#basically also my throat hurts like a bitch so i wanna be In Love With My Boys to distract myself
claritys-silly-things · 2 months
It’s that time again yall
Headcanons! It’s a long one this time
Emetophobia tw
- (I think I can classify this as modern) Rip sodapop curtis you would’ve loved saying “I’m just a girl 🎀”
- Soda never liked haircuts. When he was a small feral child his long hair would get tangled a lot, but he’s tender headed as FUCK so he would scream and cry when his momma brought the brush out. Darry put sodas hair into braids sometimes just for fun and soda didn’t mind bc it kept his hair from getting tangled, and then it didn’t hurt to brush. He’s always had really soft hair and it grows super fast.
- Jealous little soda asksjks (this was about soda being jealous over pony getting attention as a baby but I don’t wanna edit the original ramble I wrote down)
- When ponyboy was born he just kind of STARED. No crying or anything just 👁️👁️. Even Darry cried when he was born. Soda cried a lot.
- Adding on, Darry and pony were pretty quiet babies. They still cried for food and stuff sometimes but not a lot. Soda was a LOUDDD crier, and a frequent one too. It was the type of crying that sounds like it hurts the baby’s throat cause they’re shrieking their head off. Also soda would cry for, like, the first year of his life if he was ever handed to his dad.
- If Johnny survived the fire and got a wheelchair, he’d be running over people’s feet. Constantly. Just because. Or bc they asked for it. Either way, the moment he gets a hang of that wheelchair it is OVER for yall. And probably before that too.
- Ponyboy gets the same. Goddamn. Thing. At EVERY restaurant. Partly because it scares him to order anything else, partly because he’s picky asf. He makes sure it’s there on the menu and has his order memorized by now. “Chicken tenders, fries, and a Pepsi please.” He’s tried to ask for other things in the past like eggs, cuz he likes those, but the moment they asked him “how would you like them done” he just stared at Darry because he didn’t know what all the different types of eggs were, and now he’s scared bc he’s taking longer, and the server is still there, so he just got sunny side up eggs and they were slimy and he wanted to go home and cry (based on a true story sadly)
- Basically pony has anxiety and probably autism (so me)
- Ponyboy likes avocado. That’s it that’s the headcanon. It’s like one of the only healthy-ish things he’ll eat.
- Soda gets suuuper nauseous really easily, and pony gets carsick on occasion. So the first time pony went to a theme park, his family was scared that he would throw up like soda. They go on a ride and he’s like “yall im fine dawg.” Soda is jealous bc pony can go on rides unaffected (soda will still go on rides anyways, he just throws up afterwards)
- Pony is the most PALE ASS BITCH you’ve ever seen. He burns soo easily. His face gets red really quickly, no matter what’s going on. The only time he gets the slightest bit darker is when he burns and tans. Two-bit has been like “you ain’t white you translucent” multiple times because in the right lighting you can see pony’s veins. It’s even worse because soda and Darry tan so wonderfully, and pony looks like he had an allergic reaction if he doesn’t reapply his sunscreen when he’s supposed to. I feel like Mrs Curtis is the reason for this, she didn’t tan. Mr Curtis did tho.
- Pony has mild (severe) ocd
- Marcia’s last name is smith she is white-Hispanic on one side and Native American on the other thank you for coming to my TED talk
- Marcia is Cuban and Native American
- Marcia’s full name is Marcia smith that’s it that’s the end
It’s funny cuz I listed these things like three times and just forgot about the other two
- Twobit is Brazilian end headcanon
- Mr Curtis had autism and Mrs Curtis had inattentive adhd
- Mr Curtis was half Mexican on his mom’s side and half Irish on his dad’s side. Mrs Curtis was full Italian-American.
- Darrys the typa guy to make pony and soda turn off a show or movie if it talks about possession or like demonic stuff/soul stealing stuff
- (Modern au) Darry will get a text from ponyboy about something, like “can I go in your room rq” and he sees it but doesn’t actually open the text message until later and like, two hours later he’ll just respond “no” and thinks it’s the funniest shit ever
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ask-nyc-boroughs · 3 months
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Tony/Brooklyn & Lynn/Manhattan going on vacation, Lynn said she’d also help carry bags…alas. Anyways they’re in a Leyendecker color study I did & that I am very proud of how it came out ! Tony & Lynn are only married for legal purposes cause of the 1898 amalgamation of NYC (which gives us 5 boroughs).
Also I haven’t talked about the boroughoes in ages! I’ve been very focused on my Alfred & states lore that I haven’t touched my NYC lore 😭❤️ my OG lore. I’ll share some major changes and other thoughts below the cut. Also scroll the bottom for a little doodle of the boroughs :D
I do love my borough ocs dearly they’re my oldest babies (9/10 years and going ❤️). And I love working on their lore BUT I feel a lot of the depth of their lore can be better discussed if I also work on lore at a state (Jennie/ New York State) and a national (Alfred/USA) level. Don’t worry I haven’t casted them aside, just cooking and learning new things as I work on Jennie & Alfred so I can better understand how different relationship dynamics impact each borough (especially as Lynn/Manhattan is basically their boss).
Before I delve into major changes in my lore, for newer folks, I’m gonna give a brief description of each borough oc:
Manaháhtaan “Lynn Cooper” / Manhattan borough is essentially the “boss” of all the boroughs. She’s born slightly before European colonization to Ms. Munsee Lenape and Mr. Mohican. For various reasons, she’s not particularly close to her parents nowadays. Lynn is a bit like a princess. She expects only the finest things in life, and she’s known to be perhaps a bit greedy and definitely cut-throat ambitious and will squash you like a bug if she deems you unworthy, but she’s quite charming. Her loud, bold, intense, no nonsense, but with perhaps a flirtatious smile makes her someone people wanna be around. She’s close friends with her fellow boroughs, Jennie/ New York State, and Alfred/ USA.
Anthonij “Tony” Cohen/ Brooklyn is a proud man who is always been rather peeved his best friend and greatest rival is essentially his boss and his legal wife, but he can’t ever really hate her. However, Tony will absolutely dig in his heels and give Lynn a hard time like pretending he’s a separate city still. His gregarious nature, and his interests in many topics from fashion to politics makes him someone you want to get know better. On another note, Tony was born to human parents during the New Netherland period, and he’s of African-American and Ashkenazi Jewish descent. Tony began to connect more with Judaism in the late 1800s specifically Reform Judaism. Tony is dating Andy/Queens, and he likes hanging out with his friends (and also making fun of them). Tony is always a bit peeved at Jennie for making him and Lynn marry, but they mostly get along, and they often celebrate Jewish holidays together (alongside with Jennie’s sister Elise/ New Jersey). Tony is also good friends with Alfred.
Andrew “Andy” Perez/ Queens was born to human parents some point during the late 1800s and is of Dominican and Chinese (probably Cantonese) descent. He’s a rather reserved man. He does have a bit of a bitch face, but he’s honestly quite friendly if you get him talking. He enjoys a more quiet pace of life. You’ll find him hanging around his neighborhoods, playing chess or helping folks out or just yapping. During the summer, you’re highly likely to find him at Rockaway beach catching some waves.
Rodrick “Rodrigo” Madden/ The Bronx was born to human parents in the late 1800s and he’s of Puerto Rican and Irish descent. Nowadays, he does try to act like Mr. Tough guy, but that’s to hide the fact he doesn’t wanna be hurt again. He’s not been treated well by Lynn as a friend in the past and he somewhat blames his more naive and rather naturally friendly nature as the reason why. But Rodrigo is a sweetheart. His heart has almost always been in the right place. He’ll give you the clothes off his back even if it hurt him. He has a pet calico cat named Teddy that was once a barn cat from he used to be farmer (also I randomly decided the cat also immortal cause I can’t mentally kill off this cat).
François “Frank” Russo/Staten Island was born to human parents during the New Netherland period and is of Walloon and Italian (probably Neapolitan) descent. He can be rather intense especially when he’s passionate about something, and often thinks of himself as the center of universe. He may off as an annoying asshole but if you put aside the self centered attitude, the extreme bouts of passion and stubbornness, and maybe his lack of manners- you’ll find he’s not a bad guy.
Also why borough ocs, Egg? Uh cause I can. When I made them, no one else was doing this and I felt a New York City character can’t be explained in just a character alone plus culturally and politically the boroughs are actual entities thus for me mentally justifies why I could personify them.
OK also one of the more major changes to the lore is that Lynn & Tony are now legally married due to the 1898 amalgamation. As I mentioned numerous times on this blog, I want to explore more serious and complicated themes especially as I’ve gotten older. I now interpret the amalgamation a bit like a marriage between New York City (then just Lynn) and the city of Brooklyn. They’re still friends/rivals. Also Tony is gay. But I’m interested in exploring the idea of these personifications being public figures and how aspects maybe like tokenization, homophobia, misogyny can also impact them. I’ll expand on this another time as I don’t want to take away from the point of this post.
The other major update is that Andy/Queens & Rodrigo/the Bronx only come into existence as aeterni (borrowing term from a pirenaia on twitter) when they’re older kids and at some point btwn 1870s-1890s. This just changes their aging timeline a bit is all. I made this change cause I really want my borough ocs to reflect the inhabitants and groups that have had significant influences on the culture of this city. As Rodrigo is Puerto Rican / Irish in his ethnic background and Andy is Chinese / Dominican, the most significant beginnings of the migration of these groups to the city started in the late 1800s (picked up x1000 post wwii). It wasn’t like impossible before but I felt the explanation was too loose ++ the Bronx & Queens were just beginning to urbanize at this period & beforehand I’m gonna argue did not have much of a major cultural thing. I need both a major cultural aspect and some sort of political aspect to create ocs. Alsooo eastern Bronx as a character no longer exists in this universe- Frances rip 🙏
hehe that’s all (for now)- here’s a boroughoes doodle
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mintteapullet · 7 months
Just finished The World that Stood Against Us (Made Us Mean, to Fight for You) it was fantastic.
Love literally everyone else immediately understanding the danger of Yuuji getting hurt even has Yuuji doesn’t understand beyond that he’s bleeding and was pushed because he’s a child and one of the other people in the world who will never have anything to fear from Gojo is so good.
“Yuuji, because he's a pup and doesn't know the beast who sits in his mother's skin, turns, and upon seeing Gojo-Sensei begins to openly weep.” << Obsessed with this line
Feral Omega Gojo is a gift. Love Megumi sweating bullets along with everyone else even though he’s the safest after the twins. Also someone get Ijichi a raise that man deserves one before his heart gives out from all the stress Gojo causes him.
Megumi getting angry about Todo calling himself Yuuji’s brother is also so good, that’s his little brother how dare you put yourself on his level. Calling him a suck up, Megumi being bitter about it I love it.
Also Yuuji being completely oblivious to the danger everyone else is in >>> only second to feral omega Gojo tbh.
Megumi over exaggerating and stepping in so no one starts that back up is so clever. His pride may never recover but it probably saved someone’s life considering how easily Gojo could be set off again if he hadn’t stepped in. They should all thank him. Not me though I was hoping Gojo was gonna spill blood. But the rest of them should.
Nobara hiding behind Maki is so sweet, Maki is her favorite and she’s not subtle about it nor should she be. Also please let Yuuji get his steak!
Love the Second years, Megumi, Gojo, and the twins hanging out. Gojo shielding the twins with Infinity after also goes hard. Of course he is one of his babies got hurt, he’s being overprotective but also it’s Gojo and that should be expected. Also there’s no way Megumi didn’t also have Infinity on him right? Your his pup too dude no way he’s not keeping Infinity on all three of you. Gojo teasing Megumi is also so good.
Loved this very much but I am left with one question: Who pushed Yuuji?
Ah!!!! Thank you so much!
Exactly! Yuuji is just a little kid, so any understanding of the world is gonna be centered around "I'm hurting and I want it to stop". He has no understanding that everyone else would have a reason to fear Gojo. His mother has never been a threat to him, so it isn't even a option
Im not even gonna lie, it was my favorite line to write. I love it when parents go from 0 to 100.
Im terms of Gojo's priorities it's basically categorized at the moment as "My pups and students" and then "everyone else". Tsk-tsk, Megumi should know better than to be even worried about his own safety. The twins and him are the ones who have zero chance of getting a scratch.
Megumi is such a bitter bitch (this isn't a drag against his character, I love that about him) and is still bitter about getting his ass kicked. And calling Todo a suck up was another favorite of mine to write. Megumi, while he tries to keep his distance, definitely gets a lot more privileges than he even realizes when it comes to Gojo
Even better when they go hand in hand. I needed more feral omegas who'll rip oit throats for their babies, and I suppose be the change you wanna see, lol
Maki is basically the coolest person in the universe to Nobara (and yes, Megumi was bitter about losing his little sister's admiration to his upper classmate). I like to think to satisfy both pups Gojo took them to some restaurant that served both
The second years are pretty used to their teacher and the pups, so this is probably a common occurrence. Gojo is very much a overprotective parent, but in his defense, assassination attempts on heirs are common as HELL and he's pretty shaken up from earlier. Usually his presence alone is enough to deter threats. I'm glad that Gojo teasing Megumi was enjoyable, I was a little worried it mightve been ooc and that I pushed it a little too far. It was fun to write though, especially Gojo complaining about what a grump Megumi had become.
I actually hadn't thought about who was the one to push Yuuji, cause I didn't want anyone maimed (though, Mai or Noritoshi would probably be a no, considering their involvement with other clans would immediately be taken as hostile action)
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carmenized-onions · 2 months
I know others have sent you paragraphs of their thoughts and shit so I thought I'd join, I write down thoughts on pen and paper for shows, movies fics, you're on a piece of paper in my hands btw, labeled
"Shit to send Salt"
So, I started writing this when the shit exec came to the bear, and I noticed you kept calling him THE MAN and that took me back to reading Cujo and the stand by Stephen king, both dogs thought of their owners as THE MAN and so that Got Me.
I've read through your story like 7 times bc my memory is dogshit and each time is like getting a slapp with a dead fish on one side of my face and a kiss on the other.
You got a rosemary water recipe? I'm suffering from old man balding disease at 26 (thank uou testosterone 🫠)
"Mikey's made the cycle break in a way that doesn't hurt"
Bitch that hurt ME
I wanna bare knuckle brawl the exec chef, I'd fight dirty bur I'd still pull fucking rank.
"You're not nothing Mikey"
Fucking Carm, how DARE he say the same fucking thing to Richie
"Six hours, same team" motherfucker I'm in tears.
Eva, tony/terry/Tommy with mikey and richie? I'm in love
Richie: "I don't wanna plan your funeral" AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH
Fuckin' "I'm just out gor a walk sweetheart" I knew Chip asked carm to turn on his location for a fuckin reason, and as someone who's been 'out for a walk' when actively sui, fucking hurts and put it into perspective of the people I'd leave behind, so thank you for stompin all over my insides with the whiplash you give me each chapter!
"Michael fucking saw you"
Punch me right in the throat will ya?
But seriously honestly chicagos kindest is one of the best fics I've ever read in my life, I have a rotation of focus I keep coming back to and atm you're at the top of the fucking list!
Be proud of the space you've made with your writing!!!
FIRST OF ALL— I got your submission of that comic too!! But since it was screenshots it did seem like there was some private info in there— So i DELETED IT (I also feel bad basically freebooting a comic)— But I found it funny, so. There is that. Thank you!
I’m on a piece of paper!! Biggest honour!! And we’re even trying to make Salt happen. That’s so sweet of you. I don’t think we’re gonna pull it off man I’ll be honest but we can try.
YES YES YES YES— Very much so was going for ominous all powerful God man— Was that just cause we weren’t given a name yet and I didn’t want to make one up and be wrong? Yeah. But then we got David just in time, so I didn’t have to keep calling him The Man!! Wonderful. 
I’ve a decent memory I think, but even I have to re-read my shit all the time to make sure I didn’t miss shit— And I know how long this shit takes to re-read so that really means the world to me love, thank you!
FUCK testosterone (thank you testosterone), baby 1 sprig of rosemary to 1 cup of water, cut up a chunk of ginger, add like 10 cloves or so, whatever. Bring that shit to a boil then lower it to a simmer for 20 minutes, then let it rest until cool. THEN strain!! Usually I just leave the pot for like a couple hours and forget it was there, gets nice and red that way!! Stays good for like a week, so don’t make a lot at once. Also use daily. Also for best efficacy keep in the fridge. Also i love you. We’re bald together. 
I want to write a scene of him being full taken to the floor so bad. I — every time I think about it I want to make his head explode with my mind. And HOW DARE Carmen say the same shit to Rich!! Mr Electric kill him!!
Mikey Cycle Breaker for Everyone But Himself Berzatto— I need to lay down jesus christ just hurt my own feelings. 
I’ve been on both sides of that call!! And it hurts SO much on both ends on being out for a walk, and I’m glad for a handful of people that’ve been on one side of that call got to see what the other side looks like— Sucks for both parties, yknow why? Cause we’re on the same team you FUCK ! NEVER FORGET THAT!! STAY ALIVE !!!!!!!
I am so honoured to be someone’s hyperfixation, kisses u kisses u kisses u THANK you my love. Thank you for your thoughts and thank you for being a part of the space!!
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cherry-selfship · 3 years
so i am bored:
new ask game thing?
send me a scenario with any of my f/os and i'll react to it!
it can be cute, spicy, anything.
i know this is vague but its on purpose, to give y'all creative freedom to ask whatever scenario comes to your lovely little mind.
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babyboibucky · 3 years
The Match - Part 8
Pairing: CEO!Bucky x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: You get a preview of what it’s like to be working with Mackenzie.
Warnings: I apologize as there is no smut in here lmfao but there is a stubborn Bucky lols
A/N: The jitters just never go away whenever I post a new part for this ajkcnjasncakjcnakj I find this part boring tbh but uhh things will start picking up again in the next part I promise
The Match Masterlist || MAIN MASTERLIST
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Bucky decided to push through with his partnership with Wilson Enterprises. It was a big one, so it definitely required the entire team's effort and perseverance. Apparently, this is the company's biggest, most major project yet so this was going to look really good in your resume. It would also provide you with more credibility to further excel in your career.
Except that Bucky actually hired a marketing consultant to take over the entire project as his revenge.
"Any questions? About the project or about Kenzie?" Bucky asked, standing in front of the conference room, next to Mackenzie.
You confidently raised your hand when no one else did. Bucky tilted his head, a tiny smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He knew you were affected, of fucking course you were!
"Yes?" he called out.
You stood up and sighed softly, "I mean this in the most respectful way, Mister Barnes." you said, emphasizing his name. "But as the head of marketing, what exactly is my role here? Given that Mackenzie was hired to spearhead the marketing aspect of this project." you said, giving Mackenzie a passive aggressive smile.
"I don't want to overstep on some boundaries here, that's why I'm asking. I just want clarity, that's all." you said.
Bucky was about to respond when Mackenzie stopped him, grabbing his arm and squeezing it before taking over the floor. You narrowed your eyes at how her slender fingers were wrapped around Bucky's arm.
"Honey..." Mackenzie started. "There's nothing to worry about, this is a collaborative work between you and I. So think of yourself as my assistant, someone to help me out with the project." she responded.
"I'm not an assistant, Mackenzie." you said, smiling at her.
Mackenzie laughed, "I'm sorry, my bad. I shouldn't have used that term. Oops." she said. "Although, I believe I have more experience in this area so maybe consider me a mentor?" she suggested.
Bucky cleared his throat, "If you have certain ideas, you can discuss it with her. She is a consultant after all. Given her impressive experience in the field, I'm sure you'll learn a thing or two from her."
The meeting was wrapped up by noon and you simply couldn't wait to get yourself out of the conference room. You didn't feel like talking to Bucky anymore in all honesty, not after what he was doing. You knew this was just to spite you, get you to cave in first and give in to him.
All the more that you wouldn't, especially not when he actually used your job against you.
Everyone started rushing out of the conference room, ready to head out for lunch. As soon as you reached the doorway, you overheard the short conversation between Bucky and Mackenzie.
"Hey Bucky, we still up for lunch?"
The bathroom was empty when you stepped inside and thank god for that because you couldn't hold back your emotions any further. Tears gathered in the corner of your eyes, not because you were hurt. Fuck no, you were angry and frustrated. So fucking angry at yourself for getting into this mess, at Bucky for being such an entitled prick, at the entire world for plotting against you.
You groaned in irritation as you wiped away your tears, sniffing as you looked at yourself in the mirror.
You worked your ass off for this job, for your position. You risked your dignity when you let Bucky fuck you. You weren't going to let someone take that away from you.
You quickly fixed yourself when the door opened, followed by the loud clacking of someone's heels.
"Omg, are you crying?" Beverly gasped, rushing over to you.
You snickered, "No." you lied, "My eyes are itchy." you huffed out before noticing that Beverly was holding a sandwich in her hand.
"Why did you bring your sandwich here?" you curiously asked.
Beverly shrugged, "The pantry's full and the other girls don't exactly seem to like me...so..."
You shook your head and sighed, "Come with me, let's have lunch out. I need to get out of this fucking place anyway."
"Yay, omg! I knew you were nice! You're like, the only girl who actually talked to me nicely." Beverly said, tagging behind you as you exited the bathroom.
"Oh, there you are!" Mark called out. "I was looking for you. Wanna grab lunch? Oh...who's this?" he asked, noticing the blonde girl trailing behind you.
"I'm Beverly! I'm Sir James' new secretary." she introduced excitedly.
You sighed, "Don't ask me why." you said when Mark turned to you with a confused look, still not sure what happened to Bucky's previous secretary.
"So, lunch out? With Bev?" you asked.
You were completely zoning out during lunch despite the ongoing conversation between Mark and Bev, something about yoga? You honestly couldn't care less, not when you were feeling so conflicted about your current situation.
Would Bucky actually go that far just to get you back? Or does he actually hate you for saying no to him and is basically using his authority to make your life a living hell?
"So I heard about the new girl." Mark said, that snapped you out of your trance.
"Huh?" you asked.
"I find it weird for Mister Barnes to hire someone when you're here." Mark pointed out. "I mean, are you okay with that or..."
You snorted, "Fuck no. Look, I'm not gonna be the bigger person here. I was offended as fuck." you admitted.
"Yeah, it's super weird because she was hired through Tinder or something. Is that even legal?" Beverly pointed out as she scrolled through her phone.
You and Mark turned to her abruptly, "Tinder? Wait, what?" you asked.
Beverly chuckled, "I heard them talking this morning and Kenzie was like, 'It's so funny that we matched on Tinder and ended up doing business there you know' and I'm like omg Sir James has Tinder and I have one too but I never saw him there, bummer."
"Motherfucker." you hissed out.
Mark made a face, "Are you okay?" he carefully asked. "You've been really tensed since last week."
Apparently, Bucky never deleted his Tinder and have been swiping right on women. And that's how he met Mackenzie who just happened to be a marketing consultant. Now you were just furious, was he fucking her too? Has he been fucking other women this entire time?
"Hey, Bev..." you said, a plan hatching inside your mind. "Can I ask you a favor?" you asked nicely.
Beverly nodded, "Um duh, you're basically my office BFF now."
"If you ever hear Mister Barnes and Mackenzie talk about hmm, I don't know...something interesting. Maybe about the project...me 'cause you know, I'm the head of marketing and Mackenzie’s in the same field...let me know, will ya?" you asked.
Mark chuckled nervously, "I don't know what's going on but isn't that an invasion of privacy?"
"She's not going to eavesdrop, Mark. She'll just...listen closely." you explained.
"Bev might get in trouble if Mister Barnes finds out." Mark warned.
You waved a hand, "She'll be fine, Mark. She's his secretary, she has to know everything. Besides, I'm not going to let her get in trouble, if she does then I'll take care of it."
Beverly squealed in delight, "Omg, you are not my office BFF. You're like my office mom! You and Mark are literally my office parents." she said, lifting her phone up in the air.
"Selfie! This one goes to the 'gram." she said, taking a quick photo of the three of you.
She then proceeded to edit the photo while you and Mark continued eating lunch.
"Bev, you should really put your phone away and eat first. We have less than half an hour left for lunch break." Mark called out.
Beverly groaned and rolled her eyes, "Way to get into the role, Mark. You're such a dad."
You snorted, "Yeah. Loosen up, daddy." you teased.
"Playing family after just one date, huh."
Bucky's presence in the same restaurant should've really intimidated you, most especially that he just witnessed you tease Mark like that. But you were too mad at him to even care, what was the point even? He didn't believe you even when you told him the truth that Mark was just a friend.
Why even try now?
"Hi Sir James." Beverly greeted happily.
"Mister Barnes." Mark acknowledged.
Bucky ignored them and kept his eyes on you. You didn't falter under his gaze and simply stared back at him with blank eyes. It's as if a staring competition took place when the both of you merely looked at each other, neither of you looking away nor attempting to do so.
"How was that date last Friday, Jim?" Bucky asked, his eyes still trained on yours.
Mark made a funny face at the name that Bucky called him but shrugged anyway. Before he could even respond, you decided to answer on his behalf. If Bucky wanted to spite you, you'd give him a taste of his own medicine.
"It was actually great. We might go on another one this Friday." you said.
"We are?" Mark asked in a whisper.
Bucky's hand landed on Mark's shoulder, "Don't count on it, Andrew. She's going to be doing a lot of work on Friday due to the project." he said through gritted teeth.
You shrugged, "Oh, but I thought Mackenzie's doing all my work?"
"I'm ready to head back, Buck."
Speak of the devil herself. Mackenzie weaved through the tables and approached Bucky, her face brightening up when she saw you, Mark and Beverly.
"Oh, hey you." she greeted you. "Look, I think we may have started off on the wrong foot earlier. I'm not here to take your job, just here to spice things up a bit. Improve your ideas, give Bucky some assistance." she chuckled, holding onto Bucky's arm yet again.
You fought back the urge to grab your glass of water and throw it at her face. As the saying goes, kill them with kindness. So you merely shrugged and extended an arm for a handshake.
"Of course. I would love to improve your ideas as well, you know. Just a healthy discourse between two marketing professionals. We good?" you said.
Mackenzie forced out a chuckle and reached for your hand, "We’re good. I look forward to working with you." she said before turning back to Bucky who was still gazing at you.
"Let's go?" she asked sweetly.
Bucky smirked at you before wrapping an arm around Mackenzie's waist, guiding her out of the restaurant the same way he did to you. You were too focused on Bucky's body language around Mackenzie that you failed to notice that Mark was watching you closely, your expressions and how you reacted towards Bucky.
"I think I know what's happening."
"You what?!"
"Shhh!" you hushed Mark and peeked out of the empty pantry to make sure the coast was clear.
Mark noticed the tension between you and Bucky and he came to a conclusion that the both of you dated at one point. He wasn't really wrong but he wasn't right either. So you decided to tell him everything, from the moment you matched with Bucky on Tinder until your last conversation with him last Saturday.
"I honestly thought you were dating, I didn't know there was sex involved. No wonder he had been calling me weird names." he said incredulously. "Was that you and Mister Barnes that Janet reported to the HR?" he asked, stifling his laughter.
You groaned, "Yes. Ugh, gave me a panic attack when I found out about that incident report." you said.
"Hey..." Mark called out. "Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me this. Your secret is safe with me." he reassured.
You nodded, "I think it was about time that I told someone about us anyway. This whole situation is driving me crazy and I don't know what to do next. And I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess, I shouldn't have said that we were going out again. I don't want you or your job getting compromised because of our petty fight." you exhaled.
You had to admit, you felt so much better now after confiding with Mark. It somewhat alleviated the weight on your shoulders, knowing that there was someone aware of what you were going through. Who would've thought that this person would end up being Mark? You did have friends outside of work of course, but you felt like they all wouldn't really understand the situation.
Half would hate you for rejecting Bucky and the other half would hate you for even swiping right on him.
"Do you mind an unsolicited advice?" Mark asked.
"Not at all." you said.
"Ignore him. Don't let him or Mackenzie get to you. Do what you do best, you're great at your job and you'll be fine. That might get him to realize that you're not a prize to be won. And if he still doesn't see that, then that's his loss. You're more than just that hot marketing girl at work." Mark said.
You laughed at his last statement, "Hot marketing girl at work?" you asked, shaking your head.
"It's true. So if in any case you decide to ditch the CEO and move on, you know where to find me." he joked, throwing a wink your way.
You wanted to finish all your reports so you could focus on the huge project so you decided to work until around nine in the evening. The floor was already empty by the time you were done. Bucky seemed to be working too, given that he was still replying to e-mails at this hour. Wanting to get all the reports over with, you decided to submit it to him before going home.
During the elevator ride to Bucky’s floor, you couldn’t help but wonder whether he was alone in the office. Would Mackenzie be there with him? Even at this hour? Your grip on the folder tightened at the thought of catching them in the act.
But did you have any right to feel this way though?
Brushing off the thoughts, you exhaled loudly and prepared yourself for whatever it was you were to witness. Upon reaching the door to Bucky’s office, you slightly turned your head to listen to anything. It was quiet. No hushed whispers nor strained grunts-- they weren’t fucking, thank goodness for that.
You decided not to knock and just walk inside like you used to, reminding yourself of Mark’s advice.
Don’t let Bucky get to you.
When you saw Bucky hunched over his desk, typing away on his e-mails instead of bending a certain brunette somewhere in his office, you had to admit that you were relieved. He looked up and his eyes looked dead tired, you almost felt sorry for him. Almost.
“You should really learn how to knock.” Bucky called out, slamming his laptop shut.
“Look, Bucky. I was just rushing to submit these reports so I can go home.” you explained and placed the folder on top of his desk.
Bucky frowned, “I said to call me Mister Barnes.”
You huffed out, “I honestly don’t care, Bucky. I’m not playing your damn games anymore.” you said and turned around.
A hand on your arm pulled you back, harshly turning you around to face Bucky. He was fuming, as usual. At this point, you were no longer fazed.
“You think I don’t know what you’re trying to do?” he asked.
You clenched your jaw and pulled your arm back, “I’m not doing anything. You bring in Beverly or Mackenzie or whoever it is that you have up your sleeve. I don’t fucking care. I just want to focus on work.” you said and stepped away.
“And you should too, Bucky.” you added.
“I don’t believe you.” he said.
You sighed, your shoulders dropping from exhaustion at this whole shenanigan. “I’m done, Bucky.”
And with that you turned around to exit his office, leaving Bucky unsure whether you truly meant what you said. A victorious smirk graced your lips as you walked back to the elevator.
You were far from done.
The Match Special Tags:
@marvelslag​​ @weird-mumbling​​ @propertyofpoeandbucky​​ @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​​ @mostly-marvel-musings​​ @squishybabies​​ @megzdoodle​​ @suchababie​​ @annathesillyfriend​​ @xhollycowx​​ @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​​ @5-seconds-of-mendes​​ @gogolucky13​​ @countonthesun​​ @iloveshawnieboi​​ @learisa​​ @borikenlove​​ @scarlet-natasha89​​
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii​​ @jessou893​​ @stealapizzamyheart​​ @bagelofthelord​​ @mxnt​​ @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky​​ @ohladymacbeth​​ @wildflowergubler​​ @supraveng​​ @twinerd14​​ @buckysmar @bakugouswh0r3​​ @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm​​ @charminivy​​ @amelia-song-pond​​ @iamvalentinaconstanza​​ @mcubqrnes @im-squished​​ @tcc-gizmachine​​ @sipsteacasually​​ @prettyintopeerpressure​​ @weloveyasmin​ @est19xxshit​ @bloodhon3yx​ @dressed-in-prada​ @lizette50​ @thatfangirl42​ @sunflowerbunny2​ @unmagically​ @okiegirl24​ @sugarpunch-princess​ @enlyume​ @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp​ @lyoongx​ @just-deka​ @nobody-will​ @jaziona92 @elisebuitron​ @dpaccione​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x​ @nani-kenobi @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @belladonnabarnes​ @iloveangstposts​ @weenersoldierr​ @asemistablehundredyearoldman​ @reidbuck​ @lizzarooni​ @girlfriday007​ @bonkywobble​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @its-yasbxtch​ @whoth3hellisbucky​
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elysianslove · 3 years
Which of the haikyuu men would enjoy getting choked the most? And which one should would prefer choking? I love your writing hehe
ugh this ASK. also thank u sm lovely <333 
warning; choking, breath play, degradation, humiliation 
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iwaizumi hajime
ugh first person that popped up in my head. loves to see his much larger hand wrapped so tight around your throat, gripping tightly enough to leave bruises. oh my god the bruises. just littering the sides of your neck. gorgeous. and he lives for both the feel of your breath hitching every time his hand comes around to choke you and how fucked out you always look. loves loves loves to choke you when in missionary, with your hips raised up, nearly bent in half as he leans over you. he keeps your upper body down with a tight hand around your throat— and the way you squirm so much and cry and beg for him,,, he’s a goner. 
miya atsumu
this bitch fucking loves it. if he discovers it’s your kink somehow, he’ll do it out of the blue mid-sex to stun you, and it’s the most satisfying feeling ever for him: the way your eyes widen and the feel of you clenching tightly around him. he just thinks you look so so so pretty with a hand wrapped around your throat!! also loves to snake it down to play with your nipples and chest. just. he lives to overstimulate you in every possible way. his favorite way to choke you is when he’s hitting it from the back, and he just lifts you up (possibly by your hair) and keeps your back pressed to his chest with a hand around your throat. ugh so sexy of him <3
tsukishima kei
omg... loves to humiliate the shit out of you. “this gets you off? you like it when i’m rough? dirty, dirty.” he makes you feel so awful about it, but that’s only outwardly. he can’t help but adore how perfectly your throat rests in his hands, the way you lean so leniently into his touch, how responsive you are, how braindead you get from just that one action. loves to choke you when you’re sitting spread out between his legs, a mirror preferably before you, one hand between your legs, toying with you, the other wrapped gently around your throat. he doesn’t need to have a tight hold to keep you in check after all :) 
suna rintarō 
oh my god this man does it all the time, during sex or not. you’re just standing and chatting with him and he has a hand wrapped around your throat endearingly, nodding to your words lightly, the slightest smile or smirk on his face. does it in pictures all!!! the time!!! does it when he’s pulling you in for a kiss too!! but his favorite would have to be when you’re sitting all pretty on his lap, riding him just so perfectly, rolling and grinding and swiveling your hips, and his cock’s filling you up so well, and his hand just travels along your chest, up to the base of your throat, smoothing his thumb along your neck and then you throw your head back!!! what a sight !!!!!!!!!! 
matsukawa issei 
are you kidding me??????? are you kidding me?????? this man. this man. his fingers are so long and thick and his hands are so big, and his fingers are always, always adorned with silver and black rings. when i say he loves to choke you, i mean he loves you to choke you, and in every possible way too. he loves to do it as he’s fucking into you, just grabbing your neck, gripping your throat tightly and just forcing you to tilt your head back and consequently arching your back into him and he just goes, “atta girl,” or something like that. but !!! he also just ,,, he makes you choke on his fingers basically, and the rings he wears are always glistening with your spit and he’s always grinning so wildly when you cough and gag ugh
bokuto kōtarō 
shit he loves it. LOVES IT. like grabbing your throat with both his hands and squeezing loves it. bokuto gets lost in his pleasure and seeing yours so easily that when it comes to choking, it’s instinctive. it always turns into breathplay and that led to a couple of ,,, not very nice incidents where you genuinely couldn’t breathe and had to wheeze out your safe word, but over time he started to get the hang of it!! and you in turn started to trust him more!! he just loves the sight and feel of pounding into you and bending you in half as he squeezes at your throat and derives you of oxygen. just that dependency on him. he lives for it. 
konoha akinori 
he teases, he teases so much. when he chokes you, it’s much more for show and for the idea of it than the actual action. like you get so obedient and fall so pliant for him the moment his hand just simply comes to rest around your throat that he never has to exert any strength into it. he just thinks you look so stunning like that, all for him. and he loves it when you personally grab his hand and bring it up to your neck, all bashful and shit it drives him insane he won’t be able to stop smirking at you ugh. 
sugawara kōshi 
this sadist shit knows what he’s doing when he chokes you, and the most infuriating part is he acts all innocent and clueless about it. if you ever ask him to choke you, he’ll pretend to not know shit as he brings his hand up around your throat, asking in a teasing voice with the cheekiest, most mischievous grin ever, “like this?” but he’s squeezing the sides of your throat so perfectly and resting his palm ever so gently and his hand fits so snug around your throat that there’s no way. there’s no way he doesn’t know what he’s doing. loves to talk shit and degrade the hell out of you in the most faux innocent way as he’s fucking you. just, “aw, poor baby wants me to be mean?” 
HONORARY MENTIONS; daichi sawamura, semi eita, akaashi keiji, kuroo tetsurō, kyōtani kentarō, aran ojirō, sakusa kiyoomi, meian shūgo, (possibly) kita shinsuke, shirabu kenjirō, (sometimes) satori tendō, timeskip!hinata shōyō
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miya osamu 
hear me out. osamu loves when you ride him, like it might be one of his favorite positions ever. everything about it is so perfect to him. and although he’s naturally more dominant in bed, having your hand slither up to rest around his throat is so. electrifying to him. especially if you’re even slightly smaller than him, specifically your hands!! like there’s no way you can actually dominate him but— it still feels like he’s in power, but he’s completely putty in your hands too. idk just choke this man he needs it <3 and !!! and he loves loves loves it like shivers up his spine loves it when you’re kissing him and cupping the back of his neck then one hand comes around to wrap around his throat to pull away from the kiss and push his head to tilt a little to suck at his neck he’s just. wow.
oikawa tōru 
he looks so, so, so fucking gorgeous with a hand wrapped around his throat. it doesn’t matter the position, he just always looks so good getting choked. like as he’s fucking into you from above, just grab him by his throat and pull him in for a searing kiss and he might just cum in that moment. or squeeze at his throat as you use it for leverage to bounce on his lap and watch his eyes roll to the back of his head. and !!! he’s huge on breathplay too (receiving and giving). he’s obsessed with how fuzzy his head gets from the lack of oxygen and always begs you to do it when he’s about to cum. he sounds and looks so fucking GORGEOUS pls im in love w him
kageyama tobio
i like mean kags, i like dominant, rough kags. but get this. shy kageyama. kageyama as a stuttering mess. kageyama who nearly cums in his pants when your hands wrap around his throat for the first time. i’d say that’s how he developed a choking kink, by letting you try it on him for the first few times. he fell in love with just. everything about it, from the feel to the concept itself, and eventually fell in love with the idea of choking you. but honestly, he much prefers your hands around his throat, even if he’s the one completely in control of everything. 
hanamaki takahiro 
he likes it because he’s a little shit that gets off of tormenting you. you’ll be choking him and he’s grinning up at you maniacally. he loves it of course; it genuinely does feel really good, both you squeezing so tight around him and your hands squeezing at his throat, but he loves annoying you about it even more. just grinning up at you the whole time as your ride him, or if he’s above you and your hands start to slip, he’s grabbing at your wrists and going, “ah, ah, ah,” like :| maybe you should kill him while you’re at it. but no he fucks harder when he’s getting choked so,,, maybe save the murder case for later 
goshiki tsutomu
idk i just wanna make him cry. he probably does cry when he gets too sensitive, but anyways he loses all coherence the moment you wrap your hands around his throat. his entire body goes limp and you have to fuck yourself onto him. his eyes are rolling back, all dewy and pretty, and his tongue is slipping out slightly and he’s drooling and his eyes start to cross with his cheeks all pink and streaked with tears and he’s trembling beneath you. ugh he’s so cute, please choke him more often. he’s in love with it. 
HONORARY MENTIONS; yamaguchi tadashi, kenma kozume (is very much a switch when it comes to choking though), lev haiba, koganegawa kanji 
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aone takanobu, asahi azumane, kindaichi yūtarō, lev haiba, (pre-timeskip) hinata shōyō, yamamato taketora 
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tanaka ryūnosuke, nishinoya yū, also haiba lev, sometimes ushijima wakatoshi, ginjima hitoshi 
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seita · 4 years
— size kink headcanons [haikyuu!!]
ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs: ɪᴡᴀɪᴢᴜᴍɪ, ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀ, ʜᴀɴᴀᴍᴀᴋɪ, ᴍᴀᴛsᴜᴋᴀᴡᴀ, + ᴋʏᴏᴛᴀɴɪ.
so these r just basically writing some of my fav guys with big dicks it's self indulgent but i figure someone out there will have a nice time with this too. i will be doing multiple characters from different teams over the course of time.
⇦ blog navigation.
part 2 ⇨
-ˏ͛ aoba johsaiˏ͛-
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— hajime iwaizumi.
∴ his dick is thick. ∴ he loves how easy it is to sink his cock into you and watch you become a drooling mess over it ∴ he literally cannot miss your sweet spot with how fat his cock is ∴ barely has to even do anything for you to lose yourself all over him and that ∴ makes him weak.
★ ── ⭒ ─ ⭑ ─ ⭒ ── ★  
he let out a slow breath, running his hands up and down your thighs as they trembled beneath his touch. his eyes were locked onto your glistening cunt, stuffed half full and clenching sporadically around him.
your eyes were teary as you gazed up at him, whimpering and sniffling under the onslaught of pleasure he hadn’t even intended to give you.
“i can’t believe you came already, kitten,” he breathed, licking his lips as you squeezed him again, “i’m not even halfway in and you’ve already soaked me with your cum. aren’t you filthy?”
“iwa...” you whined, eyes fluttering as his hips rolled forward, sinking even deeper into your warmth.
he grinned, crooked and cocky, “i don’t care how many times you cum. you’re gonna take my whole cock by the end of the night.”
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— tooru oikawa.
∴ fat, long and pretty ∴ this man hit the Dick Jackpot ∴ he prefers when you ride him ∴ bc he likes to watch you struggle to take him ∴ and then rapidly lose yourself on his length ∴ plus the way your cunt asbolutely drools cum ∴ and soaks him ∴ is addictive.
★ ── ⭒ ─ ⭑ ─ ⭒ ── ★
“you’re so pretty,” he whispered, holding your hips to support you so you could take a break, “trying to take my whole cock. you’re so good to me.”
“tooru...” you gripped his shoulders, nails biting into the skin as you lowered yourself a bit more, “y-your cocks so big...”
he grinned, goofy and crooked as he leaned forwards to press his lips against the exposed column of your throat, “i know, honey. but you take it so well, don’t you?”
“wanna be good for you...” you sobbed, finally dropping the rest of your weight so you were fully seated on him.
you lifted your hips to start bouncing but he stopped you, bringing his fingers to your clit, “cum on me like this. i want you to make a mess before you ride me.”
you wrapped your hand around his wrist, meeting his gaze with wide, teary eyes. he watched with rapt attention, not breathing your gaze as he circled your clit, feeling your walls spasm and clench around him.
“cum,” he ordered, grinning when you did just that. you gushed around him, trembling and squealing out his name as you attempted to pull yourself off his length to escape the overwhelming stimulation, “there’s my good girl! keep cumming for me, just like that and i’ll reward you.”
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— takahiro hanamaki.
∴ his dick is on the longer side than it is thick ∴ to the point that when he’s fucking you ∴ he sometimes has to keep from sinking in to the hilt bc it’ll hurt ∴ it boosts his ego, though, when you yelp and tell him he’s ‘too deep’. ∴ his dick is also rlly sensitive so when he goes too deep and you spasm around him ∴ it feels so fucking good so ∴ sometimes,,,,he goes too deep on purpose ∴ he’ll never admit it tho lmao.
★ ── ⭒ ─ ⭑ ─ ⭒ ── ★
“t-too deep!” you squealed, voice muffled by the pillow your face was hidden in as you reached back to stop his hips from moving.
you couldn’t see it but he grinned as he pulled back slightly, easing the tip of his cock away from your cervix, allowing you to relax, “sorry, bunny. you just feel so good...i always want to sink my whole cock into you.”
you moaned, lifting your head from the fabric as he gave a few, calculated thrusts into your dripping cunt. your thighs trembled, body tensing up when he slipped almost too deep. it turned him on more than it should have, the way you locked up in fear of him giving you his full length.
“i’m just too big for you, huh?” he cooed, reaching beneath you to touch your hard little clit, groaning when you clenched around him, “maybe one day we can work on you taking all of me, huh?”
“n-never will...be able too...” you gasped, mouth falling open as you spasmed around him.
he hummed, kissing your shoulder blade he felt you getting, suddenly surging his hips forward to sink his whole length into you. your reaction was instantaneous, an almost pained squeal escaping your lips. but the way you started cumming let him know it was far from actually painful.
he grinned, “see...it’s not all bad, huh bunny?”
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— issei matsukawa.
∴ by far has the biggest dick on the seijoh team in length and girth. ∴ and by god does he knows how to use it. ∴ the way, when you cum, you walls struggle to clench properly around him ∴ because you’re so fuckin stretched out ∴ when he cums it’s a l o t too ∴ big dick means big balls
★ ── ⭒ ─ ⭑ ─ ⭒ ── ★
“i-issei...” you sobbed, nails digging into his back as he laughed, “y-you’re too big.”
he hummed, pulling back to press his lips against yours, “hmm? is that so? that’s not stopping you from creaming all over me though, is it princess?”
you keened, no doubt breaking skin as he pulled back and rolled his hips swiftly, sinking back into you. your cunt was so much smaller than his cock, struggled to take him.
“y-you’re gonna make me cum...” you choked, tears sliding down your cheeks.
he cooed, kissing your nose with a cock grin on his face, “go ahead. you won’t hear any complaints from me.”
a quick change of angle had him hitting a new spot inside you that immediately had your body seizing up beneath him. he let out a stuttering breath as you trembled in his hold for several, long seconds. your cunt gushed, soaking him in your cum for what was no doubt the 3rd time in the last 7 minutes.
“did you cum?” he teased, kissing your tear-stained cheek.
“mhm...” you sniffled pathetically.
he chuckled, sitting up, “i didn’t even feel your cunt squeeze me. what a shame...you must be stuffed too full, huh?”
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— kentaro kyotani.
∴ also a memeber of the fat cock squad ∴ he’s a fan of minimal prep bc he loves to watch you struggle to take him ∴ the way your eyes water and the way you scramble to grapple onto him to stop him from moving ∴ because it burns ∴ ugh it’s the best to him.
★ ── ⭒ ─ ⭑ ─ ⭒ ── ★
“kenta!” you gasped, palms pressed flat against his stomach to stop him from sinking in any further, “t-too much.”
he growled, sharp eyes glaring at you as he grappled your wrists in one hand and pinned them down, “hands off.”
“b-but! ah!” you squealed as he forced more of his fat cock into your tight walls.
“it’s not too much,” he grunted, eyes locked on the way your cunt as gushing white all over his cock, “you’re creaming on me, we both know you love it.”
“kenta!” you cried, tears pricking his eyes as he finally bottomed out.
his eyes rolled back in his head as you spasmed around him, “you always act like such a little bitch when you take my cock but you know you always turn into such a slutty little mess when you’re stuffed this full. tell me you love my fat cock.”
“i-i...” you choked as he rutted his hips forward, pushing just a tiny bit deeper into your stretched cunt, “i love your fat cock!”
“that’s right,” he pulled back, a sadistic grin on his lips, “now take it all.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
© all content belongs to seita 2020. do not modify or repost.  
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buckysboobs · 4 years
BEG ME TO STOP || k.p.
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Warnings: degradation, slapping, spit kink, spanking, choking, daddy kink, slight consent play, dom!kai, just 1.6k words of really rough and filthy smut. Also it's my first time writing smut and I got carried away so oops?
He's busy reading the grimoire while she sits and watches him and the way her LED lights cast a reddish hue all over the room. He looked dangerous, and she was feeling like playing with fire.
"Malachai." She calls out, heart thumping against her chest. He replies with a 'Hmm?' without taking his eyes off the book.
"Give me attention."
He looks up at her. She's on the bed laying upside down, eyes hopeful and locked on his crotch. For some reason they're always locked there. It is a very nice sight.
"No." And with that, he's back to reading.
She gets up and slowly walks over to the chair.  She snatches the book away from him and straddles his lap.
His hands push up to her waist to still her.
"What do you think you're doing?" he asks, gaze hard, an eyebrow raised. She throws the book over her shoulder and looks right into his eyes.
"Daddy, please give me attention." 
Once he realizes what she really wants, his features soften and his hand comes up to cup her cheek.
"Yeah?" he asks. She nods.
It was unpredictable, how he suddenly yanked her by the hair and darned a slap upon her cheek. She moaned, heat rising up her skin. 
"Always so thirsty for daddy's attention, aren't you? Such an attention seeking whore." 
She made the infamous puppy eyes at him, "I'm sorry daddy, just wanted your touch."
"Oh with that attitude i'm gonna give you a hell of a lot more than that." 
With that being said he holds her close and whooshes away to their bedroom. He throws her on the bed, his lips immediately pressing to her lips. She starts sucking on his tongue when his hand wraps around her throat, his fingers applying sight pressure as her mouth snaps open and a gasp escapes the back of her throat.
He spits into her mouth. 
She hums in content, swallowing and opening her mouth for more. He slaps her again. 
"Don't be a greedy bitch now, darling." He commands, lips attaching to her neck and sucking cherry shaded bruises into her skin.
"Daddy please…" she cries, small hands trying to pry open his shirt, "I want to feel you!"
"Of course you do." he smiles, and with a snap of his fingers his shirt is off. She presses her lips to his shoulders, open mouthedly sucking, loving the salty-sweet taste of his skin. His hot breath fans over the side of her neck and down her chest as he's licking wide stripes, fingers pushing into her hips.
"Off." he mumbles against her skin and with a heavy tug, he pulls down her panties. He shoves his fingers into her mouth and she rolls her tongue around them, sucking like there's no tomorrow. He pulls them back with a pop and she blushes red when his index finger rubs against her clit, furiously applying pressure. A heavy gasp escapes her throat when Kai starts kissing down her stomach, licking into her navel and down to her heat. She presses her thighs together, almost trapping his head between them when he pries them apart with his hand and moves back up to lick into her mouth.
"Daddy please…" she whines, pushing her heat back and forth on his fingers, trying to get some friction and he sniggers mockingly.
"Getting yourself off on my fingers… what a fucking slut." With that being said he abruptly reaches down and licks a wide stripe up her gaping cunt.
"Oh shit!" she cries out, earning herself a spank.
Kai's prickly beard rubs against her pussy and inner thighs as he eats her out like she's delicacy, tongue reaching in and out of her core and thumb rubbing harsh circles on her clit. Without warning, he pushes two fingers in and she gasps, hand yanking on the sheets to ground herself.
His experienced mouth sucks on her clit, fingers furiously thrusting in and out of her pussy, mind reveling in her cries and gasps of pleasure and mouth full of her sweet taste. His long and thick fingers scissor her open, thrusting hard against her insides, basically tearing her apart and he's not even started.
She pushes down on his fingers when Kai comes to level with her, whispering dirty things into her ear.
"Grind on 'em," he moans, his dick getting impossibly hard against his jeans at the mouth watering sight of her, skin red, hair spread out all over the sheets and eyes filled with tears. Her mouth looked puffy and a cry escaped her parted lips when he gave a particularly hard thrust with his fingers. 
She feels a heat pool in her belly and cries out, "Daddy i'm close!"
Kai pulls back and she whines in protest. 
"I was so close!" she says, breathing heavily as she watches Kai play with the buckle of his belt. 
"Make daddy feel good and he'll let you come."
That's an offer she can't refuse so it barely takes her a minute before she's on her knees, pulling down Kai's jeans and watching his hard cock bounce against his stomach. Kai's hand comes down to rest atop her head, slightly pulling at a few strands of hair as she takes the tip into her mouth, giving kitten licks to the head.
Kai slaps her across the face, his fingertips burning her skin. "Don't be a tease, bitch."
Tears roll down her cheek and she moans around his cock, taking all of it down, the gag reflex she had worked so hard on finally coming into use. Kai yanks at her hair roughly, thrusting into her mouth while her hands rest on his thighs. He shoves his cock harder into her warm mouth, letting out breathy moans at the sounds of which her heat begins to pool again and her hand reaches down to play with her clit.
Kai sees that and pulls out of her mouth, spitting onto her face and darns another slap onto her cheek. She cries out loud, her pussy pulsing wet and throbbing.
"Nasty little bitch," he snorts bitterly, shoving his cock down her throat again and yanking her head back by the hair, "I didn't allow you to touch yourself, did I?"
She moans and it sends vibrations around his cock, he's thrusting harder when she feels him twitch and his seed is spilling down her throat.
"Swallow it." he warns, even though he knows he doesn't have to tell her. She swallows it like it's delicacy and she's been starving forever, closing her eyes and humming in content. Kai pulls out and she opens her mouth to show him that she had, indeed, swallowed it all.
"That's my girl." he praises and she beams at the response. However, the soft moment is over when he grabs her and pushes her against the wall, tongue plunging into her mouth.
She grips his shoulders but he doesn't take it, instead he thrusts hard into her pussy. His hands find hers and their fingers intwine, Kai holding them beside her head as he thrusts roughly without warning. She cries out, but the pain subsides soon and she's dwelling in the pleasure that comes with his animalistic thrusts. Her body's bobbing up and down with every thrust and Kai is grunting right into her ear, his breath tickling her skin and hands holding her down. She's crying because it feels so good and it hurts so good, his thick cock ramming into her tight cunt and heat striking every inch of her skin, his pubic bone slapping against hers. He pulls out for a second and whooshes them away to the bed where he flips her onto her front and enters her from behind, ripping a scream from her lips. He's cheating with his vampirism too, his thrusts hard and deep when he changes the angle. He grabs her neck and pulls her back up against his chest, pounding into her mercilessly while she screams his name. 
His hand comes down to brush against her clit and she starts to cry even louder, "Fuck! Fuck i'm going to cum!"
"Go on, bitch, come for me" he whispers in her ears but his thrusts never stop, he fucks her through her orgasm, still pounding hard and furious when she begs him to stop.
"That's a good girl, beg." He fucks her hard and rough and she screams, tears rolling down her cheeks and pausing at her chin, her fluids slipping down her thighs. She could have used the safe word if she wanted to , but she truly didn't because the pain and the overstimulation felt so heavenly.
"I'm gonna fill you up." Kai snarls, fucking into her roughly and rubbing fast circles on her clit, lips attaching to her ear, "I'm gonna bury my seed in your tight little cunt, breed you like a bitch in heat."
"Oh god daddy oh shit— FUCK!" she cries as another orgasm washes over her and he thrusts even harder if possible, flipping her onto her back and throwing her legs over his shoulder, he fucks her into oblivion where she's completely at his mercy. 
It hurts so good. She feels his thrusts get slower and realizes he must be close to his own orgasm but this didn't stop him as a loud groan escaped his throat and he fucked her like an animal. 
With another thrust he's spilling into her, washing her pussy with his seed and leaving his cock buried tight into her as he collapses right on top of her, breathing heavily. Her hand comes up to play with his hair and he gives her cheek a soft kiss before pulling out, making her wince.
"I wanna cuddle, daddy." she mumbles, and he smiles at her, laying right beside her on the dirty sheets as he opens his arms and she falls right into them.
@fandom-strumpet <33
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maibi · 3 years
Ok, maybe I do like him
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Dabi x reader
Summary: lowkey enemies to lo lovers. When Dabi found out you got hurt by someone, he didn’t particularly take it well
A/N: got this random idea off of tiktok and decided to write about it lolz also not completely proof read sorry
You didn’t like Dabi. You didn’t like how he walked as if he was the main character. You didn’t like how he always followed behind you just so he could irritate you. You didn't like his face, that smug smile that appeared when he succeeded in irritating you and that frown when you said to him to leave you alone. You didn't like him. And he didn’t like you.
“Look out!”
You spun around quickly, ready to punch whoever tapped your shoulder, but glared when you saw Dabi standing behind you while he was laughing. 
“I swear if you come closer to me one more fucking time I will destroy the rest of your not purple skin”, you said giving him a death glare.
“Oh no, I got so scared my tear ducts almost started working again”, he said with a fake concerned look.
“If you don’t stop I will make sure none of the ducts on your body work”, you said as you walked away from him.
“Oh come on, that was funny”, he said as he walked faster coming closer to you so that he walked next to you, shoulders almost touching.
“If that shoulder of yours touches mine I'll make sure it doesn’t touch anything anymore. And for god’s sake leave me alone”, you said, closing your eyes and breathing in heavily.
“Fine fine”, he said as he slowed down his pace. “But will you miss me?”
“No”, you casually said as you walked away from him and left his standing alone on the street.
You didn’t like him. But you still turned around to see if he was still following you. But you regretted that you did, because the second you turned your head slightly he was standing barely inches away from your face. “If you wanted a good bye kiss you could have just asked me one.”
You placed your finger on his forehead and pushed him away from your face. “Did you eat tuna for breakfast or something?”
He looked slightly taken aback, but smiled right after. “Why? Wanna have a taste?”
“If it means spending more time with you, than no”, you said as you turned around and put your hand in the air midway. “Hope to not see you around.”
“That breaks my heart”, he said in a playful tone as his laughter faded the more you walked further away from him. 
You didn’t like to give him the attention he wanted. You made sure to do the exact opposite. You knew he’d irritate you even more, but as much as you hated him it was in some way some an enjoyment. You were bored quickly so having him around wasn’t always as bad, though he never knew his limits.
You smiled to yourself and walked further down the street. You didn’t really have a destination in mind, you just walked. Wherever you would land is where you’d stay. It was a continues cycle. 
You weren’t really paying attention but when someone grabbed your hand you quickly spun around. “Dabi for god’s sake not no-”
You stopped talking the second you saw that it wasn’t Dabi. “Who are you?”, you asked with frown while looking the man up and down.
“You alone?”
“Why do you care about that?”, you asked. 
His grip on your wrist tightened and even though you didn’t like to admit it, it hurt. You tried to pull away but the size of this man made you realize it was as good as impossible. 
“Why don’t we go to my place huh? Have a little fun. I see you a lot, wandering around the city on your own, thought you might wanted some company”, he said as he inched closer to your ear. 
“I’ll decline, I'm not interested in that kind of stuff”, you replied, trying to pull your arm away from him. But no luck.
“Don’t be shy, I'll be gent-”
You didn’t think any further and just crashed your head against his face, making him stagger back, his grip didn’t loosen, but you punching your two fingers to his throat did. And the second he let go you ran. You tasted iron and when you brought your hand up to your face you noticed your nose was bleeding. 
Trying to wipe that all away was the reason you didn’t look in front of you. While running so hard you just ran into someone, making the both of you fall down. Your head felt a little dizzy, but you regained yourself so that you could run away. You just gave the person a simple sorry, not even looking at their face just so you get away quickly. But you were stopped by a pair of hands around your wrist and you felt a stinging pain.
You turned around and took a good look at the person and saw Dabi in front of you with a worried look on his face. “Shit face not now”, you hissed at him as you tried running again, but his grip on your wrist, that had been previously abused by the man, didn’t loosen. “Dabi I’m serious, let me go.”
He didn't react and only looked at your wrist. It had a red color and it already started to bruise lightly. He looked at you and pulled you closer to him. He looked deep into your eyes and brought his hand to your face. You flinched and closed your eyes, but he didn't move any further with his hands. “I’m not gonna hurt you”, he whispered. He brought his hand closer to your face now and slowly wiped the blood away from your nose even though it was still running. 
He looked at your wrist again. “Who did this?”
“For fuck’s sake Dabi it doesn’t matter just let me go”, you said looking behind him to see if the stranger was coming and when you saw him you panicked again. 
Dabi didn’t budge and with half closed eyes he stared deep into your eyes. “Don’t make me repeat myself. Who did this to you?”, he said in a murderous tone. 
He looked behind him and when he was the man coming closer to the two of you he knew exactly it was him. He didn’t have to think twice about your facial expressions because he knew you. He knew you too well. 
He let go of your wrist and walked up to the man. And he did something that you didn’t expect to happen. He protected you. He helped you and got himself hurt just so you wouldn’t have to fight him. Just so you could be safe. 
And strangely, you felt your heart skip a beat at that moment.
Later around the evening you were walking a limping Dabi to his place. You never knew he actually lived somewhere and you thought he was just a street bird like you. But apparently not. 
“You know, you didn’t have to go overboard like that”, you said in an almost whisper while you walked him inside of his place. 
He didn’t answer. 
You helped him sit on the couch and you slumped next to him. “We should get your wounds treated. Where is the first aid kit?”
“It’s okey, leave it for now”, he said, throwing his head back and closing his eyes.
“Come on don’t be a bitch about it and just tell me.”
He didn’t answer and just stood up with a sigh. He walked away, out of your field of vision and came back later with a pack of ice and the first aid kit. You reached out to take it from him but he placed it next to him and put the ice pack on your wrist with a towel around it. He took out some cotton pads and wetted them. He started to slowly rub them around your nose area to clean up the blood that had dried there.
You held his wrist and stopped his movements. “You made me drag you here to your place, but you walked perfectly fine to get the first aid kit?”
A smug smile appeared on his face, but it was weaker than normal. You didn’t really question it, but it stayed in the back of your head. “Dabi, I'm not in the mood to play around right now, you little dick!”, you said as he let out a breathy laugh.
“I can agree with many names you call me, but I can assure you dick is not small”, he winked at you. 
Your face flushed red and you hit his chest to silence his laughter. “I’m being serious here”, you said.
“So am I”, he said in a more serious tone as he continued cleaning your nose. 
You let him do that and while he was busy you stared at him. You never knew you’d come to the realization that Dabi wasn’t that bad of a person and definitely not bad looking. His blue eyes made you want to stare for a long time and his piercings were a different story you were interested in. But the main thing you were interested in was-
“Why did you help me out there?”
He stopped his movements and with his head slightly down he turned his eyes only in your direction. He didn’t answer yet and only stared at you. 
“I mean, I'm never really nice to you and we’re basically always at each other’s throat. So why exactly did you help me?”
“Because”, he said as he walked away with the blood stained cotton and came back empty handed, sitting next to you again, but closer ,“I care about you and I worry myself over you getting injured.”
He just casually explained it like that as if was nothing. You felt your face heat up, but because you knew he’d make fun of you, you turned your head to the side. 
“Your ears are red”, he pointed out and you could basically hear him smile.
“I’ll make your face red if you keep coming at me like that”, you said in annoyance. 
You felt him scoot closer, but you tried to not show a reaction. His hand came to your face and with his fingertips placed on your chin, he turned your head so that you were facing him. “You don’t always have to be violent against me”, he said in a whisper as he inched your face closer to his.
“Then make sure I don’t have to”, you whispered back as you closed your eyes and your lips met. You melted in his touch and something never felt so right but so wrong at the same time. This was person you were supposed to hate.
But you came to the realization. You came to the realization that you did like the way he walked so confidently as if he was the main character. You loved the way he followed behind you because you knew he did it to protect you. You liked his face, the way he smiled when he got your attention and the way it furrowed when you left him when he desperately wanted your attention. And you thought to yourself that maybe you didn’t hate him and that maybe perhaps he didn't dislike you either. 
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
Fast and Slow - Harry Styles smut
The one where your dom lent you to Harry and he’s very eager to have you.
Warnings: smut, oral sex (m), p in v, overstimulation, sex bench, sex fluids, cursing, bdsm, restraints, sharing kink?, Harry is a soft dom and calls you “little one” a lot.
A/N: Day 12 of kinktober and the prompts were being lent to another dom and “say my name + louder”. I’m actually really proud of this one because I managed to incorporate another prompt that I never thought I’d be able to use on my fics, so I guess this idea of doing kinktober to explore some kinks is really working for me. As always (for kinktober fics), unrevised because I literally just finished it and I’m already dead inside.
Harry’s P.O.V.
I did my best to close the door behind me making as little noise as possible. Still, I noticed by the way her muscles tensed up that she’d heard me approach, and the anticipation was visibly affecting her.
Clicking my tongue, I allowed myself this first moment to explore her naked body with my eyes as she remained knelt by the foot of the bed, her head lowered to avoid meeting my gaze. She’d followed my orders perfectly, as I’d come to expect by what her dom explained of her, and I could feel my cock already hardening on my pants, the only piece of clothing I still wore.
There was nothing I appreciated more than a good, obedient little girl. I already knew she’d be perfect for me. But I’d known that long before, the first time I laid my eyes on her, even. It was an immediate attraction, one that I couldn’t act on simply because she already belonged to someone else.
So when her dom announced that they were up to experiment with sharing, I was quick to jump on the opportunity to have her, at least for one night. “You really are beautiful, aren’t you?” I asked, running a single finger under her chin so I could raise her eyes to meet mine, and I lost my breath at that simple connection. 
She just had this thing about her, such sensuality seemed to lie just beneath the surface of her gaze. I felt it deep in my bones every time we were out for drinks and I had the hardest time trying to keep my hands to myself, trying to remember that she was with my friend. 
And as much as the outings proved difficult to me, I couldn’t find it in myself to care. Not when my friendship with her dom meant that I got to see her at least once a week. Not when it allowed me the chance of being here with her, in this situation.
Well, first things first, I knew we had communicated pretty extensively prior to this session, but I felt like I should run over the most basic rule once more. Even though all I wanted to do was to jam my cock in her pretty little throat.
“What’s your safe word?” I asked, still holding her jaw so she’d look me in the eyes and see just how seriously I actually took this. I thought I saw the shadow of a smile pass over her face, but it was gone as quickly as it came, and she was back to the picture perfect submissive front.
“Red for stopping, yellow for slowing down and three taps when I need to stop and can’t speak.” I did smile at her answer, satisfied at how thorough she’d been. It was clear too, by the way she ran over her words and the glint in her eye, that she was just as eager as I was to get this started.
I wouldn’t keep her waiting much longer. We did have only one night, after all. “Good job, little one.” I acknowledged as I straightened up, keeping my crotch on her eye level before nodding to her. “Take me off my trousers.” 
Her hands trembled slightly as she worked on my belt before going for the zipper, but it was clear by the way she bit on her lower lip that it was from excitement. I licked my lips at the prospect of the night that we had ahead of us, knowing she was right in getting anxious for it. I had a lot planned for us.
I watched with clear amusement as her breath bitched at the sight of my cock, almost hard already, and it was obvious that she was entranced by it. “Go ahead,” I signaled, once again nodding towards her. “Lick it. Give it a taste.”
She looked up at me with those bright, wide eyes and I had to bite on my inner cheek to contain a groan of desire that threatened to make its way into our one-person conversation. But then, she stuck out her tongue, running it over the length of my member and I was a goner, a loud moan escaping my lips.
I’d always been a vocal person in bed.
“Okay, stop. Hands behind your back. Open your mouth for me.” Her mouth fell open to obey my request easily, her tongue sticking out once more like she couldn’t get enough of my taste already. It was hard to keep the smile off my face, and I could see that she appreciated the sight of my dimples as she couldn’t take her eyes off of it.
Once, she’d been wine drunk in one of our friendly outings, and she admitted she thought they were extremely cute. I’d started to smile even more around her after that, always keeping an attentive eye to watch her fascination with my dimples whenever they appeared.
“‘M gonna fuck your face now, okay, love?” She nodded, mouth still open, eyes connected to mine. I had to chuckle at the pure image of compliant enthusiasm that she portrayed. I, too, couldn’t wait to have her mouth wrapped around my cock.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
His hand curled around my nape and he pulled me to meet his member by it, the other one coming to cradle my cheek as he slowly penetrated my open mouth. The hiss he let out as he fed me inch by inch of his beautiful cock was like music to my ears. 
God, he was beautiful. I couldn’t believe he actually wanted to dom me and now here I was, with his cock halfway down my throat. I felt so unbelievably lucky, and even more incredibly horny. How could it be that he didn’t have a sub anymore? I would drop to my knees instantly, any time he asked me to.
I knew I should feel bad about thinking like that when it was only a loan - I was with another dom, I wouldn’t be with Harry again after tonight. But I couldn’t pretend it wasn’t how I felt. 
Specially when he threw his head back after I managed to swallow his entire length, his curls bouncing from the action and the sweetest little moans escaping from his beautiful pink lips. God, he was beautiful.
“Fuck, you’re precious,” he complimented, suddenly looking down at me with those incredible green eyes. A shiver ran down my spine at the connection, and the most predatory smirk painted his lips, making me whine around the cock on my lips. “Ready?” He asked, running his thumb over my cheekbones, his hands making my already hot face feel even warmer. When I managed to slightly nod, he did too, immediately pulling almost completely out of my mouth before thrusting back in.
The instinctive reaction to gag was undeniable, but despite the tears that immediately appeared on my eyes, I forced myself to breathe deeply through my nose and focus on the symphony that Harry was creating, with his moans and gasps and the wet sounds of gurgling and spit from his thrusts.
“You’re a little cockslut, aren’t you, sweetheart? So eager to please, I could see it in your eyes just how much you wanted my cock, huh?” I moaned around his member at the dirty words he so effortlessly threw around. I’d never thought Harry would be this vocal during sex, but god if it didn’t make me horny. In fact, I was so fucking wet that it was dripping down onto the floor of his bedroom, running down my thighs and ankles.
It was so damn filthy, and I loved every second of it. He pulled me by my hair so I could lick his balls while I gathered my breath, and I immediately put one in my mouth, rolling it before doing the same with the other. By the way he whined, I could see he loved it.
“Come back here, I wanna cum down your throat.” The prospect was one that I very much ached for, since my pussy was throbbing at the perspective. I didn’t even feel any hurt from the way he forcefully thrusted into my mouth before he started to roughly facefuck me, I was just too ecstatic about bringing him this much pleasure.
“I’m gonna cum, love. I’m cumming.” I loved that he kept the same nickname that he usually called me in social situations. It had always made me feel tingly, but when he was filling my mouth with his warm liquid, it was a different experience entirely.
Harry’s P.O.V.
It took a lot of strength and control not to fall down on my knees after cumming on her lips. She made me weak, it was ridiculous and dangerous but I was already addicted to the feeling.
I took some minutes to catch my breath before offering my hand to help her up, and when she accepted it, I couldn’t help but to trail my eyes down her body, appreciating each inch of skin available for my gaze to explore. But there was another way in which I wanted to survey her body.
“Come here, little one.” I took her to the edge of the room where I’d prepared the sex bench, observing her reactions to see how she would take it. She didn’t look like she recognized it, but she also didn’t seem repelled by it, which I took as a win.
“I take it you haven’t used this before.” She nodded, glancing at me before averting her eyes. “You can look at me when I’m talking to you, sweetheart.” The look of surprise she gave me left me with an unpleasant feeling. I knew it was common in bdsm, especially with more stricter doms, to train their subs so that they’re always visibly submissive. But the idea of someone missing the chance of having her beautiful eyes on them left me in despair. It left me feeling like she wasn’t properly appreciated, and that didn’t sit well with me at all.
“Are you comfortable with exploring this with me?” When she immediately nodded, an easy smile appeared on my lips, and I allowed her to see it flourish. “Then hop on it, sweetheart. I can’t wait to see you spread open for my viewing pleasure.”
She bit her lip at my admission, and I helped her settle on the bench before strapping the restraints over her ankles and arms. Then, after a quick caress of her cheek, I assumed my position behind her, biting my own lip at the sight that welcomed me.
Her wetness was already dripping over her pussy lips, and I instinctively raised my hand to open her for me, checking her weeping hole before quickly plunging two fingers inside of her, making her gasp.
“You’re drenched, love.” She agreed with me, albeit a little breathlessly, and I chuckled before wrapping my lips around the two fingers that had been inside of her, tasting her wetness. She was so sweet, it tasted heavenly in my mouth.
Humming in appreciation, I collected some more of her juices before sticking my fingers inside of her again, this time in search of her sweet spot. When I heard her gasp again, I knew I’d reached my goal.
“Does it feel good when I touch you like this?” I asked, thrusting my fingers in and out of her, making sure to hit that special spongy place every time my digits were deep within her pussy.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I cried out at the feeling of Harry’s fingers inside of me, after spending so long with this burning arousal inside of me, taking care of him without being touched. He fucked me so furiously, it barely seemed like he retreated his fingers at all, and soon enough, I was cumming with his digits pressing inside that spot that had my eyes rolling to the back of my head, my legs spasming as I felt the urge to close them, stop him from continuing to stimulate me, but I couldn’t. Not when I was tied to this bench, vulnerable to whatever wish he wanted to express with my body.
I finally understood the reason for the chair.
When he didn’t stop thrusting his fingers in and out of me, another orgasm quickly rolled in, making me spasm against the leather seat, begging him for something - to keep fucking me or to stop, I couldn’t say. 
Still, it seemed like he knew just what I wanted to say, or at the very least, what I needed in that moment, because even though he didn’t remove his fingers - or even stopped moving whatsoever - he drastically slowed down the movement, opting to insert them in me at a snail’s pace.
“You like it here, don’t you?” He asked, clearly laughing at my agony, and if I could, I would have laughed too. “You know, I like having you here, like this, too. It’s been so long since I had a sub, I didn’t remember how much I missed it until I saw you knelt down by my bed.”
I was trying very hard to focus on what he was saying, but it was getting harder by the second, since despite the brutality of the last two orgasms he collected from me, the calm pace with which he kept on fucking me with my fingers was very quickly reigniting the fire of desire within me.
“Of course, it could just be you. You know, I had no idea you were into this kind of thing, when we met. If I’d known…” He didn’t continue, but I understood what he wanted to say nonetheless. If we’d known about this aspect of our personalities, perhaps I’d be his sub now.
The idea of being Harry’s, of having this every single day paired with the feeling of his digits still pressing against my sweet spot incited another release from me, and now I could hear just how wet I’d become.
“Feeling a tad overstimulated, love?” He teased, finally pulling his fingers from me and granting me some relief. I heard a sucking sound that brought shivers down my spine at the realisation that he had sucked my wetness from his digits, but before I could focus too much on that, I felt the blunt head of his cock against my hole, just slightly rubbing it in. 
“Think you can handle just one more orgasm? Wanna feel you clench around my cock, sweetheart. Think you can do this for me?” I don’t think I’d ever nodded as quickly for anything in my entire life, but I felt plenty compensated for my enthusiasm when I felt him pushing inside of me, stretching me open to accept his long cock.
“Fuck,” he groaned when he finally bottomed out, the position I was in due to the sex bench assuring that he was perfectly nested against my sweet spot and I think the sensation was overwhelming for him too, by the way he inadvertently jerked his hips, hitting my g-spot after he was finally completely in.
I didn’t think I could feel better than I felt in that moment, impaled on his cock, but that was before he started thrusting in and out of me. The overstimulation had my nerves on fire, every single one of my cells screaming out for me, as I was too, and then his voice pierced through my senses, begging me to say his name, scream his name, until I did just so, exactly when I felt that warm pit of arousal explode inside of me.
“Louder,” he ordered, his fingers burying themselves on the flesh of my ass, and I couldn’t disobey him. All I knew was his name, all I could do was to scream it from the top of my lungs, desperate to release some of the astounding sensations I felt travel through me.
Harry moaned my name when he came, too. It was the first thing I remember focusing on when I stopped hearing the beat of my own heart on my ears, followed suit by the feeling of his warm cum dripping from my abused pussy lips and running down my legs. 
He scooped some of it up, careful not to overwhelm me, before feeding it to me, and I was more than glad to wrap my lips around his fingers and suck them just how I’d done to his cock.
“You know…” He started after he’d released me and helped me put on a robe, and was now massaging some lotion on my wrists. He looked nervous, almost unsure of himself, and the idea made me curious. “Call me crazy all you want, we can pretend I never even asked it after you get out of here.”
He took a deep breath before continuing and I felt my heartbeat pick up as I realised what he could be about to ask. “Would you consider becoming mine? My sub, I mean? We can talk to…”
I interrupted him by throwing myself at him, wrapping my arms around his shoulder as I buried my face on his neck. “I’d love to, Harry.” He didn’t immediately react, but then, I felt him reciprocate my hug before feeling his warm hands rubbing over my back.
“I’d love to too, sweetheart.”
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meher-sumedha · 3 years
Gwynriel Headcanon : Gwyn jealous
(I thought this as the first thing I woke up in the morning so god forgive me, also kinda toxic)
Gwyn hated it, Gwyn fucking hated it. Hated the way he was dancing with that bitch. She knew she and Azriel had a platonic relationship. Well she didn't even know if she could call it a relationship, they only fucked now and then.
But still, she hated it. So she didn't know if it was alcohol or what that made her legs immediately walk up to them. Azriel's back was towards her, so she tapped his shoulder slightly, he didn't turn. She tapped again, and yet he didn't turn. And then she tapped a bit harsh, and only then did Azriel turn.
"What's wrong Gwyn? " He asked, kissing down the neck of the bitch. He was not a good drunk, and Gwyn had enough with him using that excuse to flirt and dance with other girls. Or letting them grind against him.
"You know what's wrong, " Gwyn replied, waiting for him to stop and pay attention to her. He then sighed and stopped dancing with the girl and said, "F. R. I. E. N. D. S. we're just friends. "
And began dancing with her again. Gwyn didn't know if that was for her, or the bitch. And Azriel didn't explain himself. It was like he couldn't care less about her.
Well Gwyn was done with his shit. She sat down at the bar and took some shots of tequila. It burned her throat when it went down, but it didn't burn more than the feeling inside of her.
She drank and drank. Tried to push down that feeling. Yet it didn't work. So, as soon as another guy walked to the bar, she pulled his shirt's collar and brought him down to the dance floor.
She then turned around to look at him, "Wanna dance? " And the guy's eyes roamed around her body, taking her beautiful figure in. Took in her body con blue dress that hugged her figure tightly, and barely lest anything for the imagination. He smirked and said, "Yes".
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So they started dancing. With Gwyn grinding her back against his front. His hands roaming around her body, from her hips to her chest. At one moment, Gwyn could've sworn he groaned in her ear.
And then he whispered, "Wanna go outside? " And Gwyn didn't know what to do, so she nodded. What could possibly go wrong? Innocent Gwyn thought.
And so she followed him outside. As soon as they went outside, he tried to slam his lips into her but Gwyn backed away. "Whooa there, what do you think you're doing. ", "I thought you wanted to have sex with me. "
And he tried to kiss her again but Gwyn backed away, "We were dancing for fuck's sake-", "You were grinding your ass against me. And anyways, you don't wear that kind of dress until you want it. You're basically asking for it-" And that was when Gwyn's fist connected with his jaws.
"I can wear whatever the hell I want, whenever I want. And if I want something, I'll ask for it. Instead of looking at my dress and assuming what I want, fucking ask me that. "
And Gwyn was about to walk away when that guy held her wrists violently and slammed her against the wall, he then whispered, "I want you girl, and I'm gonna get you-" He didn't get to finish his sentence until someone pulled him from behind and punched him, repeatedly.
What the hell just happened? Gwyn thought. And then suddenly the guy rose. Guess what, it was Azriel. And he looked angry, "What the hell were you doing with a guy, in an alley, at 3am in the fucking morning? "
Gwyn was still processing what the hell just happened so she started with the same speech"I can do whatever I want whenever I-", "Oh don't give me that-", "Well why the fuck do you care? F.R. I. E. N. D. S? Right? We're just friends. "
Azriel was surprised to see Gwyn cursing, and was surprised all together to see Gwyn jealous, so he asked, with a huge devillish smirk forming on his face, "Were you jealous Gwyn? "
And Gwyn was not having it, so she started walking away, muttering, "fuck you az" And Azriel chuckled at that, and said, "You know you'd love to. "
And Gwyn stopped short in her steps. She knew she needed an outlet, maybe- maybe this could be it.
So without any warning she pulled Azriel's collar and started kissing him. He wasn't doing anything so she took his hands and guided them to her ass. She tangled her hands in his hair. Yeah, she wanted this, meaningless sex. That's all it was anyways.
And then Azriel pulled away, panting. "Gwyn, you're drunk. " And Gwyn tried to kiss him again but then he pulled away completely, "Gwyn, you're drunk. "
He didn't wanna have sex with me. He didn't wanna have sex with me. And this thought, only this thought ran in Gwyn's head. She was hurt, and embarassed, and she didn't even know when she slipped up the words, "You don't wanna have sex with me. " And she repeated those words, like a mantra, sticking them.
And Azriel seemed alarmed at the words. He suddenly cupped her cheeks and said, "Of course not Gwyn, I wanna have sex with you. And you have no idea how much, but you're drunk and I would be taking advantage of you. " Gwyn didn't believe one of the words he'd just said, and she was about to walk away when Azriel suddenly wrapped his arms around her waist and started flying.
Gwyn was forced to wrap her hands around his neck, even if she didn't want to. And when the arrived at the house of wind, she muttered, "asshole" With her neck still resting in the crook of his neck. Azriel chuckled and Gwyn pulled away, to see his eyes, his hazel eyes that she loved. His hazel eyes that were full of light at this moment, and this brought a smile to her face.
He returned the smile and said, "You're smiling" And Gwyn suddenly realized that and pulled away. She then started walking away from him and into the house, she heard Azriel groan behind her, "Gwyn-", "No no, I know" Gwyn said before trying to walk down the stairs to the library, and failing miserably.
"Whoop-" And Azriel was there in a second to pull her up. "I can manage myself", "Yeah sure you can Gwynnie", "Don't call me that", "Okayy Gwynnie" He said and Gwyn looked at him, trying to seem angry, but miserably failing again. That only made Azriel chuckle more.
"You can stay here-", "Can I stay in your room? " Gwyn asked, knowing she would be disappointed in the answer, but was actually surprised when he said, "ok".
So they walked to his room and Gwyn went straight up to his wardrobe to take out a t-shirt and get out of this dress. She went in the bathroom to change, and she heard Azriel ask her, "Are you hungry? ", "No" She replied and changed into his t-shirt.
She then walked out of the room only to see Azriel in just his boxers, and his eyes roaming around her legs. She smirked before getting under the covers and saying, "well shadowsinger, you do remember that you said no to sex, right? "
And Azriel groaned before getting into bed, "you're not gonna let that go are you?" And Gwyn smiled and shaked her head.
Both their backs were against each other, but not before Gwyn asked, "wanna cuddle?" And Azriel chuckled and said, "Yeah".
So Azriel rested on his back, not knowing what to do. Gwyn turned towards him with a smirk and asked, "You don't know how to cuddle, do you?" And Azriel didn't reply. She then went to hug his chest and rest her head on his chest. He then replied, "Ye-yes I do", "As you say Azriel" Gwyn said in a knowing tone.
Azriel wrapped one of his arms protectively around Gwyn, and with his other, stroked her back. "Goodnight Azriel", Azriel kissed her head and said, "Goodnight love".
(I have my exams tomorrow but I wrote this)
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angellesword · 4 years
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➭ You live in a world where people see in black and white. The solution to finally see the colors? It’s simple. You need to meet your soulmate and look at him in the eyes, but what if the person bound to you is already contented with the monochromatic world? What if…Jeongguk, your soulmate, is already in love with someone else?
“A future without you is a world without color.”
Genre: soulmate au, e2l, unrequited love, heavy angst, fluff, lawyer au.
Pairing: Artist!Jungkook x Lawyer!Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
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"Please, Joon. I just need to know if he's okay..."
Namjoon scratched the back of his head while looking at Red. The latter was practically begging him to spill things he's been forbidden to utter. He was sure he's just seconds away from telling her what she wanted to know, but then he's abruptly reminded of how heartbroken Jungkook was.
"Don't tell her I'm here," tears painted Jungkook's cheeks. "I don't want to see her. Not now." Or ever...
"He's not here, Red. I'm sorry," Namjoon sighed, trying to close the front door of his small apartment; regrettably, Red stopped him before the door shut in her sad face."I know he doesn't want to see me." She said with a shaky voice—causing Namjoon to purse his lips into a thin line.
"Right." He couldn't help but say. She deserved the snarky remark for hurting Jungkook beyond repair.
"But I'm worried about him. H-He was...so mad when he left."
'Who wouldn't?' Namjoon wanted to say, yet he kept his lips glued together. He needed to remind himself that although she hurt Jungkook, Red was still his friend.
"I'm sure he'll be fine wherever he is." Namjoon's caught Red's eyes. "Jungkook is strong, you know."
"I know." She looked at her feet; this caused the man inside the house to also look down. Namjoon was so busy shooing Red away that he didn't notice a big box on the ground. Judging by the looks of it, he deduced that this box belonged to Jungkook. The tower of sketchpads and other art materials was already a giveaway.
"Can you give this to him, though? I'm not sure when I'll get to see him again, and I know he can't live without this stuff, so..." Red picked up the box. "Please, Joonie..." She added when the older boy didn't say anything.
In the end, Namjoon gave in. He didn't have a choice. This was the only way to make her leave; however, he instantly regretted his decision when he spotted Jungkook sitting on the couch."What did she say?" Jungkook inquired eagerly; his eyes flew on the box that's juggling in Namjoon's arms. Jungkook saw his friend trip over a non-existent stone.
Namjoon was really clumsy.
"She wants me to give this to you." The older boy handed the box to Jungkook in exchange for his precious daughter.
"Ji-eun..." Namjoon cooed, bopping the nose of his three-year-old child. Ji-eun chuckled; her little finger was poking her father's deep dimple.
"Appa!" Ji-eun's eyes twinkled. She missed being in her father's embrace even though it hadn't been long since Namjoon left her with Jungkook.
Ji-eun couldn't help it. Jungkook used to be the fun uncle, but all he did now was cry and snort. Admittedly, she's getting tired of wiping his tears every second.
She wondered who made uncle Jungkook cry.
"Huh." Jungkook huffed as he examined what was inside the box. Namjoon was right. It's full of the younger boy's stuff.
"Is she really so eager to kick me out of the house that she personally brought my things here!?"Jungkook was seeing red. Profanities left his lips as acid dripped down his stomach. He's so mad at his ex.
"Language, Jeon," Namjoon warned, turning away from Jungkook. He couldn't let Ji-eun listen to the younger boy's dirty mouth. "Besides, you're the one who left."
Jungkook didn't know how to respond to that, mainly because Namjoon was correct. He was the one who left in the middle of the fight. In his defense, he was hurt. What Red was saying was too much for him—it was painful, the kind of pain he knew would forever haunt him.
"I love him, Kook."
Red's confession echoed in Jungkook's mind again. Red told him she loved her soulmate. Jungkook didn't want to believe her because how? How could she fall in love with another man just by looking at him in the eyes?
"We've been seeing each other for months now."
His question had been answered. Red was a cheater, and it's the last straw for Jungkook. He couldn't take it anymore, so he stood up.
"I hate you, bitch!"
The pain that crossed Red's face indicated that Jungkook had gone too far. He didn't mean it, but he's hurt, and this was the only way he could hurt her back.
Before Red could say anything, Jungkook was already out of the door.
It's two am in the morning. Jungkook was certain that the only awake person that he could bother right now was none other than Namjoon, his brother-in-law.
Thankfully, Namjoon's apartment was just a few blocks away from Red's home.
"Kook?" Namjoon squinted his eyes after opening the door. He's been awake for straight twenty-seven hours to the point that he couldn't tell if Jungkook was really in front of him or if he's just hallucinating.
"Hyung..." Jungkook broke into tears upon seeing his only family.
Namjoon let the crying boy inside his house.
"I ran out of tea..." This was Namjoon's excuse when he handed Jungkook Ji-eun's milk. Namjoon didn't even have time to buy his groceries since his daughter occupied most of his time.
Fortunately, it looked like Jungkook didn't give two fucks as he was already halfway finished drinking the warm milk.
It's been exactly fifteen minutes since the younger boy came knocking on Namjoon's humble abode. Jungkook had stopped crying, though he still looked a little shaken.
"Red found her soulmate..." Jungkook spoke right before Namjoon could ask what happened. Suddenly, the older boy found himself biting his bottom lip. He didn't want to pry about Jungkook's life, but then he's reminded of the wish of Hye-Jin, his late wife.
"Take care of my brother, Joon..."
"D-Do you wanna talk about it?" Namjoon asked before he changed his mind. This was the only thing he could do for Hye-Jin.
"What's there to talk about?" Jungkook hissed even though he's the one who started telling Namjoon things. The latter kept his head low. In times like this, he wasn't sure what to say.
It's not like he's better than Red. Namjoon also broke up with the woman he was dating right after meeting Hye-Jin. The only difference was that Namjoon's ex perfectly understood the situation. She knew that they weren't destined to be together.
"She cheated on me. She said she's in love with her soulmate." The bitter taste in Jungkook's mouth was still there. It only strengthened as soon as the word 'soulmate' left his lips. Jungkook continued pouring his heart out to Namjoon despite saying he didn't want to talk about it.
"She's going to regret leaving me. No one can love her the way I do!" Jungkook swore, but Namjoon's almost 100% sure he's wrong.
Seeing colors were different. It felt like everything was perfect. Namjoon couldn't deny that one of the many reasons he fell in love with Hye-Jin was because she helped him see the wonderful hues.
It's like the more he fell in love with her, the brighter the colors became. Even now that she's dead, Namjoon could still see colors. Granted that it kind of faded, it's still the best thing Namjoon was proud to experience.
The rule of the world was simple. As long as your soulmate was in love with you, the colors would always be visible in your very eyes. It would only become less bright if your soulmate died. However, the case of a one-sided love was different. People wouldn't be able to see colors if their soulmates didn't give them their hearts.
Some said that there were cases wherein people went blind when their soulmates started to hate them. Namjoon and Jungkook didn't know if it was true or just a myth. After all, they hadn't encountered people who apparently 'went' blind because of the mentioned reason."I'm telling you, hyung. She'll come to see me soon."
Jungkook was right. Two weeks after their fight, Red showed up. Unfortunately, it's not to beg her ex to come back. She only returned a box full of his stuff, a clear sign that she's officially kicking him out of their shared apartment.
"How can she do this to me? It's my house too!" Said Jungkook nine days after Red's appearance in front of Namjoon's apartment, it finally dawned to him that his ex was no longer a part of his life.
It's really over.
Jungkook realized this while staring dumbly at his ruined sketchpads. Ji-eun accidentally spilled a glass of water on her uncle's drawing.
The mixture of pain, anger, and frustration caused Jungkook to scream. He couldn't possibly be mad at a three-year-old kid; that's why he just directed his negative emotions to the fact that Red practically kicked him out of their home—his home.
He was aware that Red's name was written in the lease contract, but Jungkook paid this year's rental fee. He's broke at the moment. This being the case, Jungkook swallowed his pride to come to live with his brother-in-law. The thing was, it's getting hard for him to stay there. Namjoon had only one room, so Jungkook slept on the couch—wait, this wasn't about right. Jungkook didn't even get to sleep. Ji-eun's cries wouldn't allow him to do so. Aside from this, the little kid had also ruined her uncle's drawings countless times now.
"Seriously, Kook. You need to move out of your brother-in-law's house." Taehyung pouted his lips.
Jungkook couldn't decide if he could take his friend's advice seriously, at least not when Taehyung's tongue was basically down Jimin's throat.
"I can't afford to lease a new place." Jungkook scrunched his nose, eyes still focused on the disgusting public display of affection in front of him. "I only have forty dollars in my bank account."
"Oh, you poor thing." Jimin slightly pushed his boyfriend's chest to dodge his kisses and to be able to look at Jungkook.
Jungkook snorted. He didn't want to be babied, especially not by Park Jimin, who he met just a few months back.
Park Jimin was Taehyung's real soulmate. It was still weird seeing them together. All his life, Jungkook believed that Taehyung, his childhood best friend, was a straight man. Taehyung dated a lot of women before; he also seemed to enjoy being with them.
This was one of the reasons why Jungkook hated the idea of a soulmate. It was a complete bull. It was unfair to let fate decide who you'll end up with. Jungkook witnessed Taehyung's struggle after meeting Jimin. He was happy that he could finally see colors and that it didn't take him long to like Jimin, but Taehyung was so confused.
Like Jungkook, Taehyung also thought he was straight, but then his world suddenly turned upside down. Before he knew it, Taehyung was crying. He was too overwhelmed with what was happening, and Jungkook hated it. The latter didn't care about genders; he supported those who didn't identify themselves as heterosexual. Jungkook hated that people had to limit what they thought their gender was just because of the concept of soulmate. Again, it was not fair.
"But I can help you..." Jimin added as he took a bite of his frozen yogurt. They were currently inside of an ice cream shop. Jungkook had to get out of Namjoon's home since it was getting hard to look at his ruined works. He called his best friend to help him destress. Jungkook just had to let his frustrations out. Luckily, Taehyung and Jimin were more than happy to treat their younger friend some frozen yogurts. Jungkook ordered three of the said dessert.
"No, Jimin." Taehyung said as if he'd read his boyfriend's mind. "Jungkookie isn't going to suck your dick for money."
"Aw." Jimin's lips protruded into a sulky pout, making Jungkook roll his eyes. Sometimes he couldn't believe the couple's relationship. Jungkook knew that Jimin was only joking, but Jungkook thought he couldn't let the love of his life think about someone else's body. He was pretty possessive.
"We can call Yoongi-hyung, though. I think he's in the mood for some dicks—"
"Guys!" Jungkook groaned, cutting them off. His eyes were widening too. "Can we stop talking about dicks for five seconds? I have a serious problem here."
"Oh, right!" Jimin's eyes lit up. He also cleared his throat—an action that made Jungkook sigh in relief; at least he's getting serious now. "You need to find a roommate, Kook. Lucky for you, I have a friend who's looking for a housemate. I think she could cut you off some slack."
The younger boy's scoff was almost instant. "Cut me off some slack?" He narrowed his eyes at Jimin. "I don't want to owe anything to anyone. You know that."
Jimin shrugged his shoulders, taking another bite of his frozen yogurt. "It's not like that. You'll actually be the one doing her a favor. She's in dire need of a roommate, Kook. She wouldn't mind if you couldn't pay rent right now, as long as you're willing to keep the house clean and look after her cat. You can do that, right?"
Of course, Jungkook could. He was an artist; he spent most of his time inside his home, silently drawing whatever came into his mind.
"Huh." Jungkook was still skeptical. "Can't she just hire a maid?"
"Wish it was that easy. She's a mess. Not even her maids can tolerate her shit. Besides, her cat is a total bitch. She scratches anyone that's not her owner."
"I'm not sure..." Jungkook scowled. He wasn't sure if he could live with a stranger. Jungkook was a shy boy; it actually took him a long time to even say 'hello' to Jimin.
"Just think about it, Jungkook..." Jimin smiled warmly at the younger boy. "I swear she's a decent person. Yes, she's messy, but aside from that, she's fine. She doesn't pry on anyone's life; she's quiet, just like you, and oh! She likes banana milk too! I swear, Kook. You'll like her!"
For some reason, Jungkook's heart skipped a beat. He knew Jimin was kind, he's the type of person who always talked about the good qualities of a certain someone, but this was the first time he spoke about someone with such passion.
Jimin continued to talk about you, his lovely best friend. If you could hear him right now, you were sure you'd end up crying. Jimin was indeed the best friend you could ask. He's fiercely loyal.
"It's true, Kook. You'll love her." Taehyung talked about you with the same intensity. He had met you, and he instantly fell in love with you. You were smart and witty.
The couple continued sharing things they loved about you. Jungkook swore he's not easy to convince. The only acceptable reason why he's standing in front of your apartment was that Taehyung and his boyfriend knew the magic of words. They had done an excellent job convincing him.
Jungkook let out an exasperated breath when you still didn't answer the door after his ninth attempt to knock. Truthfully, he was getting pissed off.
Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all.
Just as when he was about to leave, the door suddenly opened with so much force. Jungkook was startled.
"I'm sorry, I was in the shower. I swear I heard you the first time you knocked, but I was panicking, so I slipped down the floor, and I..." You ran your hand through your wet hair, eyes widening when you saw your fingers covered in soap suds.
"Oh, my God!" You were panicking again. This time, you finally looked at Jungkook to see his reaction.
You were rambling about how this whole situation was so embarrassing, but Jungkook wasn't listening anymore. How could he focus on anything when his heart was beating this fast? Jungkook was pissed before he met your eyes, right now; the irritation he felt was rapidly boiling down to panic when he realized what was happening.
Jungkook was used to seeing black and white, so imagine his confusion when the colors suddenly became visible in his eyes.
Nothing made sense to him, but one thing's for sure.
Jungkook had found his soulmate.
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cheekbites-moved · 3 years
I need more of your nsfw vanoe hcs
oh, lord, welp. wee woo wee woo to horny jail i go
first of all vanitas is the biggest bottom to ever fucking bottom basically canonically so write that shit down.
i hc noe as a verse normally, but he tops vani every time bc vani tried to top him one (1) time & crumbled the second they made eye contact, so lmao noe tops
their first time together is very soft, slow, and gentle bc. well. vani got trauma, and a body covered in reminders of that trauma. he's self-conscious abt it. & he has ptsd.
but noe takes his time with him, reassuring him, reminding him he's beautiful & that he loves him so much. there's probably a lot of crying from both of them during it. i imagine it just being super emotional, tender, and loving.
they have gentle intimacy sometimes, when they both just wanna be close to each other, or when they've had a rough day/night & need the reminder that they're loved.
b u t
vanitas is canonically such a kinky little fucking bitch as i already said earlier, like. dude. oh my GOD.
i already said it but the way he literally came soo fast when jeanne was biting him cause he was imagining it was noe, & the fucking choking shit, & the sex dungeon that domi has that he was so excited abt, im. god. that's just canon i can't even hc that bc he rly is just canonically a horny, kinky whore ktjrtjt
he likes it as rough as noe can go, which is probably to a very high extreme with vampire speed being factored in and all. noe kinda has to adjust with being so rough, cause he wants to protect vani & keep him safe. he doesn't wanna hurt him.
but vani probably mercilessly teases him; whispering in his ear so sensually abt how badly he wants him while he grinds against him, among other teasing touches and gestures, until noe's so sexually frustrated he just Has to slam him against a wall and rail him into oblivion (which vani is obviously very happy to accept bc that's what he wanted lol)
when noe is used to it, he is the worst fucking tease ever and vani Hates it bc he can make him fucking crumble, melt, full ass orgasm so fucking easily & noe loves every second he gets, having the tables turned where he gets to be the one controlling vani, which makes it so much worse, but also so much hotter.
i also just cannot stop imagining vani being like. in a MOOD & just going over to noe like "you wanna fuck me soooo fucking bad it is so fucking embarrassing. you look so fucking stupid." & noe just grabbing his throat, staring him in the eyes going "oh yeah?" and obviously completely railing him after lmao
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heymacy · 3 years
I love all those sentence prompts you just posted.😂 But I feel like the most appropriate one is probably:
“So why did I have to punch that guy?”
Thank you Arrow!! 💗
Ridiculous Sentence Prompts: "So why did I have to punch that guy?"
There were only a few things left in the world that made Mickey really, really angry.
The first was their property manager, Melanie, and her stupid-ass dog with its stupid, stupid diaper.
The second was the fact that a single can of beer cost four times more on the West Side than it did back in their old neighborhood. What special brand of bullshit were these crunchy granola hippies trying to churn out at the Wine, Etc. store, anyway?
The third thing, and probably the only one that would stick around after he adjusted to his new life above the poverty line, was any time that anyone disrespected, hurt, or even mildly annoyed his husband.
Every time they dealt with an irritating client or an overzealous new employee, Mickey would clench his teeth and fight the urge to knock them on their ass. One hit was all it would take, he knew that for certain. He'd taken down Ian's exes, family members, hell, even Ian himself on a few occasions, with a single punch to the throat.
Now, he was an adult, a business owner, a husband and partner that needed to play by society's rules if they were ever going to crawl out of the gutter completely.
The very idea made Mickey's teeth ache.
He bit his bottom lip while they sat side-by-side in their booth at the Alibi, waiting for some schmuck to meet them for an interview.
"We need to start interviewing the guys we hire, Mickey," Ian had said one night while cooking dinner. He chopped the carrots and celery on the wooden cutting board while Mickey sat slumped on the couch, nursing a beer and watching a TikTok Mandy had sent him earlier that day.
He looked up at his husband as he watched an orange and white cat chow down on kibble after his automatic feeder malfunctioned.
Mandy 🌻 (6:09pm): plz tell ian this is him in cat form
Mickey snorted at his phone, barely registering Ian's comment.
"Mick?" Ian tried again, and Mickey looked up from his phone.
"Hmm?" he replied through a mouthful of beer.
"I said we need to start interviewing the guys we hire," Ian said again, using the knife to scrape the carrots and celery off of the cutting board and into the giant pot he had boiling on the stove. Mickey wasn't sure what he was making, but it smelled amazing.
"What for? Those resumé things ain't good enough for you?" Mickey's mouth quirked up on the side as he tried to hide a smirk.
Ian rolled his eyes and used the comically oversized wooden spoon to stir his soup.
"No, Mick. So we don't have another Connor situation."
Mickey snorted. Connor was a dipshit they'd hired back in April to help with pickups, a dipshit that had cost the company almost $2,500 after he "forgot" to make the deposit with Ian and Mickey at the end of his scheduled route.
"I mean, his name's Connor. Kinda feel like you should've known what you were walkin' in to with that one."
"I'm serious," Ian said. "Interviews. We gotta do 'em." He stirred the soup vigorously, the spoon clanking against the side of the pot with every twist.
Mickey sighed deeply and rolled his eyes.
"Fine, we'll interview some new guys. But we're not doing it at a Starbucks or some shit. I'm not ready to go full West Side." He scrunched up his nose and made a face, to which Ian just chuckled.
"Glad you're on board," he teased, getting back to work on his soup, which had started to bubble.
Kev and Vee had moved to Louisville a month before, transferring ownership of the bar to Carl and Officer Tipping, who promised to keep everything just as it was. It gave Mickey a sense of calm knowing that even as the rest of his old neighborhood was slipping away, his adolescent stomping grounds now littered with coffee shops and yoga studios, some things remained the same.
He ran his fingers along the familiar crack in the table, a sharp sensation prodding the pads of his fingertips and helping him forget, even temporarily, what they were there to do.
Ian smacked the back of Mickey's hand gently.
"Stop it," he said, referring to the way Mickey was two seconds away from giving himself a splinter.
Mickey huffed and rolled his eyes.
"What's this guy's name again?"
Ian looked at his phone where he had an email pulled up. He glanced over the message then scrolled to the bottom.
"Derek," he said plainly.
"Derek," Mickey mocked, and Ian whacked him in the chest with the back of his hand.
"Knock it off," he said, and Mickey rolled his eyes again.
"Whatever. He's late anyway, let's just bail and go get some pizza."
"He's not late, Mickey. It's only..." he looked at his watch. "3:58. He's got three minutes until he's late."
Just then, as if summoned by Ian's voice, a tall, lanky, blond man walked through the front door of the bar and made his way towards the back corner booth where Ian and Mickey sat.
"You guys Ian and Mackie?"
Ian snorted as he tried to hide his laughter. Mickey rolled his eyes a third time, this time so hard that it was honestly impressive he didn't snap his optic nerves in the process.
"Mickey," Ian corrected politely. He nudged his husband with his elbow and the two of them climbed out of the booth to meet with their interviewee.
Ian shook his hand firmly.
"I'm Ian, and this is my husband Mickey." He smiled and turned to Mickey, who was standing with his hands in his pockets and giving Derek, all six feet two inches of him, an intense once-over. Elbowing his husband for a second time, Mickey relented, pulling his hands from his pockets and reaching out to shake Derek's hand. His giant palm was cold and clammy but also somehow uncomfortably hot. Mickey grimaced.
"Hey," he said gruffly. "Mickey."
"Derek," the other man said as they shook hands. "So you two are married?"
Ian nodded.
"Little over a year now, yeah."
Derek nodded.
"Cool, cool, cool," he said, nodding and looking around. "So this place is...interesting."
The judgmental and condescending way Derek said "interesting" wasn't new or unusual to either of them, but tall lanky blond bitches with North Side energy and a terrible fade saying "interesting" like they wanted to say "disgusting" made Mickey's blood boil.
He clenched his fist without even realizing what he was doing. Ian noticed immediately when Mickey's shoulders tensed up, stiffening in a way that reminded Ian of a startled cat, and he turned to climb back in the booth. He squeezed Mickey's arm once, twice, and dragged him down into the booth with him.
"It was a family friend's place," Ian said, nonchalant, eager to move the conversation away from the Alibi and towards their business. "So, Derek, on your resume, I see that you worked--"
Derek cut Ian off mid-sentence.
"Have they ever thought about turning this place into some sort of art installation or something? Just with the open floor plan and the exposed pipes, it's very pseudo-industrial-chic."
If they hadn't already assumed before by his distinct vocal fry and the smell of coconut hair gel, Derek's use of the term "pseudo-industrial-chic" solidified what the other two already knew: there were three gay motherfuckers in this booth.
Ian stuttered for a second, surprised by Derek's interjection and resistance to changing the subject.
"Don't think so, no." He grabbed his phone and opened up the Gmail app again. "So, anyway, your resume says you worked at--"
"You know what would be really cool in here? A movement class. I went to one in LA once that was hosted by Gwyneth Paltrow and it was liberating."
Mickey snorted and Ian elbowed him in the ribs.
"I bet it was," Ian said, unamused at Derek's refusal to talk about his work history. "So you worked at--"
"Have you guys ever been to LA? Oh my god, it's the best. So chic. I mean, I'm from Evanston originally, so basically anything is chic in comparison. I mean, not here, obviously, but you know. Other places."
Ian sighed.
"Totally," he said. "So, your work history, it says--"
"Hey, do you guys know what the best dispensary is around here? Preferably something upscale, with those iPads you can order on. I need a few new carts--"
"Dude," Mickey cut in. "Can you shut the fuck up for five seconds?"
Derek looked surprised, and Mickey could hear Ian's sharp, apprehensive inhale.
"Excuse me?" Derek said, holding his hand to his chest.
"He's been trying to ask you the same question since we sat down, and you won't shut the fuck up about chic cities and weed, so if you could just answer our questions, that would be great." He looked over at Ian, whose eyes were wide and hesitant, unsure about how things were about to unfold.
"You're very rude," Derek said to Mickey, giving him a scowl.
Mickey snorted.
"Yeah, tell me something I don't know."
Derek's eyes narrowed and his forehead wrinkled up, agitated.
"You should be nicer to the people you want to hire." He crossed his arms over his chest like a petulant child.
Mickey laughed out loud.
"Dude, who says we wanna hire you? I'm pretty sure if you worked for us, I'd blow my brains out in the first two minutes."
Ian tried and failed miserably to conceal his laughter, covering his mouth with his hand and looking down at the table. Mickey leaned over towards his husband.
"I kinda wanna punch this guy in the mouth," he mumbled, and Ian side-eyed him from where he sat beside him.
"Please don't," he replied in a whisper before composing himself and turning back to Derek.
"Look, Derek, you seem like a nice guy, but I don't think this is gonna work out." He held out his hand to signal that the interview was over, but Derek didn't return his handshake. Instead, he pouted like a toddler that had just been scolded for bad behavior.
"Your husband's a dick," Derek said to Ian, and Mickey could literally feel Ian's body stiffen next to him.
"Hey," Mickey said, putting his hand on Ian's knee. "Forget it. Let's go get pizza."
"No," Ian said sternly, turning back to Derek. "Listen, dude, you're also kind of a dick, so why don't we just call this a wash and you can go track down your carts or whatever."
Mickey bit his lip, fighting a smile. He secretly loved when Ian got defensive, as long as it wasn't directed towards him.
"You're both dicks!" Derek said, slamming his hands down on the table. He slid out of the booth and stood up, and Mickey and Ian did the same. The three men stood there, Derek facing the husbands with a pissed-off expression.
"You should go," Ian said, pointing at the door.
Derek snorted.
"I guess I shouldn't be surprised. When the ad said South Side, I knew there was a good chance the owners were a couple of trashy, ghetto assholes. But him?" He pointed at Mickey. "He's a world-class dick."
Before Derek could say anything else, he was cut off by a fist to the jaw and dropped to the floor, unconscious.
The ambient chatter and loud clacking of billiard balls came to a halt as the regulars that sat scattered around the Alibi turned in unison to see what had happened. Once they identified the source of the loud "thud" as one of the Gallagher-Milkovich boys knocking out some blond giant, they immediately turned back to their various activities.
Just another day on the South Side.
Ian cupped his right fist in his left hand and turned to Mickey, bewildered.
"I just punched that guy, Mick," he said, genuinely surprised. "I knocked him out. Shit."
Mickey shrugged.
"He kinda deserved it."
Ian looked at Mickey with a really? sort of expression and shook his head back and forth.
"Still," he said, turning to look at Derek, sprawled out unconscious on the floor like a rag doll.
"C'mon man, it's fine. He'll come to, and when he does, we'll be long gone." He grabbed Ian's upper arm and gave him a tug, but Ian just sat back down in the booth.
"Why did I do that?" he asked, but Mickey knew he was talking only to himself. He sat down beside his husband, stepping over Derek's long ass leg on his way back to the booth.
"I mean, you kinda had to."
Ian looked over at Mickey, eyebrows raised. He stared at his husband for a moment, puzzling, before breaking into a smile.
"What?" Mickey asked, confused as to how Ian could go from having some sort of moral crisis over knocking out a hipster to grinning gleefully at his husband in a half second. Ian reached over and put his hand on Mickey's thigh. Immediately, the mood shifted. Pool cues squeaked as they were chalked up and glasses clinked on the countertops. The distinct chhh-chhh sound of a spray bottle punctured Mickey's ear drums as he looked down at his husband's hand on his thigh.
"So," Ian said, voice quieter than before. "Why did I have to punch that guy?"
Mickey smirked. He could be honest, and say the obvious reason, which was that Derek was a total douche canoe and deserved to be socked in the mouth by someone his own size. He could lie, and say it was because Derek seemed dangerous and Ian was just following his instincts, but that would have been the lie of the fucking century.
Instead, he said neither, and opted for something he knew would make Ian smile.
"Because you love me."
Ian's face broke into a full grin and he giggled, leaning over to kiss his husband once, quickly, well-aware of Mickey's hesitancy towards PDA when they were out and about on the South Side.
When he pulled back, he was smirking, and Mickey knew his cheeks were flushed. He hadn't been expecting the kiss, however brief it was, and his stomach felt a little fluttery.
"I mean, I'm not the kind of guy that just stands by and lets people talk shit about the man he loves." He grinned and Mickey rolled his eyes, remembering Ian telling him about the last words he'd said to Glittery Twink Byron the night they'd gotten engaged.
"You're a fuckin' sap, man."
"True," Ian said, standing up from the booth and stepping over Derek's leg as Mickey had done minutes before. He reached out his hand and pulled his husband from the booth. The two of them stood there momentarily, staring at Derek's lump of a body on the sticky, peanut-shell covered floor.
"Should we like, do something?" Mickey asked, kicking Derek's foot with his own boot. The man didn't move a muscle. Mickey wondered for a second if he might be dead, but the shallow rise and fall of the douche canoe's chest let him know that unfortunately, for all of humankind, the asshole was still alive.
Ian shook his head.
"Nah, he can sleep it off."
He reached down and took Mickey's hand in his own.
"C'mon," he said as he dragged them both towards the door. "Let's go get pizza."
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possiamo-andare · 4 years
Midsummer: JJ Maybank
JJ x Reader
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word count: around 6k
a/n: took a long time writing this and I've never done anything like this (where its y/n) so any feedback would be greatly appreciated <3
You had never technically been to the Midsummer festival. Of course, since you were a Kook, your parents were invited and tried to make you go but every year came a new excuse. First, you had the "stomach flu." Then, there was that time you said you had "strep throat." Another time, you had a "fever." You had so many excuses for not going to Midsummer every year, you had become a pro at lying.
Only this time, you had an actual reason not to go and, out of all the times, your parents didn't believe you.
You had told them the truth. You and Rafe had just gotten into a huge argument and had technically broken up. It wasn't official or anything but you both knew it was the end. You wanted to stay home and binge watch 'New Girl' from the beginning and maybe order some food. You just wanted to indulge yourself for a moment. You had lost 170 pounds (aka Rafe) and you kinda wanted to celebrate.
Rafe loved keeping up appearances and you were just another way to do that. You were the "perfect" girl next door. You surfed, played soccer during the school year, and it helped that your parents were loaded. You and Rafe looked like a great couple on the outside, but the reality was you were both broken in one way or another. You were struggling with your mundane life, finding every day one endless loop. You were desperate to break free but didn't know how. Rafe was struggling with addiction and wouldn't admit to you that he had a problem.
Finally, you were at your breaking point. This morning, while you still had the courage, you started to talk to Rafe about getting help. You had kept this secret for him for too long and keeping it any longer wouldn't help anyone. Rafe, as you expected, flew off the handle and said the most horrible stuff. He called you a bitch, a slut, and basically every thing that could hurt a person. And you took it because that's what you always did. Then he said something that you couldn't forgive.
You're gonna die alone.
All of those words before never hurt as much as this one. You think it hurts the most because there's a possibility that it's true. You have never had an honest conversation with anyone in your life, including Rafe. You let people in, but not all the way. You were scared to get hurt, but even more scared to die alone. Rafe knew that.
So, you told him you're done and then left. No, you're here, talking to your parents and telling them you couldn't go because you had broken up with Rafe.
"I just don't understand what happened. Rafe is such a nice young man." Your mother said, going through her jewelry box to find the right earrings to match the dress that was laying across her bed.
The Midsummer party was not to start until the sun set in about three hours but your mom loved getting ready early and this party was no exception.
"I just don't want to go. Rafe is escorting me and I don't wanna put on a smile and pretend like everything's okay when it's not."
You didn't understand your mother sometimes. She was fine with letting you stay home from the party for years now as long as there was a physical reason like a cold. Now that you're telling her it's a mental reason, she could care less. You watched her by the frame of her bedroom door. She continued to look in her jewelry box and not for one second check on you.
"It's just for tonight sweetie." She smiled, but not at you.
At first you thought it was directed at you even though she wasn't looking at you. Then you realized she had found the matching earrings and that's why she was smiling. She held them up to her ears and looked in the mirror for a second.
You wondered if she remembered she had a daughter. It felt like she didn't remember sometimes.
You couldn't change her mind. You knew this now. She was picking out her jewelry and accessories now and the room for anything other than the talk of jewelry and makeup was not interesting to her. You decided to cave, not wanting to plead your case again.
So, you returned to your room and called the only person that ever listened to you. Your best friend, Sarah Cameron. She had recently met a Pogue named John B. and also didn't want to go to the Midsummer party where Topper, her soon-to-be ex boyfriend, was escorting her. She had planned to break up with Topper to be with John B. but hadn't gotten the chance yet. Although she wanted to end things with Topper, she didn't want to cause any drama and breaking up with him at the Midsummer party was definitely not a good way to avoid drama.
Sarah understood. She always did.
"Hey girlie." Sarah chimed as she answered the phone.
You instantly smiled, sitting down on your bed. "Hey."
You could basically hear the frown in Sarah's voice as she spoke. "What's wrong? Did Rafe text you?"
You hummed a no. Just hearing Sarah's voice made you feel better. "I tried to tell my mom I don't feel like going but she refuses to listen."
Sarah sighed. "I'm sorry Y/N. I'll look after you tonight. Make sure Rafe doesn't talk to you. He'll escort you to the party and then that's all you'll see from him. I promise."
You chuckled. "And who is gonna make sure Topper stays away from you as you go meet up with your new boyfriend?"
"Ah, my friend," Sarah chides. "That's where you come in. We'll help each other out tonight."
You laugh, the plan sounding ridiculous but it made enough sense to actually work. "Okay, I'll see you then."
"See you there sister." sang Sarah, hanging up the phone soon after.
After you put your phone down to charge, you decided to take a shower and start getting ready for the Midsummer party. You showered quickly, scrubbing your hair so that it wouldn't smell, as your mother says, "like the sea."
After you got out, you washed you face with a cleanser and towel dried your hair. You then brushed your teeth for the second time today and popped in a mint. You put your hair up in a bun while it was still wet so it could dry on it's own. That's when you picked out your dress. Your mom had bought it for you a week ago and it had been collecting dust in your closet ever since. You laid it out on your bed and finally got a proper look at it.
It was a yellow, spaghetti strap dress that fell to your ankles. It was made out of silk and shined even with your bedroom light. When you had tried it on, your remembered how tight it was on the bodice and how it dainty it looked on you. You did like it and it made you feel like a princess, you just wished you didn't have to wear it for the Midsummer party.
You started your makeup first. You applied a tinted moisturizer to give yourself a natural glow and then applied some concealer to lighten your under eyes. Once ever was evenly applied, you filled in your brows and brushed them back and applied some mascara. You added blush and some highlighter to give you a brighter glow. You finally finished off the look with a nude lip.
You let your hair down and it was stil damp. In an attempt to get your hair to dry faster, you got a blow dryer and dried the rest of your hair. Once it was all dry, you brushed it through once and let it stay down. It had turned out nice, the natural curls in your hair giving you the volume you needed. Why change something that already looked so good.
With your makeup and hair done, you finally got changed into your dress. Once it was own, you gave yourself a proper look in the mirror.
You did look beautiful. You had to admit, when you put effort in, you cleaned up well. Although you liked how you turned out, your heart still hurt. Not because of Rafe, but because you can't imagine doing this every year for the rest of your life. Your parents were always okay with doing the same things everyday. You weren't. You wanted to go out on adventures and experience all life had to offer. You wanted to travel by yourself. You wanted to have something different to do everyday. This mundane life you saw your parents do was not for you but you were scared if you lived any more days like this, it was going to be your future. That's what scared you the most. Not being able to get out of the bubble your parents and your life as a Kook put you in. It's one of the reasons you envied the Pogues. Sure they might not have as much money but they had adventures and didn't lead a mundane life. Everyday was different. You sometimes wished you were a Pogue.
You slipped on your heels and looked into the mirror one last time. You looked good but still couldn't smile fully. You didn't hate how you looked, you hated the person looking back.
You didn't know if that ever would change.
Sarah always looked beautiful and you hated it. Even on days when she woke up, hung over with bed head, she just had to smile and she'd look beautiful.
When you entered Sarah's house, she was waiting for you in her bedroom. Her dad, Ward, told you where she was and you basically rushed upstairs. You hadn't seen her in two days since before she went on an adventure with John B. and you needed to know all the juicy details.
Now, as you looked at her in that perfect white dress, you didn't feel self conscious, but you certainly felt like you had to change.
"Holy hell." Sarah said as she stood up from her bed. "You look so sexy."
You rushed to her and hugged her for a moment before saying anything. "I look sexy? Look at you. You look like an angel."
Sarah laughed, grabbing your hand and squeezing it. "How are you doing?"
You shrugged. There wasn't much to say. You weren't really torn up over the situation. "I'm fine. We both knew it was coming."
Sarah laughed. "You should've seen my brother. He was totally freaking out when he called Topper."
You frowned. "Sorry. I know he's your brother."
Sarah waved her hands in the hair. "Are you kidding me? Someone needed to knock Rafe down a few pegs. I'm glad you guys are done. He doesn't deserve you."
You hugged Sarah again. She really was the most important person in your life right now. You didn't know how you got so lucky.
"Speaking of which, are Topper and Rafe here?"
Sarah sighed and nodded. "Waiting for us downstairs to escort us to the Midsummer party."
You rolled my eyes, grabbing onto Sarah's hand again. "Ugh. We can't just keep them waiting."
Sarah smirked, playing along with your sarcasm. "God forbid."
As you guys made your way downstairs, you talked. You knew you couldn't ask her all the details right now but you made sure to let her know that once you were alone, you'd pressure her to tell you all the information. You had seen John B. and his friends around OBX but had rarely talked. The only time you ever encountered each other was when you and Sarah slept on the boat overnight and John B. had come in the early morning to drop off the scuba gear. They seemed to not get along at all so you still wonder what changed.
"Just one question?" You pleaded as you and Sarah made your way to the sliding glass doors, leading you to the backyard where the party was taking place. The sun was setting now and the party would be starting any minute.
"Fine, shoot." Sarah nodded, whispering to you now since Topper and Rafe could see you and Sarah now.
"Is he a good kisser or not?" You leaned over to whisper in her ear.
"What are you beautiful ladies whispering about?" Topper asks as he approaches you and Sarah. You instantly pull away, acting very suspicious.
"How to please a woman. Not that you would know." You smirk at Topper, being very mean. For good reason though. He had made Sarah feel very bad about not sleeping with him and you were glad she had moved on. Now, hopefully Topper would too.
Topper rolled his eyes. "Hello Y/N. How are you?" You know he's only being so nice to try and impress Sarah and show her he's changed. Of course Sarah doesn't buy it.
"I'm spectacular." You gave Topper a wide smile. Maybe if you stared at him long enough, his head would explode.
"Good." Topper grumbled, looking at Sarah. "You look amazing."
Sarah frowned. "Yeah, thanks." She seemed so unenthusiastic it was almost funny.
Topper extended out his hand, ready for Sarah to take it. Sarah looked at you and tried to smile but you could see her discontent. Sarah unwilllingly reached for it and smiled again at Topper.
Here's the thing; if you have to smile so much at everyone all the time, you're probably not happy.
Just as Sarah and Topper move away, Sarah stops, tells Topper to wait one moment and turns around to you. She smiles, for real this time, and says, "To answer your question; yeah, really well."
You giggle, trying to make sure Topper does not ask too many questions. That smile that you had, though, is now replaced with a frown.
You can see him lurking near the door, finding the courage to come up to me.
God, I wished he would just leave me alone, you thought.
You decide against confronting him and instead walk to Sarah's kitchen to grab some water. The doors to Sarah's backyard can be seen if you stood in Sarah's kitchen so you can see Sarah walk out with Topper, smiling and waving. People who don't know Sarah well won't know the difference but you do. Her shoulders are slightly droopy and her smile is not as wide as it usually is.
You watch her quickly depart from Topper soon after he's escorted her around and you can see Topper stay behind, a little shocked she's gone. You don't know why he is, but that's the thing with guys like him. They never think they're the problem.
Speaking of problems, Rafe has followed you into the kitchen and is just standing there. You pretend not to see him. Maybe if you ignore him, you thought, he'll take the hint and walk away.
Of course, he doesn't and as you try to walk past him, he stops you from leaving the kitchen. He's standing in front of you. So, you move to the right and he follows, blocking you again.
"Can we talk?" He asks, reaching out for your hand.
You move my hand out of the way. "Don't touch me."
"Y/N..." He's looking at you with those puppy dog eyes and granted it would've worked at one point but not anymore.
"No." You say sternly. "This is what's gonna hapen: you're gonna escort me out and after that we'll never talk again."
Rafe frowns even harder. "I don't want that. I said things I shouldn't have but -"
"No." You cut him off. "There's no more excuses. We're done."
Rafe's brows crease together. You can tell he's pissed now. "No. You're not giving up on us."
You scoffed, his confidence misplaced. "Trust me, you gave up a long time ago." You then grab onto his elbow, surprising him a little. You could tell he was confused and so you rolled your eyes and then spoke again, "you're escorting me."
Rafe's eyes widened and quickly nodded, guiding you to the glass doors. As you walked, you felt a weight lifted. It had been a long time for you to admit this but you wer glad you guys were over. Your relationship was not aware near perfect and very toxic. The weight lifting, you realized, was definitely Rafe's link to your life.
As the doors opened, you put on a smile and stared waving. You looked around and smiled at your family and friends but you were looking for Sarah. You saw your mother, who was clapping and had a proud smile on her lips. She gave you a thumbs up but you looked away. Could she seriously be any more annoying?
Finally, you spotted Sarah near table. She was looking at you and clapping. You could tell from her facial features that she was being sarcastic. You stuck your tongue out quickly as you walked and waved and she quickly flipped you off.
Once you were done, Rafe let go of you. You turned to him and gave him a half smile.
He did not smile back. "I'm sorry."
Your smile dropped. "Are you?"
And with that, you walked away. Once you got to Sarah's table, she was already standing you give you a hug. You hugged her tightly, sighing as you did. It was finally over. You never had to speak to him again.
"How are you feeling?" Sarah asks, the boh of you sitting down at the table beside each other.
You shrugged. "Surprisingly, I'm good."
Sarah smiled. "It's cause you know it's for the best."
You nodded. You hoped so. "You want a drink?"
Sarah nodded. "Thanks so much."
You got up and went to find a waiter. There were so many around you but each one was speaking to someone and you didn't want to bother them. It took a little of a walk but you finally saw a blond boy in a waiter's suit, standing there. He seemed to be doing nothing so you approached him.
"Excuse me." You said politely, causing the blond boy to turn around. You knew who it was.
JJ Maybank. A Pogue. Specifically, one of John B.'s friends. More specifically, the guy who pulled a gun out on Topper. You were there and saw it all. He had never liked him. Although you hated Topper as much as the next sane person, he didn't deserve that.
JJ looked at you, up and down. He then smirked and crossed his arms over his shoulders. "Yes princess?"
You scoffed. "Not happening. I need a ginger ale and Sprite."
JJ scoffed back, imitating you. "A 'please sir' would help. Or do you Kooks not know how to say please?"
You glared at him. "I know how to say please to people who deserve it."
"And I don't?" JJ asked, bemused.
"No." You said coldly.
"You don't even know me."
"I know the type." You retorted.
JJ grabbed ahold of his chest, faking being wounded. "Wow, that stings Y/N."
You rolled your eyes, ignoring the fact he knew your name. "You don't need me to explain it to you?"
JJ nodded, a smirk adorning his lips. "I really do, miss."
So you did. "I've heard stories about you JJ. You pulled a gun out on Topper, use girls left and right, and get into trouble with the law for fun. Trust me, I don't wanna get to know you."
JJ frowned, maybe for real this time. "Ever heard of don't judge a book by the Kook's stories?"
You tried to suppress a laugh. "Just get me those drinks."
JJ nodded at you and then you turned away and made your way back to Sarah. To be honest, he wasn't anything like Rafe had said. Yes, you had been there the night he pulled the gun but he was completely different now. He had a personality. He was more than a meathead Pogue like Rafe had said. Maybe you should stop listening to what Rafe and try to decide for yourself who JJ was.
When you returned to you table beside Sarah, the drinks where already there. You were confused. How did he get there before you?
"Took you long enough." Sarah joked as she sipped on her drink.
"Sorry." You sat down, confused. You looked at your drink, then at Sarah. "Who brought them here?"
She shrugged. "Some girl. She said that you had told her to hurry up. What did you say?"
You looked around for JJ. Finally, when your eyes found him, he was already looking at you. He smiled and gave you a small wave before walking away.
You smiled. You wanted to tell Sarah what happened and why JJ had made such an impression on you but you didn't get a chance.
Suddenly music came from the dance floor that had been decorated for this party. You looked to the dance floor were people had stared dancing and then you looked back to Sarah.
"Can for a dance?" You extended you hand out to her.
Sarah smirked. "Of course."
And so, as the sky turned to dark, you two danced.
You had been consecutively dancing for about an hour and your feet ached. You were wearing heels and although you were skilled in the art of wearing heels, you were completely overwhelmed by the aching. You had to stop.
You looked to Sarah, who was holding onto both of your hands as she swayed to the music. You smirked at her. She was a terrible dancer but her confidence made her seem like the best dancer ever.
Once you stopped moving in the middle of the song, Sarah noticed almost instantly and stopped along with you. She looked at you face and instantly knew.
She frowned. "Just until the end of this song."
You sighed, easily swayed when the music was so good. You nodded, swaying to the music again. Sarah picked up where she left off and you both smiled again. The song seemed to be in the middle so you only had to wait a few minutes. You trudged along, the soles of your feet aching so badly you chewed on the inside of your cheek to distract yourself.
"Hey, if you need to stop me can -" Sarah was about to stop but she was cut off by a tap on her shoulder.
A blond boy you now knew as JJ, danced beside Sarah. "Val?"
You frowned. Maybe he thought she was someone else and you thought that was true when you saw Sarah's face, who was confused for a moment.
"JJ?" She questioned and your eyes widened.
"What do you want?" You ask defensively. You wanted to keep up the impression you were still cautious around him.
JJ looks to you and perks up a little. You do the opposite. The other side of his face is badly bruised. You hadn't seen it before because of the darkness before, but now it was all you could see. It looks like he got punched over and over again. You suspected he probably got into another stupid fight. You almost felt sorry for him. The only way to boost his ego was for him to punch someone.
"Well, hello m'lady." He said, bowing.
You took a step back, bemused. As he bowed, he extended his hand for you to take. To indulge him, you grabbed it and he then stood up straight and pulled you close. One had rested, surprisingly, respectfully on your back and the other intertwined with your hand. You looked to Sarah, who was laughing. Your hand rested on his shoulder as you tried to contain your laughter.
"Madam, who you be so kind to get a note for Sarah out of my pocket for me?" JJ asked, swaying with you to the music.
You pulled away only enough to look at him the eyes. "Can't you do that yourself?"
He smirked. "Yes but I'd have to take my hand off your back and I don't wanna do that."
You rolled your eyes, swaying with him. Although he was a tad annoying, it was a comforting type of annoying. Your past presumptions of him yelled to you in your head about the gun and the fights but you quieted them. For this moment, he was being nice and you would look the other way. Maybe you had been wrong.
You nodded to him and reached to the back pocket on his pants and pulled out a note, handing it to Sarah.
Your hand soon returned to his shoulder as he smiled. "Thanks."
"Were you flexing your ass?" You laughed, shaking your head. You were embarrassed. Never had you done that but you couldn't help but laugh. JJ was one weird guy.
"Trying to impress you." He smirked, making you laugh. He then looked to Sarah and nodded at her. She was blushing so hard, and you were about to ask her what happened but she was already running off.
You looked to JJ. "What's going on?"
JJ leaned towards your ear as you swayed. You felt his lips touch your ear and you shivered. "She's meeting JB."
You smiled at JJ as he looked back at you. "I see. Star crossed lovers."
JJ shrugged his shoulders. "Didn't see the appeal of macking with a Kook but now," JJ says, looking you up and down. "I see the appeal."
You gasped and laughed, embarrassed again. "I'll slap you, I swear."
JJ smirked. "Please do."
You rolled you eyes. The next song had already started but you continued to dance. Your feet hurt no longer. "And why shouldn't I just smack you right now?"
JJ smirked. "Because I'm about to dip you and if you slapped me, I would drop you."
You shrugged. "Good enough."
And with that, he dipped you. You leaned your head back as he did and you felt the pressure of his hands on your back. You felt so secure. You knew he'd never drop you.
Once you came back up and looked at him again, you spoke. "I'm sorry for earlier."
JJ smiled. "Are you kidding? Probably the sexiest thing that's ever happened to me."
You rolled your eyes. "Really?"
JJ shrugged, continuing to sway. You had never felt like this. It felt as if you and JJ were the only two people on his dance floor. Not even with Rafe. This feeling was new and you didn't think you'd feel it with JJ. Someone who, before today, you never would've wanted to spend time with.
"So," he started as you continued to dance. "Have I impressed you?"
Before you could answer, you were pulled apart by two hands you recognized immediately. It was Rafe. Topper was right behind him, ready to fight. But this fight wasn't fair. It was two against one. How would JJ ever stand a chance?
"Rafe -" You started but Rafe silenced you by speaking over you to JJ.
"What're you doing dancing with my girlfriend?"
"Actually ex girlfriend." You corrected, standing between Rafe and JJ. "You have no right -"
"No right?" Rafe scoffed, his glance shifting to me now. "Until three hours ago I was your boyfriend and now you're grinding against this Pogue?"
You glare at Rafe. "Get away from me."
"Oh, I will." Rafe gritted through his teeth. As he spoke, his arm went around you and he tried to grab onto JJ's collar. JJ was quicker though and dodged his grasp.
"Run!" You yelled, turning around and pushing JJ our of the way.
JJ was fast. You were in heels so you weren't exactly the fastest person at this party but even as you ran, JJ was miles ahead of you. He looked back for a second, to see where you were and stopped to wait. You were surprised.
"C'mon." He said, grabbing onto your hand as you both ran into a closet and hid.
You heard Rafe and his goons tun down the same hallway you had just run down and they missed you completely. They were such idiots that they didn't even check the closet.
As you both caught your breath in the closet, you couldn't help but smile like an idiot. You had never felt so alive and you still couldn't believe you felt like this with JJ. He was the last person you ever thought could make you feel like this.
Soon, your dumb smile made JJ smile like an idiot and soon you both were smiling at each other. No longer did you guys have to catch your breath but you both still were breathing heavily. You were chest to chest and you were sure JJ could feel your heartbeat pick up.
He looked to your lips. "Why're you smiling?"
You shrugged. "Never done this."
JJ raised his brows. "What? You never ran from your ex with a boy you just met and ended up in a closet?"
You covered your mouth as you laughed. "You have?"
JJ shrugged, obviously joking. "Yeah, like five times."
You nodded, suppressing your smile. You were afraid if you smiled too much, your happiness would be taken away too quickly. You didn't want this to end. "With your rap sheet, I believe you."
JJ gasped, grabbing his chest again and falling an injury. "Another shot. I'm starting to think you're jealous."
You scoffed. "Jealous? No."
JJ raised his brows. "No?" His hand reached up from his sides and came to the hair in front of your face. He brushed it to the side and tucked it behind your ear. "Never thought about kissing me?"
Your smile was gone and replaced with butterflies. "Nope."
"I'm hurt." JJ confessed, fake frowning.
You smirked. "Why?"
"Because," JJ whispered, leaning forward. "I've thought about kissing you ever since you spoke to me for the first time."
Your breath hitched in your throat. His face was so close, his lips even closer. All you would have to do was lean forward and your lips would definitely meet. So, with a deep breath, you leaned forward to meet JJ's lips.
The second you kissed, you felt heat move through your entire body. JJ's hands came up to cup your face as your hands rested on his chest.
Your lips were on fire. For about the millionth time since you met him, he had proved you wrong. You were so glad he did. This kiss was like your favourite song. It was a beautiful sunset on a summer night. It was everything. You never kissed anyone like this. Whether it was adrenaline or the fact that he was someone you barely knew, this kiss was passionate. Your heart felt like his hands were around it. You didn't know how to act when this kiss would come to an end.
You angled you head so that your kiss would deepen. He tasted like mints and liquor and it tasted divine. You seriously couldn't get enough.
But sadly, you had to part. You needed to take a deep breath and you couldn't when his lips were on yours. You were the first to pull away and take a breath.
Once you did, JJ was the first to speak. "Um, wow."
You nodded, wiping your mouth. Your lipstick was definitely smudged. JJ saw your struggle and moved your hand to help. Except he didn't. Once he touched your lips again, your stomach dropped and you leaned to kiss him again. He instantly closed the space and kissed you again.
God, he was addictive. You definitely got it now. Sarah was right. The way Pogue boys kissed was so different from any Kook boy. Kook boys were careful and soft but JJ was the exact opposite. He was passionate but slow and everytime your tongues touched, you felt your stomach flip.
Finally, you both pulled away again. This time he actually helped you rub away your lipstick without kissing you.
"Wow." You said this time.
JJ nodded, catching his breath. He held onto his chest dramatically once more, making you giggle. "Who the fuck are you Y/N?"
You shrugged. Then, you remembered something. "You wanted to kiss me even when I was ripping your head off?"
JJ chuckled, shaking his head. "The first time I met you was when you smiled at me at the station."
You tried to remember that. Finally, you did. You were interviewing Sheriff Peterkin for the school newspaper and that's when JJ walked into her office. He plopped himself down as you said your goodbyes to Peterkin and you hadn't spoken to him at all. He had sarcastically waved goodbye to you and you genuinely smiled. You remember feel bad for him. You barely remembered his name but you saw him around school, always pissing someone off. You wondered why he wanted to kiss you then.
So, you asked. "Why'd you want to kiss me then?"
JJ rubbed his good eye and smiled at you. There was no arrogance under this smile, it was just pure happiness. "You smiled at me like I wasn't a delinquent like everyone else. You just saw me, a regular person."
You were so surprised. You hadn't thought anything of it and never thought of that day again. Until right now. How could JJ remember that?
"I'm surprised you remembered that." You confessed, grabbing ahold of JJ's hand.
JJ smirked. "If you ever tell anyone that, I'll embarrass you."
You giggled. "How?"
"I'll tell everyone you kissed me." JJ joked, squeezing my hand.
"That's not embarrassing." You gave JJ a fake frown, suppressing a smile. "Tell them I once peed my pants in ninth grade."
JJ cackled as you said this. Scared we'd be found, you covered his mouth. "Don't."
It was too late. Someone had heard you and JJ.
Only seconds later, someone opened the closet door. You squeezed JJ's hand to brace yourselves for Rafe but instead it was another waiter. He looked disappointed but not surprised.
"You gotta get out of there." He deadpanned, making way for you to leave.
JJ exited first, you following him shortly after. After you exited, he let go of your hand and looked to you. You were standing in a hallway now and you were too busy looking out to see if Rafe and his goons were around, you didn't realize he was trying to get your attention.
"Y/N." He said, finally getting your attention. Once you looked to him, he spoke. "You wanna pretend like this never happened?"
Your heart sank. Maybe you were wrong in giving him the benefit of the doubt. You sure decided to be honest. You never wanted to go back to never knowing JJ Maybank.
You shook your head. "Do you?"
JJ smiled. "No."
You both just stood there and smiled at each other for a moment. You were just content in being together. You wondered that maybe this is how relationships were supposed to be; easy. It seemed so easy with JJ.
After a long period of silence, JJ leaned forward and kissed you once more. As you pulled away, he spoke."I should go. Don't wanna get my ass handed to me by those goons."
You laughed, shaking your head at him. "I'll see you around then?"
JJ shrugged. "Let's just say, I forgot my keys in Sarah's closet and I'll come by tomorrow at three to get them. If you're there, then I'll see you then."
You shook your head, smiling so wide. "I'll see if I can make it."
JJ nodded and then let you go, making his way farther and farther away from you. At first, you watched you as he walked but when he got to the door, leading him in the opposite direction of the party, he turned around and opened the front door of Sarah's home. Then, JJ was gone. He was gone before you could even say goodbye.
But you knew its wasn't goodbye. This was just the beginning.
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