#basically in year 12 (final year of high school) you get a seniors jacket or jersey and some schools allow you to put a name on it
vogelmeister · 1 year
i am SO lucky I didn’t get avada kedavra on my year 12 jersey
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xamaxenta · 2 years
Submitted by @liferockingitout
okay so, this is probably gunna be long as shit but here's what's up with American Marching Band(s)
Most people start playing their assigned instrument in the band in freshman year of high school, around age 13-14 (or earlier, my specific school system started us playing in 6th grade around age 11-12, but we didn't learn marching until high school). There's also an unofficial encouraged system of buddying up young musicians with older kids (so freshmen, 14-15 years old, get buddied with an older teen who might be a junior or senior, ages 16-18). There's no real division of ages in the band as a whole (no all-freshmen bands, no all-senior bands, etc) unless you're talking like a really preppy private school where all the kids are snobby rich kids. This means that younger musicians get mentors who are closer to their maturity but have a ton of experience. This also applies to the color guard (the flag people), whom are mostly female performers and rarely a male or two thrown in if they tried out. The buddy system is applied via "sections"-as in, the trumpet section older kids will buddy up with younger players within the trumpet section. You don't get a flute player buddied with a tuba player, or a snare drum player buddied up with a clarinet, for example. You buddy up with people who play the same instrument as you.
Marching "season" is in the fall and winter, during American Football season. Most school marching bands, for college and high school, perform before a crowd during a football game's halftime (this show, called a program, is usually a fairly intricate thing that combines playing upwards of 6 songs while marching in various ways. I can break down the specific ways a person can march, the body movements, even the types of steps and stops, and how they keep accurate time while marching but it's super specific vocabulary involved). The program, if performed early in the season, is usually still not complete so a band will only perform part of it. Most programs last maybe 15 minutes tops. The program is taken to actual competitions, where different schools within your division inside your region of the state you live in play their programs ones after the other in a football stadium (usually a college football stadium, rarely a large high school stadium). These competitions are judged according to a lot of criteria that I won't go into detail about, but basically it's how well the band as a whole plays, how well the band as a whole marches and keeps time, how well the band as a whole 'looks', and how well individual musicians who are picked at random by judges perform.
During actual football games, the job of the band when they're not performing during halftime is to basically be a second hype squad behind the cheerleaders. The band, in their bleachers (either an allocated section of the seating around the stadium, or their own dedicated bleachers behind a goalpost on the ground), play different instrumental arrangements of popular songs or cheer-songs that the cheerleaders then encourage the crowd to cheer/sing along to. The band will also shout/cheer their own cheers and songs when not playing and will react to the game along with the crowd. The band is usually released sometime in the 4th quarter of a football game to start doing instrument maintenance, put instruments away into cases, take off parts of or their entire marching uniform, and generally allowed to go home or rejoin friends/family in the regular seating to watch the final bits of the game.
The uniform of the band usually comes in two parts. There's a set of overalls of a solid color (usually black or white, less common is yellow or blue, rarely green or red), and a jacket that goes over the torso. The jacket is the overall aesthetic/design of the uniform that most people know. Almost always a hat or helmet is part of the uniform but wearing it is only required when the band is in formation (either marching in a parade, marching onto or off of a field, and during a performance). For the drummers (tom drums are the single babies, snares are the quad/4 set, and bass drums are the big guys who stand sideways) their uniform also includes a special harness worn over the overalls but under the jacket that holds their drumset in place while they perform. Due to the harness, they also have "crab march"/march sideways, which is completely diffemarching in a parade in which case they march normally.
Any questions?
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danniscure · 4 years
The huge newtmas/dylmas recommended fics list!!!
Yes yes, it’s finally here.
Before I start, I have a few things to say.
1. Spoilers!! A lot of spoilers.
2. Read the tags and the warnings!!!
3. To find a fic, search “the name, the author, ‘ao3’”.
4. Have fun y’all. You can ask me to make other lists for other ships If you’d like, I’m bored.
5. These are all on ao3.
6. If you find this post helpful, please reblog it!
Let’s start, shall we?
Highly recommended:
The glade airport boys, by tisaniere. “The Gladers are a group of orphans, runaways and misfits who live at the abandoned Glade Airport , trying their best to survive”.
Ten, by ava_kay. “For seventeen year old Newt, the number ten is everything. Ten steps. Ten times you must snap your fingers. Ten nods of your head. Ten.” (Mental institution au)
WCKD Academy class A, by astralpenguin. “WCKD Academy is an elite private school. 13 high school seniors get to attend the school for free. The catch: 12 of them are assassins. The last is their target.”
Marked as his- newtmas, by axbee. “A soulmate au in which when you write on your skin the same mark appears on your soulmates”
Now to the other ones:
Misplaced mistakes (you’re the best kind), by draronoliver. “When Thomas slips his number into a pretty girls jacket, he doesn’t expect it to actually belong to the boy standing next to her.”
Like you were never gone, by ccecily. “Newt did not die in the Last City and now is fighting his way back home, to his loved ones. To Thomas.”
The enhanced, by writingsstrange. “Thomas wakes up in a lab with no memory of how he got there. He finds himself surrounded by boys with strange abilities and powers.”
Bruises (series), by the_peddler. “Working full-time at his coffee-shop, Thomas enjoys a basic yet carefree lifestyle. That is until a certain blonde guy starts visiting on a regular basis.”
The blood culmination, by persnickett. “So, wait... didn’t the knife have Thomas’s blood on it?”
Providence, by sulfuric. “In the middle of nowhere, there is a small, small town called Providence. Everything is fine until Thomas disappears. Newt has to find him without getting lost himself, which is a lot harder than it sounds.”
The only thing that matters, by dylsdyldo & thatlittlerebel. “Newt was a painter and his most favorite client asked him to paint someone, to Newts' surprise. Later did he know that this someone will make him feel things he had never felt before.”
Fire works & team spirits, by sesquipedalia. “Newt's parents thought he was special, but the football players thought otherwise. Actually, a majority of the school thought otherwise. He spent most of his time participating in geeky clubs and obsessing over Thomas Taylor, the star football player who had golden brown eyes and a smile that could kill millions - including Newt.”
Inflorescence, by veryintimate. “College au. Newt is quite, and he is fine with sticking to Minho and not taking chances. but when tattooed, artistic, charismatic Thomas shows up, he can't help himself and suddenly wants to do everything he never wanted to”.
Night visions, by potatojuiceplease. “TMR rewritten from a Canon!Newtmas PoV”.
Our dirty laundry, by trashqueen23. “Christmas break is here and Thomas promised his family they would meet his boyfriend. The only problem is: he doesn't really have one. Newt agrees to a fake relationship, in trade for Thomas to do two months of dirty laundry. What will happen when they have to spend the break pretending to be in love?”
Lead me to a future (series), by astralpenguin. “When Thomas was in his last year of primary school, a serial killer targeted some of his classmates. A suspect was arrested and convicted, but Thomas remains convinced that the police have the wrong person”
Call my name (series), by kathsilver. “Sort-of after tmr rewritten. Canon POV”
You were my best four years, by ourlovelybones. “Thomas and Teresa begin a new chapter in their lives when they arrive at Glade University for the first day of college. Along the way, Thomas befriends a new core group of friends: Harriet, Sonya, Minho, and most importantly - Newt.”
Talk me home & reflections of home, by comebacknow. “Canon pov of the story, one from Newts POV, on from Thomas’s”
Let me help you, by infiniteflame. “Newt is the most popular guy at Beacon Hills High. He's good looking, confident, and on top of it all, his parents are rich. Thomas is new to Beacon Hills. He has extreme social anxiety, depression, and high self conciousness.”
Carousel, by dreamitbeit. “In between glowing screens with promises about his future and cracked pavement that spilled his memories, for one summer, Thomas floats. Summer romance”
Setting paper hearts on fire, by orphan_account. “Dylan makes a joke, and it seems like no one is forgetting it”.
Flip the script, by orphan_account. The sequel to setting paper hearts on fire.
Acquainted, by coupe_de_foudre. “the story of how aspiring artist Dylan O'Brien fell (quite literally) into the arms of famous actor, Thomas Brodie-Sangster.”
In black&white, by thomaddict. “Instagram au”.
Dt a few friends of mine: @im-not-trash-but-im-a-yoyo @a5-newt-the-glue @justafangirlinglesbian @dream-in-charming @helllucifer
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I was tagged by @peanutbutterandgrapejelly. Thank you for the tag, Peanut, this seems pretty loaded, but in a good way, so here goes!!
1. Name 4 fictional characters who showcase your personality the best, with explanations if you want.
Sue Heck! I don't think I let all of it out, but on the inside, I constantly feel like I'm extremely Sue Heck-y, :')
Amy Santiago, in a lot of regards, I'll say. Uh, cares a lot about her friends, ambitious, and would basically die/murder for organization, but also socially awkward and, uh, mostly percepted as a goody-two-shoes. Also, true nerd™.
Mindy Lahiri! (I mean, again, this seems more of a who I feel like I am, and not who I come across as, cause those two things tend to differ on a variety of levels?)
Sam Winchester (you know I had to) Basically, we're both INFJs. I'm not even close to his level, but my brain officially ran out of characters so uh, empathetic, constantly interpreted as "boring" and the "brains", patient, *yearns to settle down with someone they love*, believes in second chances. The whole nine, but toned down XD
2. Aesthetic:
I'd usually have a hard time with this one, but I recently did a long thing about my aesthetic, so! I'm going to say, soft pastel, beige, and shades of white!! A tinge of light academia, but mostly unassumingly modern, and faded rainbows as watermarks.
3. Favorite musical/play? If you've never seen a musical or play, one you'd be interested in seeing?
You got me ~ never seen any. (I mean, school plays don't count, right?) I honestly have a bunch of musicals I want to see, recommendations from friends online, but somehow it always slips my mind. But, off the top of my head, @spot-the-brooklyn-pirate wanted me to check this one out, and I am looking forward to actually doing it sometime: Book of Mormon.
4. What's the best compliment you've ever received?
Mostly, anyone who says I, in any way, made them happy, literally gives me the best compliment ever. And uh, my sister called me inspiring once, and it stuck. When I nagged her into elaborating, she said she thought I was functional in spite of all my flailings, and self-analytic, and it didn't make sense to me, but I still think about that.
And a few people, over the course of time, have named some of my fics as their favorites, and those stay with me for a very long time.
5. How many times have you been in love?
Hardly once. She's still one of the most important people in the world to me, but as somebody great once said, if you don't fight for it, it doesn't count. And we didn't.
6. Embarrassing story or fact about yourself which now makes you laugh?
By far the most embarrassing thing I've ever done, is written a fic on wattpad which revolved around my own life, except for the fact that it really, really didn't. Long story shortened, I was in sixth grade, and had a surface-level-y crush on this guy, and it seemed like a brilliant idea at the time. In the story, we're all in senior year, though the authoress forgot pretty much all the real things about school XD it's not just cringy, but also extremely sixth-grade-y written, and it astounds me to this day that it went on to have like 18,000 views? (I managed to block the entire shtick out, until a few months back, when I randomly remembered and rushed to unpublish the work. *facepalm* it even had all our real names)
7. Favorite Disney/Pixar movie?
This one's so hard. Uh. Ratatouille, maybe?
8. Favorite flower/plant?
I regret having to confess that I probably don't have one :( but hey, my go-to answer for these ones is daisies, because they remind me of the lovely @daisy-jeon <3
9. What's your favorite holiday?
Holi :')
(I miss it being like the older times, though? Somehow it always clashes with my final exams these last few years, and Shelley is often not home, but it still really makes me happy, so just imagine how perfect it used to be, when I was a kid!!)
10. Name three things that made you smile/laugh this past week.
Rewatching The French Mistake!! A really great decision, haha!
The lovely comments an older fic of mine received, (about old Destiel, uwu) since a couple of big blogs happened to reblog it 🙈🙈🙈 and my activity started blowing up!!
A full-blown coffee high, which resulted in me being hilarious through a 98-message monologue to dish, eeeeee!!
11. What song would you play to introduce yourself to someone?
I'd been dreading this question the most, because I'm horrible at remembering good songs when I - need to be. Oofsies.
But I guess I could wing it with 'What About Us' by P!nk.
12. Name something that truly makes you peaceful even at your most stressful moments.
Writing about Character A of a ship going through said stressful moment, and Character B being the best possible responder to all of it. Projection's the key to functionality, kids.
13. What do you, did you, or would you study at college?
Would you, and will you, sound unfortunately like different questions to me, so I'm going to answer the one which is asked. I'd like to major in History, with a minor in English. (And to be crude for a bit, as my sister calls it, thus successfully be left solely employable as a teacher.)
14. This is kind of a weird one, but which outfit of yours makes you feel most like yourself?
My black Avenger's logo t-shirt, with this pink hooded, kinda-down-past-my-hips, not-warm-at-all jacket and any one of my numerous, mwuahaha, grey shorts.
I never said I'd go out of the house in that outfit, did I?
15. What is a quote you live by?
I don't think there aren't any. I'm just here, faking it till I make it. Still, if I had to choose? Misha's "Be Kind to Yourself so You can be Happy enough to Be Kind to Others" is something I aspire to live by.
16. Name the funniest playlist name you have.
I'm sad that I don't have any funnily named ones now. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm hoping that it counts a teensy bit that I have like seven playlists just for background shtuff when I'm working, and they're all named *extremely* similarly, with variations of the word "study" basically, but all have exceptionally different vibes.
But I really am sorry, and I'm going to try and up my playlist-humor-game.
17. Make a reference to an inside joke you have with someone you love with zero context.
'Time for tapwater'.
18. What is a message you'd give your younger self if given a chance?
Don't build your sense of self-worth over the people whose opinions you think matter. You don't have to get everybody to like you. (Oh, and probably don't switch between multiple first-person-pov's, even though you're just writing the most unrealistic self-indulgent fiction EVER.)
19. Who is your favorite family member? (If you have no good blood family members, feel free to mention someone in your found family)
Hands down, my sister. Shelley, didi, @iamcharliebradburylevelperfect, you're like the best part of my life, and you're probably going to be the longest part of it, too. Cause we might not have the best record for funny titles to call each other by, but we still nail the cheesy till the end of the line moments, ;)
20. What's a secret dream of yours?
I, uh. Want to run a completely-revolutionalizing-the-concept-of-education-style school ~ a boarding school actually, with my best friend dish. And as a means to acquire funds for it? We're going to do a whole lotta stand-up. :D
(Oh, and since i've already rambled for at least a thousand words, so what's the harm in a few more? At some point, probably on my birthday, I want to do a YouTube livestream, a pre-planned one of course, and everybody I've ever been frens with, on this dumb, wholesome hellsite???? They're all sent an invitation to join!! And there's nothing to do, really, we just talk and everyone's enjoying themselves, and I dunno, I had a dream about this once, and I've been so ridiculously smitten with the idea since!
Huh, maybe I could rally forces starting now, to make this possible by my eighteenth!!)
If anyone would like to play, these are really awesome questions! @3dg310rdsupreme @mystybloo @thotfordean @bcozwhythefuknot @theninthdutchessofhell @awkward-penguin-in-a-trenchcoat @quicksilver-ships @all-or-nothing-baby @screamatthescreen @telefunkies @elvenlicht @facepalmmylifeu @specialagentrin @noemithenephilim @but-for-the-gods-three-days
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ohblackdiamond · 4 years
little t&a (paul/gene, nc-17) (part 12 of 29)
part 1   part 2   part 3   part 4   part 5   part 6   part 7   part 8   part 9   part 10   part 11   part 12   part 13   part 14   part 15   part 16   part 17   part 18   part 19   part 20   part 21  part 22   part 23   part 24    part 25   part 26   part 27   part 28   part 29 Four weeks before KISS gets back on tour, Gene discovers that Paul’s been cursed by a groupie. For the sake of KISS’ finances, Paul’s comfort levels, and Gene’s libido, this crisis must be resolved. Sexswap fic. In this chapter: Ace and Peter discuss Paul’s crisis, with and without him, and Paul gives Gene some lessons.
            Peter and Ace stuck around for a couple hours. Long enough that Paul heated up the leftover pizza for them, and Gene ended up getting two more delivered, while the forgotten remains of both their Dairy Queen milkshakes just melted in Paul’s car. Paul confessed to nearly everything, from when Gene had first come over to the call to Steve Rubell’s secretary.
           Peter had been pretty loath to talk about witchcraft and ways to alleviate the curse at any real length. It seemed to make him as queasy as it did Gene. Ace, on the other hand, perused Paul’s occult books for awhile, and offered to scour some old hippie contacts and see if they still knew any witches.
           “Or Suzie. But she would’ve told you herself if she knew anyone good.” Ace had shrugged, devouring another slice of pizza. “Thing is… thing is, you’re better off going to the source.  You just don’t wanna mess with it yourself if you don’t have to. You got really fucked up. You don’t wanna risk making it any worse, getting someone else to try to fix it.”
           “You think someone might turn me into a frog on accident?”
           Ace had laughed.
          “We could get you a cute costume that way. What d’you think, Geno?”
          “We could get him a cute costume now.”
          “Bet you already have.”
          Paul’s face went red. Ace winked.
          “But… really, thing is, this kind of shit isn’t your basic curse.”
          “I didn’t know there was such a thing.”
          “Y’know, bad luck for a couple months, bad acne, psoriasis, that kinda curse.” Ace ran a thumb across his own pockmarked cheek, then added, unnecessarily, “I’ve had this since I landed on Earth, it ain’t a curse—but that’s about all most witches could’ve done to you.”
          “Anybody ever do anything to you, Ace?” Paul asked. It was a pretty fair question, Gene felt like. Ace used to run with a weird crowd. Still did. But Ace shook his head.
          “Nah. Well, Suzie told me KISS’d never get a number-one single here. But that was more of a prediction—”
          “She’s wrong.” Gene dismissed her out of hand. Across from him, sitting on the coffee table, Peter nodded in agreement. Ace shrugged.
          “What I mean is, it could take awhile to fix, and that’s if she wants to fix it.”
          “Ace, we’re not canceling the tour.”
          “’M not saying cancel.” Ace gnawed heavily on his lip. Gene could tell he was just about to ask Paul for a beer. “But how far back do you think we could push it? Couple months?”
          “We couldn’t push it back any without Bill wanting a reason why,” Gene said flatly.
          “So let’s give him a reason why.” Ace exhaled. “I’ll… y’know, I never did have a big honeymoon with Jeanette. I could tell him I wanted three weeks for that.”
          “That’s only three weeks—”
           “Yeah, but…” Ace reached for the Tab Peter had been drinking out of, finishing it off with a gulp. “It’s about buying time. We could keep on finding excuses if we had to.”
           “I don’t want you to have to,” Paul said. “I don’t want to fuck things up for everybody.”
           The silence lingered for several moments. No one said a word to argue his point. Paul’s gaze lowered to one of the cardboard pizza boxes, and, next to it, the box of Gene’s Studio 54 clothes. Finally, Peter spoke.
           “You can’t help it, Paulie. We’re gonna do what we can.” He rubbed his arm. “Could probably get my doctor to say I’ve gotta take off another month if I have to.”
           “Don’t say anything yet.”
           “I won’t. We won’t.” Peter hesitated. “Hey, you want us coming to 54 with you tonight?”
           Ace perked up.
           “That’d help. Four guys looking for the same girl. One of us could be in the basement, one in the VIP lounge upstairs—”
           “You’d just be fucking in the basement,” Paul accused dryly.
           “It’s good for running into people. Groupies all over there. Besides, Steve’s bunch is just as loaded as he is. They may not remember what girl you wanted.”
           Ace had a point. Gene mulled it over, glancing at Paul, who nodded, before he answered.
           “Yeah, okay. But not all in the same limo.”
           “Aw, c’mon! Why not?”
           “It’d attract too much attention. Everyone would be wondering where Paul was.”
           “Me and Pete’ll go together. We’ll get there later so it’s not as obvious.” Ace took another slice of pizza. “Remind me again, yeah? Brown hair, freckles, short?”
           “Yeah, that’s it.”
           “Carol… Carol Johnson?”
           “Gotcha.” Ace shook his head. “God, Paulie, you gotta start making photo albums like Gene. You get better descriptions outta those police sketch artists.”
            The rest of the afternoon was placid enough. Paul and Gene lazed around after Ace and Peter left. Gene turned on the T.V. and they watched The Edge of Night (how the hell that soap was still on, Gene didn’t know), Paul flopping next to him with his legs hanging over the couch. There was something comfortable about it. Paul only got up once the show’s credits streamed down the screen, turning it off.
           “You don’t want to watch the news?”
           “No. We’d still have half an hour. Besides, I wanted to show you something. C’mon.”
           Gene followed him out of the living room, down the stairs to the den. He’d been there before, sure, but Paul had never really given him a house tour. KISS’ gold records hung from the wood-paneled walls, along with an assortment of posters and memorabilia from their earlier tours. All stuff Gene had at home himself—if anything, Gene had a lot more of it—but Paul didn’t acknowledge it, heading for three bookshelves packed with records.
           “Back when I was in high school,” he said, “I used to try to buy one album every couple of weeks. I’d have to get the cut-outs.”
           “Yeah, I know.”
           “So once we got big, I decided I’d get every record I ever wanted.” Paul grinned a little ruefully. “But I didn’t really think it through, so this is what I ended up with.”
           “Uh-huh.” Gene tugged out a copy of Alvin and the Chipmunks’ “Witch Doctor.” “I think that goes without saying.”
           “C’mon, I was a kid when that came out.”
           “Do you have ‘Flying Purple People Eater,’ too?”
           “Don’t laugh, I might.” Paul started thumbing through the shelves. Gene almost told him not to go looking for it, but instead of the Sheb Wooley single, Paul took out a copy of Rod Stewart’s latest offering, last year’s A Night on the Town. Gene looked at it quizzically.
            “What’s this for?”
           “Good luck.” Paul slid the record out of its sleeve and handed it to Gene. “Put it on.”
           Gene put it on. The vinyl crackled appreciably. Last year’s hit on that first track. Rod Stewart could pair filthy lyrics with a number-one hit, while KISS was stuck going the clean ballad route just to hit the top ten.
           “‘Tonight’s the Night’?” Oh. That made sense. Well, it made some sense. Gene was getting the impression Paul might not have thought his selection through, as Rod started to gravel-voice his way into getting a virgin into bed. “Hoping for a pretty exciting evening, aren’t you?”
           “Not—Gene, I meant we’d find the girl.” Paul tapped Gene’s shoulder with the album jacket. “It’s positive thinking. Norman Vincent Peale and all that.”
           Gene grinned.
           “Pretty raunchy. I thought you’d pick a cleaner pick-me-up.”
           “Whatever, I like it.” Paul propped the jacket against the record player. His face was faintly flushed. “The whole album’s pretty good.”
           “I know. I have it.” Gene listened to the saxophone’s croon before cutting in again. “You really just wanted me to see your record collection?”
           “No. Not exactly.” Paul shifted. “Look, I know you don’t really go to the discos much.”
           “So? Paul, I don’t mind doing it for you.”
           “Yeah, but… shit, I don’t know. You got bored last night.”
           “I didn’t get bored. I had a pretty good view.”
           Paul rolled his eyes.
           “There’s not a lot to do at 54 besides get wasted and dance. And neither of us is going to get wasted.”
           That was true of any club, and most of why he didn’t go. He could get laid just as easily in his own neighborhood, without the hassle of dressing up and schmoozing.
           “It’s fine. Maybe I’ll bring a book.”
           “Gene.” Paul had his tongue peeking slightly past his teeth. Nervous. “I wanna teach you to dance.”
           “What for?”
           “So you’ll have something to do. That way, we don’t look like creeps waiting around.” The first track was edging towards the halfway point. Paul took his hand. “What do you say?”
           “Don’t you want something a little faster?”
           “No. This is good.” Paul took Gene’s other arm, positioning his hand on his shoulder. “You can dance to anything, if you’ve got rhythm.”
           “You’re leading.”
           “Damn right.” Paul had his other hand on his waist already, was urging him forward with that hand. Gene took an obedient, offbeat step, and Paul sighed but stepped back in time with Gene instead of with the beat. A couple more steps and Paul had them back on track again, although Gene felt about as awkward as he had during senior prom ten years prior. “It’s mirroring, mostly. Mirroring and—getting a feel for your partner, what they can do.”
           “A feel, huh?”
           “Getting a feel, not copping one.” Paul pursed his lips in consideration. “Don’t watch your feet so much. Keep it up here.”
           “When did you start dancing?”
           “I dunno. I always wanted to.” He was starting to get more complicated than the sort of forward-back motion that was all Gene could readily accomplish. Shifting more than his feet around. Had he been doing that from the beginning? Paul’s grip on him was more relaxed than the reverse, that much was definite. “Just one of those stupid things. I used to watch all those variety shows when I was a kid, and think, ‘hey, I could do that.’ Dance, sing… puppeteer…” Paul snorted, and dropped his arm from Gene’s waist. Gene almost let go entirely, but then Paul squeezed his hand, raising it up. Gene gave him a blank look in return, before realizing, several beats too late, that Paul had been trying to get him into a spin.
           “Howdy Doody’s a—formative influence—”
           “Uh-huh.” The mildly disappointed expression on Paul’s face made him a little concerned, and he added, “Try that again, I wasn’t ready.”
           Paul lifted his arm again. Gene made the spin, his movements stilted, feeling a bit stupid for all of it until he saw Paul start to grin.
           “Maybe we should try it like this.”
           “Like what?”
          Rod had just about made it with the girl, the moaned-out French at the end of the track something Gene could only guess at. Paul just took him by both hands.
          “A little less formal, right? Hang on.” Paul let go, hurrying back to the record player. Gene watched him take the vinyl off and stuff it back into the sleeve and jacket, before rummaging around the shelves again. He pulled out another record, though this time he didn’t show Gene the jacket before putting it on. Not that it mattered. Gene recognized the harmonies anyway, well before Paul made his way back to where he was standing. Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young’s Deja Vu.
          “Figured we could go way back.” Paul took his hands again as the record played, his steps faster, more energetic. Gene didn’t really think the band had meant for anyone to dance to their stuff. He kept up awkwardly at first, but something about how enthusiastic Paul was, how much he put into every move, how he tried to fit the steps to the songs, buoyed him. His curls would bounce a bit depending on the tempo. It was almost cute to watch. Almost infectious. Gene hesitated before trying to get Paul into a turn himself, getting a gratified look and an eager spin in return. He was starting to get it, a bit, the way just a shift or a squeeze of the hand was enough of a signal of where to turn or where he was headed. Like that sense he’d get, that sense they’d all get, if one of the guys was having an off night and they needed to cover during a concert. It was warm, intuitive.
          Paul was breathing a little heavily by the time they’d gone through the first few tracks, hands sweaty. Gene tried to get him into one more spin as the record buzzed. He caught Paul’s shoulder with his free hand while he was halfway through, his back towards Gene’s. He wasn’t sure why he’d done it. Paul stopped there, turning to look at Gene, questioning.
          “Something wrong?”
          “No. I’m fine.” Gene shifted forward—a bad idea; they’d been closer than he realized, and now he was up against him. The melancholic harmonies of “Country Girl” were starting to swell. Gene pursed his suddenly dry lips, feeling stupid, no, feeling absolutely moronic, as he let go of Paul’s hand. “I—I think we better get ready.”
          Paul’s expression drooped only for a moment, like the hesitant flicker of lights just before a power outage. His hand went to his side.
          “Oh. Oh, yeah. Lemme get the record.” He took a step, Gene’s hold on his shoulder slackening to nothing, Gene’s hand faltering down to his own side, and walked over to retrieve the record, the moment fading away before he even lifted the needle.
           A few hours later, Peter and Ace were in a limo, grousing. They’d gotten ready for Studio 54 earlier than they’d meant to from sheer antsiness, and now they were reduced to making the driver get them fast food they didn’t even want to kill time.
          Well, Peter didn’t want it, but he was pretty sure Ace would eat his share for him. He was also sure it wasn’t quite enough of a delaying tactic to keep him and Ace from arriving right around when Paul and Gene did, but Ace reassured him he could keep that from happening. Peter sighed, glancing out the window to make sure the driver wasn’t on his way out of the restaurant yet, before speaking again.
          “What do you think about it?”
           Ace raised his head slightly at the question. He had brought a deck of cards and was shuffling them as they waited. Sometimes he’d lift the cards up into a sloppy arc as he riffled through them. He’d been fairly quiet, no real goofing off, not even any drinking, since they’d doubled back to Peter’s, gotten ready for the evening, and scrounged up the limo. Two nights in a row at 54 might’ve been murder on a normal human being, but in his less-sober moments, Peter could convince himself he’d spent the last four years with Jendell’s most questionable export.
           “What do I think about what, Pete?”
           “What we’re gonna do about Paul.”
           “Nothing to do about Paul. Either he gets back to normal or he doesn’t.”
           “I meant the band.” None of them had really wanted to bring it up. Ace had only barely alluded to it when he’d offered to delay the tour with a honeymoon. “If we don’t find that girl, or Paul doesn’t get back to normal, what’s going to happen to the band?”
           “You know what’s going to happen.” Ace sounded more quietly cynical than he had in a long time. “We all know what’s going to happen.”
           “I’m not kicking Paul out of his own fucking band.”
           “I’m not, either. And Gene’d rather get a tongue reduction than hurt Paul like that.” Ace shifted, kicking his heels up to the glass partition between them and the driver, while he kept toying with the deck in his hands. “We’ll all just have to pack it up. If he doesn’t get fixed, KISS is gone.”
           Pack it up. The thought felt like the gum beneath a desk at school. Peter didn’t like thinking about the options. They could all try solo acts—he felt like he had a better shot than the others, given “Beth”… or join up in some other band, but it felt… dirty. It wasn’t like Paul had gotten on drugs or turned into a completely insufferable asshole or blown out his voice. He’d just had something shitty happen to him that they couldn’t—
           “Do you think Bill could spin it? Let’s say… let’s say we don’t tell him everything.” Peter was trying to think. “Let’s say Paul’s fucked off, but hey, we found a replacement that kinda looks like him. A real pretty girl. We got a whole new market. Chicks don’t ever front rock bands—”
           “Petey, we couldn’t keep it up.” Ace gnawed his lip. “Bill’d still wanna know who this girl was. Even if Paul could fool him, we’d still get blown out of the water the minute people started asking questions. We’d need IDs, a passport…”
           “We could get fakes made.”
           “Then what?” Ace shook his head. “Paul’d be living like that guy in The Fugitive. Worse. Having to pretend he really was some random chick in front of the whole damn world… I don’t wanna shoot you down, man, but we’re sunk.”
          Peter groaned.
          “KISS is sunk and Gene gets a girlfriend. Fucking terrible trade-off.”
           “Poor Geno.” Ace laughed. “He might figure it’s worth it, you think?”
           “Nah. Gene likes money more than he likes getting laid.” Peter swallowed. “You think they’ve fucked yet?”
           “C’mon, Paulie’s a lady,” Ace managed, before bursting into those weird, high giggles again. “He won’t give it up that quick. How long did it take you to warm him up to it?”
           “Not too long.”
           Ace held the deck up. Peter shook his head. Shrugging, Ace started trying to cut the deck with one hand, and flip the halves over with his thumb. He only succeeded in spilling most of the deck onto the floorboard and seats. Peter reached over, obediently helping him gather up the cards and handing them back over. Ace winked, taking the stack.
           “What’s on your mind, anyway, Cat?”
           “Bullshit.” Ace said it lightly. “You’re not really worried about whether Gene’s made it with him or not.”
           “God, no.” The thought was more disturbing than it needed to be. “It’s just that I should’ve figured it out from the start.” Peter let out an irritated breath. “Gene only saw him once and figured it out. It took me three times. Paul had to tell me before I—"
           “Hey, you got him, that’s the important thing.”
           “Yeah, but… he wasn’t good at pretending the first time. He called me Pete. And the second time, he kept trying to tell me—”
           “Pete, c’mon, you weren’t expecting him to look like that—”
           “Makes me think I don’t really know him.”
           Ace looked at him almost sadly. He’d stopped fiddling with the deck of cards, setting them on his thigh.
           “You know him better than you think.”
           “You think so?”
           “Positive.” Ace’s head jerked up suddenly. Peter’s gaze followed his, and he saw the beleaguered limo driver heading out of the restaurant, with two sackfuls of barbeque sandwiches, fries, and a couple of sodas. Ace put an unnecessary finger to his lips as the driver opened their door and handed over the sacks. “Hey, man, thanks. Didja get yourself anything?”
           “I shouldn’t eat on the job.”
           “C’mon, I used to drive cabs, I’d eat in there all the time.” Ace cackled, digging awkwardly in his back pocket. “Get some food if you want. Then come back in here. We’ll play some poker before you take us over.”
           “You’re not worried about the time?”
           “Nah. I got the time if you got the money.” He grinned. “Hey, hey, Petey’ll spot you, right?”
           “I ain’t spotting anyone.”
           “Then the best hand gets… aw, hell, I dunno. You beat us three times in a row and we’ll bring you into the disco, you dig?”
           As the driver sidled into the back of the limo, Peter scooted over to give him room. Five minutes later, barbeque sandwich in one hand, a straight in the other, Peter decided they were going to be late after all.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Are we alike? So True or False, Yes or No. Explain if you'd like. You are 16 years old. 16+6. You are a junior in high school. Graduating college senior. Math and Science aren't your best subjects. I was definitely more of an arts student. I only did great in math and science when I liked the topics we were learning, but otherwise I never felt like exerting as much effort for them as I did for classes like history. Your dog is really little. He’s medium-sized. He’s a really weird size actually hahaha and I guess it’s because he’s mixed. He’s too big to be classified as a small dog and too small to be grouped with the larger dogs. You love being tan. I mean I obviously don’t go advertising how much I love it, but it’s definitely nothing to complain about.
You think you are pretty for the most part. I have my days. You love making other people smile. Getting people’s approval is always a nice achievement. You love bracelets or just wearing jewelry in general. I think jewelry’s pretty but I’m particular about them – I prefer them to be silver and for them to have subtle designs, never explosive as I think that’s a tad bit tacky. Also I prefer necklaces to bracelets. TLC is one of your favorite channels on TV. It certainly would be if I still regularly watched television. I know for a fact Gab and I will tune in to TLC when I crash at her place. You have been in three different countries. Six, so far. You have ridden in a plane. Yeah well I live in an archipelago, so we’re separated from all the countries near us and have had to ride planes to get to them. You’re learning how to drive a car. I already did. I’ve had my license for four years. You have had 3 serious boyfriends. You believe you can only have 1 true love. As a demi this is typically how I think, but I like keeping my mind open. I know this is certainly not how it works for a lot of people, and that’s valid. You have a job. You have been to Aruba. No but if anything this reminded me of Friends because this was where Rachel was supposed to have her honeymoon before she ran out of her wedding hah. That contributed absolutely nothing to the conversation but yep. You love little babies or children :) Yes, and it increases as I get older. I have to practice for when it’s my turn, lol. You can't wait to get married one day. You always try to have a smile on your face. Not always. I allow myself to be sad or cranky if I want to. Your emotions change very easily. Sometimes. It’s not a dominant trait of mine though; I can typically keep my emotions consistent and it’s only volatile if I’m under a lot of pressure or stress. You cry very easily. Yep, I’m very sensitive. Earlier today I cried over a girl’s Tiktok about her dog with diabetes and the adjustments that had to be made for him, like how he stopped going down the stairs or sleeps a lot more these days. You cry a lot. Yes, because I cry easily. You have a boyfriend you have been with for a while. Girlfriend. You hate when people say 'I love you' too quickly. Idk, I haven’t had to deal with this.  The hair on your legs grow very quickly. Not very quickly but yeah it does grow back after a certain amount of time. I shave every one or two weeks. You always feel like your back needs cracked. It’s definitely not in the best shape, coupled with the fact that I already have scoliosis to begin with. You’re still trying to determine what you want to do after high school. I have career fields in mind but as for exact jobs, no. You love fashion. I like keeping up with what’s trending within my age group but I’m not obsessed with fashion at all, like I don’t know the fashion week schedules or who the biggest models are these days, and I still think some fashion trends don’t make sense. You love shopping for school dance dresses. You think decorating is very cool. It’s okay. I wouldn’t do it myself but I have friends who are great at decorating, like Laurice, and I think it’s a good and a pretty cool skill to have. You always seem to be cold. Not always, but I do feel cold more easily than the people I know. I’m always the first one to grab a jacket, a blanket, or to move further away from the AC. Still, I prefer being cold than hot. You love hot weather. Oh my god fuck no. 22 years of living in a tropical country and I’ve had just about enough of the sun which is all we get all year round. I can’t wait to live somewhere with a lot of rain and with snow. You have tanned in a tanning bed. I don’t have to; plus aren’t those really unhealthy to stay in? You aren't a very good cook. I can’t even call myself a cook. You aren't an independent person. Hah, no sir. I find comfort in doing almost everything with at least one person with me, even if it’s just grabbing a snack or having something photocopied in school. I went to UPTC alone ONCE just to try having dinner all by myself cause everyone seemed to have great experiences of it, but I hated every second of being alone. You like any type of food, you aren't picky. The only foods I’ll refuse are fruit and anything with raisins on them, but generally I’m not hard to feed.
Country is your favorite kind of music. You quit watching American Idol. I quit when I realized all the wrong people kept winning. If I remember right, the last straw for me was Scotty McCreery over Lauren Alaina. You like the show 'Big Brother'. I never did get into it, but everyone did. I used to think something was wrong with me for not enjoying any season of the show, but eventually I stopped caring. You used to like Jersey Shore. I was only interested in it because it felt edgy to watch as a 12 year old lmao, but I was never obsessed. You think tye dye is super cool. It’s definitely cool and fun to make, but it’s not the first, fifth, or thirtieth thing I’d wear. You love glitter. Your nails are almost always painted. Total opposite. You have had sex before. You have a best friend of the opposite sex. I have close friends, but no best friends. Andrew is the best closest guy friend I have, probs. You have been stabbed in the back a few times. You don't trust many people. Again, quite the opposite. I like to believe everyone deserves trust in the beginning, but I have a rule to cut anyone who breaks that trust out of my life. You don't have many close friends. I have a lot of friends but I like keeping my closest circle small. You’re normally nice to everyone. Duh? You like to meet new people. Egh, it depends on who it is. I can find other people exhausting to talk to from the get-go; or sometimes I’ll find them too different and I just know no friendship is gonna come out of it. Sometimes you can be pretty shy. I’ve learned to be a bit more extroverted through the years but I’ve never lost my trademark shyness hahaha. You don't have any secrets. This blog is a big glaring secret from everyone I know. Your boyfriend has supported you through your hardest times. Girlfriend. You have a scar from cutting your leg while shaving. Not right now, but it’s happened a few times. You think flowers are very pretty. They’re okay. I’m not crazy about them but I do like giving/receiving bouquets. You hate nature. I have no reason to; it’s peaceful and beautiful. You don't like animals very much. Love them. You like to eat meat, any kind. I wouldn’t try all kinds of meat. Like I wouldn’t eat cats, dogs, or anything that’s critically endangered. But I do tend to be adventurous with meat, much like with any other dish I try. You have eaten donkey before. You’re pretty close with your parents. Like I said in an old survey, we have a buddy-type of relationship. We don’t hate each other but we also wouldn’t have heart-to-heart talks with one another and we’re so not emotionally close. You are also very close with your sibling(s). My sister and I also tend to treat each other like friends, ^ just like that. We’re not emotionally close either; when my sister’s cat died last week I could only send her comforting messages on Messenger because we’re not the type to visit each other’s rooms and cry to each other. You don't mind being around your family. If there is anything I learned in the last two months, it’s that this exact fact holds true. You love summer. Only when there is a trip planned. Otherwise, I don’t enjoy the weather at all. You don't know how to swim. There were always a couple of months allotted for swimming PEs in all years in my old school, so I know basic swimming and treading. You like being a teenager. It was okay. It certainly got better when I finally fit in somewhere and got invited to teenager stuff. You thought you were depressed at some point in your life. I was, throughout my teenage years. These days I’ll occasionally have very low points, but I don’t think it’s severe depression anymore. You feel like someone is growing apart from you. No, not at this point in my life. You like to take walks. With this climate, I always bitch about walking haha. When school was still ongoing I would typically drive everywhere, no matter how near my destination was.   You aren't very good at buying gifts for people. I wouldn’t say this. I pride myself on being a good listener and by extension, being a good gift-giver. I’ve often made Gab cry with my gifts. You love seeing couples in love. Sure but tbh I’m partial to same-sex couples because I see them a lot less. When I see one in public I always make sure to give them a kind smile. You love weddings :) I haven’t been to one since I was 9, but sure. You are addicted to sweets. You get scared very easily. Only at night. You don't like to be alone. If I’m doing stuff outside, then yes this is the case. Otherwise I don’t mind having alone time at home. Many people have asked if you were black, but really you're white. I’m neither of these. You could do without the TV. Have been for a few years now. You text a lotttt. Back when everything was normal and I had load on my phone every week, yep. I don’t really need to text anyone these days, though. You tend to make extra letters on your words. Only occasionally. You hate when people use bad grammar. It only bugs me when I expect them to know better, like if an American is being cocky or racist but still fucks up basic grammar; or if a Filipino wants to act like a know-it-all and obviously has poor command of English, but still forces themselves to speak it when they could very well speak Filipino in this hugely bilingual country lmao. You have a little bit of chub on you but you aren't fat. Not really. I only get bloated after I eat but my metabolism is very quick and it disappears relatively quickly. You are pretty good at rollerblading. I was never good at it even though I practiced a lot. I generally have bad balance. You wish you were a good gymnast. Sure, I feel that this is a very cool skill to have. I remember being fascinated by the gymnasts from Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo and how prettily they spun their ribbons. You are a competitive cheerleader. I am not, but it was one of my dreams. You are very uncoordinated. I wouldn’t say very. I’m not very physical these days and I can be clumsy, but my hand-eye coordination has stayed sharp all these years from playing table tennis; and I was good at futsal and had good reflexes when we had to play it for PE. You aren't good at making decisions, but you try your best. You love God very much :) This is such a hard pass it deserves a strikethrough.
You love lotion and perfume. I love the variety that’s available out there, but I don’t splurge. You wish you could own everything in Victoria's Secret. You wish you could be a model. You hate when girls are sluts. Even the word ‘slut’ isn’t gonna fly by in 2020, much less this entire statement. You hate when people act dumb on purpose. Don’t we all? You don't care what other people think of you. Depends on who it is. Some opinions will matter, and some won’t. You love to cuddle. You wish you could bake. I wish I can be good at the kitchen in general but tbh I always let my fear of fire and knives take over and I’m always left too scared to learn. You would like to own a pool. When I’m richer, sure. You kind of regret a few things... You want a little tattoo that no one can see. I kind of want my tattoos to be personal to me, yes.
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joannestorm · 5 years
Alex Manes’ Military Career
I’m sure this is going to get Jossed the moment the writers get a lightbulb moment, but here is a possible timeline for Alex’s last 10 years.   (Hopefully I can get the formatting to work this time...)
May 2008 -- Alex and Michael start their flirtation.
June 7, 2008 -- Michael/Alex first kiss/first time/wow they work fast.
June 8, 2008 -- Rosa dies.  (The dates are a little screwy here.  I know Carina MacKenzie said that they would fix them, but for now, I’m making an assumption that Max and Liz had their day in the desert on Saturday, June 7 and that Rosa was killed in the early morning hours of the 8th.  A large part of this assumption is based on the fact that neither one of them would skip school in order to finish the project.)
June 9, 2009 -- Alex goes to see a recruiter.  My assumption is that the Monster Sgt marched Alex to the recruitment office and forced him to sign up.  It doesn’t work that way in real life.  He can join at 17 with parental permission, but he can not be forced to join.  This gives him approximately two weeks to go through MEPS as they require a high school diploma to enlist.
June 21, 2008 -- High School Graduation.  
June 23, 2008 -- This is a very tight timeline.  If they had a Basic (BMT) slot available, then this is the earliest Alex could leave for BMT.  (I guess he could technically leave on a Sunday…  But he doesn’t have far to travel.)  Feel free to adjust anything by a month or more to fit your own timeline.
June 24, 2008 -- Alex signs in at Lackland AFB, TX for processing into BMT.
Week Zero - Processing Week - This week is all about the basics. You will receive a haircut, get issued your clothes, and learn what your life will be like the following 8 weeks. Basically, this week is an administrative week.
Week One - You start training this week with early wake-ups, workouts, and long days. You will continue a few of the military processing issues and tests (medical/dental). Expect to be tired after long days of military training.
Week Two - You will continue regular workouts and many hours of drill (marching with weapons) as they get tougher than previous weeks and attend a significant number of classes on many topics. From career counseling to weapon handling and maintenance to Air Force History, you will receive a full day of training every day.
Week Three - You receive your service dress uniform complete with an all-weather coat, a lightweight jacket, ties, a flight cap, belt and buckle, and low-quarter shoes. Be prepared to quickly get dressed in and out of all uniforms.
Week Four - Tactical training continues and advances as you will start to learn defensive fighting techniques like cover and concealment, as well as lifesaving skills (advanced first aid). Learning to prevent bleeding and keep an open airway are a couple of the skills you will learn that might save a life.
Week Five - BEAST Week. This week is a challenge both mentally and physically enduring long hours of physical training, combatives, and tactical skills tests. Some will recall this as the most fun week of training. Being physically prepared enables you to enjoy this week of applying skills you have learned the first month of training.
Week Six - Testing Week: You will be tested often during training, but this is the week where the PT test, academic tests, and general military bearing all come into question and an objective grade will be given to recruits. This week will determine your class ranking and awards given at the end of training.
Week Seven - Graduation Week. Welcome to the Air Force.  
Week Eight - Airmen's Week: This is the final step before the new Airmen advance to their assigned technical training.
(BMT length was 6.5 weeks and was changed to 8.5 weeks in November of 2008.  Today, they start on Tuesdays and graduate on Thursdays, so I assumed the same for Alex.  I do not know what they lengthened in November to take up 2 more weeks...)
August 14, 2008 -- BMT Graduation   He would be an Airman Basic at this point (E-1).
August 2008 -- Technical training at Keebler AFB, MS.  My assumption is that he signed up as a computer systems guy.  (Currently called Cyber Systems Operations.)  Training is currently 66 days and he would earn college credit towards Informations Systems Technology.  
November 2008 -- Graduation from tech school.  In this general vicinity, at least.  The military has a lot of “hurry up and wait” going on.  So, they might have sent him to Keebler and then he was forced to twiddle his thumbs for 2 weeks while he waited for the next class to start.  
December 2008 -- First duty station and block leave.  Members of the military usually have 2 blocks of leave a year, each approximately 14 days.  One in the summer and one around the Christmas holidays.  There are also 2 weeks before and after deployment and 10 days whenever you make a move to a new Duty Station (in order travel, find housing if you are not living on base, get your household goods, and settle in a bit).  It works out pretty well for Alex to have finished tech school in November, signed into his next duty station for a couple of weeks, before being sent on leave.
2009 -- First deployment.
February 2009 -- Automatic promotion to Airman (E-2) after six months Time in Grade (TIG) as an Airman Basic.  (Making an assumption that he was not on an accelerated promotion program due to JROTC experience or college credit.)
December 2009 -- Automatic promotion to Airman First Class (E-3) after ten months TIG as an Airman (E-2).
2010 -- TACP training.  390 days at Lackland AFB, TX, Fairchild AFB, WA, and Ft Benning, GA.  Earns credits towards Informations Systems Technology.  (A note here: I assume that TACP training is like Ranger School in when they want people to apply.  The Ranger School instructors are more demanding of officer enrollees, which is why I have Alex going through the TACP Schoolhouse as an enlisted airman.  We know that he is part of TACP because he wears the black beret.  What a TACP unit is doing in Roswell…  That is a completely different question.)
Block I Basic Career Knowledge (30 Days)
Portable radio familiarization, basic career knowledge, and associated publications.
Block II Ground Environment Training (30 Days)
Field training exercise, day and night land navigation, vehicle navigation, convoy training, and small unit tactics. Also including training in bivouac setup, site selection, patrolling methods, and day and night navigation on foot and in a vehicle.
Block III Air Support Coordination/Weapons Systems (25 Days)
Methods and means of requesting close air support, weapons effects and utilization, and other coordination procedures.
United States Air Force Combat Survival School – 3 weeks, Fairchild AFB, Washington
This course teaches basic survival techniques for remote areas using minimal equipment. This includes instruction of principles, procedures, equipment and techniques that help individuals to survive regardless of climatic conditions or unfriendly environments, and return with honor.
United States Army Airborne School** – Basic Parachutist Course – 3 weeks, Fort Benning, Georgia
Students learn the basic parachuting skills required to infiltrate an objective area by static line airdrop. This course includes ground operations week, tower week, and "jump week" when participants make five parachute jumps. Personnel who complete this training are awarded the basic parachutist rating and are allowed to wear the Parachutist Badge.
**Note: Some of these courses are unit dependent and not all students may be selected.
Advanced Training Options Post TACP -- 
Military Freefall Parachutist Course – 5 weeks – Yuma Proving Ground, AZ.
Static Line Jumpmaster School – 3 weeks – Ft. Benning, GA.
Military Freefall Jumpmaster School – 3 weeks – Yuma Proving Ground, AZ.
Pathfinder School – 3 weeks – Ft. Benning, GA.
Air Assault School – 2 weeks – Various Locations
Ranger School – 61 Days, Ft. Benning, GA.
Special Forces Combat Diver Qualification Course (Special Operations Diver Course) – 7 weeks – Special Forces Underwater Operations School, Key West, FL.
Special Tactics Advanced Skills Course – 12 weeks, Hurlburt Field, FL.
Combat Medic Course – 16 weeks, Fort Sam Houston, TX.
(I have not seen any of these patches on Alex’s uniform.  Granted, the Air Force might have different standards than I am used to and Hollywood always gets it wrong anyway.  I really want to see his dress blues now, preferably with a nice look at his ribbons.)
Oh, God...  As an aside, I still cringe over the documentation for Static Line Jumpmaster School.  Grammar?  What grammar? The hubby had to recite it word for word despite the fact that it was WRONG WRONG WRONG!  All military doumentation is the same, BTW.
December 2010 - Repeal of DADT signed into law.
2011 -- Second duty station and second deployment, now part of TACP.  Cam mentions that he deployed with Air Expeditionary Groups (AEGs), so he probably was not attached to another branch.  So far the characters have only mentioned Baghdad and Iraq.  With that being the case, the two AEGs that operate out of that area are:
321st AEG 
506 AEG
August 2011 -- Automatic promotion to Senior Airman (E-4) after 36 months Time in Service (TIS) with 20 months TIG, or 28 months TIG, whichever occurs first.
September 20, 2011 -- DADT officially ends.
2012 -- Finishes his college degree in Informations Systems Technology (A degree is a requirement to becoming an officer.  He could have taken classes through an online university.  There are many who cater to the military.  He would have used his GI Bill to pay for it.)
Feb 2012 -- Possible promotion to Staff Sergeant (E-5)  (He probably also attends the NCO Academy, which has 10 locations worldwide.  It is a 1 month long leadership course for E-5 and E-6.)
June 2012 -- Officer Training School (OTS), Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, AL.   An 8 week course to become a commissioned officer from prior enlistment.  (This is assuming that Alex has been a captain for 1 year when the series starts.  He actually could have been one for much longer, as much as 6 years.  Feel free to dismiss the possible promotion to Staff Sgt and adjust the dates forward.)
August 2014 -- Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant (O-1E) upon graduation from OTS.  I assume that he has transitioned to be a Cyberspace Operations Officer.  (As per the note below, he could have transitioned to be Security Forces.)
March 2015 -- Promotion to 1st Lieutenant (O-2E) after 18 months TIG.
June 26, 2015 -- Supreme Court ruled for gay marriage.
2017 -- 3rd Deployment.  I assume he was sent home early due to the injury.  
(If anyone is interested, Alex’s next of kin would have recieved a phone call that Alex was hurt.  They only send an officer and Chaplain if the airman has died, no matter how severe the injury is.  At this point, the military has realized how BAD it is for soldiers to have access to the outside world when something goes wrong.  His AEG would have been put on Blackout status until next of kin had been notified.  That means no phone calls, no social media, no facetime.  Trust me, finding out that a spouse found out that his or her soldier has been injured via people posting “Pray for X’s family” was NOT a fun time for anyone.)
March 2017 -- Promotion to Captain (O-3E) after 24 months TIG.
May 31, 2018 -- The beginning of Roswell, New Mexico.  
This is a possible timeline.  By no means should you take it as canon.  I could be completely wrong about his career path.  He could have done Cryptologic Language Analyst (he did say he was a code breaker), but that training is 8-16 months long.  Plus, I thought Cyber Systems made more sense for the “hacker” portion.  
It also assumes that he was a perfectly “average” airman.  It is possible that he did things like went before Airman of the Quarter boards for his wing, and then Airman of the Year boards if he got Airman of the Quarter.  Achieving this equals promotion points.  He could have been Promoted to Staff Sergeant 6 months early in an “in-house” promotion board if he was considered an outstanding Airman.
He could have gone to TACP right out of Basic (possibly signed up with a TACP contract).  He could have gone to OTS earlier.  He could have deployed at different times (as long as you stick to the 1 year deployed/1 year off schedule, you can have him deploy at any time after Tech School).  
I think the only career option that does not work is the Air Force Academy.  There’s no way that he could have entered right after high school without having been accepted beforehand.  You need things like a recommendation from a member of Congress to enter.
There are options for Enlisted to join the Academy, which is a year of preparing his packet and then 4 years at the Academy if he is accepted.  Plus, possibly a 10 month prep school.  I don’t see how he could have had 3 deployments on that timeline.  I mean…  I guess it’s possible…  It would be tight, though...
That would be…
2008 - Enlist
2009 - Tech School/TACP
2010 - Deploy/Prepare the Academy Packet
2011-15 - Academy (O-1)
2016- Deploy
2017 - No deployments (Promotion to O-2)
2018 - Deploy
2018 - Roswell, NM.
2019 - Promotion to O-3
So, it doesn’t actually work, but for fic purposes, you could flub it.
Links for Research/Further Reading:
How Enlisted promotions work
Officer Promotions
@ Rahjin pointed out that Alex’s beret has flashing for Security Forces, which made me take a better look at his Occupational Badge, which is aaaallllmmmooossttt the Security Forces Occupational Badge.  Which means that I was wrong about the TACP training (probably?  The beret still looks black and not blue to me.  But it HAS to be blue to have the Security Forces flashing...).  
The thing is, Security Forces is sort of an all-purpose catch all for Airmen.  A lot are Military Police and base security, but they also “back fill” Marine and Army mission tasks.  And none of that makes sense for “code breaker” and “hacker”.  
(Also, the Wiki on Security Forces says that as of 2011, the Air Force does 6 months on/ 6 months off deployments, which does not make sense for Alex having only deployed 3 times unless there was a LOT of additional training he was Voluntold for.  And was information I could NOT find before.  Grrr.)
But, here’s the Air Force’s official page about Security Forces careers.
And the Wiki about Security Forces.
He could have transitioned to Security Forces out of OTS.  I knew of a few officers who were Infantry and transitioned into Mech after they became officers.  
So...  It is possible that he did Cyber as enlisted and Security Forces as an officer.  And that I am completely wrong about TACP.  Until it is confirmed in canon, it is all speculation anyway...
53 notes · View notes
katecarteir · 6 years
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summary: “I think we’re all going to have do some pretty terrible things,” Eddie said quietly. His hand came to wrap in Richie’s shirt, trying to burn out the violent grip of his father’s from earlier. “None of us have a choice in anything anymore. Whatever happened at Greta’s tonight-“ Eddie’s voice broke and he felt Richie press a kiss into his hair. “There isn’t a good and a bad anymore. There’s just die or don’t.”
[or: after the gruesome murder of his younger brother, Bill Denbrough is determined to bring about the end of the string of crimes in Derry no matter the cost. As stories unwind and fall apart, there’s only more questions as everybody’s lives hang in the balance.]
chapter count: 16/21
Taglist: @honkhonkrichard @hufflepuffkaspbrak @emmieliabedelia @reddie-for-anything @reddiesetrichie @beepbeepbitchard @lemonadeandrice @mirandosky @vanilluna @fivxharmony
[Prologue] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [Read Full Story on AO3] [Playlist]
Eddie fiddled with the collar of his white dress shirt, feeling as though the high rised fabric may grow a mind of its own and suffocate him. Or maybe it was the acknowledge that before this night was over, something else may very well try to. Something all the more human than his dress shirt, but endlessly more evil.  His mother had begged him- screaming, crying, pleading- not to go out the prom that night. Screams and beggings of how Richie was an evil boy, with darkness in his blood, and that going to the prom was sure to get Eddie hurt. That he would safe at home, with her, where nobody could hurt him. It burned at Eddie that- perhaps for the first time in his life- his mother’s frantic pleading was the actual truth and he was ignoring it anyway. This was simply what Eddie’s life was now, and he knew if he was meant to die this night- it was going to happen whether he attended the prom or not.
The door to Eddie and Richie’s bedroom at Frank’s apartment creaked open and his boyfriend came in to lean against the door frame. Eddie’s heart thrummed in his chest as he took Richie in, from the ratty combat boots on his feet, the ripped black skinny jeans and that Devils Jacket hugging at his shoulders like it once again belonged there. It reminded Eddie suddenly of the day in Richie and Bill had confronted one another in the quad, something that had truthfully only been two months earlier but might as well have been a completely different life. Eddie hadn’t seen his best friend since the night of Greta’s party, and it still left a hard, disgusting feeling of guilt in his gut. Eddie had turned his back on Bill at that party, and had been so caught up in everything with Richie and his father that by the time Eddie had the knowledge that he should go visit Bill he was sure the boy wouldn’t want to see him.
Richie tilted his head and smiled softly at Eddie. “We really don’t have to go,” he repeated for what must have been the seven millionth time in the past two days. “I am 100% fine with not going, I didn’t go to junior prom, it’s not going to kill me to stay home from the senior one… but it might kill me to go to it.”
Eddie let out a small laugh, letting himself fall forward into Richie’s waiting arms. The warmth surrounded him as he remembered his own junior prom. Eddie had come out as gay only a few weeks before- though he suspected that everybody had already known long, long before that- and Audra had insisted that they get together before the dance. He remembered the look in Bill’s eyes when Audra had come down the stairs, that look of absolute utter love, and Eddie had thought for the first time in his life that maybe a high school relationship really could last forever. Closing his eyes tightly, he squeezed Richie tighter. “Audra would’ve wanted me to go,” he said quietly against Richie’s chest. “Last year it was all she could talk about. How for senior prom she was going to make sure I had some hot date and that we’d double with Bill and her and how amazing it would be… Obviously, that’s not what..” Eddie cleared his throat, shivering slightly as he felt Richie’s nails scrape against his scalp. “I’m going to the prom for her, because she fucking deserved her senior prom with Bill, and there’s no way I’m wasting my chance to go to the dance with hot boyfriend even if somebody is going to try to kill us a little bit.”
Eddie pulled up, looking up at Richie with wet lashes. Richie pressed a kiss to Eddie’s forehead then grinned down at him, waggling his eyebrows. “You think I’m hot.”
“Oh my God,” Eddie let out a wet laugh. “Shut the fuck up, I hate you.” Richie wrapped his arms tighter around Eddie’s shoulders, and hid his laughter into Eddie’s hair.
Stanley Uris stepped out of his father’s car, fiddling with the cuffs on his dress shirt, Patty coming out the passenger seat and Beverly out of the back. Beverly’s satin red dress came down to the ground, with a spilt up the leg and her red hair was done up perfectly on the top of her head. Patty’s dress was the matching shade of red, cropped short and frilly, with her hair falling down her back in flawless curls. Both girls had donned their Devil Jackets over top the dresses. School dance or not, the both felt in their guts where this night was going to lead them and those Jackets kept the same mark of loyalty they always had even in times of peace.
Stan adjusted his matching red tie as he turned to the girls. He held out both arms, Patty linking into one and Beverly linking into the other. Lithium by Nirvana was playing as they walked into the building, Aurora Morgans turning and smiling pleasantly at them. She moved forward, accepting the tickets that Stan handed to her.
“Two dates, Uris?” Mike Hanlon called from where he was standing near by. He moved over, grinning. “Didn’t know you had it in you.”
Stan grinned back. “Richie was too busy to take all the Devil girls this year, I’m just doing my civil duty.”
Mike laughed, holding his hand out for Stanley to slap and shake. Aurora looked between them, eyes narrowing slightly in suspicion but still holding a genuine smile. Beverly slapped at Stanley’s shoulder. “Richie basically my brother, Uris. That’s disgusting.”
“Hence why you’ve been my date for every dance of since we were old enough to have dates,” Stan shot back in reply, drawing a laugh even from Aurora.
Beverly pulled away from Stan, pressing her hands to her chest in mock horror. “And here I thought it was because you were secretly in love with me. There goes all my plans for the future!”
A small, dark look crossed Stanley’s face at that, the boy turned away with pursed lips. Beverly’s face fell and she bit at her bottom lip as Patty rubbed her hands together. Lithium turned to Black Widow by Iggy Azaela from the gym.
“Bev!” Richie Tozier’s voice called from the front door where he waltzed in with Eddie’s hand tangled with his own. “They’re playing your song!”
Beverly shot her god-brother a dirty look but Aurora had to slap a hand over her mouth after a single bark of laughter escaped her. Richie’s eye line jerked over to her, eyes hard for a moment before a small, genuine smile tugged at his lips and he winked at her. Aurora’s expressions to seem to stall for a moment, before she smiled back just as gently.
“Where’s your little boytoy?” Richie asked as he approached with Eddie in tow. Eddie was looking around the group of people with a confused look on his face. His eye line bounced from one person to the next, seemingly only growing more confused with each person standing there. “Ben? Benny Boy? Hay-“
Aurora reached out and clasped a hand over Richie’s mouth. A moment of surprise travelled through the group before Aurora let out a loud shriek, reaching out to rub her own wet palm on Stan’s suit jacket. Stan let out a horrified gasp and jumped away from her, knocking into Patty and sending the girl tumbling to the ground. Richie clung onto Eddie’s shoulders to keep himself standing straight up while he laughed.
“Do you see the chaos you cause?” Mike asked him, but his twitching cheeks made it obvious that he was fighting back his own laughter. Eddie smiled softly, wrapping down arms around Richie’s head and pressed his cheek to his boyfriend’s hair.
“Tozier! Marsh!” The voice carried over to them as their school principal came walking over towards them. “I need you to go the supply closet by the Student Council office to get streamers for the gym.”
“You haven’t finished decorating?” Richie asked incredously, brows shooting up to disappear under his hairline. “Who fucking organized this shit?”
A small, disapproving look crossed the principals’ face. “Betty Ripsom and Greta Bowie were in charge of the prom committee. Some things were unable to be completed in time, understandably. Please get the streamers.”
Richie nodded slowly, giving Eddie a quick kiss to the cheek before making a sweeping moment. “I will see all you lovelies in the gym! Bev, let us get streamers for the kind lady!”
Beverly rolled her eyes but she was smiling as she followed after Richie. Eddie watched him go, trying to ignore the anxious feeling in the pit of his stomach.
Beverly kept her eyes on Richie as they walked down the hallways in silence, Beverly playing awkwardly with the zipper on her undone jacket. Richie would occasionally glance towards her, but every time he noticed she was still looking at him, his gaze would jerk away and he would frown. “Rich…” She finally brought up the courage to say, taking hold of Richie’s arm lightly and pulling them to a stop. “I… Richie, I’m sorry.”
Richie let out a rough breath. “It’s funny you apologize, considering I don’t know what it is you did.”
“I…” Beverly choked on her own guilt for a moment, feeling her cheeks start to burn to the colour of her dress. “I needed the money, Rich. I can’t live off your parents forever, and they offered a lot. Too much to turn down, and they… they told me they wouldn’t hurt her. They promised!”
Richie’s face turned sheet white, body swaying for a moment like he was about to pass out. “Oh my God, holy fuck Beverly,” he clenched his jaw as though holding back to need to vomit. “I.. I vouched for you! And you… you’re fucking guilty and you let me… Fuck you, Beverly.”
“Richie!” Beverly cried in a small sob as Richie turned and began stomping towards the student council supply closet. “Richie, please, please. They would’ve have killed me if you hadn’t vouched for me, what I did-“
“You would’ve deserved it for what you did!” Richie practically spat at her, body trembling. “Jesus fucking Christ, Bev. She was fucking thirteen years old! And Bill’s brother… all those other kids…”
“I didn’t have anything to do with any of that!” Beverly pleaded. “I swear I didn’t! They just… they needed Neibolt, and the house is technically… I mean, it’s mine. And they promised they wouldn’t hurt her, but Janie, she-“
“Why the fuck would you believe them?” Richie asked, eyes wide and burning with something that even Beverly had never seen in them. “What the actual fuck could they have done to make you think that were trustworthy?”
Beverly let out a shaky breath. “Richie, you… you can’t trust Eddie, okay? You can’t-“
“Are you fucking kidding me, Beverly?” Richie shouted, tugging at the strands of his hair. “You’re literally standing here and telling me about the hand you had in my sister’s murder and then you’re telling me I can’t trust my boyfriend? Who the actual fuck do you think you are?”
Richie’s hand dropped onto the knob of the supply closet but Beverly grabbed at his wrist. “Please, Richie. I know I’ve given you absolutely no reason to trust me, like, at all but… Eddie isn’t who he says he is, there’s no way he doesn’t know something… Just trust me.”
Richie let out a shaky breath. “No fucking offense, Beverly. But you’re going to have to do a lot fucking better than that.”
Richie yanked the door open, something falling immediately from behind it. It crashed into Richie’s chest and letting out a sharp shout, Richie shoved at it and it fell to the ground.
Beverly screamed, clapping her hands over her mouth as the lifeless face of Henry Bowers stared up  at her from the floor. The smell hit her, a smell that brought her to cleaning out her childhood house with Stanley, and she had to swallow back the bile that filled her mouth. Eyes tearing up from the stench, Beverly looked up at Richie. Richie was staring down at the body in still horror, and Beverly let out a scream of his name when she noticed the movement over his shoulder.
Before Richie could react beside jerking to looking at her, a hand holding a white cloth wrapped around his mouth and nose and tugged him down.
Funhouse by P!nk blared throughout the gym as Ben Hanscom milked that same cup of punch he’d gotten an hour earlier. He’d spotted nearly everybody he’d knew through the crowds of people in the gym. It seemed the threat of impending attack hadn’t stopped any of the surviving members of his graduating class from showing up.
“I didn’t think you’d be here,” Aurora Morgans appeared by Ben’s side with Mike Hanlon following not too far behind. Ben fought off the impulse to roll his eyes. He’d realized, of course, that none of what was happening was Aurora or Mike’s faults. It had been happening before the three of them starting investigating the case, and would have happened if they never had. It was still a little difficult to turn off his hard feelings completely, but he was trying.
“I wasn’t going to,” Ben admitted with a sigh, sipping the drink again for something to do. “But I figured, we’ve all come this far, you know? Might as well let it all play it out the way it was meant to.”
“Even if it means people die?” Mike asked, helping himself to a cup of punch himself.
Ben smiled sadly. “People are going to die anyway. We know that.”  
Mike smiled sadly, swirling the liquid around in his cup, while Aurora moved closer to Ben and took his hand in hers. He looked to her, heart smashing against his chest and opened his mouth to speak. He never got the chance. Eddie Kaspbrak came running full tilt and smashed directly into Mike’s chest. Mike startled but managing to grab Eddie before they both went tumbling to the ground. “Whoa, little dude! What’s happening?”
Eddie pressed his hands to his knees and let out a wheeze. “Have you… seen Richie?”
Aurora raised her brow. “Not since he and Bev went to get the streamers?”
Eddie shook his head, tears filling up his eyes rapidly. “I haven’t seen him since then, either.”
Mike and Aurora jerked to look at each other, matching one another’s looks of panic, while Ben looked at his classmates in confusion. “Have you tried calling him, or texting him?”
“Have I…” Eddie blinked and gave Mike an incredulously. “Noooo, I haven’t tried texting him because I’m a fucking idiot!!! OF COURSE I’VE CALLED AND TEXT HIM!”
Mike held his hands out in front of him while Aurora reached out and started rubbing at Eddie’s back when his breathing started to heighten. “Something is really fucking wrong you guys… I know it.”
“I believe you,” Aurora said firmly, looking Eddie right in the eyes. She had a similar feeling of fear and dread in her gut from the second Eddie had asked if they’d seen Richie. “But we’ll find him, Eddie. I promise.”
Eddie looked up at with such hopeful, yet scared eyes, that Aurora felt her heart stall in her chest for a moment. Aurora opened her mouth but was cut off by the music skidding to a sudden stop. Every eye in the gym turned to look as their principal took hold of a microphone and looked out around the crowd of her students. She cleared his throat and Eddie was ready to throw up right there. “We are putting the school under a lock down situation,” she said. “Nobody is to the leave this gym under any circumstances until it is lifted.”
Eddie and Aurora looked at each other with panic, before both moving immediately to run towards the exit. Mike and Ben both gaped after them for a moment before running themselves. Ducking quickly through the crowds of people, there were enough students milling around with the surprising change of events, that they were as disguised as easily as they possibly could be.  
Stan and Patty seemed to appear out of thin air at the side door of the gym, the only exit that didn’t seem to be guarded by two or more teachers- the only exit from the gym that lead right outside. “Wait, wait,.” Ben said suddenly. “We’re under a lock down, maybe we… maybe we should stay. If they’re keeping us here then that’s because this is where we’re safest.”
Eddie turned to him, face pale and cheeks wet. “You can stay. You can all stay. But Richie… Richie is in trouble, and Beverly. I’m not going to sit here on my hands under some fucking lock-down while Richie could be dying. I’m not asking you to come with me, but I’m telling you… I’m going.”
“I’m going too,” Patty said with a firm nod. Stan reached out and took Patty’s hand in his own, nodding along.
Aurora stiffened her figure. “I’m going to,” she said. “I’m sick of this shit. It ends tonight.”
Mike smiled. “I’m with you guys, I have just about enough of this, too. Let’s get Richie back and kick some murder ass.”
Eddie beamed and every eye fell to look at Ben. Ben let out a shaky breath. “Where are we going to go? We don’t know anything. There’s no where that’s safe to talk, let alone plan out some super hero mission.”
Stan looked at Eddie, who met his look and smiled. “I know somewhere.”
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yoshimickster · 6 years
RWBY Volume 6 Episodes 12/13 “Seeing Red” and “Our Way” Micksterecaps: TWO RECAPS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!
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HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO doggie, youse KNOW I can’t wait to talk about the finale, so you get not one but TWO recaps! Also doing the same thing with Gen:Lock as they released the first two eps of that on the same day-EITHER WAY LET’S GET TO DANCIN’!
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-the ARGUS MILITARY-watching their boss waste military hardware, while being away from their FREAKING STATIONS-where a threat the Colossus was MADE to fight is coming close to the city. ALL WHILE RUBY-
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After a nice little cliff climb, Oscar informs the team that the shields go down EVERY time Cordo fires missiles, which is the time to STRIKE! Ruby while on board-DOES-point out the difficulty of it though.
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Ruby:-I’d have to be practically staring down the barrel of her canon.
Ruby than jumps onto their legitimately stolen airship, while Maria does what she does best-
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Maria: HEY CORDO-your mother wears NON-combat boots!
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-sheeeeeeeeeeee catches on.
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Cordo: SURELY you know Atlas perfected missile launcher door quick-closing technology!
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OOH-and she WINGS them even, DAMN that’s gotta smart!
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OOH-spoke too soon, Maria got the worst of it! MAN-that’s gotta sting.
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Looks like its up to farmboy to SAVE THE DA-
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...EH-he’s a 14 year old farmboy, did the best he could with no fly knowledge or help (WINK).
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See that? A NICE clean crash, Launchpad McQuack would be proud!
Ruby realizing how fucked things are, decides to pull a make or break move-RIGHT BEFORE-this scene-
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Qrow: Ruby, stop!
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Ruby: I need you, to trust me.
And he then lets go of her hand. Its a small yet powerful scene, and I really loved it, just wanted to point that out.
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Ruby then makes a passionate speech to Cordo about how they only stole from her because she gave them no choice, especially since their supposed to be on the same side, and hopes she listens to reason.
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Cordo: Hm....
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Cordo:...NAH-I’ll just kill you.
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CAROLINE CORDOVIN FOLKS-the defi-NITION of excessive force!
But does THAT scare Rubelubes?!
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FUCK NO-she dashes herself RIGHT in there! SEE-foreshadowing!
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She sees the target-
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-LINES up the shot-
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-while Cordo reevaluates recent life choices-
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-gives herself a nice SNIPER breath-
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-PETALS HERSELF AWAY! Ace huntress right here! ALL right before-
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OOH-still got that aftershock crackle though! Thankfully Weiss uses her reverse gravity glyphs to slow her down ‘cause she’s a GOOD girlfriend, either figuratively OR literally(Bumblebee is canon fo sho, but STILL not sure on Iceflower, BUT still hopeful).
Qrow then catches her, and Ruby smugly replies with-
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Ruby: ...toldja.
Oh Ruby, you SASS!
End the scene with a bit of Maria sass-
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Maria: OH-don’t tell me I MISSED it!
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BEHOLD the holding of the hands, FEEL the gay energy it creates, while pissing off Blake’s creepy predatory ex, who was probably a creepy senior like Daniel Tosh when they started dating and needs to die(WINK).
Blake then says she and Yang are gonna KICK HIS ASS, because she made a promise to stick with the people she cares about-PROMPTING ADAM-to say this-
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Adam: Y’know, she made a promise to me once, that she’d always be at MY side. HA-and look how well she’s kept it.
Your ex likes girls dude, GET OVER IT!
Either way it prompts Yang to say THIS badassery:
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Yang: Did she make that promise to you? Or to the person you were PRETENDING to be?
Fuck yes. Either way, time for talk is over-ITS ACTION SCENE TIME-
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-OOH-start out with a splitscreen, NICE!
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Blake and Yang keep hitting him from both sides-
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-and uses her shot-gauntlets to get distance, as a STRATEGIST does!
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Blake goes in on the offensive, but ADAM ATTACKS-
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-HER SHADOW-because he keeps forgetting how her semblance works like the dirty bitch he is!
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Blake somersaults over him-
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-KICKS-him back in the best pic I could get, because it happens in like a MICROSECOND-
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-to a Yang Xiao Long that’s RARING to go with her shaunt-gauntlets-
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-AND YANG KNOCKS HIM BACK...trust me, she did, this fight has a LOT of quick action and getting the pics I want is a nightmare.
The battle is INTENSE y’all, either way Blake gets ENOUGH distance-
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-to get her partially broken gunsword back-
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-tttttttttttthrows it over to fuckface magee-
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-OOH-but he blocks it, no goal for you Blake-BUT-
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-YANG GETS CONTROL OF THE BLADE-they may just make this count-
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-she flings her over withe classic “infinitely stretchy band of stretchiness” to INITIATE-
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-OOH-knock back on both sides-
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-Adam lands on his feet while Blake-
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-OOH-she got crackle folks, we’re nearing the endgame (copyright Marvel studios...nah just kidding, RWBY’s a DC property). It ALSO almost knocks her off the cliff-
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...I feel there’s a joke about a cat poster I can make here, but I’m not sure if right now is the right time to say it.
Yang is of course READY to save her-
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-WHILE giving Adam an obvious deathglare for obvious reasons(MURDER HIM).
SADLY though Adam uses his greatest power of all-
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Adam: MOMENT of truth Yang, do you think your faster than you were at Beacon?
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EMOTIONAL manipulation( MURDER HIM, MURDER HIM). ALSO-sorry for the arrows, they wouldn’t go away and I couldn’t edit them out without ruining the gravitas of the shot.
Then a punch, A KICK, Yang’s on the ropes, will her aura hold out? CAN BLAKE HANG ON?!
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OOH-apparently she can! MAN-the endurance these young women had, she lost a forcefield and now she’s climbing a MOUNTAIN, made of STEEL that one!
Adam than acts like the most OBVIOUS psycho-ex ever-
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Adam: What does she even SEE in you?!
Yang: A person who doesn’t let their psychological baggage be an excuse to be an abuser!
Blake: Someone in my own age group who isn’t a creep who peaked his senior year of High school!
Adam then uses MOONSLASH on Yang but if you don’t know our girl-
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Yang: Gotcha.
-you’d know it’d be NOT very effective y’all-SUPER SAYAIN YANG ACTIVATE!
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FUCK YEAH-punch him OUT!
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-AND HE GOT THE CRCKLE Y’ALL-its aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallmost over!
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OOH-but so does Yang, BUT she’s got his sword so ADVANTAGE Bumbleby!
EITHER WAY-everyone’s running on fumes, its SUDDEN DEATH SMASH TIME Y’ALL!
And dear lord...its amazing-
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-Yang THROWS that shit off a cliff-
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-Adam goes after it-
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Yang: Wait I saw you climb UP the mountain, how’d you get back there-
Blake: WHATEVER-let’s kill this guy!
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She sees the broken sword at her feet-
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-she grabs ONE half-
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-Yang graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabs the other-
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Yang: RAH!
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Blake: EYAH!
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-gives themselves a tender cry scene while both promise to be there for each other. DAMN that was a fight scene, emotion, action, DEATH, I love this show!
Blake: *SNIFF* I just really really-REALLY-hope he stays dead!
Yang: Don’t worry, he can’t get maiden powers so he’s gone for good.
Blake: I love you babe.
Yang: I love you to.
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-CORDO-dealing with the consequences of her actions in MORE ways than one!
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Nubuck: HEY UH M’AM-
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-Godzillallegory is on the horizon- 
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- and it brought a BUNCH of friends, we could REALLY use the giant Collossus mech made SPECIFICALLY for fighting giant Grimm!
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Cordo:...I am SO fired.
AND THAT’S ep 12, SEE YOU...in 2 SECONDS for the next Micksterecap as this is a DOUBLE feature!
The FINALE starts off WITH-
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-with a VERY nice airship! Look at that woodwork, now THAT is craftsmanship! The ship opens TO REVEAL-
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-NEO-and her SNAZZY new look! Look at that jacket, just FULL of snazz! SPEAKING OF SNAZZYNESS-
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-HOT DAMN-I never thought wearing a cape the wrong way could look GOOD but Cinder proved me wrong! After the minor fashion show-ITS SHIP SHIFTING TIME!
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Cinder:(DAMN I am im-PRESSED by this, SO glad we’re friends now!)
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We get it Neo, your semblance is OP, QUIT SHOWIN’ OFF!
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Either way, our girls are looking fly as hell and are READY to fight Team FWBYQOMJNR....NEXT volume. Yeah, turns out it was one of THOSE build-ups where its for next season. I know, I’m pissed of too.
But enough about that-A CUT TO-
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GOJIRA-slowly making his way to Tokyo bay to REEK ATOMIC TERROR!
This is the time when one could REALLY use a giant robot with a laser canon-
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-if not for the fact that a senile old racist wasted it on minor offenders like a crazy person.
After the team realizes that they had a SLIGHT hand in ruining Argus’ defenses against a kaiju level threat, they decide to FLY OFF! Right before CORDOVIN-
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“This is YOUR fault, your fault....
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-ADMITS her own guilt in this to herself! Didn’t expect character development from her, NOW all she has to do is apologize to Blake for casual racism and it’ll be AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL good!
MEANWHILE-on the ship-
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-Blake apologizes for her psycho Ex stalking them, ALL while only her, Yang, Nora and Maria(off panel) are sitting down. YOU ARE IN A PLANE-I do not believe that they are hogging all the seats!
Despite the obvious chaos, Maria basically suggests this-
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Maria: Okay...what if we just BAIL?!
Maria:...YEAH I know, gotta be superheroes and what-not, I just REALLY want Cordo to die.
They then all decide to get up close and personal with the thing, Ren and Jaune plan to do their combo move a.k.a. the ONLY semblance Jaune will boost this season-BUT THEN-the monster resurfaces!
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Look it up bitches. Its ALSO at this point that Mrs.Terra Cotta-Arc-
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-regrets recent life choices that inadvertently lead to her brother in-law and his entourage to destroying Argus’s last defense...also what’s up with that girl in the background? The one with the diamond logo and the bare mid-riff? She a superhero or something? If so...GET TO WORK-there’s a monster to fight!
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AW-she’s there for her family and...I’m sorry I just can’t get over that background character’s design, I mean LOOK AT HER-does she have ANY hips to speak of?! I know its just a background character, but STILL bad design.
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-THE SHIELDS GO UP-which I’m sure won’t be damaged at all!
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SEE-look at that, COMPLETELY impenetrable!
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BAM-even blocks the beast’s elemental attack, NOTHING can break this shie-
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...w...WAIT A MINUTE-the SHIELDS are impenetrable but the pylons MANAGING the shields AREN’T?! That is...a HUGE design flaw, DAMMIT CORDOVIN, this is what you get for spending your defense budget on your Gundam hobby!
This is when everybody just wants to get the HELL out of there but Ruby calls it in-
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Ruby: EVERYBODY-me and my scrappy team of rogues is gonna take on that beast, we JUST need you to back us up!
Nubuck: UH-no thank you, we’re nameless soldiers in a fantasy story, WE KNOW what happens to us in this situation!
Either way Ruby is ready to use her magical laser eyes to slow down the beast, by her OWN dang self!
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Ruby: Fine, we’ll do it alone if we have to.
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Ruby: Let me repeat, I-A SIXTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL-am going to fight a monster ALL by myself...with NO military support...alone.
Look at Cordo, see the GUILT emanating from her!
Either way the plan is set-SUPER TEAMWORK COMBO-
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-EMOTION MASK TIMES TWO! Seriously, the ONLY semblance he enhances this season.
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They then fly undetected through the chaos while ONE plane gets hit! Exactly ONE...no lie, maybe this army isn’t as bad as I thought if only one plane got knocked down so far.
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After just NARROWLY avoiding the blast-
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-the beast takes out the SECOND barrier due to the worst design flaw in the world-
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-DESTROYING THE TOP TO EXACTLY ONE BUILDING! DAMN-lucky Argus, this is a generally destruction free monster attack!
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OOOH-but also RIGHT at the moment Ren and Jaune get crackle, CLOAKS DOWN PEOPLE-cloak is DOWN!
But have no fear-OUR LEADER HAS A PLAN!
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Weiss:...giant bee?
Yang: You rang?
Blake: Oh YOU!
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Nora and Yang give cover fire while Blake just...stands there, because her weapon broke. Hey, sometimes your ex smashes your gun-sword in half, it happens.
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SEE BLAKE-you just upgraded yourself to Weiss...holder, way to seize the initiative and HOLD THAT WEISS!
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Ruby: I know this is stressful but riding a giant bee is still FREAKING AWESOME!
Yang: Aw man, I wanted to fly next.
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Rubalubes than squares up with the great beast and then-
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-throws that PESKY earpiece RIGHT into the ocean...because turning it OFF is impossible apparently(freakin’ Atlas tech, TOO many design flaws). Either way-CLIP SHOW TIME!
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What NICE memories, nothing that would trigger feelings of doubt which would mess with her hea-
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SHIT-memories of the dead almost girlfriend-SHIFT FOCUS!
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YES-memories of the vomit boy-FOCUS ON THAT!
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Focus focus focus FOCUS!
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Stay calm, STAY calm-
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-AND she’s boned.
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The beast is in her sights, her powers aren’t working, only ONE thing that can save her now!
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Ruby: JINN!
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Yang: Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuubyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
DEUS EX MACHINA-because TELEVISION! Also really wish I could show the illusion of time slowing down better in simple pictures
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Pouty Jinn is pouty. Either way she tells her that she’ll only allow her to summon her this this ONE time without asking a question.
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Jinn: I must admit, this WAS clever.
Ruby: Heh, yeah, to be FAIR I wasn’t sure if you ACTUALLY slowed down time, or if that was like a “Bill Cipher” style illusion, but yeah I’ll have a real question next time.
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Time re-starting is ALSO hard to show with still pictures.
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You enjoying this so far? You COULD be re-watching the show instead of a slow clip-show of it but O-kay!
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Yes, GOOD memories of Pyrrha, GOOD ones!
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OH YEAH-she’s still in front of a monster! DAMN-that’s a good timestop, full on ZA WARUDO!
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That’s right, good memory of Penny, DON’T PSYCHE OUT!
And just when you thought they weren’t gonna hit us with a feelsbomb-
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SUMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER! ALSO-confirmation that Ruby knew what her mom looked like, I wasn’t sure as she died when Rubes was REALLY yong, either way HUZZAH! ALSO-this shot-
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Summer’s eyes-
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Bless you Casey Williams, BLESS you!
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Look at the well designed background characters being showed off by Rooster Teeth, THEY ARE PLEASED! Also, look at that glasses wearing mother fucker in the purple jacket, he a WIZARD or something? We coulda used a WIZARD y’know, just saying.
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Nubuck1: YEAH-that girl we refused to help stopped the beast!
Nubuck2:...are we terrible at our jobs?
Nubuck3: Just shut up and keep cheering!
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Ruby then marvels at the site of a major city that SURVIVED a kaiju-class Grimm attack for once-BUT ALL IS NOT WELL-
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Ruby: DAMMIT-I meant to fire DISINTEGRATING beams, not FREEZING!
Maria: I now, its LITERALLY the most fickle super power.
But worry not-FOR ALL IS NOT LOST!
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Ruby:...okay, thanks for the help, but HOW did you rip your mech’s arm off?
Cordo: HM?! Oh nothing fancy-
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Ruby:...why the HELL didn’t you use that on us before?
Cordo: Honestly I forgot it was there...as well as SEVERAL functions on this mech. Really I shouldn’t be in charge of anything.
Either way-
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-she drills the FUCK out of that thing! KILL IT! KILL IT WITH SPINNING!
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Man, that’s some NICE dusting! 
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Once again, the background characters are pleased, including lady hipless over there! Oh lady hipless, I will NEVER understand you.
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And even 2/3rds of the Cotta-Arc household are completely enjoying it, while Terra is REALLY hoping this mess won’t come back to her.
Ruby then thanks AND apologizes to Cordo because she’s a NICE young lady, while Cordo gives her team the go ahead to fly out tho Atlas. DOESN’T make up for her mean comment to Blake, BUT progress is progress.
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-BEAUTIFULLY PAINTED CLOUDS! MAN this show loves to show off and I LOVE IT!
INSIDE the ship-
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Ruby’s mentors give her WELL deserved props and Qrow celebrates BY-
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-NOT drinking! GOOD ON YOU Qrow, PROGRESS!
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The mentors than have a NICE quick moment.
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Maria: For a depressed drunk, you make a great uncle and huntsman.
Qrow: That is...LITERALLY the best compliment you can give me.
Speaking of sweet moments-
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FUCK YEAH-hand holding! Now let them KISS dammit!
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-RUBY deflects praise like a body does, EVEN points out how Oscar landed a clean crash...OR DID HE?!
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Oscar: I...DIDN’T land the plane on my own.
YUP-Ozpin helped him, in a scene that’s BASICALLY this-
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Oz: The force Oscar, USE the force!
The team briefly discuss the fact that their creepy wizard principal is most DEFINITELY spying on them before Qrow points out-
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THE UNIVERSITY OF CAROLINA IN THE SK-I mean-THE CITY OF ATLAS! Anyone...old enough to get that reference? Scott Pilgrim? Its a story about a guy who dates a 17 year old, dumps her for someone cooler, and we’re supposed to see him as the hero? WEIRDLY good read despite the what the synopsis will make you believe.
We also briefly see-
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-THE UNDERCITY OF MANTLE...which...looks like its near an active volcano I think! NO WAIT I see, that’s where the floating city came from...still feel BAD for the poor people of Mantle though.
Either way, they get up there and EVERYTHING is fi-
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-ZOOP military blockade, never mind. And we end the adventure of Team RWBYQOMJNR with a MYSTERIOUS line-
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Voice: Manta 5-1, welcome home.
Oooooooh, Weiss is in TROUBLLLLLLLE!
And that’s it for them, credits start rolling-NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVERMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE- and then a we get a TEASER because Joss Whedon!
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Mercury: I like being depressed in here, it makes me look DEEP!
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Emerald also walks in to slightly foreshadow her defection from the Legion of Doom but notices how FREAKED he is...why?
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Cause Salem’s making flying MONKEYS that’s why! We ALSO-get a Hazel cameo!
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Hazel: There’s an old saying, if you want something done right-
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-do it yourself.
WELL-team RWBY’s boned. EITHER WAY, a fantastic season, personally I feel episode 12 had better finale energy than episode 13, BUT outside of a malfunctioning force field still good. I’m also KINDA mad that Neo and Cinder, and pretty much EVERY member of Salem’s faction didn’t get many times to really shine, BUT there’s always next season! 
AND WITH THAT-I’l see you either next season of RWBY, or on my Gen:Lock recaps on MICKSTERECAP! Peace out folks.
18 notes · View notes
lovebunnie · 6 years
Do all the asks coward
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1. what does your wallet look like?
-i got it as a present from my uncle for christmas and its really expensive but also so ugly im sorry uncle tom. its like that ‘southern fashion’ bullshit that white MAGA moms wear. but it was better than my old wallet, which looks like this and i got when i was 12:
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2. favorite color?
- baby pinnk
3. do you own a pride flag, or more than one?
-heres the thing: my parents basically know im not straight but i havent told them. my brother has thought i was a lesbian since freshman year, i have a small pride pin on my backpack, ive never been on a date, its complicated. but no, i dont have one. maybe one day, hopefully.
4. describe your favorite outfit
-black pants, platform doc martens, hoodie under a jean jacket, one clip on earring, and holding my crushes hand :]
5. when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter, and what’d she do?
-okay so theres this girl in my theatre class who is really cute, and she put her head on my shoulder and shes pagan so she drew a little sigil on my arm that means “safe and homely” so like :)))))))))))))
6. do you use nail polish?
-i do, i mostly do black tho
7. do you keep organized?
-absolutely. i have things online filed accordingly, i pick out my outfits the day before, my binders are neat, i learned how to army fold my shirts, i keep my shit CLEAN
8. ever take naps?
-only accidentally. ill be laying in bed watching youtube and next thing you know my autoplay has me watching a markiplier video even tho i dont like him and its 4 hours later
9. who was your first crush?
-idk if this is a real person or not so ill do both. my first fake person crush was either troy from high school musical or frankie stein from monster high. and my first real crush was on a boy named dominic in elementary school. i told him i liked him at the end of 5th grade because i thought i was switching schools but then i didnt and we never spoke again.
10. what are your crush tendencies? fall hard or often?
-both both both. i am the worst with crushes. i have crushes all the time because im romantic and a fucking fool. i have 3 crushes off the top of my head rn and i like them all for different reasons. thats not to say that i want to date them, but its that i like them a lot and i kinda wanna kiss their cheek or hold their hand idk
11. describe your ideal day
-play overwatch with my best friend (u gonble >:) ) then hang out with my cat, go get a smoothie, buy some cool shoes or something, take a shower and be asleep by 9 :,)
12. describe your ideal date
-i have stated that build a bear is an amazing first date and im NOT BACKING DOWN. ITS CUTE AS FUCK AND ILL ACCEPT NOTHING LESS!!
13. whats your favorite food?
-either sushi or strawberries :3c
14. who do you feel most comfortable around?
-my theatre class, people from camp, and gobble
15. what is your favorite compliment to receive?
-i dont have a favorite, any and all are going to make my face go red so i have to cover it and maybe make me cry
16. did you/do you like highschool?
-the first 3 years fucking sucked but senior year has been amazing so far. mostly because i just kinda stopped giving a fuck but its amazing
17. favorite animal?
-i think its cats now. i really like cats
18. do you like your name?
-eh, its okay. its pretty but also it seems like there are 60 million fucking people named grace and its so annoying. i wish it was something more unique idk
19. what kind of weather is your favorite?
-a light rain. no swinging trees or thunder, just lots of rain. its nice to stay inside and feel secure
20. do you believe in horoscopes?
-absolutely not. but theyre fun if you like them
21. tell us about your music taste
-its horrific. to sum it up, my two favorite musicians are the gorillaz and frank sinatra. take from that what you will
22. have you had your first kiss? if so, what was it like?
-i havent had my first kiss yet. gonna be honest, i felt like i was going to, a few times at camp and recently when classes ended. but yeah, nothing yet
23. did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a kid?
-i went thro cycles of favorites. but one ive had for years is a plush shadow the hedgehog from universal studios i got when i was 6. i used to carry him around, even to a pool once
24. what time do you usually wake up and go to bed?
-if you know me, you know i go to bed ridiculously early. i usually get tried at around 6pm and fall asleep between 7:45 and 8:30. and i always wake up before 6 am. i havent slept past 6 am continuously since the end of junior year. please help me
25. what dream trip would you take with your wife?
-maybe to go explore new york, just the two of us that sounds like fun :]
26. do you have any pets?
-i have 2 dogs and a cat. the family owns the dogs but that cat is mine
27. what pair of underwear is your favorite?
-uhhhhhhhhhhh i have some with rainbows that are cool? i dont have favorites, none of them are cute anyway
28. what makes you smile?
-funny jokes make me smile real hard, and if you compliment me at the right time, i kind of pull my legs up and hide my face? its cute and charming i promise
29. what makes you feel heavy?
-in both the physical and metaphorical sense, eating bread
30. what makes you feel better?
-watching bo burnham always makes me feel better, hes my go to whenever im really depressed
31. how do you show your love?
-i show my love in everything i do. everything i do is for love, i love love so much its sickening
32. when is it time to get a haircut?
-whenever u want to lol?
33. where would you live if you could live anywhere?
-maybe san francisco, its beautiful and i love the city
34. do your friends and family take good care of you?
-as much as i allow them to. sometimes i go days without communicating and i know thats annoying but my friends put up with it (they shouldnt have to, i know) and my family is okay. its cliche to say, but they honestly dont understand what im going thro alot of the times, esp with my anxiety and shit
35. have you always used the labels you use now?
-back in the beginning of highschool, i used they/them pronouns and identified as asexual/aromantic. eventually, it didnt feel right, so i know identify as cis and bisexual and that feels right to me
36. what makes you laugh?
-my friends, when people shit talk gobble and i in overwatch even tho???? we didnt know him?????? and the mcelroys always get me
37. who is your favorite fictional character?
-too many options, see list here
38. who do yo admire?
-my father when hes not threatening to throw my phone into a fucking lake and my friends for putting up with me
39. describe yourself in three words
-i am baby
40. how long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 
-usually about 45 min, more or less as each day goes
41. what do you wish you could tell your younger self?
42. what would you do if you win the lottery?
-get my parents settled, see about other family members, and then distribute the money to charities accordingly, starting with flint and getting them water
43. would you call yourself a romantic?
44. what is your gayest childhood memory?
-my mom had cosmos magazines
45. do you have tattoos or want any?
-i dont have any tattoos but ive been obsessed with them since the 6th grade. id love to get tattoos, i just dont know what or where and also im afraid of pain
46. whats your worst habit?
-either biting my thumbs, starving myself, or ghosting my friends. prob ghosting my friends
47. what are you proud of?
-i guess coming out of my shell finally? idk, i actually have friends now and it feels amazing tbh. im in 5 group chats now. i havent been in a group chat since 6th grade. :))))))
48. did you know that youre actually a gift to the world, for real?
-hi i love you?
49. whats your favorite memory?
-there are so so many. but what comes to mind first is our dance night at camp where we all stood outside and i finally gave ian my tumblr and we all ran inside to dance to mr. brightside then ran outside again and we requested nightcore and rivers was fucking dancing their hearts out and we all sang along and im going to crying just typing this out
50. do you have a sweet tooth?
-i guess so. too much makes me feel like shit but i do really enjoy smarties
51. what do you like most about yourself?
-this is dumb, but my sense of style. since i got a job ive been wearing shit i actually like and its amazing. ill admit i have cool clothes
52. what makes you fall for a girl?
-besides acknowledging me, probably getting to know me and not like, putting me on a pedestal. idk its weird, ive met a lot of people this year who like to place me so high it feels like i cant make a mistake around them without disappointing them. idk, i want someone to call me out on my bullshit instead of assuring me im okay. i want to know what i do wrong so i can fix it
53. make a recommendation
-for what? uhh okay for music, listen to ‘clay pigeons’ by michael cera (yes i know michael cera) and for television, watch bojack horseman and for movies, watch the docuseries called ‘7 days out’ on netflix
54. have you ever had your heart broken?
-yeah, when i broke up with maddy because we werent ready to date. i cared and continue to care about her and i didnt want to hurt her but i knew its what we both needed. its what i needed, atleast. and i cant be a good girlfriend if i feel like im doing badly. but also ive had friends break my heart and family break my heart. but im okay now, this heart is ready to be broken again
55. when do you feel most yourself?
-def when i was at camp, that place is magical in the way it allows you to be yourself. but also when i talk to gobble because hes my best friend and when im at college, we can talk more and its gonna be dope as shit
56. name a gorgeous celeb
-jake gyllenhaal jake gyllenhaal jake gyllenhaal 
57. what are some of your favorite songs this week?
-fake happy by paramore, im not okay (i promise) by my chemical romance, tomorrow comes today by gorillaz
58. tell us 2 or your biggest hopes and fears
-biggest hopes: i publish a book someday & i get a job doing something i love
-biggest fears: i end up homeless and broke & something horrific happens in college
59. what flavor chapstick/lipbalm is the best?
-raspberry i guess
60. are you okay?
-i answered a lot more honestly then i shouldve for some of these and i start new classes tomorrow so im feeling really anxious so im doing alright i guess.
gobble you test me but i do love you
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Time for a Badly Written Out Omo Story!
So, remember how I said that I have tons of stories? Well, here’s one.
So, this story is me in marching band. A bit of info: tall dark-skinned girl, with curly hair that reached my shoulders and was often pulled into a puff ball. Tomboy, always wearing sweats/jeans and flannel. On this typical day however, I was not the person in dire need for a toilet. My friend was.
Let’s call her Angie. Tiny Hispanic girl without a lick of an accent unless speaking Spanish. She had long, curly/wavy hair, brown eyes, glasses, and barely stood past 5’0” at this point in time. Average body, she wasn’t overweight but wasn’t skinny either. Just a bit of pudgy belly that’s honestly adorable.
A bit more information about her: Angie typically, by some ungodly reason can go an entire school day without so much as a glance at a bathroom. I would know, I’ve known her for 7 years and she’s only urgently needed one about 6 or 7 times. So, to see her desperate is a godsend.
So, for this story, we were in high school. I’ll add that we’re both instrumentalists and thus played in our school’s marching band, her playing the clarinet while I played the trumpet. We typically did a football game for our high school varsity team once a week, while almost every week we had a competition. Then there were “double-headers”, where we would have both a football game and a competition in one day.
On this day, reporting time was 9am in the morning. Me being the good friend that I am, I call Angie and asked if she wants a coffee, because I’m on my way getting one. She said yes, got her a large. Got to school and she finishes it within ten minutes. No big deal, it was expected. We all arrive and go through today’s agenda: away football game in 2 hours, leave during halftime, arrive at competition, get home by midnight.
Not really surprised, honestly I expect it. Buses get there at 12:30, so we have a bit of time in between after a couple run-throughs. We get food, with her buying an iced tea and a water to wash the sugar out of her mouth. Both the water and tea are gone within an hour, and by the time we’re scheduled to leave we camp out in front of the school, waiting for the buses to arrive.
Did I mention that it’s incredibly hot on this day? Did I also mention how shitty the band uniforms are? Our uniforms are thick enough to trap heat inside in the summer, yet not thick enough to act as insulation in the winter. The band parents pass out water to all of us, Angie grabbing a couple.
Finally, the buses arrive. The school is roughly about a half hour away, and I sit with Angie. Normal conversation, nothing out of the ordinary. It’s at the tail end of the bus ride that I notice her a bit tenser than usual, wincing when zipping up the band uniform (they don’t stretch at all; sitting down in them is a pain because it typically just cuts into your body). “Are you okay?” I asked.
She blushed a bit. “I’m fine.”
I left it at that. Didn’t pry, didn’t ask. We finished changing and after the bus stopped, got off and heading to the game. For away games, we perform before the game unless a special request is made (such as the away team not having a marching band or some sort of halftime show), so we were asked to fill in for them. We warm up and get on the bleachers, not really allowed to play because we’re using the show as our warmup for the competition later that night.
I sit with Angie, and she’s quiet. A lot more than usual. She’s also a lot tenser than earlier, not saying anything and simply keeping to herself. “Are you sure everything’s okay?” I ask.
Allow me to describe the field. It’s fucking huge and a bit of a ways away from the high school, so there’s concession stands and bathroom (read: port-o-potties) on both sides. Today just so happens to be this high school’s Senior Day, so it’s packed with families and whatnot. She’s sweating bullets so, in concern and curiosity, I ask her, “Do you need something to drink?”
She stiffens immediately and vigorously shakes her head before stammering, “No! I mean, I…I’m good. I had a bit of water earlier when we first sat down.”
No, she didn’t. She hadn’t had anything since the bus ride, and I know the large coffee, iced tea, water bottle, and two smaller bottles of water earlier were starting to go through her. So, I decide to be a bit of a bitch and ask, “I had a lot to drink, I’m gonna head to the bathroom. Do you need to go?”
I can’t even begin to tell you how many emotions went through her eyes when I said that, and that right there told me that her bladder was, if not full, at the very least filling up enough to be of mild concern. Part of her wanted to say yes, while the other wanted to stay put. Guess what side won out?
“I’m fine. I don’t need to go.” Lies, but I left it there and went to the bathroom. Admittedly, if she had gone one of us would’ve been shit out of luck because I left to go pee around the middle of the first quarter, and the marching band leaves during the middle of the second quarter to warm up and prepare to march onto the field. I get back right as we are packing up to head onto the track surrounding the field, and Angie looks worse for wear. Typically, she’s a lot more hyper, but right now she’s quiet as hell and keeping to herself.
As we’re walking onto the field the band parents are handing us cups of water to drink before we go onto the field (right now it’s about 85 degrees, or roughly 29 in Celsius) and they won’t let us go until we finish it, so we do. Angie takes hers like it’s a damn shot and chucks the cup in the trash before putting on a face, marching to her section.
So, from that point we’re simply warming up, playing parts of the show, etc. About two minutes left on the scoreboard we stand on the track, waiting for the players to be done with the first half so we can perform. We march on in a block, with it going by grade: seniors, juniors, etc. Angie’s standing next to me, and she’s fidgeting. It looks more like her being impatient, but to the trained eye it’s clear she’s feeling full. She’s shifting from foot to foot just a tad while fiddling with her clarinet.
Finally, we perform, and let me tell you, our show this year had a TON of kneeling, running, etc. Keep in mind earlier I said how our uniforms don’t stretch, so the material digs into your skin. The show is eight minutes long, and after we perform we march off to load the buses immediately and to use the bathroom when we get to the next high school. We get on the bus, and drive to the next school.
Now, this ride is about 45 minutes long. Angie is clearly fidgety; she’s rocking back and forth and has her hands somewhat in her lap. I ask her again if she’s okay and she insists that she is. Then we hit a hard, hard bump and she gasps out loud before clawing at her uniform, saying she’s hot and wants a bit of fresh air before we march again. Okay, fair, I don’t pry.
Halfway there, re run into traffic. She’s being way too obvious at this point, and I simply watch in silence while increasingly growing turned on. We get there an hour later, having barely enough time to get ready to perform. We’re told that we’ll use the bathrooms after, which is not going to end well; we’re the third to last band, so we can’t wander too far because the second band just gets to the sidelines while the last band performs. We quickly put our instruments away and the vast majority of kids haul ass to the bathrooms or getting food. Angie and I are captains, so we straggle behind to make sure everything’s okay with our respective sections. All five of the kids in her section hands her their clarinet so that they can rush to the bathroom (she’s known for never needing the bathroom, so they just assumed), and she’s squirming like hell. Her legs are crossed and she just can’t seep to get comfortable. By this point in time, it’d be stupid to rush to the bathroom because everybody is already in line, so she’d have no chance in getting in one until after the awards.
Finally, everybody comes back. Her section takes their instruments from her, and the second they do I notice her frantically unzip her uniform (it’s two layers, a jacket over an overall-type pants that zip up in the front) and sighing in relief. It’s still warm out, so the band parents once again hand out cups, and she once again chugs it.
Boring part of it is sitting through awards. She sat near family so I didn’t really get a good look at her, but the awards lasted for about 75 minutes before we closed (about 16 bands performed, and there were a lot of awards and scores such as best drumline, best color guard, etc.), so we ended roughly on schedule (we got to the football game before around 1ish, the game started at 2, we performed at 4:30, left at 5:15, got stuck in traffic until 7:30, performed at 8:10ish, last band performed at 10:15, awards started at 10:45, and ran until midnight).
I finally meet up with Angie who’s looking entirely too anxious to leave. “I’m hungry,” she says to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me from the crowd. “Can we get food?”
I know why she wants to go. The bathrooms are right next to the concessions. Luckily, we need to leave right away because it’s so late, so the band parents had already brought food for us to eat. We grab food and drinks and board the bus again. Of course, people are being asses and using chairs as tables for plates so there are less seats. I let Angie sit in my lap as we sit by the window.
In order for both of us to be comfortable I basically wrap my arms around her so that she stays steady, which means putting pressure on her bladder. The moment I do this she winces and crosses her legs tightly (by this point we’re out of uniform, both of us in shorts and a t-shirt). I say nothing for the most part.
About five minutes in, she gets a phone call with her parents asking me to take her home. Sure, I don’t mind. We’re gonna get home after 1 in the morning, so I didn’t mind in the slightest. But that meant waitng even longer, because I typically help unpack everything, and that takes about twenty minutes.
Anyway, another few minutes pass and she begins to tremble on and off. There’s times she’s still yet tense, other times she’s squirming like fuck. She slips a bit after a bump, and I naturally tense my arms to catch her. I push a decent amount on her bladder, and she gasps loudly while grabbing herself.
“Are you sure you’re fine?” I ask. “It looks like you need to…”
“Don’t say anything,” she cuts me off as she rips her hands away. “I’m…fine…” this is said while she’s tense as fuck and rocking back and forth in my lap.
I shrug, smirking. “Do you mind handing me my water, then?”
Of course, that fucks with her hard. She grabs it out of my bag and moans, “Oh, fuck,” from feeling the condensation, tossing it onto the seat next to us. She grabs herself again and wheezes, “Fuck, I need to pee damn it!”
Finally! With her saying it she finally gives in, whimpering while rocking her hips back and forth. She’s grinding into me pretty hard, rubbing against me every so often to work me up pretty damn good. “How much time left before we get to the school?” she whispers.
“About a half hour left.”
That only seems to make her need to go more, as she clutches herself. I sit there, not knowing what to say until a few moments later she goes, “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”, grabs my hand and places it over her crotch, pressing her hands over mine while grinding into it.
Cue me overwhelmingly horny and turned on beyond belief at this point. I’d never thought I’d see the day where Angie’s dying for a piss, yet here she is, grinding into my hand while sitting in my lap. Unconsciously, I begin massaging her with the palm of my hand while relishing the sight in front of me.
Allow me to tell you how the hell we didn’t get caught. It was dark as hell inside the bus, and we were near the very back. Plus, the majority of kids were already knocked out from exhaustion. We’d only get caught if someone heard or was looking for it.
Here we are, with her grinding into my moving hand when I feel a spurt against my fingers. She moans and curls into a ball, rocking her hips harder. “Help, please,” she pleads.
Well, she asked.
Instantly I pull her against me even more and tilt her head to mine, kissing her. At first she’s understandably shocked to hell and back, but after a desperate grunt she kisses back. I rub my hand faster against her, making sure to get enough friction through her shorts.
I move from her lips and begin kissing her neck, urging her to keep quiet. She grabs at my legs and cocks her head to the side to give me more access, biting her lip. Did I ever mention that she’s bi, and we’ve had a crush on each other for the longest time? At this point we’ve had unresolved sexual tension like you wouldn’t believe, hence this situation happening like it did.
Anyway, after a lot of heavy petting I decide to risk it and slip my hand underneath her shorts into her slick folds, rubbing her clit while putting a bit of pressure on her bladder to see how she responds. She shivers and grinds harder into my hand, whispering words in Spanish. “Si bebe, no te atrevas a parar.” So, I keep going.
I never fully bring her over the edge because I don’t want her to cum and accidentally lose it, plus it’s just too good to be true for me and I don’t want it to end. By the time we get back to the school she’s leaked a couple more times and can’t keep a hand from between her legs, whether it’s mine or hers. I help pack everything away, with her standing to the side squirming and shuffling around.
I rush a bit and finish five minutes early, hurrying her to the car. Angie lives about ten minutes from the school so it’s not horrible, but right then and there it felt way too short. So, I stop for gas. It’s at this point that she’s on the verge of tears and is frantic as fuck in the car; both hands between her legs, legs moving back and forth, constant crossing and re-crossing, whimpers and moans, and so on. By the time I pull off she gasps again, louder than ever. “I can’t hold it, I’m gonna go, I’m gonna pee!” she whines, looking around as if there’s something she can go in.
“You better not piss in my car,” I warn.
She moans again and rips her shorts down, as if to squat down. “Don’t you fucking dare,” I growl. She finally lifts her shorts back up and continue holding it in, but now I hear steady, sharp leaks. By the time I get her to her house she’s so full it’s insane. She steps out of the car, makes it two steps and the damn bursts. She moans loudly it concerns me, until I notice the HUGE mess. A puddle already is forming, and she looks so relieved.
She takes about two minutes to finish, before inviting me inside and us finally sleeping together. 
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turningpagebooks · 6 years
BLOG TOUR - Q&A AND EXCERPT: “I Do Not Trust You” by Laura J. Burns and Melinda Metz
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Laura J. Burns and Melinda Metz, authors of Sanctuary Bay and the Edgar-nominated mystery series Wright and Wong, are back with a story that features their signature plot twists and uneasy ever-changing alliances. I DO NOT TRUST YOU is a thrilling journey at every turn that asks – what would you do to save the ones you love?
Memphis "M" Engel is stubborn to a fault, graced with an almost absurd knowledge of long lost languages and cultures, and a heck of an opponent in a fight. In short: she's awesome. Ashwin “Ash” Sood is a little too posh for M's tastes, a little too good looking, and has way too many secrets. He desperately wants the ancient map M inherited from her archaeologist father, believing it will lead him to a relic with the power to destroy the world. M obviously can't trust him. Equally desperate to find the relic for reasons of her own, M forms an uneasy partnership with Ash.
From the catacombs of Paris, to a sacred forest in Norway, to the ruins of a submerged temple in Egypt, together they crisscross the globe in their search. But through it all, M can never be sure: Is she travelling with a friend or enemy?
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Who is one of your favourite female protagonists? What's one of your favourite books by a female author?
An oldie but a goodie: Elizabeth Bennet. Smart and self-aware, navigating an oppressive world with humor and optimism. We also love the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series by Laini Taylor. (So hard to narrow this down to a few!)
What was your favourite scene to write? What's the best thing about co-authoring a book?
We liked writing the scenes between M and Ash when they're getting to know one another. It's fun to create the sort of verbal sparring that shows them building a relationship while still not quite building trust.
The best thing about co-authoring a book is not having to write the whole thing yourself! It's fantastic to have somebody to share the work of plotting, writing, and solving problems.
Do you have any writing tips? Editing tips?
For writing--and this took us a long time to learn!--the best tip is simply to write. Get a draft done. Don't worry about it being good, just worry about it actually existing. Once you have a first draft, you can see what works and what doesn't, and you can revise. Revising is easy once you've got the whole thing in front of you.
We were both book editors before we became writers, which means we have so many tips for editing that the list would take forever to read! Be aware of small things like not repeating words or sentence structure. Be aware of big things like making sure your pacing doesn't drag. Remember to do the basics--check your spelling and grammar. Write down the timeline of your story and be sure it works. But most of all, trust your editor! You can edit the book yourself to the point that you consider it perfect, and yet your editor will still have notes. Pay attention to them. A fresh perspective on your writing is invaluable, and that's what an editor gives you.
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“You should’ve seen Miss Memphis here get into it with Nick last period,” Brianna said, squeezing in between M and Inez at their usual spot in the cafeteria. “She shut him down with her crazy ancient cultures voodoo.”
“He’s an ass. He’s lucky he’s hot,” their friend Ayana commented, waving her spork in Nick’s direction.
M shrugged. “I wouldn’t try to debate him in Physics. I just know more about Rome than he does.”
“What about AP Chem? Would you debate him in that?” Inez asked in a fake-serious voice. “Would you debate him in German class?”
“She’d debate him in German, in German,” Brianna joked. “And if he tried to fight back, she’d switch to Greek.”
M threw a French fry at her. “I can’t help it. I grew up speaking different languages.”
“And learning about pharaohs. And becoming well versed in the history of the Etruscan people,” Ayana said, putting on a fake accent that was probably supposed to be British. “Oh, and setting broken bones in the bush.”
 “That only happened once,” M muttered. Her friends laughed.
“Anyway, it was epic. Thanks,” Brianna said. “I can’t stand fighting with people, and Nick always goes after me.”
“He knows you hate it,” M pointed out. “That’s why he does it.”
“An ass, like I said.” Ayana shrugged.
“You think he’s coming to the party tonight?” Brianna asked.
“Probably. Everyone else is,” Inez replied. “Even Memphis.” M made a face. “Anything to get out of the house. Bob and Liza would expect me to play board games with them otherwise.” Her friends exchanged a glance. M winced. “No offense.”
“Oh, were you offending someone?” Nick piped up from behind her. “Good girl.”
Immediately Bri looked down, while Ayana rolled her eyes. Inez just smirked, glancing back and forth between M and Nick.
“I was not offending anyone. I only meant I don’t like parties,” M said. She didn’t bother to turn toward him. It didn’t matter; he inserted himself onto the bench next to her anyway. A little tingle ran up her spine as the scent of his co- logne hit her nostrils, spicy and warm.
“Mmm, they’re boring. Everyone talking about the prom or the senior trip or whatever. I’m over it,” Nick said.
Me too, thought M, wishing she didn’t agree with him. She loved her friends, but even they were all about high school. M just didn’t care. High school was nothing more than what she had to get through before she could leave. After the crash, after the shock of Bob and Liza becoming her guardians, she’d asked if she could go off to college early, either Boston University or the University of Sheffield in England. Both had the kind of archeology program she wanted and would’ve let her in with no questions. They knew her father. They knew high school was a waste of time for someone like her.
But her guardians said no. They said she needed stabil- ity and normalcy after losing her dad. Never mind that traveling the world and taking care of herself was normal for her. While she and Dad technically lived in Boston, she’d never spent more than a few months there during the school year. They traveled. Half the year spent on digs. She missed it.
“What’s with this thing, anyway? Is it to fight off bad guys?” Nick teased, finding an excuse to touch her. He reached for M’s collapsible bo staff, tucked in the inside pocket of her jacket like always. But before he touched it, be- fore his flirty smile registered in her mind, M had already grabbed his hand, twisted it back to the breaking point, and used the pain to push him off the cafeteria bench and onto the floor. With her other hand, she whipped out the stick and shoved it up against his throat.
M froze. He’s just hitting on you. Her friends were aghast, and everyone nearby watched, openmouthed. Nick’s eyes were wide with panic.
“Sorry.” M stood up, leaving Nick on the floor. “I’m really sorry.”
“Freak,” he muttered, climbing to his feet. He glanced around, noticing the barely concealed laughter from onlook- ers. “Jeez, I just wanted a fry,” he joked, as if he hadn’t been humiliated, then hurried out of the cafeteria.
“What. The. Hell?” Inez asked. “He was flirting with you and you beat him up!”
“I know.” M groaned, shoving her staff back into her pocket. “I didn’t mean to. It was just reflex.”
Her friends were silent. She’d freaked them out. Should she explain the years of self-defense and martial arts training? That she and Dad ended up in some rough places? Her friends lived in a city, they understood danger. Sort of. In a nice, upscale Boston kind of way.
M sighed. There was no point in trying to explain. Nobody understood her life.
“You kinda push all the guys away,” Brianna pointed out quietly. “Maybe not like that, but still . . .”
“I don’t do romance,” M replied. She was done with love, period. She’d loved her parents, and they were both gone. Love hurt too much. It was better to steer clear of it.
They all ate in silence for a minute.
“I mean, he is an ass,” Ayana said finally. And everybody laughed.
 M: You up?
MIKE: It’s a 12 hr time difference. Of course I’m up.
M: Like you never sleep in on weekends.
MIKE: Fine, your text woke me.
M: I don’t think that glyph is a lotus. It’s bending the wrong way.
MIKE: It has to be a lotus. If it’s not, the whole phrase is wrong.
M: The rest of the phrase never sat well with Nefertum anyway.
MIKE: Your dad said it was a lotus.
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LAURA J. BURNS and MELINDA METZ have written many books for teens and middle-grade readers, including Sanctuary Bay, Crave, and Sacrifice, as well as the Edgar-nominated mystery series Wright and Wong. They have also written for the TV shows ROSWELL, 1-800-MISSING, and THE DEAD ZONE. Laura lives in New York and Melinda lives in North Carolina, but really they mostly live on email, where they do most of their work together.
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itsjustascarecrow · 7 years
so. today marks a pretty special occasion for me. today officially marks the 5-year anniversary of the first LA Kings/hockey game i’ve ever been to. on Thursday, April 4th, 2013, my dad and i went to the Kings v. Wild game and saw Justin Williams score one minute and twenty nine seconds into the first period for what would eventually be the game-winning goal, as former Kings backup goaltender Jonathan Bernier posted a shutout.
so i’m making a post to sort of commemorate this achievement(? i guess you can call it that)--5 awesome years of being a hockey fan, and all the amazing games and events and players i’ve seen in these past 5 years.
first i’ll start w/ some totals (that do not include the game i’m going to tonight):
2012-13: 6 total (2 regular season, 4 playoff) 2013-14: 9 total (6 regular, 3 playoff) 2014-15: 8 total (all regular) 2015-16: 12 total (1 preseason, 10 regular, 1 playoff) 2016-17: 12 total (2 preseason, 10 regular)*’**
*2017 NHL All-Star Game (not included in total) **includes a non-LAK game (CBJ @ ANA)
AHL: ONT (6); BAK (2); CLE IWA SAR SDG (1)
2015-16: 4 total (2 regular, 2 playoff) 2016-17: 2 total (all regular)
2016-17: 1 (regular)
Goals Scored:
NHL: -Kings: total - 127 by season:  2012-13: 18  2013-14: 28 2014-15: 24 2015-16: 30 2016-17: 27
-Opponent: total - 109 by season: 2012-13: 10 2013-14: 26 2014-15: 16 2015-16: 26 2016-17: 31
**CBJ @ ANA: 4-0 CBJ final score (not included in any above totals)
AHL: -Reign: total - 13 by season: 2015-16: 8 2016-17: 5
-Opponent: total - 9 by season: 2015-16: 8 2016-17: 1
NWHL: -Pride: total - 4 -Riveters: total - 3
largest amount of goals scored by a single team: 6 (Kings x3, Stars x1) number of shutouts: 9 (includes all leagues: Kings x4, Sharks x1, Penguins x1, Blue Jackets x1, Condors x1, Reign x1)
Wins vs. Losses:
NHL: Kings: 26 Opponent: 20 by season: 2012-13: 5-1 2013-14: 5-4 2014-15: 5-3 2015-16: 7-5 2016-17: 4-7**
**does not include CBJ @ ANA
AHL: Reign: 4 Opponent: 2 by season: 2015-16: 2-2 2016-17: 2-0
NWHL: Pride: 1 Opponent: 0
there’s probably a hell of a lot more info number-wise i could put on here, like which individuals we’ve seen score the most for and against each team, etc., but honestly idk if i have the patience to figure that out, lmao. also i’m sure there’s plenty of games we’ve been to where so-and-so or what’s-his-face got a milestone goal/point/game career total but again, can’t be bothered to go back and look it up. for those who may want more info tho, here’s a post i made a while ago that i update regularly w/ all the games i’ve been to w/ a final score and the goal-scorers.
for real tho like. i don’t wanna get all sappy and shit and suddenly turn this post all emotional (just watch me do so anyway) but i honestly cannot express how much this sport means to me. like insert tragic backstory(tm) here and how hockey was what saved me and all that jazz but shit like. i mean yeah this shit’s got it’s ups and downs but at least whenever i get frustrating about personal stuff, i can distract myself w/ a game. or if the game’s pissing me off, at least i’m not focusing on all the shit going on in my personal life. b/c before i started watching, i really.. didn’t have much, kinda?? 
basically i went through a major bought of depression throughout 2012 which sorta peaked in early 2013 w/ stuff i’d rather not discuss here, but if my dad hadn’t taken me to that game 5 years ago, i honestly don’t know if i’d still be around today. i felt like i’d lost a lot. nothing interested me anymore. my favorite band at the time broke up when i felt like i’d already hit rock bottom. i had like no outlet for what little strong emotion i did feel at the time b/c otherwise i just felt empty. but when Justin Williams scored that goal a minute and twenty nine freaking seconds into that game, i knew that was it. that’s what sealed the deal for me. 
i had zero idea what to expect, even w/ my dad giving me a basic rundown of the roster and some basic rules about the game. like we watched the wild warm up (b/c that’s where our seats were) and my dad kept pointing out Zach Parise to me damn-near every time he skated past us b/c he’s a former UND alumni, as is like half my family on my dad’s side, but after a while it was like “okay dad, i get it. Zach Parise. UND. pretty cool,” lmao. and then the game starts and it was so quiet. like i’ve been to like a million high school football games, a good number of pro baseball games, and one pro basketball game, but all of them were.. well a hell of a lot louder, for one. like people were watching the game, but at the same time they weren’t. people in and out of their seats all the time, tons of idle chit-chat, etc. but when that first puck dropped, people sat down and shut up. they watched, like. really watched. and when Williams scored, the utter elation of the entire building (save the wild fans of course), the horn, the “hey hey hey!” chant complete w/ fist-pumping--it was just. i honestly can’t even describe it properly. but what i can say was that it was the first time in a looong time i felt genuinely happy. 
and here i am exactly 5 years later. going back to Staples for my 47th Kings game. and i like to think i’ve seen some pretty wild shit in these past five years. league rule changes that ultimately changed the entire ASG format, amazing players both leaving and joining the league (i.e. Teemu Selanne, Auston Matthews), the 2014 Olympics, a few All-Star games, and a World Cup, the first paid pro women’s league and the U.S. women’s team fight for equitable wages, the first transgender athlete to play pro hockey (i.e. the amazing and inspirational Harrison Browne), a freaking expansion team in Vegas. 
and speaking of Vegas, i went to the first ever hockey games held in the new arena, and while it wasn’t the result we wanted, at least i got to spent two nights in a row in the coolest new arena in town, plus i got to see 3 native players on the ice in one game on the second night vs. the Avalanche, which is probably more than any other team/match-up in this league could boast. and i could not have been more proud.
i was there for Andy Andreoff’s NHL debut where he got into a fight w/ Matt Hendricks in his first shift on the ice. 
i accidentally met Matt Greene’s parents b/c his mom happened to notice my dad was wearing his jersey and asked for a picture. 
i ran into Bob Miller outside Staples and he let me see his 2014 Stanley Cup Championship ring, the same night they raised the banner. 
the first time i saw my next favorite team, the Avalanche, was three years ago on the 2-year anniversary of my first Kings game, and i took @gofredthefish​ along for the ride. 
i stood and cheered and cried for Mike Richards and Justin Williams on their return to LA after both had signed w/ the Capitals. 
i was there to see Jonathan Quick’s epic scorpion kick save against Winnipeg three seasons ago (the night before we drove down to San Deigo so i could catch an Of Mice & Men concern, then drive back to LA the following day so i could catch a flight to Bismarck, ND to visit family for senior year spring break).
i jokingly put a “native curse” San Jose’s bench before warmups back in 2014 during the first round of the playoffs, the night the Kings started their reverse sweep (as well as it being Tyler Toffoli’s 22nd birthday).
the first shootout i ever saw went to the Blues, courtesy of Troy Brouwer’s goal in the 7th round.
sent our 2014 Olympians off on a high note w/ a 2-1 overtime win against the Blue Jackets where Robyn Regehr scored the gwg from right in front of where i was sitting.
went to my first game in Honda Center and the Ducks were gloriously shut out. (i was also one of maybe ten Blue Jackets fans in the entire building.)
saw Dwight King score on Marty Brodeur from the blue line, Alec Martinez score on the Avs twice on the same play, Milan Lucic’s first game in Staples Center as a King, got a video of the signature Nick Foligno/Sergei Bobrovsky Hug(tm)--twice, since they shut out the Ducks that one time, saw the home team get a 3-0 shutout in both my first NHL and AHL games, was there for the Luc Robitaille statue unveiling outside Staples, and stood less than 10 feet away from Cam Atkinson outside Staples before the 2017 ASG. 
i went to a Reign game where they knocked the San Diego Gulls out of the playoffs just a couple of weeks after i was released from the hospital after falling into a diabetic-induced coma (also i had a cold but i’ll be damned if i wasn’t gonna persevere).
i went to two separate You Can Play-sponsored LGBT+ Pride Nights for both the NHL and NWHL--and speaking of which, that particular NWHL Pride Night was my first ever women’s hockey game ever. and Boston kept their “undefeated since last january” record alive and well.
and the one moment that still makes me cry every time i think about it was when i saw Matt Duchene score his first goal of the season in 2015-16 in what would eventually be his first 30-goal season. i was sat in the second row right in front of where he threw himself into the glass in celebration, so i like to think we kinda celly’d together.
but best of all, i got to meet @hockeyacegrace earlier this season on Native American Heritage Night, and took @kylorenedict to the Kings’ opening night against the Flyers to kick off the 50-year anniversary of the First Expansion. and not to mention the many other wonderful friends i’ve made in this fandom, who also include (but are not limited to) @brandoncarlo, @jodrouin27, @sadchihuahua, @elzaechelon, @marianyossa, and @dominic-turgeon​. 
basically just. here’s to 5 gods damned years of selling my soul to this hell on ice. and gods damn it, here’s to 5 more.
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