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#otd #startrek #deepspacenine #BarAssociation #sisko #dax #kiranerys #odo #worf #bashir #obrian #quark #rom #leeta #Grimp #Frool #Brunt #ds930 #startrek57 @TrekMovie @TrekCore @StarTrek @StarTrekOnPPlus @ChaseMasterson
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#advocate #lawyers #barcouncilofindia #barassociation #allahabaduniversity #AllahabadHighCourt #supremecourtofindia #AdvocateGeneral #UttarPradesh #misra
Pt. Kanhaiya Lal Misra - My Father Book/eBook by Munindra Misra on Amazon (India) https://www.amazon.in/PT-Kanhaiya-Lal-Misra-Father/dp/1482818566
#advocate#lawyer#books#allahabad hc#allahabad high court#advocategeneral#uttar pradesh#bar council#bar association#india
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⚡️ DOSE DJ Set : Électromagnétisme ⚡️ Entre dans les vibrations de la musique et viens faire disjoncter tes cellules... Laisse les fréquences sonores électrifier ton corps en mouvement et réveiller la foudre qui est en toi... La danse sensorielle DOSE est une danse libre et spontanée qui booste les hormones du bonheur. D.O.S.E. = Dopamine + Ocytocine + Sérotonine + Endorphine Un DJ set DOSE dure 1h30 et est constituée d'une série de musiques avec pour chacune des jeux ou propositions dansées : 👉 Partie 1 : rapide, dynamique, euphorique 👉 Partie 2 : lente, sensible, relaxante Certaines danses sont individuelles, d'autres en interaction. Se laisser guider... pas besoin de savoir danser ! Lâcher prise... pas de spectacle ni de choré ! Plein tarif : 10€ / Tarif réduit : 5€ La première séance est offerte ! INFOS & CONTACT : 🔹 Web - dansesensorielle.com 🔹 Insta - @DanseSensorielle 🔹 Facebook - DOSE Danse sensorielle 🔹 Pierre - 06 99 17 13 99 #dj #music #djset #arles #soiree #clubbing #bar #barassociation #association #arles #techno #deephouse #poloandpan #protokseed #danse #dance #electro #djset (at L'Angerie) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUUW1Q7Ke0S/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#patriciamccloskey #tamirrice #barassociation (at Phoenix, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCHTSNDp6TA/?igshid=drkrd6he97cn
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11.23.1789: Norfolk, Virginia. “Sir, I think it my duty to inform you that I am this day arrived here [from 5 years in France]…” —to the US Secretary of Foreign Affairs, John Jay . . In the attached video, I comment on some of my observations and experiences while representing the US abroad in Europe. I made these comments during a #ContinuingLegalEducation seminar for the Pennsylvania #Bar Institute, facilitated by @AmericanHistoricalTheatre . . The clothing I am wearing was crafted by the talented hand of Kim Hanley, Executive Director of AHT . . #whatdidimiss #ThomasJefferson #YourThomasJefferson #Jefferson #LouisianaPurchase #POTUS #President #Constitution #USA #USConstitution #AmericanHistory #France #CLE #law #PBI #lawyers #barassociation #pennsylvaniabarassociation https://www.instagram.com/p/B5OyZS0jju5/?igshid=j1j3ojyj8ehk
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Our @toddre3000 served on a panel today discussing the art of cross examination for the membership of the @wdfjba Wilkie D Ferguson Bar Association. He was honored to present alongside Professor Don Jones, Trelvis Randolph, Michelle Delancy, and the great Monique Monique D. Hayes . #haggardlawfirm #HaggardLaw #LawFirm #Lawyers #Justice #Attorneys #Advocacy #BarAssociation #PersonalInjuryAttorneys #PersonalInjuryLawyers #LawFirm #mentoring #mentoringmatters #wednesdaywisdom (at Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs_a-Q5BstX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=atyxfqy2vebt
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Vəkillər Kollegiyasının 2018-ci ildə təşkil etdiyi çox faydalı treninqlərindən birində təqdim edilmiş və 4 il keçməsinə baxmayaraq hələdə mütəmadi olaraq faydalandığım - 🇪🇺 Avropa Şurasının HELP proqramına müxtəlif mövzularda onlayn kurslar daxildir. Kurslara qoşulub, hər bölmənin sonunda test suallarını uğurla cavablandırdıqda üzərində identik kodu olan sertifikat təqdim olunur. Hesab edirəm ki, peşəsini qiymətləndirən hər kəs daima özünü inkişaf etdirməlidir. _______________________________________________________ #vekillerkollegiyası #barassociation #eu #ec #vəkil #vekil #advokat #advocate #barrister #attorney #lawyer #azerbaijan #baku #huquq #qanun #court #law #legal #advokataskerov #amid #vekilamid #mehkeme (at Vəkil Amid Əsgərov) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ2A1M8A411/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Allyson Mitchell and Zhara-Marie Henry told The Gleaner that they are ecstatic that after years of being dubbed ‘village lawyers’ in school, their dreams finally morphed into reality when they were called to the Bar in December. The freshly minted attorneys have both exhaled in relief after what they described as a turbulent journey through law school. For full story: Click on the link in @jamaicagleaner Stories, on the Features highlight or visit epaper.jamaica-gleaner.com. (📷: Contributed) #GLNRFeatures #lawschool #lawstudents #barassociation (at ScholarshipJamaica.com) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZa6QE5Oru8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Thank you to everyone who has supported me through these last three years of law school, and thank you to the Hispanic Bar Association of NJ for the scholarship and the recognition this past weekend! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I appreciate the love and support from my amazing boyfriend @nigelj_! I’m so happy we got to celebrate together! As well, from all the other family and friends in attendance and those that were not. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I keep feeling that my grandma was present in that room and was looking down on me cheering on. This year started off with a bang when my grandma passed away. I truly feel blessed to have had all these incredible opportunities in 2018. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ #lawtino #latino #latinx #lgbtq #lawyer #law #hba #barassociation #rutgerslaw #newjersey #summer #venetian #blackandwhite #money #love #happy #support #gay #weekend #work #futurelawyer #boyfriend #firstgeneration #colombian #colombia (at The Venetian Catering)
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Ahmednagar Bar Association : अहमदनगर सेंट्रल बार असोशिएशन अध्यक्षपदी के. एम. देशपांडे
#Ahmednagar Bar Association : अहमदनगर सेंट्रल बार असोशिएशन अध्यक्षपदी के. एम. देशपांडे
Ahmednagar Bar Association : अहमदनगर (दि १२ जानेवारी २०२२) – अहमदनगर सेंटल बार असोशिएशनच्या अध्यक्षपदी येथील ज्येष्ठ विधीज्ञ किशोर तथा के. एम. देशपांडे यांची बिनविरोध निवड झाली.संस्थेच्या नुकत्याच झालेल्या सर्वसाधारण सभेत देशपांडे यांची अध्यक्षपदी एकमताने निवड करण्यात आली. या सभेस संस्थेचे ज्येष्ठ सदस्य अॅड. अशोक कोठारी, अॅड.विश्वासराव आठरे, अॅड.सुभाष काकडे, अॅड.ए. के. गुगळे,…

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#otd #startrek #deepspacenine #BarAssociation #sisko #dax #kiranerys #odo #worf #bashir #obrian #quark #rom #leeta #Grimp #Frool #Brunt #ds930 #startrek58 @TrekMovie @TrekCore @StarTrek @StarTrekOnPPlus
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I'm often asked whether I have anything for lawyers...YES! Trust Me I'm a Lawyer! Lazyjackpress.com #ties #bowties #lawyer #aba #barassociation #judge #lawschool #giftideas #holidays #dapper #lawyerlife #selftiebowtie #loveit #gifts #fashion #style #menswear #mensstyle #instagood #instalike #instalove #instadaily #instafun #prep #preppystyle #preppy #giftsforhim #accessories #mensweardaily #cheers (at Belvedere, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn9yYFyH-Lo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lonbxk81mh0y
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New York State Bar Association @countryside_gallery #decormolding #nysba #truviewglazing #nystate #peterboromatboards #certification #conservationframing #barassociation #preservationmounting #newyorkstatebarassociation (at Countryside Gallery & Custom Frame Design) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUV9zcaJp7Q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#bars from #thebarassociation @450sixx @whoeverimissed #grind #passion #dopesixty #dope60 #rap #hiphop #mc #emcee #battle #barassociation #love #spreadlove #letsgo #words #simile #metaphor #oxymoron
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ନରସିଂହପୁର ବାର କାଉନସିଲର ନିର୍ବାଚିତ ଫଳାଫଳ ୨୦୨୧ | ନରସିଂହପୁର ବାର ଆସୋସିଏସନର ନୂତନ ସଭାପତି ଭାବେ ନିର୍ମଳେନ୍ଦୁ ମିଶ୍ର ୩୦ ଖଣ୍ଡ ଭୋଟ ପାଇଁ ନିର୍ବାଚିତ ହୋଇଛନ୍ତି | ଏଥି ସହିତ ଗୋଲଖ ବିହାରୀ ସାହୁ ନିଦ୍ବନ୍ଦରେ ଉପସଭାପତି, ନାରାୟଣ ବାରିକ ସଂପାଦକ, ଅମିୟ ରଞ୍ଜନ ପଣ୍ଡା ସହ ସଂପାଦକ, ଅମର ସିଂ କୋଷାଧ୍ୟକ ଏବଂ ଦେବଦତ୍ତ ମଳୟ କୁମାର ବରାଳ ପାଠାଗାର ସଂପାଦକ ଭାବେ ନିର୍ବାଚିତ ହୋଇଛନ୍ତି | #Narsinghpur #BarAssociation #Cuttack #Odisha https://www.instagram.com/p/CM7CnD8LUn1/?igshid=k5ilv94nzf17
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One of the all time legal greats in #Australia has called time out. Probably one of the last of that generation of old school legal greats (following the passing of one of my legal mentors #CliveEvatt a few years back). May Mr Porter continue to #WalkOnWater #RIP 🙌🙏 Chester was notable for his participation in the Voyager and Chamberlain Royal Commissions. He defended notorious crooked police officer Roger Rogerson, on bribery charges against fellow police officer Michael Drury. He was portrayed by John Hargreaves in the miniseries Blue Murder, about the trial of Roger Rogerson. His defence of Judge John Foord was considered so miraculous that the headline "Chester Porter walks on water" was used in a newspaper. Porter was nicknamed the smiling funnel web because of his charm, great politeness and his forensic questioning. He advocated at the Bar for 52 years, joining in 1948, and becoming a Queen’s Counsel in 1974. Porter urged improvement in forensic science as a result of his legal work and the Chamberlain Royal Commission. His efforts and those of others resulted in the National Institute of Forensic Science. When he retired from the Bar in 2000 the Bar Council of NSW appointed him an Honorary Life Member for his exceptional service to the law. Porter was interviewed for the New South Wales Bar Association Oral History project. He died on 15 March 2021, his 95th birthday. Ref: [Wikipedia] #ChesterPorter #ChesterPorterQC #AusLaw #australianbar #barassociation #nswbarassociation #australianbarrister #bluemurder #royalcommission #criminallaw #whosayscrimedoesntpay #legaleagle #oldschool #nswlawsociety https://www.instagram.com/p/CMjNBGhJxrp/?igshid=gpbig32ouglr
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