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aclassicalhero-blog · 7 years ago
Perhaps it would be easiest to explain herself by showing the man what she was referring to, but, after his words Ava had no desire to do so.
“No– you just– flustered me, because…!”
Ava forced herself to pause, needing a moment to slow down her bumbling mouth.
“It’s weird, having a drawer on me like this– I can’t just go around with no shirt on or anything, either!”
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“… There’s nothing important in it anyway, not anymore. Those scientists, or whatever they are, took things from me, so…”
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      THERE were some emotions the hero couldn’t quite relate with, especially the tinting of her cheeks, due to his undesirable flustering abilities. He’s seen the look before, aware of his words being so blunt.  “I think I’m well aware I’ve flustered you. I wasn’t sure that your cheeks could go redder than.. your face.” 
  It was interesting to witness.
 “Can’t you remove it? I’m starting to believe its a fashion choice at this rate, if this drawer is truly real.” His eyes look down further, no longer staring into her orbs. Barnaby still taps his chin with his covered digits, “A reasonable argument. However, I can tell you its possible to get whatever it is.”
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aclassicalhero-blog · 7 years ago
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      “DESPERATION again? its no wonder half of the population is single.”
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aclassicalhero-blog · 7 years ago
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        HANDS raise and mimic the ears of a rabbit, giving a few hops here and there. The hero approaches a group of small children, many in which with a basket filled with colorful eggs. Not too long ago the man complained about being mistaken for a RABBIT, yet here he was playing the role as some mecha hero peter rabbit. “I still have some eggs hidden around, hurry and find them before the mean tiger comes to ruin the surprises.” It was a lie but what did these tiny tots know?  After all, he did it for the kids of this small orphanage, he too was just like them.
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aclassicalhero-blog · 7 years ago
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⚿ “Hmm… You bear an uncanny resemblance to a bunny though? Are you sure you’re not the Easter bunny, mister!?”
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        “....I can most certainly assure you I am NOT. Do you see a basket with eggs?”
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aclassicalhero-blog · 7 years ago
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“What’s wrong with Bunny? You do look like one.” 
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   “I fail to understand the resemblance, it’s also not my name.”
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aclassicalhero-blog · 7 years ago
“Haven’t we met before?” Index finger is carefully placed against red lips as she pondered, gaze all too intense as she scrutinized every part of the person before her. She ignores the cheesy bar pick up line she rung off with, but then it clicks like the pressing of the power button on a remote: TV. She laughs with the realization and leans in, her focus softening with the wide array of quips she can’t wait to dish out. It’s all about timing though, right? “You’re famous, and just walking through these streets like it doesn’t mean a thing.”
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Maybe it had something to do with the scenery change, but heroes were always harder to peg than villains. “You should be more careful,” she hums, lips curling upward with a mischievous smile as she reaches out and gently plucks the glasses right off his face. “…I know a lot of ugly people that would be more than happy to ruin such a handsome face.” She pauses, spinning the frames between her fingertips with a laugh. “Not that I’d give them a call, but you can never be too sure these days. You never know what big cat’s going to want a taste of a pretty bunny.” 
      CHEESY felt like an understatement when he heard the words slip out of her mouth. “No, I don’t believe we have.” Barnaby responds, feeling his brows knit tightly together for whatever reason it may be. She was alluring, there was no doubt about that. He found himself trying to focus on her and the surroundings, depicting if this was some sort of scam. Heroes always had to have a plan, right? “I see,” maybe his original popularity sprung into this city, and without the help of his trusty partner. “I’m surprised to see a dedicated fan, especially with that getup.” He offers a smile, one perfect for a shot from the paparazzi. 
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   Trusting the woman was questionable, every gear in his mind was turning for an answer. With how close she was, he didn’t falter a tint of red. Green hues stare up at her, analyzing that masked beauty and those red lips. “Why? I have little to fear, after all, Its my talent to protect isn’t it ---?” Vision became a blur, she plucked those expensive frames right off his face. Now he couldn’t see her clearly, his world no longer crystal clear of the dangers that lurk. “I’d like my glasses back, please.” The rookie asks with a subtle smile, immediately feeling it turn when he hears such words.
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aclassicalhero-blog · 7 years ago
   “At least this place has a bit more life than District Gamma …”
It hadn’t even been a full two days before Dinah had called it quits on sitting around in her ‘shack’ on the outskirts of Spectre Square. Not only was it creepy, but she was bored. Her neighbors either hurried by with no conversation or simply avoided the area altogether. 
Not that she could blame them, it wasn’t exactly glamorous. 
Now she found herself pushing through one of the many bars situated in the shopping sector, a trendy joint heaving with its young crowd. A little feminine charm earned Dinah a free wine from some poor unsuspecting soul, who hoped to earn some conversation out of the Canary before she conveniently disappeared into the mass of people.
The growing crowd meant space was limited and chairs were sparse. As Dinah slipped her way through the people, she wondered if there was even a spot available for her to sit down and enjoy her drink.
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As if on cue, she eyed an empty bar stool, and made a beeline for it immediately. The blonde figured she’d better try to catch the attention of the person sitting next to it before plunking herself down, hoping they weren’t holding it for anybody.
“Hey, sorry for disturbing you. Mind if I sit here?” 
        EVEN a hero deserved a drink or two, thus bringing him to this quaint but busy bar. The hour was perfect for either a glass of wine or a beer, but judging with the crowd, a beer was simply perfect for the occasion. With how well dressed the rookie was, he certainly stuck out compared to some of the rugged souls that lingered within the vicinity. 
“This seat is taken,” Barnaby repeatedly reminded strangers who tried to either take the seat or sit by him. He wasn’t up for awkward or forced conversations..yet someone had managed to squeeze past his radar. 
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There was a sigh that escaped his lips before taking a sip from his glass, she at least looked more presentable then the many who tried to pull him into a talk. Brows knitted, “I suppose the seat is all yours.” At least her words were tasteful, and she wasn’t all that bad looking too. “It’s a bit crowded, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone tries to sit on your lap.”
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aclassicalhero-blog · 7 years ago
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          “For the last time, its BARNABY not BUNNY.” if he heard any Easter jokes ..
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aclassicalhero-blog · 7 years ago
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aclassicalhero-blog · 7 years ago
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“Uu…” She takes a half-step backwards, unsure of how to react to such generosity. It is frigid outside, but his coat seems to mean a great deal to him. Should she risk damaging it? Her body is covered with sharp scraps of metal, so it wouldn’t take much for her to scratch it by mistake. “A–aaa… you, sure?”
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       “You don’t speak?” he asks at first, just judging her initial reaction to his generosity. “So i’m mistaken. You’re shivering and I’d hate for someone to find a corpse.” Barnaby pushes up his frames, setting it on her shoulders gently. “Its not fake leather so it’ll withstand most harsh hits.”
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aclassicalhero-blog · 7 years ago
Ava flinched again, doing so hard enough to nearly bite her tongue– ah, that could have hurt…
“No!” Her voice rose an octave as she blurted out the word, making Ava only feel worse. How did she get herself into a situation like this?
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“I mean– no, I’m not sick, I just… I have an actual drawer, like the type you’d see on a dresser… it’s just– on me. People would stare, so…”
She had hoped further explaining herself might help, but, now she felt like a rambling weirdo. She assumed that this man must be thinking the same thing. After all, who wouldn’t?
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    HE raises his brow more, cupping his chin gently. Her sudden outburst catches him off guard, blinking slowly and leaning back just a tad. “Your tone raised, I must’ve hit a nerve for you to yell at me.” Barnaby was staring to analyze the situation. 
There was a slight huh that escapes his lips, “Public nudity is forbidden even here. Unless you’re trying to luring me away and show me whats in this drawer of yours.” it was still hard to believe, even for him.
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aclassicalhero-blog · 7 years ago
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A small shiver wracks her frame. She’s always preferred being chilly to overheating, but this winter has been long, and she’s started to grow weary of the cold.
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     “Here.” he’s feeling generous, offering his coat until she gains warmth. “Its real leather, try not to ruin it.”
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aclassicalhero-blog · 7 years ago
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aclassicalhero-blog · 7 years ago
Ava nearly flinched– custody? No, no, he couldn’t know about the things she’d done before coming here, right? It couldn’t be possible, but the thought made her tense regardless.
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“I, I thought it would be weird to pull things out of my drawer in public…” Oh, did she just say that out loud? “I mean, the drawer in my chest, it’s, uh…”
Now she was just making it worse.
“Never mind.”
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        MAYBE his joke came off too serious? Then again, the tone of his voice could often be confusing for those who didn’t know him well. He blinks, her reaction coming off more than what he expected to happen with that joke. “You’re acting rather nervous, is there something you would like to admit?” The hero leans in towards her, his emerald eyes staring into hers with suspicion. 
she earns another blink. Barnaby continuing to believe this girl was truly odd, “Hmm I’m staring to believe you’re sick, Miss.”
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aclassicalhero-blog · 7 years ago
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“Is speaking with me merely a ‘bad dream’ then? My traits are similar to what you’d consider ‘inhuman’ correct?”
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       “..I was pertaining to animals that were on all fours, but this is...peculiar.”
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aclassicalhero-blog · 7 years ago
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“If an animal was speaking to you, would you ignore them based on this presumption?”
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   “I’d think one would assume it was a bad dream or a truly bizarre hang over.”
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aclassicalhero-blog · 7 years ago
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   “Isn’t it CHILDISH to be talking to animals?”
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