#back 👏 on 👏 my 👏 bullshit 👏
Clarissa clapped a hand over her mouth, stifling a shriek. She stared at the name for several seconds, willing it to morph or change into something different. She blinked hard several times, looked away and then looked back at it with a fresh gaze. But the name did not change. The same name that she had spent so many years trying to forget. The same name she had moaned in bed for years, and the same name she had doodled in her notes as a silly and lovesick teenager.
Fifteen years after their breakup, Lesso and Clarissa are forced to work together. Loosely based on Persuasion by Jane Austen.
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gallawitchxx · 2 years
💈 barber!mickey & (not so) shaggy!ian💈
here's the 26th installment for this week's @galladrabbles prompt: book by @twinklyylights
catch up/read in full HERE -- updates weekly! [ read scene one in its entirety ON AO3 ]
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His stomach drops like a judge just threw the fucking book at him.
“You gotta be shitting me!”
Maybe it’s not too late to bail. Forget the whole thing. There are plenty of fish in the sea.
But then he remembers his finger lifting Ian’s chin; the wide open look in his eyes and his breathy little please, and Mickey knows there’s no turning back now.
No other fish worth catching.
Tami just laughs. Flips her hair like the snotty, but helpful bitch she is, and presses the slip of paper to Mickey’s chest.
“See ya at the family function!”
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littlest-arsonist · 10 months
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guys when their absolutely god fucking awful family member finally moves into his own apartment so they can just drop that bastard out of their life after years of garbage (it’s me. i’m guys)
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noahsfault · 9 hours
Queer 👏 people 👏 are 👏 not 👏 all 👏 fucking 👏 activists 👏
Stop quizzing us on queer history and asking us questions we aren’t qualified to answer about the world and about politics and about our identities
Stop trying to back us into a corner so you can justify your discrimination on the basis that we don’t know what we’re talking about or can’t “defend” ourselves to you
Stop treating every queer person that stands up and says “I want to be treated like a person” as if they’re an activist
Cut that bullshit out
Marginalised people just want to exist and be happy
I don’t know everything, and that doesn’t make me undeserving of your respect or my human rights you fucker
I don’t even owe you the stuff I do know- I still am entitled to basic fucking respect
TLDR; Queer people shouldn’t have to be historians or scientists for you to not be a fucking dick
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dollfaceksj · 10 months
i hope yoongi and oc share tents together <333 so that someone could not sleep that night +we’re not using yoongi for jungkook we made out fgs i hope you get me! jungkook should realize his mistakes and that he should treat oc AS A GODDESS 👏
sawry but you just gave me an idea and it isnt this one.
warnings: angst, this one is pretty long guys, reader gets bothered, TENSIONNNN
forgot to mention what jk looks like so he’s just wearing a sweatshirt n sweatpants, hair like wednesday!jk in seven mv🤪 link to taglist at the bottom of the post
taste of a poison paradise | jjk (m) #9
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ACCEPT his request of hearing him out 64,9%
DECLINE his request of hearing him out 35,1%
248 votes
you chose:
his big black eyes pleading with you as he awaits your response has your resolve crumbling by the second
let’s see what he has to say
you rub your forehead as you slowly turn back to the seating area and sit down in your previous seat
he takes a quick breath and sits down across from you, elbows on his thighs and he leans forwards
“i wanna start by saying i’m sorry,” he starts, his fingers anxiously fidgeting and picking at the loose flesh around his nails
you glance down at his hands before back up at him
it’s weird to see him being nervous
“i shouldn’t have said those things. i shouldn’t have ruined your night just because i wanted to tease you and joke around. i didn’t realize the impact of my words at the time.”
you squint your eyes at him, did you really give him a chance to speak and he’s saying the same thing he said when he came to apologize about saying he doesn’t like you?
“why did you say those things?” you ask, you need more of an explanation on how he can just say that to not only you but to his fucking senior
like where does he get the fucking nerve
he quietly sighs at your question and runs his hands through his wavy black locks, the palms of his hands rubbing into his eyes as he thinks about his answer
you lean back into the seat and throw your leg over the other, impatiently tapping your foot against the floor
“should i remind you of the time we don’t have?” you nod toward the train driver, reminding him of the fact you’re still on a train that will leave soon and you need to get off
like you know you said he thinks the world revolves around him but geez
“i don’t know, okay? i just,” he shakes his head and looks up at you. “i just really wa–”
“we ready?” you hear yoongi’s voice coming from your side. you turn to look at him and nod before rising to your feet
jungkook sighs, head still in his hands
probably should’ve picked a better time to talk it out, dumbass
you reach for your suitcase but both men suddenly lunge at you to help you
“oh,” you say surprised as they both stand facing each other, hands on the suitcase
“you’re good, i can take it from here,” yoongi politely says to jungkook as he starts tugging on your suitcase
“let me do it,” jungkook starts, “they’ll need you at the front to navigate because they’re not that good with direction.”
feeling like you’re in a kdrama rn
yoongi glances at you for a moment as if to ask for permission to go on ahead
he doesn’t need to ask you for permission when it comes to anything
there’s nothing serious going on between you and yoongi
you’re just saying that now because you’re still hoping for something to happen between you and jungkook and you’d feel guilty if yoongi took whatever you two have seriously
that is such BULLSHIT
jungkook is gross HES GROSS!!!
you don’t hope for anything!!!!
“he’s right, they’re really bad with direction,” you mumble. you watch as yoongi slowly drops his hand from your suitcase and nods before taking his own luggage
did jungkook think he could send yoongi off to have more time to speak to you?
you allowed him to and he gave the most basic bitch talk
you don’t even turn to jungkook when you file out of the train with yoongi, leaving jungkook behind with your luggage because he said he could handle it, did he not?
you gather with everyone in a circle, everyone’s checking if everyone’s here, checking luggage and everything
you don’t even look at jungkook as he drags both his luggage and yours to the circle
it’s a short walk to the actual camping area and when you’ve finally made it, you breathe out in relief
“let’s start with their tents,” seokjin tugs on joon’s arm, leading him to hyunjoo & isabella to help them out with their tent
it seems like hobi and yoongi are sharing a tent
seokjin and namjoon are sharing a tent
jimin and tae are sharing a tent
you luckily brought your own tent<333
you just love privacy.. but who doesn’t
and apparently so did he who shall not be named
but it doesn’t matter
everyone is busy with their own tents
you nudge yoongi’s hip with yours
“i got my own tent, you know.” your flirtatious words make him chuckle
“are you implying what i think you’re implying?” he responds before squatting and fixing up some loose ends on his tent
you huff. “and what do you think i’m implying?”
he chuckles under his breath and shakes his head at you. “your minx antics are distracting me.”
you laugh and hit his shoulder before deciding to go fix your own tent
get away from him you’re on DEMON time
you didn’t think about how sharing a tent with someone means they’d help you set it up
cause you’re alone
and now you’re
a dumbass
trying to fix your tent
hm. it says if you turn this rod this way..
..and you take that bit and put it there…
…and if you do this then the zipper should be on that side..
for fucks sake.
it’s been 5 minutes.
you sigh as you drop it, rising to your feet and staring at the pathetic attempt of putting together a tent in front of you with your hands on your hips like a soccer dad
everyone is seemingly still busy but they look successful
and you look a fool
“you gonna let me help you?”
you turn your head to the side, eyes meeting with big black tapioca pearls accompanied by pretty lashes and thick brows
can he just!!!!
leave you alone
you stare at him for a moment. “shouldn’t you be fixing your own tent?”
he nods behind you and you turn to look in that direction, noticing how his tent is ready
the hell
everyone else is still fixing their tents and they’re duos
he did that
this quickly
on his own???
you’re pretty sure he never leaves the house
let alone gone camping before
so how????
“so?” he closes the distance a bit more, looking down at you from his height
you click your tongue and shrug your shoulders. “i wouldn’t want to appear as attention-seeking.”
he sighs at your pettiness, bringing his hand up to rub his eyes
“yeah well, you weren’t exactly the nicest to me up till that point, were you?”
“did you mean everything you said to me? about me? like how i’m not good for anything and that i’m nothing but a fuckboy?”
you blink at him
you did say those things in the heat of the moment
if he had said those words to you you would have gone batshit fucking crazy
not to mention how you were acting toward him even before the night at the club
well.. no, you didn’t mean those things
is this his way of implying he also didn’t mean the things he said to you?
he sighs at your lack of response and scratches the back of his head. “forget it, y/n. i just want to put up your tent. will you let me?”
he does look sincere
might as well make him work for it
you nod toward your tent and take a step back
he wastes no time and gets to work on your tent
this is gonna be a loooong night😕
it’s 20 minutes later and everyone is now around your tent, trying to fix it
it seems like something is wrong with your tent
great :)
just what you needed
“yeah, the tent is fucked. how much did you pay for this joke?” seokjin asks as he rises from his squat position
you think about it. “like… 80 bucks.”
he shakes his head. “you should go ask for your money back cause they ripped you off.”
of course it’s YOUR tent that’s messed up
you sigh and place one hand on your hip, the other scratching the back of your head
“well, what now?” jimin asks as he’s still trying to fix your tent, not wanting to give up
“you’re gonna have to join someone’s tent.” yoongi says to you as he walks around the flat tent toward you
taehyung beams, “oh, in ours!”
“i’d love for y/n to join us but the two of us barely fit in it.” jimin is the voice of reason and they all sigh
hoseok says, “but you’re alone in your tent, aren’t you?”
no fucking way
is he implying..
for FUCKS sake
you try to fight it but you can’t, your eyes automatically snap towards jungkook
but he’s already staring straight at you
“yeah, i do. she’s welcome, of course.” there’s that arrogance that you know and love–
know and hate.
you hate it!
you glance at tae and joon and as you suspected, they’re glancing at each other
are they really planning on protesting that?
you don’t like how they act like you can’t make your own decisions
you step forwards. “alright, then.”
your eyes shift to jungkook and he’s staring at you, his eyes narrow at you for a split second and his lips slightly twitch
you can’t tell what tf he’s thinking
but it doesn’t matter
it’s just to SLEEP. nothing else
seokjin pulls everyone out of the awkward silence that has settled around you. “great! now shall we get started on dinner? i’m starving.”
yoongi and seokjin are in charge of dinner right now
hyunjoo and isabella are helping them out
hoseok and namjoon are working on the campfire
jimin and tae are organizing the tents and arranging a seating area around the campfire
leaving you and jungkook to just.. stand around
you’re just standing by the people cooking and jungkook is testing out a seat made by jimin
“oh, y/n!” seokjin calls out to you
oh fun
“hm?” you spin on your heels to face him
“can you and jungkook go to the closest store and pick up a few bottles of water?” he asks as he stirs whatever he’s stirring. “take my car.”
he kind of asked it but it feels more like he’s telling you to do it
and what are you going to say to your senior? no?
you can’t even drive but you know jungkook can
seokjin hands you his car keys and you gather all your courage to walk up to jungkook right now
he looks up from his phone as you toss the carkeys in his lap
“let’s go, gamerboy. we’ve got duties.”
you don’t even pause as you walk straight past him, heading toward the car
the look on his face is one you won’t forget
he looked happy you were acknowledging him but quickly stopped smiling when he realized it was only because you were given a task
it doesn’t take long for jungkook to join you, unlocking the car and getting inside
you get into the passenger seat and look up the closest grocery store
which is
a 35 minute drive.
if only the car blew up rn…
you set your phone into the cupholder next to the gearshift so he can see the navigation on your phone
he buckles his seatbelt and so do you, and he slowly reverses out of the spot and starts driving
the car drive
is so
you’re just staring out the window
the silence disappears when his fingers dance across the car radio and turn it on
he skips a few channels before realizing all of them are shitty and just settles on one
you continue to glare out the window
this silence is TOUGHHH
“do you need something from the store?” he asks quietly, right hand managing the gear shift and the other is turning the steering wheel
and he looks so fucking good
he sighs at your short answer and turns the music a bit louder, maybe an attempt at drowning out his own thoughts
the roads are pretty empty so you’d gotten there in about 20 minutes
jungkook was definitely going way over the speedlimit but if he gets a fine, seokjin will definitely tape it against jungkook’s door
you unbuckle your seatbelt and get out, making jungkook copy you
he follows close behind you as you enter the store
once you’re inside, he skims past you and disappears into the store as he goes to look for water
you on the other hand let your eyes roam the snack section
ooo kinder
you’re scanning the bags of chips and bars of candy until there’s a presence next to you
thinking it’s jungkook, you look up at him
it’s not jungkook
and for the first time, you really wish it was jungkook
you frown as there’s a guy, probably in his mid thirties
next to you?
“aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” he says, eyes drinking you up
you squint at him as you put the bar of kinder back in it’s rightful place. “thank you.”
“you here alone?”
you keep browsing. he isn’t being overly creepy and isn’t invading your personal space so you don’t really feel threatened. just grossed out. “no.”
“what kind of crazy person would leave such a beautiful woman unattended?”
you internally roll your eyes at his cheesy line but mumble, “an actual crazy person.”
he takes the kinder bar you just put back and waves it at the cashier, who then nods at him
okay, maybe he’s a regular?
he then hands you the bar
you frown at it but take it nonetheless, free food is free food
“you wanna go ditch your responsibilities and join me for a night?”
just as you turn to look at the man, another presence is pressed up flat against your back
“how about you fuck off?” jungkook’s chest rumbles as he speaks, sending vibrations down your entire back
the man glances at jungkook and takes a step back
“hey man, shouldn’t leave a pretty girl by herself. i didn’t know she was your girl.”
bruh you literally… told him….. you weren’t alone?
well. ur not jungkook’s girl.
jungkook continues, “well, now you do. get the fuck on, man.”
did he just
he actually
does look intimidating rn
he’s towering over this other man, staring him down and clearly asserting his dominance
the guy glances at you before shaking his head and leaving the store
you slowly turn to him, his black eyes staring you down and a slight pinch in his brows
he looks really fucking annoyed
“thanks,” you mumble, referring to getting the guy off your back
he didn’t have to imply you two were in a relationship though but whatever
you watch as his eyes drop to the kinder bar in your hand
he doesn’t reply but instead takes the kinder bar out of your hand and tosses it aside before grabbing another kinder bar and a handful of other bars, chips and candy before heading to the counter
he pays for the sweets and the water
you watch as he picks up two packs of 6 water bottles on his own, plus the bagged candy between his fingers
kind of hot rn 😭😭😭
“let me help you–” you reach out but he just turns his body sideways so you can’t reach the water
“just open the door.”
you blink at him a few times before holding the door open and walking out with him
there’s a group of men just sitting by the side that weren’t there before
you open the trunk to help him load it in but he shakes his head, he just hands you the bag of sweets and says, “get in the car.”
he’s so
you kinda
you kinda l*ke it
you stare at him dumbfounded before actually complying and getting into the car
the ride back is even quieter than the ride there
but whatever right
it’s not like you want to talk to him
so you just
the silence
upon your arrival, it’s already gotten rather dark out. you move to unbuckle your seatbelt but a hand on your bicep stops you
ahhh shit. here we go again
you glance at him over your shoulder and jungkook is staring straight ahead, out the windshield, hand on your arm like he doesn’t realize he stopped you
“sorry.” he takes his hand back. “listen.”
you fight the urge to roll your eyes. “why should i?”
“because you were right.”
everyone loves being told they were right
let’s actually hear him out
you settle back into your seat
he finally glances at you and you cross your arms as you wait for him to speak
“you’re right. i am childish.” he stares straight at you as he’s speaking and it’s SO intense
“so i’m coming to you as a man now and i’ll own up to everything.”
you tilt your head to the side in intrigue, a slight pinch in your brows which makes your pretty lashes kiss your brow bone
his eyes quickly scan your entire face before he continues, “the reason why i was pressing you and taunting you was because i wanted you to give in.”
his words from when he came to pick up his sneakers pop into your mind
‘i just wanna see how long you can go before eventually wrapping around my finger.’
you respond with, “yeah, you already made that clear.”
“no, listen to me,” he says as he places his hand on the compartment between the driver’s seat and the passenger’s seat, next to the cupholders
the intensity radiating off of him makes you want to listen
“i’m saying that my pride was too tough to swallow.”
why would he have to swallow his pride?
you frown. “i don’t get it.”
he sighs in frustration and closes his eyes for a moment. “i wanted you to give in, not to prove a point but because..” he pauses, “because i want you. i just didn’t want to admit it, not even to myself. because i never had to before.”
oh okay
do you even react
to that
he’s not done, though. “but you kept holding onto it like a dog with a bone and my patience was running out. i was not used to the feeling and i didn’t understand it at all. i lost my temper and said some shit i shouldn’t have, like a little kid. i’m sorry.”
now THATS how you apologize, ladies and gents!
he apologized like a normal person now
you blink at him a few times
he’s being sincere
you know he is
you want to accept his apology. you really do
but you’ve gotta get your lick back somehow
you quietly sigh. “come here.”
he frowns. “what?”
“come closer,” you chuckle, curling your index finger right next to your face so he knows where you’re requesting his presence
he wastes no time leaning into you but you stop him by his chin with your index finger right before his lips touch yours
you gently press your finger into his chin to push his face back from yours a few millimeters
you say, “apology accepted.”
he glances down at your lips before back at your eyes, his breath tickling the skin of your lips
he is so damn close
“but that’s only because i love it when men–” you pause for a second.
“i love it when boys look and sound absolutely fucking pathetic.”
oh goodness
you see his adam’s apple bouncing up and down in your peripherals
you pucker up your lips just enough to graze his lips, basically pressing a soft peck to his lips
that peck only lasted half a second but….. his lips are … so soft
“that’s a thank you for this,” you say as you pull away and hold the bag of sweets up
you swing the door open without a second thought and get out, swinging the bag of snacks back and forth and leaving jungkook to deal with the reality of what just happened and the packs of water
jungkook: 2
you: 2
to be continued
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These people will never experience the pain hearing from the causal viewers and THE SR that we who view those characters as queer, are delusional. We were told, it’s in “our heads” and what you see “is your interpretation” NOT what’s on the script. OH CANT FORGET MY FAVORITE, “go write your own SHOW”. Imagine for 6 years viewing buck as queer coded and told you were dumb and “it’s never gonna happen”. For 6 YEARS!!!! It literally took them ONE EPISODE AND MOVING TO A NEW NETWORK for bibuck to happen. And these people think this couple who ONLY HAD 3 dates (1 of them a failed one), and 2 kisses is endgame? 💀💀💀imagine your ship not having any depth to where they stopped caring about them after making buck bi💀💀💀. Where are their scenes? Oh it’s “enjoy it while it lasts”. It’s them having barely 20 minutes of screen while the “non ship” has x2 has much in 10 episodes. Did they forget their fav said this💀💀💀💀
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💯no notes agree with everything you said 👏👏👏
and also even that lfj quote pissed me off when it came out bc i was like “how are you gonna stand here and tell me to be grateful for a relationship that came out of left field with no chemistry?” like even if it does lead to buddie i will still hate that whole arc because it could have been handled SO much better and without bringing back a racist character, played by a problematic person, ON TOP of causing the biggest shipping controversy to ever hit this fandom… that man has given me the ick since day one of s7 and when the cameos started and he started encouraging his fans and egging on the bullshit i was done w him.
it pisses me off bc they act like buck has to go through some sort of “queer bootcamp” before he can date eddie and im like…. no he doesn’t?? he doesn’t need some sort of “gay yoda” or whatever they called t-rex in the beginning bc there is no rulebook to being queer… so the whole notion of “working out the kinks” (which is an extra level of icky coming from someone like lfj, and looking back after the daddy joke in 7x10) never sat right with me… and the whole “what if buck got with eddie and didn’t like it?” if he meant that literally as “what if buck didn’t like it” my brother in christ theses are fictional characters, they’re not sims, the writers have full control over literally everything that happens… why would they write them if buck “wasn’t gonna like it” (which is bullshit bc we all know he 1000% fold immediately if eddie kissed him)… if he meant “what if the fandom didn’t like it” (which is an odd way to word that question if this is what he meant) WDYM IF THE FANDOM DOESNT LIKE IT EVEN HALF THE BT SHIPPERS HAVE BEEN SHIPPING BUDDIE FOR ALMOST SIX YEARS????
the whole situation drives me up s wall bc not only have we simultaneously gotten so close yet so far to getting buddie, we also now have to deal with these wack-ass fans policing people, calling queer people homophobic, sending death threats and violent hate speech to people who don’t like their ship, actively talking bad about oliver bc he clearly isn’t a fan of lfj or the way this storyline was handled, on top of having to deal with the show’s retconning of typhoid’s character and trying to brush his shit under a rug using queerness as an “excuse” and thus enabling these people to use the “homophobia” rhetoric when someone doesn’t want a boring ass rewash basic ship.
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majaloveschris · 2 months
That pic is cute but all I can see is when Chris wants to sell something he can, meaning, if people are questioning if his marriage and relationship are real yet we clearly can see he still shows affection to others while unknowingly being filmed, yet he struggles to do that with, the woman with the disappearing ring, when he’s being filmed knowingly and unknowingly, then there’s your truth people. 😎
Remember the park video when he wasn’t aware he was being recorded and his hand went in his pocket as she reached for it once she saw the lady filming them.
Remember the VF video of him seeing the camera and then pretending to be affectionate towards her.
Remember the VF video of him not knowing he’s being filmed and eyeing other women and then noticing the camera and trying to play it off.
Now we seem to have partially returned to the Chris we all came to know and love or he’s just relaxed as he’s in his element. But my thoughts are running rampant so…..let’s discuss.
If Chris was actually in this based on love and not some Hollywood pr, there’d be no questioning anything at least not to the extent it’s gone. There’d be no major plot holes. 🤭
If Chris was cool with said person in some Hollywood PR stunt, maybe things would be done more naturally like ….*cough* Taylor Swift and Travis. (Believe what ya want but I think they are PR and doing a damn good job of it) #TeamTT ❤️ 😂
Now back to Chris….if Chris was against this or the person involved regardless if he initially signed up for it or not, he would probably drag his feet if he couldn’t end things and boy would you lookie there, he’s been dragging his feet like hell even after claiming to be “married”. Meaning if Chris wanted us to believe this were legit, we wouldn’t be here discussing their bs over the past three years.
Imagine being a celeb and KNOWING people are online questioning you and your spouse’s marriage. If he truly loved or gave a damn about her, He’d have shut that down quick.
This is why I don’t bother arguing because in due time this is going to end, he’ll move on and once he’s in an actual relationship, the ones who currently think this is “real” will clearly see the stark contrast between Chris Evans in love vs Chris Evans in some Hollywood bullshit. I rest my case. 👩‍⚖️
They made a red carpet debut and all most could do was laugh. This fandom still rides for this man even when they are mad at him. Yes, this situation is stupid but man the jokes, the pure shade, the letting this girl know we aren’t buying what she’s tried and miserably failed to sell is Icing on the flipping cake!
Also…..the flag mixup will never NOT be funny. 😂 GO LIBERIA!!!! 🇱🇷
Of course, he could sell this whole thing if he wanted to, but he just doesn't want to.
That park video says more than a thousand words. The fact that he didn't want to hold her hands and put his into his pockets when he thought no one was watching says a lot. They do everything for the camera. They are always trying to be sweet and all of that, but they can't keep up the act for so long, which we could see on the VF red carpet. Yeah, they tried playing the happy newlyweds when the camera was watching, when most of the time they were just standing next to each other and talking to other people.
As you said, there are a lot of plotholes. And I know people must be tired of me always bringing the wedding ceremony's location up, but that's my favorite example. Where was it? In Cape Cod? In his Boston-area home? Were the ceremony and party at two different locations? Different outlets mention different places and locations when this should be the easiest one to get, especially since these are all coming from "sources." The same goes for everyone who was at the wedding. Nobody saw them during that one year, yet now everybody is spotting them. Why are they saying they are private when they are putting out video dumps, are at different award shows, and call the paps on themselves?
I think most of the time, when it comes to celebrity couples, especially if one of them is not that well-known, the thought of them being PR is always there, and there will always be people who think certain couples are PR. I'm sure there were couples who were solely PR, and people didn't even figure it out because they were good at selling it. Maybe because they were comfortable around each other, and even if they weren't in love, they liked each other as people or even as friends. However, to me, their fake relationship lacks everything that would make it believable. I don't really think Chris thought this through, and I don't think he is capable of selling a relationship with someone he doesn't have feelings for. I don't necessarily mean "love" (in love with someone) here, but just love (liking the person as a friend, respecting them, wanting to be around them).
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kairitai · 2 years
I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS FOR WEEKS AND I HAVE BEEN LOSING SLEEP OVER IT AND I NEED AN OUTLET OTHER THAN BITING MY PLUSHES TY. warnings: Witchcraft, other than that its really just a silly little thing i wrote :))
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Tamaki, I'd imagine, is a septic and at first thinks all of this is bullshit.
He one day finds you in the dorm kitchen; angrily scribbling on a bay leaf, burn it and throw it out the window grumbling on how it's been "too long since the dorm wi-fi went out".
Seeing you stomp over to the couch to pull your phone out to excitedly scream "ITS BACK" has him blink for a few seconds.
When Tamaki enters your room for the first time, he's so confused as to why there are so many shiny rocks and candles everywhere. He just assumes you really like rocks and scented candles.
There was this one time you gave him an anti-anxiety spell jar before his presentation, he genuinely thought you gave him a herbal tea blend. It took a few tries to explain what it was meant for to him.
Tamaki wouldn't understand at first why a tiny bottle filled to the rim would help him calm down but accepts it anyway to not upset you.
Post presentation, he's looking at the bottle quizzically. How did he not even manage to slip up once? how did he fight the urge to smash is head against the wall that was right there? was it the jar? no, it was a coincidence, it had to be. right?
He'd just keep looking at it in complete awe and confusion until you show up and tap him out of his train of thought, he just looks at you and the bottle back and forth, wide eyed.
Thats when you tell him you're a witch and doing witchcraft just makes things easier for you, he would be pretty mesmerised by the concept of it.
He'd be asking all sort of questions, if it actually worked, if the leaf you burned was a spell, CAN YOU SEE INTO THE FUTURE?
"THEORETICALLY, i could make Avada Kedavra a thing." "Please don't."
Deffo would ask for hand readings as an excuse to feel you hold his hands.
I feel like he would adore having little tarot readings done, you'd even teach him some basics! his favourite would definitely be the pendulum.
"Y/N, , I nauseous...can't think straight..." "Oh i got a spell for that :)" 👏on👏a👏daily👏basis👏
He would be obsessed with making sigils for himself and you, draws them on your hand and kisses it to activate it :((
He would be so grateful if you gave him a protection spell bottle for his missions, he'd try to return the favour by making one for you but it's just filled with rosemary bc he didn't have the herbs to use 💀 You're not even sure if he cleansed it, bless his soul.
Would go feral once he found out one-word spells were a thing, would whisper them before kissing your cheek for an extra boost of whatever you needed, whether it be good luck or a good nights sleep.
He would hear you talk abt witch stuffs for HOURS on end, the whole evening would have gone by and he'd just be listening lovingly. The spells you tell him stick better than the ones he would find online.
Date nights while making moon water and watching Hocus Pocus?? Yes please??
You once made him a spray which you affectionately labelled "Bullshit Repellent", he was not above spraying it at people who pissed him off that day. A glorious sight seeing him spray magick water at assholes.
"I saw the moon exploded in my dream. Is that a sign?" "No not really, sometimes a stick is just a stick Tami. But i could give you something to prevent nightmares if you want?" "Yes please"
You guys would laugh at overly religious people who claim witched kiss the devil's anus to gain magickal knowledge.
Tamaki wouldn't DARE fuck around with spirits, and if you do decide to contact one for your spells he's just there with a big ass bag of salt ready to throw it at the spirit. It would probably piss the spirit off so you had to refrain the boy from chucking it when you made a concerned face.
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kjhgfd this was so fun to make, this was just purely self-indulgent :)) PLEASE DO NOT REPOST MY WORK, REBLOGS ARE APRECIATED ♥
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
goodbye :)
not really lol this was clickbait 🤠
BUT now that i have your attention, i am going on a semi writing hiatus tho. i feel like this is long overdue. i'd like to start off with a couple weeks, maybe a month, maybe longer, idk? we'll see how it goes.
i'll still be relatively active on tumblr - answering asks and whatever bullshit i usually do - and discord (bc let's face it, i have nowhere else to be lmao) so i guess this is mostly a formal announcement for myself so that my brain can process the fact that this! bitch! needs! a! f*cking! break! 👏 it's not like i even have a regular update schedule to begin with, so for most of you things will probably feel the same. but tbh for me, writing doesn't feel as fun as it used to. it hasn't for a while, and neither has being on tumblr in general (some days it fully feels bad being on tumblr but i'm still Here bc i do not know what to do with myself lol).
don't get me wrong, i still love writing and i still want to write. but i just want to be able to actually enjoy it instead of feeling pressured to do it, yk? so i just need to find the spark again bc right now it feels like a chore and we definitely don't want that 😕
also - i feel like most writers go through this at some point - i keep (unintentionally) comparing myself to other writers and a bitch just cannot stop lmao. i've noticed that whenever i feel stuck while writing, i'd look to others and i'd think "damn, why can't i do this or that?" and that'd just make me feel worse lol miss girl gotta work on that. i mostly keep stuff to myself and lately it's been a little More than usual and i don't want to keep going when i obviously need a break only to end up overflowing one day and impulsively deleting my account (i probably won't lol this is my permanent address)
i'll use the time off to get back into reading too - god knows i haven't been reading fics as much as i used to. apologies to all the writers whose works i've been dying to read for so long but just haven't had the energy to sit down and dig in. reading is one of my main sources of inspiration (i made this blog bc i loved reading so much that it inspired me to write my own shit!) so hopefully that'll help the process too ✌️
unrelated to the writing bit but i also kinda want to use the extra time to start working on a professional portfolio and maybe jump back into my wack ass redbubble shop lmao
sooo yeah. i'm not gonna pull a one direction and just ride off into the sunset for good lmao. if anything, i hope i'll pull a bangtan and bounce back with even more content and vigor than before. maybe this is jeonqkooks chapter two 😎
maybe this was a bit dramatic lmao but anyways, sorry to anybody who thought i'd be leaving. unfortunately, you're stuck with me until tumblr gets swallowed up by the sun <3
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quillisadoll · 4 months
I literally can't sleep because I can't stop thinking about Kyoya and Tamaki
Here are some cute Tamaki and Kyoya head cannons (might be ooc might not be!)
Tamaki is a very cuddly and touchy guy while Kyoya isn't, buttttt he still likes Tamakis cuddles :( (I hate gay people)
Kyoya wakes up earlier than Tamaki on most days, mainly because Kyoya can NOT deal with Tamakis bullshit right as he wakes up.
Anyways on the rare days Kyoya sleeps in Tamaki likes to set up a little breakfast in bed sort of thing (with the help of their maids ofc. Tamaki is banned from the kitchen)
And while it is really cute Kyoya typically doesn't eat in the mornings, he still eats it tho to make Tamaki happy
Tamaki writes little post notes saying really corny shit like "I love you to the stars and back" or whatever and put it in Kyoyas Notebooks and stuff, Tamaki doesn't know this but he keeps every single one CUZ HES GAY
Kyoya would infact still love Tamaki if he was a worm
Kyoya has learned flower language and on rare occasions has given Tamaki flowers that mean "I love you " it is quite literally the corny-est thing he has ever done in this relationship
Kyoya is asexual! And Tamaki during pride month goes crazy. One time he surprised Kyoya by getting a cake that says "congrats on being ace!"
Kyoya almost broke up with him right then and there.
You know that one tiktok audio that's like "I'm deeply worried about my husband" " what do you see in him?" " He makes me laugh "
Yeah that right there is how I see Kyoya and Tamaki.
They go on little walking dates with Antoinette (Tamakis dog)
They have a favorite cafe that they just chill at. They found it when they last went to Haruhis house!
Kyoya dreads pride month cuz Tamaki goes WILD he only wears rainbow clothing and goes over the top with gift giving.
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poppyandzena · 3 months
This is a comment I intended to post on Z/P’s most recent video, but they’re locking down their comments now to manual approval, and my comment would’ve been censored anyway. Consider this my refutation of the points in their video:
Four points.
Spawn is a 24 year old adult. What they choose to do with the money their biological mother left them is THEIR business. Maybe you think they were blowing it on frivolous things, but it’s not your place to dictate how they should spend their money. Nevermind the fact that you charged them rent already.
When Spawn left your household, they were  5’1” and 80lbs. This piece of info was somehow missing from your video (unless it’ll be in part 2, which I’m skeptical of). At best you were negligent of your child’s health. At worst, you were actively starving them.
The way you point out how Spawn’s roommate has a “prestigious job” and how it would be a real shame if KiwiFarms went after them is absolutely disgusting. How is that specific detail relevant at all? The roommate has nothing to do with this fiasco. You’re all but prompting the KF mob with personally identifiable info to go after Spawn and their roommate. I don’t know how the hell you thought this made y’all look good.
You say that you consulted 3 lawyers, and that they say you have a credible case of defamation against Spawn, one which you will bring to them if they don’t stop talking about you. I call bullshit on this for two reasons. This feels like an attempt to intimidate Spawn into silence more than anything (Spawn deleting their blog speaks to that). First off, if you’re going to sue for damages related to losing your job, remember that you’re the one who made the decision to pick your social media presence over your job. That was on you, you could’ve kept your job (unless there’s something you’re not telling us). Second, I sincerely doubt you have the funds to keep a lawyer on retainer and to bring this lawsuit to fruition. Not to be mean, but let’s keep it real, by your own admission y’all weren’t exactly big ballers before, and now your household doesn’t have an income (unless Zena has a well paying job I’m not aware of). Looking online reveals that the average defamation lawsuit costs $20,000 - $50,000. Considering the sprinklings of info you’ve dispensed about your finances over the years I’ve been watching your channel, I doubt you have that kind of cheese to throw around. And even if you do manage to find enough standing to successfully sue your child (which just *screams* loving parent), what exactly do you hope to win? Spawn is probably financially destitute. What, you want the last $13k of that trust fund money? Come on, be real. See, this is why I don’t think y’all actually reached out to a lawyer, because any lawyer worth their salt would tell you this isn’t a case worth pursuing. Any damages you can extract from a disabled 24-year old wouldn’t even come close to covering the legal fees. It won’t get you your job back either; you willingly chose to leave, and if you felt coerced, you’d go after your employer for wrongful termination. This is an unserious legal threat in my opinion; you’re afraid that Spawn will keep singing like a canary so you want them to keep quiet.
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cultist-bones · 19 days
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Back on my brainrot bullshit 😔👏
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2offayyo-kzt · 9 months
Welcome to another episode of me overanalyzing Sean (because I have too much time on my hands)
So I was looking at various interviews with Anthony Atamanuik (who in the past used to impersonated Trump) and he analyzed few times in detail Trump's postures (and personality)
And I was wondering if this also applies to Sean, can we learn anything about Sean just by looking at his posture ?
So I decided to take several screenshots over the seasons and share my analysis (probably extrapolated)
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So already Sean has a tendency in public, to lean back, legs spread, probably to try and emanate a sense of confidence and control, manspreading to the max, a typically "masculine" position
What's interesting to see is that he adopts this position also when in a position of weakness
Here he's at his prime (pussy facing the world), in court, while clearly being in a disadvantageous situation :
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And here, as he's being yelled at by Charmaine (well, Franky's the one who gets yelled at, but she was probably also addressing her husband indirectly) :
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What's also interesting to note is the relatively "feminine" side of this pose ? I can't explain, probably because his back is straight and his hands are delicately holding the beer, but he really does look like a child being told off for doing something stupid (noting that he lives in his childhood home)
If he'd arched his back forward, it would exude a false sense of control, of threat
like here :
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but when someone shouts in his direction, he's backing away as if the situation was way too uncomfortable (with no means of escape)
You can also see how, when he's most vulnerable (crying), he tries to hide himself :
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And another interesting point I'd also noticed, Sean always positions himself as far away as possible, where he can see everyone without being in contact
At no point in the show does he deliberately sit close to anyone except in the case of an event, and even then I get the impression he's deliberately taking a back seat :
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This is probably a cinematographic choice, since most of the time he's making speeches, but it's a detail I noticed
anyway, that was my bullshit for the evening, bravo if you read till the end 👏
I wonder what image Anthony has of Sean, I'm convinced for example that the daddy issues Sean expressed in Sunrise Sunset (the tantrum) was absolutely not in the script but an improvisation of Anthony, I have no proof but I have this feeling, I'm convinced that Anthony is trying, with his little moments of improvisation and incredible acting, to make Sean more complex than he seems, a painting of the consequences of patriarchy ? (maybe I'm seeing too much)
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x-authorship-x · 8 months
"Did he smile at them" lmao Raido clearly acting like this isn't the first time something similar happened
Honestly I have so much fun with SQ2 because they all do outrageous shit but in specific flavours and it's so fun picking who would freak out over what!!!
Like Kakashi, in his ANBU era before he gets even more publically erratic, is extremely unfazed by anyone's outrageous behavior because 1) he does not care or know where the social line in the sand is and 2) he's not intervening even when it's specifically his circus, his monkeys... And when it comes to doing outrageous shit, Kakashi's rule is that if he can, then he fucking will, and the gods themselves cannot fucking stop him 😂 for example, this man will flaunt porn in public on purpose and theft is only theft if he is the victim
With Shisui, he is painfully aware of social convention (the Elders are BREATHING down his neck, he can already feel Mikoto's eyes burning his skull) BUT it's all about context. Can he get away with it? Yes? FULL STEAM AHEAD. Are there witnesses? Yes? Will Genjutsu fix it? No? FUCK, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES (bursts into flames from the mortifying ordeal of being known and unable to lie). For example, Shisui gaslighting everyone in earshot? A normal Monday. Genma makes a dirty joke at his expense? JAIL, JAIL, WE ARE ALL GOING TO HELL AND SHISUI IS GONNA TAKE THEM THERE 🔥🤡🔥
Tenzo is arguably the funniest because my boy straight up is not in the know 😂 Tenzo will say the most bland shit and it will hit the feels.... Tenzo will also say the most fucked up thing in your entire life and it will be an attempt at humor and you've got to just keep living your life. No, being in the Squad isn't helping. Kakashi is just as bad, if intentional, and Genma is enabling him, Raidou doesn't have the energy to fight a losing battle and Shisui isn't being paid enough to therapy dog the whole group. This is just an incredible wildcard.
Genma....! When he's yelling at the others, it's not because he wants them to stop. It's because HE is supposed to be the hysterical influence and he gets jealous when they upstage him. Shisui batting his eyelashes and getting the spa treatment as a hostage is just too much to bear, Genma tried to give a target a lapdance once and all he got was ten bucks and the desire to shower ASAP 😂😭🤡 he is so so proud of the chaos (he knows EXACTLY what he's doing) but he is also absolutely plotting how to one up the others on the outrageous scale
Raidou.... Oh I saved him for last, Anon, because not only is he the one you were actually commenting on but Raidou's reaction is always my fav. You THINK, looking at the group, that Raidou is the resident normal one. You might have thought that with drinking (nope, Raidou's drunken antics are firmly about 'Me Time' and he's valid, he is NOT designated driving). Or maybe paperwork (Tenzo and Shisui do the paperwork, actually, because Raidou's tends to get ruined by Genma/Kakashi or his own pyrotechnics/ink). Or maybe just being socially conscious individuals.... No. Raidou might be the most normal one because he has a stable home life, civilian parents who are both alive and who love and support him, and he sees the 'other side' of living in Konoha... But he also was the only one to be look at the options in life and PICK being a Shinobi. Like HELLO that's a bit INTERESTING. Raidou is So Done (I'm sorry but *looks at the rest of the SQ* YOUR HOME LIFE WAS WHAT) but simultaneously So On Board (you wanna tattoo your eyelids with fuinjutsu? Say less, bestie) for the bullshit like yes this is deffo the normal Shinobi way to behave, Genma of COURSE Shisui flirted with his captors now please help me steal the bedframe it's solid wood and the slats keep popping out of my bunk at home 👏👏👏 Raidou won't condone being an asshole to service staff but he's more than willing to calmly go back to his book when someone is plotting a murder at the next table.... It's just not his business 💅
This got out of hand, sorry Anon BUT yeah Raidou would classify Shisui's puppy eyes as both a cringe-fail tactic BUT an effective means of manipulation... So long as he doesn't have to watch the car wreck 😂
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noemilivv · 4 months
Hi pookum schnooksters, congrats on 300 👏👏👏
Anyways, I wanna do More than anything (send a character and desc of yourself for a letter from said character) with husk
Likes: Cheese, Snakes, Anime, Stuffed Animals, fruit, Theatre, pretzels, pasta, long hot baths, dark chocolate, sour candy, music, daydreaming, kangaroos
Dislikes: all of the Vees, vegetables, odd textured foods, Sherpa, paper straws, people yelling at me
Personality: I'm a very goofy silly person, with kind of a dirty/dark sense of humor. I have abandonment issues and am very very possessive. As in someone called my friend a whore and I had to be held back by three people, possessive. Once I find someone I like, it's basically I stay calm around them, and test the waters. I'm kinda flirty with my friends too. Once I figure out where I stand with them, I'm my normal weird crazy self.
Hobbies: Crying, drawing, reading, listening to music, day dreaming, theatre
Shenanigans: I said a pizza I made had down syndrome, rolled around and chased people in a colorful tube thingy. moaned as a joke, and didn't know the principal was behind me. Fell off a table from laughing.
Tysm :)
(yes I did copy & paste from the matchups, bite me)
hey tysm!! yeah i noticed the copy and paste haha. ofc i can do that for you tho!! i hope you enjoy!!
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I stocked up on some extra bottles for the bar, but I think I need you to cover my shift tonight, I’m too hungover to fucking do this shit.
I came to your room to tell you, but you didn’t answer the door, so I wrote this.
Anyway, I don’t know how to fucking end these…
My shift is 7-12 today. Please cover it. I don’t wanna put up with Angel’s bullshit today.
From, Husk
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good-beansdraws · 3 months
Back on my bullshit once more after the milgramblrgram poll 👏 The people have spoken, and they have forgiven me for my "scandalous" crimes..... which can only be the exact same as them begging for more, right?
Anyway I call this one "sometimes you gotta take your fave very seriously, with accurate characterization and themes and details -- and sometimes you gotta throw all of that away and make them your little paper doll to dress up in slutty outfits" 🐉🐈‍⬛️🐇
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Edited some shading but I'm still not satisfied... eh, I'll fix it when I finish up the sketches 👍
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