#bad luck follows this man wherever he goes
undeadchestnut · 2 years
Modern day AU Scrooge/Marley concept: they connect on a GRINDR equivalent but because they don't post face pics neither realizes who the other actually is. Ebenezer is mortified when he arrives for their planned hookup and sees it's his boss, but--after getting over his initial shock--Marley thinks the whole thing is serendipity.
Ooooh, what a DISASTER! I love it
Realistically, this is probably the only way those two emotionally repressed dorks would ever actually end up with each other.
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ufolliegy · 1 year
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Rescas and Passport. Not based on any preexisting characters. at all.
a bit about them under the cut
A disgraced theoretical physicist. Pre-War Rescas was blacklisted from the sciences after causing an unfortunate lab accident that left many of his Cybertronian brothers dead. Now he fights alongside the Autobots, trying to prove himself as a respectable bot of science.
Bad luck seems to follow him wherever he goes. Some bots even warning others to steer far and clear of him, calling him a bad luck omen.
Rescas is also a monoformer. He used to have an alt mode, but due to unforeseen circumstances, it seems like his transformation cog has recently stopped working. weird.
What’s there to say about Passport…He’s a low ranking Decepticon grunt.
Before the war he worked as a security guard at one of the largest research facilities on Cybertron. He would spend his days pestering faculty about meaningless rules (ones he’d made up on the spot) and slacking off with the other guards.
Now a Decepticon, he doesn’t care much for the cause. He just wants things to go back to how they used to be. He just wants to go home and play games, man.
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Hi! I wanted to ask you something, since I really enjoy how you characterize the relationship between a grumpy, lonely, stoic, angry etc. character like Ghost (though I don’t know if I’d say he’s angry) and a love interest. What would those first few interactions be like, (would she seek him out, and would it annoy or confuse him) and what characteristics would he see early on in her to realize that he likes her. I can see someone like him avoiding her initially, until his feelings are too strong and then he’s all in. I don’t know, maybe that’s an incorrect interpretation. Also you kind of already answered this question in a previous ask, but I just love how in depth your character analysis is!! Hope your day goes really really well and thanks for giving us all some fantastic stories!!
First of all, thank you for your interest and praise! Also, this is such a lovely, cute question ️🩷✨️ I certainly don't consider myself as any kind of a Ghost expert, but I absolutely love to share my thoughts on him and love to hear other people's thoughts on this man too 💕
My thoughts on this under the cut ->
"I can see someone like him avoiding her initially, until his feelings are too strong and then he's all in."
Yes, me too, definitely! Trust issues are one reason for avoidance, but I have this HC about Ghost having an ominous feeling that he's born with bad luck. He has this almost superstitious belief that shit will hit the fan whenever he turns his back. That's why he's so gloomy: quotes like "People you know can hurt you the most" and "Choices have consequences" come to mind... The latter imho is a perfect example on Ghost's instinctual belief in Murphy's law instead of being a neutral, logical take on how laws of cause and effect work.
This inner conviction that tragedy and disaster follow him wherever he goes is why he subconsciously steers clear of relationships and, in fact, any chance of happiness: because happiness is always followed by immense pain in his world of experience.
But like you said, if he gets "trapped," it's challenging for him to pull back anymore. He's curious by nature and gets a kick out of physical intimacy and extremes - and love and lust are one of the most intense experiences there is! Violence can be viewed as a profound, distorted form of intimacy (like... this guy is an expert in hugging people from behind and plunging a knife in them 🫠), so of course passionate sex is like a drug to him. Tender lovemaking or rough rutting – as long as he's present and his partner is present too.
So I'd say he's drawn in by physical attraction and sex first (not that he would be into superficial hookups, I think he'd rather deprive himself of sex altogether than have a series of shallow one-night stands), and this would eventually lead to feelings which grow in depth until he cannot keep himself away any longer.
I think people like Ghost could be compared to a wild animal or an abused dog 🥲 so it's better to let him "sniff" you first. Smothering him with attention and demands will only drive him away. But after he sees you 1. are not a threat 2. accept him as he is 3. give him the occasional treat (lol), there's a good chance he will eventually trust you and attach himself to you.
(Again, I can't believe this is my life now: talking folk psychology about a traumatized fictional man on Tumblr, but here we are, this is fine ☕️✨️)
Ghost also has to feel he's needed in the relationship, just the way he wants to feel qualified and capable in his work. If you try to force him to be something he's not, he will likely leave – simply because he doesn't want his partner to settle for anything but the best. But if he gets a feeling that he is needed and can provide and be of service to his partner, he will do anything in his power to make them feel protected, safe, and content (in that order). I also think he prefers to feel useful rather than be admired – that's why he would consider a friends with benefits setup insufficient. Also, feelings! If he senses he's just being used while slowly developing something more than just horny feels for the other person, it will only make him resentful and, again, drive him away.
"-what characteristics would he see early on in her to realize that he likes her."
It's difficult to say because I don't think Ghost has a particular "type." It's more about the chemistry and little things to him: I see him as a man of detail, so it might be something very fleeting and minimal in a person that catches his attention.
But if by characteristics you mean what kind of behavior he appreciates (not sure if I got this question right), then perhaps patience paired with acceptance and compassion. I think he wants his partner to be independent... and dependent on him. Like I said earlier, he wants to feel needed but doesn't want to be smothered. He wants to feel useful but not used. He demands unconditional loyalty but despises childlike codependency.
I wrote a standalone sequel to Refugee a while ago and will post it here soon, in it I explore your question on what the first interactions would be like (from Ghost's POV). 💞
I'd love to hear people's thoughts on this! Or any Ghost & relationships topics for that matter 😍
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kaimeioneclipse · 2 years
Wednesday <3/X Danger
Pairing: Wednesday x Masc!reader
Summary: Wednesday was hurt due to her friend/lover's quirk of having bad luck wherever he goes. The setting is set after Wednesday getting injured due to the reader's uncontrollable bad luck and saving her from being killed.
WordCount: 742
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It's late at night in the infirmary at Nevermore Academy. It's a gloomy stormy night today which wasn't out of the ordinary for this school's location. Wednesday Addams is sleeping in the infirmary bed recovering from a recent head injury. The Nurses have retired for the evening but only one other person is in the room. Y/N who is on the other side of the infirmary sleeping in a chair.
There is a stillness in the air of this room.
Wednesday moans for a moment and her eyes shoot open. She lays up and checks her surroundings to see the young man on the other side of the infirmary.
"Y/N" she calls out to him to but not too loud to wake the dead.
Y/N barely opens his eyes to look over to see Wednesday is sitting up and awake. "Wednesday...." Y/N replies as he rubs his eyes. "Hey, how are you feeling?"
Wednesday feels her head injury "Just a little bit of head trauma and bruised wrist, nothing that I haven't experienced with training with my Uncle" she said. She begins to remove the covers of the bed she is in.
"The Nurse said that you shouldn't get out of bed before morning they want to be able you are ok to go back to classes" Y/N interrupts
Wednesday seems to tilt her head to see that Y/N is on the other side of the room. "Why are you over there? If you were to be keeping an eye on me wouldn't you be a lot closer to where my head lays" she stated as the gap was humongous between them.
Y/N chuckles a bit nervously. "Well, I think I'm better over here..." as he leaned back in the chair. "...I mean I'm the one who caused you to get hurt..." he said under his breath.
Y/N has been known as the DangerBoy or Tragic or B.L. for Bad Luck. No matter where Y/N goes trouble seems to follow. Let it be the Dennys that blew up on his first day at work, don't even get us started on what happened to his parents after his 4th birthday. Y/N has always been alone even at Nevermore. But Wednesday was different.
She actually was very interested in his curse but she calls it an ability that he hasn't learned to control yet. Plus if he can use it she can use it for whatever she needs to get something done in her plans. But ultimately she developed feelings for Y/N but she would.
Wednesday started to move out of bed against Y/N and the Nurse's claimed wishes. She groaned from the movement in her head and bruised hand. But she kept on walking towards Y/N
Y/N wanted to get up and help but he couldn't bring himself to do it.
As Wednesday got closer to him, Y/N got more nervous.
First step. One of the lights began to shatter.
"Wednesday, stop!" Y/N exclaimed to her
Second step. One of the windows shattered with a roaring wind.
Y/N was starting to breathe hard and started to listen to his internal mind "You will lose her, She will die being near you. It will be your fault and you will be alone again"
Y/N covered his ears and closed his eyes to make it stop and as Wednesday took another step closer the chair that was strong broke from under Y/N.
Wednesday could see his pain but she kept on walking up to Y/N.
"Alone Alone Alone...ALONE" that's all Y/N could hear then....it stopped. The wind the shattering all gone. Y/N opened his eyes and looked at Wednesday holding him.
"Wednesday.....why?" he with a surprised look.
Wednesday pulled away slowly but help onto Y/N 's hands
"Because...You will not live and walk a gloomy dark road without me by your side." She replied. Y/N looked into her dark eyes and knew she was telling the truth
"W-Wednesday. I-" Y/N tried to speak but shushed him with her finger. Then she leaned in and softly kissed him as if she had taken away all the worries that plagued him over the years of his life. "You are my Danger boy, Mine, and Mine alone. And I will always protect you like you did for me" she said caressing his cheek
(first time writing fanfic in a long long time. Back when Gaia Online was popular. I'm not the best writer but Wednesday has been living in my head rent-free that I had to write a story. I might have more different ideas and pairings but we will see.
Possibly make this an actual story if people seem to like it. Go as far back as how the reader and Wednesday met and how they both developed feelings for one another. I already have the twist on why Y/N causes all this danger.)
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sankiraizada · 3 months
Bandage to the Heart | Part - 1
Entry to the IPKKND 13th anniversary fiesta
Word Prompt : Jouska
"Khushi, do you think it is wise, what we are doing?" asked Payal, drawing her little sister's hand away from the ornate deep blue lehenga he was unfolding.
"What? Your Shaadi? If this is not wise enough, what else would you like to do? Ohho, Jiji! I never knew you were interested in live-in!" The aforementioned little sister widened her eyes while fighting a smile.
Payal smacked Khushi's head with her free hand.
"Nahi!" -
"Going ahead I would never hide anything from you Payal-ji. However big it is."
Akash is definitely the better of both of them. He is sincere and it shows in each promise he makes to her. Doesn't he deserve the same loyalty?
But what good would that do? On the day of the havan before their engagement, he walked into the house bearing the news of his marriage to Anjali-ji. Brought out thunders from Buaji. Disbelief and devastation in her Amma. Seems like both her daughters had bad luck with walking up to the wedding altar. Her Babuji surprisingly was strong considering the whole wedding was his plan. He huffed and looked away, but didn't shed a tear when he heard all that. What else could a paralyzed man do anyway.
Everything Shyam-ji had claimed sounded almost.. true. It was Buaji who hounded him and Khushi to be wedded. He didn't have enough time to process the situation when they got hastily engaged by the bedside of their very sick Babuji. He was an outsider in the haughty Raizada clan. He just wanted apnapan. He finally got enough courage to reveal the truth this day, heaven forbid he didn't, he couldn't go against his principles even if he was in a loveless marriage.
But Payal also noticed how he spoke about Khushi to their elders. Egging them on to hitch them up together. How he never involved any of his family from Lucknow even after the engagement. Who carries their Kundali in their work suitcase anyway? He could have denied the wedding firmly right from the start. Buaji could force Khushi citing her adoption, but she couldn't make Shyam-ji do anything he didn't want to do, could she?
Anyway, it's not as if Akash nor any other member of the family would believe an iota of whatever she would tell them against their beloved Damaad-ji.
Why is this so complicated? If only she could love Akash freely, not burdened by the truth she's holding from him.
Khushi is technically her little sister. But she has seen more of the world than herself. Stood up for the family in need of a head. Has been cheated on. Takes up the challenges life throws at her with a smile and a quick prayer to her Devi Maiyya.
She's always been there for her chutki and supported her through numerous "disasters" that keep following Khushi Kumari Gupta wherever she goes. But today strangely she is the one feeling exposed to vultures in Shaantivan. Her sister has no business hanging about in this place come tomorrow and she can't think of a way to keep her support system to herself for the rest of her life.
Nightmares of her soon-to-be MIL keep her up at night anyway but it is Shyam who worries her truly. She couldn't pin upon anything unseemly in his behaviour since he left Laxmi Nagar, but who was she kidding? He seemed harmless while he was living with them too, at least till the truth came out. And had she not sensed his veiled threat? (Bhale hi her Amma and Buaji saw that as no more than an unwelcome consequence). Of Payal's marriage prospect crumbling if the Raizada's knew.
God knows what he would do or make her do by dangling the truth over her head. He's not truly in love with this family, is he? It's she who would suffer. Something had to be done here.
"Khushi, woh hum soch rahe the ki.."
"Yeh woh kuch nahi." Khushi came and sat by her sister who was lost in her train of thought.
"I know what's going on in your head. Waise if I say something it would be chhoti muh badi baat, but I will say it anyway. One thing I've understood by hanging around Arnav Singh Raizada is this. Be selfish in the matters of your family. And Akash Jiju is going to be your family in a few hours. Your relationship with him should matter the most. What good would it do if this wedding stopped now? Let him become your Pati and tell him whatever you want then. He is a good man. And smart. He would see the truth. And I have given my Maiyya murti to you. She would be with you always."
"Shyam-ji wouldn't dare put a toe out of the line under this roof with Arnav-ji and Jijaji around. But don't wait around until he does something irreversible. Hell, even if he doesn't, you should speak to Jijaji about this. If your husband can't understand and trust you, who would? If he can't share your pain and burden, who else would, Jiji?"
"He adores his Di. He has to know if you have something to share about her. But all in good time. Whenever you are ready."
Payal blinked and stared at her sister. Relief and resolve spread through her chest as she thought about what to do. Gently she cupped Khushi's face and kissed her forehead.
P.S. I know OG Khushi loves being in denial and would like to close her eyes and pretend there's no problem.. or justify being quiet by telling herself she should give Shyam a second chance for the sake of Anjali's marriage.. but here I just wanted to explore a little of what happens if these characters were just a bit more.. vocal. Thanks for reading!
P.S. P.S. This is my first attempt at posting something I wrote please be kind 🥹
>> part - 2
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speedystarshine · 2 years
Can you please write head canons about Matpat egos with a Reader who sleeps a lot, and when I mean a lot I mean like lot!
Who would be The one who Hold the reader while they sleep, Or be a little shit and Play loud music to annoy them
You don’t have to write it but I would appreciate it if you do! Have great day/night <3
Ofc!! Here you go! (Lmao I took out Mack because I realized poor guy would basically be doing your job- that would be kinda funny tho like imagine going to sleep on the ship beside him and waking up to entire colonization and you're in a cage 💀)
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Characters: Matpat, Madpat, The Detective, The Hermit, Warfpat.
Kinda sad he can't really hang out with you that much when you're asleep, so he definitely makes moments counts when you wake up!
One of the one's to hold reader while you're asleep. Y'know that universal feeling where you have a cat on you and won't move even if it hurts because there's a cat on you- Very much like that.
He takes pictures, beware because he has blackmail on you lmao-
Honestly sometimes he uses you as a mini table and just edits and even sometimes record whole-ass videos on top of you 😭
Another ones to hold you, but like.... stiff.
He doesn't move the entire time. Bro is sat snkadfkj
Sometimes if he has stuff to do (Read: people to murder) he just kinda flings you on his back and goes off to do whatever
Eventually puts you in a bed because he feels bad, especially if he finds you asleep like on top of the fridge or some random shit 😭
Listen to me he had to sleep on a desk chair for five miserable nights he knows damn well you're gonna be sore when you wake up 💀
The Detective
Honestly how he would react depends on whether your on the team or part of the place but would still kinda be the same
If you're a part of wherever the team is he's kinda sad he doesn't get to see you that much-
If you're on the team though, he is desperately trying to fight so you don't get voted out snjasj-
He is weak as hell. Mans isn't strong enough to carry you every where so most of the time makes sure you fall asleep in the safe spot.
The Hermit
Honestly just leaves you to do your thing 💀
Unlike The Detective, he is way too strong, so he'd probably end up throwing you around like a sack of potatoes and possibly accidentally off a cliff
If you guys are indoors he's slightly more relaxed but still on guard, since everything is new to him no matter how much you tell him its safe-
If you guys are outdoors though, he feels so bad about leaving you in case anything comes back before he does so he tries to make sure your awake when he leaves. <3 You're asleep when he comes back tho
He is a complete ass whether he realizes it or not 😭 I have a hc that no matter where he goes, goofy ass jazzy music follows him, so good luck
He makes lizard noises in your ear to test how deep of a sleeper you are snsnskfds
I'm sorry he loves you but he has. So much fun with you 😭
Probably interviews you and asks about your day and stuff and then pans to your chair which is empty because you fell of it in your sleep
He loves you but your lowkey going to have to get a restraining order if you want even a smidge of sleep around him</3
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evita-shelby · 4 months
National Anthem
Chapter 13
Cw: mentions of a miscarriage, sex, polyamory character, technically rpf (gloria swanson was a real woman)
Taglist: @zablife @thegreatdragonfruta
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New York society is fun. Dangerously fun even to Catholics like them.
Jack is seated on the throne even if the White and Black Hand think they are in charge and in the business world there is no one like him.
Just as there is no one like Eva who’s gone up the golden path laid out for them by her family. She is modern but not enough to turn away the old crowd, exotic but not so much so she’d stand out and best of all, bouncing back with a vengeance.
She wants to try again, the moment her body healed his witch wanted him to fuck another baby into her. The cards say another son, Henry Absalom, after her dead father. A second President to follow after Junior.
All he can see in his nightmares is Evie bleeding out at the foot of the stairs.
Jack would be perfectly fine with four kids, there is no need to have more. He’s told her, in a strange turn of events, this time he’s the one not wanting to have more babies. Both had come from big families and had agreed nine was a good number until Rosie came earlier than expected and Eva miscarried the twin girls last year.
Jack had even gone as far as to turn down sex. Something unheard of in him, Eva had been so annoyed by it she banished him out of their room that night.
“She’s a beauty, isn’t she?” his wife’s voice is low and sexy as they observe Henry de la Falaise and his lovely wife, Gloria fucking Swanson from across the elegant dining room.
She was a beautiful woman, turned heads wherever she went. Something he pretended not to notice because Eva would hang him by his entrails if she knew. Jack has eyes, and tastes, but those were easy to ignore when his spoiled goddess reminds him she has more to offer him than anyone else here.
“If you say so, doll.” His witch was a jealous woman, something that turned him on because it meant good fucking after. The hand on his thigh says this is a ploy to get him to breed her until she couldn’t walk anymore.
“She’s terrible with money, I recommended you when she came over for a reading yesterday.” The witch continues stroking him as the Marquise gives his darling Evie a smile and finds herself a little flustered by him.
“Why?” This was trouble. Jack knows women know of the reputation he had before he discovered the joys of monogamy. Swanson should know better no one fucks around with him if they don’t want bad luck in their lives. He’d have her pushing up daisies if Eva so much as asked.
“Because we are going to fuck her.” His Evie smiles like the cat that ate the canary and Jack knows this plan of hers is already in motion. “The Marquess is good company, but poor dear Gloria is in need for adventure, and who better than us to give it to her?”
They had talked of threesomes, of adding someone to their wild sex life for their last anniversary, but after what happened last August, those plans had been shelved. In fact, it had been he who had put a stop to that scheme of temporarily opening their marriage to try it out.
“You know these sorts of things end badly, sweetheart. She’s gonna lose her fine new husband and it might fuck up what we have. Do you want to risk a stranger come take what’s yours?” Jack stops her hands as he reminds her what was at stake here. The gangster knows Eva will get what she wants in the end, but not before he makes her agree not to try it again when it inevitably fails.
Jack Nelson has been there before. As the bull to some blue blood cuck, as the man between his official girlfriend and his secretary, and once fucked a couple because the husband was queer, and Jack has more in common with his wife than most knew. As far as people know, Jack has never fucked a man until he cried out like a slut.
“Oh, I forget you speak from experience.” She chuckled in response. “But fine, when this goes to shit, and Gloria loses her appeal we will close our marriage once more. I promise.”
The following Monday, he comes home to Eva and the Starlet in their luxurious sex room getting caught red handed.
“Wanted to wait for you, but I just couldn’t help myself, mi vida.” Eva beckoned him to join them.
“Should we punish her, Miss Swanson?” Jack would’ve been stupid to pass up this golden opportunity, besides he hadn’t seen his darling wife come alive like this since last year.
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Spring 1927
Their affair with Gloria is fun, adds a strange thrill to their marriage that had done wonders to her bout of melancholia caused by her miscarriage.
Jack had become cautious with her, gentler and treating her like she might shatter if he held her too hard. He had been by her side as the best of husbands would be, even took time off work when the grief set in even after she had believed herself over it. His agreement to adding Gloria into their sex life was more about pleasing her than his own attraction to the actress.
It was strange for the two of them, Jack had been the type of man who sets his sights on a woman with an eye already on the one he will have on the side. In fact, Eva had feared she would be cheated on the moment she was told he had come to ask for her hand.
But he had met his match and had no need for anyone else. This he had said when she asked why he treated Gloria more as Eva’s plaything than their lover. Never even got Gloria a single flower while he couldn’t go a fortnight without spoiling Eva with something.
As far as people know, Gloria and Eva are good friends, Henri de La Falaise is being shown how to build wealth instead of depending on his wife’s success by Jack and what goes on between the Nelsons and the Marquise is merely rumor. Spirits know Jack didn’t even have to try to look indifferent to Gloria when she tries to hide her crush on him.
The poor woman had looked crushed when Jack surprised Eva with a gold locked with two anatomically correct hearts just before she left for Hollywood some days ago. He had fucked her several times with Eva’s blessing, when they were alone on business trips, but Gloria had found herself feeling used and Eva strangely relieved that sex didn’t hold the same meaning for him without her.
As much as it pains the witch, this Ménage à trois had not been a good idea, especially for two very jealous people. Lucky for the two of them, it might end sooner than anticipated what with the Great Depression coming in fast in the next two years and Gloria’s last string of movies failing.
Gloria’s career is about to spiral downward along with her marriage these next three years, something Eva couldn’t stop. Well, she could stop Jack from ruining the four of them financially by trying to manage Gloria’s career, but then the fall out would have her break up with Gloria and the witch really hates that this affair will ruin any chance at being friends.
It has been so long since she had a friend she could date and fuck. Frankly, it was Eva who cared more about Gloria than Jack. Explains why Jack has finally come round to having another baby.
The witch knows what changed his mind. He was very possessive of her, always has been. Never likes how men ---and women--- look at her nor how attached she and Gloria are. Gloria loves them, loves Eva but wishes for more from Jack. Jack cannot make himself reciprocate her feelings, while Eva may have said the L word to her twice now.
He heard her say it back and pretended not to be bothered by it. Until now, Gloria was away for a few weeks, they were truly alone for once when he aired his singular grievance with their arrangement.
“Do you love me?” he asks one evening as they take advantage of the locked door and luxurious couch in her sitting room. Her husband wants to fuck, he knows she is ovulating and would do anything if it meant having their fifth child on schedule.
The sofa is large enough to fuck, she is on her back with her head on the armrest with her legs wrapped around his waist as h. The children were asleep and even then, the door was locked for extra measure.
“Yes, how can I not?” she answered as he slot himself between her legs. He doesn’t like when Gloria leaves marks on him or her. Hates the idea of anyone else beside him staking a claim on either of them.
“Mhm, just making sure you haven’t forgotten about me now that you have her.” Jack nuzzled her neck and bit her to stake her claim on her flesh. If he was this threatened by their lover, Eva may get what she’s been seeking since January of last year.
“Maybe a baby might fix that.” The witch would even break up with Gloria if it gave her what she wanted. As great things are with her lover, there was nothing like getting jackhammered by her jealous husband like he means to rearrange her insides in the world.
“Everyone would see me fat with your son and even she’ll know I love you more than I could ever love anyone else.”
“Baby Harry or Gloria, your choice, doll.” He makes her choose all while pausing his assailment of her neck and jaw to kiss her like he wants to consume her so no one else can.
“Well, the United States needs its 60th Attorney General and 37th president. A shame about Gloria though.” Eva gives in easily, as if there had ever been something that needed much convincing.
“I’ll break up with her for you, need a reason to stop letting her flops drain me to keep her living in luxury.” Her husband wastes no time ridding her of her panties and fuck a baby into her.
Harry Absalom Nelson is born in November of 1927 at the cost of the sensational fall out of his mother’s ‘friendship’ with the beautiful starlet who will tell all about it in her memoirs.
Its on the family’s Thanksgiving dinner mere weeks after that the Shelbys return to their story in the form of Gina’s obnoxious English boyfriend: Michael Gray.
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truly-morgan · 1 year
[Actor/model AU]
HuaLian | Heaven Official’s Blessing Modern AU + Actor/model AU 01-05-2021
[#hualian - model/actors]
What if Xianle was actually a big production company until a big scandal destroyed its reputation and soon after the head family nearly all died from a disease? Leaving behind Xie Lian with nothing and no one? He goes from a spoiled child who still wanted to help people the best he could, but then went through a lot of shit and had to learn the hard way how to live?
Fx and mq were probably with him at first, but xl ended up letting them go because he was dragging them down with him when they still had chances to dissociate from him and create a name for themselves in the industry (especially since mq needed to support his mother).
Nearly two decades go by and he's pretty sure everyone has forgotten about him (and his online presence, maybe he was big on YouTube until everything happened and ended up privating everything). Then one of his most recent colleagues suggests he tries modelling since he has good-looking.
Xl is unsure but does end up trying since that one company is doing try out. Of course, this is hc company and he /immediately/recognises xl in his application and personally goes to the shoot to take the picture and see how it goes.
[hualian First meeting] 
It is not after doing the shoot or while doing it, but before, while xl has no clue. He’s waiting alone since he’s the last, a bit nervous since he hasn’t done any modelling in years, when this handsome man (maybe another model?) comes to him to talk.
He sits down and casually talks with him, calming down his nerve a bit with reassuring words. It does help and xl ends up really enjoying that conversation, until the man stands up and says he should go now, wishing him good luck, knowing he would do good.
Only moments after does an assistant comes to him to guide him to where the shoot will take place, listening to the instruction given to him by the photographer as he leaves the makeup artist do their job.
Then as the shoot is about to start everything stops when someone comes in, xl unable to see who it is because the way is blocked. Then he sees the handsome man again and is both happy and surprised to learn he is the CEO of the company.
He was talking to him so casually about his worries not even twenty minutes ago!!! 
Right then and there hc decide he’s gonna be the photographer (since he can also do that, of course) and xl has to admit, following hc instruction is strangely really easy and he feels really at ease with him, more than with the previous photographer. 
Everything ends up going well and once it is done hc suggests taking him for dinner, like this he can continue with an interview since he’s considering taking xl in. “We can go wherever gege wants to go” he assures him, so xl takes him to one of his favourite places. It’s small, nearly hidden, doesn’t have a lot of people in, the staff doesn’t act as professionally as in one of the big restaurants hc is probably used to and is really cheap, but the food is good and still allows xl to pay his rent. 
Xl is happy to see hc doesn’t seem to mind, even really enjoying himself even. And they end up talking more, at first what would be normally expected which is previous experiences (which xl hesitates to talk about too much because his family still has a bad taste for some). But then it goes a bit less professional and they just talk to know more about each other.
Xl is just really comfortable with hc and seeing how he never seems to judge him about anything he mentions having done in the past does help, especially since it sounds really sincere. Hc even gives him a ride back home, not judging the rather cheap places he lives him, looking more intrigued than anything else. “It’s not /as bad/ as it looks like” he admits, he has lived in worse places, at least here the walls aren’t too paper-thin this time.
The very next day he receives a call to tell him he was accepted as a model for the Crimson Rain company.
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pcrasitic · 9 months
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̲̲ raul castillo, cis man + he/him ] ⠀★ , no way, haven’t you ever heard of CASTEL VELÁZQUEZ? perhaps you know them best as EL GUASON. spotted under new york's city lights, i’ve heard they’re a/an HANDYMAN & CAPO that’s protected by THE GUTIERREZ, spilled blood for loyalty is thicker than water. the rumour goes that the FORTY SIX is known to be possessive and testy, yet fearless and protective . it’s WRATH that’s their biggest vice, but hey, what do i fuckin’ know? their favourite song on the job is DEVILS PLAYGROUND by THE RIGS and are never seen without HIS MOTHER’S ROSARY, hard to believe in superstition in such a godless city. ask the right people and they’ll tell you that they remind them of: A TATTOO OF YOUR MISTRESS’ LIPS , FINGERS CALLOUSED FROM WORKING THEM TO THE BONE , A GREASY HAND-WRENCH , THE ART OF MAKING ENEMIES WHEREVER YOU GO . so whatever you do, and may vengeance have mercy on you, do not fuck with them.
full name     ━    castel velázquez
age       ━  46
date of birth   ━    november 9th
place of birth ━  reynosa, mexico
zodiac  ━   scorpio sun, sagittarius moon, taurus rising
orientation  ━    bisexual
relationship status  ━  married
face claim  ━   raúl castillo 
height  ━  5′9″
hair color  ━  black
eye color  ━ brown
tattoos  ━ too many to mention. notably a woman's name on his neck
siblings  ━  two younger sisters
TIDBITS ( death mention , illegal immigration mention tw )
born and raised in reynosa , mexico . a particularly bad part of mexico known for gang violence . his father shot and killed when castel was only 11 . he quickly became the man of the house , taking care of his mom and two little sisters . 
shortly following the death of his father, the family illegally relocated to the US - his mother getting a job at a hotel chain in texas thanks to a friend who had moved to corpus christi just a few years earlier .
the move to the US didn’t bring with it what his mother had hoped . castel was used to a life in the streets , and found himself in the same sort of trouble as he did back home . 
basically lived in corpus christi from the age of 13 until a handful of years ago , when he up and moved to nyc following behind his best friend
did a prison stint for about 4 years in his late twenties , but was released early due to an overcrowding issue .
he’s not rly a bad guy ?? just hella protective and will do whatever it takes for the people he loves . he often goes about it in all the wrong ways
bad luck magnet , fiercely loyal , extra large dumbass , grumpy old man
doesn't have a habit of starting fights per se , but definitely has a the need to finish them ( them as in any and all )
tbd .
the friend they followed to NYC . ideally someone in the gutierrez clan but could be juicy to have his bff be affiliated elsewhere ??!!
a secret / unknown child !!! open to adjusting castle's timeline so any muse late 20's , early 30's who is at least half mexican could work for this
his wife ( juicy wc coming @ u in the near future )
more tba .
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humanoidalien27 · 1 year
Content warning: Bit of fluff, heavy feelings and a bit of rewriting sight
Chapter 10
Pure Creation
Finding it best to go back to the hospital wing, your group did just that. Now that you had whatever it was that Salazar wanted, he was going to come after you again. This alone made Ominis on edge.
Sebastian tried to read the book over your shoulder, but it seemed to think he was trying to steal it, so it would always put up its barrier whenever he'd get close.
-I made a grave mistake that I can't fix, it is my only hope for someone strong enough to put it right. The magic you now wield is incredibly powerful. I sought to harness the magic that created life. The magic of the universe, but it can only be wielded by those who understand both sides of what the universe can bring to life. Love, Pain, Nurturing and Death. Because without the bad, we can't fully appreciate the good that comes into our lives. I have managed to harness it, but in doing so, I ended up creating events that lead to the death of too many people, just like it will happen for you. Since this magic is now yours to bear, you will bring on famine, droughts and floods. It won't be all at once, but it will get worse as time goes on and if you keep it for too long, it will kill all life. I locked it up and put stringent rituals to follow to ensure it's not easy for someone wanting to wield it for evil to get it. This magic is pure creation and can only be taken in by someone who has given their magic up to receive it and sacrificed of themselves. I saw the desperation of the one who would wield this one day. Someone with a friend who was born to be good and did evil things and another born to be evil, now good. I saw the man who wished to take it. If you act quickly, you can use this magic to defeat him. You have maybe from now until the next full moon to stop him before the famine begins, but I implore you to do what I couldn't and return this magic to where it belongs. Be warned, this magic comes at a higher price for you than it will for the world around you. Inside this book, I've incased all the spells I created, it doesn't require a wand to use, but it will help focus your magic. If you want the knowledge, press your hand to the pages and good luck my friend. I hope you succeed with your quest.-
"You look like you're going to hurl," Sebastian mentioned as he settled in the chair across from your bed.
That's an accurate statement. You did feel sick. Knowing what was going to happen.    
"The magic in that box was pure creation. The same magic that created life. This insane wizard harnessed it, but realized it was killing people because he had it," you admitted.
"Magic you now have. Does that mean it's going to happen again?" Anne asked, her eyes dancing between occupants of the room.
"Yeah and I don't know how to put it back or give it back to the universe or wherever he got it from."
"We'll figure it out," Sebastian replied, his eyes already drifting towards the window.
"If it does that to the world around you, what will it do to you?" Ominis asked, squeezing your hand.
You considered lying. It wasn't like they could read from the book, but if you were in their shoes, you'd want to know.   
"I don't know, it just said it'll come at a higher price for me than anyone else," you answered, getting his brows to pinch.
"How long?" He asked almost too softly to hear.
"A month maybe, before famine starts."
Sebastian nodded and stood. "Then we just find Salazar, take your magic back and return the creation one back to wherever it goes before the month is up. Easy."
Anne tossed a pillow at him for trying to joke at a time like this, but you laughed despite how heavy things were. "Yeah, easy."
"What? You're practically a general at war prep and we know Salazar will come back once he finds out you have what he wants, so we make a trap and spring it on him."
Shaking your head, you pressed your hands to the page of the book, seeing it engulf in golden light, before a headache hit like the Hogwarts express as spells and the location of where to return the magic flooded your mind.
The book was gone when the light faded, getting Anne and Sebastian to side glance. "Was that a good thing?"
You nodded. "I have all the knowledge contained in it and now Salazar can't get a hold of it."
     As time when on, you began to notice you were slowly getting stronger, but you also realized that plants were beginning to dry up from lack of water, no matter how much they got and you were being to be plagued by headaches. You could even feel your friends emotions whenever they were near as if they were your own. 
Ominis was taking notice of it and trying not to ask, even when he was burning with worry and fear. 
"You might as well ask, I can practically feel you wanting to." 
"That's still weird," Ominis replied as he sat down beside you. "We heard Salazar is raising an army to attack the school." 
You nodded. "Yes, he'll be here in a few days."
"Are you sure you're okay?"  
He shifted to face you a little more, the motion drawing your attention from the rain.
"I'm not sure anymore. The first couple days, it was easy to know who's emotions I was feeling, but they're muddled now. I've also noticed it's been raining more than I've ever seen it-"
He slid his hand to the side of your face and turned it to face him. "It's not your fault."
"It is actually. This magic is connecting me to everything in the universe, and connecting it to me."
It was nice of him to try lessening your role in what was happening, even when it was fruitless.   
"So, you're making it rain?"
You looked at him when he moved to press his palm to the window. His milky eyes stared forward, the droplets on the pane reflected in them. 
"Everyone is," you whispered, getting his head to turn towards you, knocking your noses against each other. "Close your eyes."
He hesitated, but closed them.
Carefully cupping the sides of his face, you moved it so you could press a kiss to each eyelid, pushing the smallest bit of magic into each one.
"Just in case-"
He shook his head, his arms pulling you against him. "No, you're going to be fine."
You weren't entirely sure. Even if you could give the magic back, could you go back to being the same person you were before?   
You inhaled sharply, feeling him bury his fingers into your hair. "I feel like I'm losing myself, Ominis."
His hold tightened as if knowing you had all along.
"Once all of this is over," he pulled back, opening his eyes showing a pair of clear silver blue eyes, that blinked rapidly as they realized what they were seeing. "I can...I-"
"You told me you wish you could see me everyday," you reminded, seeing his expression melt into a smile. "This is my promise to complete that wish." 
At least for as long as you can. 
He nodded, happiness filling him before he kissed you, instantly wiping everything from your mind.
You pulled back, looking up at him as he smiled, his fingers tracing along your cheek, before he noticed the trail of blood sliding from your nose.
"What's happening?" He already pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and pressed it under your nose. "Is this from using that magic?"
Knowing you can't hide it, you nodded.
"Then why did you-"
"The only reason why I haven't lost my mind, is because of you. Neither of us minded you being blind, but I wanted to share the beauty of the world with you once all of this is over. It gives me something to look forward to. Some hope."
More importantly, it give him hope. Which he was quickly losing, though he tried hard to ignore.   
He nodded. "It would have just been easier to tell me about it, but now that you've done it. I'm going to make the most of it, to which you better be there with me."
It seemed he saw through what you were trying to do and decided to do the same thing for you.  
"Part of the friend rulebook?"
He laughed as he shook his head. "No, part of a rulebook that's just for us." He brushed your hair behind your ears, a strange but strong emotion bubbling up within him. "I love you."
Your eyes locked immediately as he watched a spark appear in yours, something he hadn't seemed to feel or hear in your voice for a little bit. 
"I love you too."
He sighed with relief before hugging you to him, as his giddiness filled you with the same, getting you to laugh. 
The door opened as Sebastian and Anne walked into the room. "Come on you two, get better timing."
Just like always, Anne smacked Sebastian for being rude. "You're always walking in on them."
Sebastian cocked his head when he saw the bloody handkerchief in Ominis's hand. "What happened?"
"She had a nose bleed," Ominis replied, drawing their attention when his eyes looking right at both of them.
"Can you see us?" Sebastian asked, walking over and staring at his eyes from an inch away.
"Are you going to kiss him?" Anne teased, pushing her brother back. "Is this what caused her nose bleed?"
Ominis nodded. "Yeah, which is why I don't think you should use it."
"I have to," you replied, feeling him get upset. "But I promise not to use it until then."
That didn't sit right with any of them, but they couldn't exactly fight you on it.
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ghostchasersmagazine · 11 months
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"You Can't Get Away, Car" from Speed Buggy Issue #8
Transcript under the cut:
"Look! There's trouble ahead!" cried Debbie as Speed Buggy pulled over to the curb in front of the 'First National Bank'. "Someone is robbing the bank!" she screamed excitedly as gunshots echoed out of the building.
"Holy Cow! Here comes the bank robber. What should we do?" Mark asked anxiously as a masked gunman came storming out of the bank with bags of money in his hands.
"This is a job for the police. Let's try to get a good look at the crook so we can give a good description of him to the low officers later," said Tink. "Another thing we can do is to watch what type of car he uses to make his getaway. If we're lucky, we might be able to copy down the license plate number!"
"Tinker is right," added Speed Buggy. "Catching crooks is dangerous work. Ordinary people shouldn't get involved in crimes unless the police ask for their help."
Mark, Debbie, Tink and Speed Buggy stared at the fleeing bandit.
"I know that man," whispered Mark as he pointed at the short, fat, bald robber. "That's the bad, mad scientist Dr. Frank N. Steer! He created evil machines and uses them to commit crimes!"
"You're right, Mark!" confirmed Debbie. "I recognized him too!"
"Look at the monstrous car he's climbing into," mumbled Tink. "It must be one of the mad doctor's sinister creations!"
Tink was absolutely correct. The bandit's getaway car was an evil creation of Doctor Frank N. Steer. It could do many, wondrous things. No other car in the world could catch it. Ordinary, police cars would never be able to follow it. The getaway was a monstrous, but a marvelous piece of modern machinery. Once the crook was in it and on his way - the chances of catching him were slim at best.
The mad scientist hopped into the monster machine. Doctor Frank N. Steer started the car's evil engine and away he zoomed.
Just as he was pulling out of sight, a policeman came running around the corner. He saw the bad guy getting away and knew that it was his duty to follow him any way that he could.
Quickly, the cop looked around. How could he follow the crook? He needed a car and he needed one fast. Then, he spied Tinker and Speed Buggy parked at the curb.
"I need your help," the office shouted to Tink. "Can I use your car to follow that robber?"
"Sure, but Speed Buggy will only let me drive him," replied tink.
"Okay! You do the driving, but be careful," instructed the policeman as he climbed into the front seat. "Your friends can wait here until we get back. I just want to find out where the crook's hideout is. I don't expect trouble. You won't be in any real danger."
Immediately, Debbie and Mark hopped out of Speed Buggy. Tink shifted Speed Buggy into gear and off they roared after the holdup man.
"Good luck!" called Debbie as Tink, Speedy and the policeman disappeared in a cloud of dust.
Almost instantly, Speedy caught up with the getaway car. The monster machine was just ahead. Speed Buggy was able to stay behind the mad doctor's creation but he just couldn't get close to the getaway car.
"You'll never catch me," vowed the mad scientist as he stuck his fist out an open window and waved it in the air. Suddenly, the insane crook pulled off the road and headed straight for the river.
"Now what can we do? we can't follow them through meadows and over mountains," lamented the police office as he watched the bad guy drive off into an apple orchard.
"Yes, we can," answered Tink as he guided Speedy off of the asphalt and onto the grass. "Wherever he goes, Speed Buggy can follow!"
Through grassy fields, over muddy mountains and down tree-lined slopes the two cars raced. Right into the racing river the getaway car went, but the evil machine couldn't get away from Speed Buggy.
Speedy went right into the water after the crook's car. Like two motorboats on wheels, the cars zipped through the churning, swirling, whirling water. Out of the river, up the bank and deep into the wood the two cars zoomed.
Finally, in the middle of a bleak and barren desert, the monster machine started to cough and sputter. Slowly it coasted to a dead stop. Quickly, Speed Buggy caught up with it and instantly the policeman arrested the robber.
The monster machine could do anywhere and do anything, but like machines, it wasn't completely perfect. The mad doctor's super car had run out of gas!
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earnestlyegos · 1 year
running back here with another question🏃
What's a skill yall have that most ppl probably wouldn't guess?
HONESTLY THIS TOOK AWHILE, because i dunno what skills people would expect them NOT to have!
for eric, he has a green thumb, and is genuinely amazing at taking care of pets! its just that bad luck tends to follow him wherever he goes, so its often seen as just “hes bad at shit”
yancy is surprisingly good at having a schedule! despite being ADHD, and currently for him its untreated, prison taught him to get into a system of some sorts, and its mostly stuck with him! hes also alright at organizing.
uhhhh and for mark?? its kinda more of an obvious one, but hes good at being sincere when he needs to be! because most of the time, said with love, hes an absolute man child brat!
(written by damien)
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velvets-stuff · 1 year
Any thoughts on Ruins AU? 👀
Oh boy, I just realized I haven't talked about this AU, so. . . I'M GOING TO TALK ABOUT THE WHOLE HISTORY OF THE AU 🗣️🗣️
TW: mention of su1cid3 and murd3r.
So, in this au Chris and Martin grew up with an emotionally abusive mother and a physically abusive father, plus Chris suffered from schizophrenia, so they had to spend money on medicine and therapy, which made their parents more irritable and, well, they took it out on their children.
Obviously at some point, maybe when Chris was 6 years old, the law did something and his parents were arrested, they ended up in an orphanage, although their luck did not improve, without their parents they no longer had economic support, and nobody helped them, that means that they couldn't keep up with Chris' medications and therapies, so his schizophrenia got worse, and then, well, Martin couldn't take it anymore. . .
One morning when Chris was 8 years old, he went to look for Martin, he had another episode of hallucinations and he was quite nervous about it, but when he entered his room he found something that marked him for life... Martin, his brother, hanging from the roof with a rope around his neck, lifeless...
That is something that he will never in his life be able to forget.
We jump back in time, 15 years have passed and Chris is already 23, obviously he still suffers from ezquisophrenia, but now he can pay for his medicines and therapies, he works in a zoo and became good friends with Aviva, Koki and above all Jimmy, his neighbors, life seems to be getting better and calmer, but misfortune follows Chris wherever he goes.
One night while driving to his apartment he had a psychotic break, many hallucinations at the same time and many emotions, he lost control of the car and crashed, and when Chris realized the situation. . . He found out that he ran over a man. . .
The situation was obviously very bad, but for some reason he ended up calling Jimmy, confessing to him what happened, and it's crazy, but Jimmy came and helped him get rid of the body, although they went to the house of one of Jimmy's acquaintances to bury the body. in his backyard, the body moved, indicating that he was still alive. . . But they had already gone too far. . .
So goes the AU!, a mix of trauma, police investigation, strange discoveries, lies and a bit of paranormal activity.
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seelestia · 2 years
they've disbanded me from the shadow realm!! thankfully it seems like they resolved the issue faster this time yayyyy
ohhh i see! i am biased to the jp version bc i am familiar with the va but i've been getting used to his en va too! i haven't listened to his korean va actually, maybe i should do that 👀
for zhongli... all of his va has their own charms i can't choose 😭 i love the en version va (but dear lord he grunts a lot like seriously grandpa you ok do you need to rest lol) but again, i am biased to his jp va bcs i am super familiar with maeno... i had a phase where i listened to jp drama cds in the past and he's one of my most favorite va hahah
itto was so good to me... i pulled for him with my brother in our parents' house and i screamed when i got him (cause i wasn't expecting him at all), and my brother yelled along with me, and my parents were like "WHAT HAPPENED" lmao it was chaos-
i borrowed my friends' luck and they did a total of 10 pulls for me on cyno banner.... good news: 1) i got candace, 2) i got a 5 star. bad news: it's qiqi lmao ah well at least i have guaranteed now!!
LOL it's ok i can always bow or stand on the lower ground so you can pat my head (cause i do like my headpats <3) hskdjsjdj i can only be savage in writing tho. i'm too timid to be savage when speaking ;x
all the headpats for lin~ i am excited for his voicelines too! i love that he'll help us spam ult hakdjs yes more meteors yessss *evil raccoon laughter*
RIN JIE, YOU'RE BACKKK — ahem, what i mean to say is that i've been faring quite well, as per usual! it pleases me greatly that you've returned, dearest cousin. i assume your journey has been rewarding? did it help in loosening the burden on your mind as you expected? i hope it was, lest the days i had spent missing your presence would all be for naught then.
finally, the results from our anxious wait bear its fruits. i was honestly getting concerned, especially after what happened previous times before. it serves me great joy to see you around again, truly. hm, i suppose saying "yay" would be a better way to express myself? hehe, yay!
breaking character for a sec to say that ayato's korean voice is luring me into a hole and i am absolutely and willingly following 🕳️🚶how ironic, i thought we've already established that he is, indeed, an elderly soul trapped in a young man's body? i'm starting to believe that his true age is manifesting itself through the cracking noises made by his bones. (/lh) i see, so you're similar to me; the familiarity just had that sense of preciousness that attaches itself to us~
that oni has always been clumsy and leaves trails of chaos wherever he goes... but who would've guessed he did an excellent job at coming home to you? ha, i can almost see him seething at me for saying that in the corner of my mind. i also assume your brother was mentally eating this snack called popcorn in his hands while everything went down? how amusing, hehe.
even with the power of borrowed luck, the child is still very fond of you. hm, i was looking forward to seeing a disheartened expression on your face but you seem to be looking at the bright side instead, what a letdown. aha, i was jesting, of course. i also happen to experience the same event as you did; i happened to meet a certain forest watcher from sumeru instead of the well-known general mahamatra, but i have no complaints. the both of us now have guaranteed luck for the next banner that comes around, wonderful! although for me, i don't have a specific character i'm keeping my eyes on since it seems like the yashiro commissioner's return seems very distant in the future. but perhaps, one will catch my eyes soon enough. nahida, perhaps? maybe, even that spirited fatui harbinger with the ginger hair.
i can see why you compare yourself to madam kujou sara... if i may be so bold, i'd say you're akin to a puddle of tender goo hidden inside a cold exterior? it's quite entertaining to see you let loose so easily around mr. zhongli. love is an interesting factor that stirs one's soul, indeed.
(and ty for the headpats, lin is very flustered by them <3 actually, speaking of voicelines, it reminds me of the in-game script/template for voicelines that you did! 👀 and yesss, ult spam is satisfying, especially in domains 🤌)
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hotchnerxo · 3 years
At first sight ( Aaron Hotchner x Teacher!gn reader)
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x teacher!gn!reader Words: 2.2k Summary: Your classroom is going to have a career day at the FBI. You've heard a lot of talk about this Mr.Hotchner, the father of one of your students, but you've never had the pleasure of meeting him in person. Aaron's excited to finally meet one of his son's favorite teachers. Warnings: None that I can think of. A/N: Another collab with my dear @wheelsupkels This was so much fun to write. Feedback is always more than welcome! I don't think I used pronouns for reader on this one, please let me know if i've missed something!
At First Sight
As a teacher, you’ve hosted many career days. You’ve seen and heard many presentations about being a nurse and a realtor. Few lawyers here and there. There have been mechanics and builders, even police officers coming in to tell your class about their jobs.
But once one of your students brought up that their father works in the FBI, it caught your attention. And of course the class is excited over it as well. The boy’s excited, telling his friends his father is a superhero, catching bad guys and that he’s the best. You find it adorable how highly he speaks of his dad.
You haven’t yet had the pleasure of meeting with Mr. Hotchner, Jack’s father. But he’s clearly a big hit in the teacher’s lounge. Jack’s previous teacher told everyone in the lounge how sweet the man is with his son and how they read together every night he’s home. And how good he looked, dressed up in a black suit as he came in to talk about Jack’s school performance. Her stories left the whole lounge drooling over this man, but you’re sure she’s making it up or at least over selling it.
But you’re intrigued when Jack said that his father is open to the idea of having the class come over to his work. So, you end up calling him and scheduling it. And you can’t help but admit that there was something in his voice that made your cheeks feel warm.
So, here you are. In a bus with 10 students and two of your coworkers. The kids are over the moon for this road trip, not to mention a road trip to the FBI. You try to use this as an opportunity to grade a few papers before you reach your destination. But the kids’ voices fill the bus and at the same time, you’re curious about what the other two teachers are talking about.
“I hope Mr. Hotchner remembers me, I mean I’ve seen him many times picking up Jack from school” one of them whisper to the other. She’s a bit shorter than you, blonde. You’ve never really been a fan of hers, it seems like drama follows her wherever she goes. She tries to come across as innocent to all that drama, but everyone knows she just can’t keep her mouth shut.
The other one is taller and older than the one next to her. There’s a little bit of silver in her dark hair, even if she wants to deny it to the best of her ability. “I’m sure he does!” she says, a bit too enthusiastically.
You feel yourself rolling your eyes as you try to keep your focus on the papers in front of you. And you’re hopeful that the smaller Hotchner doesn’t hear the teachers talking about his dad. You distance yourself from the conversation and for your luck, the ride is coming to an end.
The buildings surrounding the bus are huge and old fashioned. There’s a running track on your right as the bus gets closer to the main building. They’re at least 10 stories high and the beige color is a bit of an eye sore. But then again, it’s a government’s building, you’re not sure what else you expected.
Once you finally get the kids to calm down, you enter the main lobby. You’re greeted with a sweet security officer, who’s clearly been waiting for your arrival. Jack seems to recognize them and he tells her that they’re here to meet with his dad.
The officer hands everyone a little visitor pass. “Hotch is already waiting for you all. Floor 6” she instructs the class to the elevators and the kids are barely able to stay still due to excitement.
Jack stands by your side and you love seeing such a wide smile on him. You know the boy has had to go through so much already, and it’s painful to think about it. And Jack’s such a talented and well behaved kid. But at times, he tends to pull back and go quiet. And it takes some effort to pull him back out of his shell. So, seeing him smile is warming your heart.
The elevator brings you up to the 6th floor and in a calm order, everyone enters the lobby. There’s two hallways leading both ways and big glass doors in the middle. Jack leads the way, his hand holding yours as he pulls you towards the glass doors.
“Dad!” the boy shouts and sprints towards a tall man on the right, what seems to be a small kitchen. Your eyes follow the kid as he goes to hug his father.
“Hey, buddy! Great to see you” the man speaks, ruffling the boy's light colored hair. You’d recognize his voice anywhere, and you’re taken back by the man you see in front of you. He’s tall and it’s clear he’s in good shape.
Once your eyes leave the boy, you see him looking right back at you. You don’t mean to come off as rude, just staring at him. But he doesn’t seem upset over it, maybe a bit amused even.
“Mr.Hotchner” the blonde teacher is quick to rush towards the man “so great to see you again. I’m Miss Davis. You can call me Karla, though!” she goes to shake his hand enthusiastically. “I think we’ve met a few times as you’ve come to pick up Jack. It’s great to see such an attentive father”.
You feel like you could die from second hand embarrassment. So, instead of looking at them, you turn your attention towards your class. They’re admiring the bullpen, all of their mouths almost forming a perfect o. It’s almost comical to see.
As you’re admiring the joy and excitement of the kids, you notice the man walking towards you. “I don’t think we’ve yet had the chance to meet” he gestures his hand towards you and you can’t help but notice the dimples on his cheeks; the same kind Jack has.
You grab his hand and can’t help but realize how small yours is compared to his. “It’s nice to finally meet you in person. I’m Miss (Y/L/N). We’ve talked on the phone” you introduce yourself. His hand lingers on yours, just a beat too long to be casual.
“Sir” you hear a woman speak and you turn towards the voice. You see the sweetest looking woman standing on top of the stairs. She’s dressed up in a pink dress and orange heels. Her eyes sparkle as she looks at the students. “We’re all set up!” she informs the man next to you and he nods.
“Alright! Is everyone ready? I have something exciting to show you all” he tells the children and instructs them to follow Miss Garcia to the conference room. Karla and the other teacher follow the kids. You and Mr.Hotchner are the last ones, and he gestures for you to enter before him. He closes the door behind him and the presentation begins.
The presentation isn’t like any other. Many would just have put together a small powerpoint presentation. But here, you see boxes set around the table and a stapler in the middle of the table. Ms. Garcia puts the stapler in one of the boxes, and the kids’ job is to try and keep it a secret. And Mr.Hotchner shows them how to read body language and find out who’s lying.
It’s really fascinating to watch. And the kids are loving every moment of it. Your eyes follow his every move. There’s something about his presence alone that draws you in and you’re starting to understand what everyone’s been talking about. He’s clearly very handsome and he’s great with the kids. He seems to enjoy this almost as much as the students do.
Jack is standing next to you, he wanted to sit this one out as he knew what his dad was about to do. His eyes go back and forth between his dad and his friends. You feel a little pull on your arm and you turn to look at the boy. “I know who has it!” he whispers and gestures to you to come closer, so he can tell you the secret.
“Yeah? Tell me” you match his excitement and kneel next to him.
“It’s Sam! He can’t look at dad. He’s hiding the stapler” he explains, quiet enough for no one else to hear, clearly proud of his conclusion.
In just a moment, Mr. Hotchner reveals it to be Sam. He lifts up the box and pulls out the stapler from inside. “I could tell, because Sam was having issues looking me in the eye when I was asking you all questions. That’s because he tried to hide the stapler and not give away his little secret” Mr.Hotchner explains and the kids are blown away by it.
“I think it’s time for us to give a huge thank you to Mr.Hotchner” Karla says and the kids start clapping with her. You find it adorable that the man gets visibly flustered by this act. “Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to educate us! It’s very sweet of you” her hand raises to his arm as she thanks him and just seeing it makes you uncomfortable.
“Sir! May I show the kids my batcave?” Ms.Garcia then asks, grinning ear to ear. And as one would expect, the kids are dying to see this ‘batcave’. Who wouldn’t! The two teachers join the kids and Ms.Garcia. Karla’s clearly a little salty about the fact that Jack has chosen to be next to you and that way you get to spend time alone with the agent.
“How did I do, buddy?” the agent kneels in front of his son. You can’t help but love the gesture of him getting on his level. Not that many think to do the same. But to a kid, it means a lot to have an adult, getting down on your level when they speak with you.
“You did great! It was fun! And I knew Sam had it too. Didn’t I (Y/N)?” the boy turns to you for confirmation.
“You sure did! Good job Jack” you tell him and the boy turns back to his dad.
“So proud of you” Mr.Hotchner tells him and you could basically feel your heart melting in your chest. “Do you want to go see Garcia’s office, too?” Jack nods and Hotchner tells his coworker, Dave, to take Jack there. Jack basically jumps in excitement all the way out of the conference room.
“Thank you once again for making this happen. I know this means a lot to Jack and the rest of them are beyond thrilled” you tell him once you’re left alone with the agent. You’re sure you’re supposed to be with the class, but you can’t get yourself to move.
“It was my pleasure” the man says softly and you’re convinced that his smile is one of the sweetest ones you’ve seen. “And I’ve actually meant to come and talk to you before. Jack speaks so highly of you. Always telling me you’re his favorite teacher and it shows”.
“He’s such a bright kid. A joy to work with. And he speaks of you a lot, too. You are his hero, I mean he even said he’d choose you over captain America” you chuckle. You’re surprised by the man’s laugh. It’s much softer than you’d imagine. It’s so genuine.
“I don’t know about that, but I try my best” he admits as he walks out of the conference room with you.
And trying is already a lot more than you see some parents doing. And seeing what a great kid Jack is, he’s doing a great job. “And it shows. Jack’s such a sweet kid and it’s clear that you’ve provided him with a good and safe environment for growing up to his own person”.
You notice something in his eyes as you tell him that. Something about him was telling you that he didn’t quite believe your words, but you try to shake that thought away. “Thank you for saying that” he speaks, his tone even softer than what it was before.
He walks you to the lobby and as you arrive, you see the kids walking towards you from one of the hallways. The rush over to you to tell you all about the ‘batcave’ and how you should have been there. You shoot the agent an apologetic look as your conversation was so quickly interrupted. But he just smiles in response, more than understanding.
“We have to get going,” Karla snaps from the elevator, already pressing the button. She’s visibly upset about you staying behind to talk with him, and she’s not even attempting to hide it.
“Thanks again for this opportunity Mr.Hotchner” you thank the agent again as the kids are one by one entering the elevator. “I’d actually like to chat with you later, about Jack’s grades. If that’s alright?”
“Would next thursday work?” he asks once he takes a quick look on his phone. You nod in agreement. “Looking forward to it, Miss (Y/L/N)” he says and the smile leaves you hoping for Thursday to come sooner. He waves goodbye to the class and Jack and watches the elevator doors close, before heading back to his duties.
Taglist: @ssahotchsbitch @mayasreadingnook @rousethemouse @averyhotchner @ssamorganhotchner @kajjaka @reidsbookmark @thenewnormalforensicator @wheelsupkels @thedancingnerdmermaid @agirlinherhead @tonystarkscumslutz @haley-h0tchner @ashhotchner @itsmytimetoodream (let me know if you want to be included)
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rviden · 3 years
in a couple of your hc’s you mention that characters like to have charms or something of the sort with their s/o (and this isn’t a drabble i’m srry) so what characters would have a charm with their s/o, what would it be, and why would they have it? feel free to ignore if it’s too much and have a nice day ♡
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#includes — kazuha, tohma, ayaka, childe, beidou, diluc, albedo, bennett
#warnings — n/a
#pronouns — they/them
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kazuha would definitely have a matching keychain of some sort with his s/o — since he’s constantly travelling (this especially goes for if you’re not travelling with him) he sees the charm as a direct connection with you. the charms appearance could be literally anything — no preferences for size, colour, or shape — if you liked the one you got, he’d follow in suit and buy the same one for himself
the main reason he has the keychain is because he likes collecting them and hanging them off of his belt and or straps, but he also has it because he thinks it’s a cute thing to have with his s/o — as for what type of charm? anything to do with animals has his heart — a little dog, a small bird, or even a tiny fish has him laughing in awe
ayaka is a sucker for any sort of charm with a meaning — be it a flower and what it stands for (right down to the colours) or an object that either brings luck or everlasting love — ayaka carries it on her person wherever she goes, yet only those she truly trusts get to see it (it’s somewhat out of modesty and trying to uphold her image, and to also keep it a thing between you and her!
get this man twenty, he wants whatever you’ll give him — no but seriously, he loves any charm you gift him. while the others see it as a big love connection, childe mostly sees it as just a small inside joke or something in common — but if you gift him a charm with a significant object on it (i’m drawing blanks here but you get it) then he clips it on the inside of his jacket near his heart
she’s like a fucking girl scout with pins i can’t-
beidou wears them with a large smile and pride wherever she goes — with charms littered across her clothes, it’s not hidden to anyone in passing (nor is the meaning of them as beidou tends to gloat about you being her s/o to everyone she meets) and what starts off as a collection from you develops into a tradition — every shore she visits, she’ll get a charm (one for her, and one for you!)
diluc (while not to the outward eye) is a sweetheart deep down — so having that connection with you (no matter how small the pin is) is something he holds quite dear to him. nearly nobody sees the charms that line the inner fabric of his jacket — unless they’re snooping for something (cough cough kaeya) but that’s how he wants it — something that’s just between the two of you — it’s personal and passionate in a way
he designs the charms who are we kidding — at first he’s not into the idea of carrying around little prices of metal on himself, but he happily indulges in your wants of them — but when you turn around and gift him a small charm (that isn’t made by his own hand) he takes it immediately and clips it on his belt — he’s one of those people that don’t care for things if they do it themselves, but care greatly for gifted things (i hope that makes sense!)
good luck charms.
anything you gift him is seen as something of good nature (even if he still faces the same amount of bad luck every single day he walks) so he has quite the collection of charms — while he (unlike some of the others) doesn’t carry all of the charms on him at once in fear of losing them, will pick and choose one every day — he loves to wear ones to match with you!
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taglist : open
@bluexiao @kxmorri @seppyco
if your name is crossed out it means i couldn’t find a blog to tag!
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