've seen of them. I don't even LIKE Tim as a character 😭 but you keep acting like I do? And this is not me "defending" my ship. It's not. I like their friendship fine.
I see now how my original post could come across like that and I do want to say that I very much did not explain myself well. My point was very specifically in cases where people bring up his past relationships and say shit like it wasn't real to Tim or when people make jokes saying they act like "siblings" (which is just....gross to me? In like an opposite way that Jaytim is also gross to me. Like they made out with eachother in comics and that just feels very weird but idk).
Regardless of that, my point was that people tend to dismiss their relationship as a whole one the BASIS that it was with a woman. Not because it was with Steph specifically. This isn't me making stuff up, this was stuff that was EXPLICITLY stated to me in all kinds of content I consumed. That because Steph (and others) weren't guys, Tim didn't "actually" have an attraction to them- THAT is what I thought came across as biphobia.
Like I'll be reading a fic or watching a skit and there will be a point where someone makes some kind of joke about women being hot or whatever and Tim will ACTIVELY dismiss them as part of the joke on the basis "but men tho" or will be "grossed" out when someone even MENTIONS him dating a girl (even if he isn't even dating Bernard in the context of the skit or fic or whatever) Like that doesn't come across as biphobic?
I don't care if you don't ship T/S. I DON'T EITHER AND I FEEL LIKE IVE SAID THAT SEVERAL TIMES?? But saying that their relationship WASN'T important to Tim or even less important just because it was with a girl and not a boy, and ignoring the fact he can even be attracted to girls, is that not biphobic? Like actually. If you think he'd solely gay and that all his relationships with women were comphet, fine. But in the actual text of the comics, that isn't the case. If DC comes out and says yeah, Tim is actually gay he just thought he had to be attracted to women, then I'd concede and say you were right.
Also SEVERAL writers have written about their relationship, not just Dixon? The first title I was even introduced to them as a relationship it wasn't through Dixon (because i honestly wasn't reading in any particularly order). And even though all your points about him were correct, it doesn't change the fact that SEVERAL writers have chosen to depict T/S's relationship as being meaningful to both of them, because it was??
Also like I said before, I made the exact same point you brought up about talking about his last relationships. OBVIOUSLY they're going to focus on his current one, even in fanworks they focus on the relationship and tend to ignore the rest. But WHEN those past relationships come up, THAT is when I see people acting like their relationship wasn't meaningful or didn't hold love between them.
Listen, if someone chooses to make Tim gay in their fanworks or whatever, and makes the exact same joke I brought up before, I don't care. I can just ignore it, block them, whatever but they are choosing to erase his attraction to women in their work, they're not saying he was never attracted to them. If someone goes out of their way to say how Tim is bi and then makes it a point to say how he isn't attracted to girls or claims their skit/fanfiction/art/whatever is meant to be based in canon and then does the same thing, then yeah it comes across as biphobic.
Like my issue isn't the fact people are focusing on his relationship with Bernard, my issue is that if Stephanie is brought up she's dismissed as not being in a "real" relationship with Tim.
I'm not saying Tim HAS to hold every relationship in equal importance. If he finds he has a stronger attraction to men than women? All the power to him. I'm not even saying that Tim had to have loved Stephanie more than he currently loves Bernard, maybe Bernard is more important to him that Stephanie ever was. But saying he was never attracted to women? That's what seems iffy to me.
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finchers-ipad · 1 year ago
Hello bff 😜😜😜 do you have any hcs just for Tyler???!
helloooo :3, of course!! heres some off the top of my head lmao (all if tyler was real):
- tyler can fall asleep ANYWHERE, especially public transport which means he has missed a lot of shifts at work lmao. he just gets on the bus, puts his feet up on the seats and is out like a light. the narrator is really jealous of him for this and tyler is always like “man, i don’t get how you can’t just go to sleep it’s so easy”
- he loves music and will listen to just about anything. he has mixtapes but not many (he just listens to albums) and they are not organised by genre or anything so he will get three of the most random songs in a row. like going from beethoven’s seventh symphony , to bikini kill, to destiny’s child.
- this is a huge headcannon which isn’t based in anything at all BUT i like to think tyler is a batman fan (specifically the comics). when tyler was younger, like late childhood and early teens, i think he was kind of a loner and went to the comic book store most days after school, or sometimes skip school all together, to just go and read all of the comics that he couldn’t afford. his fav is ‘the dark knight returns’ by frank miller, because of the gay subtext that he kind of connected with? and he either bought it or took it. it’s still in the paper street house somewhere, like in his closet or bedside table or something. (i have never read the dark knight returns, just to be clear, i am just aware of it 😭)
- tyler has a MAJOR sweet tooth. i am a firm believer that he only chews fruit flavoured gum, would be a big fan of candy and this is random but i feel like he would use bubblegum flavoured toothpaste 😭 he would use the excuse that it’s cheaper and “it has the same chemicals and shit as the adult one” but in reality he just likes the taste.
- he is definitely some type of neurodivergent (i’m leaning towards adhd and high functioning autism?)
- tyler HATES when the narrator has to go on work trips. i literally can not stress enough how much he wants to crawl out of his skin when the narrator has to leave him. he tries to not show how much it bothers him but the narrator can tell something is up. so i like to imagine one day is like “tyler i have to fly out tomorrow, i should be back on friday morning :(“ and tyler is just not looking at him like “yeah okay cool, whatever” then is just kind of being cold and distant with the narrator untill he leaves for his flight. the narrator would be all up in his head thinking about why tyler was being so weird, he’s sat in his seat on the airplane and tyler just shows up like “hey, you’re hot, mind if i sit down?” and the narrator is just like “TYLER đŸ€ŻđŸ€ŻđŸ€Żâ€
- tyler likes to cook, he is horrible at it, but he likes doing it anyway. he likes cooking for other people more than himself and will give himself the food that is a bit burnt or more shitty looking then give the pretty one to the narrator
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bestdeadbeatmilf · 11 months ago
Round One, Bracket Six
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Propaganda under the cut!
Mila Garak:
While she's definitely not a deadbeat mom in the lazy sense, she did kind of, proverbially speaking, leave her son out in the cold... She lied about who his real father was well into his adult life, while also imposing said father's wishes on him. She wanted what she thought would be a better life for him, a chance at upward mobility, but placed him under the thumb of an abusive man to get there and then didn't stand up for him. She roped her brother into helping raise the kid as a cover story. She retired alongside the father and didn't really do much during or after her son facing exile at his mercy. I don't think she's an unsympathetic character and I find her extremely compelling, but I also don't think anyone can claim she was a great mom 😭
Extra notes: Diversity win this ruthless woman is an alien scalie with cool hair and big boobs
Martha Wayne:
she died ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and that's enough for this fandom to render the loml janet drake abusive so... failmom martha is therefore hilarious to me. martha wayne failed at being bruces mom by dying and that's why hes batman. and they're literally rich so she was probably an absent mother too (SILLY i stand by it tho if janets a bad mom so is martha). but its ok because shes hot
Extra notes: this is mostly for the bit but you should still include her in the polls its not like she's going to win im just being petty 😭
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lemontongues · 2 years ago
Invite me into your rich inner world pls, I must know the timtam hcs
the timtam headcanons
. well. I just think that if dc weren’t COWARDS we could have had like. a really good arc for them where tim decided he wanted to not be such a piece of shit?? bc tam deserves better and bc he doesn’t want this to be the way that he is like bruce when he always insists that he’s not, yknow
 like of all the ways to be like batman, "treating romantic interests as resources to be used" is really not the one you wanna emulate, and tim has often been written by misogynists in the past sjfjdk so he already has a not-great track record with girlfriends.... I think it would have been a rly good opportunity to have him clean up his act, especially bc tam is a seriously great character 😭💕
anyway back to the hcs, like. I think if he made an effort to be considerate as they were working together, they could have gradually become friends again? bc the reason she was so upset with him was bc he disregarded her feelings and did something rly hurtful in the name of his vigilante work, so I think if he actually apologized and then made consistent efforts to show he had realized his fuckup and was trying to do better, then it would have been a slow process but she eventually could have forgiven him. and as tam’s trust mended I think her romantic feelings for him would have also come back (we know our girl has No Sense lmao, she got the hots for him literally mid-assassination attempt bc she thinks that shit is sexy :P) and then they could have dated for real
and as far as those tags specifically, at that point tim would just be like. in so deep lmao, when they started fucking I just think he would be So Happy To Be There yknow 😭 he has a cool smart fun hot girlfriend who wants to have sex with him
. wow

 dreams do come true
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pettyshippen · 2 years ago
Shake n’ Baked and You’re Watching Libertys Kids on PBSKids.
Bunker Hill
I’m patriotic af about this show but America in real life can suck my dong
Does anyone else find redcoat uniforms to be kinda hot?
Dig boys diggggggg
Sarah casually writing letters under a boat while shots are being fired. How many colonial girls can say that happened to them?
Sarah, he’s in the Ohio Frontier. That’s in Ohio. You know this.
Sarah’s like I ain’t done here bitch
Why do some men have lips and others don’t.
Using feminine charm to trick men. Classic.
“This my boy James. He writes.” “Yayy!”
I wish her mom would see Sarah pop off. Like imagine if Sarah started cursing people out and Lady Phillips faints.
That ‘we’ll be right back’ music is POPPIN
“But he never has to hate.” Ok Dr. Warren, you philosopher you.
Round one, success.
They’re fucked lol
Yes Sarah, that’s what your dad would want you to do
The redcoats are ruthless
This is like a video game level that gets harder but you can’t get any ammo.
“It’s just a hill SIR.” Look, there’s a lobster back with empathy for his soldiers.
Sorry for your loss James but it taught you something important.
“James, I was at their base, ok? They had broken bones and there was blood everywhere. They’re not feeling great.”
Henris got incredible metabolism.
Ben: “It’s perfect, I’m just gonna add one little thing” *commence inspirational monologue*
I feel for Sarah freaking out about their countries going to war. That has to be so scary, especially when the violence is where you are.
Washington Takes Command
George looks pretty boss in the intro.
Not often does an English woman say “I can’t wait to see the army!”
Those pigeons are gonna get eaten by hawks anyway James.
Those pioneer wagons are giving me nostalgia.
Ben did you edit James’ article?
They need vespas to get around.
Why is George sexy here, you’re not really sexy bro.
“Aren’t you kids a little too young to be here?” “We’re child laborers sir.”
I sympathize with the storekeeper
Henri is smooth af while introducing himself it wouldn’t surprise me if it took no time at all for him to find a French girl to marry.
This is exactly what grade school was like with that “4TH GRADERS HERE ONLY” bullshit
“Can’t you read!?” “Of course! Is there something you’d like me to read for you?” Henry I’m so proud of you.
George has the same vibe as Mufasa
“We’re fighting for our liberty young lady. Simple as that.”
Of course the lady gets to stay in a warm house
Henri be hoarding
George your troops are freezing. GEORGE.
Ok George, guilt trip much?
“I’m sending you guys on an errand k.”
Black Dick is coming to the show
Napoleons in this fucking play?
Imagine becoming a soldier to fight for your king and they make you put on a cow costume for General Howe.
Henri said “I’m Batman.”
Why did they think riding on the ice was a good idea?
Shows over guys, time to fight
Where’s Martha? How come she’s not in this?
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ruestheday · 4 months ago
there’s two different versions (that i’ve read) of tim becoming robin.
the first, from the 1940 run of batman and tim’s original introduction, tim saves bruce from scarecrow and bruce gives him robin in response.
the second (and most popular) version, batman is captured by two-face, and dick brings tim to the manor and leaves as nightwing (ignoring tim saying that he has to go as robin), and ends up getting captured too.
tim bitches to alfred about dick not listening to him, and alfred is like “yeah why do u think he brought you” implying that dick meant for tim to become robin, which really isn’t that far off since he had basically told tim “why don’t you do it” when tim first tells dick about how bad batman’s gotten.
alfred is the one to give tim the robin costume and encourages him to become robin (which at this point tim still really isn’t sure he wants to do), and still sends him out to fight two-face and his goons without any formal training.
in regards to everything else: i didn’t even think about the fact that alfred left tim with some random guy who was now batman, i always forget that jean-paul takes over 😭 in general the whole broken back batman era was crazy messy, and alfred was not making himself look good.
the sixteen birthday event is so fucking crazy i like black it out of my memory. it’s really bad because (if i remember correctly) alfred being in on it is what really convinced tim it was real, because he didn’t think alfred would be cool with doing that. it’s been a hot minute since ive read that comic though
one of the biggest lies the fandom will tell you is that alfred pennyworth is a good man.
he’s horrible. people just don’t realize he’s horrible because they’re all too focus on the superheros.
not many people in the fandom know this, but alfred literally has a daughter. her name is julia. why does no one know about julia? BECAUSE HE ABANDONED HER. it’s canon that he chose the waynes over his OWN CHILD. when she’s introduced in the comics she hates her dad because he abandoned her in england to raise a child that wasn’t even his.
the infamous jason “a good soldier” memorial? yeah, alfred did that. bruce wanted it taken down. alfred also left jason’s destroyed robin suit on display.
alfred is the reason tim is robin. dick and bruce are trapped by two-face and alfred just
 gives tim a robin costume and sends him on his way. no formal training. no anything.
ever blame dick for damian becoming robin? wrong. it was alfred. dick was against it. alfred is the first one to give damian the robin costume, like he did to tim years before. dick did eventually choose damian as his robin, but that was while damian was ALREADY ROBIN. (he even tells tim that he doesn’t pick tim to be his robin because he considers tim to be an equal, not a sidekick, but i digress)
when bane breaks bruce’s back, alfred literally packs up and leaves. he travels. he just drops everything and goes to explore the world, until dick eventually hunts him back down.
it’s also a common theme that alfred couldn’t find the right balance between being a father figure and a butler, so he was constantly enabling bruce growing up (and still does) because technically bruce was his boss
 even though he had custody of him.
edit: actually technically (in some runs) bruce’s uncle has custody of him but literally makes being absent an olympic sport But you get what i mean
edit two: fixed the spelling mistakes that text to speech tiktok made me aware of. u guys are fake for not telling me. anyways fuck ai content farm accs
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liliallowed · 7 months ago
okay like if seeing papyrus is so important why can't dust see MY FUCKING HALLUCINATIONS. MY ADHD.
my fucking intrusive thoughts.
if I can see his he can obviously see mine so like.
are we just like going crazy together? voices just collectively spitting shit at us?
you could argue paps is a ghost...
but that would mean dust actually never killed him and pspy is basically a ghost monster like napstablook rn...
which like... okay? but not really because skeletons are a different species of monsters???
sure ig. I think ghosts are actually born as ghosts. I don't think a dead monster can just be a ghost in the Undertale universe-
still... EVEN WITH THAT.
my question is if you could perceive him does that mean YOU'RE PROJECTING HIM INTO ACTUAL EXISTENCE AS A SLEEPING GOD?
and like kinda manifested him into existence with the power of will/dark fountains?
cuz that is in fact a very real thing.
I imagine the light and dark Ballance in dusttale s deltarune is also completely fucked up with how the player obsessively dove into fantasy and escapism... something the dark fountains FEEDS ON...
I think dusttale actually might be partially being slowly devoured by the dark world.
shadows are cutting deeper. darker yet darker...
layers of reality unfolding as the puppet dreams of being the puppet master.
the dolls longing for free will and "freedom"
vengeful toys questioning why they were abandoned. was it them? or was them being forsaken actually a blessing compared to those "beloved " by an Angels grace?
u just wanted sexy times with batman over there and apparently child abuse???
listen stab player in the fucking skull they deserve it BUT NOT THE FRIKING KIDZ.
BRO 😭.
then proceeds to make out with mc again... đŸ€Š
then goes back to stabbing the child...
yk you're not actually making him hot rn right? he feels like a perverted old man in the woods that just likes killing people and abusing children and apparently not even a hi or a hello just straight up just making out.
kick him I the balls I don't care if he doesn't have any. I will SHOVE TWO BOWLING BALLS IN HIS PELVIS AND SMASH IT WITH A SLEDGE HAMMER-
Okay. I'm done.
anyways besides my points the fic is okay (like 5 percent of it is actually inspiring for LV triangle n reader's role in a fictional narrative as a semi self aware but still in denial god...)
I do not see it. 😌 I will unsee this fic
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waitingformyfavoritesongs · 2 years ago
10:52 pmpdt 25 March 2023 Saturday
10:53 pmpdt I see more signs đŸȘ§ of death 💀 from incubus on tv đŸ“ș on jeopardy. A guy named rob said prions. I was told prions causes mad 😡 cow 🐼 disease 🩠 . He is threatening me. He also made me hit my heel to my shin. Shi ne? Might be die in Japanese. I think đŸ€” he’s saying if I heal I die? That’s fine with me. Samarai sword 🗡 decapitation please. 10:56 pmpdt diarrhea. 10:57 pmpdt
11:01 pmpdt I guess this is what they mean by the old phrase are you ready to meet your maker? The closer you are to god the more tests you face. Dientest. Teeth đŸŠ·. 11:02 pmpdt any involvement with him is a death ☠ trap đŸȘ€. Even if he jokes about being married to you, if he’s joking about it it probably means there is something he’s trying to hide (hot acid burn đŸ”„ butt 11:03 pmpdt)
11:05 pmpdt I seem to have to close the browser and navigate đŸ—ș in a new browser back to tumblr to see my updated post. 11:07 pmpdt last year when he (butt bones 🩮 scrap chisel? Pain 😖😭 11:08 pmpdt) he really tricked me Bcz he added stuff. He really put on a show. So it got me to thinking đŸ€” how? Was I not really sleeping 😮 when I thought 💭 I was? Did he swoop in for 15 minutes at a time throughout my days after school đŸ«? It really does seem like a lie now. 😞 and an excuse to steal away my bones 🩮 Bcz of what he put me through with Brendan lean. It really looks like he wants to erase my experiences with him, make it look like I imagined the whole thing. Mean. If he made me believe that to buy him time to slowly kill me with insanity, I have to wonder 💭 what he was really doing with his time if he really relied on making people believe he is my husband? Secretly without showing me how he did it. He only hinted at stuff in my mind. No actual material stuff. So I am probably being gas lit đŸ”„ more Bcz when I was picked up 🆙 by emts b4 I ran away they said & treated me with various attitudes that only denied đŸ™…â€â™€ïž me my breathing problems & one questioned me in private in the ambulance 🚑 in a sinister? Way. At first he was nice at my door đŸšȘ outside and then he seemed to question my psychological state of mind in the ambulance 🚑 in a very scary way. And when I ran away and was picked up 🆙 they put me in the psychiatric? Part of the hospital đŸ„. There were some mellow people and there was a young woman who walked a lot talking to herself and the last time I went there was an older woman who had a split multiple personality disorder possibly? But incubus really wants to hide Brendan Lean and Melissa Cuen from me. It’s bothering me. Especially when he dropped a lot of hints and no one will do anything about Brendan Lean. I mention to some people at the hospital đŸ„ about my online affair with him but they always lose interest and walk away without seeming to look 👀 into it and reporting back to me. They all forget. Even my mom. He is sabotaging it. 11:24 pmpdt Bcz he has a lot to hide. Possibly child rape. The incubus himself. But if he mislead a large population into thinking 💭 I’m his real wife, it’s Bcz he has bad secrets to hide. And Brendan lean is a lynch pin. I think he’s stalling for time. Pretending he’s going to follow through on something when all he plans to do is kill me. 11:27 pmpdt
11:28 pmpdt I think this treatment and form of sabotage looks too similar to the way police chose to omit searching garrido’s shed. Same Tactics over and over again. 11:28 pmpdt
11:31 pmpdt in 2008 I dated a young man who I thought had a really nice handsome face. He was mellow and seemed really nice. I thought about kissing him only when we were in the movie theater together to watch Batman but he seeemed anxious about something so I didn’t try. Before that he had told me he liked me and I think it was the first time I really said the words to a guy’s face “I like you, too” but I didn’t kiss him or anything s*xual. I wasn’t ready yet (acid throat pain 11:34 heart♄ chest pain 11:35 pmpdt) so if you are reading this now so you now I didn’t go to the p*lice yet about him. None of the medical professionals cared. It probably means the p*lice won’t care. And hospitals don’t care about rape. Most hospitals don’t have rape kits. A rape victim usually has to hunt down a hospital with a rape kit to get help. If all hospitals don’t accommodate, you can tell what the temperature of the nation is based on that about rape. You think they would do that at least for the children. 11:38 pmpdt incubus is the hospitals’ god. That snake on the staff I think I read is a sign of a Greek or Roman god of sickness. Incubus = pestilence = snake on staff. 11:40 pmpdt
11:40 pmpdt if Nick carter is really a rapist, does that mean all rapist are rich? And pay off hospitals with donations? And pay off the p*lice? 11:41 pmpdt
2:20 am pdt I think incubus drove a wedge into the bottom of my left side hip, probably to make it easy for the ball socket joint if the hip to pop out. 2:22 am pdt cramps groin 2:23 am pdt he did it hours ago, but it was soon after I wrote and saved at 11:41 pmpdt 2:24 am pdt I guess it’s ok with medical professionals & police if children are raped? They didn’t have a genuine enough interest in garrido and dugard, so I guess they didn’t have a genuine interest in catching a new s*x offender whose a man? I guess human s*x trafficking and rape is what makes a man a man? (Burning pain under left eye & bottom lip 2:28 am pdt) so I am the one who is (right hip bone pain 2:28 am pdt) koo koo? Crazy? & Shannon Ruth? God permits that behavior Bcz he’s guilty himself?( Vag acid pain 2:30 am pdt) the devil comes to steal, kill & destroy. Destroy & kill through several different methods including disease? Devil’s name is (acid in brain pain 2:32 am pdt) “god Israel” which sounds like god is real. The definition of evil in 2018? Was going against god. What did eve do? She ate forbidden fruit of knowledge. You know what fruit does to women’s bodies that I didn’t know until the end of the year (more increased acid pain in brain 2:35 am pdt) 2021 when I was still not very absurd looking? Most of the absurdity making of my body happened in the first 6 months of last year. Transformation was that quick. Ariana grande might know. Fruit... makes women taste sweet... and men enjoy it. Didn’t realize it until then! God is hoarding fruit for his whores! An 11 year old girl died of diabetes Bcz her parents did not seek to give her medical attention. They only prayed to god. They are partially serving time for her death. My mom took me to the hospital. She did her part. The hospital wouldn’t even help me by giving oxygen. That’s the very least they could have done. 2:41 2:42 am pdt but it’s ok. They probably make things worse. Maybe that’s why they ignored garrido’s problems with s*xual addiction and let him go even though he was caught outside of an elementary school masturbating and kidnapped and raped a 14 year old b4 dugard. It wasn’t enough for the alarm bells. It wasn’t enough that dugard was missing and that in the Bible it says the dragon is the one in charge? I have to review that. I don’t know I guess I’m barking up the wrong tree. If we don’t have an over population problem and we can have full lives and not run out of supply and have family planning si we don’t have an over population problem (stinging hot air out of right nostril)(dragon’s spit water. They don’t breathe fire. Found out via YouTube Mulan movie commentary video 2:50 am pdt) auto correct changed words again ... but I guess that’s assuming a lot like I’m assuming that maybe I’m close now to my (sharps pain anus and vag right hip) 2:53 am pdt the part when I try not to be a whore and try not to do bad things.... in sailor moon in the past I’m guessing all the planets in the solar system were full of people. I guess god doesn’t want that. I wonder how big the universe is and why I didn’t see stars (acid pain mouth 2:56 am pdt) a few hours ago. In the apocalypse it says he will block a third of the sky I forget what else. Are there planets very very very very very very very far away? Is there possibly life, human life that could spontaneously spring up from that far away come find us with out god knowing? 2:59 am pdt
5:03 am pdt I think I smell sulfur? Is that a gas leak from where? It here is a heater with air conditioner. I don’t think it’s gas. Electric stove. So where would there be gas? Maybe there is a water heater on this floor? So is it coming from the faucet? Maybe that’s not gas either???? Why would there be gas if everything is electric? 5:07 am pdt I could not breathe for the last few hours. Incubus said black lung in Sunday morning making of music video video and he wore bell bottoms in that music video and on stage in Las Vegas. 5:08 am pdt 5:09 am pdt should I be concerned about the smell here? 5:09 am pdt I’m getting sleepy.
0 notes
theogbadbitch · 3 months ago
Long reblog😭
Opening up this app to see an update of R.E.L.L.S felt like this and I’m not even joking:
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“and she’d hope to jump right into being jumped on. “ nami so #realđŸ™‚â€â†•ïž
“Currently, she was dashing around; sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, moping, and the apartment smelled like an apple orchid. “ why I’m nervous like he coming over my damn house chile
“Her thoughts drifted to Terry and their situation. Someone as perfect as Terry had to have some flaw about him and though she was enjoying herself, she had her guard up. “ lol I hope this is not foreshadowing anything

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“She’d have to talk to him about it. “ this conversation will either go really well or be hell no in between (we might have to jump Terry if he hurt my girl feelings)
“I’ve been thinking about you stuffed full of my dick.” 
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“Then there was Terry. He told her it wasn’t a person she wanted to meet during any of their time together. “ what the hell is he like Batman I’m confused. Why is this is so ominous 😭😭😭😭😭
“Sir was a cake walk compared to Terry, but Nami was never going to find that out. Her behavior would have to be egregious. “ well now I’m curious and slightly intrigued. Ain’t no way he can get any meaner than Sir, Terry must be a damn villain
“She convinced him to watch a movie with her. “ Nami got his mean ass doing relationship type stuff I know thats rightđŸ™‚â€â†•ïž
“I haven’t heard from you since we went out. Busy?” Mona’s tone was both cautious and blunt. “ yes actually she is busy weirdo
“Did he get tired of you yet?” Her Dom jokes. He leers at Nami, seeing exactly why Terry was hooked on her. “ both of them weird as hell I’m irritated
“You know no one is going to want you in the community now? I mean, I told you what Terry did to submissives.” Mona says, ‘so, why did he leave? What stupid mistake did you make?” Mind you he in the bathroom as they speak
“Let me tell you something bitch,’ he growls, “Don’t you ever get another man to try to tell me what to do. I ain’t some little bitch to fuck with.” I JUST BUSTED OUT LAUGHING! HELLO???????
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Coming to MY HOME to threaten me , I would’ve had something hot for both their asses
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“She does what I tell her and if you don’t get your dog to mind his business handling an overstepping submissive will be my business.” Lord Terry about to whoop his ass ain’t it
“You brought another man to the house of your friend, who is a woman. To be yelled at and threatened.” Like Nami should really beat Mona’s ass because??????????
“ I love me a brat,’ he says, looking at Nami with a smirk”
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Terry and Nami so better than me , soon as I heard that “bitch” word I would’ve crashed out
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“with my girl” HIS girlđŸ™‚â€â†•ïž
“His devotion to eating pussy was unmatched and she never had a guy who enjoyed it for his personal pleasure and not just hers.” a #REAL eater we love to see it!
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“Let’s go to bed,’ he says, ‘I’m ready to fuck you.” We all cheered!!!
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“She knew he was going to fuck her, but, she wasn’t prepared for just how good he was going to fuck her. “ He about to tear my girl UP
“Sir, I don't,’ she whined, her body so intensified with emotions of pain and pleasure she could barely form words.”
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“Talk to me so I know you’re okay. Tell Daddy what’s wrong,’ he cooed, bending over to kiss her drooling lips. “ y’all let’s start picking out rings and baby names , I’ll start , I really like Amara for a girl
“You’re so sweet for letting Daddy fuck you like this,’ he praised, ‘letting him use you while you can barely think straight. Shit feel good, hm?” Wow.
“nine and a half inches. “ I KNEW IT.
“Ain’t no other nigga gon’ fuck you like this.”  This is some I’m in your bushes stalking you type of dick, like this is insane
“Tell me what you need,’ he said, slowing his thrusts to enjoy the way she sighed in content.” AN EXORCISM
“Touch was his kink. The closeness drove him crazy. Whether it was on his shoulder or back, his dick was bricked, painfully so. “ This doesn’t explain why at this point you still won’t let her touch you but we’ll circle back to this sir. Something tells me Nami isn’t going to stop asking.
“It’s okay baby,’ he cooed. “ no it isn’t you are some type of succubus omg she gotta sage her apartment after this
“Just feel it,’ he slowed his strokes and grinned as she sobbed. “ smh he sick need him so bad
“Let me touch you, Sir,’ she begged”
“How about you go get in the bath? Let me clean you up and order lunch.”  I shouldn’t have laughed at this😭😭😭
“Finish eating so we can play again.” Hey so this is actually insane! He would’ve had to get the hell out my house fr😭
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.summary.: what's a little conversation among friends? nami and terry have some Play Time.
Kinks (in order they appear): oral m receiving, facefucking, terry is a chatty dom, fingering, oral f receiving,  anal play (plug insertion), slight degradation, spanking, cum play, nami experiences sub space (cnc) Wordcount: 8k+ graphics: @firefly-graphics / @cafekitsune note: this is broken into two parts @zillasvilla watched me all weekend work on this and was like "Break it apart"
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Terry had given Nami a week to reset. He would send her a text or call every now and then, but she hadn’t seen him in a week. She counted down the days until Friday and now that it was here she was anticipating so much. He had promised so much and all she had to do was behave. He was going to be spending the weekend at her place which mean it was a weekend of Play Time. A reward for getting through the long week of school, work, and her personal life. 
Nami had spent the whole weekend prepping her apartment for Terry. She switched her sheets to black so they looked like the ones in his guest room that she used. There were some light yellow accents. Water was stocked in the fridge along with enough snacks to get them through whatever he had planned. She didn’t want to have to leave the bedroom for anything. 
Currently, she was dashing around; sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, moping, and the apartment smelled like an apple orchid. The light fruity scent came from multiple candles. He was supposed to come at eight and they’d have breakfast and she’d hope to jump right into being jumped on. 
Satisfied with the cleaning she did, Nami dashed to her bedroom and turned on her shower. She had everything to do once she was in; shave, exfoliate, cleanse, moisturize! She wanted this weekend to go as smooth as she was trying to make her skin. She had coco butter and a light scented body oil waiting on the counter. 
Her thoughts drifted to Terry and their situation. Someone as perfect as Terry had to have some flaw about him and though she was enjoying herself, she had her guard up. Being here for his pleasure was all good and she was a willing participant, but her need for the closeness of a partner was rearing its ugly head. She wanted more of a connection that wasn’t just his hands on her body. She’d have to talk to him about it. 
Nami finished in the shower and patted herself dry. She lathered her body in lotion and oil, creating a sweet vanilla scent that would linger as the day passed. She removed the rollers from her hair, the blow-out keeping it’s shape and curls. She found it much easier to have her hair down. He could wrap it around his hand better and the feeling of his fist against the back of her head made her cunt quiver. Playtimes were meant to be fun and light, no real lesson or teaching moment. It was about her pleasure. But she wanted him to manhandle her, without it being tied to punishment. She loved the build up. 
Terry hadn’t told her what to wear, but she knew what to not put on. Reaching into her closet, she pulled out a pair of white soffee shorts and a yellow crop top. Just as she was coming out of her room, her doorbell went off. Nami slid over to the door and yanked it open. 
“Hi,’ she greeted while leaning against the door frame. 
Terry looked down at her and her outfit, humming in satisfaction, then pulled her to him as he stepped inside the apartment. He dropped his bag beside the door and kicked off his shoes while holding her still with his hands on her face and his lips on hers. He guided her towards her couch and made her sit. 
“It’s been a long week,’ he whispered, ‘Daddy just needs you to suck his dick first,’ he pushed down the waistband of his sweats and she watched his dick pop up and smack against his stomach. “Hands on your knees and keep them there.” 
He grabbed the back of her head and guided her mouth towards his leaking tip. 
“Relax.” He reminded her. 
Guiding his tip past her lips she relaxed her jaw and stuck out her tongue. Nami’s eyes clenched as he pushed further into her mouth. She breathed rapidly through her nose, managing to keep herself calm enough for him to slide down her throat. Her nose brushed his pelvis as he held her there. Her nails dug into her knees, leaving half crescent shapes.
“Good girl,’ he cooed, ‘I’ve been edging myself all week for you.” 
Terry pulled his hips back and pushed them forward, using her mouth to get off. 
“I’ve been thinking about you stuffed full of my dick.” 
Nami looked up at him as the tip of his dick poked down her throat. Drool slid over her chin and over the front of her top. His stance widened as he moved her head up and down faster. Her spit covered his balls and she wanted to reach out to grab them. 
“I’m going to hold myself off,’ he pulled her mouth off his dick and watched the spit and drool fall out of her mouth in a thick string connecting to his dick. “Suck the tip,’ he ordered. 
She leaned forward and wrapped her lips around the head of his dick, sucking as he asked. Her cheeks hollowed out each time and he hissed, stroking the rest of his length with a tight fist. 
“Head back,’ he grunted roughly, tugging on her curls, ‘mouth open.” 
She stuck her tongue out for good measure and Terry watched her brown eyes look up at him in anticipation. His hand twisted up and down his dick. Above her, Terry jacked off against her lips. She listened to him bite back his moans. She felt emboldened by her position in front of him. Her tongue darted out and lapped at his tip again, smearing his pre-cum like frosting on a cake. 
“That’s not being good,’ he gritted his teeth together and she giggled, repeating the action, much to his satisfaction. “Shit.” 
Yanking her head backward, Terry leered over her as he choked his dick with his hand. His cum flew out in thick ropes of cum, hot and sticky on her mouth and tongue. He tasted a little salty, but it seemed like he had just come from working out. The thought of sucking his dick right after a workout was a kink she didn’t realize she wanted to act out. Terry pushed his dick into her mouth and she sucked him clean, the mess on her face cooling as her head bobbed up and down. He pushed her back into the couch and admired his work of art on her face. 
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Twenty minutes later, Nami was cleaned up and sitting at the kitchen island. Terry cooked breakfast; eggs, sausage, and grits. While eating he sat next to her with one of his hands between her legs. He wasn’t touching her pussy, yet, but his hand was close enough she could feel a little heat. 
“You know it’s Play Time but let me give you a few ground rules. You get to cum as much as you want to but there are still boundaries.” 
He grabbed her thigh. “No touching me or yourself unless you have permission.” 
“You already know how to address me.” he paused. “And you understand when that changes.” 
He told her it would be easy to tell who she was dealing with when they were together. Sir would have told her to drop to her knees at the door. He would have bent her over the arm of the couch and fucked her mouth. Daddy was nicer, sweeter, the man in front of her right now, and that she was excited about it. Then there was Terry. He told her it wasn’t a person she wanted to meet during any of their time together. He made himself sound like a caged animal locked away to keep the public safe. Terry was unforgiving. A disciplinarian to the highest degree. Sir was a cake walk compared to Terry, but Nami was never going to find that out. Her behavior would have to be egregious. 
“Daddy,’ she says, eyes on her plate as she shoves her fork into her eggs. 
“Let me know if it gets to be too much.” 
Terry turned in his chair and pulled her chair closer to him. The hand between her legs moved and she felt two of his fingers snake themselves into her pussy. He wiggled them deep and watched her head loll backwards. Her mouth parted and she struggled to keep still and let him touch her how he wanted to. 
Standing up, Terry moved behind her. He kept his hand between her legs, stroking her pussy with two fingers. His other hand snaked under her shirt, cupping her breast before tugging and pulling on her taut nipple. His lips found her neck, the three feelings overwhelming her body like a flood. 
“I want to make you feel good.” He moved to the other nipple, tugging cowards on it. “Does it feel good when I touch you like this?” 
His fingers stroked up to her clit, painting it in her slick before he plunged them back into her hole. His thumb pressed on her clit, pushing the throbbing bundle of nerves until she shook on the stool. 
“Talk to me Nami,’ he says, ‘tell me to play with your pussy.” 
The hand that was playing with her nipples wrapped around her throat. Leaning back against his chest, Terry held her still with his upper body while his fingers strummed her pussy like a guitar. 
“I like when you touch me like this,’ she panted. Her chest rose and fell in time with her beating heart. “Your fingers feel so good, Daddy.” 
“Do they?” He asked. Terry pulled them out and put them into her mouth.
She sucked slowly on his fingers as he pulled her from the stool. He walked her to the dining table and laid her across it. He pulled up a chair and pushed her legs to her chest as he sat down. Served up for his tasting, Terry did just that.
Terry excused himself to the bathroom. Nami cleaned up from breakfast, dumping the cold food and putting the coffee into the fridge to use later. She slipped on her shorts and wiped down the dining table. She brought out throw blankets and tossed them on the couch. She convinced him to watch a movie with her. As she spread out her favorite blanket there was a hard knock on her door. 
She wasn’t expecting anyone so when she opened the door and saw Mona and her dom standing there she was surprised. 
“What are you doing here,’ Nami asked.  
“I haven’t heard from you since we went out. Busy?” Mona’s tone was both cautious and blunt. She kept looking at her dom, who was standing by the foyer. He didn’t look happy at all. 
“School, you know it’s my last semester.” Nami replied. “Is everything okay?” 
Mona didn’t just stop by. At least not without calling ahead first. 
“Did he get tired of you yet?” Her Dom jokes. He leers at Nami, seeing exactly why Terry was hooked on her. 
“You know no one is going to want you in the community now? I mean, I told you what Terry did to submissives.” Mona says, ‘so, why did he leave? What stupid mistake did you make?” 
Nami shook her head. “No, no, no, he’s still my dominant.” 
The same dominant that was in her bathroom and probably listening to this very conversation. 
“He’s not here, so it doesn’t matter,’ her dom says annoyed. “Let me tell you something bitch,’ he growls, turning his sudden fury on Nami. “Don’t you ever get another man to try to tell me what to do. I ain’t some little bitch to fuck with.” 
Shirtless, Nami saw Terry step out of the room, a scowl on his face. It was very clear he heard everything that was said. 
“Mona, you brought him here to tell me that,’ Nami says as she takes a step backwards. 
“She does what I tell her and if you don’t get your dog to mind his business handling an overstepping submissive will be my business.” 
“A business you’re failing.” Terry said. 
Four sets of eyes turned to him in shock. Mona’s eyes raked over Terry’s bare chest and the way his sweats hung low on his hips. Terry couldn’t remember their names and didn’t care either, but he wasn’t going to let them speak to Nami like that. 
“You brought your dominant to your friend’s place,’ Terry says as he assesses the situation before him. “You brought another man to the house of your friend, who is a woman. To be yelled at and threatened.” 
”I just want to get the story straight.” 
He walked over to Mona, the same way her dominant had walked up on Nami. Except, Mona was enjoying the attention. He could see it in her eyes; this is what she wanted. Her tight lip expression might fool the other man in the room, but he knew all he had to do was speak and Mona would drop to her knees. 
“Tell her you’re jealous,’ Terry says. “Tell Nami, you’re jealous of her.” 
“I’m not
no! Nami, I’m not-’
In a sweet voice, Terry folded his arms over his chest. “Tell. Her.” He looked at Nami and motioned her to move towards him. Just within reach, he had her stop. “I like submissives who listen. Your defiance is a turn off. That’s why I’ve never looked your way. I love me a brat,’ he says, looking at Nami with a smirk, ‘but you are a petulant brat. The worst kind.” 
Mona’s mouth dropped open and her eyes darted between the two men in the room. Only one of them had control and she looked over her shoulder at Nami. Terry snapped his fingers in her face. 
“Look at me when you say it,’ he says, ‘and mean it. Or you’ll stand here and say it until I tell you to stop.” 
Her chance with Terry was long gone at this point. She knew that the moment he pulled her from the bar in the club. 
“I’m jealous of Nami.” 
“Why?” Terry asked. “Tell her why you’re jealous.” 
Mona looked at her dominant and Terry laughed. 
“I don’t know why you’re looking at him. He’s a switch at best, he’s not going to do anything for you.” 
Nami’s Play Time was being interrupted and he could see was getting frustrated with the situation. As much as he wanted to draw this out, and he should, he didn’t want to completely ruin Nami’s day. He had a lot planned for her. 
Terry stared at Mona causing her to fidget and eventually look up at him. 
“I’m jealous of Nami because you picked her to be your submissive.” Terry leaned in, his voice low. He only wanted Mona to hear what he was about to tell her.
“I should make you tell her exactly how you really feel about her.” 
Nami could sense that when they were getting dressed for the party. Her line of questioning had made her feel undesirable and to know Terry picked up on it as well didn’t make her feel as crazy as she thought she was. 
“You’re lucky Nami is here.” Terry turned to the other man in the room and approached him. “Handling an overstepping submissive? I know you weren’t talking about Nami.” 
“Nah,” he says, ‘Mona wanted to come see her friend.”
“I don’t want to do this right now.” Nami says. “Leave please.” 
“You heard her,’ Terry says, though his eyes dare the man in front of her to move. 
Mona turned around and gave Nami an apologetic look. “Call him off,’ she says, gesturing towards the stand off between the men. 
Nami’s euphoric state of bliss was being compromised. This disruption was toying with her Play Time and she didn’t want Terry to be too annoyed to play with her. Nami felt hot in the face but it wasn’t from anger. She was getting upset and frustrated. Terry stood there, stoic and squared off, his stance defensive. 
“Nami please,’ Mona says. 
“Why should she do anything for you?” Terry taunted. He says, turning his head to glance at Mona and Nami behind him. 
“The way you called me about her, you don’t get to speak to Mona that way.” 
“Oh, wheres the bass you had with my girl,’ Terry grinned, ‘all that bravado is gone now that I’m in the room huh.” 
“No one is scared of you,’ he replied, brows knitting together as his jaw tensed. 
“I don’t want you to be,’ Terry replied. “I want you to be uncomfortable. I want you to not be weak. Defend your submissive,’ he taunted, ‘you don’t want me to talk to her?” He whispered. “Tell me.” 
The tension in the room was high. Nami took a step towards Terry, hoping to diffuse the situation and get them out. 
“Just go, Mona,’ Nami says. 
Walking towards her bedroom she put space between her and the chaos swirling around her kitchen. She sat on the edge of her bed, legs folded as she dropped her head into her hands. Her friendship with Mona had been great. She never once did she think Mona had ill feelings towards her. Hearing her be jealous, and mean, over her relationship with Terry was hard. She wanted to share all her experiences with Terry with her. Finally diving into BDSM led to the break down of a friendship, if it ever was there. 
“Hey,’ Nami looked up, face wet. 
“Yes, Sir?” She says. 
“Lie back.” 
She did as she was told and they both moved on from what happened in the kitchen. She didn’t want to talk about it anyway and further mess up her morning. Terry moved to stand by the head of her bed. Her cuffs were slung over his shoulder and something silver was resting in his palm.  
“Shorts off, bend your legs and keep them open for me.” 
Nami did as told and also removed her top, Terry laughed at her haste and kissed her forehead. He cuffed her hands before kissing them. 
“Keep them up,’ he says. 
Crawling into the bed, Terry kissed his way up her leg, sucking the soft skin into his mouth as he watched her chest rise and fall. She anticipated things and her body responded to it. She knew his mouth was about to touch her pussy, so she anticipated it. Her body warmed and she started to leak slick from her lower lips. His warm breath heightened that feeling and she almost kicked him in the face when his lips landed on her knee. 
“Relax,’ he says, ‘you will need to relax for what I’m about to do.” 
He took her clit in his mouth, sucking slowly, while his fingers stroked around her wet hole. Terry pushed them in slowly, curling his fingers upwards as his tongue flattened against her clit. She was lost in the sensation of his mouth and fingers that when something cold, wet, and hard pressed against her asshole, she jumped. Terry pulled away from her pussy, licking his lips as he eyed the messed between her legs. 
“It’s a plug.” 
“A plug? For what?” 
“I think you know what it’s for. You asked for it.” 
Nami breathed out and Terry’s head went back down between her legs. She focused on the way he devoured her pussy, licked and sucked until she was trembling again. She felt his hands moved, but not the anal plug. Instead, Terry licked his way down from her pussy to her ass then back up. 
His devotion to eating pussy was unmatched and she never had a guy who enjoyed it for his personal pleasure and not just hers. He was doing it because he wanted to and it was for his own desires. There was a pool of her slickness on the bed between her legs, around his mouth, and coating the inside of her thighs. She got so messy.
As Nami began to wiggle and squirm to keep from riding his face, Terry used one hand to spread her left ass cheek. The anal plug rubbed against her puckered hole while his tongue licked back into her weeping sex. Both his tongue and the plug surged froward at the same time. 
“Oh fuck,’ she cursed. 
Terry smacked her outer thigh. “Watch that mouth.” 
He pushed it to the hilt, making sure it was snug. The stretch was different and it made her clit throb. She clenched around it, only pulling it further in before it would relax as she unclenched. She felt full. The bulbous head of the plug stretched her deliciously. 
“Oh that’s pretty.” 
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Netflix was on but Nami wasn’t sure what was playing any more. She straddled Terry’s lap, his hands on her thighs, smoothing around to her ass while another scratched up her naked back. The only thing she wore was the anal plug, firmly nestled in her ass, and her cuffs. The yellow material really looked like bracelets when they weren’t hooked together and to the bed. She held her own arms behind her back as they kissed. Her hips and his doing a motion against each other. She’d rocked side to side and he would jerk his hips up and down. The friction of his dick pressing against her led to more anticipation of what was to come. 
Naked, Nami was exposed to him. Her body on display as she pulled away from his mouth to breathe. 
“Let’s go to bed,’ he says, ‘I’m ready to fuck you.” 
It was noon, the sun w as high in the sky as Terry tossed Nami on the bed. She bounced and moved towards the pillows, her hands in front of her. Terry dropped his sweats. She had seen his dick numerous times but there was something about this time that was different. She watched as he touched himself, his hand stroking upwards towards his tip when he grimaced from the touch. Sensitive, she logged that for later. He always ended their night in her mouth and if she got the chance she’d make sure to play with the sensitive tip. 
He had another bottle in his hands before he squeezed a clear gel into his palm. 
“Fucking your throat is one thing,’ he says, dropping a knee to the bed as he palmed his dick again. “Fucking you is another and I want to make sure I slide right in.”
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This had been the moment Nami was waiting for. She knew he was going to fuck her, but, she wasn’t prepared for just how good he was going to fuck her. 
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“Sir, I don't,’ she whined, her body so intensified with emotions of pain and pleasure she could barely form words. She didn’t know if she wanted Terry to stop fucking her or keep going, but the inbetween felt too good to care. Her legs had long fallen to the bed, open and pliant in his hands. His hips snapped between hers slamming his balls against her ass as his dick finally split her open. As he finally fucked her like the dominant he was, uncaring, crazed, feral. Using her pussy in ways that made her more gushy than a Gusher candy. 
“Mhn,’ he called, “Tell me what you need, baby.” 
“Ah!,’ she keened. 
His hips snapped upwards, then rutted against her, applying pressure to her clit. 
“Talk to me so I know you’re okay. Tell Daddy what’s wrong,’ he cooed, bending over to kiss her drooling lips. He looked into her eyes, watching as she forced them straight but couldn’t help but cross them when he hit that spongy spot deep in her cunt. 
“You’re so sweet for letting Daddy fuck you like this,’ he praised, ‘letting him use you while you can barely think straight. Shit feel good, hm?” He looked down where their bodies were joined. The mess between her legs was hypnotizing. She was so wet and creaming so much. “Giving Daddy such good pussy tonight.” 
“I’m good,’ she repeated, as if she was asking him a question, not believing she was. 
“Yes,’ he hissed, licking a long swipe up her neck before sucking a red spot into the side of it. Nami arched her chest into his, find some strength to wrap her legs around his waist, crying out at the way he began to wine his hips. “You gonna let Daddy play in his pussy, right?”
Her hands were tied above her head this time and she pulled on her restraints as she felt his fingers slid into her mouth for her to suck on.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,’ she hummed over and over. “Play in my sweet pussy Daddy,’ she mumbled, the words coming out between her moans.
“I know you are,’ he hummed a familiar beat, ‘gimmie that sweet,’ he flexed, his dick jumped, she cried out, ‘that nasty,’ he leaned down, going from two feet to one foot on the bed beside her open hips, ‘that gushy stuff.” 
The sounds she made were wet and sticky; sloshing almost and it just kept spilling out of her this way. The position sent him deeper, stuffing her nice and full with all nine and a half inches. 
Her lower body wiggled, trying to fight the pressure building as he stilled his body. Terry used her mouth like a toy, sucking her tongue into his, biting her lips, drawing a little of pain from the pleasure she was feeling between her legs. The stretch burned, but fuck, he made it feel so good. He hoisted her legs up so they fell over his arms. Fully seated in her pussy, he rubbed against her. 
“You look so good taking my dick,’ he praises.
Nami ached to touch him. It was the one thing she had been working to earn since their first night, but he always bound her hands away from him. Avoided her finger like the plague. He knew her body so intimately her pussy clenched around his dick at the thought. Terry’s hands dropped to her waist in a bruising hold. 
“That’s it, cum on my dick,’ he said, finally finding a rhythm she could rock her hips to. 
Nami squirmed beneath him as he he fucked her into the bed. She was already running like a faucet, but when Terry pushed her legs towards her her head she gushed, a cord snapping as she came, squirting on him as he chased his high. Fuck he was so big. She thought, trying to catch her breath as her body tensed and jerked beneath him. 
The wet sound of their skin slapping as Terry dug her out as he chased his high. His ball clenched tight as he held her throat and hip to keep her still. Him wearing his pussy out was the only thing on his mind, making her so tired she purred for his mouth to make it feel better. Terry could see how fucked out she was, her body coming down from her orgasm. He dropped his weight to her body, pushing them both up the bed and rutting against her as he placed her legs on his shoulders and leaned down. Still deep in that shit, Terry made sure she could feel him, poking that g-spot over and over. All she could do is scream out for him, cry, and beg him to not stop, and that he felt so good. Her sweet voice was slurred, each work leaving her lips like she was drunk off his dick. 
Nami felt like she was in a tunnel. Terry’s voice was muffled to her, the intense feeling her body was experiencing had filled her head with so much pleasure she couldn’t think straight. It hurt to think about anything other than how he was making her body feel. 
“Why you fucking me like this, ma’ he asks, hissing from how tight her pussy gripped him. “Why you sucking me in so deep, baby.” 
Nami cried, too overwhelmed to respond with anything else. Her body, down to her tippy toes, was numb. She was barely holding onto reality. 
“Ain’t no other nigga gon’ fuck you like this.” 
She heard him speaking but it was more to himself, stroking his big ass ego the way his big ass dick was stroking her tight walls. 
Terry looked at her, tears running from her eyes, her body shaking as she took his hard thrusts. He turned his head, kissing her both of her ankles he swiveled his hips side to side and she quivered. 
“You want to nut again don’t you.” He grit his teeth together, the squishy sounds permeating the air the same way the smell of their sex did. “Hold that shit in,’ he snapped, ‘let me play in my pussy a lil’ longer.” 
He could feel her about to cum and knew she wasn’t going to be able to hold it in. Her body had betrayed her twice already and those orgasms damn near made him bust. Terry yanked his dick out and dropped her legs to the bed. Nami whimpered and tried to reach for him, forgetting her hands were tied to the bed post. Splayed out, Terry bent down between her legs, his tongue replacing his dick. He slurped her clit into his mouth, flattened his tongue and dragged it up and down, coating his face in her slick.
“Oh Daddy,’ she drawled out. She planted one foot on the bed and arched towards his mouth. 
His hand slapped against her ass, twice. “Pretty ass pussy,’ he mumbled, fisting his dick to stroke as he lapped at her drenched lips. “Why you so fucking wet hm? I can drown in this shit.” Terry released her clit with a soft popping sound and grabbed her legs again. His thrust back in jerked her upwards on the bed. He bottomed out and watched her grab the rope of her restraints. 
“Tell me what you need,’ he said, slowing his thrusts so enjoy the way she sighed in content. He had abused this pussy for at least an hour, taking what he needed from her. 
“Let me touch you,’ she whined, ‘please.” 
Touch. Fuck. He knew the moment her hands touched him he would lose it. He always did. There was something about his girl, his sub, clinging to him for dear life, raking nails down his back like he knew she wanted to do. 
“Please, please, please
’ she begged, a fresh set of tears springing from her eyes as she cried. His pace quickened. 
She never asked before and he could see the longing in her eyes when they were together or in a scene. Touch was his kink. The closeness drove him crazy. Whether it was on his shoulder or back, his dick was bricked, painfully so. 
He shook the thought away and continued to fuck her into the bed. Her pussy gripped his dick right and he groaned. 
“Daddy just had to give this pussy something to do.” He grunted. He saw Nani’s arms and body slowly begin to relax. “That’s it,’ he coached.
Nami began to cry. The sensation she was feeling was out of body. She felt so high and weightless but at the same time grounded and heavy from his thrusts. She didn’t cry from pain but the pleasure just needed another way out. She unclenched her fists as he rocked his hips into hers. His dick curved slightly to the left and stretched her just as good. Terry’s dick was big. 
“It’s okay baby,’ he cooed. 
Nami whines and whimpered. Her thigh began to shake from her resolve snapping. She felt too exposed. The room light suddenly blinded her as he took off the scarf. Blurry she blinked out her tears as she turned her head to the side and went to bite down on her arm when Terry grabbed her face. 
“Just feel it,’ he slowed his strokes and grinned as she sobbed. His tongue darted out and he licked her tears before sucking her lips into a kiss. 
“Let Daddy take care of you, hm?” He wrapped his hand around her throat and held her to the bed. He looked into her eyes. They were glossy and she had a dazed expression on her face though she was fighting it. 
.Daddy,’ she protested, her hips trying to get his to move again. 
“Be a good girl,’ he says as he thrusts once more.
He resumed fucking Nami, filling her inch by inch with his dick. He held her hips and gave her slow but forceful thrusts. Her pussy choked his dick.
“Shit I’m going to fuck this pussy open.” He popped Nami on the thighs and she looked at him with doey brown eyes. “You're sitting on this dick all weekend.” 
“Oh!” She whimpered, her pussy making wet sounds as his words make her gush a little. 
Terry noticed and smirked. “You like when I talk to you like that, hm?” 
He leans over her, his forehead pressing against hers as he watches his dick slide in an out of her cunt. There was a mess between their legs. A sticky, slippery, wet, mess. He sunk himself deep each thrust, caging her body between him and the bed so she didn’t slide across the sheets. Terry rubbed his hands down her thigh and then hooked it behind her knee before pushing it to the bed. 
“Open up,’ he growled, eyes rolling backwards as she clenched around him. “Fuck, open that pussy up.” 
Nami tugged on her restraints until they shook the headboard. Her body was slipping from her control and all she could do was let it happen. He had a tight grip on her leg, holding her still as he pummeled her into the mattress. The sheets were askew and pillows were somewhere on the floor. His sweat dripped onto her body, the cold droplets adding to the sensations her body was experiencing. Her clit throbbed for release, but it went ignored, and pulsed. Her toes were curling and her back was arching up off the bed, seeking out more contact from her dominate. 
“I got you baby,’ he groaned. His own body shuddered. “Let me fuck this pussy like it deserves to be.” 
Nami made the mistake of looking at Terry. He was staring right at her. His eyes had darkened. His brows were knitted together and when his tongue darted out to lick his thick lips, Nami whined. She could feel his hands on her body; slapping her thigh, 
“Soggy ass pussy,’ he spoke, his thumb reached between their bodies and rubbed her neglected clit. “I wish you could see how sloppy this shit looks,’ he laughed. “Fuck, Nami.” 
Terry was stroking something deep inside of her. He reached places no one had prior. He fucked her towards another orgasm, but this one felt uncontrolled. She scrunched her nose, thumbs pressing into the link on her cuffs, and he hips fell back to the bed. New sounds of pleasure fell from her lips. High pitched squeals as he snapped his hips over and over between her legs. Stuffing her with his fat dick to the point she could feel the recoil in her thighs.  Speaking of, her thighs fell to the bed, fully opening herself to Terry and his hands. 
“That’s it baby,’ he praised, ‘give Daddy his pussy.” 
He used his hands to rub her sides, massaging her into relaxing. She stopped tugging on her cuffs and her arms slackened. Nami’s breath shuddered with each thrust between her legs, her pussy was stuffed full and she felt like she was feeling him in her stomach. The depths he reached mad her lift her hips for more. 
“Be Daddy’s little doll,’ he whispered.
“Doll?” Her voice trembled and her bottom lip quivered. “I
She could barely form words, eyes crossed now that he could finally see them. As tight as her pussy was around his dick, that wasn’t the only thing turning him on. Her lack of speech made his ego puff up just a little. He warned her of his plans to fuck her and now that he was inside of her he didn’t want to leave. He enjoyed the other physical and mental effects of sex just as much as the actual act of sex. 
“Yeah,’ he replied, his voice even as he stroked himself with her cunt. 
Each slide back in Nami could feel the thick tip of his dick slide against her spot. Every. Time. he hit it directly and she saw stars. Her vision became a little spotty from the overwhelming pleasure he was giving her. 
“My little ragdoll.” 
Terry’s hands moved up her chest, tugging down on her nipples after rolling them between his fingers. He admired the bruises on her hips from his hands. The dark spots a reminded for her long after he was done. Respectfully he was going to make sure she had as many orgasms as he body could give. Disrespectfully? He was going to dig her pussy out and dick her down. He just needed her to-
“Daddy,’ she weeped, ‘I feel-’
“Let go for me,’ he coaches, kissing her quickly to ground her for a moment. Aware of her body, Terry wrapped a hand around her throat and applied just enough pressure she could focus on him. “Let it happen okay?” He says. “You’re slipping into sub space.” He noted, more to himself than her. “Let me take you there, Nami.” 
His voice sounded like whispers to her. She hadn’t realized her eyes were closed until she opened them and he was watching her face. His expression was soft and a stark contrast to the roughness of his dick fucking her. She couldn’t hear her moans any more and her body started to float. Her thighs rose on their own, needing a little friction but it was pushed back to the bed. 
A fucking faucet.
Dripping so fucking much.
Wet. Ass. Pussy! 
His stamina was insane and Nami’s body was his outlet. That same body betrayed her. She felt like she was in a dream state. In a trance. She thought she was tugging on her restraints, but Terry had already unhooked it and her arms were laying above her head. She knew to keep them there but with the euphoric feeling course through her body she had no strength to move them anyway. 
She felt like mush in hands. Pliant, Terry grabbed her neck again. 
“Feels good,’ he asked. He knew getting her to talk in this state would be hard, he could see the pleasure in her eyes with how slack her mouth was. 
Nami’s mouth dropped open and a trail of drool followed. She could see Terry but wasn’t really seeing him. She could feel him deep and each thrust drove her to the brink. 
“Good,’ she choked out, ‘so big,’ she cried. 
“I know baby,’ he hissed. 
“Give it up, Nami.” He pushed her into the bed with a hand around her neck. “Submit, to Daddy.” 
She couldn’t reach to hold him and the grip on the sheets wasn’t enough to keep Nami from jerking upwards as her climax sacked into her body. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as the arch in her back brought her body upwards so suddenly she gasped; unable to speak anything other than Daddy. She was a river of slick and emotions, her body levitating and grounded at the same time. The feeling was out of body and it was like she was watching herself get fucked. Terry pulled out long enough to roll her to her hands and knees. There was no hesitation as he slid right back into her velvety walls. He held her hips still as he pounded into her from behind. She could feel his balls slapping against her clit with each thrust and as her arms stretched above her head she wanted to reach back and cup his sack in her hands, feel how heavy he was, and stroke him that way towards pleasure. 
“Push back on it,’ he ordered, grabbing a hand full of her hair to yank her head back. “Show me you want it, doll.” 
Mindlessly, Nami pushed her hips back, letting his dick stretch her in the new position. Terry’s breathing began to change. His breaths were shorter, staggered, and he was trying to control them, but couldn’t. He snatched out of her cunt and pulled her to her feet. Weak, Nami fell into him and he popped her on the thighs. 
Terry spun her around and forced her to bend over at the waist. At the perfect height, Nami touched her toes then wrapped her hands around her ankles. His feet kicked her legs apart right before he lined his dick up and slid back in. He moved her back and forth. There was a lack of balance but her trust in his strength to hold her up, kept her from worrying. She could feel her slick sliding down her legs. 
“Fuck,’ Terry shouted. He moved her to the bed and laid her on her stomach at the edge. His hips slammed into her ass, his dick searching for that gummy spot that made her squirt earlier.  
His eyes dropped to the anal plug he fitted into her earlier. He reached down and tapped it, causing it to move up and down. Nami’s hand swung back the new sensation jolting her body forward. Terry grabbed her wrist and folded her arm across her back. 
“You want me in there,’ he taunted, using his other hand to twist the plug. “You want me to fuck this ass too huh?” He kissed between her shoulder blades as his hand pulled the plug halfway out and pushed it back in. “Yeah, you are,’ he cooed. “You’re going to give Daddy all your holes mmhm,’ he joked, smacking her ass as he fucked her. 
This was his show. Terry felt on top, on cloud nine, and euphoric. The high seeping into his body was making him a bit feral. His grip on Nami tightened, his sack seizing up as Nami soaked his dick again. He was on the precipice of an orgasm when his eyes clenched shut. He bit down on his lip, nearly drawing blood, as he thrust became shallow and staggered. His rhythm was thrown off as Nami turned her head after lifting up on her arms to glance back at him. Her eyes were closed in pleasure and her mouth was swollen and parted. She looked fucked out while in sub space. She made soft cooing sounds instead of moans, egging him on. 
“Fuck,’ he cursed, realized it was his favorite of the night, ‘it’s coming, shit I’m gonna cum.” He wasn’t wearing a condom and he hadn’t discussed with Nami where he should shoot his load. He wanted to fill her with it and watch it ooze out. So he was going to.
“Daddy’s gonna nut in this pussy,’ he pulled her backwards, grunting as ropes of hot cum painted her cervix and slippery walls. 
Terry held her still white he emptied his sack, smacking her ass in time to the spurts leaving his tip. Stilling, he let her spasm around his dick, squeezing him deeper as she shook. Terry brought her hips up and pushed her shoulders into the bed. Inch by inch, Terry pulled out. When his tip was left he pushed back in once and Nami’s pussy gushed. Over sensitive, she was spent. Her pussy was spent. Clarity was setting and she inhaled suddenly, dropping to the bed as Terry pulled all the way out. He rolled her over and leaned over her. His lips slanted over hers and she sighed into his mouth. 
“You did so good.” He praises her with kisses. Soft and sweet while her soul found its way back into her body. “See what being good for me gets you?” He reached between her legs and plunged two fingers into her pussy, churning them around while using his load as lubricant. “I told you I was going to teach this pussy what to do.” 
He added his thumb and stroked her clit. He was playing with her now, toying with her over sensitive body. He was slowly bringing her down from that intense pleasure. Safely guiding her down so she didn’t hit the sub drop too hard. 
“Talk to me, beautiful,’ he whispers. “What do you need from me?” 
Nami licked her dry lips, panting as she tried to catch her breath. Speaking felt difficult and she cried suddenly from not being able to form words. She felt good. Everything about what she just experienced was perfect. She just couldn’t form the words to tell him that. Terry pulled his fingers out and smacked her pussy a few times. 
“Water,’ she croaked, finding her voice amid her moaning, ‘please.”
Terry kissed her cheek. “There’s my girl,’ he noted, seeing the clarity returning in her eyes. She was looking at him now, not through him earlier. Fully present in her body, she tried to sit up. Terry pushed her gently back to the bed and helped her crawl towards the top. He grabbed the pillows from the floor and made a cocoon for her to curl up in. His cum leaked out her hole, smeared across her thigh as she moved. Wiping a hand down his face, he shook his head. He snatched up his sweats and strode towards her bathroom. 
He ran her bath first and then slipped into her kitchen. He left the door open so the AC could kick on and cool the room. He grabbed a few waters and some fruit for her to snack on. Coming to the side of the bed, he opened one of the water bottles and pulled Nami to sit up. The cold water cools Nami as soon as it hit her tongue. Terry pulled the bottle away as she choked. 
“Slow,’ he murmured. “Take it easy.” 
She ate strawberries from his hands in between kisses. 
“You were well worth the wait,’ he pulls her face in with a hand on her chin. “How do you feel?” 
“Overwhelmed,’ she sighed, the word falling out of her lips blissfully. Though the haze of pleasure was gone, she was still feel the effects of submitting to Terry. High on his attention, she leaned into him, seeking out his mouth for another kiss. 
Terry entertained her, pulling her to his lap, but keeping her hands in one of his behind her back. Nami wiggled against his hand. 
“Let me touch you, Sir,’ she begged, her lips going from his jaw, to behind his ear, then his neck. She worked her hips against his bulge, aftercare becoming a fleeting thought as Nami worked herself back up. 
“How about you go get in the bath? Let me clean you up and order lunch.” 
Terry stood up, Nami in his arms as he carried her to the bathroom. He supported her with one hand, the other keeping her wrists locked. Placing her on her feet, he brought her hands above her head and helped her into the bath. Nami grimaced as a cool sticky substance rolled down her leg. 
“You’re still leaking out of me,’ she lowered herself into the tub. 
“As I should be.” He kissed the top of her head and opened the cabinet under the sink. She had multiple scents and soaps and he settled on a lavender body wash and pine scented lotion. 
Terry bathed her and carried her back to her bed. He remade it while she soaked in the warm water. Drying her off, he motioned for her to lie down. Back against the pillows he knelt on the bed at her feet and began working lotion into her skin. His thumbs pressed into the arches of her foot, drawing out soft groans. Her calves were next, and Terry took his time there, sucking on her toes. He massaged her body, sucking on her skin in random places. He tugged on a shirt and she noticed it wasn’t yellow, but the black one he came over in. 
Yanking back the sheets, he tucked Nami into them. The bedside lamp turning off as he pulled the little string. 
“I’m not tired,’ she yawned, stretching her limbs. 
“Nap. I’ll have lunch when you wake up.” 
She didn’t remember falling asleep or hear when her bedroom door opened up. Now, something was pulling her awake. Terry, kneeling beside the bed, had pulled her to the edge of it and opened her legs, exposing her sore cunt to his greedy mouth. Each swipe of his tongue wetted his lips. His tongue flicked across her clit before it slipped into her hole, fucking her how his dick had earlier. 
“I got a little hungry,’ he admitted. “I knew this pussy would still be swollen so I came to kiss it better.” 
Nami raised up on her arms to watch his tongue work between her legs. He kept her legs open with his heavy hands. His tongue split her lips apart so he could suck her clit into his mouth. Terry tongued her pussy until she was rocking her hips against his face. The anal plug bumped against his chin and he pulled back to glance at it. 
Pulling away from her, Terry stood up and pulled Nami to her feet. She was able to walk now and followed behind him to the kitchen. Next to the glass of water was another bowl of fruit and a plate of salmon and rice. 
“Do you remember submitting to me?” He asked after a few minutes of silence. 
“A little. It was a lot going on,’ she admitted, ‘it just felt good. My body just gave out.” She chewed on the end of her fork. “Being used like that felt really good.” 
“It’s called sub space. Where your body just feels intensely good yes and you can't put it into words?” 
Nami nodded. 
“Being able to fuck you senseless like that,’ he whistled. “Nami, I’m ready to be back in that pussy. Finish eating so we can play again.” 
┏━°❀‱°:🎀 Taglist 🎀:°‱❀°━┓
@nayaesworld @peachbuttetfly @harmshake @heauxvibez @avoidthings @mymindisneverhere @sabrina-carpenter-stan-account @eilujion @heytaewrites @browngirldominion @insidefeelingofanadult @blackerthings @gwenda-fav @brandithecrystalgem @ranikyani
@captainwithoutmakingitlove @dremmmm @kindofaintrovert @thegreatlibraryofalex @jimmybutlrr @beenathembo @kuromiish @virgomess @bbyxgall @theereina @randomhood @ash-ketchumzzz @dundienominated
@swavydadon wabi-sabi1090 Blackgurlkillinit prawspektn iterum-incipi chiachia14 liquorlaughslove L0vesicktimes kinginwithbreezy-blog eilujion Atomicqueenbitch-blog gabbywontlose Heytaewrites 1333286ab-blog Keyera-jackson deja-r
Solunaseira 1thrasherkookie1 moooonluvr ashykneee cocogoddess0g zoey101-2 reignsboy19 cicici03 Elizablu lous-house-of-thoughtsl reci1996 romansglow mjcurlsss yana3sworld chloeijuana nun0ir wrestlingprincess80 simplyzeeka taureanstargirl mzv11
Disc0fair browngirldominion Murrylove venusesworld uceyliyah  Venusesworld prettyfilmz simplyzeeka wrestlingprincess80 heytaewrites Liquorlaughslove @planetblaque
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Part two on 11.24.24
I apologize for the errors. As I re-read I will clean it up. I've been staring at this part for two weeks.
402 notes · View notes
batarangsoundsdumb · 4 years ago
Can I send you a meme I made to include in part 10? (if you make one)
yes, you absolutely can, i love seeing what you guys came up with!
This is my gigantic ask answering post!
your social media AU is also a masterpiece
thanks so much!
Hey if you dont mind me asking do you or your followers remember seeing a post flosting around of a map of gotham where someone had drawn in what districts each of the batfam worked out of??? Like Crime Alley was Red Hoods area , Bludhaven was Nightwings etc?????
i couldn’t find it i’m so sorry, but i could find this map of what the different districts are. if someone does have the map could you please send it to me or reblog it?
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hot take batman is more of a himbo than brucie wayne ( @the-real-peter-parker )
you’re absolutely right and you should say it.
Your mind! Absolutely love the memes, I live for them. ( @telekingesiscaine )
aww that’s so sweet of you to say.
hi! i just wanted to let you know that, despite the fact that I have never touched a batman comic in my life, your gotham memes series fill me with inexplicable joy and I am very thankful for its existence
okay you’re so nice, and i’m really glad you like them.
I can’t stop thinking about your Gotham memes. They bring me so much joy
aww it brings me a lot of joy as well. it’s always so nice to read people’s reactions.
I just want you to know that your gotham memes restored my faith of Tumblr. ( @bonillart )
Oh wow that’s such a compliment. i’m so happy you enjoyed them!
oh so Gotham is just like my country
okay this one is about the gotham politician memes and i’m so sorry for you if they’re in any way similar. 
I enjoy your gotham memes. Thanks!
you’re welcome! and thanks so much for your message.
i love your memes from gotham citizens perspectives so much they are hilarious ( @allulily )
i love making them so much as well. it’s so funny how there are supposed to be like people in between all the villains, goons and vigilantes and it’s incredibly fun to explore what they’re thinking and going through.
hi! i saw your post about dick being so white in nightwing 2016, and i just wanted to say that romani people can actually be white, cause from what i've learned it's more a culture than an ethnicity. but yeah there was zero reason to make him *that* white lol like what even 😭😭
yeah i know, it was so weird though, he looked like a plaster wall. i just meant that the artist’s working on dick should at least be consistent in his race, culture and skintone, because it’s coming across as pretty sus.
ur gotham memes have filled my seratonin levels for the next week thank u
all these sweet messages have filled my seratonin levels so thank you.
So I love your blog funfacts ( @headinfantasy )
thank you so much!!!
i love your posts <33
thank you very much! (may i just say i think the <3 looks like an icecream cone more than it looks like a heart, it is a vital part of my philosophy)
i’m so glad you do!!!
I need you to NEVER stop making Gotham memes. They are the only things keeping me together
okay, i probably never will because i love doing them so much, but the only thing i can think of right now is 90 year old me sitting behind a desktop computer from the early 2000s just making memes for my audience of geriatrics.
this is me. on my knees. begging you for more dc universe civilian pov memes.
this ask is hilarious to me because i kept putting off answering these, so this one is from last week when i’d only made like 2. but yeah, you can get off your knees now i made more.
Sorry for all the reblogs you’re going to get from me. I just found your blog and it’s my new favorite thing! ( @steggy5ever )
thanks so much! 
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hyuckworld · 3 years ago
omg it’s a crime that i’ve never seen a spiderhyuck fic ever !!! but this is such a BLESSING đŸ€§ and omg this fic is such a delight??? like the humor is god tier
i love mark’s character already LMAOAO the little banter between the side characters from the very beginning makes them so three dimensional i love it :’’) it’s so funny that they rlly don’t give a single fuck about who spider-man is nor the fact that their best friend always dips whenever spider-man enters the scene LMFAO
 particular reason. God, I’m not arguing with my rich, hot, nerd best friend who tries to act better than everyone else. Resolve your daddy issues first.”
LMFAOAOO WHY’D HE CALL OUT THE DADDY ISSUES UNPROVOKED 😭 mans rlly let the “hot” slip without processing his words. good luck charlie 🙏 and mc being the reason for the gargoyle?? LMFAO i like how mc is a foot in the superhero/alien world with this mess and directly influences the plot 😳 very intriguing it feels like im watching a whole movie
“I didn’t know singing the lyrics to ‘Last Christmas’ would activate the stupid ring I stole from the aliens, Jesus.”
LMFASDHG NOO THIS IS TOO FUNNY 💀 AND THE FACT THAT HYUCK JUST FINDS IT CUTE LIKE ,,, PRIORITIES I GUESS but oh god. alien invasion over some bad singing i love it <3
and the way she caught hyuck being spider-man LMAOOO is mc smart or is hyuck just bad at hiding secrets (but has friends that don’t call him out because they’re a little đŸ€ dense themselves). AND THEN HIM TRYING TO PLAY DUMB BUT HE WENT TOO DUMB AND ASKED WHO SPIDER-MAN IS LIKE STOPPP 😭 who’s he kidding about those “smooth operations”
“So, do you have, like, a secret lair like Batman? Ooh, or a Spidermobile!” “I don’t even have a driver’s license.”
pls this killed me 😭 mc’s innocence(??) idk if i can call it innocence but her curiosity over the whole reveal is so refreshing LOL it’s like a 4 year old asking a tired adult like 50 questions at once
i love donghyuck’s character sooo much though. like he gets so easily flustered by mc but still has some facade of confidence when he speaks to her ?? like he’s awkward and says stupid shit but still keeps his cool somehow LMFAO and all the while he’s just an absolute melt for mc without showing that through words, like this whole part just shows how he short-circuits even though he’s trying to stay cool HAHAH
It’s cool, it’s cool. He’s Spiderman. He’s been bitten by a radioactive spider, and god, he has really sticky hands. He hopes you don’t try to hold them.
mc just wants to start shit 😭 calling the gargoyle out for not destroying earth LMFAOAO hyuck’s like her babysitter
LMAOSDHDS MC LITERALLY AB TO FALL TO HER DEATH AND HYUCK TELLING HER TO SAY PLEASE that reminds me of the tiktoks that are like “say it in spanish.”
AHH THIS PART OMG mc realizing she’s catching feelings is so cute đŸ€§ the best friends to lovers feels is hitting HARD right now omg
You’re not in love with Spiderman. You’re not in love with Lee Donghyuck. You’re not in love with your best friend. In eighth grade, you had deemed it scientifically impossible to be attracted to him. However, however, the loudest your heart has ever beaten in your life was caused by just holding onto him. You’re not afraid of heights—you’ve gone bungee jumping before—so even if you blame it on the adrenaline, the doubt will always eat at your mind.
JAEMIN WALKING IN ON THEM LFMAOSHG i can’t believe these idiots (loving) don’t realize donghyuck’s spider-man considering he’s standing there half-naked with the suit in his hands 😭 “you know, he’s a real asshole. kind of like donghyuck” HE IS DONGHYUCK
“So Spiderman swings by and says ‘Hey, nice phone, I’m gonna chuck it into space’ and now I have no phone,’ Jaemin tells Karina and Winter, both of them giggling at his miserable expression.
i live for salty jaemin this man is still on the anti-spiderman train with the amount of times hyuck has wronged him 💀 someone pls get the man a new phone </3 also yeji asking mc if she’s dating spider-man and then saying she should date hyuck LMAOAO SAME THING
AHHH THE KISS SCENE IS SO CUTE :(( THE WAY THEY BOTH KNOW THEYRE PINING AFTER EACH OTHER AHHH I LOVE MUTUAL PINING SO MUCH and their humor still doesn’t let up in their intimate moments as well đŸ˜©Â i adore this couple so much oh my gosh
i can’t believe this fic is . over. like done. complete. wow. i give this a whole 5/5 yelp star rating oh my gosh it was perfect đŸ€© the humor?? the action?? the fact that you actually created your own lore to go along with it omg the amount of effort was sooo well done 💕 and i just love the characters interacting and bantering with each other. i said this like several times but it truly stays so true to a marvel movie with the perfect amount of action and humor woven throughout ♡ and YES i just adore how this au has action in it as well đŸ€§ i’ve read many that just focused on the romance but the story you’ve fleshed out around these events was so well done and i could visualize this so well and the characters were all fleshed out so amazingly 💘 like i could tell each side chracter’s personality as well because you breathed so much life into this. well done it was so good !!! <33
deck the halls (with spiderwebs) | ldh
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pairing: spiderman!haechan x fem!reader
synopsis: donghyuck’s short term goal is to finish his bachelor’s degree even if it’s with a 20% attendance, and his long term goal is to be the smoothest, coolest spiderman ever. the latter, however, doesn’t really work out when he’s crashed into a wall thrice in public because of you.
genre: spiderman!au, bff2l, action (??), comedy, fluff
warning(s): injuries (so many), sexual innuendos, language, j*ke gyl*enh*al slander
words: 10.2k 
song rec: sunflower by post malone, swae lee
notes: ok so. pls read this like a movie in your head bc i was thinking of movies instead of actual literature writing this. also thank you miss cat, pun queen and professional title maker, for donating this title to me bc i could never come up with something so good đŸ˜©
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There’s a two hundred-foot-tall stone gargoyle in front of Donghyuck’s university. Donghyuck has no idea why there’s a two-hundred-foot-tall stone gargoyle in front of his university. 
It stands proud, eyes trained on the horizon, looking way too lively for marble. In fact, the most disturbing part is probably that the thing is alive. Its face is a little less scary than the actual gargoyle statues at monuments, owing to the rather kind, round shape of its eyes. A stone mustache follows under its nostrils, falling into place (it’s a sculpture) in a way that makes it seem refined. God, why is Donghyuck evaluating a behemoth stone figure obstructing pedestrian traffic? He should get up there and convince it to leave.
“What the fuck is that?” Renjun says from beside him.
“A two-hundred-foot-tall stone gargoyle,” answers Mark Lee, ever so helpful.
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