#she then comforta him
I dream of a world where the Organa's and the Whitesun-Lars' have catch-up and cake once a week while their feral children run around the table.
Bail has been trying for years to get Owen to let Obi-Wan join them at least once - he has yet to succeed.
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auteurdelabre · 4 months
As long as you want / Joel Miller x f!Reader
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As long as you want - Joel!Miller x f!Reader
Part two
words: 5.3k
Summary: When you're injured in the stables one morning your patrol partner and enemy Joel Miller is the only one there to help.
Tags:  Enemies to friends/lovers, Kissing, Mentions of Anxiety Attacks, Fluff, Mentions of Scars, Medication, Mentions of violence, Joel POV in parts, mentions of 'baby', Tooth-Rotting sweetness in parts, mutual pining. NO y/n.
a/n:  Originally gonna be part of my ‘So Much to Lose’ story, but the characterizations didn’t feel right for it, so I made a few tweaks and now this is a one-shot.
Dedicated to @katiexpunk because she took the time to send me the sweetest most encouraging message filled with lots of advice and just damn fine support for a woman who sometimes feels invisible on this platform.
On mornings you wake up earlier than usual it's because of anxiety.
You never know when it's going to hit because it's never logical. Sometimes it's a day you have patrols, sometimes its days you have nothing at all.
You've been an inhabitant of Jackson city for almost fourteen months. That's plenty of time for your nervous system to adjust, to know that you're not being chased by the infected or fighting malnourished raiders. 
But your brain doesn't seem to grasp that yet. Every few months it wakes you before sunrise leaving you breathless and terrified until you adjust to your surroundings and remember that you are in your home. That you have a real home with a soft bed and easy access to food. 
And yet those days, like today, you can't go back to sleep. You can't force your body to relax again. You're all nervous energy and you need to calm down. 
Thankfully you've discovered one place that gives you that sense of calm; the stables with the horses used on patrols. 
You shower and pull on your clothes and are out the door quickly. It's so early that Jackson city is still slumbering and the sky is still dark and will be for a while longer. So it's just you and the dirt path that leads to the stables for company. 
You see your favorite dark brown horse Milly, the one you ride for patrols. The one who keeps you safe while you and your patrol partner survey the nearby areas. 
The patrol partner that apparently can't sleep either because as you approach Milly you see him inside the stables petting Glimmer gently behind the ears. 
Joel Miller. 
Of course he's here, the annoying man. Not one moment of peace is possible for you today.
The patrol partner you've been stuck with for the last year. The man who vacillates between mute and mocking when he's around you. 
You hold in a scowl as you view his shoulders flexing as he smoothes his large hand down her mane, murmuring in a low rasp.
He's an austere figure in Jackson. Aside from his brother, sister-in-law and Ellie you don't see him interact with many people. You don't even think he has a girlfriend. 
Not that you would care if he did. 
Not at all. 
Well, sure when you first met him on patrols in his form fitting jeans and shirt that positively strained over his broad shoulders you had been intrigued. And the face wasn’t half bad either - strong nose, captivating eyes and under his patchy beard…
Don't think about his mouth.
So you'd introduced yourself, citing that you were excited to be working with a man of his reputation. Because he was already a legend in Jackson City before you arrived - Joel Miller was ruthless, a crack shot, a prolific fighter. 
He'd blinked in reply at that before he'd opened his pouty mouth and all the burgeoning attraction that had been building came crashing down. 
"Don't know why they stuck me with a newbie."
It had only gotten worse from there: Cutting remarks about how you held a gun, sarcastic observations about your riding. By the end of your first patrol you'd officially decided you hated him.
Over your time together the animosity had morphed from all out mutual derision to a comfortable dislike between you two. An antagonistic relationship built on banter and irritation.
The only truly good thing about Joel is Ellie. She’s funny and brash and you love chatting with her. Plus when you see then together that dark countenance Joel maintains gives way to a soft kindness that radiates from him. 
But Ellie isn't here now in the stables. Only Joel with his salt and pepper curls and lean neck. 
"Hey Miller," you say with an exasperated sigh. He turns abruptly, his dark eyes narrowing on your face. 
"The fuck are you doin' here this early?"
"Could ask you the same," you mutter as you give Milly a pat. 
"Couldn't sleep."
"Me neither."
Joel hums a reply, turning around to fully face you before leaning back on the stable wall. He watches you petting the horse and takes in the dark circles under your normally expressive eyes. 
"You look like shit."
"How charming," you muse darkly. "It's a wonder you're still single."
Joel huffs a laugh, his mouth curling into a crooked grin. 
That fucking mouth. 
When it's not curled into a sneer or a smirk aimed in your direction you can't help but notice it's so soft looking. Plush, pink lips that don't fit the rest of his stern face. 
"I do just fine in that department don't you worry," Joel offers in that typical confident yet abrasive way of his. 
"In that case you should ask out Martha next," you say in a voice dripping with sarcasm. "I'm sure she'd love some one-on-one time with Jackson city's most mysterious and handsome bachelor."
Martha is one of Jackson's kitchen workers. She's almost seventy and has a very obvious crush on Joel because she mentions how handsome he is at every opportunity. 
You smirk to yourself at the thought of him taking her to dinner. You don't even notice that he's drawn over to you petting Milly until you feel his breath on the back of your head. 
"So you think I'm handsome?"
It comes out of Joel in an exhale, raspy and amused when he sees you sputter. You glance at him over your shoulder, eyes wide. He's close, close enough to touch. 
"No. I-I mean, it's just that- that's what Martha says," you say, feeling your cheeks heating. "About you being handsome and stuff. Not me."
Joel rarely looks this amused in your presence, but right now he's grinning so broadly a dimple has appeared in his right cheek. He's so close you can feel the warmth of his body. 
"You sure, darlin'?" He teases his voice dropping to a purr. "You’re gettin' mighty flustered."
That's new.
You hate how your pulse hiccups at the sound of it. 
"Get over yourself, Miller," you manage in a shaky scoff before letting yourself into the pen with Milly, desperate to escape Joel's proximity.  
You feel his eyes on you and in a panic you move behind Milly to reach for the hairbrush propped on the fencing. 
"Watch it-" Joel starts. 
It's your own fault what happens next.
Milly makes a terrified whinny and kicks out her back legs. You feel a sharpness in your side that takes your breath away, knocking you into the side of the pen. Milly makes another jolting motion and you feel Joel's hand pulling you back sharply as you yelp, clutching at your ribs.
Joel guides you out of the pen with a hand on your shoulder, dark eyes peering into your face when you both exit.
"Why the fuck did you move behind her?"
"I wasn't thinking," you groan, doubling over and resting your head against the nearest wooden stall. "Fuck."
It's a miracle you weren't too close. If you'd felt the full weight of Milly's power you wouldn't still be standing, albeit curled. 
Joel stares at you, noting that you're white in the face, your spine bowed. You're clearly in a lot of pain. 
"C'mon," Joel says, tugging the loop of your jeans, trying to prompt you into continuing to walk. "S'go."
"The clinic," he answers gruffly. "Stop wastin' time. C'mon."
"I can't move," you tell him, tears of pain slipping down your nose as you double over. "It hurts too much."
Joel mutters something under his breath before he strides away from you and out of the stables. You wait a few moments and when he doesn't return you feel a shocked puff of air escape you.
He just left you. Abandoned you in some of the worst pain of your life. You knew Joel Miller was an asshole you just didn't realize how much. 
You fall to your knees, clutching at your side, the scent of hay and horse suffocating you. You wish you'd never come. Never tried to bond with another living creature.  
Your head moves up slowly when you hear voices and footsteps from outside approaching. To your shock Joel and a tall woman with silver hair are there and Joel is murmuring to her. 
"..n't sure if I should move her."
"Good you didn't," the woman assures him. "Could've done more damage."
The two of them move over to you and the woman urges you to breathe deeply after she introduces herself as Gemma the town nurse. You do, wincing loudly as a sharp pain nips your left right side. 
Joel is standing back by the stables, petting Glimmer absently. When he hears you cry out his brows rise. 
Gemma urges you to lift your shirt so she can see if there is swelling or bruising. You try but cry out in pain so she quickly lifts the hem of your shirt, tugging it up to just under your breasts. You panic when you realize you don't have a bra on.
"A bit of swelling," she tsks as her calloused hands sweep gently over your midsection. You whimper at the sensation, every swipe feels like agony. 
You flush when you realize Joel is staring over at you and his eyes linger along the bare skin of your abdomen on display. He catches your attention on him and quickly looks away, nonplussed. 
"Nothing's broken from what I can tell," Gemma hums thoughtfully.
"Doesn't feel like it from where I'm standing." 
Gemma smirks and you think you catch a hint of amusement cross Joel's features. 
"Likely a bruised rib," Gemma says with a concerned furrow of her brows. "You shouldn't be doing patrols. Not for a few weeks until this heals. You need plenty of rest, fluids and ice."
A strange feeling overtakes you then. Something between elation and disappointment at the thought you won't be going to do patrols for a bit. You don't understand why. You and Joel rarely get along, you should be thankful for the break. But you suppose you'll miss the consistent schedule. 
"I brought a few painkillers I could spare," Gemma offers, rummaging in her coat pocket. She opens the glass bottle to reveal less than a few dozen white pills that you don't recognize lining the bottom. 
"Is that all we have for painkillers?" You ask, concerned. "For the whole town?"
"For now these and a few dozen bottles of aspirin," Gemma nods. "When there's less snow we'll be able to scour around for more."
You look at the paltry selection and shake your head. "Nah, I'm okay. I'll just go home and rest."
"You'll take one right now," Gemma orders. "And you'll take a few more to get you through the night."
"I'll take two total," you negotiate, taking the first and swallowing it dry. The second goes into your jeans pocket. 
You wait a few moments until the pill begins to take effect. It could be psychological but you feel like it makes it manageable to start walking. 
"When you're getting up and down hug a pillow to your middle," she instructs. "Helps lessen the pain of the strain."
"Okay," you nod as you begin to shuffle. "Thanks a lot." 
"Joel," Gemma turns to the lurking figure at the end of the stall. "You'll walk her home?"
Joel nods just as you shake your head.
"That's not necessary."
Gemma fixes you with a look she must have given dozens of obstinate patients over the years. 
"Have you ever tried to climb stairs with a bruised rib?"
"Thought not. Let him walk you home and get you into bed."
You go to deny this but Joel is already herding you towards the path that leads to your neighborhood.
You walk slowly, shuffling down the street after Joel who walks at least three paces ahead of you. You don't mind, you don't really feel like chatting. 
"Why'd you try to turn down the painkillers?" He throws over his shoulder as if just to annoy you. 
"Because there weren't that many," you say grimacing. "And I'm not in that much pain."
He pauses, waiting for you to catch up. His dark eyes survey your hunched stance. 
You keep shuffling, trying to ignore the irritation you feel at his curious expression.
"Yeah it hurts a bit but it's nothing compared to Chester's broken leg from chopping wood last month is it?" You reason, starting to feel a bit spacey from the drugs. "And what if something like that happens to someone else and I took up all the supplies because of a bruised ribi brought upon myself? I'd feel terrible." 
"You shouldn't have been in the fucking stables to begin with," Joel says darkly. "Then you wouldn't have had to use any."
"I wanted to see the horses."
"They ain't pets."
"I’m aware," you throw back angrily. "But being with them in there makes me feel calm."
"Try meditatin' next time," Joel bites out. 
You've arrived at the bottom of your front porch steps and you're all out of patience for Joel Miller. 
"You can just leave me here. G'night." 
"I'm followin' the doctor’s orders," Joel snipes, taking you by the arm so you can lean against him as you walk. "S'go, I don't have all day." 
You grumble as you lean into his muscled arms, hating that you need to rely on him in any way. 
"Quit complainin'," Joel grits out. You wince in pain and embarrassment as he slips an arm around your waist, the other hand on your free forearm helping you up the stairs.  
"Slow," Joel murmurs. "Slowly now." 
His voice is low and rumbled. You feel his breath on your temple as you take each step, wincing at the pain.
"Yep, just like that," Joel continues, his fingers curling around your hip as you take another step slowly. "Good girl."
Good girl.
It's the same way he talks to the horses. That gentle, husky coo. You know he doesn't mean it sexually but that doesn't stop it from hitting you directly below the navel. 
You unlock the door, confused when Joel follows you inside. He scans the humble single story home, eyes falling on the paintings on the walls, the guitar by the fireplace. 
He didn't know you played guitar. Or painted. 
Joel knows you like to read, that you had a brother who died when he was young. He knows that your hair knots easily in the wind and that you hate the porridge in the dining hall. He's passively gathered information on you over the months patrolling together. But this? This is all new information to be stored.
He glances at you hobbling towards the bedroom and feels a mixture of irritation and pity go through him at the sight. He hates seeing you in pain and he feels a wave of protectiveness seep into his bones. 
"Don't go in the pens anymore," Joel instructs. "I'm serious. It's not safe."
You turn around just so you can glare at him properly. He's standing by your table, acting as if he belongs there. 
"You don't give me orders in my house, Miller," you say without thinking. "You're just mad I won't be around to deal with you on patrols and you'll have to do them alone because no one else in town can stand you."
The second it leaves your tongue Joel's face goes pinched and a cold. A cold, sticky sensation crawls along your insides at the sight of it.  
"I'm sorry," you say quickly. "Fuck. That was such a shitty thing to say. Especially since you went and got me help. I'm just tired and in pain."
Joel nods slowly, his face as always, unreadable.  
"Really, I didn't mean it,” you insist. “I'm sorry."
"I know you are," he huffs. 
"So you forgive me?"
"Nothin' to forgive," Joel offers in a tired rasp. He takes you by the waist again, shuffling you into the bedroom. "C'mon."
He eyes your bedroom as the two of you shuffle into it, taking in the dried flowers in the window, the scattered books on the end of your bed. He smiles to himself at the sight. 
"Couldn't decide what to read?"
"Read 'em all," you say walking slowly to the bed. "No new ones that interest me at the library so I was seeing which one I'd re-read."
You go to lower yourself onto the mattress but stop when Joel frowns at you and his hand taps your shoulder gently. 
"You're gonna sleep in your clothes?"
You shrug. "I'll manage."
"You're covered in mud and hay," he states flatly. 
You go to grumble that you don't particularly care when you feel Joel's large hands land on the buttons of your jacket. 
"What're you-"
"Hold still," he murmurs with his eyes on his fingers as he unbuttons all ten of the fasteners on your long jacket. You wince when he pulls it off of you, delicately. 
He's being gentle with you. 
Joel is never gentle with you. He’s caustic and points out when you fuck up. He makes you carry heavy lumber with him when repairs need to be done. But now he’s touching you as if you’re made of spun glass.
He drapes your jacket over the chair by the window before returning to see you fighting with your jeans button. It hurts to move your arms like that right now. Every inhale is like a stab. Frustrated tears are sliding down your cheeks. 
Joel doesn't like the sight of your tears. It makes him close the distance between the two of you quickly, chocolate eyes soft. 
"Let me," he says business-like. "We'll do this quick and you can get into bed."
You want to deny him but you know he's right. You don't want to wake up tomorrow even more stiff, wearing dirty clothes and unable to undress yourself enough to shower. His fingers are at the waistband of your jeans and you're impossibly thankful he doesn't make the fatal mistake of meeting your glassy eyes. 
Joel's fingers deftly pop your jean button then slowly lower the zipper. You hear him take a soft inhale before his thumbs curl at the waistband, dragging them over your hips and letting the denim fall to your knees. 
You look to his face and you see his eyes flit from yours back down to his boots. 
"Sleep clothes?"
He nods, turning from you. Your cheeks burn, your heartbeat picking up the pace. Fuck, it must be the pill.  
He pulls out a cotton nightdress as you clumsily step out of your muddy jeans. You cover your front with your hands the best you can, feeling shy standing there without pants in front of Joel of all people. 
"Feels weird to be going to bed in the morning," you offer in the awkward silence. 
He's back, eyes on your t-shirt, trying not to notice the high cut of your panties or the fact that you look so fucking enticing standing there with your shapely legs on display.  
Joel is uncomfortably aware that he's not gonna be able to take off your t-shirt without getting hard and he doesn't want you feeling worse than you already are. He knows how much you despise him. 
"T-shirt is clean," he reasons. "Can probably sleep in that."
"Yeah totally," you agree quickly looking between Joel and the bed. 
You groan and blink a few times because a strange fuzz has started in your brain. 
"You should go," you swallow, trying to ignore the arousal building in your core. "I'll be fine."
"I'm makin' sure you get into bed alright."
"Then what? You gonna read me a story and tuck me in?" 
You're surprised when a soft giggle escapes from you.
"Stubborn brat," Joel mutters, even though his mouth is fighting against a grin. "Get in the fuckin' bed."
You feel oddly relaxed, even fond of the annoying man when you watch Joel pulling back the blankets of your bed for you. Regret and shame quickly follow when you recall your hard words from earlier. 
"I'm sorry about what I said," you tell him quietly.
“You already said that.”
"Lots of people like you in town."
"No they don't," Joel says with a shake of his head and a grim smile. "My brother and Ellie are about the only ones who like talkin' to me."
"And me," you add with a yawn. 
"Only cuz you got stuck doin' patrols with me. You gotta talk with me for those."
"I don't mind talking to you," you tell him honestly. "Sometimes I think you're funny."
Joel straightens, noticing the soft dreamy quality to your voice. He sees you swaying as you stand and he approaches you quickly. He peers into your face, seeing your pupils like large saucers and holds in a chuckle. 
The irritation you feel towards Joel has been replaced by a dizzying bliss that has you smiling dopily as he nears. 
"Drugs are workin' I see," Joel observes and his voice seems far away even though he's standing so close.  
"Mhmm," you purr, leaning back before wincing and grabbing your side. "Oh fuck."
"Take it easy," Joel grumbles and his dark eyes swim into view. Have his eyes always been so pretty? 
Joel I think..." you mumble something after that. You don't even know what you're saying. It's possible you're just making gibberish noises. 
He leans closer, eyes squinting as he tries to parse the unintelligible stream of random sounds. His mouth is so full, his lips so sweet looking. 
Something about his face so close and the lack of inhibitions from the medication has you feeling bold. 
You move your face towards his so quickly he doesn't have time to shift back. Your mouth crashes into Joel's, lips slotting between his. 
His lips are so soft. Full and soft and warm. You groan in delight as your hands go to his collar. You try to deepen the kiss, your tongue trying to slip between the seam of his lips but Joel is pulling back, his hands taking yours from his collar. 
"The fuck are you doin'?"
There's a part of you that knows what you've just done is insane. But that part is so quiet, so far away. All you can feel right now is contentment and you smile up at him with eyes almost closed. He drops your hands. 
"Mmm...Your lips are soft."
Joel is staring at you, mouth hanging open in slight surprise. You want to kiss him again but you're so fatigued from the medication you just give a yawn and feel your eyes shut firmly. 
"C'mon now sleepin' beauty," Joel chides, guiding you by the small of your back to the bed. He sits you on the edge of the mattress before placing a pillow into your arms. 
"Squeeze it as you lay back."
"M'kay," you say doing as he asks, your eyes still closed. 
He watches you, grimacing himself when you let out a soft yelp as you lay back on the bed. He waits for you to unclench before taking the pillow from your arms and tugging the blanket up to your chest. 
"Lips are so soft," you say again as his face hovers above you. "How are they so fucking soft?"
Joel tries to hide the amused grin on his face. You're so loopy it's quite endearing. He can't wait to tease you about this when you're back at patrols. He can picture your scowl now, the flush that rises on your neck first and then your cheeks when you're embarrassed.
"Are my lips soft?" you ask in a concerned voice. 
Joel licks his lips subconsciously, replaying your mouth on his. A sensation he's trying not to fixate on. 
"Yeah," he finally relents in a husky whisper. "Real soft." 
Plump and soft and sweet and everything he's been imagining they would be. 
Without thinking he reaches over and brushes the hair from your eyes, taken by surprise when your hand weakly takes his wrist. 
"Kiss me again, Miller."
"I can't."
"Please," you beg, your eyes cracking open. You start to whine and shift towards him in the bed before the pain hits you sharply and you wince. 
"Fine, just lay back," Joel grumbles even as his heart picks up its pace in his chest. You do as he asks, sleepy eyes glancing up at him. 
He leans forward and gives your cheek a chaste kiss before pulling back. He has to hide the amused chuckle when he sees your grumpy face. 
"I wanted a real kiss."
"That was a real kiss."
"I meant on the lips."
"Tell you what," Joel says, greatly amused. "If you can look me in the eyes tomorrow when you're med free and ask me to kiss you, I will."
"Yep and I'll make it a good one." 
"Okay," your medicated self agrees quickly. "I'll ask tomorrow."
He knows you won't. You won't remember anything. He takes a seat at the edge of your bed, watching you slip into slumber. 
Joel knows that he doesn't have to sit here any longer. He's got you in bed, you're drifting off, his job is done. And yet he lingers, watching your face go placid before you seem to wake yourself up.  
"I've wanted to kiss you for so long, Miller."
"Uh huh," Joel says with disbelief clear in his voice as he plumps the pillow next to your head in case you need it. "I'm sure."
"You don't believe me?" 
"Go to sleep."
"Member that day we went on patrols by Westons?" You slur eyes half closed. "And there weren't enough horses and we had to share one?"
Joel is surprised that you remember that. It was almost eight months ago.
"Uh huh," Joel nods, leaning back from where he sits at the edge of the bed. "Yeah, I remember."
"And we got to that clearing and you helped me down so we could do a perimeter check?"
"I wanted to kiss you then," you share. "When your hands were on my waist and you were smiling ... down at me. I thought... You were... so ... Handsome and... You smelled so good... Like leather n'..."
Joel sucks in a lungful of air slowly as he watches you fall back into a light doze. Your hand on your abdomen rises and falls as you begin to snore lightly. 
Joel remembers that day at Westons. He remembers the way your arms felt wrapped around his middle, your body tight against his back as he rode with you on the horse.
He remembers that his horse was taller than you were used to riding. How you'd hesitated asking for his help to get down because he knew how prideful you were. 
He had rolled his eyes, holding out his arms to you before you'd even had to ask him. 
"C'mon now. Stop wastin' time."
You'd said something scathing back to him before allowing him to pull you into his arms. 
He remembers the sound of your breath in his ear and the way your sweet scent enveloped him. You'd clung to him, slowly sliding down the length of his broad body before standing on the ground. His hands had lingered on your waist, smiling down at you in amusement at your discomfiture. 
But then the gaze had lasted a little too long when he realized at this proximity he could see so many details in your face. The length of your lashes, the deep color of your eyes, the beckoning curve of your lips. 
He'd always thought you were pretty. From day one he'd been enraptured by your smile. An attraction he hadn't felt since Sarah's mom. A frightening feeling that had him scowling at you and turning from you. 
He remembers how he went home that night drunk on the memory of your soft body against his. He remembers how he fell asleep aching at the memory of your lips and eyes.
He remembers how ever since that day he's tried to convince himself he isn't attracted to you. That he isn't excited every day he has patrols with you because he gets hours of you to himself. 
It's the reason he was at the stables so early this morning. Knowing he'd be on patrols with you tomorrow had him keyed up. 
Joel doesn't like people getting close. It's easier to have most everyone hate him. And even as the months went on and your wit and humor broke through his outer wall, he still worked to keep you out. 
But now you've all but admitted how you feel about him. And even if you forget it all tomorrow, he heard it tonight. The truth revealed. It makes his legs feel weak to know that the attraction exists on both sides. 
Your voice is soft but he sees the furrow of your brow. You're awake and anxiously looking for him in the darkness. Something about that small action makes his breath unsteady. 
"I'm here, baby."
The soft smile you shoot his way makes Joel's insides turn to jelly. He doesn't even cringe when he belatedly realizes the pet name. You won't remember it.
When your eyes find his silhouette in the fading darkness he sees you visibly relax. 
"I was worried you were gone."
"Nope. Been here the whole time."
"Good," you breathe before yawning so widely your jaw cracks. Joel sidles closer to you on the bed, his dark eyes scanning your face. 
"You feeling okay? Any pain?"
"No pain," you say dreamily. "Just sleepy." 
"Go to sleep then," Joel soothes, unable to keep the affection from his voice. "Doctor’s orders." 
You nod and he thinks you're nodding off when your hand reaches for him. 
"Come lay next to me," you say with a cracked voice. "Please?"
Joel hesitates before he sees you trying to sit up to convince him. You're gonna be in worse pain tomorrow if you keep that up. 
"Fine fine. Just stop squirmin'."
He toes off his boots and slips off his jacket, placing it over the chair holding yours. After a moment of hesitation he lowers himself onto the mattress next to you, overtop the blanket. He hears your soft sigh as your head tilts towards him. 
He rolls onto his side so he can face you, seeing your eyes closed languidly. 
Your sweet face is highlighted in the dawning sun coming in from the window and Joel feels his heart throb at the sight. He sees you fighting sleep, eyelids fluttering. 
"Go to sleep, baby," he murmurs. His fingers rise between the two of you coming to trace along your cheek. "Just go to sleep."
You give a soft exhale. 
"Feels good having you here, Joel."
Joel feels himself melt at those words, his long fingers finding yours on the bed. He takes your smaller hand in his, rubbing your knuckles with his calloused thumb gently. 
"Will you stay for a while?" You whisper, your eyelids growing still as your body goes sluggish.
He smiles over at your placid face and answers you even though he's fairly certain you've fallen back asleep. 
"I'll stay as long as you want." 
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All of Me
Part 17
(previous part here, next part here)
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x You/OFC
Summary: Drew comes home from camp. You and Jake have a heart to heart.
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI! Fluff. This chapter is pretty tame (smut-wise) but the rest of it is not.
“You got yourself a good one, kid,” Ron murmurs later that evening as he gives you a rare hug goodbye. Tina’s been giving you not-at-all-subtle looks and elbow nudges all afternoon, but Ron has always been hard to read and isn’t a hugger so the rare display of affection brings tears to your eyes. “Andy would’ve liked him too.”
“I think so too,” you whisper, sniffing as you pull back, “thanks for coming.”
Bradley heads out too and it’s just you and Jake again. You were ready for Drew to come home but the time alone has been good for you two.
You lead Jake upstairs and show him how you feel with your body since you’re not yet able to say it.
The work week passes quickly and it’s Saturday before you know it. Bradley joins you and Jake for the ride that feels twice as long from the excitement of seeing your boy again.
You hear him just as you’re knocked back a step, his skinny arms squeezing you so tight.
“I missed you so much,” Drew says, voice muffled.
“I missed you too,” you reply, squeezing him. He looks up at you and smiles but you can’t help but notice the dark circles under his eyes, “When’s the last time you slept?”
“We pulled an all-nighter!” He says excitedly, “It was so fun. We ate all the snacks and candy we had left.”
“Oh you’re gonna crash so hard, little Kernsie,” Bradley chuckles from behind you.
“You brought Roo?” He lights up, looking behind you, “And Jake?! Nice!”
You laugh as he lets you go to give them each a hug too. After Drew gives a quick tour of the camp and introduces his new friends, it’s time to head back home.
“Will you guys sit in the back with me?” Drew asks Jake and Bradley, already yawning on the walk back to the car.
“Don’t you think that might be a little cramped?” You ask.
“I don’t mind,” Drew says, shrugging his shoulders.
You laugh. He’s not the one you’re worried about.
“Me either,” Jake says as he opens the door and pushes Drew’s booster to the middle, “Bradshaw?”
“Nope,” Bradley agrees, letting Drew slide past before climbing in after him.
You snort at the three of them packed into the backseat.
Drew falls asleep before you hit the highway, head on Jake’s shoulder and his hand in Bradley’s.
Bradley carries a half-asleep Drew inside when you get back, giving you a moment alone with Jake.
“I’m gonna miss you tonight,” you murmur as he wraps his arms around you, “I like having you in my bed.”
“I like it too; your bed is way more comforta-hey! I’m kidding,” he laughs when you pinch his butt, “I’m going to miss you too. There’s nothing I wouldn’t give to wake up next to you.”
“I hope…” you take a deep breath, “I hope that someday we can…maybe wake up next to each other? Like every day?”
Real smooth, Reese.
Jake smiles as he tilts your chin to press a tender kiss on your lips, “I hope so too.”
I love you.
It’s on the tip of your tongue but then Bradley steps back outside.
“He’s on the couch,” he says as he approaches, “pretty sure he’s gonna fall back asleep though.”
“Thanks, Roo,” You smile.
“You sure you can’t come tomorrow?” Jake asks him, kissing your forehead before pulling away. Jake got tickets for the Padres game to surprise Drew.
“Yeah, Pen asked me weeks ago to bartend so she and Mav can go out sailing. Thanks though,” he replies.
“Next time?” Jake asks.
“Sure,” Bradley agrees.
They both leave a few minutes later, wanting to give Drew a chance to settle back in and get some much-needed rest.
“Are you sure you don’t have to go to the bathroom before we find our seats?” You ask Drew once more as you reach the steps to your seats.
Drew had been over the moon when Jake showed up wearing a Padre’s hat with a matching one for him in hand.
“Yes Mom, I’m sure,” he sighs dramatically.
“Here we are,” Jake says, stepping aside to let you in first.
Drew’s fidgeting with excitement during the Star Spangled Banner…but it continues through the first inning.
“Maybe I do have to go to the bathroom,” Drew says sheepishly. “Sorry,” he giggles when you roll your eyes.
“It’s alright,” you smile, “let’s go.”
“I can take him if you want?” Jake offers, “That way he doesn’t have to go in the ladies or alone.”
“You don’t mind?” You ask, knowing how much Drew hates it when you make him go in the women’s bathroom, but not nearly as much as you dread letting him go in the men’s alone.
“Not at all,” Jake replies, rising to his feet. “I’ve got my phone if you need me.”
25 minutes pass and but as you pull out your phone to see what’s going on, they come back.
“Long line?” you ask before noticing Drew’s red, puffy eyes. “Oh no, what happened?”
“Someone stepped on the back of his shoe and tripped him,” Jake explains with a frown, “didn’t even stop to say sorry.”
“What a jerk,” you mutter, “you okay?”
“I am now,” Drew says between licks of his ice cream cone as he sits in the middle seat. “I scraped both of my knees and they were bleeding.”
“That’s no good. I think I still have bandaids in here…” You trail off as you start digging through your purse.
“Jake had some in his wallet,” Drew replies, “he put ‘em on after he cleaned me up. See?” he straightens his legs.
“I do see. Looks like he good job too,” you smile, looking over his head at Jake. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” he replies, putting his arm in the back of Drew’s seat. His fingers brush over your neck, making you shiver.
“I cried a little,” Drew leans over to whisper, “and then I got embarrassed but Jake hugged me and told me it’s okay to cry. He said even he cries sometimes too.”
You’re afraid he’ll realize you’re about to cry if you speak, so instead you kiss the top of his head.
“And,” Drew continues, “he said ice cream makes everything better.”
“I think he’s right,” you laugh as he catches a drip on his tongue.
Jake laughs as he notices Drew’s predicament and reaches into his pocket.
“I think so too,” Drew grins, taking the offered napkin from Jake.
It’s a tied game until the end but the Padres manage to pull off a win.
“My feet hurt,” Drew whines, dragging them as he starts to crash down from the sugar high on the long walk back to Jake’s truck.
“Want a piggyback ride?” Jake offers, leaning back when Drew nods.
You snap a picture of the pair as you trail behind them, smiling at Drew’s squeals as Jake takes off.
“You okay?” Jake asks a few minutes after Drew closes his eyes in the back. “You’re kind of quiet.”
“I’m good,” you confirm, reaching over to intertwine your fingers in his, “just thinking. I-“ you glance to the backseat; Drew’s eyes are closed but you’re not convinced he’s asleep, “I mean, we…need to talk.”
Jake looks over, worried. “Is it because I got him ice cream? I’m sorry, I knew I should’ve asked you first.”
“No,” you laugh, shaking your head, “it’s nothing bad, I promise.”
He nods with an unreadable expression.
Back at home, you get increasingly nervous and by the looks he keeps giving you, Jake can tell. Hoping he won’t notice your hands shaking, you start folding the clean towels you threw on your bed as Drew gets ready for bed.
“Need help with that?” Jake’s lip quirks as he watches you fold, unfold, and refold the same towel.
“I’ve got it,” you laugh, “thanks.”
“I’m in bed!” Drew yells from his room, “Jake, will you tuck me in tonight?”
“Sure,” Jake replies after making sure you’re okay with it, “I’m coming.”
You can’t resist padding silently down the hall a moment later to listen by the doorway.
“Thank you for taking us to the game today,” Drew’s sweet, sleepy voice is the first thing you hear.
“Thanks for coming with me,” Jake replies, “I had a lot of fun.”
“Me too,” Drew yawns, “You’d be a really good dad, Jake; a good step-dad too.”
The words tug at your heartstrings and by Jake’s pause, they’re tugging on his too.
“Thank you,” Jake’s voice is rough with emotion, “that means a lot to me.”
You know it does; especially because his dad was so awful.
“Maybe you’ll be mine someday,” Drew adds sleepily.
“I hope so,” Jake murmurs, “G’night buddy.”
“Night,” Drew mumbles, close to drifting off, “will you stay with me for just another minute?”
“‘Course,” Jake replies.
You blink back tears as you silently tiptoe back to your room.
“He’s out like a light,” Jake says a few minutes later as he walks into your bedroom. He sets his keys on your dresser before sitting beside you on the bed. “What did you want to talk about?” He asks, reaching for your hand.
“I love you,” you blurt out, cringing at the lack of finesse as you look down at your intertwined hands, “I…the way you treat Drew, how you include Bradley without jealousy, last weekend when you invited my late husband’s family to dinner so you could get to know them…” you trail off, swallowing the lump in your throat before looking him in the eye.
Which isn’t a good idea, because the tears filling your eyes spill over when you see his eyes are filled too.
“God, Jake,” you continue, lifting your hand to cup his jaw, “I’ve been on autopilot, just going through the motions since Andy died; I thought a part of me died too…until I met you. You brought me back to life. This,” you motion between you two before your hand returns to his jaw, “still scares me, but what scares me more is going back to that emptiness I felt. I love you, Jake.”
Jake surges forward, capturing your lips in a tender kiss. The racing thoughts and worries in your mind clear as his tongue brushes against your bottom lip, and he groans deeply when you grant him permission.
Your hands grip his tee shirt, attempting to take him with you as he guides you onto your back but he resists, pulling back from your lips, “Wait,” he chuckles breathlessly as you try to pull him back in, “I gotta tell you this first,” he nips your bottom lip before settling on his forearms above you, effectively pinning you down. “I love you too. And I’m not just saying it because you said it first. I couldn’t get you off my mind after the night we met, and I knew I was in trouble the first night I slept here when you opened up to me about Andy after your nightmare. Then I saw you in mom-mode with Drew at the beach and I knew I was fucked. You’re an incredible woman, Reese; resilient, smart, beautiful…I know we haven’t been together long but I also know I want to spend the rest of my life loving you…and Drew, if you’ll let me.”
You just nod through your tears and pull him down for a kiss, afraid the sob building in your throat will escape if you speak.
A/N: Ugh…sorry for the delay in posting. This week sucked and I could not get this chapter to come out and I’m still not sure how I feel about it TBH.
But they love each other and now they know it 😊
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I love hearing what you think in the comments/reblogs!
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sunnie-writes · 3 months
is loving as good as they say?
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pairing: wally darling x reader
tags: romantic fluff, love confessions, reader is a hopeless romantic !!
plot: a hopeless romantic all your life, you dreamed about the love you saw in movies and series, the type you would read in books that left you kicking your feet and giggling. cupid never seemed to be by your side, everyone who you fell in love with ended up not liking you back, so of course you were scared of another heartbreak when you moved to a new neighborhood and ended up falling for your newest neighbor, wally darling. although, it seemed that cupid didn't miss this time.
talk that talk, sunnie !!: so, this has been rotting in my google docs for almost a year already, so i thought i should post it already!! i hope you guys enjoy it, and you're more than welcome to read my other wally fics. thank you, and let's get to it!!
this fic is also available on ao3, you can click here to find it!!
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A hopeless romantic, that's what you could call yourself.
You crave the love you would see on TV, those movies and series about romance had a grip on you that no one could explain, and don't get me started on the books. Even while being that amazed by the concept of being loved and cared by someone who you felt the same with, Cupid seemed to always miss his arrows.
Unrequited love was painful, you learned that the hard way. In your high school, you would watch all the high school sweethearts make their ways to classes while holding hands or eating lunch playfully with all the romantic atmosphere that came with it. What was the word you felt? Ah, that's right, you envied them.
Moving away from your town was both a relief and a scare, you would now be open to meeting new people, watching them enter your life. You hoped that they would stay.
And that's how you ended up here, in the lovely and colorful neighborhood that was Welcome Home. The name seemed silly, but you quickly learned that it was because of all the friendly behavior that those who lived there seemed to have. So friendly that they're always welcoming everyone.
All of the stars know that you would be lying if you said you weren't nervous. You never dealt good with talking to new people, you hoped that they could be friendly enough to start introductions first. Even if you were repeating how to introduce yourself like a mantra in your head, you were anxious about meeting so many people in just a day.
"Oooh! Are you the new neighbor?!" And that was your cue to use up all your social skills.
"Uh- yes?" You turned around to see who screamed, eyes meeting with a puppet girl with long blonde hair, and were those candy corn horns?
"Welcome Home! I was so excited to meet you! What is your name? What do you like?" She jumped up and down while popping multiple questions.
"I'm Y/N L/N, nice to meet you." You smiled, she's like a puppy. "I like reading and... animals, and I would love to be your friend!" There was no need to reveal your secret interest yet.
"That's amazing! You remind me of Frank, he also likes reading and animals! Well, specifically, flutterbies!" She spoke rapidly.
"Julie for the last time, they're called butterflies!" You looked to the side, seeing a gray man coming your way. "Oh, hello, I'm Frank."
You settled for waving at him. Julie, noticing your behavior, told him your name and interests. You're starting to think that Julie was sent from the angels as a way to help you enter this community.Then, you were pulled away from your thoughts as more puppet people started to gather in front of you.
"Oh my, the new neighbor has arrived already?" A girl with a sun head happily said. "My name is Sally Starlet, and you?"
"I'm Y/N L/N... nice to meet you!" You gave your best friendly smile.
Everyone introduced themselves to you, all colorful and adorable. Poppy was a pretty chicken who turned out to be an immediate mother figure to you, we also have Barnaby who is a big blue dog with a chill, kinda laid back personality that made you comfortable with his presence. Eddie Dear was the mailman, who Julie alerted you to not catch feelings for since Frank already had his eyes on him, and Howdy was a sweet man who owned the local market.
Judging by the numbers of houses, only one neighbor was missing. You pondered on how the last person could possibly be like, smiling at the idea of them being just as friendly as everyone in this colorful place that had you looking around nonstop.
"Ah, I see… am I late?" Someone spoke up, you turned around to finally meet your last neighbor.
And at that moment, you knew you were in trouble. He was absurdly pretty, with a blue pompadour and yellow skin, along with colorful clothing and eyes that pierced your soul and sent chills all over your senses. You felt your cheeks burn up, Cupid did it again and you weren't sure on how to stop staring at him.
"Woooow Wally, being late to meet our newest neighbor? How dare you!" Barnaby playfully dramatically gasped.
"I apologize, let me introduce myself." He went in your direction, standing right in front of you, who was currently almost out of breath. "I'm Wally Darling, the artist of the town, it's a pleasure to meet you…?"
"Y/N, Y/N L/N." Your voice almost cracked for a second, making your cheeks heat up even more. "Nice to meet you too…"
"How adorable, surely you're a great addition to our lovely neighborhood." He picked up your hand, giving a kiss on the back of your palm.
Stuttering, you thanked him for the compliment while trying your best to not fall on your knees. Julie came into the scene again and began telling Wally your tastes, he listened carefully while nodding and looking at you with a relaxed smile.
Eventually, everyone began slowly saying their goodbyes and going to their homes or jobs. You waved as Julie was the last one to leave and entered your house, closing the door behind you and holding your heart. It was racing, and you were well acquaintanced with the feeling.
Well, you failed, love followed your way again.
And now, what to do? You couldn't lie to yourself but it was hard to face the truth. It seemed too early for falling in love, you can just call it a crush and try to get over it, maybe this time it'll work! 
Yeah, just give it some time and it'll pass, you were sure of it!
So, it didn't work.
That was obviously going to happen, and now you had your head in your hands while you walked around your house. On your bed, a pretty bouquet with your favorite color layed prettily there. Wally gave it to you, as a way to celebrate "your first week in the neighborhood", how sweet!
Your heart kept beating faster and faster each time you thought about the way he showed up on your doorstep, with his smug smile and bouquet in hands. He looked so innocent as your insides felt like melting from all the sweetness that gesture had.
And before you could control your feelings, you were already catching yourself humming to cheesy love songs and even singing them while cleaning the house. The radio echoed around your house, romantic tunes that you requested on the telephone to play there were all over the place.
Your once retired love books were now scattered across the floor as you giggled by imagining the scenarios with Wally. You didn't try to make a move and ask him out, your heart already had many bruises from past love delusions, and you really didn't feel like piling up another one for your heartbreak wonderland.
Instead, you just tried to become his friend while also trying to get your feelings to go away. That was, obviously, not a good idea, how could you try to stop falling for someone who you interact with everyday?
Before you could think properly on a better plan, a month had gone by. You still had your late night scenarios to giggle about, along with your hopeless romantic dreaming that pulled you into a cycle of trying to stop loving Wally Darling and learning how to love him all over again because of your weak heart.
Curse the Cupid, curse him and all of his pinkish love arrows who never found your way before. Of course you would be giving up on the first month, he never gave you what you wanted before, what could possibly make you think that now it would all go the right way?
Stupid, selfish Cupid.
Three months had passed, and you could say you were tired of waiting for the feelings to suddenly disappear.
You played with a doll's hand, carefully moving the antique treasure in your arms. Currently, you were at Julie's house, who was the only person who was aware of your huge crush on Wally. She giggled as she asked you questions of all the time you and "lover boy" had passed together.
"He just wanted to paint with someone, it's not like he wanted to paint alone with just me and nobody else!" You blushed while looking at the ground.
"I don't know, he never really let me or the other neighbors touch his painting supplies." Julie then whispered in a teasing manner, "Maybe he thinks of you as special, in a like-like way!"
You lowered your head while choking on your water, feelings all over the place. If there was something that Julie liked to do, it was to tease relentlessly. After you calmed down, you both started to ask each other random questions to pass the time.
"Now, as a hopeless romantic, what is your ideal date?" She questioned, looking happy as ever in your direction.
"Hmm, stargazing seems like a great date, picnics look a lot of fun too!" You bashfully chuckled. "Oh, a picnic on a sunset, that turns into a stargazing session! With sweet apple pies and cake, along with refreshing drinks!"
"Ooh, tell me more!" Julie smiled.
"Okay, then a cold wind blows and suddenly I shiver, then Wally puts his cardigan on me and hugs me closer!" You could easily feel your cheeks heating up just from your imagination.
And that earned a screech from Julie.
“Ugh, how are your scenarios always the best?!” 
“It’s the prize I get for being a dreamer.” You chuckled lightly.
Today was a special day in the neighborhood.
Apparently, everyone was going to the nearest lake, which is gigantic, you can say, and pop up some balloons and light up some fireworks because it was the neighborhood’s anniversary! 
You were currently trying to pick your best outfit, and that was because Wally was going to pick you up since you didn’t know the way to the lake. At least that’s what you told yourself so you wouldn’t freak out at the scenario. Seriously, that sounded like a romantic comedy.
After a while, you ended up settling for one of your favorite outfits, one that had stars on them. Then, a knock on the door was heard. You quickly put on your shoes and ran to open it, coming face to face to an adorable Wally, looking at you while holding a bouquet of red tulips and some amaranth.
“There we go, a bouquet of beautiful flowers for an even prettier one.” 
“Oh! Wally, you shouldn’t…” You blushed and took the flowers.
“Nonsense, you deserve only the best!” He chuckled raspily.
You giggled as he gave you his hand, pleading eyes for you to walk with him. You two started walking while holding hands in the direction of the lake, talking about everything that was going on in the neighborhood. It was a nice atmosphere, comfortable enough, and dare you say, romantic.
As you arrived there, Wally smiled and kissed the back of your hand before going to talk to a knowing Barnaby, who stared at you with a big smile and wiggling his eyebrows. Julie, who saw all of that, pulled you towards her and Frank immediately.
"Oh. My. Stars! What was that? Is that a bouquet? Are you two going on a date?" She excitedly spoke while flapping her hands.
"Julie, calm down. Pretty sure she is malfunctioning." Frank told the girl by his side. "But yeah, what exactly happened there?"
"I don't know, and I'm freaking out about it!" You giggled while holding the bouquet close to you, smiling.
"That was absurdly romantic, I think he is head over heels for you!" Julie exclaimed while whispering. "Besides, look at these flowers, they are so pretty!"
"They also have an exquisite meaning, you know?" Frank randomly spoke, dropping the fact like it was nothing.
You proceeded to hint at him to keep going.
"Amaranths mean eternal love, red tulips mean true love." Frank looked at you while raising his eyebrows. "That is literally a confession."
Julie, who was holding her energy back, gave a screech and started shaking your arm. Meanwhile, you had just bluescreened. Your cheeks heated up, and you felt your heartbeat increase rapidly, like it was trying to burst out your ribcage in a desperate manner. At that point, you were checking if you still even had some pulse.
Suddenly, someone started ringing a bell, and so, everyone looked to the front, seeing Poppy there. She smiled before starting to explain that there was food on the foldable table, fireworks and water guns, everything for fun. Poppy then started handing out glasses with juice to everyone before raising a toast for the neighborhood's birthday.
After that, all of you started talking to each other. You looked around, smiling when you saw Eddie talking to Frank, who was trying his best to cover up a blush while Julie looked at him with a knowing smile from across the field, Sally was braiding some of her long hair. Poppy and Howdy were discussing random things while Barnaby just laid down at the picnic blanket and stared at the stars.
And there, from across the room, your eyes met his. Something electrical went through your body, and you could swear you felt your world stop. Suddenly, there were no more friendly neighbors around you, the festivities and candy long forgotten in your mind. No, none of that mattered anymore, did it?
It was just you and him, across a field as he slowly made his way towards you.
You were too late to process it, he's already in front of you.
"So, dearest, how are you enjoying the party?" Wally asked, igniting a fire in your belly to light up the butterflies who panicked and fluttered along you.
"Good, I- I think everyone is having fun, what about you?" You responded, trying your best to hide your reaction with the nickname.
“I could say I am.” He looks at you, up and down, down and up. And it sets your skin ablaze.
Icarus wasn’t able to resist the beauty that was the Sun to him, and maybe you wouldn’t survive the flirt that was Wally Darling. Every single thing he does sets you on fire, butterflies infest your stomach, it’s magical and so cheesy, all at the same time.
“Come with me, I wanna show you something.” His honey-laced words get to you, and you comply with a nod.
He holds your hand, and starts going into the trees, between all those primary colored leaves. You can feel your heartbeat increasing, all your muscles about to give up, it’s like dying but not exactly that, living in ecstasy, better than any drug.
You two stop at Swan Lake, where the stars reflect on the water and the feathered bEINGS float elegantly. Your eyes shine as you see them doing their little synchronized dance, until you notice that they end up doing a heart. You sigh, real romantic.
“Darling, could you look at me, please?”
You turn to see Wally, on one knee, his hand holding yours. You might start crying.
“You see, Y/N, ever since the day I saw you, I knew there was something special about you. With your smile, your way of expressing yourself, I knew you were gonna steal my heart, and I knew that I would never have it back. I’ve heard stories in the past about soulmates, loved ones made for you, and I didn’t believe any of that, before I met you. I’m an artist, not a poet, but you make me inspired dear, to dedicate you the most beautiful forms of art out there, paint and frame your face, have millions of words dedicating my love to you, and that still wouldn’t be enough for you to understand how much I desire you. I want to see your resting face every morning, I want to hold you in my arms and sleep for eternity, I want to grow every day by your side. Would you do me the owner, Dearest, and accept my confession? To finally be mine and let me be yours?”
You, unable to hold the feeling, giddily jumped around before throwing yourself on him, both of you falling on the ground. You cried tears of joy as you said yes a million times, while he patted your back and chuckled, kissing your forehead.
“You know,” Frank started with crossed arms while looking at you and Wally, happily holding hands while sitting on the picnic blanket, “One could say that you two were perfect for each other.”
“That’s what I’ve been saying!” Julie exclaimed, happy that you and your Darling were together, finally together.
“Ha ha ha, oh well, I knew they were the one for me since day one.” Wally answered, pulling you into another sweet and quick kiss, making you squeak.
“Ugh, don’t leave the picnic all sappy with your love.” Frank rolled his eyes at the sight.
“Don’t be jealous Frank, everyone knows you want to live that with Ed-” He covered Julie’s mouth before she could say anything else.”
“... Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I feel like I just won the lottery.” You proudly stated.
“Oh, they grow up so fast…” Poppy hiccuped for what seemed to be the eleventh time, being real emotional with your fresh new relationship.
“There there, Poppy.” Howdy patted her in the back.
“I’m really happy for you guys!” Said Eddie while sitting down next to Frank.
You smiled at him while Wally thanked the mailman. You grabbed yourself a piece of lemon pie to eat.
“Sooo, when’s the wedding?” Barnaby jokes.
And you proceeded to choke on your lemon pie.
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goldensunflowe-r · 1 year
Tommy Shelby Smut part 2
Part 1
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kendsleyauthor · 5 months
Any character for 3 👀💕
Godlike Universe (Cameron, Brielle)
~1000 words
G/t dialogue prompt list
Thank you for the prompt!! 💕
Cameron finds himself in a sizeshifting predicament and fails ever perception check thrown his way 🥰
@marydublinauthor 🌸
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“Cameron! Cam!”
Brielle’s voice sounded strange. Distant. He might have sank back into sleep if not for a small, incessant tap on his face. Sighing, he lifted a hand to brush it away and was met with something soft that squirmed between his fingers and his cheek. The thing hurriedly evaded his touch and left him in peace.
“Cam, stop it!” Brielle snapped, sounding further away.
Drawing a deep breath, he opened his eyes. The lush forest canopy hung overhead, allowing glimpses of clear blue sky. As his groggy mind gained traction, he realized that something was… off. He pushed himself to sit up and squinted around.
A flash of movement disappeared behind a tree, but he was briefly too distracted to pursue it. The trees seemed much smaller than they should have been. If he stood, he might be able to reach up and touch the higher branches. That certainly was not the case before.
“Bri?” he called, remembering they’d been together.
“I’m here!” Her voice was still odd—so that part wasn’t a dream.
Shifting to hands and knees, he followed the sound of her voice, so low to the ground. He flinched as her face—remarkably tiny—peered out from behind the tree where he had caught movement. She beheld him with round eyes, cheeks absent of color. She stepped slowly into full view, as though it took her a great deal of effort.
He regarded her for two stunned seconds of silence before he blurted, “How did you get so small?”
Her expression twisted incredulously, and before she could sputter out an answer, instinct slammed into Cameron like a rush of wildfire. She looked so vulnerable from where he knelt. He reached for her, intending to bring her off the ground and closer to him. Safer.
Once again, he experienced the little squirming sensation against his fingers as he closed his hand around her and brought her closer to eye level. Except this time, her shriek was wordless, and she wouldn’t stop moving.
“Hold still,” he grunted, cupping his other hand around her to prevent a fall.
“Put me down!” She shoved at his free hand and attempted to kick, but her legs were tangled in her skirt. 
“Calm down,” he said in a voice that wasn’t remotely calm. “It’s just me”
“I know that, but you have no clue what you’re doing! Let go!”
No chance of that. He compromised by relinquishing his grip enough to make her drop into the pit of his cupped palms. She caught her breath and glared at him, her face now fully flushed pink. He couldn’t help but marvel at her—the girl he had known most of his life, small enough to fit in his hands.
“How did this happen?” he whispered.
“Nothing happened to me! You’re the size of a deity!”
“Oh.” He took another cursory glance at his surroundings. That made far more sense, though only marginally. Distracted by the shiver of her body against his palms, he cocked his head. “You never look this frightened with Nikolas,” he pointed out.
To his surprise, she laughed through the tremor of her voice. “Look at you—always accusing Nikolas of being impetuous with his grabbing, and somehow you’re even worse.”
It was his turn for his face to flush. Although he wanted to argue, he bit his tongue, knowing he might frighten her further. He suddenly felt silly. He was supposed to be the collected one. The logical one. In his defense, his head was still cloudy from whatever slumber that Brielle had pulled him out of. 
As steadily as he could manage, he began to lower his hands to let her back down onto the forest floor.
“Wait!” Her voice made him freeze. “Stop. I prefer not to shout myself hoarse talking to you from the ground. If you promise to be careful, I’ll stay here. And gods, Cameron, hold your hands still—you’re shaking worse than I am.”
Tentative, he lifted her back to a comfortable height. She sat back and fixed her skirt, folding her arms loosely over her bent knees. Considering how her gaze drilled him up and down, he didn’t feel quite so bad about staring at her.
“What happened?” he asked, frowning to remember. “The last thing… I ate that plum-thing, right? Or was that a dream?”
“You ate it, alright. No more than a second after you swallowed it, you collapsed. A sort of shimmering light covered your body—as though it came from inside of you. The next thing I knew, you started growing. You were dead to the world for about five minutes.”
The memory began to lose its haziness. They had been foraging the fruit-bearing trees when they found a sapling that bore a single plum. Although it had appeared outwardly ordinary, something had drawn Cameron to it. He supposed he understood why now—enchanted food had a way of enticing unwitting mortal mouths.
He huffed. “Can nothing be normal in this forest?” He gave her a pained look of horror. “Am I a deity now?”
“The deity of idiots, maybe,” she said helpfully.
He rolled his eyes, chuckling despite himself. “Obviously you’re not afraid of me anymore. Hooray.”
Brielle’s cheeky grin faltered a bit, and she stared even harder at him, almost breathless. He glanced away self-consciously, wondering how Nikolas managed to hold any semblance of confidence when there was so much of him to gawk at.
“Did I grow an extra eye, too?” Cameron asked. 
“No.” She smiled sweetly and dropped a hand beside her to pat his palm. “I’m just noticing that your eyelashes are even more darling at this size.”
Another laugh coursed through him—and he swore he could feel how much further his voice carried. His heart gave a nervous stammer at the thought that this could be permanent. 
“I suppose we should find Nikolas,” Brielle said, clearly of the same mind. “Stand up—carefully.”
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emilyssky · 1 year
War Of Hearts // JJ Maybank
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PAIRING: JJ Maybank! x fem!reader
GENRE(S): smut, angst, fluff, fuck buddies to lovers
WARNINGS: smut [ praise, degradation, fingering, dirty talk, oral sex, choking, slapping, spanking] , mentions of violence, mentions of blood, swearing, mentions of alcohol, smoking. Jealous and protective JJ !
Author's note:Wrote this last night after finishing season 3, hope you’ll like it :)
You and JJ have been messing around for a few months now until you try to cut it off because of your growing feelings for him that you think are one sided. A series of unfortunate events bring you face to face with unexpected fear and your relationship with JJ when you get caught up in their treasure hunt. 
I've always loved summer. Something about the warm weather, the sun, the ocean, and the salt on my skin made me feel alive. For the most part, I loved my life in ΟΒΧ. Some would say that I was born blessed, that I got both sides of the coin with my mom being a pogue and my dad being a kook but it feels mostly like a curse to me. My whole life I've never been fully accepted by either side. I wasn't t rich and snobby enough for the Kooks and never wild and spontaneous enough for the Pogues. It's not like I was on bad terms with anyone, everyone was friendly enough but ever since I could remember I felt left out, never having real friends. And if I'm being honest, it wasn't the kooks that I was jealous of, something about the pogue life pull me in. It seemed exciting and freeing in a way. When my mom married my dad and had me she knew that she wanted me to grow up knowing both sides. She wanted to offer me the chance to be the one to choose where I belong. She's big on following your heart and dreams and always told me growing up that I'll find my way and that if I follow my gut, the choice is gonna be pretty easy. We lived in Figure 8 but my mom opened a cafe on the south side, wanting to keep in touch with that side of her life. My life is a series of the same things over and over again. I like spending time alone, if I'm not at school or working my shift at the cafe, I'll probably be by the beach, reading or surfing. Sometimes I will go on boat rides with my dad or steal the keys and go by myself. It's not often that I will hang out with the Kooks, in fact, Sarah Cameron is probably the only person that I would voluntarily hang out with and actually enjoy it. And when it comes to the Pogues, everyone knows that it's just Kie and her boys. I'm friendly with all of them, occasionally have chat with or enjoy the waves together but that's about it.
Today is a day exactly like any other; I finished school and came straight to the cafe. It was not too crowded, with only a few regular customers enjoying their usual cup of coffee. I was behind the counter, cleaning the coffee machines, making sure everything was full and ready until I heard them. It's the group of kids that you hear before you see. John B enters first, pushing his long brown hair back as he laughs at something Pope is saying. I like John B, we share a lot in common and have nice conversations from time to time. He's a really fun and social person but this year was a rough one for him. His dad went missing almost a year ago, many people consider him dead by now but John B will not accept it, he still thinks he's alive, somewhere lost at sea. My mom and his dad were close back in the day before she met my dad and moved to figure 8. We used to play together when we were young up until he met his current best friends. My dad offered him a few jobs involving our boat and at the cafe, after Big John disappeared so I've been seeing him around more lately. Pope and Kiara follow right behind him. Me and Kie used to be close, but now our relationship has changed into a few talks here and there, I still consider her one of my closest friends though. Pope is fun. He's one of the few people that talks to me normally and always makes me feel comfortable at social events or parties. And lastly, my favourite pogue follows. JJ Maybank. Me and JJ have an interesting relationship. Teasing, flirting, bickering, that's his speciality with every girl in the Outer Banks, kook or pogue but sometimes I like to think that he actually enjoys my company. He was always the one I was looking forward to see but today he's the one I'm trying to avoid and have been trying for the past 2 weeks. His blue eyes find mine the minute he walks through the door, and a smirk spreads across his face.
"Hey, Y/n" John B greets me, reaching the counter.
"I'm not serving you free coffee." I immediately shake my head, knowing exactly what they want.
"Oh, come on." He frowns his thick brows, fake pouting.
I let a small chuckle at his attempt. "How many times do you think it will take for my mum to notice?"
"One more?" He offers, lifting his shoulders.
I scoff, shaking my head again.
"Come on, your mum loves me anyway." He presses.
"Yeah, but my dad not so much."
JJ places his elbows on the counter, right next to John B, and I immediately look down, continuing cleaning the coffee machine like I was doing before they came in.
"What if I'm the one asking?" He says, leaning in with that playful smile of his that I know all too well.
"Then it's defiantly a no." I fake a tight smile.
"Why so grumpy today princess?" He places a hand over his heart.
I roll my eyes and turn back to John B. He brings his palms together, begging me silently.
I sigh. "This is the last time." I point my finger at both of them.
"Yes!" They high-five each other.
"I'll bring it over." I wave them off.
I lift my eyes to his only for a second, catching the wink he sends my way as he follows John B to their usual table where Kie and Pope are seated.
I quickly fix up 4 iced coffees and walk over to them.
"Here you go."
"You're the best." John B touches my side lightly.
"You're coming next Saturday right?" Kie asks reaching for her coffee.
"What's next Saturday?" I question placing the last coffee on the table.
"We're throwing a party on the beach. It's gonna be fun." Pope explains.
"You're coming." JJ states without looking my way.
"I'll see." I nod at Kie with a small smile before leaving them to it. I walk back to the safety of my counter feeling his eyes burning on my back. The parties here at obx were always good. It's the one time that Kooks and Pogues can coexist in one place without jumping on each other's throats. Well, sometimes at least. It's fun nevertheless, all of us drinking and dancing by the beach forgetting our responsibilities and problems for a little while. I stay behind the counter, doing any task possible to distract myself but anytime I let my gaze fall his way, he's already looking.
"Thanks for the coffee Y/n." John B waves at me as they leave about an hour later.
"See you at the party cupcake." He brings two fingers to his forehead.
"Maybe." I shrug, walking to their table to clean up.
"You know I'll be miserable without you." He yells already out the door.
.  .  .  .
I don't usually work on Fridays, so after school, you'll probably find me at the beach if I'm not locked in my room. I enjoy my alone time. Riding the waves, sitting under the sun with a good book, or drawing in my sketchbook. Today my mind felt a little heavier, so I took my time, and before I knew it the sun began setting. I quickly throw my bag over my shoulder and begin to make my way back, realising that it's almost dinner time. I silently curse at myself for not riding my bike to the beach cause the walk back to Figure 8 seems dreadful. My ears perk up catching the sound of a motorcycle approaching with speed and I close my eyes hoping that it's not him but when I hear the motorcycle slowing down I know that my hope is not coming true. He stops beside me and I stop walking, turning to look at him. His hair is pushed back by the wind, he's wearing a simple white t-shirt with grey cargo pants, and his face is as pretty as always. My eyes narrow a little as I spot a bruise over his right cheekbone and it doesn't take long before I spot all the different marks and scars across his face.
He still forces a smug smile on his lips, ignoring my staring. "Having an afternoon surfing session princess?"
"What happened?" My eyes can't stop studying his face.
"Oh, you know the Kooks had it coming." He shrugs, masking his face perfectly like he always does but I know better.
"JJ." I trail off, my stomach tightening knowing exactly where he got these injuries from.
His jaw tightens. "It's nothing' Y/n. Same old, same old." I shake my head, in disgust. I can't even stand the thought that his dad walks around the OBX freely. He's such a piece of shit. "Get on the bike." He nods behind him.
"It's fine, I'll walk." I tilt my chin.
He scoffs with a smirk. "When will you stop with this whole act you’re putting on?" He waves his hand around.
I change the weight from my right to my left leg, crossing my arms. "I don't know what you're talking about." I keep my face expressionless, ignoring the way his beaten face cause my heart to tighten.
His eyebrows come together and his gaze shifts, dropping the playful act. "You're ignoring me." He states.
I'm trying.
I avoided his eyes cause I know that the more I look at them the weaker I get. It happens every time, I say that I'm gonna stand my ground and then I find myself beside him regardless.
"Look," He clears his throat, eyes moving everywhere. A weird expression takes over his features and I immediately know that he feels uncomfortable. "I don't care why you're pushing me away but can you stop ignoring me for a few hours?" He struggles to speak the words and that makes me a little warm inside. I glance at his bruised face once more, remembering all the times he came to me after his fights with his father. All the long talks we would have in order to get his mind off of it or the times I would sneak him through my window to treat his injuries.
I sigh and silently climb behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. I feel him chuckle. "Just so you know, we're just talking."
"Sure." I can't see his face but I bet he's grinning.
He took his time, driving aimlessly around the streets of OBX. I don't mind though, I know him enough to know that it helps him clear his head, so I stay silent resting my head against his back and enjoying the ride. The sun has set and the night breeze tingles my skin in the best way. I notice that he takes the familiar route to my house.
"Are your parents home?" He yells, looking behind his shoulder.
"Yeah, I think."
"We'll have to be quiet then." He clicks his tongue.
"Like that has stopped you before." I smile against his shoulder.
"True." He glances at me again, the corners of his mouth lifting.
He parks his bike a block down from my house and he walks quietly around the back while I go from the front door.
"Hey, honey." My mom yells from the kitchen at the sound of the door opening.
"Hey, mom." I enter the kitchen, sneaking my arms around her waist while she chops some cucumbers, preparing a salad for dinner.
"Dinner will be ready soon." She smiles.
"Oh, I'm not hungry, I already ate." I brush her off, walking to the fridge.
"It smells amazing dear." My dad enters the kitchen, dropping his keys on the kitchen table.
My mom flashes a smile at my dad before turning back to me. "When did you eat?"
"I hung out with Kie by the beach and we had some sandwiches."  I quickly make up an excuse, grabbing a water bottle and closing the fridge.
"Just Kiara?" My dad lifts an eyebrow.
"Yes dad," I sigh.
"Honey." My mom scolds him.
"What?" He lifts his shoulders. "I'm sorry that I don't want my daughter hanging around boys that smoke weed, get drunk, and steal shit on the daily."
"Mark." She glares at him.
"They're not stealing anything, dad." I narrow my eyes, sick of him attacking them all the time. "They're not like that, you don't know them."
"Well, some of them are." He continues and I know exactly who he's referring to.
"You're wrong" I shake my head, lifting my hands. " and you're not gonna tell me who I can and can't hang out with." I walk past him shooting him a glare and head up the stairs.
"Y/n." I hear my mom yell but I ignore her and hurry into my room, slamming the door shut and locking it.
JJ's shoulder is rest against the open window, arms crossed in front of him with an unreadable expression. I drop my gaze to the floor, walking to sit on my bed and placing the bottle on my nightstand, feeling a little ashamed for the way my dad spoke about him and his friends.
"I'm sorry for my dad." I feel the need to say.
He moves to sit next to me, forcing a tight smile on his lips. "It's fine, we all know his opinion about the south side."
I move my head, trying to get a better look at him. "Hey, are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah princess you don't have to worry about me." The nickname tugs at my heart almost as much as his smile.
I reach to touch his hair, pushing them back and toying with the short hair at the nape of his neck. "You know you can talk to me."
His eyes twitch with suppressed emotion, his jaw set with eyebrows frowned. "I know."  I offer him a small smile, not moving my hand. "Can you, like, talk to me?" He asks. His eyes are screaming even though he manages to keep his expression under control. "I want you to take my mind off things, just talk to me about anything." His tone is almost begging.
I bring my knees to my chest, wrap my arms around them and turn to face him. 'What do you wanna know about this time? My weird obsession with serial killer documentaries, my views on feminism, or if I put the milk or cereal first?"
His face breaks into the first real smile today and I feel a little proud. He shakes his head lightly, his eyes not leaving mine before he pulls me by the neck, smashing his lips to mine. It's like all the pain he carries and all the words he desperately wants to say are spoken by the way he moves his lips hungrily against mine. The softness of his mouth contrasts his rough breathing as his hands hold my face, pulling me closer to him. His small groan that echoes through the room and the feeling of his tongue brushing over mine snaps me back to reality.
"Jay," I whimper, pushing at his chest lightly.
His lips leave mine but our foreheads stay together. "I'm sorry." He mumbles, inhaling short, sharp breaths.
My fingers trace his bruises and my stomach twists even at the thought of how his dad created them. I hate how he grew up having to hide all this pain and I hate how he's being treated. "I don't want you to go back to him tonight." I whisper and his eyes snap to mine. "Stay with me."
His face finally breaks, and the emotion in his eyes overtakes his whole expression.
"But we're just sleeping," I lean back, pointing my finger at him. "and you'll have to leave before my parents wake up."
His eyes water a bit but a grin paints his lips as he wraps his arms around me, pushing me back to the bed.
A giggle escapes me. Damn him.
. . . . . . . .
"I'm going with Topper." Sarah touches up her already perfect makeup.
"Ugh." I groan. "What do you even see in him?" I scrunch up my nose. Sarah is the only kook that I can stand to hang out with. And the only Cameron I actually like.
"He's nice." She rolls her eyes at me, holding up two dresses, one yellow and one blue. "Stop being a bitch to him. Which one?"
I tilt my head." The yellow one obviously."
"What are you wearing?" She questions while peeling off her clothes and changing into the short yellow dress.
"I don't know if I want to go." I lay back down on her king-size bed.
"Come on, you love parties. Is it that you don't wanna go or that you don't wanna see a certain someone?" She wiggles her brows at me.
"I'm just not in the mood." I shrug, looking away but she sees right through me.
"Yeah right." She chuckles. "Cut the shit and get dressed." She throws a black shirt on me.
. . . . . 
The beach is full of people, kooks, and pogues dancing, drinking, and having fun. Big barrels of beer everywhere, stands with bottles of alcohol and hundreds of red cups here and there. It's not even midnight and everyone is already wasted. Most of the girls are in their bikinis by now, dancing like there's no tomorrow on top of giant rocks. The minute we enter the party, I go straight for the beer, pouring myself a cup. My eyes silently search the crowd for any sight of his fluffy, blonde hair, or of any of his friends. I spot Kie and Pope taking shots with a few other people and John B just a few meters again, flirting with a blonde girl but he's nowhere to be found.
"Looking for someone?" Rafe says close to my ear, catching me off guard and making me flinch away. He smiles at my reaction.
"What are you doing here?" He's one of the people that rarely joins things like this. He and his friends really don't get along with the pogues, unlike me and Sarah. I try my best to limit my contact with Rafe, Topper, and the rest of their little group but somehow they find a way to be right in my face.
"Enjoying the free alcohol." He lifts the cup to his lips, hiding his smile. "What are you doing here?"
I take a sip of my beer. "I came with Sarah."
He nods, eyeing me up and down. "You look gorgeous as always."
I roll my eyes at his compliment. "Thanks."
"You know," He leans in closer. "you're always cold towards us but when it comes to these pogues you're a fucking angel. Why is that?"
I sigh out loud, not really in the mood to deal with his whining. "Cause I can. " I offer him a smile before walking away, blending in with the dancing crowd.
It didn't take more than 4 cups of alcohol, to find myself dancing between a few half-naked girls, that are probably as drunk as I am. My body has a mind of its own as I swing my hips to the beat of some '00 song. I lost sight of Sarah half an hour ago when she disappeared with Topper, and I joined Kie and Pope and took a few shots before throwing myself between the sweaty bodies, pretending that the fact that JJ is still nowhere to be found does not affect me at all. He's a known player around the Obx, sleeping around, flirting his way through, breaking hearts left and right and I've had my fair share of it. But the game he's playing is a dangerous one, and I'm trying to protect myself the best way I can.
"Shots!." John B yells, throwing his hands in the air, holding a bottle of tequila in his right one. A few girls extend their cups for him to pour them some but I've probably dropped mine while dancing cause it's not between my fingers anymore.
I tap on his shoulder to get his attention. "Hit me!" I yell over the music and open my mouth wide.
"Let's go!" He yells pouring a shot straight into my mouth. The alcohol drips down my chin as I try to swallow, my eyes watering at the process.
"Another one." John B says and taps my chin waiting for me to open my mouth again and I do. All eyes are suddenly on us, everyone is cheering and yelling as I shallow my fourth shot in a row and I feel two hands grabbing me by the legs and lifting me higher. I throw my hands in the air, laughing as the people around me scream louder. My mind is somewhere else, and I let the carefree feeling and numbness that comes with alcohol overtake me. Until I open my eyes. I sober up in a second when my eyes find his. His on top of a rock, smoking with a few other people. A girl leans in towards him, her hand wrapping around him as she laughs at something Pope said but he stays unbothered, his eyes still on me as he lifts his cup my way with a nod and a smile. I nod back not knowing what to do before turning back to the girls I was dancing with. I continue moving to the music but my mind isn't letting me shake him off. Suddenly, the alcohol feels heavy in my stomach and the sound of my heartbeat is louder than the music in my ears. My hand flies to my mouth as I run out of the dancing crowd and as far away as I can from the people before dropping to my knees and vomiting in a bag full of used cups. I feel two hands reaching for my hair as all the alcohol that I consumed leaves my system.
"It's okay, I got you." I hear Rafe's voice over the music that has faded a bit due to the distance. "Here" He hands me a napkin.
"Thank you." I cough out, taking the napkin, and bringing it to my lips.
"Hold on, let me bring you some water."
I wipe my mouth and drop the napkin inside the trash bag.
"Here." He pushes a cup of water into my hand, tugging my hair behind my ear as I take a few sips of the water slowly. "Stop drinking so much Y/n, Jesus."
"I'm okay." I rise to my feet.
"Come on," His hand wraps around my waist. "let's take you home yeah?" He starts pulling me towards the other side of the beach.
"I don't think she's going anywhere with you Cameron." My head snaps to the right, hearing Rafe scoff at the sight of JJ. JJ's eyes twitch when they fall on me, his eyebrows coming together.
"I don't think you have a saying in what she does pogue." Rafe's hands drop from my body as he takes a step forward.
JJ's expression shifts in a second when he moves his eyes from me to Rafe, a smile spreading over his lips. "Oh I think I do," He takes a step forward as well. "And she's not going anywhere with you." His voice drops a little.
"I suggest you take a step back." Rafe doesn't back down.
JJ's eyes darken. "Or what?" He takes yet another step. "Last time I checked you're still nipping at her heels and following her around in case she pities you and gives you a chance."
Rafe lets out a growl, pushing JJ backwards but he just laughs mockingly, knowing he hit a nerve but that angers Rafe more.
I step between them before Rafe can make another move. "Stop acting like five-year-olds." I look at both of them, but they ignore me, not taking their eyes off each other.
"Hey," My hand touches Rafe's chest, forcing his eyes away from JJ. "go back to the party, I'll let you know when I'm ready to leave." I lie, knowing that it's the only way to make him walk away without creating a scene cause trying to make JJ drop this would be even harder. Rafe's eyes narrow, flickering back to JJ. I reach for his hand, softening my tone. "I'll find you." I nod, trying to reassure him.
He nods back, letting out a sigh. "Turn him down kindly babe." He says, knocking JJ's shoulder with his as he walks out.
JJ's eyes are fixated on me. "You'll let him know when you're ready to leave huh?" He says when Rafe's far enough.
"Maybe." I play along, shrugging my shoulders.
His tongue comes out to wet his pink lips, hands resting on his hips as he takes a step towards me. "Is that so?"
"Last time I checked I can go home with anyone I want." I cross my arms, trying not to let my gaze drop to his lips.
"We both know that I would never let that happen." His voice drops, his tone raspier.
"Why JJ?" I tilt my head upwards due to our height difference but that doesn't stop me from taking a step forward as well, only leaving a few inches between us.
His fingers wrap around my neck, catching me off guard. "Come on now princess, let's not play dumb." He smirks.
"I'm not playing dumb. Actually, I'm done playing." I wrap my hand around his wrist, pulling it away from my neck.
Something flashes over his eyes but doesn't stay for long. "Trust me, I'm done playing as well." He mumbles before cupping my jaw with both hands, not letting me escape and in a split second his lips crush into mine. My breath hitches as the taste of weed and beer coats my tongue but I'd be lying if I say that I haven't missed it. It's been a week since the last time I kissed him and since then I've tried to keep myself at a distance, knowing that the more I let this go on the more invested I become, and knowing JJ, it will not end up well If I do. He lets out a low moan as his tongue enters my mouth, colliding passionately with mine. My fingers grab his shirt for support, my body suddenly overwhelmed by the familiar knot in my stomach that begins to build.
"Fuck, I missed you baby." He breaks the kiss, allowing me to take a much-needed breath. I dare to lift my eyes, looking up at him through my eyelashes, only to find him looking hungrily down at me. His hands travel from my jaw, down to the curve of my waist and he pulls my body to his. "You kept me waiting for so long." He breathes out, resting his forehead on mine.
"JJ" My tone begging and warning at the same time. "We shouldn't be doing this."
"You can not name a single good reason for us not to." He says, running his thumb over my bottom lip.
"I can name a few."
His hands drop to my ass and in a swift move, he lifts me off the ground forcing my legs to wrap around his waist. "I'd rather hear other sound out of that pretty mouth of yours." He starts walking away from the party, keeping his hands secure under my thighs and crashing his lips to mine once again. He makes sure we're far enough from the crowd and behind plenty of trees and bushes before stopping and dropping me carefully on the sand. He breaks the kiss, straightening his body and reaching to peel off his white long-sleeve shirt.
"You look fucking amazing tonight." He doesn't break eye contact. "I was hard from the minute I saw you walk in." He leans back down, his eyes roaming over my body as if he hasn't seen it in ages.
My hands reach for the ends of my shirt, pulling it over my head. "Fuck." He dives hungrily into my naked chest. Sucking, nibbling, and biting. He squeezes my boobs between his palms, rolling his tongue over my nipples, making them harder by the second. His wet lips slide down my stomach teasingly as his fingers toy with the button of my shorts before finally unbuttoning it. He drags it down my legs, leaving me in my black panties, exposed and ready for him. Somehow I always find myself in this position as much as I'm trying to avoid it but the sight of him desperately fumbling with his belt as his eyes devour my body is one that I'll never get enough of.
I lift myself onto my knees, lowering my body so I'm facing his crotch. I pull down his shorts along with his boxers freeing his already hard member. A small moan escapes my lips at the sight, my mouth watering. His thumb and index finger reach for my jaw, tilting my head to meet his dark gaze.
"I want your eyes on me as you choke on my dick, okay princess?" He says and I'm aflame from head to toe. He takes his dick in his other hand, pumping it a few times before dragging the tip across my lips, coating them with his leaking precum. I keep my eyes locked on his wild blue ones as I take him in my mouth.
"Fuck" He curses under his breath as I twirl my tongue around the tip. I replace his hand with mine, taking him deeper, the size of him weighing on my tongue. I relax my jaw, allowing almost his whole member to enter my mouth. His hands fist my hair while his hips begin to thrust forward, lightly fucking himself in my mouth.
"You're so fucking good at this baby." He praises me. "Look at you choking on it, that's it." I force myself to breathe through my nose while saliva starts dripping from my mouth down to my chin. He fastens his pace only for a few seconds before, pulling my head sharply back by my hair, his dick dropping from my mouth as I gasp for air.
He groans out loud. "I missed this."
His words sink in as much as I try not to let them. It's always 'I missed this' and never 'I missed you.'
He connects our lips again, tasting himself while he pushes me down on my back. His fingers run over my clothed pussy, and that's enough to make my back arch, silently begging him for more. My body responds to him in ways that I can't explain or control. Just a touch and he has me already panting. He pulls my underwear to the side opening my folds with his middle finger.
"Ugh." I gasp.
"Shit baby, you're already dripping." He whispers satisfied against my lips. His mouth falls to the curve of my neck, sucking on my skin as his fingers begin to rub circles over my clit making tiny moans escape me. Unexpectedly, he slides two fingers inside me, quickly building a fast pace.
"Oh, my god." I shut my eyes, pleasure creeping into my lower belly.
"You respond to me so well princess." He kisses me, capturing my bottom lip between his teeth. His fingers pump in and out of me, making my breath shorter as the pleasure builds.
"God Jay, I'm gonna-" The words die in my throat and the flicker of his thumb on my clit sends me unexpectedly over the edge. My orgasm rushes over me like a wave, my body going numb for a few seconds, gasps and moans leaving my lips.
"That's it baby, ride it out." His pace slows down a bit before pulling his fingers out. He leaves wet kisses along my jaw, making my eyes fly open.
"I want more. " My tone begging with no embarrassment.
A grin overtakes his lips, his eyes shining under the dim light of the moon. "I want you on your hands and knees. " He demands.
My body moves on its own, and before my mind can catch up I'm on all four, my ass on display in front of him. He runs his palms over the skin before slapping sharply my right ass-cheek.
I gasp, flinching forward. "That's for flirting with Rafe."
"I wasn't flirting with-" 
Another slap.
"And that's for ignoring me for a week." He growls. I stay silent as he pulls my underwear to the side again. He strokes my pussy with the head of his dick, dragging it up and down my slit, teasing me.
"JJ please," I whine desperately.
He leans down bringing his lips beside my ear. "Say you're sorry for ignoring me."
I swallow the last bit of pride that's left in me, understanding that my need for him is too big, and knowing that his ego is hurt, I do as he says. "I'm sorry for ignoring, I'm sorry."
"You want me?" He presses, his tone dripping with enjoyment.
"Yes, I want you so bad, please." I push my ass backwards.
He lets out a low chuckle and I hear him rip open a condom, seconds later his head presses against my entrance and slides in slowly. We both let out a groan at the feeling. God, I missed this too.
"Ready?" He asks breathlessly after a few seconds.
I nod my head, allowing him to move his hips. He grabs a full fist of my hair while his other hand stays on the curve of my ass before he pulls out and slams back in.
I immediately gasp when he begins to thrust inside me building a fast and steady rhythm.
"God, you're so fucking tight." He groans. The sound of skin on skin fills the air and my breaths begin to come out short as I arch my back. His dick feels too good inside me, almost heavenly. The way he moves, the sounds he makes, I've missed everything.
"Fuck it's so good." I brokenly moan. His balls begin to hit perfectly at my clit, pushing me closer and closer to my second orgasm. His grip on my hair tightens and pants of air mixed with low growls leave his mouth. I'm struggling to keep my body up as a fucks me harder than ever before and the fire in my belly grows.
"I'm not gonna last long." He mumbles in my ear but the pleasure between my legs is too much, my muscles burn and I squeeze my eyes shut as I let my second orgasm wash over me, euphoria spreading at every inch of my body. My legs begin to shake the sensation too intense as he fucks me through the last of it. His thrusts become sloppier, his nails digging into the flesh of my ass.
He falls forward and I feel his heartbeat on my back. "Fuck, Y/n." He lets an animistic growl in my ear, his body stilling completely as he empties himself inside the condom. Drops of sweat fall from the tips of his blonde hair on my shoulder, while both he and I catch out breaths. After almost a minute he plants a kiss on my back before pulling out slowly. The feeling of emptiness creeps in, alongside with the embarrassment and the realisation of what just happened. I hear him pulling the condom out and throwing it somewhere, while I stay almost frozen. Now that everything is done, I can't find the strength to face him. I lift myself to my feet, my legs still a little weak but I ignore it reaching for my shorts and putting them back on. I keep my back to him and my head low as reach for my top. The sound of his belt lets me know that he doing the same. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around. He holds up my shirt between his fingers.
"Thanks." My voice falters. I pull the shirt over my head and run my fingers through my tangled hair. I feel his eyes on me, burning at the side of my head. I build up all the courage that I can master and turn my gaze to him and it takes one second to regrade it. He stands there, fully dressed, his blonde hair a mess, looking at me with those eyes. Those big, blue eyes that I've grown so used to over the last few months, staring at me with so much softness, analysing. Suddenly, my body is fighting a wave of emotions.
"What?" I ask, my tone almost a whisper.
He clenches and unclenches his jaw, his eyes saying so much but his mouth, not a single word. "I'm taking you home." He states before turning around and walking away back towards the party. I don't fight him, I simply follow him to his bike. Both of us know exactly what's going on, I know he understands what I'm trying to do but he doesn't seem to understand why and I don't bother explaining. I know him. I know how he is, I know how he reacts. I know who he is and who I am. I keep my hands tight around his waist as we make the short way towards my house on his bike. I try to enjoy these last few moments with him. It's always stolen moments like these. On his bike, on the beach, hidden in John B's van, silently in my room, or in my dad's boat. And that's not enough.
It's been days since I last saw him. He left me home, with a small nod and a goodnight and I haven't seen him since then. Truth be told, I haven't worked at the cafe at all, claiming to my mother that I have a lot of homework, which is partly true. I've been distracting myself as much as I can with school and studying. Tonight is no different, I'm sitting comfortably in my bed working on my homework for Monday.
"That's it, I'm done with this boy." My dad's yelling interrupts me, catching my attention.
"Honey please, he's going through a rough time." My mom tries to calm him down. "Let me talk to Y/n, maybe she knows something."
"She better not, she shouldn't be hanging out with these boys in the first place." I hear a door slam. I have heard my dad this angry in a long time, but usually, it is always about the same things; either me sneaking around and breaking his house rules or something to do with the pogues. My dad loves my mom and accepts her for who she is but he doesn't get why she still wants to have ties with the south side and most importantly why she wants me to grow up knowing both sides. But what are they fighting about now? What boy?
A soft knock on my door snaps me out of my thoughts. "Come in."
My mom opens the door slowly., entering my room. "Hey, honey." She closes the door behind her.
"What's going on mom? Why is dad yelling?" I ask her right away.
She lets out a sigh and approaches my bed, taking a seat. "Y/n have you talked to John B at all?"
My eyebrows twitch. "Um, no not really, why?"
She doesn't appear mad unlike the way my dad sounded a few seconds ago, instead, her face falls at my answer.  "Are you sure? Have you talked to Kiara or the other boys?"
I shake my head, her questions confusing me more. "No mum, why?"
"Apparently the keys to the boat are nowhere to be found." She finally explains.
"And you think Jonh B stole them?" I lift both my brows. "Mom, come on, I mean I would expect something like this from dad but not from you."
"No, no" My mom shakes her head, reaching for my hand. "No, honey. You know what I think of him, I care about John B, I've known him since he was a child. I wouldn't mind if he took the key and had fun on the boat with his friends for a few days but you know how your dad gets."
"It's always the pogues' fault." I roll my eyes.
"Please talk to him, " She nods. "I would hate for him to lose his job because of something like this. Just ask if he took them."
I nod back. "Fine, I will."
"Thanks, honey." She places a kiss on my forehead. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight mom." I hold my smile until she closes the door. Why would John B take the keys to our boat? He knows that if he simply asked me or my mom we would let him borrow it. This doesn't seem like something he would do but then again, the only people that have access to the boat are me, my parents, and him. I reach for my phone and call John B but the phone rings and rings with no answer. I try a few more times, before trying Kie and Pope, but no luck. I stare at his number for a few seconds before pressing call, mentally preparing myself to listen to his voice after so long but just like the rest of them, he doesn't pick up.
"What the hell? Why is none answering?" .
I decided to go by the chateau after my morning shift at the cafe. I prepare myself and go over the things I'll say if by chance JJ's there as well but I stop in my tracks when an unfamiliar van comes into view packed outside the house. Sounds of glass breaking, things being thrown around, and doors slamming can be heard as I move closer to the house. I push myself behind a big tree, narrowing my eyes, trying to peer through the open window, when 2 men come into view. Big, muscular, and scary looking. Fear begins to spread through my body.
"You better not be in there boy!" One of them yells as they both throw themselves to a closed door, trying to open it. They kick and punch at the old wooden door as it slowly begins to crumble. Suddenly I see the window on the side of the house opening, and a body quickly forcing its way out of it. He turns around and I immediately recognise Pope's face. Kie follows shortly after with John B right behind them. They begin to run my way as I stay frozen, completely shocked by what's happening right in front of me. Pope's eyes lock with mine, his face taken over by a scared expression probably mirroring mine.
"Guys." He yells in a whispering tone and everyone's heads snap my way. JJ is the last to jump out the window, running behind his friends.
His eyes fall on me, eyes widening. "No, no, no." He mumbles as they all reach me. "No, not now." He grabs my arm just when a gunshot echoes through the area. I gasp, my body numbing with fear as JJ drags me along with them, my eyes not leaving the house as the 2 guys open the door and burst into the room that they guys came out of. JJ pulls me inside the small chicken coop closing the small door behind us. I bring my hand to cover my mouth, my fingers trembling. I look around taking in all of their scared faces. "W-what-" I try to say.
"What are you doing here?" JJ angrily whispers, pulling me by the arm to face him but I don't react.
"JJ now is not the time." Kie snaps at him, fear written all over her face as well. The chickens begin to make noise, yet nothing reaches me. "Do something. " She nods towards the chickens.
"Like what? Pet them?" Pope jokes while trying not to panic.
JJ reaches over taking the chicken in his hands and squeezing his little neck until it eventually stops breathing. I try to take deep breaths but my eyes stay locked on the house as the men get inside the car and drive off. Kiara takes my hand in her, tears wetting her cheeks.
"I think it's clear." John B says. "Come on." He steps out of the coop, Pope and Kiara following him.
JJ moves in front of me, stepping out as well. He extends his hand for me to take. My trembling fingers wrap around it, allowing him to pull me out. 
"What are you here?" He repeats. His eyes look at me still panicked, moving around my face almost fanatically. His hands come up to my face, pushing hair away.
"I.." I try to form a sentence but my mouth is dry. "I was looking f-for John B."
"God." He runs his fingers through his hair, moving around.
"I thought we were going to die." Kie breathes out, holding her hand over her chest. Pope moves to her side and pulls her into a side hug.
"What just happened?" I say still trying to catch my own breath. "Who are they? What did they want?"
John B looks at his friends, and I know that he's silently asking them if he can tell me. He walks towards me. "Hey, I'm sorry you had to see that." He pulls me to his chest.
"Are you in trouble?" I look up at him. "you know that my mom will help you with anything. Just tell me."
"You don't have to know everything." JJ says, his hands crossed in front of him, his face suddenly cold.
I move my eyes to him, confused by his tone and sudden energy shift.
"JJ.." Kiara sends him a careful glare.
"Why were you looking for me?"
"Um," I mumble, my eyes still fixated on JJ. "did you take the keys to our boat?"
He closes his eyes, cursing under his breath. "Yeah," he looks at his friends again, all of them looking at me apologetically. What the hell is going on? I'm used to not being involved in pretty much anything when it comes to them, but this is not a joke.
I narrow my eyes at all of them, shaking my head. "Can anyone please explain to me what the fuck just happened?"
"Look Y/n-" Pope takes a step forward but JJ cuts him off, placing a hand on his chest.
"No, she doesn't need to know."
"What's wrong with you?" Anger overtakes my tone. He's acting like an asshole right now. "Do you realise what just happened JJ? Those guys had a gun."
"I know that Y/n." He clenches his jaw, walking back towards me. "but it doesn't involve you, so just go back to figure 8 cause last time I checked that's where you belong." He gets closer to my face and I feel my whole body stiffens at his cruel words. "Stop trying to be a pogue." 
I tighten the muscles on my face, not wanting to let the tears leave my eyes but the unexpected anger overtakes my body and my hand moves across his face, slapping him hard. His face freezes, staying to the right. He has never spoken to me like that. He has never acted this way towards me and I hate it.
"Fuck you dude." I spit, shaking my head. I turn to John B. "Give me the keys." I don't care why they took them and I don't wanna know what happened anymore, I just wanna go home.
"Y/n.." He gives an apologetic look.
"Give. me. the. keys." My tone is sharp as I open my palm in front of him.
He lets out a sigh before dropping them in my palm. I put them in my pocket, not saying a word to him, and turn around.
"Y/n, let me come with you." Kie offers.
"I'd rather not." I say getting inside my car and slamming the door shut. I pull out without waiting for any of them to try and stop me and drive off, letting the tears finally fall. Tears of fear, tears of anger, and tears of hurt. He was right; I desperately wanted to be one of them my whole life but that wasn't the reason why I asked. I don't give a shit what they were doing and how they ended up in a situation like that, but it was serious. It wasn't fun and games, those guys weren't joking around and I care about them. All of them. If they're in trouble I want to help them as much as I can. My mom would understand them and she would do anything to help cause she's a pogue. But I'm not. I'm not and they'll never see me as one. They'll never trust me enough. He'll never let me get close. I know how it is and I thought that I had accepted it but clearly I was wrong cause it hurts.
. . . .
It's been 2 days and yet I'm still on edge. I still look over my shoulder every 5 seconds, and I still flinch over any slightly loud noise. I've been zoning out constantly, my mind travelling back to that day and his words. It still hurts, the way he talked to me but it was the reality check that I needed. Maybe it's time to actually stop and move on.
I wipe the last of the tables getting ready to close the cafe. The sun is setting and I can't wait to go home and relax after a long day. I move to the counter, grabbing my stuff and making sure everything is closed and in order when I hear the 'ding' the door makes when it opens.
"I'm sorry we're closed-" I turn around coming face to face with the 2 men that broke into John B's house.
Their faces hold the same smug expression, satisfied with the clear shock that overtakes my whole body. "We're not here for coffee." One of them says, his voice raspy and low.
My feet move backwards until my back hits the front of the counter. "I-I can't help you then." I shutter.
"Oh but you can," He smirks. "you can deliver a message to John B for us."  I shake my head repeatedly, my chest heavy as I try to breathe. He grabs me by the arm, his fingertips digging painfully into my skin while the other finds my neck, choking me.
"And since words won't do it for them, maybe this will. "The other one says, nodding to his partner with a smirk. The guy releases me and before I have time to catch my breath, his hand slaps me across the face so hard that it sends me to the ground.
"Ugh." It takes me a few seconds for my sense to return, my head heavy with pain and my skin burning. He grabs me by the shirt, forcing me upwards only to bring his hand across my face again. I yell in pain, tears streaming down my face as the taste of blood fills my mouth. My eyes struggle to focus.
He stands straight, looking down at me. "P-Please stop." I beg but he stays unphased, kicking me right in the stomach. Pain spreads through my body, my knees coming to my chest as I cough violently. He kicks me again, and again, his boot finding my face at some point and I scream until there's no strength in me to make noise anymore. The tears won't stop and breathing gets harder by the second.
"Tell your friend that he better give us the compass or else he's next. "He pulls my head up by my hair causing me to whine in pain. He gives me one last evil smirk before slamming it back on the wooden floor and walking away without a second glance at my aching body, his partner following.
I sob violently at this point, trying to keep my head focused and my eyes open but they're getting heavier and heavier, the world starting to spin. I don't know how long I stayed on the floor in and out of consciousness but when I heard my name being yelled my eyes snapped open.
John B kneels by my side. "Oh my god Y/n, what happened?" He says, his voice full of panic. His hands' ghost over my body not knowing where to touch me as he scans the injuries.
I don't reply but a broken sob escapes me.
"It's okay, it's gonna be okay." He slides his hands carefully under my body, my face twitching with pain. He takes me in his arms and walks out of the cafe. "It's okay, you're safe, I got you." he murmurs against my head. He lays me down on the back seat of the twinkie before hopping in on the driver's seat. His hands move fast, his eyes wild, looking back at me every 2 seconds as he drives.
"What happened?" He whispers. "W-who did this?"
I keep my eyes close and try to control my breathing but the pain is too much. "T-those men" The words that leave my mouth are barely audible but he catches them.
His hands tighten around the wheel, before punching it. He looks back at me anger written all over his face, his eyes almost watering. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Y/n. It's all my fault."
"The compass.." I drag out, causing him to look back at me with wide eyes but everything fades again.
I feel his hands on me again. He takes me in his arms. "We're here." He whispers and I bury my face in his neck. I recognise his house immediately. He takes big steps almost running trying to hold me without causing me pain.
He reaches the house. "Guys!." he yells. "Help!"
"Oh my god, Y/n," Kie cries out rushing to us.
"What happened?" Pope tries to help John B carry me to the couch.
"Y/n." It's his voice that makes my eyes finally open and it's the look on his face when he sees me that hurts more that the pain in my body. A single sharp breath leaves his mouth before he's by my side as John B places me on the couch. I let out a small whine.
"What happened?" He whispers, dropping to his knees beside me. "What happened?!" He yells turning to John B who has his hands buried in his hair, pacing around the room. Kie appears back in the room with a first aid kit.
"Those men, the 2 men that broke in, jumped on her. " He answers.
"What?" Pope says. "Why would they do that to her? How do they even know her?"
"It's the boat, idiots." Kie angrily says passing some ice to JJ. "They saw us jumping inside it to escape them."
"Baby," JJ presses the ice to my cheek, with trembling hands. I can already feel different parts of my body brushing. His other hand comes to my head, brushing my hair back. "Baby, I'm sorry." He places his lips against my forehead. His lips tremble, and he shakes his head, eyes wide full of fear and anger. "You're gonna be okay, I'm here yeah? I'm not leaving you again." He whispers, his voice breaking.
Kie appears next to us. "Jay, let me take care of her." She touches his shoulder. "She needs help and rest."
JJ leaves one last kiss on the side of my face before getting up. "I'm gonna fucking kill them."I hear him growl before he and the boys move further into the house. Kie cleans up all my wounds and takes care of the cuts that I had on my face.
"Get some rest okay?" She smiles a sad smile at me.
"Thanks, Kie." I mumbled before drifting off.
. . . . . .
I shiver, the sudden cold air that hits my exposed skin forces my eyes open, waking me up from my slumber. The living room is dark, not a single person is here except me. I try to lift my body into a seating position, and a sharp but lighter pain spreads around my stomach and back causing me to whine.
I hear a groan from my left and I turn to find JJ's sleeping body laying on the floor. His closed eyes twitch before opening. It takes a few seconds for him to react but when he sees me awake his body shoots up, hands stretching towards my body.
"Y/n," He breathes. "hey."
I rub my eyes with the back of my hands. "What time is it?"
"Um," His hands fumble with his phone. "It's almost 3 am. You fell asleep"
"Hmm," I hum, lifting myself into a seating position. "My parents-"
"Kiara texted them from your phone that you're gonna stay at hers tonight." He says. "Take it easy." He touches my back softly. A sad expression overtakes his face when he sees me struggling to straighten my back.
"Y/n.." He shakes his head and I know exactly what he's going to say.
"It's okay, it's fine." I reassure him. JJ tends to hold a lot of guilt inside. He thinks that he's responsible for anything that happens. It seems like he holds the weight of the world on his shoulders when there's really no need.
"No, it's not." He shakes his hand repeatedly. "It's not. I can't stand seeing you hurt because of me. You did nothing wrong, it shouldn't have happened like this." His eyes drop to his hands that are resting on my thighs.
"It's not your fault." I place my hand on top of his.
"But it is. We stole your boat to escape, they saw that. And then I acted like a dick refusing to tell you anything in order to protect you and keep you out of it when in the end it's you who got hurt." His voice is filled with guilt and anger.
"Protect me from what?" I scoff. "What's going on Jay?"
His eyes soften at the nickname but he stays quiet.
"Why don't you trust me?" I mumble, mostly to myself.
"I do trust you." He defends.
"Just not enough right?" I smile a little.
He closes his eyes. "Y/n, you know it's not like that. You know me."
"Apparently I don't JJ." I raise my tone a little. "I mean I thought I did, I wanted to. I was patient and I was understanding. I listened to you and I was there. As much as you would let me at least." I go on, and all the words that I was holding inside come rushing out. "The JJ I know would not talk to me like that, the JJ I know would not disappear for days, the JJ I know would not keep secrets from me."
"Y/n-" He tries to interrupt me.
"No, I get it, I know my place. " I hold a hand up between us. "I know we're not together but I care JJ. " I admit looking at him dead in the eye. His face falls at my words, jaw tightening. "I liked it when you would climb through my window and we would talk for hours about all the things you guys had done that day and I liked it when I would sneak out after midnight and go on bike rides with you. I liked how we would surf together or how we would lay on my rooftop, looking at the stars talking about all the things we want in life. You were the one that was pushing me to join you in all kinds of things, you would always tell me that I was a pogue deep down." Tears threaten to spill but I try to contain them.
"You were the one that pushed me away," He point a finger towards me. "Since day one, since the first day we fucked, you never wanted me."
"JJ," I lift my hands to my hair, struggling to control my anger. "I was trying to protect myself!"
"For what?" He shoots back, his frustration building as well.
"From you!" His shoulders fall. "I wanted you, I've always wanted you but I know you." I sigh, studying his beautiful, blue eyes that are piercing mine. "I know better than to let myself fall and believe that this is more than it is." I say quietly.
He tilts his head, his eyes never leaving mine. "I tried to stay away from you because I couldn't stand to hold you and know that you aren't mine. Every time I would look at your face, I would see nothing but walls. We would have sex and then you would go back to being cold and wanting to be as far away from me as possible and I honestly get it, people like me don't deserve people like you."
I shake my head in disbelief. "How can you say that?"
"Cause it's true." He chuckles sadly. "Look at you and look at me." He motions between us.
"Stop." I close my eyes, unable to stand the way he views himself, I wish he could see how extraordinary he actually is.
"Y/n, I know." His gaze hardens. "But when John B walked through that door with you almost unconscious in his arms. Your body and face brushed and beaten," He twitches his face as if the image brushes through his mind and physically hurts him. "I lost it. My heart dropped. Nothing mattered but making sure that you were okay and holding you in my arms. The thought that something like that had happened to you," He shakes his head, reaching to take my jaw in his hands gently. "I can't fucking stand it. And I swear to you that I will search the whole island for these motherfuckers and I'll fucking kill them for laying a finger on you." He leans forward, his forehead inches away from mine.
A small smile creeps on my lips at his words, my heart warming instantly.
"I'm sorry about what I said the other day, all I wanted was to protect you and I'm sorry for disappearing on you. I'm sorry about all the lying and the secrets and I'm sorry I can't be what you need and deserve." His eyes move all over my face while his thumbs move gently over my cheekbones.
I bite my lip. "JJ, you're all I want. You're more than enough." I say with my whole heart, wanting nothing more than for him to see himself the way I do. "You're the most incredible person I know and it hurts me that don't see it."
"I don't deserve you." He whispers, his lips ghosting over mine. His breath becomes my breath.
"Shut up." I smile crushing my lips to his. It doesn't take more than a second for him to react, moving his mouth against mine, inhaling sharply as if I'm oxygen. I let out a low moan as JJ's lips started nibbling at mine, demanding entrance that I'm all too happy to grant. It's ridiculous how much I've missed him, the taste of his lips is enough to make all the pain disappear. Everything fades away as our tongues collide, teasing and testing each other. My hands travel to his hair, tugging lightly while he holds my waist carefully. I push myself forwards, sucking on his bottom lip before capturing it between my teeth. I can feel him holding back, he digs his fingers into my skin and releases a sharp breath.
"Y/n," He lets out a low groan, breaking the kiss.
My frustration builds more with each second passing, wanting nothing more than to feel his hands on me. I need to feel him. "What?" I breathe out.
"Maybe.." His eyes fall to my swollen lips, his mouth opening. "Maybe we should take it slow, considering what you went through the last few hours."
I shake my head. "No, I want you." I inch forward wanting to taste him again but he doesn't let me.
"Princess, trust me I want nothing more than to throw you on the couch and fuck you senseless while you scream my name for everyone to hear." He tilts his head downwards, his words making my insides hot and causing my thighs to clench together, hoping for some relief. His eyes big and wild, hungrily staring back at mine while I let my hands explore and touch his face, brushing his hair back and down his neck. My burning desire for his touch has overtaken me completely, my stomach tightens just at the thought of all of the things we could do but I know that he's right, my body still feels beaten and heavy.
"You need to rest for tonight." He takes my jaw between his fingers.
"Will you stay with me?" I'm scared that the minute we leave each other, things will go back to how they were, and what I realised after tonight and after what happened is that I don't wanna be without him anymore. I don't want to be scared anymore cause you never know what will happen.
His face breaks into a soft smile. "Lay down."
His arms felt familiar yet foreign. Like I missed the feeling of falling asleep buried in his chest, his scent filling my senses but different like something's changed.
The book that I'm reading has been getting less and less interesting with each minute passing. Maybe it's the fact that it's 10:00 pm and I'm laying in my bed, reading on Saturday night, or the fact that he hasn't called me or even texted the whole day. It's been a few days since the incident at the cafe. After we woke up that day JJ drove me back home and explained pretty much everything, about The Royal Merchant, the compass that they found, and how it lead them to the tape recorder that Big John left for his son. I still can't believe some of the things that happened to them and what they discovered. He made me promise that I won't tell a soul, something I would have done even if he hadn't asked. I haven't seen him since, mostly cause my parents have been babying me none stop. I told them what happened at the cafe, twisted around a little the actual truth, and claimed that the 2 men tried to rob the cafe but JJ and John B showed up. I haven't gone to school or done anything in general for the past few days. I've been laying low and have recovered completely but my mind has been stuck on what JJ told me. Through the days I found myself wondering what they were doing and wishing I was with them.
A knock on my widow breaks me out of my thoughts. JJ sends me a small wave. My head snaps to my door, checking if it's closed before running to open the window. He quickly pushes his tall body through the small opening, stumbling a little in the process.
"Hi" he breathes out, standing up straight.
"Hi," I giggle "what are you doing here?" I scan him with my eyes making sure that he's okay and also taking in the sight of him that I've missed so much.
"I wanted to check up on you." He says, running his hands through his hair.
My hands are itching, wanted to reach in and touch him but I don't know if that is too much. Honestly, I don't know where we stand, all I know is that I've missed him.
His eyes move around my face while he tugs his bottom lip between his teeth. My eyes catch the movement. "Come here." He mutters before reaching forward and wrapping his arms around my waist. I bury my face into the curve of his neck, my eyes closing at the feeling of his embrace.
"I missed you." He speaks so quietly that I almost didn't catch it.
I tighten my arms around his neck, silently responding. I missed him too.
"I was worried about you." I say, pulling away slightly.
"About me?" He lifts his brows playfully. "Come on have a little faith in my survival skills princess."
I slap his shoulder lightly, trying to hide my smile. "What happened? Is everyone okay?"
"Yeah, everyone's fine." He brushes me off. "I'll tell you everything but first.." He cups my jaw with his hands and presses his lips to mine. I let out a surprised sound that dies in my throat before moving my lips against his, responding. I feel him smile into the kiss and he opens his mouth slightly, allowing my tongue to slide inside. He hums as our tongues play with each other, letting his hands fall to my waist. He pulls my body closer to his, forcing me to my tiptoes while the kiss gets heavier. The sound of our lips and our heavy breathing fills the room.
"My parents will hear us." I breathe out.
"I don't care." He attacks my lips again, backing me slowly until the back of my knees hit my bed. He breaks the kiss and gives me a light push causing me to fall on the bed. He stares down at me with a smirk slowly dropping his hands to the bottom of his shirt and peeling it off his body. My eyes take him in, his chest and abs on full display. I bite my lip wanting nothing more than to reach out and touch him. He leans down, wrapping his hands around my neck, forcing my head upwards to look at him.
"Don't look at me like that." He drawls out.
I relax my face, staring at him through my lashes. "Like what?"
He pushes me down completely, my back flat against the bed while his legs are spread on each side of my hips.
He gives me a light slap on the cheek but it's enough to make my back arch and my thighs to clench together. "Don't test me, princess, 'cause I don't give a shit about your parents being just across the hall."
My hands find the bottom of my own shirt, pulling it over my head. "I don't give a shit either."
"Fuck." He dives right into my chest, his mouth nibbling and sucking on my exposed skin. My hands go to his hair instantly, guiding him to my breasts. He wastes no time, unclipping my bra and taking one of my nipples in his mouth.
"Mhh," I moan as he circles his tongue around the hardening nub. His hands hold my hips down when I try to find some relief by grinding my hips to his. His lips travel farther down teasingly, dragging his tongue over my stomach and stopping at the top of my pajama pants. His eyes shoot up, the light and hunger in them challenging me. His fingers toy with the fabric, pulling it down slowly, not breaking eye contact while I lift my hips, allowing him to fully take it off. He straightens up, his hands fumbling with his belt with his eyes glued to my panties. His breathing hardens when I open my thighs exposing myself to him.
"You have no idea how I missed you." He groans, pulling his pants down.
I blink at him with a small smile. "How much?"
His eyes darken, looking down at my figure hard. " Let me show you." He pulls me by the thighs to the edge of the bed and kneels down right in front of my core. I inhaled sharply as he wastes no time ripping my panties off of me. His eyes beamed with hunger, taking in the sight of me. He lowers himself just a little, his hot breath fanning my bare pussy causing shivers to spread through my body. He looks up, eyes narrowing playfully using the tip of his tongue to deliver a soft flick over my clit. My legs twitch slightly, which causes him to smile.
"Stay still princess." He pins my hips down again and drags his tongue over my slit. He groans against me, the vibration shooting through me while he wastes no time diving in and moving his tongue at a faster pace. Heat explodes through my veins, my toes curling at the feeling of his wet muscle absolutely devouring me with no hesitation. He sucks and nibbles, drawing and flickering against my sensitive nerves as I whimper shamelessly underneath him. My hand shoots to his hair, head falling back and my back arching when I feel not one but two fingers slotting into my entrance.
"Oh my god, Jay." I rasp out, my palm covering my mouth.
His fingers start moving violently fast inside me, filling the room with pornographic wet sounds as the heat on my lower stomach builds embarrassingly fast. "Fuck baby, you're so wet." He groans against me before moving his thumb to cover my clit, rubbing circles in a fast motion.
His mouth attaches to my neck, taking the soft skin between his lips. "I want you to come on my fingers baby can you do that for me?" He whispers in my ear.
My body lifts off the mattress, feeling myself climbing higher and higher. "I-I'm gonna-" The words die in my throat as a giant wave of unexpected pleasure crashes over me, my eyes roll all the way back to my head, my mind going completely numb as his fingers keep up the pace allowing me to ride it out.
"That's it, baby," He mumbles against my neck. I close my eyes, still feeling the tingling sensation lingering in my belly. He pulls his fingers out, the aftermath of my orgasm dripping to his palm. He wraps his swollen lips around them, testing me while piercing me with his blue eyes.
He moans lightly. "The taste of you is incredible."
"Can I have a taste?" I nod down to his visibly hard member, that's fighting against the fabric of his boxers as he straightens his back, towering over me. My mouth watering at the thought, hands inching to fill the weight of his throbbing cock against them.
A low chuckle escapes him. "I would die to feel those pretty lips around my dick," He takes my jaw between his fingers. "But there's something I want more right now." He captures his bottom lip between his teeth, reaching to pull his boxers down. His dick shoots up free hitting his stomach, my eyes flicker to the tip, red and swollen with drops of precum coating it already. He pulls the drawer of my nightstand open, grabs a condom from the ones that he left a few weeks back, and quickly rolls it over his dick. He takes both of my wrists in his hands before I have any time to touch him and slams me back down on the bed.
He pins my hands over my head. "Your hands stay there."
I nod, trying to stop the grin of excitement that's forming on my lips. The feeling of need and frustration that only he can make me feel and that I've missed so much overtakes me as he lines his dick in my entrance. His tip brushes over my clit, opening my folds before pushing in slowly.  His forehead falls on mine and we both gasp as he fills me up entirely.
"Shit, princess." He hisses when I nod my head and give him the green light to move which he wastes no time doing. He pulls out all the way before slamming back in, filling me up again with such a powerful push that it causes me to gasp out loud. His hips find a rhythm in no time, attacking me with sharp, deep thrusts that make my breasts bounce almost painfully. His forceful movements draw all kinds of sounds out of me while everything begins to fade. My ears fill with the sound of my own heartbeat and his low moans and grunts as he pushes in and out of me, stretching me out with the size of his cock. I fight to keep my eyes open, only being able to focus on his beautiful face, that's overtaken by a mesmerizing fucked out expression. His eyebrows are drawn together, drops of sweat coating his forehead while his mouth hangs slightly open. He looks breathtaking as he fucks me senseless, reminding me with each thrust that in reality, he's all I want. His hands reach for the back of my right thigh, lifting it a little gaining access to a better angle that allows him to thrust deeper. My eyes roll back, unable to contain the pleasure that shoots from my core, my hands fly to his back, nails dining to the soft flesh, earning a deep grunt from him.
"You're doing so well baby, look at you taking my dick like a good girl." He grabs my neck with his free hands, his pace quickening making the knot in my stomach tighten. I dig my nails deeper, hands tugging his hair while both of our bodies dripping with sweat but I don't care about anything except my second orgasm that approaches.
"Are you gonna come for me again princess?" He teases me, feeling my walls tighten against him. "Tell me how good it feels, and maybe I'll let you come." He demands, tilting his head downwards and tightening his grip around my neck.
I can feel my wall throbbing, tightening painfully around his dick trying to keep him inside as heat begins to spread in my belly. "It feels so good Jay, so fucking good please baby don't stop." My dignity dissolves as tears start to form at the corners of my eyes.
"Tell me I'm the only one you want." His thrusts being to get sloppy, signalling that his own high is approaching. His eyes are wild, and everything starts to feel overwhelming.
"Y-you're the only one, I only want you." I confess, my tone desperate and begging.
He connects our foreheads again, hand dropping to my clit and with a single flick of his finger, I'm over the edge. My back arches, black spots fill my vision, and an almost euphoric feeling pulses through my veins. My brain and body are overtaken with pleasure and I keep my eyes shut as JJ's orgasm hits him just as hard.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." He buries his face in the curve of my neck, letting his low groans fill my ear. I let him ride it out, ignoring the over-sensitivity that I start to feel. His body freezes for a few seconds as he releases into the condom before collapsing on top of me. I feel his heart drumming in his chest while he tries to control his breathing. I'm still in a state of bliss, ears still ringing and heart still beating fast. We stay like this for a good minute, our sweaty bodies touching and our fast breathing filling the air until he decides to lift himself off me and fall to the side.
Silence overtakes us, letting everything that just happened sink in. He pops himself on his elbow, head resting on his hand as he looks down at me with soft eyes. His hair going in every possible direction, his lips swollen and his neck covered in marks I don't remember making.
I smile at the sight of him.
"What?" His breathing is still uneven.
"You're pretty." I think out loud.
His eyes shift, lips curving upwards. "I love you, Y/n."
The raw emotion is visible as he speaks the words, causing my heart to stop for a split second. The words I desperately wanted to hear and desperately wanted to say for so long. The skin of my cheeks tingled but I say nothing, still processing what he just said.
His face breaks into a smile, unphased by my silence. "Fuck, I wanted to say that for so long." He lets out a breath of relief, pushing his hair back.
I've dreamt about this moment, never actually believing that it'll happen, thinking that just a hookup was all that I would ever be for JJ.
I stare deep into his ocean eyes. "I love you too JJ." I speak the easiest truth I've ever had to say out loud.
His smile grows more, overtaking his whole face and causing his eyes to almost close. I reach over throwing a hand around his neck and kissing him like I've never had before. We both smile into the kiss and giggles fill the air.
"I'm in love with you." He says again, against my lips.
His phone interrupts our moment before I have the chance to say it back again.
He sighs, reaching towards the floor to retrieve it from the pocket of his pants.
"What?" He picks up, keeping his eyes on me. His face drops, eyebrows coming together. "Slow down, slow down." His gaze shifts and I lift myself to a seating position, quickly throwing my shirt on. "Okay, I'm coming got it." His body almost bounces as he paces back and forth, his free hand moving fanatically until he stops right in front of me, ending the call.
His eyes light up and a challenging smile tugs at his lips.
"What?" I ask, completely lost.
"Wanna join me on a treasure hunt princess?" He grins.
"What do you mean?" My face twitches with confusion.
"John B needs me, they found something." He begins to get dressed.
"And what? You want me to join you guys?" I can't help the excitement that spreads over my face. "What do you mean?"
"The guys are waiting for us at Kie's place." He stands up straight, all dressed and ready with his hands resting on his hips. "That's the reason I came here." He bites his bottom lip, trying to contain his smile. "To get you. They guys are okay with it, especially with everything happening with Sarah and John B. " He waves his hands around.
I frown." What's going on with Sara and John B?"
He shakes his head, reaching for my waist. "I'll explain on the way. Are you in or not?"
I look into his eyes, the deepest shade of blue I've ever seen. The eyes that I've fallen so hard for and I would do anything for. The eyes that are now silently inviting me, challenging me, and making my heart beat faster. All my life I wanted nothing more than to be like them, to feel what it's like to live life their way, and even though what happened was the scariest thing I've ever experienced I can't help but give him a small nod.
His teeth make an appearance before he takes my face in his hands, planting a kiss on my lips. "Get dressed then baby, the gold is waiting." He smirks.
I smile against his lips. I guess my mom was right; the choice is pretty easy if you follow your heart.
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armpirate · 6 months
Soundleasure | Choi San || CH. 2
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Pairings: Soft!San x fem!reader || Strangers to lovers, fake dating
Genre: smut, angst, fluff, online sex, ghosting
Warnings: inexperienced!San, fem!reader, masturbation, online sex, camboy, first times.
Summary: You can do whatever you please and be whoever you want on the Internet. And San knew that a little bit too well.
After finally following all the signs the universe was throwing at him, he started living a double life that no one was aware of. Everyone in his daily life knew him as Choi San, the reserved and quiet boy who wouldn't raise his voice, and would barely communicate with anyone outside of his comfort group. But only a few knew him as Soundleasure, the man with a sexy voice and a filthy mind that had their toes curling just with his narrations.
He never thought of the possibility of those two lives ever meeting, he had always tried for them to follow a parallel route and had always played safe to keep his friends from ever suspecting that side even existed. But his plans will start to crumble when he gets a little too close with one of his subscribers and she invades his real-self and altergo's universes without being able to stop it.
Y/n will not only help him to keep his secret from his circle, but will also show him there's more of Soundleasure in him than he'd like to admit. 
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Aprox. time of reading: 11 minutes
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San sank on his seat, moving his pen up and down, hitting the desk a few times until the click of a tongue made him sit straight on his seat as he dropped the pen next to his notebook. The move of his finger only changed from his pen to the touchpad of his laptop on the right of his notebook.
It was his fault for opting to extend his studies and start a master degree on Computer Science that he didn't exactly need, but that he ended up doing because he didn't feel ready to jump into the wide world of work. So even if he felt bored there, he saw it as an opportunity to expand his resume, and also as extra time to get used to the real world ahead of him.
He silently sighed, looking around to find nothing before he looked back down at his screen, noticing a blue mark popping up on the lower bar. Wooyoung was reminding him and Mingi about the dinner they had agreed on having. But he knew that reminder was mainly directed at him, since Mingi never missed the chance to go out and meet new people.
Ever since Wooyoung joined a new company as an event planner, he kept meeting lots of new people. Although it seemed that he stuck to a pair of new guys in his office that he always hung around during work time.
San wasn't especially delighted about the idea of meeting them that night. He remembered the hard time he had when Mingi decided to introduce his childhood friend, Yunho, to the group, and how hard it was for him to get used to the new guy until they eventually turned closer. Or how uncomfortable it was at first when Wooyoung introduced a classmate, Yeosang, as well until he was a new member of the group.
Yeah, he certainly wasn't looking forward for that night. At least not at that moment, even if he knew that he'd be happy to have attended, just like the past two times.
Woo: You two better not make up any excuses
Woo: We're living together, so don't force me to take my friends to the dorm.
Mingi: I'm broke this month
Woo: San will pay for your stuff
He knew Wooyoung wasn't talking seriously, but it was a way to drag him into the conversation that he knew he was reading. It still made him move uncomfortably on his seat, trying to think how to answer that.
San: You're the one working and the one inviting us. You should pay for his stuff
He would be just as broke as Mingi if it weren't for Soundleasure, although his friends didn't know that.
When they met they were all just starting their degrees, and San still was in a good place that didn't force him to do much to get money to cover up what he needed. His luck was that his parents had a comfortable position that just allowed him to live like that, until he couldn't anymore.
One day, everything changed and San found himself struggling to find a job he'd be able to fit into his schedules until he saw the light with the special channel he opened almost two years back, and that his friends had no idea of. They both saw the set up in his room, shortly after they all moved in together to an apartment close to his college, but they both deduced that San was just trying to make a career as a streamer, and joked how he was failing miserably since he was still going to class. At least it was an explanation he didn't need to give -he was well aware he probably would've had a difficult time finding a good answer if his friends had ever questioned him about it without giving their suspicions away.
He silently picked all of his things as soon as the lecture was over, getting his notebook, his case and his laptop inside his bag before he was one of the firsts leaving the place. It wasn't like he was late or anything, but he just felt better walking to the next class by himself and not being followed by the huge amount of people that would be heading in the same direction after they chose to leave.
There was no explanation to him as to why it was so hard for him to socialize in general. He was quite easy going and cheerful whenever he was around his friends. His only problem was the difficult journey he had to go through to get to that phase, and that seemed more complicated than the four years he spent studying Software Engineering.
He stopped in front of the door to his next class, resting in one of the benches that were placed every few meters across the corridor. It was quite silent and peaceful, until some voices started echoing the place, and he knew more people would surely join his classmates in a matter of minutes -maybe a bit longer if they had stopped in the cafeteria.
Just staring at the white wall made him feel uncomfortable. Not for the fact that it was weird, but it did make him feel like a weirdo for some reason. So he just scrolled through his phone, finding nothing interesting in his socials, and not with enough energy to bicker with Wooyoung -who was still teasing him in the group chat.
So he chose to enter his site, which at first sight seemed like any other random social media. At least his page looked like that because he didn't post any personal videos.
San didn't know if it was his social anxiety acting up, or how uncomfortable he felt just by scrolling down his phone without looking at anything in particular, but he ended up in his general private messages. He always checked those, but it never got his attention. Most of them were greetings, or random emojis or, at most, followers asking for a dedicated video. Until he found a message that was sent the previous night.
Swancruelly was a username he had never seen in his dms before, but it sounded familiar for some reason. It wasn't until he clicked on their profile that he was aware of how long they had been following him: almost one year and a half. They were following him when he still bothered to look at every new subscriber he got, excited at how people enjoyed his work -but also at the amount of money it meant he'd get at the end of the week.
"Good video... But maybe next time you could have my moans in it"
He read the text, and read it again. And smirked at how they used the verb "can", as in a possibility for him rather than them, instead of "should". The difference was minimal from afar, but looking at it in a closer perspective made him feel attracted to it. He felt as if that person was the one he had to lust after, instead of them lusting after him.
Soundleasure: Hmm sounds like an interesting proposal
Soundleasure: But I'm afraid I'll need some time to think about it.
Y/n felt her phone buzzing over the meeting table, making some eyes turn to her as the sound was loud enough to overlap with her boss' voice for those who were sitting closer to her. Ignoring those looks, she just reached for her phone, frowning at the notification that popped up at the top of her screen, along with several emails and unread messages.
It just didn't seem real to see that text coming from him, and it had her blankly staring at her screen until she called her own attention and started typing.
Y/n: Hope it's not too much time. I have a lot of offers to consider.
—Y/n —her name sounded so serious when it came out of the well suited man heading the table, that it instantly made her sit straight in her place and look up to him—. I was asking about the issue with the suppliers.
Although her mind briefly focused on the mysterious man that made her lose her mind -and a few hundred bucks monthly-, she managed to head back to the meeting, adopting her serious professional persona as soon as she was aware of the topic of discussion.
—I contacted them earlier, and they said the issue should be solved by Friday. They were waiting on another material to be able to send the whole thing, but it seems like they'll be getting it tomorrow, and production will be back to normal.
—Great —her boss sighed—. The dealerships have been blasting my phone for the past two weeks, and they were getting tired of hearing nothing. So it's good to know. Thank you, Y/n. Anything on the new model? —he changed the topic again.
She managed to be somewhat alert on what they were saying, in case it'd end up with her speaking up again, but she couldn't help but tap over her screen so it'd light up, finding nothing but the same old notifications.
Soon when everything was done and everyone was getting ready to leave, she was stopped by an authoritative voice calling her name. Most of her colleagues left the room without looking back. They weren't really worried about her, because they knew the man behind her wouldn't do much, other than raising his eyebrow and remind her where she was.
It wasn't like it happened frequently.
Well, at least not for the same reason of that day.
—Close the door —he commanded, placing his hands on his hips—. What should I do with you? —he sighed, relaxed once they were left alone.
—I was just checking a text —she replied back—. They don't know what it is about. Besides, I work more than all of them combined. Also, they'll think this position was gifted to me either way, as if I hadn't worked my ass to be where I am...
—... I've given up on holidays, I've done countless of extra hours, I've covered for some of their fuck ups. They have no right...
After being warned to stop talking and paying zero attention to the warning look and the amount of times he called her name, she was forced to stop talking when a hand covered her mouth.
—Stop —he arched his eyebrows—. Let others speak.
He could see by the way her frown deepened how annoyed she was by that. He knew her enough to know that was the only way to get her to shut up whenever she rushed talking and entered a cycle that would have no end.
—I know better than anyone else how hard you work constantly. I'm aware, and you don't need to remind me —he let go of her, poking his hands inside his pockets—. But you also need to understand you're equal to others, and I have to call you out when you do things wrong. And what you did earlier was wrong.
—Okay, but you don't know what the text was about —she shrugged—. It could be related to that problem with the providers that absolutely no one was able to solve.
—Oh, so you smile like that whenever you talk to the person that sends us the alloys? Good to know —he sighed, looking at her again—. I'm just doing it for your own good. One day, all of this will be yours, and I want all the assholes out there to respect you the same way they respect me. You're here for your hard work, but for them you're here because you're daddy's girl —he mocked the last two words—. You're doing a good job. I'm just saying you should outline some more details.
Finally giving in, she sighed while placing hers hands on her hips, exhausted over that discussion, but at the same time finding it useful. Her father was right, even if both of them didn't like it. The people from her own team, and those who were sharing a table with her earlier, didn't think of her further than the boss' daughter. It didn't matter how much work she did, or the amount of effort she poured into every detail, she was always overlooked. And the last thing those people needed were excuses to back up their annoying attitude.
—I'll do my best —she assured him—. But if I were them, I wouldn't play around either. They know one day I'll be the one in the lead, and I could kick their asses away.
—Yeah, you're not going to do that —he grimaced, gently smiling at her.
—You're right, I wouldn't do that. But all those free snacks in the kitchen... puff —she moved her hands in the air, mimicking objects vanishing.
—Seriously... —he chuckled, walking with her to the door— Just behave, show them all the great woman I've raised.
For some reason, that comment made her giggle softly and twist her body a bit, which meant she had to make an even bigger effort to hide the fact that they both had a father-daughter conversation, rather than a boss-employee one.
Their ways broke as they both headed to their own offices. Her father walked straight through the corridor, to hide behind the big black door that was secured by the table of his secretary, while she went in the opposite direction, breathing deeply when she finally closed the door to hers. She took her blazer off, hanging it over the coat rack at the left of the door, before she made her way behind her desk.
Moaning, she hid her face among her arms, curled over the surface, to enjoy the bit of darkness she wasn't allowed to due to the sunny day and the wide windows at her left.
Just like it happened with his videos, his texts also seemed to come in whenever she needed them, because her phone buzzed in the palm of her hand, making her raise her eyes over her forearm to check her screen.
Soundleasure: You were the one who sent the first text
Y/n bit her lip, holding back the excited smile -even if there was no one to hide it from. She didn't know what was the most exciting part of the whole thing. It wasn't like she had gone too much time without a similar conversation -similar in the sense of it being with a male, only, because in regards of attraction, it couldn't compare. Maybe it was the fact that, after a year and a half, she was finally talking to the voice of her pleasure.
Y/n: Because you got my attention. Imagine how lucky you are.
Soundleasure: So among all those convos, you still chose to get out of your way to reach out to me. I feel privileged.
Y/n: You should be! Now I have four more channels fighting for me. You're on a countdown.
Soundleasure: That sounds like a lot of negotiation to do, and I'm awful at that.
Y/n: I'm quite easy to convince.
Y/n: Maybe I shouldn't have said that
Soundleasure: To make the negotiation work, I should know the name of the person who's offering her moans.
Soundleasure: You know, just to make sure it is as sexy as the moans you're promising.
Y/n: I thought you'd have rathered to keep the mystery for a bit more... Y/n, that's my name.
Y/n: What about you, Soundleasure?
Soundleasure: San.
San smiled shortly, soon going back to the neutral look when he reminded he was still in class, surrounded by people and with the teacher a few meters away from him. He looked down at his phone, rereading the chat.
Y/n is definitely a name he could imagine himself moaning to.
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galahadenough · 1 year
I admittedly went into the series not expecting much. It’s a superhero show. It’ll be fun! But somehow fucking DC’s Legends of Tomorrow is hitting almost every itch I have for queer representation that I don’t see enough, or any, of elsewhere.
First off, it’s a fun show. It’s hilarious. It doesn’t take itself too seriously in a way that lets it be fun, but clearly the writers take the the show seriously because of the inside jokes that don’t break the mood if you don’t get it and because of how well they treat their characters.
But I’m here to talk about the queer rep. BTW, spoilers ahead (I say while having one more season to go…)
I suppose that I’ve been taught to not expect much, especially from action or superhero genres where every hint of a gay character is treated like an amazing first that people are suppose to be grateful for. But I really wasn’t expecting this.
First remarkable thing is the sheer quantity. You want a queer character? How about 7? How about they be main characters? How about they be emphatically queer while being queer has nothing to do with that character’s plot??
But the best thing for me is how they show queerness.
I have always felt that, as much progress as we have made, the goal for media should be that Indiana Jones (or Bond, or anyone) can be queer in an unquestionable way. It shouldn’t need a big explanation or be a shock. My personal goal would be that any generic action hero can unexpectedly turn out to be queer because it could easily go any direction. And Indiana Jones casually gets the guy. Or whatever. And that’s what Sara Lance does.
Sara Lance is ~arguably~ the main character. Hard to have a main character with that big of a cast, but she counts enough to make my point. The main character is bi. Visibly and emphatically and gleefully bi. And the show makes damn sure this fact never gets forgotten, but it is not a part of her backstory. It just is, without reasons or explanations.
She spends a lot of the show Casanova-ing her way across history, seducing women right and left in such a traditional male-adventure-hero type role that had me so happy. She took on such a traditional role that women have never had and did it is such a matter of fact way. Her confidence was never questioned. Her competence was never questioned. Her sexuality was never questioned. She didn’t even need to “come out”, she just existed like it was normal.
And this same character is the one who has had the longest, healthiest, most stable relationship in the show. I don’t know what happens in the last season, but it honestly wouldn’t even feel like “burying the gays” if Ava died at this point. It wouldn’t feel like a punishment for being queer because it was so openly celebrated for so much of the show.
Now that I’ve got Sara out of the way (because I love her too much to write this without her), it’s time to get to Mick Rory. Because Mick is fucking fantastic.
Mick is even more shocking than Sara when it comes to queer rep because he represents so much of the less visible representation. He is so visibly male and tough and abrasive. He comes across as questionably literate and is known for being the brawn and pyromaniac of the group.
This isn’t the sort of character that is known for getting any queer representation, then he stops drinking just long enough to pop off one of the best, most impassioned speeches about being “othered” that I’ve ever heard, and probably the only time I’ve every heard the phrase used outside of niche online communities.
He turns out to be a writer… of space opera sci-fi romance novels. A prolific, published author who adores his army of female fans, which is more respect towards a female audience than most shows seem to have. An author who, when he finally revealed who he was, preferred that his fans continue to call him Rebecca when talking to him. This isn’t quite trans representation, but it is incredibly satisfying and normalizing. Someone who looks and acts like him being comfortable being called Rebecca combined with the fact that he didn’t even get a strange look over the choice.
He has been referred to as a “skirt chaser” but rarely shows interest in anyone. Honestly feels like decent rep for aromantic and/or monsterfucker (which is one of those categories that I feel belongs under the queer umbrella).
And I just love how queerness permeates the show. There is never a shocked “wait.. you’re gay!!”. There are no token gays that are quickly forgotten and there are also no queer characters whose plot point is being gay. It just exists naturally and normally and it feels fucking fantastic.
I could probably polish this up a bit, but it’s really gotten away from me. I really love this show, and I just needed to get this out!
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 9 months
Listen, I've done higher ed and let me tell you, academia is full of nothing but constant criticism and challenges - and not all in good faith
I mean, you have to defend a thesis during your PhD and youre not defending because everyone only has compliments for you - and given Simon's subject of study? I bet his thesis defense was rough
So to me, I find it perfectly in character that Simon finally starts turning his life around when he gets the first bit of constructive criticism. (actual good faith criticism thats not "you were better before")
I feel like a lot of Simon's Ooo life (again 12 years!!! thats half of some of your lives to put in perspective) - all that time was because no one could give Simon the guidance he desperately needed. Finn with his "vault" never faces his grief. And Marceline who could've - Simon never talks to.
Remember when Marcy got a wake up call about how dumb she's acting when Glass Boy started singing about his princess - And Marcy realizes (no spoonfeeding necessary!) that she sounds so immature for pulling that on PB
Simon needed something like that. He's the kind of guy who would see a criticism in good faith and apply it where sensible. I don't think it's out of character for him to use that as a way to move forward - because for once people are telling him how!
here's a hard lesson I learned recently: pointing out where you did something wrong is not automatically you being blamed for that wrong thing happening - i think the key difference is when people blame you, they want you to feel bad - its a punishment, but when theyre pointing it out to help you, then they want you to feel better
and theres really no avoiding making mistakes - sometimes its the only way someone can learn
It's been more than a decade for Simon, we are past "I'm sorry for your loss", we are past giving him space, this man needed an intervention and you know what! interventions are rough! sometimes the greatest kindness that can be done is not letting people be comfortae in their own sorrow! which means helping them will be uncomfortable!! maybe even for all parties involved
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asgardianangel · 2 years
One missing piece - Chapter One - The interview
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Warnings: None
Moving to Alburquerque New Mexico was a big change in your life and new opportunities ahead. Living with your uncle Mike was amazing he would tell you all sorts of stories about his time as a cop and cook the most delicious meals. You never really got on with your mother and father who rarely paid any attention to you being only an accessory to them for their image of wealth and power.  
Mike was the only one in your family that actually cared about you. So moving all the way to Albuquerque was the best decision you ever made you wanted a normal life after all.
Being only twenty-three you had everything in the palm of your hand. Excitement graced you as you applied to study law at the local university and then you realised you needed to get a job and start saving up for independent living and student loans.  
Since your parents never gave you a dime out of spite  
So, you began your search for the perfect job there were opportunities and none peaked your interest until you looked online one day and came across an ad for a live-in nanny. 
“Seems too good to be true” you murmured to yourself upon learning the rather fine payment. (Way too much for a nanny in your opinion) 
Ideally a young woman 
Experience with children 
Preferably single 
Single? Why’s that? You thought 
You read that they have a seven-year-old son who needed to be taken care of and tutored.  
Seems a perfect job until your trimester starts
Writing down the contact details you sent the family a short and expressive email. You didn’t know the names of parents, yet which was strange. The email appeared to be just ‘L.Salamanca’ 
You brushed it off and carried on the rest of your day and by noon you had a reply. 
To Y/N  
Thanks for the maravilloso email we would really appreciate you having an interview with us at our home this Friday and learn about your skills further and see if you are qualified for the job. 
There was address attached to the email and you typed a quick and polite response. 
You were truly excited.  
If only you knew. 
Friday came around quick, and you felt nerves started to play you doubled check with this Salamanca guy that the meeting was still on and  
it was. 
Dressing up in a simple long dress and cardigan you wanted to look professional as possible. You were on the train of thought about everything. 
Are they nice? 
What is their son like? 
Will they like you? 
Taking deep breathes you noticed to the most extravagant looking home you have ever seen in your entire life coming into view. Your parents' home is worthless compared to this. 
You paid and thanked the taxi driver before stepping out holding on to your handbag you carefully got up the stairs to the front door and pressed the income an older woman’s voice came through and you told her your name.  
The woman who appeared to be a maid invited you inside you gasped upon gazing at the lavish interior of the home. 
“That’s everybody’s reaction upon entering” she tells you with a laugh 
“I wonder why” you respond with a smile. 
“Right this way Miss he’s waiting for you” She guides to the room at the end of the hall opening the door for you. There stood an older man with his back turned appearing to be on the phone with somebody. You waited there for a minute awkwardly. 
“Solo haz lo que te digo (do what I tell you)” he said rather annoyed to the person on the phone you looked around the spacious study and then he hung up with phone with a sigh. The man turns around and greets you with a kind smile “you must be Y/n” and you nod then he unexpectedly embraces you in his arms. 
“I didn’t expect that sorry” you gasped in surprise 
“My name is Eduardo Salamanca, but you can call me Lalo” He introduces himself and then gestures to the chair “Come come sit” he says, and you did. 
Lalo was handsome and much older than you with his fine tailored suit and well-groomed moustache that fitted him to perfection and dark hair that graced a sliver streak.  
You get comfortable ready to answer any question fired Lalo sits at his desk and speaks  
“Sooo how old are you again?” he asks. 
“Oh, I’m twenty-three” you replied. 
“dios mio what an age to be (my god)” he mused. 
You answered his questions such as your education, family and experience with children. To which you spoke about how you used to care for your younger siblings and even volunteered in a school once. 
“Are you single Y/n?” the question put you off guard given how handsome Lalo was. 
“Oh yes I'm single” you replied Lalo smirks oddly making you a little confused. 
“Good only because I want your attention to be on the job and not wondering off to some boyfriend” he chuckled, and you nodded.  
Lalo was about to ask more questions when the door opened “Ignacio Varga you are late” he scolded. 
“I know I am” He huffs walking towards the desk his eyes meet yours and he smiles “Y/n nice to meet you” he greets holding out his hand to which you shake. 
Ignacio appeared a little younger than Lalo with a shaven head and fitted tank top he looked like he just got back from working out. 
Lalo gets up and walks over to Ignacio kissing his cheek “he’s my husband” you were slightly surprised but smiled sweetly.  You were very supportive towards people’s sexual orientation  
Both Ignacio and Lalo interviewed you for another ten minutes and when they were satisfied, they wished you goodbye. Promising you another interview this time with their son Marco.  
They offered you a ride home to which you politely declined and left after getting a massive hug from each of them. The couple stood in the doorway waving you a goodbye as you got into the taxi. 
Then they looked at each other knowingly  
“She’s the one” 
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mandowifey · 2 years
The Start of Something
Chapter 2.
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Ellison Oswalt can't remember the last time he had a break this big. A cult survivor who made national news, a secluded compound quartered off from the public eye, an entire town of folks gone over night. This is the opportunity to become the best seller once more, to tell the story of a young woman who survived against the odds.
Previous Chapter
Pairing: Ellison Oswalt x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW. Reader is afab, and a cult survivor. Reader has trauma, suicidal ideations, depression, anxiety and PTSD. She has gone selectively mute. Mentions of infidelity, marriage trouble, unhappy relationship, guilt. Masturbation, regretful thoughts.
X - X - X - X - X - X
The first thing Ellison did when he met you was lie. As a writer he had bent the truth numerous times for information, he typically never felt guilty for it. Sometimes the pursuit of the truth required hurt feelings.
However, the way your eyes met his when he explained how he found you made his pulse quicken. Something about that glance made him think you knew better, that you weren't so easily fooled like some. Yet you opened the door and welcomed him in. Though you hadn't spoken yet, he found it a relief. Your selective mutism had been talked about on a couple shows before. 'A response to extreme psychological trauma' they said. His heart hurt for you, to be so young and have gone through what you did, to bear those scars forever. It was something he wouldn't wish on anyone.
What happened in Chatford would haunt him until he died. The kids and Tracy had made it out though they were not unscathed. Things were tough now, he hoped that learning about you would inherently help him learn about himself. You two shared common ground after all, not everyone survived occult practices.
Walking inside, he placed the bag on the table and looked around. There wasn't much decoration or flare, you must not have lived there long. Putting his attention back on you, he smiles. "Your place is lovely." Your eyes focus on him, having kept your distance. Ellison noticed how tense you were and made an effort to move slowly and mindfully. The silence made him smile a little, a knee jerk response to feeling uncomfortable.
"I have heard about your - well, your-" he was trying to find a tactful way to phrase it. "-condition. I brought something that might help us communicate, if you're open to it of course." He watches your face for a reaction. You press your lips, then nod. You weren't certain what he meant. A lot of folks tried to find ways to have you speak, nothing worked, your voice as of now was gone and you weren't sure you would ever find it again. You were still open to the idea of trying, which was why you sat down at the table, folded your arms and waited.
Ellison opened the bag and pulled out his notepad, pen, laptop and a small white board with a red, blue and black marker. He placed each item down carefully before smiling towards you. Your eyes drift to look up at him, suddenly understanding what he wanted to try. It was simple, not incredibly innovative but that felt charming to you. You reach and take the 12 by 12 board and look it over, unable to fight the upwards tilt of your lips. Ellison picks up on your amusement and he chuckles.
"I know, I know. It's not too terribly exciting. I figure we can start simple, go at your pace. I do have questions planned, however long you're able to answer we can keep going." He opened his laptop and sat down to the right of you. Fishing out his glasses, he put them on and leaned to look at the screen. "If you don't mind, I'm gonna additionally write everything here, to make it a little faster." You nod without looking, still entranced by the simplicity of this whiteboard.
Once settled, Ellison looks over to find you playing with the markers. He could see the small doodles of hearts and shapes you tentatively placed in the top corner. He found that charming. Smiling, he nudges his glasses up his nose and reclines to get more comfortable.
"I'd like to start with you. How are you doing?"
Pulled from your trance, your eyes found his. Most people dove straight into the bad things, wanting the 'best parts' of what you went through. Ellison Oswalt was not most people. Your hand lifts the black marker and he watches as you write, then flip the board to show him.
He smiles a little softer, then nods. "How is your mental health?" He rests his elbows on the table. Flipping the board, you erased and then wrote.
'Not great.'
It felt silly to be so blunt, you only had so much room and didn't feel comfortable telling a stranger how unwell you really were. Your eyes lower and teeth graze your lip, cracking open the tender flesh. You picked that habit up long ago, maybe even before the compound, before Joseph-
"I know you're tired of hearing it, but I am sorry about that. Really. No one deserves to go through what you did." He observed you starting to withdraw inside yourself, and knew he had to do something. "Could you tell me about things you like? Books, food, animals? I'm a big fan of dogs, black coffee and investigative journalism."
It worked. Your eyes unclouded and instead of chewing, you press your lips together in thought. He notices how you write faster this time, because you aren't guarding the words you put down. His eyes skim the board as you turn it.
'Wolves, sweets, fiction. I have a copy of your book.'
His brows lift, you point at the shelf where Kentucky Blood lay. His cheeks felt warm, nearly glowing in the realization you knew of him. Unable to stop the blossoming of his pride, Ellison cleared his throat as you watched him. The way he smiled was contagious and you found yourself smiling as well. The two of you continued back and forth for nearly five hours. He asked about places you wanted to go, colors you liked, hobbies you were interested in and much more. Ellison was trying to get an idea of who you were as a person, figuring that was the first step in understanding who you were now after everything. Suddenly aware of the time, the older man shifts and takes his glasses down.
“Wow we really have been at it awhile huh?” He smiles. “You know we don’t have to go the whole day, you’ve been great so far. Maybe if you’re interested, I could come back?” He looks at you with those sparkling blue eyes of his. You felt compelled to agree, your head nodding quickly. The other writers and journalists you’d briefly been around had never given a damn about anything aside from the occult stuff, something about Ellison was really speaking to you. “Oh, that's great.” He was grinning as he closed his laptop. “How would you feel if we exchanged numbers?”
Your smile faded and you started to pick up the marker before he held up a hand. “I came prepared.” Digging a hand into his satchel, he pulls out a cellphone. It was old and used and previously belonged to Tracy until she upgraded.
“Everything I know is you’re completely off the grid, so I assumed you wouldn’t have a phone. The number is listed under my name so no one can look you up with it.” He continued. “There’s only one person on the phone and that’s me.” He slid it across the table towards you. “I’ve got unlimited texts, data, all the fun stuff. Feel free to browse the internet or whatever you need.”
Your hand reaches and gently takes it. It was a little small, but you didn’t mind. This was such a significant gift. The church had wifi but you had no devices of your own to utilize it. Ellison had given you a means of seeing the world from the safety of your home. Eyes dampening, your lip quivers as you look up. As a father, Ellison saw briefly before him, a scared young woman, alone and vulnerable. He was taken aback and his eyes fluttered a moment before he clears his throat.
“Alright, all I ask is you text me with anything you need, okay? You and I will be seeing one another quite often so I wanna make sure your needs are being met. Even if you wanna just chat about the weather, don’t hesitate.” He pauses a moment. “Or if you are worried about something, can’t sleep, those sorts of things.” He stands up after packing his bag. It was a generous offer. Blinking the wet from your eyes, you stand up as well and leave the phone on the table. There was a part of you that wanted to reach out and hug him, but you don’t. You do not know this man well enough to embrace him. Picking up on it, Ellison smiles and slings the bag over his shoulder. “You have a good night, Y/N.”
A smile flicks across your features, watching him step out the door. Stood motionless in the kitchen, you listen to the car start and pull away. Picking up the phone again, you hold it close to yourself and feel another smile tug your lips. There was a giddiness building within you that you couldn’t remember ever experiencing before. You practically dance out of the kitchen, floating on air as you get changed to go help with the food distribution for the evening. You think about all the things you want to tell Ellison, all the secrets you kept guarded for so long. You wonder if he’d really believe you.
It was nearly 8 by the time Ellison pulled in to his drive way. Tracy hadn’t called or texted him so he was on his own for dinner. Picking up his things and a bag of take out, he slid out of the car and dug for the key. Letting himself inside, he closed the door and called out that he was home. No one called back. He puts his keys in the bowl on the kitchen island and heads to his office. Putting the food on the desk, he puts his bag down and stepped out of his shoes. Today had felt successful, he was certain he started off on the right foot with the young woman.
“Ellison.” He looks to see Tracy leaned in the doorway. “How’d it go?”
Does she actually care? Ellison smiles slightly. “Well it went great, actually. I gave her the phone and she shared a lot about herself with me. I’m hoping she invites me back over the next couple of weeks I really think she is gonna be forth coming with everything.” He sounded eager, he was eager. Tracy folds her arms under her chest and lays her head against the door frame.
“That’s great.” Her smile holds no sincerity. “I found a job in town. I’m gonna need you to get the kids to school on Wednesdays and Fridays. Hope that doesn’t get in the way of your play dates.” Now her smile holds malice. They look at each other for what felt like hours. Letting out a breath, he holds his hands up. “Tracy, seriously I don’t-” “I don’t care. Just make sure you do what you need to for the kids.” She pushed from the door frame and stepped down the hall. The icyness of her words left him feeling hollow.
Sinking back into his chair, he pushed his face into his hands and sighed in frustration. Trust the process, she'll come around in time. He swivels in the seat and opens his food, not going to let it go cold. As he ate, his mind wandered to you. The way you smiled at him and how genuine your reaction had been to the simple white board. He felt appreciated, and a sense of warmth spread in his chest. Gratitude... he hadn't been on the receiving end of that in a long time. Smiling, he chews and thinks of all the things he wanted to ask you tomorrow. Half way through his meal, his phone buzzes. Quickly, Ellison digs it out of his pocket and checks. His expression sprawling into a broad grin, and his chest swelled with pride.
New text message, from Y/N: Thank you for your kindness today. For the first time in a long while, I feel heard.
Ellison finished his bite, considering what an appropriate response would be. By the time he decided, you had sent a picture. Opening the message, he stares quietly. It was you standing in front of the tiny bathroom mirror, holding the phone facing outward and the other arm propping up the white board against your stomach.
Written in fine letters the board read: 'See you tomorrow :)'. He chuckles, however his eyes drift to take you in. You werent in the modest dress and sweater you had worn earlier. Instead, your body was being clung to by a tanktop, and your hips hugged by some pj shorts. It was showing a lot of your skin, and annunciating the swell of your breasts. Your lips looked so soft, tugged into that shy smile, like you didn't know what you had just done to him-
He quickly puts his phone down. This was unusual for him. In the early years when his book had sold well and he had his time in the spotlight, women had thrown themselves at him by the dozen. Of course he had briefly considered his options, but had ultimately been the better man and loyal husband. Tracy was the love of his life, being married gave him stability and bliss. That of course is what he told himself.
That being said, since Chatford, Tracy hadn't spoken much, let alone touched him. It had been nearly 14 months. He tried not to keep track, but he could not help it, he ached to be wanted, to be needed again. Without realizing it, his hand had drifted between his legs, palming the swelling outline of his cock through his pants. His eyes opened, looking down at the picture of the young woman, innocent and broken. His breath caught in his throat and he stands abruptly, crosses the room, then closes and locks his door.
Stumbling towards the bed, Ellison snatched his cellphone before falling onto his back. One of his legs dangled off the bed as he hastily opened and nudged his pants down. He sprung his hardening length out and wrapped his right fist around it. His eyes closed and he let out a soft breath, stroking a couple times before bring his hand up and spitting into his palm. Fisting himself once more, the older man arched slightly, focusing on the drag of his hand. His thoughts went to Tracy, to the first night of their honeymoon, how beautiful she was under the the setting sun. He thinks about when they conceived Trevor, during a get away in Montana, their hasty fucking outside their cabin-
-It isn't working. His cock is starting to deflate and his jaw is tight. He felt pangs of frustration and a little desperation. It had been so long since he had cum. He wanted it, he needed it. Amidst his tumultuous thoughts, your picture hovers behind his eyes. Soft, delicate lips and your eyes, so gentle and unassuming. His hand began to stroke faster, dick fully hard and aching in his grasp. Your hips, hugged tight in those shorts, and your breasts, barely fit inside the tank top. Pre cum began to dribble from his head, causing him to slick easier now.
Ellison let out a strangled grunt and gasp, his other arm over his eyes as he worked. Rutting his hips upwards, he felt a tightness in his abdomen. You were so grateful, so appreciative of him. He imagined you on your knees, lips parted and tongue out, begging for him to cum inside your mouth. Your eyes were glossy, pleading, your fair skin flushed in embarrassment- Ellison chokes and swallows down a groan. His stomach tightened and his balls drew up, his cock throbbed as his hand pumped himself desperately. Your mouth so wide open, so desperate- he cums. His jaw clenching and veins showing in his neck as he spills hot ropes across his knuckles.
Slowing his fist, he released himself and moved the arm from his eyes. He gazed up at the ceiling, shame washing over him the moment his cock stopped throbbing. He closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath, trying to steady his pounding heart. He reminded himself he loved his wife, that she was being distant because of what happened, that things could change. Rising from bed, he grabs an old shirt and cleans his hand before tossing it into the hamper. Putting himself away, he picked up the remnants if his food and tossed them in the bin, still troubled by his thoughts.
It was just one time, he promised. Tomorrow, he would go to you like a professional. He would smile and be polite, ask questions while taking notes, and try to not think about how he came imagining you on your knees for him.
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paradisaeaparedrae · 10 months
So about that vampire and vampire hunter au with Nabu Małolata Kaveh and Deshret Alhaitham...
Could you tell more? Your brain was so sexy for mixing all these aus with them that I love 👉👈🥺💗
I want to preface this by I'm a firm advocate and believer of trans Kaveh just for clarification for certain events in this plot line 👀 (and all other aus)
I'll put this under the cut since its pretty long!!
Nabu is more or less a mystery to most. Many have heard of the king's child, but not many have seen. It had long since been debated whether the king had a prince or a princess, he being so beautiful, but very few had gotten to know. Nabu was said to be courted off to the neighboring kingdom, they having a daughter his age. Layla, and she was a kind and caring pureblood, but far from Nabu's type. They became fast friends and each confided that this arranged marriage didn't suit either of them. Layla had her eyes on a parculiar boy herself, and they both agreed that this arrangement couldn't go through, but they each enjoyed their times together whenever these courting were arranged.
Nabu often found himself on the outskirts of the kingdom in a field of wildflowers and tall grass, he having his own little private abode. A small shack with a thin mattress, a wooden table, and a fireplace where he'd cook. He was very kind and caring, tending to the wounded he'd happen upon from that of his own kind, pureblood or not. He made no such attempt and injury to any, but on one particular day, he happened upon a gruesome scene.
Deshret lived quite a far ways off by horse, having traveled for a certain bounty. The leader of the vampire hunting clan himself, it wasn't something he was necessarily interested in. Upon his parents' passsing, it had eventually been bestowed upon him from a very young age and he had taken up the position. He was more or less indifferent, even offering up resources to those who had been claimed by a Pureblood only to be left behind, thirsting and in need. It wasn't their fault, after all.
It was on this evening that he had been attacked by a pureblood himself, and by the time he had awoke, he was bandaged up from his torso, Nabu down on his shins in front of the fire as he made stew for his guest. It had been said that Purebloods like Nabu had the ability to hypnotize their victims, and he could. But he never did such a thing. Though it wasn't often that someone would get to see Nabu like this in person.
If fate hadn't wanted them to meet, then this was a cruel meeting.
But he stayed there for several days, making excuses of how it would be wise for him to stay in for the night. And the next day it rained quite heavily, and another excuse was given. Perhaps they had moved too fast, but the prince who believed in nothing short of fate felt the same. A twisted fate of romance, but one none the less. The man who had seen countless claimed by purebloods had let become claimed himself.
Eventually, he'd have to return to his clan. He'd make trips every few weeks on his trusted horse Adya to see Nabu, bringing supplies and even a sleeping bag to make that thin bed more comfortae, but his clan had been becoming wise. It did not fall on deaf ears of his secret meetings with the Pureblood prince, and they weren't exactly happy with it, either.
Now here it differs slightly, depending on which version of this au me and my fiance had created! And we also just started a new one with vampire deshret and human prince nabu today so 😏
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zaraomarrogers · 2 years
Always and Forever - 6
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, sexual content, language, 18+, minors do not interact
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“Y/n.... Y/n... Where the hell have you been today?”
Y/n came rushing down the stairs when she heard her mother calling her name. By the sound of it, she was angry.
“The fuck have you been all day? I asked you to meet Vincent for your job. I arranged it for you but you can’t seem to to get out of your futile little head.”
“I’m sorry mom, but I told you I-I don’t want to work at your firm” Y/n said in barely audible voice.
“And I told you that you don’t have a choice.” Eleanor yelled at her daughter causing her to shrink into place.
“Do you want to stay dependent on me? It’s convenient for you, right? I’m baring all your expenses so you decide, what’s the point in working? Just learn something from your sister. Every single person knows who Peggy Carter is. She’s made a name and reputation at my Firm. She’s handling her studies and job brilliantly. Look at you Y/n, you’re starting college next month and you don’t even know a single fucking thing about how hard it is to earn money and spend it on your useless daughter.”
Y/n was quiet , it wasn’t the first time she was being ridiculed by her mother. She lost the count of how many times her mother had compared her sister’s achievements from her lack of social life. She had been a quite and shy kid all her life. Only people who really knew her was Steve, her best friend from childhood and now her boyfriend. She wasn’t close to her dad but he wasn’t like her mom either. Whenever she spent time with her dad, she enjoyed it. She was close to Sarah and Bucky also.
Y/n had been a brilliant student throughout her school. None of her achievements were acknowledged by her mother or her sister and that had damaged her self-esteem. She was a talented illustrator. She’d been freelancing her illustrations ever since she was in middle school. But once Eleanor found out, she dejected her to do so.
“I don’t want to work with Vincent.... I’m not comfortable with him, mom.” She had to gulped her tears down her throat.
“Why not? What is wrong with him.” Eleanor poured a drink in her glass.
“I-I don’t.. I’m not comforta...”
“I heard that you’re not comfortable with him. Why? Give me a reason.” She raises an eye brow at her.
“He says inappropriate things to me. I don’t feel safe around him.” She was about to cry.
“You must have given him an impression..”
“I told him I have a boyfriend. He knows it but still can’t keep his hands to himself.” She was angry and it showed in her voice.
“Watch your tone, girl.” Eleanor said coldly.
“Please, mom I don’t want to work at your Firm. I’ll find a job, I promise.” Her voice became shaky.
“What kinda job? I don’t want you bartending or be a barista or something... I want you to find a proper job so that you can make a name for yourself like your sister.” She said, “.... and I’m going to tell Vincent what you’ve told me, if he denies you’re coming with me Y/n, no more discussion on this.” With a bottle of whiskey in her hand she left Y/n there in the middle of the room.
Next Day when Steve came to pick her up for their usual Saturday night stay over at Steve’s house, she was off. During the dinner she was unusually quiet not even laughing or messing around with Bucky. When Steve cornered her during the movie she hid her face in his chest and in between her sobs she told Steve everything except for the Vincent part. She knew Steve would pick a fight, he was like that, not compromising on what he thought was right. She didn’t want him to get in trouble not because Vincent was an influential man but she didn’t want Steve any harm or risk his bright future.
Steve had other things in mind. He told her that it was no big deal and that he saw the opening for teacher’s assistant job at their high school and since they had been graduated she could be hired easily. Bucky was listening to them, he glared at Steve which he conveniently ignored. Y/n’s situation wasn’t new for Bucky. Him and Steve grew up watching Y/n ridiculed by her mother.
“Man, what the hell... you needed this job.” Bucky whispered yell at Steve after he sent Y/n to bathroom to freshen up.
“I didn’t know what else to do Buck, you know Eleanor will never leave her alone...”
“I know, I know... but you needed this job more than anything. You know, now you will have to work four freaking jobs before college starts. That means you leave home at 7 in the morning and can’t be home before 10:30ish... are you out of your fucking mind.”
Steve knew Bucky was right, he wanted to earn enough money before college start and assistant to teacher was paying him enough but now he had to stick to his previous jobs and get one more to bare college expenses. After his dad passed away, Sarah was the only bread winner and Steve wanted to help her out. It wasn’t like money was tight but Steve didn’t want her Ma to overwork herself. But now with Y/n’s situation, he had to send her in his place and he was happily doing it. He fiercely wanted to protect Y/n. He just loved her so much.
“I know Buck, I will figure out something...” Steve whispered, “.... I can’t see her crying. I jut can’t... she was.... I don’t know Buck... I love her so so much... I can’t see her hurting like that.”
Bucky sighed deeply and leaned back to the couch. He knew Steve would do anything for Y/n. He had witnessed them falling in love and at such tender age their love for each other is other worldly. He winked at Steve, making a silent promise that Y/n would never know that Steve gave up his job for her just like he would never let Steve know that Y/n was harassed by her mother’s co-worker and her mother still wanted her to work for him.
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 It was a chilly Monday morning, Y/n dropped Malcolm at the day care and arrived at her office. She was greeted by her assistant Lily, who gave her a heads up for that day’s schedule. There were couple of things needed her attention and then there was a meeting with Pepper after lunch where she was going to introduce Steve as their new marketing head.
“Y/n/n... what the hell? You knew and you didn’t tell me?” Wanda barged in in her office when she was almost done with her work.
“Relax Wan! I didn’t tell you because it wasn’t important. He is not important.” Y/n said calmly, her focused was still on the picture of model who was wearing Wanda’s creation.
“How come you’re so relax?” Wanda sat down on a chair in front of her.
“Because I just told you that he is not important. He’d be here for a month or so... and then its back to normal.” She typed away the mail in her computer, sending the picture she was assessing back to printing.
“Mal's happy with him being here.” Wanda leaned on the table.
“He’s very happy, Wan. I just need to figure out his days with his dad. Hopefully, he’d come around.”
“You’re limiting Steve’s days with Mal?” Wanda sounded slightly bewildered.
“Yeah! I haven’t come up with anything yet.” She said looking at Wanda.
“Are you sure? I mean... Y/n/n.. you and I both know... ugghhhh... its very difficult for me to say this but Mal needs him in his life as much as he needs you. You and I both know the importance of father in a kid’s life. We didn’t have that.”
Y/n smiled at her, she knew Wanda was a sweetheart underneath her hard shell that she had for Steve.
“I don’t know Wan! I don’t know what to do.” Y/n heaved a sigh, all of a sudden she sounded tired.
“I know you’ll figure it out, Y/n/n. You’re gonna come up with what is best for our Mal.” Wanda smiled widely, holding her sister’s hand and squeezing it. “You got this.” She winked.
 After lunchtime, everyone got settled in in the conference room for the meeting. Once Pepper introduced Steve, he took over the room. He was confident, persuasive and had an approach towards the main agenda of the meeting. He grew complacent with the respond he got after just a first meeting. All the ladies, single or not were circling him after the meeting. Y/n rolled her eyes at the scene and left to pick Malcolm from the day care.
 Steve’s eyes followed Y/n through the glass door of the conference room. He was surrounded by bunch of very attractive women, all of them had ‘something important’ to discuss with him. He wanted to excuse and go after Y/n but he couldn’t put her on the spot on the very first of them working together. There were so many things needed to be fix and he went straight into work. Pepper briefed him before the meeting so he knew what his tasks were, he was excited to begin using his expertise.
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 After a spending a busy day at work, Steve got back to his hotel room. He reminded himself to look for an apartment or a rental house or may be a more permanent set up if he was to stay in Boston. After ordering room service he hopped into the shower. Today he didn’t see his little bean, that made his mood a little more glum. He had to clear up the mess and be in Malcolm’s life permanently, he tried to pacify himself with the thought. His phone was constantly ringing on his night stand, he hurriedly dried off his body and wrapped the same towel around his waist. It was his mom’s call.
“Hey mom!” Steve set his phone on the night stand and goes back into the bathroom to put some clothes on.
“Hey honey! Did I call on wrong time?” Sarah beamed through the phone.
“Oh no, no Ma, I was in the shower. Just got back from work.” Steve hollered, pulling up sweat pant.
“So, how was it? Your work and stuff.” She asked curiously. “Have you eaten, Stevie?”
“ Yes Ma, I had dinner. And work is fine. A little loaded but nothing like your son can’t handle.” He smiled lightly, looking at the camera.
“I know Stevie, my boy can do any thing he puts his mind on.” Sarah laughed lightly. “How long are you staying there?”
“Ma... umm...I want to tell you something.” Steve started, “Wish you were here, you know I wanted someone to meet you.”
“What is it, honey?” Sarah was now fully attentive, also concerned.
Steve sighed deeply, he was trying to form a sentence, or may be trying to swallow his tears.
“Steve, you’re scaring me now, honey, what is it?”
“Ma, I..I.. I found... Y/n is here...” He looked in the camera, tears falling freely from his eyes.
“Y/n?? Our Y/n?... Ohh...” Sarah was looking at her son helplessly.    
“I met her at the fashion event.... and you know what Ma, I-I have a son....” He smiled joyfully through his tears. Sarah gasped loudly.
“Malcolm, his name is Malcolm.... Ma he’s just like me, wait let me send you his pictures.”
“Steve... I... is he your...?”
“Ma, he is mine. He’s mine and Y/n's. You can’t believe this right. It’d be so hard for me to believe if I haven’t met him, its just been few days, Ma, and I feel like I’ve known him ever since he was born. Just look at him, the pictures I just sent you.”
Sarah looked at her phone's screen and all her doubts vanished. She looked at Steve and then at the pictures in her phone. Tears were shining in her eyes.
“Stevie...” she chuckled, finding words.
“I know right!! He’s my son, he’s my Malcolm.” Steve smiled proudly.
“He’s just like you, Stevie. But there’s bits of Y/n in him as well. Oh my heart...” Sarah cooed over the phone. She was ecstatic. “He’s got his smile from Y/n, He’s perfect Stevie.”
Sarah’s eyes were on her phone, she was still looking the pictures, “how is Y/n, Steve? Is she alright? How has she been with you?” Sarah said in a flow of emotions.
“She’s perfect, Ma. Prettier than before. More beautiful. She overwhelms me, Ma. No words can bring justice to her strength and kindness.” Steve was in haze of emotions and Sarah could see her son was still helplessly in love with Y/n.
“She was kind enough to let Malcolm know about me. I don’t deserve her Ma. Never have, never will. She let me in their life because she thinks Malcolm needs me as much he needs her in his life....”
“Steve, sweetheart....” Sarah interrupted him.
“..... I just don’t deserve them, Ma. I put her through hell....”
“Honey, you deserve them. Please don’t think like that.”
“Ma... I would have been with her, Mal would have known me, Y/n wouldn’t hate me as she does now, if, if I wasn’t... I couldn’t... I don’t...” Steve hid his face in both hands. His body vibrated with light sobs. Sarah was helplessly looking at his son. She knew what happened four years ago was a mistake. If it was up to her she would go hell bent on undoing that ominous day, she would have saved her son from drowning into the pit of darkness.
“Steve... sweetheart, please look at me...” Sarah softly said after few minutes and Steve looked at her with red eyes.
“My boy, you have this chance to make everything right. I know this is hard, Stevie, but I believe in you, honey. You deserve to be happy, just tell her what you feel. She deserves to know your side of the story. She would forgive you....”
“Ma, she wouldn’t let me talk to her. The only conversation we have had was about Malcolm. She had this distant look in her eyes, like she doesn’t even know me anymore. And it hurts, but I deserve this pain Ma.”
“Then earn her trust back Steve. Show her that you still care. Let her know that you’re not going hurt her again. For that, you need to be there honey. You have to decide where do you want to be.”
“I want to be here, Ma. I want to be with Mal and Y/n.” His reply was prompt.
“Then you need to end your ties from New York. You can’t be a man you want to be, unless you dispatch a person you became in these four years, Stevie.”
“I know, Ma. I have to start with ending my engagement with Peggy.”
Sarah chuckled, earning a puzzled look from her son.
“I’m surprised she’s still engaged to you. With your reputation, not a sane woman would want to be associated with you, Stevie.” Sarah teased her son.
“Ma, not everything you read online is true.” Steve said sheepishly.
“Oh really? My son is getting his dick wet, fucking around with different women, have an image of a fuck boy.....”
“Oh my god! Ma, please stop. I get it. Not all is true. They love to pick things up....”
“I’m just telling you what news outlets write about you, Stevie. You gotta have to fix this first.”
“They’re gossip sites Ma and I know... I know I’ve got a lot of mess, I need to clean this.” Steve rubbed his eyes, he was clearly tired.
“You got this, honey.” Sarah smiled at her son. “I want to come visit you and see my grandson but we’ve got a lot of orders at the shop. Its busy time.”
“It’s okay, Ma. I’d face time you next time when I meet Mal.”
“Awww... I’ll be waiting. I can’t wait to meet you all, sweetheart.”
Steve felt a little better after speaking with Sarah. He had this sudden urge to held Y/n in his arms and tell her how much he had loved her, missed her. He wanted to tell her that it was impossible for him to breathe without her. He wanted to apologise until she’d forgive him, take him back.
He took his laptop out of its bag and started looking for houses. He wanted to buy a house with the big backyard where Malcolm could play and spend time with him.
The next morning he dialled Peggy’s number while still in bed. She didn’t pick his phone the first two times, but Steve was persistent. On the third attempt, when she asked him what made him call her in the morning in an irritated tone, he told her that he wanted to break the engagement, that he couldn’t, didn’t want to be with her.  He even gave her the leverage that she could blame him and play the victim to save her so called reputation. He made it very clear that he wanted an out, at any cost. He didn’t want to be associated with her in any capacity. Peggy was stunned and called him a coward because he was ending things on phone. She also threatened him that she would drag him and pull all his dirty laundry in the media, but Steve was ascertain. He told her he didn’t care as long as he was not linked to her. Steve knew Peggy won’t take this break up lightly, he knew she would go to any extent to drag him back, manipulate him back into the relationship so he made it clear that whatever she’d do, his decision would be same. After a heated conversation, Steve disconnected the call, knowing full well that Peggy won’t contact her because she had a big fat bruised ego, just like her mother. He hated Eleanor with all his being, not just because her behaviour with Y/n, but for a lot reasons, he didn’t want to think of right now. Right now only thing on his mind was to go to Potts- Home for fashion his new work place, and confess his feelings to Y/n. To apologise to her and let her know that he was there and he wouldn’t leave her and Malcolm ever again. That he didn’t care if she’d take five years to forgive him and another five years to take him back in her life, as long as he was with her and Malcolm, he was fine. And he was willing to earn her trust back.
He stepped out of the elevator and his breath caught in his lungs when he saw a man in a three piece suit, pecking Y/n's cheek while her hand was on his bicep. In other hand she was holding a bouquet of fresh peonies. He saw a tint of pink spread on Y/n’s cheek and a shy smile. The same shy smile she used to have whenever Steve kissed her or even looked at her lovingly. In that moment Steve felt something was stabbed in his heart. A fear of losing her had overpowered his actions when his feet took him to where Y/n and that man were, still engrossed in talking.
Steve took Y/n’s hand, the same one she had on this man's bicep few minutes ago, and intertwined his fingers in hers. Y/n glared at him and try to freed his hand, only to be held more tightly. Steve’s hold was still gentle though. Before Steve could say something, Pepper came in with a big smile and introduced the man Steve was throwing daggers at.
“Steve, meet our new legal advisor, Andy Barber.”
Steve’s grip on Y/n’s hand tightened. She was stunned by Steve’s action but she was also aware of what could possibly be in his mind right now. She knew the look on his face. She could read his every tense nerve. She lightly squeezed his hand, getting his attention on her. He looked at her and instantly relaxed. The throbbing vein in the side of his forehead slowly vanished. It was a simple action from her, yet it showed how deeply connected and well tuned they both were, and Andy didn’t miss it. He witnessed it closely. His eyes were fixated on their still intertwined hand and his mind was working in bolting speed.
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japhan2024 · 5 months
Are you still taking prompts? I would love some Ianmanda wedding night smut and fluff!
certainly ^_^ oh Zee, I really tried to make it smutty but I just was feeling overwhelming fluff from them. So that's what it ended up being x3
That's so us
"WOW, this place, Ian, I can't believe you got us here!"
"I mean, we saved a lot of money on the wedding because we eloped, hehe."
"You're crazy. And I love you for it."
read on ao3
"Listen, I am going to carry you over the doorstep. I want this night to be perfect for you."
Ian had insisted to carry ALL of Amanda's luggage up the cool, stone stairway. They had the penthouse suite. But hey, they had just gotten married. So she let him get away with it. But carrying her?
"Baby, you know you can't pick me up. Here, we'll make it romantic in our own way."
And she effortlessly swooped him up in her arms and gave him a peck on his cheek.
"Wheee, I have never been this high up in the air! So this is what it's like to be tall, huh. I'm getting nauseous from the lack of oxygen…"
Amanda gently put Ian back on the ground. He smirked as his nose was exactly at the height of her cleavage.
"There. Now we're officially on our honeymoon! Race you to the shower!"
"Oh, ohohoho! You don't have to ask me twice!"
They ran through the beautiful house and soon found he shower. Both of them threw their clothes in the laundry basket.
"Wow. Wow, Amanda. I mean, I have seen you naked before, but this is different somehow, you know?"
Ian looked appetizing himself, his light skin all flushed with excitement. His beautiful curves and muscles a mesh of masculine and feminine.
"Yeah, it is. It is weirdly exciting and relaxing at the same time to be together like this."
"I can get used to the feeling."
"Get under here!"
"Yes ma'm!"
Ian quickly stepped into the shower cabin with Amanda.
"I love it when you obey me."
"I know you do. And I love to obey you, whatever you want, Maynda, just say the word."
"My little soldier…"
"My beautiful wife…"
Hair still wet, Ian and Amanda looked out of the window. They saw white houses with red rooftops, pine trees and little churches. And behind that, the glittering, glistening magnificence of the Atlantic Ocean.
Ian put his hand in the cove of Amanda's silhouette.
"From the moment I saw you, I knew you were the one, Amanda." He looked up at her, his sea-blue eyes earnest and content. His wavy blonde hair moving in the breeze. Amanda was mesmerized. All the years she had known him, worked a his company, she had never seen him so honestly happy.
"Oh my gosh, babe! You're too much! See, I'm blushing! And I never blush!"
"Making you blush is one of my favorite hobbies, you know that."
"Yeah, I know, honey." "And making you tremble is my favorite hobby."
Amanda walked around the suite. She could cry from happiness herself, being in her parents' home country of Portugal, in this beautiful house, with such beautiful Art Nouveau decorations and stained glass. Old furniture sometimes gave her the creeps, but here she only felt positive vibes. If there were ghosts at all, they were benevolent ones. Her airy, orange dress waved around as she spun.
"WOW, this place, Ian, I can't believe you got us here!"
"I mean, we saved a lot of money on the wedding because we eloped, hehe."
"You're crazy. And I love you for it."
"I love you too, my wife…"
"So, how about we go to the beach?"
"Oh my god, I would love to! Aren't you tired, though, babe? But I really can't wait to go to the beach."
"I knew that, that's why I arranged something."
Amanda heard a car honk down in the street. She looked and an amazing red Chevrolet stood there.
"You didn't!"
"I did."
"Oh, Ian…"
After they parked, they walked to the beautiful beach. Ian carried a picnic basket. Amanda wore her bikini underneath her dress and Ian was already in his swimming trunks, flip-flops and a t-shirt.
"We're like a European couple," Amanda chimed excitedly. The sun was already setting but the temperature was very comfortable. There were more couples walking up and down the beach.
"Over there, it's the perfect spot!"
Ian frolicked over the sand and laid out a beautiful classic picnic rug.
"You're just like one of the doggies here, I love it!"
"I love you."
"Imma cry, baby, come here."
They cuddled together on the rug, as they both stalled out a bottle of champaign and some snacks.
"And you know I'm all in for doggie style."
"Stop! You're the worst. I love you so much." Amanda pulled Ian even closer. They toasted and drank their champaign.
"So, do you wanna swim?" Ian asked.
"Hell yeah."
They both ran into the high waves. In the water, they kissed.
Amanda looked at Ian. His laughing wrinkles were so extremely attractive. "I want to remember this moment forever."
Ian fixed a strand of hair that covered her cheek. "Look, the stars are appearing. Let's name one after us, babe."
"What about that one?"
"That's Venus."
"Oh, but she's so beautiful!"
"She sure is."
"Why are you looking at me? Oh, you." Amanda smiled her widest smile. Her eyes made that cute crinkle that filled Ian with the utmost admiration.
"I mean, why not. Venus will be our star."
"That's so us."
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matchagator · 6 months
Sheltered: Chapter 2
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Lily and Rose are trying to figure out what to do next with the three hybrids, but until then, they must manage their accommodations.
Stay tuned for weekly updates or visit here for the complete story.
{Main Pairings:} Jeon Jungkook/Original Female Character, Choi Soobin/Original Female Character, Kim Taehyung/Original Female Character(s)
{Rating:} 18+
{Genre:} Alternate Universe - Hybrids
{Summary:} Realization finally dawned on Lily, knowing she now had the responsibility of three hybrids rather than three dogs. Her eyes grew wide while her eyebrows rose up in wonder before she turned her attention to her sister. The shocked expression of Rose had her smile sheepishly. “Well, at least we don’t have to name them.”
{Warnings:} Mentioned Nudity, Hostility, Mature Language, Mentioned Abuse
{Taglist:} @chimsworldsstuff
Rose’s crystal stare scanned the neatly displayed clothing of her closet, searching for anything large enough that might fit the built frame of the hybrids sprawled about naked in their living room. Anger coursed through her limbs, not expecting to spend her night trying to accommodate three wet and smelly hybrids that her older sister felt obligated to drag home. 
She let a sigh of frustration escape her lips as she gently chewed her bottom lip between her teeth, her eyes settling on a pair of her collegiate sweatpants. She snatched the fabric off the hanger, testing the waistband to see it stretch enough to accommodate a man’s physique. She draped the fabric over her shoulder as her eyes continued racking the selection of t-shirts before she caught sight of her favorite oversized band tee that she often used as a nightshirt. 
“Of course.” She huffed as she grabbed the graphic tee from its hanger, irritated that she needed to share her clothing with creatures that shouldn’t even be in their home. She draped the material over her arm as she added the sweatpants, pleased with her selection as she turned around to make her way back out of her room to offer something to cover their indecency. 
“I think these should fit.” Her voice traveled through the house as she turned the corner into the living room to see the smallest, Taehyun, wrapped in one of Lily’s bathrobes. Soobin was in the process of pulling on a pair of her basketball shorts as Lily offered her own oversized t-shirt. Rose’s glare intensified as she settled upon Jungkook who was still sitting comfortably, unfazed by his nudity. “Here.” Rose groaned as she tossed the clothing at him, averting her eyes. 
Once Soobin was fully clothed, he held out his arms as if displaying the way the clothing hung off his features. “A little big, but it’ll do.” Lily tutted proudly, staring up at the man standing before her. Soobin was definitely the tallest of the three, his height towering over the girls while Taehyun was almost identical to Rose’s. Jungkook stood as he tugged the clothing onto his frame, his muscles toned and defined as if he’d been constantly working out at the gym. 
Rose caught Jungkook’s stare, his eyes devouring her, clearly attempting to assert his dominance as he pulled her shirt over his head. She stood watching, surprised by how he managed to look good despite the mismatched patterns and colors adorning his body. She caught the slightest smirk pulling at the corner of his lips as she turned away, exasperated by everything that was unfolding. 
She yanked her phone out from her pocket, her fingers desperately tapping against the screen in an attempt to look up the nearest hybrid shelter in their location. Lily’s smile faltered as she watched her younger sister intently investigate the screen of her phone. “What are you doing?” 
“Looking for a shelter to bring them to first thing in the morning.” She spoke sternly, as Lily moved towards her sister, pleading for her to stop. 
“They can stay…” Rose shot a scowl up at her sister, cutting off her words as the boys all seemed to migrate towards the sectional, making themselves comfortable on the large couch. 
Rose motioned towards them, her features truly in shock that Lily was even considering it. “They can’t stay. Just look at them! How do you expect us to take care of three full-grown dogs…man hybrids…whatever they are.” She felt Jungkook’s glare pierce through her as she stumbled over her words, not hesitating to return an aggravated expression in his direction. 
The sisters exchanged words as Taehyun’s soft voice broke their argument.  “We can’t go to a shelter.” The sisters stood silent as the most timid of the three hybrids glanced up at them through thick lashes. “They’ll send us back.” He added, his eyes pleading for Rose to come around to the idea of housing them. 
“You belong with whoever owns you.” Rose’s voice was soft, addressing Taehyun with as much kindness as she could without faltering in her decision. His eyes were laced with hurt, the sorrow seeping from his irises as she addressed him. 
“Assholes…” That was the word that escaped Jungkook as he stood from his position. “That's who owns us.” There was annoyance in his tone, Soobin standing to join Jungkook as he found Rose’s stare. 
Soobin’s eyes traveled between Lily and Rose as Lily’s curiosity piqued. “They kept us in small cages…they were mentally and physically abusive.” Rose’s hardened expression faltered, furious to learn that they were being mistreated. He looked back at his brothers, “We ran away and found food in your truck.” He confirmed, a sheepish look flooding his expression as he recalled tearing through Lily’s freshly purchased groceries. 
Lily had enough, sorrowed by what they must have endured as she motioned towards Rose, using her eldest sibling card as she spoke sternly. “Well, that settles it. They’re staying. I refuse to send them back somewhere they aren’t respected.” She glanced back towards the three hybrids, her eyes glued to Soobin as a soft smile stretched on her lips. “Make yourselves at home.” 
Rose stood watching the scene unfold, finally giving in to the chaos as she crossed her arms against her chest. “Fine.” She breathed out, as she turned around to make her way back to her bedroom. “You’re responsible for them then.” 
Rose wasted no time to retreat to the comfort of her room, tossing herself down onto her duvet as she let a loud sigh escape her lips, releasing the pent-up frustration in her limbs alongside it. She tilted her head to the side, glancing over at her nightstand before pushing herself up to reach for her headphones. She needed to escape from her reality, ready to indulge in some music to help her relax from the anxiety festering in the pit of her stomach. 
After the boys indulged in a few snacks from the kitchen, they joined Lily in her bedroom, Soobin and Taehyun shifting back into their dog forms as they stared up at the brunette who was crawling into bed underneath her sheets. Her eyes found the puppy dog stares of the pair, hearing a soft whine from Taehyun as he nudged the edge of her leg with the tip of his snout. 
“You can sleep up here. Come on.” She smiled, tapping the empty space beside her. Soobin was quick to pounce up onto the plush mattress, claiming the space aside Lily as Taehyun huddled at the space by her feet. They pawed at the duvet, bunching the fabric until they found a comfortable spot to rest. Lily blinked, watching as most of the space was now occupied by the two large dogs, grinning as she observed Soobin sprawled with his paws stretched out and his back pressed against her. She leaned forward, passing her fingers through Taehyun’s fur as she petted his head, rubbing behind his ear before doing the same for Soobin. 
Jungkook was late to the party, watching as any available spot on the bed was taken up by his two eager brothers. He also morphed back into his dog form, peeking in from her bedroom door as he quickly realized he’d need to sleep on the floor or the couch. He wasn’t going to have it. He deserved to sleep on a bed as well and knew exactly where he could find another comfortable mattress to rest upon. 
He moved through the hall, his claws tapping against the tile as he made his way towards Rose’s bedroom door, using his paws to tug at the door handle as he bumped his nose against the wood of the door to open it. 
Rose was lying peacefully on her bed, soft music playing through her headphones as the sudden sound of her door opening pulled her attention. She shot up, sitting to find a doberman making his way into her room without knocking or being invited in. “No! Get out!” She hollered in his direction, leaning up on her knees as she pointed towards the opened door. She knew this dog was part human and that he understood her words. “Out!” She repeated only to watch him blatantly ignore her, jumping up onto the end of her bed to make himself comfortable. 
She let out a furious huff, moving to push him off before getting startled by a growl directed at her. She jolted back, observing his exposed canines as a low growl rumbled in the doberman's chest. She glared at the animal, as she leaned as far away from him as possible, giving up on the notion that she’d be able to get him to leave. She was exhausted from the day and simply wanted to get good sleep before classes tomorrow. She yanked her duvet closer, using as much of it as possible as she laid back down, turning away from him. “Little shit.” 
Jungkook’s ear twitched at her words, snapping his jaw shut on the duvet before yanking it away from Rose. She instantly attempted to pull it back towards her, overwhelmed by the amount of strength pulling it from the opposite side. She eventually gave up, groaning in frustration as she turned back away from Jungkook, her heartbeat thumping in her ears from the growing anger overtaking her. “Whatever.” She huffed before closing her eyes, enjoying whatever bit of her duvet she had remaining. 
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