#Darrel Curtis sr
clarityroses · 2 months
Soda’s next I fear
Stills n shit yknow yknow
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Mental breakdown core
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claritys-silly-things · 2 months
It’s that time again yall
Headcanons! It’s a long one this time
Emetophobia tw
- (I think I can classify this as modern) Rip sodapop curtis you would’ve loved saying “I’m just a girl 🎀”
- Soda never liked haircuts. When he was a small feral child his long hair would get tangled a lot, but he’s tender headed as FUCK so he would scream and cry when his momma brought the brush out. Darry put sodas hair into braids sometimes just for fun and soda didn’t mind bc it kept his hair from getting tangled, and then it didn’t hurt to brush. He’s always had really soft hair and it grows super fast.
- Jealous little soda asksjks (this was about soda being jealous over pony getting attention as a baby but I don’t wanna edit the original ramble I wrote down)
- When ponyboy was born he just kind of STARED. No crying or anything just 👁️👁️. Even Darry cried when he was born. Soda cried a lot.
- Adding on, Darry and pony were pretty quiet babies. They still cried for food and stuff sometimes but not a lot. Soda was a LOUDDD crier, and a frequent one too. It was the type of crying that sounds like it hurts the baby’s throat cause they’re shrieking their head off. Also soda would cry for, like, the first year of his life if he was ever handed to his dad.
- If Johnny survived the fire and got a wheelchair, he’d be running over people’s feet. Constantly. Just because. Or bc they asked for it. Either way, the moment he gets a hang of that wheelchair it is OVER for yall. And probably before that too.
- Ponyboy gets the same. Goddamn. Thing. At EVERY restaurant. Partly because it scares him to order anything else, partly because he’s picky asf. He makes sure it’s there on the menu and has his order memorized by now. “Chicken tenders, fries, and a Pepsi please.” He’s tried to ask for other things in the past like eggs, cuz he likes those, but the moment they asked him “how would you like them done” he just stared at Darry because he didn’t know what all the different types of eggs were, and now he’s scared bc he’s taking longer, and the server is still there, so he just got sunny side up eggs and they were slimy and he wanted to go home and cry (based on a true story sadly)
- Basically pony has anxiety and probably autism (so me)
- Ponyboy likes avocado. That’s it that’s the headcanon. It’s like one of the only healthy-ish things he’ll eat.
- Soda gets suuuper nauseous really easily, and pony gets carsick on occasion. So the first time pony went to a theme park, his family was scared that he would throw up like soda. They go on a ride and he’s like “yall im fine dawg.” Soda is jealous bc pony can go on rides unaffected (soda will still go on rides anyways, he just throws up afterwards)
- Pony is the most PALE ASS BITCH you’ve ever seen. He burns soo easily. His face gets red really quickly, no matter what’s going on. The only time he gets the slightest bit darker is when he burns and tans. Two-bit has been like “you ain’t white you translucent” multiple times because in the right lighting you can see pony’s veins. It’s even worse because soda and Darry tan so wonderfully, and pony looks like he had an allergic reaction if he doesn’t reapply his sunscreen when he’s supposed to. I feel like Mrs Curtis is the reason for this, she didn’t tan. Mr Curtis did tho.
- Pony has mild (severe) ocd
- Marcia’s last name is smith she is white-Hispanic on one side and Native American on the other thank you for coming to my TED talk
- Marcia is Cuban and Native American
- Marcia’s full name is Marcia smith that’s it that’s the end
It’s funny cuz I listed these things like three times and just forgot about the other two
- Twobit is Brazilian end headcanon
- Mr Curtis had autism and Mrs Curtis had inattentive adhd
- Mr Curtis was half Mexican on his mom’s side and half Irish on his dad’s side. Mrs Curtis was full Italian-American.
- Darrys the typa guy to make pony and soda turn off a show or movie if it talks about possession or like demonic stuff/soul stealing stuff
- (Modern au) Darry will get a text from ponyboy about something, like “can I go in your room rq” and he sees it but doesn’t actually open the text message until later and like, two hours later he’ll just respond “no” and thinks it’s the funniest shit ever
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m1dnight-m3mories · 2 years
why do people give mr. curtis names that arent “darrel”.. darry is literally darrel curtis jr. pls put two and two together 🤕
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dallasgallant · 30 days
I’ve talked about how Darry can’t exactly do talks or lectures before, rambled really but— adding to that. Sometimes He’ll say the most insane country saying or idiom and think that makes the point for him.
He spent too much time with his dad ok…
*claps pony on the shoulder* good talk 👍
*soda comes in immediately after to give a actual talk and try to interpret/translate Darryisms*
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kaytheday · 2 months
Darrel Curtis Sr definitely called Darry ‘Junior’
“Hey Junior! Come help your mother with the dishes!”
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Johnny looked at me quickly. "I didn't mean nothing. I meant, well, Soda kinda looks like your mother did, but he acts just exactly like your father. And Darry is the spittin' image of your father, but he ain't wild and laughing all the time like he was. He acts like your mother. And you don't act like either one." -The Outsiders, Chapter 5
It’s funny, because Darry emulates his late father in so many ways (not just in looks and a shared name), despite trying his best to create his own path and not live that lifestyle. Don’t get him wrong, his father was his hero and he admired him beyond words, but didn’t want to struggle the same way his father did. He didn’t want to be stuck in a town he hated, break his back in construction all day for 20+ years, only to barely keep his family afloat and above the poverty line, and to have people look down on him despite trying his best. He wanted to be more, to get a degree, a high-paying job, be able to live comfortably, and yet here he is, stuck working for the exact same construction company his father did his whole adult life to keep a roof over the boys’ heads, always worrying that it’ll never be enough, secretly ashamed of his social status.
Soda, on the other hand, mirrors his father not in looks, but in personality and strives to live just as he did. He recognized from a young age that, like his father, his brain didn’t work the way his brothers did. Nothing came easy to him academically, but he doesn’t see why that should hold him back. After all, his father dropped out in 6th grade, and led a life that Soda views as nothing but successful: a steady job he enjoyed, a beautiful family that despite not having the latest car or fanciest home, was full of love, and a carefree attitude that kept him young at heart. What Darrel Jr. saw as a hard, sad, dead-end life, Soda sees as everything he could hope for. So while his brothers mourn what they view as the only way for Soda to lead a successful life (education), Soda embraces the opportunity to do something he truly loves, work he takes pride in, despite others not understanding. Why should he spend time trying to be good at something he’s not? He can earn money and contribute to his community and build up his trade career. He’s happier at the DX than he ever would be in school, just like Darrel Sr. was working in the cornfields of his adopted parent’s farm all those years ago in that little one-road town in Texas that was ravaged by the Great Depression. And when the Vietnam War breaks out, Soda jumps at the opportunity to again mirror his father in what he sees as the bravest and most noble thing a man can do: serve his country. His brothers and friends beg him not to enlist but he does, full of pride as his hair is buzzed and dog tags are placed around his neck, joining his late father’s, the ones he hasn’t taken off since the day of his funeral. On the first day of boot camp, he stands straight-backed and determined, ready to serve, to defeat the enemy, just like Darrel Sr. defeated the Nazis in 1945.
Hi! I have so many headcannons for The Outsiders universe rattling around in my brain, and I can't always share them fully in my stories, so I figured it's about time I started to share them here. Stay tuned for the backstory of The Curtis Parents, Darry and Two-Bit's friendship, and The Mathews Family. Enjoy!
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chaotic-starlight24 · 3 months
Dallas Winston Backstory Headcanons Part 3
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Part 1, Part 2, General Headcanons
Here is my last part of his backstory headcanons :)
Warnings: None I think
Making it to Tulsa
Eventually he made it to Tulsa, OK at the age of 13 ¾. He had no plan to stay there very long. He had made it to the south so now he just planned to travel around. That was until he went to swipe something from a corner store. Suddenly the manager was right behind him.
“Hey buddy, ya can’t be doin that here.”
Dally just gave him a look, “I was, uh, going to pay Mr…Curtis?”
Did Darrel Curtis Sr. believe him? Nope. Not at all. But he could tell this kid was not from here. With that new yorker accent he was out of place. He saw that this kid hadn’t just moved here. He was alone and afraid no matter how tough he pretended to be. So he let him go and told his wife to look out for him in case she saw him.
Mrs. Curtis did eventually see him when he wandered into the diner and offered him a free meal. He hadn’t eaten in a couple days so he accepted, but was still very skeptical. She tried to ask him what he was doing in Tulsa, where he was from, yada yada. But he was of course very defensive. 
Eventually one of her kids named Sodapop came in with some of his friends. These guys named Two-Bit and Steve. Dally tried to steer himself away from them. But they welcomed him over and soon enough Dally found himself cracking a grin at their stupid jokes. He was still very untrusting, he expected that he would have to disappear soon anyways. But he found himself meeting more people.
Soon enough he met the rest of their “gang”. It was very different from any gang he had ever been in. Not that he included himself in their group. He found himself becoming very drawn to one of the younger boys. Johnny Cade. He saw himself in him, a young and more sensitive version. Dally found himself worried about him. If he was as sensitive as Johnny was he wouldn’t have survived. Johnny also took a shine to him and Dally found himself being followed around. He learned more about him and found out just how tough he really was.
He met Buck through rodeos and became sorta friends with him. He found out Buck had an extra room and bullied him into giving it to him. A 14 year old bullying a 21 year old is quite the sight.
He also met Tim Shephard, in a fight. They beat each other to a pulp after one pickpocketed the other. Afterwards they were like “Hey! I like your style!” They've been frenemies ever since.
He very quickly learned the greaser way from the gang and grew out his hair. But he never cared to grease it. He thought it made it off-color.
He was very close to the Mrs. Curtis and would help her out no matter what the task was. Her and her husband were what made Dally believe that maybe he could stay there. Though he would occasionally have mood swings and not want to talk to her or look at her because he saw his bio mom in her. He truly wished that his bio mom had stood up for herself and not fallen to addiction. 
He was close to Mr. Curtis as well. Not as close but he still trusted him. Mr. Curtis was also a big fan of movies and everything, especially James Dean. So sometimes they would sit on the porch and ramble a bit about him and his movies.
He sort of scared Pony and also just had some dislike for him. He would be rude to him or just flat out ignore him. Usually the gang would get onto him for it but the main reason was that he would be reminded of his own younger siblings. The ones he left behind and now didn’t even know if they were alive. One of his sisters was the exact same age as Pony as well. So Pony grew up believing Dally really was just this delinquent who hated little kids and showed little care. Which was somewhat true…
He was influenced by Shephard’s gang and other more “hood-like” greasers and though the gang didn’t like it, definitely returned to his illegal pastimes. 
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for Father’s Day you guys can’t be simp for Darrel Curtis Sr
or his sons
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stardust-sunset · 6 days
how about na au where darrel sr died first in a car accident and it wasn’t even a few months later that mrs curtis died after (i just wanna do a so big so small animatic mb)
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mattdillon · 7 days
AO3 Fic Meme
Was tagged by @rosemirmir for this!
Rules: Go to your AO3 account and find the following:
What ratings do you write most of your fics under?
Teen And Up Audiences (110)
Mature (69)
Explicit (20)
General Audiences (10)
What are your top three fandoms?
The Outsiders (1983) / The Outsiders - S. E. Hinton (204)
Rumble Fish - S. E. Hinton (6)
Grease - All Media Types / Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies (TV) (5)
What is the top character you write about?
Ponyboy Curtis (189)
What are your top three pairings?
Ponyboy Curtis/Dallas Winston (160)
Mrs. Curtis (The Outsiders)/Original Male Character(s) (12)
Darrel Curtis Sr./Mrs. Curtis (11)
What are the top three additional tags?
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics (159)
Omega Ponyboy Curtis (125)
Alpha Dallas Winston (121)
Does any of this surprise you?
Not at all! Absolutely what I've been writing for awhile now. The only real surprise is the T rating being so large. I thought it'd be lower.
Tagging anyone who'd like to play!
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thejacketexchange · 1 year
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images for tulsa prison blues in order:
The Three main players: Dallas Winston, age unknown. Johnathan "Johnny" Cade, Jr, age 16. Ponyboy Curtis, age 14.
Darrel Curtis Sr, personal photo, 1955. Jennifer Curtis, personal photo in 1957. Darrel "Darry" Curtis Jr., on the Will Rogers football team in 1962.
Keith "Two-Bit" Mathews, your esteemed reporter, age 18, Dallas Winston, age 16, and Sylvia Davis, age 16.
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giasesshoumaru · 11 months
Gia's Fic Masterlist [Miscellaneous Fandoms]
This is a list of all the fics I’ve written that are posted to AO3 for fandoms that are not YOI or HP. Those that are also on FFN will have links to that, too.
Harry Potter || Yuri On Ice || Miscellaneous
Adrien English Mysteries by Josh Lanyon
Coming Clean || Rating: Teen || Pairing: Jake/Adrien || Having made up his mind about coming out, Jake Riordan has to tell his wife and his entire family the truth that has been a long time coming. Spoilers for Death of the Pirate King and The Dark Tide. || Tags: Coming Out, Homophobia || FFN
Marvel Cinematic Universe
'Til The End of the Line || Rating: General || Pairing: Stucky (either romantic or platonic) || Fix-it for the end of Avengers: Endgame. You'll know where and what scene when you read it. || FFN
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
Different Path || Rating: Teen || Pairings: Darrell & Mrs. Curtis, Darrell & Darrell Curtis Sr. || Darrell comes home and his parents have some bad news for him. || Tags: Light Angst || FFN
Half Life Trilogy by Sally Green
Healing with Time || Rating: Mature || Pairing: Gabriel/Nathan || Fix-it for the end of Half Lost. Yes, we all know *that* scene, and the ones that followed. This is my way of dealing with the pain that book caused. || Tags: Brief Sex, Fluff, Romance, Smut || FFN
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m1dnight-m3mories · 2 years
what if mr and mrs curtis didnt die in a car crash hmmm
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stargiirl27 · 1 year
should I pull a darrel curtis sr. and name two of my children the most ridiculous names I can think of
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Twins (but were more than that!)
by Ash_trash11
Life always was interesting in Tulsa Oklahoma. But when the twins, Johnny LaRusso-Cade and Daniel LaRusso-Cade move into town. Things get much much more interesting.
Tulsa Oklahoma brings arguing, growing up, friendships, and heartbreaks to a whole new level.
But the twins will always be there for each other.
*there isn’t anything directly from the outsiders or Karate Kid besides the characters so if you haven’t watched or read one it’s completely still fine to read this fic!*
Words: 2503, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Outsiders - S. E. Hinton, The Outsiders (1983), Karate Kid (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Johnny Cade, Johnny Lawrence, Daniel LaRusso, Dallas Winston, Ponyboy Curtis, Sodapop Curtis, Steve Randle, Two-Bit Mathews, Darrel Curtis Sr., Angela Shepard, Sylvia (The Outsiders), Sherri "Cherry" Valance, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence, Johnny Cade/Dallas Winston, Sodapop Curtis/Steve Randle, Ponyboy Curtis/Curly Shepard, Johnny Cade & Sodapop Curtis, Johnny Cade & Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade & Angela Shepard, Daniel LaRusso & Original Character(s), Johnny Cade & Daniel LaRusso
Additional Tags: Hurt Johnny Cade, Modern Era, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, High School, Takes place in Tulsa, No money Problems, Johnny Cade and Dallas Winston Live, Shy Johnny Cade, Fighting, No Socs No Greasers, Protective Daniel LaRusso, Protective Johnny Lawrence, Protective Dallas Winston, Anxiety, Anxiety Attacks, Dallas is kind of a jerk, only in the beginning tho, so is Johnny L., Soda and Johnny’s friendship is a need in life, Violence, Swearing
from AO3 works tagged 'Johnny Lawrence' https://ift.tt/koAh3gb
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sophie-i-guess13 · 2 years
"ponyboys a theater kid" mf what about Darrel Shayne Curtis Sr. ? Ik he was the only fucking dad at Ponyboys middle school plays
Knew the choreo and everything
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