#badass amity park
Based on: https://www.tumblr.com/long-live-astronerd-ghost-king/759248423781285888/dpxdc-prompt-field-trip-some-people-would-call
@long-live-astronerd-ghost-king loved the prompt
Because the ghost attacks, all students of Casper High learned combat (with ecto knuckles given to them by the Fentons)
And they get really good at it. So much so that Phantom doesn’t even have to make appearances except in emergencies.
Then, someone thought it wood be a good idea to send them to Gotham on a trip to WE.
So Gotham finds out and they are betting on how long the country kids stay before leaving (highest is three days).
The news companies decided to send over an interviewer to interview the kids and the camera pans to show the kids on a rooftop practicing combat exercises and hand-to-hand fighting.
Casper High is not going to skip a couple days of combat training- especially in Gotham.
Needless to say, lots of people lost money that week.
Other shenanigans
- Joker dies. Fan favorite and completely justified
- Joker dies by Paulina and Star
- Dani just so happened to be in Gotham
- Dan is their chaperone
- Jason or Damian is their tour guide
- Danny getting high on fear gas
- Ivy and Sam bonding
- Riddler taking Tucker hostage
- Condiment King. Just Condiment King.
- Dash being Steph’s cousin
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pansexualnoodle5 · 2 years
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Belos better damn well be prepared for a war.
Because this family is on the warpath, and they’re coming for him.
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Back in my day.
Imagine dis…
Alfred is a whole mystery to the Batfam that whenever he pulls out his shotgun we are in awe at this kickass badass British butler, on the other hand, we are always in the shadows of his past endeavors. We all knew he was a S.A.S. Armed Services, fighting in 15 different operations between ages 18 and 20. A skilled medical and front liner soldier who was decorated. He later joined MI5, as well as the secret forces of the Queen and later being knighted by Her Majesty.
He is silent as he comes by, he can out Batman the Batman despite Bruce learning from the greatest assassin of all time. He is calm, too calm for any situation to the point your subconscious asks if he had seen something wilder, more insane to consider an alien attack, a mutant crocodile attack every Tuesday is considered somewhat tame, or even the rise of global or universal threats that Alfred seemed to brush it off.
So, who is he?
Alfred Pennyworth had always been a mysterious figure. He had dedicated his life to serving the Wayne family and their caped crusader alter-egos as Bruce Wayne's loyal butler and the revered keeper of Wayne Manor. But Alfred had held a secret for decades, one that would finally come to light most unexpectedly.
Alfred was a teenager called Danny Fenton long before he donned the perfect suit and tie. He lived in the small town of Amity Park, which was riddled with secrets of its own. Danny was not your typical adolescent; he had a strange encounter with a ghostly gateway that had bestowed upon him unusual and otherworldly skills. He had protected Amity Park from vengeful ghosts and spectral threats thanks to his power to shift into a phantom hero known as Danny Phantom.
Danny had just recently been crowned as the crowned prince of the Infinite Realm a week after he had defeated the tyrant Pariah Dark who had attempted to rip off a space in the fabric of in-between just to suck in his little quaint town. It was determined by both the ancient and the Observants that it was better for him to finish his mortal life before he dawns on the crown, as he was still growing, he was still considered a baby ghost younger than Young Blood as his death was still recent.
But slowly the thoughts that he had kept behind his head are coming back to him. Jazz his beloved sister as well as the one who had raised her despite being a child herself who had no idea of raising a child, may analyze her all she wants but she could never sympathize nor connect with his inner thoughts of being one of the halfas. He died, he never really had the time to process it because he had to face the Lunch Lady just a few days after the accident. 
His friends, now looking at them closely, have seen that they both have some sort of guilt in their eyes. They both have seen him die amid the electrician, he can’t help but feel some sort of longing at the cemetery the north of Amity Park, he is too alive to have a grave yet too dead to be alive.
He thought he was getting there, changing the views of the people. To show the world that his kind is sentient but the people kept whispering. Shadows cast long by the looming specters sent chills down their spines. Every eerie wail or flicker of a ghostly presence filled them with dread. Their eyes widened in terror as the ethereal figures materialized before them. A hushed silence fell over the town when ghostly battles raged in the skies. Parents warned their children to stay indoors when the ghost alarms rang. Fearful whispers of the "Ghost Boy" circulated, both a hero and a phantom menace. 
The ghostly encounters left scars of fear etched in the minds of Amity Park's residents.
In the end, he was forced to leave his home dimension, why? It’s because the GIW have become more vicious more brutal at their hunting, With the sacrifice of both his friends and family they have shoved him into the portal, never to be seen again.
All bloodied and still injured he had landed in a period in the early 1900. He thought that he may have accidentally traveled back in time but when he saw too many conflicting events that he had learned during his high school days that didn’t happen during this time led him to believe that he had traveled a different dimension. Small ripples in the water created a tsunami of change in what he previously known as the past, when he was still in the streets gathering information, he had noticed that he landed in the middle of London during the early 1900s. Good enough that child labor laws are still not a thing so he can work with practically anyone without questions asked. The bad news is that his supposed great-grandfather's version in this dimension had already died, according to his family tree history during his science project in 4th grade his great-grandfather went to London to earn a few bucks before traveling back to America where he would meet his supposed great grandmother and have children. Since he died before he even went back to America the Nightgale-Fenton line died with him.
Luckily a barren couple took pity on him and took him in, since Danny can’t no longer bear his original last name, he embraced the new name from this nice couple who had taken him in. Danny may have felt guilty at the prospect or even the idea of replacing his family but he can’t help but think of it as a new beginning of his life. No one to hunt down his ghostly half, No GIW, and No fruit loop trying to turn him into his heir.
Alfred Pennyworth
During this time he did a lot of odd jobs, cleaning the inside of a chimney, mining, selling newspapers… etc. Sure, it was hard work and he can’t help but look at the children far younger than him taking in jobs far more dangerous just so they can shave something to eat. He can’t help but feel too blessed when he was back in his timeline. Warn food to eat under a sturdy roof to keep out the elements as well as education. Things that were too mundane, too common, that he now feels like a luxury. 
Over time he developed an accent as well as new mannerisms and vocabulary. 
So, when war broke out on the horizon his core ached at the notion of protection thus signed up in the military. 
Sure, he became the most feared soldier in the fields due to his using some of his ghostly abilities subtly. His enemies who stand in front of him call him The Vengeful Orphan, due to his avenging every soldier who seems to die at the hands of their enemies. 
Between the ages of 18 and 20, he served in the S.A.S. Armed Services, engaging in 15 different actions. A decorated medical specialist and front-line soldier. He then joined MI5, as well as the Queen's secret forces, and was knighted by Her Majesty.
As time passes by the ages, slowly but surely. He had already outlived his adoptive parents and friends of his. He still held the authority of being the officially crowned prince of the Infinite Realms. He had already explored the world experiencing the culture and history of this world.
At this time, he had already recovered enough ectoplasm to turn back to his ghostly prime and create a portal to the Infinite Realms. But something in him nagged, his core kept trying to tell him something when he was about to take a step inside the portal, but he didn’t seem to know why. His years as Phantom and Alfred Pennyworth taught him to listen to his guts, and it saved him multiple times, without looking back he stayed in this dimension until his mortal life perished.
It seemed that he didn’t have to find it for too long as he was approached by none other than Thomas Wayne with the preposition to be Wayne’s butler.
So, when little Bruce Wayne was born he couldn’t help but feel a little fond of the tyke. He reminded Bruce of himself when he was just a simple young boy before everything. When the fated, night came he tried to shield Bruce from everything, to have him resemble a somewhat normal life. 
That night he tucked in a teary-eyed Bruce into bed who had just witnessed his parent’s murder. He faced the ghosts of both Martha and Thomas who had been with the young master since the incident a few hours ago and tearfully promised the two ghostly couple that he would take care of Bruce. Both couples seemed to be in shock at their butler who had seen them but felt relief that their boy was in safe hands.
When his ward Bruce Wayne turned into a crime-fighting vigilante, he can’t help but softly snort at his outfit. Sure, he admits he had a worse outfit when he started as Phantom when he was just a young lad but he is willing to take anything other than a furry suit that fights crime at night. He has no right to criticize either since his alter ego is just him with an inverted color without a mask yet people seem to make no connection between him and Phantom, in his defense he is a young teen whereas Bruce is in his 20s. He just raised an eyebrow at his outfit and Bruce immediately changed the design to be a bit more sophisticated than just a Halloween costume of a bat.
So when Bruce starts to bring in orphans he can’t help but smile fondly as the manor is slowly filled with such joy from each child that seems to find a home in the large manor. He can't help but reminisce if this could have been his life if Vlad had learned to forgive Jack or if his parents and Amity Park just accepted him if the GIW didn’t exist. He thought one day when he was drinking tea with Jason, Jason who died and came back different, never broken. His grandchild who experienced his death in a slow yet painful way died and came back later. He knew there was something different with his grave but he chalked it up in being his ghostly sense sensing the ectoplasm around Gotham. He just wished he checked the grave even though it holds so much sentimental value to the dead. 
Don’t get him wrong the moment Jason came back to enact his revenge on B he was already aware something was in Gotham he just didn’t know at the time that it was Jason. He is more than happy to kill the Joker as he had taken mortal lives when he was serving the army but Bruce might notice and he still held fear at the idea of Dan.
After the entire revelation between his son and grandchild, he just welcomed back Jason into the manor as if nothing was wrong with the boy and prepared his favorite dish and snacks in the library whenever he visited.
Now it had been a long way since he entered this dimension, now the long table at the manor is filled with guests and children alike. His grandchildren are full of life despite what had life thrown at them. Dick was the first one to arrive and started, Barbara followed, Jason who took off the wheel, Tim with his brilliant mind with his worrying caffeine intake, Stephanie who fought with his father, Cassandra who started just to atone for the sin of killing her father yet became loyal and caring young lady and Damian who started to learn what humanity is like. Sure others had been emotionally adopted but all of them all have places in the manor.
His grandchildren as well as his pseudo son kept throwing him curious glances every time, He managed to seemingly appear behind them to notify them of dinner. He can also feel the envy of walking silently from the assassin-trained children. He can feel Bruce’s stare whenever he raises an eyebrow at some classified cases that are supposedly secured. He can hear their whispers as they exclaim to one another that he supposedly knew everything, of course, he knew everything the manor became his new haunt after a few years.
He already raised an eyebrow at the simultaneous alarm from every vigilante at the dinner table but imagine his surprise when he joined in looking over the Bat computer as Oracle barked out orders and instructions, as a familiar opponent showed itself.
A green glowing monster is wreaking havoc throughout Gotham it came from Central City and marched its way here to Gotham which became even more powerful due to the ectoplasm in the air. There is already notable damage from both cities as the rest of the heroes seem to work together to evacuate and stop the creature. The JLD attacks seem to have some effect but it was useless due to its minions that kept them occupied. Oracle is so focused on the situation and doesn’t notify their pseudo grandfather to disappear from behind her.
The entire JL is starting to feel hopeless as the green creature seems to raze Gotham as if the stone road is made out of water. Every magician and heavy hitter have been called but no one was able to put damage to the creature.
When all hopes seemed lost, they all heard a loud bang from a shotgun.
Alfred Pennyworth is standing on top of a rubble of concrete and metal, the butler of Batman, the pseudo father, and grandfather of the entire bat clan, also known as Agent A. Carrying his signature shotgun and a thermos that seems to strap to his hip like a belt. 
He kept firing round after round from his trusty old shotgun and pausing for a second to reload. He glanced at the heroes around and seemed to raise an eyebrow at the absolute massacre that he had just done to the creature’s minions.
As he paused to take another reload, he paused at movement and looked at the space in front of him and waited. The creature appeared roaring out in fury but seemed to pause the moment it laid eyes on Alfred. The creature seems to shake with uncertainty and fear. Every vigilante and hero present could see its eyes growing wide from shock and fear as well the cold sweat as Alfred raised an eyebrow at the creature as he slowly walked towards the creature with annoyance with every step.
Some heroes who had enhanced hearing could hear Alfred muttering about, back in his day blob ghosts were these cute and harmless things but now some up-start wannabe newly formed one seems to think he is all hot shot. 
He proceeds to scold the creature as if he had just caught one of his grandchildren sneaking their hands on the cookie jar and proceeds to take out the thermos and effectively catch the creature. As if the one responsible for the mess never existed in the first place.
Now the bat clan has rules when they are in the manor or the presence of Alfred and one of those rules is that there will be no swearing when he is around, but there is one word that seems to resound from each hero's mind.
What the fuck just happened?!?!
Now as you know I started to post less, now it is both from writer’s block and class being in the way.
PS: If someone out there wanted to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so, don’t forget to tag me though.
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zylev-blog · 9 months
*drop kicks Danny, Sam, and Tucker far away*
Alright peeps, we’re talking about Valerie today! In almost all of the dpxdc crossovers it’s usually Danny getting adopted by bats, dates a Bat, sometimes there’s Superman/other heroes involved, but none of that matters for this post because this one is all about Valerie! Where’s the Valerie love?! The badass who helped take down Vlad, is a fearless teenager who became the first human vigilante in Amity Park. That’s who we’re talking about.
Now, I don’t want to be basic, but Valerie goes to a city (doesn’t matter which one) and shit happens, and she’s gotta fight a baddie and the local hero is impressed. But Valerie had been a vigilante for years by that point. She’s not interested in joining the Justice League or the Young Justice, she just wanted to go to college like anyone else her age. So when the recruitment calls started, she turns them down. But they’re persistent. So she starts beating up the heroes, too. Which makes her more of a villain than a hero. She didn’t honestly care. She just wanted to be normal.
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tourettesdog · 1 year
DPxDC fanfic recs part 2! (Part 1)
It's a Small World by halfagone
Sometimes you just need a goofy, fun one shot that throws the characters you like into a theme park and this is exactly that. I love it.
Security Guard? Nah, Blackmailed. by Olive_of_Vanders
Oli has a lot of fantastic oneshots, but I think this one might be one of my favorites. I just really love the premise lol; it's great crack.
A Little Overshadowing Never Hurt Anyone by Playedcrowdd5610
I absolutely adore the premise of this one. Overshadowing shenanigans are so much fun, and the specific way it's happening in this fic has all of my attention.
Knitting Connections by Aibhilin
This is such a soft, neat little oneshot. I love the POV for it and just the quiet scenes it paints.
30 Days of Kidnappings by Hyperintrovert
This one's just plain fun and funny, with some nice emotions and angst mixed in. There are so many kidnappings, as the name implies. Shenanigans abound.
Bat Ghost by Megaerakles
Twin fics have a special place in my heart and this is no exception. I love how focused in Amity Park this one is, and the background Superbat is a treat.
Queen Regent by Elizabehta_Beilschmidt
Gil writes a lot of great Jazz (and Hardcover ship) fics, and this one in particular is one of my faves. I might be biased based on the prompt, but I just love how this one is written and how much of a badass Jazz gets to be.
Wait a Second by Toriieffic
Mistaken identities mixed with sibling bonding-- such a great mix always. I love the setup for this fic and how it plays out, especially with Jazz and Damian's situation in particular.
Robin's Egg by Calix
Wonderfully written, adorable, precious-- with lots of emotions and angst along for the ride. I love fics with core shenanigans a lot.
Oh Northstar of Mine by Milaley
This one is so very sweet and tender. Dead tired ship has a special place in my heart and I love the relationship here with it.
Spelunking by SummersSixEcho
This is the first in a series and I think it might've been the first series I read from Summers (or at least the first DPxDC one). I love Danny's interactions with the batfam in this series, the shenanigans, the puns-- it's all so good.
Coffee Trip of Love by EyesOfCrows
This fic is just plain cute and fun. I love all of the pet names throughout it. I need to reread it pronto lol
Blooming Death, Please Love Me by Gremlin_bot
Hanahaki and blood blossoms? Yes please. I love blood blossom fics-- like a lot-- and mixing them with hanahaki trope... yes.
Another Duckin' Day by TheStarfishAlien
A lot of these on this recommend are dead tired ship, but like-- I love them, your honor. This one is just a ton of fun. Love some good pranks.
Wayne's Haunted Mansion by Tathartiel
This is such a sweet deaged/young Danny fic. I love the progression with Danny and the family with this, with the slow build of them earning his trust and figuring out more about him.
Danny Fenton's Guide to Scoring a Boyfriend by DisillusionedDanny
I just love the shenanigans and ship with this one. Enemies to lovers shenanigans abound. Dis has a Ton of great DPxDC fics, and while I haven't had the spoons to read most of their longer ones just yet, I love their stories and everything I have read.
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serialadoptersbracket · 5 months
Round 3, Match 17: Eda Clawthorne vs. Sakyo Furuichi
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Submitted kids:
Eda Clawthorne: Luz Noceda, King Clawthorne, Hunter, Edric Blight, and debatably, Amity Blight, Willow Park, and Gus Porter
Sakyo Furuichi: Azami Izumida, Banri Settsu, Juza hyodo, Taichi Nanao (these are just the main ones but tbh all Mankai company characters who were under 20 in year 1 count)
Propaganda under the cut!
Eda Clawthorne:
1. “Eda Clawthorne always said she was a terrible influence and took the word “maternal” as an insult. She then proceeded to accidently adopt a sentient demon beast thing, raise him, adopt some human that tripped into her dimension, mentor her, all while being on the run from the tyrannical government. She canonically adopts King in the second season and King and Luz call each other siblings. She also calls them “her kids.” Eda attempts to sacrifice herself for them at many times and tries her best to keep them safe, and is really sad about the fact that they’ll one day leave her to go back to their own families. She puts away her own biases against the school system so that Luz can lead magic. The maternal instincts basically kick her out of nowhere and she goes from a badass, absolute menace to society to badass, absolute menace to society who happens to have two chaos gremlins.”
Link to the rest here!
Sakyo Furuichi:
“his first adopted child was azami, azami was his yakuza boss's kid but the boss was always busy and the mom died when azami was 5 so sakyo at age 23 ish raised azami singlehandedly. he went out of his way to protect azami's dream of becoming a makeup artist when his biological dad disapproved,, like when azami secretly ordered makeup online, sakyo told the boss it was "stuff teenage boys like" which prompted the boss to leave it alone. azami even said he sees sakyo as a dad 🥺
besides azami, sakyo also fusses over his other kids tho he has difficulty being honest abt his feelings. he's v strict abt the company budget (they're all in a theatre company called mankai company btw) but it's be when he joined the company was in crippling debt so he doesn't want them to go through that again and lose their home. he also expressed disappointment that he wasn't the first one to take banri drinking when banri became of age which is so dad behaviour to me <3”
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mjiss0nfire · 3 months
I've been playing with character ai too much so here's some Danny Phantom x Persona 5 crossover bullshit that I've thought too much about-
Disclaimer: I have not been active in the DP fandom for literal years so criticism on that side is welcome
The PTs get yoinked over to Amity Park probably bc of Vlad
Timeline for them is post November 20th or mid-third semester
Depends on if we want antagonist Akechi or reluctant ally Akechi for the Thieves
And if Maruki shows up to continuously screw things over
Either (1) PTs immediately get found by Vlad and he yoinks Joker to be rescued by Danny bc "wtf is this asshole doing now- oh that's a human ah shit-"
Or (2) they manage to evade him and hide out in Amity for a while before getting the attention of Danny
With 1, we get badass breakout with Danny seeing Joker's thieving and Persona bs in action and Joker seeing Danny's powers
And an easier team-up between Team Phantom and the Phantom Thieves when the PTs get the name of the asshole who took Joker
With 2, we get More Conflict Potential with Danny being like "who tf are you, you look like villains but you beat up [insert ghost here] sooo?"
A lil bit of distrust, but I can see Joker working his magic a lil and at least getting a small deal of "we'll help you with these guys if you give us information on the whole Ghost Thing Here"
Should Danny continue to distrust them/not like Joker being so Vague, potential attempt to overshadow him
Which. Would Not Go Well with the fact that boy has at least 6 other parts of his soul that can be like "yo What The Fuck" and kick him out
But once that trust is up and shit, fun teenage vigilantism with superpowers!
And trauma bonding!!
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libbytwq · 2 years
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Meet our The Raven House protags
Bios below the cut
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Hunter Wittebane
Swapped with Luz
The human
"The Good Wizard Zuro" fanboy
Cardinals are his favorite critter
Desperately trying to be a witch
Apprentice of Lilith the Raven Lady (will design eventually)
Friends with Amity and Vee
Ends up being Willow's bf
Philip Wittebane is his cool librarian dad and he's cool
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Amity Blight
Swapped with Willow
Half-a-witch Mittens
Flyer Derby Queen
Badass sweetheart
Parents are ok
Doesn't want to be in the plant track, wants to make abominations
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Vivian Basilio
Swapped with Gus
Witch bby (no longer basilisk)
"Vee? Nickname? HUMAN NICKNAME? VEE? Call me it!"
Smart cookie
Illusionist track
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Willow Park
Swapped with Amity
mean top student in first debut
but then becomes total sweetheart to Hunter once she knows him
also "The Good Wizard Zuro" fangirl
p l a n t s
asshole parents (big sadge)
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Luz Noceda
Swapped with Hunter
Amethyst Guardian
Has been through some shit
gets hair cut by Amity lolz
hope you like it guys!
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halfagone · 1 year
Since you liked my worthy! Danny! AU so much, I figured I’d continue it. This next prompt is basically the avengers reaction to Danny kicking ass using the hammer (while still in his civilian form). What do you think?
Hmmm 🤔 now there are a number of ways one could go about this. Most of which stems to: how does civilian Danny get wrapped up in a situation like this where he'd have access to the hammer again?
I don't have normal prose for this right now (class will be the half-death of me TAT) but I do like the idea that maybe Danny is still in town after visiting the Avengers for the PR stunt. I doubt he would have gone that far only to come right back to Amity Park.
So maybe during this time there's an attack on New York, because apparently New York is like villain central (there are SO MANY heroes living there in Marvel comics) and the Avengers come out to play because it's that high level of a threat. It works as a pretty standard fight, blast the bad guy, save the civilian. Except, one time that Thor threw his hammer, he doesn't get it back.
So where did it go?
They can't go look for it right away exactly, not unless Thor would really need it right this moment, but eventually they come across the wayward hammer anyways. Maybe Danny had accidentally summoned the hammer without realizing it and doesn't know how to send it back? Who knows! All we know is that he is kicking names and taking ass.
Most of the Avengers would probably be reasonably concerned at this point. Not only is this kid getting wrapped up in a fight when he should be evacuating, he's trying to fight back? With a weapon he's only sorta familiar with? Say what you will about how competent he is, that is still concerning.
But then that also makes them wonder: How is he so good with the hammer? Danny might not have all the physics of it down, but he's obviously not half bad at harnessing the power of it. Except how is there lightning at all, Thor gives it lightning, Mjöllnir doesn't have lightning of its own? As far as most of the Avengers are aware???
They are so confused right now, bless them.
Meanwhile Thor is like: oh wow new friend is kinda badass, I dig it.
Even when he gets his hammer back (Danny would hand it over no problem, he meant to give it back forever ago), I like to imagine that Thor just picks Danny up like a bag of rice and keeps him tucked under one arm. That way he's out of harm's way!
Everyone else is trying to convince Thor to drop off his smol human friend somewhere safe. Danny is just kinda going along for the ride.
Tony promises Danny shawarma at the end. He is now an unofficial Avenger, because if you get food with the Avengers, you are automatically one with them. Scott made the rule, you're our now kid.
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thousand-winters · 2 months
Hi! Owl House Hunter and/or Collector for the ask game?
Hello there!!! How's it going?
Starting with Hunter 💛
How I feel about this character
I adore him to pieces. I'm adopting him. I'm marrying Darius just so I can raise him with him and Eberwolf.
In all seriousness, I think he's such an amazing character. I know a lot of people out there (well, frankly only the weird guys who projected too hard on him and thought he was some cold badass soldier for some reason?) think his turn to be one of the "good guys" was too sudden or that he became useless once he turned sides but none of that is true, they just didn't pay attention to his character, to how he always went more for the defense or to quickly unarm an opponent rather than hurt them, to how he was kind despite it all, how eager he was to help. And also how damn exhausted and scared he had to be at Labyrinth Runners, obviously he wasn't going to be able to fight at his full potential, though I guess it's an useless point since those people only care for Hunter as far as how "badass" he is, not for his actual character.
Don't even get me started on how damn good and real he is written when it comes to a child that grew up controlled and abused. I feel like that's where a lot of the misunderstanding about his character comes from, that a lot of people who don't understand one bit about the trauma responses to abuse feel qualified to say that he doesn't make sense when he really does.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
No one, really. I used to like him with Willow but... well, that didn't last. This isn't about me being a hater tho lmao, so we're not going to get into that, it's just not my thing.
I don't care about any ship of his at the end of the day.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Mmmm... I'm gonna say Amity. They truly had so much potential as friends with their similarities, they always will be best friends in my heart. It's such a shame we didn't see them develop that friendship we saw in glimpses in TTT but that was once again due to the lack of time.
You will always see me sprinkle moments for both of them in my fics, I'm a little deranged over how much they understood each other in Eclipse Lake, for better or for worse.
My unpopular opinion about this character
He doesn't need to be involved in everything, oh my gods, give it a rest. I love him so much but no, he doesn't need to be Luz' legal brother or King's brother too or Vee's brother, or have like twenty different parents because "the more, the better".
Yes, yes, it takes a village, but tell me why the village has to all adopt him. I think there's a point to be made there with the fact Hunter needs freedom and "disorder" in some sense since he didn't have the opportunity to just be a kid and be a little messy while he was at the EC, but not like that. He still needs a semblance of stability because he was clearly craving parental love for the longest time but he's used to a guardian that made him second guess and it's going to be hard for him to adjust to one parent, let alone like ten and while he's jumping from house to house literally every day or every couple of days. That feels like it would be a nightmare for him with trying to guess expectations and at the same time that he has to learn boundaries? Hell no, that's gonna explode into flames.
I have no doubt all of those adults will be looking out for him, but they don't need to be their parents for that. After all, say, one can imagine the Parks are going to dote on him since he's dating their daughter, isn't he? And yet they don't need to be his dads for that. Lilith cares for Luz and King but she's not their mother, she's the cool aunt™️.
It takes a village but the village doesn't have to be a nuclear family. We can have more interesting, complex relationships than that. Plus, the village doesn't seem to exist for the other kids who also need support, funnily enough.
"Darius isn't going to be enough", well, he has Eberwolf to help, so there's that. "He needs a mother", oh, we're doing super nuclear family now? Funny how he doesn't need a father when it's the other way around, and funny how the same isn't said for Gus or Amity (nor it should but you get my point). "He needs more support because he's traumatized", oh, and the other kids aren't? There's Amity who's also recovering from an abusive parental situation and has Alador, who's trying but that's the thing, he's trying, he isn't perfect, and yet nobody says anything there.
Personally, I like the idea of Lilith and Hunter bonding over their similar experiences close to Belos but I don't want her as his mother. I don't think Lilith wants to be anybody's mother anyway.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I know this was also about the time we had, but I wish him getting powers from Flap absorving into him hadn't been done like that. I disliked it a lot at the beginning and while I don't mind it as much now, I feel like with how fast everything had to go because of the shortening, it came across a bit like "Hunter mourns the loss of Flapjack, but the second he gains powers from it, he's happy again".
Obviously we still had him looking a bit sad at all the other palismen and then the fragment during Luz's nightmare but... it just didn't look great. I wish we'd had more time to address that + maybe his complicated feelings over Belos because he kinda spent TTT ignoring all of that and then Flap died and everything went too fast and he didn't have time to process, you know?
Now the Collector! 🌠
How I feel about this character
I like them! I admit I didn't at first because I found them questionable and then inconsistent but they grew on me. That's a baby!!! I feel bad for having disliked him at some point lmao.
I think they're a very fun character, and there's a lot to explore with the implications of a practically immortal being with such intense powers... we're not going there though because it hurts to think about him all alone after everybody else dies. Who knows how long beings like them live.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
No one, I don't think. I mean, he's baby.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
King, definitely!!! Their dynamic was so complicated at first, which honestly makes it all the more fun. Fascinating too since the Archivists and the Titans seemed to be at odds and plus seem to be straight up dangerous to one another, but they're the youngest out of their respective... species? And neither wants control or anything, they just want to be friends.
I think they're very sweet, and the chances they'll have each other for a good amount of their lives is very good as well, especially with those huge lifespans both of them seem to have.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I used to be so conflicted on him and how he was in their introduction in Hollow Mind versus the after but I think it can make sense. They hardly had any reference for the world and how things worked outside of Belos and WAD pretty much confirmed he thought people could be repaired just like toys so like... alright. Being around a genocidal emperor sure didn't do him any favors here.
That was my only thing, but aside from that I don't think I have unpopular opinions about them, though granted since I don't think too much about them on a regular basis, I might just not know what the common takes about them are out there.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
There's no real need for this but I wish we had gotten some closure to the Archivists situation because they make me so nervous haha. Like if they target the planet again, everyone is fucking toast, one titan and the Collector aren't going to be enough to stop that, not even with everybody else. We got a very powerful cast of characters but not cosmically powerful, you know?
I also kinda wish the Collector had been established to, yeah, maybe explore for long periods of time, but also come back to the Isles fairly often. That's a child!!! He craves company and love!!! Don't let him wander out there on his own for so long! I think since they were there for Luz's quinceañera, he might actually come around fairly often to be up to date with all that, so it might just me worrying too much tho.
Thank you for the ask! From this ask game
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threewaysdivided · 2 years
So, in YJDW, Danny is still very much a solo-hero type. I imagine that's going to potentially cause some issues down the road, both with learning how to work as an equal with other supers and bonding with them since his own hero development is so different from the Team's. No mentor, the discomfort that the nature of his powers can cause, the mixed history he DOES have that's public knowledge, and the lack of real exposure to the rest of the superhero sphere of influence.
(Young Justice: Deathly Weapons)
So this is interesting because you're completely right; those are things that should complicate Danny's interactions (and potential integration) with established heroes and hero teams.
However, the specifics of Danny's circumstances and road to joining the Team in Deathly Weapons kind of alleviate or sidestep a lot of those potential issues. At cost of giving him a new catalogue of complexes to deal with but beggars can't be choosers.
I think we discussed a few of the particulars a while ago in this post thread with @doodly-doop, so I might gloss over some of those finer points here.
Suffice to say that, if it was a immediately-post-series Phantom, there's a lot of potential stumbling blocks to do with him already having ingrained instincts/ strategic impulses/ reflexes/ fighting styles that are specifically geared towards him being the lone powerhouse/ point guard/ tank in a group of otherwise Badass Normal support members. (Compare Superboy, who might be best suited to the specific role of tank/ threat management but who knows most of his teammates can take hits that would incapacitate regular humans). There's also potential for personality clashes given that Phantom is somewhat used to being the de facto leader in his own environment, and also the possibility for him to be carrying some resentment over being left un-mentored or having to deal with ghost problems entirely by himself if it becomes clear that the others knew something was happening in Amity but chose not to intervene.
If you want fic recs, Communication Issues (DP x YJ) by @nerdofspades is specifically about the resentment thing, and the solo-act-joins-team-operation issue is something that comes up in MirrorandImage's DP x TT fic Ghost of A Chance.
When it comes to Deathly Weapons, the details of the setup have kind of brushed aside some of those issues or reduced their severity. Danny's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad nine months of being a fugitive in between leaving Amity and finding Batman (which we will learn more about in coming chapters) has made him a lot more amenable to feedback and groupwork.
Rather than being fresh from overt frontline heroing he's spent almost a year in hiding; a time where he and the rest of Team Phantom had to work a lot more collaboratively, in situations where Danny was very conscious that the others' skills and connections were just as, if not more important than his powers (which at times were even a liability since they could potentially be tracked). Trying to pull a solo-act or otherwise splitting up the group is a really risky move when you're being hunted, and it curbed a lot of the impulses that might have led him to break ranks or otherwise deviate from a team plan without checking in first.
It's also worn down a lot of his pride in a few ways. First, simply traveling around America has made him much more conscious of how small scale he and Amity Park are, both geographically and in the grand scheme of heroism. It's something he thinks about in Chapter 15:
Everything here was too big for him - the manor, Gotham City, Batman and Robin, top-tier heroes... Sure, maybe back in Amity he'd been something special. Or at least, half of him might have been. But if months on the road had shown him anything it was that, in the eyes of the world, Amity Park was just another small, no-name town. Just like he was. Small-town. -Roads to Safe Places (Chapter 15)
There's also the fact that he's just... extremely tired. Being the de facto head of a group in a time of crisis is an exhausting level of responsibility, especially when you have no reliable fallbacks and prohibitively huge consequences for failure. In Chapter 8, Danny is very resistant to cooperating with Batman and Robin, but that's not pride that's survival mode: Danny and Co. endured the last nine months primarily by being aggressively self-reliant and not trusting other people. (There's also a little bit of grief and survivor's guilt in the mix: a sense that this is his torch to bear alone, and that it wouldn't be fair to pass the burden.)
Part of him desperately wanted somebody to step in, to take the load. But that wasn't how it worked. This was his mess. He couldn't just shove it off onto someone else because he wasn't up to the challenge. - Interference (Chapter 9)
Not only that but Team Phantom did not do well during their time on the run - they sacrificed a lot just to get out of Amity Park and were mostly met with more losses as they went - which Danny feels responsible for as the one who was supposed to be leading them. In some ways Phantom and his team went through their own nine-month equivalent to the Failsafe training exercise, and Danny walked away from it with a similar mindset:
I was desperate to be in charge. Not anymore. - Robin, YJS1 E17 Disordered
Once he accepts that he can safely take the help, the suggestion of being on a Team where Batman, Aqualad (and sometimes Robin) are ultimately the ones responsible for calling the shots is less likely to be met with a how dare you as much as an oh thank god.
On top of that, the Danny of Deathly Weapons has a touch of literal hero-worship going on. This Danny grew up with the cultural presence of heroes on Earth-16; from the history of the Justice Society, to living through the formation of the Justice League. By the time he had the accident that turned him into Phantom, Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash and Speedy would all have been publicly active as proteges for at least 6 months. And in the absence of a mentor of his own, well... I'm going to share a sneak-peak snippet from the CH21 draft:
Maybe it hit harder coming from other heroes.  From the kinds of people whose stories he’d looked to when he was first starting out - that some young, secret part of himself had fantasised might meet and understand him some day. - Equilibrium DRAFT (Chapter 21)
In combination, you might be able to see how the Danny of Deathly Weapons has been shifted just enough to the left of canon!Danny to play better with others. If anything, he's uncharacteristically passive and submissive in their first standalone mission due both to his unfamiliarity with the situation and stakes, and to all that baggage squashing him down. This is a Danny who has new raw patches exposed, but whose experiences have sanded away some of the edges that would otherwise have clashed with a teamwork setting.
It also helps that he's being placed on The Team specifically. Unlike say, the Teen Titans or Justice League, this is a covert squad that's doubling as a proving ground for starting proteges. Between Superboy, M'gann, Artemis and Zatanna they're pretty used to assimilating a mixed bag of powers and skills from members who don't have a lot of direct exposure to the rest of the superhero sphere. And because they're a covert squad whose main advantage lies in being unexpected and underestimated despite how often their plans seem to end in arson, they have their own motivation to stay as publicly invisible as they can manage, which not only lets Phantom operate with lower risk of being personally discovered, but also helps limit them and the League's potential exposure to ectophobic public sentiment.
That isn't to say that this Danny doesn't still carry some resentment or bitter feelings about how he's perceived and what he's been through (especially if someone whose name may or may not start with Kid and rhyme with Dash was to specifically antagonise him about it) but he comes to it with an additional nine months of perspective that make him more likely to respond to collaboration with a quiet sense of relief. At least once you can get past the defensive prickle and general awkwardness about accepting help.
This is all stuff I'm looking forward to elaborating on across the story and especially in the upcoming Flashpoints/ Combustion/ Equilibrium chapter set (CH19-21). It'll make more sense after those releases but hopefully this explains well enough for now.
Thanks for stopping by! 💜
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ladysunamireads · 1 year
The Half-Titan Rises
The Half-Titan Rises by Steve from Minecraft
(Spoilers for the finale!) Luz Noceda, savior of the Demon Realm, child of the human realm, has officially entered college to study and learn wild magic. She finally has everything she's ever wanted in life, an amazing girlfriend, and the chance to pursue her dreams, The Demon Realm has officially become her new home, and she wouldn't have it any other way. But then one morning, Luz wakes up to find that something is different, for some reason, her Titan powers have returned. But the Titan said they were only temporary, so why did she suddenly look like a hybrid again?
And to add onto that, the Collector suddenly showed up, but this time he wasn't simply visiting, this time he's got some urgent news, something far worse than Belos ever was is on its way.
Words: 3607, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Owl House (Cartoon)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, King Clawthorne, Eda Clawthorne, The Collector, Hunter | The Golden Guard, Willow Park, Gus Porter, Lilith Clawthorne, Camila Noceda, Raine Whispers, Vee
Relationships: Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Hunter | The Golden Guard/Willow Park, Eda Clawthorne/Raine Whispers
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Established Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Luz Noceda Has Titan Powers, Action/Adventure, Humor, Flirty Luz Noceda, Titan Luz, Light Angst, Romantic Fluff, Traumatized Hunter | The Golden Guard, Bisexual Luz Noceda, Violence, Awkward Flirting, Hurt/Comfort, Cuddling & Snuggling, titan Luz is a badass, Post-Episode: s03e03 Watching and Dreaming
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46455253
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elegantmantaray · 2 years
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So... these are actually for my dp oc, Varjo Thorn. In my own canon adjacent fanon, and in a fantasy au, she's a witch! A morally gray one, however.
Before becoming a Amity Park's resident witch, she was doing a job closer to that of a Witcher, killing the worst of what the magical community had to offer. Government sanctioned kills, but kills none the less. She retired from that line of work recently, and now she does a job closer to that of witches of Discworld. She helps the other members of the local magic community with potions and spells and stuff.
Varjo is also one eigth of sapient creatures I made up called shadow shifters, so on top of her magic spells she has powers of light and shadow manipulation. She has a second form from her human appearance, an abstract version of her face in this second form is behind her weapons above. I can't draw humanoids well enough to do her justice.
To be honest, I created Varjo to be a love interest for Vlad, but also a friend for him. The idiot needs a badass to set him on the right path, but I don't want to nor do I have the mental capacity to go into depth on their relationship today. I will say they're the friends to lovers trope because that's my fave, however.
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op-sys-chaos · 2 months
Today on DPxDC fic recs: Like and Survive
The full title is Like and Survive - Phantom’s Guide to Young Hero Survival and it’s absolutely incredible. It has so many good things in it!! Spoilers ahead, obviously, but I’m about to gush about this fic bc it’s my third time rereading it since I discovered it last month and it’s so frickin good!!
First of all, I love Dana Winters (Tim Drake’s stepmom) in this fic. She’s absolutely iconic and as someone who has read the original Robin run she was featured in, the author definitely did her justice. This is the good Dana characterization I’m here for and I’m obsessed. They did her right and I love it.
Second of all, the TimKon in this is wonderful. It’s so pure and wholesome and it’s so well written and I love it.
Third of all, Clark actually being a good dad to Kon is fabulous and I love it. Finally, some good wholesome characterization of these two!! I always thought Kon deserved better in canon and Clark just being the absolute perfect dad to Kon, to the point that Kon’s friends adopt Clark as their dad too, is wonderful and so precious and so healing for me.
Speaking of Kon’s friends, fourth of all, Team Gay is fucking fabulous. As someone whose social life in high school also revolved entirely around my small pack of fellow queers, it’s so wonderful to see that dynamic represented and done so well. Team Gay is fabulous and I love how much they support each other.
Fifth of all (the “of all” is starting to sound weird at this point lmao), Danny and the rest of the Amity folks’ characterizations is very well done. I love seeing an adult Danny helping people around him so they don’t have to deal with the bullshit he did, while also seeing him and his loved ones throw themselves wholeheartedly into helping others. I love seeing Danny as he struggles with all the bullshit life (and death) keeps throwing at this poor overpowered dumbass with a heart of gold. He’s dealing with Ghost King things, he’s dealing with his evolving polyamorous relationship, he’s still his city’s hero, and despite all that, he still makes time to help the people who come to him for assistance. He still goes out of his way to be awesome, and so does the rest of Amity Park. I love it.
Sixth of all (screw it, I’m committing to the bit), I love Jason Todd’s whole shtick in this fic. (Hey, that rhymed!) As normal for DPxDC fics involving Jason, the pit water is connected to ecto and is corrupting him but Danny can fix it and he does. And then, in this fic, we get to see Jason go on a wonderful journey of healing as he finds a way to be a hero (Blue Hood is very iconic but I also love that the author didn’t just throw Red Hood out the window), reconnect with his family, and be an all around badass.
Seventh of all, Tim Drake’s characterization is so well done. It’s like a fix it fic for canon in the way that it takes canon and molds it so it heals my soul, but it also addresses how fucked up canon made him. Like, yeah, this fic does an incredible job making life better for Tim and his family and making them a real family (and also keeping Dana around bc she deserves it) but it also doesn’t just sweep canon under the rug. It addresses the fact that some of the shit Tim’s gone through left him with shit self-esteem. It addresses that Tim has a lot on his plate and he needs a fuckin break. But it also does this while respecting the character of Tim Drake at his core. Just look at Stephanie replacing him. In canon, Bruce did it in a super shitty way and it left poor Tim kinda vaguely traumatized and it made even Alfred made at Bruce. Canon!Alfred was mad at Canon!Bruce for how he handled Stephanie learning Tim’s identity and later becoming Robin. That’s how shitty it was. But in this fic, Bruce has been to ✨therapy✨. (Shout out to Jazz Fenton for putting up with Bruce’s bs! And also for the wonderful tidbit we got of her friendship with Harley.) So Bruce doesn’t take the Robin mantle away from Tim when he’s less available. And when Tim is unavailable to be Robin, both Steph and Bruce make sure that Tim is very clear on the fact that this is temporary and that the Robin mantle is his again the second he’s ready. It’s on Tim’s timeline, so he can heal at his own pace and make sure he’s at a place in life where he’s okay to be Robin again. It’s not taken from him. Steph isn’t even borrowing the mantle. She’s just doing him a favor and filling in while he’s out of commission. It’s so much better and it makes Steph and Tim be able to be around each other a lot easier without all of the bullshit that canon threw at them.
Eighth of all, this fic is so well written. I feel like I’m reading a novel, the prose is great and the plot is well-thought-out.
Honestly, I could keep going on and on for hours. This fic is so good and it does so much right. I don’t know nearly as much about John Constantine but from what I can see, his and Noah’s stuff is also really well done, and even as someone who barely is aware of them, their parts are still a good read.
I just love this fic so much and if you like DPxDC stuff (or if you just love DC and are okay with Danny Phantom & co. barging into the plot everyone once in a while), I highly recommend you give this fic a read. Like and Survive is fabulous and I cannot wait to see where it goes from here!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 11 months
Wait It's Actually Haunted?
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/38YmP6B by mango_sushi98 It's spooky season and what better way to celebrate than going to a haunted house theme park full of scares and good times? That's what Danny's thinking, but something strange is happening in the park that's putting him on edge and he ends up getting sucked into the mystery. John Constantine was planning on staying in on Halloween night, too many old enemies out and about on the mortal plane. But since Zatanna was off world, John was the only one on call to solve a possible paranormal string of disappearances and changes of personality in those who survived. How will it go when these two cross paths? Words: 12561, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Danny Phantom, DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: Gen, Other Characters: John Constantine, Danny Fenton, Sam Manson, Penelope Spectra, Bertrand (Danny Phantom), Clockwork (Danny Phantom), Red Robin - Character, Batman, Justice League (DCU), Justice League Dark Members, Zatanna Zatara Relationships: Danny Fenton & Sam Manson, John Constantine & Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton & Penelope Spectra, Bertrand & Penelope Spectra Additional Tags: dpxdc, Not Phantom Planet Compliant (Danny Phantom), Danny Fenton Needs Help, Danny Fenton Needs A Hug, Danny Fenton Needs a Break, Goth Sam Manson, sam manson is a badass, sam Manson is tired of Danny’s shit, John Constantine Being an Asshole, POV John Constantine, POV Danny Fenton, Protective John Constantine, Warning: Penelope Spectra, spectra is a bitch, scare parks, Halloween, Spooky, spooky season, Ghost Zone (Danny Phantom), Ghost King Danny Fenton, Crown Prince Danny Phantom, Danny Fenton Has Anxiety, Amity Park (Danny Phantom) read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/38YmP6B
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serialadoptersbracket · 6 months
Round 2, Match 58: Eda Clawthorne vs. Gavroche
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Submitted kids:
Eda Clawthorne: Luz Noceda, King Clawthorne, Hunter, Edric Blight, and debatably, Amity Blight, Willow Park, and Gus Porter
Gavroche: Gavroche's unnamed brothers, but Gavroche was abandoned when very young and he doesn't know they're related to him
Propaganda under the cut!
Eda Clawthorne:
1. “First of all, Eda wasn't granted a lot of good things: She was cursed (by someone she loved) with an ever worsening illness, she was outcasted and prosecuted from society for not blindly following the rules and conforming. Lots of baggage and trauma. Still when Luz stumbled into human world, she took her in. She taught her magic and how to navigate this world.
She gave her advice and hugged her and reprimanded her. She wasn't an adoptive mom from the start, she grew into the role. She made mistakes, but she was willing to listen to Luz and overthink her behavior. Think of the beginning, when Luz wanted to go to school and Eda didn't want her. In the end she let her go and gave her her full support. She genuinely cared for her even when she was new in her life, and rescued her out of a lot of sticky situations, never left her behind, always ready to risk her life for those she loved.
Also King- She adopted him out of a cave and cared for him like a child even before Luz came. And the cared A LOT. For example, when his crown was took from him, she went on a dangerous mission (plus luz she just met and ""used"" for that) to retrieve it. Turns out, it was a ""burger king"" crown, but she did all that because see knew that was important to him. And even though she fears loosing him so much, she still helps him in his search for his real sad.
In conclusion: Outcast who still uses all her resources to give their kids a happy life, an education and a future. She fully supports them (but like a mother also draws a line here and there). She visits school meetings and does paperwork for Luz, she reads stories for them to fall asleep, she goes to Luz' prom, she hides her pain to be strong for them.”
2. “Eda Clawthorne always said she was a terrible influence and took the word “maternal” as an insult. She then proceeded to accidently adopt a sentient demon beast thing, raise him, adopt some human that tripped into her dimension, mentor her, all while being on the run from the tyrannical government. She canonically adopts King in the second season and King and Luz call each other siblings. She also calls them “her kids.” Eda attempts to sacrifice herself for them at many times and tries her best to keep them safe, and is really sad about the fact that they’ll one day leave her to go back to their own families. She puts away her own biases against the school system so that Luz can lead magic. The maternal instincts basically kick her out of nowhere and she goes from a badass, absolute menace to society to badass, absolute menace to society who happens to have two chaos gremlins.”
3. “Her being an adoptive parent wasn't even on her plan, she just likes to defy the government. Oops, now we're a family. Fuck you Emperor Belos!”
4. “This champion of a woman, this legend of a lady, continuously and effortlessly picks up children to care for as if her own. Before the events of the main storyline, she has already adopted the *King of Demons* himself. She takes Luz under her wing (ha), much like she takes in numerous other children with the intent of letting them prosper and grow away from responsibilities and duties placed on them by their previous parental figures. She is thirty and flirty and DANG she is a good mother. She casually picks up three more children whilst aiding in a rebellion with the (NON-BINARY) love of her life. Upon meeting the wonderful biological mother of Luz (Camila Noceda), you can see her VISIBLY SWEATING with the insurmountable pressure she feels to make a good first impression after a whopping three seasons of having raised Camila's kid herself. She cares very deeply for these kids and the people they love, and thus I argue she is one of the best serial adopters in history, if not THE best ever. boom mic drop the crowd goes wild”
(Mod note: Full propaganda list coming soon!)
“Gavroche's a child himself but cares about the other two like a parent is supposed to : "I'm off to the elephant with my kids. On the supposition that you should need me some night, you'll find me there. I live on the second floor. There is no doorman. You should ask for Monsieur Gavroche." (The elephant is a hollow sculpture where they sleep)”
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