#based asf
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How bout that election year huh
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You forgot another HMS - TSS dynamic: Soul & Logan
Soul: So you have a blue tie huh?
Logan: ...yes.
Soul: Z-Zubin?? 0o0
Mind later yells at Soul for harassing his new friend.
Logan: What is a ‘Zubin’?
Mind: It’s nothing. Soul is just bEING A LITTLE SHIT!
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plupsobi · 1 year
What if I OC posted. is this a safe space or would you stab me 2 death where I stand ?
Anyway this is lexi she is my oomfie I luv her very much she's so sillypilled 2 me (haunted by self made Horrors)
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Reminder that May "the monsters sit out on the sidewalk all day and they never come in" Castellan keeps her Medusa beanie baby INSIDE the house
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hairscare · 5 days
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since the fanon fnaf au takes place in modern day in my brain i like the idea that william got springlocked a little later and raised vincent after his parents untimely mysterious murders (vincent did it) but now hes trapped in the safe room and his silly ass nephew is continuing his work for funsies
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hypocrisy-incarnate · 4 months
once again thinking about podcast men with the most british names i've ever fucking heard
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scribble-bunnie · 8 months
Let You Go | Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Tenth Doctor x Reader (Gender Neutral, I think, I didn't specify anything)
Word Count: 2.1k
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending that's also kinda Open?
Summary: Fragments of the process of falling in love with you; and the moment it all built up to.
A/n: This is my first time writing for this fandom and I'm only watched till the 2nd episode of S4 so please forgive any mistakes! Also, the Doctor might be ooc (my biggest nightmare, writing ooc characters) but I was possessed last night to write this instead of studying so ofc I will share it. The pacing is all over the place and I'm not the proudest but it's something. I hope you enjoy it regardless <3
also available on ao3!
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The Doctor doesn't remember how it happened. It had been too quick, or maybe too slow– or maybe it was both at once, leaving him unable to pinpoint when or how he fell in love with you. All he knew was that it had been easy.
There were moments though– moments when he could remember distinctly the unusual rhythm of his hearts that played only around you. Moments when, in the back of his mind, he had no choice but to admit that he was in love.
The one that hurt him the most to this day was the moment born out of his own anger. It had been at the end of a particularly harsh adventure, one that had left his feelings in a jumble, anger hot and quick to lash out the moment you had pushed a little too far, too close to his heart and to his hurt– he had shouted at you, "Don't you dare! You are not special!"
There was silence for a few seconds, enough to get the Doctor to realise what he had said but it was your response that still haunted him to this day.
"I know," you had said gently. He could see the hurt in your eyes, masked with an understanding and soft smile that was reassured. "I know I'm not special. I'm perfectly ordinary. And isn't that wonderful? Someone special like you needs someone ordinary like me by his side– to remind you that it's okay to be ordinary sometimes. It's not a bad thing, Doctor."
You had inched closer and opened your arms to offer him a hug, a way out of the conversation – a silent way to make an apology. He had taken it, not knowing what else he could have done instead to make you realise that you were wrong. Being ordinary was wonderful, but you were special. Special to him in ways he was too terrified to admit even to himself, so much so that he had said the opposite in a fit of anger because he was scared.
He didn't know how you did it, but you somehow knew that his anger was just him being hurt and scared. And you were always generous with your hugs when anyone was afraid– didn't he know that after seeing you hold so many strangers close while on your dangerous adventures? Those same strangers that he had been jealous of had been replaced by him in that situation and suddenly, the moment was not all that he had hoped it would be. It wasn't a delicate and vulnerable moment like he had thought; he had ruined it by hurting you.
Yet you were never one to hold a grudge. You never really mentioned it, except in passing sometimes when you joked about being ordinary and common whenever an alien or person would think you extraordinary. Every single time, the Doctor regretted not letting you know the truth– but that moment had been one where he couldn't have denied the truth even if he was scared.
There were other times, other memories of you that were a lot more warmer to remember. Like the time when you had asked him, a few days after joining him, whether the TARDIS was alive. He had answered you with a simple yes, and you had just nodded then but he could see you take the time to pet the TARDIS and speak to her sometimes when you thought he wasn't around. It was sweet, the way you were connecting to his only constant through all of time and space.
There was a moment on another planet, one in the far past where an alien species had been under attack from another. The Doctor still remembered the sight of you holding the alien child in your arms while you all tried to escape– had heard the comfort you had whispered into the child's ears despite being scared underneath the surface yourself.
When he asked you about it later, you had just given him a radiant smile and said, "The fear is just my natural instinct, Doctor. But the conscious part of me knows that you are there– and it's never scared because it believes in you."
You believed in him.
Sometimes, he wondered why. On the days when all the two of you encountered was death and destruction, the whispers of the danger that follows the Doctor clanging in the back of his head as hollow reminders, he wondered why you would choose to put all your faith in him. Why would you think that he was special, but you were ordinary? How were you able to still offer him comfort after seeing him destroy planets, species, entire civilizations? What did you see in him, an empty shell of a man he once used to be?
Your voice was like a steady anchor whenever he felt like he was drowning in his own thoughts. The loud volume of it was always offset with the gentleness in your tone whenever you spoke to him, and somehow, it always managed to make him feel warm. It sounded a lot like ho–
"Doctor, are you okay?" Your voice was concerned now. The Doctor blinked, snapping out of his own thoughts to look at you. You were holding something in your left hand and reaching out to touch him with your right one. "Is there something I can do?"
"No, no!" He cleared his throat, giving you a bright grin that faded a little at the edges when he realised that you were still staring at him impassively. "Sorry, just got a bit lost in my thoughts there."
You hummed, wrapping your arms around the box in your hands now. The Doctor looked at it curiously; wasn't it one of those cookie tins that you said were always full of sewing materials?
"Was it… about her?" You asked quietly, a little unsure and hesitant. It was the only topic you never really brought up– and whenever you did, you always sounded a little scared. Like anything you said would hurt him too much. Or maybe you were scared to pry too far into his feelings. "The planet we went to today… Did you go there with her?"
He had done that before. You had been there with Martha, when he had taken you two to places he had been with Rose. Never again after that, though.
"No, not this one," he shook his head, trying to look you in the eyes. It was usually so easy, you were always looking at him with wide eyes that seemed to admire him. Now though, you were looking away. He tried again. "I wasn't thinking about her."
"Home, then?" You finally looked him in the eyes, a little tension sucked out but not all. Gallifrey was the second topic you were careful to speak around. You had had your fair share of answers demanded out of him like Martha had, but after that, you had let the choice lie with him whether he wanted to talk about it. And, weirdly enough, sometimes he wanted to tell you everything. Wanted to tell you about the place that once used to be his home. Now…
"This is my home now," he replied quietly, hand slipping to cover yours over the cookie tin. You and the TARDIS. Home. "Anyway, what's this?"
If you realised his terrible attempt at switching topics (which you did, as always), you didn't comment on it. Instead, you held up the box and opened it to reveal not the notorious sewing materials but actual cookies.
"I," you blushed, embarrassed for once. It was surprising, considering you had held steadfast through far more humiliating scenes in all your adventures. Why were you blushing over cookies? "I tried baking some cookies. It's not, it's not much, and they're not all that goo– hey! I'm still speaking!"
The Doctor didn't wait after hearing that you made them. He immediately picked one up to try it. He could tell that the baking powder was just a little bit too much and the mix wasn't done properly in some bits but you were looking at him with a shy smile.
"I thought you deserved a little nice something after the mess our last adventure was," you mumbled, picking up one of the cookies yourself to eat.
"It's good," the Doctor felt a little choked– not on the cookie, but there was a lump in his throat. You rolled your eyes, waving your half eaten cookie at him.
"Liar," you called out, smiling through the action. "I promise the next ones will be better. Or maybe I should try a cake next time. Would you like that?"
The Doctor stiffly nodded, trying to blink away the sting in his eyes. As always, you knew something was off.
"Hey," your voice was soft, concerned. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"No," the word came out before he could stop it. Somehow, neither his brain nor his mouth had a filter when it came to you. "I just… wonder."
You waited for him to speak when he paused, trying hard to put the words together. Speaking his emotions was always so difficult.
"I just wonder," he tried again, "what I did to deserve you."
"It's just cookies, silly," you shook your head, inching closer. The Doctor hoped you would step even closer. A hug would be really, really nice right now. "It's nothing compared to all that you've given me. I have seen so much, gone all across time and space because of you– I could ask you right back what I did to deserve you."
"It's not," he was struggling but he had to let you know. You looked a bit confused, pausing in your actions to look up at him. "It's not nothing. All of time and space is nothing compared to all that you have given me. That understanding, that comfort, that warmth– I can't find it anywhere else in that time and space you speak of."
"Do you remember that time I said you were not special?" He asked quietly, taking a step closer. It was the first time he had done it; usually, you were the one who had to cross the space between the two of you. You opened your mouth, probably to say that it was all bygones, but he rushed ahead with, "I lied. I have wanted to tell you ever since then, that I am just a coward, and a liar. Saying that you're not special… that was just me trying to tell myself that I can't let you be special to me. Because the moment I let that happen, that's the moment I–"
He broke off, frustrated at how the words just weren't coming out the way they were supposed to. What was he supposed to say anyway? It's not like he could tell you his feelings. There was no way you would take it kindly. Not after knowing about Rose, not when you had only ever looked at him with respect and admiration.
"Doctor," your voice was quiet but you were so close and the hum of the TARDIS had quietened so much that he could hear you clearly. "Don't."
Was it possible for both his hearts to sink? He stared at you, tears welling up in your eyes as you gave him a painful smile.
"Don't do this," you added shakily, your arms coming up to hold yourself. Beside you, the cookie tin lay forgotten on the console. "Don't… give me hope, only to take it away. I have been strong, but I'm not strong enough for this."
"What–?" He didn't understand. You closed your eyes and took a step back, a step away from him. Something inside him fractured.
"I have loved you in silence, Doctor," you said quietly, "and I thought I did it well enough for you not to realise. But I must not have done a good enough job hiding it– you know how it is. I'm not, I'm not asking you to return my feelings. I don't expect or even hope you to. All I ask is that you forget it. Forget you know it and let me go on one more adventure with you. One last, if you can no longer bear to see my face after this. Just one–"
"Why one?" He stepped closer, covering the distance you had backed up. "Why not all of them?"
You seemed to have lost your breath as you stared at him. "Y- You mean it? I can stay? You will forget this happened?"
"No," he shook his head, hands reaching out to touch your elbows. With his eyes, he asked you for permission. You would be mad to deny it, when that's all you've wanted for so long now. "I can't forget it even if I tried to. I told you, you are something that I can't find anywhere else in all of time and space. And if you choose me, then I'm selfish enough to not let you go."
all likes, reblogs, comments are appreciated ♡
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mav-the-artist · 6 months
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haven't drawn madcom in a while, and my style's changed a bit since then. so here's jeb!
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revvlation · 9 days
"When I was sixteen I won a great victory. I felt in that moment I would live to be a hundred. Now I know I shall not see thirty..."
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sporeclan · 4 days
Ngl I am kinda curious about Soltalon’s mate!
There's not really much to him! I imagine he was just a sweet lil guy, probably around her age. He's like a chipper country boy kinda deal, the golden retriever boyfriend to her golden retriever girlfriend if that makes sense. The high-school sweetheart. I think that if it were up to him, she definitely would've never ended up alone </3 We can only hope that one day they can somehow reconnect in the future :')
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AWHH that's a cute headcanon!! I could definitely see her having a bit of Savannah cat somewhere in her family tree :D
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vergil is so girlfailure and no I won't elaborate
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transwhorefinn · 2 years
So my partner was on pinterest and found this
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Who did this
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decora-clown · 2 months
lord of the flies modern au when??? gen alpha kids????????
(i’m reading lotf for school summer homework, which i haven’t read since i was 10)
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om0000 · 3 months
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morangoowada · 3 months
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Is this seriously the highest amount of melanin this game can tolerate?
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akkivee · 1 month
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evil sasara must be so interesting lol like an inverted sasara i think is still just sasara since he’s like two faced asf, but maybe that asshole side of his personality would be his main side lol 🤔
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