#back on my silmarillion shitposting
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themoonstonechronicler · 5 months ago
"why did the ring mostly affect frodo and not bilbo who had it for a gazillion years" objectively has a textual answer but i think the best answer is that sauron just likes bilbo more than frodo
bilbo: *uses the ring to hide from his relatives*
sauron, remembering almaren: yknow. real.
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sauronnaise · 5 days ago
Curufin: Do you know how stupid one can be?
Celegorm: I don't know, but I wanted to sneeze the other day, and I sort of forgot how to.
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eloquentsisyphianturmoil · 9 months ago
Idril was blonde and Tuor was blond, but the cosmic force of Melian’s maiarin genetics prevail once again and deliver to the peredhil the same pale skin, grey eyes, and raven hair that they delivered to Lúthien, to Dior, to Elwing, and assumedly every single Dunedain down to Aragorn. The unconquerable gene will eventually rule all. This explains why introducing one (1) idiot can kill all future geniuses, and a good deal of people should take it into account.
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caenith · 2 years ago
But Túrin, deeming himself now an outlaw and fearing to be held captive, refused Mablung’s bidding, and turned swiftly away;
Every time I reread this chapter of the Silm/the CoH I am violently reminded how bizarre this whole scene is and how extra Turin is.
Mablung: Dude, let's just talk to the king, there are multiple witnesses, I'm sure he will just say it was a terrible accident.
Mablung: No, just listen...
Mablung: 😐
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eloquentsisyphianturmoil · 8 months ago
once upon a a mingling shiny while I carved a statue tiny came a sound a little whiny from my chamber door
the hinges squealed a lament craven Footsteps encroached on my haven but the noise was not a raven it was Feanor
Fëanor is a crow. No I will not be taking constructive criticism
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thateviljewler · 5 months ago
Is this it...?
Is this how I make posts?
I feel like my granny fighting with emails... Literally dunno how to tumblr. Anyway, I'm Katriona, she/her, adult nerd. Made this account months ago to look at pretty art, but might as well make something of it.
Larp is my passion so i might post some ocs or costumes I make. Sometimes I do cosplay as well.
Currently back to Silmarillion hell. That being said, I might or might not throw my silm shitpost on here, be it memes, headcannons or whatever else.
Back in my teenage years I used to do (not only) Silm rp on instagram and am very tempted to go back to that on here (insta was toxic af 💀). I'm not a native english speaker, and though I can understand pretty much everything, I'm not that good at writing unfortunately.
I'm a Mairon kinnie so he's my main muse ig, but can do Thuri, Gothmog, Fingon, Tyelpe and Celegorm as well. I don't mind trying to write other characters, but it'll be my first time and I don't have as many headcannons for them
If anyone is willing to rp with me (1 on 1 or group, both is fine), pls hmu.
Also is there some kinda tumblr etiquette? I don't see a lot of comments on posts, is that normal on here? Which tags should I use to have reach but not litter the tag boards or whatever they're called? I'm so confused lol
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thatfeanorian · 2 years ago
Back On My Silmarillion Shoe Bullshit
I’m so sorry but cursed casting was mentioned and there’s new shoes on the internet...
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Aredhel because the big dick energy in these is monumental
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Maeglin. No need to explain.
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Nerdanel (anything will work when you’re up at 2 am sculpting with a 4 month old)
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Nienna (IDK why, just vibes.)
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literally all of the teleri
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Celegorm, because he’s gotta have valinor wheelies and keep his animals with him at all times.
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Fingolfin because he’s a “real man”, yk?
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Rochallor (I’ve been horribly enabled and it is now canon that the noldor make people shoes for their horses, change my mind)
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navyinks · 3 years ago
you know how the feanorians lived in a time when photography didn’t exist & the only way to know what someone looked like was through a portrait of them, well anyway
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maglor puts the painting under the “find hot, comely singles in your area” column of the tirion times
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Lord of the Rings TV Show Announcement:
Reposted to Reddit, originally posted by Jeff Bezos:
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Someone in the comments said, “It’s like Sauron himself holding the sign, yet more evil.”
What are your guys’ thoughts on the latest development?
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erynalasse · 3 years ago
Imagine if Fingon followed the example of his father and his uncle and tacked an extra fin(wë) onto his name when he became king
If Finwë-Nolofinwë becomes Fin/golfin? Well, Finwë-Findekáno doesn’t sound horrible, but oh boy… Finfingon sounds ridiculous. No wonder he didn’t go for it.
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actuallyfingolfin · 3 years ago
Then Sauron sprang upon Lúthien; and she swooned before the menace of the fell spirit in his eyes and the foul vapour of his breath.
listen i know this probably is some evil maia Thing but i think it would be absolutely hilarious if this meant sauron doesn’t brush his teeth
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cad-faoi-maeglin · 5 years ago
When it comes to the legendarium, Jirt is that parent who doesn't even try to pretend that he has favourites
Elves: Engage in a war over shiny rocks for several millennia, massacre eachother on more than one occasion, frequently look down on anyone who isn't also an Elf.
JRRT: Perfection! A better people have never existed!
Humans: Get anxious because god won't elaborate on that whole only-being-'vistors'-in-the-world-and-are-doomed-to-leave-it thing. Think that's a bit ominous and feel maybe they'd like a bit of whatever fate the Elves are having.
JRRT: Ungrateful. Greedy. Volatile. Just the worst. Just get rid of them.
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eloquentsisyphianturmoil · 7 months ago
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avantegarda · 6 years ago
you: Annatar
me, an intellectual:
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galadhremmin · 3 years ago
Your shitposts have made me curious about the Silmarillion (LOTR fan here). Do you have recommendations for long form character meta? Similar thoughtful writings that can help someone understand the characters?
omg this is honestly such a funny and nice outcome of my stupid jokes-- I hope you enjoy reading the Silm! Hmm, I would say the swg site has a few useful biographies; http://www.silmarillionwritersguild.org/reference/characterofthemonth.php < character of the month https://www.silmarillionwritersguild.org/reference/topic <various. But I'd recommend starting out by just reading it yourself. The Silmarillion was put together after Tolkien's death, and it really is unfinished; no one knows what it would have looked like exactly if he did get to publish it himself. And so there is a whole archipelago of older and newer versions of the stories and their world to explore when you're done. The fun thing, to me, about the Silmarillion (and related materials) is that layeredness. A lot of female characters are absent from the version C. Tolkien published, and the Turin's story as well as Tuor's are really not presented at their best. But the book can also be read without really delving into that background. It really does work well on its own. I know everyone is different, so maybe reading it without character biographies etc. at hand would make it overwhelming for you, but I really think forming your own impression before really delving into others' is very valuable! It's not a book like LoTR. There is very little dialogue, and feeings/motivations etc. sometimes are things you have to infer or dig up from the other materials if you want. It reads somewhat like a history book, and a lot of people find it pretty dry. I don't, but then I also love very dry history books, so... I think if you want to enjoy your reading experience being patient might help; pausing to picture what is being described and consider what is happening. Take your own notes! Make little drawings of what you think things look like. Keeping track of all the Fin- something guys really messes with people sometimes (and worse, they also have names in Quenya, rarely used in Silm but often in fanfic), but there should be a family tree in the back of the book.
I recommend reading it as a physical book, not on an ereader or laptop -- so you can put a little post-it note here and there and flip back to the family tree if all those Fin- somethings start bothering you. ;)
Oh! Also! If you like things with more dialogue, maybe start with Unfinished Tales or The Children of Hurin instead? Also, there are a lot of Tolkien scholars out there who have produced work more coherent and insightful than me rambling about various characters on tumblr. I can recommend some books if you want-- though it might take me a while to get back at you simply because it's been some time since I read them, and would have to comb through my pile to see if I actually still think they're good haha! It's a book that really becomes very enjoyable the more you engage with it. Anyway... yes I hope you enjoy your Silmarillion reading experience; let me know if you do! :D
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starillion · 3 years ago
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I posted 35 times in 2021
34 posts created (97%)
1 posts reblogged (3%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.0 posts.
I added 98 tags in 2021
#silmarillion - 22 posts
#silm shitpost - 11 posts
#tolkien - 10 posts
#silmarillion memes - 10 posts
#my writing - 9 posts
#maedhros - 8 posts
#ao3fic - 8 posts
#incorrect silmarillion quotes - 8 posts
#star wars - 6 posts
#curufin - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 84 characters
#started reading game of thrones again and can't deny this is basically what happened
My Top Posts in 2021
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from the left: curufin, maedhros, amrod, celegorm, caranthir, amras, maglor
bought a new tablet nd decided to post some scribbles ;)
116 notes • Posted 2021-11-08 14:09:50 GMT
annatar, holding a gun to celebrimbor's head: i'm gonna take you out...
celebrimbor: great! It's a date!
annatar, blushing: it was a threat!
celebrimbor, already leaving: see you at six.
140 notes • Posted 2021-08-29 01:20:38 GMT
fingon: i’m kind of crushing on someone, but i’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it
fingolfin: just rip the bandage off, son.
fingon: It’s cousin maitimo
fingolfin: i'm not dealing with this. put the bandage back on.
170 notes • Posted 2021-08-26 00:48:10 GMT
luke, impersonating as a luke skywalker impersonator : hi yes im a luke skywalker cosplayer
this man : aren't you too short for a luke skywalker?
luke :
luke, whining : ...yeah i get that a lot
178 notes • Posted 2021-04-18 23:50:18 GMT
celebrimbor: my bloodline ends with me.
annatar: that’s the fanciest way i’ve ever heard someone say “i’m gay”.
383 notes • Posted 2021-09-07 05:11:20 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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