planet-gay-comic · 1 month
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Art Nouveau, Bathhouses, and Winter Gardens Art, Body, and the Beginnings of LGBTQ+ Liberalization The Art Nouveau movement, also known as Jugendstil, developed between 1890 and 1910 as a reaction to industrial materialism and the often strict, puritanical morality of the Victorian era. Art Nouveau celebrated nature, the aesthetics of the human body, as well as the expression of emotions and individuality through organic forms, flowing lines, and floral motifs. This movement, which manifested in architecture, design, painting, and sculpture, played a crucial role in questioning and dissolving outdated societal norms. Although Art Nouveau as an independent art movement ended in the 1920s, its stylistic elements and ideas continued to influence architecture and design in the decades that followed.
The Victorian era (1837-1901) was characterized by strict morality, rigid gender roles, and a conservative view of sexuality. The body was often regarded as something shameful, and sexual openness or the recognition of LGBTQ+ relationships were socially taboo and even criminalized. Art Nouveau broke with these restrictive norms. The movement emphasized the beauty and sensuality of the human body without moral judgment. Artists such as Gustav Klimt, Aubrey Beardsley, and Alfons Mucha created works that celebrated sexuality, intimacy, and the human body in ways far removed from Victorian prudery. This opened up new ways of thinking about the body, sensuality, and human connections.
In parallel with the Art Nouveau movement, luxurious bathhouses and winter gardens emerged across Europe. These spaces not only served as places for relaxation and retreat from hectic urban life but also became symbols of the interplay between nature, the body, and art. Art Nouveau bathhouses were exquisitely designed, often lavishly decorated venues where architecture, art, and the human body harmoniously merged.
Winter gardens, originally found in the homes of the wealthy upper class, were often glass oases where nature was artfully integrated into urban spaces. These spaces offered refuge from the outside world and became places of self-discovery, contemplation, and sometimes expressions of non-conforming sexual orientations.
In this era, bathhouses and similar venues often existed on the fringes of societal norms and began to take on special significance for the emerging LGBTQ+ subculture. Bathhouses, particularly in major cities like Paris, Berlin, and Vienna, became meeting places for people who sought to explore their sexual orientation in a time when homosexuality was often still suppressed or criminalized.
Bathing itself, long symbolically associated with purity and cleansing, transformed in the context of Art Nouveau into a symbol of liberation from restrictive norms. The corporeality openly displayed in these spaces provided LGBTQ+ individuals with an opportunity to meet outside the rigid societal rules and explore their identity.
The Art Nouveau movement and its associated new openness toward the body and sensuality offered artists and intellectuals a platform to advocate for the rights of individuals who deviated from the conservative norms of the time. Writers like Oscar Wilde and Magnus Hirschfeld fought for the decriminalization of homosexuality and laid the groundwork for the later liberation movements of the LGBTQ+ community.
The Art Nouveau era marked a turning point in Western culture and society. It was not only a celebration of art and nature but also an era of upheaval and emancipation from strict moral norms. Bathhouses and winter gardens became places of retreat, freedom, and intimacy, especially for those who did not fit into the rigid corset of Victorian society. The Art Nouveau movement and its associated aesthetics paved the way for new perspectives on the human body, sexuality, and the acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals in a society that was slowly but steadily changing.
Text supported by GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet
Image generated with SD1.5. Overworked with inpainting (SD1.5/SDXL) and composing.
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I also forgot to put a link for this fic for a while now! This is for Social Links that don't really fall in with ARR - a little bit of extra stuff for variety's sake.
First, Rank 1 for a character in Makoto's CANON Confidant!
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Come to think of it, I could be doing the same with The Naked Truth...
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narrators-journal · 11 months
kicks my legs, gimme eikichi and keigo, 7 and 20
Boy oh boy, the wheel I have the asks on picked another OC ask for my boyfriend! If you're wondering, Keigo's his boi, and he's the only one I take oc asks for bc I rp with him and also helped develop a few of em <3 I hope this is a fun read regardless tho, I tried my best.
Kinktober prompt list: Here
Kinktober masterlist: Here
CW: Dubcon energy, at least, monsterfucking because Michel is a siren here, public sex, I don't know how bath houses work lol.
With college exams finished, and the moon high in the sky, Keigo [last name] decided to head off to the public bath house. After all, with how late it was, surely it would be basically abandoned, right? Even if it had a few vampires in it, Keigo could deal with it, right?
He was wrong.
While appearing empty when he paid, with a locker room that only had the standard gray lockers and jacket hooks offering white robes when he went in to put his long, lilac hair in a ponytail and strip down to replace his clothes with a robe, meandering out onto the tiled floor of the men’s bathing area met Keigo with someone else. A blue-haired man sitting at the edge of one of the bathing pools off to the side spotted the new customer and waved cordially. Just my fucking luck.
Though, despite the moody thought, the college student gave a polite wave back and just went to the furthest pool from his new bathmate. Only for his sing-song voice to catch his ear. “Hey wait, there’s no need to dirty another tub, you can join me.” A siren, judging from the odd, infectious energy his voice woven into his words. Not potent enough to effect him, but noticeably there. “What? Dude, I don’t know you, and these things get cleaned out regardless of use.” He pointed out, looking at the man in the tub to see him pout. “Okay, you got me, I just want a cute boy to give me some attention. Jig is up.” He confessed, as dramatic as a hammy theater kid with the way he threw his head back and put an arm over his scarlet eyes. Staying like that for a moment or two to let the tanned man look over his pale skin, dark blue hair that sat gelled straight up at the front to showcase the paler strip of dyed baby blue, and well-muscled body before he spoke again. “I’m only playing though, you don’t gotta join me if you don’t want.” And, with that assurance, he gave Keigo a winning smile and simply returned to simply soaking in the hot water. Letting the college student weigh his own comfort.
Admittedly, he is pretty. A mischevious voice noted, the tanned man looking the siren over once more as he thought, the monster not seeming to care or notice as he laid his head back and shut his eyes in bliss. And, it would be kind of nice to let off some steam after exams. Or, at least see where it goes. The voice continued, and Keigo found that, yeah. He agreed with that point. He’d spent the last week doing nothing but cramming and testing and practicing for exams, he deserved a bit of relief.
So, with a sigh that got one of the monster’s cherry-colored eyes to open, Keigo dropped his robe by the pool and got in with the man. Keeping a polite distance, and focusing mostly on the water, or himself, but not complaining when the straighter slid a bit closer. “so, what’s your name, handsome?” He hummed, his words oozing charm already. “Keigo Mikata, you?” “Eikichi Mishina! A famous singer and songwriter around these parts.” The siren chirped, making the college student snort slightly, “You seem the singer type, I’m not surprised.” He hummed, getting Eikichi to snort in turn. Which, eased a bit of the anxiety chewing at Keigo’s belly.
So, he found himself pretty okay with having chosen to share the warm bath with someone new. Eikichi was entertaining to talk to, with his confidence, and friendly, flirty energy that...a few times, at least, the college boy returned. Letting himself indulge in the chaotic possibility of his chance encounter more and more. Letting the blue-haired singer inch closer and closer without ever noticing just how much that dull edge of power had chipped away at his defenses. Until, of course, it was too late.
Before Keigo could notice, Eikichi had an arm thrown lazily around his shoulders. And was leaning in close enough to bring a flood of heat to the man’s tanned face. “Uh? Can I help you?” He asked, his nerves snapping with a warring sense of excitement, and uncertainty. Despite his appearance, the singer was still a siren, and Keigo was little more than a freckle-faced, tired college student. Flirting aside, the power difference got the purple-haired student’s heart racing. "Shhhhh, easy baby" the siren hummed, his hand coming up to cup Keigo’s freckled cheek, warmed from the steam of the bath they sat in. "You trust me, don't you?" He asked, and...yeah. Keigo did find that he trusted the stranger a shocking amount already.
Sure, he wasn’t exactly human, but...with the whisps of fog slithering into his head, Keigo didn’t really have the strength, or urge, he found, to pull away when the siren pulled him into a warm kiss. And, it was, nice. A nice, slow kiss that tasted like an addictive...candy? Dessert? The purple-haired man couldn’t decide, but it drove him crazy to not know, at the same time.
Humming slightly, Keigo let the monster run his nimble fingers through his long hair and deepen the kiss. Eikichi’s other hand dipping beneath the warm water to push his thighs apart so that the blue-haired man could sit between them. Letting his erection press against the smaller male’s belly as if making some offer while the siren hummed a small tune that wriggled into Keigo’s mind like a worm in an apple. Thickening the haze.
Finally, Eikichi broke the kiss and gave the purple-haired man a charming smile as he said, “Do me a favor, baby, and suck my dick.” He hummed, making the college student scrunch up his face in disgust. “What?! I still don’t even know you! That’s a little too forward, dude.” He argued, only for the tall man to return his hand to his cheek to stroke his face lovingly while his voice gained a stronger, sing-song edge that seemed to nail his words into Keigo’s brain despite his awareness of the persuasion. “shush, darling~ It’ll be fun, I promise.” He cooed, his cherry-colored eyes captivating the college student until the power in his words saturated his thoughts. He’s right. The voice in his head told the purple-haired man, It’d be very fun to suck his dick. I bet he tastes great.
“Okay…” He muttered, mindlessly smiling back at the beautiful man when he beamed. Letting the taller man move to the edge of the bath to sit on the ledge to keep an eye out for any other people strolling into the bathhouse while Keigo moved to be the one between the blue-haired siren’s legs. He had no real thoughts of the public setting, the risk of some stranger waltzing into the steamy bathing area, or how little he knew of the convincing man before him.
All he cared about was the cock standing proudly in front of his face.
So, without a word, the college student eagerly began kissing a trail up the shaft of Eikichi’s member. Letting him tangle those elegant fingers in his hair as he hummed against the sensitive organ before continuing up to the pink head of the siren’s erection to lap up the beads of precum welling up there. And, his assumption was right, Eikichi’s precum did have that same addictive, sweet taste as his kisses.
All the while, Eikichi hummed and moaned out encouragement as Keigo swirled his tongue around the head before taking him into his mouth. Bobbing his head, the college student hummed around the monster, enjoying the melodic moans and continual humming of encouragement his actions got. Pushing him on as he bobbed his head slowly and pressed his tongue to the siren’s twitching dick to draw out more addictive noises. “Shit, your mouth feels so good.” Eikichi moaned, only to shudder and gasp when the violet-haired college student moaned around him in response. Pushing his head down and almost humping into Keigo’s mouth in a desperate need to get every inch of himself within the warmth of the man’s mouth. Which, Keigo didn’t mind, so long as it earned him more melodic sounds of lust from the singer.
So, he kept up with bobbing his head and keeping his tongue pressed to the underside of the siren’s dick. Sprinkling in a few moans of his own to make the blue-haired man quiver under his touch. Relishing the zing each noise sent into his blood, like some reward for making the man feel good.
Especially enjoying how the siren’s grip on his violet hair tightened, and his moans grew more needy and breathless when Keigo began stroking what portions of Eikichi’s throbbing cock couldn’t be taken into his mouth. Even through the thick haze of persuasion, having such a confident, charming man writhing at the edge of the bath from his actions sent bolts of stomach twisting desire and pride.
Sadly, though, before Keigo could get another taste of that delicious, sugary flavor of Eikichi’s cum, the blue-haired man pulled the eager college student off of himself. Hissing out a string of curses when, despite his attempts to deny him that drug-like taste, Eikichi’s cum splattered onto the long-haired man’s tongue and tanned cheeks. “Fuck, sorry about that…” The monster panted, untangling his fingers from the student’s limp, disheveled ponytail while his pale cheeks were dusted with a dark rosey hue as he looked down at the dazed, foggy man still sitting in the bath’s warm water. “It’s...fine,” Keigo muttered, using the steamy water to wash off the ribbons of cream from his face so he could try to give the siren a thoughtless smile.
However, before he could, that risk that always hung over public hook-ups, became reality with the blood-chilling slap of bare feet on the tile floor of the bathing area.
Thinking fast, Eikichi damn near shoved Keigo’s head completely into the warm water. He looked over his shoulder and grinned at whoever he saw. “Ah! Hey there, Tatsuya! Didn’t expect to find you out so late.” He chirped, brushing his gelled hair back into its vertical style when the steam made the strip of paler blue droop. “What brings you to a bathhouse at this hour? Jun kick you out for some spell? Looking for sacrifices?” “I got locked out of the house.” Was the simple, grumpy explanation his apparent friend gave, adding with a far more concerned edge to his deep voice, “Why are you sitting on the edge like that?” Which, sent another bucket of ice water through Keigo’s blood as he sent whatever god may be listening a swift prayer that his robe hadn’t been noticed beside the tub. However, with Tatsuya there, all he could realistically do to discourage that discovery was try to sit as still as possible in the steamy water so as to not give himself away. Inwardly willing whatever forces there were in the world, to, again, spare him the humiliation of having to explain himself.
Eikichi, meanwhile, just sighed dramatically at the question, playing off the odd position he was in with a faked confidence, rather than his vocal powers. “I forgot my fuckin’ towel in the locker room. I was trying to drip dry a bit so I don’t flood the floor, y’know? Or get the robe soggy.” Which, was responded to with a stretch of skeptical silence, before his friend sighed, “Do you want me to get you your towel?” “Yes.”
And, while maybe a little too quick of an answer, judging from Tatsuya’s huff and hesitance, Keigo did hear him return to the locker room. So, he took his chance.
Scrambling out of the hot bath water, the purple-haired man snatched up his robe and bolted for the exit without another word to the siren. Only the fiery heat of humiliation creeping across his cheeks now that the enthralling persuasion had ebbed. Making a break back to his dorm like a gazelle running from a lion. All thoughts of the siren left back at the bathhouse he swore to never return to.
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yourangle-yuordevil · 11 months
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Thermae and chill 📖✨
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dervampireprince · 1 year
taking care of astarion after cazador's death no smut, just comfort /// gender-neutral reader/tav
after cazador's deminse, after the spawn leave, once it's just you and your companions again, astarion doesn't speak. it's as if he's in a daze. you're torn between giving him space and leaving him on his own, and wondering if he really needs to not be alone right now.
he's still covered in blood, you'd given him a shirt he pulled on over his head, the grime on his skin soaked through and left it sticking to his skin, it was over his face, in his hair. he didn't make any move to wipe any of it away.
the trek out of the castle, out of the dark, seemed so long. you wondered how he was still standing, how he was dragging his legs. you stay by his side, but did not touch him, you make no move to grab his hand, to sooth him. you hoped walking at his side, matching his pace, conveyed enough. you were here. and you weren't going to touch him until he said it was alright.
you only had one plan you cared about when you finally reached the inn. the others talked amongst themselves, one by one their eyes lingering on astarion, apologising, telling him he did the right thing, that they were proud of him. you watched them start to retreat up to their rooms as you spoke with innkeeper.
once done with your conversation, key in hand, astarion still stood at the foot of the stairs.
"were you waiting for me?" you asked. he opened his mouth to speak, his eyes drifted down, he paused. "i want to take you somewhere. and i know you're tired, i promise it's to help you rest."
he nodded, still mute, you reached out to take his hand, stopped yourself, and instead beckon him to follow you.
you wound through the inn, existing out into a small garden, and entering the building on the other side, guiding astarion through the main door and down the corridors until you found the door that fits the key the innkeeper gave you.
inside was a small, private bath, sunken into the ground like a hot spring. it's nothing that fancy, but it's quiet, and fits it's purpose. you press the key into his hand, carefully.
"i can leave, if you'd like. and you can take all the time you need... or, if you'd rather, i can stay and help you wash. and that's all we'll be doing. i'd be touching you, but it wouldn't be sexual. and if you're not comfortable with that, it's okay," you twisted your head to try and catch his gaze. "would you like me to stay or go? i won't be offended or upset, the choice is yours, and if you'd rather i go i'll be waiting for you upstairs."
he still didn't speak, you wondered if his screams and cries earlier have made his voice hoarse, or if he just can't bring himself too. your hand hovered by his cheek, not touching, but trying to guide his head to turn towards yours, and when he finally does there's wetness in his eyes, the blood high on his cheekbones becoming smudged.
"would you like me to stay?"
his teeth sank into his lip, if they drew blood you'd be unable to tell. he nodded his head.
"would you like to undress yourself, or do you want me to help?"
you saw him shudder, and he stepped back and as he started to remove his clothes you did the same with yours. you wade into the bath, sinking down and sigh as the water washes over your tired muscles.
you turned, and reached out a hand towards him. he took it.
he's silent as you reached into the small basket at the side of the bath, lathering soap in your hands and getting to work, starting with his hands, kneading around his nails, up his arms, his torso, his face.
he's silent as you nudged him to move, knelt up behind him, asked him to tilt his head back, poured water over his head, felt him start to relax as he closed his eyes, running your hands through his hair, feeling as though it's the most intimate action you've ever done with him, despite the multiple nights of passion.
he's still silent when you exited the baths, annoyed that you can't just roll under clean sheets but have to redress yourselves, as you hesitated to follow him into your room, ready to bunk with one of the others, but he took your hand, and then you're both silent as you undress again, crawl under the sheets, letting him reach for you this time, now that he's ready, taking him in your arms, cradling his head to your chest, fingers playing with his hair.
you don't imagine the soft "thank you" that fell from his lips as you both drifted off to sleep.
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gureiti · 1 year
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Please take a bath correctly.
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zillychu · 1 year
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local girl fights public bathhouse and loses
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dumyhead · 5 months
haiiii :3 *drops this nd runs*
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astarion-approves · 1 year
Astarion & Tav taking a bath together? Something gentle and intimate but non-sexual? ♥️
Astarion x Gender Neutral Reader (Tav)
Tag: 1.6k+ words, SFW, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Developing Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Confessions, Bathing/Washing, bathhouse, No Smut, Drabble, Short & Sweet
“I had no idea that there even was a bathhouse in Baldur’s Gate.” Tav mumbles as they followed behind Astarion, leaving their camp behind in search of a place for a fresh bath. They both carried their own bags, Tav carrying a change of clothes and a bar of soap. Looking at Astarion’s bag, it looked much heavier.
Astarion glanced back to Tav with a boyish grin. “There’s more than one, of course. I wouldn’t be caught dead in any of the free ones though. No, for us, we’re going to take a bath in luxury.”
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“I had no idea that there even was a bathhouse in Baldur’s Gate.” Tav mumbles as they followed behind Astarion, leaving their camp behind in search of a place for a fresh bath. They both carried their own bags, Tav carrying a change of clothes and a bar of soap. Looking at Astarion’s bag, it looked much heavier. 
Astarion glanced back to Tav with a boyish grin. “There’s more than one, of course. I wouldn’t be caught dead in any of the free ones though. No, for us, we’re going to take a bath in luxury.” 
“Luxury…,” Tav said with a wince. “How much is this going to cost me?” 
“Don’t worry your pretty little head. It’s on me.” 
“Wow, Astarion, it’s almost like a date.” 
“Hah!” Astarion barked a laugh. “You wish.” 
The bathhouse was huge, the outside painted a bright, flawless white with an emerald trim accenting the pillars and fencing that surrounded it. Two large gold doors signified the entrance, the level of elegance screamed ‘high class.’ 
Once inside, Astarion strode ahead, already reaching for his coin bag and requesting a private room for himself and Tav to share. Tav watched as the woman working the front desk counted the coin, a ridiculous total of 75 coins for a single bath. 
With a room key in hand, Astarion clicked his tongue for Tav to follow, apparently not even phased by the amount of coin he willingly spent for the night. This is the same man who haggled over the cost a black dye with a child two months ago. 
Tav supposed it was fine to splurge every once in a while, but they couldn’t justify this. “I could have split the cost with you,” Tav said. 
Astarion fiddled with the key, inserting it into their room and twisting his wrist to open it. “Nonsense. Besides, part of the reason I brought you here is to protect me while my head's under water.” 
“Right…” Tav nodded. Something that Astarion had admitted months ago.. nearly a year now. During a night of passion, their lips locked together in a heated embrace. But it didn’t feel right. The shock in Astarion’s eyes when they pulled away still pains them. Instead of moving forward and having one another… they talked. They’ve been close friends ever since, giving Astarion the freedom to be open with his fears, to admit why he attempted to seduce Tav in the first place. 
And even now, as Astarion stripped down to nothing, Tav smiled knowing that he felt safe with them. 
The room wasn’t massive, but still larger than any shower room Tav had ever seen. The walls were painted into a beautiful scene, one to trick your mind into thinking you were bathing in nature, surrounded by trees and a waterfall nearby. Tav swore they even saw the leaves move as a subtle breeze rolled through them and through the room.
There was a single shower and a very very large bath. Steam filled the room, the bath already filled to the brim with hot water, which flowed over the sides and into the drains on the floor beside it. 
Tav sighed happily as they undressed along with Astarion and stepped up to where the shower waited for them. The floor was hot beneath their feet. The air, although steamy, felt as refreshing as standing at the top of a mountain. 
Astarion began unpacking his bag, removing item after item and placing it beside the shower. 
After six different items were removed Tav just had to ask, “Wait, just how many products do you use for your hair?” 
“Products?” Astarion put his hands on his hips and shook his head. “Tav, these are just shampoos, conditioners, hair masks, oil, and a hydrating leave in gloss… do you not take these steps with your hair?” 
Tav runs their hand through their hair, shrugging. “No?” 
“What? Gods, you’re an absolute savage. Come here.” Astarion grabbed a large bucket that was resting off on the side, turning it upside down and making a temporary chair. “Sit.” 
“I can wash my own hair—“
“Sit, Tav. I won’t say it again.” 
Tav knew better than to argue and, with a sigh, they plopped down onto the bucket. Soon after, Astarion was turning on the water. It was hot and relaxing, pouring down the top of their head and running down their body. 
“Okay,” Tav whispered. “I understand the luxury bath now.” 
“Oh, darling. We’re just getting started.” 
Astarion poured shampoo into his hands, rubbing his palms together before sliding them into Tav’s hair. 
“Oh—“ Tav gasped, their head falling back and into Astarion’s chest. 
He chuckled, his finger’s massaging and scratching at their scalp as they worked the shampoo into their hair. “Do I dare ask how you’ve been washing your hair all this time?” 
“Cold water and a bar of soap.” 
“Like I said, an absolute savage. What ever would you do without me?” 
“Uh… Continue bathing with cold water and a bar of soap?”
Astarion tugged on their hair, laughing. “Smart ass.” 
Soon he was pushing their head back under the flow of water, rinsing out the shampoo and then continuing with the conditioner. 
Tav breathed in deeply, their eyes closing as they allowed Astarion to take care of them. And Astarion held them so gently, his finger’s threading through their hair, his nails pressing against their scalp and moving to the back of their neck. Each stroke sending shivers down Tav’s body as Astarion massaged the conditioner deep into their roots. 
“Feel good?” 
“Mh.” Tav hummed, shifting their head and resting the side of their face into his chest. 
“Ah, no falling asleep. Not yet. Rinse this out and jump in the bath.” Astarion pushed Tav forward, back into the water and let the conditioner wash out. 
“What about the other stuff?” Tav asked. They looked to the pile of other products, not wanting Astarion to stop yet. 
“Cute,” Astarion said with a small smile. “That comes after the bath. Now hurry up.”
Tav pouted as they stood, giving Astarion the space to sit down. “Do you want me to wash your hair—“
“Bahah! Absolutely not.” Astarion laughed and reached for his shampoo, one of many. “I have a very strict regiment.” 
Astarion sighed and looked back to Tav. “Maybe next time.” 
“There’s going to be a next time?” 
“By the Hells, Tav, just get in the damn bath.” 
Turning away from Astarion, Tav did as they were told. Hissing as their toe touched the water, it was even hotter than the shower. Soon they were sinking into it completely, moving to one edge of the bath where there was a bench under the water to sit and rest. They let their head lean back on the edge, their eyes closing as they allowed themselves to relax. 
They don’t know how much time passed before Astarion joined them in the water. The vampire sitting next to them and joking about how it looked like he was the one doing the protecting here. Tav simply reached for Astarion and pulled him into their arms, snuggling against him and pressing a single kiss to his shoulder. 
“Sleepy, are you?” Astarion slouched in the water, allowing Tav to cuddle him however he wanted, but he still felt a little stiff. “Looking for a cuddle?” 
Which they’ve never done before. Not since that night. 
Tav cracked open one eye, looking up and into Astarion’s deep blood red eyes that gazed back at them. “What are we?” 
Suddenly the tension in the room grew thick, Astarion saying nothing and only continuing to look back at Tav. 
Then he hummed, finally ripping his gaze from Tav. “Two friends, sitting in a bathtub, and they’re not in love.” 
“We’re not?” 
“Well..” Astrarion cleared his throat and continued, “I can’t speak for your lovely little self but—“ He paused, lifting a single hand from the water to cup Tav’s cheek. “Maybe I am? Honestly, Tav, I have no idea.
“We’ve been friends for so long… but I know that I would die for you. I wouldn’t die for the others. I would fight for them, but I wouldn’t die for them. And I miss you when you’re not around me. When you leave camp to go to Gods knows what— washing your hair with fucking sewer water—“
“—I use water from a lake.” 
“Or buying me avocados because I ask you too—“
“—What do you even use them for?” 
“My hair.” 
“Really? Avocados?” 
“Yes, it’s very good for your hair, Tav. Can I continue?” 
Tav laughed. “Sorry, yes.” 
“I don’t know what love is… For so many years, sex, lust.. any sprinkling of romance all ended in disaster… What I feel with you is different. It’s so much more than anything I’ve ever experienced, and we’ve never even fucked! It’s all so strange to me.” 
“You don’t have to have sex to be in love with someone, Astarion.” 
“Yes, I know that now, but… for the longest time— I didn’t. I want to explore this with you.” Astarion sat up, pulling Tav along with him. “Whatever this is.” He placed his hand against Tav’s chest, breathing in deeply and closing his eyes. “I want your heart to beat like this, only for me. I want to finally know what falling in love is truly like…With you.” 
Tav took Astation’s hand, gently pulling it away from their chest and bringing it to their lips, pressing a small kiss on the back of his knuckles. “I love you, exactly as you are, and I’ll never need anything else from you. We’ll take this as slow as you need to.” 
Astarion smiled, lowering his head and resting his forehead against Tav’s. “Thank you..” 
“Of course,” Tav replied and sank back into the hot water, taking Astarion into their arms once more. This time, Astarion let himself mold into their arms, closing his eyes, relaxing, and enjoying the protection and understanding that Tav offered. 
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ace-and-ranty · 6 months
This is my first time romancing Penny, and all of you slanderers can eat my fists. She is in fact best girl. Her ten heart event is inviting you to the BATH HOUSE at NIGHT? She is so sweet and she's also clearly horny as hell. Y'all don't know what you're talking about.
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wikoymi · 7 months
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again trying to translate how they look in my mind into art ft. komahina shower brainworms
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spicyet · 7 months
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Sometimes I think about how different they are-- maybe they do too.
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lazylittledragon · 8 months
wait wait wait hold on a second. hold on a fucking second.
so the scent of the hells is described as ‘sulphuric’, and yurgir identifies raphael from smelling “cherries, musk and sulphur”
if you’ve never smelled sulphur before it’s a very specific rotten egg smell which means raphael is walking around trying to be all smooth while smelling like a fart
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roguescum · 10 months
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having wicked thoughts
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czepeku · 2 months
It's been a while since we made an ancient world themed map so we thought we'd attempt a Graeco-Roman inspired Bathhouse! 🛀
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