Silmarillion shitpost
11 posts
Katriona | she/her | larp/rp/cosplay | Mairon did nothing wrong | still figuring this app out T-T
Last active 60 minutes ago
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thateviljewler · 14 days ago
Reblogging so I don't forget
(not an artist but might try just this once...)
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Here is the list of prompts for the 2025 event:
Day 1: Friend | Enemy Day 2: Freedom | Imprisonment Day 3: Temporary | Permanent Day 4: Concealment | Revelation Day 5: Holy | Unholy Day 6: Singing | Dancing Day 7: Fix it As always, there is a couple of prompts to choose between for every day of the week, with the last day being a bit more open to topics of choice. You can pick one each day, try to combine them into one work, or skip any day that offers prompts you find less appealing. Anything that reminds you of the topic of the prompt is encouraged and accepted. The only requirements are that the work is about the pairing, previously unposted, made by you, and that you tag things correctly if your works include sensitive subjects or are adult in nature. Anything written, visual, auditory, or any combination thereof goes.
When posting your works, feel free to post them on the day the prompt appears on or later, tag us directly or add one of the following tags (#angbangweek2025, #angbang week 2025, #angbang week2025) to your post's tag list. For any questions or clarification requests, feel free to reach out at any time.
Happy creating, and we'll see you in May!
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thateviljewler · 23 days ago
Got any good Angband HCs???
alright, this has been in my inbox for an age and i’m so sorry about that. If it’s any consolation, this is going to be a long post in which I let my imagination run wild.
I’ve yet to compile a comprehensive set of HCs for Angband, its inhabitants, and its society, and my thoughts are ever-evolving, but here are some of the creepier characteristics of this fell place:
-Angband is dangerous, and not just for your standard elven thrall for the standard reasons. For all that there is a fully-functioning society boasting a multitude of languages and cultures, there also exists an underbelly that thrives on a quiet and subtle type of malice toward those who dwell within its reach. And things go missing or turn up wrong because of it.
-Noise of varying levels pervades the halls at all times, be it the chatter or orc or umaia, the grind of industry, the distant rumble of a dragon, or the shrieks and pleas of tortured souls–these are the typical sounds. What is truly dangerous are the whispers. No one knows what they truly are, and those with an inking as to their true nature keep their own council. These whispers seep through the stone and under your skin; they come from everywhere and nowhere, and they speak in a language born from the dark places of Eä and in a tone too muted for you to comprehend. Do not go looking for them. Those that do never return. You could bash your skull against the floor to try and rid yourself of them before you go mad, but it will not work. Many could tell you how those attempts failed and what happened after. They haunt the tales thralls whisper to one another.
-Sometimes, though, everything is quiet. Quiet is never good. Quiet means it’s coming. No one knows what it really is, but that is no surprise. In Angband, the unknown is far worse than the threat of starvation or the lash of a whip. Orcs, balrogs, umaiar, dragons, and all the typical creatures one associates with Morgoth and Sauron are not the greatest threats here, a lesson many newcomers learn too late. 
-Whenever possible, thralls band together whenever they are ordered to move about the fortress or a new section in the mines to carry out the tasks assigned to them. It lessens the chances that they will be accosted, or worse. They have learned by now to always be on the lookout for danger, and in the section that houses the slaves, groups huddle together in close proximity when they sleep. One or two keep watch. if they do not, people may disappear without a trace or sound. It would not be the first time something snatched someone from through the walls.
-Shadow pockets. There are little corners and alcoves of darkness scattered all about the fortress. (even the umaiar skirt these sections that are just a little too black, a little too empty, that it is impossible to fully convince anyone that stepping into one of them would not lead…elsewhere). Tempting as it may be to hide in them and perhaps avoid the laundry list of foul things creeping about, do not go into the shadows. Many a slave or unsuspecting orc has been lost and never found. Those that do return are different. A little too wild-eyed, a little silent, a little too fond of the sight of blood bubbling between their fingers and flesh tearing from their teeth…
-(shadow pockets cont.) they are Nothingness, places where reality was torn free and no replacement patch was ever stitched over them, and one can wander into them with a torch in hand and still be unable to see a thing. Stick your hand in the flame and feel your skin burn, but you still won’t be able to see it. Wander too far and you will lose all sound, and then you’ll never find your way back. The ongoing theory among some of the denizens of Angband is that Melkor never truly left the void behind after spending such extended time inside of it. Rather, part of it came with him somehow, perhaps by binding itself to his powers, his spirit, and thus slipping into the fortress as a smoothly as a knife slides between ribs. And now it’s hungry. 
-At times, the fortress breathes and roils like some great beast, like the beating of a heart ensconced in walls and floors that tilt about you, or perhaps it’s all in your head.
-The catacombs. A maze of long tunnels lined with the bones of dead thralls, orcs, and other unfortunate creatures that met their fate there. It is a place to be avoided at all costs. There are pockets of extreme heat, where the walls are lined with magma chugging through the veins of the earth, and deathly cold areas that turn one’s body frozen in a matter of minutes.
-(catacombs cont.): Unruly thralls deemed incorrigible are sometimes punished by being cast into the catacombs. The veil between the physical world and the void is at its thinnest here and it is a place ruled by the dead and eldritch horrors that were never quite alive to begin with. They were Eru’s mistakes, the aberrations that would devour Arda’s bones if given free reign. They were never meant to escape the Void. There are creatures that lurk about in that blackness older than the world and answer to no master. They have no names, no faces, they seep through shadow and dimension and even Melkor does not trouble himself with them. They may do as they please so long as they do not impede his work.
-Mairon has an entire wing to himself, much of it taken up with a forge the size of a football field. Pools and cascades of lava are abundant; the fires are stoked hot by blasts of dragon-flame; great pillars of obsidian and stone hewn from the guts of the earth form the foundations that hold aloft the cavernous roof.
-The places Melkor haunts most frequently (the throne room, his chambers, etc) are blurred by the edges with shadow, as if someone has taken their hand and smudged the lines until grey bleeds into black bleeds into deeper black. These are often sections of space distorted by one of Melkor’s fits of temper or mania. Stumble through one of these patches and you may not return with all parts intact…or correctly attached. Melkor does not always bother to repair these sections.
-In sum, enter Angband and fall deep enough, and it is akin to tumbling into a black hole.
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thateviljewler · 4 months ago
After Melkor’s leg was crippled in his battle with Fingolfin, he had to figure out how to deal with the injury in his daily life. This was assisted by Mairon, who stayed by his side as he learned how to walk with one leg wounded. He would often let Melkor lean on his shoulder and let his husband’s fëa cling to his for much-needed support, easing as much of the pain as he could. He walked slowly beside his lord, whispering encouragement and adoration as they made their way through the halls, and he was always deft and subtle in his assistances to ease Melkor’s fear of being seen as weak.
Mairon himself terrified those who would mock his husband, whether with a simple stern glare or by cornering the wrongdoers later and lavishing them with increasingly creative threats. Because of his aid, Melkor continued to maintain a strong presence in the fortress despite his injuries, even gaining the confidence to openly display his scarred face and blackened hands with Mairon’s encouragement. As time passed, their subjects began to see Melkor as even stronger than before, since he remained a competent leader with a larger-than-life aura and had no shame in his old wounds.
The guile of the Lieutenant and Melkor’s steady courage inspired their people, and the denizens of Angband became known for taking pride in their scars.
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thateviljewler · 4 months ago
Truly inspiring. Might skip class as well tomorrow as self care (I'm a teacher in middle school 💀)
Hey this is a really cool and sweet thing you are doing with the positivity requests. Great art and great quotes. Don't forget to take some positivity for yourself ❤️
thank you anon <33 don’t worry i’m performing my own self care (skipping class)
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thateviljewler · 4 months ago
Guys please I beg you, go read this. This is the last part if a series so read the first part first, but honestly IT'S SO GOOD?!!!?!??!? Not explicit silvergifting, but that only makes it better imo. Such well written characters, both canon and oc's, are a rare treasure to find in these trying times. Love the conversations, love the abstract descriptions, love the story, love the emotions it made me feel...
Thank you @prackspoor for writing this masterpiece 🫶
Fic Update: This Dreamcrossed Twilight - Chapter 19
Does something remain unreal when there is nothing left by which you can tell the difference to the true thing? If you imitate something for long enough, closely enough, does it transform the imitation into something more? Does the pretence become the truth at some point? And who is going to be the arbiter of it, if there is no way to tell what is true and what is make-believe?
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thateviljewler · 4 months ago
#incorrect sauron quote #like really is this a one ring reference?? #bc it literally killed him?? #also he could, did and will fuck god # and by god he means melkor ofc #its a canon event #silm shitpost
arts and crafts are killing me. badly
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thateviljewler · 4 months ago
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I've always wondered what The Silmarillion would look like if it were a truck.
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thateviljewler · 4 months ago
Thanks for sharing op, I needed this in my life 💖
Screw the Noldolantë from now on there will only be 'Nightfall in Middle Earth' by Blind Guardian for me!
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thateviljewler · 4 months ago
#healing time #feanor is a good dad #they HAVE TO reunite in mandos #with all the other siblings as well #also russingon get to see each other again
Maedhros coming to Mandos
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thateviljewler · 4 months ago
shamelessly stealing this hc
Celegorm is absolutely the type of uncle to nickname Tyelpe Beastie like Malificent does to aroura
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thateviljewler · 5 months ago
Is this it...?
Is this how I make posts?
I feel like my granny fighting with emails... Literally dunno how to tumblr. Anyway, I'm Katriona, she/her, adult nerd. Made this account months ago to look at pretty art, but might as well make something of it.
Larp is my passion so i might post some ocs or costumes I make. Sometimes I do cosplay as well.
Currently back to Silmarillion hell. That being said, I might or might not throw my silm shitpost on here, be it memes, headcannons or whatever else.
Back in my teenage years I used to do (not only) Silm rp on instagram and am very tempted to go back to that on here (insta was toxic af 💀). I'm not a native english speaker, and though I can understand pretty much everything, I'm not that good at writing unfortunately.
I'm a Mairon kinnie so he's my main muse ig, but can do Thuri, Gothmog, Fingon, Tyelpe and Celegorm as well. I don't mind trying to write other characters, but it'll be my first time and I don't have as many headcannons for them
If anyone is willing to rp with me (1 on 1 or group, both is fine), pls hmu.
Also is there some kinda tumblr etiquette? I don't see a lot of comments on posts, is that normal on here? Which tags should I use to have reach but not litter the tag boards or whatever they're called? I'm so confused lol
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