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One of the all time legal greats in #Australia has called time out. Probably one of the last of that generation of old school legal greats (following the passing of one of my legal mentors #CliveEvatt a few years back). May Mr Porter continue to #WalkOnWater #RIP 🙌🙏 Chester was notable for his participation in the Voyager and Chamberlain Royal Commissions. He defended notorious crooked police officer Roger Rogerson, on bribery charges against fellow police officer Michael Drury. He was portrayed by John Hargreaves in the miniseries Blue Murder, about the trial of Roger Rogerson. His defence of Judge John Foord was considered so miraculous that the headline "Chester Porter walks on water" was used in a newspaper. Porter was nicknamed the smiling funnel web because of his charm, great politeness and his forensic questioning. He advocated at the Bar for 52 years, joining in 1948, and becoming a Queen’s Counsel in 1974. Porter urged improvement in forensic science as a result of his legal work and the Chamberlain Royal Commission. His efforts and those of others resulted in the National Institute of Forensic Science. When he retired from the Bar in 2000 the Bar Council of NSW appointed him an Honorary Life Member for his exceptional service to the law. Porter was interviewed for the New South Wales Bar Association Oral History project. He died on 15 March 2021, his 95th birthday. Ref: [Wikipedia] #ChesterPorter #ChesterPorterQC #AusLaw #australianbar #barassociation #nswbarassociation #australianbarrister #bluemurder #royalcommission #criminallaw #whosayscrimedoesntpay #legaleagle #oldschool #nswlawsociety https://www.instagram.com/p/CMjNBGhJxrp/?igshid=gpbig32ouglr
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