#baby skywalker twins
milkcioccolato · 3 months
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Jedi Master Maul faces the greatest obstacle of his existence: being tiny
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sabictlali · 5 months
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emilyredekerart · 1 year
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Some Reylo babies for a Twitter request!
Commissions are open! Info here, message me if interested!
Credit me if you repost.
Please be respectful in the comments.
Do not involve my artwork in fandom arguments.
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unspuncreature · 1 year
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15 mins into holo netflix and chill and he gives you this look: 😪
(try having movie night with force sensitive newborns and see how well that goes for you ok)
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padawansuggest · 1 year
I have seen it all. Canon Padme pregnancy. Trans Anidala with Anakin pregnant. But have you considered???? Trans Anakin where force got baby fever gave him Leia and gave Padme Luke and now Obi-Wan is all ‘I gotta do everything around here’ when Ahsoka and Rex are trying to sleep at 3am so here he is on the convenience store five blocks and eight floors down to get them both a horrifying mixture (that he’s chosen NOT to ask which items belong to which of them) of hot dogs, pretzel sauce, taco meat, pistachio ice cream, and tomato paste for their midnight snacks and it’s just delightful. Palpatine died on -accident- (Fox got him alone in a room with no surveillance and there was no investigation when they found out he was a Sith) and the twins are happy and born within 3 minutes of each other. Obi-Wan demands they give him paternity leave too if Anakin is gonna be handing him a baby every time he’s around because how can you expect Obi-Wan to say NO to free baby cuddles??? He can’t. He’s upgrading his birth control implant because if the force is gonna hand the dumbest idiots he knows babies he doesn’t wanna figure out if Stewjoni men really can carry 3+ babies to past full term with zero bad effects or killing the parent he doesn’t wanna give it any excuse to get more force sensitive kids okay he’s tired.
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if you know me yes you do if you don't hi i'm lukka and i draw lots of characters, but mainly the skywalkers and anyone who crosses paths with them. :)
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varpusvaras · 10 months
Rex, walking downstairs at 8.05 am after Anakin let him sleep in: Morning..how're we doing?
Anakin: Good. Luke has only cried four times so far
Rex: Oh, that's good. How's Leia-
Baby Leia, angrily, from her crib that has appeared in the living room: BAH
Rex: ....why is the crib here and why is she in it
Anakin: she growled at me
Rex: Oh dear gods...
Anakin: What? Last time she did so she tried to bite my fingers, and I don't think biting into metal is good for her teeth! Anyway I don't think she likes me much, since she keeps trying to bite me
Rex, with his will to live draining away by every second: I don't know. She bites everyone pretty indiscriminatoly
Anakin: I've never seen her bite you
Rex: That's because I'm her favorite, and I don't wonder why
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nicolos · 2 years
help!!! i have just discovered that wookieepedia lists day-lengths and year-lengths for a bunch of planets and that alderaan and tatooine are, of course, included. and that these day lengths and year lengths vary rather wildly from the galactic standard (aka 24 hrs / 365 days).
tatooine has a really long day - 34 hours. they have 2 suns. nights are short. it sounds like pure hell, but it makes sense. it’s also close to its suns and makes a full revolution every 304 days. checks out.
so. alderaan has a rly short day, only 18 hours. sure, i buy it. it’s got a standard year - 364 days. fine.
except the thing is that because of the way years are measured on those planets, despite luke and leia having been born literal minutes apart and being 19 standard years of age... leia is considered 25 years old on alderaan... and luke is... on tatooine... 16..................
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I dream of a world where the Organa's and the Whitesun-Lars' have catch-up and cake once a week while their feral children run around the table.
Bail has been trying for years to get Owen to let Obi-Wan join them at least once - he has yet to succeed.
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smallblueandloud · 1 year
read this on ao3
Luke glances up. It’s the middle of the night, but the base’s command center is still bustling, albeit more mutedly than during the day. It takes him a moment to figure out who’s calling. Eventually, he spots Leia on the other side of the central command table, standing next to an imposing-looking woman. Both of them are watching him.
He turns back to the commander next to him. “Sorry, I think I gotta go.”
She grins. “Don’t worry, kid -- they both outrank me. I’ll see you tomorrow in the hanger, okay?”
“Yes, ma’am,” says Luke, smiling back. She’s been helping him learn the Rebellion attack patterns. Tomorrow she’s going to walk him through the hacked-together add-ons that unite the Rebellion fleet. “Thank you for your help.”
“Of course, kid,” she says. As she passes him to leave, she claps his shoulder.
He makes his way through the room. Leia and the woman are standing at a display screen, but neither of them are watching it -- Leia’s gotten distracted by her pad, and the woman still has her eyes on Luke.
He pauses a few feet away from them. “You called for me, ma’am?”
Leia puts down her pad as the woman and Luke look each other over. She’s wearing a white tunic, a gold chain draped over her shoulders. He doesn’t know who she is, but she stands like someone who’s used to having her orders followed. The way she’d summoned him from across the room would be enough of a clue, even if Luke’s mentor hadn’t mentioned rank.
Next to her, Leia is tense -- she’s looking at Luke, but her attention seems focused on the woman next to her. Instinctively, Luke’s shoulders straighten to match the set of Leia’s.
The woman bestows him with a smile. “Do you know who I am, Skywalker?”
“No, ma’am,” says Luke.
Leia’s gaze slides towards the display screen next to them.
“You’re the new pilot, aren’t you? The one who got the lucky shot on the Death Star.”
Luke winces. “It-- wasn’t lucky, ma’am,” he says, trying his best not to sound obnoxious. But the distinction is important. “It was the Force.”
“You and Leia must get along wonderfully,” she says, raising her eyebrows. But she smiles when she holds out her hand to shake. “I’m Mon Mothma. It’s good to meet you, Skywalker.”
Luke shoots a look at Leia, who gives him an apologetic shrug. He’d asked her to point out the generals so he didn’t make a fool of himself.
Then he takes Mothma’s hand. “It’s an honor to meet you, Senator,” he says. “You can just call me Luke. Everyone does.”
She has a gentle grip. “It’s not Senator anymore, Skywalker. The Emperor dissolved our legislative body just before the deployment of the Death Star.”
Something tightens in Leia’s face.
Luke refocuses on the woman in front of him. Senator Mon Mothma of Chandrila: former Senator, now. Served in both the Republic and Imperial Senates. Famed for her speeches on the Senate floor. And, as Luke has recently learned, leader of the Alliance Council.
Last stalwart of the Republic, now that the Organas have died.
Aunt Beru had liked watching Senate speeches -- especially the almost-seditious ones given by Senators Mothma and Organa. She’d compare them to the way liberators spoke to Hutts.
“Luke also rescued me from the Death Star,” says Leia. Her face softens, a little, as she looks at Luke. “He was the one who got my message to Obi-Wan.”
Mothma blinks, releasing his hand. “Obi-Wan Kenobi?”
“Yes, Senator,” says Luke. “He lived near me on Tatooine. He knew my father.”
“Your father,” says Mothma. “Of course.” She glances at Leia -- Luke bets Leia’s the one who told her. “Anakin Skywalker?”
“Yes,” he says. “He was killed by Darth Vader when I was very young. I was sent to live with my aunt and uncle.”
“Was he.” Mothma watches him for a moment, then says, “I met Anakin a few times on Coruscant. He was a good man -- I’m sorry for your loss.”
“--thank you,” says Luke. He hadn’t realized -- but his father being a Jedi means he must have done important things. Met important people, like Mon Mothma. And others.
He looks over at Leia. As if she can sense the direction his thoughts have gone, she’s gone back to studying the display next to them.
As far as Luke can tell, the display is showing a simple map of the planet they’re on. He turns back to Mothma. “Did you need something?”
“Yes, actually.” She folds her hands together. “I need you to take Leia to her quarters and make sure she gets some rest.”
Luke says, “Excuse me?” at the same time that Leia says, “What?”
They both look at each other, momentarily embarrassed. Then Leia turns back to Mothma. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not,” corrects Mothma. “It’s been a week, and in that time, I haven’t seen you leave this command center.” She pauses, something about her getting more gentle. “I know you want to help, Leia. And I know you’re an adult. But you’re no use dead on your feet.”
Leia glares at Mothma, who placidly meets her gaze. Even after only a week, Luke knows Leia would rather die than admit weakness -- but he also knows that Mothma has spent nineteen years waging war with the Emperor in his own Senate.
Leia crosses her arms. “I’m staying.”
Mothma doesn’t say anything, but Luke can feel the tension of the room rising. He’s the first one who breaks.
“Leia, it’s late,” he says. It isn’t very hard to push aside his nerves when he’s focusing on his exhaustion. “Let’s go, okay? Han’s probably going to finish today’s repairs on the Falcon soon. If we stay, you might run into him.”
And the whole base knows how much you want to do that.
Leia turns her scowl on him like she knows what he’s thinking -- but she also takes his olive branch. “Fine,” she says. “Mon, we’ll keep going over this tomorrow?”
It ends like a question, even though Luke is pretty sure she didn’t mean it to. For all of Leia’s bravado, she’s still Luke’s age, and it’s been a week since she lost her entire planet. It’s easy to forget sometimes. Other times, it’s hard to see past it.
“Yes, we will,” says Mothma, gentle yet firm. “Goodnight, Leia.”
Mothma turns back to Luke -- there’s a moment of silence, stretching out, as she looks at him. Though they have very different relationships with her, both Luke and Leia stay as silent as they can.
Eventually: “It was nice to meet you, Skywalker,” says Mothma. She folds her hands in front of her, gives him a small smile. “I’m glad to have you with us.”
She turns away from them. It’s only when she’s out of the room that Luke and Leia both exhale, almost in unison.
Luke says, “She’s-- wow.”
Leia runs a hand over her forehead. “Yeah,” she says, tiredly. “She’s no joke.”
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saphizzle · 2 years
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Whoever made this braid clearly didn’t know what they were doing..
(A little break from palette challenges to bring you, twins, and grogu!)
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singswan-springswan · 2 years
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keldabe-kiss · 2 years
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More Bounty Hunter Leia!
At age nine, Leia gets saved by a Bounty Hunter, who she immediately decides is both the coolest person, and has the best career ever. Her aunt and uncle already know what they’re in for.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Rex and Anakin Raise a Family: Chapter 5
Read on AO3
They have been living in this little town for three months when Anakin’s restlessness finally gets to him. Rex has a guess as to what the issue is, but he doesn’t ask. When Anakin tells him that he needs to take Padmé’s ship to Tatooine, and will be spending more of their money than either of them would be comfortable with outside of an emergency—even though he promises to run a Knight’s Gambit to drum up some funds in undercities and shitty bars—Rex doesn’t stop him. He just reminds him to bring the pump.
Rex can handle the twins for a few days. He’s not as good as a Jedi when it comes to figuring out what they need, but he’s
Of course, it takes three weeks for Anakin to come back. By that point, people are whispering. Rumoring. Rex ignores them. Anakin is coming regularly enough to let Rex know he’s alive, and that’s all he needs. So long as his General is alive, he will come back.
When the silver ship comes down, Rex is waiting at the door of their house. He wears Anakin’s baby harness with Leia on his front and Luke on his back. The ship, shiny and far too obtrusive for their current life situation, lands in the clearing they’ve designated for it. The ramp comes down. The twins start fussing.
Maybe they’re bothered by the sound. Maybe they can already sense their father.
Anakin walks down the ramp, raises a hand to wave hello, and starts to say something. He stops himself, and Rex doesn’t let himself react. His general turns back up the ramp, and calls something too low for Rex to hear.
A little girl pokes her head around a stack of something by the ramp, radiating nervous fear. Her eyes land on Leia, who’s kicking at Rex’s chest by now, and this somehow gives her enough courage to scurry forward and grab onto Anakin’s outer robe.
Rex waits a few moments, and then prompts, “so…”
“This is Shmi Skywalker,” Anakin says. “She’s family.”
(Continue on AO3)
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Writing a fic where the main changes are that Obi-Wan and Cody and Luke all moved to Alderaan with Bail and Breha and Leia after the war, and Vader never destroyed Alderaan. So post-Empire, Alderaan opens the first temple the galaxy has had in over 25 years and five years later Luke and Leia are going over the semester’s teachers they have to put into rotation (with Cody and Ghost Ben living with them at the temple because Breha and Bail can’t stand the twins being alone (either sets of twins, they have two sets, one of which is Obi/Cody war babies who were born nearly a year before Luke and Leia, and they’re off with Uncle Rex and Auntie Soka to see the rest of aunties and uncles rn) when Luke suddenly starts getting sick. Like throwing up all the time sick.
Well, Leia and Ben take one look at him and go ‘oh he’s pregnant’ and so they make him take a pregnancy test and Luke is so sad about it that Leia giggles and takes one in commiseration too, only to come out of the bathroom with her own positive test and it’s. So. Funny.
Also like ten minutes later Din gets there to pick up Grogu for hometime (baby is coming with him to Nevarro for a month at least they deserve to still have their house maybe a couple months out of the year Grogu solidly lives there with Din and they visit the rest of the year because they can holocomm into classes okay Grogu deserves both a home and schooling lmao) when he asks why Luke looks like shit (Ben gave him Stewjoni pregnancy tea and it’s the first time he hasn’t been clutching his stomach praying to keep something down all day so that’s saying something) and Luke is all ‘I’m pregnant’ and Din’s FIRST fucking reaction is ‘it’s not mine’ shfkeiejordjdonr ‘okay???? I have a wife it’s hers’ ‘oh thank god’ ‘why did you feel the need to tell me it wasn’t yours????’ ‘I have had some weird interactions in the galaxy and it’s really weird cause I don’t have a sperm making part’ ‘…you’re trans??’ ‘Yes.’ ‘…so am I.’ ‘…huh. I sorta just assumed you were Stewjoni like that ghost that follows you around…’ ‘…my relation to him is through adoption.’ ‘Oh. Well. It’s not mine. Congratulations on the new tumor.’ ‘Thanks’
And through this interactions they are now the bestest BFFs ever.
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i will literally cry and cry and cry forever. thinking about tarkin as a parent....
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