#baked brain
mercy-love-joy · 12 days
Faux Strawberry Lavender-Berry Roll
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This is a part of my personal birthday gift to an OC whom I made in high school and has been growing with me. He's a part of a story I've been adding into for a long time. And today is his birthday!
Happy Birthday Euthoria!
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zaisamoo · 4 months
more soukoku. ok i swear my next post will be an actual and colored drawing that isnt soukoku
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eiraeths · 2 months
fuckboy soap and ghost meeting on a hookup dating app and ghost invites him over being like “you wanna bake cookies?” soap heading over thinking its an innuendo of some sort but no. ghost just wanted to bake cookies with someone.
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cozylittleartblog · 11 months
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gooseworx in the glitchx livestream: i want to see people draw jax in a suit. people should draw him crying
me: sure thing, boss o7
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goldenpinof · 11 months
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baby, seasons change (2011 -> 2023) for anon
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exy-shmexy · 14 days
Idk but maybe Aaron starts stress baking during finals season and Andrew gets to reap the benefits of this sudden invasion of cakes, sweets and other sugary biscuits in their tiny dorm kitchen
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danandphilese · 4 months
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on my golden pig bullshit
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actuallyjustabiscuit · 3 months
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Ok thoughts 👏thoughts👏Everyone gather around I have thoughts about this!
Episode 2 was clearly the Pomni episode. We got to see her character get a little more fleshed out and we also got a glimpse of what motivates her which is great.
With this tweet we have solid confirmation on who the upcoming episodes will center on (thanks for not making us guess, Goose) and this lineup is really interesting.
First fascinating thing is that Kinger and Zooble share a spotlight in ep 3. Why is that? Everyone else gets their own dedicated episodes so why are they unique in that regard? What connects them?
Well, I have one idea!
So we know since the pilot that Kinger has been the one to have lived in the Circus the longest out of all of them. We’re still not sure if he was in fact the 1st human to be trapped (maybe we’ll find out in the next episode) but he definitely has the most seniority, both in age and in length of entrapment.
We also know that Zooble was the most recent character to get stuck before Pomni (and considering their attitude, it may have even been quite a while beforehand) AND is the youngest character next to Jax (they even share the same age, which could be a coincidence but it feels too deliberate of a choice).
Which means ep 2 will simultaneously focus on the oldest and the youngest of the characters.
I’m actually curious as to what their dynamic will be because they haven’t really interacted much in the pilot (and like not at all in episode 2), if they end up interacting in ep 3 at all. But mostly I’m excited to see them more fleshed out with hopefully Pomni getting the chance to bond with them (either together or separately).
My guess is that the purpose for them to share focus on an episode is to get perspective from someone who’s been there the longest and has seen more people come and go than anyone else vs. someone who was just recently in Pomni’s shoes and had probably a much different first day experience (we know Zooble cared enough about Kaufmo to personally organize his funeral so they may have some…feelings about who’s essentially his replacement).
Ep3 is also supposedly Gooseworx’s most anticipated episode so I’m extra excited.
Next we have Gangle for episode 4. I honestly don’t have a lot to say about her or the significance in her episode placement outside of her being the closest in age to Pomni (being only a year older). The only hint we get about what her episode will possibly consist of will be on how reliant she is on her ComedyMask to feel happy, which will be very interesting and we might even get some confirmation on whether her avatar was programmed with that feature upon entering the Circus or if it was an add on of sorts by Caine to help keep her sane. A pretty shitty feature if it can’t last for very long but it does make for a nice metaphor about how fragile her facade is (girl is literally masking).
Actually I don’t think her and Pomni have actually exchanged words yet in the show. Wouldn’t it be funny if they don’t up until her episode. Like Pomni is so caught up in between whatever mess episode 3 has in store for Kinger and Zooble that the two of them never actually talk and it just keeps getting more awkward. Gangle wants to talk to her but is so self-conscious about her Tragedy self that she’ll only feel safe to have a conversation if she has her mask, but it just keeps breaking before she even gets the chance.
Again this is all just speculation, if they actually end up talking in episode 3 I’ll…make ship art of them.
Anyway, episode 5. The one I’m personally waiting for because y’all should know what I’m about by now.
*Warning: Unhinged, borderline psychotic tangent incoming*
I swear to god if Pomni and Ragatha don’t have a fucking conversation before ep 5 I will launch myself into the sun. I’ll take anything, I just need them to get real for a second. I NEED to know the extent of this woman’s damage. It has to be explored, analyzed, and dissected and I will do so with gusto when the day comes. None of these characters will be safe from my scrutiny, but Ragatha oh ho ho, you have been living rent free in my head for too long, madame. You WILL pay your dues and I intend to collect in every episode until there is not corner of your unsound mind that I have not examined in great detail!
Ahem *Straightens tie* Ok back to business
So yeah, Ragatha.
It may be because we’ve only had 2 episodes but I can’t help but feel like we’re supposed to see Ragatha as a sort of deuteragonist since out of all of the supporting characters she’s so far been getting the most focus aside from Jax, and we’ll get to him in a minute (I promise that’s not just me being biased, or maybe it is, I don’t know, you tell me).
In just two episodes we’ve seen more of what makes her tick compared to anyone else. And of the main cast she’s been the ONLY one to make any kind of connection to the main character and have enough of a meaningful interaction with her to leave an impression.
But this is what really clinched her role as a deuteragonist for me, she’s so far been one of the few to have the narrative briefly shift to her perspective to give us significant character moments like these:
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The show REALLY wants us to see just how NOT ok she is.
If she’s meant to be the heart of the group, her heart already can’t take much more damage. Her friendship (if you can call it that, it’s so painfully one sided right now) with Pomni clearly means a lot to her, so much so that her entire sense of self worth seems to be tied to it (and if you’ve been paying attention, she doesn’t have a lot of that as it is). It would be nice to see their connection gradually grow before her designated episode, where she might experience actual growth for herself.
And if episode 2 is any indication of how this show preserves friendships well…
Yeah, I don’t think she’s gonna make it.
In fact, I’m willing to bet actual money that she’s either gonna abstract in episode 5 or episode 6.
Which brings us to Jax’s episode! The other deuteragonist…tritagonist? He definitely shares some degree of significant narrative focus along with Pomni and Ragatha. He’s both an active antagonist force and one of the only characters to drive the plot forward every time he’s on screen (then there’s that weird thing where he keeps breaking the fourth wall).
He has so much significance in the story that Gooseworx gave him his own bullet point in her list of content warnings (this could also be a joke, but I mean it would be funny to see just how despicable they can make this character).
Gooseworx also described Jax and Pomni’s relationship in the show as “messy”. After episode 2, I don’t think she considers him as a candidate for any kind friendship like she did for the others, and who could blame her? In just two days the guy abandoned her to deal with an abstraction and chucked her out of a truck. He’s no one’s favorite person, and he relishes that. Bunnyboy definitely has some issues that Pomni would pick up on the more she’s forced to spend time with him. To the point where I can see her trying to eventually form some kind of bridge because, as her previously established character motivation implies, she’s not the kind of person to intentionally leave anyone high and dry. But unlike the rest of the crew, I don’t think Jax would be inclined to change for the better just because someone took pity on him. He seems like the kinda guy to dig his heels in and commit to his bad behavior out of spite.
And for his episode to come after Ragatha’s, why do I get the feeling the reason Gooseworx went so far as to preemptively apologize to bunnydoll shippers specifically is because he’s gonna cause something really really bad to happen to her (could be abstraction, could even be something much worse) that he would come to sorely regret.
And oh boy would that evoke some feelings in everyone!
I feel like if that is indeed the direction this show is going, the rest of the episodes will really be something.
I’m also certain Caine will get his own episode but right now he is very much an antagonist to these characters. I wouldn’t go so far as to call him a villain, but he’s certainly not someone Pomni is keen on sympathizing with, at least not currently.
Thanks again @lilyclawthorne for helpfully providing me with the tweet so I can give some context for my ramblings of the week!
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sunderberry · 7 months
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i had too many thoughts about what kind of CREACHER their children would be so here take this extremely self indulgent piece
quick concept of the creacher for reference:
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reunitedinterlude · 5 months
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lofi phantasy: the album
tracks 17-20 (x)
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aziraphalalala · 1 year
Aziraphale has the softest hips. Hips to grab. Hips for miles, connected to thighs that are plump and muscular. Crowley wants to bite them, which is why he always seems slightly distracted in the angel's company.
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mercy-love-joy · 1 month
College Move-In Tip
Always arrive early for check-in
Make sure you have a wagon or a cart with you to lug all your stuff
Bring a parent with you. Or friend. Someone you are close to.
Bring something soft from home. (Like a plush or blanket)
Grab lunch
Drink a lot of water
And when it's time to say goodbye, smile and cry because you know you've made it.
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floridacracker · 2 months
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astradyke · 2 months
look im just saying this could be the funniest marriage hard launch of all time if daniel howell opened up his phone and replied to the tweet with a photo of a wedding ring on the floor
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septembermonologues · 3 months
i never lose as a life-long weird al stan
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gojoed · 2 years
A HOUSE THAT SMELLS LIKE HOME. | gojo x reader. | 2k words
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He was a hard working man. 
Following the words of the elder people he disliked immensely, and doing their bidding. They had been running him down to the bone even more these past few weeks. Gojo was a person who didn’t like showing his fatigue but it couldn’t help but show itself without his permission.
His usual quick and irritating quips were slowing down, only offering a smile at times. The bags under his eyes had grown increasingly more apparent with each night, barely a few hours of sleep before the sounds of his phone waking him up and demanding him to go to work.
And Gojo has been living off of sweets for the past few days. Not that he normally doesn’t do that but the time saved for lunch with you or his students were cut short as he was yet again sent off. And dinner was no exception. A half eaten plate would become more of an occurrence with him rushing through the door. 
You decided enough was enough when you came home one day. All the lights were off, the structure was silent on the inside just as it was on the outside (you lived in a calm neighborhood close to the school.)
The only light source were the streaks of sunlight peeking through the slits of the curtains, most of them closed; some of them were left open to let the house get air. And one of those streaks of light seemed to land on a head of white hair. 
Gojo was sleeping, if you could really call it that. His whole body took up the entire couch, with a blanket roughly thrown on himself. His work jacket was left laying on the floor, he must have gotten home not too long ago then.
His snores were clear and loud, he only ever did when he really was tired. Getting closer to him and leaving your things behind at the door, you could now see that not only was he snoring but also drooling onto the cushions. Poor thing was exhausted.
You ran a single finger across his forehead, lightly removing his hair from his face and tucking it as best you could behind his ear. You let another finger join the other, running them along his jawline to down his neck. He didn’t stir from his sleep. Gojo never settled as a light or deep sleeper. At night it varied, where one night a single creak could make his eyes snap open or where even the loudest of shouts couldn’t wake him up.
And the tired Gojo Satoru that was left at your kind mercy was deep in sleep, off in dreamland. You worried for him, not that a curse could leave him for dead but that his own disregard for his own wellbeing could end up killing him. He always put others before himself, taking care of his own; even if to others it didn’t seem like that. 
And that worry only peaks when you hear a soft buzz on the floor.
Thankfully it wasn’t enough to wake him up, so you quietly took his phone out of his jacket without stopping your fingers from playing with the ends of his hair.
It was one of the higher ups again, practically demanding that Satoru had another job to do.
Anger rose up in your body, but you didn’t let it control you. Only sending a message reading ‘He won’t be taking it’, you shut his phone off. Was it a little harsh? Just a bit. But they deserved it, Gojo was not a machine. 
He was a human, with needs and wants, just like any other person.
Standing up, you fixed the blanket that was roughly covering him up and went to change. You thought about waking him up to take a bath, but he needed sleep. 
So you took a loose shirt of his and a pair of sweatpants and set it over to where he was sleeping. He was still drooling, still snoring, only having shifted a little. Good. 
Next was food. Gojo had been living off of unhealthy food for some time now, so something soft could help settle his stomach from the contrast of street food and an uncanny amount of sweets. White curry, which was a favorite of his ever since he went to Hokkaido and tried it, seemed to fit for tonight.
Chicken katsu would be accompanying the curry, since he needed the protein. 
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Roughly an hour into cooking you felt long arms circle around your torso and tighten. It nearly gave you a heart attack, the arms pulling you slightly away from the stove where you held chopsticks and chicken was cooking on the heated pan.
“Shit Satoru, give me a warning next time.”
“Potty mouth.”
His head was resting on top of yours. He was taller than most people, so his neck was slightly arching downwards. No doubt giving him a bit of pain, but it seemed he paid no mind to it.
“Whatcha cookin’, honey?” 
You hummed, “Chicken katsu right now, we’re eating white curry tonight.” 
It was Satoru’s turn to hum, burying his face now into the nape of your neck, giving it small nips. You leaned backwards, bumping into him as if to say ‘quit it’. He knows you didn’t mean it harshly, so Satoru only hummed again and faced towards the food on the stove.
“It smells good.”
“Definitely, yeah.”
You both stood there, silently appreciating each other as it had been some time since you’ve spent time like this. Satoru ends up softly swaying the two of you side to side, playfully pinching at your skin that his hands could reach. 
“Yknow, it felt nice to wake up to the smell of your cooking.”
That comment made your smile falter just a little bit. Knowing his past, you knew he had grown up with barren walls and very little happiness. The clan where he had gotten his name did not treat him with love. The only smell of food he would ever get was the food that was delivered to his room. No one to eat with, no one but the four white walls that enclosed his room. 
But with you, Gojo had learned things. He learned that dinner was not a time of silence, but a time of noise. The clinking of tableware, the sounds of voices conversing. And the feeling of contentment hanging and infecting the air. To him, a house that smelled like home was one where he could find you cooking.
Taking a deep breath in you calmed yourself and told Satoru to go take a bath,
“But I'm hungry.”
“The rice is still cooking ‘toru, so go take a bath in the meantime, ok?”
“But what if I don't want to take a bath?”
“Satoru, you stink.” The tone of your voice being playful.
“I do not! I smell great, for your information.”
And he did, even with the days of only showering quickly and hastingly going to bed he still smelled good. Like rain water, and something deep that just smelled like him. But if fatigue had a smell, you would say it was lingering on his body.
“Doesn’t matter stinky, now go bathe.”
He whined, but reluctantly began pulling away from the heat your bodies created.
“Promise you won’t forget about me?”
“It's hard to forget you, Satoru.”
“I’m going away to bathe, all alone, it’s scary when I'm all alone.”
“Want a kiss to stay safe then?”
That made him smile ear to ear, taking your chin and letting his lips clash softly with yours. Satoru kissed gently, he kissed roughly, and he kissed as if he was putting his whole heart and soul into it. And he did. Everything he did to you and with you was everything to him. 
Giving your side a hard but playful pinch, he left you with a sore spot and went over to the bathroom to bathe (taking the clean clothes you left near him). 
By the time Satoru has returned, food had already been plated and set onto the table. A sight he would never grow tired of seeing. He happily slid over to where you were standing, leaning on the counter checking your phone. 
He reattached himself to your previous position, draping himself all over you and practically shielding you from everything else that wasn’t him.
“I’m back, did you miss me?”
“Terribly so.”
Satoru grunted and pulled you with him over to the table. Fighting against the monstrosity of a man would prove useless, you learned that out the hard way multiple times before. He let you go to be able to sit down, taking his own seat that was next to you. Why should I sit so far away from you, it’s better this way! Was his argument some time ago when Satoru said he wanted to eat next to you. 
His hair was slightly wet, you could tell by the water droplets that had caught themselves into his shirt. The collar being dotted with dark spots from his bangs. You decided to say nothing, as the sight of Gojo Satoru grabbing onto his chopsticks and anxiously digging into his food was something that could leave you content for days. But your growing hunger made your stomach make noise, so you followed after him.
“Mmm, I love the way you make this curry.”
“And after only looking at the recipe once.”
“Show off.”
“But you still love it.”
“Of course I do! White curry is way better than regular curry.”
“That’s only because you have an unhealthy affection towards dairy, ‘toru.”
“Hokkaido milk is amazing, are you- perhaps jealous?”
“Satoru, I’d have to be pretty weird to be jealous of dairy.”
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The rest of dinner was eaten the way Satoru liked it, with you. 
Dishes had taken a little longer to wash, as a water fight ensued, with a plate almost breaking but being cleverly rescued by Satoru’s infinity. You had tasked him with cleaning up the spilled water on the floor while you dried the newly washed dishes and put them away. My new name should be Cinderella now, so cruel to me, my own spouse, he pouted. 
Well that was Gojo Satoru for you.
By the time the kitchen was cleaned, night had already fallen. No more sunlight peeked through the curtains, only faint moonlight and streetlights. Lights within the house had been turned on as well; a warm glow that emitted from them. 
And now, the both of you were in your living room, Satoru laying his whole body on top of you like a sheet. His head resting on your sternum while he faced the tv. You had placed the blanket he was using earlier to cover now the two of you. The tv was playing a movie, but only a few minutes in, not even twenty: you could feel Satoru’s breathing start to get even deeper.
You nudged him lightly, feeling a little bad about it when he jumped a bit and made his chin now rest on your chest to look at you.
“You wanna move to the bed now, sleepyhead?”
Satoru didn’t respond until after he yawned, complaining after you said he needed to brush his teeth.
“No, I don't want to. I’m comfortable here.”
“You sure, it’s bigger than the couch, baby.”
He hummed, moving his hand that tucked under him like a cat would and poked your cheek.
“I’m more than happy to sleep here, if it’s with you.”
Raising your own hand, you cupped his face. The face of the man you fell in love with, the man who bore himself to you.
“Ok, just don’t complain when you have back pain.”
“Dummy you ruined the moment.”
“Did not.”
“Did too.”
“Go to sleep, Satoru”
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
He was a hard working man. But the best payment he could ever receive, was to be able to come back home to you.
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