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ketoing-life · 4 years ago
Just messing around... 💪🏻 Loving the gradual increase in definition. . On another note... Do you know what's odd? Every time I do a back double bicep it looks like my right shoulder goes pale. 🤨. It happens pretty much every time. Why? I have no idea. 😄. . . . . . . . . #ketoing #ketocut #backgainz #backdoublebicep #shreddingseason #ketoaf #ketoflex #igfitlife #fitfamlife #fatfueled #fatforfuel (at Nashville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN7wiKogCNo/?igshid=clpvxcfydd0d
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ascenttoaesthetics · 6 years ago
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....the superman exercise, or the Y-raise...unsure what to call this exercise, but its normally done on the floor, with empty hands, but I decided to slightly modify it by doing it on an incline bench and adding resistance with plates on my hands. definately going to become a permanent fixture for my back days to warm up and activate the mid back..... . . . . . . . . . #mondaygains #mondaygainsday #midback #middleback #thoracicextension #middletrapezius #rhomboids #lowertraps #lowertrapezius #backattack #backgainz #backday #aestheticgoals #thickback #wings #wideback #pushpullgrind #pullday #ryggträning #posteriorchain #posteriordeltoids #erectorspinae #backextension #hiphyperextension #ascendtoaesthetics #ascenttoaesthetics #lumbarextension https://www.instagram.com/p/BwAyDdVFO_Q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xhnqoqqgadqu
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die-ringe-bodyworkout · 6 years ago
Im vorletzten Video haben wir euch die Plank gezeigt. Hier ist die Gegenübung! Mit dieser Übung wird die Muskulatur trainiert, welche bei der Plank nicht im Fokus steht. Das ist vor allem die hintere Schulter und die Rückenstrecker. Probiere es aus und lass uns wissen wie du die Übung findest! ���💪 #dieringe #plank #backgainz #coreworkout (at Cologne, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx5OEqAonqh/?igshid=1kqv1vsnj8nzs
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teamcentaur · 7 years ago
Triangle bar lay push down for muscle confusion felt amazing, try it out @lola_bunz86 @oksanagrishina @bodybuildingcom @megan.daviies @d_100 @cams_physique @motovationworks.fitness @jmarcin86 @thatguy881884 @ez_lifting #beastup @d_esih #backgainz (at Get Yourself Motivated)
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Pump Booster darf in jeder der Diät nicht fehlen👊🏻 Heute mal Play Hard von @rockanutrition ausprobiert und der ist echt ganz geil⚡️ Was meint ihr zu dem Pump-Booster?🤔 #playhard #rockanutrition #rsds #zecplus #weider #gymjunky #mcfit #probro #smilodox #profuel #zecplus #neosupps #myprotein #fitness #gymmotivation #healthyfood #aakg #blackandwhite #backgainz #muscle #fitnessaddict #motivationalquotes (hier: Braunschweig, Germany)
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gregory8777 · 7 years ago
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Back & shoulder day. Also ran for 1 hr on the treadmill. Felt really good today #luvlife #backgainz #keeptrudgingon (at Youfit Health Clubs)
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blu-secrets · 8 years ago
Just another #BackDay #BackWorkout #BackGainz #24hourfitness #RedwoodCitySuperSport #Gains #Gainz #UKMuscleAndFit #GainsGoal (at 24 Hour Fitness - Redwood City)
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ascenttoaesthetics · 5 years ago
....pullups, the king of all back exercises. the foundation upon which to grow your wings.... . . . . . . #pullups #pullupsgiveyouwings #backgainz #backdevelopment #latissimusdorsi #backtraining #gainsarethemotive #gainsarethegoal #gainslife #gainsovereverything #fitnesstips #trainingtips https://www.instagram.com/p/B8IAIjkjH_p/?igshid=oo23lh3zfams
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mollymarine46 · 8 years ago
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Here is half my gainz 😏 because I won't win any awards for best camera angle in 2017. I was still 😴 #pushpress this morning......and for some reason as I did them I kept singing 🎤 "I ain't no Hollerback girl". I can definitely now spell 🍌🍌🍌🍌. I stuck with 6 x 3 at 65lbs on these today, and didn't bump up the weight as planned. Didn't sleep well last night, and while that affects most people in general it's even more heightened when you're dealing with epilepsy. So again listening to my body. Overall since the first increase to my keppra dosage I feel great. I didn't realize how crappy I was feeling until I started feeling fantastic. A little bitchy from it but physically fantastic. 😂😂😂. Today is the first day I do another increase of 250mg so with that I'm sticking to the game plan of listening to my body. And yes still counting macros at the minimum making sure I get all my protein in and micros at 💯. I also promised my coaches to also at a minimum be at 1350kcals. (keppra can make you really lose your appetite. ). But overall I am averaging 1600kcals - 1850kcals and finally seeing my weight normalize to the point now we are watching it to make sure I don't drop too fast. Lastly is me or do I spy some actual #backgainz ? At least on half of me in this photo 😂😂😂. #friyay #hollerbackgirl #predatorstrengthtraining #teamfitbliss #epilepsyawareness #athletesvsepilepsy #girlswhopowerlift #powerliftingchicks #adaptandovercome (at LA Fitness Sorrento Valley)
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die-ringe-bodyworkout · 6 years ago
💪Du suchst nach einer Abwechslung für deine Zugübungen? Dann haben wir hier das Richtige für dich. Das Rudern mit Rotation ist super um deinen gesamten Rücken zu trainieren. Während der Übung beanspruchst du den vollen Bewegungsumfang, den die Rückenmuskulatur hat. 💯👍 #rowing #backgainz #dieringe (hier: Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln) https://www.instagram.com/p/Btiis39okRy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wmcwn9lt98op
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icarusathletics-blog · 5 years ago
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#fitfam #gymsharktrain #mealprep #backgainz #bodybuilding #makavelimotivation #mensphysique #biceps #alphalete #gymshark #pumpchasers #ironaddicts #isymfs #gym #abs #sixpack #shredded #ripped #noweakness #bulking #leanbulk #irontherapy #myprotein #powereffect
Falling down is an accident 🤒
Staying down is a choice 🤕
You can’t beat someone who doesn’t give up, its sounds cliche but it’s true, the more your GET UP when life, people, or defeat knocks you on your ass the stronger you will become 💪🏽🦍.
#trainer #trainning #biceps #chestday #mealprep #mensphysique #athlete #athleticperformance #abs #sixpack #shredz #shredded #gainz #bodybuilding #summershredding #gym #gymshark #livefit #zyzz #squats #workout #cardio #hiit #iifym #diet #upenergy #fitness #fitnessmotivation
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kievstheworld · 7 years ago
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#StayAliveChallenge Post a picture doing anything in black and white with the hashtag #StayAlive The purpose is to spread the phrase #StayAlive. 🖤🖤 Its ok to not feel ok. We all have demons. Honestly I feel like the demons will always be with you. Trying to pull you under. I have taken the mindset of learning to swim with them. Swim with them, but swimming towards my goals, my dreams, my aspirations. And when they try to come for my throat thats when you fight them off. Push them away and swim ahead. Challenged by @j_fit365 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾 I challenge @joey_hackett @last1moore @samwithabam & @egyptian_king 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 #MentalHealth #LetsTalkAboutIt #NSNP #100to0 #IAm1stphorm #LatSquad #wedothework #duespaid #earnit #LeanMuscleFitness #gainznation #Ephesians210 #aesthetics #backgainz #wings #bigsean #ffoe #fitnessaddict #fitspo #gainz #instafit #slowly #aesthetic (at Chesterfield, Missouri)
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tunetik · 8 years ago
Backgainz 💪💪💪 💪 #gym #gymlife #workout #gymfreak #toptags #gymtime #bodybuilding #gymmotivation #train #fitfam #progress #muscle #training #photooftheday #health #gymaddict #veganwarrior #veganbodybuilding #probro #probrolifestyle #tunetik #high5 #linz (hier: High5 Gym)
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blu-secrets · 8 years ago
Little back workout before I start my shift!!!! #BackDay #24hourfitness #gymlifestyle #MidDayWorkout #BeforeWorkWorkout #Gains #Gainz #GymLife #BackGainz (at 24 Hour Fitness - Mountain View Super Sport, CA)
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ascenttoaesthetics · 5 years ago
....pullups, the king of all back exercises. the foundation upon which to grow your wings.... . . . . . . #pullups #pullupsgiveyouwings #backgainz #backdevelopment #latissimusdorsi #backtraining #gainsarethemotive #gainsarethegoal #gainslife #gainsovereverything #fitnesstips #trainingtips https://www.instagram.com/p/B8H_kcejm4G/?igshid=ntkzihzx70r7
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