#baby baboo
peaches2217 · 21 days
A little love can go a long way in lifting dampened spirits. Binx, for his part, refuses to let me forget that I’m loved.
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Also, I’m now stuck here until he wakes up, and he’s a very heavy sleeper. It’s been nice knowing y’all.
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nova2cosmos · 1 year
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Blithe belongs to me and @au-mashup-party Inversotale belongs to me
it been so long time BABY BLITHE!!!!!
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phoenixleftt · 2 years
sometimes I forget phoenix ace attorney made up and it makes me want to weep and cry,,, what do u mean I can't meet famous prosecutor miles edgeworth in real life 🤨
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askthehiddencaste · 1 year
Ashoal congrats! How is the baby?????
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"My precious grub is doing well. Ammare is just as sassy as her daddies are" he chuckled, looking over in the nest to the grub laying beside him.
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"she's a stinker but thankfully she's laying down for a nap. Right now were just awaiting those bright eyes to close~"
Art of Ammare by @memurfevur
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luty-month · 2 years
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feb 16 is the perfect day to blossom!
today's prompt is flower. is a flower given, received, wilted, just blossomed? I've always thought flowers were incredibly romantic but who am i...
remember to post and tag me so i can reblog everything on this blog and everyone can see your amazing work, whether it's art, writing, or anything in between 🫶🏻 can't wait to see what you've all come up with!
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py-dreamer · 8 months
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More fanart woo!
Y'know that scene with one of the best background medieval-village tracks in fil history- (kingdom dance) where Rapunzel looks at the mosaic? Yea this is that
Unfortunately I don't have the patience to draw all them itty bitty tiles so I kinda cheated and used a stone texture layer on top (^-^')\
Hope you don't mind but I gave a couple more details to our favorite celestial-bull couple.
I mean Iron Fan is supposedly an empress of an empire right? Why not make her look the part? I didn't know how to bling up DBK though...
Also you might notice, I've drawn the samadhi flower! It has four big petals and four small in between (nod to the four rings) a pattern within shaped like flames (self explanatory) and a center with the 3 swirly thingy symbol (idk what it's called)
They were such a joy to draw! And ngl it was hard to draw everyone not pissed off....
They all have the sharp features!
You might notice right next to the lil baboo, DBK's hands are kinda charred to a crisp (I read the 1st chapter, yes I know) but this boi is grinning like there's no tomorrow with his wife and child and we love that for him!
There's a pot of burning incense which the chinese use for the dead which I don't think the ironbull couple would like very much.
Like they'd let the townsfolk do it, they're just being respectful, but they'd still resent it in hopes that their son is still alive somewhere
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and here's an un-shadowed version to see the fam better!
reblogs > likes
(click photos for less sh!tty quality)
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Bet Baby Casey would love Cryptic Mikey! Baboo would nom the long locks!
Well baby isn't really baby anymore but he still baby, yunno what I mean-
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He knows Mikey is still Mikey, even if there's a bit less of himself.
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I seen your ask/prompt message!
I gotchu girl!
My ask is how many nicknames do reader and austin have for each other?!
They're so cute! I love themmmm!
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Summary: Austin puts in a rather odd request that leads to a cute exchange of information.
* This installment directly follows the events after Special*
Contents: LOTS OF FLUFF. Little tension. My two favorite goofballs being adorable.
A/N: Hi Anon! I hope you’re well! Thank you so much for the ask. I adore them too 🫠✨I hope you like this!
P.S Feel free to always comment, reblog, and send me a ask/letter!
Once the two of you were inside you greeted a happy Magnus who wagged and snorted at the sight of his two favorite humans.
Tossing your gear to the side you made your way to the kitchen to grab all of the needed ingredients to make your killer three cheese blend grilled cheese for the both of you.
You had finished it up pretty quickly while Austin was in the living room picking his choice of movie.
Turned out he wanted to watch the nineteen ninety nine version of Romeo and Juliet, which also happened to be the version BAZ directed.
“ A throwback. I remember when this came out. My sister and her friends went to go see it in theaters. My mom took them.” He recalled as you set the plates of grilled cheese and chips on the coffee table.
“ Thank you, baby. “ Austin pressed a kiss to the temple when you finally sat down.
You mumbled a quick “ You’re welcome.” Before snuggling up into his chest just enough so you both could still comfortably devour your food.
It wasn’t until you’d gotten to the part of Mercuatio’s long and terribly drawn out death scene that Austin was the first to speak.
“ Hey.” He spoke.
“ Hmm?” You sleepily hummed.
“ This may sound weird….” He started, “ But I didn’t like the way you said my name earlier. And I’m putting in the request for you to actually never say it ever again.” He finished pushing his face into your neck.
Your eyebrows rose and a giggle escaped you, “ Why? That’s your name. Admittedly, I know that it may have come off harsh that time when I said it. I’m sorry. But I like your name, Austin. And I like saying it....and moaning it.” You coyly squeezed in the last part that made him give a toothy smile.
“ Yeah it was and you only do that when I’m in trouble or you’re annoyed. Always sounds sharp when you say it. Doesn’t sound all warm and sweet like when you call me my other names.”
“ Your other names?. Like what? What other names do you have? “ Your laughter coated in curiosity.
Austin’s cheeks began turning a rosy color and his lips upturned at the corners,
“ You know. I’m Aus, babe, or baby, honey-dew, sometimes I’m poppa, I've been called Aussie poo on occasion, Sweet Baboo is pretty standard, Mr. Handsome," He began while you listened in fascination.
"Oh! I’m plant-bae , Sexy Sam, Sir peanut butter, or your most recent favorite…I’m your googly bear.” He listed off all the ridiculous pet names you’d come up with over the last couple months, and it may you smile and laugh so hard.
Truth be told you didn’t know you’d given him that many, but it was too adorable seeing him blush while talking about it.
You could tell he liked them.
“ I see. And out of all of these names.” You added on, “ Which one is your preference to be called? “
“ Hmm.” He thought for a second and then pulled a name, “ I dunno’. I guess I just really like it when you call me, babe.” He confessed. " Basic I know. But it sounds good to me the way it rolls so easily off your tongue. You say it with this feeling of real endearment behind it.” He added, “ I love that.”
“ Awe, BABE.” You goofed grabbing his face and leaned up to plant a fat giggly kiss on his cheek.
“ What about me? What are your nicknames for me?
“ Let’s see. Well, first and foremost you know you're baby. You’re babe too. You’re my sugar mama, sweetheart, sweet thighs.” He said reaching his hand to give your partially exposed thighs a squeeze. You instantly felt tingles.
“ You’re also my baby-girl, honey, madame peach, the wiggly monster, lady jelly, light of my life, my schmoopsie-poo. “ He tickled your sides.
“ But above all else, you're my best girl.” He finished by leaning down and pressing a kiss to your lips.
Heat pooled to your cheeks, “ Really?! I’m your best girl.” You coyly teased.
Austin smiled, “ Really. You’re my best girl. You’ll always be my best girl. You know that.” He leaned his face to hover by yours.
“ You sure? No one else? Just me? “ Even though when you asked you were still teasing, you secretly knew that part of you wasn’t.
Though you knew Austin’s nature and morals made you positive he wouldn’t allow himself to step out on you and break your heart that way. You still couldn’t shake the feeling sometimes that he could go out and find someone more appealing or better suited for him. That he was too good for you.
As if he could hear the gears turning in your mind he leaned down and placed a long sweet and semi- sloppy kiss to your lips. You had to contain yourself a bit when you felt his hand come to rest at the back of your neck and his thumb rub there.
In return yours traveled to his hips to pull him closer to you.
You felt him slightly groan and then pull away from you so that your faces were mere inches away from each other. “ No else. Just you. Repeat it.” He added a edge to the tone of his voice.
“ Say it baby. Tell me.” He encouraged.
You had to find the air to come in your lungs so you could speak, “ No else.” You breathed, “ Just me.”
He smiled rubbing your cheek, “ That’s right. Only you.“
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atomictourists · 10 days
A non-exhaustive list of names I've called Flint:
Baboo Just A Little Guy Little Man Little Birthday Boy Dingus Very [Orange/Pink/Sandy] Today Jackass Asshole HEY GET DOWN FROM THERE Baby Boy My Son My Large Son My Teeny Tiny Son Stinky Poopy Butt Dog Software Running On Cat Hardware Dog In A Cat Suit Orange Boy
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ceruleanwhore · 1 year
I wanted to make another set of childfree headcanons like I did for ikevamp but for ikeprince this time. For the record, when I do it like this where I’m going through all the characters in this way, I’m doing that for all the cf folks out there who maybe want to be able to think of their fave as being compatible with them or whatever else. This isn’t me being like ‘I believe every character in this story would genuinely be cf,’ this is me coming up with ways to justifying whoever out there might want to believe that any of these characters could be cf, potentially. I’m not doing all the characters, though, since Silvio, Keith, and Gilbert haven’t been released yet and I have all my knowledge of them from Tumblr translations that not everyone has seen.
Also, this is going to be more dark and serious than the last one, so TW for talking about ptsd and also a mention of suicide. 
Jin — He has a very complicated relationship with his parents and with his childhood that I think would get in the way of him consciously deciding that he wishes to have kids. I also could see him doubting himself and his ability to protect any potential kids after that one time he couldn’t protect some children 🙃 Regardless, I see him readily agreeing to a cf lifestyle if prompted by a cf partner.
Chev — I get the vibe from him that he has no real, genuine desire to have children and also that his own complicated relationship with his mother might further dissuade any such desires, but I do also think that he sees procreation as part of his duties as a prince or as king. I believe that having his partner come disclose to him that they do not desire children would in a way be liberating for him because then he could let go of feeling the need to force himself to do so anyway and come up with a different solution if he’d need an heir as king.
Clavis — He’s said it himself that what he wants more than anything is for someone to love him above all else and, as both my parents have explained to me, once children come into the picture you do love them even more than your partner, and I think he’d struggle with that. Also, he’s so much better suited to be a fun uncle than to actually be a father and I genuinely think that’s also what he’d want for himself more than actual fatherhood.
Leon — The strongest impression he gave me in his route is that, once he’s interested, he is 100% dedicated to making his partner happy, so that’s where he strikes me as one of those guys who would go with whatever his sweet baboo desires.
Yves — I mean, I don’t see him doing well with the mess and the noise, not to mention that he has his infamously bad luck that actually could prove harmful to a baby. More than that, though, he already has tremendous amounts of stress from all the added pressure he puts on himself with his work for perfectionism as well as all the criticism he constantly receives from everyone else around him who isn’t Sariel or the other princes, so I just don’t think he has the capacity for the additional stress that would come with a child. Also, beyond the normal stress of having kids, he would then also suffer additional stress from the constant criticism he would receive from people around him every day about how he is as a parent or even about his kids and I genuinely don’t think he could handle all of that, all stacked up.
Licht — This man is so traumatized from his childhood that there’s no way he’d let himself even consider it. If he ever had a partner end up pregnant, it would massively trigger his PTSD and might push him to leave or even die by suicide, given his mental health history. I think he’d be positively delighted to skip that part of marriage and just enjoy his relationship with his partner, without any stowaways.
Nokto — Also heavily traumatized, also not getting over that trauma any time soon, would likely do horribly with having children. The other thing you need to remember about the twins when it comes to kids is that it isn’t just how much they’d panic about the idea of having children, it’s also that massive, unprocessed trauma like they both have can get triggered by said children and come out in some pretty awful ways. I was lucky enough that, in my personal experience with such things, all I got from my dad being blindsided by suddenly having all this trauma he didn’t know he had being triggered by me was yelling and, when I was younger, some spanking. With the twins, yes, we can all agree that they’re good people, but if they were genuinely triggered by a child in a way they never would have expected to experience, they could do something worse than yelling or it could even send them back, mentally, to their childhood so now the baby’s crying because it’s hungry but Nokto’s now in the middle of a PTSD episode and is also crying and yelling about how his mom needs to leave Licht alone. Like I cannot express how bad it could be for these two to have kids without YEARS of therapy at least.
Luke — He has that really interesting attachment style where he gets so singularly attached to one person, so with as much as he talks a lot, even at the very end, about how he doesn’t give two shits about anyone except his sister and his partner and maybe also Jin, he could very well see a potential baby as just a stranger that he doesn’t really give a shit about. Now, obviously, one could point out that once a baby has actually been produced he could come to love it like he loves his sister, but that would require the production of a baby in the first place, which wouldn’t happen if he had a childfree partner. 
Sariel — First off, he lives and breathes for his work, so I really don’t see him having the time to really focus on a child the way that they need. Secondly, it’s clear that he doesn’t like or do well with chaos of any kind, as proven by Clavis, so it seems unlikely to me that he would desire to produce something that is inherently going to be the living embodiment of chaos for some time. 
Rio — This man would be thrilled to do literally anything at all to make one woman happy, including having or not having kids. He’s a delightfully submissive simp who will do anything his mistress asks, no matter what, so it’s only natural he’d accommodate any preference, including this one.
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little-journeys-fic · 3 months
***At the Hazbin Hotel***
Charlie: Angel, you sure you don't want to invite anyone else? I mean, there's the kids, me, my Dad and Alastor. And that's not including you and Husk.
Angel: Husk and I agreed, the only other person we'd invite is Cherri. And I did reach out, but she couldn't make it today. Don't worry though, we've got another day set up for her to meet the kids.
Husk: *carrying Vixen and Vrai downstairs* Angel, I'm sorry to bother you while you're setting up, but I need help with the twins?
Angel: Oh! Yeah, of course. Decorations are done anyway. Charlie? Could you make sure the smash cakes are ready? I made sure the regular cake was for us adults.
Charlie: Oh course, Angel! If I need any help I'll call my Dad down.
Angel: Great, thanks. *Takes a wiggly Vixen from Husk* Alright, little lady. Oof, I can smell the diaper change you need.
Husk: Thanks, Angel, I appreciate it. Is Alastor back with the triplets yet?
Angel: *walking back upstairs with Husk* No, not yet. But I'm sure they'll be back soon.
Husk: Okay.....I just worry about them, especially after what happened to Vrai....*nuzzling his youngest son*
Angel: *giving Husk a knowing look* I know, I worry too. But it's Alastor. We know he won't let our kids get hurt.
Husk: You're right. Now. Let's feed you, little man.
Vrai: *gurgles happily*
Alastor: *It's another hour, before the doors to the Hotel open, Alastor strolling in with the triplets.*
Charlie: *having heard the door, pokes her head out of the kitchen* Oh, Alastor! Husk and Angel are upstairs with the twins. How did the outfits turn out?
Alastor: Marvelous, of course! You know Rosie, my dear, she's quite the talent!
Charlie: *giggles* of course, what was I thinking? Could you get the triplets set up? I'll go grab their parents.
Alastor: *using his shadows to lift the babies from the stroller* Not a problem! Oh, and don't forget to grab Lucifer, Honey and Vincent!
Charlie: Right! *Dashing quickly up the stairs*
Domino: Baboo! *Pointing at the balloons, eyes wide*
Jade: Ba! *Crawling over to a present box*
Roulette: *following her sister, but hugging a plush pillow, feeling a little overwhelmed*
Husk: Aw, look at the birthday babies. *Waking down with Angel and the twins*
Angel: Oh my GOD look at those outfits!!! Alastor, thank you! And tell Rosie thanks too!
Alastor: It was my pleasure. Your children are surprisingly well-behaved and easily distractible when they want to be.
Husk: Sounds about right. For everyone else they're angels. For us, they're little demons. *He's smiling at his eldest children though* Wouldn't have it any other way.
Charlie: *coming down with her dad and the remaining babies* Oh, Angel you should get a picture of the triplets!
Angel: Good idea! *Pulls out his phone* Happy Birthday!
Charlie: *magics up some confetti just as Angel snaps the picture*
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fancoloredglasses · 3 months
Race For Your Life, Charlie Brown (who is running this camp?!), part 1
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[All images are owned by Paramount and Peanuts Worldwide. Please don’t sue me or send me to this camp]
[All video clips are courtesy of Rotten Tomatoes]
With summer starting, parents need to figure out what to do with their kids since school is no longer an option. Popular options are…
Take time off of work to take family vacations (see the Nation Lampoon’s Vacation franchise for examples of how this could go horribly wrong)
If the kids are old enough, make them get summer jobs
If they’re too young to be employed, but old enough to be trusted alone, let them stay home
If parents want to see their kids, but don’t trust them to stay home, they could send them to a day camp and pick them up after work
Then there’s the subject of this review from the mid-70s: If the parents want the summer off from their kids, they could ship them off to summer camp.
We will assume that most of you are familiar with Peanuts (or at least the Charlie Brown holiday specials) At the very least I reviewed one based on a movie about burlesque dancing), but just in case…
Peanuts was a daily comic strip created by Charles Shultz in 1950 and ran until shortly before his death in 2000. Schultz always hated the title (he originally named it Li’l Folks, but that name was already copyrighted so the publisher came up with the name that endured), which is why none of the animated shows, specials, and movies didn’t use the title until after Schultz’s death (every single one before had the main character’s name in the title) While the core cast hasn’t changed much over the years, minor characters have come and gone. The characters important to this review are…
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Charlie Brown is the epitome of the downtrodden. He is laughed at by those he thinks of as friends, gets no respect from most (including his dog), and almost never comes out on top. For whatever reason, he is always (with one notable exception) referred to by his full name, rather than just his first.
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Charlie Brown’s little sister Sally has all the red flags of a Karen-in-Training. She constantly complains about how Life Isn’t Fair to get her way (she once whined her way into getting a grade raised)
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Lucy van Pelt is best described as the sociopath of the group. She absolutely has to be the center of attention and delights in tormenting Charlie Brown (especially with Charlie Brown kicking a football, constantly pulling it away at the last second so Charlie Brown lands flat on his back (she once did so during a football game in which Charlie Brown’s kick meant the difference between winning and losing. Three guesses who got blamed for the loss))
Lucy’s little brother Linus is likely the wisest of the gang. He has a dependency on his baby blanket, carrying it everywhere. He is also the target of Sally’s crush, much to his chagrin (she often refers to Linus as her “Sweet Baboo”)
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Schroeder is a musical prodigy who worships the works of Beethoven. He carries around a pint-sized grand piano that he can play virtually anything on from memory. Lucy had decided that he is the man she’ll marry, no matter what he says (I say she’ll wind up settling for Charlie Brown)
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Snoopy is Charlie Brown’s pet beagle. He walks like a human, acts like a human, and does everything humans do except talk (because THAT was where Schultz drew the line)
Snoopy’s best friend is Woodstock (yes, he was named after what you think he was named after) Woodstock can barely fly straight, but is eternally cheerful.
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Franklin is…look, there’s no easy way to put this. He’s the token black kid. He was added to the comic strip in response to Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination. Unfortunately, he’s generally not treated well in animation. If he’s not being outright ignored, he’s being stereotypically black (such as break dancing) or segregated (in A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, for example, he was the only kid on his side of the table while all of the white kids were on the other side)
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Peppermint Patty is a tomboy and…well, she’s pretty much a Force of Nature. She pretty much gets everyone to do what she wants by not letting anyone get a word in edgewise. Fortunately, she’s (mostly) well-meaning, if a bit dense at times (she’s the only member of the gang who doesn’t realize Snoopy’s a dog) I’m not sure if she has a crush on Charlie Brown (or as she calls him, “Chuck”) or if she enjoys watching his squirm (interestingly, he doesn’t object despite clearly being uncomfortable about it)
Marcy is Peppermint Patty’s best friend and chief foil. Marcy is very soft-spoken, but is the first one to call Peppermint Patty on her strong-arm BS. For whatever reason, she refers to Peppermint Patty as “sir” (a large portion of the fans have a head canon that they’re in a relationship)
Now that we have the cast, on with the show! If you would like to watch the movie, it’s available behind your favorite paywall.
We open (in the credits) with the gang on a bus on their way to camp, with Snoopy not far behind on his “hawg” (that he’s never had before or since) I’m VERY curious what’s up with the landscape around the suburb they live in, they go through forest as the credits roll, then it immediately turns into desert.
As the credits end, the bus passes by a gas station with a pair of kids hanging out by the pump for some reason. Sally waves at them, but the girl blows a razzberry at her.
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Sally gets her wish as the bus gets a blowout immediately after. The driver (that we don’t see; one thing about Peanuts is you never actually SEE the adults...and if you hear them, they say “MWAH WAH WAH WAH”) fixes the flat while Sally marches right up to the girl and…
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…immediately backs down and slinks back onto the bus.
Later, the bus stops at another gas station to refuel (they couldn’t do so while fixing the flat?), so the gang takes the opportunity to stretch their legs. Charlie Brown gets distracted talking to Snoopy and…
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What kind of bus driver doesn’t take a head count before leaving?!
Fortunately, Snoopy has room on his hawg and gives Charlie Brown a ride. Unfortunately, Snoopy decides to take a “short cut” through some of the roughest patches in the desert, making Charlie Brown close to getting sick by the time they arrive (behind the bus, so what was the point of all of that?)
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…and suddenly we’re in the middle of the woods again.
While staggering around and desperately trying not to vomit, Charlie Brown accidentally bumps into three older kids (bullies) who immediately take a disliking to him.
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Fortunately, the PA (with a kid at the mic. Are there no adults that are more qualified?) announces registration has begun so Charlie Brown can excuse himself before the bullies can feed him to their cat. Unfortunately, they run into him again when they cut the line and Sally tries to sic Charlie Brown on them.
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(Yeah, like that would work)
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Fortunately, Linus is there to Save The Day.
Later, as everyone fills out their registration forms (shouldn’t they have done that BEFORE they crossed a desert to come here?) Sally bitches about it, so Peppermint Patty waxes philosophical about the need to leave your comfort zone.
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(…and people wonder why the fandom thinks Peppermint Patty and Marcie are a couple)
After filling out their forms, the gang heads for their tents (the boys in one, the girls in the other…
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…and Snoopy in his own)
In the girls’ tent, Peppermint Patty suggests that they run things in a democratic fashion, including voting for a leader. Of course, Peppermint Patty has the election won, since we all know Marcie will vote for her.
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So with everyone voting for themselves, Peppermint Patty decides she should cast the deciding vote…for herself (wait, there are more than four beds. Don’t the other girls in the tent get a say?)
That evening…
Nothing like roughing it, eh Snoopy?
The next morning…
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PA kid has the campers out for morning calisthenics, followed by breakfast and morning activities (no, I’m not doing a montage. It’s as boring as it sounds) Then lunch happens.
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Maybe Sally should complain to the manager.
After lunch…
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The bullies are at it again.
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…but they forgot about Linus.
PA Kid then announces that the Camp Games (pitting all of the tents against one another) will begin. Naturally…
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…the bullies cheat. Where are the adults who are supposed to be keeping things fair?
As the gang sulks about losing to a bunch of cheaters, PA Kid announces the Main Event of the summer.
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The other tents know they don’t stand a chance, meaning there are only four competitors: the boys (sporting a raft held afloat by four inner tubes), the girls (in an inflatable life raft), Snoopy and Woodstock (in a single inner tube) and the bullies, who are competing in this monstrosity…
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…complete with radar, sonar, and an outboard motor. You know, if they can afford this contraption, why are they slumming it at Camp Remote?
The teams spend all afternoon inflating their rafts…
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…only for the bullies to use that air to inflate theirs overnight. (I guess the electric air pump was a bit more than they could afford)
The next morning, the teams must once again inflate their rafts before the race begins and they all set out (if a bit winded)
[At this point, I would like to point out that the bullies act like every cartoon villain in every race ever: They have the means to get far ahead of the competition, and would likely win the race by several miles, but they need to take the time to cheat and “prove” their superiority]
That evening, the bullies manage to pry their raft out from under the dock and sneak past the other teams as they sleep until they come to…
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They then flip the sign so it points in the opposite direction.
Wait, they scheduled an unsupervised race involving kids at a time when there’s blasting happening?!
Later in the evening, it starts snowing (Hang on. It’s SNOWING in the middle of summer in a forest next to a fucking desert?!) The next morning Woodstock has some fun at Snoopy’s expense.
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With that bit of levity out of the way the race continues, and they come to the bullies’ trap.
Despite being nearly pulverized by falling rocks, the channel proved to be a short cut as the gang emerges ahead of the bullies (no doubt sleeping in, knowing they no longer have any competition)
As the bullies rush to catch up…
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…a massive storm hits, threatening to sink all of the rafts! (Wait, no one bothered to check the weather report before the race?)
In fact, Snoopy’s tube capsizes, sending both he an Woodstock into the river! Snoopy manages to swim back to his tube, but Woodstock is lost in the water!
WILL Woodstock survive? (I’m sure he’ll be fine. I mean, he was in specials and the comic strip that were published after this)
WHO will win the race?
These questions and more will be answered in the exciting conclusion!
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hoshi-neko-hikari · 7 days
Random things Hikari's class had heard from freddy.
'Hey Todd I have an idea. It involves me you a blowtorch and a 30 pound cheese wheel along with the boxes I have in this crate!'
*Hold chibi* 'I have acquired a baby. He is mine now. Fight me.'
*In principle office.* 'Owl want a cracker?'
*in the sandbox up to his neck in sand.* 'I honestly forgot what the others were playing.'
*looking at our resident sonic fan.* 'Hey want a chaos emerald? It's cherry!'
Todd: fondue?
Chibi: baboo?”
Shirohara: *glares at Freddy*
Hikari: “how? This sandbox is wike 2 inches.”
Michi: *happily noms on candy emerald*
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years
Baby Blood Moon: Googa. Googa bah.
Baby Harvest Moon: Baboo. Babadaba.
Baby Eclipse: Adadadada. Dadadadada.
Kill Code Moon, trying to get Moon out here: Please help, my infants are plotting.
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You know what always weirded me out growing up? Pebbles from the Flintstones.
Follow me on this one.
First, as a kid, I saw her start out as a little baby. Or "baboo" as your friend Lily adorably says.
Then when I was a teen and my family got Boomerang, I saw the Pebbles and Bamm Bamm show where the title characters were aged up into physically attractive teenagers. And by "physically attractive teenagers" I mean "copies of Daphne and Fred wearing, friggin', stone age clothes".
And then around my early adult years, I saw the movies I Yabba Dabba Doo and Holly-Rock-A-Bye-Baby where Pebbles was not only a grown adult but was promoted to being a, ¿cómo se dice?, milf.
So what weirds me out about her? I saw this girl go from being a baby to a babe, but instead of adding her to my persona roster of fictional crushes, I can't look at this woman and unsee her as a little infant. Doesn't help her baby form is more iconic, to the point where it's literally the inspiration for the Flintstones' cereal.
It's like some sort of weird equivalent of the Westermarck effect.
Be honest, Sketchy: does anything in this wall of text make any sense, or do I just sound bonkers?
Bonkers, no. Overly verbose? Yes.
You could have just said “because the vast majority of Pebbles’s on-screen appearances were as a baby, I can’t separate that from her depictions as a teenager or adult.”
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sparatus · 10 months
Headcanons for nihnih c:
🥺 my baby boyyyyyy
Sexuality Headcanon: pan! doesn't particularly think of himself as Xeno™️ but he also won't discount it, and he's down to play it up for a mission. team fuckboy who knows he's pretty and uses it to his advantage
Gender Headcanon: hasn't really considered it and doesn't care as long as you still call him pretty boy
A ship I have with said character: kryterius obv all the way, i also wander into nihlus/avitus what-if sometimes, also lowkey in exdiff and rabbitverse saren/nihlus/avitus is a casual thing for a while until macen enters the picture
A BROTP I have with said character: saren & nihlus & avitus, obvi, the dead parents club are the king brot3 slash platonic polypile with benefits. also i appreciate nihlus & abrudas and nihlus & desolas, he gets on well with his in-laws regardless of des being a terror, and there's a specific kind of kinship he gets with valis for both of them being in love with titans who rattle the stars with every breath
A NOTP I have with said character: shryik didn't use to be a notp tbh but the more i see of it. nah, nope, yall aren't doing my boy right, if you can't even be assed to read the wiki page for him or try to write his voice in-character you don't deserve to wanna fuck him, get bent. also nihlus/samara and nihlus/garrus absolutely not
A random headcanon: i think ive mentioned marty's not his bio-dad before here so instead of that, his dad's the one who taught him to fight bare-handed. he was getting pushed around by a bully, and came home one day bloody and bruised and crying but trying not to let his dad know because he wanted to be tough like his parents. he was still normal turian child sized at this point, not a giant yet. marty caught him anyway, and after he fixed him up he took it upon himself to teach his boy how to fight. marty himself was a ranked pit fighter on omega, infamous for being able to knock enemies out with one sharp hit - martelian "one-hit" kryik. nih's mom didn't want him to learn how to fight until he got bigger, but she was out on a job, and marty reasoned nih needed to be able to defend himself.
so he took him out back to the empty lot behind their building, and taught him his best tricks. the next week, nihlus took out his bully (a krogan kid! who was older and bigger than him!) in one well-placed, full-strength hit.
and then he got a lot fucking bigger, and that came in real useful in the military. saren was real excited about his new student after he came to from their first spar.
General Opinion over said character: he's my babyboy. my sweet baboo. my red velvet husband. a comfort character. i have so many fucking thinks and feels about nihlus goddamn kryik okay
send me a character
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