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storyofmychoices · 2 months ago
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Love Springs Eternal
[Mal Volari x Daenarya Blades 1 + Beyond] [Mal’s Orphanage]
[Mal Volari x Daenarya Blades 2 + 3 AU]
Characters: Mal Volari, Bakshi, Daenarya, Ittar (mentioned), Iliana (mentioned)
Pairings: Mal Volari x Daenarya (F!OC), Bakshi x Ittar
Book: Blades of Light & Shadow III, Chapter 8
Word Count: <1,300
Rating/Warnings: General, no warnings that I can think of, somewhat angsty
Synopsis: Mal tries to decide if he can trust Bakshi, while discovering more than he expected. (This takes place in my Blades 2 + 3 AU)
Background Info: In my Blades 2 AU, Daenarya was pregnant at the end of book 1. She is pregnant when Valax takes her (though no one knows it at the time). While Daenarya is taken, Mal prays to Bakshi and Ittar when he has nothing left (Shadows of Hope) which is referenced here. Daenarya gave birth to Iliana before "dying" in book three. Iliana is the Realm Walker, not Daenarya.
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Did he trust zir?
How could he?
Ze possessed her.
Did it matter that ze had been trying to help?
Should it?
Eh— trust really wasn't his thing.
Not before her, at least.
Mal shook his head, kicking a stone in front of him only partially listening to the group as they rested, waiting for Tyril and Daenarya to finish training.
He had never believed in the old gods. Not the new ones either, for that matter.
All of it was just a way to control people. Make them believe in something. Fear something. So they wouldn't realize what their so-called churches and temples were really doing.
His hands balled into fists, his lips pressing tightly together.
And he was only one. Probably not even the worst of them. How many others were there that used the people they pretended to serve and protect?
He could never put his faith in any of it.
No temple.
No gods.
No light or shadow.
No elements.
No prayer for a better life.
Well, that wasn't entirely true. He had tried it once and only once. It had proved fruitless as he had expected.
There was just today. And what you made of it.
Bakshi's glance caught his, zir eyes seeming to peer into him as if ze could see what he had been thinking. Mal was caught off guard. Could ze read minds? Could ze know what he thought? Mal searched the old god's face for any recognition of what he was thinking but ze had already turned away.
He exhaled a sigh of relief, though he wasn't sure why he even cared.
He didn't believe in zir.
Mal gazed down the path waiting for them—the path that would bring them closer to Elhalas...
Elhalas... and most certain doom.
Just another day.
A smile pulled at his lips as his gaze swept over his traveling party. His life had changed so much since meeting them all. It was hard to remember what it was like before them. This group of strangers became his closest friends. His family. If it weren't for her, he wouldn't have any of them. He wouldn't have a reason to fight what was ahead. She gave him something to live for, something to hope for, someone to put his faith in when he had never believed in anyone or anything before.
"Love is a thread that binds those together, your love—a cord that holds the realms together."
The old god's words caught him by surprise. His gaze narrowed on zir. "I'm not a child. I don't believe in fairytales, which is all you are."
"You're a stubborn creature," Bakshi stated, his lips pulling up in amusement as he studied the small man beside him. "You've seen more than most of your kind, and yet, still refuse to believe."
"I believe in her."
The god's eyes glowed in reverence. "The day you and she met—" ze paused a moment, remembering. "Ittar and I felt a pull, a call, a promise—something we hadn't in a long time. It was just a whisper of what could be, but as your path's met again and a connection grew between you, the louder the song grew."
"Don't pretend to know anything about us."
Bakshi continued ignoring the human's words. "The love you shared became a melody of healing. It brought hope of a depth of love we feared lost. Hope made it easier to resist Nifara."
"Sure," Mal scoffed, unable to accept this truth. "Ittar looked filled with hope. I guess our love made them want to turn us over, huh?"
The god's face fell at a truth ze hated to admit. Ittar was lost...for now. Ze had to have hope. Ze saw glimmers of their true self in some moments. Ze would free them from the hold Nifara had on them.
"It's more complicated for Ittar. When life has been cruel to you and stripped away a hope you once had—belief is that much harder to attain."
"They tried to kill us! How would that help our love," Mal protested, pushing his shirt aside to reveal the gash across his chest left by Ittar's paintbrush.
A heavy sigh left zir lips. "Love is complex. It is not always calm and peaceful. It can be a tempest, perilous and roaring. When one leads with their heart and lets emotions grow unchecked, those same emotions that bring joy, hope, and love become unstable and unpredictable, it can drive one to act out of emotion rather than thought. A notion I trust you to understand."
"So what? I'm just supposed to believe everything you say? Follow you? Trust you?" Mal questioned defensively. Trust really wasn't his thing.
The god's response caught him off guard.
"You must only believe in her. You two are set apart. I dare not change either of you, not even in what you believe."
Mal considered zir words. His gaze fell on Daenarya training in the field with Tyril and his heart swelled. Believing in her was the easiest thing. She had showed him how to have hope.
"Why didn't you save her?"
The question weighed on Bakshi.
"I asked you to bring her back.
I — I prayed to you.
Begged you.
Pleaded with you.
When I had nothing left.
You didn't come.
How can we... How can I trust you now?"  
The god let the mortal share his pain, he had felt it all too closely. "What we can do here is limited. Crossing realms was not possible."
"How convenient for you."
"We—I—I protected what I could. What mattered most."
"Stop with the riddles! Can you ever just say what you mean?"
"A child of a love like no ot—like few others." Bakshi smiled sadly. No others wasn't quite true. Zir thoughts were filled with Ittar. Being parted from them was the hardest thing ze had to endure.
"In the shadows, it was all I could manage." Bakshi nodded, zir eyes glimmering with hope once more. "The child is special. I trust you've only begun to discover as much."
This left Mal with more questions, but for now, he had none to ask. His heart was heavy. He wanted to believe in their victory, but the hardest part was hoping that when this was all over that they'd return to their daughter. They had such little time with her before they were taken.
"Hey!" Daenarya ran over, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. "Did you see that? I made it snow!"
"I did," he said softly, brushing her hair from her face.
"Wanna see it again?" When he didn't answer right away, she pulled back, noticing the pain in his face. "What's wrong?"
"Do you think we'll see Iliana again?"
Her eyes fell shut and she rested her forehead against his. Her thumb brushed tenderly over his cheek as she cradled his jaw. "I have to believe we will."
"How can you always be so strong?"
Daenarya stifled a chuckle. "I'm not. I just have hope. I believe in us. You. Me. All of our friends. I have to believe this isn't the end. We've overcome so much. We can do this too. I'll keep fighting to change what's happened because I have something to run toward. A future filled with love and laughter waiting for us—" Her lips brushed over his, kissing him softly. "We will see her again. I know it."
He nodded, leaning into the hope she had, hoping it could carry them both. "I love you."
"And I love you, Mal the Magnificent, my love, my heart."
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A/N: While the polls were pretty much evenly split, it doesn't seem realistic for Daenarya to be 8-9 months pregnant in book 3, also the angst of her being left behind is so good, so Daenarya official gives birth to Iliana before book 3. She might be engaged to Mal at this point to, but I'm still working on that.
A/N #2: I didn't edit or revise this so please forgive any mistakes. I hope I got all of the pronouns right for Bakshi and Ittar, if you notice a mistake in pronouns, please let me know so I can correct it.
A/N #3: I hope my faith in Bakshi is not wrong 😭 I have loved zir and Ittar's story since learning of them in book 1.
A/N #4: Thank you for reading 💛💛💛
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aanya16071 · 1 month ago
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Ikr? You should be ashamed Bakshi
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lanada · 10 months ago
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J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings |  Ralph Bakshi 1978
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nifaraswife · 2 months ago
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masked-alien-lesbian · 2 months ago
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If I had to guess maybe justice? The Empress was betrayed right? So maybe she poured all sense of justice into Valax, because that's what seemed to fuel Valax although out book 2 with gaining access to the Light Realm and in her desire to better the lives of her people. If not justice perhaps betrayal or loneliness? But I'm going to guess justice
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choicesbookclub · 1 month ago
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Welcome to the Choices Book Club! We are currently reading Blades of Light & Shadow III. The book releases a new chapter every Wednesday on the Choices App.
This Week’s Chapter: Chapter 10— Into the Deep
Question(s) of the Week: (Spoilers included)
Did you acquire Skywaren's Spellshot? [Vote Here]
Did you learn the elite evasion skill with Mal? [Vote Here]
What did MC think about the elves? [Vote Here]
When MC gets the god-killing weapon what will they do? [Vote Here]
Did you go on the Dungeon Delving side quest? Who did you steal a moment with? [Vote Here]
What did you ask/say to [redacted]? [Vote Here]
Did you see that "trap" at the end coming? [Vote Here]
How would you rate chapter 10 of Blades III? [Vote Here]
Did you level up? If so, what skill did you choose? [Vote Here]
If you have a question, poll, or prompt idea you'd like to see added, please let me know. I'm happy to add whatever you'd like to see!
Get to Know Our Blades MC (past questions)
#1 [Info Post] What has your MC been doing since book two? How does your MC feel about religion? How does your MC feel about death and the afterlife?
#2 [Info Post] What does your MC admire in others? What’s one thing they always carry with them, and why? Is there someone in the afterlife that your MC is hoping to see
#3: [Info Post] If your MC had to write a letter to only one member of the group (LI or not) telling them something they've never said about them, who do you think they'd choose to write a letter to and what would they say?
#4 [Info Post] Share a story (or two) about your MC's childhood.
#5 [Info Post] What are some holidays that your MC celebrates? What do they like about them? Do they have any special traditions?
How else to Participate:
Please note that the mod is working full time and has real life responsibilities, so reblogs may be delayed
Post reactions, screenshots, videos, ramblings, theories,… whatever comes to you while playing
Create drawings, edits, moodboards, fics, headcanons, songs, poems, etc based on the chapters and/or characters
Create a profile page for your MC and submit it to our MC directory or use the Book 3 template
Catch up on any of the previous week's questions/prompts
Posts that tag @choicesbookclub and use “#choices book club” will be reblogged here. Please note that tags “#choices book club” seem to be more reliable than mentioning the blog.
If your post is not reblogged within 48 hours, please dm me a link @lovealexhunt. Thank you!
[Please read the full guide to the event and how to participate here]
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cptjingo · 1 year ago
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EXCLUSIVE high-quality photo of this other early-Balrog cel. (The guy that has it on his site only had it really low-res so I just e-mailed him and he was kind enough to supply his entire collection)
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Among the archive was also this one, a cel of Frodo reading the ring inscription, which isn't in the movie.
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stimmerrficial · 9 months ago
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★ Ralph Bakshi - Wizards (1977)
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i don't care if animaters hate ralph bakshi for his rotoscope usage because i LIKE IT!
☐ - my gifs, please give credit if using :3
☒ - linked gifs (credit)
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captain-harpo · 1 year ago
Yooo how was the ralph bakshi wizards movie? That clip is one of my absolute favorites on tumblr
I liked it overall! It was very heavy-handed, but I liked the paradox they set up with the use of technology at the beginning vs the end. I also liked the layering of real footage with the animation, both the unedited propaganda and the rotoscoped theatrical battles. On the propaganda, I liked that the "enemy" were not really interested in fighting until they saw it, and that it was the "ultimate weapon." The artwork was also lovely, they changed styles depending on where they were and I think drew on German Expressionism for Blackwolf's camp. And the voice acting was really fun, too.
I read on Wikipedia that Bakshi said the movie was about the creation of the state of Israel and the rise of fascism, which at first I assumed was about the violence of the state of Israel but thinking over it again that was probably. The wrong interpretation of what he said. So watch out for that. There's also the standard issues with things in the fantasy genre, namely racism and sexism. People with British accents are trustworthy and that kind of thing.
All that said I got the DVD from my local library and am planning on watching again with the director's commentary. At the very least I'm looking forward to hearing more about the art lmao
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us-go-home · 1 year ago
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Fire and Ice (1983) dir. Ralph Bakshi
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storyofmychoices · 6 days ago
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That's how I read this... 🎶 🎵
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aanya16071 · 2 months ago
Something I found extremely funny was Bakshi's name.
In Hindi, it means something like "grantor" and is a very common surname too. I don't know if the writers just thought that Bakshi sounded cool as a name or some kind of research was done.
Then I remembered that Ittar ALSO has a meaning in Hindi: perfume. (I'm not sure if it is Hindi or Urdu)
So. Grantor x Perfume, everyone
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confrontthefamiliar · 1 year ago
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Noah showed me American Pop last night. First he wanted to show me Friday which I wasn’t excited about because I thought of it as a joke movie which I’m not a fan of. But he said I needed to be introduced to more street culture so I agreed. But then he started talking about American Pop and I thought he was talking about Cool World but it was the same director after all: Ralph Bakshi. Baskshi was born in Israel back when it was still Palestine. The Israel-Palestine conflict has been popping off this week again and I asked Noah what he thought and he said it didn’t matter what he thought he wasn’t going to do anything about it. I like Noah because he is real with me and he sees me and nothing gets in the way of what’s going on between us. We’re using each other to heal and we sometimes think that’s a bad thing but mostly it’s good. In the movie there’s a girl that falls in love with the dishwasher and that’s what brought me here to Truckee. And then the same guy tries to bring her with him to California from Kansas and that’s what Noah did with his ex. Noah says Truckee brings broken people and I see it more and more as a wilderness camp for the broken. It’s like these people could off themselves they’re so broken but they live in such a beautiful place it’s hard to actually go through with it when you step outside every day and see the wild. I’m figuring out if I want to stay another year. I’m rundown and it sounds kind of nice.
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dispatchdcu · 2 years ago
Fire and Ice #1 Review
Fire and Ice #1 Review #fireandice #comics #news #art #info #NCBD #previews #reviews #Amazon #dynamiteentertainment #dynamitecomics
Writer: Bill Willingham Artist: Leonardo Manco Letters:  Taylor Esposito Publisher:  Dynamite Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release Date: August 2nd, 2023 Fire and Ice #1 is a prequel to the Fire and Ice animated film from 1983.  The film was directed and produced by Ralph Bakshi, written by Roy Thomas and Gerry Conway, with designs by the great Frank Frazetta.   And like most Frank Frazetta work,…
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choicesbookclub · 26 days ago
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Welcome to the Choices Book Club! We are currently reading Blades of Light & Shadow III. The book releases a new chapter every Wednesday on the Choices App.
This Week’s Chapter: Chapter 12—The Pit and The Pendulum
Question(s) of the Week: (Spoilers included)
What about Nifara did you want to talk about? [Vote Here]
Did you spy on Nifara and Vali? Who did you steal a moment with? [Vote Here]
What's the plan? [Vote Here]
Did you free Vali? If so, who attacked Nifara?[Vote Here]
Did you hold your own against Nifara? If not, what did you choose? [Vote Here]
Did you see that ending coming? [Vote here]
Did you level up in this chapter? If so, what skill did you choose? [Vote Here]
How would you rate chapter 12? [Vote Here]
How does freeing/not freeing Vali change the chapter? Or does it?
If you have a question, poll, or prompt idea you'd like to see added, please let me know. I'm happy to add whatever you'd like to see!
Get to Know Our Blades MC (past questions)
#1 [Info Post] What has your MC been doing since book two? How does your MC feel about religion? How does your MC feel about death and the afterlife?
#2 [Info Post] What does your MC admire in others? What’s one thing they always carry with them, and why? Is there someone in the afterlife that your MC is hoping to see
#3: [Info Post] If your MC had to write a letter to only one member of the group (LI or not) telling them something they've never said about them, who do you think they'd choose to write a letter to and what would they say?
#4 [Info Post] Share a story (or two) about your MC's childhood.
#5 [Info Post] What are some holidays that your MC celebrates? What do they like about them? Do they have any special traditions?
How else to Participate:
Please note that the mod is working full time and has real life responsibilities, so reblogs may be delayed
Post reactions, screenshots, videos, ramblings, theories,… whatever comes to you while playing
Create drawings, edits, moodboards, fics, headcanons, songs, poems, etc based on the chapters and/or characters
Create a profile page for your MC and submit it to our MC directory or use the Book 3 template
Catch up on any of the previous week's questions/prompts
Posts that tag @choicesbookclub and use “#choices book club” will be reblogged here. Please note that tags “#choices book club” seem to be more reliable than mentioning the blog.
If your post is not reblogged within 48 hours, please dm me a link @lovealexhunt. Thank you!
[Please read the full guide to the event and how to participate here]
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cptjingo · 1 year ago
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(This is new information that I recently came across)
The Balrog from the 1978 Lord of the Rings as we know in the final film as the tall, bulky lion-man with butterfly wings is actually a REVISED version of their initial plan for the creature, which consisted of the same technique used for the Orcs, Ringwraiths and the Rohirrim of transferring the live action footage to painted cel, then painting the eyes/fangs over it.
They might/might have not completely shot the sequence when I guess they decided they weren't satisfied with the results and reckoned it was a better idea to make something actually animated, so the new lionhead Balrog body/head/flaming sword was overlayed over the original since they most likely wanted to keep the wings, in a misguided/rushed attempt to salvage, or improve, the original.
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It's subtle but you can still tell that the animated torso/head is just an overlay. Ralph Bakshi never acknowledged this, nor has he sold that many Balrog cels, nor do I know anyone that owns one that can confirm that there is in fact, an alternate Balrog underneath.
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And this cel is from one of his scenes not in the movie.
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