#based on modern family
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wandascarletfairy · 3 months ago
Based on scene from Modern Family Season 3 Episode 13
5 years old Jee-Yun: I want to watch the news about the 118!
Chim: Okay, well first we want to talk about the word you said earlier.
Jee-Yun: What word?
Chim: Starts with F.
Jee-Yun: Flower?
Chim: No.
Jee-Yun: Fruit?
Chim: No.
Maddie: If she doesn't remember we probably shouldn't remind of it.
Chim: Well, she said 3x.
Jee-Yun: Oh, you mean f#*k.
Albert: *Laughing*
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lyculuscaelus · 5 months ago
So lately I’ve been seeing a lot of posts asking people to stop trying to make Odysseus look nice in their works cuz he’s a “messed-up person in the mythology”. Your opinion is valid however I have but one thing to point out:
You want to know who started all this? Who started to “make Odysseus look nice” in the first place?
It’s Homer. It’s nobody else but Homer himself.
A non-Homeric Odysseus would try to murder people out of his own interests. He’d murder Palamedes without remorse (and we’d be cheering over this but it’s a murder after all), he’d attempt to murder Diomedes just to get the Palladium himself, he’d volunteer to kill Astyanax…meanwhile you wouldn’t find any mention of either Palamedes or Nauplius in Homer’s poems, neither did he mention anything abt the Palladium heist (and Diomedes necessity did not happen until Conon’s version), the death of Astyanax, the distribution of war prizes, etc. And all the details in the Odyssey seemed to deny the existence of Nauplius’s vengeance at all, so Odysseus would not take any of the blame.
A non-Homeric Odysseus would be depicted as “cruel, treacherous”, meanwhile in book 10 of the Iliad Odysseus was not mentioned to have killed anyone during the marauding, neither did he promise Dolan anything at all. The negative interpretations are denied by these details subtly put by Homer.
A non-Homeric Odysseus would be widely known as a “coward” for only shooting arrows from afar. But Homer gave him a spear and had him absolutely slaying in both the Iliad and the Odyssey. That part of Ajax’s speech was invalid already.
Most importantly—a non-Homeric Odysseus would be having kids everywhere else, and the loyalty to his own wife as seen in the Odyssey is no where to be found. Meanwhile his lineage was a single-son line made by Zeus in the Odyssey, and his love for Penelope was one of his main drives, especially seen in book 5 of the Odyssey. He loved his family as a loving parent—something you don’t get to see in most of the non-Homeric writings—for most of the time they followed a different tradition indeed, in which Odysseus wasn’t half as nice as in the Odyssey.
TL;DR: in case you haven’t noticed, the characterization of the Homeric Odysseus was quite different from a non-Homeric version of Odysseus. It’s not that Homer didn’t know of the existence of other versions—he knew them too well, which is why in his version of the story, you don’t get to see any mention of them.
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bnnywngs · 6 months ago
modern mdzs au where lan xichen and lan wangji treat their father as if he's dead because they haven't seen him since they were kids and have no idea where he is, and lan qiren does nothing and says nothing so people believe qingheng-jun is dead.
then suddenly, he reappears looking all sad and remorseful asking for forgiveness and that he wants to get closer to his kids. everyone else is just so shocked to see him alive, while lan xichen looks and feels troubled (he doesn't want to, but filial piety... but he don't want to even look at this man, but filial piety.... but this man is but a stranger to him, not a father at all, but filial piety...) and lan wangji gives him a dirty look, a firm no and walks away (like the petty bitch he is).
lan wangji somehow convinces his brother to make the man go away and to not forgive him, because he does not deserve it.
"abandon him as he abandoned us." he says.
"no pretty words and ugly faces can erase those years, xichen, he's never been a father to you." nie mingjue says.
"i know it's hard, but you should face your own heart, xichen-ge. if you wanted to forgive him, you would've done it already. he's a stranger, as you say, and you don't owe him anything." wei wuxian said.
in the end, lan xichen asks his uncle (who he always secretly thought as his father) to send his progenitor away.
"what do you feel?" lan wangji asked.
"relieved." lan xichen smiled "sad, but still... i'm glad i don't have to deal with that again."
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can-of-pringles · 1 month ago
Arline: I hate Piltover!
Jayce, trying to get her to calm down while they're out in public: Arline, honey, we don't say hate-
Viktor under his breath: Eh.
Arline in a sing-song voice: I hate Piltooover!
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fitzrove · 1 month ago
can someone pay me 2000 euros a month to play the sims 2 rotationally for 8 hours a day 5 days a week. unfortunately i'm pulling rookie numbers with it rn (only about 2-3h/day, and it's cut out of my sleep time) due to things like w*rk and my m*ster's th*sis
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here-comes-the-moose · 2 years ago
*incorrect quote for @callme-xo Modern Batch AU*
Echo: Yeah, the vet thinks Gonky has anxiety.
Crosshair, turning to Gonky: You and me both, buddy.
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ofdreamsanddoodles · 3 months ago
if i was to ask someone if magical girl animes had magical boys in it most people would say probably not, but there are still a fair amount of like, 90s magical girls that had male counterparts that were in some way tied to the magic in question like card capturer sakura, sailor moon, & shugo chara. even tokyo mew mew gave aoyama a magical form, though the circumstances were kind of different.
it's definitely always been more common for the team to always be girls, but most don't really bother to give a REASON for that unless it's a parody or deconstruction of the genre, though madoka's explanation is moreso that it has to be a very specific group of girls because of the emotions they face & yuuna yuki is a hero has the whole sacrifice/shrine maiden metaphor so textually, it has to be girls Because We Are Saying Something About Gender. but then when you get to modern animes like magilumiere it's more like "oh well men just don't have the right kind of magic to be magical girls" (tho in their defense, that's mostly a technology issue). now that the genre's so well known, it's less "we're telling a story about magical girls" and "i have something to say about magical girls, so all the characters have to be women."
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 1 year ago
a/n: I’ve had this AU in my mind for too long (months) so forgive me for the messy thoughts as this is unedited and written in like 10/15 minutes
tags: gojo x f!reader, 3 pink roses AU, readers mother has passed so now she’s a guardian to her younger brother, first date(s) with satoru, character development(?)
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plagued with the idea of meeting satoru through a “lonely” phone service dating line. It’s similar to kento’s dating web match program, but more direct. You’re barely starting off as a caller going by a cover name to ensure your privacy, and you think you probably shouldn’t be this drunk answering a call. Until you happen to match with Satoru.
Several phone calls later, he asks you out. You’re at a restaurant wearing a tight black dress your friend was kind enough to let you borrow and you fear he’s going to ask you for something all men do in exchange for the bare minimum, but he doesn’t.
A second date happens, and the same thing happens. By the third date, he kisses you. It’s soft, you feel, and the excitement rushing through your veins feel so unfamiliar it nearly frightens you.
A week after your third date is when Satoru offers to pick you up from your apartment, which you only accept as you’re outside your building. He doesn’t have to know you have a (younger) brother and that your life isn’t as composed as you make it out to be. You’d rather drown than see anyone, especially him see you with pity.
It isn’t until your heel breaks on your way back to Satoru’s car (after another successful date), your ankle bends inwards causing you to wince. Luckily, Satoru is there to catch you. “Let me walk you to your door this time,” he tells you gently.
You really think you can make it on your own, but the flight of stairs to your apartment and the long walk with nothing to hold on to followed by the elevator lead you to hesitantly accept. You couldn’t make it even if you tried.
So now you’re walking inside your building with this insanely handsomely rich ‘stranger’ arm around his shoulders as you walk towards your door. Surely the look one of your neighbors gives you as they leave gives you the impression that they will in fact talk about this with others within the unit or worse, ask you directly. You’re only thankful Satoru doesn’t notice as he’s too busy guiding you through the door of the elevator.
“You didn’t have to do all that,” you breathe, catching your breath as you’re now at your door leaning against the wall.
“Sure I did,” his smile makes your heart flutter, “I can’t possibly let my date walk with a bad ankle at this hour. What kind of man would I be?” And yet again his million dollar smile makes you playfully roll your eyes.
“You’re probably going to look for another date with better ankles than mine at this rate.” You grin and Satoru laughs at your comparison.
“Believe me, I don’t mind having to walk you up and down your place. It gives me a better excuse to visit you up here. Besides,” he takes a step towards you, placing a strand of hair behind your ear that it feels so intimate.
“I happen to like your ankle-”
“sister!” you hear a voice shout your name, causing you to shove Satoru away, “you’re back!”
You don’t know who to look at, so you awkwardly smile at your brother and then at Satoru, giving them your best ‘keep down and carry on’ look.
Thankfully, your brother pays no mind to the man in front of you who just pushed a strand of hair behind your ear, and instead he wraps his arms around your waist and tells you, “can we get McDonald’s? Auntie Utahime said we can but only if you return and said yes,” and for some reason, you turn to Satoru wondering if he’s still here and not scrambled away.
“I...” you’re puzzled for a split second, “I don’t know-“
“I think he’s been good,” Satoru says, and your younger brother nods. “He’s been waiting for you since you’ve been gone, so maybe it’s only fair to get him something , yeah? Only if you don’t mind.” He adds towards the end, eyes and voice slightly cautious. “I’ll pay.”
“I...” the encounter leaves you wordless, struggling to make a decision.
“I’ll just order him what he wants through the app,” he clarifies, pulling out his phone to show you, “I won’t even go inside your home if that’s what you’re worried about.” He tells you, and you can only nod slowly as a smile follows his features. “What would you like?” He smiles, bending down to bring his phone to your brother’s height. Your brother, being raised by you, turns to you for guidance.
“Be fair.” You give him a look so as to not overdo anything.
“Nonsense,” the man smiles, “let him get what he wants. It’s only once in a lifetime when a kid gets this offer, yeah?”
You’re relieved to see he only picks out his usual order along with two other items he’s always wanted to try. Relieved with this, you instruct him to wait inside while you and Satoru finish talking.
“She’s right,” he nods, “your mom is probably waiting to pick you up too.” And your brother turns to you with a look you can only dismiss as you tell him ‘we’ll talk later’ as he closes the door and you turn to Satoru.
“He, um...” you find the words as your hands fidget behind your back, “he stays with me.”
“Oh.” It’s a quiet silent moment after his realization. “I’m sorry, I-”
“-His mom passed away 8 months ago, so...” your eyes look away for a moment, “he’s with me.”
“I didn’t know you were raising a 10 year old.”
“He’s starting middle school next year,” you tell him, “I... his dad isn’t involved.”
“He’s your dad too, right?”
You shake your head.
“No. Same mom, different dads.”
“Yeah,” you chuckle dryly, “not exactly the story I was hoping to tell either.”
He remains quiet for a minute as you grow slightly anxious at his silence.
“I-I’m sorry,” you say, “I...” you sigh, “I didn’t mean to make this awkward.”
“You didn’t.” He gives you a look, “I just... I didn’t think you had so much on your plate.”
“I...” you breathe, “I understand if you want to stop seeing me after this...”
“Why would I do that?” His question makes your shoulders tense, “it’s not your fault, things happen. Besides, you’re giving me way too little credit for walking you up here with a twisted ankle.” He chuckles, “you should get that check out by the way, and... I don’t mind it. It’s okay, we’re...” he corrects himself , “we’re good. I still want to see you.”
“Is that... okay?”
“yeah,” you nod, slightly breathless. You’re only glad the doorsdasher comes in before handing the bag of McDonald’s to Satoru who hands it to you.
“You should probably hand these to the little guy before they get cold.” He tells you, “get some ice and rest, call me if you need anything okay? even if it’s just to walk your room, I’m here.”
And suddenly, he leaves without a further word. Leaving you with a full, confused and fluttering heart.
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blackbeardsheartbreak · 1 year ago
You know how the core problem in most shows is that people just need to communicate?
What I love about OFMD is that the terrible communication makes perfect sense. It’s not just a plot device, it’s real and relatable and painful and endearing. You see them fail and grow and learn like the messy people they are.
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James: I told him you have a crush on him
Remus: why would you do that
James: I had no choice
Remus: So, you trick me into coming here, you made me gay, and now I have a boyfriend. All these lies just to win a trophy?
James: Yes!
Remus: I respect that
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aroaessidhe · 1 year ago
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2023 reads / storygraph
Sheiné łénde
prequel to Elatsoe, following her grandmother as a teen in the 1970s
after a devastating flood and loss of family members & their traditional home, she works with her mother & their ghost dogs, tracking down missing people
when a local boy goes missing - and her mother, when trying to find him - strange fairy rings (not the usual, reliable ones used for transport) might be to blame, and she and her friends, brother, and lone (unreliable) grandfather have to try find them
friendship, family, ecology, no romance, ghost bugs :)
(title pronounciation: Sheh-ee-neh lehneh)
arc from netgalley, out 16 April 2024!
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loki-ioki · 2 years ago
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Melli mlp version: an Ancient Unicorn named "Toxic Camellia"
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parkitaco · 2 years ago
hey if you're still doing the kiss prompts -> #11? maybe? it would be super sweet and your writing is so cool (no pressure tho!!!!)
Will is asleep when Mike gets home.
Mike discovers this almost immediately, when he opens the door to a darkened hallway and bangs his shin on the shoe rack. Almost all the lights are off, with the exception of the soft glow coming from the fairy lights in their bedroom, the ones they leave on at night because even after nearly a decade since the days of, as Will likes to call it, “the horrors”, neither of them are very fond of the dark. 
Mike hisses out a quiet curse, rubbing at his leg where it smacked into the metal rack as he fumbles for the light switch, turning on the hallway light long enough to shrug off his jacket and set his keys on the table. He’s a little tipsy, courtesy of some assorted booze he’d confiscated from his students, who are generally very sweet people but tend to be a bit stupid and unsubtle where alcohol is involved - not that he hadn't been the same way, but then again, he'd been stupid and unsubtle about most things as a teenager.
Prom, he thinks bitterly, huffing out a breath as he kicks off his shoes and nudges them aggressively in the direction of the offending shoe rack. He and Will had skipped out on their own, back in the day, under the excuse of the fact that school dances were “lame and unnecessary”, which isn't untrue, but had served as a somewhat weak cover for the real reason. They hadn’t been able to dance together like they wanted, then.
They can now, though, Mike thinks triumphantly, as he heads toward their bedroom and the promise of his sleeping boyfriend. Suck it, Hawkins bigots.
Just as Mike suspected, Will is asleep, his form visible from where Mike stands in the doorway, the door thoughtfully left ajar for him. He leans against the wall, smiling a little to himself as he watches Will’s chest rise and fall softly against the pillows. His back is to him, hair spilling softly over the pillows, and he’s a beautiful sight, bathed in the golden glow of the lights strung across the ceiling. Mike loves him.
He shifts, carefully slipping into the room and shutting the door softly behind him. He casts another fond glance at Will, still dead to the world on his side of the bed, as he slips off his jeans and dress shirt and exchanges them for his sweats. Will’s usually a fairly light sleeper, but Mike supposes that these days he’s well enough accustomed to Mike’s presence, routine and constant in the apartment they’ve shared since college, that it doesn’t disturb him. Either that, or he’s faking sleep just to annoy Mike, which is entirely possible.
Mike flops onto the bed beside Will, propping himself up on one arm as he snakes the other around Will’s midsection, leaning over to press a kiss to the side of his jaw, just below his ear. “Will,” he prods in a soft, teasing lilt, lips still pressed to his skin, and Will shifts a little under him. “Are you awake?”
“No,” Will huffs, wriggling in Mike’s arms and shoving his face into his pillow. “Go away.”
Mike laughs softly, entirely ignoring this request in favor of rolling further on top of Will, hooking one leg over his waist and pressing a series of overexaggerated kisses to his cheek. “Didn’t you miss me, though?” he asks, as Will whines in protest under his unrelenting embrace.
“I saw you this morning, asshole,” he grunts, shoving uselessly at Mike’s arms and trying in vain to roll out from under him. “Go to sleep.”
Mike rolls his eyes and again refuses to meet this request, resting his chin on Will’s shoulder instead and staring imploringly down at him even as Will refuses to open his eyes. Sleepy Will usually goes one of two ways - either Will is soft and sweet and pliant when Mike drags him off the couch after a movie night and guides him to bed, or he’s grumpy and scowling and his eyebrows knit together in disapproval whenever he’s asked to do something. Mike finds both of these options endlessly adorable. 
"This morning was, like, seventeen hours ago, though," he points out, reaching up with one hand to poke Will's cheek, right over the freckle under his eye. "That's, like, forever."
Will's nose wrinkles in fake annoyance, and Mike moves his finger away in favor of kissing the same spot on Will's face. Then again, and again, until Will huffs out breath and bats at him, placing his entire palm over Mike's entire face and giving it a gentle shove. "You're so dramatic," he says, but the protest is blurred around the edges, softened by sleep and Mike's kisses.
Mike grins. “So mean to me,” he murmurs, and Will opens one eye to glare at him even as his mouth twitches, like he’s fighting a smile. Mike leans down to kiss it, lips glancing lightly over the corner of Will’s mouth, and for all of Will’s griping, he doesn’t pull away. “You don’t want to hear about prom?”
“Not unless it’s to tell me that I was right about chaperoning being a dumb idea,” Will says flatly.
“It was not!” Mike protests, and as retaliation squirms closer, face centimeters from Will’s even as Will stubbornly closes his eyes again. “It was- nice.”
Will’s mouth twitches again. “I bet it was,” he says dubiously, shifting and pulling the blankets further over them both, “You smell like cheap vodka, by the way.”
Mike squawks indignantly, releasing his grip on Will just long enough to flick his forehead. “It was only a little. Those kids are idiots, bringing that stuff in.”
“They take after you,” Will mumbles, giving up on trying to wriggle his way out of Mike’s grasp and instead lifting a gentle hand to rest against his arms where they’re wrapped across his chest.
“What, because of the booze?” Mike asks absently, smiling to himself as Will’s thumb brushes gently back and forth over his skin. 
“No, because of the idiocy,” Will replies, and Mike laughs, dropping his head into the crook of Will’s neck. “I still love you, though," he adds, as an afterthought, his other hand coming up to brush through Mike's hair.
Mike smiles against Will's skin, and Will rolls onto his back, hand pressing into Mike's spine and pulling him in closer. "You just told me to go away."
"Yeah, well," Will hums, tapping a fingertip against Mike's nose, "I'm also an idiot, so."
He wraps a hand in the front of Mike's shirt, drawing him down closer, and Mike smiles into it when their lips meet in a proper kiss. Will is warm, soft and hazy with interrupted sleep, and Mike can feel him smiling back as he wraps his arms around Mike's waist. Mike loves him like this, the traces of Will's feigned irritation fading away entirely as he lazily traces his tongue over Mike's lip. Mike shivers, humming happily as he wriggles closer to Will, as close as he can physically get as he presses him gently into the pillows.
"Knew you missed me," Mike mumbles against Will's lips, and Will laughs, breaking the kiss as he presses his forehead against Mike's.
"Maybe a little," he admits, voice laced with amusement as his lips brush Mike's another time. "Dork."
"Knew it," Mike says, grinning triumphantly and finally deeming it appropriate to free Will from his crushing embrace as he flops over onto his back, head lolling to the side to smile lazily at his boyfriend. Will rolls his eyes but stays close anyway, scooting under Mike's outstretched arm and resting his head on his shoulder. He hums softly, reaching up to card a hand through Will's hair and pressing a kiss to the crown of his head.
"So how was prom, anyway?" Will asks quietly, fingers tracing a gentle pattern over Mike's chest. "Besides it being boring and lame and full of drunk teenagers?"
Mike laughs. "I didn't say it was boring. Or lame."
"I know," Will hums, "I'm saying it. Boring and lame and definitely not worth missing precious hours with your boyfriend."
"For sure," Mike agrees, which is entirely true, because as much as he had enjoyed watching the kids dance together and definitely not feeling at all bitter about never going to his own, he'd mostly spent the whole time thinking about Will. Which was maybe a given, considering the specifically engineered romantic environment, and Mike thinks about Will all the time even in normal environments, but still. "It was sweet," he says thoughtfully, staring up at the ceiling and feeling the soft motion of Will's breathing against him. "The kids were happy."
Will grunts noncommittally. "It's all fake."
"I know, but they're- it's just nice," Mike huffs, and Will tucks a smirk away against his neck, "I know you agree with me."
"No," Will huffs immediately, and then, almost immediately, "Well. Maybe."
As much fun as goading Will is, Mike knows where the resistance comes from, and a bittersweet sort of feeling settles in his gut as he presses another kiss to Will's forehead. "Hey, are you free tomorrow night?" he asks, nudging Will's chest with his shoulder.
Will tilts his head back to look at him, frowning. "Um. Thought we were watching Star Wars again?"
Mike laughs. "Sure, we can still do that. But I was wondering if you wanted to have- a make-up prom."
Will stares at him for a solid thirty seconds. Then he coughs, blushes, and looks away. "You're an idiot," he says, which means I love you more than life itself, and Mike grins, tucking his face in beside Will's. "Go to sleep already."
"Oh-kay," Mike hums teasingly, kissing his temple gently, "The offer stands, though. Eight PM. Living room. Whatever dumb music you want."
"Sleep, Michael," Will repeats, voice muffled as he talks into Mike's t-shirt. Then, quieter, low enough to give the impression that he thinks Mike can't hear even though they both know he can, "I'll be there."
Mike smiles.
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bosesmikas · 11 months ago
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“For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.” ― Judy Garland
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kavalyera · 5 months ago
Tell me more about Florante *twirls hair and acts like I'm not obsessed*
34. What are their thoughts on blood dolls?
35. How old is your OC up until their death?
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34. What are their thoughts on blood dolls?
— He’s loyal to his wife even when she’s dead and refuses to drink from them even when it’s the choice she’d tell him to pick (and also because they lowkey make him uncomfortable </3)
35. How old is your OC up until their death?
— Florante was 56 when he died and then got embraced minutes later <3
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petefromarma · 6 months ago
thank you this is a safe space for communist fall out boy fans. i love em but hate them and thats okay. i do wish they were better. i think one reason why people act like that in the fandom is they spent a lot of time associating with it and spending money and making it part of their identity which i am guilty of and still do, its almost an attack on them. to rethink what they consume. i think a lot of people just dont want to ever think of letting them go. and i get it it can suck. ofc i am not saying people should let go of them entirely or whatever but realize your faves may not be as progressive as you think they are and to acknowledge that flaw. i think one thing that sort of helped me “grow apart” from fall out boy is deadass making ocs. sure they don’t have a whole fandom or actual media but its honestly helped me a lot with just being able to put in my creative energy into something else besides fob. i still like to dabble in the fob fandom but its nice to have something else beyond fall out boy and sort of a “safety net” if things truly go south if fob gets actually “canceled” if they do something that i truly can’t really be all fandomy over if that makes sense hahaha
i think you're probably right tbh re fans feeling guilty abt spending money on them; a fair amount of western activism revolves around consumerism, which makes sense for a capitalistic society but like i really do wish these people would just get real and own up to the fact that their enjoyment of fob has nothing to do with their politics for better or for worse and if they actually believed that it did they would stop spending money on concert tickets and stop spending money on merch, not as a form of boycott or anything like that (imo most forms of western modern day boycott are ineffective in terms of constituting material change bc they focus on conglomerates; we should boycott bc it is the right thing to do to not pay in to companies that are supporting genocide, not bc we are expecting large scale change to come of it) but because it would be in line with the ideological/moral boundaries they have set for themselves
imo engaging with art/celebrity in a capitalistic society is a net neutral, for the most part; simply saying this among the most radical of accelerationist twitter grifters would get my head chopped off for paying attention to a band instead of the glorious revolution that's supposedly forming amongst russian soldiers doing genocide in the donbas or whatever but unless leftists want to actually get serious about global suffrage then idk what to say lol people are going to look to art as a coping mechanism and continue to pay in to these systems bc it helps them survive mentally/emotionally. now that being said that's why i think it's hypocritical and grotesque to participate in faux outrage against a band that you like by doing pretend activism bc none of these people actually give a shit that fob do business with/are friends with zionists, they just want to look good in front of their friends for caring about the right thing at the right time. if their disgust was genuine they would quietly drop them and move on but they're more invested in their own comfort than doing what they perceive as being right. so i guess to clarify i don't think spending money on and paying attention to a band with milquetoast lib politics is inherently materially harmful; what i do believe is actively harmful to the cause you claim to serve is when you put on a performance for a few days because the band you like fucked up in a way that can't be ignored and then never talk about it again and go back to pretending that pw is a radical leftist and not a run of the mill democrat. like if you're just going to stop talking about it eventually don't even bother bringing it up in the first place lol
i support you tho i do think OCs are a good idea esp if you want to pull away from engaging with IP tbh and i think just a good thing for enhancing your writing/creativity in general
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