#fic rambles
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eiraeths · 4 months ago
ghost tries to tell soap he loves him by slow blinking at him like a cat. soap just thinks ghost is tired and makes himself a safe space for ghost to sleep on/near. unfortunately for ghost, it works and now he wants to crawl in soap’s rib cage and marry him
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ineedtherapydesperately · 7 months ago
guys i started writing from chloe's pov and the entire thing is just her thirsting for red send help
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 8 months ago
So the uh staff bot character…? Do they like Moon or hate him cause I saw the art and I’m confused…
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In all seriousness, it kinda depends on the ‘when’ in the story that ur thinking about! At first, yeah, they kinda hate him! And who WOULDN’T, I mean, he killed them and tortured them for months on end, they’ve definitely earned the right to having a feeling as strong as hate.
But then the virus gets wiped and everyone gets rebooted and Moon is, basically, who he was BEFORE the virus ever happened. And it’s a lot harder to hate someone who never would have done all that terrible shit to you if it hadn’t been for a mind-destroying virus, and who only wants to get to know you a little (bc he thinks ur cute and interesting). But he’s still the same face, and the same voice, the same hands that tore you to pieces for fun... So, it’s kinda complicated.
With time, however, I think we can assume Reader-bot will begin to come to terms with what happened and be able to move on, just a little. And maybe, then, they can start to associate Moon with... happier things.
(And then maybe they’ll start to kind of like him. Just a little. Maybe they’ll start to think about holding his hand, or... making him laugh. You know, normal stuff you want to do with people you like. Right? Right??)
TL,DR: They hate him right now, but maybe they won’t later!
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lightningbig · 26 days ago
jayvik post canon revival where they have a soul bond but they wake up separated. viktor hides himself but he can't push jayce all the way out of his head. the push and pull of having each other so close but not being physically together, not being able to hold. jayce desperately trying to find viktor, even amongst all the other duties and chaos surrounding the end of the war.
jayce wakes up alone in the ruins of the hex gate. he comes to groggy and disoriented but he's searching immediately, always, for viktor. comes up empty. but he doesn't doubt for a second that viktor lives, that he came through the other side with him, because jayce can feel him, an undeniable presence in the back of his head. a thrumming warmth that cannot be fully hidden, even though viktor is obviously shuddering himself away. he pokes and prods at the connection relentlessly, screaming inside their heads, pulling and tugging for any kind of reaction. begs, pleads - don't do this again. don't run away again. don't shut me out.
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wolfegoddess · 10 months ago
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Priest Sabo x nun Reader x priest Ace
Random little ramble I wrote after my friend confessed they're into priests now 😅 I'll probably write more for this eventually-
Also thank you to all my friends who encouraged me to post this, I love you all and you know who you are. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
TW- blasphemy, edging, priests, masturbating, body worship, low-key sexual harassment but reader is into them too?
This went against everything they'd ever known. They'd been abandoned at the church together as babies, raised to be true men of the cloth, lived by the holy code. They were the top priests of the church and were extremely honored to know they were shepherding the Lord's lambs to true salvation.
Until you arrived.
You were so beautiful that the first time they met you, the men were sure you were a divine maiden sent from their lord himself. Soft, kind hearted, with eyes that seemed to truly see through them. You were so breathtakingly beautiful that that night the men made their first true sins against their father.
Ace came four times fisting himself in the bath thinking about how soft your lips looked when you softly mouthed his name. "Father Portgas".
Sabo was much more debauched already, grinding his leaking, aching cock between his pillow over and over again. The sight of your deep, intense, gaze as you confidently looked into his eyes playing on repeat until he was growling and grunting, soft whispers on your name falling from his pretty lips like a mantra once he finally spilled his yearning for you.
They were down, truthfully and utterly down horribly bad for you after that night. They'd find any reason to touch you, Ace resting his large, warm hand on the dip of your back as he leaned over you to examine the scripture you were reading. Or Sabo grasping your hips to steady you on the library ladder as you reach to grab an old book to help them put together the next sermon.
'It's innocent.' They thought, doing these things, only to use these moments as new material for their nightly, secretive, worships of your pull on them.
By the first month you're in the church Ace and Sabo are unable to help themselves from getting painfully hard the moment you enter the same room as them, barely able to focus on your questions as their minds reel with lavish debauched fantasies of worshipping your divine maiden body.
Unbeknownst to them you aren't fairing much better yourself. The first time you caught either of them moaning your name quietly was two weeks after arriving. You'd wanted to discuss his sermon from the day with Sabo and your body froze outside of his barely cracked door as you heard a low moan of your name. Heat danced up your neck, realizing what was happening when you peeked in and seen him hunched over his pillow. His golden locks sweaty from how hard and long he'd been fucking into his pillow thinking of you. It was so wrong. How heat pooled in your gut and without thinking, you slipped your small hand in your sleeve to reach down and feel the growing wetness in your panties.
You were truly, and utterly debauched realizing you liked being wanted by him. Silently masturbating as you watched, fingers slipping clumsily and inexperienced against your lower lips until you brushed against a bundle of nerves and nearly choked on a quiet gasp. You stopped then, fixing yourself before silently shutting his door to go and find Ace to ask for confessional.
Imagine your surprise when you stop at his door and raise your hand to knock only to hear a much louder groan of your name from behind the old oak door. Not one, but both desired you? Your head swam with thoughts, guilt, shame, but mostly arousal and curiosity. Surely it would be the gravest sin to approach either of them about this.. To voice you were interested too?
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fea-warriorheart · 4 months ago
hey what the fuck is with Star Wars and giving me writing motivation?
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this is the draft for ONE CHAPTER.
someone please talk me out of this what am i doing
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musky-potato · 3 months ago
I want to finish that supposed BEBE Claude fan art, but I'm too busy RAAAAAAAA
On a serious note tho, (red eyes version under the cut🔻)
that fanart was actually intended to visualize my fic where I'd have Kim Rok soo (lout of count's family) reincarnated into Wmmap's universe as Claude's son HAHAHAHAH
They look similar but Cale (He's named Ignatius in this universe) just had a more slightly dead inside look in his eyes compared to Claude when he was at that age. Another thing he'd have that's not in common with Claude, or like, with any other royal descendants was that Ignatius (Roksoo reincarnated), instead of being born with a jeweled blue eyes, his was red. Another thing that makes people look down on him. Cuz y'know.. maybe the prince is actually cursed???
Anyw, yeah that's all my rambling for the day lol;;;
The fic is about 10k on my docs now but it's still rough and unfinished just like the rest of my wips...😔
like we know exactly how mistreated claude was as a kid and now looking at a perfect replica of his younger self (except for the eyes) what is he gonna do HUH
ESP WHEN THIS ONE LOOKS MORE DEPRESSED THAN U (disclaimer: hes not depressed, maybe, idk, thats just cale's resting b face)
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spurious · 4 months ago
for the title ask:
mcshep & The hindsight's been the hardest part
(Send me a title and a ship and I’ll tell you about a fic I won’t write)
I feel ok being a monster because I won’t actually write this so:
There’s an accident with the gate during which John dies and Rodney gets sent to another universe where he and John are in a relationship, prompting him to realize this is something he wants; it’s not until he gets back to his own Atlantis that he finds out what happened to his own John and he has to live with knowing what they could’ve had 🙂
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10thmusemoon · 1 year ago
YQY/SY has been at the back of my mind these last few days and I keep coming back to the following as opening lines for a fic.
It's not that Shen Yuan set out with the intention to steal someone's husband, he came free with the transmigration!
With the premise being that upon waking up and seeing YQY by his side and (by the donghua's canon) sitting on the same bed as him, all concerned like, SY would assume qijiu were in a relationship. It would be, of course, really messy and miscommunication is a given but I feel like it could work out and binghe would end up with two father figures (that he still grows obsessed with-}
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hydrangeyes · 7 months ago
Brushing up on my writing through pit diving publicly into COTL:
- I have this AU (a solid one) called Death's Shepherd. I wanted to play with the idea that the Lamb has always had an affinity to death (as I have ideas on worldbuilding) even before the massacre/genocide.
- a pinch of death and violence (war), however, in this life, they have gone down the road of death. Obviously.
- This whole Au was going to be very picky with what was taken from canon, for example:
- was going to have it where the one who waits originally wasn't going to kill the lamb. That while it very much was a chance/option, I wanted to play into the info that he /was/ tampering with life and was planning to do a switch a roo of sorts. This still would have required the sacrifice of the lamb's followers, but the one who waits figures it was a price worth paying. The lamb.... not so much.
- speaking of the one who waits and a crown on two heads. After the one who waits is defeated, it is quickly noted (by some) that Narinders' soul is tainted due to his past research/experiments. As Death should have never brought life into the world.
- which is what I'm playing with. Resurrection is one thing (especially if the body and soul are still attached) but bring whole new lives, new souls into existence? Reconstructing spuls and willing them back into their past bodies? Mmmmmm yeah that has its reprocussions.
- I also wanted to play with the crown. Where whole yes, the lamb is the new death deity, the crown is the essence of death itself, like *trying to find the words* they just are. Idk how to explain it lol but yeah.
- everything else is fairly the same, tho I am cooking up having the goat be more involved main story wise.
- the goat becoming the new war deity (goats not as wiped out but damn are those numbers low, as when the hunt for lambs first started, alot of goats were either mistaken as lambs or were protecting them).
- anyway, this was based on an idea of the lamb having to navigate their new ascension; the nature of being a deity/what it means to be one; who can and can't be: of course, typical shipping mess (i guess, they'reboth a mess but like a puzzle piece and all that); the actual damage that happens when wiping out whole as DEITIES with no back up; and wanting to see how funny it would be if Narinder was force to be the Life deity rather than death (I have a whole thing about this)
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- still tinkering with Nari's design and the Lamb's Names (They will have 2)
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hebuiltfive · 7 days ago
I just want to read this story but that means I have to write it first and...
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eiraeths · 6 months ago
everyone picture soap leaning against a wall smoking and ghost grabbing a cigarette out of soaps pocket and then grabbing soap’s face to keep soap’s cig stable while lighting his cig on soap’s cig
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ineedtherapydesperately · 7 months ago
maybe if I yap about this fic enough, I'll be able to finish it by tn
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shades-o-grey · 7 months ago
' Rain '
Excerpts from a Fic Not Yet Written. [01]
by- ' Shades O' Grey '
- It was a Nice Day
Or it might've been. Lately, it was difficult for Crowley to tell.
It was a day-
   Clement, with a slight breeze. The sun making intermittent appearances from behind clouds grey enough to suggest the possibility of a shower at any moment. It is England, after all.  Sudden rain is always possible.
For Crowley, the chances of an unexpected drenching increased significantly. Depending on his state of mind.
While for humans, It's often the case that the weather holds an influence over their moods. For a demon, or more specifically for Crowley, it's the opposite. He has this habit of letting his moods affect the weather. A mental spiral too deep, and even the most pleasant day could suddenly turn. [and that's putting things mildly]
Presently, Crowley has managed to spare the rest of the Country from his "tempestuous mood swings" [Previously? Nothing but monsoons for three months in a row]. However, He could still expect a good drenching for himself and anyone unfortunate to be within a five-mile radius,
Well, at least he's managed to stop it from happening indoors.
He didn't mind rain before.
-Had fond memories of rain. He still complained obviously. He never liked getting wet and soggy, cold and damp. Who does? But Crowley always complains about the things he secretly fancies, often complaining about them more than the things he truly despises. [He could even go so far as to defend things he dislikes, provided doing so leads to an entertaining argument].
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lightningbig · 3 months ago
rambling continued from the tags on this post
thinking about a world where the kaminoans are able to bend death. well enough that the clones become effectively immortal. even when they die they don't, really. they will gasp awake again, always, a never ending cycle of life and breath and violence. they will bleed and they will fall apart but they will knit back together with enough time. they will not succumb to any wounds, not permanently.
this not even being questioned by the clones. its all they've ever known. its how they've been raised. brothers don't die, they sleep and come back. brothers don't die, they bleed and then they get better. brothers don't die, even when they're missing limbs, even when they change in irrevocable ways. the kaminoans have created an army that cannot be bested by mortality. they've created something infinite.
the first time they know death is when one of the trainers washes up, blue and bloated and half eaten by the marine life at the bottom of the sea. they'd been punishing brothers for increasingly mundane reasons in increasingly harsh ways, so they were given a taste of their own medicine. only, trainers don't come back. trainers don't get better. trainers don't live, despite it all.
the jedi, too, are mortal things. things that can die. things that get hurt and don't always heal. things that can benefit from exploiting brothers, from putting a clone in the way of a fatal shot any day.
some of them do. its whats expected. most of them don't. the clones don't understand. brothers dont die, don't they know?
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irritablepoe · 9 months ago
*clears throat* okay so imagine this: ranpo gets insulted or injured at a crime scene/on a mission and poe seeks the responsible person out and makes them pay for it (if ykwim👀), he then returns to ranpo who quickly figures out what poe's done, they cover it up as the work of a local serial killer, and then ranpo teases and praises poe until poe snaps and they fuck nasty
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